Origine des données

SERVICE DU PATRIMOINE NATUREL, 2010. Liste des habitats d'intérêt communautaire de la directive “Habitats”. SPN-MNHN / INPN, février 2010.

CREATE TABLE inpn.typo_corine_biotopes (
cd_cb character varying(9),
cd_cb_sup character varying(8), 
niveau character (1), 
lb_niveau character varying(8), 
france character varying(5), 
lb_cb97_fr character varying(100), 
lb_cb91_en character varying(80), 
crsp_phyto_cb91 text, 
descriptif_cb91_en text, 
biblio_cb91 text,
crsp_phyto_cb97 character varying(211), 
descriptif_cb97_fr text, 
biblio_cb97 text, 
cb97 character varying(5), 
declinaisons_suppl character varying(5), 
source_france character varying(16), 
commentaires_france character varying(200)
COMMENT ON TABLE inpn.typo_corine_biotopes IS 'Table : TYPO_CORINE_BIOTOPES
Nom du jeu de données : Typologie CORINE Biotopes
Date de création de la table : 09/07/2009
Date de dernière mise à jour de la table : 12/02/2010
Date de dernière mise à jour de la métadonnée : 08/04/2010
Auteur de la typologie : Pierre DEVILLERS, Jean DEVILLERS-TERSCHUREN et Jean-Paul LEDANT (Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles, Bruxelles) pour la version originale de 1991. Myriam BISSARDON et Lucas GUIBAL (École nationale du génie rural, des eaux et des forêts, Nancy / ENGREF) pour la traduction française de 1997.
Auteur de la table : Vincent GAUDILLAT (Service du patrimoine naturel - Muséum national d''histoire naturelle / SPN-MNHN)
Territoire concerné : Europe de l''Ouest (Europe des 12 de l''époque : Allemagne, Belgique, Danemark, Espagne, France, Grande-Bretagne, Grèce, Irlande, Italie, Luxembourg, Pays-Bas, Portugal)
Organisme responsable : Commission européenne
Langue des données : UK, FR
Présentation / Contexte : La typologie CORINE Biotopes est un système hiérarchisé de classification des habitats européens élaboré dans le cadre du programme CORINE (Coordination of Information on the Environment). L''objectif était d''identifier et de décrire les biotopes d''importance majeure pour la conservation de la nature au sein de la Communauté européenne. Cette typologie parue en 1991 (Devillers et al.) comporte 2584 codes répartis en 7 grandes familles de milieux (1. Coastal and halophytic communities, 2. Non-marine waters, 3. Scrub and grassland, 4. Forests, 5. Bogs and marshes, 6. Inland rocks, screes and sands, 8. Agricultural land and artificial landscapes). Les habitats naturels et semi-naturels sont plus ou moins détaillés selon les cas avec une précision accrue pour certains types de végétations considérés comme ayant un fort intérêt patrimonial en Europe, les autres habitats sont traités plus sommairement. La typologie s''appuie largement sur la classification phytosociologique - avec laquelle elle propose des correspondances indicatives -, mais intègre également d''autres paramètres comme la dominance physionomique d''une espèce ou une localisation géographique donnée. Les codes à un chiffre correspondent aux grandes familles de milieux citées précédemment, on ajoute ensuite un autre chiffre puis une décimale et jusqu''à 6 chiffres après la décimale pour décrire des types de végétation de plus en plus précis. Cette typologie n''ayant fait l''objet d''aucune édition française, une traduction non officielle en français d''une partie de la typologie a été réalisée par l''ENGREF en 1997 (Bissardon et Guibal). Elle suit le texte original sans ajout de texte (mis à part 2 nouveaux codes par rapport à la version de 1991) mais seuls ont été repris les codes qui selon les auteurs concernaient la France. Il est à noter que les champs correspondants n''ont pas toujours été traduits dans leur intégralité. Cette version comporte 1478 codes (dont les 2 nouveaux codes précédemment évoqués). 
Description du travail : Mise en table de la typologie CORINE Biotopes avec mise en parallèle de la version originale de 1991 avec la version en français de 1997. Quelques petites corrections (essentiellement orthographiques ou typographiques) ont été apportées à l''occasion de la mise en table des textes. La création d''un champ "France" permet de filtrer les codes présents dans notre pays, il s''agit des codes de la version en français de 1997 auxquels quelques codes supplémentaires qui n''avaient pas été retenus dans celle-ci ont été ajoutés. Les intitulés et descriptifs de ces derniers ont été traduits dans leur intégralité (sauf précision contraire, ces traductions ont été effectuées par le SPN). Exceptionnellement, quelques codes cités dans la version en français ont été retirés car considérés comme absents en France.
Origine du jeu de données : Version originale en anglais (Devillers et al., 1991) : fichier Word envoyé par Dorian MOSS le 9/11/2007 ("CORINE HABITATS 1991.rtf"). Ce fichier comporte de légères différences avec la version éditée papier ; il s''agit généralement de différences typographiques, ponctuellement du remplacement d''un mot par un autre.  - Version en français (Bissardon et Guibal, 1997) : fichier Word envoyé par Jean-Claude RAMEAU (ENGREF) ("corin97.doc") correspondant au texte de la version éditée papier.
Références bibliographiques : DEVILLERS P., DEVILLERS-TERSCHUREN J., LEDANT J.-P. & coll., 1991. CORINE biotopes manual. Habitats of the European Community. Data specifications - Part 2. EUR 12587/3 EN. European Commission, Luxembourg, 300 p. [ISBN 92-826-3211-3] BISSARDON M. et GUIBAL L., 1997. Corine biotopes. Version originale. Types d''habitats français. ENGREF, Nancy, 217 p.
Mots clés : Typologie, habitats, Corine Biotopes, classification européenne.
Référencement à utiliser : DEVILLERS P., DEVILLERS-TERSCHUREN J., LEDANT J.-P. & coll., 1991. CORINE biotopes manual. Habitats of the European Community. Data specifications - Part 2. EUR 12587/3 EN. European Commission, Luxembourg, 300 p. Traduction pour les types d''habitats présents en France : BISSARDON M. et GUIBAL L., 1997. Corine biotopes. Version originale. Types d''habitats français. ENGREF, Nancy, 217 p. Mise en table : SPN-MNHN / INPN, février 2010.';
COMMENT ON COLUMN inpn.typo_corine_biotopes.CD_CB IS 'Code CORINE Biotopes, à 1 ou 2 chiffres suivis au maximum de 6 décimales. Dans le fichier Word de la version de 1991, le code 22.5 de la version papier est absent et on remarque le codage en 41.F3 de l habitat 41.F13 de la version papier (qui lui ne figure pas dans le fichier). Ces deux éléments ont été corrigés dans la présente table de manière à respecter la version papier, soit ajout du 22.5 et correction du 41.F3 en 41.F13. 2 codes apparaissant dans la version de 1997 n existent pas dans la version originale anglaise : 15.811 (Steppes à Lavande de mer ibériques) et 15.8114 (Steppes à Lavande de mer catalano-provençales). Ils ont néanmoins été ajoutés à la table générale, mais sans intitulé ou descriptif en anglais. Au chapitre 86 de la version de 1997 (papier et fichier original) les codes 86.411 à 86.6 ont été notés par erreur 84.411 à 84.6 ; ces codes ont été corrigés dans la présente base.;';
COMMENT ON COLUMN inpn.typo_corine_biotopes.CD_CB_SUP IS 'Code CORINE Biotopes parent (niveau n+1) du code "CD_CB" mentionné au champ précédent.';
COMMENT ON COLUMN inpn.typo_corine_biotopes.NIVEAU IS 'Niveau du code CORINE Biotopes correspondant à son nombre de chiffres/lettres, de 1 à 8 (le . marquant la décimale n''est pas pris en compte).';
COMMENT ON COLUMN inpn.typo_corine_biotopes.LB_NIVEAU IS 'Intitulé du niveau.';
COMMENT ON COLUMN inpn.typo_corine_biotopes.FRANCE IS 'Présence de l''habitat en France.';
COMMENT ON COLUMN inpn.typo_corine_biotopes.LB_CB97_FR IS 'Intitulé de l''habitat selon la version en français de 1997 ou traduction nouvelle dans le cas de codes non retenus dans cette version mais présents en France.';
COMMENT ON COLUMN inpn.typo_corine_biotopes.LB_CB91_EN IS 'Intitulé de l''habitat en anglais selon la version de 1991.';
COMMENT ON COLUMN inpn.typo_corine_biotopes.CRSP_PHYTO_CB91 IS 'Correspondances phytosociologiques de l''habitat selon la version de 1991.';
COMMENT ON COLUMN inpn.typo_corine_biotopes.DESCRIPTIF_CB91_EN IS 'Descriptif de l''habitat en anglais selon la version de 1991.';
COMMENT ON COLUMN inpn.typo_corine_biotopes.BIBLIO_CB91 IS 'Références bibliographiques pour l''habitat selon la version de 1991.';
COMMENT ON COLUMN inpn.typo_corine_biotopes.CRSP_PHYTO_CB97 IS 'Correspondances phytosociologiques de l''habitat selon la version en français de 1997.';
COMMENT ON COLUMN inpn.typo_corine_biotopes.DESCRIPTIF_CB97_FR IS 'Descriptif de l''habitat selon la version en français de 1997 ou traduction nouvelle dans le cas de codes non retenus dans cette version mais présents en France.';
COMMENT ON COLUMN inpn.typo_corine_biotopes.BIBLIO_CB97 IS 'Références bibliographiques de l''habitat selon la version en français de 1997 ou reprises de la version de 1991 pour les codes présents en France mais non retenus en 1997. Dans ce dernier cas le mot "and" a été remplacé par "et" par homogénéité avec la version de 1997.';
COMMENT ON COLUMN inpn.typo_corine_biotopes.CB97 IS 'Mention du code dans la version en français de 1997. x = mentionné.';
COMMENT ON COLUMN inpn.typo_corine_biotopes.DECLINAISONS_SUPPL IS 'Déclinaisons autorisées par CORINE Biotopes mais non détaillées (ni intitulé, ni descriptif…) que ce soit dans la version papier ou dans la version informatique. Cette possibilité existe dans plusieurs chapitres de Corine, par exemple : 43 Forêts mixtes - "Les habitats spécifiques peuvent être codés par la transposition des subdivisions de la division 41, en remplaçant simplement le préfixe 41 par le préfixe 43." Seuls quelques exemples de déclinaisons sont présentés dans la table (déclinaisons du code 43). x = déclinaison supplémentaire.';
COMMENT ON COLUMN inpn.typo_corine_biotopes.SOURCE_FRANCE IS 'Source de l''indication de la présence en France de l''habitat.Explication de certaines mentions :CB97 = version en français de 1997, les codes CORINE Biotopes mentionnés étant considérés présents en France.CH = Cahiers d''habitats, codes CORINE Biotopes correspondant à une fiche Cahiers d''habitats donc présents en France.VG = V. GAUDILLAT (SPN-MNHN).Logiciel Znieff = habitat faisant partie de la liste des habitats CORINE Biotopes incorporée au logiciel Znieff.DIREN PACA = L''actualisation des Znieff de PACA, annexe 1 : listes des espèces et habitats déterminants et remarquables (2004).';
COMMENT ON COLUMN inpn.typo_corine_biotopes.COMMENTAIRES_FRANCE IS 'Commentaires éventuels sur la présence en France de l''habitat.';
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('1','','1','Niveau 1','TRUE','Habitats littoraux et halophiles','Coastal and halophytic communities','','','','','','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('11','1','2','Niveau 2','TRUE','Mers et océans','Ocean and seas','','Oceanic and continental shelf waters, their associated open-water and bottom communities, and marine vascular vegetation beds.','','','Eaux océaniques et du plateau continental, leurs communautés associées pélagiques et benthiques et les herbiers de phanérogames marines.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('11.1','11','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Eaux marines','Open marine waters','','Pelagic biocoenoses. They can be characterized by their planktonic communities and by the composition of their nektonic or surface-feeding faunas of cephalopods, fish, sea mammals and seabirds.','Nicholson, 1977; Augier, 1985; Fiala-Médione et al., 1987; Wood, 1988.','','Biocénoses pélagiques. Elles peuvent être caractérisées par leurs communautés planctoniques et par leur necton (ou faune se nourrissant en surface) de céphalopodes, poissons, mammifères marins et oiseaux de mer.','Augier, 1985 ; Fiala-Médioni et al., 1987.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('11.11','11.1','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Eaux océaniques','Oceanic waters','','Waters beyond the continental shelf.','','','Eaux au-delà du plateau continental.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('11.12','11.1','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Eaux du talus et du plateau continental (= eaux néritiques)','Shelf and slope waters','','Waters of the continental shelf, underwater plateau extending from the coast to a depth of about 100 fathoms, beyond which the continental slope falls steeply toward the ocean bottom.','','','Eaux de la plate-forme continentale, plateau sous-marin allant de la côte jusqu''à une profondeur d''environ 180 mètres, au-delà de laquelle le talus continental descend à pic vers le fond océanique.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('11.121','11.12','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Eaux littorales','Inshore waters','','Waters within the strong influence of land masses, both in terms of physical parameters and of fauna, often arbitrarily defined as waters less than 5 km from low water mark, waters between the continent and islands or islets well in sight of shore, and any seas of depth less than 6 metres.','','','Eaux physiquement et biologiquement sous influence du continent, souvent arbitrairement définies comme des eaux situées à moins de 5 km de la plus grande marée basse (eaux entre le continent et les îles ou îlots bien visibles de la côte) et toutes les parties de mer de profondeur inférieure à 6 mètres.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('11.122','11.12','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Eaux néritiques lointaines (du large)','Offshore waters','','The zone extending from the limits of inshore waters to the continental slope.','','','Masses d’eau situées entre les eaux littorales et le talus continental.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('11.123','11.12','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Talus continental','Continental slope','','Waters situated over the continental slope, the steep descent from the continental shelf to the ocean bottom, an area where upwellings, water mixing or shearing and other anomalies often develop.','','','Masses d’eau situées au-dessus du talus continental, de la pente abrupte descendant du plateau continental vers les fonds océaniques, souvent zone « d’upwellings » (mélange, cisaillement de masses d’eau).','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('11.124','11.12','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Upwellings','Upwellings','','Zones where the warmer surface water is displaced, allowing cooler water rich in nutrients to rise to the surface, often generating much increased biological productivity.','','','Zones où l''eau chaude de surface est déplacée, permettant à l''eau plus froide, riche en éléments nutritifs, de monter à la surface, générant souvent une productivité biologique accrue.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('11.125','11.12','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Hauts-fonds','Shoals','','Shallow waters over permanently submerged elevated features of the sea-floor.','','','Eaux peu profondes sur une partie surélevée des fonds marins, immergée en permanence.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('11.2','11','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Benthos (Fonds marins)','Seabed','','Benthic communities of animals and algae occupying the sea floor in the infralittoral, circalittoral and deeper zones. This unit should be subdivided into a number of habitats characterized by depth, substrate, geographical location, water movement and the distinct biocoenoses they support. A basic framework is outlined below; divisions such as those proposed by Augier (1982) for Mediterranean biocoenoses can be easily, and without transformation, incorporated in it to provide further divisions.','Augier, 1982, 1985; Mitchell, 1987; Harmelin et al., 1987; Fiala-Médione et al., 1987; Wood, 1988. ','','Communautés benthiques d''animaux et d''algues occupant le fond marin de l''infra-littoral, circalittoral et des zones plus profondes. Cette unité devrait être subdivisée en un certain nombre de types d''habitat caractérisés par la profondeur, le substrat, la localisation géographique, les courants marins et les biocénoses distinctes qu''elles font vivre. Une classification de base est ébauchée ici ; les divisions telles que celles proposées par Augier (1982) pour les biocénoses méditerranéennes peuvent être facilement, et sans transformation, incorporées pour donner davantage de divisions.','Augier, 1982, 1985 ; Mitchell, 1987 ; Harmelin et al., 1987 ; Fiala-Médione et al., 1987.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('11.21','11.2','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Fonds sous-marins profonds','Deep sea floor','','Bathyal, abyssal, hadal and hydro-thermal benthic communities, of the continental slope, the abyssal plain and its features, respectively.','','','Communautés benthiques bathyales, abyssales, hadales et hydro-thermales, respectivement du talus continental, de la plaine abyssale et de ses accidents de reliefs.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('11.22','11.2','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Zones benthiques sublittorales sur sédiments meubles','Sublittoral soft seabeds','','Mostly animal communities colonizing soft sediments such as mud, sand or gravel of the infralittoral and circalittoral zones.','','','Communautés principalement constituées d’animaux colonisant les sédiments meubles tels que des limons, des sables ou graviers des zones infralittorales et circalittorales.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('11.23','11.2','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Zones benthiques sublittorales sur cailloutis','Sublittoral pebbly seabeds','','Communities of mostly annual algae and invertebrates developing on pebble formations of the infralittoral and circalittoral zones.','','','Communautés principalement d''algues annuelles et d''invertébrés se développant sur des formations de galets des zones infralittorales et circalittorales.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('11.24','11.2','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Zones benthiques sublittorales sur fonds rocheux','Sublittoral rocky seabeds','','Varied, strongly stratified communities colonizing underwater cliffs, reefs and rocky continental shelf seabeds.','','','Communautés variées, fortement stratifiées colonisant falaises sous-marines, récifs et fonds rocheux du plateau continental.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('11.25','11.2','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Formations sublittorales de concrétions organogéniques','Sublittoral organogenic concretions','','Continental shelf colonies of lower plants or animals resulting in concretions and encrustations.','','','Colonies de plantes ou d’animaux inférieurs conduisant à des concrétions et des incrustations sur le plateau continental.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('11.251','11.25','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Concrétions coralligènes','Corallogenic concretions','','Communities forming and colonizing corallogenic concretions of calcified red algae in the circalittoral zone of the Mediterranean.','','','Communautés formant et colonisant les concrétions coralligènes d''algues rouges calcifiées dans les zones circalittorales de la Méditerranée.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('11.252','11.25','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Trottoirs d''algues encroûtantes','Encrusting algae pavements','','Mediterranean communities associated with mediolittoral pavements of encrusting algae (Lithospermum tortuosum).','','','Communautés méditerranéennes associées avec des trottoirs médiolittoraux d''algues encroûtantes (Lithophyllum tortuosum).','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('11.253','11.25','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Trottoirs de Gastéropodes et Polychètes','Gastropod and polychaete ledges','','Infralittoral ledges built by gastropods or polychaetes.','','','Trottoirs infralittoraux construits par des gastéropodes (Vermets) ou des polychètes (Serpules).','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('11.254','11.25','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Trottoirs de moules (moulières)','Mussel beds','','Communities of Atlantic and Mediterranean mussel beds.','','','Communautés des bancs de moules de l''Atlantique et de la Méditerranée.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('11.26','11.2','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Grottes sous-marines','Undersea caves','','','','','','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('11.3','11','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Herbiers marins à plantes vasculaires','Marine vascular vegetation','Zosteretea marinae, Posidonietea, Halodulo-Thalassietea','Beds of submerged marine vascular vegetation, except those of brackish seas.','','Zosteretea marinae, Posidonietea, Halodulo-Thalassietea','Herbiers (à plantes vasculaires marines submergées), à l’exception de ceux des eaux saumâtres.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('11.31','11.3','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Herbiers atlantiques à Zostères','Atlantic eelgrass meadows','Zosterion marinae: Zosteretum marinae','Eelgrass beds dominated by Zostera marina, established between the base of the intertidal zone and a depth of about 10 metres in Atlantic and North Sea waters.','Westhoff and den Held, 1975; Tutin, 1980; Géhu, 1984; Géhu and Géhu-Franck, 1984a; Ellenberg, 1988; Oberdorfer, 1990.','Zosterion marimae ; Zosteretum marinae','Végétation de Zostères dominées par Zostera marina, établies entre la base de la zone intertidale et une profondeur d''environ 10 mètres, dans les eaux de l''Atlantique et de la mer du Nord.','Tutin, 1980 ; Géhu, 1984 ; Géhu et Géhu-Franck, 1984a ; Ellenberg, 1988 ; Oberdorfer, 1990.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('11.32','11.3','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Herbiers atlantiques à Zostères naines','Atlantic dwarf eelgrass meadows','Zosterion marinae: Zosteretum noltii','Eelgrass beds dominated by Zostera noltii or Z. angustifolia, mostly characteristic of the low part of the intertidal zone in Atlantic and North Sea waters, sometimes permanently submerged.','Westhoff and den Held, 1975; Tutin, 1980; Géhu, 1984; Géhu and Géhu-Franck, 1984a; Wildpret de la Torre and del Arco Aguilar, 1987.','Zosterion marinae ; Zosteretum noltii','Végétation de Zostères dominées par Zostera noltii, principalement caractéristiques de la partie basse de la zone intertidale des eaux de l''Atlantique et de la mer du Nord, parfois immergées en permanence.','Tutin, 1980 ; Géhu, 1984 ; Géhu et Géhu-Franck, 1984a.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('11.321','11.32','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Herbiers à Zostères naines de l''Atlantique continental','Mainland Atlantic dwarf eelgrass meadows','','Formations of Zostera noltii or Z. angustifolia of the Atlantic and North Sea shores of continental Europe.','','','Formations de Zostera noltii des côtes de l''Atlantique et de la mer du Nord, en Europe continentale.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('11.322','11.32','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Macaronesian dwarf eelgrass meadows','','Very local Zostera noltii formations of Fuerteventura and Lanzarote, near the southern limit of the Atlantic range of the genus.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('11.33','11.3','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Herbiers méditerranéens à Cymodocea et Zostera','Mediterranean Cymodocea and Zostera beds','Cymodoceion nodosae p.','Beds of Cymodocea nodosa and Zostera noltii or Z. marina, permanently submerged in waters down to 10 metres deep, often in sheltered areas behind Posidonia reefs.','Campbell, 1976; Molinier and Martin, 1980; Augier, 1982; Géhu and Géhu-Franck, 1984a; Géhu, Costa et al., 1984; Polunin and Walters, 1985.','Cymodoceion nodosae p.','Végétations à Cymodocea nodosa et Zostera noltii ou Z. marina, immergées en permanence dans des eaux pouvant atteindre 10 mètres de profondeur, souvent dans des zones abritées en arrière des prairies de Posidonia.','Campbell, 1976 ; Molinier et Martin, 1980 ; Augier, 1982 ; Géhu et Géhu-Franck, 1984a ; Polunin et Walters, 1985.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('11.331','11.33','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Herbiers méditerranéens à Cymodocea','Mediterranean Cymodocea beds','Cymodocetum nodosae','Cymodocea nodosa formations of muddy sands, monospecific or associated with either the alga Caulerpa prolifera or the phanerogam Halophila stipulacea.','','Cymodocetum nodosae','Formations sablo-limoneuses à Cymodocea nodosa, monospécifiques ou associées à l''algue Caulerpa prolifera.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('11.332','11.33','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Herbiers méditerranéens à Zostera','Mediterranean Zostera beds','Giraudyo-Zosteretum noltii','Formations of the upper part of the infralittoral zone with Zostera noltii and the alga Giraudya sphacelarioides.','','Giraudyo-Zosteretum noltii','Formations de la partie supérieure de la zone infralittorale avec Zostera noltii et l''algue Giraudya sphacelarioides.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('11.34','11.3','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Herbiers de Posidonia','Posidonia beds','Posidonion oceanicae','Beds of the Mediterranean and thermo-Atlantic endemic, Posidonia oceanica, permanently submerged in waters down to 100 metres deep.','Campbell, 1976; Molinier and Martin, 1980; Augier, 1982; Géhu and Franck, 1984a; Géhu, Costa et al., 1984; Polunin and Walters, 1985; Harmelin, Vacelet and Pétron, 1987; Fiala-Médione, Pétron and Rives, 1987.','Posidonion oceanicae','Végétation constituée par l''endémique méditerranéenne et thermo-atlantique, Posidonia oceanicae, immergées en permanence jusqu''à 100 mètres de profondeur.','Campbell, 1976 ; Molinier et Martin, 1980 ; Augier, 1982 ; Géhu et Géhu-Franck, 1984a ; Polunin et Walters, 1985 ; Harmelin, Vacelet et Pétron, 1987 ; Fiala-Médione, Pétron et Rives, 1987.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('11.35','11.3','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Macaronesian Cymodocea beds','Cymodoceion nodosae p.','Formations of Cymodocea nodosa or Cymodocea and Caulerpa spp., in particular Caulerpa prolifera, occupying large surfaces on sandy substrates at depths of 1-15 metres, around the Macaronesian Islands.','Wildpret de la Torre and del Arco Aguilar, 1987.','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('11.36','11.3','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Halophila beds','','Deep water colonies of Halophila spp..','Dandy, 1980; Augier, 1982; Wildpret de la Torre and del Arco Aguilar, 1987.','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('11.361','11.36','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Canarian Halophila beds','','Halophila decipiens colonies of Tenerife, at depths between 10 and 14 metres.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('11.362','11.36','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Mediterranean Halophila beds','','Colonies of Halophila stipulacea invading the Mediterranean as a result of the opening of the Suez Canal; they have been reported from continental Greece, the Cyclades, Crete, Rhodes, Samos.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('11.4','11','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Herbiers des eaux saumâtres','Brackish sea vascular vegetation','Ruppietea maritimae p.','Submerged or slightly emergent vascular vegetation of open brackish waters. Characteristic of open Baltic waters, Ruppietea communities may also occur in permanent pools of mud or sand flats (11.4 p.), as well as in inlets or estuaries where they should be coded as 12.4 or 13.4, respectively. Similar vegetation in landlocked pools is listed under 23.2.','Westhoff and den Held, 1975; Nordiska ministerradet, 1984; Ellenberg, 1988; Oberdorfer, 1990.','Ruppietea maritimae p.','Végétation vasculaire immergée ou légèrement émergée des eaux saumâtres ouvertes. Les groupements des Ruppieta peuvent se rencontrer dans les flaques permanentes des vasières et estrans (bancs sableux) (11.4 p.), ainsi que dans les baies ou estuaires où ils devraient être respectivement codés en 12.4 ou 13.4. Une végétation similaire dans les mares ou lagunes à l’intérieur des terres est listée en 23.2.','Westhoff et den Held, 1975 ; Ellenberg, 1988 ; Oberdorfer, 1990.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('11.41','11.4','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Groupements marins à Ruppia maritima','Marine tasselweed communities','Ruppion maritimae p.','Submerged Ruppia maritima (or R. cirrhosa) beds and Chara formations of the open Baltic and of pools on mud flats or sand flats of other seas.','','Ruppion maritimae p.','Formations immergées à Ruppia maritima (ou R. cirrhosa) et formations à Chara de pleine mer de la Baltique et des mares des vasières ou estrans (bancs sableux) des autres mers.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('11.42','11.4','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Dwarf spike-rush beds','Scirpion parvuli p.','Emergent Eleocharis parvula formations of the open Baltic or of tidal flats.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('12','1','2','Niveau 2','TRUE','Bras de mer','Sea inlets','','Bays and narrow channels, including sea lochs or loughs, fiords or fiards, rias and straits but excluding estuaries. Detailed habitats can be coded by transposing subdivisions of prefix 11, simply replacing prefix 11 by prefix 12.','Wood, 1988.','','Baies et chenaux étroits, incluant les lochs marins, fjords, rias et détroits mais excluant les estuaires. Le détail des habitats peut être indiqué en transposant les subdivisions du code 11, remplaçant simplement le préfixe 11 par le préfixe 12.','Wood, 1988.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('13','1','2','Niveau 2','TRUE','Estuaires et rivières tidales (soumises à marées)','Tidal rivers and estuaries','','River channels below the tidal limit, including the water and the channel bed but not the fringing vegetation.','','','Lits des rivières jusqu’à la limite d’influence des marées, incluant les eaux et le lit mais pas les communautés de végétation riveraine.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('13.1','13','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Fleuves et rivières soumis à marées','Tidal rivers','','Portions of rivers subject to the tide, upstream from the estuary.','','','Portions de rivières sujettes à la marée en amont de l''estuaire.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('13.11','13.1','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Eau saumâtre des cours d''eau soumis à marées','Brackish water','','','','','','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('13.12','13.1','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Eau douce des cours d''eau soumis à marées','Fresh water','','','','','','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('13.2','13','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Estuaires','Estuaries','','Broadening of rivers entering the sea. Detailed habitats can be coded by transposing subdivisions of prefix 11.2, simply replacing prefix 11.2 by prefix 13.2.','','','Embouchures des rivières à leur arrivée dans la mer. Les habitats détaillés peuvent être codés en transposant le préfixe 11.2, simplement en remplaçant le préfixe 11.2 par le préfixe 13.2.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('13.3','13','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Herbiers marins submergés','Submerged beds of vascular marine vegetation','','Subdivisions of 11.3 can be transposed to precise communities (13.31 to 13.36).','','','Les subdivisions de 11.3 peuvent être transposées pour préciser les groupements (13.31 à 13.36).','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('13.4','13','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Herbiers saumâtres submergés','Submerged beds of vascular brackish vegetation','','Subdivisions of 11.4 can be transposed to precise communities (13.41 to 13.42).','','','Les subdivisions de 11.4 peuvent être transposées pour préciser les communautés (13.41 à 13.42).','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('14','1','2','Niveau 2','TRUE','Vasières et bancs de sable sans végétations','Mud flats and sand flats','','Sands and muds, submerged for part of every tide, devoid of vascular plants, but usually coated by blue algae and diatoms. They are of particular importance as feeding grounds for wildfowl and waders. The diverse intertidal communities of invertebrates and algae that occupy them can be used to define subdivisions of 14. Eelgrass communities that may be exposed for a few hours in the course of every tide have been listed under 11.3, 12.3 or 13.3, depending on the physical location of the flats.','','','Sables, vases, sablons, tangues, inondés une partie de la marée, dépourvus de plantes vasculaires, mais habituellement colonisés par des algues bleues et des diatomées. Ils ont une importance particulière comme source de nourriture pour les anatidés et les limicoles. Les communautés intertidales avec divers invertébrés et algues qui les occupent peuvent être utilisés pour définir les subdivisions de 14. Les communautés à Zostères qui peuvent être découverts durant quelques heures à chaque marée ont été listés en 11.3, 12.3 ou 13.3, selon la localisation physique des bancs.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15','1','2','Niveau 2','TRUE','Marais salés, prés salés (schorres), steppes salées et fourrés sur gypse','Salt marshes, salt steppes and gypsum scrubs','','Plant communities which are submerged by high tides at some stage of the annual tidal cycle. Also continental and coastal halophile and gypsophile communities.','','','Communautés végétales inondées lors des grandes marées d’équinoxe. Egalement communautés continentales et côtières, halophiles et gypsophiles.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.1','15','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Gazons pionniers salés','Salt pioneer swards','Thero-Salicornietalia, Frankenion pulverulentae, Saginion maritimae ','Formations of Salicornia and other annuals colonizing periodically inundated muds and sands of marine or interior salt marshes.','Duvigneaud, 1967; Westhoff and den Held, 1975; Castroviejo and Porta, 1975; Rivas-Martinez and Costa, 1975; Géhu, Caron and Bon, 1975; Parent and Burny, 1981; Géhu, 1984; Géhu and Géhu-Franck, 1984a; Géhu, Costa et al., 1984; Ladero et al., 1984; Peinado Lorca et al., 1984; Drachenfels et al., 1984; Dijkema et al., 1984; Peinado Lorca and Rivas-Martinez, 1987; Ellenberg, 1988; Oberdorfer, 1990.','Thero-Salicornietalia, Frankenion pulverulentae, Saginion maritimae','Formations de Salicornia et autres annuelles colonisant les vases et sables périodiquement inondés des marais salés intérieurs ou côtiers.','Duvigneaud, 1967 ; Westhoff et den Held, 1975 ; Géhu, Caron et Bon, 1975 ; Parent et Burny,1981 ; Géhu, 1984 ; Géhu et Géhu-Franck, 1984a ; Dijkema et al., 1984 ; Peinado Lorca et Rivas-Martinez, 1987 ; Ellenberg, 1988 ; Oberdorfer, 1990.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.11','15.1','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Gazons à Salicorne et Suaeda','Glasswort swards','Thero-Salicornietalia','Annual glasswort (Salicornia spp., Microcnemum coralloides) and seablite (Suaeda maritima) formations on periodically inundated muds of coastlands and inland salt-basins.','','Thero-Salicornietalia','Formations à salicornes annuelles (Salicornia ssp.) et Suaeda (Suaeda maritima) sur des vases périodiquement inondées des bassins salés côtiers et de l''intérieur.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.111','15.11','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Gazons atlantiques à Salicorne (Slikkes)','Atlantic glasswort swards','','Annual Salicornia and Suaeda swards of the coastal saltmarshes of the North Sea, the Baltic and the North Atlantic.','','','Gazons annuels à Salicornia et Suaeda des marais salés côtiers de la mer du Nord, de la Baltique et de l''Atlantique nord.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.1111','15.111','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Gazons à salicorne des côtes basses','Low shore samphire flats','Salicornion dolichostachyo-fragilis','Colonies of non-reddening tetraploid glassworts Salicornia dolichostachya, S. fragilis, S. decumbens and of Suaeda maritima ssp. flexilis, occupying the lowest, dampest areas of northern and western coastal flats.','','Salicornion dolichostachyo-fragilis','Colonies de salicornes tétraploïdes non rougissantes Salicornia oliveri, S. procumbens et de Suaeda albescens, occupant les niveaux les plus bas et les plus mouillés de la partie supérieure (haute slikke) des vasières côtières septentrionales et occidentales.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.1112','15.111','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Groupements à Suaeda et salicorne','Seablite-samphire communities','Salicornion europaeo-ramosissimae p. (Thero-Suaedion auct.)','Colonies of often much-branched, diploid glassworts Salicornia ramosissima, S. europaea, S. obscura i.a. and/or of Suaeda maritima, occupying higher, drier areas of coastal flats.','','Salicornion europaeo-ramosissimae p. (Thero-Suaedion auct.)','Colonies de salicornes diploïdes, souvent fortement ramifiés Salicornia appressa, S. europea, S. obscura i.a. et/ou de Suaeda maritima, occupant les zones les plus élevées, les moins inondées ou les plus ressuyées des vasières côtières.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.112','15.11','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Gazons continentaux à salicorne','Continental glasswort swards','Salicornion europaeo-ramosissimae p.','Glasswort formations of inland saltmarshes of Germany, France and England (15.4).','','Salicornion europaeo-ramosissimae p.','Formations à salicorne des marais salés de l''intérieur (Allemagne, France et Angleterre) (15.4).','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.1121','15.112','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Suintements continentaux à salicorne','Continental glasswort seeps','Salicornietum vicensis','Colonies of the orange-turning Salicornia emerici var. vicensis, of unstable, fluid, seeping muds.','','Salicornietum vicensis','Colonies de Salicornia emerici var. vicensis tournant à l''orange en automne, des vases instables, fluides et continuellement suintantes.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.1122','15.112','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Gazons continentaux secs à salicorne','Continental drier glasswort swards','Salicornietum ramosissimae lotharingiense, Puccinellio distantis-Salicornietum europaeae p.','Colonies of the reddening Salicornia ramosissima or of S. europaea, of firmer ground.','','Salicornietum ramosissimae lotharingiense, Puccinellio distantis-Salicornietum europaea p.','Colonies de la rougeoyante Salicornia appressa ou de S. europaea, des sols dénudés salés s’asséchant en été.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.113','15.11','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Gazons méditerranéens à salicorne','Mediterranean glasswort swards','','Glasswort swards of Mediterranean and thermo-Atlantic coastal saltmarshes.','','','Gazons à salicorne des marais salés côtiers de la Méditerranée et du territoire thermo-atlantique, maritimes, lagunaires ou deltaïques.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.1131','15.113','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Gazons à salicorne des basses côtes méditerranéennes','Low-shore Mediterranean glasswort swards','Salicornion emerici p.','Formations dominated by the reddening tetraploid glasswort Salicornia emerici occupying long-inundated basins of Mediterranean, southwestern French and Iberian coastal saltmarshes.','','Salicornion emerici p.','Formations dominées par la salicorne rougeoyante tétraploïde Salicornia emerici occupant les bassins de la Méditerranée longuement inondés, des marais salés ibériques et du sud-ouest de la France.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.1132','15.113','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Venetian glasswort swards','Salicornion emerici p.: Salicornietum veneti','Endemic, threatened Salicornia veneta swards of basins of the Venice lagoon.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.1133','15.113','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Gazons à salicorne des hautes côtes méditerranéennes','Upper shore Mediterranean glasswort swards','Salicornion patuli','Formations dominated by the reddening diploid glasswort Salicornia patula occupying firmer, drier muds of Mediterranean, southwestern French and Iberian coastal saltmarshes.','','Salicornion patuli','Formations dominées par la salicorne rougeoyante diploïde Salicornia patula occupant les vases sèches, stables des marais salés côtiers méditerranéens, ibériques et du sud-ouest de la France.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.114','15.11','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Iberian glasswort swards','Microcnemion','Annual Salicornia and Microcnemum coralloides formations of interior Iberian salt basins.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.1141','15.114','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Microcnemum swards','','Formations of the endemic Microcnemum coralloides ssp. coralloides, associated or not with Salicornia europaea s. l., of interior salt basins of central and east-central Spain.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.1142','15.114','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Iberian interior Salicornia swards','','Formations of Salicornia europaea s. l. of interior salt basins of Iberia.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.12','15.1','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Groupements halonitrophiles à Frankenia','Halonitrophilous Frankenia communities','Frankenion pulverulentae','Formations of halonitrophilous annuals (Frankenia pulverulenta, Suaeda splendens, Salsola soda, Cressa cretica, Parapholis incurva, P. strigosa, Hordeum marinum, Sphenopus divaricatus) colonizing salt muds susceptible to temporary inundation and extreme drying, mostly characteristic of the Iberian peninsula, with irradiations notably in the Camargue, Italy, and on the Atlantic coast of France.','','Frankenion pulverulentae','Formations d''halonitrophiles annuelles (Frankenia pulverulenta, Suaeda splendens, Salsola soda, Cressa cretica, Parapholis incurva, P. strigosa, Hordeum marinum, Sphenopus divaricatus) colonisant les vases salées sensibles aux inondations temporaires et à des dessications extrêmes, principalement caractéristiques de la péninsule Ibérique, avec des irradiations notablement en Camargue, Italie, et sur la côte atlantique française.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.13','15.1','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Groupements à Sagina et Cochlearia','Sea-pearlwort communities','Saginion maritimae','Formations of annual pioneers (Sagina maritima, Cochlearia danica) of sands subject to variable salinity and humidity, in particular in the zone of contact between dune and salt marsh.','','Saginion maritimae','Formations de pionnières annuelles (Sagina maritima, Cochlearia danica) des sables sujets à des humidité et salinité variables, en particulier dans la zone de contact entre la dune et les marais salés.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.2','15','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Prairies à Spartine','Cordgrass swards','Spartinion maritimae','Perennial pioneer Spartina grasslands of coastal salt muds.','Westhoff and den Held, 1975; Rivas-Martinez et al., 1980; Parent and Burny, 1981; Drachenfels et al., 1984; Géhu and Géhu-Franck, 1984a; Dijkema et al., 1984; Peinado Lorca and Rivas-Martinez, 1987; Alcaraz Ariza and Peinado Lorca, 1987.','Spartinion maritimae','Prairie avec les pionnières pérennes (Spartina) des vases salées côtières.','Westhoff et den Held, 1975 ; Parent et Burny, 1981 ; Géhu et Géhu-Franck, 1984a ; Dijkema et al., 1984 ; Peinado Lorca et Rivas-Martinez, 1987.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.21','15.2','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Prairies à Spartine à feuilles plates','Flat-leaved cordgrass swards','','Perennial pioneer grasslands of coastal salt muds, dominated by flat-leaved Spartina maritima, S. townsendii, S. anglica, S. alterniflora.','','','Prairies de pionnières pérennes des vases salées côtières, dominées par Spartina maritima, S. townsendii, S. anglica, S. alterniflora.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.22','15.2','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Rush-leaved cordgrass swards','','Perennial pioneer grasslands of southern Iberian coastal salt muds, dominated by the junciform-leaved Spartina densiflora.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.3','15','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Prés salés atlantiques','Atlantic salt meadows','Glauco-Puccinellietalia maritimae','Salt meadows of Baltic, North Sea, Channel and Atlantic shores. Aster tripolium can be present or abundant in most subdivisions.','Géhu et al., 1975; Géhu and Delzenne, 1975; Duvigneaud, 1975; Westhoff and den Held, 1975; Parent and Burny, 1981; Dijkema et al., 1984; Drachenfels et al., 1984; Géhu and Géhu-Franck, 1984a; Géhu, 1984, 1986; Noirfalise, 1986; Peinado Lorca and Rivas-Martinez, 1987; Ellenberg, 1988; Oberdorfer, 1990.','Glauco-Puccinellietalia maritimae','Prés salés des côtes de la Baltique, de la mer du Nord, de la Manche et de l’Atlantique. Aster tripolium peut être présent voire abondant dans la plupart des subdivisions.','Géhu et al., 1975 ; Duvigneaud, 1975 ; Westhoff et den Held, 1975 ; Parent et Burny, 1981 ; Dijkema et al., 1984 ; Géhu et Géhu-Franck, 1984a ; Géhu, 1984,1986 ; Noirfalise, 1986 ; Peinado Lorca et Rivas-Martinez, 1987 ; Ellenberg, 1988 ; Oberdorfer, 1990.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.31','15.3','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Prés salés avec Puccinellia maritima','Saltmarsh grass meadows','Puccinellion maritimae','Bright green lawns of Puccinellia maritima of the lower and middle schorre.','','Puccinellion maritimae','Pelouses vert-vif de Puccinellia maritima du schorre bas et moyen.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.32','15.3','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Groupements à Puccinellia maritima des prés salés','Saltmarsh grass communities','Puccinellion maritimae p.','Facies of the saltmarsh grass meadows, transitional or not to other communities, in which species other than Puccinellia maritima take on an important physiognomic role.','','Puccinellion maritimae p.','Faciès de prés salés avec des graminées, en transition avec d’autres groupements ou non, dans lesquels des espèces autres que Puccinellia maritima, revêtent un rôle physionomique important.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.321','15.32','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Prés salés avec graminées et Pourpier marin','Sea purslane-saltmarsh grass meadows','','Facies of the saltmarsh grass meadows resulting from their invasion by Halimione portulacoides.','','','Faciès de prés salés résultant de leur invasion par Halimione portulacoides.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.322','15.32','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Prés salés avec graminées et Aster marin','Sea aster-saltmarsh grass meadows','','Lower schorre communities dominated by the conspicuous Aster tripolium.','','','Groupements de bas schorre dominés par le remarquable Aster tripolium.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.323','15.32','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Prés salés avec graminées et Salicorne','Glasswort-saltmarsh grass meadows','','Transitional communities of the lower schorre, with Puccinellia maritima, annual Salicornia and Suaeda maritima.','','','Groupements de transition du bas schorre, avec Puccinellia maritima, Salicornia annuelle et Suaeda maritima.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.324','15.32','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Végétations à Halimione pedunculata','Stalked orache beds','','Formations dominated by the rare, threatened Halimione pedunculata, developing very locally in the Puccinellion maritimae of Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium and France, extinct in the British Isles.','','','Formations dominées par l’espèce rare et menacée Halimione pedunculata, se développant très localement dans les Puccinellion maritimae du Danemark, de l’Allemagne, des Pays-Bas, de la Belgique et de la France, disparues des îles Britanniques.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.33','15.3','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Communautés du schorre supérieur','Upper schorre communities','Armerion maritimae','Often relatively species-rich, grassy, flowery formations of upper salt meadows, with Armeria maritima, Glaux maritima, Plantago maritima, Frankenia laevis, Artemisia maritima, Festuca rubra, Agrostis stolonifera, Juncus gerardii, Carex extensa and Blysmus rufus. The dominance of various species induces distinctive facies, among which:','','Armerion maritimae','Formations souvent relativement riches en espèces, verdoyantes, fleuries, des prés salés supérieurs, avec Armeria maritima, Glaux maritima, Plantago maritima, Frankenia laevis, Artemisia maritima, Festuca rubra, Agrostis stolonifera, Juncus gerardii et Carex extensa. La dominance de diverses espèces induit des faciès distincts, parmi lesquels :','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.331','15.33','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Formations dominées par, ou riches en, Juncus gerardii','Juncus gerardii-rich or -dominated formations','','','','','','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.332','15.33','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Formations dominées par Plantago maritima','Plantago maritima-dominated formations','','','','','','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.333','15.33','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Gazons à Festuca rubra ou Agrostis stolonifera','Festuca rubra or Agrostis stolonifera swards','','','','','','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.334','15.33','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Gazons à Statice (Armeria maritima)','Thrift (Armeria maritima) swards','','','','','','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.335','15.33','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Zones à Carex distans','Carex distans beds','','','','','','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.336','15.33','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Formations riches en Carex extensa','Carex extensa-rich formations','','','','','','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.337','15.33','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Prairies à lavandes de mer (Limonium vulgare)','Sea lavender (Limonium vulgare) formations','','','','','','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.338','15.33','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Formations riches en Blysmus rufus','Blysmus rufus-rich formations','','','','','','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.339','15.33','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Zones à Eleocharis uniglumis ou E. palustris','Eleocharis uniglumis or E. palustris beds','','','','','','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.33A','15.33','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Zones à Juncus maritimus','Juncus maritimus beds','','','','','','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.33B','15.33','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Champs à armoise marine (Artemisia maritima)','Sea wormwood (Artemisia maritima) scrub','','','','','','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.33C','15.33','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Tapis de Potentilla anserina','Potentilla anserina carpets','','','','','','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.33D','15.33','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Tapis de Frankenia laevis','Sea-heath (Frankenia laevis) mats','','','','','','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.33E','15.33','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Zones à Aster (Aster tripolium) du schorre supérieur','Upper schorre sea aster (Aster tripolium) beds','','','','','','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.34','15.3','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Prés salés à Puccinellia et Spergularia marina','Pearlwort-saltmarsh grass swards','Puccinellio-Spergularion salinae','Puccinellia swards with Spergularia marina, Puccinellia distans, P. fasciculata, P. retroflexa, P. maritima, Triglochin maritima, Potentilla anserina and Halimione portulacoides, occupying zones of varying salinity and humidity, in particular in estuarine saltmarshes.','','Puccinellio-Spergularion salinae','Pelouses à Puccinellia avec Spergularia marina, Puccinellia distans, P. fasciculata, P. maritima, Triglochin maritima, Potentilla anserina et Halimione portulacoides, occupant des zones de salinité et d’humidité variables, en particulier dans les prés salés des estuaires.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.35','15.3','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Végétation à Elymus pycnanthus','Saltmarsh couch beds','Agropyrion pungentis','Nitrophilous tall grass communities with Elymus pycnanthus (= Agropyron pungens) or E. repens.','','Agropyrion pungentis','Groupements nitrophiles de hautes herbes avec Elymus pycnanthus (Elytrigia atherica) ou E. repens (Elytrigia repens).','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.36','15.3','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Laisses de mer des prés salés atlantiques','Atlantic saltmarsh driftlines','','Annual formations of pioneers colonizing driftlines forming within saltmarshes, with Atriplex littoralis, A. hastata, Beta maritima, Matricaria maritima.','','','Formations annuelles de pionnières colonisant les laisses des marées, se constituant au sein des marais salés, avec Atriplex littoralis, A. prostrata, Beta vulgaris subsp. maritima, Matricaria maritima.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.4','15','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Prés salés continentaux','Continental salt meadows','Puccinellietalia distantis','Salt meadows of salt basins of interior middle Europe. Continental saltmarshes are remarkable, extremely threatened communities occurring in a few isolated stations of Saxony and Lower Saxony, Schleswig-Holstein, Thuringe, Hesse, Lorraine, Auvergne and the Midlands. They comprise this unit and continental glasswort swards (15.112).','Duvigneaud, 1967; Drachenfels et al., 1984; Géhu, 1984; Géhu and Rivas-Martinez, 1984; Géhu and Géhu-Franck, 1984a; Dejou, 1985; Peinado Lorca and Rivas-Martinez, 1987; Ellenberg, 1988; Oberdorfer, 1990.','Puccinellietalia distantis','Prés salés des bassins salifères de l’Europe moyenne intérieure. Les prés salés continentaux sont remarquables ; ces groupements extrêmement menacés se rencontrent dans quelques stations isolées de Lorraine et d''Auvergne. Elles englobent cette unité et les pelouses continentales à salicorne (15.112).','Duvigneaud,1967 ; Géhu, 1984 ; Géhu et Rivas-Martinez, 1984 ; Géhu et Géhu-Franck, 1984a ; Dejou, 1985 ; Peinado Lorca et Rivas-Martinez, 1987 ; Ellenberg, 1988 ; Oberdorfer, 1990.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.41','15.4','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Prés salés continentaux avec Puccinellia distans','Interior saltmarsh grass meadows','Puccinellion distantis','Meadows of Puccinellia distans occupying the lower levels of interior salt basins with fairly extended periods of inundation.','','Puccinellion distantis','Prés avec Puccinellia distans occupant le niveau inférieur des bassins salés intérieurs avec des périodes d’inondations assez prolongées.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.42','15.4','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Prés salés continentaux à jonc et Elymus','Interior saltmarsh rush and couch beds','Juncion gerardii p.','Formations dominated by Juncus gerardii or Elymus repens of the upper levels of interior salt basins on damp, less saline soils.','','Juncion gerardii p.','Formations dominées par Juncus gerardii ou Elymus repens du niveau supérieur des bassins salés intérieurs sur sols humides, moins salés.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.43','15.4','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Interior stalked orache beds','','Formations dominated by the threatened Halimione pedunculata restricted to saltmarshes east and south of the Harz.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.5','15','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Prés salés méditerranéens','Mediterranean salt meadows','Juncetalia maritimi','Salt meadows of the Mediterranean coasts and of interior Iberian salt basins.','Bolos and Molinier, 1958; De Jong, 1965; Bolos, Molinier and Montserrat, 1970; Guinochet and Vilmorin, 1973; Horvat et al., 1974; Rivas-Martinez, 1975a; Rivas-Martinez and Costa, 1975; Castroviejo and Costa, 1975; Izco and Cirujano, 1975; Lavagne and Moutte, 1977; Molinier and Martin, 1980; Lahondère, 1982; Géhu and Rivas Martinez, 1984; Géhu and Géhu-Franck, 1984a; Géhu, Costa et al., 1984; Chiappini, 1985a; Peinado Lorca and Rivas-Martinez, 1987.','Juncetalia maritimi','Prés salés des côtes, lagunes, estuaires et deltas méditerranéens et des bassins salés ibériques intérieurs.','Jong, 1965 ; Guinochet et Vilmorin, 1973 ; Horvat et al., 1974 ; Rivas-Martinez, 1975a ; Castroviejo et Costa, 1975 ; Lavagne et Moutte, 1977 ; Molinier et Martin, 1980 ; Lahondère, 1982 ; Géhu et Rivas-Martinez, 1984 ; Géhu et Géhu-Franck, 1984a ; Peinado Lorca et Rivas-Martinez,1987.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.51','15.5','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Prés salés méditerranéens à Juncus maritimus et J. acutus','Mediterranean tall rush saltmarshes','Juncion maritimi p.','Beds of Juncus maritimus or J. acutus of periodically inundated depressions, with Carex extensa, Iris spuria, Gladiolus communis, Aster tripolium, Sonchus maritimus, S. crassifolius.','','Juncion maritimi p.','Zones à Juncus maritimus ou J. acutus des dépressions périodiquement inondées, avec Carex extensa, Iris spuria, Gladiolus communis, Aster tripolium, Sonchus maritimus.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.52','15.5','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Prés salés à Juncus gerardii et Carex divisa','Mediterranean short rush, sedge, barley and clover saltmarshes','Trifolion maritimi, Juncion maritimi p.','Humid meadows of low vegetation dominated by Juncus gerardii, Carex divisa, C. extensa, Hordeum marinum or Trifolium spp. and Lotus spp. of the edges of brackish lagoons.','','Trifolion maritimi, Juncion maritimi p.','Prés humides à végétation basse dominée par Juncus gerardii, Carex divisa, C. extensa, Hordeum marinum ou Trifolium spp. et Lotus spp. des bords des lagunes saumâtres.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.53','15.5','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Prés méditerranéens halo-psammophiles','Mediterranean halo-psammophile meadows','Plantaginion crassifoliae','Drier, dense formations of sandy soils at the foot of dunes, or between dunes and lagoons, with Plantago crassifolia, Schoenus nigricans, Juncus acutus, J. littoralis, Spartina versicolor, all of which may dominate and form physiognomically distinct, sometimes almost monospecific, facies.','','Plantaginion crassifoliae','Formations plus sèches, denses des sols sableux au pied des dunes, ou entre dunes et lagunes, avec Plantago crassifolia, Schoenus nigricans, Juncus acutus, J. littoralis, Spartina versicolor, chacune de ces espèces peut dominer et former des faciès physionomiquement distincts, quelquefois presque monospécifiques.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.54','15.5','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Interior Iberian salt pan meadows','Puccinellion fasciculatae','Salt meadows peculiar to the lowest, wettest parts of interior Iberian depressions, dominated by Puccinellia fasciculata or Aeluropus littoralis in the very lowest areas, or, slightly higher, by Juncus gerardii. The higher, drier ground that surrounds them is occupied either by other salt meadow communities that are less differentiated from the coastal communities (15.51 - 15.53) or by salt scrubs (15.615).','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.55','15.5','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Prés salés méditerranéens à Puccinellia','Mediterranean saltmarsh grass swards','Puccinellion festuciformis','Dense formations of Puccinellia festuciformis and Aeluropus littoralis along Mediterranean coasts and coastal lagoons.','','Puccinellion festuciformis','Formations denses de Puccinellia festuciformis et Aeluropus littoralis le long des côtes méditerranéennes et des lagunes côtières.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.56','15.5','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Formations à annuelles sur laisses','Mediterranean saltmarsh driftlines','Thero-Suaedion','Communities of annuals forming on accumulations of organic debris in saltmarshes, with Atriplex, Suaeda, Kochia, Salsola soda.','','Thero-Suaedion','Communautés d’annuelles se constituant sur des accumulations de débris organiques dans les prés salés méditerranéens, avec Atriplex, Suaeda, Kochia, Salsola soda.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.57','15.5','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Prés salés à chiendent et armoise','Saltmarsh couch-wormwood stands','Agropyro-Artemision coerulescentis i.a.','Formations of Elymus or Artemisia fringing Mediterranean and interior Iberian saline wetlands.','','Agropyro-Artemision caerulescentis i.a.','Formations à Elymus ou à Artemisia ceinturant les zones humides salées méditerranéennes.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.58','15.5','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Formations à Juncus subulatus','Fine-leaved rush beds','Arthrocnemetalia fruticosi p.','Medium-tall Juncus subulatus beds, often forming facies within Arthrocnemum scrubs.','','Arthrocnemetalia fruticosi p.','Zones à Juncus subulatus moyen à grand, formant souvent des faciès au sein de fourrés d''Arthrocnemum.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.6','15','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Fourrés des prés salés (hygro-halophiles)','Saltmarsh scrubs','Arthrocnemetea fruticosi','Scrubby formations of woody glassworts (Arthrocnemum), seablites (Suaeda), Halimione, Halocnemum or Limoniastrum of saltmarshes and of their immediate vicinity.','Bolos and Molinier, 1960; Bolos et al., 1970; Guinochet and Vilmorin, 1973; Horvat et al., 1974; Géhu and Delzenne, 1975; Géhu et al., 1975; Castroviejo and Porta, 1975; Géhu and Géhu-Franck, 1977; Géhu et al., 1978; Molinier and Martin, 1980; Parent and Burny, 1981; Géhu, 1984, 1986; Géhu and Rivas-Martinez, 1984; Rivas Martinez, Alcaraz et al., 1984; Géhu, Costa et al., 1984; Rivas-Martinez and Costa, 1984; Peinado Lorca et al., 1984; Géhu and Géhu-Franck, 1984a; Chiappini, 1985a; Peinado Lorca and Rivas-Martinez, 1987; Wildpret de la Torre and del Arco Aguilar, 1987.','Arthrocnemetea fruticosi','Formations suffrutescentes halophiles méditerranéennes et thermo-atlantiques avec Arthrocnemum, Suaeda, Halimione, Limoniastrum des prés salés et de leur voisinage immédiat.','Guinochet et Vilmorin, 1973 ; Horvat et al., 1974 ; Géhu et al., 1975 ; Géhu et al., 1978 ; Molinier et Martin, 1980 ; Parent et Burny, 1981 ; Géhu, 1984, 1986 ; Géhu et Rivas-Martinez, 1984 ; Rivas-Martinez et Costa, 1984 ; Géhu et Géhu-Franck, 1984a ; Peinado Lorca et Rivas-Martinez, 1987.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.61','15.6','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Fourrés des marais salés méditerranéens','Mediterranean salt scrubs','Arthrocnemion fruticosi, Suaedion brevifoliae','Low shrubby expanses of woody glassworts, seablites, sea purslanes or Halocnemum, characteristic of temporarily inundated salt marshes of Mediterranean coasts, southwestern Iberian coasts and interior Iberian basins. They can be further subdivided according to dominant species, generally associated with patterns of inundation. Cistanche lutea characterises many southern formations.','','Arthrocnemion fruticosi, Suaedion brevifoliae','Formations basses, broussailleuses à Arthrocnemum, Suaeda, pourpier marin, caractéristiques des sansouires, étendues salées temporairement inondées, des côtes méditerranéennes. Elles peuvent être davantage subdivisées selon les espèces dominantes, généralement au rythme des inondations.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.611','15.61','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Tapis d''Arthrocnemum perennis','Creeping glasswort mats','Arthrocnemenion perennis: Puccinellio festuciformis-Arthrocnemetum perennis, Halimiono portulacoidis-Sarcocornietum alpini','Prostrate Arthrocnemum perenne carpets of wettest areas of coastal marshes.','','Arthrocnemion perennis : Puccinellio festuciformis-Arthrocnemetum perennis, Halimiono portulacoidis-Sarcocornietum alpini','Tapis prostrés de Sarcocornia perennis (Arthrocnemum perenne), des dépressions les plus mouillées des marais salés côtiers.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.612','15.61','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Bosquets d''arbrisseaux à Arthrocnemum (enganes)','Shrubby glasswort thickets','Arthrocnemenion fruticosi: Puccinellio festuciformis-Arthrocnemetum fruticosi, Cistancho luteae-Arthrocnemetum fruticosi','Formations of robust Arthrocnemum fruticosum, capable of forming extensive low, dense thickets.','','Arthrocnemion fruticosi : Puccinellio festuciformis-Arthrocnemetum fruticosi, Cistancho luteae-Arthrocnemetum fruticosi','Formations avec la robuste Sarcocornia fruticosa (Arthrocnemum fruticosum), capable de former des fourrés étendus, bas, denses.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.613','15.61','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Bosquets à Arthrocnemum glaucum (enganes)','Glaucous glasswort thickets','Arthrocnemenion glauci','Shrubby formations of Arthrocnemum glaucum, often occupying somewhat drier sites such as shell banks in saline lagoons.','','Arthrocnemenion glauci','Formations broussailleuses d''A. glaucum (= A. macrostachyum), occupant souvent des sites quelque peu plus secs tels que les bancs coquilliers des lagunes salées.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.614','15.61','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Bosquets d''arbrisseaux à Suaeda','Shrubby seablite thickets','Arthrocnemenion fruticosi: Halimiono-Suaedetum verae','Shrubs of Suaeda vera occupying drier elevations of coastal saltmarshes.','','Arthrocnemenion fruticosi ; Haliminiono-Suaedetum verae','Arbustes de Suaeda vera occupant les zones supérieures plus sèches des marais salés côtiers.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.615','15.61','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Interior Iberian salt scrubs','Suaedion brevifoliae','Formations of woody glassworts and seablites of Iberian interior salt basins.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.6151','15.615','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Interior woody seablite scrubs','','Suaeda pruinosa (S. fruticosa var. brevifolia) formations of Iberian interior salt basins.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.6152','15.615','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Interior glaucous glasswort scrubs','','Arthrocnemum glaucum formations of Iberian interior salt basins.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.6153','15.615','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Interior creeping glasswort scrubs','','Arthrocnemum perenne formations of Iberian interior salt basins.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.616','15.61','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Fourrés méditerranéens à pourpier marin et Arthrocnemum fruticosi','Mediterranean sea-purslane-woody glasswort scrubs','','Halimione portulacoides-rich facies within Mediterranean Arthrocnemum communities.','','','Faciès riche en Halimione portulacoides au sein des groupements méditerranéens à Sarcocornia (Arthrocnemum).','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.617','15.61','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Halocnemum scrub','Halocnemion strobilaceae','Rare and local formations dominated by the tall, often sparse, clumps of Halocnemum strobilaceum, usually associated with Arthrocnemum glaucum, sometimes with A. fruticosum, of southeastern Spain, Sardinia, Sicily and Greece.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.62','15.6','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Fourrés des marais salés atlantiques','Atlantic salt scrubs','Halimionion portulacoidis','Sea purslane, glasswort and seablite scrubs of northern Atlantic and North Sea coasts.','','Halimionion portulacoidis','Fourrés à pourpier marin, Arthrocnemum et Suaeda des côtes de l’Atlantique nord et de la mer du Nord.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.621','15.62','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Fourrés argentés à Halimione portulacoides','Silver scrubs','Halimionetum portulacoidis, Bostrychio-Halimionetum portulacoidis','Shrubby Halimione portulacoides communities of middle levels of Atlantic schorres.','','Halimionetum portulacoidis, Bostrychio-Halimionetum portulacoidis','Groupements d’arbrisseaux avec Halimione portulacoides des niveaux moyens des schorres atlantiques.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.622','15.62','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Fruticées atlantiques d''Arthrocnemum perennis','Atlantic creeping glasswort mats','Puccinellio maritimae-Arthrocnemetum perennis p.','Arthrocnemum perenne - dominated formations of the British Isles, the Atlantic coasts of France and of Iberia, except for the extreme southwest of the peninsula.','','Puccinellio maritimae-Arthrocnemetum perennis p.','Formations des îles Britanniques, des côtes atlantiques françaises et ibériques, excepté l’extrême sud-ouest de la péninsule, dominées par Sarcocornia perennis (Arthrocnemum perenne).','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.623','15.62','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Fourrés atlantiques d''arbrisseaux à Suaeda','Atlantic shrubby seablite scrubs','Agropyro-Suaedetum verae','Suaeda vera-dominated formations of the British Isles, the Atlantic coasts of France and of Iberia, except for the extreme southwest of the peninsula.','','Agropyro-Suaedetum verae','Formations des îles Britanniques, des côtes atlantiques françaises et ibériques, excepté l’extrême sud-ouest de la péninsule, dominées par Suaeda vera.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.624','15.62','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Fourrés atlantiques d''arbustes à Arthrocnemum','Atlantic shrubby glasswort scrubs','Puccinellio maritimae-Arthrocnemetum fruticosi','Arthrocnemum fruticosum-dominated formations of the Atlantic coasts of France and of Iberia, except for the extreme southwest of the peninsula.','','Puccinellio maritimae-Arthrocnemetum fruticosi','Formations des côtes atlantiques françaises et ibériques, excepté l’extrême sud-ouest de la péninsule, dominées par Sarcocornia fruticosa (Arthrocnemum fruticosum).','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.63','15.6','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Fourrés à Limoniastrum','Limoniastrum scrubs','Limoniastrion monopetali i.a.','Formations of often large, silver-glaucous shrubs of Limoniastrum monopetalum with showy pink flowers in late spring, of drier parts of Mediterranean and Iberian salt marshes.','','','Formations d’arbustes souvent grands, glauques et argentés, de Limoniastrum monopetalum aux fleurs rose-criard à la fin du printemps, des parties plus sèches des marais salés méditerranéens et ibériques.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.64','15.6','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Canarian saltmarsh scrubs','Arthrocnemetalia fruticosi p.','Low shrubby expanses of woody glassworts, seablites, sea purslanes or Zygophyllum, characteristic of temporarily inundated salt marshes of Canary Island coasts.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.641','15.64','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Canarian creeping glasswort scrubs','','Formations of Arthrocnemum perenne occupying the lowest level of the salt marshes of the coasts of Fuerteventura, Lanzarote and Isla de Lobos.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.642','15.64','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Zygophyllum saltmarshes','Zygophyllo fontanesii-Arthrocnemetum macrostachyi','Formations of the Canario-Saharan halophyte Zygophyllum fontanesii, associated with Arthrocnemum glaucum, of the higher level of the saltmarshes of the eastern islands and, very locally, of Alegranza and La Graciosa.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.643','15.64','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Canarian Salsola saltmarshes','','Formations of Salsola longifolia, often dense and sometimes up to 2 metres high, of Canary Island coastal marshes, barranco openings and lagoons.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.7','15','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Fourrés halophiles semi-désertiques','Semi-desert salt scrubs','','Halophile shrub formations of dry ground in low-precipitation areas of the Iberian peninsula, Sicily and the Macaronesian Islands.','','','Fourrés halophiles des sols secs dans des zones à faibles précipitations de la péninsule Ibérique, de la Sicile et des îles macaronésiennes.','','FALSE','FALSE','VG','Code parent du 15.72 cité dans les fiches 1430 des Cahiers d''habitats.');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.71','15.7','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Canarian xero-halophilous scrubs','Chenoletalia tomentosae','Shrubby formations of Zygophyllum fontanesii, Chenoleoides tomentosa, sea-heath, saltworts and seablites of the vicinity of the coasts of the Canary Islands.','Wildpret de la Torre and del Arco Aguilar, 1987; Serrada et al., 1988.','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.711','15.71','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Canarian coastal scrub','Chenoletalia tomentosa: Chenoleion tomentosae','Formations of Chenoleoides tomentosa, Suaeda vermiculata, Frankenia laevis, Zygophyllum fontanesii, Polycarpaea nivea, Atriplex halimus, A. glauca and Limonium spp. forming a halophile belt in the littoral zone of the larger Canary Islands and, with somewhat modified composition, of the islets.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.712','15.71','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Zygophyllum dry scrubs','','Formations of Zygophyllum fontanesii of sandy stone fields and black sands of the coastal zone of the Canary Islands.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.713','15.71','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Salsola longifolia dry scrubs','','Formations of Salsola longifolia of dry coastal areas of the Canary Islands.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.72','15.7','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Fourrés halonitrophiles méditerranéens','Mediterranean halo-nitrophilous scrubs','Salsolo-Peganetalia','Nitrophilous scrubby formations typically of dry soils and arid climates, often greyish-white and semidesert-like, sometimes including taller, denser brushes. They are most frequent in the eastern Iberian peninsula, where characteristic shrubs include Peganum harmala, Artemisia herba-alba, Lycium intricatum, Capparis ovata and the Chenopodiaceae Salsola vermiculata, S. genistoides, S. verticillata, Suaeda pruinosa, Atriplex halimus, A. glauca, Camphorosma monspeliaca, Anabasis articulata and Haloxylon articulatum.','Braun-Blanquet and Bolos, 1957; Delvosalle and Duvigneaud, 1962; Freitag, 1971; Bolos, 1973; Polunin and Smythies, 1973; Rivas-Martinez, 1977; Bellot, 1979; Brullo et al., 1980; Peinado-Lorca et al., 1984; Peinado and Martinez-Parras, 1984; Géhu, 1984; Géhu and Rivas Martinez, 1984; Peinado Lorca and Rivas-Martinez, 1987.','Salsolo-Peganetalia','Fourrés nitrophiles typiques des sols secs sous climats arides, souvent blanc-grisâtres et succulents, comprenant parfois des broussailles plus élevées et plus denses. Ils sont le plus fréquent dans l''est de la péninsule Ibérique où les buissons caractéristiques comprennent Peganum harmala, Artemisia herba-alba, Lycium intricatum, Capparis ovata et les Chenopodiaceae Salsola vermiculata, S. genistoides, S. verticillata, Suaeda pruinosa, Atriplex halimus, A. glauca, Camphorosma monspeliaca, Anabasis articulata et Haloxylon articulatum.','Braun-Blanquet et Bolos, 1957 ; Delvosalle et Duvigneaud, 1962 ; Freitag, 1971 ; Bolos, 1973 ; Polunin et Smythies, 1973 ; Rivas-Martinez, 1977 ; Bellot, 1979 ; Brullo et al., 1980 ; Peinado-Lorca et al., 1984 ; Peinado et Martinez-Parras, 1984 ; Géhu, 1984 ; Géhu et Rivas Martinez, 1984 ; Peinado Lorca et Rivas-Martinez, 1987.','FALSE','FALSE','CH','Code Corine cité dans les fiches Cahiers d''habitats 1430.');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.721','15.72','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Ebro sisallares','','Interior, extensive and varied, halo-nitrophilous scrubs of the Ebro basin, comprising both dry ground sisallares proper, as well as various more hygrophile communities of edges of salt lagoons.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.722','15.72','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Manchegan sisallares','','Halo-nitrophilous scrubs of La Mancha, in the central Iberian peninsula, formed of communities related to those of the Ebro.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.723','15.72','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Catalano-Valencian halo-nitrophilous scrubs','','Local halo-nitrophilous scrubs of the coasts of Catalonia, Valencia and the Balearics.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.724','15.72','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','South-eastern Iberian matojares','','Halo-nitrophilous scrubs, matojares and related communities, of the arid zone of southeastern Spain, forming, with predesert scrubs (32.25) and localized gypsum scrubs (15.93), the unique vegetation of this highly distinctive region.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.725','15.72','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Sicilian halo-nitrophilous scrubs','','Halo-nitrophilous scrubs of southwestern Sicily, with Salsola verticillata, Suaeda pruinosa, Reaumuria vermiculata, Capparis ovata and the endemics Limonium opulentum and Herniaria fontanesii ssp. empedocleana.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.8','15','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Steppes salées méditerranéennes','Mediterranean salt steppes','Limonietalia','Associations rich in perennial, rosette-forming Limonium spp. or esparto grass, Lygeum spartum, occupying, along Mediterranean coasts and on the fringes of Iberian salt basins, soils temporarily permeated (though not in undated) by saline water and subject to extreme summer drying, with formation of salt efflorescences.','Braun-Blanquet and Bolos, 1957; Bolos, 1973; Castroviejo and Porta, 1975; Rivas-Martinez and Costa, 1984; Peinado-Lorca et al., 1984; Géhu and Géhu-Franck, 1984a; Géhu, Costa et al., 1984; Géhu, 1984; Rivas-Martinez and Costa, 1985; Peinado Lorca and Rivas-Martinez, 1987.','Limonietalia','Associations riches en Limonium spp., plantes pérennes, en rosettes, ou riches en Lygeum spartum occupant, le long des côtes méditerranéennes et sur la frange des bassins salés ibériques, les sols temporairement imprégnés d’eau salée (bien que non inondés) et soumis aux sécheresses estivales extrêmes, avec formations d’efflorescences salées.','Rivas-Martinez et Costa, 1984 ; Géhu et Géhu-Franck, 1984a ; Géhu, 1984 ; Rivas-Martinez et Costa, 1985 ; Peinado-Lorca et Rivas-Martinez, 1987.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.81','15.8','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Steppes à Lavande de mer','Sea-lavender salt steppes','','Limonium-rich facies of the salt steppes.','','','Faciès riche en Limonium des steppes salées.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.811','15.81','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Steppes à Lavande de mer ibériques','','','','','','','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.8114','15.811','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Steppes à Lavande de mer catalano-provençales','','','','','','','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.82','15.8','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Esparto salt steppes','','Saltmarsh and saltmarsh fringe formations of Lygeum spartum of coastal Crete, coastal and interior Iberia','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.9','15','3','Niveau 3','FALSE','','Iberian gypsum scrubs','Gypsophiletalia','Garrigues occupying gypsum-rich soils of the Iberian peninsula, usually very open and floristically characterised by the presence of numerous gypsophilous species, among which Gypsophila struthium, G. hispanica, Centaurea hyssopifolia, Teucrium libanitis, Ononis tridentata, Lepidium subulatum, Herniaria fruticosa, Reseda stricta, Helianthemum squamatum. They are often rich in thymes (Thymus), germanders (Teucrium), rockroses (Helianthemum), composites (Centaurea, Jurinea, Santolina), Frankenia.','Rivas Goday, 1955; Delvosalle and Duvigneaud, 1962; Rivas Goday and Rivas-Martinez, 1968; Rivas-Martinez and Costa, 1970; Bolos, 1973; Bellot, 1979; Géhu, 1984; Peinado Lorca and Rivas-Martinez, 1987.','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.91','15.9','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Central Iberian gypsum scrubs','Lepidion subulati','Low garrigues dotted with occasional tall bushes, developed on gypseous soils which are often covered by a crust of lichens, generally rich in Centaurea hyssopifolia and often in Gypsophila struthium, Lepidium subulatum, Thymus zygis or Jurinea pinnata.They are limited to the meseta and eastern Andalusia.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.911','15.91','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Meseta gypsum scrubs','','Formations of the central meseta dominated by, or rich in, Centaurea hyssopifolia.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.912','15.91','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Eastern Andalusian gypsum scrubs','','Formations of eastern Andalusia (Armeria, Granada) dominated by, or rich in, Centaurea hyssopifolia, Jurinea pinnata or Gypsophila struthium.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.913','15.91','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Dueran gypsum scrubs','','Formations of the central Duero with Linum suffruticosum and Lepidium subulatum.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.92','15.9','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Ebro gypsum scrubs','Gypsophilion hispanicae','Open low garrigues of eroded gypsiferous hills of the Ebro basin and of the upper Turia region, with Gypsophila hispanica.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.921','15.92','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Gypsophila hispanica garrigues','','Open formations dominated by, or very rich in, Gypsophila hispanica, the most widespread northeastern gypsum scrub component.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.922','15.92','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Helianthemum squamatum garrigues','','Formations of Helianthemum squamatum, often very homogeneous.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.923','15.92','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Ononis tridentata garrigues','','Formations of somewhat deeper calcaro-gypsiferous soils, rich in Ononis tridentata.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.93','15.9','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','South-eastern gypsum scrubs','Thymo-Teucrion verticillati','Low, open thyme, germander and rockrose garrigues colonizing poorly developed gypsiferous soils of the arid southeast of the Iberian peninsula (Alicante and Murcia). Characteristic elements are Teucrium libanitis (T. verticillatum), T. polium, T. pumilum, T. carthaginense, Thymus longiflorus, T. antoninae, Helianthemum lavandulifolium (H. racemosum), H. squamatum, Gypsophila hispanica, G. struthium, Astragalus alopecuroides. Grasses (Lygeum, Stipa, Brachypodium), wormwood (Artemisia) and Chenopodiaceae may be locally prominent.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('16','1','2','Niveau 2','TRUE','Dunes côtières et plages de sable','Coastal sand-dunes and sand beaches','','Sand-covered shorelines in general, but in particular, onshore areas of sand created by the action of wind and often colonised and stabilised by communities of coarse maritime grasses.','','','Ligne de rivage couverte de sable ; zones sableuses créées par l’action du vent et souvent colonisées et stabilisées par des communautés de graminées maritimes communes.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('16.1','16','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Plages de sable','Sand beaches','','Gently sloping sand-covered shorelines fashioned by wave action.','','','Lignes de rivage couvertes de sable, légèrement inclinées, formées par l’action des vagues.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('16.11','16.1','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Plages de sable sans végétation','Unvegetated sand beaches','','Sandy beaches devoid of phanerogamic vegetation. Mediolittoral (intertidal) and supralittoral invertebrate communities can be used to define subdivisions.','Augier, 1982.','','Plages sableuses dépourvues de phanérogames. Les groupements intertidaux et supralittoraux d’invertébrés peuvent être utilisés pour définir des subdivisions.','Augier, 1982.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('16.12','16.1','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Groupements annuels des plages de sable','Sand beach annual communities','Cakiletea maritimae (Atriplici-Salsolion kali = Salsolo-Honkenyion peploidis, Thero-Suaedion, Euphorbion peplis p.)','Formations mostly of annuals occupying accumulations of drift material and sands rich in nitrogenous organic matter; characteristic are Suaeda maritima, Bassia hirsuta, Cakile maritima, Salsola kali, Beta maritima, Atriplex spp., Glaucium flavum, Mertensia maritima, Polygonum spp. and, along Mediterranean coasts, Euphorbia peplis, E. paralias.','Guinochet and Vilmorin, 1973; Horvat et al., 1974; Westhoff and den Held, 1975; Molinier and Martin, 1980; Lahondère, 1980; Parent and Burny, 1981; Géhu and Géhu-Franck, 1984a; Géhu, Costa et al., 1984; Nordiska ministerradet, 1984; Géhu, 1984, 1985; Peinado Lorca and Rivas-Martinez, 1987; Ellenberg, 1988; Oberdorfer, 1990.','Cakiletea maritimae (Atriplici-Salsolion kali = Salsolo-Honkenyion peploidis, Thero-Suaedion, Euphorbion peplis p.)','Formations principalement d’annuelles occupant des accumulations de matériel charrié et des sables riches en matières organiques azotées ; les plantes caractéristiques sont Suaeda maritima, Bassia hirsuta, Cakile maritima, Salsola kali, Beta maritima, Atriplex spp., Glaucium flavum, Mertensia maritima, Polygonum spp. et, le long des côtes méditerranéennes, Euphorbia peplis, E. paralias.','Guinochet et Vilmorin, 1973 ; Horvat et al., 1974 ; Westhoff et den Held, 1975 ; Molinier et Martin, 1980 ; Lahondère, 1980 ; Parent et Burny, 1981 ; Géhu et Géhu-Franck, 1984a ; Géhu, 1984,1985 ; Peinado Lorca et Rivas-Martinez, 1987 ; Ellenberg, 1988 ; Oberdorfer, 1990.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('16.13','16.1','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Groupements vivaces des plages de sable','Sand beach perennial communities','Honkenyo-Elymion','Boreal halo-nitrophilous perennial vegetation of the upper beach formed by Leymus (Elymus) arenarius, Ammophila arenaria, Honkenya peploides, Elymus farctus, E. repens, Mertensia maritima, accompanied by Atriplex spp., Cakile maritima, Petasites spurius, limited to Baltic and northern North Sea.','Nordiska ministerradet, 1984; Géhu, 1985; Oberdorfer, 1990.','Honkenyo-Elymion','Végétation vivace halonitrophile boréale des hauts de plage, formées par Leymus arenarius, Ammophila arenaria, Honkenya peploides, Elymus farctus, E. repens, Mertensia maritima, accompagnés d’Atriplex sp. pl., Cakile maritima, … mer du Nord.','Géhu, 1984 ; Oberdorfer, 1990.','TRUE','FALSE','VG','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('16.2','16','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Dunes','Dunes','','Onshore wind-carried sand deposits arranged in cordons of ridges parallel to the coast.','','','Dépôts de sable, apporté par le vent du large, arrangés en cordons de rides parallèles à la côte.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('16.21','16.2','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Dunes mobiles','Shifting dunes','Agropyrion juncei, Ammophilion arenariae, Zygophyllion fontanesii','Mobile sands, unvegetated or occupied by open grasslands; they may form tall dune ridges or, particularly along the Mediterranean, be limited to a fairly flat upper beach, still subject in part to inundation.','Braun-Blanquet et al., 1972; Guinochet and Vilmorin, 1973; Horvat et al., 1974; Diez et al., 1975; Westhoff and den Held, 1975; Lahondère, 1980; Molinier and Martin, 1980; Parent and Burny, 1981; Géhu, Costa et al., 1984; Géhu, 1985, 1986; Peinado Lorca and Rivas-Martinez, 1987; Wildpret de la Torre and del Arco Aguilar, 1987; Serrada et al., 1988; Ellenberg, 1988; Machado, in litt., 1989; Oberdorfer, 1990.','Agropyrion juncei, Ammophilion arenariae, Zygophyllion fontanesii','Sables mobiles, nus ou occupés par des pelouses ouvertes ; ils peuvent former des crêtes dunaires ou, particulièrement le long de la Méditerranée, être limités à une arrière plage relativement plate, encore sujette en partie aux inondations.','Guinochet et Vilmorin, 1973 ; Horvat et al., 1974 ; Westhoff et den Held, 1975 ; Lahondère, 1980 ; Molinier et Martin, 1980 ; Parent et Burny, 1981 ; Géhu, 1985,1986 ; Peinado Lorca et Rivas-Martinez, 1987 ; Ellenberg, 1988 ; Oberdorfer, 1990.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('16.211','16.21','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Dunes embryonnaires','Embryonic dunes','Agropyrion juncei (Agropyro-Honkenyion)','The first stages of dune construction, constituted by ripples or raised sand surfaces of the upper beach or by a seaward fringe at the foot of the tall dunes.','','Agropyrion juncei (Agropyro-Honkenyion)','Premiers stades de construction de la dune, constituée par des rides ou des élévations de la surface sableuse de l’arrière plage, ou comme une frange à la base du versant maritime des hautes dunes.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('16.2111','16.211','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Dunes embryonnaires atlantiques','Atlantic embryonic dunes','Elymo-Agropyretum juncei, Euphorbio-Agropyretum juncei','Embryonic dunes of the Atlantic, the North Sea and the Baltic coasts, with Elymus farctus (Agropyron junceum) accompanied by Leymus arenarius in the north, by Euphorbia paralias on middle and southern Atlantic shores.','','Elymo-Agropyretum juncei, Euphorbio-Agropyretum juncei','Dunes embryonnaires des côtes de l’Atlantique, de la mer du Nord et de la mer Baltique, avec Elytrigia juncea (Elymus farctus) accompagné par Leymus arenarius au nord, par Euphorbia paralias sur le littoral de l’Atlantique « centre » et « sud ».','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('16.2112','16.211','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Dunes embryonnaires méditerranéennes','Mediterranean embryonic dunes','Agropyrion juncei: Agropyretum mediterraneum','Embryonic dunes of the Mediterranean coasts, on which Elymus farctus is accompanied by Sporobolus pungens, Euphorbia peplis, Otanthus maritimus, Medicago marina, Anthemis maritima, A. tomentosa, Eryngium maritimum, Pancratium maritimum.','','Agropyrion juncei, Agropyretum mediterraneum','Dunes embryonnaires des côtes méditerranéennes, sur lesquelles Elytrigia juncea est accompagné par Sporobolus pungens, Euphorbia peplis, Otanthus maritimus, Medicago marina, Anthemis maritima, Eryngium maritimum, Pancratium maritimum.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('16.212','16.21','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Dunes blanches','White dunes','Ammophilion arenariae, Zygophyllion fontanesii','Mobile dunes forming the seaward cordon or cordons of dune systems.','','Ammophilion arenariae, Zygophyllion fontanesii','Dunes mobiles formant le cordon ou les cordons les plus proches de la mer des systèmes dunaires.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('16.2121','16.212','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Dunes blanches de l''Atlantique','Atlantic white dunes','Ammophilion arenariae: Elymo-Ammophiletum, Euphorbio-Ammophiletum, Othanto-Ammophiletum','White dunes of the North Sea, the Baltic and the Atlantic coasts, dominated, when vegetated, by marram grass (Ammophila arenaria) accompanied by, among others, Eryngium maritimum, Euphorbia paralias, Calystegia soldanella, Otanthus maritimus.','','Ammophilion arenariae : Elymo-Ammophiletum, Euphorbio-Ammophiletum, Othanto-Ammophiletum','Dunes blanches des côtes de la mer du Nord, de la mer Baltique et de l’Atlantique, dominées, quand la végétation est présente, par l’oyat (Ammophila arenaria) accompagné par Eryngium maritimum, Euphorbia paralias, Calystegia soldanella, Otanthus maritimus, parmi d’autres.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('16.2122','16.212','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Dunes blanches de la Méditerranée','Mediterranean white dunes','Ammophilion arenariae: Echinophoro-Ammophiletum','White dunes of the Mediterranean coasts, dominated, when vegetated, by marram grass (Ammophila arenaria) accompanied by, among others, Echinophora spinosa, Eryngium maritimum, Euphorbia paralias, Cutandia maritima, Medicago marina, Anthemis maritima.','','Ammophilion arenariae : Echinophoro-Ammophiletum','Dunes blanches des côtes méditerranéennes, dominées, quand la végétation est présente, par l’oyat (Ammophila arenaria) accompagné par Echinophora spinosa, Eryngium maritimum, Euphorbia paralias, Cutandia maritima, Medicago marina, Anthemis maritima.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('16.2123','16.212','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Canarian white dunes','Zygophyllion fontanesii','Mobile dunes of the Canary Islands, with Zygophyllum fontanesii, Euphorbia paralias, Polycarpaea nivea, Cyperus capitatus, Ononis natrix, Convolvulus caput-medusae, Polygonum maritimum and the threatened Lanzarote endemic lily Androcymbium psammophilum.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('16.22','16.2','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Dunes grises','Grey dunes','','Fixed dunes, stabilized and colonized by more or less closed perennial grasslands.','Zarzycki, 1961; Braun-Blanquet et al., 1972; Guinochet and Vilmorin, 1973; Horvat et al., 1974; Westhoff and den Held, 1975; Diez et al., 1975; Géhu and Foucault, 1977; Rivas-Martinez, 1977; Lahondère, 1980; Molinier and Martin, 1980; Parent and Burny, 1981; Géhu, Costa et al., 1984; Chiappini, 1985a; Veri and Pacioni, 1985; Géhu, 1985, 1986; Peinado Lorca and Rivas-Martinez, 1987; Wildpret de la Torre and del Arco Aguilar, 1987; Serrada et al., 1988; Ellenberg, 1988; Machado, in litt., 1989; Oberdorfer, 1990.','','Dunes fixées, stabilisées et colonisées par des pelouses pérennes plus ou moins fermées.','Zarzycki, 1961 ; Guinochet et Vilmorin, 1973 ; Horvat et al., 1974 ; Westhoff et den Held, 1975 ; Géhu et de Foucault, 1977 ; Rivas-Martinez, 1977 ; Lahondère, 1980 ; Molinier et Martin, 1980 ; Parent et Burny, 1981 ; Géhu, 1985, 1986 ; Peinado Lorca et Rivas-Martinez, 1987 ; Ellenberg, 1988 ; Oberdorfer, 1990.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('16.221','16.22','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Dunes grises septentrionales','Northern grey dunes','Galio-Koelerion albescentis (Koelerion albescentis), Corynephorion canescentis p., Sileno conicae-Cerastion semidecandri','Grasslands of Baltic, North Sea, Channel and northern Atlantic fixed dunes','','Galio-Koelerion albescentis (Koelerion albescentis), Corynephorion canescentis p., Sileno conicae-Cerastion semidecandri','Prairies des dunes fixées de la mer du Nord, de la Manche et de l’Atlantique nord.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('16.2211','16.221','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Groupements dunaires à Tortula','Tortula moss dune communities','','Calciphile communities with Koeleria, Galium verum, Viola curtisii, Ononis repens, Festuca rubra, and moss (e.g. Tortula ruraliformis) and lichen carpets. ','','','Groupements calciphiles avec Koeleria, Galium verum, Viola saxatilis subsp. curtisii, Ononis repens, Festuca rubra, et tapis de mousses (par ex. Tortula ruraliformis) et lichens.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('16.2212','16.221','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Groupements dunaires à Corynephorus canescens','Grey-hairgrass dune communities','','Communities of less calcareous or decalcified slopes rich in Corynephorus canescens and Viola canina.','','','Groupements des pentes moins calcaires ou décalcifiées, riches en Corynephorus canescens et Viola canina.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('16.2213','16.221','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Groupements dunaires à Myosoton','Mouse-ear dune communities','','Short-lived, warmth-loving mouse-ear dune communities with Cerastium diffusum, C. semidecandrum, C. subtetrandrum, Erodium lebelii, Phleum arenarium, Silene conica.','','','Groupements dunaires à Myosoton éphémères, thermophiles avec Cerastium diffusum, C. semidecandrum, Erodium lebelii, Phleum arenarium, Silene conica.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('16.222','16.22','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Dunes grises de Gascogne','Biscay grey dunes','Euphorbio-Helichrysion stoechadis','Fixed dune grasslands infiltrated by dwarf bushes of French Brittany and the coast of the Bay of Biscay, with Helichrysum stoechas, Artemisia campestris, Ephedra distachya.','','Euphorbio-Helichrysion stoechadis','Prairies dunaires fixées, infiltrées par des buissons nains, de la Bretagne et de la côte du golfe de Gascogne, avec Helichrysum stoechas, Artemisia campestris, Ephedra distachya.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('16.223','16.22','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Dunes grises ibéro-méditerranéennes','Ibero-Mediterranean grey dunes','Crucianellion maritimae','Fixed dunes of the western Mediterranean and of the thermo-Atlantic coasts of Portugal and southwestern Spain, with Crucianella maritima and Pancratium maritimum.','','Crucianellion maritimae','Dunes fixées de la Méditerranée occidentale et des côtes thermo-atlantiques du Portugal et du sud-ouest de l''Espagne, avec Crucianella maritima et Pancratium maritimum.','','FALSE','FALSE','CH','Cité dans les fiches Cahiers d''habitats 2210.');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('16.224','16.22','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Greek fixed dunes','','Formations of Greece with Euphorbia terracina and Silene nicaeensis or Ephedra distachya and Silene subconica.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('16.225','16.22','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Pelouses dunaires du Mesobromion','Dune Mesobromion grasslands','','Dunal grasslands composed of species characteristic of dry calcareous grasslands (34.32), particularly of northern Brittany (Galio maritimi-Brachypodietum pinnati).','','','Pelouses dunaires composées d’espèces caractéristiques des pelouses calcaires sèches (34.32), particulièrement de la Bretagne nord (Galio maritimi-Brachypodietum pinnati).','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('16.226','16.22','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Lisières des dunes thermophiles','Dune thermophile fringes','Trifolio-Geranietea sanguinei: Galio maritimi-Geranion sanguinei ','Geranium sanguineum formations (34.4) incorporated within grey dune systems of the British Isles and Brittany.','','Trifolio-Geranietea sanguinei : Galio maritimi-Geranion sanguinei','Formations à Geranium sanguineum (34.4) incorporées aux systèmes de dunes grises des îles Britanniques et de la Bretagne.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('16.227','16.22','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Groupements dunaires à plantes annuelles','Dune fine-grass annual communities','Thero-Airion p., Nardo-Galion saxatile p. (Botrychio-Polygaletum), Tuberarion guttatae p.','Sparse pioneer formations (35.2, 35.3) of fine grasses rich in spring-blooming therophytes characteristic of oligotrophic, superficial soils.','','Thero-Airion p., Nardo-Galion saxatile p. (Botrychio-Polygaletum), Tuberarion guttatae p.','Formations pionnières clairsemées (35.2, 35.3) de graminées fines riches en thérophytes à floraison printannière caractéristiques des sols superficiels, oligotrophes.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('16.228','16.22','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Groupements dunaires à Malcolmia','Dune malcolmia annual-herb communities','Malcolmietalia','Associations with many small annuals and often abundant ephemeral spring bloom (35.4), with Malcolmia lacera, M. ramosissima, Evax astericiflora, E. lusitanica, Anthyllis hamosa, Linaria pedunculata, of deep sands in dry interdunal depressions of Iberia, southern France and Italy.','','Malcolmietalia','Communautés à nombreuses petites espèces annuelles à floraison printanière éphémère souvent abondantes (35.4), avec M. ramosissima, des sables profonds au niveau des dépressions sèches interdunales du sud de la France.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('16.229','16.22','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Pelouses dunaires méditerranéennes xériques','Dune Mediterranean xeric grasslands','Thero-Brachypodietalia p.','Dunal formations of 34.5.','','Thero-Brachypodietalia p.','Formations dunaires de 34.5.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('16.22A','16.22','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Canarian fixed dunes','Traganion moquini','Fixed dunes of the Canary Islands, forming, mostly in the centre and east of the archipelago, extensive systems (jables), with Traganum moquinii, Suaeda vera, Atriplex halimus, A. glauca var. ifniensis, Salsola longifolia, S. vermiculata.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('16.23','16.2','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Crowberry brown dunes','Empetrion nigri','Decalcified dunes colonized by Empetrum nigrum heaths, of the Frisian, German, Danish and Scottish coasts.','Westhoff and den Held, 1975; De Smidt, 1981; Géhu, 1985.','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('16.24','16.2','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Dunes brunes à bruyère','Heather brown dunes','Calluno-Ulicetea p.','Decalcified dunes of France and Britain, colonized by heaths of the Calluno-Genistion or the Ulicion minoris, and of Iberia, colonized by heaths of the Ericion umbellatae.','Géhu, 1985.','Calluno-Ulicetea p.','Dunes décalcifiées, colonisées par les landes du Calluno-Genistion ou de l''Ulicion minoris, et dans la péninsule Ibérique, par l’Ericion umbellatae.','Géhu, 1985.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('16.241','16.24','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','East Anglian ling dunes','Carici arenariae-Callunetum','Calluna vulgaris-Carex arenaria heaths of East Anglian inner dunes.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('16.242','16.24','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Dunes françaises à bruyère','French ling dunes','Carici trinervis-Callunetum','Calluna vulgaris-Carex trinervis heaths of northern French inner dunes.','','Carici trinervis-Callunetum','Bruyères à Calluna vulgaris-Carex trinervis des dunes intérieures du nord de la France.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('16.243','16.24','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','British bell heather dunes','Carici arenariae-Ericetum cinereae','Erica cinerea-Carex arenaria heaths of decalcified dunes of the west of the British Isles.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('16.244','16.24','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Dunes françaises à bruyère cendrée','French bell heather dunes','Festuco vasconcensis-Ericetum cinereae','Erica cinererea-Festuca vasconcensis heaths of dry dunes of southwestern France.','','Festuco vasconcensis-Ericetum cinereae','Bruyères à Erica cinerea-Festuca vasconcensis des dunes sèches du sud-ouest de la France.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('16.245','16.24','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Dunes françaises à bruyère ciliée','French Dorset heath dunes','Arrhenathero thorei-Ericetum ciliaris','Erica ciliaris-Pseudarrhenatherum longifolium (Arrhenatherum thorei) heaths of more humid dunes of southwestern France.','','Arrhenathero thorei-Ericetum ciliaris','Bruyères à Erica ciliaris-Pseudoarrhenatherum longifolium (= Arrhenatherum thorei) des dunes plus humides du sud-ouest de la France.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('16.246','16.24','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Iberian green heather dunes','Erico scopariae-Ulicetum australis','Erica scoparia-Ulex parviflorus ssp. eriocladus (U. australis) heaths of southwestern Iberian dunes.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('16.247','16.24','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Iberian Dorset heath dunes','Erico ciliaris-Ulicetum australis','Erica ciliaris-Ulex parviflorus ssp. eriocladus heaths of more humid southwestern Iberian dunes.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('16.25','16.2','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Dunes avec fourrés, bosquets','Dune thickets','Prunetalia spinosae p. (Ligustro-Hippophaeion rhamnoidis, Lonicerion periclymeni, Pruno-Rubion ulmifolii p., "Sambuco-Berberidion")','Dense formations of large shrubs including sea-buckthorn, privet, elder, willow, gorse or broom, often festooned with creepers such as honeysuckle or white bryony. Codes of 31.8 can be used, in addition to 16.252, to precise the habitat.','Westhoff and den Held, 1975; Lahondère, 1980; Parent and Burny, 1981; Géhu, 1985.','Prunetalia spinosae p. (Ligustro-Hippophaeion rhamnoidis, Lonicerion periclymeni, Pruno-Rubion ulmifolii p., Sambuco-Berberidion)','Formations denses de grands arbustes incluant argousier, troène, sureau, saule, ajonc ou genêt, souvent ornées de plantes grimpantes telles que chèvrefeuille ou bryone. Les codes de 31.8 peuvent être utilisés, en complément de 16.252, pour spécifier les habitats.','Westhoff et den Held, 1975 ; Lahondère, 1980 ; Parent et Burny, 1981 ; Géhu, 1985.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('16.251','16.25','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Fourrés dunaires à Argousier','Sea-buckthorn dune thickets','','Hippophae rhamnoides formations of forest colonisation in both dry and humid dune depressions, mostly in Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium and the British Isles.','','','Formations à Hippophae rhamnoides de la colonisation forestière des dépressions dunaires sèches ainsi qu’humides, principalement au Danemark, en Allemagne, aux Pays-Bas, en Belgique et dans les îles Britanniques.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('16.252','16.25','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Fourrés dunaires mixtes','Mixed dune thickets','','Pre-forest thickets other than heaths, sea-buckthorn or creeping willow (Ulex, Sarothamnus, Rubus, Ligustrum, Daphne).','','','Fourrés pré-forestiers autres que bruyères, argousier ou saule des sables (Ulex, Sarothamnus, Rubus, Ligustrum, Daphne).','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('16.26','16.2','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Dunes à Salix arenaria','Creeping-willow mats','Salicion arenariae','Salix arenaria formations of both dry and humid dune depressions.','Géhu, 1985.','Salicion arenariae','Formations à Salix arenaria des dépressions dunaires sèches ou humides.','Géhu, 1985.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('16.27','16.2','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Dunes à genévrier','Dune juniper thickets and woods','Juniperion lyciae; Berberidion p.','Juniper formations (Juniperus phoenicea, J. "lycia", J. macrocarpa, J. transtagana) of dune slacks and slopes in Mediterranean and thermo-Atlantic areas; J. communis formations of calcareous Jutland dunes.','Garcia and Purroy, 1973; Diez et al., 1975; Westhoff and den Held, 1975; Rivas-Martinez et al., 1980; Géhu, 1985; Peinado Lorca and Rivas-Martinez, 1987.','Juniperion lyciae ; Berberidion p.','Formations à genévriers (Juniperus phoenica, J. phoenica subsp. lycia, J. oxycedrus subsp. macrocarpa) des dépressions et des pentes dunaires des régions méditerranéennes et thermo-atlantiques.','Westhoff et den Held, 1975 ; Géhu, 1985 ; Peinado Lorca et Rivas-Martinez, 1987.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('16.271','16.27','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Fourrés dunaires à genévrier oxycèdre','Dune prickly juniper thickets','Rhamno-Juniperetum macrocarpae i.a.','Juniperus oxycedrus ssp. macrocarpa thickets and low woods of the outer belt of the juniper woods of fixed Mediterranean and Mediterraneo-Atlantic dunes.','','Rhamno-Juniperetum macrocarpae i.a.','Fourrés et petits bois à Juniperus oxycedrus subsp. macrocarpa de la ceinture externe des bois à genévrier des dunes fixées méditerranéennes et méditerranéo-atlantiques.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('16.272','16.27','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Bois à Juniperetum lyciae','Lycian juniper woods','Rhamno-Juniperetum lyciae i.a.','Juniperus phoenicea ssp. lycia thickets and woods of the inner belt of the juniper woods of fixed Mediterranean and Mediterraneo-Atlantic dunes.','','Rhamno-Juniperetum lyciae i.a.','Fourrés et bois à Juniperus phoenica subsp. lycia de la ceinture interne des fourrés à genévrier des dunes fixées méditerranéennes et méditerranéo-atlantiques.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('16.273','16.27','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Rufescent juniper thickets','','Scrubs of the fastigiate Juniperus oxycedrus ssp. transtagana of the dunes of southwestern Portugal.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('16.274','16.27','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Common juniper dune thickets','','Juniperus communis scrubs of the calcareous dunes of Jutland.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('16.28','16.2','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Fourrés dunaires à sclérophylles','Dune sclerophyllous scrubs','Ononido-Rosmarinetea p., Quercetea ilicis p., Cisto-Lavanduletea p.','Sclerophyllous scrubs established on dunes in the Mediterranean region. Codes of 32 may be used in addition to 16.28 to precise the habitat.','','Ononido-Rosmarinetea p., Quercetea ilicis p., Cisto-Lavanduletea p.','Fourrés ligneux sclérophylles établis sur les dunes de la région méditerranéenne. Les codes de 32 peuvent être utilisés en complément de 16.28 pour spécifier les habitats.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('16.29','16.2','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Dunes boisées','Wooded dunes','','Dunes colonised by woodland or riparian thickets. Codes of 41.5, 41.7, 42, 44, 45 can be used, in addition to 16.29, to precise the habitat.','Diez et al., 1975; Lahondère, 1980; Géhu, 1985.','','Dunes colonisées par la forêt ou des fourrés humides. Les codes de 41.5, 41.7, 42, 44, 45 peuvent être utilisés en complément de 16.29 pour préciser les habitats.','Lahondère, 1980 ; Géhu, 1985.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('16.3','16','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Lettes dunaires humides (= Pannes humides, = Dépressions humides intradunales)','Humid dune-slacks','','Humid depressions of the dunal systems. The most important habitats are included in the following units. If the divisions proposed are not sufficient, appropriate codes from 22.4, 22.3, 54.2, 54.4, 53 can be used in conjunction with them. Humid dune-slaks are extremely rich and specialized habitats very threatened by the lowering of water tables.','Duvigneaud, 1947; Lebrun et al., 1949; Herbauts, 1971; Westhoff and den Held, 1975; Lahondère, 1980.','','Dépressions humides des systèmes dunaires. Les habitats les plus importants sont compris dans les unités suivantes. Si les divisions proposées ne suffisent pas, les codes appropriés de 22.4, 22.3, 54.2, 54.4, 53 peuvent être utilisés conjointement avec elles. Les lettes dunaires humides sont des habitats extrêmement riches et spécialisés très menacés par l''abaissement du niveau de la nappe aquifère.','Duvigneaud, 1947 ; Lebrun et al., 1949 ; Herbauts, 1971 ; Westhoff et den Held, 1975 ; Lahondère, 1980.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('16.31','16.3','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Mares des lettes dunaires','Dune-slack pools','','Fresh-water aquatic communities (cf. 22.4) of permanent dune-slack water bodies.','','','Groupements aquatiques d''eau douce (voir 22.4) des flaques d''eau permanentes des lettes.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('16.32','16.3','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Gazons pionniers des lettes ou pannes humides','Dune-slack pioneer swards','Juncenion bufonii p.: Gentiano-Erythraeetum littoralis','Pioneer formations of humid sands with Samolus valerandi, Centaurium spp., Blackstonia perfoliata, Juncus bufonius (see 22.322).','','Juncenion bufonii p. : Gentiano-Erythraeetum littoralis','Formations pionnières des sables humides avec Samolus valerandi, Centaurium spp., Blackstonia perfoliata, Juncus bufonius (voir 22.322).','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('16.33','16.3','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Bas-marais des pannes humides','Dune-slack fens','','Calcareous and, occasionally, acidic fen formations (cf. 54.2, 54.4, in particular 54.21, 54.2H, 54.49), often invaded by creeping willow, occupying the wettest parts of dune-slacks.','','','Communautés de bas-marais alcalins et, occasionnellement, acides (voir 54.2, 54.4, et en particulier 54.21, 54.2H, 54.49), souvent envahies par le saule des sables, occupant les parties les plus humides des lettes.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('16.34','16.3','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Prairies des lettes ou pannes humides','Dune-slack grasslands','','Humid grasslands and rushbeds (see 37.31, 37.4) of dune-slacks, also often with creeping willows (Salix rosmarinifolia, S. arenaria).','','','Prairies humides et jonchaies humides (voir 37.31, 37.4) des pannes dunaires, assez souvent avec des saules rampants (Salix rosmarinifolia, S. arenaria).','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('16.35','16.3','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Roselières et cariçaies des lettes dunaires','Dune-slack reedbeds and sedgebeds','','Reedbeds and tall-sedge communities (cf. 53.1, 53.2, 53.3) of dune-slacks.','','','Roselières et groupements de petites laîches (voir 53.1, 53.2, 53.3) des pannes dunaires.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('17','1','2','Niveau 2','TRUE','Plages de galets','Shingle beaches','','Beaches covered by pebbles, or sometimes boulders, usually formed by wave action.','','','Plages couvertes de galets petits ou gros, habituellement formées par l''action des vagues.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('17.1','17','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Plages de galets sans végétation','Unvegetated shingle beaches','','Shingle beaches devoid of phanerogamic vegetation. Mediolittoral (intertidal) and supralittoral invertebrate communities can be used to define subdivisions.','Augier, 1982.','','Plages de galets dépourvues de phanérogames. Les groupements médiolittoraux (intertidaux) et supralittoraux d''invertébrés peuvent être utilisés pour définir les subdivisions.','Augier,1982.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('17.2','17','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Végétation annuelle des laisses de mer sur plages de galets','Shingle beach drift lines','Cakiletea maritimae p.','Formations of annuals occupying accumulations of drift material and gravels rich in nitrogenous organic matter; characteristic are Cakile maritima, Salsola kali, Atriplex spp. (particularly A. glabriuscula), Polygonum spp., Euphorbia peplis, Mertensia maritima, Glaucium flavum, Matthiola sinuata.','Nordiska ministerradet, 1984; Géhu, 1984, 1985; Costa, 1987.','Cakiletea maritimae p.','Formations de plantes annuelles occupant les accumulations de matériaux charriés et de graviers riches en matières organiques azotées ; les plantes caractéristiques sont Cakile maritima, Salsola kali, Atriplex spp. (particulièrement A. glabriuscula), Polygonum spp., Euphorbia peplis, Glaucium flavum, Matthiola sinuata.','Géhu, 1984, 1985.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('17.3','17','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Végétation vivace des bancs de galets à Crambe','Sea kale communities','Honkenyo-Crambion','Halo-nitrophilous perennial vegetation of the upper beach formed by Crambe maritima, Honkenya peploides and species characteristic of the regional communities as indicated below.','Vanden Bergen, 1964; Nordiska ministerradet, 1984; Géhu, 1985, 1986; Oberdorfer, 1990.','Honkenyo-Crambion','Végétation pérenne halo-nitrophile de la partie supérieure des plages formée par Crambe maritima, Honkenya peploides et des espèces caractéristiques des groupements régionaux comme indiqué plus loin.','Vanden Berghen, 1964 ; Géhu, 1985, 1986 ; Oberdorfer, 1990.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('17.31','17.3','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Baltic sea kale communities','Elymo-Crambetum','Crambe-Honkenya formations with Leymus arenarius of the coasts of southern Baltic, the Kattegat and the baelts.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('17.32','17.3','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Groupements à Crambe de la Manche','Channel sea kale communities','Lathyro-Crambetum','Crambe-Honkenya formations with Lathyrus japonicus of the southern North Sea and Channel coasts of southwestern England and, very locally, the Channel coast of France.','','Lathyro-Crambetum','Formations à Crambe-Honkenya avec Lathyrus japonicus du sud de la mer du Nord et des côtes de la Manche du sud-ouest de l''Angleterre et, très localement, des côtes françaises de la Manche.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('17.33','17.3','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Groupements à Crambe de l''Atlantique','Atlantic sea kale communities','Crithmo-Crambetum','Crambe-Honkenya formations with Crithmum maritimum of Brittany, the Cotentin peninsula and Anglesey.','','Crithmo-Crambetum','Formations à Crambe-Honkenya avec Crithmum maritimum,de Bretagne et du Cotentin.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('17.4','17','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Prairies et landes des bancs de galets','Gravel bank heaths and grasslands','','Grasslands and heaths of the landward expanses of large gravel banks.','Vanden Bergen, 1964; Nordiska ministerradet, 1984; Géhu, 1985, 1986.','','Prairies et landes des grands bancs de galets s’étendant vers l’intérieur des terres.','Vanden Berghen, 1964 ; Géhu, 1985, 1986.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('17.41','17.4','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Pelouses à Avoine élevée sur bancs de galets','Gravel bank false oatgrass swards','','Swards of Arrhenatherum elatius of gravel banks.','','','Gazons à Arrhenatherum elatius des bancs de galets.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('17.42','17.4','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Landes à Genêt à balais sur bancs de galets','Gravel bank broom mats','','Prostrate Cytisus scoparius formations of gravel banks.','','','Peuplements prostrés à Cytisus scoparius des bancs de galets.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('18','1','2','Niveau 2','TRUE','Côtes rocheuses et falaises maritimes','Cliffs and rocky shores','','Rock exposures adjacent to the sea or to saline lakes, or separated from them by a narrow shoreline. In addition to their botanical significance, they are often important as nesting sites for sea birds.','','','Rochers exposés en bordure de mer ou de lacs salés, ou séparés d''eux par une étroite ligne de rivage. Au-delà de leur intérêt botanique, ce sont souvent des sites d’importance pour la nidification des oiseaux marins.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('18.1','18','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Falaises maritimes nues','Bare cliffs','','Cliffs and rocky shores devoid of vascular vegetation. The mediolittoral (intertidal or wave-washed) and supralittoral (spray) zones are inhabited by rich and diverse communities of invertebrates and algae that can be used to define subdivisions. A basic framework is proposed below; further subdivisions, such as the biocoenoses and facies listed by Augier (1982) for the Mediterranean, can be easily integrated.','Augier, 1982; Mitchell, 1987; Wood, 1988.','','Côtes rocheuses et falaises dépourvues de plantes vasculaires. Les étages médiolittoral (étage intertidal ou battu par les vagues) et supralittoral (zone des embruns) sont habités par des communautés riches en divers invertébrés et algues qui peuvent être utilisés pour définir des subdivisions. Une structure de base est proposée plus loin ; davantage de divisions, telles que les biocénoses et les faciès listés par Augier (1982) pour la Méditerranée, peuvent être facilement intégrées.','Augier, 1982, Mitchell, 1987 ; Wood, 1988.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('18.11','18.1','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Rochers et falaises de la frange médiolittorale','Mediolittoral fringe rocks','','Cliffs and rocks of the lowest part of the mediolittoral zone, occupied by communities transitional to those of the infralittoral zone.','','','Rochers et falaises de la partie la plus basse de la zone médiolittorale, occupés par des communautés de transition avec ceux de la zone infralittorale.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('18.12','18.1','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Rochers de l''étage médiolittoral inférieur','Lower mediolittoral rocks','','Cliffs and rocks of the lower part of the mediolittoral zone, occupied, in particular, by encrusting algae.','','','Rochers et falaises de la partie inférieure de la zone médiolittorale, occupés, en particulier, par des algues encroûtantes.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('18.13','18.1','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Rochers de l''étage médiolittoral supérieur','Upper mediolittoral rocks','','Cliffs and rocks of the higher part of the mediolittoral zone, occupied by communities characterized, in particular, by cirriped crustaceans and soft algae.','','','Rochers et falaises de la partie haute de la zone médiolittorale, occupés par des communautés caractérisées, en particulier, par des crustacés cirripèdes et des algues molles.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('18.14','18.1','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Surplombs, crevasses et grottes de l''étage médiolittoral','Mediolittoral caves and overhangs','','Mediolittoral overhangs, crevices and caves.','','','Surplombs, fentes et grottes de l''étage médiolittoral.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('18.15','18.1','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Mares permanentes des rochers de l''étage médiolittoral','Mediolittoral rock pools','','Permanent saline pools of the mediolittoral zone, fed by flood tides (tide pools).','','','Mares permanentes de la zone médiolittorale, alimentées par la marée haute.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('18.16','18.1','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Rochers de l''étage supralittoral','Supralittoral rocks','','Cliffs and rocks of the supralittoral spray zone, mostly occupied by lichens (Verrucaria i. a.).','','','Rochers et falaises de la zone supralittorale des embruns, principalement occupés par des lichens (Verrucaria i.a.)','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('18.17','18.1','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Flaques des rochers de l''étage supralittoral','Supralittoral rock pools','','Pools of variable salinity fed by rainwater, spray and occasionally waves.','','','Flaques de salinité variable alimentées par les eaux de pluie, les embruns et occasionnellement les vagues.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('18.2','18','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Côtes rocheuses et falaises avec végétation','Vegetated sea cliffs and rocky shores','','Cliffs and rocky shores colonized by disjunct assemblages of aerohaline chasmophytes or by more or less closed aerohaline grasslands.','','','Côtes rocheuses et falaises colonisées par des assemblages disjoints de chasmophytes aérohalines ou de pelouses plus ou moins fermées aérohalines.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('18.21','18.2','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Groupements des falaises atlantiques','Atlantic cliff communities','Crithmo-Armerietalia','Vegetated cliffs of Atlantic, Channel, Irish and North Sea coasts with Crithmum maritimum, Armeria maritima, Limonium spp., Brassica oleracea, Silene maritima, Cochlearia officinalis, Plantago maritima, Festuca rubra ssp. pruinosa, Daucus spp., Matricaria maritima, Asplenium marinum, Spergularia rupicola, Inula crithmoides, Sedum anglicum, Rhodiola rosea, Lavatera arborea.','Vanden Bergen, 1964; Guinochet and Vilmorin, 1973; Géhu, 1984; Géhu and Géhu-Franck, 1984a, 1984b; Géhu, Franck and Scoppola, 1984; Polunin and Walters, 1985.','Crithmo-Armerietalia','Falaises végétalisées des côtes de l''Atlantique, de la Manche et de la mer du Nord avec Crithmum maritimum, Armeria maritima, Limonium spp., Brassica oleracea, Silene uniflora subsp. maritima, Cochlearia officinalis, Plantago maritima, Festuca rubra subsp. pruinosa, Daucus spp., Matricaria maritima, Asplenium marinum, Spergularia rupicola, Inula crithmoides, Sedum anglicum, Rhodiola rosea, Lavatera arborea.','Vanden Berghen, 1964 ; Guinochet et Vilmorin, 1973 ; Géhu, 1984 ; Géhu et Géhu-Franck, 1984a, 1984b ; Géhu, Franck et Scoppola, 1984 ; Polunin et Walters, 1985.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('18.22','18.2','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Groupements des falaises méditerranéennes','Mediterranean cliff communities','Crithmo-Limonietalia','Vegetated cliffs and rocky shores of the Mediterranean and southwestern Iberia, with Crithmum maritimum, Plantago subulata, Silene sedoides, Sedum litoreum, Limonium spp., Armeria spp., Euphorbia spp., Daucus spp., Asteriscus maritimus. Many Limonium species, in particular, are endemics of extremely local occurrence.','Guinochet and Vilmorin, 1973; Horvat et al. 1974; Brullo et al., 1977; Molinier and Martin, 1980; Géhu, 1984; Géhu, Franck and Scoppola, 1984; Polunin and Walters, 1985.','Crithmo-Limonietalia','Côtes rocheuse et falaises végétalisées de la Méditerranée, avec Crithmum maritimum, Plantago subulata, Silene sedoides, Sedum litoreum, Limonium spp., Armeria spp., Euphorbia spp., Daucus spp., Asteriscus maritimus. De nombreuses espèces de Limonium, en particulier, sont des endémiques (aire de distribution limitée, très localisée).','Guinochet et Vilmorin, 1973 ; Horvat et al., 1974 ; Molinier et Martin, 1980 ; Géhu, 1984 ; Géhu, Franck et Scoppola, 1984 ; Polunin et Walters, 1985.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('18.23','18.2','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Macaronesian cliff communities','Frankenio-Astidamietalia latifoliae','Sea-cliffs of the Atlantic islands (Canaries, Madeira), with Crithmum maritimum, Astydamia latifolia, Schizogyna sericea, Andryala glutinosa, Plantago coronopus, Tolpis fruticosa, Aizoon canariense, Campylanthus salsoloides, Limonium pectinatum, Frankenia ericifolia, Reichardia ligulata, Argyranthemum frutescens, Lotus spp., Asplenium marinum.','Delvolsalle, 1964; Duvigneaud, 1977; Bramwell and Bramwell, 1983; Géhu, 1984; Wildpret de la Torre and del Arco Aguilar, 1987.','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('18.24','18.2','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Azorean cliff communities','Festucion petraeae','Communities of the cliffs of the Azores dominated by the endemic Festuca petraea.','Machado, in litt., 1989.','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('18.3','18','3','Niveau 3','FALSE','','Vegetated cliffs of saline lakes','Crithmo-Limonietalia: Limonietum secundiramei','Endemic Limonium secundirameum - dominated formations of the cliffs overlooking Bagno dell''Acqua, Pantelleria.','Brullo et al., 1977.','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('19','1','2','Niveau 2','TRUE','Ilots, bancs rocheux et récifs','Islets and rock stacks','','Small islands in the sea or in large bodies of water, mostly important as sites for water bird colonies. Other codes, in particular those of 18, can be used to indicate the habitats supported.','','','Petites îles en mer ou dans de grandes étendues d''eau, surtout importantes, comme sites pour les colonies d''oiseaux aquatiques. D''autres codes, en particulier ceux de 18, peuvent être utilisés pour signaler ces habitats.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('1A','1','2','Niveau 2','FALSE','','Machair','','Plains behind dunes especially characteristic of the western seaboard of the Outer Hebrides. Wind-blown calcareous sands deposited on peat support a flower-rich, and correspondingly insect-rich, dune grassland studded with shallow lochs and cultivated on a strip rotation. The grassland is dominated by Poa pratensis and Festuca rubra, accompanied by Thalictrum minus ssp. arenarium, Thymus praecox ssp. arcticus (T. drucei), Bellis perennis, Prunella vulgaris, Erodium cicutarium, Trifolium spp., Euphrasia spp. and many orchids, among which Dactylorhiza fuchsii ssp. hebridensis, D. purpurella, Gymnadenia conopsea, Coeloglossum viride, Platanthera chlorantha and Orchis mascula are the most prominent. This grassland harbours a plant community of very restricted distribution comprising vulnerable species; Cochlearia scotica, Euphrasia marshallii and Dactylorhiza fuchsii ssp. hebridensis are endemic. Other elements of the ecosystem, such as pools and fallow fields, can be noted by addition of codes from other units (22, 16.2, 34, 37, 53, 54, 82, 87). As a whole, machair is an essential habitat for breeding waders such as Haematopus ostralegus, Vanellus vanellus, Charadrius hiaticula, Calidris alpina, Tringa totanus and Gallinago gallinago; it supports the healthiest European population of the threatened corncrake Crex crex.','Ritchie, 1976, 1979; Glentworth, 1979; Currie, 1979; Dickinson and Randall, 1979; Fuller et al., 1979; Fuller, 1982; P. R. Evans, in litt., 1985.','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('2','','1','Niveau 1','TRUE','Milieux aquatiques non marins','Non-marine waters','','','','','','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('21','2','2','Niveau 2','TRUE','Lagunes','Lagoons','','Saline or hypersaline coastal waters, often formed from sea inlets by silting and cut off from the sea by sand or mud banks. The presence of vegetation can be indicated by addition of codes 23.21 or 23.22.','','','Eaux côtières salées voire hypersalines, souvent issues d’anciens bras de mer envasés et isolés par un cordon de sable ou de vase. La présence de végétation peut être précisée par l''addition des codes 23.21 ou 23.22.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('22','2','2','Niveau 2','TRUE','Eaux douces stagnantes','Standing fresh water','','Lakes, ponds and pools of natural origin containing fresh (i.e. non-saline) water. Man-made fresh water bodies, including reservoirs and canals.','','','Lacs, étangs et mares d''origine naturelle contenant de l''eau douce. Pièces d''eau douce artificielles, incluant réservoirs et canaux.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('22.1','22','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Eaux douces','Fresh waters','','The water body itself, regardless of vegetation belts.','','','La pièce d’eau elle-même, indépendamment des ceintures végétales.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('22.11','22.1','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Eaux oligotrophes pauvres en calcaire','Lime-deficient oligotrophic waters','','Usually greenish to brownish clear waters poor in dissolved bases (pH often 5-6).','Duvigneaud, 1980; Vanden Berghen, 1982; Ellenberg, 1988.','','Eaux claires, habituellement verdâtres à brunâtres, pauvres en bases dissoutes (pH souvent de 3-5).','Duvigneaud, 1980 ; Vanden Berghen, 1982 ; Ellenberg, 1988.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('22.12','22.1','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Eaux mésotrophes','Mesotrophic waters','','Richer waters (pH often 6-7).','Vanden Berghen, 1982.','','Eaux plus riches (pH souvent de 6-7).','Vanden Berghen, 1982.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('22.13','22.1','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Eaux eutrophes','Eutrophic waters','','Usually dirty grey to blue-green, more or less turbid, waters particularly rich in dissolved bases (pH usually > 7).','Duvigneaud, 1980; Vanden Berghen, 1982; Ellenberg, 1988.','','Eaux généralement, gris sale à bleu-verdâtre, plus ou moins turbides, particulièrement riches en bases dissoutes (pH habituellement >7).','Duvigneaud, 1980 ; Vanden Berghen, 1982 ; Ellenberg, 1988.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('22.14','22.1','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Eaux dystrophes','Dystrophic waters','','Acidic waters with high humus content and often brown tinted (pH often 3-5).','Duvigneaud, 1980; Vanden Berghen, 1982; Ellenberg, 1988.','','Eaux acides caractérisées par une teneur en humus élevée, souvent colorées en brun (pH souvent de 3-5).','Duvigneaud, 1980 ; Vanden Berghen, 1982 ; Ellenberg, 1988.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('22.15','22.1','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Eaux oligo-mésotrophes riches en calcaire','Lime-rich oligo-mesotrophic waters','','Usually blue to greenish, very clear, waters poor (to moderate) in nutrients, base-rich (pH often > 7.5).','Ellenberg, 1988.','','Eaux habituellement très claires, bleues à vertes, pauvres à modérément riches en nutriments, basiques (pH souvent >7.5).','Ellenberg, 1988.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('22.2','22','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Galets ou vasières non végétalisés','Unvegetated muds or shingles','','Unvegetated lake-bottoms or lake-shores and muds or shingle temporarily exposed by artificial or natural fluctuations of the water level, often important as feeding grounds for migrating waders.','','','Fonds ou rivages des lacs non végétalisés et galets ou vases temporairement soumis aux fluctuations naturelles ou artificielles du plan d''eau, souvent importants comme sites d''alimentation des limicoles migrateurs.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('22.3','22','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Communautés amphibies','Amphibious communities','','Temporarily exposed lake bottoms or lake shores and other periodically or occasionally inundated muddy, sandy or stony basins colonized by phanerogamic vegetation (see also 22.432).','','','Fonds et bords des lacs temporairement exondés, bassins vaseux, sableux ou pierreux, périodiquement ou occasionnellement inondés, colonisés par une végétation phanérogamique (voir aussi 22.432).','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('22.31','22.3','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Communautés amphibies pérennes septentrionales','Northern perennial amphibious communities','Littorelletalia','Carpets of perennials submerged for a considerable part of the year in oligotrophic or mesotrophic lakes, ponds and pools of the Euro-Siberian zone.','Lebrun et al., 1949; Tüxen and Oberdorfer, 1958; Rivas-Martinez, 1963, 1975c; Duvigneaud, 1972, 1986; Guinochet and Vilmorin, 1973; Westhoff and den Held, 1975; Brasseur et al., 1977; Schumacker et al., 1977; Bournérias, 1979, 1984; Pignatti, 1982; Géhu, 1984; Nordiska ministerradet, 1984; Dupias, 1985; Ozenda, 1985; Duvigneaud et al., 1986; Vigo and Ninot, 1987; Ellenberg, 1988; Oberdorfer, 1990. ','Littorelletalia','Tapis de végétaux vivaces submergés pendant une grande partie de l''année par les eaux oligotrophes ou mésotrophes, de lacs, d’étangs et de mares de la région euro-sibérienne.','Lebrun et al., 1949 ; Rivas-Martinez, 1975c ; Duvigneaud, 1972, 1986 ; Guinochet et Vilmorin, 1973 ; Westhoff et den Held, 1975 ; Brasseur et al., 1977  ; Schumacker et al., 1977 ; Bournérias, 1979, 1984 ; Géhu, 1984 ; Dupias, 1985 ; Ozenda, 1985 ; Duvigneaud et al., 1986 ; Ellenberg, 1988 ; Oberdorfer, 1990.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('22.311','22.31','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Gazons de Littorelles, étangs à Lobélies, gazons d''Isoètes','Shoreweed lawns, lobelia ponds, quillwort swards','Eleocharition acicularis p. (Littorellion), Lobelion, Isoetion lacustris','Littorella uniflora, Lobelia dortmanna and Isoetes spp. formations of oligotrophic waters.','','Eleocharition acicularis p.(Littorrelion), Lobelion, Isoetion lacustris.','Formations à Littorella uniflora, Lobelia dortmanna et Isoetes spp. des eaux oligotrophes.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('22.3111','22.311','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Gazons de Littorelles','Shoreweed lawns','','Dense, almost monospecific Littorella uniflora lawns of lake shores subject to great annual variations of the water level and long emergence, and other Littorella - dominated associations.','','','Pelouses denses, généralement monospécifiques à Littorella uniflora des rives lacustres soumises à de grandes variations annuelles du niveau de l''eau et à une exondation de longue durée ; autres associations dominées par Littorella.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('22.3112','22.311','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Etangs à Lobélies','Lobelia ponds','','Lobelia dortmanna colonies of shallow oligotrophic, moderately acid ponds.','','','Colonies de Lobelia dortmanna des étangs peu profonds, modérément acides, oligotrophes.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('22.3113','22.311','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Gazons d''Isoètes euro-sibériens','Euro-Siberian quillwort swards','','Clear-water quillwort swards formed by the northern European and montane Isoetes lacustris and I. echinospora or by the very local endemics I. tenuissima of central-western France and I. brochonii of the eastern Pyrenees.','','','Gazons d''Isoètes des eaux limpides formés par les montagnardes nord-européennes Isoetes lacustris et Isoetes echinospora ou même par des endémiques locales Isoetes velata subsp. tenuissima de la France centro-occidentale et Isoetes lacustris (I. brochonii) de l''Est des Pyrénées.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('22.3114','22.311','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Communautés flottantes de Sparganium','Floating bur-reed communities','','Sparganium angustifolium formations of, in particular, sub-alpine ponds.','','','Formations à Sparganium angustifolium, caractéristiques notamment des étangs subalpins.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('22.312','22.31','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Gazons à Eleocharis en eaux peu profondes','Spike-rush shallow-water swards','Eleocharition acicularis (Eleocharitetum acicularis i.a.) p.','Eleocharis acicularis beds on more organic soils in mesotrophic waters.','','Eleocharition acicularis','Colonies d''Eleocharis acicularis sur des sols fortement organiques dans des eaux mésotrophes.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('22.313','22.31','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Gazons des bordures d''étangs acides en eaux peu profondes','Acid pool fringe shallow-water swards','Hydrocotylo-Baldellion p. (Helodo-Sparganion)','Eleocharis multicaulis, Scirpus fluitans, Juncus bulbosus, Hypericum elodes, Pilularia globulifera, Deschampsia setacea, Ranunculus flammula, R. ololeucos, Potamogeton polygonifolius, Apium inundatum, Littorella uniflora communities of acid pools and their transition zones.','','Hydrocotylo-Baldellion p. (Helodo-Sparganion)','Communautés à Eleocharis multicaulis, Scirpus fluitans, Juncus bulbosus, Hypericum elodes, Pilularia globulifera, Deschampsia setacea, Ranunculus flammula, R. ololeucos, Potamogeton polygonifolius, Apium inundatum des étangs et mares acides et de leurs zones de transition.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('22.314','22.31','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Gazons des berges tourbeuses en eaux peu profondes','Peaty shores shallow-water swards','Hydrocotylo-Baldellion p.','Baldellia ranunculoides and Hydrocotyle vulgaris formations of peaty soils.','','Hydrocotylo-Baldellion','Communautés à Baldellia ranunculoides et Hydrocotyle sur sols tourbeux.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('22.315','22.31','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Gazons à Canche des rivages','Shore hairgrass swards','Deschampsion littoralis','Deschampsia littoralis agg. formations of peri-Alpine lakes.','','Deschampsion littoralis','Formations à Deschampsia littoralis agg. des lacs péri-alpins.','','FALSE','FALSE','VG','Code parent du 22.3151.');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('22.3151','22.315','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Gazons péri-alpins à Canche des rivages','Peri-Alpine shore hairgrass swards','','Deschampsia littoralis swards of the shores of Lake Geneva and of a few lakes of the southern Alpine periphery (Lago di Poschiavo, Lago di Cavazzo).','','','Gazons à Deschampsia littoralis des berges du lac de Genève et de quelques lacs de la périphérie sud des Alpes (lac de Poschiavo, lac de Cavazzo).','','FALSE','FALSE','CH','Groupement cité dans la fiche Cahiers d''habitats 3130-2.');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('22.3152','22.315','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Lake Constance shore hairgrass swards','','Deschampsia rhenana swards of Lake Constance.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('22.32','22.3','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Gazons amphibies annuels septentrionaux','Northern dwarf annual amphibious swards','Cyperetalia fusci (Nanocyperetalia)','Dwarf oligo-mesotrophic Euro-Siberian annual communities of recently emerged muds and sands.','Lebrun et al., 1949; Rivas-Martinez, 1963; Ellenberg, 1963, 1988; Braun-Blanquet, 1967; Duvigneaud, 1972; Westhoff and den Held, 1975; Bournérias, 1979, 1984; Géhu, 1984; Duvigneaud, 1986; Duvigneaud et al., 1986; Oberdorfer, 1990.','Cyperetalia fusci (Nanocyperetalia)','Communautés de pelouses annuelles euro-sibériennes des vases et sables oligo-mésotrophes récemment émergés.','Lebrun et al., 1949 ; Ellenberg, 1963, 1988 ; Braun-Blanquet, 1967 ; Duvigneaud, 1972 ; Westhoff et den Held, 1975 ; Bournérias, 1979, 1984 ; Géhu, 1984 ; Duvigneaud, 1986 ; Duvigneaud et al., 1986 ; Oberdorfer, 1990.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('22.321','22.32','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Communautés à Eleocharis','Dwarf spike-rush communities','Elatino-Eleocharitenion ovatae','Rare communities colonising the fluid muds of drying ponds and characterised by Eleocharis ovata, E. carniolica, Carex bohemica, Lindernia procumbens, Scirpus supinus, Limosella aquatica, Cyperus fuscus, Peplis portula, Juncus tenageia, Elatine hexandra, E. hydropiper.','','Elatino-Eleocharitenion ovatae','Communautés rares colonisant les vases fluides des étangs en voie d’assèchement et caractérisées par Eleocharis ovata, Carex bohemica, Schoenoplectus supinus (Scirpus supinus), Lindernia procumbens, Limosella aquatica, Cyperus fuscus, Peplis portula, Juncus tenageia, Elatine hexandra, E. hydropiper.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('22.322','22.32','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Gazons de plantes pionnières des lettes dunaires','Dune-slack pioneer swards','Juncenion bufonii p.: Gentiano-Erythraeetum littoralis','Formations with Centaurium spp., Blackstonia perfoliata, Samolus valerandi of wet sands in dune slacks belong to this group of communities; they have been listed under 16 (16.32).','','Juncenion bufonii p. : Gentiano-Erythraeetum littoralis','Les formations avec Centaurium spp., Blackstonia perfoliata, Samolus valerandi des sables humides des lettes dunaires appartiennent à ce groupe de communautés ; elles ont été répertoriés sous 16 (16.32).','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('22.323','22.32','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Communautés naines à Juncus bufonius','Dwarf toad-rush communities','Juncenion bufonii, Radiolenion linoidis','Associations, often very limited in extent, appearing in the drying phase of temporary pools, flooded ruts of forest paths, wet heath paths, humid forest cuts, seeping mowed lawns and other sufficiently lit temporarily inundated, most often acidic, soils, characterised by Juncus bufonius, Scirpus setaceus, Cyperus flavescens, Centunculus minimus, Spergularia segetalis, Centaurium pulchellum, Blackstonia perfoliata, Samolus valerandi, Cicendia filiformis, Radiola linoides and Illecebrum verticillatum.','','Juncenion bufonii, Radiolenion linoidis','Associations d''extension souvent très réduite apparaissant au cours de la phase d''assèchement des mares temporaires, des ornières inondées ou des pistes forestières, des pistes des landes humides, des chemins forestiers humides, des pelouses mouvantes suintantes et autres sols suffisamment éclairés temporairement inondés, le plus souvent acides, caractérisés par Juncus bufonius, Isolepis setacea (Scirpus setaceus), Cyperus flavescens, Centunculus minimus, Spergularia segetalis, Centaurium pulchellum, Blackstonia perfoliata, Samolus valerandi, Cicendia filiformis, Radiola linoides et Illecebrum verticillatum.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('22.3231','22.323','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Gazons à Juncus bufonius','Toad-rush swards','','Communities dominated by Juncus bufonius.','','','Communautés dominées par Juncus bufonius.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('22.3232','22.323','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Gazons à petits Souchets','Small galingale swards','Cyperetum flavescentis, Samolo-Cyperetum fusci i.a.','Medio-European communities dominated by the annual galingales Cyperus flavescens, C. fuscus and C. michelianus.','','Cyperetum flavescentis, Samolo-Cyperetum fusci i.a.','Communautés médio-européennes dominées par les Souchets annuels Pycreus flavescens (Cyperus flavescens), C. fuscus et C. michelianus.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('22.3233','22.323','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Communautés d''herbes naines des substrats humides','Wet ground dwarf herb communities','Centunculo-Anthocerotetum, Stellario uliginosae-Scirpetum setaceae, Erythraeo-Blackstonietum, Ranunculo-Radioletum linoidis, Cicendietum filiformis, Spergulario-Illecebretum verticillati i.a.','Varied communities, some very rare and threatened, of small annuals of wet ground.','','Centunculo-Anthocerotetum, Stellario uliginosae-Scirpetum setaceae, Erythraeo-Blackstonietum, Ranunculo-Radioletum linoidis, Cicendietum filiformis, Spergulario-Illecebretum verticillati i.a.','Communautés diverses, dont certaines très rares et menacées, de petites plantes annuelles sur substrat humide.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('22.33','22.3','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Groupements à Bidens tripartitus','Bur marigold communities','Bidention tripartitae','Taller annual communities colonizing nitrogen-rich muds of dry medio-European ponds and lakes, formed by Bidens spp., Rorippa palustris, R. islandica, Chenopodium spp., Polygonum spp., Rumex maritimus, R. palustris, Ranunculus sceleratus, Senecio congestus, Catabrosa aquatica, Leersia oryzoides).','Lebrun et al., 1949; Ellenberg, 1963, 1988; Guinochet and Vilmorin, 1973; Westhoff and den Held, 1975; Schumacker et al., 1977; Géhu, 1984; Duvigneaud, 1986; Duvigneaud et al., 1986; Oberdorfer, 1990.','Bidention tripartitae','Communautés de plantes annuelles plus élevées colonisant les vases riches en azote des mares, étangs et des lacs médio-européens asséchés, constitués de Bidens spp., Rorippa palustris (R. islandica), Chenopodium spp., Polygonum spp., Rumex maritimus, R. palustris, Ranunculus sceleratus, Tephroseris palustris (Senecio congestus), Catabrosa aquatica, Leersia oryzoides.','Lebrun et al., 1949 ; Ellenberg, 1963, 1988 ; Guinochet et Vilmorin, 1973 ; Westhoff et den Held, 1975 ; Schumacker et al., 1977 ; Géhu, 1984 ; Duvigneaud, 1986 ; Duvigneaud et al., 1986 ; Oberdorfer, 1990.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('22.34','22.3','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Groupements amphibies méridionaux','Southern amphibious communities','Isoetalia','Perennial and annual communities of Mediterranean, thermo-Atlantic and Macaronesian temporary ponds and river banks.','Bolos and Molinier, 1960; Braun-Blanquet, 1967; Aubert and Loisel, 1971; Guinochet and Vilmorin, 1973; Horvat et al., 1974; Rivas-Martinez, 1975c; Bellot Rodriguez, 1979; Rivas-Martinez et al., 1980; Molinier and Martin, 1980; Harant and Jarry, 1983; Géhu, 1984; Peinardo-Lorca !xet al.!y, 1984; Ladero et al., 1984.','Isoetalia','Communautés pérennes ou annuelles des berges et des mares temporaires méditerranéennes, thermo-atlantiques et macaronésiennes.','Braun-Blanquet, 1967 ; Aubert et Loisel, 1971 ; Guinochet et Vilmorin, 1973 ; Horvat et al., 1974 ; Rivas-Martinez, 1975c ; Belot Rodriguez, 1979 ; Molinier et Martin, 1980 ; Harant et Jarry, 1983 ; Géhu, 1984.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('22.341','22.34','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Petits gazons amphibies méditerranéens','Short Mediterranean amphibious swards','Isoetion','Formations of Mediterranean, thermo-Atlantic and Macaronesian entirely or partially summer-dry ponds, pools and ditches with Isoetes spp., Marsilea quadrifolia, M. strigosa, Pilularia globulifera, P. minuta, Mentha pulegium, Lythrum hyssopifolia s.l., Trifolium filiforme, Peplis erecta, Teucrium cravense, Serapias lingua, Juncus bufonius, J. capitatus, J. pygmaeus, J. fasciculatus, Scirpus savii, sometimes (rocky edges of fast rivulets), Spiranthes aestivalis and Anagallis tenella.','','Isoetion','Formations des mares, flaques et fossés méditerranéens, thermo-atlantiques et macaronésiens entièrement ou partiellement asséchés l''été, avec Isoetes spp., Marsilea quadrifolia, M. strigosa, Pilularia globulifera, P. minuta, Mentha pulegium, Lythrum hyssopifolia s.l., Trifolium filiforme, Lythrum borysthenicum (Peplis erecta), Teucrium aristatum (T. cravense), Serapias lingua, Juncus bufonius, J. capitatus, J. pygmaeus, Isolepis cernua (Scirpus savii), et quelquefois (rochers des bords des ruisselets rapides) Spiranthes aestivalis et Anagallis tenella.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('22.3411','22.341','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Groupements terrestres à Isoètes','Terrestrial quillwort communities','','Isoetes histrix, I. duriei formations of ephemeral waters.','','','Formations à Isoetes histrix, I. duriaei des milieux aquatiques éphémères.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('22.3412','22.341','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Gazons méditerranéens aquatiques à Isoètes','Mediterranean aquatic quillwort swards','','Communities formed by Isoetes boryana, I. delilei, I. heldreichii, I. velata, I. azorica or I. malinverniana in fluctuating waterbodies.','','','Groupements constitués par Isoetes boryana, I. setacea (I. delilei) ou I. velata des pièces d’eau à niveau variable.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('22.3413','22.341','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Azorean quillwort swards','','Endemic Isoetes azorica communities of pools and small lakes of the Azores.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('22.3414','22.341','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Gazons méditerranéens à Cyperus','Mediterranean small galingale swards','','Mediterranean and thermo-Atlantic formations dominated by Cyperus fuscus, C. flavescens or C. michelianus.','','','Formations méditerranéennes et thermo-atlantiques dominées par Cyperus fuscus, Pycreus flavescens (C. flavescens) ou C. michelianus.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('22.3415','22.341','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Gazons méditerranéens à Fimbristylis','Mediterranean Fimbristylis swards','','Formations dominated by Fimbristylis bisumbellata, often with Cyperus spp..','','','Formations dominées par Fimbristylis bisumbellata, souvent avec Cyperus spp.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('22.3416','22.341','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Mediterranean Chaetopogon swards','','Formations dominated by Chaetopogon fasciculatus.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('22.3417','22.341','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Groupements à Spiranthes et Anagallis','Bog pimpernel-summer lady''s tresses communities','Spirantho-Anagalletum tenellae','Formations of the sandy, rocky edges of rivulets of the Mediterranean region.','','Spirantho-Anagalletum tenellae','Formations des bordures sableuses ou rocheuses des ruisselets de la région méditerranéenne.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('22.3418','22.341','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Groupements méditerranéens amphibies à plantes de taille réduite','Mediterranean amphibious small herb communities','','Other, often highly ephemereal, annual communities of temporarily inundated or wet terrain.','','','Autres groupements annuels, souvent très éphémères, des terrains temporairement inondés ou humides.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('22.342','22.34','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Grands gazons méditerranéens amphibies','Tall Mediterranean amphibious swards','Preslion cervinae','Vegetation of tall annuals of terrain covered by deep waters during long periods, with Eryngium corniculatum and Mentha cervina.','','Preslion cervinae','Végétation de grandes annuelles des terrains couverts par des eaux profondes pendant de longues périodes, avec Mentha cervina.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('22.343','22.34','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Gazons méditerranéens amphibies halo-nitrophiles','Halo-nitrophile Mediterranean amphibious swards','Heleochloion','Slighly halophile and nitrophile post-estival vegetation of temporarily inundated terrains, with Crypsis schoenoides, C. aculeata, C. alopecuroides and Centaurium spicatum.','','Heleochloion','Végétation post-estivale légèrement halophile et nitrophile des terrains temporairement inondés, avec Crypsis schoenoides, C. aculeata, C. alopecuroides et Centaurium spicatum.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('22.344','22.34','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Prairies à Serapias','Serapias grasslands','Serapion','Meso-hygrophile grasslands of crystalline Provence, with Carex divisa ssp. chaetophylla, often dominant, Briza minor, Oenanthe lachenalii and numerous Serapias (S. lingua, S. neglecta, S. vomeracea).','','Serapion','Prairies méso-hygrophiles de la Provence cristalline, avec Carex divisa subsp. chaetophylla, souvent dominant, Briza minor, Oenanthe lachenalii et de nombreux Serapias (S. lingua, S. neglecta, S. vomeracea).','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('22.4','22','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Végétations aquatiques','Aquatic vegetation','','Areas of lakes, ponds, pools or canals occupied by floating or permanently submerged vegetation.','','','Régions de lacs, d''étangs, de marais ou de canaux occupés par une végétation flottante ou constamment immergée.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('22.41','22.4','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Végétations flottant librement','Free-floating vegetation','Lemnion minoris (Hydrocharition)','Free-floating surface communities of waters more or less rich in nutrients.','Ellenberg, 1963, 1988; Duvigneaud, 1972; Guinochet and Vilmorin, 1973; Westhoff and den Held, 1975; Rivas-Martinez, 1975c; Noirfalise and Dethioux, 1977; Rivas-Martinez et al., 1980; Vanden Berghen, 1982; Margot, 1983; Peinardo Lorca et al., 1984; Géhu, 1984; Oberdorfer, 1990.','Lemnion minoris (Hydrocharition)','Communautés flottant librement à la surface des eaux, plus ou moins riches en nutriments.','Ellenberg, 1963, 1988 ; Duvigneaud, 1972 ; Guinochet et Vilmorin, 1973 ; Westhoff et den Held, 1975 ; Rivas-Martinez, 1975c ; Noirfalise et Dethioux, 1977  ; Vanden Berghen, 1982 ; Margot, 1983 ; Géhu, 1984 ; Oberdorfer, 1990.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('22.411','22.41','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Couvertures de Lemnacées','Duckweed covers','','Communities of duckweed (Lemna, Spirodela, Wolffia), small ferns (naturalized Azolla) or liverworts (Riccia, Ricciocarpus).','','','Communautés de Lemnacées (Lemna, Spirodela, Wolffia), de petites fougères (Azolla naturalisées) ou d''Hépatiques (Riccia, Ricciocarpus).','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('22.412','22.41','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Radeaux d''Hydrocharis','Frogbit rafts','','Formations rich in Hydrocharis morsus-ranae.','','','Formations riches en Hydrocharis morsus-ranae.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('22.413','22.41','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Radeaux de Stratiotes','Water-soldier rafts','','Formations dominated by Stratiotes aloides.','','','Formations dominées par Stratiotes aloides.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('22.414','22.41','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Colonies d''Utriculaires','Bladderwort colonies','','Formations of bladderworts (Utricularia australis, U. vulgaris).','','','Formations d''Utriculaires (Utricularia australis, U. vulgaris).','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('22.415','22.41','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Couvertures de Salvinia','Salvinia covers','','Often dense and extensive mats dominated by the fern Salvinia natans.','','','Tapis souvent denses et étendus dominés par la fougère Salvinia natans.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('22.416','22.41','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Groupements à Aldrovanda','Aldrovanda communities','','Formations harbouring the carnivorous, free-floating Droseraceae Aldrovanda vesiculosa. ','','','Formations abritant la Droséracée carnivore, flottant librement Aldrovanda vesiculosa.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('22.42','22.4','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Végétations enracinées immergées','Rooted submerged vegetation','Potamogetonion (Potamion)','Pondweed (Potamogeton)-dominated formations of submerged, rooted, perennial phanerogams with often emerging flower spikes.','Ellenberg, 1963, 1988; Duvigneaud, 1972; Horvat et al., 1974; Westhoff and den Held, 1975; Rivas-Martinez, 1975c; Brasseur et al., 1977; Bellot Rodriguez, 1979; Bournérias, 1979, 1984; Margot, 1983; Géhu, 1984; Peinardo Lorca et al., 1984; Delescaille, 1987; Oberdorfer, 1990.','Potamogetonion (Potamion)','Formations, dominées par des Potamots (Potamogeton), des phanérogames pérennes immergées, enracinées dont émergent souvent les épis de fleurs.','Ellenberg, 1963, 1988 ; Duvigneaud, 1972 ; Horvat et al., 1974 ; Westhoff et den Held, 1975 ; Rivas-Martinez, 1975c ; Brasseur et al., 1977 ; Bellot Rodriguez, 1979 ; Bournérias, 1979, 1984 ; Margot, 1983 ; Géhu, 1984 ; Oberdorfer, 1990.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('22.421','22.42','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Groupements de grands Potamots','Large pondweed beds','Magnopotamion','Associations of large pondweeds (Potamogeton lucens, P. praelongus, P. zizii, P. perfoliatus) characteristic of deep, open waters.','','Magnopotamion','Associations de grands Potamots (Potamogeton lucens, P. praelongus, P. zizii, P. perfoliatus) caractéristiques des eaux libres, profondes.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('22.422','22.42','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Groupements de petits Potamots','Small pondweed communities','Parvopotamion','Formations of smaller pondweeds, waterweed, hornwort, and other submerged rooted vegetation (Potamogeton crispus, P. filiformis, P. pusillus group, Groenlandia densa, Ranunculus circinatus, Ceratophyllum, Elodea, Najas, Zannichellia, Vallisneria, Hydrilla) that colonize shallower, more sheltered waters.','','Parvopotamion','Formations de Potamots plus petits, de Renoncules, de Cératophylles et autres plantes subaquatiques enracinées (Potamogeton crispus, P. filiformis, P. du groupe pusillus, Groenlandia densa, Ranunculus circinatus, Ceratophyllum, Elodea, Najas, Zannichellia, Vallisneria) qui colonisent ces eaux moins profondes, plus abritées.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('22.43','22.4','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Végétations enracinées flottantes','Rooted floating vegetation','Nymphaeion albae, Callitricho-Batrachion, Potamion graminei','Formations dominated by rooted aquatic plants with floating leaves.','Ellenberg, 1963, 1988; Westhoff and den Held, 1975; Rivas-Martinez, 1975; Noirfalise and Dethioux, 1977; Brasseur et al., 1977, 1978; Bournérias, 1979, 1984; Bellot Rodriguez, 1979; Margot, 1983; Géhu, 1984; Peinardo Lorca et al., 1984; Oberdorfer, 1990.','Nymphaeion albae, Callitricho-Batrachion, Potamion graminei','Formations dominées par des plantes aquatiques enracinées avec des feuilles flottantes.','Ellenberg, 1963, 1988 ; Westhoff et den Held, 1975 ; Rivas-Martinez, 1975 ; Noirfalise et Dethioux, 1977 ; Brasseur et al., 1977, 1978 ; Bournérias, 1979, 1984 ; Bellot Rodriguez, 1979 ; Margot, 1983 ; Géhu, 1984 ; Oberdorfer, 1990.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('22.431','22.43','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Tapis flottant de végétaux à grandes feuilles','Floating broad-leaved carpets','Nymphaeion albae','Formations of rooted aquatic plants with large floating leaves, often with a stratum of submerged species (Ceratophyllum, Myriophyllum, Potamogeton) and occasionally free-floating Utricularia, characteristic of large, permanent water bodies.','','Nymphaion albae','Formations de plantes aquatiques enracinées à grandes feuilles flottantes, présentant souvent accompagnées d’une strate d''espèces immergées (Ceratophyllum, Myriophyllum, Potamogeton) et, occasionnellement des Utricularia flottant librement. Ces formations sont caractéristiques des grands bassins d''eau permanents.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('22.4311','22.431','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Tapis de Nénuphars','Waterlily carpets','','Formations of Nymphaea alba, N. candida, Nuphar lutea or N. pumila.','','','Formations de Nymphaea alba, N. candida, Nuphar lutea ou N. pumila.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('22.4312','22.431','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Tapis de chataîgnes d''eau','Water chestnut carpets','','Formations of Trapa natans.','','','Formations de Trapa natans.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('22.4313','22.431','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Tapis de Nymphoides','Fringed waterlily carpets','','Formations of Nymphoides peltata.','','','Formations de Nymphoides peltata.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('22.4314','22.431','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Tapis de Potamot flottant','Broad-leaved pondweed carpets','','Formations of Potamogeton natans.','','','Formations à Potamogeton natans.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('22.4315','22.431','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Tapis de Renouées','Bistort carpets','','Formations of Polygonum amphibium.','','','Formations de Polygonum amphibium.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('22.432','22.43','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Communautés flottantes des eaux peu profondes','Shallow-water floating communities','Callitricho-Batrachion','Communities dominated by water starworts (Callitriche) or water crowfoots (Ranunculus peltatus, R. aquatilis, R. baudotii, R. hederaceus) with both submerged and floating leaves, or by Hottonia palustris, characteristic mostly of shallow waters with fluctuating water levels, susceptible to occasional drying.','','Callitricho-Batrachion','Communautés dominées par des Callitriches (Callitriche) ou par des Renoncules aquatiques (Ranunculus peltatus, R. aquatilis, R. baudotii, R. hederaceus) ayant des racines immergées et des feuilles flottantes, ou par Hottonia palustris. Ces communautés sont principalement caractéristiques des eaux peu profondes sujettes à des fluctuations du niveau de l''eau et susceptibles d''être occasionnellement à sec.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('22.433','22.43','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Groupements oligotrophes de Potamots','Oligotrophic pondweed communities','Potamion graminei','Sparse formations of narrow-leaved floating pondweeds (Potamogeton polygonifolius, P. gramineus, P. alpinus), water starworts (Callitriche), water crowfoots (Ranunculus ololeucos, R. omiophyllus), floating water plantain (Luronium natans), least bur-reed (Sparganium minimum) of shallow, oligotrophic, clean, fluctuating, but usually permanent, often small, waterbodies','','Potamion graminei','Formations clairsemées de Potamots à feuilles flottantes étroites (Potamogeton polygonifolius, P. gramineus, P. alpinus), de Callitriches (Callitriche), de Renoncules d''eau (Ranunculus ololeucos, R. omiophyllus), de Plantain d''eau flottant (Luronium natans), de rubanier nain (Sparganium minimum) des bassins d''eaux peu profondes, oligotrophes, propres, à niveau fluctuant mais généralement permanentes, constituant souvent de petits plans d’eau.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('22.44','22.4','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Tapis immergés de Characées','Chandelier algae submerged carpets','Charetea fragilis','Charophyte, Chara and Nitella, algal carpets of the bottom of unpolluted lime-rich lakes.','Westhoff and den Held, 1975; Peinardo Lorca et al., 1984; Ellenberg, 1988; Oberdorfer, 1990.','Charetea fragilis','Tapis algaux de Charophytes, Chara et Nitella des fonds de lacs non pollués riches en calcaire.','Westhoff et den Held, 1975 ; Ellenberg, 1988 ; Oberdorfer, 1990.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('22.441','22.44','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Tapis de Chara','Chara carpets','','','','','','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('22.442','22.44','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Tapis de Nitella','Nitella carpets','','','','','','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('22.45','22.4','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Mares de tourbières à Sphaignes et Utriculaires','Peatmoss-bladderwort bog pools','Sphagno-Utricularion (Utricularion intermedio-minoris)','Floating formations of Sphagnum, Scorpidium, Utricularia minor, U. intermedia, U. ochroleuca, typical habitat of Sparganium minimum.','Ellenberg, 1988; Oberdorfer, 1990.','Sphagno-Utricularion (Utricularion intermedio-minoris)','Formations flottantes de Sphagnum, Scorpidium, Utricularia minor, U. intermedia, U. ochroleuca, habitat typique de Sparganium minimum.','Ellenberg, 1988 ; Oberdorfer, 1990.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('22.5','22','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Masses d''eau temporaires','Temporary water bodies','','Bodies of water that are completely and recurrently emptied of water for part of the time such as Irish furloughs. The characteristics of each stage of the cycle can be defined by use of codes 22.1, 22.2, 22.3, 22.4, and, if appropriate 37, 38, 53, 54, or 8.','','','Pièces d''eau s’asséchant complètement et périodiquement de manière intermittente comme les turloughs irlandais. Les caractéristiques de chaque stade du cycle peuvent être définis en utilisant les codes 22.1, 22.2, 22.3, 22.4, et, si cela est approprié, 37, 38, 53, 54 ou 8.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('23','2','2','Niveau 2','TRUE','Eaux stagnantes, saumâtres et salées','Standing brackish and salt water','','Brackish, saline or hypersaline lakes, pools and ditches.','','','Lacs, mares et fossés saumâtres, salés et hypersalés.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('23.1','23','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Eaux saumâtres ou salées sans végétation','Unvegetated brackish and salt waters','','Open water with no or no detected floating or submerged vegetation other than algae.','','','Eau libre sans végétation flottante ou immergée (ou non détectée) autre que des algues.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('23.11','23.1','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Eau libre sans tapis de Charophytes','Open water without charophyte carpets','','','','','','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('23.12','23.1','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Tapis algual de Charophyte','Charophyte algal carpets','','','','','','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('23.2','23','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Eaux saumâtres ou salées végétalisées','Vegetated brackish and salt waters','','Expanses of water with submerged or emergent vascular vegetation.','','','Pièces d''eau abritant une végétation vasculaire immergée ou émergée.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('23.21','23.2','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Formations immergées des eaux saumâtres ou salées','Submerged formations','','','','','','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('23.211','23.21','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Groupements à Ruppia','Tasselweed communities','Ruppion maritimae p.','Ruppia, Zannichellia and Najas beds with associated Ranunculus baudotii, Potamogeton pectinatus and Callitriche spp.','Westhoff and den Held, 1975; Molinier and Martin, 1980; Rivas-Martinez et al., 1980; Nordiska ministerradet, 1984; Polunin and Walters, 1985; Peinado Lorca and Rivas-Martinez, 1987.','Ruppion maritimae p.','Herbiers de Ruppia, Zannichellia et Najas associée avec Ranunculus baudotii, Potamogeton pectinatus et Callitriche spp.','Westhoff et den Held, 1975 ; Molinier et Martin, 1980 ; Polunin et Walters, 1985  ; Peinado Lorca et Rivas-Martinez, 1987.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('23.212','23.21','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Communautés lagunaires de végétation marine','Lagoon communities of marine vegetation','','Zostera, Posidonia, Cymodocea beds of coastal lagoons.','','','Végétation à Zostera, Posidonia, Cymodocea des lagons côtiers.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('23.22','23.2','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Scirpaies naines lagunaires','Lagoon dwarf spike-rush beds','Scirpion parvuli p.','Emergent formations of Eleocharis parvula.','Nordiska ministerradet, 1984.','Scirpion parvuli p.','Formations émergentes d’Eleocharis parvula.','Nordiska ministerradet, 1984.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('24','2','2','Niveau 2','TRUE','Eaux courantes','Running water','','All rivers and streams.','','','Toutes les rivières et tous les cours d''eau.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('24.1','24','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Lits des rivières','River course','','River courses, regardless of submerged vegetation. The subdivisions are based on slope, width and water temperature according to usual ichthyological practice. Classifications based on flora, such as that of Holmes (1983) for British streams, give broadly similar results. For each of the divisions below, subdivisions can be introduced to take into account the morphodynamics of the stream as proposed, for instance, by Malavoi (1989).','Lelek, 1980; Philippart and Vranken, 1983; Holmes, 1983; Malavoi, 1989.','','Lits de rivières quelle que soit la végétation immergée. Les subdivisions sont basées sur la pente, la largeur et la température de l''eau en fonction des pratiques habituelles de l''ichtyologie. Les classifications basées sur la végétation, comme celle de Holmes (1983) pour les rivières britanniques donnent des résultats généralement identiques. Pour chacune des divisions ci-dessous, des subdivisions peuvent être introduites pour tenir compte des paramètres morphodynamiques du courant comme l’a proposé, par exemple, Malavoi, 1989.','Lelek, 1980 ; Philippart et Vranken, 1983 ; Holmes, 1983 ; Malavoi, 1989.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('24.11','24.1','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Ruisselets','Rivulets','','The highest reaches of mountain rivulets. Crenon zone.','','','Têtes des ruisselets de montagne. Zone du crénon.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('24.12','24.1','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Zone à Truites','Trout zone','','Upper and middle (epirhitral and metarhitral) zones of mountain and hill creeks. "Group D" rivers of Holmes (1983).','','','Zones supérieure et moyenne (épirhitron et métarhitron) des cours d''eau montagnards et collinéens. Rivières du "groupe D" selon Holmes (1983).','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('24.13','24.1','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Zone à Ombres','Grayling zone','','Lower (hyporhitral) zone of mountain and hill creeks. "Group C" rivers of Holmes (1983).','','','Zone inférieure (hyporhitron) des cours d''eau montagnards et collinéens. Rivières du "groupe C" selon Holmes (1983).','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('24.14','24.1','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Zone à Barbeaux','Barbel zone','','Upper (epipotamal) zone of lowland rivers. "Group B" rivers of Holmes (1983).','','','Zone supérieure (épipotamon) des rivières de plaine. Rivières du "groupe B" selon Holmes (1983).','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('24.15','24.1','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Zone à Brèmes','Bream zone','','Middle and lower (metapotamal and hypopotamal) zones of lowland rivers. "Group A" rivers of Holmes (1983).','','','Zones moyenne et inférieure (métapotamon et hypopotamon) des rivières de plaines. Rivières du "groupe A" selon Holmes (1983).','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('24.16','24.1','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Cours d''eau intermittents','Intermittent streams','','Watercourses of which the flow is interrupted for part of the year, leaving a dry bed or pools; conditions during the period of flow can be indicated by one of the previous codes.','','','Cours d''eau dont l’écoulement est interrompu une partie de l''année, laissant le lit à sec ou avec des flaques ou des mares ; les conditions durant la période d‘écoulement peuvent être précisées par l’un des codes précédents.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('24.2','24','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Bancs de graviers des cours d''eau','River gravel banks','','Small stone deposits of river beds.','','','Dépôts de petites pierres dans le lit des rivières.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('24.21','24.2','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Bancs de graviers sans végétation','Unvegetated river gravel banks','','Gravel banks devoid of vegetation.','','','Bancs de graviers des cours d’eau dépourvus de végétation.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('24.22','24.2','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Bancs de graviers végétalisés','Vegetated river gravel banks','Epilobietalia fleischeri (Myricarietalia germanicae) i.a.','Gravel banks of rivers occupied by specialized pioneer vegetation, at least in alpine and Mediterranean water courses, as well as any subsequent stages in the colonization sequence.','Lebrun et al., 1949; Ellenberg, 1963, 1988; Archiloque et al., 1969; Guinochet and Vilmorin, 1973; Braun-Blanquet, 1973b; Molinier and Martin, 1980; Vanden Berghen, 1982; Géhu, 1984; Polunin and Walters, 1985; Oberdorfer, 1990.','Epilobietalia fleischeri (Myricarietalia germanicae) i.a.','Bancs de graviers des rivières occupés par une végétation pionnière spécialisée, au moins dans les cours d''eau alpins et méditerranéens, ainsi que toute autre étape de la série de colonisation.','Lebrun et al., 1949 ; Ellenberg, 1963, 1988 ; Archiloque et al., 1969 ; Guinochet et Vilmorin, 1973 ; Braun-Blanquet, 1973b ; Molinier et Martin, 1980  ; Vanden Berghen, 1982 ; Géhu, 1984 ; Polunin et Walters, 1985 ; Oberdorfer, 1990.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('24.221','24.22','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Groupements d''Epilobes des rivières subalpines','Subalpine willowherb stream community','Epilobietum fleischeri','Subalpine and abyssal stations of herbaceous or suffrutescent vegetation with Epilobium fleischeri, Saxifraga aizoides, S. caerulea, Gypsophila repens, Dryas octopetala).','','Epilobietum fleischeri','Stations subalpines et abyssales de végétations herbacées ou suffrutescentes avec Epilobium fleischeri, Saxifraga aizoides, S. caerulea, Gypsophila repens, Dryas octopetala.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('24.222','24.22','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Groupements alpins des bancs de graviers','Alpine gravel bed community','Chondrilletum chondrilloidis','Open and unstable groupings of alpine and subalpine plants colonizing the downstream edge of gravel islands in mountain streams, including Chondrilla chondrilloides.','','Chondrilletum chondrilloidis','Groupements ouverts et instables de végétaux alpins et subalpins colonisant le bord aval des îlots de graviers dans les cours d''eau de montagne, renfermant Chondrilla chondrilloides.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('24.223','24.22','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Broussailles de Saules et de Myricaire germanique','Willow-tamarisk brush','Salici-Myricarietum','Myrica germanica and Salix spp. formations of montane or dealpine river gravels (44.111).','','Salici-Myricarietum','Formations à Myrica germanica et Salix spp. des graviers fluviatiles montagnards et déalpins (44.111).','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('24.224','24.22','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Fourrés et bois des bancs de graviers','Gravel bank thickets and woods','','Salix, Hippophae, Alnus or Betula thickets or woods on stream gravels, which can be further described by use of the codes of 44.','','','Bois ou fourrés de Salix, Hippophae, Alnus ou Betula installés sur les graviers alluviaux ; ils peuvent être décrits plus en détail en utilisant les codes de 44.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('24.225','24.22','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Lits de graviers méditerranéens','Mediterranean gravel beds','Glaucion flavi','Formations with tamarisk (Myricaria germanica), rocket (Erucastrum nasturtiifolium), yellow horned-poppy (Glaucium flavum), evening primrose (Oenothera biennis) of Mediterranean gravel beds.','','Glaucion flavi','Formations avec Myricaria germanica, Erucastrum nasturtiifolium, pavot cornu (Glaucium flavum), Oenothera biennis des lits de graviers des cours d’eau méditerranéens.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('24.226','24.22','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Graviers des rivières de plaine','Lowland river gravels','','Less specialized communities of lowland and hill river gravels (e.g. Filipendulo-Petasition).','','','Groupements moins spécialisés des graviers des rivières de plaines et de collines (par ex. Filipendulo-Petasition).','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('24.3','24','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Bancs de sable des rivières','River sand banks','','Sand deposits in river beds, particularly significant in large river systems such as the Loire.','','','Dépôts de sables dans les lits de cours d’eau, particulièrement importants dans les grands systèmes fluviaux tels que celui de la Loire.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('24.31','24.3','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Bancs de sable des rivières sans végétation','Unvegetated river sand banks','','River sand banks devoid of vegetation.','','','Bancs de sable riverains dépourvus de végétation.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('24.32','24.3','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Bancs de sable riverains pourvus de végétation','Vegetated river sand banks','','Sparsely-vegetated to wooded sand banks of large rivers. Appropriate codes from 22.3, 31 and 44 can be used to precise habitats.','','','Bancs de sable peu végétalisés ou boisés des grandes rivières. Les codes appropriés de 22.3, 31 et 44 peuvent être utilisés pour préciser les habitats.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('24.4','24','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Végétation immergée des rivières','Submerged river vegetation','Ranunculion fluitantis','Beds of water crowfoots, pondweeds, water starworts and other aquatic vegetation of streams comprising in particular Butomus umbellatus f. valisneriifolius, Callitriche cophocarpa, C. hamulata, C. obtusangula, C. stagnatilis, Groenlandia densa, Potamogeton coloratus, P. helveticus, P. natans var. prolixus, P. nodosus, Ranunculus fluitans, R. penicillatus, R. trichophyllus, Sagittaria sagittifolia var. vallisneriifolia, Schoenoplectus lacustris var. fluitans, Sparganium emersum ssp. fluitans. For fringing vegetation use codes of 53.','Ellenberg, 1963, 1988; Noirfalise and Dethioux, 1977; Haslam, 1978; Bournérias, 1979, 1984; Haslam and Wolseley, 1982; Mériaux, 1982; Holmes, 1983; Polunin and Walters, 1985; Wolff, 1987; Peinado Lorca and Rivas-Martinez, 1987; Oberdorfer, 1990.','Ranunculion fluitantis','Tapis de Renoncules aquatiques, de Potamots, de Callitriches et autres plantes aquatiques des cours d''eau comprenant en particulier Butomus umbellatus f. vallisneriifolius, Callitriche cophocarpa, C. hamulata, C. obtusangula, C. stagnatilis, Groenlandia densa, Potamogeton coloratus, P. pedinatus, P. natans var. prolixus, P. nodosus, Ranunculus fluitans, R. penicillatus, R. trichophyllus, Sagittaria sagittifolia var. vallisneriifolia, Schoenoplectus lacustris, var. fluitans, Sparganium emersum subsp. fluitans. Pour la végétation de bordure, se rapporter aux codes de 53.','Ellenberg, 1963, 1988 ; Noirfalise et Dethioux, 1977 ; Haslam, 1978 ; Bournérias, 1979, 1984 ; Haslam et Wolseley, 1982 ; Mériaux, 1982 ; Holmes, 1983 ; Polunin et Walters, 1985 ; Wolff, 1987 ; Peinado Lorca et Rivas-Martinez, 1987 ; Oberdorfer, 1990.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('24.41','24.4','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Végétation des rivières oligotrophes acidiphiles','Acid oligotrophic river vegetation','','Communities characterized in particular by Myriophyllum alternifolium, Potamogeton polygonifolius, Callitriche hamulata, Littorella uniflora.','','','Groupements caractérisés en particulier par Myriophyllum alternifolium, Potamogeton polygonifolius, Callitriche hamulata, Littorella uniflora.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('24.42','24.4','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Végétation des rivières oligotrophes riches en calcaire','Lime-rich oligotrophic river vegetation','','Communities characterized in particular by Potamogeton coloratus and Chara hispida.','','','Groupements caractérisés en particulier par Potamogeton coloratus et Chara hispida.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('24.43','24.4','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Végétation des rivières mésotrophes','Mesotrophic river vegetation','','Communities characterized in particular by Sium erectum f. submersa, Mentha aquatica f. submersa, Groenlandia densa, Ranunculus peltatus, R. penicillatus, R. trichophyllus, Callitriche truncata, C. stagnalis.','','','Groupements caractérisés en particulier par Berula erecta (Sium erectum f. submersa), Mentha aquatica f. submersa, Groenlandia densa, Ranunculus peltatus, R. penicillatus, R. trichophyllus, Callitriche truncata, C. stagnalis.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('24.44','24.4','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Végétation des rivières eutrophes','Eutrophic river vegetation','','Communities characterized in particular by Ranunculus fluitans, Zannichellia palustris f. fluviatilis, Potamogeton nodosus, Callitriche obtusangula and the moss Fontinalis antipyretica.','','','Groupements caractérisés en particulier par Ranunculus fluitans, Zannichellia palustris f. fluviatilis, Potamogeton nodosus, Callitriche obtusangula, Fontinalis antipyretica.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('24.5','24','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Dépôts d''alluvions fluviatiles limoneuses','River mud banks','','Alluvial muds exposed by stream level fluctuations (see also 37.7).','','','Vases alluviales exondées du fait des fluctuations du niveau des cours d''eau (voir alors 37.7).','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('24.51','24.5','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Dépôts nus d''alluvions fluviatiles limoneuses','Unvegetated river mud banks','','Bare alluvial muds.','','','Vases alluviales dépourvues de végétation.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('24.52','24.5','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Groupements euro-sibériens annuels des vases fluviatiles','Euro-Siberian annual river mud communities','Bidention p., Chenopodion rubri p.','Pioneer formations of annuals on nitrogen-rich muds of middle European rivers (Bidens spp., Rorippa spp., Chenopodium spp., Polygonum spp., Xanthium spp.).','Lebrun et al., 1949; Ellenberg, 1963; Guinochet and Vilmorin, 1973; Géhu, 1984; Duvigneaud, 1986; Oberdorfer, 1990.','Bidention p., Chenopodion rubri p.','Formations pionnières de plantes annuelles sur alluvions riches en azote des rivières d’Europe moyenne (Bidens spp., Rorippa spp., Chenopodium spp., Polygonum spp., Xanthium spp.).','Lebrun et al., 1949 ; Ellenberg, 1963 ; Guinochet et Vilmorin, 1973 ; Géhu, 1984 ; Duvigneaud, 1986 ; Oberdorfer, 1990.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('24.53','24.5','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Groupements méditerranéens des limons riverains','Mediterranean river mud communities','Paspalo-Agrostidion','Nitrophilous annual and perennial grass and sedge formations of the alluvial banks of great Mediterranean rivers, with Paspalum paspaloides, P. vaginatum, Polypogon viridis (= Agrostis semiverticillata), Cyperus fuscus.','Guinochet and Vilmorin, 1973; Bellot Rodriguez, 1979; Molinier and Martin, 1980; Alcaraz Ariza and Peinado Lorca, 1987.','Paspalo-Agrostidion','Formations de laîches et de graminées nitrophiles, annuelles ou vivaces des bancs d’alluvions des rivières méditerranéennes, avec Paspalum distichum (paspalodes), P. vaginatum, Polypogon viridis (= Agrostis semiverticillata), Cyperus fuscus.','Guinochet et Vilmorin, 1973 ; Bellot Rodriguez, 1979 ; Molinier et Martin, 1980.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('3','','1','Niveau 1','TRUE','Landes, fruticées, pelouses et prairies','Scrub and grassland','','','','','','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31','3','2','Niveau 2','TRUE','Landes et fruticées','Heath and scrub','','Temperate shrubby areas: Atlantic and alpine heaths, sub-alpine bush and tall herb communities, deciduous forest recolonisation, hedgerows, dwarf conifers.','','','Etendues couvertes de végétaux ligneux bas, tempérées ; landes atlantiques et alpines, fourrés subapins et communautés de hautes herbes ; recolonisation forestière décidue, haies, résineux nains.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.1','31','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Landes humides','Wet heaths','Ericion tetralicis; Ulicion minoris p.; Genistion micrantho-anglicae p.','Humid, peaty or semi-peaty heaths (other than blanket bogs).','Lebrun et al., 1949; Ellenberg, 1963; Depasse et al., 1970; Géhu, 1973; Westhoff and den Held, 1975; Noirfalise and Vanesse, 1976; De Sloover et al., 1978; Rivas-Martinez, 1979; Gimingham et al., 1979; Bournérias, 1979; Noirfalise et al., 1980; de Smidt, 1981; Polunin and Walters, 1985.','Ericion tetralicis ; Ulicion minoris p.','Landes humides, tourbeuses ou semi-tourbeuses (autres que les tourbières de couverture).','Lebrun et al., 1949 ; Ellenberg, 1963 ; Depasse et al., 1970 ; Géhu, 1973 ; Westoff et den Held, 1975 ; Noirfalise et Vanesse, 1976 ; De Sloover et al., 1978 ; Rivas-Martinez, 1979 ; Gimingham et al., 1979 ; Bournérias, 1979 ; Noirfalise et al., 1980 ; Polunin et Walters, 1985.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.11','31.1','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Landes humides atlantiques septentrionales','Northern wet heaths','','Wet heaths with Erica tetralix and sphagnums.','','','Landes humides avec Erica tetralix et Sphaignes.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.12','31.1','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Landes humides atlantiques méridionales','Southern wet heaths','','Wet heaths with Erica tetralix and E. ciliaris and sphagnums.','','','Landes humides avec Erica tetralix, E. ciliaris et Sphaignes.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.13','31.1','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Landes humides à Molinia caerulea','Purple moorgrass wet heaths','','Degraded facies of wet heaths, dominated by Molinia caerulea','','','Faciès dégradés de landes humides, dominés par Molinia caerulea.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.2','31','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Landes sèches','Dry heaths','Calluno-Ulicetea','Mesophile or xerophile heaths on siliceous, podsolic soils in moist Atlantic and sub-Atlantic climates of plains and low mountains.','Gimingham, 1972; Géhu, 1973; Noirfalise and Vanesse, 1976; Gimingham et al., 1979; Bournérias, 1979; Noirfalise et al., 1980; Ratcliffe, 1980; Polunin and Walters, 1985; Webb, 1986.','Calluno-Ulicetea','Landes mésophiles ou xérophiles sur sols siliceux, podzoliques sous la plupart des climats atlantiques et subatlantiques des plaines et des basses montagnes.','Gimingham, 1972 ; Géhu, 1973 ; Noirfalise et Vanesse, 1976 ; Gimingham et al., 1979 ; Bournérias, 1979 ; Noirfalise et al., 1980 ; Polunin et Walters, 1985 ; Webb, 1986.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.21','31.2','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Landes submontagnardes à Vaccinium','Submontane Vaccinium heaths','Calluno-Genistion pilosae p.; Vaccinion vitis-idaeae p.','Heaths rich in Vaccinium spp., usually with Calluna vulgaris, of the northern and western British Isles, the Hercynian ranges and the lower levels of the Alps, the Pyrenees and the Cordillera Cantabrica.','Lebrun et al., 1949; Ellenberg, 1963; Schumacker, 1973; Noirfalise and Vanesse, 1976; De Sloover et al., 1978; Rivas-Martinez, 1979; Gimingham et al., 1979; Noirfalise et al., 1980; Ratcliffe, 1980; Webb, 1986; Noirfalise, 1987; Salomez, in litt. 1990.','Calluno-Genistion pilosae p. ; Vaccinion vitis-idaeae','Landes riches en Vaccinium spp., généralement avec Calluna vulgaris, des montagnes hercyniennes et des étages inférieurs des Alpes, des Pyrénées.','Lebrun et al., 1949 ; Ellenberg, 1963 ; Schumacker, 1973 ; Noirfalise et Vanesse, 1976 ; De Sloover et al., 1978 ; Rivas-Martinez, 1979 ; Gimingham et al., 1979 ; Noirfalise et al., 1980 ; Webb, 1986 ; Noirfalise, 1987.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.211','31.21','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Northern isles Vaccinium heaths','','Calluna-Empetrum hermaphroditum-Vaccinium vitis-idaea heaths of the Orkneys and Shetland.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.212','31.21','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Upland British Vaccinium heaths','','Upland Vaccinium-Empetrum heaths of northern and western Britain, with Vaccinium myrtillus or V. vitis-idaea and Empetrum nigrum or E. hermaphroditum. They can be further subdivided according to the Ratcliffe (1980) classification, as follows:','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.2121','31.212','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','British southern bilberry heaths','','Southern Vaccinium myrtillus dominated heaths characteristic of well drained sub-montane sites south of the Highlands','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.2122','31.212','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','British chionophilous bilberry heaths','','Vaccinium myrtillus dominated heaths of areas with prolonged snow cover in eastern and central Highlands, Cheviots and Moffat-Tweedsmuir hills with Empetrum hermaphroditum and Vaccinium uliginosum.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.2123','31.212','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','British species-rich bilberry heaths','','Species-rich Vaccinium myrtillus heaths with Alchemilla alpina and abundant grasses, mainly of the central and southwest Highlands, with outliers in northern English and Welsh uplands.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.2124','31.212','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','British mat-grass-bilberry heaths','','Vaccinium myrtillus-Nardus stricta heaths of northern England and Wales.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.2125','31.212','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','British mountain crowberry-bilberry heaths','','Vaccinium myrtillus heaths with abundant Empetrum hermaphroditum, Carex bigelowii, bryophytes and lichens mostly associated with large shallow snow beds in the central and western Highlands, with related outliers in England and Wales.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.2126','31.212','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','British lichen-bilberry heaths','','Vaccinium myrtillus-Empetrum heaths rich in Cetraria and Cladonia lichens, but poor in bryophytes, mostly of the eastern and central Highlands.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.2127','31.212','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','British cowberry heaths','','Vaccinium vitis-idaea heaths, generally species-poor, mainly of the Peak District and eastern Wales.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.2128','31.212','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','British ling-liverwort heaths','','Tall Calluna vulgaris-Vaccinium heaths with a ground layer dominated by leafy liverworts, characteristic of the northwest Highlands, with fragmentary stands in more southern western uplands.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.213','31.21','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Landes hercyniennes à Vaccinium','Hercynian Vaccinium heaths','','Sub-montane heaths of the Vosges, the Black Forest, the Ardennes, the Eifel and other Hercynian ranges of Germany, with Calluna vulgaris, Vaccinium myrtillus, V. vitis-idaea, V. uliginosum and montane lycopodes, Diphasiastrum spp..','','','Landes submontagnardes des Vosges, de la Forêt Noire, des Ardennes, de l''Eifel..., avec Calluna vulgaris, Vaccinium myrtillus, V. vitis-idaea, V. uliginosum et à lycopodes montagnards.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.214','31.21','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Landes submontagnardes alpiennes à Vaccinium','Sub-montane Alpine Vaccinium heaths','','Vaccinium spp. heaths of the collinar and montane levels of the Alps with, Calluna vulgaris, Artemisia alba, Silene otites, Campanula spicata and other thermophile species','','','Landes à Vaccinium spp. des étages collinéen et montagnards des Alpes avec Calluna vulgaris, Artemisia alba, Silene otites, Campanula spicata et autres espèces thermophiles.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.215','31.21','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Landes sub-montagnardes pyrénéo-cantabriques à Vaccinium','Submontane Pyreneo-Cantabrian Vaccinium heaths','','Vaccinium-rich heaths of the collinar and montane levels of the Pyrenees and the Cordillera Cantabrica.','','','Landes riches en Vaccinium des étages collinéen et montagnard des Pyrénées.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.22','31.2','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Landes sub-atlantiques à Genêt et Callune','Sub-Atlantic Calluna-Genista heaths','Calluno-Genistion pilosae p.','Low Calluna heaths often rich in Genista, mostly of the North Sea lowlands. Similar formations occurring in British upland areas, montane zones of high mountains of the western Mediterranean basin and high rainfall Adriatic influenced areas are most conveniently listed here.','Lebrun et al., 1949; Ellenberg, 1963; Depasse et al., 1970; Géhu, 1973; Westhoff and den Held, 1975; Noirfalise and Vanesse, 1976; Gruber, 1978; Gimingham et al., 1979; Bournérias, 1979; Rivas-Martinez, 1979; Noirfalise et al., 1980; Ratcliffe, 1980; Groppali et al., 1980; De Smidt, 1981; Feoli et al., 1981; Bassilana, 1984; Webb, 1986; Ardito, 1989; Salomez, in litt. 1990.','Calluno-Genistion pilosae p.','Landes basses à Callune, souvent riches en Genista, principalement représentées dans les plaines de la mer du Nord. Des formations similaires se rencontrent dans les zones montagnardes des hautes montagnes du bassin occidental de la Méditerranée...','Lebrun et al., 1949 ; Ellenberg, 1963 ; Depasse et al., 1970 ; Géhu, 1973 ; Westhoff et den Held, 1975 ; Noirfalise et Vanesse, 1976 ; Gruber, 1978 ; Gimingham et al., 1979 ; Bournérias, 1979 ; Rivas-Martinez, 1979 ; Noirfalise et al., 1980 ; Webb, 1986.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.221','31.22','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Northern Calluna-Genista heaths','','Danish, German and northern Dutch (north of the Rhine) heaths with Calluna vulgaris, Genista anglica, G. pilosa and with Vaccinium and Empetrum present.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.222','31.22','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Elbe Calluna-Genista heaths','','Elbe basin formations with Genista germanica.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.223','31.22','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Landes campino-flandriennes à Callune et Genêt','Campino-Flandrian Calluna-Genista heaths','','Southern Dutch, Belgian and northwestern French heaths with Calluna vulgaris, Genista anglica and G. pilosa.','','','Landes du nord ouest de la France (...) avec Calluna vulgaris, Genista anglica et G. pilosa.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.224','31.22','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Landes campino-flandriennes à Erica cinerea','Campino-Flandrian Erica cinerea heaths','','Erica cinerea-dominated formations of the Southern Dutch, Belgian and northwestern French range of the Calluna-Genista heaths.','','','Formations dominées par Erica cinerea du nord ouest de la France (...) des landes à Callune et Genêt.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.225','31.22','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','British Calluna-Genista heaths','','British heaths with Calluna vulgaris or Erica cinerea and often Genista anglica. They include in particular:','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.2251','31.225','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','East Anglian Calluna-Festuca heaths','','Lowland, species-poor Calluna vulgaris-Festuca ovina heaths of East Anglia and adjacent areas.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.2252','31.225','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Spring squill heath','','Maritime Calluna vulgaris-Erica cinerea heaths with Scilla verna, of the coasts of southwestern England, western Wales, Cumbria, Scotland and the isles.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.2253','31.225','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','British Calluna-Sieglingia heaths','','Species-rich Calluna vulgaris-Danthonia (Sieglingia) decumbens heaths.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.2254','31.225','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','English Calluna-Deschampsia heaths','','Species-poor Calluna vulgaris-Deschampsia flexuosa heaths of northern Pennine foothills, North Yorkshire moors and west Midlands.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.2255','31.225','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','British Calluna-bearberry heaths','','Arctostaphylos uva-ursi-Calluna vulgaris heaths with Genista anglica and often Erica cinerea and Vaccinium vitis-idaea of eastern Highlands, Teesdale, Lake District and Orkney.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.2256','31.225','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Upland Calluna-bell heather heath','','Sub-montane heather-moors dominated by Calluna vulgaris, with varying amounts of Erica cinerea and Vaccinium vitis-idaea, related to 31.212.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.2257','31.225','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Highland prostrate Calluna heath','','Wind-clipped, prostrate Calluna vulgaris or Calluna and lichen mats, of montane passes and lower summits of the Highlands and other isolated upland areas.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.2258','31.225','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Southern English Calluna-bristle bent heath','','Calluna vulgaris-Agrostis curtisii heaths of Dorset and Hampshire.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.226','31.22','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Landes montagnardes à Calluna et Genista','Montane Calluna-Genista heaths','','Heaths of the montane zone (beech forest level) of the Central Massif, Pyrenees and southwestern Alps with Genista anglica, G. pilosa, Vaccinium myrtillus','','','Landes de l’étage montagnard (étage des forêts de Hêtres) du Massif central, des Pyrénées et des Alpes sud-occidentales avec Genista anglica, G. pilosa, Vaccinium myrtillus.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.227','31.22','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Landes à Empetrum nigrum','Empetrum nigrum heaths','','Coastal non-dunal Calluna and Empetrum nigrum heaths of the Baltic, North Sea and Scotland.','','','Landes côtières, non-dunaires, à Calluna et Empetrum nigrum, de la mer du Nord...','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.228','31.22','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Illyrian heaths','','Illyrian heaths with Calluna vulgaris and Genista germanica.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.229','31.22','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Po basin heaths','','Calluna vulgaris heaths of the fluvio-glacial terraces that constitute the high plains of the Po river system.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.22A','31.22','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Landes à Genista sagittalis','Genista sagittalis heaths','','Calluna vulgaris-Genista sagittalis heaths of the southwestern Alps.','','','Landes à Calluna vulgaris et Genista sagittalis des Alpes sud-occidentales.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.23','31.2','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Landes atlantiques à Erica et Ulex','Atlantic Erica-Ulex heaths','Ulicenion minoris; Daboecenion cantabricae p.; Ulicion maritimae p.','Heaths rich in gorse (Ulex) of the Atlantic margins.','Tüxen and Oberdorfer, 1958; Dendaletche, 1973; Géhu, 1973, 1975, 1984; Noirfalise and Vanesse, 1976; Gimingham et al., 1979; Rivas-Martinez, 1979; Polunin and Walters, 1985; Webb, 1986; Izco, 1987.','Ulicenion minoris ; Daboecenion cantabricaeP. ; Ulicion maritimae p.','Landes riches en Ajoncs (Ulex) des bords de l''Atlantique.','Dendaletche, 1973 ; Géhu, 1973, 1975, 1984 ; Noirfalise et Vanesse, 1976 ; Gimingham et al., 1979 ; Rivas-Martinez, 1979 ; Polunin et Walters, 1985 ; Webb, 1986.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.231','31.23','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Landes à Ulex maritimus','Maritime gorse heaths','','Wind-swept heaths with prostrate, cushiony Ulex maritimus and numerous other maritime ecotypes (Cytisus scoparius subsp. maritimus, Ulex gallii f. humilis, Erica vagans) of the immediate proximity of the ocean: Brittany, Cornwall, Cotentin, southern Ireland, Cantabrian coast.','','','Landes balayées par le vent avec Ulex europeaus maritimus prostré, en coussinet et de nombreux autres écotypes maritimes (Cytisus scoparius spp. maritimus, Ulex gallii f. humilis, Erica vagans) à proximité immédiate de l''océan : Bretagne, Cotentin.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.232','31.23','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Gallo-Irish Ulex gallii-Erica cinerea heaths','','Widespread Irish and Welsh Atlantic heaths, with Ulex gallii and Erica cinerea.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.233','31.23','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Irish Erica mackaiana heaths','','Western Irish heaths comprising the northern, isolated, populations of Erica mackaiana.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.234','31.23','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Landes septentrionales à Erica vagans','Northern Erica vagans heaths','','Irish, Cornish and Armorican heaths, other than cushiony maritime formations, containing Erica vagans, northern irradiation of 31.241.','','','Landes armoricaines, autre que des formations en coussinet, contenant Erica vagans, irradiation septentrionale de 31.241.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.2341','31.234','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Landes armoricaines à Erica vagans','Armorican Erica vagans heaths','','Heaths of Brittany, other than prostrate coastal ones, containing the uncommon and local Erica vagans.','','','Landes de Bretagne, autres que les formations côtières prostrées, comprenant Erica vagans espèce peu commune et locale.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.2342','31.234','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Lizard Erica vagans heaths','','Extensive Erica vagans-dominated communities of the Lizard peninsula of Cornwall.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.23421','31.2342','7','Niveau 7','FALSE','','Lizard tall heath','','Erica vagans-Schoenus nigricans heath of moist, shallow depressions of the Lizard plateau, dominated by Cornish heath.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.23422','31.2342','7','Niveau 7','FALSE','','Lizard mixed heath','','Erica vagans-Ulex europaeus heath of well-drained areas of the Lizard plateau, dominated by Cornish heath and common gorse.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.235','31.23','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Landes anglo-armoricaines occidentales à Ajoncs','Anglo-Armorican western gorse heaths','','Armorican, Cotentin and western English heaths with Ulex gallii and Erica cinerea or Erica ciliaris.','','','Landes armoricaines et du Cotentin avec Ulex gallii et Erica cinerea ou Erica ciliaris.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.2351','31.235','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Landes anglo-armoricaines à Ulex gallii et Erica cinerea','Anglo-Armorican Ulex gallii-Erica cinerea heaths','','Driest variants of the Atlantic western gorse Anglo-Armorican heaths. ','','','Variantes les plus sèches des landes atlantiques anglo-armoricaines à Ajoncs.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.2352','31.235','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Landes anglo-armoricaines à Ulex gallii et Erica ciliaris','Anglo-Armorican Ulex gallii-Erica ciliaris heaths','','More mesophile western gorse heaths, marked by the replacement of Erica cinerea by E. ciliaris.','','','Landes plus mésophiles occidentales à Ajoncs, marquées par le remplacement d''Erica cinerea par E. ciliaris.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.2353','31.235','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Landes anglo-armoricaines à Ulex gallii et Calluna','Anglo-Armorican Ulex gallii-Calluna heaths','','Calluna vulgaris facies of the Anglo-Armorican western gorse heaths.','','','Faciès à Calluna vulgaris, des landes anglo-armoricaines occidentales à Ajoncs.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.2354','31.235','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Ulex gallii-bristle bent heaths','','Southern English, short, often grassy heaths in which Ulex gallii is accompanied by Erica spp. and various grasses, in particular Agrostis curtisii.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.236','31.23','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Landes pyrénéo-cantabriques à Erica mackaiana et E. ciliaris','Cantabro-Pyrenean Erica mackaiana-E. ciliaris heaths','','Heaths with Ulex gallii, Erica mackaiana, E. ciliaris, Daboecia cantabrica of the beech level of the Pyrenees and the Cantabrian chain and, very locally, of Galicia; Ulex europaeus and Erica mackaiana heaths of the calcareous Picos de Europa.','','','Landes avec Ulex gallii, E. ciliaris, Daboecia cantabrica de l''étage du Hêtre des Pyrénées.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.237','31.23','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Landes pyrénéo-cantabriques à Erica vagans et Erica cinerea','Cantabro-Pyrenean Erica vagans-E. cinerea heaths','','Heaths with Ulex gallii, Erica vagans, E. cinerea and Pseudarrhenatherum longifolium of the French and Spanish Basque coast and of the beech level of the Atlantic Pyrenees and of the Cantabrian chain, mostly on mildly acid or sightly calcareous soils.','','','Landes avec Ulex gallii, Erica vagans, E. cinerea et Pseudarrhenatherum longifolium de la Côte Basque française et de l''étage du Hêtre des Pyrénées-Atlantiques, principalement sur des sols moyennement acides ou légèrement carbonatés.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.238','31.23','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Landes anglo-normandes à Ajoncs nains','Anglo-Norman dwarf gorse heaths','','Heaths with Ulex minor and Erica cinerea or E. ciliaris of interior and oriental Brittany, the Perche, Normandy, the Paris Basin, southern and southeastern England.','','','Landes avec Ulex minor et Erica cinerea ou E. ciliaris de l''intérieur et de l’ouest de la Bretagne, du Perche, de la Normandie, du Bassin parisien...','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.2381','31.238','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Landes anglo-normandes à Ulex minor et Erica cinerea','Anglo-Norman Ulex minor-Erica cinerea heaths','','Driest variants of the dwarf gorse Anglo-Normand heaths.','','','Variantes les plus sèches des landes anglo-normandes à Ajoncs nains.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.2382','31.238','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Landes anglo-normandes à Ulex minor et Erica ciliaris','Anglo-Norman Ulex minor-Erica ciliaris heaths','','More mesophile dwarf gorse heaths, marked by the replacement of Erica cinerea by E. ciliaris.','','','Landes plus mésophiles à Ajoncs nains, marquées par le remplacement d''Erica cinerea par E. ciliaris.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.2383','31.238','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Landes anglo-normandes à Ulex minor et Calluna','Anglo-Norman Ulex minor-Calluna vulgaris heaths','','Calluna vulgaris facies of the Anglo-Normand dwarf gorse heaths.','','','Faciès à Calluna vulgaris des landes anglo-normandes à Ajoncs nains.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.239','31.23','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Landes aquitano-ligériennes à Ajoncs nains','Aquitano-Ligerian dwarf gorse heaths','','Heaths with Ulex minor and Erica cinerea, E. ciliaris or E. scoparia of Aquitaine, Saintonge, Poitou, Sologne and the Loire region.','','','Landes avec Ulex minor et Erica cinerea, E. ciliaris ou E. scoparia d''Aquitaine, de Saintonge, du Poitou, de la Sologne et de la région de la Loire.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.2391','31.239','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Landes aquitano-ligériennes à Ulex minor et Erica cinerea','Aquitano-Ligerian Ulex minor-Erica cinerea heaths','','Driest variants of the dwarf gorse Aquitano-Ligerian heaths.','','','Variantes les plus sèches des landes aquitano-ligériennes à Ajoncs nains.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.2392','31.239','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Landes aquitano-ligériennes à Ulex minor et Erica ciliaris','Aquitano-Ligerian Ulex minor-Erica ciliaris heaths','','More mesophile dwarf gorse heaths, marked by the replacement of Erica cinerea by E. ciliaris, accompanied or not by E. scoparia.','','','Landes plus mésophiles à Ajoncs nains, marquées par le remplacement d''Erica cinerea par E. ciliaris, accompagné ou non par E. scoparia.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.2393','31.239','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Landes aquitano-ligériennes à Ulex minor et Erica scoparia','Aquitano-Ligerian Ulex minor-Erica scoparia heaths','','Mesophile dwarf gorse heaths with Erica scoparia and no E. ciliaris.','','','Landes mésophiles à Ajoncs nains avec Erica scoparia mais sans Erica ciliaris.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.24','31.2','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Landes ibéro-atlantiques à Erica, Ulex et Cistus','Ibero-Atlantic Erica-Ulex-Cistus heaths','Daboecenion cantabricae p.; Ericenion umbellatae p., Ericenion aragonensis; Ulicion maritimae p.; Genistion micrantho-anglicae p.','Aquitanian heaths with rock-roses. Iberian heaths with numerous species of heathers (notably Erica umbellata, E. aragonensis) and brooms, rock-roses and often Daboecia. When the rock-roses and other Mediterranean shrubs become dominant they should be classified under sclerophyllous scrubs (32).','Tüxen and Oberdorfer, 1958; Géhu, 1973; Polunin and Smythies, 1973; Noirfalise and Vanesse, 1976; Gimingham et al., 1979; Rivas-Martinez, 1979; Penas and Diaz Gonzalez, 1985; Izco, 1987; Bayer and Lopez Gonzalez, 1989.','Daboecenion cantabricae p. ; Ulicion maritimae p. ; Genistion micrantho-anglicae p.','Landes aquitaniennes avec cistes. Quand les Cistes et les autres broussailles méditerranéennes deviennent dominants elles doivent être classées avec les fourrés sclérophylles (32).','Géhu, 1973 ; Noirfalise et Vanesse, 1976 ; Gimingham et al., 1979 ; Rivas-Martinez, 1979 ; Penas et Diaz Gonzales, 1985.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.241','31.24','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Landes gasconnes','Biscay heaths','','Coastal and collinar Erica-Ulex-Cistus heaths of the periphery of the Bay of Biscay.','','','Landes côtières et collinéennes à Erica, Ulex et Cistus de la périphérie du golfe de Gascogne.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.2411','31.241','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Landes aquitaniennes à Erica et Cistus','Aquitanian Erica-Cistus heaths','','Erica cinerea and Cistus salvifolius heaths of the Aquitanian coast, with irradiations in the Landes and to the Montagne noire and Minervois.','','','Landes à Erica cinerea et Cistus salviifolius de la côte aquitanienne, avec des irradiations dans les Landes, dans la Montagne Noire et dans le Minervois.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.2412','31.241','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Landes arides de Gascogne et de Sologne','Gascony-Sologne arid heaths','','Arid Erica cinerea heaths of interior sandy hills and dunes of the Landes of Gascony and of Sologne gravels, with Halimium alyssoides.','','','Landes arides à Erica cinerea des collines et des dunes intérieures sableuses des Landes, de Gascogne et des graviers de Sologne, avec Halimium lasianthum subsp. alyssoides.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.2413','31.241','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Northern Iberian heaths','','Erica vagans, E. cinerea and sometimes E. ciliaris heaths, with Calluna vulgaris and Ulex europaeus, of the coasts, hills and lower montane areas of the Atlantic slope of Cantabria, the Asturias and Galicia.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.242','31.24','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Luso-Galician heaths','','Atlantic Galician and Portuguese Erica cinerea, E. umbellata and Ulex europaeus heaths.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.2421','31.242','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Luso-Galician collinar heaths','','Coastal and collinar, thermo-Atlantic Galician and northern Portuguese heaths with Erica cinerea, E. umbellata , Ulex minor, U. europaeus, U. micranthus, Cistus salvifolius and Halimium alyssoides.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.2422','31.242','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Luso-Galician maritime heaths','','Cushiony heaths with Ulex europaeus ssp. latebracteatus f. humilis and Erica cinerea of cliff-tops of Galicia, north and central Portugal (southern vicariant of 31.231).','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.243','31.24','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Cabreran heaths','','Low Calluna vulgaris-rich heaths of interior northwestern mountains, limited to the Sierra de la Cabrera and the neighbouring Sierra Segundera, Pena Trevinca and Sierra del Teleno.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.2431','31.243','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Cabreran dry whin heaths','','Open, cushiony formations of Calluna vulgaris, Erica umbellata, Genista sanabrensis, Halimium umbellatum, H. alyssoides occupying dry, superficial soils.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.2432','31.243','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Cabreran mesophile whin heaths','','Formations of Calluna vulgaris, Genista carpetana, G. anglica, G. micrantha and Thymelaea coridifolia (T. dendryobryum) of wetter stations.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.244','31.24','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Galicio-Leonese heaths','','Erica aragonensis or E. umbellata heaths of the interior slopes of the Cordillera Cantabrica, of interior Galicia and of the Leonese mountains.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.2441','31.244','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Galicio-Leonese Erica aragonensis heaths','','Supra-Mediterranean Erica aragonensis heaths with Chamaespartium tridentatum, Calluna vulgaris, Halimium alyssoides of the interior slopes of the Cantabrian Cordillera, eastern Galician ranges, Leon mountains and the Sierra de Cabrera).','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.2442','31.244','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Galicio-Leonese Erica umbellata heaths','','Lower altitude heaths on the confines of Galicia and Leon dominated by Erica umbellata accompanied by Erica cinerea, Calluna vulgaris, Chamaespartium tridentatum, Halimium alyssoides, H. umbellatum and Mediterranean elements such as Lavendula stoechas ssp. pedunculata.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.2443','31.244','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Galicio-Leonese Erica cinerea heaths','','Erica cinerea-dominated variants of the Galician and Leonese heaths of 31.2442.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.245','31.24','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Oro-Castillan heaths','','Erica aragonensis heaths of the Cordillera Central and the summits of the Montes de Toledo.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.2451','31.245','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Western Cordilleran Erica aragonensis heaths','','E. aragonensis formations of the western Cordillera Central (Serra da Estrela, Sierra de Gata, Sierra de Pena de Francia) with E. umbellata, Halimium alyssoides and sometimes Juniperus nana.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.2452','31.245','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Ayllon Erica aragonensis heaths','','E. aragonensis formations of the Sierra de Ayllon with H. viscosum, H. ocymoides, Genista pilosa and, sometimes Arctostaphylos uva-ursi.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.2453','31.245','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Villuercan Erica aragonensis heaths','','Isolated summital Erica aragonensis heaths of the Montes de Toledo (Villuercas).','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.246','31.24','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Sorian heaths','','Erica aragonensis and Calluna vulgaris heath communities of the northern Iberian Range, often with Genista pilosa or, on wetter soils, G. anglica and G. micrantha.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.2461','31.246','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Sorian summital heaths','','Calluna heaths of high peaks, with Viola montcaunica.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.2462','31.246','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Sorian Erica aragonensis heaths','','Beech-zone E. aragonensis heaths with Arctostaphylos uva-ursi.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.2463','31.246','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Sorian Erica vagans heaths','','Formations of lower beech zone, with Erica vagans.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.2464','31.246','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Sorian collinar heaths','','Erica arborea, E. cinerea, Calluna vulgaris formations of acidophilous oak zone.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.247','31.24','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Cuencan heaths','','Erica aragonensis heaths of the southern Iberian Range (Valdemeca, Serrania de Cuenca) with Thymelaea subrepens.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.248','31.24','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Luso-Extremaduran heaths','','Formations rich in Erica umbellata of the meso-Mediterranean and occasionally thermo-Mediterranean zones of the western parts of the Iberian peninsula, intermediate between heath and maquis.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.249','31.24','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Erica andevalensis heaths','','Formations constituted by the local endemic Erica andevalensis on soils rich in heavy metals of the rio Odiel basin in western Andalusia.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.3','31','3','Niveau 3','FALSE','','Macaronesian heaths','','Heaths of the Canary Islands, Azores and Madeira.','Delvosalle, 1964; Duvigneaud, 1977; Page, 1979; White, 1983; Bramwell and Bramwell, 1983; Wildpret de la Torre and del Arco Aguilar, 1987; Machado, in litt.','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.31','31.3','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Canarian heaths','Andryalo-Ericetalia p.','Low and medium-tall ericaceous formations of the cloud belt of the Canary Islands.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.311','31.31','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Canarian Erica scoparia heaths','','Humid low heaths of high elevations of Tenerife (Anaga) and La Gomera (Incherada), with E. scoparia ssp. platycodon.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.312','31.31','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Canarian Erica arborea heaths','','Low and medium-tall stages of the Erica arborea, Myrica faya and Ilex canariensis formations (tall forest-like formations are listed as 45.9).','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.32','31.3','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Madeiran cloud heaths','','Sometimes fairly tall, 2-3 metre high, Erica arborea, Myrica faya, Erica scoparia, Laurus azorica, Cletura arborea and Pteridium aquilinum heaths of the cloud zone of Madeira.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.33','31.3','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Madeiran summital heaths','','Erica cinerea var. maderensis-dominated heaths of the highest peaks of Madeira.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.34','31.3','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Azorean lowland heaths','','Erica azorica, Myrica faya and Laurus azorica heaths of the lower altitudes of the Azores.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.35','31.3','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Azorean "upper woods" heaths','','Heath facies of the Erica azorica and Juniperus brevifolia "upper woods" of the Azores.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.36','31.3','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Azorean summital heaths','','Calluna vulgaris, Daboecia azorica and Thymus caespititius communities of the highest altitudes of the Azores (1200 - 1500 m).','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.4','31','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Landes alpines et boréales','Alpine and boreal heaths','','Small, dwarf or prostrate shrub formations of the alpine and sub-alpine zones dominated by ericaceous species, Dryas octopetala or dwarf junipers; Dryas heaths of the British Isles.','','','Formations d''arbrisseaux bas, nains ou prostrés des étages alpin ou subalpin dominées par des Ericacées, par Dryas octopetala ou par des genévriers nains.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.41','31.4','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Landes naines à Azalée et à Vaccinium','Dwarf azalea and Vaccinium heaths','Loiseleurio-Vaccinion','Trailing azalea, Loiseleuria procumbens, and lichen mats of high windswept localities in the Alps and Pyrenees, often with Vaccinium.','Ellenberg, 1963; Gruber, 1978; Gimingham et al., 1979; Polunin and Walters, 1985; Salomez, in litt. 1990.','Loiseleurio-Vaccinion','Landines d''Azalée naine, Loiseleuria procumbens et tapis de lichens des stations balayées par le vent dans les Alpes et les Pyrénées, souvent avec Vaccinium.','Ellenberg, 1963 ; Gruber, 1978 ; Gimingham et al., 1979 ; Polunin et Walters, 1985 ; Salomez in litt. 1990.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.411','31.41','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Landes à Loiseleuria','Loiseleuria heaths','','','','','','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.412','31.41','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Landes alpines à Vaccinium','Alpine Vaccinium heaths','','','','','','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.42','31.4','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Landes à Rhododendron','Alpenrose heaths','Rhododendro-Vaccinion','Rhododendron ferrugineum-dominated heaths of acid podsols in the Alps and Pyrenees, often with Vaccinium, sometimes with Pinus mugo. They often alternate in mosaic with 31.431 and 31.44.','Ellenberg, 1963; Gruber, 1978; Gimingham et al., 1979; Polunin and Walters, 1985.','Rhododendro-Vaccinion','Landes à Rhododendron ferrugineum dominant, développées sur des podzols acides dans les Alpes et les Pyrénées, souvent avec Vaccinium, parfois avec Pinus mugo ; ces landes alternent en mosaïques, souvent avec 31.431 et 31.44.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.43','31.4','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Fourrés à Genévriers nains','Dwarf juniper scrub','Juniperion nanae, Pino-Juniperion sabinae p., Pino-Cytision purgantis p.','Usually dense formations of prostrate junipers.','Ellenberg, 1963; Horvat et al., 1974; Gruber, 1978; Guinochet and Vilmorin, 1978; Sfikas, 1978; Gimingham et al., 1979; Strid, 1980; Pignatti, 1982; Polunin and Walters, 1985; Chiappini, 1985a; Noirfalise, 1987; Peinado Lorca and Rivas-Martinez, 1987.','Juniperion nanae, Pino-Juniperion sabinae, Pino-Cytision purgantis','Formations généralement denses de Genévriers prostrés.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.431','31.43','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Fourrés à Juniperus communis subsp. nana','Juniperus nana scrub','','Thermophile Juniperus nana-dominated heaths of the sub-alpine zone of the central and southern Alps, northern and central Apennines, Corsica, Sardinia, Forez, Pyrenees and of the upper levels of high Greek and Iberian mountains.','','','Landes à Juniperus communis subsp. nana dominant de la zone subalpine des Alpes centrales et méridionales, de Corse, du Forez et des Pyrénées.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.432','31.43','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Fourrés à Juniperus sabina','Juniperus sabina scrub','','Oro-Mediterranean J. sabina heaths of Iberia, inner Alpine valleys and rare Apennine stations.','','','Landes oro-méditerranéennes à Juniperus sabina, des vallées intra-alpines.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.433','31.43','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Fourrés à Juniperus communis subsp. hemisphaerica','Juniperus hemisphaerica scrub','','J. hemisphaerica heaths of Iberia, the southern Apennines, Sicily (Madonie, Etna) and Greece.','','','Landes à Juniperus communis subsp. hemisphaerica d''Espagne, des Apennins méridionaux, de Sicile et de Grèce. (France méridionale ?)','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.434','31.43','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Juniperus oxycedrus scrub','','J. oxycedrus heaths of high Greek mountain slopes.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.44','31.4','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Landes à Empetrum et Vaccinium','Empetrum-Vaccinium heaths','Empetro-Vaccinietum','Dwarf heaths dominated by Empetrum hermaphroditum, Vaccinium uliginosum, Arctostaphylos alpina and lycopodes (Huperzia selago, Diphasiastrum alpinum) of the Alps, Pyrenees, Central Massif, Jura, Northern Apennines.','Ellenberg, 1963; Gruber, 1978; Gimingham et al., 1979; Polunin and Walters, 1985.','Empetro-Vaccinietum','Landes naines dominées par Empetrum hermaphroditum, Vaccinium uliginosum, Arctostaphylos alpina avec des Lycopodes (Huperzia selago, Diphasiastrum alpinum), des Alpes, du Massif central, des Pyrénées, du Jura.','Ellenberg, 1963 ; Gruber, 1978 ; Gimingham et al., 1979 ; Polunin et Walters, 1985.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.45','31.4','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Boreo-alpine Scottish heaths','','Alpine heaths of the highlands and islands of Scotland, with Juniperus nana, Loiseleuria procumbens, Empetrum hermaphroditum, Arctostaphylos uva-ursi, A. alpina and elements of Alpine flora.','Ratcliffe, 1977, 1980; Gillingham et al., 1979; Noirfalise, 1987.','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.451','31.45','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Scottish bearberry-azalea heaths','','Arctostaphylos alpina-Loiseleuria procumbens facies of the boreo-alpine Scottish heaths characteristic of the northern Highlands.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.452','31.45','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Scottish crowberry-azalea heaths','','Empetrum hermaphroditum-Loiseleuria procumbens facies of the boreo-alpine Scottish heaths characteristic of the Cairngorms.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.453','31.45','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Scottish dwarf juniper heaths','','Juniperus nana facies of the boreo-alpine Scottish heaths.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.46','31.4','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Bruckenthalia heaths','','Balkanic heaths with Bruckenthalia spiculifolia, Vaccinium myrtillus.','Horvat et al., 1974; Polunin and Walters, 1985.','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.47','31.4','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Landes à Arctostaphylos uva-ursi','Bearberry heaths','Mugo-Rhodoretum hirsuti p., Juniperion nanae p., i.a.','Alpine and sub-alpine mats of Arctostaphylos uva-ursi or A. alpina.','Ellenberg, 1963, 1988.','Mugo-Rhodoretum hirsuti p., Juniperion nanae p., i.a.','Landes alpines et subalpines à Arctostaphylos uva-ursi ou A. alpina.','Ellenberg, 1963, 1988.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.48','31.4','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Landes à Rhododendron hirsutum','Hairy alpenrose heaths','Mugo-Rhodoretum hirsuti p.','Forest substitution heaths, treeline fringe formations and alpine heaths or mats dominated by Rhododendron hirsutum of calcareous soils in the Alps. Erica herbacea and Rhodothamnus chamaecistus may be constituents of the heaths.','Ellenberg, 1963, 1988.','Mugo-Rhodoretum hirsuti p.','Landes de substitution, formations de la limite des arbres et landes alpines (éventuellement prostrées) dominées par Rhododendron hirsutum et croissant sur sols calcaires dans les Alpes avec Erica herbacea.','Ellenberg, 1963, 1988 ; Noirfalise, 1987.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.49','31.4','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Tapis à Dryade','Mountain avens mats','','Dryas octopetala may form woody mats in various calcicolous alpine grasslands (36) or rock vegetations (62). If sufficiently extensive they can be listed as heaths under this heading, together with the distinctive British and Irish formations.','Ellenberg, 1963, 1988; Ratcliffe, 1980; Noirfalise, 1987.','','Dryas octopetala peut former des landines dans différents types de pelouses calcicoles alpines (36) ou des végétations de rocher (62). Si elles sont suffisamment vastes ces communautés peuvent être cataloguées comme des landes sous cet intitulé.','Ellenberg,1963, 1988 ; Noirfalise, 1987.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.491','31.49','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Tapis de Dryas de haute montagne','High montane Dryas mats','','Mats of Dryas octopetala of continental mountains, in calcicolous alpine grasslands and on high mountain rocks.','','','Tapis de Dryas octopetala, dans les pelouses alpines calcicoles et sur les rochers en haute altitude, des montagnes continentales.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.492','31.49','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Durness Dryas mats','','Northern Scottish low altitude Dryas heaths associated with Durness limestone and shell sand.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.493','31.49','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Hebridean Dryas mats','','Hebridean mixed Dryas-Arctostaphylos heaths of Durness limestones.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.494','31.49','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Burren Dryas mats','','Dryas-Arctostaphylos heaths of the Burren in western Ireland.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.495','31.49','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Highland Dryas mats','','High-altitude species-rich Dryas cliff-ledge communities of the mica-shist hills of the central Highlands of Scotland, with fragmentary outposts in Lakeland and Snowdonia.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.4A','31.4','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Apennine Vaccinium heaths','','Dwarf mats of Vaccinium myrtillus, V. uliginosum s.l. and, locally, Empetrum nigrum of the northern and central Apennines.','Pignatti, 1982; Noirfalise, 1987.','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.5','31','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Fourré bas de Pins mugo','Dwarf mountain pine scrub','Mugo-Rhodoretum hirsuti','Pinus mugo brushes of well-drained, often calcareous, soils in the Alps and Appenines, frequently accompanied by Rhododendron hirsutum, Erica herbacea, Arctostaphylos uva-ursi, A. alpina, Rhodothamnus chamaecistus.','Ellenberg, 1963, 1988; Pignatti, 1982; Richard and Pautou, 1983; Noirfalise, 1987; Maurin in litt., 1989.','Mugo-Rhodoretum hirsuti','Fourrés de Pinus mugo sur sols calcaires bien drainés des Alpes, accompagnés fréquemment de Rhododendron hirsutum, Erica herbacea, Arctostaphylos uva-ursi, A. alpina.','Ellenberg, 1963, 1988 ; Richard et Pautou, 1983 ; Noirfalise, 1987.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.51','31.5','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Fourrés bas de Pins mugo des Alpes internes','Inner Alpine dwarf mountain pine scrub','','Formations of the dry inner Alps.','','','Formations des Alpes internes sèches.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.52','31.5','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Outer Alpine dwarf mountain pine scrub','','Formations of the northern and southeastern outer Alps.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.53','31.5','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Fourrés bas de Pins mugo des Alpes sud-occidentales','South-western Alpine dwarf mountain pine scrub','','Local formations of the southwestern Alps (Haute Roya, Ligurian Alps).','','','Formations locales des Alpes sud-occidentales (Haute Roya, Alpes ligures).','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.54','31.5','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Apennine dwarf mountain pine scrub','','Rare and local Apennine formations of the Parmian Apennines, the Abruzzi and the Campanian Apennines.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.6','31','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Fourrés subalpins et communautés de hautes herbes (mégaphorbiaies)','Subalpine bush and tall herb communities','Betulo-Adenostyletea p.','Bushy facies of the tall herb communities (Betulo-Adenostyletea) of moist, rich soils mostly of the sub-alpine zone of higher mountain ranges (cf. 37.8).','Vanden Berghen, 1982.','Betulo-Adenostyletea','Faciès buissonnants de communautés de hautes herbes (Betulo-Adenostyletea) sur des sols humides, la plupart du temps riches, de la zone subalpine des secteurs de haute montagne (voir 37.8).','Vanden Berghen, 1982.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.61','31.6','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Broussailles d''Aulnes verts','Green alder brush','Alnetum viridis, Cymbalerion hepaticifoliae p.','Dense thickets of green alders characteristic of the Alps and Corsica.','Ellenberg, 1963, 1988; Gamisans, 1976, 1985; Gruber, 1978; Lambinon et al., 1978; Guittonneau and Huon, 1983; Ozenda, 1985; Polunin and Walters, 1985.','Alnetum viridis, Cymbalarion hepaticifoliae p.','Fourrés denses d''Aulnes verts, caractéristiques des Alpes et de la Corse.','Ellenberg, 1963, 1988 ; Gamisans, 1976, 1985 ; Gruber, 1978 ; Lambinon et al., 1978 ; Guittonneau et Huon, 1983 ; Ozenda, 1985 ; Polunin et Walters, 1985.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.611','31.61','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Fourrés d''Aulnes verts des Alpes','Alpine green alder scrub','Alnetum viridis','Green alder (Alnus viridis ssp. viridis)-dominated formations, rich in tall herbs, of slopes with a good water-holding capacity, mostly on siliceous soils, in the sub-alpine and lower alpine belts of the Alps.','','Alnetum viridis','Formations à Aulnes verts dominants (Alnus viridis ssp. viridis), riches en hautes herbes, des sols humides à bonne capacité de rétention en eau, la plupart du temps sur silice, aux étages subalpin et alpin inférieur des Alpes.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.612','31.61','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Broussailles corses d''Alnus viridis subsp. suaveolens','Corsican sweet alder brush','Cymbalarion hepaticifoliae, p.','One to three metre-tall brush of the Corsican endemic Alnus viridis ssp. suaveolens, sometimes accompanied by a few Sorbus aucuparia, Acer pseudoplatanus or Rhamnus alpina, limited to the moist, cool, north-facing slopes (ubacs) and, locally, to humid torrent galleries on the south-facing slopes (adrets) of the sub-alpine (1600-2100 m) belt of Corsica. ','','Cymbalarion hepaticifoliae, p.','Broussailles d''un à trois mètres de haut avec l''endémique corse A. viridis subsp. suaveolens, parfois accompagnées par Sorbus aucuparia, Acer pseudoplatanus ou Rhamnus alpina, limitées aux pentes humides et froides exposées au nord (ubacs) et, localement, aux galeries humides des torrents sur des pentes exposées au sud (adrets) de la ceinture corse subalpine (1 600 - 2 100 m).','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.62','31.6','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Fourrés de Saules','Willow brush','Salicion arbusculae (Salicion waldsteinianae) i.a.','Willow-dominated facies of the sub-alpine tall herb communities of higher medio-European mountains and of the northern British Isles.','Guinochet and Vilmorin, 1973; Ratcliffe, 1980; Polunin and Walters, 1985; Noirfalise, 1987; Vigo and Ninot, 1987; Ellenberg, 1988; Oberdorfer, 1990; Rodwell, 1991.','Salicion arbusculae (Salicion waldsteinianae)','Faciès à Saules, dominant des communautés subalpines à hautes herbes des hautes montagnes médio-européennes et du nord des Iles britanniques.','Guinochet et Vilmorin, 1973 ; Polunin et Walters, 1985 ; Noirfalise, 1987 ; Ellenberg, 1988 ; Oberdorfer, 1990 ; Rodwell, 1991.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.621','31.62','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Fourrés de Saules pyrénéo-alpiens','Pyreneo-Alpine willow brush','','Continental mountain tall herb communities dominated by willow bushes.','','','Communautés à hautes herbes des montagnes continentales dominées par des Saules.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.6211','31.621','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Brousses à Saules bas des Alpes','Alpine small willow brush','','Brushes of Salix hastata, S. glaucocinerea, S. helvetica or other small willows, similar in appearance to, and often interspersed with, green alder brush','','','Brousses à Salix hastata, S. glaucosericea, S. helvetica et autres Saules bas, d''apparence similaire et souvent parsemées de buissons d''Aulnes verts.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.6212','31.621','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Brousses alpiennes à Saules prostrés','Alpine prostrate willow brush','','Lower formations of prostrate or near-prostrate Salix alpina, S. breviserrata, S. waldsteiniana, S. caesia, S. foetida, S. glabra; formations of very small prostrate willows characteristic of snow patches (36.1) are excluded.','','','Formations plus basses d’arbustes prostrés ou à peu près prostrés avec Salix alpina, S. breviserrata, S. caesia, S. foetida ; formations de Saules nains caractéristiques des combes à neige (36.1) exclues.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.6213','31.621','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Brousses alpiennes de Saules élevés','Alpine tall willow brush','','Taller Salix pentandra, S. appendiculata thickets.','','','Fourrés hauts à Salix pentandra, S. appendiculata.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.6214','31.621','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Broussailles de Saules pyrénéens','Pyrenean willow brush','','Salix pyrenaica formations of the Pyrenees, often with Dryas octopetala','','','Formations des Pyrénées à Salix pyrenaica, souvent accompagné de Dryas octopetala.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.622','31.62','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Subarctic willow brush','','Subarctic Salix lapponum, S. lanata, S. arbuscula or S. myrsinites formations of ungrazed cliff ledges in the central and northern Highlands of Scotland.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.623','31.62','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Northern willow brush','','Mixed S. aurita, S. atrocinerea, S. repens and S. caprea scrub on ungrazed ledges, islands and gullies of the northern British Isles.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.63','31.6','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Mégaphorbiaies subalpines avec buissons','Subalpine tall herbs with bushes','','Other bushy facies (Vaccinium, Rubus, Sorbus) of the sub-alpine tall herb communities (cf. 37.8). Tall bushy facies of other sub-alpine associations, such as Amelanchier, Rhamnus, Sorbus thickets associated with Juniperus nana-Arctostaphylos uva-ursi heaths can be included.','Guinochet and Vilmorin, 1973; Horvat et al., 1974; Dupias, 1985.','','Autres faciès buissonnants (Vaccinium, Rubus, Sorbus) des communautés de hautes herbes subalpines (voir aussi 37.9). Les faciès buissonnants hauts d''autres associations subalpines, telles que les fourrés à Amelanchier, Rhamnus, Sorbus, associés aux landes à Juniperus nana et Arctostaphylos uva-ursi peuvent y être inclus.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.64','31.6','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','British roseroot community','','Tall-herb dominated community with Rhodiola rosea, Alchemilla glabra, Rubus saxatilis, Geum rivale, Geranium sylvaticum, Angelica sylvestris, Vaccinium myrtillus, Heracleum sphondylium, Saussurea alpina, colonizing steep crags out of range of grazing, mostly characteristic of the Scottish Highlands with outposts in the Moffat Hills, Lakeland and North Wales.','Ratcliffe, 1977, 1980; Polunin and Walters, 1985.','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.7','31','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Landes épineuses (= Landes hérisson)','Hedgehog-heaths','','Primary cushion heaths of the high, dry mountains of the Mediterranean region, with low, cushion-forming, often spiny shrubs, such as Acantholimon, Astragalus, Erinacea, Vella, Bupleurum, Ptilotrichum, Genista, Echinospartum, Anthyllis and various composites and labiates; secondary, zoogenic cushion heaths of the same regions, either downslope extensions of the oro-Mediterranean formations, and dominated by the same species, or specifically montane, often Genista-dominated.','Rechinger, 1943, 1951; Tüxen and Oberdorfer, 1958; Rivas Goday and Rivas-Martinez, 1958; Delvosalle and Duvigneaud, 1962; Archiloque et al., 1969; Polunin and Smythies, 1973; Horvat et al., 1974; Ozenda, 1975, 1985; Girerd, 1978; Ozenda et al., 1979; Izco, 1979; Molinier and Martin, 1980; Polunin, 1980; Reisigl and Danesch, 1980; Strid, 1980, 1989; Quézel, 1981; Nimis, 1981; Zaffran, 1982; Pignatti, 1982; White, 1983; Bramwell and Bramwell, 1983; Géhu, 1984; Rivas-Martinez, Diaz et al., 1984; Polunin and Walters, 1985; Dupias, 1985; Chiappini, 1985a; Noirfalise, 1986; Peinado Lorca and Rivas-Martinez, 1987; Wildpret de la Torre and del Arco Aguilar, 1987; Camarda and Valsecchi, 1990; Gamisans, 1991.','','Landes primaires des hautes montagnes sèches de la région méditerranéenne constituées de coussinets bas souvent épineux comprenant notamment des représentants des genres Acantholimon, Astragalus, Erinacea, Bupleurum, Ptilotrichum, Genista, Echinospartum, Anthyllis et diverses Composées et Labiées ; landes secondaires sympatriques en coussinets zoogènes, les unes et les autres étant des extensions vers le bas des formations oro-méditerranéennes, dominées par les mêmes espèces, ou bien spécifiques aux montagnes et souvent dominées par les Genista.','Archiloque et al., 1969 ; Horvat et al., 1974 ; Ozenda, 1975, 1985 ; Girerd, 1978  ; Ozenda et al., 1979 ; Molinier et Martin, 1980 ; Reisigl et Danesch, 1980 ; Géhu, 1984 ; Polunin et Walters, 1985 ; Dupias, 1985 ; Noirfalise, 1986 ; Peinado Lorca et Rivas-Martinez, 1987 ; Gamisans, 1991.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.71','31.7','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Landes épineuses pyrénéennes','Pyrenean hedgehog-heaths','Junipero-Genistetum horridae','Echinospartum horridum formations of dry slopes of the supra-Mediterranean zone of the southern Pyrenees; accompanying the dense, spiny cushions are Juniperus hemisphaerica, Buxus sempervirens, Ononis fruticosa, Arctostaphylos uva-ursi ssp. crassifolia and Pinus sylvestris.','','Junipero-Genistetum horridae','Formations d''Echinospartum horridum des pentes sèches de l’étage supra-méditerranéen des Pyrénées méridionales ; accompagnant ces denses buissons en coussinet épineux, Juniperus hemisphaerica, Buxus sempervirens, Ononis fructicosa, Arctostaphylos uva-ursi subsp. crassifolia et Pinus sylvestris.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.72','31.7','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Cordilleran hedgehog-heaths','Cytiso oromediterranei-Echinospartetum barnadesii, Echinosparto pulviniformis-Cytisetum oromediterranei, Teucrii salviastri-Echinospartetum pulviniformis, Genisto hystricis-Echinospartetum lusitanici','Formations of the Cordillera Central and adjacent areas dominated by diverse forms of Echinospartum.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.721','31.72','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Gredos hedgehog-heaths','','Oro-Mediterranean heaths of the Sierra de Gredos dominated by the endemic Echinospartum lusitanicum ssp. barnadesii','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.722','31.72','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Bejar-Pena de Francia hedgehog-heaths','','Oro-Mediterranean heaths of the Sierra de Bejar and Pena de Francia dominated by Echinospartum ibericum ssp. pulviniformis.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.723','31.72','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Estrela hedgehog-heaths','','Relict heaths of highly xeric upper supra-Mediterranean and oro-Mediterranean stations of the Serra da Estrela dominated by Echinospartum ibericum ssp. pulviniformis.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.724','31.72','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Western Cordilleran secundary hedgehog-heaths','','Secundary Echinospartum lusitanicum-Genista histrix hedgehog-heaths developed on skeletal soils of the supra-Mediterranean zone of the western Cordillera Central and surrounding areas.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.73','31.7','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Nevadan hedgehog-heaths','Erinacetalia p., Lavandulo-Genistion boissieri p.','Highly developed hedgehog formations of the Sierra Nevada with Erinacea anthyllis, Vella spinosa, Astragalus sempervirens ssp. nevadensis, A. granatensis ssp. granatensis (A. boissieri), Ptilotrichum spinosum, Bupleurum spinosum, Genista baetica. Associated dwarf suffrutescent formations of high slopes and crests.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.731','31.73','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Lower Nevadan hedgehog-heaths','Salvio-Lavanduletum lanatae p., Astragalo-Velletum spinosae p., Santolino-Salvietum oxyodonti p., Thymo-Cistetum laurifolii p.','Supra-Mediterranean (lower xeroacanthic) hedgehog-heaths occupying mainly the 1700-2000 m altitudinal range, often rich in Bupleurum spinosum, with Vella spinosa, Erinacea anthyllis or Echinospartum boissieri.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.732','31.73','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Middle Nevadan hedgehog-heaths','Astragalo-Velletum spinosae p.','Oro-Mediterranean (higher xeroacanthic) hedgehog-heaths occupying mainly the 2000-2300 m altitudinal range, with Vella spinosa, Erinacea anthyllis, Ptilotrichum spinosum, Astragalus sempervirens ssp. nevadensis, A. granatensis ssp. granatensis.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.733','31.73','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Upper Nevadan hedgehog-heaths','','Upper oro-Mediterranean hedgehog-heaths occupying mainly the 2300-2600 m altitudinal range, with Erinacea anthyllis, Astragalus sempervirens ssp. nevadensis, A. granatensis ssp. granatensis, Juniperus nana and J. sabina ssp. humilis.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.734','31.73','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Nevadan dwarf cushion-heaths','','Dwarf suffrutescent formations of windswept crests and slopes on very superficial soils.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.7341','31.734','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Siliceous Nevadan dwarf cushion-heaths','Arenario-Sideritetum glacialis','Formations of base-rich siliceous soils at 2 600-2 900 m with Sideritis glacialis, Arenaria pungens, Astragalus sempervirens ssp. nevadensis.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.7342','31.734','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Calcareous Nevadan dwarf cushion-heaths','Andryalion agardhii: Convolvulo-Andryaletum agardhii = Andryalo-Convolvuletum p.','Formations of white-tomentose dwarf cushions developed on calcareous soils (Trevenque, Dornajo, Dilar) with Andryala agardhii, Erodium boissieri, Scabiosa pulsatilloides, Santolina elegans, Globularia spinosa, Pterocephalus spathulatus, Helianthemum pannosum.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.735','31.73','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Nevadan Genista hedgehog-heaths','Genisto-Juniperetum nanae','Genista baetica-dominated hedgehog-heaths, often with Juniperus nana and G. purgans, of siliceous soils.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.74','31.7','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Landes épineuses franco-ibériques','Franco-Iberian hedgehog-heaths','','Oro-Mediterranean and montane hedgehog-heaths of other Iberian ranges and of southern France.','','','Landes hérisson oro-méditerrannéennes et montagnardes du Sud de la France.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.741','31.74','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Landes épineuses à Erinacea','Erinacea hedgehog-heaths','Erinacetalia: Xeroacantho-Erinaceion p.','Oro-Mediterranean Erinacea-dominated and related hedgehog-heaths.','','Erinacetalia : Xero-Acantho-Erinaceion p.','Landes épineuses oro-méditerranéennes dominées par Erinacea et genres apparentés.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.7411','31.741','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Baetic Erinacea-Vella hedgehog-heaths','Astragalo-Velletum spinosae p.','Hedgehog-heaths of the Baetic and sub-Baetic ranges and of the southern Iberian Range, dominated by Erinacea anthyllis and/or by Vella spinosa, Astragalus granatensis ssp. granatensis, A. sempervirens ssp. nevadensis, Bupleurum spinosum, Ptilotrichum spinosum, developed in particular in the sierras de Segura, de Cazorla, de Alcaraz, Tejeda, Harana, Magina, de Baza, La Sagra, de Gador, Maria and on a few summits of the Serrania de Ronda.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.7412','31.741','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Iberian Range Erinacea hedgehog-heaths','Saturejo-Erinaceetum','Erinacea anthyllis-dominated hedgehog-heaths of the Iberian Range','Teruel, Cuenca, Guadalajara, Soria, often in altitudinal contact with Genista pumila formations.','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.7413','31.741','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Maestrazgo Erinacea-Genista hedgehog-heaths','Genisto hispanicae-Erinaceetum, Erodio-Erinaceetum','Hedgehog-heaths with Genista hispanica ssp. hispanica and/or Erinacea anthyllis of the Maestrazgo, eastern spur of the Iberian Range under maritime influence.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.7414','31.741','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','South-eastern Erinacea hedgehog-heath','','Hedgehog-heaths with Genista lobelii ssp. longipes, Erinacea anthyllis, Vella spinosa of the sub-Baetic Aitana and Mariola ranges in the arid southeast.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.7415','31.741','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','South-eastern Daphne hedgehog-heaths','','Formations with Daphne oleoides ssp. hispanica of the mountains of the arid southeast.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.742','31.74','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Peri-Nevadan dwarf cushion-heaths','Andryalion agardhii p.','Oro-Mediterranean, and sometimes supra-Mediterranean, formations of dwarf white-tomentose, cushion-forming suffrutescents of the high sub-Baetic and Baetic ranges; characteristic are Andryala agardhii, Convolvulus boissieri, Hippocrepis squamata ssp. eriocarpa, Pterocephalus spathulatus and Thymus granatensis.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.7421','31.742','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Cazorla dwarf cushion-heaths','','Formations of the Sierras de Cazorla, Segura, Alcaraz, Taibilla of the high Guadalquivir basin, with Erodium cazorlanum, Scorzonera albicans.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.7422','31.742','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Baza-Tejeda-Ronda dwarf cushion-heaths','Hippocrepidi-Pterocephalum spathulatae p. = Andryalo-Convolvuletum p.','Formations of the sierras Tejeda, Almijara, la Torrecilla, Harana, Baza, la Sagra, Cazulas, Lapeza and of the Serrania de Ronda with Anthyllis vulneraria ssp. argyrophylla, A. tejedensis, Helianthemum viscidulum.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.7423','31.742','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Magina dwarf cushion-heaths','Helianthemo-Pterocephaletum','Formations of the Sierra de Magina with Helianthemum pannosum ssp. frigidulum, Lithodora nitida and Viola cazorlensis.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.7424','31.742','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Maria-Maimon dwarf cushion-heaths','Centaureo-Sideritetum stachydioidis','Formations of the sierras Maria and Maimon with Centaurea baetica, Sideritis stachydioides, Alyssum cadevallianum.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.743','31.74','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Echinospartum boissieri hedgehog-heaths','Lavandulo-Genistion boissieri','Mostly supra-Mediterranean hedgehog-heaths colonizing superficial, eroded soils and windswept stations of calcareous Baetic and sub-Baetic ranges, comprising many cushion plants and generally physiognomically dominated by the large hemispherical shrubs of Echinospartum boissieri.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.7431','31.743','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Alcaraz Echinospartum hedgehog-heaths','Saturejo-Genistetum boissieri','Formations of the Sierra de Alcaraz, sometimes including Erinacea anthyllis.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.7432','31.743','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Gador Echinospartum hedgehog-heaths','Convolvulo-Lavanduletum lanatae','Formations of the 1300-1900 m altitudinal range in the Sierra de Gador, often with Erinacea anthyllis or Ulex parviflorus.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.7433','31.743','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Baetic Echinospartum hedgehog-heaths','Santolino-Salvietum oxyodonti','Formations developed in the 800 - 1400 m altitudinal range of other Baetic and sub-Baetic ranges, often, in the higher mountains, immediately below Erinacetalia communities.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.744','31.74','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Catalano-Valencian Erinacea hedgehog-heaths','Genistion lobelii p.: Erinaceo-Anthyllidetum montanae i.a.','Unommon hedgehog-heaths with Erinacea anthyllis and Anthyllis montana, and related cushion plant formations, colonizing windswept stations with skeletal soil of the Mediterranean mountains of northeastern Spain (Montsant, Llaveria, Cardo, Maestrazgo septentrional, Beceite; Montserrat; Bergueda, Solsones).','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.745','31.74','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Landes en coussinets de Genista','Genista cushion-heaths','Genistion lobelii p., Genistion occidentalis','Mostly supra-Mediterranean hedgehog garrigues and heaths physiognomically dominated by small, hemispherical Genista.','','Genistion lobelii ; Genistion occidentalis','Garrigues épineuses surtout supra-méditerranéennes et landes-hérisson physionomiquement dominées par des Genêts bas hémisphériques.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.7451','31.745','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Landes en coussinets pyrénéo-cantabriennes','Pyreneo-Cantabrian cushion-heaths','Genistion occidentalis: Lithodoro diffusae-Genistetum legionensis, Lithodoro diffusae-Genistetum occidentalis, Arctostaphylo crassifoliae-Genistetum occidentalis, Teucrio pyrenaici-Genistetum occidentalis','Cushion-heaths dominated by Genista hispanica ssp. occidentalis or Genista hystrix ssp. legionensis, often with Erica vagans, Arctostaphylos uva-ursi ssp. crassifolia or Lithodora diffusa, characteristic of the Pyreneen-Cantabrian system, where they may occur from the collinar to the sub-alpine level.','','Genistion occidentalis : Lithodoro diffusae-Genistetum legionensis, Lithodoro diffusae-Genistetum occidentalis, Arctostaphylo crassifoliae-Genistetum occidentalis, Teucrio pyrenaici-Genistetum occidentalis','Landes en coussinets dominées par Genista hispanica spp. occidentalis, souvent en compagnie d''Erica vagans, Arctostaphylos uva-ursi spp. crassifolia ou Lithodora prostrata, caractéristiques du système pyrénéo-cantabrique dans lequel elles s''étendent de l''étage collinéen à l''étage subalpin.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.7452','31.745','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Genista sanabrensis cushion-heaths','','Heaths dominated by the cushions of Genista sanabrensis, with Erica umbellata and Calluna vulgaris, occupying crests of southern Galicio-Leonese mountains at about 1800 m (cf. 31.2431).','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.7453','31.745','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Genista pumila cushion-heaths','Aphyllantion: Lino-Genistetum pumilae','Cushion heaths dominated by Genista pumila ssp. pumila of windswept plateaux and crests of the Meseta and of the northern and southern Iberian Range.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.7454','31.745','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Genista scorpius cushion-heaths','Aphyllantion: Armerio-Salvietum phlomoidis p. i.a.','Meseta hedgehog-heaths with Genista scorpius, rich in cushion-forming small shrubs.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.7455','31.745','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Genista pseudopilosa cushion-heaths','Aphyllantion: Helianthemo-Genistetum pseudopilosae','Unarmed Genista pseudopilosa-dominated hedgehog-heaths with Erinacea anthyllis and other cushion plants of the sierras de Alcaraz and Segura.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.7456','31.745','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Landes en coussinets à Genista lobelii et G. pulchella','Genista lobelii and G. pulchella cushion-heaths','Genistion lobelii p. ','Genista lobelii and G. pulchella hedgehog-heaths ofwindswept hilltops of southeastern France.','','Genistion lobelii p.','Landes-hérisson en coussinets à Genista lobelii et G. pulchella des sommets des éminences du sud-est de la France balayées par le vent.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.746','31.74','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Collinar Astragalus hedgehog-heaths','Aphyllantion p.','Local meso- and supra-Mediterranean Astragalus formations of the Spanish Meseta.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.7461','31.746','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Dueran Astragalus hedgehog-heaths','Santolino-Astragaletum boissieri','Supra-Mediterranean Astragalus granatensis ssp. granatensis (A. boissieri) formations of pastoral runs of the left bank of the middle Duero (Soria, Segovia) and of the highlands of Atienza (Guadalajara).','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.7462','31.746','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Southern Mesetan Astragalus hedgehog-heaths','Paronychio-Astragaletum tumidi','Meso- and supra-Mediterranean hedgehog-heaths with Astragalus clusii (A. tumidus) of the southern Meseta, from La Mancha to the Baetic hills of eastern Andalusia (Orce, Sagra, Baza, Maria), with Paronychia aretioides, Genista pumila ssp. mugronensis, G. scorpius.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.747','31.74','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Summital Balearic labiate hedgehog-heaths','Hypericion balearici: Teucrietum subspinosae, Pastinacetum lucidae p.','Cushion-forming communities with Teucrium subspinosum, T. asiaticum, Pastinaca lucida, Thymelaea velutina and Paeonia cambessedesii.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.7471','31.747','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Mallorcan hedgehog-heaths','','Formations of high elevations of Mallorca, dominated by Teucrium subspinosum.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.7472','31.747','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Menorcan hedgehog-heaths','','Formations of Menorca with Cistus creticus and Teucrium subspinosum var. spinescens.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.75','31.7','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Landes épineuses cyrno-sardes','Cyrno-Sardian hedgehog-heaths','Carici-Genistetalia (Carlinetalia macrocephalae) ','Expanses of small, compact bushes with Astragalus sirinicus ssp. genargenteus, Rosa seraphini, Anthyllis hermanniae, Thymus herba-barona, Cerastium boissieri, Genista salzmannii, G. corsica, Berberis aetnensis, Prunus prostrata and Daphne oleoides, of Sardinian and Corsican mountains.','','Carici-Genistalia (Carlinetalia macrocephalae)','Etendues de petits buissons compacts avec Astragalus sirinicus subsp. gennargenteus, Rosa serafinii, Anthyllis hermanniae, Thymus herba- barona, Cerastium boissieri, Genista salzmannii, G. corsica, Berberis aetnensis, Prunus prostrata et Daphne oleoides, des montagnes corses.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.751','31.75','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Landes épineuses à Astragalus gennargenteus','Astragalus genargenteus hedgehog-heaths','Astragaletum genargentei','Oro-Mediterranean Astragalus sirinicus ssp. genargenteus hedgehog-heaths of the Gennargentu and Monte Albo in Sardinia and of the high mountains of Corsica.','','Astragalum gennargentei','Landes épineuses oro-méditerranéennes à Astragalus sirinicus subsp. gennargenteus des hautes montagnes de Corse.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.752','31.75','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Landes épineuses cyrno-sardes à Euphorbia','Cyrno-Sardian Euphorbia hedgehog-heaths','','Formations of wind-swept crests of Corsica and Sardinia dominated by the low spiny cushions of Euphorbia spinosa.','','','Formations de Corse des crêtes exposées au vent dominées par les petits buissons en coussinets épineux d''Euphorbia spinosa.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.753','31.75','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Landes en coussinets cyrno-sardes à Thymus','Cyrno-Sardian Thymus cushion-heaths','','Formations of the mountains of Corsica and Sardinia dominated by the hemispherical cushions of the endemic Thymus herba-barona.','','','Formations des montagnes de Corse dominées par les buissons hémisphériques en coussinets de l''endémique Thymus herba-barona.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.754','31.75','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Landes épineuses cyrno-sardes à Genista','Cyrno-Sardian Genista hedgehog-heaths','','Hedgehog-heaths of high mountains of Corsica and Sardinia and secondary heaths of the montane level dominated by Genista salzmannii (including var. lobelioides) or G. corsica.','','','Landes épineuses des hautes montagnes de Corse et secondairement landes de l''étage montagnard dominées par Genista salzmanii (incluant var. lobeloides) ou G. corsica.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.755','31.75','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Landes épineuses cyrno-sardes à Berberis','Cyrno-Sardian Berberis hedgehog-heaths','','Formations of the mountains of Corsica and Sardinia dominated by Berberis aetnensis.','','','Formations des montagnes de Corse dominées par Berberis aetnensis.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.756','31.75','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Landes épineuses cyrno-sardes à Anthyllis','Cyrno-Sardian Anthyllis hedgehog-heaths','','Formations of the mountains of Corsica and Sardinia dominated by Anthyllis hermanniae.','','','Formations des montagnes de Corse dominées par Anthyllis hermanniae.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.76','31.7','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Mount Etna hedgehog-heaths','Astragaletum siculi','Lava-colonising formations with cushions of Astragalus granatensis ssp. siculus, Berberis aetnensis, Juniperus hemisphaerica, Genista aetnensis, Adenocarpus bivonae, Viola aethnensis.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.77','31.7','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Madonie and Apennine hedgehog-heaths','','Hedgehog-heaths formed by Astragalus spp. or Genista spp., of the mountains of the southern Italian peninsula and Sicily, except Etna.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.771','31.77','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Madonie Astragalus hedgehog-heaths','Astragaletum nebrodensis','Oro-Mediterranean hedgehog-heaths of the Madonie with Astragalus granatensis ssp. nebrodensis.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.772','31.77','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Sila-Aspromonte Astragalus hedgehog-heaths','Astragaletum calabri','Oro-Mediterranean hedgehog-heaths of the Sila and Aspromonte with Astragalus parnassi ssp. calabrus.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.773','31.77','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Apennine Astragalus sirinicus hedgehog-heaths','','Hedgehog-heaths with Astragalus sirinicus ssp. sirinicus of the central and southern Apennines, south to northern Calabria.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.774','31.77','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Madonie Genista cupanii hedgehog-heaths','Genistetum cupanii','Montane Genista cupanii-dominated hedgehog-heaths of the Madonie.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.775','31.77','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Gargano Genista hedgehog-heaths','Chamaecytiso-Genistetum michelii','Montane hedgehog-heaths of Monte Gargano with Genista sylvestris ssp. dalmatica.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.78','31.7','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Subalpine Peloponnese hedgehog-heaths','Daphno-Festucetea: Stipo-Morinion p.','Hedgehog-dominated facies of mostly secondary grassland-scrubland communities replacing Abies cephalonica forests in the 1500 - 1800 m altitudinal range of Peloponnese mountains, in particular, Taygetos, Parnon and Kyllini, composed of Stipa pulcherrima and Morina persica, with bushes and cushion-shaped perennials including Astragalus angustifolius, Daphne oleoides, Juniperus haemispherica, Berberis cretica, Anthemis montana, Ribes uva-crispi, Prunus cocomilla.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.79','31.7','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Lower alpine Greek hedgehog-heaths','Daphno-Festucetea: Eryngio-Bromion p.','Hedgehog-heaths developed on relatively humus-rich soils above treeline, in the 1700-2200 m altitudinal range of high Greek mountains; hedgehog facies of associated grasslands; similar, impoverished formations descending into the forest belts of the same mountains, with the exception of those of the Peloponnese, where they are replaced by distinctive formations, listed under 31.78.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.791','31.79','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Greek tragacanth hedgehog-heaths','','Hedgehog-heaths of the Taygetos, Kyllini, Chelmos, Parnassus, Vardousia, Giona and calcareous central and northern Pindus, dominated by the large hemispherical tussocks of the tragacanths Astragalus creticus ssp. rumelicus, and/or A. parnassi, and with Marrubium velutinum, M. cyllenaeum, Juniperus hemisphaerica, Daphne oleoides, Eryngium amethystinum, Sideritis clandestina, Cirsium cylleneum.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.7911','31.791','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Southern Peloponnese tragacanth hedgehog-heaths','','Astragalus creticus ssp. rumelicus heaths of the southern Peloponnese.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.7912','31.791','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Kyllini-Chelmos tragacanth hedgehog-heaths','','Astragalus parnassi ssp. cylleneus and A. creticus ssp. rumelicus heaths of Kyllini and Chelmos.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.7913','31.791','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Greek mainland tragacanth hedgehog-heaths','','Astragalus creticus ssp. rumelicus and/or A. parnassi ssp. parnassi heaths of the mainland.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.792','31.79','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Greek Astragalus angustifolius hedgehog-heaths','','Astragalus angustifolius heaths, with Marrubium thessalum or M. velutinum ssp. haussknechtii.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.7921','31.792','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Olympus Astragalus angustifolius hedgehog-heaths','','Formations of the Olympus system dominated by A. angustifolius.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.7922','31.792','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Pindus Astragalus angustifolius hedgehog-heaths','','Formations of the Pindus dominated by A. angustifolius (or A. sirinicus). ','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.793','31.79','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Greek cushion-heaths','','Cushion formations not dominated by thorny, tussock-forming species of Astragalus.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.7931','31.793','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Daphne oleoides cushion-heaths','','Formations dominated by small bushes of Daphne oleoides, usually accompanied by stripped grassland components (36.437).','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.7932','31.793','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Buxus sempervirens cushion-heaths','','Formations dominated by low mats of Buxus sempervirens, characteristic of middle slopes of Greek mountains, in particular Olympus.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.7A','31.7','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Upper alpine Greek hedgehog-heaths','Daphno-Festucetea: Astragalo-Seslerion','Shrubby formations colonizing the altitudinal range immediately above that occupied by the communities of 31.79, as well as stony slopes with shallow soil, loose screes and humus-deficient soils within the main 1700-2200 m range of these communities. Included are true spiny hedgehog-heaths, cushony formations of dwarf suffrutescents and bush-dominated facies of stripped grasslands. Astragalus angustifolius, Acantholimon androsaceum, Astragalus lacteus, Convolvulus cochlearis, Rindera graeca, Aster alpinus, Globularia stygia, Minuartia stellata, Erysimum pusillum, Thymus teucrioides, Alyssum kionae, Paronychia kapela, Thymus hirsutus, Anthyllis aurea, Achillea ageratifolia, Sideritis scardica, Linum flavum, Thymus boissieri, Sesleria caerulans are characteristic.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.7A1','31.7A','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Upper alpine Astragalus hedgehog-heaths','','Formations dominated by the dense tussocks of Astragalus angustifolius.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.7A2','31.7A','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Minuartia cushion-heaths','','Communities dominated by the large, domed mats of Minuartia stellata.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.7A3','31.7A','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Greek dwarf cushion-heaths','','Formations of the high reaches of Greek mountains, rich in dwarf suffrutescents.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.7A4','31.7A','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Upper alpine bushy grasslands','','Bushy facies of the high altitude stripped grasslands (36.437).','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.7B','31.7','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Cretan hedgehog-heaths','Saturejetea spinosae','Hedgehog-heaths of high mountains of Crete, in the 1500-2500 m altitudinal range, with Astragalus creticus ssp. creticus, A. angustifolius, Acantholimon androsaceum, Atraphaxis billardieri, Berberis cretica, Chamaecytisus creticus, Daphne oleoides, Prunus prostrata, Euphorbia acanthothamnos, Verbascum spinosum, Sideritis syriaca, Satureja spinosa, Asperula idaea, Rhamnus prunifolius, Pimpinella tragium, Acinos alpinus.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.7B1','31.7B','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Cretan tragacanth hedgehog-heaths','Astragalion cretici p.','Astragalus creticus ssp. creticus-dominated hedgehog-heaths of the Psiloriti and Dikti mountains of central and eastern Crete.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.7B2','31.7B','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Cretan Astragalus angustifolius hedgehog-heaths','Verbascion spinosae p.; Astragalion cretici p.','Astragalus angustifolius-dominated hedgehog-heaths of the Lefka Ori, Psiloriti and Dikti mountains of Crete.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.7B3','31.7B','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Cretan Chamaecytisus hedgehog-heaths','','Chamaecytisus creticus-dominated hedgehog-heaths of Crete.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.7B4','31.7B','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Other Cretan hedgehog-heaths','','','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.7C','31.7','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Aegean summital hedgehog-heaths','','Isolated, endemic-rich, mostly summital hedgehog-heaths of calcareous mountains of Aegean islands and Mount Athos.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.7C1','31.7C','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Aegean tragacanth hedgehog-heaths','','Hedgehog-heaths of mountain summits of Aegean islands, characterised by large tragacanths.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.7C11','31.7C1','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Kerki tragacanth hedgehog-heath','','Mount Kerki summit community of Samos with Astragalus creticus var. samius, A. angustifolius, Acantholimon androsaceum, Atraphaxis billardieri, Centaurea spinosa var. tragacanthoides, C. xylobasis, Genista fasselata var. subsericans, Prunus prostrata, Silene urvillei, Lithospermum hispidulum, Thymus squarrosus.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.7C12','31.7C1','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Ambelos tragacanth hedgehog-heath','','Mount Ambelos summit community of Samos with Astragalus ptilodes, Acantholimon androsaceum, Prunus prostrata, Silene urvillei.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.7C13','31.7C1','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Chios tragacanth hedgehog-heath','','Formations with Astragalus trojanus var. chius of the highlands of Chios.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.7C14','31.7C1','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Lesbos tragacanth hedgehog-heath','','Mount Petrovuni summit community of Lesbos with Astragalus parnassi ("A. lesbiacus").','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.7C15','31.7C1','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Samothrace tragacanth hedgehog-heath','','Mount Phanga summit community of Samothrake with Astragalus parnassi var. samothracius and Genista fasselata var. subsericans.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.7C16','31.7C1','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Athos tragacanth hedgehog-heath','','Mount Athos communities with Astragalus monachorum and A. angustifolius ssp. pungens.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.7C17','31.7C1','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Euboa tragacanth hedgehog-heath','','Mount Delphi community of Euboa with Astragalus creticus var. euboicus, Daphne oleoides, Prunus prostrata.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.7C2','31.7C','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Aegean Astragalus angustifolius hedgehog-heaths','','Communities characterised by the dense tussocks of Astragalus angustifolius.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.7C21','31.7C2','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Lesbos Olympus hedgehog-heath','','Mount Olympus summit community of Lesbos with Astragalus angustifolius and Silene urvillei.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.7C22','31.7C2','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Thasos hedgehog-heath','','Mount Agia Illias summit community of Thasos.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.7D','31.7','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Montane Genista acanthoclada hedgehog-heaths','','Formations dominated by hemispherical shrubs of Genista acanthoclada of the middle levels (about 800 - 1200 m) of mountains and plateaux of the Peloponnese.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.7E','31.7','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Landes épineuses à Astragalus sempervirens','Astragalus sempervirens hedgehog-heaths','','Astragalus sempervirens ssp. sempervirens, ssp. muticus, ssp. cephalonicus formations of the southern Alps, the eastern Pyrenees, Iberia, the Apennines and Greece, transitional between the alpine and sub-alpine heaths of 31.4 and the true Mediterranean hedgehog-heaths of 31.7.','','','Formations du sud des Alpes, de l''est des Pyrénées, de l''Espagne... à Astragalus sempervirens subsp. sempervirens, subsp. catalaunicus ... assurant la transition entre les landes alpines et subalpines de 31.4 et les véritables landes à xérophytes épineuses en coussinet méditerranéennes de 31.7.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.7F','31.7','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Canarian cushion-heaths','Spartocytision nubigeni','Open formations dominated by broom-like plants of the montane zone (above 1900 m) of the Canary Islands, with many endemic species.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.7F1','31.7F','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Tenerife cushion-heaths','Spartocytisetum nubigeni','Formations of Tenerife with Spartocytisus supranubius, Adenocarpus viscosus var. viscosus, Descurainia bourgaena, Pterocephalus lasiospermus, Erysimum scoparium, Scrophularia glabrata, Nepeta teydea, Echium wildpretii, E. auberianum, Cheirolophus teydis, Plantago webbii, Sideritis cretica, Argyranthemum teneriffae, Pimpinella cumbrae, Arrhenatherum calderae.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.7F2','31.7F','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','La Palma cushion-heaths','Telino benehoavensi-Adenocarpetum spartioidis','Formations of La Palma with Adenocarpus viscosus var. spartioides, the very rare Genista benehoavensis and Descurainia gilba, Pterocephalus porphyranthus, Viola palmensis, Echium wildpretii, E. gentianoides, Micromeria lasiophylla ssp. palmensis.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.8','31','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Fourrés','Thickets','Prunetalia, Cytisetalia scopario-striati, Epilobietea angustifolii','Pre- and post-forest formations, mostly deciduous, of Atlantic or medio-European affinities, characteristic of the deciduous forest zone, but also colonizing cool, moist or disturbed stations of the Mediterranean evergreen forest zone.','','Prunetalia, Cytisetalia scopario-striati, Epilobietea angustifolii','Formations pré- et postforestières, la plupart du temps caducifoliées, d''affinités atlantiques ou médio-européennes, caractéristiques de la zone de forêts caducifoliées, mais colonisant aussi des stations fraîches, humides ou perturbées de la zone forestière sempervirente méditerranéenne.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.81','31.8','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Fourrés médio-européens sur sol fertile','Medio-European rich-soil thickets','Prunetalia: Pruno-Rubion fruticosip., Berberidion','Thickets of Prunus spinosa, P. mahaleb, Rosa spp., Cornus mas, C. sanguinea, Sorbus aria, Crataegus spp., Lonicera xylosteum, Rhamnus catharticus, R. alpinus, Clematis vitalba, Ligustrum vulgare, Viburnum lantana, V. opulus, Rubus spp., Amelanchier ovalis, Cotoneaster integerrimus, C. nebrodensis, Pyrus pyraster, Malus sylvestris, Euonymus europaeus, Corylus avellana, Ulmus minor, Acer campestre, A. monspessulanum, Carpinus betulus characteristic of forest edges, hedges and (mostly Carpinion or Quercion pubescenti-petraeae) woodland recolonization, developed on soils relatively rich in nutrients, neutral or calcareous.','Lebrun et al., 1949; Ellenberg, 1963, 1988; Guinochet and Vilmorin, 1973; Westhoff and den Held, 1975; Bournérias, 1979; Noirfalise et al., 1980; Vanden Berghen, 1982; Rivas-Martinez, Diaz et al., 1984; Diaz Gonzalez and Fernando Prieto, 1987; Navarro Andrés and Valle Gutiérrez, 1987; Peinado Lorca and Martinez Parras, 1987; Rameau et al., 1989; Oberdorfer, 1990; Jonglet in litt., 1990; Salomez in litt., 1990; Rodwell, 1991.','Prunetalia : Pruno-Rubion fruticosi ; Berberidion','Fourrés de Prunus spinosa, P. mahaleb, Rosa spp., Cornus mas, C. sanguinea, Sorbus aria, Crataegus spp., Lonicera xylosteum, Rhamnus catharticus, R. alpinus, Clematis vitalba, Ligustrum vulgare, Viburnum lantana, V. opulus, Rubus spp., Amelanchier ovalis, Cotoneaster integerrimus, C. nebrodensis, Pyrus pyraster, Malus sylvestris, Euonymus europaeus, Corylus avellana, Ulmus minor, Acer campestre, A. monspessulanum, Carpinus betulus, caractéristiques des lisières forestières, des haies (principalement Carpinion ou Quercion pubescenti-petraeae) et des recolonisations des terrains boisés, développés sur des sols riches en nutriments, neutres ou calcaires.','Lebrun et al., 1949 ; Ellenberg, 1963, 1988 ; Guinochet et Vilmorin, 1973 ; Westhoff et den Held, 1975 ; Bournérias, 1979 ; Noirfalise et al., 1980 ; Vanden Berghen, 1982 ; Rameau et al., 1989 ; Oberdorfer, 1990 ; Rodwell, 1991.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.811','31.81','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Fruticées à Prunus spinosa et halliers à Rubus fruticosus','Blackthorn-bramble scrub','Pruno-Rubion fruticosi p.: Pruno-Rubenion fruticosi ("Prunion spinosae")','Mesophile, often luxuriant, communities characteristic of Carpinion forest edges and substitution formations with, among others, Prunus spinosa, Carpinus betulus, Crataegus spp., Sambucus nigra, Rosa spp., Viburnum opulus, Rubus spp. Included are species-poor Prunus spinosa thickets, such as British <prunus spinosa-Rubus fruticosa scrub and corresponding mainland formations with Rubus fruticosus, R. elegantispinosus, R. bifrons, R. armenicus.','','Pruno-Rubion fruticosi p. : Pruno-Rubenion fruticosi ("Prunion spinosae")','Communautés mésophiles et souvent luxuriantes caractéristiques des bords de forêts du Carpinion et formations de substitution avec Prunus spinosa, Carpinus betulus, Crataegus spp., Sambucus nigra, Rosa spp., Viburnum opulus, Rubus spp. Sont incluses les fruticées à Prunus spinosa pauvres en espèces telles que les formes à Prunus spinosa-Rubus fruticosus et les formations à Rubus.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.8111','31.811','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Fruticées subatlantiques Prunus spinosa et Rubus fruticosus','Sub-Atlantic blackthorn-bramble scrub','','Prunus spinosa, Carpinus betulus, Crataegus spp., Rosa spp., Rubus spp. communities of the European mainland, under sub-Atlantic or sub-continental climates. ','','','Communautés du continent européen à Prunus spinosa, Carpinus betulus, Crataegus spp., Rubus spp., Rosa spp., soumises à des climats subatlantiques ou subcontinentaux.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.8112','31.811','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Fruticées atlantiques Prunus spinosa et Rubus fruticosus','Atlantic blackthorn-bramble scrub','','Prunus spinosa, Rubus spp. communities of the British Isles and other areas of strongly Atlantic climates. Ulex europea, Hedera helix, Lonicera periclymenum and Pteridium aquilinum are often present.','','','Communautés à Prunus spinosa, Rubus spp. des régions à climat fortement atlantique. Ulex europaeus, Hedera helix, Lonicera periclymenum, Pteridium aquilinum sont souvent présents.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.812','31.81','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Fruticées à Prunelliers et Troènes','Blackthorn-privet scrub','Berberidion','Communities of more calcareous, drier soils and warmer exposure characteristic of the Quercion pubescenti-petraeae and of xeric, calciphilous forms of the Carpinion, with, among others, Prunus spinosa, Ligustrum vulgare, Viburnum lantana, Cornus mas, Rhamnus catharticus.','','Berberidion','Communautés de sols plus calcaires, plus humides en exposition plus chaude, caractéristiques du Quercion pubescenti-petraeae et des formes xériques calciphiles du Carpinion, avec entre autres Prunus spinosa, Ligustrum vulgare, Viburnum lantana, Cornus mas, Rhamnus catharticus.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.8121','31.812','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Fruticées atlantiques et médio-européennes à Prunelliers et Troènes','Atlantic and medio-European blackthorn-privet scrub','','Communities occupying the domaine of the Carpinion and northern irradiations of Quercion pubescenti-petraeae communities.','','','Communautés occupant le domaine du Carpinion et des irradiations nordiques des communautés du Quercion pubescenti-petraeae.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.81211','31.8121','7','Niveau 7','TRUE','Fruticées médio-européennes à Prunelliers et Troènes','Medio-European blackthorn-privet scrubs','','Prunus spinosa, Ligustrum vulgare, Viburnum lantana, Cornus mas, Rhamnus catharticus, Crataegus spp., Carpinus betulus communities of the European mainland, under sub-Atlantic or sub-continental climates.','','','Communautés continentales à Prunus spinosa, Ligustrum vulgare, Viburnum lantana, Cornus mas, Rhamnus catharticus, Crataegus spp., Carpinus betulus sous climats sub-atlantique ou subcontinental.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.81212','31.8121','7','Niveau 7','TRUE','Fruticées atlantiques à Crataegus et Hedera','Atlantic hawthorn-ivy scrubs','','Communities of the British Isles and areas of strongly Atlantic climates differing from 31.81211 in particular in the scarcity of Carpinus betulus.','','','Communautés des Iles britanniques et des régions de climat fortement atlantique différant de 31.81211 en particulier dans la rareté de Carpinus betulus.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.812121','31.81212','8','Niveau 8','TRUE','Fruticées atlantiques calciclines','Atlantic calcicline scrub','','Widespread neutrophilous to calciphilous, species-rich thorny scrub and seminatural hedge communities of the British Isles, with Crataegus monogyna, Hedera helix, Rubus spp., Prunus spinosa, Fraxinus excelsior. Included are the Hedera helix-Urtica dioica, Mercurialis perennis and Brachypodium sylvaticum sub-communities of the Crataegus monogyna-Hedera helix scrub.','','','Fruticées épineuses neutrophiles à calcaires, riches en espèces, largement répandues et communautés semi-naturelles du bords des Iles britanniques, avec Crataegus monogyna, Hedera helix, Rubus spp., Prunus spinosa, Fraxinus excelsior. Sont inclus les groupements à Hedera helix-Urtica dioica, Mercurialis perennis et Brachypodium sylvaticum, de broussailles à Crataegus monogyna-Hedera helix.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.812122','31.81212','8','Niveau 8','TRUE','Fruticées calcicoles de bord de route, sur craie','Wayfaring tree chalk scrub','','Species-rich communities mostly of southeastern England, characterized by the abundance of Viburnum lantana, Legustrum vulgarae, Cornus sanguinea, Tamus communus and Clematis vitalba, the frequency of Taxus baccata saplings and Juniperus communis. There is often a field layer with Bromus erectus, Brachypodium pinnatum and other dry grassland species in less dense stands. Some orchid species rare to the British Isles, such as Himantoglossum hircinum, Orchis militaris, O. purpurea, O. simia, are strongly associated with this habitat.','','','Communautés riches en espèces caractérisées par l''abondance de Viburnum lantana, Ligustrum vulgare, Cornus sanguinea, Tamus communis et Clematis vitalba, et la fréquence de jeunes Taxus baccata et Juniperus communis.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.8122','31.812','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Fruticées subméditerranéennes de Prunelliers et de Troènes','Sub-Mediterranean blackthorn-privet scrub','Prunetum mahaleb, i.a.','Communities with Prunus mahaleb, Acer monspessulanum and other xero-thermophile species, occupying the southern part of the west European range of the unit as well as a few highly xero-thermic central European sites.','','Prunetum mahaleb','Communautés à Prunus mahaleb, Acer monspessulanum et autres espèces xéro-thermophiles, occupant la partie méridionale de l''espace ouest-européen ou se rapportant à un très petit nombre de sites éminemment xérothermiques d''Europe centrale.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.8123','31.812','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Fruticées de stations rocailleuses à Cotoneaster et Amélanchier','Rock pear scrub','Berberidion: Cotoneastro-Amelanchieretum','Possibly primary scrub formations with Cotoneaster integerrimus, C. tomentosus and Amelanchier ovalis developed on very shallow soils between Xerobromion grasslands and open xerothermic oak woods.','','Berberidion : Cotoneastro-Amelanchieretum','Formations broussailleuses pouvant être primaires à Cotoneaster integerrimus, C. nebrodensis et Amelanchier ovalis développées sur des sols très peu profonds entre les pelouses du Xerobromion et les forêts ouvertes xérothermiques de Chênes.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.8124','31.812','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Fruticées d''Argousiers','Sea buckthorn scrub','Berberidion: Salici-Hippophaetum rhamnoidis','Formations characterized by the physiognomically distinctive presence of Hippophae rhamnoides, ssp. fluviatilis or ssp. carpatica.','','Berberidion : Salici-Hippophaetum rhamnoidis','Formations caractérisées par la présence physionomique différentielle d''Hippophae rhamnoides subsp. fluviatilis.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.8125','31.812','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Fruticées intra-alpines à Epine vinette','Inner Alpine barberry scrub','','Thorny heaths of inner Alpine valleys with Berberis vulgaris.','','','Landes épineuses constituées par Berberis vulgaris des vallées intra-alpines.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.81251','31.8125','7','Niveau 7','TRUE','Fruticées à Prunus brigantiaca','Marmot plum scrub','Berberido-Prunetum brigantiacae','Inner Alpine formations with Prunus brigantina.','','Berberido-Prunetum brigantiacae','Formations intra-alpine à Prunus brigantiaca.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.81252','31.8125','7','Niveau 7','TRUE','Autres fruticées intra-alpines à Epine vinette','Other inner Alpine barberry scrubs','','','','','','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.8126','31.812','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Iberian barberry scrub','Berberidion: Pruno spinosae-Berberidetum cantabricae','Northwestern Iberian montane communities with Berberis vulgaris ssp. cantabrica, Prunus spinosa, Corylus avellana, Sorbus aria, Taxus baccata, Crataegus monogyna, Ribes alpinum, R. petraeum, Rhamnus alpinus.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.82','31.8','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Fruticées à Buis','Box thickets','Berberidion p.','Box-dominated formations of 31.81, 31.89, 31.8A or 31.8B.','Tüxen and Oberdorfer, 1958; Lopez, 1976; Noirfalise et al., 1980; Vigo and Ninot, 1987.','Berberidion p.','Faciès dominés par le Buis de 31.81, 31.89, 31.8A ou 31.8B.','Noirfalise et al., 1980.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.83','31.8','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Fruticées atlantiques des sols pauvres','Atlantic poor soil thickets','Prunetalia p.: Pruno-Rubion fruticosi p.; Frangulo-Rubenion (Rubion subatlanticum; Franguletalia)','Thickets of Rubus spp., Frangula alnus, Sorbus aucuparia, Corylus avellana, Lonicera periclymenum, Cytisus scoparius, characteristic of forest edges, hedges and (mostly Quercion) woodland recolonization developed on soils relatively poor in nutrients, usually acid, mostly under climates with strong Atlantic influence.','Vanden Berghen, 1982; Ellenberg, 1988; Rameau et al., 1989; Oberdorfer, 1990; Rodwell, 1991.','Prunetalia p. : Pruno-Rubion fruticosi p., Frangulo-Rubenion (Rubion subatlanticum ; Franguletalia)','Fruticées à Rubus spp., Frangula alnus, Sorbus aucuparia, Corylus avellana, Lonicera periclymenum, caractéristiques des lisières forestières, des haies et des bois (principalement Quercion) de recolonisation forestière développées sur des sols relativement pauvres en nutriments, habituellement acides, principalement sous des climats soumis à une forte influence atlantique.','Vanden Berghen, 1982 ; Ellenberg, 1988 ; Rameau et al., 1989 ; Oberdorfer, 1990.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.831','31.83','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Ronciers','Bramble thickets','','Formations dominated by Rubus spp., including British Rubus fruticosus-Holcus lanatus underscrub.','','','Formations dominées par Rubus spp.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.832','31.83','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Fourrés à Bourdaine, Sorbiers, Chèvrefeuilles','Alder buckthorn, rowan, honeysuckle thickets','','Other formations (except broom fields, gorse thickets, hazel thickets and bracken fields, separately coded below).','','','Autres formations à l''exception des landes de Genêts, des fourrés d''Ajoncs, des fourrés de Noisetier et des landes à Fougères (qui font l''objet d''un code spécial).','Gruber, 1978 ; Noirfalise et al., 1980 ; Dupias, 1985 ; Peinado Lorca et Rivas-Martinez, 1987.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.84','31.8','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Landes à Genêts','Broom fields','Cytisetalia scopario-striati','Formations with an upper stratum dominated by tall brooms.','Tüxen and Oberdorfer, 1958; Lopez, 1976; Gruber, 1978; Noirfalise et al., 1980; Lopez Gonzalez, 1982; Pignatti, 1982; Rivas-Martinez, Diaz et al., 1984; Dupias, 1985; Chiappini, 1985b; Peinado Lorca and Rivas-Martinez, 1987; Wildpret de la Torre and del Arco Aguilar, 1987; Vigo and Ninot, 1987; Machado, in litt. 1989.','Cytisetalia scopario-striati','Formations dont la strate supérieure est dominée par de grands Genêts.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.841','31.84','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Landes médio-européennes à Cytisus scoparius','Medio-European Cytisus scoparius fields','Sarothamnion scoparii (Pruno-Rubion fruticosi: Sarothamnenion)','Expanses of broom (Cytisus scoparius), a common recolonization stage of the Quercion in the plains and hills of northern and middle Europe, reaching the montane zone in the higher mountains.','','Sarothamnion scoparii (Pruno-Rubion fruticosi, Sarothamnenion)','Grandes étendues de Genêts (Cytisus scoparius), stades de recolonisation communs du Quercion dans les plaines et les collines de l''Europe septentrionale et moyenne, s''étendant jusqu’à l''étage montagnard des hautes montagnes.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.8411','31.841','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Landes à Genêts des plaines et des collines','Lowland and hill broom fields','','Cytisus scoparius fields of the lowlands, hills and low mountains of northern, western and central Europe.','','','Landes à Cytisus scoparius des plaines, des collines et des basses montagnes de l''Europe septentrionale, occidentale et centrale.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.8412','31.841','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Landes à Genêts des Alpes','Alpine broom fields','','Montane Cytisus scoparius fields of the Alpine system.','','','Landes montagnardes à Cytisus scoparius du système alpien.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.8413','31.841','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Landes du Massif central à Cytisus scoparius','Central Massif Cytisus scoparius fields','','Montane beech-level formations of Cytisus scoparius of the Central Massif.','','','Formations montagnardes du Massif central de l''étage du Hêtre à Cytisus scoparius.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.8414','31.841','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Landes à Cytisus scoparius des Pyrénées','Pyrenean Cytisus scoparius fields','Prunello pyrenaicae-Sarothamnetum scoparii','Montane formations of Cytisus scoparius of the Pyrenees.','','Prunello pyrenaicae-Sarothamnetum scoparii','Formations montagnardes à Cytisus scoparius des Pyrénées.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.842','31.84','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Landes à Cytisus purgans','Cytisus purgans fields','Pino-Cytision purgantis p., Genistion polygaliphyllae p.','Cytisus purgans-dominated formations of higher levels (upper montane, subalpine, oro-Mediterranean) of southwestern European mountains, often associated with dwarf juniper scrubs (31.43) or hedgehog-heaths (31.7), and physiognomically reminiscent of the latter.','','Pino-Cytision purgantis','Formations des étages élevés (montagnard supérieur, subalpin, oroméditerranéen) dominées par Cytisus purgans dans les montagnes du sud-ouest de l''Europe, souvent associées aux broussailles de Genévriers prostrés (31.43) ou aux landes épineuses (31.7), et rappelant physionomiquement celles-ci.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.8421','31.842','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Landes à Cytisus purgans des Cévennes','Cévennes Cytisus purgans fields','','Localized formations of the upper levels of the Cévennes.','','','Formations localisées aux étages supérieurs des Cévennes.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.8422','31.842','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Landes à Cytisus purgans pyrénéennes','Pyrenean Cytisus purgans fields','Pino-Cytision purgantis: Senecio-Genistetum purgantis i.a.','Upper montane Pyrenean formations appearing on the edge of, or as substitution of, acidophilous pine woods.','','Pino-Cytision purgantis ; Senecio-Genistetum purgantis','Formations de l’étage montagnard supérieur des Pyrénées apparaissant en descendant des crêtes, ou comme formations de substitution ou de lisière des forêts de Pins acidiphiles.','Bournérias, 1984 ; Ellenberg, 1988.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.8423','31.842','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Galicio-Cantabrian Cytisus purgans fields','Genistion polygaliphyllae: Cytisetum scopario-purgantis p., Cytiso cantabrici-Genistetum obtusirameae p.','Galician and oro-Cantabrian upper montane formations. ','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.8424','31.842','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Upper Cordilleran Cytisus purgans fields','Pino-Juniperetea: Pino-Cytision purgantis: Junipero nanae-Cytisetum oromediterranei p., Cytiso oromediterranei-Echinospartum barnadesii p., Cytiso oromediterranei-Echinospartetum pulviniformis p.','Alti-Mediterranean and oro-Mediterranean formations of the Cordillera Central.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.8425','31.842','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Lower Cordilleran Cytisus purgans fields','Cytiso oromediterranei-Genistetum cinerascentis p.','Upper supra-Mediterrranean formations of the Cordillera Central.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.8426','31.842','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Galicio-Leonese Cytisus purgans fields','Genisto sanabrensis-Juniperetum nanae','Oro-Mediterranean formations of the high southern Galicio-Leonese sierras.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.8427','31.842','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Nevadan Cytisus purgans fields','Genisto-Juniperetum nanae cytisetosum','Oro-Mediterranean formations of the Sierra Nevada. ','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.843','31.84','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Piornales','Genistion floridae, Genistion polygaliphyllae','Cytisus multiflorus, C. striatus, C. scoparius, C. grandiflorus, C. cantabricus, Genista florida and other tall broom fields of the Iberian peninsula, mostly characteristic of the transition between the Atlantic and Mediterranean domaines.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.8431','31.843','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','White-flowered broom fields','Genistion polygaliphyllae: Cytisenion multiflorae, Genistenion polygaliphyllae p.; Genistion floridae p.','Formations rich in white-flowered Cytisus multiflorus of the western Meseta, the (mostly western) Cordillera Central, the sierras of southern Galicia and Leon and the western Cantabrian mountains, in which C. multiflorus is either the only tall broom or is an important component of broom fields also containing yellow-flowered Genista florida ssp. polygaliphylla, G. florida ssp. florida, G. cinerea ssp. cinerascens, Cytisus scoparius and others.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.8432','31.843','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','North-western Iberian Genista florida fields','Genistion polygaliphyllae: Genistenion polygaliphyllae, Cytisenion striati p.','Formations rich in Genista florida ssp. polygaliphylla of the oro-Cantabrian region, the sierras of southern Galicia and Leon, the Serra da Estrela, the northern Iberian range, with Cytisus cantabricus, C. scoparius, C. striatus, Genista obtusiramea, Adenocarpus complicatus. ','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.8433','31.843','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','North-western Iberian Cytisus fields','Genistion polygaliphyllae: Cytisenion striati','Formations rich in Cytisus striatus or C. ingramii of the western Cordillera Central and of Galician hills and plateaux, with Genista florida ssp polygaliphylla, Cytisus scoparius, C. multiflorus or Ulex europaeus. ','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.8434','31.843','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Central Iberian Genista florida fields','Genistion floridae: Genistenion floridae','Formations rich in Genista florida ssp. florida of the Cordillera Central and the Southern Iberian Range with Cytisus scoparius, C. multiflorus, C. striatus, Genista cinerea ssp. cinerascens, Adenocarpus hispanicus.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.8435','31.843','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Upper Cordilleran Genista cinerea fields','','Formations dominated by Genista cinerea ssp. cinerascens of higher elevations of the Cordillera Central.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.8436','31.843','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Central Iberian Cytisus fields','Genistion floridae p.','Formations rich in Cytisus striatus or C. scoparius of the Cordillera Central and the Montes de Toledo with Genista florida ssp. florida or Chamaespartium tridentatum. ','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.8437','31.843','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Andalusian broom fields','Genistion floridae: Adenocarpenion decorticantis','Formations of Cytisus reverchonii, C. grandiflorus, Adenocarpus decorticans of the supra-Mediterranean zone of Andalucian mountains.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.844','31.84','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Tyrrhenian broom fields','','Broom fields of peninsular Italy and of the large Tyrrhenian islands.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.8441','31.844','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Peninsular Italian broom fields','','Supra-Mediterranean and montane peninsular formations with Cytisus scoparius, C. sessilifolius or Adenocarpus complicatus.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.8442','31.844','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Insular Tyrrhenian broom fields','','Supra-Mediterranean and montane formations of Corsica, Sardinia and Sicily with Cytisus scoparius.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.845','31.84','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Genista aetnensis stands','','Formations of the very large Genista aetnensis, endemic to the western Mediterranean and of considerable biogeographical interest, with a distribution limited to Sicily and Sardinia.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.8451','31.845','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Etna Genista aetnensis stands','','Formations of Genista aetnensis colonizing the lava fields of the eastern flank of Mount Etna.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.8452','31.845','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Sardinian Genista aetnensis stands','','Very rare and localized Genista aetnensis formations of Sardinia (east and Iglesiente).','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.846','31.84','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Canary Island broom fields','Micromerio-Telinion teneriffae','Canary Island formations with Teline spp., Micromeria spp., Adenocarpus foliolosus developed in particular in the humid montane zone where they replace heaths on sunnier exposures.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.85','31.8','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Landes à Ajoncs','Gorse thickets','','Ulex europaeus thickets of the Atlantic domaine (including British Ulex europaeus-Rubus fruticosus scrub p.)','Bournérias, 1984; Ellenberg, 1988; Rodwell, 1991.','','Fruticées à Ulex europaeus du domaine atlantique','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.86','31.8','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Landes à Fougères','Bracken fields','','Extensive, often closed communities of the large fern Pteridium aquilinum.','','','Communautés de grande étendue, souvent fermées, avec la grande fougère Pteridium aquilinum.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.861','31.86','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Landes subatlantiques à Fougères','Sub-Atlantic bracken fields','','Pteridium aquilinum fields appearing as a recolonization stage of the Quercion of the Atlantic and sub-Atlantic areas of continental Europe, including the British Isles and the Iberian peninsula.','','','Landes à Pteridium aquilinum apparaissant comme une étape de recolonisation du Quercion des régions atlantiques et sub-atlantiques de l''Europe continentale.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.862','31.86','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Macaronesian bracken fields','','Pteridium facies of the heaths of the Atlantic Islands.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.863','31.86','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Landes supra-méditerranéennes à Fougères','Supra-Mediterranean bracken fields','','Pteridium aquilinum fields of the Quercetalia pubescenti - petraeae zone.','','','Landes à Pteridium aquilinum dans la zone des Quercetalia pubescenti-petraeae.','Lebrun et al., 1949 ; Ellenberg, 1963, 1988 ; Guinochet et Vilmorin, 1973 ; Noirfalise et al., 1980 ; Vanden Berghen, 1982 ; Oberdorfer, 1990.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.87','31.8','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Clairières forestières','Woodland clearings','Epilobietea angustifolii','Communities colonizing medio-European and sub-Mediterranean deciduous or coniferous woodland clearings, clear-felled or burnt areas. ','Lebrun et al., 1949; Ellenberg, 1963, 1988; Guinochet and Vilmorin, 1973; Noirfalise et al., 1980; Vanden Berghen, 1982; Oberdorfer, 1990.','Epilobietea angustifolii','Communautés colonisant les clairières de forêts caducifoliées ou de conifères médio-européennes et sub-méditerranéennes, les coupes d''éclaircies ou des zones incendiées.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.871','31.87','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Clairières herbacées forestières','Herbaceous clearings','Epilobion angustifolii, Atropion','Short-lived herbaceous communities colonizing recent clearings.','','Epilobion angustifolii, Atropion','Communautés herbacées transitoires colonisant les clairières récentes.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.8711','31.871','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Clairières à Epilobes et Digitales','Willowherb and foxglove clearings','Epilobion angustifolii','Communities of acid soils with raw humus, composed of Epilobium angustifolium, Digitalis purpurea, D. grandiflora, Senecio sylvaticus, Calamagrostis epigeios, Carex pilulifera.','','Epilobion angustifolii','Communautés des sols acides sur sols à humus brut, composées d''Epilobium angustifolium, Digitalis purpurea, D. grandiflora, Senecio sylvaticus, Calamagrostis epigeios, Carex pilulifera.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.8712','31.871','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Clairières à Bardane et Belladonne','Burdock and deadly nightshade clearings','Atropion','Formations of mull soils, with Arctium nemorosum, Atropa bella-donna, Bromus ramosus, Hypericum hirsutum, Fragaria vesca, Stachys alpina, D. lutea.','','Atropion','Formations des sols à mull avec Arctium nemorosum, Atropa bella-donna, Bromus ramosus, Hypericum hirsutum, Fragaria vesca, Stachys alpina, Digitalis lutea.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.872','31.87','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Clairières à couvert arbustif','Shrubby clearings','Sambuco-Salicion capreae','Formations of Salix caprea, Sambucus nigra, S. racemosa, Sorbus aucuparia, Rubus spp. succeeding the herbaceous formations in the regrowth of clearings.','','Sambuco-Salicion capraeae','Formations de Salix caprea, Sambucus nigra, S. racemosa, Sorbus aucuparia, Rubus spp. succédant aux stades herbacés au cours de la fermeture des clairières.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.88','31.8','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Fruticées à Genévriers communs','Common juniper scrub','','Middle Euroopean lowland and montane communities dominated by Juniperus communis.','Bournérias, 1984; Ellenberg, 1988; Oberdorfer, 1990; Rodwell, 1991.','','Communautés de plaines et de montagnes dominées par Juniperus communis.','Bournérias, 1984 ; Ellenberg, 1988 ; Oberdorfer, 1990 ; Rodwell, 1991.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.881','31.88','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Landes à Genévriers','Juniper downs','','Juniperus communis colonization of medio-European calcareous grasslands.','','','Colonisation par Juniperus communis des pelouses calcicoles médio-européennes.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.882','31.88','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Landes à Genévriers','Juniper heaths','','J. communis colonization of heaths and related communities.','','','Colonisation par Juniperus communis des landes et communautés apparentées.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.883','31.88','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Juniper-wood sorrel woodland','','Upland formations of the central highlands of Scotland and of northern England, in which Juniperus communus is the most abundant small tree or large shrub, accompanied by ericoids, ferns, grasses, bryophytes and a fairly rich flora of herbaceous dicots.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.89','31.8','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Fourrés caducifoliés sub-méditerranéens sud-occidentaux','South-western sub-Mediterranean deciduous thickets','Pruno-Rubion ulmifolii, Lonicero-Berberidion hispanicae','Mostly deciduous shrubs and hedges, usually tall and luxuriant, often very rich in lianas, of Mediterranean France, of sub-Mediterranean areas of the Iberian peninsula and of moist stations in the Mediterranean zone of the Iberian peninsula.','Tüxen and Oberdorfer, 1958; de Bolos et al., 1970; Guinochet and Vilmorin, 1973; Westhoff and den Held, 1975; Rivas-Martinez, 1975c, 1980; Lopez, 1976; Rivas-Martinez, Diaz et al., 1984; Peinado Lorca et al., 1984; Peinado Lorca and Rivas-Martinez, 1987.','Pruno-Rubion ulmifolii, Lonicero-Berberidion hispanicae','Arbrisseaux et haies pour la plupart caducifoliés, généralement hauts et luxuriants, souvent très riches en lianes, de la France méditerranéenne.','Guinochet et Vilmorin, 1973 ; Westhoff et den Held, 1975 ; Rivas-Martinez, 1975c ; Peinado Lorca et Rivas-Martinez, 1987.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.891','31.89','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Fourrés caducifoliés sub-méditerranéens franco-ibériques','Franco-Iberian sub-Mediterranean deciduous thickets','Rubo-Coriaretum i.a.','Formations mostly of moist stations within the Mediterranean zone of France, Catalonia, the Balearics and Valencia, with Rosa sempervirens, Rubus ulmifolius, Tamus communis, Prunus spinosa, Cornus sanguinea, Crataegus monogyna and, locally, Coraria myrtifolia.','','Rubo-Coriaretum','Formations principalement liées aux stations humides de la zone méditerranéenne de France, ... avec Rosa sempervirens, Rubus ulmifolius, Tamus communis, Prunus spinosa, Cornus sanguinea, Crataegus monogyna et localement, Coriaria myrtifolia.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.892','31.89','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Western Iberian sub-Mediterranean deciduous thickets','Rubo ulmifolii-Tametum communis, Lonicero hispanicae-Rubetum ulmifolii, Rhamno catharticae-Crataegetum laevigatae, Lonicero etruscae-Rosetum agrestis i.a.','Formations of the western, particularly northwestern, part of the Iberian peninsula, with Crataegus monogyna, Prunus spinosa, Cornus sanguinea, Ligustrum vulgare, Sambucus nigra, Euonymus europaeus, brambles, particularly the Mediterranean Rubus ulmifolius, various roses, notably Rosa sempervirens and Rosa canina agg., and particularly rich in lianas, Tamus communis, Smilax aspera, Clematis vitalba, Lonicera periclymenum, L. etrusca, Rubia peregrina, Bryonia cretica, Vitis vinifera, Humulus lupulus.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.893','31.89','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Central Iberian sub-Mediterranean deciduous thickets','Sabino-Berberitum hispanicae, Pruno malahebo-Berberitum hispanicae, Rosetum micrantho-agrestis i.a.','More continental formations of central Iberia, developed mostly on deep, moist soils in the supra-Mediterranean zone of the Meseta, the Ebro basin, the Cordillera Central, the Southern Iberian Range, the Montes de Toledo, the Sierra Morena and the western Baetic or sub-Baetic mountains, with Berberis hispanica, Prunus spinosa, P. mahaleb, Crataegus monogyna, Ribes uva-crispa, Rubus ulmifolius, Lonicera xylosteum, L. etrusca, Amelanchier ovalis, Rhamnus saxatilis, numerous roses of the Rosa agrestis and R. canina aggregates (e.g. Rosa micrantha, R. pouzinii, R. corymbifera, R. sicula) and, locally, Hippophae rhamnoides. ','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.894','31.89','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Oro-Baetic sub-Mediterranean deciduous thickets','Lonicero-Berberidion hispanicae: Crataego-Loniceretum arboreae ','Supra- and oro-Mediterranean formations of eastern sub-Baetic and Baetic mountains (sierras de Cazorla, Segura, Baza, Magina, Alcaraz and the Sierra Nevada), with Lonicera arborea, L. splendida, Prunus ramburii, Cotoneaster granatensis, Berberis hispanica, Crataegus monogyna, Rosa spp.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.8A','31.8','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Fourrés tyrrhéniens subméditerranéens caducifoliés','Tyrrhenian sub-Mediterranean deciduous thickets','','Formations of peninsular Italy, Sicily, Sardinia and Corsica.','Pignatti, 1982; Chiappini, 1985a, b; Gamisans, 1985, 1991.','','Formations de la péninsule italienne, de Sicile, Sardaigne et Corse.','Pignatti, 1982 ; Chiappini, 1985a, b ; Gamisans, 1985, 1991.','FALSE','FALSE','VG','Présence confirmée par CBN Corse (C. Panaiotis) et Porquerolles (O. Argagnon).');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.8A1','31.8A','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Fourrés cyrno-sardes subméditerranéens caducifoliés','Cyrno-Sardian sub-Mediterranean deciduous thickets','','Formations of Corsica and Sardinia with Rubus ulmifolius, Rosa agrestis, R. canina, R. serafini, Prunus spinosa, Crataegus monogyna, Clematis vitalba, Pyrus amygdaliformis, Rhamnus persicifolius.','','','Formations de Corse et de Sardaigne avec Rubus ulmifolius, Rosa agrestis, R. canina, R. serafini, Prunus spinosa, Crataegus monogyna, Clematis vitalba, Pyrus amygdaliformis, Rhamnus persicifolius.','','FALSE','FALSE','VG','Présence confirmée par CBN Corse (C. Panaiotis) et Porquerolles (O. Argagnon).');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.8A2','31.8A','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Italo-Sicilian sub-Mediterranean deciduous thickets','','Formations of the Italian peninsula and Sicily with Rubus ulmifolius, Rosa sempervirens, R. arvensis, Pyrus amygdaliformis, P. communis, Malus sylvestris, Amelanchier ovalis, Cotoneaster integerrimus, C. nebrodensis, Pyracantha coccinea, Crataegus monogyna, C. laciniata, Prunus spinosa, P. cocomilia, P. mahaleb, Coriaria myrtifolia, Cotinus coggygria, Pistacia terebinthus, Euonymus europaeus, Paliurus spina-christi, Rhamnus catharticus, Lonicera xylosteum, L. etrusca.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.8B','31.8','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Fourrés caducifoliés sub-méditerranéens sud-orientaux','South-eastern sub-Mediterranean deciduous thickets (schibljak)','Prunion fruticosae','Deciduous pre- and post-forest formations, forest edges, hedges and woodland recolonization of the Quercion frainetto and Ostryo-Carpinion zones of the Balkan peninsula, with very local irradiations in central Europe, extreme northeastern Italy and the Aegean.','Rechinger, 1951; Ellenberg, 1988; Horvat et al., 1974; Polunin and Walters, 1985; Oberdorfer, 1990.','Prunion fruticosae','Formations caducifoliées pré- et post-forestières, recolonisation en bord de forêts (manteaux), en haies et en bois de la zone du Quercion frainetto et Ostryo-Carpinion ... ; sans doute non présents en France.','Ellenberg, 1988 ; Horvat et al., 1974 ; Polunin et Walters, 1985 ; Oberdorfer, 1990.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','Présence à confirmer en France. Dans la version 1997 de Corine Biotopes, il est indiqué "sans doute non présents en France".');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.8B1','31.8B','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Central European sub-Mediterranean deciduous thickets','Prunetum fruticosae','Prunus fruticosa formations of dry, continental Central European areas, notably east of the Harz mountains.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.8B2','31.8B','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Illyrian sub-Mediterranean deciduous thickets','','Prunus fruticosa formations of northeastern Italy','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.8B3','31.8B','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Greek sub-Mediterranean deciduous thickets','','Varied, often species-rich formations of temperate and sub-Mediterranean areas of continental Greece and the northern Aegean with Prunus spinosa, P. fruticosa, P. mahaleb, P. cerasifera, P. cocomilia, Pyrus amygdaliformis, Pyracantha coccinea, Crataegus monogyna, C. laciniata, Sorbus domestica, Rosa sempervirens , R. canina agg., R. rubiginosa agg., Rubus ulmifolius, Euonymus spp., Cornus mas, Cornus sanguinea, Ligustrum vulgare, Rhamnus saxatilis, Berberis vulgaris, Clematis vitalba, Paliurus spina-christi, Cotinus coggygria, Rhus coriaria, Coriaria myrtifolia, Syringa vulgaris, Cercis siliquastrum, Coronilla emerus, Colutea arborescens, Juniperus oxycedrus, J. communis, Buxus sempervirens, Corylus spp., Acer spp., Fraxinus ornus, Ulmus minor, Carpinus spp., Ostrya carpinifolia, Quercus spp..','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.8B4','31.8B','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Aegean sub-Mediterranean deciduous thickets','','Southern and eastern Aegean formations with Crataegus monogyna, C. azarolus, Prunus cocomilia, P. webbii, P. prostrata, P. discolor, Pyrus amygdaliformis, Rubus ulmifolius, Rosa sempervirens, Berberis cretica, Rhododendron flavum, Acer sempervirens, Quercus brachyphylla, Q. infectoria.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.8C','31.8','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Fourrés de Noisetiers','Hazel thickets','','Thickets or brush, often very extensive, composed exclusively or predominantly of Corylus spp., a frequent facies of 31.81, 31.83, 31.89, 31.8A, and 31.8B.','Dupias, 1985; Ellenberg, 1988.','','Fourrés ou taillis, souvent très étendus, composés exclusivement, ou montrant une prédominance absolue, de Corylus avellana, faciès fréquents de 31.81, 31.83, 31.89, 31.8A et 31.8B.','Dupias, 1985 ; Ellenberg, 1988.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.8D','31.8','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Recrûs forestiers caducifoliés','Deciduous scrub woodland','','Early stages of deciduous tall forest regrowth or colonization composed predominantely of young individuals of tall forest species. The type of scrub woodland can be precised by placing at the third, fourth and fifth decimal places of 31.8D the first three digits after the decimal point of 41 that characterize the corresponding tall forest type.','','','Premiers stades de régénérations de forêts caducifoliées ou de reconquête, composés principalement de jeunes individus de grandes espèces forestières. Ce type de boisement peut être précisé par l''emploi de la troisième, la quatrième ou cinquième décimale dans le code 31.8D, les trois premières indications après le point décimal de 41 permettant de caractériser le type forestier correspondant.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.8E','31.8','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Taillis','Coppice','','Regrowth stages of woodland treated in coppice without standards. The type of coppice can be precised by placing at the third, fourth and fifth decimal places of 31.8E the first three digits after the decimal point of 41 that characterize the corresponding tall forest type.','','','Stade de régénération des bois traités en taillis simple. Le type de taillis peut être précisé en plaçant aux 3ème, 4ème et 5ème rangs décimaux de 31.8E les 3 premiers chiffres décimaux de 41, caractéristiques du type forestier correspondant.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.8F','31.8','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Fourrés mixtes','Mixed scrub woodland','','Early stages of mixed tall forest regrowth or colonization composed predominantely of young individuals of tall forest species. The type of scrub woodland can be precised by placing at the third, fourth and fifth decimal places of 31.8F the first three digits after the decimal point of 41 that characterize the corresponding tall forest type.','','','Premiers stades de régénération ou de la colonisation des forêts mélangées marqués par la prédominance de jeunes individus d''espèces forestières. Pour la cotation, voir ci-dessus 31.8D avec la base 31.8F.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.8G','31.8','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Prébois de résineux','Coniferous scrub woodland','','Early stages of conifer forest regrowth or colonization composed predominantely of young individuals of tall forest species. The type of scrub woodland can be precised by placing at the third, fourth and fifth decimal places of 31.8G the first three digits after the decimal point of 42 that characterize the corresponding tall forest type.','','','Premiers stades de la régénération forestière ou de la colonisation, marqués par la prédominance de jeunes individus d''espèces forestières. Pour la cotation, voir ci-dessus 31.8D avec la base 31.8G.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32','3','2','Niveau 2','TRUE','Fruticées sclérophylles','Sclerophyllous scrub','','Mediterranean and sub-Mediterranean evergreen sclerophyllous bush and scrub (maquis, garrigue, matorral, phrygana sensu lato), recolonisation and degradation stages of broad-leaved evergreen forests, supra-Mediterranean garrigues, pseudo-maquis, Macaronesian xerophytic communities.','','','Brousses, buissons et fruticées sclérophylles sempervirents méditerranéens et sub-méditerranéens (maquis, garrigue, matorral, phrygane sensu lato), stades de recolonisation et de dégradation des forêts sempervirentes, garrigues supra-méditerranéennes, pseudo-maquis...','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.1','32','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Matorral arborescent','Arborescent matorral','Quercetalia ilicis, Pistacio-Rhamnetalia alaterni i.a.','Pre- or post-forest formations with a more or less dense arborescent cover and with a usually thick, high evergreen shrub stratum. They are mostly degradation or reconstitution stages of the broad-leaved evergreen forests (45) or their substitution, intermediate between them and maquis (32.2 to 32.5); some are substitution stages of thermophilous deciduous (41) or conifer (42) forests.','Rivas-Martinez, 1974; Quézel, 1981; Tomaselli, 1981a.','Quercetalia ilicis, Pistacio-Rhamnetalia alaterni','Formations pré- ou postforestières constituées par un couvert arboré plus ou moins dense avec une strate buissonnante généralement dense, et haute. Il s''agit le plus généralement des étapes de dégradation ou de reconstitution de forêts sempervirentes (45) ou de faciès de substitution intermédiaires entre celle-ci et le maquis (de 32.2 à 32.5) ; certains sont des stades de substitution de forêts thermophiles caducifoliées ou résineuses.','Rivas-Martinez, 1974 ; Tomaselli, 1981a.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.11','32.1','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Matorral à Chênes sempervirents','Evergreen oak matorral','','Meso-Mediterranean arborescent matorral organized around evergreen oaks. Dense, low, coppice-like woods of evergreen oaks.','Horvat et al., 1974; Rivas-Martinez, 1974; Quézel, 1981; Tomaselli, 1981a; Chiappini, 1985a.','','Matorrals arborescents méso-méditerranéens organisés autour des Chênes sempervirents. Bois de Chênes sempervirents denses, bas, à aspect de taillis.','Horvat et al., 1974 ; Rivas-Martinez, 1974 ; Tomaselli, 1981a.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.111','32.11','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Matorral de Quercus suber','Quercus suber matorral','','Arborescent matorral mostly of Quercus suber. Detailed habitats can be coded by placing at the fourth and fifth decimal places of 32.111 the second and third digits after the decimal point of 45.2 that characterize the corresponding cork oak forest.','','','Matorral arborescent formé principalement par Quercus suber. Les habitats plus détaillés peuvent être codés en plaçant en quatrième et cinquième décimales de 32.111, les second et troisième chiffres après le point décimal de 45.2 qui caractérisent les forêts de Chêne liège correspondantes.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.112','32.11','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Matorral acidiphile de Quercus ilex','Acidiphile Quercus ilex and Q. rotundifolia matorral','','Arborescent matorral mostly of Q. ilex or Q. rotundifolia, usually with Erica arborea and Arbutus unedo, on siliceous substrates of the western Mediterranean. Detailed habitats can be coded by placing at the fourth, fifth and sixth decimal places of 32.112 the second, third and fourth digits after the decimal point of 45.3 that characterize the corresponding evergreen oak forest.','','','Matorral arborescent plutôt de Q. ilex, habituellement accompagné par Erica arborea et Arbutus unedo, sur des substrats siliceux de la Méditerranée occidentale. Les habitats détaillés peuvent être codés en plaçant en quatrième, cinquième et sixième décimales de 32.112 les second, troisième et quatrième chiffres après le point décimal de 45.3 qui caractérisent la forêt de Chêne sempervirent correspondante.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.113','32.11','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Matorral calciphile à Quercus ilex, Q. coccifera','Calciphile Quercus ilex, Q. rotundifolia, Q. coccifera matorral','','Arborescent matorral mostly of Q. ilex, Q. rotundifolia or Q. coccifera on calcareous substrates of the western Mediterranean. For Q. ilex or Q. rotundifolia matorrals, detailed habitats can be coded by placing at the fourth, fifth and sixth decimal places of 32.113 the second, third and fourth digits after the decimal point of 45.3 that characterize the corresponding evergreen oak forest. For Italian Q. coccifera formations, use 32.1135.','','','Matorrals arborescents principalement formés de Quercus ilex ou Q. coccifera sur des substrats calcaires de la Méditerranée occidentale. Pour les matorrals de Q. ilex, les habitats détaillés peuvent être codés en plaçant en quatrième, cinquième et sixième décimales de 32.113 les second, troisième et quatrième chiffres après le point décimal de 45.3 qui caractérisent la forêt de Chêne sempervirent correspondante.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.114','32.11','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Eastern Mediterranean Quercus ilex, Q. coccifera matorral','','Arborescent matorral mostly of Q. ilex or Q. coccifera (Q. calliprinos) on both siliceous and calcareous substrates of the eastern Mediterranean.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.1141','32.114','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Greek Q. ilex arborescent matorral','','Formations derived from 45.31C.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.1142','32.114','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Cretan Q. ilex arborescent matorral','','Formations derived from 45.31D.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.1143','32.114','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Greek Q. coccifera arborescent matorral','','Formations derived from 45.41.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.115','32.11','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Mixed oak arborescent matorral','','Arborescent matorral organized around mixed evergreen (Q. suber, Q. ilex, Q. rotundifolia) and deciduous (Q. pyrenaica, Q. faginea) oaks of Iberia.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.116','32.11','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Evergreen oak low woods','','Dense, low, coppice-like formations of evergreen oaks.','','','',