Origine des données

SERVICE DU PATRIMOINE NATUREL, 2010. Liste des habitats d'intérêt communautaire de la directive “Habitats”. SPN-MNHN / INPN, février 2010.

CREATE TABLE inpn.typo_corine_biotopes (
cd_cb character varying(9),
cd_cb_sup character varying(8), 
niveau character (1), 
lb_niveau character varying(8), 
france character varying(5), 
lb_cb97_fr character varying(100), 
lb_cb91_en character varying(80), 
crsp_phyto_cb91 text, 
descriptif_cb91_en text, 
biblio_cb91 text,
crsp_phyto_cb97 character varying(211), 
descriptif_cb97_fr text, 
biblio_cb97 text, 
cb97 character varying(5), 
declinaisons_suppl character varying(5), 
source_france character varying(16), 
commentaires_france character varying(200)
COMMENT ON TABLE inpn.typo_corine_biotopes IS 'Table : TYPO_CORINE_BIOTOPES
Nom du jeu de données : Typologie CORINE Biotopes
Date de création de la table : 09/07/2009
Date de dernière mise à jour de la table : 12/02/2010
Date de dernière mise à jour de la métadonnée : 08/04/2010
Auteur de la typologie : Pierre DEVILLERS, Jean DEVILLERS-TERSCHUREN et Jean-Paul LEDANT (Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles, Bruxelles) pour la version originale de 1991. Myriam BISSARDON et Lucas GUIBAL (École nationale du génie rural, des eaux et des forêts, Nancy / ENGREF) pour la traduction française de 1997.
Auteur de la table : Vincent GAUDILLAT (Service du patrimoine naturel - Muséum national d''histoire naturelle / SPN-MNHN)
Territoire concerné : Europe de l''Ouest (Europe des 12 de l''époque : Allemagne, Belgique, Danemark, Espagne, France, Grande-Bretagne, Grèce, Irlande, Italie, Luxembourg, Pays-Bas, Portugal)
Organisme responsable : Commission européenne
Langue des données : UK, FR
Présentation / Contexte : La typologie CORINE Biotopes est un système hiérarchisé de classification des habitats européens élaboré dans le cadre du programme CORINE (Coordination of Information on the Environment). L''objectif était d''identifier et de décrire les biotopes d''importance majeure pour la conservation de la nature au sein de la Communauté européenne. Cette typologie parue en 1991 (Devillers et al.) comporte 2584 codes répartis en 7 grandes familles de milieux (1. Coastal and halophytic communities, 2. Non-marine waters, 3. Scrub and grassland, 4. Forests, 5. Bogs and marshes, 6. Inland rocks, screes and sands, 8. Agricultural land and artificial landscapes). Les habitats naturels et semi-naturels sont plus ou moins détaillés selon les cas avec une précision accrue pour certains types de végétations considérés comme ayant un fort intérêt patrimonial en Europe, les autres habitats sont traités plus sommairement. La typologie s''appuie largement sur la classification phytosociologique - avec laquelle elle propose des correspondances indicatives -, mais intègre également d''autres paramètres comme la dominance physionomique d''une espèce ou une localisation géographique donnée. Les codes à un chiffre correspondent aux grandes familles de milieux citées précédemment, on ajoute ensuite un autre chiffre puis une décimale et jusqu''à 6 chiffres après la décimale pour décrire des types de végétation de plus en plus précis. Cette typologie n''ayant fait l''objet d''aucune édition française, une traduction non officielle en français d''une partie de la typologie a été réalisée par l''ENGREF en 1997 (Bissardon et Guibal). Elle suit le texte original sans ajout de texte (mis à part 2 nouveaux codes par rapport à la version de 1991) mais seuls ont été repris les codes qui selon les auteurs concernaient la France. Il est à noter que les champs correspondants n''ont pas toujours été traduits dans leur intégralité. Cette version comporte 1478 codes (dont les 2 nouveaux codes précédemment évoqués). 
Description du travail : Mise en table de la typologie CORINE Biotopes avec mise en parallèle de la version originale de 1991 avec la version en français de 1997. Quelques petites corrections (essentiellement orthographiques ou typographiques) ont été apportées à l''occasion de la mise en table des textes. La création d''un champ "France" permet de filtrer les codes présents dans notre pays, il s''agit des codes de la version en français de 1997 auxquels quelques codes supplémentaires qui n''avaient pas été retenus dans celle-ci ont été ajoutés. Les intitulés et descriptifs de ces derniers ont été traduits dans leur intégralité (sauf précision contraire, ces traductions ont été effectuées par le SPN). Exceptionnellement, quelques codes cités dans la version en français ont été retirés car considérés comme absents en France.
Origine du jeu de données : Version originale en anglais (Devillers et al., 1991) : fichier Word envoyé par Dorian MOSS le 9/11/2007 ("CORINE HABITATS 1991.rtf"). Ce fichier comporte de légères différences avec la version éditée papier ; il s''agit généralement de différences typographiques, ponctuellement du remplacement d''un mot par un autre.  - Version en français (Bissardon et Guibal, 1997) : fichier Word envoyé par Jean-Claude RAMEAU (ENGREF) ("corin97.doc") correspondant au texte de la version éditée papier.
Références bibliographiques : DEVILLERS P., DEVILLERS-TERSCHUREN J., LEDANT J.-P. & coll., 1991. CORINE biotopes manual. Habitats of the European Community. Data specifications - Part 2. EUR 12587/3 EN. European Commission, Luxembourg, 300 p. [ISBN 92-826-3211-3] BISSARDON M. et GUIBAL L., 1997. Corine biotopes. Version originale. Types d''habitats français. ENGREF, Nancy, 217 p.
Mots clés : Typologie, habitats, Corine Biotopes, classification européenne.
Référencement à utiliser : DEVILLERS P., DEVILLERS-TERSCHUREN J., LEDANT J.-P. & coll., 1991. CORINE biotopes manual. Habitats of the European Community. Data specifications - Part 2. EUR 12587/3 EN. European Commission, Luxembourg, 300 p. Traduction pour les types d''habitats présents en France : BISSARDON M. et GUIBAL L., 1997. Corine biotopes. Version originale. Types d''habitats français. ENGREF, Nancy, 217 p. Mise en table : SPN-MNHN / INPN, février 2010.';
COMMENT ON COLUMN inpn.typo_corine_biotopes.CD_CB IS 'Code CORINE Biotopes, à 1 ou 2 chiffres suivis au maximum de 6 décimales. Dans le fichier Word de la version de 1991, le code 22.5 de la version papier est absent et on remarque le codage en 41.F3 de l habitat 41.F13 de la version papier (qui lui ne figure pas dans le fichier). Ces deux éléments ont été corrigés dans la présente table de manière à respecter la version papier, soit ajout du 22.5 et correction du 41.F3 en 41.F13. 2 codes apparaissant dans la version de 1997 n existent pas dans la version originale anglaise : 15.811 (Steppes à Lavande de mer ibériques) et 15.8114 (Steppes à Lavande de mer catalano-provençales). Ils ont néanmoins été ajoutés à la table générale, mais sans intitulé ou descriptif en anglais. Au chapitre 86 de la version de 1997 (papier et fichier original) les codes 86.411 à 86.6 ont été notés par erreur 84.411 à 84.6 ; ces codes ont été corrigés dans la présente base.;';
COMMENT ON COLUMN inpn.typo_corine_biotopes.CD_CB_SUP IS 'Code CORINE Biotopes parent (niveau n+1) du code "CD_CB" mentionné au champ précédent.';
COMMENT ON COLUMN inpn.typo_corine_biotopes.NIVEAU IS 'Niveau du code CORINE Biotopes correspondant à son nombre de chiffres/lettres, de 1 à 8 (le . marquant la décimale n''est pas pris en compte).';
COMMENT ON COLUMN inpn.typo_corine_biotopes.LB_NIVEAU IS 'Intitulé du niveau.';
COMMENT ON COLUMN inpn.typo_corine_biotopes.FRANCE IS 'Présence de l''habitat en France.';
COMMENT ON COLUMN inpn.typo_corine_biotopes.LB_CB97_FR IS 'Intitulé de l''habitat selon la version en français de 1997 ou traduction nouvelle dans le cas de codes non retenus dans cette version mais présents en France.';
COMMENT ON COLUMN inpn.typo_corine_biotopes.LB_CB91_EN IS 'Intitulé de l''habitat en anglais selon la version de 1991.';
COMMENT ON COLUMN inpn.typo_corine_biotopes.CRSP_PHYTO_CB91 IS 'Correspondances phytosociologiques de l''habitat selon la version de 1991.';
COMMENT ON COLUMN inpn.typo_corine_biotopes.DESCRIPTIF_CB91_EN IS 'Descriptif de l''habitat en anglais selon la version de 1991.';
COMMENT ON COLUMN inpn.typo_corine_biotopes.BIBLIO_CB91 IS 'Références bibliographiques pour l''habitat selon la version de 1991.';
COMMENT ON COLUMN inpn.typo_corine_biotopes.CRSP_PHYTO_CB97 IS 'Correspondances phytosociologiques de l''habitat selon la version en français de 1997.';
COMMENT ON COLUMN inpn.typo_corine_biotopes.DESCRIPTIF_CB97_FR IS 'Descriptif de l''habitat selon la version en français de 1997 ou traduction nouvelle dans le cas de codes non retenus dans cette version mais présents en France.';
COMMENT ON COLUMN inpn.typo_corine_biotopes.BIBLIO_CB97 IS 'Références bibliographiques de l''habitat selon la version en français de 1997 ou reprises de la version de 1991 pour les codes présents en France mais non retenus en 1997. Dans ce dernier cas le mot "and" a été remplacé par "et" par homogénéité avec la version de 1997.';
COMMENT ON COLUMN inpn.typo_corine_biotopes.CB97 IS 'Mention du code dans la version en français de 1997. x = mentionné.';
COMMENT ON COLUMN inpn.typo_corine_biotopes.DECLINAISONS_SUPPL IS 'Déclinaisons autorisées par CORINE Biotopes mais non détaillées (ni intitulé, ni descriptif…) que ce soit dans la version papier ou dans la version informatique. Cette possibilité existe dans plusieurs chapitres de Corine, par exemple : 43 Forêts mixtes - "Les habitats spécifiques peuvent être codés par la transposition des subdivisions de la division 41, en remplaçant simplement le préfixe 41 par le préfixe 43." Seuls quelques exemples de déclinaisons sont présentés dans la table (déclinaisons du code 43). x = déclinaison supplémentaire.';
COMMENT ON COLUMN inpn.typo_corine_biotopes.SOURCE_FRANCE IS 'Source de l''indication de la présence en France de l''habitat.Explication de certaines mentions :CB97 = version en français de 1997, les codes CORINE Biotopes mentionnés étant considérés présents en France.CH = Cahiers d''habitats, codes CORINE Biotopes correspondant à une fiche Cahiers d''habitats donc présents en France.VG = V. GAUDILLAT (SPN-MNHN).Logiciel Znieff = habitat faisant partie de la liste des habitats CORINE Biotopes incorporée au logiciel Znieff.DIREN PACA = L''actualisation des Znieff de PACA, annexe 1 : listes des espèces et habitats déterminants et remarquables (2004).';
COMMENT ON COLUMN inpn.typo_corine_biotopes.COMMENTAIRES_FRANCE IS 'Commentaires éventuels sur la présence en France de l''habitat.';
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('1','','1','Niveau 1','TRUE','Habitats littoraux et halophiles','Coastal and halophytic communities','','','','','','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('11','1','2','Niveau 2','TRUE','Mers et océans','Ocean and seas','','Oceanic and continental shelf waters, their associated open-water and bottom communities, and marine vascular vegetation beds.','','','Eaux océaniques et du plateau continental, leurs communautés associées pélagiques et benthiques et les herbiers de phanérogames marines.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('11.1','11','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Eaux marines','Open marine waters','','Pelagic biocoenoses. They can be characterized by their planktonic communities and by the composition of their nektonic or surface-feeding faunas of cephalopods, fish, sea mammals and seabirds.','Nicholson, 1977; Augier, 1985; Fiala-Médione et al., 1987; Wood, 1988.','','Biocénoses pélagiques. Elles peuvent être caractérisées par leurs communautés planctoniques et par leur necton (ou faune se nourrissant en surface) de céphalopodes, poissons, mammifères marins et oiseaux de mer.','Augier, 1985 ; Fiala-Médioni et al., 1987.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('11.11','11.1','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Eaux océaniques','Oceanic waters','','Waters beyond the continental shelf.','','','Eaux au-delà du plateau continental.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('11.12','11.1','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Eaux du talus et du plateau continental (= eaux néritiques)','Shelf and slope waters','','Waters of the continental shelf, underwater plateau extending from the coast to a depth of about 100 fathoms, beyond which the continental slope falls steeply toward the ocean bottom.','','','Eaux de la plate-forme continentale, plateau sous-marin allant de la côte jusqu''à une profondeur d''environ 180 mètres, au-delà de laquelle le talus continental descend à pic vers le fond océanique.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('11.121','11.12','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Eaux littorales','Inshore waters','','Waters within the strong influence of land masses, both in terms of physical parameters and of fauna, often arbitrarily defined as waters less than 5 km from low water mark, waters between the continent and islands or islets well in sight of shore, and any seas of depth less than 6 metres.','','','Eaux physiquement et biologiquement sous influence du continent, souvent arbitrairement définies comme des eaux situées à moins de 5 km de la plus grande marée basse (eaux entre le continent et les îles ou îlots bien visibles de la côte) et toutes les parties de mer de profondeur inférieure à 6 mètres.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('11.122','11.12','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Eaux néritiques lointaines (du large)','Offshore waters','','The zone extending from the limits of inshore waters to the continental slope.','','','Masses d’eau situées entre les eaux littorales et le talus continental.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('11.123','11.12','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Talus continental','Continental slope','','Waters situated over the continental slope, the steep descent from the continental shelf to the ocean bottom, an area where upwellings, water mixing or shearing and other anomalies often develop.','','','Masses d’eau situées au-dessus du talus continental, de la pente abrupte descendant du plateau continental vers les fonds océaniques, souvent zone « d’upwellings » (mélange, cisaillement de masses d’eau).','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('11.124','11.12','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Upwellings','Upwellings','','Zones where the warmer surface water is displaced, allowing cooler water rich in nutrients to rise to the surface, often generating much increased biological productivity.','','','Zones où l''eau chaude de surface est déplacée, permettant à l''eau plus froide, riche en éléments nutritifs, de monter à la surface, générant souvent une productivité biologique accrue.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('11.125','11.12','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Hauts-fonds','Shoals','','Shallow waters over permanently submerged elevated features of the sea-floor.','','','Eaux peu profondes sur une partie surélevée des fonds marins, immergée en permanence.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('11.2','11','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Benthos (Fonds marins)','Seabed','','Benthic communities of animals and algae occupying the sea floor in the infralittoral, circalittoral and deeper zones. This unit should be subdivided into a number of habitats characterized by depth, substrate, geographical location, water movement and the distinct biocoenoses they support. A basic framework is outlined below; divisions such as those proposed by Augier (1982) for Mediterranean biocoenoses can be easily, and without transformation, incorporated in it to provide further divisions.','Augier, 1982, 1985; Mitchell, 1987; Harmelin et al., 1987; Fiala-Médione et al., 1987; Wood, 1988. ','','Communautés benthiques d''animaux et d''algues occupant le fond marin de l''infra-littoral, circalittoral et des zones plus profondes. Cette unité devrait être subdivisée en un certain nombre de types d''habitat caractérisés par la profondeur, le substrat, la localisation géographique, les courants marins et les biocénoses distinctes qu''elles font vivre. Une classification de base est ébauchée ici ; les divisions telles que celles proposées par Augier (1982) pour les biocénoses méditerranéennes peuvent être facilement, et sans transformation, incorporées pour donner davantage de divisions.','Augier, 1982, 1985 ; Mitchell, 1987 ; Harmelin et al., 1987 ; Fiala-Médione et al., 1987.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('11.21','11.2','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Fonds sous-marins profonds','Deep sea floor','','Bathyal, abyssal, hadal and hydro-thermal benthic communities, of the continental slope, the abyssal plain and its features, respectively.','','','Communautés benthiques bathyales, abyssales, hadales et hydro-thermales, respectivement du talus continental, de la plaine abyssale et de ses accidents de reliefs.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('11.22','11.2','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Zones benthiques sublittorales sur sédiments meubles','Sublittoral soft seabeds','','Mostly animal communities colonizing soft sediments such as mud, sand or gravel of the infralittoral and circalittoral zones.','','','Communautés principalement constituées d’animaux colonisant les sédiments meubles tels que des limons, des sables ou graviers des zones infralittorales et circalittorales.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('11.23','11.2','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Zones benthiques sublittorales sur cailloutis','Sublittoral pebbly seabeds','','Communities of mostly annual algae and invertebrates developing on pebble formations of the infralittoral and circalittoral zones.','','','Communautés principalement d''algues annuelles et d''invertébrés se développant sur des formations de galets des zones infralittorales et circalittorales.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('11.24','11.2','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Zones benthiques sublittorales sur fonds rocheux','Sublittoral rocky seabeds','','Varied, strongly stratified communities colonizing underwater cliffs, reefs and rocky continental shelf seabeds.','','','Communautés variées, fortement stratifiées colonisant falaises sous-marines, récifs et fonds rocheux du plateau continental.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('11.25','11.2','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Formations sublittorales de concrétions organogéniques','Sublittoral organogenic concretions','','Continental shelf colonies of lower plants or animals resulting in concretions and encrustations.','','','Colonies de plantes ou d’animaux inférieurs conduisant à des concrétions et des incrustations sur le plateau continental.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('11.251','11.25','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Concrétions coralligènes','Corallogenic concretions','','Communities forming and colonizing corallogenic concretions of calcified red algae in the circalittoral zone of the Mediterranean.','','','Communautés formant et colonisant les concrétions coralligènes d''algues rouges calcifiées dans les zones circalittorales de la Méditerranée.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('11.252','11.25','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Trottoirs d''algues encroûtantes','Encrusting algae pavements','','Mediterranean communities associated with mediolittoral pavements of encrusting algae (Lithospermum tortuosum).','','','Communautés méditerranéennes associées avec des trottoirs médiolittoraux d''algues encroûtantes (Lithophyllum tortuosum).','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('11.253','11.25','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Trottoirs de Gastéropodes et Polychètes','Gastropod and polychaete ledges','','Infralittoral ledges built by gastropods or polychaetes.','','','Trottoirs infralittoraux construits par des gastéropodes (Vermets) ou des polychètes (Serpules).','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('11.254','11.25','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Trottoirs de moules (moulières)','Mussel beds','','Communities of Atlantic and Mediterranean mussel beds.','','','Communautés des bancs de moules de l''Atlantique et de la Méditerranée.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('11.26','11.2','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Grottes sous-marines','Undersea caves','','','','','','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('11.3','11','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Herbiers marins à plantes vasculaires','Marine vascular vegetation','Zosteretea marinae, Posidonietea, Halodulo-Thalassietea','Beds of submerged marine vascular vegetation, except those of brackish seas.','','Zosteretea marinae, Posidonietea, Halodulo-Thalassietea','Herbiers (à plantes vasculaires marines submergées), à l’exception de ceux des eaux saumâtres.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('11.31','11.3','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Herbiers atlantiques à Zostères','Atlantic eelgrass meadows','Zosterion marinae: Zosteretum marinae','Eelgrass beds dominated by Zostera marina, established between the base of the intertidal zone and a depth of about 10 metres in Atlantic and North Sea waters.','Westhoff and den Held, 1975; Tutin, 1980; Géhu, 1984; Géhu and Géhu-Franck, 1984a; Ellenberg, 1988; Oberdorfer, 1990.','Zosterion marimae ; Zosteretum marinae','Végétation de Zostères dominées par Zostera marina, établies entre la base de la zone intertidale et une profondeur d''environ 10 mètres, dans les eaux de l''Atlantique et de la mer du Nord.','Tutin, 1980 ; Géhu, 1984 ; Géhu et Géhu-Franck, 1984a ; Ellenberg, 1988 ; Oberdorfer, 1990.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('11.32','11.3','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Herbiers atlantiques à Zostères naines','Atlantic dwarf eelgrass meadows','Zosterion marinae: Zosteretum noltii','Eelgrass beds dominated by Zostera noltii or Z. angustifolia, mostly characteristic of the low part of the intertidal zone in Atlantic and North Sea waters, sometimes permanently submerged.','Westhoff and den Held, 1975; Tutin, 1980; Géhu, 1984; Géhu and Géhu-Franck, 1984a; Wildpret de la Torre and del Arco Aguilar, 1987.','Zosterion marinae ; Zosteretum noltii','Végétation de Zostères dominées par Zostera noltii, principalement caractéristiques de la partie basse de la zone intertidale des eaux de l''Atlantique et de la mer du Nord, parfois immergées en permanence.','Tutin, 1980 ; Géhu, 1984 ; Géhu et Géhu-Franck, 1984a.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('11.321','11.32','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Herbiers à Zostères naines de l''Atlantique continental','Mainland Atlantic dwarf eelgrass meadows','','Formations of Zostera noltii or Z. angustifolia of the Atlantic and North Sea shores of continental Europe.','','','Formations de Zostera noltii des côtes de l''Atlantique et de la mer du Nord, en Europe continentale.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('11.322','11.32','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Macaronesian dwarf eelgrass meadows','','Very local Zostera noltii formations of Fuerteventura and Lanzarote, near the southern limit of the Atlantic range of the genus.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('11.33','11.3','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Herbiers méditerranéens à Cymodocea et Zostera','Mediterranean Cymodocea and Zostera beds','Cymodoceion nodosae p.','Beds of Cymodocea nodosa and Zostera noltii or Z. marina, permanently submerged in waters down to 10 metres deep, often in sheltered areas behind Posidonia reefs.','Campbell, 1976; Molinier and Martin, 1980; Augier, 1982; Géhu and Géhu-Franck, 1984a; Géhu, Costa et al., 1984; Polunin and Walters, 1985.','Cymodoceion nodosae p.','Végétations à Cymodocea nodosa et Zostera noltii ou Z. marina, immergées en permanence dans des eaux pouvant atteindre 10 mètres de profondeur, souvent dans des zones abritées en arrière des prairies de Posidonia.','Campbell, 1976 ; Molinier et Martin, 1980 ; Augier, 1982 ; Géhu et Géhu-Franck, 1984a ; Polunin et Walters, 1985.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('11.331','11.33','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Herbiers méditerranéens à Cymodocea','Mediterranean Cymodocea beds','Cymodocetum nodosae','Cymodocea nodosa formations of muddy sands, monospecific or associated with either the alga Caulerpa prolifera or the phanerogam Halophila stipulacea.','','Cymodocetum nodosae','Formations sablo-limoneuses à Cymodocea nodosa, monospécifiques ou associées à l''algue Caulerpa prolifera.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('11.332','11.33','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Herbiers méditerranéens à Zostera','Mediterranean Zostera beds','Giraudyo-Zosteretum noltii','Formations of the upper part of the infralittoral zone with Zostera noltii and the alga Giraudya sphacelarioides.','','Giraudyo-Zosteretum noltii','Formations de la partie supérieure de la zone infralittorale avec Zostera noltii et l''algue Giraudya sphacelarioides.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('11.34','11.3','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Herbiers de Posidonia','Posidonia beds','Posidonion oceanicae','Beds of the Mediterranean and thermo-Atlantic endemic, Posidonia oceanica, permanently submerged in waters down to 100 metres deep.','Campbell, 1976; Molinier and Martin, 1980; Augier, 1982; Géhu and Franck, 1984a; Géhu, Costa et al., 1984; Polunin and Walters, 1985; Harmelin, Vacelet and Pétron, 1987; Fiala-Médione, Pétron and Rives, 1987.','Posidonion oceanicae','Végétation constituée par l''endémique méditerranéenne et thermo-atlantique, Posidonia oceanicae, immergées en permanence jusqu''à 100 mètres de profondeur.','Campbell, 1976 ; Molinier et Martin, 1980 ; Augier, 1982 ; Géhu et Géhu-Franck, 1984a ; Polunin et Walters, 1985 ; Harmelin, Vacelet et Pétron, 1987 ; Fiala-Médione, Pétron et Rives, 1987.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('11.35','11.3','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Macaronesian Cymodocea beds','Cymodoceion nodosae p.','Formations of Cymodocea nodosa or Cymodocea and Caulerpa spp., in particular Caulerpa prolifera, occupying large surfaces on sandy substrates at depths of 1-15 metres, around the Macaronesian Islands.','Wildpret de la Torre and del Arco Aguilar, 1987.','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('11.36','11.3','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Halophila beds','','Deep water colonies of Halophila spp..','Dandy, 1980; Augier, 1982; Wildpret de la Torre and del Arco Aguilar, 1987.','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('11.361','11.36','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Canarian Halophila beds','','Halophila decipiens colonies of Tenerife, at depths between 10 and 14 metres.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('11.362','11.36','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Mediterranean Halophila beds','','Colonies of Halophila stipulacea invading the Mediterranean as a result of the opening of the Suez Canal; they have been reported from continental Greece, the Cyclades, Crete, Rhodes, Samos.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('11.4','11','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Herbiers des eaux saumâtres','Brackish sea vascular vegetation','Ruppietea maritimae p.','Submerged or slightly emergent vascular vegetation of open brackish waters. Characteristic of open Baltic waters, Ruppietea communities may also occur in permanent pools of mud or sand flats (11.4 p.), as well as in inlets or estuaries where they should be coded as 12.4 or 13.4, respectively. Similar vegetation in landlocked pools is listed under 23.2.','Westhoff and den Held, 1975; Nordiska ministerradet, 1984; Ellenberg, 1988; Oberdorfer, 1990.','Ruppietea maritimae p.','Végétation vasculaire immergée ou légèrement émergée des eaux saumâtres ouvertes. Les groupements des Ruppieta peuvent se rencontrer dans les flaques permanentes des vasières et estrans (bancs sableux) (11.4 p.), ainsi que dans les baies ou estuaires où ils devraient être respectivement codés en 12.4 ou 13.4. Une végétation similaire dans les mares ou lagunes à l’intérieur des terres est listée en 23.2.','Westhoff et den Held, 1975 ; Ellenberg, 1988 ; Oberdorfer, 1990.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('11.41','11.4','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Groupements marins à Ruppia maritima','Marine tasselweed communities','Ruppion maritimae p.','Submerged Ruppia maritima (or R. cirrhosa) beds and Chara formations of the open Baltic and of pools on mud flats or sand flats of other seas.','','Ruppion maritimae p.','Formations immergées à Ruppia maritima (ou R. cirrhosa) et formations à Chara de pleine mer de la Baltique et des mares des vasières ou estrans (bancs sableux) des autres mers.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('11.42','11.4','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Dwarf spike-rush beds','Scirpion parvuli p.','Emergent Eleocharis parvula formations of the open Baltic or of tidal flats.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('12','1','2','Niveau 2','TRUE','Bras de mer','Sea inlets','','Bays and narrow channels, including sea lochs or loughs, fiords or fiards, rias and straits but excluding estuaries. Detailed habitats can be coded by transposing subdivisions of prefix 11, simply replacing prefix 11 by prefix 12.','Wood, 1988.','','Baies et chenaux étroits, incluant les lochs marins, fjords, rias et détroits mais excluant les estuaires. Le détail des habitats peut être indiqué en transposant les subdivisions du code 11, remplaçant simplement le préfixe 11 par le préfixe 12.','Wood, 1988.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('13','1','2','Niveau 2','TRUE','Estuaires et rivières tidales (soumises à marées)','Tidal rivers and estuaries','','River channels below the tidal limit, including the water and the channel bed but not the fringing vegetation.','','','Lits des rivières jusqu’à la limite d’influence des marées, incluant les eaux et le lit mais pas les communautés de végétation riveraine.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('13.1','13','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Fleuves et rivières soumis à marées','Tidal rivers','','Portions of rivers subject to the tide, upstream from the estuary.','','','Portions de rivières sujettes à la marée en amont de l''estuaire.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('13.11','13.1','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Eau saumâtre des cours d''eau soumis à marées','Brackish water','','','','','','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('13.12','13.1','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Eau douce des cours d''eau soumis à marées','Fresh water','','','','','','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('13.2','13','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Estuaires','Estuaries','','Broadening of rivers entering the sea. Detailed habitats can be coded by transposing subdivisions of prefix 11.2, simply replacing prefix 11.2 by prefix 13.2.','','','Embouchures des rivières à leur arrivée dans la mer. Les habitats détaillés peuvent être codés en transposant le préfixe 11.2, simplement en remplaçant le préfixe 11.2 par le préfixe 13.2.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('13.3','13','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Herbiers marins submergés','Submerged beds of vascular marine vegetation','','Subdivisions of 11.3 can be transposed to precise communities (13.31 to 13.36).','','','Les subdivisions de 11.3 peuvent être transposées pour préciser les groupements (13.31 à 13.36).','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('13.4','13','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Herbiers saumâtres submergés','Submerged beds of vascular brackish vegetation','','Subdivisions of 11.4 can be transposed to precise communities (13.41 to 13.42).','','','Les subdivisions de 11.4 peuvent être transposées pour préciser les communautés (13.41 à 13.42).','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('14','1','2','Niveau 2','TRUE','Vasières et bancs de sable sans végétations','Mud flats and sand flats','','Sands and muds, submerged for part of every tide, devoid of vascular plants, but usually coated by blue algae and diatoms. They are of particular importance as feeding grounds for wildfowl and waders. The diverse intertidal communities of invertebrates and algae that occupy them can be used to define subdivisions of 14. Eelgrass communities that may be exposed for a few hours in the course of every tide have been listed under 11.3, 12.3 or 13.3, depending on the physical location of the flats.','','','Sables, vases, sablons, tangues, inondés une partie de la marée, dépourvus de plantes vasculaires, mais habituellement colonisés par des algues bleues et des diatomées. Ils ont une importance particulière comme source de nourriture pour les anatidés et les limicoles. Les communautés intertidales avec divers invertébrés et algues qui les occupent peuvent être utilisés pour définir les subdivisions de 14. Les communautés à Zostères qui peuvent être découverts durant quelques heures à chaque marée ont été listés en 11.3, 12.3 ou 13.3, selon la localisation physique des bancs.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15','1','2','Niveau 2','TRUE','Marais salés, prés salés (schorres), steppes salées et fourrés sur gypse','Salt marshes, salt steppes and gypsum scrubs','','Plant communities which are submerged by high tides at some stage of the annual tidal cycle. Also continental and coastal halophile and gypsophile communities.','','','Communautés végétales inondées lors des grandes marées d’équinoxe. Egalement communautés continentales et côtières, halophiles et gypsophiles.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.1','15','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Gazons pionniers salés','Salt pioneer swards','Thero-Salicornietalia, Frankenion pulverulentae, Saginion maritimae ','Formations of Salicornia and other annuals colonizing periodically inundated muds and sands of marine or interior salt marshes.','Duvigneaud, 1967; Westhoff and den Held, 1975; Castroviejo and Porta, 1975; Rivas-Martinez and Costa, 1975; Géhu, Caron and Bon, 1975; Parent and Burny, 1981; Géhu, 1984; Géhu and Géhu-Franck, 1984a; Géhu, Costa et al., 1984; Ladero et al., 1984; Peinado Lorca et al., 1984; Drachenfels et al., 1984; Dijkema et al., 1984; Peinado Lorca and Rivas-Martinez, 1987; Ellenberg, 1988; Oberdorfer, 1990.','Thero-Salicornietalia, Frankenion pulverulentae, Saginion maritimae','Formations de Salicornia et autres annuelles colonisant les vases et sables périodiquement inondés des marais salés intérieurs ou côtiers.','Duvigneaud, 1967 ; Westhoff et den Held, 1975 ; Géhu, Caron et Bon, 1975 ; Parent et Burny,1981 ; Géhu, 1984 ; Géhu et Géhu-Franck, 1984a ; Dijkema et al., 1984 ; Peinado Lorca et Rivas-Martinez, 1987 ; Ellenberg, 1988 ; Oberdorfer, 1990.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.11','15.1','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Gazons à Salicorne et Suaeda','Glasswort swards','Thero-Salicornietalia','Annual glasswort (Salicornia spp., Microcnemum coralloides) and seablite (Suaeda maritima) formations on periodically inundated muds of coastlands and inland salt-basins.','','Thero-Salicornietalia','Formations à salicornes annuelles (Salicornia ssp.) et Suaeda (Suaeda maritima) sur des vases périodiquement inondées des bassins salés côtiers et de l''intérieur.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.111','15.11','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Gazons atlantiques à Salicorne (Slikkes)','Atlantic glasswort swards','','Annual Salicornia and Suaeda swards of the coastal saltmarshes of the North Sea, the Baltic and the North Atlantic.','','','Gazons annuels à Salicornia et Suaeda des marais salés côtiers de la mer du Nord, de la Baltique et de l''Atlantique nord.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.1111','15.111','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Gazons à salicorne des côtes basses','Low shore samphire flats','Salicornion dolichostachyo-fragilis','Colonies of non-reddening tetraploid glassworts Salicornia dolichostachya, S. fragilis, S. decumbens and of Suaeda maritima ssp. flexilis, occupying the lowest, dampest areas of northern and western coastal flats.','','Salicornion dolichostachyo-fragilis','Colonies de salicornes tétraploïdes non rougissantes Salicornia oliveri, S. procumbens et de Suaeda albescens, occupant les niveaux les plus bas et les plus mouillés de la partie supérieure (haute slikke) des vasières côtières septentrionales et occidentales.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.1112','15.111','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Groupements à Suaeda et salicorne','Seablite-samphire communities','Salicornion europaeo-ramosissimae p. (Thero-Suaedion auct.)','Colonies of often much-branched, diploid glassworts Salicornia ramosissima, S. europaea, S. obscura i.a. and/or of Suaeda maritima, occupying higher, drier areas of coastal flats.','','Salicornion europaeo-ramosissimae p. (Thero-Suaedion auct.)','Colonies de salicornes diploïdes, souvent fortement ramifiés Salicornia appressa, S. europea, S. obscura i.a. et/ou de Suaeda maritima, occupant les zones les plus élevées, les moins inondées ou les plus ressuyées des vasières côtières.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.112','15.11','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Gazons continentaux à salicorne','Continental glasswort swards','Salicornion europaeo-ramosissimae p.','Glasswort formations of inland saltmarshes of Germany, France and England (15.4).','','Salicornion europaeo-ramosissimae p.','Formations à salicorne des marais salés de l''intérieur (Allemagne, France et Angleterre) (15.4).','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.1121','15.112','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Suintements continentaux à salicorne','Continental glasswort seeps','Salicornietum vicensis','Colonies of the orange-turning Salicornia emerici var. vicensis, of unstable, fluid, seeping muds.','','Salicornietum vicensis','Colonies de Salicornia emerici var. vicensis tournant à l''orange en automne, des vases instables, fluides et continuellement suintantes.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.1122','15.112','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Gazons continentaux secs à salicorne','Continental drier glasswort swards','Salicornietum ramosissimae lotharingiense, Puccinellio distantis-Salicornietum europaeae p.','Colonies of the reddening Salicornia ramosissima or of S. europaea, of firmer ground.','','Salicornietum ramosissimae lotharingiense, Puccinellio distantis-Salicornietum europaea p.','Colonies de la rougeoyante Salicornia appressa ou de S. europaea, des sols dénudés salés s’asséchant en été.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.113','15.11','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Gazons méditerranéens à salicorne','Mediterranean glasswort swards','','Glasswort swards of Mediterranean and thermo-Atlantic coastal saltmarshes.','','','Gazons à salicorne des marais salés côtiers de la Méditerranée et du territoire thermo-atlantique, maritimes, lagunaires ou deltaïques.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.1131','15.113','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Gazons à salicorne des basses côtes méditerranéennes','Low-shore Mediterranean glasswort swards','Salicornion emerici p.','Formations dominated by the reddening tetraploid glasswort Salicornia emerici occupying long-inundated basins of Mediterranean, southwestern French and Iberian coastal saltmarshes.','','Salicornion emerici p.','Formations dominées par la salicorne rougeoyante tétraploïde Salicornia emerici occupant les bassins de la Méditerranée longuement inondés, des marais salés ibériques et du sud-ouest de la France.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.1132','15.113','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Venetian glasswort swards','Salicornion emerici p.: Salicornietum veneti','Endemic, threatened Salicornia veneta swards of basins of the Venice lagoon.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.1133','15.113','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Gazons à salicorne des hautes côtes méditerranéennes','Upper shore Mediterranean glasswort swards','Salicornion patuli','Formations dominated by the reddening diploid glasswort Salicornia patula occupying firmer, drier muds of Mediterranean, southwestern French and Iberian coastal saltmarshes.','','Salicornion patuli','Formations dominées par la salicorne rougeoyante diploïde Salicornia patula occupant les vases sèches, stables des marais salés côtiers méditerranéens, ibériques et du sud-ouest de la France.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.114','15.11','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Iberian glasswort swards','Microcnemion','Annual Salicornia and Microcnemum coralloides formations of interior Iberian salt basins.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.1141','15.114','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Microcnemum swards','','Formations of the endemic Microcnemum coralloides ssp. coralloides, associated or not with Salicornia europaea s. l., of interior salt basins of central and east-central Spain.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.1142','15.114','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Iberian interior Salicornia swards','','Formations of Salicornia europaea s. l. of interior salt basins of Iberia.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.12','15.1','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Groupements halonitrophiles à Frankenia','Halonitrophilous Frankenia communities','Frankenion pulverulentae','Formations of halonitrophilous annuals (Frankenia pulverulenta, Suaeda splendens, Salsola soda, Cressa cretica, Parapholis incurva, P. strigosa, Hordeum marinum, Sphenopus divaricatus) colonizing salt muds susceptible to temporary inundation and extreme drying, mostly characteristic of the Iberian peninsula, with irradiations notably in the Camargue, Italy, and on the Atlantic coast of France.','','Frankenion pulverulentae','Formations d''halonitrophiles annuelles (Frankenia pulverulenta, Suaeda splendens, Salsola soda, Cressa cretica, Parapholis incurva, P. strigosa, Hordeum marinum, Sphenopus divaricatus) colonisant les vases salées sensibles aux inondations temporaires et à des dessications extrêmes, principalement caractéristiques de la péninsule Ibérique, avec des irradiations notablement en Camargue, Italie, et sur la côte atlantique française.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.13','15.1','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Groupements à Sagina et Cochlearia','Sea-pearlwort communities','Saginion maritimae','Formations of annual pioneers (Sagina maritima, Cochlearia danica) of sands subject to variable salinity and humidity, in particular in the zone of contact between dune and salt marsh.','','Saginion maritimae','Formations de pionnières annuelles (Sagina maritima, Cochlearia danica) des sables sujets à des humidité et salinité variables, en particulier dans la zone de contact entre la dune et les marais salés.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.2','15','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Prairies à Spartine','Cordgrass swards','Spartinion maritimae','Perennial pioneer Spartina grasslands of coastal salt muds.','Westhoff and den Held, 1975; Rivas-Martinez et al., 1980; Parent and Burny, 1981; Drachenfels et al., 1984; Géhu and Géhu-Franck, 1984a; Dijkema et al., 1984; Peinado Lorca and Rivas-Martinez, 1987; Alcaraz Ariza and Peinado Lorca, 1987.','Spartinion maritimae','Prairie avec les pionnières pérennes (Spartina) des vases salées côtières.','Westhoff et den Held, 1975 ; Parent et Burny, 1981 ; Géhu et Géhu-Franck, 1984a ; Dijkema et al., 1984 ; Peinado Lorca et Rivas-Martinez, 1987.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.21','15.2','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Prairies à Spartine à feuilles plates','Flat-leaved cordgrass swards','','Perennial pioneer grasslands of coastal salt muds, dominated by flat-leaved Spartina maritima, S. townsendii, S. anglica, S. alterniflora.','','','Prairies de pionnières pérennes des vases salées côtières, dominées par Spartina maritima, S. townsendii, S. anglica, S. alterniflora.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.22','15.2','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Rush-leaved cordgrass swards','','Perennial pioneer grasslands of southern Iberian coastal salt muds, dominated by the junciform-leaved Spartina densiflora.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.3','15','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Prés salés atlantiques','Atlantic salt meadows','Glauco-Puccinellietalia maritimae','Salt meadows of Baltic, North Sea, Channel and Atlantic shores. Aster tripolium can be present or abundant in most subdivisions.','Géhu et al., 1975; Géhu and Delzenne, 1975; Duvigneaud, 1975; Westhoff and den Held, 1975; Parent and Burny, 1981; Dijkema et al., 1984; Drachenfels et al., 1984; Géhu and Géhu-Franck, 1984a; Géhu, 1984, 1986; Noirfalise, 1986; Peinado Lorca and Rivas-Martinez, 1987; Ellenberg, 1988; Oberdorfer, 1990.','Glauco-Puccinellietalia maritimae','Prés salés des côtes de la Baltique, de la mer du Nord, de la Manche et de l’Atlantique. Aster tripolium peut être présent voire abondant dans la plupart des subdivisions.','Géhu et al., 1975 ; Duvigneaud, 1975 ; Westhoff et den Held, 1975 ; Parent et Burny, 1981 ; Dijkema et al., 1984 ; Géhu et Géhu-Franck, 1984a ; Géhu, 1984,1986 ; Noirfalise, 1986 ; Peinado Lorca et Rivas-Martinez, 1987 ; Ellenberg, 1988 ; Oberdorfer, 1990.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.31','15.3','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Prés salés avec Puccinellia maritima','Saltmarsh grass meadows','Puccinellion maritimae','Bright green lawns of Puccinellia maritima of the lower and middle schorre.','','Puccinellion maritimae','Pelouses vert-vif de Puccinellia maritima du schorre bas et moyen.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.32','15.3','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Groupements à Puccinellia maritima des prés salés','Saltmarsh grass communities','Puccinellion maritimae p.','Facies of the saltmarsh grass meadows, transitional or not to other communities, in which species other than Puccinellia maritima take on an important physiognomic role.','','Puccinellion maritimae p.','Faciès de prés salés avec des graminées, en transition avec d’autres groupements ou non, dans lesquels des espèces autres que Puccinellia maritima, revêtent un rôle physionomique important.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.321','15.32','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Prés salés avec graminées et Pourpier marin','Sea purslane-saltmarsh grass meadows','','Facies of the saltmarsh grass meadows resulting from their invasion by Halimione portulacoides.','','','Faciès de prés salés résultant de leur invasion par Halimione portulacoides.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.322','15.32','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Prés salés avec graminées et Aster marin','Sea aster-saltmarsh grass meadows','','Lower schorre communities dominated by the conspicuous Aster tripolium.','','','Groupements de bas schorre dominés par le remarquable Aster tripolium.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.323','15.32','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Prés salés avec graminées et Salicorne','Glasswort-saltmarsh grass meadows','','Transitional communities of the lower schorre, with Puccinellia maritima, annual Salicornia and Suaeda maritima.','','','Groupements de transition du bas schorre, avec Puccinellia maritima, Salicornia annuelle et Suaeda maritima.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.324','15.32','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Végétations à Halimione pedunculata','Stalked orache beds','','Formations dominated by the rare, threatened Halimione pedunculata, developing very locally in the Puccinellion maritimae of Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium and France, extinct in the British Isles.','','','Formations dominées par l’espèce rare et menacée Halimione pedunculata, se développant très localement dans les Puccinellion maritimae du Danemark, de l’Allemagne, des Pays-Bas, de la Belgique et de la France, disparues des îles Britanniques.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.33','15.3','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Communautés du schorre supérieur','Upper schorre communities','Armerion maritimae','Often relatively species-rich, grassy, flowery formations of upper salt meadows, with Armeria maritima, Glaux maritima, Plantago maritima, Frankenia laevis, Artemisia maritima, Festuca rubra, Agrostis stolonifera, Juncus gerardii, Carex extensa and Blysmus rufus. The dominance of various species induces distinctive facies, among which:','','Armerion maritimae','Formations souvent relativement riches en espèces, verdoyantes, fleuries, des prés salés supérieurs, avec Armeria maritima, Glaux maritima, Plantago maritima, Frankenia laevis, Artemisia maritima, Festuca rubra, Agrostis stolonifera, Juncus gerardii et Carex extensa. La dominance de diverses espèces induit des faciès distincts, parmi lesquels :','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.331','15.33','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Formations dominées par, ou riches en, Juncus gerardii','Juncus gerardii-rich or -dominated formations','','','','','','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.332','15.33','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Formations dominées par Plantago maritima','Plantago maritima-dominated formations','','','','','','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.333','15.33','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Gazons à Festuca rubra ou Agrostis stolonifera','Festuca rubra or Agrostis stolonifera swards','','','','','','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.334','15.33','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Gazons à Statice (Armeria maritima)','Thrift (Armeria maritima) swards','','','','','','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.335','15.33','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Zones à Carex distans','Carex distans beds','','','','','','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.336','15.33','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Formations riches en Carex extensa','Carex extensa-rich formations','','','','','','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.337','15.33','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Prairies à lavandes de mer (Limonium vulgare)','Sea lavender (Limonium vulgare) formations','','','','','','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.338','15.33','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Formations riches en Blysmus rufus','Blysmus rufus-rich formations','','','','','','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.339','15.33','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Zones à Eleocharis uniglumis ou E. palustris','Eleocharis uniglumis or E. palustris beds','','','','','','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.33A','15.33','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Zones à Juncus maritimus','Juncus maritimus beds','','','','','','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.33B','15.33','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Champs à armoise marine (Artemisia maritima)','Sea wormwood (Artemisia maritima) scrub','','','','','','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.33C','15.33','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Tapis de Potentilla anserina','Potentilla anserina carpets','','','','','','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.33D','15.33','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Tapis de Frankenia laevis','Sea-heath (Frankenia laevis) mats','','','','','','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.33E','15.33','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Zones à Aster (Aster tripolium) du schorre supérieur','Upper schorre sea aster (Aster tripolium) beds','','','','','','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.34','15.3','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Prés salés à Puccinellia et Spergularia marina','Pearlwort-saltmarsh grass swards','Puccinellio-Spergularion salinae','Puccinellia swards with Spergularia marina, Puccinellia distans, P. fasciculata, P. retroflexa, P. maritima, Triglochin maritima, Potentilla anserina and Halimione portulacoides, occupying zones of varying salinity and humidity, in particular in estuarine saltmarshes.','','Puccinellio-Spergularion salinae','Pelouses à Puccinellia avec Spergularia marina, Puccinellia distans, P. fasciculata, P. maritima, Triglochin maritima, Potentilla anserina et Halimione portulacoides, occupant des zones de salinité et d’humidité variables, en particulier dans les prés salés des estuaires.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.35','15.3','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Végétation à Elymus pycnanthus','Saltmarsh couch beds','Agropyrion pungentis','Nitrophilous tall grass communities with Elymus pycnanthus (= Agropyron pungens) or E. repens.','','Agropyrion pungentis','Groupements nitrophiles de hautes herbes avec Elymus pycnanthus (Elytrigia atherica) ou E. repens (Elytrigia repens).','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.36','15.3','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Laisses de mer des prés salés atlantiques','Atlantic saltmarsh driftlines','','Annual formations of pioneers colonizing driftlines forming within saltmarshes, with Atriplex littoralis, A. hastata, Beta maritima, Matricaria maritima.','','','Formations annuelles de pionnières colonisant les laisses des marées, se constituant au sein des marais salés, avec Atriplex littoralis, A. prostrata, Beta vulgaris subsp. maritima, Matricaria maritima.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.4','15','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Prés salés continentaux','Continental salt meadows','Puccinellietalia distantis','Salt meadows of salt basins of interior middle Europe. Continental saltmarshes are remarkable, extremely threatened communities occurring in a few isolated stations of Saxony and Lower Saxony, Schleswig-Holstein, Thuringe, Hesse, Lorraine, Auvergne and the Midlands. They comprise this unit and continental glasswort swards (15.112).','Duvigneaud, 1967; Drachenfels et al., 1984; Géhu, 1984; Géhu and Rivas-Martinez, 1984; Géhu and Géhu-Franck, 1984a; Dejou, 1985; Peinado Lorca and Rivas-Martinez, 1987; Ellenberg, 1988; Oberdorfer, 1990.','Puccinellietalia distantis','Prés salés des bassins salifères de l’Europe moyenne intérieure. Les prés salés continentaux sont remarquables ; ces groupements extrêmement menacés se rencontrent dans quelques stations isolées de Lorraine et d''Auvergne. Elles englobent cette unité et les pelouses continentales à salicorne (15.112).','Duvigneaud,1967 ; Géhu, 1984 ; Géhu et Rivas-Martinez, 1984 ; Géhu et Géhu-Franck, 1984a ; Dejou, 1985 ; Peinado Lorca et Rivas-Martinez, 1987 ; Ellenberg, 1988 ; Oberdorfer, 1990.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.41','15.4','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Prés salés continentaux avec Puccinellia distans','Interior saltmarsh grass meadows','Puccinellion distantis','Meadows of Puccinellia distans occupying the lower levels of interior salt basins with fairly extended periods of inundation.','','Puccinellion distantis','Prés avec Puccinellia distans occupant le niveau inférieur des bassins salés intérieurs avec des périodes d’inondations assez prolongées.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.42','15.4','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Prés salés continentaux à jonc et Elymus','Interior saltmarsh rush and couch beds','Juncion gerardii p.','Formations dominated by Juncus gerardii or Elymus repens of the upper levels of interior salt basins on damp, less saline soils.','','Juncion gerardii p.','Formations dominées par Juncus gerardii ou Elymus repens du niveau supérieur des bassins salés intérieurs sur sols humides, moins salés.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.43','15.4','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Interior stalked orache beds','','Formations dominated by the threatened Halimione pedunculata restricted to saltmarshes east and south of the Harz.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.5','15','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Prés salés méditerranéens','Mediterranean salt meadows','Juncetalia maritimi','Salt meadows of the Mediterranean coasts and of interior Iberian salt basins.','Bolos and Molinier, 1958; De Jong, 1965; Bolos, Molinier and Montserrat, 1970; Guinochet and Vilmorin, 1973; Horvat et al., 1974; Rivas-Martinez, 1975a; Rivas-Martinez and Costa, 1975; Castroviejo and Costa, 1975; Izco and Cirujano, 1975; Lavagne and Moutte, 1977; Molinier and Martin, 1980; Lahondère, 1982; Géhu and Rivas Martinez, 1984; Géhu and Géhu-Franck, 1984a; Géhu, Costa et al., 1984; Chiappini, 1985a; Peinado Lorca and Rivas-Martinez, 1987.','Juncetalia maritimi','Prés salés des côtes, lagunes, estuaires et deltas méditerranéens et des bassins salés ibériques intérieurs.','Jong, 1965 ; Guinochet et Vilmorin, 1973 ; Horvat et al., 1974 ; Rivas-Martinez, 1975a ; Castroviejo et Costa, 1975 ; Lavagne et Moutte, 1977 ; Molinier et Martin, 1980 ; Lahondère, 1982 ; Géhu et Rivas-Martinez, 1984 ; Géhu et Géhu-Franck, 1984a ; Peinado Lorca et Rivas-Martinez,1987.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.51','15.5','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Prés salés méditerranéens à Juncus maritimus et J. acutus','Mediterranean tall rush saltmarshes','Juncion maritimi p.','Beds of Juncus maritimus or J. acutus of periodically inundated depressions, with Carex extensa, Iris spuria, Gladiolus communis, Aster tripolium, Sonchus maritimus, S. crassifolius.','','Juncion maritimi p.','Zones à Juncus maritimus ou J. acutus des dépressions périodiquement inondées, avec Carex extensa, Iris spuria, Gladiolus communis, Aster tripolium, Sonchus maritimus.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.52','15.5','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Prés salés à Juncus gerardii et Carex divisa','Mediterranean short rush, sedge, barley and clover saltmarshes','Trifolion maritimi, Juncion maritimi p.','Humid meadows of low vegetation dominated by Juncus gerardii, Carex divisa, C. extensa, Hordeum marinum or Trifolium spp. and Lotus spp. of the edges of brackish lagoons.','','Trifolion maritimi, Juncion maritimi p.','Prés humides à végétation basse dominée par Juncus gerardii, Carex divisa, C. extensa, Hordeum marinum ou Trifolium spp. et Lotus spp. des bords des lagunes saumâtres.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.53','15.5','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Prés méditerranéens halo-psammophiles','Mediterranean halo-psammophile meadows','Plantaginion crassifoliae','Drier, dense formations of sandy soils at the foot of dunes, or between dunes and lagoons, with Plantago crassifolia, Schoenus nigricans, Juncus acutus, J. littoralis, Spartina versicolor, all of which may dominate and form physiognomically distinct, sometimes almost monospecific, facies.','','Plantaginion crassifoliae','Formations plus sèches, denses des sols sableux au pied des dunes, ou entre dunes et lagunes, avec Plantago crassifolia, Schoenus nigricans, Juncus acutus, J. littoralis, Spartina versicolor, chacune de ces espèces peut dominer et former des faciès physionomiquement distincts, quelquefois presque monospécifiques.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.54','15.5','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Interior Iberian salt pan meadows','Puccinellion fasciculatae','Salt meadows peculiar to the lowest, wettest parts of interior Iberian depressions, dominated by Puccinellia fasciculata or Aeluropus littoralis in the very lowest areas, or, slightly higher, by Juncus gerardii. The higher, drier ground that surrounds them is occupied either by other salt meadow communities that are less differentiated from the coastal communities (15.51 - 15.53) or by salt scrubs (15.615).','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.55','15.5','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Prés salés méditerranéens à Puccinellia','Mediterranean saltmarsh grass swards','Puccinellion festuciformis','Dense formations of Puccinellia festuciformis and Aeluropus littoralis along Mediterranean coasts and coastal lagoons.','','Puccinellion festuciformis','Formations denses de Puccinellia festuciformis et Aeluropus littoralis le long des côtes méditerranéennes et des lagunes côtières.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.56','15.5','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Formations à annuelles sur laisses','Mediterranean saltmarsh driftlines','Thero-Suaedion','Communities of annuals forming on accumulations of organic debris in saltmarshes, with Atriplex, Suaeda, Kochia, Salsola soda.','','Thero-Suaedion','Communautés d’annuelles se constituant sur des accumulations de débris organiques dans les prés salés méditerranéens, avec Atriplex, Suaeda, Kochia, Salsola soda.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.57','15.5','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Prés salés à chiendent et armoise','Saltmarsh couch-wormwood stands','Agropyro-Artemision coerulescentis i.a.','Formations of Elymus or Artemisia fringing Mediterranean and interior Iberian saline wetlands.','','Agropyro-Artemision caerulescentis i.a.','Formations à Elymus ou à Artemisia ceinturant les zones humides salées méditerranéennes.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.58','15.5','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Formations à Juncus subulatus','Fine-leaved rush beds','Arthrocnemetalia fruticosi p.','Medium-tall Juncus subulatus beds, often forming facies within Arthrocnemum scrubs.','','Arthrocnemetalia fruticosi p.','Zones à Juncus subulatus moyen à grand, formant souvent des faciès au sein de fourrés d''Arthrocnemum.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.6','15','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Fourrés des prés salés (hygro-halophiles)','Saltmarsh scrubs','Arthrocnemetea fruticosi','Scrubby formations of woody glassworts (Arthrocnemum), seablites (Suaeda), Halimione, Halocnemum or Limoniastrum of saltmarshes and of their immediate vicinity.','Bolos and Molinier, 1960; Bolos et al., 1970; Guinochet and Vilmorin, 1973; Horvat et al., 1974; Géhu and Delzenne, 1975; Géhu et al., 1975; Castroviejo and Porta, 1975; Géhu and Géhu-Franck, 1977; Géhu et al., 1978; Molinier and Martin, 1980; Parent and Burny, 1981; Géhu, 1984, 1986; Géhu and Rivas-Martinez, 1984; Rivas Martinez, Alcaraz et al., 1984; Géhu, Costa et al., 1984; Rivas-Martinez and Costa, 1984; Peinado Lorca et al., 1984; Géhu and Géhu-Franck, 1984a; Chiappini, 1985a; Peinado Lorca and Rivas-Martinez, 1987; Wildpret de la Torre and del Arco Aguilar, 1987.','Arthrocnemetea fruticosi','Formations suffrutescentes halophiles méditerranéennes et thermo-atlantiques avec Arthrocnemum, Suaeda, Halimione, Limoniastrum des prés salés et de leur voisinage immédiat.','Guinochet et Vilmorin, 1973 ; Horvat et al., 1974 ; Géhu et al., 1975 ; Géhu et al., 1978 ; Molinier et Martin, 1980 ; Parent et Burny, 1981 ; Géhu, 1984, 1986 ; Géhu et Rivas-Martinez, 1984 ; Rivas-Martinez et Costa, 1984 ; Géhu et Géhu-Franck, 1984a ; Peinado Lorca et Rivas-Martinez, 1987.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.61','15.6','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Fourrés des marais salés méditerranéens','Mediterranean salt scrubs','Arthrocnemion fruticosi, Suaedion brevifoliae','Low shrubby expanses of woody glassworts, seablites, sea purslanes or Halocnemum, characteristic of temporarily inundated salt marshes of Mediterranean coasts, southwestern Iberian coasts and interior Iberian basins. They can be further subdivided according to dominant species, generally associated with patterns of inundation. Cistanche lutea characterises many southern formations.','','Arthrocnemion fruticosi, Suaedion brevifoliae','Formations basses, broussailleuses à Arthrocnemum, Suaeda, pourpier marin, caractéristiques des sansouires, étendues salées temporairement inondées, des côtes méditerranéennes. Elles peuvent être davantage subdivisées selon les espèces dominantes, généralement au rythme des inondations.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.611','15.61','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Tapis d''Arthrocnemum perennis','Creeping glasswort mats','Arthrocnemenion perennis: Puccinellio festuciformis-Arthrocnemetum perennis, Halimiono portulacoidis-Sarcocornietum alpini','Prostrate Arthrocnemum perenne carpets of wettest areas of coastal marshes.','','Arthrocnemion perennis : Puccinellio festuciformis-Arthrocnemetum perennis, Halimiono portulacoidis-Sarcocornietum alpini','Tapis prostrés de Sarcocornia perennis (Arthrocnemum perenne), des dépressions les plus mouillées des marais salés côtiers.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.612','15.61','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Bosquets d''arbrisseaux à Arthrocnemum (enganes)','Shrubby glasswort thickets','Arthrocnemenion fruticosi: Puccinellio festuciformis-Arthrocnemetum fruticosi, Cistancho luteae-Arthrocnemetum fruticosi','Formations of robust Arthrocnemum fruticosum, capable of forming extensive low, dense thickets.','','Arthrocnemion fruticosi : Puccinellio festuciformis-Arthrocnemetum fruticosi, Cistancho luteae-Arthrocnemetum fruticosi','Formations avec la robuste Sarcocornia fruticosa (Arthrocnemum fruticosum), capable de former des fourrés étendus, bas, denses.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.613','15.61','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Bosquets à Arthrocnemum glaucum (enganes)','Glaucous glasswort thickets','Arthrocnemenion glauci','Shrubby formations of Arthrocnemum glaucum, often occupying somewhat drier sites such as shell banks in saline lagoons.','','Arthrocnemenion glauci','Formations broussailleuses d''A. glaucum (= A. macrostachyum), occupant souvent des sites quelque peu plus secs tels que les bancs coquilliers des lagunes salées.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.614','15.61','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Bosquets d''arbrisseaux à Suaeda','Shrubby seablite thickets','Arthrocnemenion fruticosi: Halimiono-Suaedetum verae','Shrubs of Suaeda vera occupying drier elevations of coastal saltmarshes.','','Arthrocnemenion fruticosi ; Haliminiono-Suaedetum verae','Arbustes de Suaeda vera occupant les zones supérieures plus sèches des marais salés côtiers.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.615','15.61','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Interior Iberian salt scrubs','Suaedion brevifoliae','Formations of woody glassworts and seablites of Iberian interior salt basins.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.6151','15.615','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Interior woody seablite scrubs','','Suaeda pruinosa (S. fruticosa var. brevifolia) formations of Iberian interior salt basins.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.6152','15.615','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Interior glaucous glasswort scrubs','','Arthrocnemum glaucum formations of Iberian interior salt basins.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.6153','15.615','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Interior creeping glasswort scrubs','','Arthrocnemum perenne formations of Iberian interior salt basins.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.616','15.61','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Fourrés méditerranéens à pourpier marin et Arthrocnemum fruticosi','Mediterranean sea-purslane-woody glasswort scrubs','','Halimione portulacoides-rich facies within Mediterranean Arthrocnemum communities.','','','Faciès riche en Halimione portulacoides au sein des groupements méditerranéens à Sarcocornia (Arthrocnemum).','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.617','15.61','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Halocnemum scrub','Halocnemion strobilaceae','Rare and local formations dominated by the tall, often sparse, clumps of Halocnemum strobilaceum, usually associated with Arthrocnemum glaucum, sometimes with A. fruticosum, of southeastern Spain, Sardinia, Sicily and Greece.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.62','15.6','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Fourrés des marais salés atlantiques','Atlantic salt scrubs','Halimionion portulacoidis','Sea purslane, glasswort and seablite scrubs of northern Atlantic and North Sea coasts.','','Halimionion portulacoidis','Fourrés à pourpier marin, Arthrocnemum et Suaeda des côtes de l’Atlantique nord et de la mer du Nord.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.621','15.62','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Fourrés argentés à Halimione portulacoides','Silver scrubs','Halimionetum portulacoidis, Bostrychio-Halimionetum portulacoidis','Shrubby Halimione portulacoides communities of middle levels of Atlantic schorres.','','Halimionetum portulacoidis, Bostrychio-Halimionetum portulacoidis','Groupements d’arbrisseaux avec Halimione portulacoides des niveaux moyens des schorres atlantiques.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.622','15.62','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Fruticées atlantiques d''Arthrocnemum perennis','Atlantic creeping glasswort mats','Puccinellio maritimae-Arthrocnemetum perennis p.','Arthrocnemum perenne - dominated formations of the British Isles, the Atlantic coasts of France and of Iberia, except for the extreme southwest of the peninsula.','','Puccinellio maritimae-Arthrocnemetum perennis p.','Formations des îles Britanniques, des côtes atlantiques françaises et ibériques, excepté l’extrême sud-ouest de la péninsule, dominées par Sarcocornia perennis (Arthrocnemum perenne).','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.623','15.62','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Fourrés atlantiques d''arbrisseaux à Suaeda','Atlantic shrubby seablite scrubs','Agropyro-Suaedetum verae','Suaeda vera-dominated formations of the British Isles, the Atlantic coasts of France and of Iberia, except for the extreme southwest of the peninsula.','','Agropyro-Suaedetum verae','Formations des îles Britanniques, des côtes atlantiques françaises et ibériques, excepté l’extrême sud-ouest de la péninsule, dominées par Suaeda vera.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.624','15.62','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Fourrés atlantiques d''arbustes à Arthrocnemum','Atlantic shrubby glasswort scrubs','Puccinellio maritimae-Arthrocnemetum fruticosi','Arthrocnemum fruticosum-dominated formations of the Atlantic coasts of France and of Iberia, except for the extreme southwest of the peninsula.','','Puccinellio maritimae-Arthrocnemetum fruticosi','Formations des côtes atlantiques françaises et ibériques, excepté l’extrême sud-ouest de la péninsule, dominées par Sarcocornia fruticosa (Arthrocnemum fruticosum).','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.63','15.6','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Fourrés à Limoniastrum','Limoniastrum scrubs','Limoniastrion monopetali i.a.','Formations of often large, silver-glaucous shrubs of Limoniastrum monopetalum with showy pink flowers in late spring, of drier parts of Mediterranean and Iberian salt marshes.','','','Formations d’arbustes souvent grands, glauques et argentés, de Limoniastrum monopetalum aux fleurs rose-criard à la fin du printemps, des parties plus sèches des marais salés méditerranéens et ibériques.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.64','15.6','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Canarian saltmarsh scrubs','Arthrocnemetalia fruticosi p.','Low shrubby expanses of woody glassworts, seablites, sea purslanes or Zygophyllum, characteristic of temporarily inundated salt marshes of Canary Island coasts.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.641','15.64','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Canarian creeping glasswort scrubs','','Formations of Arthrocnemum perenne occupying the lowest level of the salt marshes of the coasts of Fuerteventura, Lanzarote and Isla de Lobos.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.642','15.64','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Zygophyllum saltmarshes','Zygophyllo fontanesii-Arthrocnemetum macrostachyi','Formations of the Canario-Saharan halophyte Zygophyllum fontanesii, associated with Arthrocnemum glaucum, of the higher level of the saltmarshes of the eastern islands and, very locally, of Alegranza and La Graciosa.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.643','15.64','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Canarian Salsola saltmarshes','','Formations of Salsola longifolia, often dense and sometimes up to 2 metres high, of Canary Island coastal marshes, barranco openings and lagoons.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.7','15','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Fourrés halophiles semi-désertiques','Semi-desert salt scrubs','','Halophile shrub formations of dry ground in low-precipitation areas of the Iberian peninsula, Sicily and the Macaronesian Islands.','','','Fourrés halophiles des sols secs dans des zones à faibles précipitations de la péninsule Ibérique, de la Sicile et des îles macaronésiennes.','','FALSE','FALSE','VG','Code parent du 15.72 cité dans les fiches 1430 des Cahiers d''habitats.');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.71','15.7','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Canarian xero-halophilous scrubs','Chenoletalia tomentosae','Shrubby formations of Zygophyllum fontanesii, Chenoleoides tomentosa, sea-heath, saltworts and seablites of the vicinity of the coasts of the Canary Islands.','Wildpret de la Torre and del Arco Aguilar, 1987; Serrada et al., 1988.','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.711','15.71','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Canarian coastal scrub','Chenoletalia tomentosa: Chenoleion tomentosae','Formations of Chenoleoides tomentosa, Suaeda vermiculata, Frankenia laevis, Zygophyllum fontanesii, Polycarpaea nivea, Atriplex halimus, A. glauca and Limonium spp. forming a halophile belt in the littoral zone of the larger Canary Islands and, with somewhat modified composition, of the islets.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.712','15.71','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Zygophyllum dry scrubs','','Formations of Zygophyllum fontanesii of sandy stone fields and black sands of the coastal zone of the Canary Islands.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.713','15.71','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Salsola longifolia dry scrubs','','Formations of Salsola longifolia of dry coastal areas of the Canary Islands.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.72','15.7','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Fourrés halonitrophiles méditerranéens','Mediterranean halo-nitrophilous scrubs','Salsolo-Peganetalia','Nitrophilous scrubby formations typically of dry soils and arid climates, often greyish-white and semidesert-like, sometimes including taller, denser brushes. They are most frequent in the eastern Iberian peninsula, where characteristic shrubs include Peganum harmala, Artemisia herba-alba, Lycium intricatum, Capparis ovata and the Chenopodiaceae Salsola vermiculata, S. genistoides, S. verticillata, Suaeda pruinosa, Atriplex halimus, A. glauca, Camphorosma monspeliaca, Anabasis articulata and Haloxylon articulatum.','Braun-Blanquet and Bolos, 1957; Delvosalle and Duvigneaud, 1962; Freitag, 1971; Bolos, 1973; Polunin and Smythies, 1973; Rivas-Martinez, 1977; Bellot, 1979; Brullo et al., 1980; Peinado-Lorca et al., 1984; Peinado and Martinez-Parras, 1984; Géhu, 1984; Géhu and Rivas Martinez, 1984; Peinado Lorca and Rivas-Martinez, 1987.','Salsolo-Peganetalia','Fourrés nitrophiles typiques des sols secs sous climats arides, souvent blanc-grisâtres et succulents, comprenant parfois des broussailles plus élevées et plus denses. Ils sont le plus fréquent dans l''est de la péninsule Ibérique où les buissons caractéristiques comprennent Peganum harmala, Artemisia herba-alba, Lycium intricatum, Capparis ovata et les Chenopodiaceae Salsola vermiculata, S. genistoides, S. verticillata, Suaeda pruinosa, Atriplex halimus, A. glauca, Camphorosma monspeliaca, Anabasis articulata et Haloxylon articulatum.','Braun-Blanquet et Bolos, 1957 ; Delvosalle et Duvigneaud, 1962 ; Freitag, 1971 ; Bolos, 1973 ; Polunin et Smythies, 1973 ; Rivas-Martinez, 1977 ; Bellot, 1979 ; Brullo et al., 1980 ; Peinado-Lorca et al., 1984 ; Peinado et Martinez-Parras, 1984 ; Géhu, 1984 ; Géhu et Rivas Martinez, 1984 ; Peinado Lorca et Rivas-Martinez, 1987.','FALSE','FALSE','CH','Code Corine cité dans les fiches Cahiers d''habitats 1430.');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.721','15.72','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Ebro sisallares','','Interior, extensive and varied, halo-nitrophilous scrubs of the Ebro basin, comprising both dry ground sisallares proper, as well as various more hygrophile communities of edges of salt lagoons.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.722','15.72','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Manchegan sisallares','','Halo-nitrophilous scrubs of La Mancha, in the central Iberian peninsula, formed of communities related to those of the Ebro.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.723','15.72','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Catalano-Valencian halo-nitrophilous scrubs','','Local halo-nitrophilous scrubs of the coasts of Catalonia, Valencia and the Balearics.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.724','15.72','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','South-eastern Iberian matojares','','Halo-nitrophilous scrubs, matojares and related communities, of the arid zone of southeastern Spain, forming, with predesert scrubs (32.25) and localized gypsum scrubs (15.93), the unique vegetation of this highly distinctive region.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.725','15.72','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Sicilian halo-nitrophilous scrubs','','Halo-nitrophilous scrubs of southwestern Sicily, with Salsola verticillata, Suaeda pruinosa, Reaumuria vermiculata, Capparis ovata and the endemics Limonium opulentum and Herniaria fontanesii ssp. empedocleana.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.8','15','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Steppes salées méditerranéennes','Mediterranean salt steppes','Limonietalia','Associations rich in perennial, rosette-forming Limonium spp. or esparto grass, Lygeum spartum, occupying, along Mediterranean coasts and on the fringes of Iberian salt basins, soils temporarily permeated (though not in undated) by saline water and subject to extreme summer drying, with formation of salt efflorescences.','Braun-Blanquet and Bolos, 1957; Bolos, 1973; Castroviejo and Porta, 1975; Rivas-Martinez and Costa, 1984; Peinado-Lorca et al., 1984; Géhu and Géhu-Franck, 1984a; Géhu, Costa et al., 1984; Géhu, 1984; Rivas-Martinez and Costa, 1985; Peinado Lorca and Rivas-Martinez, 1987.','Limonietalia','Associations riches en Limonium spp., plantes pérennes, en rosettes, ou riches en Lygeum spartum occupant, le long des côtes méditerranéennes et sur la frange des bassins salés ibériques, les sols temporairement imprégnés d’eau salée (bien que non inondés) et soumis aux sécheresses estivales extrêmes, avec formations d’efflorescences salées.','Rivas-Martinez et Costa, 1984 ; Géhu et Géhu-Franck, 1984a ; Géhu, 1984 ; Rivas-Martinez et Costa, 1985 ; Peinado-Lorca et Rivas-Martinez, 1987.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.81','15.8','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Steppes à Lavande de mer','Sea-lavender salt steppes','','Limonium-rich facies of the salt steppes.','','','Faciès riche en Limonium des steppes salées.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.811','15.81','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Steppes à Lavande de mer ibériques','','','','','','','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.8114','15.811','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Steppes à Lavande de mer catalano-provençales','','','','','','','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.82','15.8','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Esparto salt steppes','','Saltmarsh and saltmarsh fringe formations of Lygeum spartum of coastal Crete, coastal and interior Iberia','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.9','15','3','Niveau 3','FALSE','','Iberian gypsum scrubs','Gypsophiletalia','Garrigues occupying gypsum-rich soils of the Iberian peninsula, usually very open and floristically characterised by the presence of numerous gypsophilous species, among which Gypsophila struthium, G. hispanica, Centaurea hyssopifolia, Teucrium libanitis, Ononis tridentata, Lepidium subulatum, Herniaria fruticosa, Reseda stricta, Helianthemum squamatum. They are often rich in thymes (Thymus), germanders (Teucrium), rockroses (Helianthemum), composites (Centaurea, Jurinea, Santolina), Frankenia.','Rivas Goday, 1955; Delvosalle and Duvigneaud, 1962; Rivas Goday and Rivas-Martinez, 1968; Rivas-Martinez and Costa, 1970; Bolos, 1973; Bellot, 1979; Géhu, 1984; Peinado Lorca and Rivas-Martinez, 1987.','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.91','15.9','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Central Iberian gypsum scrubs','Lepidion subulati','Low garrigues dotted with occasional tall bushes, developed on gypseous soils which are often covered by a crust of lichens, generally rich in Centaurea hyssopifolia and often in Gypsophila struthium, Lepidium subulatum, Thymus zygis or Jurinea pinnata.They are limited to the meseta and eastern Andalusia.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.911','15.91','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Meseta gypsum scrubs','','Formations of the central meseta dominated by, or rich in, Centaurea hyssopifolia.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.912','15.91','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Eastern Andalusian gypsum scrubs','','Formations of eastern Andalusia (Armeria, Granada) dominated by, or rich in, Centaurea hyssopifolia, Jurinea pinnata or Gypsophila struthium.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.913','15.91','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Dueran gypsum scrubs','','Formations of the central Duero with Linum suffruticosum and Lepidium subulatum.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.92','15.9','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Ebro gypsum scrubs','Gypsophilion hispanicae','Open low garrigues of eroded gypsiferous hills of the Ebro basin and of the upper Turia region, with Gypsophila hispanica.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.921','15.92','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Gypsophila hispanica garrigues','','Open formations dominated by, or very rich in, Gypsophila hispanica, the most widespread northeastern gypsum scrub component.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.922','15.92','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Helianthemum squamatum garrigues','','Formations of Helianthemum squamatum, often very homogeneous.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.923','15.92','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Ononis tridentata garrigues','','Formations of somewhat deeper calcaro-gypsiferous soils, rich in Ononis tridentata.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('15.93','15.9','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','South-eastern gypsum scrubs','Thymo-Teucrion verticillati','Low, open thyme, germander and rockrose garrigues colonizing poorly developed gypsiferous soils of the arid southeast of the Iberian peninsula (Alicante and Murcia). Characteristic elements are Teucrium libanitis (T. verticillatum), T. polium, T. pumilum, T. carthaginense, Thymus longiflorus, T. antoninae, Helianthemum lavandulifolium (H. racemosum), H. squamatum, Gypsophila hispanica, G. struthium, Astragalus alopecuroides. Grasses (Lygeum, Stipa, Brachypodium), wormwood (Artemisia) and Chenopodiaceae may be locally prominent.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('16','1','2','Niveau 2','TRUE','Dunes côtières et plages de sable','Coastal sand-dunes and sand beaches','','Sand-covered shorelines in general, but in particular, onshore areas of sand created by the action of wind and often colonised and stabilised by communities of coarse maritime grasses.','','','Ligne de rivage couverte de sable ; zones sableuses créées par l’action du vent et souvent colonisées et stabilisées par des communautés de graminées maritimes communes.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('16.1','16','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Plages de sable','Sand beaches','','Gently sloping sand-covered shorelines fashioned by wave action.','','','Lignes de rivage couvertes de sable, légèrement inclinées, formées par l’action des vagues.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('16.11','16.1','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Plages de sable sans végétation','Unvegetated sand beaches','','Sandy beaches devoid of phanerogamic vegetation. Mediolittoral (intertidal) and supralittoral invertebrate communities can be used to define subdivisions.','Augier, 1982.','','Plages sableuses dépourvues de phanérogames. Les groupements intertidaux et supralittoraux d’invertébrés peuvent être utilisés pour définir des subdivisions.','Augier, 1982.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('16.12','16.1','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Groupements annuels des plages de sable','Sand beach annual communities','Cakiletea maritimae (Atriplici-Salsolion kali = Salsolo-Honkenyion peploidis, Thero-Suaedion, Euphorbion peplis p.)','Formations mostly of annuals occupying accumulations of drift material and sands rich in nitrogenous organic matter; characteristic are Suaeda maritima, Bassia hirsuta, Cakile maritima, Salsola kali, Beta maritima, Atriplex spp., Glaucium flavum, Mertensia maritima, Polygonum spp. and, along Mediterranean coasts, Euphorbia peplis, E. paralias.','Guinochet and Vilmorin, 1973; Horvat et al., 1974; Westhoff and den Held, 1975; Molinier and Martin, 1980; Lahondère, 1980; Parent and Burny, 1981; Géhu and Géhu-Franck, 1984a; Géhu, Costa et al., 1984; Nordiska ministerradet, 1984; Géhu, 1984, 1985; Peinado Lorca and Rivas-Martinez, 1987; Ellenberg, 1988; Oberdorfer, 1990.','Cakiletea maritimae (Atriplici-Salsolion kali = Salsolo-Honkenyion peploidis, Thero-Suaedion, Euphorbion peplis p.)','Formations principalement d’annuelles occupant des accumulations de matériel charrié et des sables riches en matières organiques azotées ; les plantes caractéristiques sont Suaeda maritima, Bassia hirsuta, Cakile maritima, Salsola kali, Beta maritima, Atriplex spp., Glaucium flavum, Mertensia maritima, Polygonum spp. et, le long des côtes méditerranéennes, Euphorbia peplis, E. paralias.','Guinochet et Vilmorin, 1973 ; Horvat et al., 1974 ; Westhoff et den Held, 1975 ; Molinier et Martin, 1980 ; Lahondère, 1980 ; Parent et Burny, 1981 ; Géhu et Géhu-Franck, 1984a ; Géhu, 1984,1985 ; Peinado Lorca et Rivas-Martinez, 1987 ; Ellenberg, 1988 ; Oberdorfer, 1990.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('16.13','16.1','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Groupements vivaces des plages de sable','Sand beach perennial communities','Honkenyo-Elymion','Boreal halo-nitrophilous perennial vegetation of the upper beach formed by Leymus (Elymus) arenarius, Ammophila arenaria, Honkenya peploides, Elymus farctus, E. repens, Mertensia maritima, accompanied by Atriplex spp., Cakile maritima, Petasites spurius, limited to Baltic and northern North Sea.','Nordiska ministerradet, 1984; Géhu, 1985; Oberdorfer, 1990.','Honkenyo-Elymion','Végétation vivace halonitrophile boréale des hauts de plage, formées par Leymus arenarius, Ammophila arenaria, Honkenya peploides, Elymus farctus, E. repens, Mertensia maritima, accompagnés d’Atriplex sp. pl., Cakile maritima, … mer du Nord.','Géhu, 1984 ; Oberdorfer, 1990.','TRUE','FALSE','VG','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('16.2','16','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Dunes','Dunes','','Onshore wind-carried sand deposits arranged in cordons of ridges parallel to the coast.','','','Dépôts de sable, apporté par le vent du large, arrangés en cordons de rides parallèles à la côte.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('16.21','16.2','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Dunes mobiles','Shifting dunes','Agropyrion juncei, Ammophilion arenariae, Zygophyllion fontanesii','Mobile sands, unvegetated or occupied by open grasslands; they may form tall dune ridges or, particularly along the Mediterranean, be limited to a fairly flat upper beach, still subject in part to inundation.','Braun-Blanquet et al., 1972; Guinochet and Vilmorin, 1973; Horvat et al., 1974; Diez et al., 1975; Westhoff and den Held, 1975; Lahondère, 1980; Molinier and Martin, 1980; Parent and Burny, 1981; Géhu, Costa et al., 1984; Géhu, 1985, 1986; Peinado Lorca and Rivas-Martinez, 1987; Wildpret de la Torre and del Arco Aguilar, 1987; Serrada et al., 1988; Ellenberg, 1988; Machado, in litt., 1989; Oberdorfer, 1990.','Agropyrion juncei, Ammophilion arenariae, Zygophyllion fontanesii','Sables mobiles, nus ou occupés par des pelouses ouvertes ; ils peuvent former des crêtes dunaires ou, particulièrement le long de la Méditerranée, être limités à une arrière plage relativement plate, encore sujette en partie aux inondations.','Guinochet et Vilmorin, 1973 ; Horvat et al., 1974 ; Westhoff et den Held, 1975 ; Lahondère, 1980 ; Molinier et Martin, 1980 ; Parent et Burny, 1981 ; Géhu, 1985,1986 ; Peinado Lorca et Rivas-Martinez, 1987 ; Ellenberg, 1988 ; Oberdorfer, 1990.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('16.211','16.21','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Dunes embryonnaires','Embryonic dunes','Agropyrion juncei (Agropyro-Honkenyion)','The first stages of dune construction, constituted by ripples or raised sand surfaces of the upper beach or by a seaward fringe at the foot of the tall dunes.','','Agropyrion juncei (Agropyro-Honkenyion)','Premiers stades de construction de la dune, constituée par des rides ou des élévations de la surface sableuse de l’arrière plage, ou comme une frange à la base du versant maritime des hautes dunes.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('16.2111','16.211','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Dunes embryonnaires atlantiques','Atlantic embryonic dunes','Elymo-Agropyretum juncei, Euphorbio-Agropyretum juncei','Embryonic dunes of the Atlantic, the North Sea and the Baltic coasts, with Elymus farctus (Agropyron junceum) accompanied by Leymus arenarius in the north, by Euphorbia paralias on middle and southern Atlantic shores.','','Elymo-Agropyretum juncei, Euphorbio-Agropyretum juncei','Dunes embryonnaires des côtes de l’Atlantique, de la mer du Nord et de la mer Baltique, avec Elytrigia juncea (Elymus farctus) accompagné par Leymus arenarius au nord, par Euphorbia paralias sur le littoral de l’Atlantique « centre » et « sud ».','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('16.2112','16.211','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Dunes embryonnaires méditerranéennes','Mediterranean embryonic dunes','Agropyrion juncei: Agropyretum mediterraneum','Embryonic dunes of the Mediterranean coasts, on which Elymus farctus is accompanied by Sporobolus pungens, Euphorbia peplis, Otanthus maritimus, Medicago marina, Anthemis maritima, A. tomentosa, Eryngium maritimum, Pancratium maritimum.','','Agropyrion juncei, Agropyretum mediterraneum','Dunes embryonnaires des côtes méditerranéennes, sur lesquelles Elytrigia juncea est accompagné par Sporobolus pungens, Euphorbia peplis, Otanthus maritimus, Medicago marina, Anthemis maritima, Eryngium maritimum, Pancratium maritimum.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('16.212','16.21','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Dunes blanches','White dunes','Ammophilion arenariae, Zygophyllion fontanesii','Mobile dunes forming the seaward cordon or cordons of dune systems.','','Ammophilion arenariae, Zygophyllion fontanesii','Dunes mobiles formant le cordon ou les cordons les plus proches de la mer des systèmes dunaires.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('16.2121','16.212','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Dunes blanches de l''Atlantique','Atlantic white dunes','Ammophilion arenariae: Elymo-Ammophiletum, Euphorbio-Ammophiletum, Othanto-Ammophiletum','White dunes of the North Sea, the Baltic and the Atlantic coasts, dominated, when vegetated, by marram grass (Ammophila arenaria) accompanied by, among others, Eryngium maritimum, Euphorbia paralias, Calystegia soldanella, Otanthus maritimus.','','Ammophilion arenariae : Elymo-Ammophiletum, Euphorbio-Ammophiletum, Othanto-Ammophiletum','Dunes blanches des côtes de la mer du Nord, de la mer Baltique et de l’Atlantique, dominées, quand la végétation est présente, par l’oyat (Ammophila arenaria) accompagné par Eryngium maritimum, Euphorbia paralias, Calystegia soldanella, Otanthus maritimus, parmi d’autres.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('16.2122','16.212','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Dunes blanches de la Méditerranée','Mediterranean white dunes','Ammophilion arenariae: Echinophoro-Ammophiletum','White dunes of the Mediterranean coasts, dominated, when vegetated, by marram grass (Ammophila arenaria) accompanied by, among others, Echinophora spinosa, Eryngium maritimum, Euphorbia paralias, Cutandia maritima, Medicago marina, Anthemis maritima.','','Ammophilion arenariae : Echinophoro-Ammophiletum','Dunes blanches des côtes méditerranéennes, dominées, quand la végétation est présente, par l’oyat (Ammophila arenaria) accompagné par Echinophora spinosa, Eryngium maritimum, Euphorbia paralias, Cutandia maritima, Medicago marina, Anthemis maritima.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('16.2123','16.212','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Canarian white dunes','Zygophyllion fontanesii','Mobile dunes of the Canary Islands, with Zygophyllum fontanesii, Euphorbia paralias, Polycarpaea nivea, Cyperus capitatus, Ononis natrix, Convolvulus caput-medusae, Polygonum maritimum and the threatened Lanzarote endemic lily Androcymbium psammophilum.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('16.22','16.2','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Dunes grises','Grey dunes','','Fixed dunes, stabilized and colonized by more or less closed perennial grasslands.','Zarzycki, 1961; Braun-Blanquet et al., 1972; Guinochet and Vilmorin, 1973; Horvat et al., 1974; Westhoff and den Held, 1975; Diez et al., 1975; Géhu and Foucault, 1977; Rivas-Martinez, 1977; Lahondère, 1980; Molinier and Martin, 1980; Parent and Burny, 1981; Géhu, Costa et al., 1984; Chiappini, 1985a; Veri and Pacioni, 1985; Géhu, 1985, 1986; Peinado Lorca and Rivas-Martinez, 1987; Wildpret de la Torre and del Arco Aguilar, 1987; Serrada et al., 1988; Ellenberg, 1988; Machado, in litt., 1989; Oberdorfer, 1990.','','Dunes fixées, stabilisées et colonisées par des pelouses pérennes plus ou moins fermées.','Zarzycki, 1961 ; Guinochet et Vilmorin, 1973 ; Horvat et al., 1974 ; Westhoff et den Held, 1975 ; Géhu et de Foucault, 1977 ; Rivas-Martinez, 1977 ; Lahondère, 1980 ; Molinier et Martin, 1980 ; Parent et Burny, 1981 ; Géhu, 1985, 1986 ; Peinado Lorca et Rivas-Martinez, 1987 ; Ellenberg, 1988 ; Oberdorfer, 1990.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('16.221','16.22','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Dunes grises septentrionales','Northern grey dunes','Galio-Koelerion albescentis (Koelerion albescentis), Corynephorion canescentis p., Sileno conicae-Cerastion semidecandri','Grasslands of Baltic, North Sea, Channel and northern Atlantic fixed dunes','','Galio-Koelerion albescentis (Koelerion albescentis), Corynephorion canescentis p., Sileno conicae-Cerastion semidecandri','Prairies des dunes fixées de la mer du Nord, de la Manche et de l’Atlantique nord.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('16.2211','16.221','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Groupements dunaires à Tortula','Tortula moss dune communities','','Calciphile communities with Koeleria, Galium verum, Viola curtisii, Ononis repens, Festuca rubra, and moss (e.g. Tortula ruraliformis) and lichen carpets. ','','','Groupements calciphiles avec Koeleria, Galium verum, Viola saxatilis subsp. curtisii, Ononis repens, Festuca rubra, et tapis de mousses (par ex. Tortula ruraliformis) et lichens.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('16.2212','16.221','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Groupements dunaires à Corynephorus canescens','Grey-hairgrass dune communities','','Communities of less calcareous or decalcified slopes rich in Corynephorus canescens and Viola canina.','','','Groupements des pentes moins calcaires ou décalcifiées, riches en Corynephorus canescens et Viola canina.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('16.2213','16.221','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Groupements dunaires à Myosoton','Mouse-ear dune communities','','Short-lived, warmth-loving mouse-ear dune communities with Cerastium diffusum, C. semidecandrum, C. subtetrandrum, Erodium lebelii, Phleum arenarium, Silene conica.','','','Groupements dunaires à Myosoton éphémères, thermophiles avec Cerastium diffusum, C. semidecandrum, Erodium lebelii, Phleum arenarium, Silene conica.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('16.222','16.22','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Dunes grises de Gascogne','Biscay grey dunes','Euphorbio-Helichrysion stoechadis','Fixed dune grasslands infiltrated by dwarf bushes of French Brittany and the coast of the Bay of Biscay, with Helichrysum stoechas, Artemisia campestris, Ephedra distachya.','','Euphorbio-Helichrysion stoechadis','Prairies dunaires fixées, infiltrées par des buissons nains, de la Bretagne et de la côte du golfe de Gascogne, avec Helichrysum stoechas, Artemisia campestris, Ephedra distachya.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('16.223','16.22','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Dunes grises ibéro-méditerranéennes','Ibero-Mediterranean grey dunes','Crucianellion maritimae','Fixed dunes of the western Mediterranean and of the thermo-Atlantic coasts of Portugal and southwestern Spain, with Crucianella maritima and Pancratium maritimum.','','Crucianellion maritimae','Dunes fixées de la Méditerranée occidentale et des côtes thermo-atlantiques du Portugal et du sud-ouest de l''Espagne, avec Crucianella maritima et Pancratium maritimum.','','FALSE','FALSE','CH','Cité dans les fiches Cahiers d''habitats 2210.');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('16.224','16.22','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Greek fixed dunes','','Formations of Greece with Euphorbia terracina and Silene nicaeensis or Ephedra distachya and Silene subconica.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('16.225','16.22','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Pelouses dunaires du Mesobromion','Dune Mesobromion grasslands','','Dunal grasslands composed of species characteristic of dry calcareous grasslands (34.32), particularly of northern Brittany (Galio maritimi-Brachypodietum pinnati).','','','Pelouses dunaires composées d’espèces caractéristiques des pelouses calcaires sèches (34.32), particulièrement de la Bretagne nord (Galio maritimi-Brachypodietum pinnati).','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('16.226','16.22','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Lisières des dunes thermophiles','Dune thermophile fringes','Trifolio-Geranietea sanguinei: Galio maritimi-Geranion sanguinei ','Geranium sanguineum formations (34.4) incorporated within grey dune systems of the British Isles and Brittany.','','Trifolio-Geranietea sanguinei : Galio maritimi-Geranion sanguinei','Formations à Geranium sanguineum (34.4) incorporées aux systèmes de dunes grises des îles Britanniques et de la Bretagne.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('16.227','16.22','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Groupements dunaires à plantes annuelles','Dune fine-grass annual communities','Thero-Airion p., Nardo-Galion saxatile p. (Botrychio-Polygaletum), Tuberarion guttatae p.','Sparse pioneer formations (35.2, 35.3) of fine grasses rich in spring-blooming therophytes characteristic of oligotrophic, superficial soils.','','Thero-Airion p., Nardo-Galion saxatile p. (Botrychio-Polygaletum), Tuberarion guttatae p.','Formations pionnières clairsemées (35.2, 35.3) de graminées fines riches en thérophytes à floraison printannière caractéristiques des sols superficiels, oligotrophes.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('16.228','16.22','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Groupements dunaires à Malcolmia','Dune malcolmia annual-herb communities','Malcolmietalia','Associations with many small annuals and often abundant ephemeral spring bloom (35.4), with Malcolmia lacera, M. ramosissima, Evax astericiflora, E. lusitanica, Anthyllis hamosa, Linaria pedunculata, of deep sands in dry interdunal depressions of Iberia, southern France and Italy.','','Malcolmietalia','Communautés à nombreuses petites espèces annuelles à floraison printanière éphémère souvent abondantes (35.4), avec M. ramosissima, des sables profonds au niveau des dépressions sèches interdunales du sud de la France.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('16.229','16.22','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Pelouses dunaires méditerranéennes xériques','Dune Mediterranean xeric grasslands','Thero-Brachypodietalia p.','Dunal formations of 34.5.','','Thero-Brachypodietalia p.','Formations dunaires de 34.5.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('16.22A','16.22','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Canarian fixed dunes','Traganion moquini','Fixed dunes of the Canary Islands, forming, mostly in the centre and east of the archipelago, extensive systems (jables), with Traganum moquinii, Suaeda vera, Atriplex halimus, A. glauca var. ifniensis, Salsola longifolia, S. vermiculata.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('16.23','16.2','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Crowberry brown dunes','Empetrion nigri','Decalcified dunes colonized by Empetrum nigrum heaths, of the Frisian, German, Danish and Scottish coasts.','Westhoff and den Held, 1975; De Smidt, 1981; Géhu, 1985.','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('16.24','16.2','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Dunes brunes à bruyère','Heather brown dunes','Calluno-Ulicetea p.','Decalcified dunes of France and Britain, colonized by heaths of the Calluno-Genistion or the Ulicion minoris, and of Iberia, colonized by heaths of the Ericion umbellatae.','Géhu, 1985.','Calluno-Ulicetea p.','Dunes décalcifiées, colonisées par les landes du Calluno-Genistion ou de l''Ulicion minoris, et dans la péninsule Ibérique, par l’Ericion umbellatae.','Géhu, 1985.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('16.241','16.24','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','East Anglian ling dunes','Carici arenariae-Callunetum','Calluna vulgaris-Carex arenaria heaths of East Anglian inner dunes.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('16.242','16.24','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Dunes françaises à bruyère','French ling dunes','Carici trinervis-Callunetum','Calluna vulgaris-Carex trinervis heaths of northern French inner dunes.','','Carici trinervis-Callunetum','Bruyères à Calluna vulgaris-Carex trinervis des dunes intérieures du nord de la France.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('16.243','16.24','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','British bell heather dunes','Carici arenariae-Ericetum cinereae','Erica cinerea-Carex arenaria heaths of decalcified dunes of the west of the British Isles.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('16.244','16.24','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Dunes françaises à bruyère cendrée','French bell heather dunes','Festuco vasconcensis-Ericetum cinereae','Erica cinererea-Festuca vasconcensis heaths of dry dunes of southwestern France.','','Festuco vasconcensis-Ericetum cinereae','Bruyères à Erica cinerea-Festuca vasconcensis des dunes sèches du sud-ouest de la France.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('16.245','16.24','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Dunes françaises à bruyère ciliée','French Dorset heath dunes','Arrhenathero thorei-Ericetum ciliaris','Erica ciliaris-Pseudarrhenatherum longifolium (Arrhenatherum thorei) heaths of more humid dunes of southwestern France.','','Arrhenathero thorei-Ericetum ciliaris','Bruyères à Erica ciliaris-Pseudoarrhenatherum longifolium (= Arrhenatherum thorei) des dunes plus humides du sud-ouest de la France.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('16.246','16.24','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Iberian green heather dunes','Erico scopariae-Ulicetum australis','Erica scoparia-Ulex parviflorus ssp. eriocladus (U. australis) heaths of southwestern Iberian dunes.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('16.247','16.24','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Iberian Dorset heath dunes','Erico ciliaris-Ulicetum australis','Erica ciliaris-Ulex parviflorus ssp. eriocladus heaths of more humid southwestern Iberian dunes.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('16.25','16.2','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Dunes avec fourrés, bosquets','Dune thickets','Prunetalia spinosae p. (Ligustro-Hippophaeion rhamnoidis, Lonicerion periclymeni, Pruno-Rubion ulmifolii p., "Sambuco-Berberidion")','Dense formations of large shrubs including sea-buckthorn, privet, elder, willow, gorse or broom, often festooned with creepers such as honeysuckle or white bryony. Codes of 31.8 can be used, in addition to 16.252, to precise the habitat.','Westhoff and den Held, 1975; Lahondère, 1980; Parent and Burny, 1981; Géhu, 1985.','Prunetalia spinosae p. (Ligustro-Hippophaeion rhamnoidis, Lonicerion periclymeni, Pruno-Rubion ulmifolii p., Sambuco-Berberidion)','Formations denses de grands arbustes incluant argousier, troène, sureau, saule, ajonc ou genêt, souvent ornées de plantes grimpantes telles que chèvrefeuille ou bryone. Les codes de 31.8 peuvent être utilisés, en complément de 16.252, pour spécifier les habitats.','Westhoff et den Held, 1975 ; Lahondère, 1980 ; Parent et Burny, 1981 ; Géhu, 1985.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('16.251','16.25','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Fourrés dunaires à Argousier','Sea-buckthorn dune thickets','','Hippophae rhamnoides formations of forest colonisation in both dry and humid dune depressions, mostly in Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium and the British Isles.','','','Formations à Hippophae rhamnoides de la colonisation forestière des dépressions dunaires sèches ainsi qu’humides, principalement au Danemark, en Allemagne, aux Pays-Bas, en Belgique et dans les îles Britanniques.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('16.252','16.25','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Fourrés dunaires mixtes','Mixed dune thickets','','Pre-forest thickets other than heaths, sea-buckthorn or creeping willow (Ulex, Sarothamnus, Rubus, Ligustrum, Daphne).','','','Fourrés pré-forestiers autres que bruyères, argousier ou saule des sables (Ulex, Sarothamnus, Rubus, Ligustrum, Daphne).','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('16.26','16.2','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Dunes à Salix arenaria','Creeping-willow mats','Salicion arenariae','Salix arenaria formations of both dry and humid dune depressions.','Géhu, 1985.','Salicion arenariae','Formations à Salix arenaria des dépressions dunaires sèches ou humides.','Géhu, 1985.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('16.27','16.2','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Dunes à genévrier','Dune juniper thickets and woods','Juniperion lyciae; Berberidion p.','Juniper formations (Juniperus phoenicea, J. "lycia", J. macrocarpa, J. transtagana) of dune slacks and slopes in Mediterranean and thermo-Atlantic areas; J. communis formations of calcareous Jutland dunes.','Garcia and Purroy, 1973; Diez et al., 1975; Westhoff and den Held, 1975; Rivas-Martinez et al., 1980; Géhu, 1985; Peinado Lorca and Rivas-Martinez, 1987.','Juniperion lyciae ; Berberidion p.','Formations à genévriers (Juniperus phoenica, J. phoenica subsp. lycia, J. oxycedrus subsp. macrocarpa) des dépressions et des pentes dunaires des régions méditerranéennes et thermo-atlantiques.','Westhoff et den Held, 1975 ; Géhu, 1985 ; Peinado Lorca et Rivas-Martinez, 1987.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('16.271','16.27','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Fourrés dunaires à genévrier oxycèdre','Dune prickly juniper thickets','Rhamno-Juniperetum macrocarpae i.a.','Juniperus oxycedrus ssp. macrocarpa thickets and low woods of the outer belt of the juniper woods of fixed Mediterranean and Mediterraneo-Atlantic dunes.','','Rhamno-Juniperetum macrocarpae i.a.','Fourrés et petits bois à Juniperus oxycedrus subsp. macrocarpa de la ceinture externe des bois à genévrier des dunes fixées méditerranéennes et méditerranéo-atlantiques.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('16.272','16.27','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Bois à Juniperetum lyciae','Lycian juniper woods','Rhamno-Juniperetum lyciae i.a.','Juniperus phoenicea ssp. lycia thickets and woods of the inner belt of the juniper woods of fixed Mediterranean and Mediterraneo-Atlantic dunes.','','Rhamno-Juniperetum lyciae i.a.','Fourrés et bois à Juniperus phoenica subsp. lycia de la ceinture interne des fourrés à genévrier des dunes fixées méditerranéennes et méditerranéo-atlantiques.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('16.273','16.27','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Rufescent juniper thickets','','Scrubs of the fastigiate Juniperus oxycedrus ssp. transtagana of the dunes of southwestern Portugal.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('16.274','16.27','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Common juniper dune thickets','','Juniperus communis scrubs of the calcareous dunes of Jutland.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('16.28','16.2','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Fourrés dunaires à sclérophylles','Dune sclerophyllous scrubs','Ononido-Rosmarinetea p., Quercetea ilicis p., Cisto-Lavanduletea p.','Sclerophyllous scrubs established on dunes in the Mediterranean region. Codes of 32 may be used in addition to 16.28 to precise the habitat.','','Ononido-Rosmarinetea p., Quercetea ilicis p., Cisto-Lavanduletea p.','Fourrés ligneux sclérophylles établis sur les dunes de la région méditerranéenne. Les codes de 32 peuvent être utilisés en complément de 16.28 pour spécifier les habitats.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('16.29','16.2','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Dunes boisées','Wooded dunes','','Dunes colonised by woodland or riparian thickets. Codes of 41.5, 41.7, 42, 44, 45 can be used, in addition to 16.29, to precise the habitat.','Diez et al., 1975; Lahondère, 1980; Géhu, 1985.','','Dunes colonisées par la forêt ou des fourrés humides. Les codes de 41.5, 41.7, 42, 44, 45 peuvent être utilisés en complément de 16.29 pour préciser les habitats.','Lahondère, 1980 ; Géhu, 1985.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('16.3','16','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Lettes dunaires humides (= Pannes humides, = Dépressions humides intradunales)','Humid dune-slacks','','Humid depressions of the dunal systems. The most important habitats are included in the following units. If the divisions proposed are not sufficient, appropriate codes from 22.4, 22.3, 54.2, 54.4, 53 can be used in conjunction with them. Humid dune-slaks are extremely rich and specialized habitats very threatened by the lowering of water tables.','Duvigneaud, 1947; Lebrun et al., 1949; Herbauts, 1971; Westhoff and den Held, 1975; Lahondère, 1980.','','Dépressions humides des systèmes dunaires. Les habitats les plus importants sont compris dans les unités suivantes. Si les divisions proposées ne suffisent pas, les codes appropriés de 22.4, 22.3, 54.2, 54.4, 53 peuvent être utilisés conjointement avec elles. Les lettes dunaires humides sont des habitats extrêmement riches et spécialisés très menacés par l''abaissement du niveau de la nappe aquifère.','Duvigneaud, 1947 ; Lebrun et al., 1949 ; Herbauts, 1971 ; Westhoff et den Held, 1975 ; Lahondère, 1980.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('16.31','16.3','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Mares des lettes dunaires','Dune-slack pools','','Fresh-water aquatic communities (cf. 22.4) of permanent dune-slack water bodies.','','','Groupements aquatiques d''eau douce (voir 22.4) des flaques d''eau permanentes des lettes.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('16.32','16.3','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Gazons pionniers des lettes ou pannes humides','Dune-slack pioneer swards','Juncenion bufonii p.: Gentiano-Erythraeetum littoralis','Pioneer formations of humid sands with Samolus valerandi, Centaurium spp., Blackstonia perfoliata, Juncus bufonius (see 22.322).','','Juncenion bufonii p. : Gentiano-Erythraeetum littoralis','Formations pionnières des sables humides avec Samolus valerandi, Centaurium spp., Blackstonia perfoliata, Juncus bufonius (voir 22.322).','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('16.33','16.3','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Bas-marais des pannes humides','Dune-slack fens','','Calcareous and, occasionally, acidic fen formations (cf. 54.2, 54.4, in particular 54.21, 54.2H, 54.49), often invaded by creeping willow, occupying the wettest parts of dune-slacks.','','','Communautés de bas-marais alcalins et, occasionnellement, acides (voir 54.2, 54.4, et en particulier 54.21, 54.2H, 54.49), souvent envahies par le saule des sables, occupant les parties les plus humides des lettes.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('16.34','16.3','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Prairies des lettes ou pannes humides','Dune-slack grasslands','','Humid grasslands and rushbeds (see 37.31, 37.4) of dune-slacks, also often with creeping willows (Salix rosmarinifolia, S. arenaria).','','','Prairies humides et jonchaies humides (voir 37.31, 37.4) des pannes dunaires, assez souvent avec des saules rampants (Salix rosmarinifolia, S. arenaria).','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('16.35','16.3','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Roselières et cariçaies des lettes dunaires','Dune-slack reedbeds and sedgebeds','','Reedbeds and tall-sedge communities (cf. 53.1, 53.2, 53.3) of dune-slacks.','','','Roselières et groupements de petites laîches (voir 53.1, 53.2, 53.3) des pannes dunaires.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('17','1','2','Niveau 2','TRUE','Plages de galets','Shingle beaches','','Beaches covered by pebbles, or sometimes boulders, usually formed by wave action.','','','Plages couvertes de galets petits ou gros, habituellement formées par l''action des vagues.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('17.1','17','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Plages de galets sans végétation','Unvegetated shingle beaches','','Shingle beaches devoid of phanerogamic vegetation. Mediolittoral (intertidal) and supralittoral invertebrate communities can be used to define subdivisions.','Augier, 1982.','','Plages de galets dépourvues de phanérogames. Les groupements médiolittoraux (intertidaux) et supralittoraux d''invertébrés peuvent être utilisés pour définir les subdivisions.','Augier,1982.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('17.2','17','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Végétation annuelle des laisses de mer sur plages de galets','Shingle beach drift lines','Cakiletea maritimae p.','Formations of annuals occupying accumulations of drift material and gravels rich in nitrogenous organic matter; characteristic are Cakile maritima, Salsola kali, Atriplex spp. (particularly A. glabriuscula), Polygonum spp., Euphorbia peplis, Mertensia maritima, Glaucium flavum, Matthiola sinuata.','Nordiska ministerradet, 1984; Géhu, 1984, 1985; Costa, 1987.','Cakiletea maritimae p.','Formations de plantes annuelles occupant les accumulations de matériaux charriés et de graviers riches en matières organiques azotées ; les plantes caractéristiques sont Cakile maritima, Salsola kali, Atriplex spp. (particulièrement A. glabriuscula), Polygonum spp., Euphorbia peplis, Glaucium flavum, Matthiola sinuata.','Géhu, 1984, 1985.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('17.3','17','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Végétation vivace des bancs de galets à Crambe','Sea kale communities','Honkenyo-Crambion','Halo-nitrophilous perennial vegetation of the upper beach formed by Crambe maritima, Honkenya peploides and species characteristic of the regional communities as indicated below.','Vanden Bergen, 1964; Nordiska ministerradet, 1984; Géhu, 1985, 1986; Oberdorfer, 1990.','Honkenyo-Crambion','Végétation pérenne halo-nitrophile de la partie supérieure des plages formée par Crambe maritima, Honkenya peploides et des espèces caractéristiques des groupements régionaux comme indiqué plus loin.','Vanden Berghen, 1964 ; Géhu, 1985, 1986 ; Oberdorfer, 1990.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('17.31','17.3','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Baltic sea kale communities','Elymo-Crambetum','Crambe-Honkenya formations with Leymus arenarius of the coasts of southern Baltic, the Kattegat and the baelts.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('17.32','17.3','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Groupements à Crambe de la Manche','Channel sea kale communities','Lathyro-Crambetum','Crambe-Honkenya formations with Lathyrus japonicus of the southern North Sea and Channel coasts of southwestern England and, very locally, the Channel coast of France.','','Lathyro-Crambetum','Formations à Crambe-Honkenya avec Lathyrus japonicus du sud de la mer du Nord et des côtes de la Manche du sud-ouest de l''Angleterre et, très localement, des côtes françaises de la Manche.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('17.33','17.3','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Groupements à Crambe de l''Atlantique','Atlantic sea kale communities','Crithmo-Crambetum','Crambe-Honkenya formations with Crithmum maritimum of Brittany, the Cotentin peninsula and Anglesey.','','Crithmo-Crambetum','Formations à Crambe-Honkenya avec Crithmum maritimum,de Bretagne et du Cotentin.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('17.4','17','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Prairies et landes des bancs de galets','Gravel bank heaths and grasslands','','Grasslands and heaths of the landward expanses of large gravel banks.','Vanden Bergen, 1964; Nordiska ministerradet, 1984; Géhu, 1985, 1986.','','Prairies et landes des grands bancs de galets s’étendant vers l’intérieur des terres.','Vanden Berghen, 1964 ; Géhu, 1985, 1986.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('17.41','17.4','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Pelouses à Avoine élevée sur bancs de galets','Gravel bank false oatgrass swards','','Swards of Arrhenatherum elatius of gravel banks.','','','Gazons à Arrhenatherum elatius des bancs de galets.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('17.42','17.4','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Landes à Genêt à balais sur bancs de galets','Gravel bank broom mats','','Prostrate Cytisus scoparius formations of gravel banks.','','','Peuplements prostrés à Cytisus scoparius des bancs de galets.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('18','1','2','Niveau 2','TRUE','Côtes rocheuses et falaises maritimes','Cliffs and rocky shores','','Rock exposures adjacent to the sea or to saline lakes, or separated from them by a narrow shoreline. In addition to their botanical significance, they are often important as nesting sites for sea birds.','','','Rochers exposés en bordure de mer ou de lacs salés, ou séparés d''eux par une étroite ligne de rivage. Au-delà de leur intérêt botanique, ce sont souvent des sites d’importance pour la nidification des oiseaux marins.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('18.1','18','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Falaises maritimes nues','Bare cliffs','','Cliffs and rocky shores devoid of vascular vegetation. The mediolittoral (intertidal or wave-washed) and supralittoral (spray) zones are inhabited by rich and diverse communities of invertebrates and algae that can be used to define subdivisions. A basic framework is proposed below; further subdivisions, such as the biocoenoses and facies listed by Augier (1982) for the Mediterranean, can be easily integrated.','Augier, 1982; Mitchell, 1987; Wood, 1988.','','Côtes rocheuses et falaises dépourvues de plantes vasculaires. Les étages médiolittoral (étage intertidal ou battu par les vagues) et supralittoral (zone des embruns) sont habités par des communautés riches en divers invertébrés et algues qui peuvent être utilisés pour définir des subdivisions. Une structure de base est proposée plus loin ; davantage de divisions, telles que les biocénoses et les faciès listés par Augier (1982) pour la Méditerranée, peuvent être facilement intégrées.','Augier, 1982, Mitchell, 1987 ; Wood, 1988.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('18.11','18.1','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Rochers et falaises de la frange médiolittorale','Mediolittoral fringe rocks','','Cliffs and rocks of the lowest part of the mediolittoral zone, occupied by communities transitional to those of the infralittoral zone.','','','Rochers et falaises de la partie la plus basse de la zone médiolittorale, occupés par des communautés de transition avec ceux de la zone infralittorale.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('18.12','18.1','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Rochers de l''étage médiolittoral inférieur','Lower mediolittoral rocks','','Cliffs and rocks of the lower part of the mediolittoral zone, occupied, in particular, by encrusting algae.','','','Rochers et falaises de la partie inférieure de la zone médiolittorale, occupés, en particulier, par des algues encroûtantes.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('18.13','18.1','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Rochers de l''étage médiolittoral supérieur','Upper mediolittoral rocks','','Cliffs and rocks of the higher part of the mediolittoral zone, occupied by communities characterized, in particular, by cirriped crustaceans and soft algae.','','','Rochers et falaises de la partie haute de la zone médiolittorale, occupés par des communautés caractérisées, en particulier, par des crustacés cirripèdes et des algues molles.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('18.14','18.1','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Surplombs, crevasses et grottes de l''étage médiolittoral','Mediolittoral caves and overhangs','','Mediolittoral overhangs, crevices and caves.','','','Surplombs, fentes et grottes de l''étage médiolittoral.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('18.15','18.1','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Mares permanentes des rochers de l''étage médiolittoral','Mediolittoral rock pools','','Permanent saline pools of the mediolittoral zone, fed by flood tides (tide pools).','','','Mares permanentes de la zone médiolittorale, alimentées par la marée haute.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('18.16','18.1','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Rochers de l''étage supralittoral','Supralittoral rocks','','Cliffs and rocks of the supralittoral spray zone, mostly occupied by lichens (Verrucaria i. a.).','','','Rochers et falaises de la zone supralittorale des embruns, principalement occupés par des lichens (Verrucaria i.a.)','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('18.17','18.1','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Flaques des rochers de l''étage supralittoral','Supralittoral rock pools','','Pools of variable salinity fed by rainwater, spray and occasionally waves.','','','Flaques de salinité variable alimentées par les eaux de pluie, les embruns et occasionnellement les vagues.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('18.2','18','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Côtes rocheuses et falaises avec végétation','Vegetated sea cliffs and rocky shores','','Cliffs and rocky shores colonized by disjunct assemblages of aerohaline chasmophytes or by more or less closed aerohaline grasslands.','','','Côtes rocheuses et falaises colonisées par des assemblages disjoints de chasmophytes aérohalines ou de pelouses plus ou moins fermées aérohalines.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('18.21','18.2','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Groupements des falaises atlantiques','Atlantic cliff communities','Crithmo-Armerietalia','Vegetated cliffs of Atlantic, Channel, Irish and North Sea coasts with Crithmum maritimum, Armeria maritima, Limonium spp., Brassica oleracea, Silene maritima, Cochlearia officinalis, Plantago maritima, Festuca rubra ssp. pruinosa, Daucus spp., Matricaria maritima, Asplenium marinum, Spergularia rupicola, Inula crithmoides, Sedum anglicum, Rhodiola rosea, Lavatera arborea.','Vanden Bergen, 1964; Guinochet and Vilmorin, 1973; Géhu, 1984; Géhu and Géhu-Franck, 1984a, 1984b; Géhu, Franck and Scoppola, 1984; Polunin and Walters, 1985.','Crithmo-Armerietalia','Falaises végétalisées des côtes de l''Atlantique, de la Manche et de la mer du Nord avec Crithmum maritimum, Armeria maritima, Limonium spp., Brassica oleracea, Silene uniflora subsp. maritima, Cochlearia officinalis, Plantago maritima, Festuca rubra subsp. pruinosa, Daucus spp., Matricaria maritima, Asplenium marinum, Spergularia rupicola, Inula crithmoides, Sedum anglicum, Rhodiola rosea, Lavatera arborea.','Vanden Berghen, 1964 ; Guinochet et Vilmorin, 1973 ; Géhu, 1984 ; Géhu et Géhu-Franck, 1984a, 1984b ; Géhu, Franck et Scoppola, 1984 ; Polunin et Walters, 1985.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('18.22','18.2','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Groupements des falaises méditerranéennes','Mediterranean cliff communities','Crithmo-Limonietalia','Vegetated cliffs and rocky shores of the Mediterranean and southwestern Iberia, with Crithmum maritimum, Plantago subulata, Silene sedoides, Sedum litoreum, Limonium spp., Armeria spp., Euphorbia spp., Daucus spp., Asteriscus maritimus. Many Limonium species, in particular, are endemics of extremely local occurrence.','Guinochet and Vilmorin, 1973; Horvat et al. 1974; Brullo et al., 1977; Molinier and Martin, 1980; Géhu, 1984; Géhu, Franck and Scoppola, 1984; Polunin and Walters, 1985.','Crithmo-Limonietalia','Côtes rocheuse et falaises végétalisées de la Méditerranée, avec Crithmum maritimum, Plantago subulata, Silene sedoides, Sedum litoreum, Limonium spp., Armeria spp., Euphorbia spp., Daucus spp., Asteriscus maritimus. De nombreuses espèces de Limonium, en particulier, sont des endémiques (aire de distribution limitée, très localisée).','Guinochet et Vilmorin, 1973 ; Horvat et al., 1974 ; Molinier et Martin, 1980 ; Géhu, 1984 ; Géhu, Franck et Scoppola, 1984 ; Polunin et Walters, 1985.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('18.23','18.2','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Macaronesian cliff communities','Frankenio-Astidamietalia latifoliae','Sea-cliffs of the Atlantic islands (Canaries, Madeira), with Crithmum maritimum, Astydamia latifolia, Schizogyna sericea, Andryala glutinosa, Plantago coronopus, Tolpis fruticosa, Aizoon canariense, Campylanthus salsoloides, Limonium pectinatum, Frankenia ericifolia, Reichardia ligulata, Argyranthemum frutescens, Lotus spp., Asplenium marinum.','Delvolsalle, 1964; Duvigneaud, 1977; Bramwell and Bramwell, 1983; Géhu, 1984; Wildpret de la Torre and del Arco Aguilar, 1987.','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('18.24','18.2','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Azorean cliff communities','Festucion petraeae','Communities of the cliffs of the Azores dominated by the endemic Festuca petraea.','Machado, in litt., 1989.','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('18.3','18','3','Niveau 3','FALSE','','Vegetated cliffs of saline lakes','Crithmo-Limonietalia: Limonietum secundiramei','Endemic Limonium secundirameum - dominated formations of the cliffs overlooking Bagno dell''Acqua, Pantelleria.','Brullo et al., 1977.','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('19','1','2','Niveau 2','TRUE','Ilots, bancs rocheux et récifs','Islets and rock stacks','','Small islands in the sea or in large bodies of water, mostly important as sites for water bird colonies. Other codes, in particular those of 18, can be used to indicate the habitats supported.','','','Petites îles en mer ou dans de grandes étendues d''eau, surtout importantes, comme sites pour les colonies d''oiseaux aquatiques. D''autres codes, en particulier ceux de 18, peuvent être utilisés pour signaler ces habitats.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('1A','1','2','Niveau 2','FALSE','','Machair','','Plains behind dunes especially characteristic of the western seaboard of the Outer Hebrides. Wind-blown calcareous sands deposited on peat support a flower-rich, and correspondingly insect-rich, dune grassland studded with shallow lochs and cultivated on a strip rotation. The grassland is dominated by Poa pratensis and Festuca rubra, accompanied by Thalictrum minus ssp. arenarium, Thymus praecox ssp. arcticus (T. drucei), Bellis perennis, Prunella vulgaris, Erodium cicutarium, Trifolium spp., Euphrasia spp. and many orchids, among which Dactylorhiza fuchsii ssp. hebridensis, D. purpurella, Gymnadenia conopsea, Coeloglossum viride, Platanthera chlorantha and Orchis mascula are the most prominent. This grassland harbours a plant community of very restricted distribution comprising vulnerable species; Cochlearia scotica, Euphrasia marshallii and Dactylorhiza fuchsii ssp. hebridensis are endemic. Other elements of the ecosystem, such as pools and fallow fields, can be noted by addition of codes from other units (22, 16.2, 34, 37, 53, 54, 82, 87). As a whole, machair is an essential habitat for breeding waders such as Haematopus ostralegus, Vanellus vanellus, Charadrius hiaticula, Calidris alpina, Tringa totanus and Gallinago gallinago; it supports the healthiest European population of the threatened corncrake Crex crex.','Ritchie, 1976, 1979; Glentworth, 1979; Currie, 1979; Dickinson and Randall, 1979; Fuller et al., 1979; Fuller, 1982; P. R. Evans, in litt., 1985.','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('2','','1','Niveau 1','TRUE','Milieux aquatiques non marins','Non-marine waters','','','','','','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('21','2','2','Niveau 2','TRUE','Lagunes','Lagoons','','Saline or hypersaline coastal waters, often formed from sea inlets by silting and cut off from the sea by sand or mud banks. The presence of vegetation can be indicated by addition of codes 23.21 or 23.22.','','','Eaux côtières salées voire hypersalines, souvent issues d’anciens bras de mer envasés et isolés par un cordon de sable ou de vase. La présence de végétation peut être précisée par l''addition des codes 23.21 ou 23.22.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('22','2','2','Niveau 2','TRUE','Eaux douces stagnantes','Standing fresh water','','Lakes, ponds and pools of natural origin containing fresh (i.e. non-saline) water. Man-made fresh water bodies, including reservoirs and canals.','','','Lacs, étangs et mares d''origine naturelle contenant de l''eau douce. Pièces d''eau douce artificielles, incluant réservoirs et canaux.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('22.1','22','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Eaux douces','Fresh waters','','The water body itself, regardless of vegetation belts.','','','La pièce d’eau elle-même, indépendamment des ceintures végétales.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('22.11','22.1','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Eaux oligotrophes pauvres en calcaire','Lime-deficient oligotrophic waters','','Usually greenish to brownish clear waters poor in dissolved bases (pH often 5-6).','Duvigneaud, 1980; Vanden Berghen, 1982; Ellenberg, 1988.','','Eaux claires, habituellement verdâtres à brunâtres, pauvres en bases dissoutes (pH souvent de 3-5).','Duvigneaud, 1980 ; Vanden Berghen, 1982 ; Ellenberg, 1988.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('22.12','22.1','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Eaux mésotrophes','Mesotrophic waters','','Richer waters (pH often 6-7).','Vanden Berghen, 1982.','','Eaux plus riches (pH souvent de 6-7).','Vanden Berghen, 1982.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('22.13','22.1','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Eaux eutrophes','Eutrophic waters','','Usually dirty grey to blue-green, more or less turbid, waters particularly rich in dissolved bases (pH usually > 7).','Duvigneaud, 1980; Vanden Berghen, 1982; Ellenberg, 1988.','','Eaux généralement, gris sale à bleu-verdâtre, plus ou moins turbides, particulièrement riches en bases dissoutes (pH habituellement >7).','Duvigneaud, 1980 ; Vanden Berghen, 1982 ; Ellenberg, 1988.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('22.14','22.1','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Eaux dystrophes','Dystrophic waters','','Acidic waters with high humus content and often brown tinted (pH often 3-5).','Duvigneaud, 1980; Vanden Berghen, 1982; Ellenberg, 1988.','','Eaux acides caractérisées par une teneur en humus élevée, souvent colorées en brun (pH souvent de 3-5).','Duvigneaud, 1980 ; Vanden Berghen, 1982 ; Ellenberg, 1988.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('22.15','22.1','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Eaux oligo-mésotrophes riches en calcaire','Lime-rich oligo-mesotrophic waters','','Usually blue to greenish, very clear, waters poor (to moderate) in nutrients, base-rich (pH often > 7.5).','Ellenberg, 1988.','','Eaux habituellement très claires, bleues à vertes, pauvres à modérément riches en nutriments, basiques (pH souvent >7.5).','Ellenberg, 1988.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('22.2','22','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Galets ou vasières non végétalisés','Unvegetated muds or shingles','','Unvegetated lake-bottoms or lake-shores and muds or shingle temporarily exposed by artificial or natural fluctuations of the water level, often important as feeding grounds for migrating waders.','','','Fonds ou rivages des lacs non végétalisés et galets ou vases temporairement soumis aux fluctuations naturelles ou artificielles du plan d''eau, souvent importants comme sites d''alimentation des limicoles migrateurs.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('22.3','22','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Communautés amphibies','Amphibious communities','','Temporarily exposed lake bottoms or lake shores and other periodically or occasionally inundated muddy, sandy or stony basins colonized by phanerogamic vegetation (see also 22.432).','','','Fonds et bords des lacs temporairement exondés, bassins vaseux, sableux ou pierreux, périodiquement ou occasionnellement inondés, colonisés par une végétation phanérogamique (voir aussi 22.432).','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('22.31','22.3','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Communautés amphibies pérennes septentrionales','Northern perennial amphibious communities','Littorelletalia','Carpets of perennials submerged for a considerable part of the year in oligotrophic or mesotrophic lakes, ponds and pools of the Euro-Siberian zone.','Lebrun et al., 1949; Tüxen and Oberdorfer, 1958; Rivas-Martinez, 1963, 1975c; Duvigneaud, 1972, 1986; Guinochet and Vilmorin, 1973; Westhoff and den Held, 1975; Brasseur et al., 1977; Schumacker et al., 1977; Bournérias, 1979, 1984; Pignatti, 1982; Géhu, 1984; Nordiska ministerradet, 1984; Dupias, 1985; Ozenda, 1985; Duvigneaud et al., 1986; Vigo and Ninot, 1987; Ellenberg, 1988; Oberdorfer, 1990. ','Littorelletalia','Tapis de végétaux vivaces submergés pendant une grande partie de l''année par les eaux oligotrophes ou mésotrophes, de lacs, d’étangs et de mares de la région euro-sibérienne.','Lebrun et al., 1949 ; Rivas-Martinez, 1975c ; Duvigneaud, 1972, 1986 ; Guinochet et Vilmorin, 1973 ; Westhoff et den Held, 1975 ; Brasseur et al., 1977  ; Schumacker et al., 1977 ; Bournérias, 1979, 1984 ; Géhu, 1984 ; Dupias, 1985 ; Ozenda, 1985 ; Duvigneaud et al., 1986 ; Ellenberg, 1988 ; Oberdorfer, 1990.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('22.311','22.31','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Gazons de Littorelles, étangs à Lobélies, gazons d''Isoètes','Shoreweed lawns, lobelia ponds, quillwort swards','Eleocharition acicularis p. (Littorellion), Lobelion, Isoetion lacustris','Littorella uniflora, Lobelia dortmanna and Isoetes spp. formations of oligotrophic waters.','','Eleocharition acicularis p.(Littorrelion), Lobelion, Isoetion lacustris.','Formations à Littorella uniflora, Lobelia dortmanna et Isoetes spp. des eaux oligotrophes.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('22.3111','22.311','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Gazons de Littorelles','Shoreweed lawns','','Dense, almost monospecific Littorella uniflora lawns of lake shores subject to great annual variations of the water level and long emergence, and other Littorella - dominated associations.','','','Pelouses denses, généralement monospécifiques à Littorella uniflora des rives lacustres soumises à de grandes variations annuelles du niveau de l''eau et à une exondation de longue durée ; autres associations dominées par Littorella.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('22.3112','22.311','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Etangs à Lobélies','Lobelia ponds','','Lobelia dortmanna colonies of shallow oligotrophic, moderately acid ponds.','','','Colonies de Lobelia dortmanna des étangs peu profonds, modérément acides, oligotrophes.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('22.3113','22.311','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Gazons d''Isoètes euro-sibériens','Euro-Siberian quillwort swards','','Clear-water quillwort swards formed by the northern European and montane Isoetes lacustris and I. echinospora or by the very local endemics I. tenuissima of central-western France and I. brochonii of the eastern Pyrenees.','','','Gazons d''Isoètes des eaux limpides formés par les montagnardes nord-européennes Isoetes lacustris et Isoetes echinospora ou même par des endémiques locales Isoetes velata subsp. tenuissima de la France centro-occidentale et Isoetes lacustris (I. brochonii) de l''Est des Pyrénées.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('22.3114','22.311','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Communautés flottantes de Sparganium','Floating bur-reed communities','','Sparganium angustifolium formations of, in particular, sub-alpine ponds.','','','Formations à Sparganium angustifolium, caractéristiques notamment des étangs subalpins.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('22.312','22.31','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Gazons à Eleocharis en eaux peu profondes','Spike-rush shallow-water swards','Eleocharition acicularis (Eleocharitetum acicularis i.a.) p.','Eleocharis acicularis beds on more organic soils in mesotrophic waters.','','Eleocharition acicularis','Colonies d''Eleocharis acicularis sur des sols fortement organiques dans des eaux mésotrophes.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('22.313','22.31','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Gazons des bordures d''étangs acides en eaux peu profondes','Acid pool fringe shallow-water swards','Hydrocotylo-Baldellion p. (Helodo-Sparganion)','Eleocharis multicaulis, Scirpus fluitans, Juncus bulbosus, Hypericum elodes, Pilularia globulifera, Deschampsia setacea, Ranunculus flammula, R. ololeucos, Potamogeton polygonifolius, Apium inundatum, Littorella uniflora communities of acid pools and their transition zones.','','Hydrocotylo-Baldellion p. (Helodo-Sparganion)','Communautés à Eleocharis multicaulis, Scirpus fluitans, Juncus bulbosus, Hypericum elodes, Pilularia globulifera, Deschampsia setacea, Ranunculus flammula, R. ololeucos, Potamogeton polygonifolius, Apium inundatum des étangs et mares acides et de leurs zones de transition.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('22.314','22.31','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Gazons des berges tourbeuses en eaux peu profondes','Peaty shores shallow-water swards','Hydrocotylo-Baldellion p.','Baldellia ranunculoides and Hydrocotyle vulgaris formations of peaty soils.','','Hydrocotylo-Baldellion','Communautés à Baldellia ranunculoides et Hydrocotyle sur sols tourbeux.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('22.315','22.31','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Gazons à Canche des rivages','Shore hairgrass swards','Deschampsion littoralis','Deschampsia littoralis agg. formations of peri-Alpine lakes.','','Deschampsion littoralis','Formations à Deschampsia littoralis agg. des lacs péri-alpins.','','FALSE','FALSE','VG','Code parent du 22.3151.');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('22.3151','22.315','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Gazons péri-alpins à Canche des rivages','Peri-Alpine shore hairgrass swards','','Deschampsia littoralis swards of the shores of Lake Geneva and of a few lakes of the southern Alpine periphery (Lago di Poschiavo, Lago di Cavazzo).','','','Gazons à Deschampsia littoralis des berges du lac de Genève et de quelques lacs de la périphérie sud des Alpes (lac de Poschiavo, lac de Cavazzo).','','FALSE','FALSE','CH','Groupement cité dans la fiche Cahiers d''habitats 3130-2.');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('22.3152','22.315','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Lake Constance shore hairgrass swards','','Deschampsia rhenana swards of Lake Constance.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('22.32','22.3','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Gazons amphibies annuels septentrionaux','Northern dwarf annual amphibious swards','Cyperetalia fusci (Nanocyperetalia)','Dwarf oligo-mesotrophic Euro-Siberian annual communities of recently emerged muds and sands.','Lebrun et al., 1949; Rivas-Martinez, 1963; Ellenberg, 1963, 1988; Braun-Blanquet, 1967; Duvigneaud, 1972; Westhoff and den Held, 1975; Bournérias, 1979, 1984; Géhu, 1984; Duvigneaud, 1986; Duvigneaud et al., 1986; Oberdorfer, 1990.','Cyperetalia fusci (Nanocyperetalia)','Communautés de pelouses annuelles euro-sibériennes des vases et sables oligo-mésotrophes récemment émergés.','Lebrun et al., 1949 ; Ellenberg, 1963, 1988 ; Braun-Blanquet, 1967 ; Duvigneaud, 1972 ; Westhoff et den Held, 1975 ; Bournérias, 1979, 1984 ; Géhu, 1984 ; Duvigneaud, 1986 ; Duvigneaud et al., 1986 ; Oberdorfer, 1990.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('22.321','22.32','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Communautés à Eleocharis','Dwarf spike-rush communities','Elatino-Eleocharitenion ovatae','Rare communities colonising the fluid muds of drying ponds and characterised by Eleocharis ovata, E. carniolica, Carex bohemica, Lindernia procumbens, Scirpus supinus, Limosella aquatica, Cyperus fuscus, Peplis portula, Juncus tenageia, Elatine hexandra, E. hydropiper.','','Elatino-Eleocharitenion ovatae','Communautés rares colonisant les vases fluides des étangs en voie d’assèchement et caractérisées par Eleocharis ovata, Carex bohemica, Schoenoplectus supinus (Scirpus supinus), Lindernia procumbens, Limosella aquatica, Cyperus fuscus, Peplis portula, Juncus tenageia, Elatine hexandra, E. hydropiper.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('22.322','22.32','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Gazons de plantes pionnières des lettes dunaires','Dune-slack pioneer swards','Juncenion bufonii p.: Gentiano-Erythraeetum littoralis','Formations with Centaurium spp., Blackstonia perfoliata, Samolus valerandi of wet sands in dune slacks belong to this group of communities; they have been listed under 16 (16.32).','','Juncenion bufonii p. : Gentiano-Erythraeetum littoralis','Les formations avec Centaurium spp., Blackstonia perfoliata, Samolus valerandi des sables humides des lettes dunaires appartiennent à ce groupe de communautés ; elles ont été répertoriés sous 16 (16.32).','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('22.323','22.32','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Communautés naines à Juncus bufonius','Dwarf toad-rush communities','Juncenion bufonii, Radiolenion linoidis','Associations, often very limited in extent, appearing in the drying phase of temporary pools, flooded ruts of forest paths, wet heath paths, humid forest cuts, seeping mowed lawns and other sufficiently lit temporarily inundated, most often acidic, soils, characterised by Juncus bufonius, Scirpus setaceus, Cyperus flavescens, Centunculus minimus, Spergularia segetalis, Centaurium pulchellum, Blackstonia perfoliata, Samolus valerandi, Cicendia filiformis, Radiola linoides and Illecebrum verticillatum.','','Juncenion bufonii, Radiolenion linoidis','Associations d''extension souvent très réduite apparaissant au cours de la phase d''assèchement des mares temporaires, des ornières inondées ou des pistes forestières, des pistes des landes humides, des chemins forestiers humides, des pelouses mouvantes suintantes et autres sols suffisamment éclairés temporairement inondés, le plus souvent acides, caractérisés par Juncus bufonius, Isolepis setacea (Scirpus setaceus), Cyperus flavescens, Centunculus minimus, Spergularia segetalis, Centaurium pulchellum, Blackstonia perfoliata, Samolus valerandi, Cicendia filiformis, Radiola linoides et Illecebrum verticillatum.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('22.3231','22.323','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Gazons à Juncus bufonius','Toad-rush swards','','Communities dominated by Juncus bufonius.','','','Communautés dominées par Juncus bufonius.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('22.3232','22.323','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Gazons à petits Souchets','Small galingale swards','Cyperetum flavescentis, Samolo-Cyperetum fusci i.a.','Medio-European communities dominated by the annual galingales Cyperus flavescens, C. fuscus and C. michelianus.','','Cyperetum flavescentis, Samolo-Cyperetum fusci i.a.','Communautés médio-européennes dominées par les Souchets annuels Pycreus flavescens (Cyperus flavescens), C. fuscus et C. michelianus.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('22.3233','22.323','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Communautés d''herbes naines des substrats humides','Wet ground dwarf herb communities','Centunculo-Anthocerotetum, Stellario uliginosae-Scirpetum setaceae, Erythraeo-Blackstonietum, Ranunculo-Radioletum linoidis, Cicendietum filiformis, Spergulario-Illecebretum verticillati i.a.','Varied communities, some very rare and threatened, of small annuals of wet ground.','','Centunculo-Anthocerotetum, Stellario uliginosae-Scirpetum setaceae, Erythraeo-Blackstonietum, Ranunculo-Radioletum linoidis, Cicendietum filiformis, Spergulario-Illecebretum verticillati i.a.','Communautés diverses, dont certaines très rares et menacées, de petites plantes annuelles sur substrat humide.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('22.33','22.3','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Groupements à Bidens tripartitus','Bur marigold communities','Bidention tripartitae','Taller annual communities colonizing nitrogen-rich muds of dry medio-European ponds and lakes, formed by Bidens spp., Rorippa palustris, R. islandica, Chenopodium spp., Polygonum spp., Rumex maritimus, R. palustris, Ranunculus sceleratus, Senecio congestus, Catabrosa aquatica, Leersia oryzoides).','Lebrun et al., 1949; Ellenberg, 1963, 1988; Guinochet and Vilmorin, 1973; Westhoff and den Held, 1975; Schumacker et al., 1977; Géhu, 1984; Duvigneaud, 1986; Duvigneaud et al., 1986; Oberdorfer, 1990.','Bidention tripartitae','Communautés de plantes annuelles plus élevées colonisant les vases riches en azote des mares, étangs et des lacs médio-européens asséchés, constitués de Bidens spp., Rorippa palustris (R. islandica), Chenopodium spp., Polygonum spp., Rumex maritimus, R. palustris, Ranunculus sceleratus, Tephroseris palustris (Senecio congestus), Catabrosa aquatica, Leersia oryzoides.','Lebrun et al., 1949 ; Ellenberg, 1963, 1988 ; Guinochet et Vilmorin, 1973 ; Westhoff et den Held, 1975 ; Schumacker et al., 1977 ; Géhu, 1984 ; Duvigneaud, 1986 ; Duvigneaud et al., 1986 ; Oberdorfer, 1990.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('22.34','22.3','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Groupements amphibies méridionaux','Southern amphibious communities','Isoetalia','Perennial and annual communities of Mediterranean, thermo-Atlantic and Macaronesian temporary ponds and river banks.','Bolos and Molinier, 1960; Braun-Blanquet, 1967; Aubert and Loisel, 1971; Guinochet and Vilmorin, 1973; Horvat et al., 1974; Rivas-Martinez, 1975c; Bellot Rodriguez, 1979; Rivas-Martinez et al., 1980; Molinier and Martin, 1980; Harant and Jarry, 1983; Géhu, 1984; Peinardo-Lorca !xet al.!y, 1984; Ladero et al., 1984.','Isoetalia','Communautés pérennes ou annuelles des berges et des mares temporaires méditerranéennes, thermo-atlantiques et macaronésiennes.','Braun-Blanquet, 1967 ; Aubert et Loisel, 1971 ; Guinochet et Vilmorin, 1973 ; Horvat et al., 1974 ; Rivas-Martinez, 1975c ; Belot Rodriguez, 1979 ; Molinier et Martin, 1980 ; Harant et Jarry, 1983 ; Géhu, 1984.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('22.341','22.34','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Petits gazons amphibies méditerranéens','Short Mediterranean amphibious swards','Isoetion','Formations of Mediterranean, thermo-Atlantic and Macaronesian entirely or partially summer-dry ponds, pools and ditches with Isoetes spp., Marsilea quadrifolia, M. strigosa, Pilularia globulifera, P. minuta, Mentha pulegium, Lythrum hyssopifolia s.l., Trifolium filiforme, Peplis erecta, Teucrium cravense, Serapias lingua, Juncus bufonius, J. capitatus, J. pygmaeus, J. fasciculatus, Scirpus savii, sometimes (rocky edges of fast rivulets), Spiranthes aestivalis and Anagallis tenella.','','Isoetion','Formations des mares, flaques et fossés méditerranéens, thermo-atlantiques et macaronésiens entièrement ou partiellement asséchés l''été, avec Isoetes spp., Marsilea quadrifolia, M. strigosa, Pilularia globulifera, P. minuta, Mentha pulegium, Lythrum hyssopifolia s.l., Trifolium filiforme, Lythrum borysthenicum (Peplis erecta), Teucrium aristatum (T. cravense), Serapias lingua, Juncus bufonius, J. capitatus, J. pygmaeus, Isolepis cernua (Scirpus savii), et quelquefois (rochers des bords des ruisselets rapides) Spiranthes aestivalis et Anagallis tenella.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('22.3411','22.341','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Groupements terrestres à Isoètes','Terrestrial quillwort communities','','Isoetes histrix, I. duriei formations of ephemeral waters.','','','Formations à Isoetes histrix, I. duriaei des milieux aquatiques éphémères.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('22.3412','22.341','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Gazons méditerranéens aquatiques à Isoètes','Mediterranean aquatic quillwort swards','','Communities formed by Isoetes boryana, I. delilei, I. heldreichii, I. velata, I. azorica or I. malinverniana in fluctuating waterbodies.','','','Groupements constitués par Isoetes boryana, I. setacea (I. delilei) ou I. velata des pièces d’eau à niveau variable.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('22.3413','22.341','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Azorean quillwort swards','','Endemic Isoetes azorica communities of pools and small lakes of the Azores.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('22.3414','22.341','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Gazons méditerranéens à Cyperus','Mediterranean small galingale swards','','Mediterranean and thermo-Atlantic formations dominated by Cyperus fuscus, C. flavescens or C. michelianus.','','','Formations méditerranéennes et thermo-atlantiques dominées par Cyperus fuscus, Pycreus flavescens (C. flavescens) ou C. michelianus.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('22.3415','22.341','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Gazons méditerranéens à Fimbristylis','Mediterranean Fimbristylis swards','','Formations dominated by Fimbristylis bisumbellata, often with Cyperus spp..','','','Formations dominées par Fimbristylis bisumbellata, souvent avec Cyperus spp.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('22.3416','22.341','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Mediterranean Chaetopogon swards','','Formations dominated by Chaetopogon fasciculatus.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('22.3417','22.341','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Groupements à Spiranthes et Anagallis','Bog pimpernel-summer lady''s tresses communities','Spirantho-Anagalletum tenellae','Formations of the sandy, rocky edges of rivulets of the Mediterranean region.','','Spirantho-Anagalletum tenellae','Formations des bordures sableuses ou rocheuses des ruisselets de la région méditerranéenne.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('22.3418','22.341','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Groupements méditerranéens amphibies à plantes de taille réduite','Mediterranean amphibious small herb communities','','Other, often highly ephemereal, annual communities of temporarily inundated or wet terrain.','','','Autres groupements annuels, souvent très éphémères, des terrains temporairement inondés ou humides.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('22.342','22.34','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Grands gazons méditerranéens amphibies','Tall Mediterranean amphibious swards','Preslion cervinae','Vegetation of tall annuals of terrain covered by deep waters during long periods, with Eryngium corniculatum and Mentha cervina.','','Preslion cervinae','Végétation de grandes annuelles des terrains couverts par des eaux profondes pendant de longues périodes, avec Mentha cervina.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('22.343','22.34','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Gazons méditerranéens amphibies halo-nitrophiles','Halo-nitrophile Mediterranean amphibious swards','Heleochloion','Slighly halophile and nitrophile post-estival vegetation of temporarily inundated terrains, with Crypsis schoenoides, C. aculeata, C. alopecuroides and Centaurium spicatum.','','Heleochloion','Végétation post-estivale légèrement halophile et nitrophile des terrains temporairement inondés, avec Crypsis schoenoides, C. aculeata, C. alopecuroides et Centaurium spicatum.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('22.344','22.34','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Prairies à Serapias','Serapias grasslands','Serapion','Meso-hygrophile grasslands of crystalline Provence, with Carex divisa ssp. chaetophylla, often dominant, Briza minor, Oenanthe lachenalii and numerous Serapias (S. lingua, S. neglecta, S. vomeracea).','','Serapion','Prairies méso-hygrophiles de la Provence cristalline, avec Carex divisa subsp. chaetophylla, souvent dominant, Briza minor, Oenanthe lachenalii et de nombreux Serapias (S. lingua, S. neglecta, S. vomeracea).','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('22.4','22','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Végétations aquatiques','Aquatic vegetation','','Areas of lakes, ponds, pools or canals occupied by floating or permanently submerged vegetation.','','','Régions de lacs, d''étangs, de marais ou de canaux occupés par une végétation flottante ou constamment immergée.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('22.41','22.4','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Végétations flottant librement','Free-floating vegetation','Lemnion minoris (Hydrocharition)','Free-floating surface communities of waters more or less rich in nutrients.','Ellenberg, 1963, 1988; Duvigneaud, 1972; Guinochet and Vilmorin, 1973; Westhoff and den Held, 1975; Rivas-Martinez, 1975c; Noirfalise and Dethioux, 1977; Rivas-Martinez et al., 1980; Vanden Berghen, 1982; Margot, 1983; Peinardo Lorca et al., 1984; Géhu, 1984; Oberdorfer, 1990.','Lemnion minoris (Hydrocharition)','Communautés flottant librement à la surface des eaux, plus ou moins riches en nutriments.','Ellenberg, 1963, 1988 ; Duvigneaud, 1972 ; Guinochet et Vilmorin, 1973 ; Westhoff et den Held, 1975 ; Rivas-Martinez, 1975c ; Noirfalise et Dethioux, 1977  ; Vanden Berghen, 1982 ; Margot, 1983 ; Géhu, 1984 ; Oberdorfer, 1990.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('22.411','22.41','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Couvertures de Lemnacées','Duckweed covers','','Communities of duckweed (Lemna, Spirodela, Wolffia), small ferns (naturalized Azolla) or liverworts (Riccia, Ricciocarpus).','','','Communautés de Lemnacées (Lemna, Spirodela, Wolffia), de petites fougères (Azolla naturalisées) ou d''Hépatiques (Riccia, Ricciocarpus).','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('22.412','22.41','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Radeaux d''Hydrocharis','Frogbit rafts','','Formations rich in Hydrocharis morsus-ranae.','','','Formations riches en Hydrocharis morsus-ranae.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('22.413','22.41','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Radeaux de Stratiotes','Water-soldier rafts','','Formations dominated by Stratiotes aloides.','','','Formations dominées par Stratiotes aloides.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('22.414','22.41','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Colonies d''Utriculaires','Bladderwort colonies','','Formations of bladderworts (Utricularia australis, U. vulgaris).','','','Formations d''Utriculaires (Utricularia australis, U. vulgaris).','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('22.415','22.41','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Couvertures de Salvinia','Salvinia covers','','Often dense and extensive mats dominated by the fern Salvinia natans.','','','Tapis souvent denses et étendus dominés par la fougère Salvinia natans.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('22.416','22.41','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Groupements à Aldrovanda','Aldrovanda communities','','Formations harbouring the carnivorous, free-floating Droseraceae Aldrovanda vesiculosa. ','','','Formations abritant la Droséracée carnivore, flottant librement Aldrovanda vesiculosa.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('22.42','22.4','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Végétations enracinées immergées','Rooted submerged vegetation','Potamogetonion (Potamion)','Pondweed (Potamogeton)-dominated formations of submerged, rooted, perennial phanerogams with often emerging flower spikes.','Ellenberg, 1963, 1988; Duvigneaud, 1972; Horvat et al., 1974; Westhoff and den Held, 1975; Rivas-Martinez, 1975c; Brasseur et al., 1977; Bellot Rodriguez, 1979; Bournérias, 1979, 1984; Margot, 1983; Géhu, 1984; Peinardo Lorca et al., 1984; Delescaille, 1987; Oberdorfer, 1990.','Potamogetonion (Potamion)','Formations, dominées par des Potamots (Potamogeton), des phanérogames pérennes immergées, enracinées dont émergent souvent les épis de fleurs.','Ellenberg, 1963, 1988 ; Duvigneaud, 1972 ; Horvat et al., 1974 ; Westhoff et den Held, 1975 ; Rivas-Martinez, 1975c ; Brasseur et al., 1977 ; Bellot Rodriguez, 1979 ; Bournérias, 1979, 1984 ; Margot, 1983 ; Géhu, 1984 ; Oberdorfer, 1990.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('22.421','22.42','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Groupements de grands Potamots','Large pondweed beds','Magnopotamion','Associations of large pondweeds (Potamogeton lucens, P. praelongus, P. zizii, P. perfoliatus) characteristic of deep, open waters.','','Magnopotamion','Associations de grands Potamots (Potamogeton lucens, P. praelongus, P. zizii, P. perfoliatus) caractéristiques des eaux libres, profondes.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('22.422','22.42','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Groupements de petits Potamots','Small pondweed communities','Parvopotamion','Formations of smaller pondweeds, waterweed, hornwort, and other submerged rooted vegetation (Potamogeton crispus, P. filiformis, P. pusillus group, Groenlandia densa, Ranunculus circinatus, Ceratophyllum, Elodea, Najas, Zannichellia, Vallisneria, Hydrilla) that colonize shallower, more sheltered waters.','','Parvopotamion','Formations de Potamots plus petits, de Renoncules, de Cératophylles et autres plantes subaquatiques enracinées (Potamogeton crispus, P. filiformis, P. du groupe pusillus, Groenlandia densa, Ranunculus circinatus, Ceratophyllum, Elodea, Najas, Zannichellia, Vallisneria) qui colonisent ces eaux moins profondes, plus abritées.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('22.43','22.4','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Végétations enracinées flottantes','Rooted floating vegetation','Nymphaeion albae, Callitricho-Batrachion, Potamion graminei','Formations dominated by rooted aquatic plants with floating leaves.','Ellenberg, 1963, 1988; Westhoff and den Held, 1975; Rivas-Martinez, 1975; Noirfalise and Dethioux, 1977; Brasseur et al., 1977, 1978; Bournérias, 1979, 1984; Bellot Rodriguez, 1979; Margot, 1983; Géhu, 1984; Peinardo Lorca et al., 1984; Oberdorfer, 1990.','Nymphaeion albae, Callitricho-Batrachion, Potamion graminei','Formations dominées par des plantes aquatiques enracinées avec des feuilles flottantes.','Ellenberg, 1963, 1988 ; Westhoff et den Held, 1975 ; Rivas-Martinez, 1975 ; Noirfalise et Dethioux, 1977 ; Brasseur et al., 1977, 1978 ; Bournérias, 1979, 1984 ; Bellot Rodriguez, 1979 ; Margot, 1983 ; Géhu, 1984 ; Oberdorfer, 1990.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('22.431','22.43','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Tapis flottant de végétaux à grandes feuilles','Floating broad-leaved carpets','Nymphaeion albae','Formations of rooted aquatic plants with large floating leaves, often with a stratum of submerged species (Ceratophyllum, Myriophyllum, Potamogeton) and occasionally free-floating Utricularia, characteristic of large, permanent water bodies.','','Nymphaion albae','Formations de plantes aquatiques enracinées à grandes feuilles flottantes, présentant souvent accompagnées d’une strate d''espèces immergées (Ceratophyllum, Myriophyllum, Potamogeton) et, occasionnellement des Utricularia flottant librement. Ces formations sont caractéristiques des grands bassins d''eau permanents.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('22.4311','22.431','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Tapis de Nénuphars','Waterlily carpets','','Formations of Nymphaea alba, N. candida, Nuphar lutea or N. pumila.','','','Formations de Nymphaea alba, N. candida, Nuphar lutea ou N. pumila.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('22.4312','22.431','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Tapis de chataîgnes d''eau','Water chestnut carpets','','Formations of Trapa natans.','','','Formations de Trapa natans.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('22.4313','22.431','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Tapis de Nymphoides','Fringed waterlily carpets','','Formations of Nymphoides peltata.','','','Formations de Nymphoides peltata.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('22.4314','22.431','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Tapis de Potamot flottant','Broad-leaved pondweed carpets','','Formations of Potamogeton natans.','','','Formations à Potamogeton natans.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('22.4315','22.431','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Tapis de Renouées','Bistort carpets','','Formations of Polygonum amphibium.','','','Formations de Polygonum amphibium.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('22.432','22.43','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Communautés flottantes des eaux peu profondes','Shallow-water floating communities','Callitricho-Batrachion','Communities dominated by water starworts (Callitriche) or water crowfoots (Ranunculus peltatus, R. aquatilis, R. baudotii, R. hederaceus) with both submerged and floating leaves, or by Hottonia palustris, characteristic mostly of shallow waters with fluctuating water levels, susceptible to occasional drying.','','Callitricho-Batrachion','Communautés dominées par des Callitriches (Callitriche) ou par des Renoncules aquatiques (Ranunculus peltatus, R. aquatilis, R. baudotii, R. hederaceus) ayant des racines immergées et des feuilles flottantes, ou par Hottonia palustris. Ces communautés sont principalement caractéristiques des eaux peu profondes sujettes à des fluctuations du niveau de l''eau et susceptibles d''être occasionnellement à sec.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('22.433','22.43','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Groupements oligotrophes de Potamots','Oligotrophic pondweed communities','Potamion graminei','Sparse formations of narrow-leaved floating pondweeds (Potamogeton polygonifolius, P. gramineus, P. alpinus), water starworts (Callitriche), water crowfoots (Ranunculus ololeucos, R. omiophyllus), floating water plantain (Luronium natans), least bur-reed (Sparganium minimum) of shallow, oligotrophic, clean, fluctuating, but usually permanent, often small, waterbodies','','Potamion graminei','Formations clairsemées de Potamots à feuilles flottantes étroites (Potamogeton polygonifolius, P. gramineus, P. alpinus), de Callitriches (Callitriche), de Renoncules d''eau (Ranunculus ololeucos, R. omiophyllus), de Plantain d''eau flottant (Luronium natans), de rubanier nain (Sparganium minimum) des bassins d''eaux peu profondes, oligotrophes, propres, à niveau fluctuant mais généralement permanentes, constituant souvent de petits plans d’eau.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('22.44','22.4','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Tapis immergés de Characées','Chandelier algae submerged carpets','Charetea fragilis','Charophyte, Chara and Nitella, algal carpets of the bottom of unpolluted lime-rich lakes.','Westhoff and den Held, 1975; Peinardo Lorca et al., 1984; Ellenberg, 1988; Oberdorfer, 1990.','Charetea fragilis','Tapis algaux de Charophytes, Chara et Nitella des fonds de lacs non pollués riches en calcaire.','Westhoff et den Held, 1975 ; Ellenberg, 1988 ; Oberdorfer, 1990.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('22.441','22.44','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Tapis de Chara','Chara carpets','','','','','','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('22.442','22.44','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Tapis de Nitella','Nitella carpets','','','','','','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('22.45','22.4','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Mares de tourbières à Sphaignes et Utriculaires','Peatmoss-bladderwort bog pools','Sphagno-Utricularion (Utricularion intermedio-minoris)','Floating formations of Sphagnum, Scorpidium, Utricularia minor, U. intermedia, U. ochroleuca, typical habitat of Sparganium minimum.','Ellenberg, 1988; Oberdorfer, 1990.','Sphagno-Utricularion (Utricularion intermedio-minoris)','Formations flottantes de Sphagnum, Scorpidium, Utricularia minor, U. intermedia, U. ochroleuca, habitat typique de Sparganium minimum.','Ellenberg, 1988 ; Oberdorfer, 1990.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('22.5','22','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Masses d''eau temporaires','Temporary water bodies','','Bodies of water that are completely and recurrently emptied of water for part of the time such as Irish furloughs. The characteristics of each stage of the cycle can be defined by use of codes 22.1, 22.2, 22.3, 22.4, and, if appropriate 37, 38, 53, 54, or 8.','','','Pièces d''eau s’asséchant complètement et périodiquement de manière intermittente comme les turloughs irlandais. Les caractéristiques de chaque stade du cycle peuvent être définis en utilisant les codes 22.1, 22.2, 22.3, 22.4, et, si cela est approprié, 37, 38, 53, 54 ou 8.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('23','2','2','Niveau 2','TRUE','Eaux stagnantes, saumâtres et salées','Standing brackish and salt water','','Brackish, saline or hypersaline lakes, pools and ditches.','','','Lacs, mares et fossés saumâtres, salés et hypersalés.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('23.1','23','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Eaux saumâtres ou salées sans végétation','Unvegetated brackish and salt waters','','Open water with no or no detected floating or submerged vegetation other than algae.','','','Eau libre sans végétation flottante ou immergée (ou non détectée) autre que des algues.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('23.11','23.1','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Eau libre sans tapis de Charophytes','Open water without charophyte carpets','','','','','','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('23.12','23.1','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Tapis algual de Charophyte','Charophyte algal carpets','','','','','','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('23.2','23','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Eaux saumâtres ou salées végétalisées','Vegetated brackish and salt waters','','Expanses of water with submerged or emergent vascular vegetation.','','','Pièces d''eau abritant une végétation vasculaire immergée ou émergée.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('23.21','23.2','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Formations immergées des eaux saumâtres ou salées','Submerged formations','','','','','','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('23.211','23.21','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Groupements à Ruppia','Tasselweed communities','Ruppion maritimae p.','Ruppia, Zannichellia and Najas beds with associated Ranunculus baudotii, Potamogeton pectinatus and Callitriche spp.','Westhoff and den Held, 1975; Molinier and Martin, 1980; Rivas-Martinez et al., 1980; Nordiska ministerradet, 1984; Polunin and Walters, 1985; Peinado Lorca and Rivas-Martinez, 1987.','Ruppion maritimae p.','Herbiers de Ruppia, Zannichellia et Najas associée avec Ranunculus baudotii, Potamogeton pectinatus et Callitriche spp.','Westhoff et den Held, 1975 ; Molinier et Martin, 1980 ; Polunin et Walters, 1985  ; Peinado Lorca et Rivas-Martinez, 1987.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('23.212','23.21','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Communautés lagunaires de végétation marine','Lagoon communities of marine vegetation','','Zostera, Posidonia, Cymodocea beds of coastal lagoons.','','','Végétation à Zostera, Posidonia, Cymodocea des lagons côtiers.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('23.22','23.2','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Scirpaies naines lagunaires','Lagoon dwarf spike-rush beds','Scirpion parvuli p.','Emergent formations of Eleocharis parvula.','Nordiska ministerradet, 1984.','Scirpion parvuli p.','Formations émergentes d’Eleocharis parvula.','Nordiska ministerradet, 1984.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('24','2','2','Niveau 2','TRUE','Eaux courantes','Running water','','All rivers and streams.','','','Toutes les rivières et tous les cours d''eau.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('24.1','24','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Lits des rivières','River course','','River courses, regardless of submerged vegetation. The subdivisions are based on slope, width and water temperature according to usual ichthyological practice. Classifications based on flora, such as that of Holmes (1983) for British streams, give broadly similar results. For each of the divisions below, subdivisions can be introduced to take into account the morphodynamics of the stream as proposed, for instance, by Malavoi (1989).','Lelek, 1980; Philippart and Vranken, 1983; Holmes, 1983; Malavoi, 1989.','','Lits de rivières quelle que soit la végétation immergée. Les subdivisions sont basées sur la pente, la largeur et la température de l''eau en fonction des pratiques habituelles de l''ichtyologie. Les classifications basées sur la végétation, comme celle de Holmes (1983) pour les rivières britanniques donnent des résultats généralement identiques. Pour chacune des divisions ci-dessous, des subdivisions peuvent être introduites pour tenir compte des paramètres morphodynamiques du courant comme l’a proposé, par exemple, Malavoi, 1989.','Lelek, 1980 ; Philippart et Vranken, 1983 ; Holmes, 1983 ; Malavoi, 1989.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('24.11','24.1','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Ruisselets','Rivulets','','The highest reaches of mountain rivulets. Crenon zone.','','','Têtes des ruisselets de montagne. Zone du crénon.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('24.12','24.1','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Zone à Truites','Trout zone','','Upper and middle (epirhitral and metarhitral) zones of mountain and hill creeks. "Group D" rivers of Holmes (1983).','','','Zones supérieure et moyenne (épirhitron et métarhitron) des cours d''eau montagnards et collinéens. Rivières du "groupe D" selon Holmes (1983).','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('24.13','24.1','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Zone à Ombres','Grayling zone','','Lower (hyporhitral) zone of mountain and hill creeks. "Group C" rivers of Holmes (1983).','','','Zone inférieure (hyporhitron) des cours d''eau montagnards et collinéens. Rivières du "groupe C" selon Holmes (1983).','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('24.14','24.1','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Zone à Barbeaux','Barbel zone','','Upper (epipotamal) zone of lowland rivers. "Group B" rivers of Holmes (1983).','','','Zone supérieure (épipotamon) des rivières de plaine. Rivières du "groupe B" selon Holmes (1983).','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('24.15','24.1','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Zone à Brèmes','Bream zone','','Middle and lower (metapotamal and hypopotamal) zones of lowland rivers. "Group A" rivers of Holmes (1983).','','','Zones moyenne et inférieure (métapotamon et hypopotamon) des rivières de plaines. Rivières du "groupe A" selon Holmes (1983).','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('24.16','24.1','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Cours d''eau intermittents','Intermittent streams','','Watercourses of which the flow is interrupted for part of the year, leaving a dry bed or pools; conditions during the period of flow can be indicated by one of the previous codes.','','','Cours d''eau dont l’écoulement est interrompu une partie de l''année, laissant le lit à sec ou avec des flaques ou des mares ; les conditions durant la période d‘écoulement peuvent être précisées par l’un des codes précédents.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('24.2','24','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Bancs de graviers des cours d''eau','River gravel banks','','Small stone deposits of river beds.','','','Dépôts de petites pierres dans le lit des rivières.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('24.21','24.2','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Bancs de graviers sans végétation','Unvegetated river gravel banks','','Gravel banks devoid of vegetation.','','','Bancs de graviers des cours d’eau dépourvus de végétation.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('24.22','24.2','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Bancs de graviers végétalisés','Vegetated river gravel banks','Epilobietalia fleischeri (Myricarietalia germanicae) i.a.','Gravel banks of rivers occupied by specialized pioneer vegetation, at least in alpine and Mediterranean water courses, as well as any subsequent stages in the colonization sequence.','Lebrun et al., 1949; Ellenberg, 1963, 1988; Archiloque et al., 1969; Guinochet and Vilmorin, 1973; Braun-Blanquet, 1973b; Molinier and Martin, 1980; Vanden Berghen, 1982; Géhu, 1984; Polunin and Walters, 1985; Oberdorfer, 1990.','Epilobietalia fleischeri (Myricarietalia germanicae) i.a.','Bancs de graviers des rivières occupés par une végétation pionnière spécialisée, au moins dans les cours d''eau alpins et méditerranéens, ainsi que toute autre étape de la série de colonisation.','Lebrun et al., 1949 ; Ellenberg, 1963, 1988 ; Archiloque et al., 1969 ; Guinochet et Vilmorin, 1973 ; Braun-Blanquet, 1973b ; Molinier et Martin, 1980  ; Vanden Berghen, 1982 ; Géhu, 1984 ; Polunin et Walters, 1985 ; Oberdorfer, 1990.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('24.221','24.22','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Groupements d''Epilobes des rivières subalpines','Subalpine willowherb stream community','Epilobietum fleischeri','Subalpine and abyssal stations of herbaceous or suffrutescent vegetation with Epilobium fleischeri, Saxifraga aizoides, S. caerulea, Gypsophila repens, Dryas octopetala).','','Epilobietum fleischeri','Stations subalpines et abyssales de végétations herbacées ou suffrutescentes avec Epilobium fleischeri, Saxifraga aizoides, S. caerulea, Gypsophila repens, Dryas octopetala.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('24.222','24.22','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Groupements alpins des bancs de graviers','Alpine gravel bed community','Chondrilletum chondrilloidis','Open and unstable groupings of alpine and subalpine plants colonizing the downstream edge of gravel islands in mountain streams, including Chondrilla chondrilloides.','','Chondrilletum chondrilloidis','Groupements ouverts et instables de végétaux alpins et subalpins colonisant le bord aval des îlots de graviers dans les cours d''eau de montagne, renfermant Chondrilla chondrilloides.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('24.223','24.22','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Broussailles de Saules et de Myricaire germanique','Willow-tamarisk brush','Salici-Myricarietum','Myrica germanica and Salix spp. formations of montane or dealpine river gravels (44.111).','','Salici-Myricarietum','Formations à Myrica germanica et Salix spp. des graviers fluviatiles montagnards et déalpins (44.111).','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('24.224','24.22','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Fourrés et bois des bancs de graviers','Gravel bank thickets and woods','','Salix, Hippophae, Alnus or Betula thickets or woods on stream gravels, which can be further described by use of the codes of 44.','','','Bois ou fourrés de Salix, Hippophae, Alnus ou Betula installés sur les graviers alluviaux ; ils peuvent être décrits plus en détail en utilisant les codes de 44.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('24.225','24.22','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Lits de graviers méditerranéens','Mediterranean gravel beds','Glaucion flavi','Formations with tamarisk (Myricaria germanica), rocket (Erucastrum nasturtiifolium), yellow horned-poppy (Glaucium flavum), evening primrose (Oenothera biennis) of Mediterranean gravel beds.','','Glaucion flavi','Formations avec Myricaria germanica, Erucastrum nasturtiifolium, pavot cornu (Glaucium flavum), Oenothera biennis des lits de graviers des cours d’eau méditerranéens.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('24.226','24.22','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Graviers des rivières de plaine','Lowland river gravels','','Less specialized communities of lowland and hill river gravels (e.g. Filipendulo-Petasition).','','','Groupements moins spécialisés des graviers des rivières de plaines et de collines (par ex. Filipendulo-Petasition).','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('24.3','24','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Bancs de sable des rivières','River sand banks','','Sand deposits in river beds, particularly significant in large river systems such as the Loire.','','','Dépôts de sables dans les lits de cours d’eau, particulièrement importants dans les grands systèmes fluviaux tels que celui de la Loire.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('24.31','24.3','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Bancs de sable des rivières sans végétation','Unvegetated river sand banks','','River sand banks devoid of vegetation.','','','Bancs de sable riverains dépourvus de végétation.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('24.32','24.3','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Bancs de sable riverains pourvus de végétation','Vegetated river sand banks','','Sparsely-vegetated to wooded sand banks of large rivers. Appropriate codes from 22.3, 31 and 44 can be used to precise habitats.','','','Bancs de sable peu végétalisés ou boisés des grandes rivières. Les codes appropriés de 22.3, 31 et 44 peuvent être utilisés pour préciser les habitats.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('24.4','24','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Végétation immergée des rivières','Submerged river vegetation','Ranunculion fluitantis','Beds of water crowfoots, pondweeds, water starworts and other aquatic vegetation of streams comprising in particular Butomus umbellatus f. valisneriifolius, Callitriche cophocarpa, C. hamulata, C. obtusangula, C. stagnatilis, Groenlandia densa, Potamogeton coloratus, P. helveticus, P. natans var. prolixus, P. nodosus, Ranunculus fluitans, R. penicillatus, R. trichophyllus, Sagittaria sagittifolia var. vallisneriifolia, Schoenoplectus lacustris var. fluitans, Sparganium emersum ssp. fluitans. For fringing vegetation use codes of 53.','Ellenberg, 1963, 1988; Noirfalise and Dethioux, 1977; Haslam, 1978; Bournérias, 1979, 1984; Haslam and Wolseley, 1982; Mériaux, 1982; Holmes, 1983; Polunin and Walters, 1985; Wolff, 1987; Peinado Lorca and Rivas-Martinez, 1987; Oberdorfer, 1990.','Ranunculion fluitantis','Tapis de Renoncules aquatiques, de Potamots, de Callitriches et autres plantes aquatiques des cours d''eau comprenant en particulier Butomus umbellatus f. vallisneriifolius, Callitriche cophocarpa, C. hamulata, C. obtusangula, C. stagnatilis, Groenlandia densa, Potamogeton coloratus, P. pedinatus, P. natans var. prolixus, P. nodosus, Ranunculus fluitans, R. penicillatus, R. trichophyllus, Sagittaria sagittifolia var. vallisneriifolia, Schoenoplectus lacustris, var. fluitans, Sparganium emersum subsp. fluitans. Pour la végétation de bordure, se rapporter aux codes de 53.','Ellenberg, 1963, 1988 ; Noirfalise et Dethioux, 1977 ; Haslam, 1978 ; Bournérias, 1979, 1984 ; Haslam et Wolseley, 1982 ; Mériaux, 1982 ; Holmes, 1983 ; Polunin et Walters, 1985 ; Wolff, 1987 ; Peinado Lorca et Rivas-Martinez, 1987 ; Oberdorfer, 1990.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('24.41','24.4','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Végétation des rivières oligotrophes acidiphiles','Acid oligotrophic river vegetation','','Communities characterized in particular by Myriophyllum alternifolium, Potamogeton polygonifolius, Callitriche hamulata, Littorella uniflora.','','','Groupements caractérisés en particulier par Myriophyllum alternifolium, Potamogeton polygonifolius, Callitriche hamulata, Littorella uniflora.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('24.42','24.4','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Végétation des rivières oligotrophes riches en calcaire','Lime-rich oligotrophic river vegetation','','Communities characterized in particular by Potamogeton coloratus and Chara hispida.','','','Groupements caractérisés en particulier par Potamogeton coloratus et Chara hispida.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('24.43','24.4','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Végétation des rivières mésotrophes','Mesotrophic river vegetation','','Communities characterized in particular by Sium erectum f. submersa, Mentha aquatica f. submersa, Groenlandia densa, Ranunculus peltatus, R. penicillatus, R. trichophyllus, Callitriche truncata, C. stagnalis.','','','Groupements caractérisés en particulier par Berula erecta (Sium erectum f. submersa), Mentha aquatica f. submersa, Groenlandia densa, Ranunculus peltatus, R. penicillatus, R. trichophyllus, Callitriche truncata, C. stagnalis.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('24.44','24.4','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Végétation des rivières eutrophes','Eutrophic river vegetation','','Communities characterized in particular by Ranunculus fluitans, Zannichellia palustris f. fluviatilis, Potamogeton nodosus, Callitriche obtusangula and the moss Fontinalis antipyretica.','','','Groupements caractérisés en particulier par Ranunculus fluitans, Zannichellia palustris f. fluviatilis, Potamogeton nodosus, Callitriche obtusangula, Fontinalis antipyretica.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('24.5','24','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Dépôts d''alluvions fluviatiles limoneuses','River mud banks','','Alluvial muds exposed by stream level fluctuations (see also 37.7).','','','Vases alluviales exondées du fait des fluctuations du niveau des cours d''eau (voir alors 37.7).','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('24.51','24.5','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Dépôts nus d''alluvions fluviatiles limoneuses','Unvegetated river mud banks','','Bare alluvial muds.','','','Vases alluviales dépourvues de végétation.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('24.52','24.5','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Groupements euro-sibériens annuels des vases fluviatiles','Euro-Siberian annual river mud communities','Bidention p., Chenopodion rubri p.','Pioneer formations of annuals on nitrogen-rich muds of middle European rivers (Bidens spp., Rorippa spp., Chenopodium spp., Polygonum spp., Xanthium spp.).','Lebrun et al., 1949; Ellenberg, 1963; Guinochet and Vilmorin, 1973; Géhu, 1984; Duvigneaud, 1986; Oberdorfer, 1990.','Bidention p., Chenopodion rubri p.','Formations pionnières de plantes annuelles sur alluvions riches en azote des rivières d’Europe moyenne (Bidens spp., Rorippa spp., Chenopodium spp., Polygonum spp., Xanthium spp.).','Lebrun et al., 1949 ; Ellenberg, 1963 ; Guinochet et Vilmorin, 1973 ; Géhu, 1984 ; Duvigneaud, 1986 ; Oberdorfer, 1990.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('24.53','24.5','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Groupements méditerranéens des limons riverains','Mediterranean river mud communities','Paspalo-Agrostidion','Nitrophilous annual and perennial grass and sedge formations of the alluvial banks of great Mediterranean rivers, with Paspalum paspaloides, P. vaginatum, Polypogon viridis (= Agrostis semiverticillata), Cyperus fuscus.','Guinochet and Vilmorin, 1973; Bellot Rodriguez, 1979; Molinier and Martin, 1980; Alcaraz Ariza and Peinado Lorca, 1987.','Paspalo-Agrostidion','Formations de laîches et de graminées nitrophiles, annuelles ou vivaces des bancs d’alluvions des rivières méditerranéennes, avec Paspalum distichum (paspalodes), P. vaginatum, Polypogon viridis (= Agrostis semiverticillata), Cyperus fuscus.','Guinochet et Vilmorin, 1973 ; Bellot Rodriguez, 1979 ; Molinier et Martin, 1980.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('3','','1','Niveau 1','TRUE','Landes, fruticées, pelouses et prairies','Scrub and grassland','','','','','','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31','3','2','Niveau 2','TRUE','Landes et fruticées','Heath and scrub','','Temperate shrubby areas: Atlantic and alpine heaths, sub-alpine bush and tall herb communities, deciduous forest recolonisation, hedgerows, dwarf conifers.','','','Etendues couvertes de végétaux ligneux bas, tempérées ; landes atlantiques et alpines, fourrés subapins et communautés de hautes herbes ; recolonisation forestière décidue, haies, résineux nains.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.1','31','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Landes humides','Wet heaths','Ericion tetralicis; Ulicion minoris p.; Genistion micrantho-anglicae p.','Humid, peaty or semi-peaty heaths (other than blanket bogs).','Lebrun et al., 1949; Ellenberg, 1963; Depasse et al., 1970; Géhu, 1973; Westhoff and den Held, 1975; Noirfalise and Vanesse, 1976; De Sloover et al., 1978; Rivas-Martinez, 1979; Gimingham et al., 1979; Bournérias, 1979; Noirfalise et al., 1980; de Smidt, 1981; Polunin and Walters, 1985.','Ericion tetralicis ; Ulicion minoris p.','Landes humides, tourbeuses ou semi-tourbeuses (autres que les tourbières de couverture).','Lebrun et al., 1949 ; Ellenberg, 1963 ; Depasse et al., 1970 ; Géhu, 1973 ; Westoff et den Held, 1975 ; Noirfalise et Vanesse, 1976 ; De Sloover et al., 1978 ; Rivas-Martinez, 1979 ; Gimingham et al., 1979 ; Bournérias, 1979 ; Noirfalise et al., 1980 ; Polunin et Walters, 1985.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.11','31.1','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Landes humides atlantiques septentrionales','Northern wet heaths','','Wet heaths with Erica tetralix and sphagnums.','','','Landes humides avec Erica tetralix et Sphaignes.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.12','31.1','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Landes humides atlantiques méridionales','Southern wet heaths','','Wet heaths with Erica tetralix and E. ciliaris and sphagnums.','','','Landes humides avec Erica tetralix, E. ciliaris et Sphaignes.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.13','31.1','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Landes humides à Molinia caerulea','Purple moorgrass wet heaths','','Degraded facies of wet heaths, dominated by Molinia caerulea','','','Faciès dégradés de landes humides, dominés par Molinia caerulea.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.2','31','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Landes sèches','Dry heaths','Calluno-Ulicetea','Mesophile or xerophile heaths on siliceous, podsolic soils in moist Atlantic and sub-Atlantic climates of plains and low mountains.','Gimingham, 1972; Géhu, 1973; Noirfalise and Vanesse, 1976; Gimingham et al., 1979; Bournérias, 1979; Noirfalise et al., 1980; Ratcliffe, 1980; Polunin and Walters, 1985; Webb, 1986.','Calluno-Ulicetea','Landes mésophiles ou xérophiles sur sols siliceux, podzoliques sous la plupart des climats atlantiques et subatlantiques des plaines et des basses montagnes.','Gimingham, 1972 ; Géhu, 1973 ; Noirfalise et Vanesse, 1976 ; Gimingham et al., 1979 ; Bournérias, 1979 ; Noirfalise et al., 1980 ; Polunin et Walters, 1985 ; Webb, 1986.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.21','31.2','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Landes submontagnardes à Vaccinium','Submontane Vaccinium heaths','Calluno-Genistion pilosae p.; Vaccinion vitis-idaeae p.','Heaths rich in Vaccinium spp., usually with Calluna vulgaris, of the northern and western British Isles, the Hercynian ranges and the lower levels of the Alps, the Pyrenees and the Cordillera Cantabrica.','Lebrun et al., 1949; Ellenberg, 1963; Schumacker, 1973; Noirfalise and Vanesse, 1976; De Sloover et al., 1978; Rivas-Martinez, 1979; Gimingham et al., 1979; Noirfalise et al., 1980; Ratcliffe, 1980; Webb, 1986; Noirfalise, 1987; Salomez, in litt. 1990.','Calluno-Genistion pilosae p. ; Vaccinion vitis-idaeae','Landes riches en Vaccinium spp., généralement avec Calluna vulgaris, des montagnes hercyniennes et des étages inférieurs des Alpes, des Pyrénées.','Lebrun et al., 1949 ; Ellenberg, 1963 ; Schumacker, 1973 ; Noirfalise et Vanesse, 1976 ; De Sloover et al., 1978 ; Rivas-Martinez, 1979 ; Gimingham et al., 1979 ; Noirfalise et al., 1980 ; Webb, 1986 ; Noirfalise, 1987.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.211','31.21','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Northern isles Vaccinium heaths','','Calluna-Empetrum hermaphroditum-Vaccinium vitis-idaea heaths of the Orkneys and Shetland.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.212','31.21','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Upland British Vaccinium heaths','','Upland Vaccinium-Empetrum heaths of northern and western Britain, with Vaccinium myrtillus or V. vitis-idaea and Empetrum nigrum or E. hermaphroditum. They can be further subdivided according to the Ratcliffe (1980) classification, as follows:','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.2121','31.212','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','British southern bilberry heaths','','Southern Vaccinium myrtillus dominated heaths characteristic of well drained sub-montane sites south of the Highlands','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.2122','31.212','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','British chionophilous bilberry heaths','','Vaccinium myrtillus dominated heaths of areas with prolonged snow cover in eastern and central Highlands, Cheviots and Moffat-Tweedsmuir hills with Empetrum hermaphroditum and Vaccinium uliginosum.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.2123','31.212','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','British species-rich bilberry heaths','','Species-rich Vaccinium myrtillus heaths with Alchemilla alpina and abundant grasses, mainly of the central and southwest Highlands, with outliers in northern English and Welsh uplands.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.2124','31.212','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','British mat-grass-bilberry heaths','','Vaccinium myrtillus-Nardus stricta heaths of northern England and Wales.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.2125','31.212','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','British mountain crowberry-bilberry heaths','','Vaccinium myrtillus heaths with abundant Empetrum hermaphroditum, Carex bigelowii, bryophytes and lichens mostly associated with large shallow snow beds in the central and western Highlands, with related outliers in England and Wales.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.2126','31.212','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','British lichen-bilberry heaths','','Vaccinium myrtillus-Empetrum heaths rich in Cetraria and Cladonia lichens, but poor in bryophytes, mostly of the eastern and central Highlands.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.2127','31.212','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','British cowberry heaths','','Vaccinium vitis-idaea heaths, generally species-poor, mainly of the Peak District and eastern Wales.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.2128','31.212','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','British ling-liverwort heaths','','Tall Calluna vulgaris-Vaccinium heaths with a ground layer dominated by leafy liverworts, characteristic of the northwest Highlands, with fragmentary stands in more southern western uplands.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.213','31.21','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Landes hercyniennes à Vaccinium','Hercynian Vaccinium heaths','','Sub-montane heaths of the Vosges, the Black Forest, the Ardennes, the Eifel and other Hercynian ranges of Germany, with Calluna vulgaris, Vaccinium myrtillus, V. vitis-idaea, V. uliginosum and montane lycopodes, Diphasiastrum spp..','','','Landes submontagnardes des Vosges, de la Forêt Noire, des Ardennes, de l''Eifel..., avec Calluna vulgaris, Vaccinium myrtillus, V. vitis-idaea, V. uliginosum et à lycopodes montagnards.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.214','31.21','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Landes submontagnardes alpiennes à Vaccinium','Sub-montane Alpine Vaccinium heaths','','Vaccinium spp. heaths of the collinar and montane levels of the Alps with, Calluna vulgaris, Artemisia alba, Silene otites, Campanula spicata and other thermophile species','','','Landes à Vaccinium spp. des étages collinéen et montagnards des Alpes avec Calluna vulgaris, Artemisia alba, Silene otites, Campanula spicata et autres espèces thermophiles.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.215','31.21','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Landes sub-montagnardes pyrénéo-cantabriques à Vaccinium','Submontane Pyreneo-Cantabrian Vaccinium heaths','','Vaccinium-rich heaths of the collinar and montane levels of the Pyrenees and the Cordillera Cantabrica.','','','Landes riches en Vaccinium des étages collinéen et montagnard des Pyrénées.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.22','31.2','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Landes sub-atlantiques à Genêt et Callune','Sub-Atlantic Calluna-Genista heaths','Calluno-Genistion pilosae p.','Low Calluna heaths often rich in Genista, mostly of the North Sea lowlands. Similar formations occurring in British upland areas, montane zones of high mountains of the western Mediterranean basin and high rainfall Adriatic influenced areas are most conveniently listed here.','Lebrun et al., 1949; Ellenberg, 1963; Depasse et al., 1970; Géhu, 1973; Westhoff and den Held, 1975; Noirfalise and Vanesse, 1976; Gruber, 1978; Gimingham et al., 1979; Bournérias, 1979; Rivas-Martinez, 1979; Noirfalise et al., 1980; Ratcliffe, 1980; Groppali et al., 1980; De Smidt, 1981; Feoli et al., 1981; Bassilana, 1984; Webb, 1986; Ardito, 1989; Salomez, in litt. 1990.','Calluno-Genistion pilosae p.','Landes basses à Callune, souvent riches en Genista, principalement représentées dans les plaines de la mer du Nord. Des formations similaires se rencontrent dans les zones montagnardes des hautes montagnes du bassin occidental de la Méditerranée...','Lebrun et al., 1949 ; Ellenberg, 1963 ; Depasse et al., 1970 ; Géhu, 1973 ; Westhoff et den Held, 1975 ; Noirfalise et Vanesse, 1976 ; Gruber, 1978 ; Gimingham et al., 1979 ; Bournérias, 1979 ; Rivas-Martinez, 1979 ; Noirfalise et al., 1980 ; Webb, 1986.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.221','31.22','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Northern Calluna-Genista heaths','','Danish, German and northern Dutch (north of the Rhine) heaths with Calluna vulgaris, Genista anglica, G. pilosa and with Vaccinium and Empetrum present.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.222','31.22','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Elbe Calluna-Genista heaths','','Elbe basin formations with Genista germanica.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.223','31.22','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Landes campino-flandriennes à Callune et Genêt','Campino-Flandrian Calluna-Genista heaths','','Southern Dutch, Belgian and northwestern French heaths with Calluna vulgaris, Genista anglica and G. pilosa.','','','Landes du nord ouest de la France (...) avec Calluna vulgaris, Genista anglica et G. pilosa.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.224','31.22','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Landes campino-flandriennes à Erica cinerea','Campino-Flandrian Erica cinerea heaths','','Erica cinerea-dominated formations of the Southern Dutch, Belgian and northwestern French range of the Calluna-Genista heaths.','','','Formations dominées par Erica cinerea du nord ouest de la France (...) des landes à Callune et Genêt.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.225','31.22','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','British Calluna-Genista heaths','','British heaths with Calluna vulgaris or Erica cinerea and often Genista anglica. They include in particular:','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.2251','31.225','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','East Anglian Calluna-Festuca heaths','','Lowland, species-poor Calluna vulgaris-Festuca ovina heaths of East Anglia and adjacent areas.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.2252','31.225','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Spring squill heath','','Maritime Calluna vulgaris-Erica cinerea heaths with Scilla verna, of the coasts of southwestern England, western Wales, Cumbria, Scotland and the isles.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.2253','31.225','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','British Calluna-Sieglingia heaths','','Species-rich Calluna vulgaris-Danthonia (Sieglingia) decumbens heaths.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.2254','31.225','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','English Calluna-Deschampsia heaths','','Species-poor Calluna vulgaris-Deschampsia flexuosa heaths of northern Pennine foothills, North Yorkshire moors and west Midlands.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.2255','31.225','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','British Calluna-bearberry heaths','','Arctostaphylos uva-ursi-Calluna vulgaris heaths with Genista anglica and often Erica cinerea and Vaccinium vitis-idaea of eastern Highlands, Teesdale, Lake District and Orkney.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.2256','31.225','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Upland Calluna-bell heather heath','','Sub-montane heather-moors dominated by Calluna vulgaris, with varying amounts of Erica cinerea and Vaccinium vitis-idaea, related to 31.212.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.2257','31.225','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Highland prostrate Calluna heath','','Wind-clipped, prostrate Calluna vulgaris or Calluna and lichen mats, of montane passes and lower summits of the Highlands and other isolated upland areas.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.2258','31.225','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Southern English Calluna-bristle bent heath','','Calluna vulgaris-Agrostis curtisii heaths of Dorset and Hampshire.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.226','31.22','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Landes montagnardes à Calluna et Genista','Montane Calluna-Genista heaths','','Heaths of the montane zone (beech forest level) of the Central Massif, Pyrenees and southwestern Alps with Genista anglica, G. pilosa, Vaccinium myrtillus','','','Landes de l’étage montagnard (étage des forêts de Hêtres) du Massif central, des Pyrénées et des Alpes sud-occidentales avec Genista anglica, G. pilosa, Vaccinium myrtillus.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.227','31.22','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Landes à Empetrum nigrum','Empetrum nigrum heaths','','Coastal non-dunal Calluna and Empetrum nigrum heaths of the Baltic, North Sea and Scotland.','','','Landes côtières, non-dunaires, à Calluna et Empetrum nigrum, de la mer du Nord...','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.228','31.22','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Illyrian heaths','','Illyrian heaths with Calluna vulgaris and Genista germanica.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.229','31.22','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Po basin heaths','','Calluna vulgaris heaths of the fluvio-glacial terraces that constitute the high plains of the Po river system.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.22A','31.22','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Landes à Genista sagittalis','Genista sagittalis heaths','','Calluna vulgaris-Genista sagittalis heaths of the southwestern Alps.','','','Landes à Calluna vulgaris et Genista sagittalis des Alpes sud-occidentales.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.23','31.2','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Landes atlantiques à Erica et Ulex','Atlantic Erica-Ulex heaths','Ulicenion minoris; Daboecenion cantabricae p.; Ulicion maritimae p.','Heaths rich in gorse (Ulex) of the Atlantic margins.','Tüxen and Oberdorfer, 1958; Dendaletche, 1973; Géhu, 1973, 1975, 1984; Noirfalise and Vanesse, 1976; Gimingham et al., 1979; Rivas-Martinez, 1979; Polunin and Walters, 1985; Webb, 1986; Izco, 1987.','Ulicenion minoris ; Daboecenion cantabricaeP. ; Ulicion maritimae p.','Landes riches en Ajoncs (Ulex) des bords de l''Atlantique.','Dendaletche, 1973 ; Géhu, 1973, 1975, 1984 ; Noirfalise et Vanesse, 1976 ; Gimingham et al., 1979 ; Rivas-Martinez, 1979 ; Polunin et Walters, 1985 ; Webb, 1986.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.231','31.23','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Landes à Ulex maritimus','Maritime gorse heaths','','Wind-swept heaths with prostrate, cushiony Ulex maritimus and numerous other maritime ecotypes (Cytisus scoparius subsp. maritimus, Ulex gallii f. humilis, Erica vagans) of the immediate proximity of the ocean: Brittany, Cornwall, Cotentin, southern Ireland, Cantabrian coast.','','','Landes balayées par le vent avec Ulex europeaus maritimus prostré, en coussinet et de nombreux autres écotypes maritimes (Cytisus scoparius spp. maritimus, Ulex gallii f. humilis, Erica vagans) à proximité immédiate de l''océan : Bretagne, Cotentin.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.232','31.23','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Gallo-Irish Ulex gallii-Erica cinerea heaths','','Widespread Irish and Welsh Atlantic heaths, with Ulex gallii and Erica cinerea.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.233','31.23','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Irish Erica mackaiana heaths','','Western Irish heaths comprising the northern, isolated, populations of Erica mackaiana.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.234','31.23','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Landes septentrionales à Erica vagans','Northern Erica vagans heaths','','Irish, Cornish and Armorican heaths, other than cushiony maritime formations, containing Erica vagans, northern irradiation of 31.241.','','','Landes armoricaines, autre que des formations en coussinet, contenant Erica vagans, irradiation septentrionale de 31.241.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.2341','31.234','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Landes armoricaines à Erica vagans','Armorican Erica vagans heaths','','Heaths of Brittany, other than prostrate coastal ones, containing the uncommon and local Erica vagans.','','','Landes de Bretagne, autres que les formations côtières prostrées, comprenant Erica vagans espèce peu commune et locale.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.2342','31.234','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Lizard Erica vagans heaths','','Extensive Erica vagans-dominated communities of the Lizard peninsula of Cornwall.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.23421','31.2342','7','Niveau 7','FALSE','','Lizard tall heath','','Erica vagans-Schoenus nigricans heath of moist, shallow depressions of the Lizard plateau, dominated by Cornish heath.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.23422','31.2342','7','Niveau 7','FALSE','','Lizard mixed heath','','Erica vagans-Ulex europaeus heath of well-drained areas of the Lizard plateau, dominated by Cornish heath and common gorse.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.235','31.23','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Landes anglo-armoricaines occidentales à Ajoncs','Anglo-Armorican western gorse heaths','','Armorican, Cotentin and western English heaths with Ulex gallii and Erica cinerea or Erica ciliaris.','','','Landes armoricaines et du Cotentin avec Ulex gallii et Erica cinerea ou Erica ciliaris.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.2351','31.235','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Landes anglo-armoricaines à Ulex gallii et Erica cinerea','Anglo-Armorican Ulex gallii-Erica cinerea heaths','','Driest variants of the Atlantic western gorse Anglo-Armorican heaths. ','','','Variantes les plus sèches des landes atlantiques anglo-armoricaines à Ajoncs.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.2352','31.235','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Landes anglo-armoricaines à Ulex gallii et Erica ciliaris','Anglo-Armorican Ulex gallii-Erica ciliaris heaths','','More mesophile western gorse heaths, marked by the replacement of Erica cinerea by E. ciliaris.','','','Landes plus mésophiles occidentales à Ajoncs, marquées par le remplacement d''Erica cinerea par E. ciliaris.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.2353','31.235','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Landes anglo-armoricaines à Ulex gallii et Calluna','Anglo-Armorican Ulex gallii-Calluna heaths','','Calluna vulgaris facies of the Anglo-Armorican western gorse heaths.','','','Faciès à Calluna vulgaris, des landes anglo-armoricaines occidentales à Ajoncs.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.2354','31.235','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Ulex gallii-bristle bent heaths','','Southern English, short, often grassy heaths in which Ulex gallii is accompanied by Erica spp. and various grasses, in particular Agrostis curtisii.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.236','31.23','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Landes pyrénéo-cantabriques à Erica mackaiana et E. ciliaris','Cantabro-Pyrenean Erica mackaiana-E. ciliaris heaths','','Heaths with Ulex gallii, Erica mackaiana, E. ciliaris, Daboecia cantabrica of the beech level of the Pyrenees and the Cantabrian chain and, very locally, of Galicia; Ulex europaeus and Erica mackaiana heaths of the calcareous Picos de Europa.','','','Landes avec Ulex gallii, E. ciliaris, Daboecia cantabrica de l''étage du Hêtre des Pyrénées.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.237','31.23','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Landes pyrénéo-cantabriques à Erica vagans et Erica cinerea','Cantabro-Pyrenean Erica vagans-E. cinerea heaths','','Heaths with Ulex gallii, Erica vagans, E. cinerea and Pseudarrhenatherum longifolium of the French and Spanish Basque coast and of the beech level of the Atlantic Pyrenees and of the Cantabrian chain, mostly on mildly acid or sightly calcareous soils.','','','Landes avec Ulex gallii, Erica vagans, E. cinerea et Pseudarrhenatherum longifolium de la Côte Basque française et de l''étage du Hêtre des Pyrénées-Atlantiques, principalement sur des sols moyennement acides ou légèrement carbonatés.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.238','31.23','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Landes anglo-normandes à Ajoncs nains','Anglo-Norman dwarf gorse heaths','','Heaths with Ulex minor and Erica cinerea or E. ciliaris of interior and oriental Brittany, the Perche, Normandy, the Paris Basin, southern and southeastern England.','','','Landes avec Ulex minor et Erica cinerea ou E. ciliaris de l''intérieur et de l’ouest de la Bretagne, du Perche, de la Normandie, du Bassin parisien...','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.2381','31.238','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Landes anglo-normandes à Ulex minor et Erica cinerea','Anglo-Norman Ulex minor-Erica cinerea heaths','','Driest variants of the dwarf gorse Anglo-Normand heaths.','','','Variantes les plus sèches des landes anglo-normandes à Ajoncs nains.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.2382','31.238','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Landes anglo-normandes à Ulex minor et Erica ciliaris','Anglo-Norman Ulex minor-Erica ciliaris heaths','','More mesophile dwarf gorse heaths, marked by the replacement of Erica cinerea by E. ciliaris.','','','Landes plus mésophiles à Ajoncs nains, marquées par le remplacement d''Erica cinerea par E. ciliaris.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.2383','31.238','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Landes anglo-normandes à Ulex minor et Calluna','Anglo-Norman Ulex minor-Calluna vulgaris heaths','','Calluna vulgaris facies of the Anglo-Normand dwarf gorse heaths.','','','Faciès à Calluna vulgaris des landes anglo-normandes à Ajoncs nains.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.239','31.23','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Landes aquitano-ligériennes à Ajoncs nains','Aquitano-Ligerian dwarf gorse heaths','','Heaths with Ulex minor and Erica cinerea, E. ciliaris or E. scoparia of Aquitaine, Saintonge, Poitou, Sologne and the Loire region.','','','Landes avec Ulex minor et Erica cinerea, E. ciliaris ou E. scoparia d''Aquitaine, de Saintonge, du Poitou, de la Sologne et de la région de la Loire.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.2391','31.239','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Landes aquitano-ligériennes à Ulex minor et Erica cinerea','Aquitano-Ligerian Ulex minor-Erica cinerea heaths','','Driest variants of the dwarf gorse Aquitano-Ligerian heaths.','','','Variantes les plus sèches des landes aquitano-ligériennes à Ajoncs nains.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.2392','31.239','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Landes aquitano-ligériennes à Ulex minor et Erica ciliaris','Aquitano-Ligerian Ulex minor-Erica ciliaris heaths','','More mesophile dwarf gorse heaths, marked by the replacement of Erica cinerea by E. ciliaris, accompanied or not by E. scoparia.','','','Landes plus mésophiles à Ajoncs nains, marquées par le remplacement d''Erica cinerea par E. ciliaris, accompagné ou non par E. scoparia.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.2393','31.239','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Landes aquitano-ligériennes à Ulex minor et Erica scoparia','Aquitano-Ligerian Ulex minor-Erica scoparia heaths','','Mesophile dwarf gorse heaths with Erica scoparia and no E. ciliaris.','','','Landes mésophiles à Ajoncs nains avec Erica scoparia mais sans Erica ciliaris.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.24','31.2','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Landes ibéro-atlantiques à Erica, Ulex et Cistus','Ibero-Atlantic Erica-Ulex-Cistus heaths','Daboecenion cantabricae p.; Ericenion umbellatae p., Ericenion aragonensis; Ulicion maritimae p.; Genistion micrantho-anglicae p.','Aquitanian heaths with rock-roses. Iberian heaths with numerous species of heathers (notably Erica umbellata, E. aragonensis) and brooms, rock-roses and often Daboecia. When the rock-roses and other Mediterranean shrubs become dominant they should be classified under sclerophyllous scrubs (32).','Tüxen and Oberdorfer, 1958; Géhu, 1973; Polunin and Smythies, 1973; Noirfalise and Vanesse, 1976; Gimingham et al., 1979; Rivas-Martinez, 1979; Penas and Diaz Gonzalez, 1985; Izco, 1987; Bayer and Lopez Gonzalez, 1989.','Daboecenion cantabricae p. ; Ulicion maritimae p. ; Genistion micrantho-anglicae p.','Landes aquitaniennes avec cistes. Quand les Cistes et les autres broussailles méditerranéennes deviennent dominants elles doivent être classées avec les fourrés sclérophylles (32).','Géhu, 1973 ; Noirfalise et Vanesse, 1976 ; Gimingham et al., 1979 ; Rivas-Martinez, 1979 ; Penas et Diaz Gonzales, 1985.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.241','31.24','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Landes gasconnes','Biscay heaths','','Coastal and collinar Erica-Ulex-Cistus heaths of the periphery of the Bay of Biscay.','','','Landes côtières et collinéennes à Erica, Ulex et Cistus de la périphérie du golfe de Gascogne.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.2411','31.241','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Landes aquitaniennes à Erica et Cistus','Aquitanian Erica-Cistus heaths','','Erica cinerea and Cistus salvifolius heaths of the Aquitanian coast, with irradiations in the Landes and to the Montagne noire and Minervois.','','','Landes à Erica cinerea et Cistus salviifolius de la côte aquitanienne, avec des irradiations dans les Landes, dans la Montagne Noire et dans le Minervois.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.2412','31.241','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Landes arides de Gascogne et de Sologne','Gascony-Sologne arid heaths','','Arid Erica cinerea heaths of interior sandy hills and dunes of the Landes of Gascony and of Sologne gravels, with Halimium alyssoides.','','','Landes arides à Erica cinerea des collines et des dunes intérieures sableuses des Landes, de Gascogne et des graviers de Sologne, avec Halimium lasianthum subsp. alyssoides.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.2413','31.241','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Northern Iberian heaths','','Erica vagans, E. cinerea and sometimes E. ciliaris heaths, with Calluna vulgaris and Ulex europaeus, of the coasts, hills and lower montane areas of the Atlantic slope of Cantabria, the Asturias and Galicia.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.242','31.24','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Luso-Galician heaths','','Atlantic Galician and Portuguese Erica cinerea, E. umbellata and Ulex europaeus heaths.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.2421','31.242','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Luso-Galician collinar heaths','','Coastal and collinar, thermo-Atlantic Galician and northern Portuguese heaths with Erica cinerea, E. umbellata , Ulex minor, U. europaeus, U. micranthus, Cistus salvifolius and Halimium alyssoides.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.2422','31.242','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Luso-Galician maritime heaths','','Cushiony heaths with Ulex europaeus ssp. latebracteatus f. humilis and Erica cinerea of cliff-tops of Galicia, north and central Portugal (southern vicariant of 31.231).','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.243','31.24','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Cabreran heaths','','Low Calluna vulgaris-rich heaths of interior northwestern mountains, limited to the Sierra de la Cabrera and the neighbouring Sierra Segundera, Pena Trevinca and Sierra del Teleno.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.2431','31.243','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Cabreran dry whin heaths','','Open, cushiony formations of Calluna vulgaris, Erica umbellata, Genista sanabrensis, Halimium umbellatum, H. alyssoides occupying dry, superficial soils.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.2432','31.243','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Cabreran mesophile whin heaths','','Formations of Calluna vulgaris, Genista carpetana, G. anglica, G. micrantha and Thymelaea coridifolia (T. dendryobryum) of wetter stations.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.244','31.24','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Galicio-Leonese heaths','','Erica aragonensis or E. umbellata heaths of the interior slopes of the Cordillera Cantabrica, of interior Galicia and of the Leonese mountains.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.2441','31.244','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Galicio-Leonese Erica aragonensis heaths','','Supra-Mediterranean Erica aragonensis heaths with Chamaespartium tridentatum, Calluna vulgaris, Halimium alyssoides of the interior slopes of the Cantabrian Cordillera, eastern Galician ranges, Leon mountains and the Sierra de Cabrera).','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.2442','31.244','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Galicio-Leonese Erica umbellata heaths','','Lower altitude heaths on the confines of Galicia and Leon dominated by Erica umbellata accompanied by Erica cinerea, Calluna vulgaris, Chamaespartium tridentatum, Halimium alyssoides, H. umbellatum and Mediterranean elements such as Lavendula stoechas ssp. pedunculata.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.2443','31.244','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Galicio-Leonese Erica cinerea heaths','','Erica cinerea-dominated variants of the Galician and Leonese heaths of 31.2442.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.245','31.24','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Oro-Castillan heaths','','Erica aragonensis heaths of the Cordillera Central and the summits of the Montes de Toledo.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.2451','31.245','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Western Cordilleran Erica aragonensis heaths','','E. aragonensis formations of the western Cordillera Central (Serra da Estrela, Sierra de Gata, Sierra de Pena de Francia) with E. umbellata, Halimium alyssoides and sometimes Juniperus nana.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.2452','31.245','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Ayllon Erica aragonensis heaths','','E. aragonensis formations of the Sierra de Ayllon with H. viscosum, H. ocymoides, Genista pilosa and, sometimes Arctostaphylos uva-ursi.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.2453','31.245','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Villuercan Erica aragonensis heaths','','Isolated summital Erica aragonensis heaths of the Montes de Toledo (Villuercas).','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.246','31.24','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Sorian heaths','','Erica aragonensis and Calluna vulgaris heath communities of the northern Iberian Range, often with Genista pilosa or, on wetter soils, G. anglica and G. micrantha.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.2461','31.246','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Sorian summital heaths','','Calluna heaths of high peaks, with Viola montcaunica.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.2462','31.246','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Sorian Erica aragonensis heaths','','Beech-zone E. aragonensis heaths with Arctostaphylos uva-ursi.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.2463','31.246','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Sorian Erica vagans heaths','','Formations of lower beech zone, with Erica vagans.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.2464','31.246','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Sorian collinar heaths','','Erica arborea, E. cinerea, Calluna vulgaris formations of acidophilous oak zone.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.247','31.24','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Cuencan heaths','','Erica aragonensis heaths of the southern Iberian Range (Valdemeca, Serrania de Cuenca) with Thymelaea subrepens.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.248','31.24','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Luso-Extremaduran heaths','','Formations rich in Erica umbellata of the meso-Mediterranean and occasionally thermo-Mediterranean zones of the western parts of the Iberian peninsula, intermediate between heath and maquis.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.249','31.24','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Erica andevalensis heaths','','Formations constituted by the local endemic Erica andevalensis on soils rich in heavy metals of the rio Odiel basin in western Andalusia.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.3','31','3','Niveau 3','FALSE','','Macaronesian heaths','','Heaths of the Canary Islands, Azores and Madeira.','Delvosalle, 1964; Duvigneaud, 1977; Page, 1979; White, 1983; Bramwell and Bramwell, 1983; Wildpret de la Torre and del Arco Aguilar, 1987; Machado, in litt.','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.31','31.3','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Canarian heaths','Andryalo-Ericetalia p.','Low and medium-tall ericaceous formations of the cloud belt of the Canary Islands.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.311','31.31','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Canarian Erica scoparia heaths','','Humid low heaths of high elevations of Tenerife (Anaga) and La Gomera (Incherada), with E. scoparia ssp. platycodon.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.312','31.31','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Canarian Erica arborea heaths','','Low and medium-tall stages of the Erica arborea, Myrica faya and Ilex canariensis formations (tall forest-like formations are listed as 45.9).','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.32','31.3','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Madeiran cloud heaths','','Sometimes fairly tall, 2-3 metre high, Erica arborea, Myrica faya, Erica scoparia, Laurus azorica, Cletura arborea and Pteridium aquilinum heaths of the cloud zone of Madeira.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.33','31.3','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Madeiran summital heaths','','Erica cinerea var. maderensis-dominated heaths of the highest peaks of Madeira.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.34','31.3','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Azorean lowland heaths','','Erica azorica, Myrica faya and Laurus azorica heaths of the lower altitudes of the Azores.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.35','31.3','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Azorean "upper woods" heaths','','Heath facies of the Erica azorica and Juniperus brevifolia "upper woods" of the Azores.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.36','31.3','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Azorean summital heaths','','Calluna vulgaris, Daboecia azorica and Thymus caespititius communities of the highest altitudes of the Azores (1200 - 1500 m).','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.4','31','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Landes alpines et boréales','Alpine and boreal heaths','','Small, dwarf or prostrate shrub formations of the alpine and sub-alpine zones dominated by ericaceous species, Dryas octopetala or dwarf junipers; Dryas heaths of the British Isles.','','','Formations d''arbrisseaux bas, nains ou prostrés des étages alpin ou subalpin dominées par des Ericacées, par Dryas octopetala ou par des genévriers nains.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.41','31.4','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Landes naines à Azalée et à Vaccinium','Dwarf azalea and Vaccinium heaths','Loiseleurio-Vaccinion','Trailing azalea, Loiseleuria procumbens, and lichen mats of high windswept localities in the Alps and Pyrenees, often with Vaccinium.','Ellenberg, 1963; Gruber, 1978; Gimingham et al., 1979; Polunin and Walters, 1985; Salomez, in litt. 1990.','Loiseleurio-Vaccinion','Landines d''Azalée naine, Loiseleuria procumbens et tapis de lichens des stations balayées par le vent dans les Alpes et les Pyrénées, souvent avec Vaccinium.','Ellenberg, 1963 ; Gruber, 1978 ; Gimingham et al., 1979 ; Polunin et Walters, 1985 ; Salomez in litt. 1990.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.411','31.41','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Landes à Loiseleuria','Loiseleuria heaths','','','','','','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.412','31.41','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Landes alpines à Vaccinium','Alpine Vaccinium heaths','','','','','','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.42','31.4','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Landes à Rhododendron','Alpenrose heaths','Rhododendro-Vaccinion','Rhododendron ferrugineum-dominated heaths of acid podsols in the Alps and Pyrenees, often with Vaccinium, sometimes with Pinus mugo. They often alternate in mosaic with 31.431 and 31.44.','Ellenberg, 1963; Gruber, 1978; Gimingham et al., 1979; Polunin and Walters, 1985.','Rhododendro-Vaccinion','Landes à Rhododendron ferrugineum dominant, développées sur des podzols acides dans les Alpes et les Pyrénées, souvent avec Vaccinium, parfois avec Pinus mugo ; ces landes alternent en mosaïques, souvent avec 31.431 et 31.44.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.43','31.4','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Fourrés à Genévriers nains','Dwarf juniper scrub','Juniperion nanae, Pino-Juniperion sabinae p., Pino-Cytision purgantis p.','Usually dense formations of prostrate junipers.','Ellenberg, 1963; Horvat et al., 1974; Gruber, 1978; Guinochet and Vilmorin, 1978; Sfikas, 1978; Gimingham et al., 1979; Strid, 1980; Pignatti, 1982; Polunin and Walters, 1985; Chiappini, 1985a; Noirfalise, 1987; Peinado Lorca and Rivas-Martinez, 1987.','Juniperion nanae, Pino-Juniperion sabinae, Pino-Cytision purgantis','Formations généralement denses de Genévriers prostrés.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.431','31.43','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Fourrés à Juniperus communis subsp. nana','Juniperus nana scrub','','Thermophile Juniperus nana-dominated heaths of the sub-alpine zone of the central and southern Alps, northern and central Apennines, Corsica, Sardinia, Forez, Pyrenees and of the upper levels of high Greek and Iberian mountains.','','','Landes à Juniperus communis subsp. nana dominant de la zone subalpine des Alpes centrales et méridionales, de Corse, du Forez et des Pyrénées.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.432','31.43','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Fourrés à Juniperus sabina','Juniperus sabina scrub','','Oro-Mediterranean J. sabina heaths of Iberia, inner Alpine valleys and rare Apennine stations.','','','Landes oro-méditerranéennes à Juniperus sabina, des vallées intra-alpines.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.433','31.43','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Fourrés à Juniperus communis subsp. hemisphaerica','Juniperus hemisphaerica scrub','','J. hemisphaerica heaths of Iberia, the southern Apennines, Sicily (Madonie, Etna) and Greece.','','','Landes à Juniperus communis subsp. hemisphaerica d''Espagne, des Apennins méridionaux, de Sicile et de Grèce. (France méridionale ?)','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.434','31.43','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Juniperus oxycedrus scrub','','J. oxycedrus heaths of high Greek mountain slopes.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.44','31.4','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Landes à Empetrum et Vaccinium','Empetrum-Vaccinium heaths','Empetro-Vaccinietum','Dwarf heaths dominated by Empetrum hermaphroditum, Vaccinium uliginosum, Arctostaphylos alpina and lycopodes (Huperzia selago, Diphasiastrum alpinum) of the Alps, Pyrenees, Central Massif, Jura, Northern Apennines.','Ellenberg, 1963; Gruber, 1978; Gimingham et al., 1979; Polunin and Walters, 1985.','Empetro-Vaccinietum','Landes naines dominées par Empetrum hermaphroditum, Vaccinium uliginosum, Arctostaphylos alpina avec des Lycopodes (Huperzia selago, Diphasiastrum alpinum), des Alpes, du Massif central, des Pyrénées, du Jura.','Ellenberg, 1963 ; Gruber, 1978 ; Gimingham et al., 1979 ; Polunin et Walters, 1985.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.45','31.4','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Boreo-alpine Scottish heaths','','Alpine heaths of the highlands and islands of Scotland, with Juniperus nana, Loiseleuria procumbens, Empetrum hermaphroditum, Arctostaphylos uva-ursi, A. alpina and elements of Alpine flora.','Ratcliffe, 1977, 1980; Gillingham et al., 1979; Noirfalise, 1987.','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.451','31.45','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Scottish bearberry-azalea heaths','','Arctostaphylos alpina-Loiseleuria procumbens facies of the boreo-alpine Scottish heaths characteristic of the northern Highlands.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.452','31.45','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Scottish crowberry-azalea heaths','','Empetrum hermaphroditum-Loiseleuria procumbens facies of the boreo-alpine Scottish heaths characteristic of the Cairngorms.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.453','31.45','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Scottish dwarf juniper heaths','','Juniperus nana facies of the boreo-alpine Scottish heaths.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.46','31.4','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Bruckenthalia heaths','','Balkanic heaths with Bruckenthalia spiculifolia, Vaccinium myrtillus.','Horvat et al., 1974; Polunin and Walters, 1985.','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.47','31.4','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Landes à Arctostaphylos uva-ursi','Bearberry heaths','Mugo-Rhodoretum hirsuti p., Juniperion nanae p., i.a.','Alpine and sub-alpine mats of Arctostaphylos uva-ursi or A. alpina.','Ellenberg, 1963, 1988.','Mugo-Rhodoretum hirsuti p., Juniperion nanae p., i.a.','Landes alpines et subalpines à Arctostaphylos uva-ursi ou A. alpina.','Ellenberg, 1963, 1988.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.48','31.4','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Landes à Rhododendron hirsutum','Hairy alpenrose heaths','Mugo-Rhodoretum hirsuti p.','Forest substitution heaths, treeline fringe formations and alpine heaths or mats dominated by Rhododendron hirsutum of calcareous soils in the Alps. Erica herbacea and Rhodothamnus chamaecistus may be constituents of the heaths.','Ellenberg, 1963, 1988.','Mugo-Rhodoretum hirsuti p.','Landes de substitution, formations de la limite des arbres et landes alpines (éventuellement prostrées) dominées par Rhododendron hirsutum et croissant sur sols calcaires dans les Alpes avec Erica herbacea.','Ellenberg, 1963, 1988 ; Noirfalise, 1987.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.49','31.4','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Tapis à Dryade','Mountain avens mats','','Dryas octopetala may form woody mats in various calcicolous alpine grasslands (36) or rock vegetations (62). If sufficiently extensive they can be listed as heaths under this heading, together with the distinctive British and Irish formations.','Ellenberg, 1963, 1988; Ratcliffe, 1980; Noirfalise, 1987.','','Dryas octopetala peut former des landines dans différents types de pelouses calcicoles alpines (36) ou des végétations de rocher (62). Si elles sont suffisamment vastes ces communautés peuvent être cataloguées comme des landes sous cet intitulé.','Ellenberg,1963, 1988 ; Noirfalise, 1987.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.491','31.49','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Tapis de Dryas de haute montagne','High montane Dryas mats','','Mats of Dryas octopetala of continental mountains, in calcicolous alpine grasslands and on high mountain rocks.','','','Tapis de Dryas octopetala, dans les pelouses alpines calcicoles et sur les rochers en haute altitude, des montagnes continentales.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.492','31.49','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Durness Dryas mats','','Northern Scottish low altitude Dryas heaths associated with Durness limestone and shell sand.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.493','31.49','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Hebridean Dryas mats','','Hebridean mixed Dryas-Arctostaphylos heaths of Durness limestones.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.494','31.49','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Burren Dryas mats','','Dryas-Arctostaphylos heaths of the Burren in western Ireland.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.495','31.49','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Highland Dryas mats','','High-altitude species-rich Dryas cliff-ledge communities of the mica-shist hills of the central Highlands of Scotland, with fragmentary outposts in Lakeland and Snowdonia.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.4A','31.4','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Apennine Vaccinium heaths','','Dwarf mats of Vaccinium myrtillus, V. uliginosum s.l. and, locally, Empetrum nigrum of the northern and central Apennines.','Pignatti, 1982; Noirfalise, 1987.','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.5','31','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Fourré bas de Pins mugo','Dwarf mountain pine scrub','Mugo-Rhodoretum hirsuti','Pinus mugo brushes of well-drained, often calcareous, soils in the Alps and Appenines, frequently accompanied by Rhododendron hirsutum, Erica herbacea, Arctostaphylos uva-ursi, A. alpina, Rhodothamnus chamaecistus.','Ellenberg, 1963, 1988; Pignatti, 1982; Richard and Pautou, 1983; Noirfalise, 1987; Maurin in litt., 1989.','Mugo-Rhodoretum hirsuti','Fourrés de Pinus mugo sur sols calcaires bien drainés des Alpes, accompagnés fréquemment de Rhododendron hirsutum, Erica herbacea, Arctostaphylos uva-ursi, A. alpina.','Ellenberg, 1963, 1988 ; Richard et Pautou, 1983 ; Noirfalise, 1987.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.51','31.5','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Fourrés bas de Pins mugo des Alpes internes','Inner Alpine dwarf mountain pine scrub','','Formations of the dry inner Alps.','','','Formations des Alpes internes sèches.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.52','31.5','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Outer Alpine dwarf mountain pine scrub','','Formations of the northern and southeastern outer Alps.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.53','31.5','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Fourrés bas de Pins mugo des Alpes sud-occidentales','South-western Alpine dwarf mountain pine scrub','','Local formations of the southwestern Alps (Haute Roya, Ligurian Alps).','','','Formations locales des Alpes sud-occidentales (Haute Roya, Alpes ligures).','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.54','31.5','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Apennine dwarf mountain pine scrub','','Rare and local Apennine formations of the Parmian Apennines, the Abruzzi and the Campanian Apennines.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.6','31','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Fourrés subalpins et communautés de hautes herbes (mégaphorbiaies)','Subalpine bush and tall herb communities','Betulo-Adenostyletea p.','Bushy facies of the tall herb communities (Betulo-Adenostyletea) of moist, rich soils mostly of the sub-alpine zone of higher mountain ranges (cf. 37.8).','Vanden Berghen, 1982.','Betulo-Adenostyletea','Faciès buissonnants de communautés de hautes herbes (Betulo-Adenostyletea) sur des sols humides, la plupart du temps riches, de la zone subalpine des secteurs de haute montagne (voir 37.8).','Vanden Berghen, 1982.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.61','31.6','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Broussailles d''Aulnes verts','Green alder brush','Alnetum viridis, Cymbalerion hepaticifoliae p.','Dense thickets of green alders characteristic of the Alps and Corsica.','Ellenberg, 1963, 1988; Gamisans, 1976, 1985; Gruber, 1978; Lambinon et al., 1978; Guittonneau and Huon, 1983; Ozenda, 1985; Polunin and Walters, 1985.','Alnetum viridis, Cymbalarion hepaticifoliae p.','Fourrés denses d''Aulnes verts, caractéristiques des Alpes et de la Corse.','Ellenberg, 1963, 1988 ; Gamisans, 1976, 1985 ; Gruber, 1978 ; Lambinon et al., 1978 ; Guittonneau et Huon, 1983 ; Ozenda, 1985 ; Polunin et Walters, 1985.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.611','31.61','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Fourrés d''Aulnes verts des Alpes','Alpine green alder scrub','Alnetum viridis','Green alder (Alnus viridis ssp. viridis)-dominated formations, rich in tall herbs, of slopes with a good water-holding capacity, mostly on siliceous soils, in the sub-alpine and lower alpine belts of the Alps.','','Alnetum viridis','Formations à Aulnes verts dominants (Alnus viridis ssp. viridis), riches en hautes herbes, des sols humides à bonne capacité de rétention en eau, la plupart du temps sur silice, aux étages subalpin et alpin inférieur des Alpes.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.612','31.61','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Broussailles corses d''Alnus viridis subsp. suaveolens','Corsican sweet alder brush','Cymbalarion hepaticifoliae, p.','One to three metre-tall brush of the Corsican endemic Alnus viridis ssp. suaveolens, sometimes accompanied by a few Sorbus aucuparia, Acer pseudoplatanus or Rhamnus alpina, limited to the moist, cool, north-facing slopes (ubacs) and, locally, to humid torrent galleries on the south-facing slopes (adrets) of the sub-alpine (1600-2100 m) belt of Corsica. ','','Cymbalarion hepaticifoliae, p.','Broussailles d''un à trois mètres de haut avec l''endémique corse A. viridis subsp. suaveolens, parfois accompagnées par Sorbus aucuparia, Acer pseudoplatanus ou Rhamnus alpina, limitées aux pentes humides et froides exposées au nord (ubacs) et, localement, aux galeries humides des torrents sur des pentes exposées au sud (adrets) de la ceinture corse subalpine (1 600 - 2 100 m).','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.62','31.6','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Fourrés de Saules','Willow brush','Salicion arbusculae (Salicion waldsteinianae) i.a.','Willow-dominated facies of the sub-alpine tall herb communities of higher medio-European mountains and of the northern British Isles.','Guinochet and Vilmorin, 1973; Ratcliffe, 1980; Polunin and Walters, 1985; Noirfalise, 1987; Vigo and Ninot, 1987; Ellenberg, 1988; Oberdorfer, 1990; Rodwell, 1991.','Salicion arbusculae (Salicion waldsteinianae)','Faciès à Saules, dominant des communautés subalpines à hautes herbes des hautes montagnes médio-européennes et du nord des Iles britanniques.','Guinochet et Vilmorin, 1973 ; Polunin et Walters, 1985 ; Noirfalise, 1987 ; Ellenberg, 1988 ; Oberdorfer, 1990 ; Rodwell, 1991.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.621','31.62','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Fourrés de Saules pyrénéo-alpiens','Pyreneo-Alpine willow brush','','Continental mountain tall herb communities dominated by willow bushes.','','','Communautés à hautes herbes des montagnes continentales dominées par des Saules.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.6211','31.621','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Brousses à Saules bas des Alpes','Alpine small willow brush','','Brushes of Salix hastata, S. glaucocinerea, S. helvetica or other small willows, similar in appearance to, and often interspersed with, green alder brush','','','Brousses à Salix hastata, S. glaucosericea, S. helvetica et autres Saules bas, d''apparence similaire et souvent parsemées de buissons d''Aulnes verts.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.6212','31.621','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Brousses alpiennes à Saules prostrés','Alpine prostrate willow brush','','Lower formations of prostrate or near-prostrate Salix alpina, S. breviserrata, S. waldsteiniana, S. caesia, S. foetida, S. glabra; formations of very small prostrate willows characteristic of snow patches (36.1) are excluded.','','','Formations plus basses d’arbustes prostrés ou à peu près prostrés avec Salix alpina, S. breviserrata, S. caesia, S. foetida ; formations de Saules nains caractéristiques des combes à neige (36.1) exclues.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.6213','31.621','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Brousses alpiennes de Saules élevés','Alpine tall willow brush','','Taller Salix pentandra, S. appendiculata thickets.','','','Fourrés hauts à Salix pentandra, S. appendiculata.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.6214','31.621','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Broussailles de Saules pyrénéens','Pyrenean willow brush','','Salix pyrenaica formations of the Pyrenees, often with Dryas octopetala','','','Formations des Pyrénées à Salix pyrenaica, souvent accompagné de Dryas octopetala.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.622','31.62','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Subarctic willow brush','','Subarctic Salix lapponum, S. lanata, S. arbuscula or S. myrsinites formations of ungrazed cliff ledges in the central and northern Highlands of Scotland.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.623','31.62','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Northern willow brush','','Mixed S. aurita, S. atrocinerea, S. repens and S. caprea scrub on ungrazed ledges, islands and gullies of the northern British Isles.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.63','31.6','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Mégaphorbiaies subalpines avec buissons','Subalpine tall herbs with bushes','','Other bushy facies (Vaccinium, Rubus, Sorbus) of the sub-alpine tall herb communities (cf. 37.8). Tall bushy facies of other sub-alpine associations, such as Amelanchier, Rhamnus, Sorbus thickets associated with Juniperus nana-Arctostaphylos uva-ursi heaths can be included.','Guinochet and Vilmorin, 1973; Horvat et al., 1974; Dupias, 1985.','','Autres faciès buissonnants (Vaccinium, Rubus, Sorbus) des communautés de hautes herbes subalpines (voir aussi 37.9). Les faciès buissonnants hauts d''autres associations subalpines, telles que les fourrés à Amelanchier, Rhamnus, Sorbus, associés aux landes à Juniperus nana et Arctostaphylos uva-ursi peuvent y être inclus.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.64','31.6','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','British roseroot community','','Tall-herb dominated community with Rhodiola rosea, Alchemilla glabra, Rubus saxatilis, Geum rivale, Geranium sylvaticum, Angelica sylvestris, Vaccinium myrtillus, Heracleum sphondylium, Saussurea alpina, colonizing steep crags out of range of grazing, mostly characteristic of the Scottish Highlands with outposts in the Moffat Hills, Lakeland and North Wales.','Ratcliffe, 1977, 1980; Polunin and Walters, 1985.','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.7','31','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Landes épineuses (= Landes hérisson)','Hedgehog-heaths','','Primary cushion heaths of the high, dry mountains of the Mediterranean region, with low, cushion-forming, often spiny shrubs, such as Acantholimon, Astragalus, Erinacea, Vella, Bupleurum, Ptilotrichum, Genista, Echinospartum, Anthyllis and various composites and labiates; secondary, zoogenic cushion heaths of the same regions, either downslope extensions of the oro-Mediterranean formations, and dominated by the same species, or specifically montane, often Genista-dominated.','Rechinger, 1943, 1951; Tüxen and Oberdorfer, 1958; Rivas Goday and Rivas-Martinez, 1958; Delvosalle and Duvigneaud, 1962; Archiloque et al., 1969; Polunin and Smythies, 1973; Horvat et al., 1974; Ozenda, 1975, 1985; Girerd, 1978; Ozenda et al., 1979; Izco, 1979; Molinier and Martin, 1980; Polunin, 1980; Reisigl and Danesch, 1980; Strid, 1980, 1989; Quézel, 1981; Nimis, 1981; Zaffran, 1982; Pignatti, 1982; White, 1983; Bramwell and Bramwell, 1983; Géhu, 1984; Rivas-Martinez, Diaz et al., 1984; Polunin and Walters, 1985; Dupias, 1985; Chiappini, 1985a; Noirfalise, 1986; Peinado Lorca and Rivas-Martinez, 1987; Wildpret de la Torre and del Arco Aguilar, 1987; Camarda and Valsecchi, 1990; Gamisans, 1991.','','Landes primaires des hautes montagnes sèches de la région méditerranéenne constituées de coussinets bas souvent épineux comprenant notamment des représentants des genres Acantholimon, Astragalus, Erinacea, Bupleurum, Ptilotrichum, Genista, Echinospartum, Anthyllis et diverses Composées et Labiées ; landes secondaires sympatriques en coussinets zoogènes, les unes et les autres étant des extensions vers le bas des formations oro-méditerranéennes, dominées par les mêmes espèces, ou bien spécifiques aux montagnes et souvent dominées par les Genista.','Archiloque et al., 1969 ; Horvat et al., 1974 ; Ozenda, 1975, 1985 ; Girerd, 1978  ; Ozenda et al., 1979 ; Molinier et Martin, 1980 ; Reisigl et Danesch, 1980 ; Géhu, 1984 ; Polunin et Walters, 1985 ; Dupias, 1985 ; Noirfalise, 1986 ; Peinado Lorca et Rivas-Martinez, 1987 ; Gamisans, 1991.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.71','31.7','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Landes épineuses pyrénéennes','Pyrenean hedgehog-heaths','Junipero-Genistetum horridae','Echinospartum horridum formations of dry slopes of the supra-Mediterranean zone of the southern Pyrenees; accompanying the dense, spiny cushions are Juniperus hemisphaerica, Buxus sempervirens, Ononis fruticosa, Arctostaphylos uva-ursi ssp. crassifolia and Pinus sylvestris.','','Junipero-Genistetum horridae','Formations d''Echinospartum horridum des pentes sèches de l’étage supra-méditerranéen des Pyrénées méridionales ; accompagnant ces denses buissons en coussinet épineux, Juniperus hemisphaerica, Buxus sempervirens, Ononis fructicosa, Arctostaphylos uva-ursi subsp. crassifolia et Pinus sylvestris.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.72','31.7','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Cordilleran hedgehog-heaths','Cytiso oromediterranei-Echinospartetum barnadesii, Echinosparto pulviniformis-Cytisetum oromediterranei, Teucrii salviastri-Echinospartetum pulviniformis, Genisto hystricis-Echinospartetum lusitanici','Formations of the Cordillera Central and adjacent areas dominated by diverse forms of Echinospartum.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.721','31.72','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Gredos hedgehog-heaths','','Oro-Mediterranean heaths of the Sierra de Gredos dominated by the endemic Echinospartum lusitanicum ssp. barnadesii','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.722','31.72','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Bejar-Pena de Francia hedgehog-heaths','','Oro-Mediterranean heaths of the Sierra de Bejar and Pena de Francia dominated by Echinospartum ibericum ssp. pulviniformis.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.723','31.72','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Estrela hedgehog-heaths','','Relict heaths of highly xeric upper supra-Mediterranean and oro-Mediterranean stations of the Serra da Estrela dominated by Echinospartum ibericum ssp. pulviniformis.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.724','31.72','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Western Cordilleran secundary hedgehog-heaths','','Secundary Echinospartum lusitanicum-Genista histrix hedgehog-heaths developed on skeletal soils of the supra-Mediterranean zone of the western Cordillera Central and surrounding areas.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.73','31.7','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Nevadan hedgehog-heaths','Erinacetalia p., Lavandulo-Genistion boissieri p.','Highly developed hedgehog formations of the Sierra Nevada with Erinacea anthyllis, Vella spinosa, Astragalus sempervirens ssp. nevadensis, A. granatensis ssp. granatensis (A. boissieri), Ptilotrichum spinosum, Bupleurum spinosum, Genista baetica. Associated dwarf suffrutescent formations of high slopes and crests.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.731','31.73','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Lower Nevadan hedgehog-heaths','Salvio-Lavanduletum lanatae p., Astragalo-Velletum spinosae p., Santolino-Salvietum oxyodonti p., Thymo-Cistetum laurifolii p.','Supra-Mediterranean (lower xeroacanthic) hedgehog-heaths occupying mainly the 1700-2000 m altitudinal range, often rich in Bupleurum spinosum, with Vella spinosa, Erinacea anthyllis or Echinospartum boissieri.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.732','31.73','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Middle Nevadan hedgehog-heaths','Astragalo-Velletum spinosae p.','Oro-Mediterranean (higher xeroacanthic) hedgehog-heaths occupying mainly the 2000-2300 m altitudinal range, with Vella spinosa, Erinacea anthyllis, Ptilotrichum spinosum, Astragalus sempervirens ssp. nevadensis, A. granatensis ssp. granatensis.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.733','31.73','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Upper Nevadan hedgehog-heaths','','Upper oro-Mediterranean hedgehog-heaths occupying mainly the 2300-2600 m altitudinal range, with Erinacea anthyllis, Astragalus sempervirens ssp. nevadensis, A. granatensis ssp. granatensis, Juniperus nana and J. sabina ssp. humilis.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.734','31.73','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Nevadan dwarf cushion-heaths','','Dwarf suffrutescent formations of windswept crests and slopes on very superficial soils.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.7341','31.734','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Siliceous Nevadan dwarf cushion-heaths','Arenario-Sideritetum glacialis','Formations of base-rich siliceous soils at 2 600-2 900 m with Sideritis glacialis, Arenaria pungens, Astragalus sempervirens ssp. nevadensis.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.7342','31.734','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Calcareous Nevadan dwarf cushion-heaths','Andryalion agardhii: Convolvulo-Andryaletum agardhii = Andryalo-Convolvuletum p.','Formations of white-tomentose dwarf cushions developed on calcareous soils (Trevenque, Dornajo, Dilar) with Andryala agardhii, Erodium boissieri, Scabiosa pulsatilloides, Santolina elegans, Globularia spinosa, Pterocephalus spathulatus, Helianthemum pannosum.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.735','31.73','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Nevadan Genista hedgehog-heaths','Genisto-Juniperetum nanae','Genista baetica-dominated hedgehog-heaths, often with Juniperus nana and G. purgans, of siliceous soils.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.74','31.7','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Landes épineuses franco-ibériques','Franco-Iberian hedgehog-heaths','','Oro-Mediterranean and montane hedgehog-heaths of other Iberian ranges and of southern France.','','','Landes hérisson oro-méditerrannéennes et montagnardes du Sud de la France.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.741','31.74','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Landes épineuses à Erinacea','Erinacea hedgehog-heaths','Erinacetalia: Xeroacantho-Erinaceion p.','Oro-Mediterranean Erinacea-dominated and related hedgehog-heaths.','','Erinacetalia : Xero-Acantho-Erinaceion p.','Landes épineuses oro-méditerranéennes dominées par Erinacea et genres apparentés.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.7411','31.741','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Baetic Erinacea-Vella hedgehog-heaths','Astragalo-Velletum spinosae p.','Hedgehog-heaths of the Baetic and sub-Baetic ranges and of the southern Iberian Range, dominated by Erinacea anthyllis and/or by Vella spinosa, Astragalus granatensis ssp. granatensis, A. sempervirens ssp. nevadensis, Bupleurum spinosum, Ptilotrichum spinosum, developed in particular in the sierras de Segura, de Cazorla, de Alcaraz, Tejeda, Harana, Magina, de Baza, La Sagra, de Gador, Maria and on a few summits of the Serrania de Ronda.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.7412','31.741','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Iberian Range Erinacea hedgehog-heaths','Saturejo-Erinaceetum','Erinacea anthyllis-dominated hedgehog-heaths of the Iberian Range','Teruel, Cuenca, Guadalajara, Soria, often in altitudinal contact with Genista pumila formations.','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.7413','31.741','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Maestrazgo Erinacea-Genista hedgehog-heaths','Genisto hispanicae-Erinaceetum, Erodio-Erinaceetum','Hedgehog-heaths with Genista hispanica ssp. hispanica and/or Erinacea anthyllis of the Maestrazgo, eastern spur of the Iberian Range under maritime influence.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.7414','31.741','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','South-eastern Erinacea hedgehog-heath','','Hedgehog-heaths with Genista lobelii ssp. longipes, Erinacea anthyllis, Vella spinosa of the sub-Baetic Aitana and Mariola ranges in the arid southeast.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.7415','31.741','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','South-eastern Daphne hedgehog-heaths','','Formations with Daphne oleoides ssp. hispanica of the mountains of the arid southeast.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.742','31.74','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Peri-Nevadan dwarf cushion-heaths','Andryalion agardhii p.','Oro-Mediterranean, and sometimes supra-Mediterranean, formations of dwarf white-tomentose, cushion-forming suffrutescents of the high sub-Baetic and Baetic ranges; characteristic are Andryala agardhii, Convolvulus boissieri, Hippocrepis squamata ssp. eriocarpa, Pterocephalus spathulatus and Thymus granatensis.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.7421','31.742','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Cazorla dwarf cushion-heaths','','Formations of the Sierras de Cazorla, Segura, Alcaraz, Taibilla of the high Guadalquivir basin, with Erodium cazorlanum, Scorzonera albicans.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.7422','31.742','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Baza-Tejeda-Ronda dwarf cushion-heaths','Hippocrepidi-Pterocephalum spathulatae p. = Andryalo-Convolvuletum p.','Formations of the sierras Tejeda, Almijara, la Torrecilla, Harana, Baza, la Sagra, Cazulas, Lapeza and of the Serrania de Ronda with Anthyllis vulneraria ssp. argyrophylla, A. tejedensis, Helianthemum viscidulum.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.7423','31.742','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Magina dwarf cushion-heaths','Helianthemo-Pterocephaletum','Formations of the Sierra de Magina with Helianthemum pannosum ssp. frigidulum, Lithodora nitida and Viola cazorlensis.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.7424','31.742','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Maria-Maimon dwarf cushion-heaths','Centaureo-Sideritetum stachydioidis','Formations of the sierras Maria and Maimon with Centaurea baetica, Sideritis stachydioides, Alyssum cadevallianum.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.743','31.74','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Echinospartum boissieri hedgehog-heaths','Lavandulo-Genistion boissieri','Mostly supra-Mediterranean hedgehog-heaths colonizing superficial, eroded soils and windswept stations of calcareous Baetic and sub-Baetic ranges, comprising many cushion plants and generally physiognomically dominated by the large hemispherical shrubs of Echinospartum boissieri.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.7431','31.743','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Alcaraz Echinospartum hedgehog-heaths','Saturejo-Genistetum boissieri','Formations of the Sierra de Alcaraz, sometimes including Erinacea anthyllis.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.7432','31.743','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Gador Echinospartum hedgehog-heaths','Convolvulo-Lavanduletum lanatae','Formations of the 1300-1900 m altitudinal range in the Sierra de Gador, often with Erinacea anthyllis or Ulex parviflorus.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.7433','31.743','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Baetic Echinospartum hedgehog-heaths','Santolino-Salvietum oxyodonti','Formations developed in the 800 - 1400 m altitudinal range of other Baetic and sub-Baetic ranges, often, in the higher mountains, immediately below Erinacetalia communities.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.744','31.74','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Catalano-Valencian Erinacea hedgehog-heaths','Genistion lobelii p.: Erinaceo-Anthyllidetum montanae i.a.','Unommon hedgehog-heaths with Erinacea anthyllis and Anthyllis montana, and related cushion plant formations, colonizing windswept stations with skeletal soil of the Mediterranean mountains of northeastern Spain (Montsant, Llaveria, Cardo, Maestrazgo septentrional, Beceite; Montserrat; Bergueda, Solsones).','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.745','31.74','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Landes en coussinets de Genista','Genista cushion-heaths','Genistion lobelii p., Genistion occidentalis','Mostly supra-Mediterranean hedgehog garrigues and heaths physiognomically dominated by small, hemispherical Genista.','','Genistion lobelii ; Genistion occidentalis','Garrigues épineuses surtout supra-méditerranéennes et landes-hérisson physionomiquement dominées par des Genêts bas hémisphériques.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.7451','31.745','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Landes en coussinets pyrénéo-cantabriennes','Pyreneo-Cantabrian cushion-heaths','Genistion occidentalis: Lithodoro diffusae-Genistetum legionensis, Lithodoro diffusae-Genistetum occidentalis, Arctostaphylo crassifoliae-Genistetum occidentalis, Teucrio pyrenaici-Genistetum occidentalis','Cushion-heaths dominated by Genista hispanica ssp. occidentalis or Genista hystrix ssp. legionensis, often with Erica vagans, Arctostaphylos uva-ursi ssp. crassifolia or Lithodora diffusa, characteristic of the Pyreneen-Cantabrian system, where they may occur from the collinar to the sub-alpine level.','','Genistion occidentalis : Lithodoro diffusae-Genistetum legionensis, Lithodoro diffusae-Genistetum occidentalis, Arctostaphylo crassifoliae-Genistetum occidentalis, Teucrio pyrenaici-Genistetum occidentalis','Landes en coussinets dominées par Genista hispanica spp. occidentalis, souvent en compagnie d''Erica vagans, Arctostaphylos uva-ursi spp. crassifolia ou Lithodora prostrata, caractéristiques du système pyrénéo-cantabrique dans lequel elles s''étendent de l''étage collinéen à l''étage subalpin.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.7452','31.745','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Genista sanabrensis cushion-heaths','','Heaths dominated by the cushions of Genista sanabrensis, with Erica umbellata and Calluna vulgaris, occupying crests of southern Galicio-Leonese mountains at about 1800 m (cf. 31.2431).','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.7453','31.745','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Genista pumila cushion-heaths','Aphyllantion: Lino-Genistetum pumilae','Cushion heaths dominated by Genista pumila ssp. pumila of windswept plateaux and crests of the Meseta and of the northern and southern Iberian Range.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.7454','31.745','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Genista scorpius cushion-heaths','Aphyllantion: Armerio-Salvietum phlomoidis p. i.a.','Meseta hedgehog-heaths with Genista scorpius, rich in cushion-forming small shrubs.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.7455','31.745','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Genista pseudopilosa cushion-heaths','Aphyllantion: Helianthemo-Genistetum pseudopilosae','Unarmed Genista pseudopilosa-dominated hedgehog-heaths with Erinacea anthyllis and other cushion plants of the sierras de Alcaraz and Segura.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.7456','31.745','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Landes en coussinets à Genista lobelii et G. pulchella','Genista lobelii and G. pulchella cushion-heaths','Genistion lobelii p. ','Genista lobelii and G. pulchella hedgehog-heaths ofwindswept hilltops of southeastern France.','','Genistion lobelii p.','Landes-hérisson en coussinets à Genista lobelii et G. pulchella des sommets des éminences du sud-est de la France balayées par le vent.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.746','31.74','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Collinar Astragalus hedgehog-heaths','Aphyllantion p.','Local meso- and supra-Mediterranean Astragalus formations of the Spanish Meseta.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.7461','31.746','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Dueran Astragalus hedgehog-heaths','Santolino-Astragaletum boissieri','Supra-Mediterranean Astragalus granatensis ssp. granatensis (A. boissieri) formations of pastoral runs of the left bank of the middle Duero (Soria, Segovia) and of the highlands of Atienza (Guadalajara).','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.7462','31.746','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Southern Mesetan Astragalus hedgehog-heaths','Paronychio-Astragaletum tumidi','Meso- and supra-Mediterranean hedgehog-heaths with Astragalus clusii (A. tumidus) of the southern Meseta, from La Mancha to the Baetic hills of eastern Andalusia (Orce, Sagra, Baza, Maria), with Paronychia aretioides, Genista pumila ssp. mugronensis, G. scorpius.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.747','31.74','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Summital Balearic labiate hedgehog-heaths','Hypericion balearici: Teucrietum subspinosae, Pastinacetum lucidae p.','Cushion-forming communities with Teucrium subspinosum, T. asiaticum, Pastinaca lucida, Thymelaea velutina and Paeonia cambessedesii.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.7471','31.747','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Mallorcan hedgehog-heaths','','Formations of high elevations of Mallorca, dominated by Teucrium subspinosum.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.7472','31.747','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Menorcan hedgehog-heaths','','Formations of Menorca with Cistus creticus and Teucrium subspinosum var. spinescens.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.75','31.7','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Landes épineuses cyrno-sardes','Cyrno-Sardian hedgehog-heaths','Carici-Genistetalia (Carlinetalia macrocephalae) ','Expanses of small, compact bushes with Astragalus sirinicus ssp. genargenteus, Rosa seraphini, Anthyllis hermanniae, Thymus herba-barona, Cerastium boissieri, Genista salzmannii, G. corsica, Berberis aetnensis, Prunus prostrata and Daphne oleoides, of Sardinian and Corsican mountains.','','Carici-Genistalia (Carlinetalia macrocephalae)','Etendues de petits buissons compacts avec Astragalus sirinicus subsp. gennargenteus, Rosa serafinii, Anthyllis hermanniae, Thymus herba- barona, Cerastium boissieri, Genista salzmannii, G. corsica, Berberis aetnensis, Prunus prostrata et Daphne oleoides, des montagnes corses.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.751','31.75','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Landes épineuses à Astragalus gennargenteus','Astragalus genargenteus hedgehog-heaths','Astragaletum genargentei','Oro-Mediterranean Astragalus sirinicus ssp. genargenteus hedgehog-heaths of the Gennargentu and Monte Albo in Sardinia and of the high mountains of Corsica.','','Astragalum gennargentei','Landes épineuses oro-méditerranéennes à Astragalus sirinicus subsp. gennargenteus des hautes montagnes de Corse.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.752','31.75','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Landes épineuses cyrno-sardes à Euphorbia','Cyrno-Sardian Euphorbia hedgehog-heaths','','Formations of wind-swept crests of Corsica and Sardinia dominated by the low spiny cushions of Euphorbia spinosa.','','','Formations de Corse des crêtes exposées au vent dominées par les petits buissons en coussinets épineux d''Euphorbia spinosa.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.753','31.75','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Landes en coussinets cyrno-sardes à Thymus','Cyrno-Sardian Thymus cushion-heaths','','Formations of the mountains of Corsica and Sardinia dominated by the hemispherical cushions of the endemic Thymus herba-barona.','','','Formations des montagnes de Corse dominées par les buissons hémisphériques en coussinets de l''endémique Thymus herba-barona.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.754','31.75','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Landes épineuses cyrno-sardes à Genista','Cyrno-Sardian Genista hedgehog-heaths','','Hedgehog-heaths of high mountains of Corsica and Sardinia and secondary heaths of the montane level dominated by Genista salzmannii (including var. lobelioides) or G. corsica.','','','Landes épineuses des hautes montagnes de Corse et secondairement landes de l''étage montagnard dominées par Genista salzmanii (incluant var. lobeloides) ou G. corsica.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.755','31.75','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Landes épineuses cyrno-sardes à Berberis','Cyrno-Sardian Berberis hedgehog-heaths','','Formations of the mountains of Corsica and Sardinia dominated by Berberis aetnensis.','','','Formations des montagnes de Corse dominées par Berberis aetnensis.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.756','31.75','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Landes épineuses cyrno-sardes à Anthyllis','Cyrno-Sardian Anthyllis hedgehog-heaths','','Formations of the mountains of Corsica and Sardinia dominated by Anthyllis hermanniae.','','','Formations des montagnes de Corse dominées par Anthyllis hermanniae.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.76','31.7','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Mount Etna hedgehog-heaths','Astragaletum siculi','Lava-colonising formations with cushions of Astragalus granatensis ssp. siculus, Berberis aetnensis, Juniperus hemisphaerica, Genista aetnensis, Adenocarpus bivonae, Viola aethnensis.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.77','31.7','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Madonie and Apennine hedgehog-heaths','','Hedgehog-heaths formed by Astragalus spp. or Genista spp., of the mountains of the southern Italian peninsula and Sicily, except Etna.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.771','31.77','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Madonie Astragalus hedgehog-heaths','Astragaletum nebrodensis','Oro-Mediterranean hedgehog-heaths of the Madonie with Astragalus granatensis ssp. nebrodensis.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.772','31.77','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Sila-Aspromonte Astragalus hedgehog-heaths','Astragaletum calabri','Oro-Mediterranean hedgehog-heaths of the Sila and Aspromonte with Astragalus parnassi ssp. calabrus.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.773','31.77','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Apennine Astragalus sirinicus hedgehog-heaths','','Hedgehog-heaths with Astragalus sirinicus ssp. sirinicus of the central and southern Apennines, south to northern Calabria.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.774','31.77','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Madonie Genista cupanii hedgehog-heaths','Genistetum cupanii','Montane Genista cupanii-dominated hedgehog-heaths of the Madonie.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.775','31.77','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Gargano Genista hedgehog-heaths','Chamaecytiso-Genistetum michelii','Montane hedgehog-heaths of Monte Gargano with Genista sylvestris ssp. dalmatica.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.78','31.7','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Subalpine Peloponnese hedgehog-heaths','Daphno-Festucetea: Stipo-Morinion p.','Hedgehog-dominated facies of mostly secondary grassland-scrubland communities replacing Abies cephalonica forests in the 1500 - 1800 m altitudinal range of Peloponnese mountains, in particular, Taygetos, Parnon and Kyllini, composed of Stipa pulcherrima and Morina persica, with bushes and cushion-shaped perennials including Astragalus angustifolius, Daphne oleoides, Juniperus haemispherica, Berberis cretica, Anthemis montana, Ribes uva-crispi, Prunus cocomilla.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.79','31.7','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Lower alpine Greek hedgehog-heaths','Daphno-Festucetea: Eryngio-Bromion p.','Hedgehog-heaths developed on relatively humus-rich soils above treeline, in the 1700-2200 m altitudinal range of high Greek mountains; hedgehog facies of associated grasslands; similar, impoverished formations descending into the forest belts of the same mountains, with the exception of those of the Peloponnese, where they are replaced by distinctive formations, listed under 31.78.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.791','31.79','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Greek tragacanth hedgehog-heaths','','Hedgehog-heaths of the Taygetos, Kyllini, Chelmos, Parnassus, Vardousia, Giona and calcareous central and northern Pindus, dominated by the large hemispherical tussocks of the tragacanths Astragalus creticus ssp. rumelicus, and/or A. parnassi, and with Marrubium velutinum, M. cyllenaeum, Juniperus hemisphaerica, Daphne oleoides, Eryngium amethystinum, Sideritis clandestina, Cirsium cylleneum.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.7911','31.791','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Southern Peloponnese tragacanth hedgehog-heaths','','Astragalus creticus ssp. rumelicus heaths of the southern Peloponnese.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.7912','31.791','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Kyllini-Chelmos tragacanth hedgehog-heaths','','Astragalus parnassi ssp. cylleneus and A. creticus ssp. rumelicus heaths of Kyllini and Chelmos.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.7913','31.791','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Greek mainland tragacanth hedgehog-heaths','','Astragalus creticus ssp. rumelicus and/or A. parnassi ssp. parnassi heaths of the mainland.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.792','31.79','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Greek Astragalus angustifolius hedgehog-heaths','','Astragalus angustifolius heaths, with Marrubium thessalum or M. velutinum ssp. haussknechtii.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.7921','31.792','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Olympus Astragalus angustifolius hedgehog-heaths','','Formations of the Olympus system dominated by A. angustifolius.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.7922','31.792','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Pindus Astragalus angustifolius hedgehog-heaths','','Formations of the Pindus dominated by A. angustifolius (or A. sirinicus). ','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.793','31.79','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Greek cushion-heaths','','Cushion formations not dominated by thorny, tussock-forming species of Astragalus.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.7931','31.793','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Daphne oleoides cushion-heaths','','Formations dominated by small bushes of Daphne oleoides, usually accompanied by stripped grassland components (36.437).','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.7932','31.793','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Buxus sempervirens cushion-heaths','','Formations dominated by low mats of Buxus sempervirens, characteristic of middle slopes of Greek mountains, in particular Olympus.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.7A','31.7','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Upper alpine Greek hedgehog-heaths','Daphno-Festucetea: Astragalo-Seslerion','Shrubby formations colonizing the altitudinal range immediately above that occupied by the communities of 31.79, as well as stony slopes with shallow soil, loose screes and humus-deficient soils within the main 1700-2200 m range of these communities. Included are true spiny hedgehog-heaths, cushony formations of dwarf suffrutescents and bush-dominated facies of stripped grasslands. Astragalus angustifolius, Acantholimon androsaceum, Astragalus lacteus, Convolvulus cochlearis, Rindera graeca, Aster alpinus, Globularia stygia, Minuartia stellata, Erysimum pusillum, Thymus teucrioides, Alyssum kionae, Paronychia kapela, Thymus hirsutus, Anthyllis aurea, Achillea ageratifolia, Sideritis scardica, Linum flavum, Thymus boissieri, Sesleria caerulans are characteristic.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.7A1','31.7A','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Upper alpine Astragalus hedgehog-heaths','','Formations dominated by the dense tussocks of Astragalus angustifolius.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.7A2','31.7A','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Minuartia cushion-heaths','','Communities dominated by the large, domed mats of Minuartia stellata.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.7A3','31.7A','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Greek dwarf cushion-heaths','','Formations of the high reaches of Greek mountains, rich in dwarf suffrutescents.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.7A4','31.7A','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Upper alpine bushy grasslands','','Bushy facies of the high altitude stripped grasslands (36.437).','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.7B','31.7','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Cretan hedgehog-heaths','Saturejetea spinosae','Hedgehog-heaths of high mountains of Crete, in the 1500-2500 m altitudinal range, with Astragalus creticus ssp. creticus, A. angustifolius, Acantholimon androsaceum, Atraphaxis billardieri, Berberis cretica, Chamaecytisus creticus, Daphne oleoides, Prunus prostrata, Euphorbia acanthothamnos, Verbascum spinosum, Sideritis syriaca, Satureja spinosa, Asperula idaea, Rhamnus prunifolius, Pimpinella tragium, Acinos alpinus.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.7B1','31.7B','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Cretan tragacanth hedgehog-heaths','Astragalion cretici p.','Astragalus creticus ssp. creticus-dominated hedgehog-heaths of the Psiloriti and Dikti mountains of central and eastern Crete.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.7B2','31.7B','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Cretan Astragalus angustifolius hedgehog-heaths','Verbascion spinosae p.; Astragalion cretici p.','Astragalus angustifolius-dominated hedgehog-heaths of the Lefka Ori, Psiloriti and Dikti mountains of Crete.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.7B3','31.7B','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Cretan Chamaecytisus hedgehog-heaths','','Chamaecytisus creticus-dominated hedgehog-heaths of Crete.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.7B4','31.7B','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Other Cretan hedgehog-heaths','','','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.7C','31.7','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Aegean summital hedgehog-heaths','','Isolated, endemic-rich, mostly summital hedgehog-heaths of calcareous mountains of Aegean islands and Mount Athos.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.7C1','31.7C','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Aegean tragacanth hedgehog-heaths','','Hedgehog-heaths of mountain summits of Aegean islands, characterised by large tragacanths.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.7C11','31.7C1','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Kerki tragacanth hedgehog-heath','','Mount Kerki summit community of Samos with Astragalus creticus var. samius, A. angustifolius, Acantholimon androsaceum, Atraphaxis billardieri, Centaurea spinosa var. tragacanthoides, C. xylobasis, Genista fasselata var. subsericans, Prunus prostrata, Silene urvillei, Lithospermum hispidulum, Thymus squarrosus.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.7C12','31.7C1','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Ambelos tragacanth hedgehog-heath','','Mount Ambelos summit community of Samos with Astragalus ptilodes, Acantholimon androsaceum, Prunus prostrata, Silene urvillei.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.7C13','31.7C1','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Chios tragacanth hedgehog-heath','','Formations with Astragalus trojanus var. chius of the highlands of Chios.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.7C14','31.7C1','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Lesbos tragacanth hedgehog-heath','','Mount Petrovuni summit community of Lesbos with Astragalus parnassi ("A. lesbiacus").','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.7C15','31.7C1','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Samothrace tragacanth hedgehog-heath','','Mount Phanga summit community of Samothrake with Astragalus parnassi var. samothracius and Genista fasselata var. subsericans.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.7C16','31.7C1','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Athos tragacanth hedgehog-heath','','Mount Athos communities with Astragalus monachorum and A. angustifolius ssp. pungens.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.7C17','31.7C1','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Euboa tragacanth hedgehog-heath','','Mount Delphi community of Euboa with Astragalus creticus var. euboicus, Daphne oleoides, Prunus prostrata.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.7C2','31.7C','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Aegean Astragalus angustifolius hedgehog-heaths','','Communities characterised by the dense tussocks of Astragalus angustifolius.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.7C21','31.7C2','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Lesbos Olympus hedgehog-heath','','Mount Olympus summit community of Lesbos with Astragalus angustifolius and Silene urvillei.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.7C22','31.7C2','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Thasos hedgehog-heath','','Mount Agia Illias summit community of Thasos.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.7D','31.7','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Montane Genista acanthoclada hedgehog-heaths','','Formations dominated by hemispherical shrubs of Genista acanthoclada of the middle levels (about 800 - 1200 m) of mountains and plateaux of the Peloponnese.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.7E','31.7','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Landes épineuses à Astragalus sempervirens','Astragalus sempervirens hedgehog-heaths','','Astragalus sempervirens ssp. sempervirens, ssp. muticus, ssp. cephalonicus formations of the southern Alps, the eastern Pyrenees, Iberia, the Apennines and Greece, transitional between the alpine and sub-alpine heaths of 31.4 and the true Mediterranean hedgehog-heaths of 31.7.','','','Formations du sud des Alpes, de l''est des Pyrénées, de l''Espagne... à Astragalus sempervirens subsp. sempervirens, subsp. catalaunicus ... assurant la transition entre les landes alpines et subalpines de 31.4 et les véritables landes à xérophytes épineuses en coussinet méditerranéennes de 31.7.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.7F','31.7','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Canarian cushion-heaths','Spartocytision nubigeni','Open formations dominated by broom-like plants of the montane zone (above 1900 m) of the Canary Islands, with many endemic species.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.7F1','31.7F','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Tenerife cushion-heaths','Spartocytisetum nubigeni','Formations of Tenerife with Spartocytisus supranubius, Adenocarpus viscosus var. viscosus, Descurainia bourgaena, Pterocephalus lasiospermus, Erysimum scoparium, Scrophularia glabrata, Nepeta teydea, Echium wildpretii, E. auberianum, Cheirolophus teydis, Plantago webbii, Sideritis cretica, Argyranthemum teneriffae, Pimpinella cumbrae, Arrhenatherum calderae.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.7F2','31.7F','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','La Palma cushion-heaths','Telino benehoavensi-Adenocarpetum spartioidis','Formations of La Palma with Adenocarpus viscosus var. spartioides, the very rare Genista benehoavensis and Descurainia gilba, Pterocephalus porphyranthus, Viola palmensis, Echium wildpretii, E. gentianoides, Micromeria lasiophylla ssp. palmensis.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.8','31','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Fourrés','Thickets','Prunetalia, Cytisetalia scopario-striati, Epilobietea angustifolii','Pre- and post-forest formations, mostly deciduous, of Atlantic or medio-European affinities, characteristic of the deciduous forest zone, but also colonizing cool, moist or disturbed stations of the Mediterranean evergreen forest zone.','','Prunetalia, Cytisetalia scopario-striati, Epilobietea angustifolii','Formations pré- et postforestières, la plupart du temps caducifoliées, d''affinités atlantiques ou médio-européennes, caractéristiques de la zone de forêts caducifoliées, mais colonisant aussi des stations fraîches, humides ou perturbées de la zone forestière sempervirente méditerranéenne.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.81','31.8','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Fourrés médio-européens sur sol fertile','Medio-European rich-soil thickets','Prunetalia: Pruno-Rubion fruticosip., Berberidion','Thickets of Prunus spinosa, P. mahaleb, Rosa spp., Cornus mas, C. sanguinea, Sorbus aria, Crataegus spp., Lonicera xylosteum, Rhamnus catharticus, R. alpinus, Clematis vitalba, Ligustrum vulgare, Viburnum lantana, V. opulus, Rubus spp., Amelanchier ovalis, Cotoneaster integerrimus, C. nebrodensis, Pyrus pyraster, Malus sylvestris, Euonymus europaeus, Corylus avellana, Ulmus minor, Acer campestre, A. monspessulanum, Carpinus betulus characteristic of forest edges, hedges and (mostly Carpinion or Quercion pubescenti-petraeae) woodland recolonization, developed on soils relatively rich in nutrients, neutral or calcareous.','Lebrun et al., 1949; Ellenberg, 1963, 1988; Guinochet and Vilmorin, 1973; Westhoff and den Held, 1975; Bournérias, 1979; Noirfalise et al., 1980; Vanden Berghen, 1982; Rivas-Martinez, Diaz et al., 1984; Diaz Gonzalez and Fernando Prieto, 1987; Navarro Andrés and Valle Gutiérrez, 1987; Peinado Lorca and Martinez Parras, 1987; Rameau et al., 1989; Oberdorfer, 1990; Jonglet in litt., 1990; Salomez in litt., 1990; Rodwell, 1991.','Prunetalia : Pruno-Rubion fruticosi ; Berberidion','Fourrés de Prunus spinosa, P. mahaleb, Rosa spp., Cornus mas, C. sanguinea, Sorbus aria, Crataegus spp., Lonicera xylosteum, Rhamnus catharticus, R. alpinus, Clematis vitalba, Ligustrum vulgare, Viburnum lantana, V. opulus, Rubus spp., Amelanchier ovalis, Cotoneaster integerrimus, C. nebrodensis, Pyrus pyraster, Malus sylvestris, Euonymus europaeus, Corylus avellana, Ulmus minor, Acer campestre, A. monspessulanum, Carpinus betulus, caractéristiques des lisières forestières, des haies (principalement Carpinion ou Quercion pubescenti-petraeae) et des recolonisations des terrains boisés, développés sur des sols riches en nutriments, neutres ou calcaires.','Lebrun et al., 1949 ; Ellenberg, 1963, 1988 ; Guinochet et Vilmorin, 1973 ; Westhoff et den Held, 1975 ; Bournérias, 1979 ; Noirfalise et al., 1980 ; Vanden Berghen, 1982 ; Rameau et al., 1989 ; Oberdorfer, 1990 ; Rodwell, 1991.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.811','31.81','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Fruticées à Prunus spinosa et halliers à Rubus fruticosus','Blackthorn-bramble scrub','Pruno-Rubion fruticosi p.: Pruno-Rubenion fruticosi ("Prunion spinosae")','Mesophile, often luxuriant, communities characteristic of Carpinion forest edges and substitution formations with, among others, Prunus spinosa, Carpinus betulus, Crataegus spp., Sambucus nigra, Rosa spp., Viburnum opulus, Rubus spp. Included are species-poor Prunus spinosa thickets, such as British <prunus spinosa-Rubus fruticosa scrub and corresponding mainland formations with Rubus fruticosus, R. elegantispinosus, R. bifrons, R. armenicus.','','Pruno-Rubion fruticosi p. : Pruno-Rubenion fruticosi ("Prunion spinosae")','Communautés mésophiles et souvent luxuriantes caractéristiques des bords de forêts du Carpinion et formations de substitution avec Prunus spinosa, Carpinus betulus, Crataegus spp., Sambucus nigra, Rosa spp., Viburnum opulus, Rubus spp. Sont incluses les fruticées à Prunus spinosa pauvres en espèces telles que les formes à Prunus spinosa-Rubus fruticosus et les formations à Rubus.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.8111','31.811','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Fruticées subatlantiques Prunus spinosa et Rubus fruticosus','Sub-Atlantic blackthorn-bramble scrub','','Prunus spinosa, Carpinus betulus, Crataegus spp., Rosa spp., Rubus spp. communities of the European mainland, under sub-Atlantic or sub-continental climates. ','','','Communautés du continent européen à Prunus spinosa, Carpinus betulus, Crataegus spp., Rubus spp., Rosa spp., soumises à des climats subatlantiques ou subcontinentaux.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.8112','31.811','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Fruticées atlantiques Prunus spinosa et Rubus fruticosus','Atlantic blackthorn-bramble scrub','','Prunus spinosa, Rubus spp. communities of the British Isles and other areas of strongly Atlantic climates. Ulex europea, Hedera helix, Lonicera periclymenum and Pteridium aquilinum are often present.','','','Communautés à Prunus spinosa, Rubus spp. des régions à climat fortement atlantique. Ulex europaeus, Hedera helix, Lonicera periclymenum, Pteridium aquilinum sont souvent présents.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.812','31.81','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Fruticées à Prunelliers et Troènes','Blackthorn-privet scrub','Berberidion','Communities of more calcareous, drier soils and warmer exposure characteristic of the Quercion pubescenti-petraeae and of xeric, calciphilous forms of the Carpinion, with, among others, Prunus spinosa, Ligustrum vulgare, Viburnum lantana, Cornus mas, Rhamnus catharticus.','','Berberidion','Communautés de sols plus calcaires, plus humides en exposition plus chaude, caractéristiques du Quercion pubescenti-petraeae et des formes xériques calciphiles du Carpinion, avec entre autres Prunus spinosa, Ligustrum vulgare, Viburnum lantana, Cornus mas, Rhamnus catharticus.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.8121','31.812','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Fruticées atlantiques et médio-européennes à Prunelliers et Troènes','Atlantic and medio-European blackthorn-privet scrub','','Communities occupying the domaine of the Carpinion and northern irradiations of Quercion pubescenti-petraeae communities.','','','Communautés occupant le domaine du Carpinion et des irradiations nordiques des communautés du Quercion pubescenti-petraeae.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.81211','31.8121','7','Niveau 7','TRUE','Fruticées médio-européennes à Prunelliers et Troènes','Medio-European blackthorn-privet scrubs','','Prunus spinosa, Ligustrum vulgare, Viburnum lantana, Cornus mas, Rhamnus catharticus, Crataegus spp., Carpinus betulus communities of the European mainland, under sub-Atlantic or sub-continental climates.','','','Communautés continentales à Prunus spinosa, Ligustrum vulgare, Viburnum lantana, Cornus mas, Rhamnus catharticus, Crataegus spp., Carpinus betulus sous climats sub-atlantique ou subcontinental.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.81212','31.8121','7','Niveau 7','TRUE','Fruticées atlantiques à Crataegus et Hedera','Atlantic hawthorn-ivy scrubs','','Communities of the British Isles and areas of strongly Atlantic climates differing from 31.81211 in particular in the scarcity of Carpinus betulus.','','','Communautés des Iles britanniques et des régions de climat fortement atlantique différant de 31.81211 en particulier dans la rareté de Carpinus betulus.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.812121','31.81212','8','Niveau 8','TRUE','Fruticées atlantiques calciclines','Atlantic calcicline scrub','','Widespread neutrophilous to calciphilous, species-rich thorny scrub and seminatural hedge communities of the British Isles, with Crataegus monogyna, Hedera helix, Rubus spp., Prunus spinosa, Fraxinus excelsior. Included are the Hedera helix-Urtica dioica, Mercurialis perennis and Brachypodium sylvaticum sub-communities of the Crataegus monogyna-Hedera helix scrub.','','','Fruticées épineuses neutrophiles à calcaires, riches en espèces, largement répandues et communautés semi-naturelles du bords des Iles britanniques, avec Crataegus monogyna, Hedera helix, Rubus spp., Prunus spinosa, Fraxinus excelsior. Sont inclus les groupements à Hedera helix-Urtica dioica, Mercurialis perennis et Brachypodium sylvaticum, de broussailles à Crataegus monogyna-Hedera helix.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.812122','31.81212','8','Niveau 8','TRUE','Fruticées calcicoles de bord de route, sur craie','Wayfaring tree chalk scrub','','Species-rich communities mostly of southeastern England, characterized by the abundance of Viburnum lantana, Legustrum vulgarae, Cornus sanguinea, Tamus communus and Clematis vitalba, the frequency of Taxus baccata saplings and Juniperus communis. There is often a field layer with Bromus erectus, Brachypodium pinnatum and other dry grassland species in less dense stands. Some orchid species rare to the British Isles, such as Himantoglossum hircinum, Orchis militaris, O. purpurea, O. simia, are strongly associated with this habitat.','','','Communautés riches en espèces caractérisées par l''abondance de Viburnum lantana, Ligustrum vulgare, Cornus sanguinea, Tamus communis et Clematis vitalba, et la fréquence de jeunes Taxus baccata et Juniperus communis.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.8122','31.812','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Fruticées subméditerranéennes de Prunelliers et de Troènes','Sub-Mediterranean blackthorn-privet scrub','Prunetum mahaleb, i.a.','Communities with Prunus mahaleb, Acer monspessulanum and other xero-thermophile species, occupying the southern part of the west European range of the unit as well as a few highly xero-thermic central European sites.','','Prunetum mahaleb','Communautés à Prunus mahaleb, Acer monspessulanum et autres espèces xéro-thermophiles, occupant la partie méridionale de l''espace ouest-européen ou se rapportant à un très petit nombre de sites éminemment xérothermiques d''Europe centrale.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.8123','31.812','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Fruticées de stations rocailleuses à Cotoneaster et Amélanchier','Rock pear scrub','Berberidion: Cotoneastro-Amelanchieretum','Possibly primary scrub formations with Cotoneaster integerrimus, C. tomentosus and Amelanchier ovalis developed on very shallow soils between Xerobromion grasslands and open xerothermic oak woods.','','Berberidion : Cotoneastro-Amelanchieretum','Formations broussailleuses pouvant être primaires à Cotoneaster integerrimus, C. nebrodensis et Amelanchier ovalis développées sur des sols très peu profonds entre les pelouses du Xerobromion et les forêts ouvertes xérothermiques de Chênes.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.8124','31.812','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Fruticées d''Argousiers','Sea buckthorn scrub','Berberidion: Salici-Hippophaetum rhamnoidis','Formations characterized by the physiognomically distinctive presence of Hippophae rhamnoides, ssp. fluviatilis or ssp. carpatica.','','Berberidion : Salici-Hippophaetum rhamnoidis','Formations caractérisées par la présence physionomique différentielle d''Hippophae rhamnoides subsp. fluviatilis.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.8125','31.812','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Fruticées intra-alpines à Epine vinette','Inner Alpine barberry scrub','','Thorny heaths of inner Alpine valleys with Berberis vulgaris.','','','Landes épineuses constituées par Berberis vulgaris des vallées intra-alpines.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.81251','31.8125','7','Niveau 7','TRUE','Fruticées à Prunus brigantiaca','Marmot plum scrub','Berberido-Prunetum brigantiacae','Inner Alpine formations with Prunus brigantina.','','Berberido-Prunetum brigantiacae','Formations intra-alpine à Prunus brigantiaca.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.81252','31.8125','7','Niveau 7','TRUE','Autres fruticées intra-alpines à Epine vinette','Other inner Alpine barberry scrubs','','','','','','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.8126','31.812','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Iberian barberry scrub','Berberidion: Pruno spinosae-Berberidetum cantabricae','Northwestern Iberian montane communities with Berberis vulgaris ssp. cantabrica, Prunus spinosa, Corylus avellana, Sorbus aria, Taxus baccata, Crataegus monogyna, Ribes alpinum, R. petraeum, Rhamnus alpinus.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.82','31.8','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Fruticées à Buis','Box thickets','Berberidion p.','Box-dominated formations of 31.81, 31.89, 31.8A or 31.8B.','Tüxen and Oberdorfer, 1958; Lopez, 1976; Noirfalise et al., 1980; Vigo and Ninot, 1987.','Berberidion p.','Faciès dominés par le Buis de 31.81, 31.89, 31.8A ou 31.8B.','Noirfalise et al., 1980.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.83','31.8','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Fruticées atlantiques des sols pauvres','Atlantic poor soil thickets','Prunetalia p.: Pruno-Rubion fruticosi p.; Frangulo-Rubenion (Rubion subatlanticum; Franguletalia)','Thickets of Rubus spp., Frangula alnus, Sorbus aucuparia, Corylus avellana, Lonicera periclymenum, Cytisus scoparius, characteristic of forest edges, hedges and (mostly Quercion) woodland recolonization developed on soils relatively poor in nutrients, usually acid, mostly under climates with strong Atlantic influence.','Vanden Berghen, 1982; Ellenberg, 1988; Rameau et al., 1989; Oberdorfer, 1990; Rodwell, 1991.','Prunetalia p. : Pruno-Rubion fruticosi p., Frangulo-Rubenion (Rubion subatlanticum ; Franguletalia)','Fruticées à Rubus spp., Frangula alnus, Sorbus aucuparia, Corylus avellana, Lonicera periclymenum, caractéristiques des lisières forestières, des haies et des bois (principalement Quercion) de recolonisation forestière développées sur des sols relativement pauvres en nutriments, habituellement acides, principalement sous des climats soumis à une forte influence atlantique.','Vanden Berghen, 1982 ; Ellenberg, 1988 ; Rameau et al., 1989 ; Oberdorfer, 1990.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.831','31.83','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Ronciers','Bramble thickets','','Formations dominated by Rubus spp., including British Rubus fruticosus-Holcus lanatus underscrub.','','','Formations dominées par Rubus spp.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.832','31.83','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Fourrés à Bourdaine, Sorbiers, Chèvrefeuilles','Alder buckthorn, rowan, honeysuckle thickets','','Other formations (except broom fields, gorse thickets, hazel thickets and bracken fields, separately coded below).','','','Autres formations à l''exception des landes de Genêts, des fourrés d''Ajoncs, des fourrés de Noisetier et des landes à Fougères (qui font l''objet d''un code spécial).','Gruber, 1978 ; Noirfalise et al., 1980 ; Dupias, 1985 ; Peinado Lorca et Rivas-Martinez, 1987.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.84','31.8','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Landes à Genêts','Broom fields','Cytisetalia scopario-striati','Formations with an upper stratum dominated by tall brooms.','Tüxen and Oberdorfer, 1958; Lopez, 1976; Gruber, 1978; Noirfalise et al., 1980; Lopez Gonzalez, 1982; Pignatti, 1982; Rivas-Martinez, Diaz et al., 1984; Dupias, 1985; Chiappini, 1985b; Peinado Lorca and Rivas-Martinez, 1987; Wildpret de la Torre and del Arco Aguilar, 1987; Vigo and Ninot, 1987; Machado, in litt. 1989.','Cytisetalia scopario-striati','Formations dont la strate supérieure est dominée par de grands Genêts.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.841','31.84','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Landes médio-européennes à Cytisus scoparius','Medio-European Cytisus scoparius fields','Sarothamnion scoparii (Pruno-Rubion fruticosi: Sarothamnenion)','Expanses of broom (Cytisus scoparius), a common recolonization stage of the Quercion in the plains and hills of northern and middle Europe, reaching the montane zone in the higher mountains.','','Sarothamnion scoparii (Pruno-Rubion fruticosi, Sarothamnenion)','Grandes étendues de Genêts (Cytisus scoparius), stades de recolonisation communs du Quercion dans les plaines et les collines de l''Europe septentrionale et moyenne, s''étendant jusqu’à l''étage montagnard des hautes montagnes.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.8411','31.841','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Landes à Genêts des plaines et des collines','Lowland and hill broom fields','','Cytisus scoparius fields of the lowlands, hills and low mountains of northern, western and central Europe.','','','Landes à Cytisus scoparius des plaines, des collines et des basses montagnes de l''Europe septentrionale, occidentale et centrale.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.8412','31.841','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Landes à Genêts des Alpes','Alpine broom fields','','Montane Cytisus scoparius fields of the Alpine system.','','','Landes montagnardes à Cytisus scoparius du système alpien.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.8413','31.841','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Landes du Massif central à Cytisus scoparius','Central Massif Cytisus scoparius fields','','Montane beech-level formations of Cytisus scoparius of the Central Massif.','','','Formations montagnardes du Massif central de l''étage du Hêtre à Cytisus scoparius.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.8414','31.841','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Landes à Cytisus scoparius des Pyrénées','Pyrenean Cytisus scoparius fields','Prunello pyrenaicae-Sarothamnetum scoparii','Montane formations of Cytisus scoparius of the Pyrenees.','','Prunello pyrenaicae-Sarothamnetum scoparii','Formations montagnardes à Cytisus scoparius des Pyrénées.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.842','31.84','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Landes à Cytisus purgans','Cytisus purgans fields','Pino-Cytision purgantis p., Genistion polygaliphyllae p.','Cytisus purgans-dominated formations of higher levels (upper montane, subalpine, oro-Mediterranean) of southwestern European mountains, often associated with dwarf juniper scrubs (31.43) or hedgehog-heaths (31.7), and physiognomically reminiscent of the latter.','','Pino-Cytision purgantis','Formations des étages élevés (montagnard supérieur, subalpin, oroméditerranéen) dominées par Cytisus purgans dans les montagnes du sud-ouest de l''Europe, souvent associées aux broussailles de Genévriers prostrés (31.43) ou aux landes épineuses (31.7), et rappelant physionomiquement celles-ci.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.8421','31.842','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Landes à Cytisus purgans des Cévennes','Cévennes Cytisus purgans fields','','Localized formations of the upper levels of the Cévennes.','','','Formations localisées aux étages supérieurs des Cévennes.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.8422','31.842','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Landes à Cytisus purgans pyrénéennes','Pyrenean Cytisus purgans fields','Pino-Cytision purgantis: Senecio-Genistetum purgantis i.a.','Upper montane Pyrenean formations appearing on the edge of, or as substitution of, acidophilous pine woods.','','Pino-Cytision purgantis ; Senecio-Genistetum purgantis','Formations de l’étage montagnard supérieur des Pyrénées apparaissant en descendant des crêtes, ou comme formations de substitution ou de lisière des forêts de Pins acidiphiles.','Bournérias, 1984 ; Ellenberg, 1988.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.8423','31.842','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Galicio-Cantabrian Cytisus purgans fields','Genistion polygaliphyllae: Cytisetum scopario-purgantis p., Cytiso cantabrici-Genistetum obtusirameae p.','Galician and oro-Cantabrian upper montane formations. ','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.8424','31.842','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Upper Cordilleran Cytisus purgans fields','Pino-Juniperetea: Pino-Cytision purgantis: Junipero nanae-Cytisetum oromediterranei p., Cytiso oromediterranei-Echinospartum barnadesii p., Cytiso oromediterranei-Echinospartetum pulviniformis p.','Alti-Mediterranean and oro-Mediterranean formations of the Cordillera Central.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.8425','31.842','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Lower Cordilleran Cytisus purgans fields','Cytiso oromediterranei-Genistetum cinerascentis p.','Upper supra-Mediterrranean formations of the Cordillera Central.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.8426','31.842','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Galicio-Leonese Cytisus purgans fields','Genisto sanabrensis-Juniperetum nanae','Oro-Mediterranean formations of the high southern Galicio-Leonese sierras.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.8427','31.842','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Nevadan Cytisus purgans fields','Genisto-Juniperetum nanae cytisetosum','Oro-Mediterranean formations of the Sierra Nevada. ','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.843','31.84','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Piornales','Genistion floridae, Genistion polygaliphyllae','Cytisus multiflorus, C. striatus, C. scoparius, C. grandiflorus, C. cantabricus, Genista florida and other tall broom fields of the Iberian peninsula, mostly characteristic of the transition between the Atlantic and Mediterranean domaines.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.8431','31.843','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','White-flowered broom fields','Genistion polygaliphyllae: Cytisenion multiflorae, Genistenion polygaliphyllae p.; Genistion floridae p.','Formations rich in white-flowered Cytisus multiflorus of the western Meseta, the (mostly western) Cordillera Central, the sierras of southern Galicia and Leon and the western Cantabrian mountains, in which C. multiflorus is either the only tall broom or is an important component of broom fields also containing yellow-flowered Genista florida ssp. polygaliphylla, G. florida ssp. florida, G. cinerea ssp. cinerascens, Cytisus scoparius and others.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.8432','31.843','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','North-western Iberian Genista florida fields','Genistion polygaliphyllae: Genistenion polygaliphyllae, Cytisenion striati p.','Formations rich in Genista florida ssp. polygaliphylla of the oro-Cantabrian region, the sierras of southern Galicia and Leon, the Serra da Estrela, the northern Iberian range, with Cytisus cantabricus, C. scoparius, C. striatus, Genista obtusiramea, Adenocarpus complicatus. ','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.8433','31.843','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','North-western Iberian Cytisus fields','Genistion polygaliphyllae: Cytisenion striati','Formations rich in Cytisus striatus or C. ingramii of the western Cordillera Central and of Galician hills and plateaux, with Genista florida ssp polygaliphylla, Cytisus scoparius, C. multiflorus or Ulex europaeus. ','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.8434','31.843','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Central Iberian Genista florida fields','Genistion floridae: Genistenion floridae','Formations rich in Genista florida ssp. florida of the Cordillera Central and the Southern Iberian Range with Cytisus scoparius, C. multiflorus, C. striatus, Genista cinerea ssp. cinerascens, Adenocarpus hispanicus.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.8435','31.843','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Upper Cordilleran Genista cinerea fields','','Formations dominated by Genista cinerea ssp. cinerascens of higher elevations of the Cordillera Central.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.8436','31.843','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Central Iberian Cytisus fields','Genistion floridae p.','Formations rich in Cytisus striatus or C. scoparius of the Cordillera Central and the Montes de Toledo with Genista florida ssp. florida or Chamaespartium tridentatum. ','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.8437','31.843','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Andalusian broom fields','Genistion floridae: Adenocarpenion decorticantis','Formations of Cytisus reverchonii, C. grandiflorus, Adenocarpus decorticans of the supra-Mediterranean zone of Andalucian mountains.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.844','31.84','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Tyrrhenian broom fields','','Broom fields of peninsular Italy and of the large Tyrrhenian islands.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.8441','31.844','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Peninsular Italian broom fields','','Supra-Mediterranean and montane peninsular formations with Cytisus scoparius, C. sessilifolius or Adenocarpus complicatus.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.8442','31.844','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Insular Tyrrhenian broom fields','','Supra-Mediterranean and montane formations of Corsica, Sardinia and Sicily with Cytisus scoparius.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.845','31.84','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Genista aetnensis stands','','Formations of the very large Genista aetnensis, endemic to the western Mediterranean and of considerable biogeographical interest, with a distribution limited to Sicily and Sardinia.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.8451','31.845','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Etna Genista aetnensis stands','','Formations of Genista aetnensis colonizing the lava fields of the eastern flank of Mount Etna.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.8452','31.845','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Sardinian Genista aetnensis stands','','Very rare and localized Genista aetnensis formations of Sardinia (east and Iglesiente).','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.846','31.84','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Canary Island broom fields','Micromerio-Telinion teneriffae','Canary Island formations with Teline spp., Micromeria spp., Adenocarpus foliolosus developed in particular in the humid montane zone where they replace heaths on sunnier exposures.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.85','31.8','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Landes à Ajoncs','Gorse thickets','','Ulex europaeus thickets of the Atlantic domaine (including British Ulex europaeus-Rubus fruticosus scrub p.)','Bournérias, 1984; Ellenberg, 1988; Rodwell, 1991.','','Fruticées à Ulex europaeus du domaine atlantique','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.86','31.8','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Landes à Fougères','Bracken fields','','Extensive, often closed communities of the large fern Pteridium aquilinum.','','','Communautés de grande étendue, souvent fermées, avec la grande fougère Pteridium aquilinum.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.861','31.86','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Landes subatlantiques à Fougères','Sub-Atlantic bracken fields','','Pteridium aquilinum fields appearing as a recolonization stage of the Quercion of the Atlantic and sub-Atlantic areas of continental Europe, including the British Isles and the Iberian peninsula.','','','Landes à Pteridium aquilinum apparaissant comme une étape de recolonisation du Quercion des régions atlantiques et sub-atlantiques de l''Europe continentale.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.862','31.86','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Macaronesian bracken fields','','Pteridium facies of the heaths of the Atlantic Islands.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.863','31.86','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Landes supra-méditerranéennes à Fougères','Supra-Mediterranean bracken fields','','Pteridium aquilinum fields of the Quercetalia pubescenti - petraeae zone.','','','Landes à Pteridium aquilinum dans la zone des Quercetalia pubescenti-petraeae.','Lebrun et al., 1949 ; Ellenberg, 1963, 1988 ; Guinochet et Vilmorin, 1973 ; Noirfalise et al., 1980 ; Vanden Berghen, 1982 ; Oberdorfer, 1990.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.87','31.8','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Clairières forestières','Woodland clearings','Epilobietea angustifolii','Communities colonizing medio-European and sub-Mediterranean deciduous or coniferous woodland clearings, clear-felled or burnt areas. ','Lebrun et al., 1949; Ellenberg, 1963, 1988; Guinochet and Vilmorin, 1973; Noirfalise et al., 1980; Vanden Berghen, 1982; Oberdorfer, 1990.','Epilobietea angustifolii','Communautés colonisant les clairières de forêts caducifoliées ou de conifères médio-européennes et sub-méditerranéennes, les coupes d''éclaircies ou des zones incendiées.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.871','31.87','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Clairières herbacées forestières','Herbaceous clearings','Epilobion angustifolii, Atropion','Short-lived herbaceous communities colonizing recent clearings.','','Epilobion angustifolii, Atropion','Communautés herbacées transitoires colonisant les clairières récentes.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.8711','31.871','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Clairières à Epilobes et Digitales','Willowherb and foxglove clearings','Epilobion angustifolii','Communities of acid soils with raw humus, composed of Epilobium angustifolium, Digitalis purpurea, D. grandiflora, Senecio sylvaticus, Calamagrostis epigeios, Carex pilulifera.','','Epilobion angustifolii','Communautés des sols acides sur sols à humus brut, composées d''Epilobium angustifolium, Digitalis purpurea, D. grandiflora, Senecio sylvaticus, Calamagrostis epigeios, Carex pilulifera.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.8712','31.871','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Clairières à Bardane et Belladonne','Burdock and deadly nightshade clearings','Atropion','Formations of mull soils, with Arctium nemorosum, Atropa bella-donna, Bromus ramosus, Hypericum hirsutum, Fragaria vesca, Stachys alpina, D. lutea.','','Atropion','Formations des sols à mull avec Arctium nemorosum, Atropa bella-donna, Bromus ramosus, Hypericum hirsutum, Fragaria vesca, Stachys alpina, Digitalis lutea.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.872','31.87','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Clairières à couvert arbustif','Shrubby clearings','Sambuco-Salicion capreae','Formations of Salix caprea, Sambucus nigra, S. racemosa, Sorbus aucuparia, Rubus spp. succeeding the herbaceous formations in the regrowth of clearings.','','Sambuco-Salicion capraeae','Formations de Salix caprea, Sambucus nigra, S. racemosa, Sorbus aucuparia, Rubus spp. succédant aux stades herbacés au cours de la fermeture des clairières.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.88','31.8','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Fruticées à Genévriers communs','Common juniper scrub','','Middle Euroopean lowland and montane communities dominated by Juniperus communis.','Bournérias, 1984; Ellenberg, 1988; Oberdorfer, 1990; Rodwell, 1991.','','Communautés de plaines et de montagnes dominées par Juniperus communis.','Bournérias, 1984 ; Ellenberg, 1988 ; Oberdorfer, 1990 ; Rodwell, 1991.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.881','31.88','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Landes à Genévriers','Juniper downs','','Juniperus communis colonization of medio-European calcareous grasslands.','','','Colonisation par Juniperus communis des pelouses calcicoles médio-européennes.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.882','31.88','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Landes à Genévriers','Juniper heaths','','J. communis colonization of heaths and related communities.','','','Colonisation par Juniperus communis des landes et communautés apparentées.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.883','31.88','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Juniper-wood sorrel woodland','','Upland formations of the central highlands of Scotland and of northern England, in which Juniperus communus is the most abundant small tree or large shrub, accompanied by ericoids, ferns, grasses, bryophytes and a fairly rich flora of herbaceous dicots.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.89','31.8','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Fourrés caducifoliés sub-méditerranéens sud-occidentaux','South-western sub-Mediterranean deciduous thickets','Pruno-Rubion ulmifolii, Lonicero-Berberidion hispanicae','Mostly deciduous shrubs and hedges, usually tall and luxuriant, often very rich in lianas, of Mediterranean France, of sub-Mediterranean areas of the Iberian peninsula and of moist stations in the Mediterranean zone of the Iberian peninsula.','Tüxen and Oberdorfer, 1958; de Bolos et al., 1970; Guinochet and Vilmorin, 1973; Westhoff and den Held, 1975; Rivas-Martinez, 1975c, 1980; Lopez, 1976; Rivas-Martinez, Diaz et al., 1984; Peinado Lorca et al., 1984; Peinado Lorca and Rivas-Martinez, 1987.','Pruno-Rubion ulmifolii, Lonicero-Berberidion hispanicae','Arbrisseaux et haies pour la plupart caducifoliés, généralement hauts et luxuriants, souvent très riches en lianes, de la France méditerranéenne.','Guinochet et Vilmorin, 1973 ; Westhoff et den Held, 1975 ; Rivas-Martinez, 1975c ; Peinado Lorca et Rivas-Martinez, 1987.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.891','31.89','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Fourrés caducifoliés sub-méditerranéens franco-ibériques','Franco-Iberian sub-Mediterranean deciduous thickets','Rubo-Coriaretum i.a.','Formations mostly of moist stations within the Mediterranean zone of France, Catalonia, the Balearics and Valencia, with Rosa sempervirens, Rubus ulmifolius, Tamus communis, Prunus spinosa, Cornus sanguinea, Crataegus monogyna and, locally, Coraria myrtifolia.','','Rubo-Coriaretum','Formations principalement liées aux stations humides de la zone méditerranéenne de France, ... avec Rosa sempervirens, Rubus ulmifolius, Tamus communis, Prunus spinosa, Cornus sanguinea, Crataegus monogyna et localement, Coriaria myrtifolia.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.892','31.89','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Western Iberian sub-Mediterranean deciduous thickets','Rubo ulmifolii-Tametum communis, Lonicero hispanicae-Rubetum ulmifolii, Rhamno catharticae-Crataegetum laevigatae, Lonicero etruscae-Rosetum agrestis i.a.','Formations of the western, particularly northwestern, part of the Iberian peninsula, with Crataegus monogyna, Prunus spinosa, Cornus sanguinea, Ligustrum vulgare, Sambucus nigra, Euonymus europaeus, brambles, particularly the Mediterranean Rubus ulmifolius, various roses, notably Rosa sempervirens and Rosa canina agg., and particularly rich in lianas, Tamus communis, Smilax aspera, Clematis vitalba, Lonicera periclymenum, L. etrusca, Rubia peregrina, Bryonia cretica, Vitis vinifera, Humulus lupulus.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.893','31.89','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Central Iberian sub-Mediterranean deciduous thickets','Sabino-Berberitum hispanicae, Pruno malahebo-Berberitum hispanicae, Rosetum micrantho-agrestis i.a.','More continental formations of central Iberia, developed mostly on deep, moist soils in the supra-Mediterranean zone of the Meseta, the Ebro basin, the Cordillera Central, the Southern Iberian Range, the Montes de Toledo, the Sierra Morena and the western Baetic or sub-Baetic mountains, with Berberis hispanica, Prunus spinosa, P. mahaleb, Crataegus monogyna, Ribes uva-crispa, Rubus ulmifolius, Lonicera xylosteum, L. etrusca, Amelanchier ovalis, Rhamnus saxatilis, numerous roses of the Rosa agrestis and R. canina aggregates (e.g. Rosa micrantha, R. pouzinii, R. corymbifera, R. sicula) and, locally, Hippophae rhamnoides. ','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.894','31.89','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Oro-Baetic sub-Mediterranean deciduous thickets','Lonicero-Berberidion hispanicae: Crataego-Loniceretum arboreae ','Supra- and oro-Mediterranean formations of eastern sub-Baetic and Baetic mountains (sierras de Cazorla, Segura, Baza, Magina, Alcaraz and the Sierra Nevada), with Lonicera arborea, L. splendida, Prunus ramburii, Cotoneaster granatensis, Berberis hispanica, Crataegus monogyna, Rosa spp.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.8A','31.8','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Fourrés tyrrhéniens subméditerranéens caducifoliés','Tyrrhenian sub-Mediterranean deciduous thickets','','Formations of peninsular Italy, Sicily, Sardinia and Corsica.','Pignatti, 1982; Chiappini, 1985a, b; Gamisans, 1985, 1991.','','Formations de la péninsule italienne, de Sicile, Sardaigne et Corse.','Pignatti, 1982 ; Chiappini, 1985a, b ; Gamisans, 1985, 1991.','FALSE','FALSE','VG','Présence confirmée par CBN Corse (C. Panaiotis) et Porquerolles (O. Argagnon).');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.8A1','31.8A','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Fourrés cyrno-sardes subméditerranéens caducifoliés','Cyrno-Sardian sub-Mediterranean deciduous thickets','','Formations of Corsica and Sardinia with Rubus ulmifolius, Rosa agrestis, R. canina, R. serafini, Prunus spinosa, Crataegus monogyna, Clematis vitalba, Pyrus amygdaliformis, Rhamnus persicifolius.','','','Formations de Corse et de Sardaigne avec Rubus ulmifolius, Rosa agrestis, R. canina, R. serafini, Prunus spinosa, Crataegus monogyna, Clematis vitalba, Pyrus amygdaliformis, Rhamnus persicifolius.','','FALSE','FALSE','VG','Présence confirmée par CBN Corse (C. Panaiotis) et Porquerolles (O. Argagnon).');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.8A2','31.8A','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Italo-Sicilian sub-Mediterranean deciduous thickets','','Formations of the Italian peninsula and Sicily with Rubus ulmifolius, Rosa sempervirens, R. arvensis, Pyrus amygdaliformis, P. communis, Malus sylvestris, Amelanchier ovalis, Cotoneaster integerrimus, C. nebrodensis, Pyracantha coccinea, Crataegus monogyna, C. laciniata, Prunus spinosa, P. cocomilia, P. mahaleb, Coriaria myrtifolia, Cotinus coggygria, Pistacia terebinthus, Euonymus europaeus, Paliurus spina-christi, Rhamnus catharticus, Lonicera xylosteum, L. etrusca.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.8B','31.8','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Fourrés caducifoliés sub-méditerranéens sud-orientaux','South-eastern sub-Mediterranean deciduous thickets (schibljak)','Prunion fruticosae','Deciduous pre- and post-forest formations, forest edges, hedges and woodland recolonization of the Quercion frainetto and Ostryo-Carpinion zones of the Balkan peninsula, with very local irradiations in central Europe, extreme northeastern Italy and the Aegean.','Rechinger, 1951; Ellenberg, 1988; Horvat et al., 1974; Polunin and Walters, 1985; Oberdorfer, 1990.','Prunion fruticosae','Formations caducifoliées pré- et post-forestières, recolonisation en bord de forêts (manteaux), en haies et en bois de la zone du Quercion frainetto et Ostryo-Carpinion ... ; sans doute non présents en France.','Ellenberg, 1988 ; Horvat et al., 1974 ; Polunin et Walters, 1985 ; Oberdorfer, 1990.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','Présence à confirmer en France. Dans la version 1997 de Corine Biotopes, il est indiqué "sans doute non présents en France".');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.8B1','31.8B','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Central European sub-Mediterranean deciduous thickets','Prunetum fruticosae','Prunus fruticosa formations of dry, continental Central European areas, notably east of the Harz mountains.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.8B2','31.8B','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Illyrian sub-Mediterranean deciduous thickets','','Prunus fruticosa formations of northeastern Italy','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.8B3','31.8B','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Greek sub-Mediterranean deciduous thickets','','Varied, often species-rich formations of temperate and sub-Mediterranean areas of continental Greece and the northern Aegean with Prunus spinosa, P. fruticosa, P. mahaleb, P. cerasifera, P. cocomilia, Pyrus amygdaliformis, Pyracantha coccinea, Crataegus monogyna, C. laciniata, Sorbus domestica, Rosa sempervirens , R. canina agg., R. rubiginosa agg., Rubus ulmifolius, Euonymus spp., Cornus mas, Cornus sanguinea, Ligustrum vulgare, Rhamnus saxatilis, Berberis vulgaris, Clematis vitalba, Paliurus spina-christi, Cotinus coggygria, Rhus coriaria, Coriaria myrtifolia, Syringa vulgaris, Cercis siliquastrum, Coronilla emerus, Colutea arborescens, Juniperus oxycedrus, J. communis, Buxus sempervirens, Corylus spp., Acer spp., Fraxinus ornus, Ulmus minor, Carpinus spp., Ostrya carpinifolia, Quercus spp..','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.8B4','31.8B','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Aegean sub-Mediterranean deciduous thickets','','Southern and eastern Aegean formations with Crataegus monogyna, C. azarolus, Prunus cocomilia, P. webbii, P. prostrata, P. discolor, Pyrus amygdaliformis, Rubus ulmifolius, Rosa sempervirens, Berberis cretica, Rhododendron flavum, Acer sempervirens, Quercus brachyphylla, Q. infectoria.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.8C','31.8','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Fourrés de Noisetiers','Hazel thickets','','Thickets or brush, often very extensive, composed exclusively or predominantly of Corylus spp., a frequent facies of 31.81, 31.83, 31.89, 31.8A, and 31.8B.','Dupias, 1985; Ellenberg, 1988.','','Fourrés ou taillis, souvent très étendus, composés exclusivement, ou montrant une prédominance absolue, de Corylus avellana, faciès fréquents de 31.81, 31.83, 31.89, 31.8A et 31.8B.','Dupias, 1985 ; Ellenberg, 1988.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.8D','31.8','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Recrûs forestiers caducifoliés','Deciduous scrub woodland','','Early stages of deciduous tall forest regrowth or colonization composed predominantely of young individuals of tall forest species. The type of scrub woodland can be precised by placing at the third, fourth and fifth decimal places of 31.8D the first three digits after the decimal point of 41 that characterize the corresponding tall forest type.','','','Premiers stades de régénérations de forêts caducifoliées ou de reconquête, composés principalement de jeunes individus de grandes espèces forestières. Ce type de boisement peut être précisé par l''emploi de la troisième, la quatrième ou cinquième décimale dans le code 31.8D, les trois premières indications après le point décimal de 41 permettant de caractériser le type forestier correspondant.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.8E','31.8','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Taillis','Coppice','','Regrowth stages of woodland treated in coppice without standards. The type of coppice can be precised by placing at the third, fourth and fifth decimal places of 31.8E the first three digits after the decimal point of 41 that characterize the corresponding tall forest type.','','','Stade de régénération des bois traités en taillis simple. Le type de taillis peut être précisé en plaçant aux 3ème, 4ème et 5ème rangs décimaux de 31.8E les 3 premiers chiffres décimaux de 41, caractéristiques du type forestier correspondant.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.8F','31.8','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Fourrés mixtes','Mixed scrub woodland','','Early stages of mixed tall forest regrowth or colonization composed predominantely of young individuals of tall forest species. The type of scrub woodland can be precised by placing at the third, fourth and fifth decimal places of 31.8F the first three digits after the decimal point of 41 that characterize the corresponding tall forest type.','','','Premiers stades de régénération ou de la colonisation des forêts mélangées marqués par la prédominance de jeunes individus d''espèces forestières. Pour la cotation, voir ci-dessus 31.8D avec la base 31.8F.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('31.8G','31.8','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Prébois de résineux','Coniferous scrub woodland','','Early stages of conifer forest regrowth or colonization composed predominantely of young individuals of tall forest species. The type of scrub woodland can be precised by placing at the third, fourth and fifth decimal places of 31.8G the first three digits after the decimal point of 42 that characterize the corresponding tall forest type.','','','Premiers stades de la régénération forestière ou de la colonisation, marqués par la prédominance de jeunes individus d''espèces forestières. Pour la cotation, voir ci-dessus 31.8D avec la base 31.8G.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32','3','2','Niveau 2','TRUE','Fruticées sclérophylles','Sclerophyllous scrub','','Mediterranean and sub-Mediterranean evergreen sclerophyllous bush and scrub (maquis, garrigue, matorral, phrygana sensu lato), recolonisation and degradation stages of broad-leaved evergreen forests, supra-Mediterranean garrigues, pseudo-maquis, Macaronesian xerophytic communities.','','','Brousses, buissons et fruticées sclérophylles sempervirents méditerranéens et sub-méditerranéens (maquis, garrigue, matorral, phrygane sensu lato), stades de recolonisation et de dégradation des forêts sempervirentes, garrigues supra-méditerranéennes, pseudo-maquis...','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.1','32','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Matorral arborescent','Arborescent matorral','Quercetalia ilicis, Pistacio-Rhamnetalia alaterni i.a.','Pre- or post-forest formations with a more or less dense arborescent cover and with a usually thick, high evergreen shrub stratum. They are mostly degradation or reconstitution stages of the broad-leaved evergreen forests (45) or their substitution, intermediate between them and maquis (32.2 to 32.5); some are substitution stages of thermophilous deciduous (41) or conifer (42) forests.','Rivas-Martinez, 1974; Quézel, 1981; Tomaselli, 1981a.','Quercetalia ilicis, Pistacio-Rhamnetalia alaterni','Formations pré- ou postforestières constituées par un couvert arboré plus ou moins dense avec une strate buissonnante généralement dense, et haute. Il s''agit le plus généralement des étapes de dégradation ou de reconstitution de forêts sempervirentes (45) ou de faciès de substitution intermédiaires entre celle-ci et le maquis (de 32.2 à 32.5) ; certains sont des stades de substitution de forêts thermophiles caducifoliées ou résineuses.','Rivas-Martinez, 1974 ; Tomaselli, 1981a.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.11','32.1','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Matorral à Chênes sempervirents','Evergreen oak matorral','','Meso-Mediterranean arborescent matorral organized around evergreen oaks. Dense, low, coppice-like woods of evergreen oaks.','Horvat et al., 1974; Rivas-Martinez, 1974; Quézel, 1981; Tomaselli, 1981a; Chiappini, 1985a.','','Matorrals arborescents méso-méditerranéens organisés autour des Chênes sempervirents. Bois de Chênes sempervirents denses, bas, à aspect de taillis.','Horvat et al., 1974 ; Rivas-Martinez, 1974 ; Tomaselli, 1981a.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.111','32.11','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Matorral de Quercus suber','Quercus suber matorral','','Arborescent matorral mostly of Quercus suber. Detailed habitats can be coded by placing at the fourth and fifth decimal places of 32.111 the second and third digits after the decimal point of 45.2 that characterize the corresponding cork oak forest.','','','Matorral arborescent formé principalement par Quercus suber. Les habitats plus détaillés peuvent être codés en plaçant en quatrième et cinquième décimales de 32.111, les second et troisième chiffres après le point décimal de 45.2 qui caractérisent les forêts de Chêne liège correspondantes.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.112','32.11','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Matorral acidiphile de Quercus ilex','Acidiphile Quercus ilex and Q. rotundifolia matorral','','Arborescent matorral mostly of Q. ilex or Q. rotundifolia, usually with Erica arborea and Arbutus unedo, on siliceous substrates of the western Mediterranean. Detailed habitats can be coded by placing at the fourth, fifth and sixth decimal places of 32.112 the second, third and fourth digits after the decimal point of 45.3 that characterize the corresponding evergreen oak forest.','','','Matorral arborescent plutôt de Q. ilex, habituellement accompagné par Erica arborea et Arbutus unedo, sur des substrats siliceux de la Méditerranée occidentale. Les habitats détaillés peuvent être codés en plaçant en quatrième, cinquième et sixième décimales de 32.112 les second, troisième et quatrième chiffres après le point décimal de 45.3 qui caractérisent la forêt de Chêne sempervirent correspondante.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.113','32.11','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Matorral calciphile à Quercus ilex, Q. coccifera','Calciphile Quercus ilex, Q. rotundifolia, Q. coccifera matorral','','Arborescent matorral mostly of Q. ilex, Q. rotundifolia or Q. coccifera on calcareous substrates of the western Mediterranean. For Q. ilex or Q. rotundifolia matorrals, detailed habitats can be coded by placing at the fourth, fifth and sixth decimal places of 32.113 the second, third and fourth digits after the decimal point of 45.3 that characterize the corresponding evergreen oak forest. For Italian Q. coccifera formations, use 32.1135.','','','Matorrals arborescents principalement formés de Quercus ilex ou Q. coccifera sur des substrats calcaires de la Méditerranée occidentale. Pour les matorrals de Q. ilex, les habitats détaillés peuvent être codés en plaçant en quatrième, cinquième et sixième décimales de 32.113 les second, troisième et quatrième chiffres après le point décimal de 45.3 qui caractérisent la forêt de Chêne sempervirent correspondante.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.114','32.11','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Eastern Mediterranean Quercus ilex, Q. coccifera matorral','','Arborescent matorral mostly of Q. ilex or Q. coccifera (Q. calliprinos) on both siliceous and calcareous substrates of the eastern Mediterranean.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.1141','32.114','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Greek Q. ilex arborescent matorral','','Formations derived from 45.31C.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.1142','32.114','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Cretan Q. ilex arborescent matorral','','Formations derived from 45.31D.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.1143','32.114','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Greek Q. coccifera arborescent matorral','','Formations derived from 45.41.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.115','32.11','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Mixed oak arborescent matorral','','Arborescent matorral organized around mixed evergreen (Q. suber, Q. ilex, Q. rotundifolia) and deciduous (Q. pyrenaica, Q. faginea) oaks of Iberia.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.116','32.11','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Evergreen oak low woods','','Dense, low, coppice-like formations of evergreen oaks.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.1161','32.116','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Q. ilex, Q. rotundifolia low woods','','Q. ilex, Q. rotundifolia formations. Detailed habitats can be coded by placing at the fifth, sixth and seventh decimal places of 32.1161 the second, third and fourth digits after the decimal point of 45.3 that characterize the corresponding evergreen oak forest.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.1162','32.116','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Q. coccifera low woods','','Q. coccifera (Q. calliprinos) formations. Detailed habitats can be coded by placing at the fifth decimal place of 32.1162 the second digit after the decimal point of 45.4 that characterizes the corresponding kermes oak forest.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.12','32.1','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Matorral à Oliviers et Lentisques','Olive and lentisc matorral','','Thermo-Mediterranean or thermo-Canarian arborescent matorral with Olea europaea ssp. sylvestris, O. europaea ssp. cerasiformis, Ceratonia siliqua, Pistacia lentiscus, P. atlantica or Myrtus communis (cf. 45.1).','Bolos et al., 1970; Horvat et al., 1974; Rivas-Martinez, 1974; Quézel, 1981; Tomaselli, 1981a; Chiappini, 1985a, b; Veri and Pacioni, 1985; Gamisans, 1985; Rivas-Martinez and Costa, 1987; Serrada et al., 1988.','','Matorrals arborescents thermo-méditerranéens composés d’Olea europaea subsp. sylvestris, Ceratonia siliqua, Pistacia lentiscus ou Myrtus communis (voir 45.1).','Horvat et al., 1974 ; Rivas-Martinez, 1974 ; Tomaselli, 1981a ; Gamisans, 1985.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.121','32.12','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Matorral arborescent à Olivier sauvage','Olive arborescent matorral','','Olea europaea ssp. sylvestris-dominated formations (cf. 45.11).','','','Formations dominées par Olea europea subsp. sylvestris.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.122','32.12','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Matorral arborescent à Caroubier','Carob arborescent matorral','','Ceratonia siliqua-dominated formations (cf. 45.12).','','','Formations dominées par Ceratonia siliqua (voir 45.12).','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.123','32.12','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Matorral arborescent à Lentisque','Lentisc arborescent matorral','','Tall Pistacia lentiscus-dominated formations.','','','Formations dominées par de grands Pistacia lentiscus.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.124','32.12','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Matorral arborescent à Myrte','Myrtle arborescent matorral','','Tall Myrtus communis-dominated formations (e.g. Balearic murtedas, Clematidi-Myrtetum).','','','Formations dominées par de grands Myrtus communis.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.125','32.12','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Canarian olive-lentisc arborescent matorral','','Canary Island Olea europaea ssp. cerasiformis or Pistacia atlantica-dominated formations (cf. 45.13).','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.13','32.1','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Matorral à Genévriers','Juniper matorral','','Mediterranean and sub-Mediterranean evergreen sclerophyllous bush and scrub organized around arborescent junipers. Mixed dominance can be indicated by combination of codes.','Rechinger, 1951; Bolos and Molinier, 1960; Bolos et al., 1970; Horvat et al., 1974; Rivas-Martinez, 1974; Quézel, 1981; Ozenda, 1981, 1985; Tomaselli, 1981b; Chiappini, 1985a, b; Gamisans, 1985; Peinado Lorca and Rivas-Martinez, 1987.','','Broussailles et fruticées sclérophylles sempervirentes méditerranéennes et sub-méditerranéennes organisées autour de Genévriers arborescents. Les mélanges de dominance peuvent être indiqués par des combinaisons de codes.','Horvat et al., 1974 ; Rivas-Martinez, 1974 ; Ozenda, 1981, 1985 ; Tomaselli, 1981b ; Gamisans, 1985 ; Peinado Lorca et Rivas Martinez, 1987.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.131','32.13','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Matorral arborescent à Juniperus oxycedrus','Juniperus oxycedrus arborescent matorral','','Arborescent matorral dominated by Juniperus oxycedrus s.l.','','','Matorral arborescent dominé par Juniperus oxycedrus s.l.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.1311','32.131','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Matorral arborescent interne à Juniperus oxycedrus','Inland Juniperus oxycedrus arborescent matorral','','Juniperus oxycedrus ssp. oxycedrus-dominated formations of dry, rocky slopes and deforested areas.','','','Formations dominées par Juniperus oxycedrus subsp. oxycedrus des versants secs et rocheux et des zones déboisées.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.1312','32.131','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Matorral arborescent à Juniperus macrocarpa','Juniperus macrocarpa arborescent matorral','','Juniperus oxycedrus ssp. macrocarpa formations of coastal sands and abrupt shores; many are dunal and can be coded under 16.27.','','','Formations à Juniperus oxycedrus subsp. macrocarpa des sables côtiers et des rivages abrupts ; beaucoup sont des formations dunaires et peuvent être codés sous 16.27.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.1313','32.131','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Juniperus transtagana arborescent matorral','','Juniperus oxycedrus ssp. transtagana formations of maritime sands of southwestern Portugal; they should usually be listed under 16.27.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.132','32.13','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Matorral arborescent à Juniperus phoenicea','Juniperus phoenicea arborescent matorral','','Arborescent matorral dominated by Juniperus phoenicea s.l..','','','Matorral arborescent dominés par Juniperus phoenicea s.l.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.1321','32.132','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Matorral arborescent, intérieur, à Juniperus phoenicea','Inland Juniperus phoenicea arborescent matorral','','Juniperus phoenicea ssp. phoenicea-dominated formations occupying steep rocky slopes of the meso-Mediterranean and, locally, thermo-Mediterranean or lower supra-Mediterranean zones, particularly developed on crests and spurs of the mountains bordering the Ebro depression, in calcareous mountains of Valencia, in the southwestern Alps and Provence, in Sardinia, in Sicily, in Puglia and in southern Greece. Remarkable, generally uncommon, stands of old, tall trees may take on an almost woodland appearance.','','','Formations dominées par Juniperus phoenicea subsp. phoenicea occupant des pentes rocheuses abruptes des étages méso-méditerranéen et, localement, thermo-méditerranéen ou supra-méditerranéen, particulièrement développées sur les crêtes et éperons des Alpes sud-occidentales et de Provence... Des parcelles remarquables, généralement peu communes, constituées d''arbres grands et vieux peuvent pratiquement prendre l''apparence d''un bois.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.1322','32.132','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Matorral arborescent à Juniperus lycia','Juniperus lycia arborescent matorral','','Juniperus phoenicea ssp. lycia-dominated formations of coastal sands, alluvions and abrupt shores. Many are dunal and can be coded under 16.27. ','','','Formations dominées par Juniperus phoenicea subsp. lycia de sables côtiers, des alluvions et des rivages abrupts. Nombre de ces formations sont dunaires et peuvent être codées sous 16.27.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.133','32.13','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Juniperus excelsa and J. foetidissima arborescent matorrals','','Arborescent matorrals of Greece dominated by Juniperus excelsa or J. foetidissima.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.1331','32.133','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Juniperus excelsa arborescent matorral','','Formations derived from 42.A3.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.1332','32.133','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Juniperus foetidissima arborescent matorral','','Formations derived from 42.A4.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.134','32.13','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Matorral arborescent à Juniperus communis','Juniperus communis arborescent matorral','','Mediterranean formations dominated by Juniperus communis.','','','Formations méditerranéennes dominées par Juniperus communis.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.135','32.13','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Juniperus drupacea arborescent matorral','','Formations derived from 42.A5, limited to the Peloponnese.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.136','32.13','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Matorral arborescent à Juniperus thurifera','Juniperus thurifera arborescent matorral','','Formations derived from 42.A2.','','','Formations dérivées de 42.A2.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.14','32.1','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Matorral à Pins','Pine matorral','','Mediterranean and sub-Mediterranean sclerophyllous brush and scrub dotted by pines. Mixed dominance can be indicated by combination of codes.','Horvat et al., 1974; Rivas-Martinez, 1974; Quézel, 1981; Tomaselli, 1981a; Polunin and Walters, 1985.','','Fruticées et broussailles sclérophylles et sempervirentes méditerranéennes et sub-méditerranéennes parsemées de Pins. Une dominance mélangée peut être indiquée par la combinaison de codes.','Horvat et al., 1974 ; Rivas-Martinez, 1974 ; Tomaselli, 1981a ; Polunin et Walters, 1985.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.141','32.14','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Matorral arborescent à Pin mésogéen (Pinus pinaster)','Mesogean pine arborescent matorral','','Formations dominated by Pinus pinaster ssp. pinaster.','','','Formations dominées par Pinus pinaster subsp. pinaster.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.142','32.14','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Matorral arborescent à Pin pignon (Pinus pinea)','Stone pine arborescent matorral','','Formations dominated by Pinus pinea.','','','Formations dominées par Pinus pinea.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.143','32.14','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Matorral arborescent à Pin d''Alep (Pinus halepensis)','Aleppo pine arborescent matorral','','Formations dominated by Pinus halepensis.','','','Formations dominées par Pinus halepensis.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.144','32.14','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Aegean pine arborescent matorral','','Formations dominated by Pinus brutia.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.145','32.14','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Matorral arborescent à Pin noir ou à Pin sylvestre','Black pine and scots pine arborescent matorral','','Formations dominated by black pines (Pinus pallasiana, P. salzmannii) or occasionnally by scots pines (P. sylvestris).','','','Formations dominées par des pins noirs (Pinus salzmannii) ou occasionnellement par des pins sylvestres (Pinus sylvestris).','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.15','32.1','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Arbor-vitae matorral','Arisaro vulgare-Tetraclinidetum articulatae','Relict Tetraclinis articulata forest remnants of the Sierras de Cartagena in the arid Iberian Southeast, with a low, open vegetation of Arisarum vulgare, Periploca laevigata, Chamaerops humilis, Rhamnus oleoides, Asparagus stipularis, A. albus, Lithodora fruticosa, Brachypodium retusum, Lavandula dentata, Thymus glandulosus, Teucrium carthaginense and an admixture of Tetraclinis of varied age, from seedlings to old trees; Pinus halepensis (a man-encouraged competitor), Olea europaea ssp. sylvestris and Quercus ilex may be part of the arborescent layer. This formation is of exceptional bio-geographical and historical importance.','Rivas-Martinez, 1974; Templado, 1974; Quézel, 1981; Tomaselli, 1981b; Alcaraz Ariza and Peinado Lorca, 1987.','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.16','32.1','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Matorral arborescent à chênes caducifoliés','Deciduous oak matorral','','Formations dominated by semi-deciduous or deciduous oaks.','','','Formations dominées par des chênes caducifoliés.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.161','32.16','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Eastern deciduous oak matorral','','Mediterranean or sub-Mediterranean evergreen sclerophyllous bush and scrub organized around eastern Mediterranean deciduous or semi-evergreen oaks (Quercus macrolepis, Q. trojana, Q. anatolica, i.a.).','Quézel, 1981.','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.162','32.16','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Matorral occidental à Chênes caducifoliés','Western deciduous oak matorral','','Mediterranean or sub-Mediterranean evergreen sclerophyllous bush and scrub organized around western thermo-Mediterranean, meso-Mediterranean and sometimes supra-Mediterranean deciduous or semi-evergreen oaks (Q. canariensis, Q. faginea, Q. pyrenaica, Q. pubescens, i. a.).','Rivas-Martinez, 1974.','','Fruticées et broussailles sempervirentes méditerranéennes ou sub-méditerranéennes organisées autour de Chênes caducifoliés (Q. pyrenaica, Q. pubescens, i.a.) du thermo-méditerranéen occidental, du méso-méditerranéen, et quelques fois supra-méditerranéen.','Rivas-Martinez, 1974.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.17','32.1','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Arid zone matorral','Ziziphetum loti p.','Pre-desert brush of Periploca laevigata, Lycium intricatum, Asparagus stipularis, A. albus, Withania frutescens (32.25) with tall Ziziphus lotus, confined to the arid Iberian Southeast.','Freitag, 1971; Rivas-Martinez, 1974; Quézel, 1981; Alcaraz Ariza and Peinado Lorca, 1987.','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.18','32.1','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Matorral à Lauriers','Laurel matorral','','Humid arborescent matorral with tall laurel (Laurus nobilis) developed locally in Sardinia, Sicily, Campania, in particular.','Fenaroli, 1970; Chiappini, 1985a, b; Veri and Pacioni, 1985.','','Matorral humide arborescent à grands Lauriers (Laurus nobilis) à rechercher en France.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.19','32.1','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Cypress matorral','','Maquis dominated by native (in the Aegean; cf. 42.A1) or planted cypress (Cupressus). ','Quézel, 1981.','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.1A','32.1','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Zelkova matorral','Zelkovo-Aceretum sempervirentis, Vincetoxico-Zelkovetum abeliceae','Formations of the mountains of Crete, for the most part hedgehog-heaths, dominated by sparse to moderately closed stands of Zelkova abelicea, a rare, declining Tertiary relict of Pontic affinities, often associated with Acer sempervirens.','Zaffran, 1982.','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.2','32','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Formations arbustives thermo-méditerranéennes','Thermo-Mediterranean shrub formations','Pistacio-Rhamnetalia alaterni: Oleo-Ceratonion, Asparago-Rhamnion oleoidis, Periplocion angustifoliae, Rhamno-Quercion cocciferae p., Juniperion lyciae p., Ceratonio-Rhamnion; Phlomidetalia purpureae; Anthyllidetalia terniflorae; Calluno-Ulicetalia: Stauracanthenion boivinii, Ericenion umbellatae p.; Lavanduletalia stoechidis: Stauracantho genistoidis-Halimion halimifolii, Ulici argentei-Cistion ladaniferi p.','Shrub formations characteristic of the thermo-Mediterranean zone. Included here are those formations, for the most part indifferent to the siliceous or calcareous nature of the substrate, that reach their greatest extention or optimal development in the thermo-Mediterranean zone. Also included are the numerous, strongly characterized, thermophile formations endemic to the south of the Iberian peninsula, mostly thermo-Mediterranean but sometimes meso-Mediterranean; in their great local diversity they are a western counterpart of, and sometimes approach in appearance, the mostly eastern Mediterranean phryganas, which, however, on account of their strong structural singularity, are listed separately under 33.','Rechinger, 1951; Rivas-Goday and Rivas-Martinez, 1968; Fenaroli, 1970; Lapraz, 1970, 1973a, 1974, 1977; Freitag, 1971; Horvat et al., 1974; Rivas-Martinez, 1974, 1979; Ozenda et al., 1979; Tomaselli, 1981 a, b; Quézel, 1981; Chiappini 1985 a, b; Veri and Pacioni, 1985; Bueno et al., 1985; Noirfalise, 1986; Camarda and Valsecchi, 1990.','Pistacio-Rhamnetalia alaterni : Oleo-Ceratonion, Rhamno-Quercion cocciferae p., Juniperion lyciae p., Calluno-Ulicetalia ; Lavanduletalia stoechidis','Formations arbustives caractéristiques de l’étage thermo-méditerranéen. Sont incluses ici les formations, pour la plupart indifférentes à la nature siliceuse ou calcaire du substrat, qui atteignent leur plus grande extension ou leur développement optimal dans l’étage thermo-méditerranéen. Sont aussi incluses les nombreuses formations thermophiles endémiques hautement caractérisées, du sud de la péninsule Ibérique, plutôt thermo-méditerranéennes mais parfois méso-méditerranéennes ; dans leur grande diversité locale elles forment le pendant occidental des phryganes est-méditerranéennes, qui, compte tenu de leur grande singularité structurale, sont cataloguées séparément sous 33.','Lapraz, 1970, 1973a, 1974, 1977 ; Horvat et al., 1974 ; Rivas-Martinez, 1974, 1979 ; Ozenda et al., 1979 ; Tomaselli, 1981a, b ; Noirfalise, 1986.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.21','32.2','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Fruticées, fourrés et landes-garrigues thermo-méditerranéennes','Thermo-Mediterranean brushes, thickets and heath-garrigues','Oleo-Ceratonion, Asparago-Rhamnion, Ceratonio-Rhamnion, Juniperion lyciae p., Rhamno-Quercion cocciferae p.','Lentisc-dominated or lentisc-rich brushes and related formations with Olea europaea ssp. sylvestris, Pistacia lentiscus, Rhamnus alaternus, R. lycioides sspp. lycioides, oleoides, velutinus, graecus, Myrtus communis, Rubia peregrina, R. tenuifolia, Thymus capitatus, Prasium majus, Asparagus stipularis, A. acutifolius, A. albus, A. aphyllus, Cneorum tricoccon, Daphne gnidium, Phillyrea angustifolia, P. latifolia, Osyris quadripartita, O. alba, Bupleurum fruticosum, B. gibraltaricum, Ephedra fragilis, Chamaerops humilis, various oaks (Quercus ilex, Q. rotundifolia, Q. suber, Q. coccifera; Q. fruticosa), Sarcopoterium spinosum, Calicotome villosa, C. spinosa, widespread in the thermo-Mediterranean zone of the Iberian peninsula (except the arid Iberian Southeast: 32.25), of the Balearics, Corsica, Sardinia and Sicily, of continental France and Italy, of peninsular and archipelagic Greece. A few extremely distinctive habitats formed by facies of these formations, distributed throughout large portions of their range, are separated under 32.22, 32.23 and 32.24. Other characteristic habitats are listed below as subdivisions of 32.21.','Rechinger, 1951; Rivas Goday and Rivas-Martinez, 1968; Bolos et al., 1970; Freitag, 1971; Horvat et al., 1974; Rivas-Martinez, 1974, 1979; Brullo et al., 1977; Rivas-Martinez et al., 1980; Pignatti, 1982; Gamisans, 1985; Chiappini, 1985b; Peinado Lorca and Rivas-Martinez, 1987; Rivas-Martinez and Costa, 1987.','Oleo-Ceratonion, Juniperion lyciae p., Rhamno-Quercion cocciferae p.','Fruticées dominées ou riches en Lentisques et formations liées avec Olea europaea subsp. sylvestris, Pistacia lentiscus, Rhamnus alaternus, R. lycioides subsp. lycioides, Myrtus communis, Rubia peregrina, Thymus capitatus, Prasium majus, Asparagus acutifolius, A. albus, Cneorum tricoccon, Daphne gnidium, Phillyrea angustifolia, P. latifolia, Osyris alba, Bupleurum fruticosum, Chamaerops humilis, différents Chênes (Quercus ilex, Q. suber, Q. coccifera; Q. fruticosa), Sarcopoterium spinosum, Calicotome villosa, C. spinosa, répandues dans la zone thermo-méditerranéenne de Corse et de la France continentale. Quelques habitats extrêmement distincts formés par des faciès de ces formations, répandus dans de grandes parties de leur aire de distribution, sont cités sous 32.22, 32.23 et 32.24. D''autres habitats caractéristiques sont catalogués ci-dessous comme des subdivisions de 32.21.','Horvat et al., 1974 ; Rivas-Martinez, 1974, 1979 ; Gamisans, 1985 ; Peinado Lorca et Rivas-Martinez, 1987.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.211','32.21','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Fruticées à Oliviers et Lentisques','Oleo-lentisc brush','','Usually pluri-specific brushes in which Olea europea ssp. sylvestris accompanied by Pistacia lentiscus plays a determinant physiognomic role. Almost entirely restricted to the thermo-Mediterranean zone, they are represented by particularly well-developed, extensive stands in southern Iberia, the Balearics, Sardinia, Sicily, southern Greece and the Aegean. When the characteristic species increase in height they grade into arborescent matorral (32.12).','','','Fruticées habituellement pluri-spécifiques dans lesquelles Olea europaea subsp. sylvestris accompagnés de Pistacia lentiscus joue un rôle physionomique déterminant. Presque entièrement limitées à l’étage thermo-méditerranéen, elles sont représentées par des formations extensives particulièrement bien développées en Sardaigne, en Sicile... Quand les espèces caractéristiques augmentent en hauteur, elles s''intègrent au matorral arborescent (32.12).','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.212','32.21','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Landes-garrigues thermo-méditerranéennes','Thermo-Mediterranean heath-garrigues','','Formations dominated by the thermophile, often calciphile, heathers Erica multiflora and E. manipuliflora, best developed in the thermo-Mediterranean zones of southern and eastern Spain, the Balearics, Sardinia, Sicily, Pantelleria, southern Italy, southern Greece and the Aegean. Western meso-Mediterranean formations are listed under 32.4B.','','','Formations dominées par des landes thermophiles, souvent calciphiles à Erica multiflora... Les formations occidentales méso-méditerranéennes sont cataloguées sous 32.4B.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.2121','32.212','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Landes-garrigues occidentales à Erica multiflora','Western Erica multiflora heath-garrigues','','Usually calciphile Erica multiflora formations of the Iberian and Italian peninsulas and the large western Mediterranean islands.','','','Formations à Erica multiflora habituellement calciphiles.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.2122','32.212','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Western Erica manipuliflora heath-garrigues','','Rare, calciphile Erica manipuliflora formations of Puglia and Sicily.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.2123','32.212','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Eastern Erica manipuliflora heath-garrigues','','Erica manipuliflora formations of Greece and its archipelagoes.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.213','32.21','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Thorny burnet brush','','Non-cushion formations dominated by Sarcopoterium spinosum of the eastern Mediterranean.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.214','32.21','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Fruticée à Lentisques','Lentisc brush','','Pistacia lentiscus -dominated or -rich formations, widespread and abundant in thermo-Mediterranean and coastal meso-Mediterranean zones of the entire Mediterranean basin; locally, similar formations may appear in warm inland meso-Mediterranean areas. Often low and sometimes very open, the lentisc brush can in favourable situations reach a height of several metres, grading into arborescent matorral (32.123).','','','Formations dominées ou riches en Pistacia lentiscus, répandues et abondantes dans l’étage thermo-méditerranéen et zones côtières méso-méditerranéennes de tout le bassin méditerranéen ; localement, des formations similaires peuvent apparaître dans les régions méso-méditerranéennes chaudes de l’intérieur des terres. Souvent basse et parfois très ouverte, la fruticée à Lentisque peut, en situations favorables, atteindre une hauteur de plusieurs mètres, s''intégrant ainsi au matorral arborescent (32.123).','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.215','32.21','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Fruticée à Calicotome','Calicotome brush','','Thermo-Mediterranean formations physiognomically dominated by the brilliantly flowering Calicotome villosa or C. spinosa.','','','Formations thermo-méditerranéennes physionomiquement dominées par la floraison éclatante de Calicotome villosa ou de C. spinosa.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.216','32.21','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Fourrés à Lauriers','Laurel thickets','','Laurus nobilis thickets of humid or fresh stations, lower facies of 32.18.','','','Fourrés à Laurus nobilis des stations fraîches et humides, faciès plus bas que 32.18.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.217','32.21','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Garrigues côtières à Helichrysum','Coastal Helichrysum garrigues','','Low formations of Helichrysum (H. italicum ssp. microphyllum, H. italicum ssp. italicum) with spurges (Euphorbia pithyusa, i.a.), Pistacia lentiscus, Camphorosma monspeliaca, Artemisia densiflora or Thymelaea passerina, T. hirsuta, T. tartonraira of the immediate vicinity of sea cliffs, forming the transition between cliff vegetations or clifftop phryganas and thermo-Mediterranean brushes; they are particularly characteristic of the large Mediterranean islands.','','','Formations basses à Helichrysum (H. italicum subsp. microphyllum, H. italicum subsp. italicum) avec des Euphorbes (Euphorbia pithyusa, i.a.), Pistacia lentiscus, Camphorosma monspeliaca, Artemisia densiflora, Thymelea passerina, T. hirsuta, T. tartonraira à proximité de falaises de bord de mer, formant la transition entre les végétations de falaises ou les phryganes de haut de falaise et les fruticées thermo-méditerranéennes ; elles sont particulièrement caractéristiques des grandes îles méditerranéennes.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.218','32.21','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Fourrés à Myrtes','Myrtle thickets','','Myrtus communis -dominated brush. Particularly noteworthy formations occur in the Balearics (Clematidi-Myrtetum), in southern Iberia, in Sardinia, in the Aegean. Myrtle thickets can in favourable situations reach a height of a few metres, grading into arborescent matorral (32.124).','','','Buissons dominés par Myrtus communis. Les fourrés de Myrtes peuvent en situations favorables, atteindre une hauteur de quelques mètres, s''intégrant ainsi au matorral arborescent (32.124).','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.219','32.21','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Buissons thermo-méditerranéens à Chênes kermès','Thermo-Mediterranean kermes oak brushes','','Quercus coccifera thickets rich in thermo-Mediterranean elements, in particular, Pistacia lentiscus, Chamaerops humilis, Rhamnus lycioides ssp. lycioides, R. l. ssp. oleoides, Asparagus albus, A. acutifolius, Bupleurum gibraltariensis.','','','Fourrés de Quercus coccifera riches en éléments thermo-méditerranéens, en particulier, Pistacia lentiscus, Chamaerops humilis, Asparagus albus, A. acutifolius.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.2191','32.219','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Iberian thermo-Mediterranean kermes oak brush','Melico-Cocciferetum, Rhamno lycioidis-Quercetum cocciferae, Bupleuro gibraltarii-Pistacietum lentisci, Querco cocciferae-Pistacietum lentisci, Asparago albi-Rhamnetum oleoides, Chamaeropo-Rhamnetum lycioides, Rhamno lycioidis-Quercetum cocciferae','Formations of Quercus coccifera of southern Portugal, southern and eastern Spain and the Ebro basin.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.2192','32.219','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Fruticées thermo-méditerranéennes tyrrhéniennes à chêne kermès','Tyrrhenian thermo-Mediterranean kermes oak brush','','Rare Quercus coccifera formations of Liguria, Corsica, Sardinia and Sicily.','','','Formations rares de Corse comprenant Quercus coccifera.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.2193','32.219','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Greek thermo-Mediterranean kermes oak brush','','Formations of Quercus coccifera of the thermo-Mediterranean zone of Greece and its archipelagoes.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.21A','32.21','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Phillyrea thickets','','Phillyrea angustifolia or P. media-dominated formations; they constitute facies, in particular of the southern Iberian Asparago-Rhamnion and of the Aegean Ceratonio-Rhamnion, notably on Samothrace and Rhodes; they constitute also remarkable coastal formations on Minorca, based on the endemic P. media var. rodriguezii, and in Valencia.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.21A1','32.21A','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Minorcan lentiscares','Aro picti-Phillyreetum rodriguezii','Thickets of Phillyrea media var. rodriguezii restricted to Minorca.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.21A2','32.21A','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Valencian mata','Phillyreo-Rhamnetum angustifoliae','Thickets of Phillyrea angustifolia, Pistacia lentiscus, Quercus coccifera, Rhamnus lycioides ssp. oleoides var. angustifolia, R. alaternus of fixed dunes of Valencia. They are almost extinct, surviving only in the Dehesa de la Albufera. The code should be used in conjunction with 16.28.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.21A3','32.21A','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Fourrés occidentaux à Phillyrea','Western Phillyrea thickets','','Phillyrea angustifolia or P. media-dominated formations; of the westerm Mediterranean.','','','Formations dominées par Phillyrea angustifolia ou par P. media de la Méditerranée occidentale.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.21A4','32.21A','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Eastern Phillyrea thickets','','Phillyrea angustifolia or P. media-dominated formations of the eastern Mediterranean.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.21B','32.21','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Fruticées à Nerprun et asperges','Buckthorn-asparagus brushes','','Thermo-Mediterranean formations in which Asparagus spp. and/or Rhamnus lycioides predominate.','','','Formations thermo-méditerranéennes dans lesquelles Asparagus sp.pl et/ou Rhamnus lycioides prédominent.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.21C','32.21','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Buissons à Osyris','Osyris brushes','','Formations dominated by Osyris alba or O. tripartita.','','','Formations dominées par Osyris alba ou O. tripartita.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.21D','32.21','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Fourrés à Aliboufier','Storax thickets','','Styrax officinalis-dominated formations of thermo- and meso-Mediterranean areas of the eastern Mediterranean.','','','Formations dominées par Styrax officinalis des régions thermo- et méso-méditerranéennes.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.21E','32.21','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Buxus balearica box thickets','Cneoro-Buxetum balearicae; Aceri-Buxetum','Buxus balearica formations of coastal regions of Andalusia, bordering the Sea of Alboran, and of the Balearics.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.21F','32.21','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Dwarf oak scrub','','Formations of the semi-evergreen shrub Quercus fruticosa of southern Portugal and western Andalusia.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.21G','32.21','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Tall spiny broom brush','','Brushes dominated by tall, spiny species of Genista.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.21G1','32.21G','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Karpathos and Kasos tall spiny broom brush','','Genista fasselata formations of Karpathos and Kasos.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.21G2','32.21G','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Pantelleria tall spiny broom brush','','Genista aspalathoides formations of Pantelleria.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.21H','32.21','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Corema brush','','Corema album -dominated formations of the southwestern coasts of the Iberian peninsula. Most of them are dunal and can be listed under 16.28, completed by this code.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.21I','32.21','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Brousses thermo-méditerranéennes à Genévriers','Thermo-Mediterranean juniper brushes','','Formations rich in thermo-Mediterranean elements dominated by prostrate or low shrubby Juniperus oxycedrus or J. phoenicea. Many of them are dunal and can be listed under 16.28, completed by this code. See also 32.2B2.','','','Formations riches en éléments thermo-méditerranéens, dominées par des individus prostrés ou bas et buissonnants de Juniperus oxycedrus ou de Juniperus phoenicea. Beaucoup sont dunaires et peuvent être classés en 16.28, complété par ce code.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.22','32.2','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Formations à Euphorbes','Tree-spurge formations','','Stands of Euphorbia dendroides, remarkable tertiary relict of Macaronesian origin; they occur as a facies of the thermo-Mediterranean brushes of the Balearics, Corsica, Sardinia, Sicily, Islas Eolie, Egadi, Pelagi, Pantelleria, Crete, and, very locally, of those of the coasts of northern Catalonia, southeastern France, peninsular Italy and its islands, central Greece, notably on slopes facing the gulf of Corinth, the Peloponnese and the Aegean archipelagoes. Particularly extensive and robust stands occur in Sicily, Sardinia and Crete where they may extend to relatively high altitudes.','Rechinger, 1951; Bolos et al., 1970; Pignatti, 1972; Horvat et al., 1974; Brullo et al., 1977; Rivas-Martinez et al., 1980; Ozenda, 1981; Becker et al., 1982; Lopez Gonzalez, 1982; Gamisans, 1985; Chiappini, 1985b; Peinado Lorca and Rivas-Martinez, 1987.','','Stations à Euphorbia dendroides, remarquable relique tertiaire d''origine Macaronésienne ; elles sont présentes en tant que faciès des fruticées thermo-méditerranéennes de Corse, et très localement des côtes nord de Catalogne, du sud-est de la France.','Horvat et al., 1974 ; Ozenda, 1981 ; Becker et al., 1982 ; Gamisans, 1985 ; Peinado Lorca et Rivas-Martinez, 1987.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.23','32.2','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Garrigues à Ampelodesmos mauritanica','Diss-dominated garrigues','','Garrigues invaded and dominated by the high tussocks of Ampelodesmos mauritanica; typically thermo-Mediterranean, they also occur extensively in the meso-Mediterranean zone. They are most prevalent on the Tyrrhenian coast of central and southern Italy and in Sicily.','Pignatti et al., 1962; Reisigl and Danesch, 1980; Pignatti, 1982.','','Garrigues envahies et dominées par de grandes touffes d’Ampelodesmos mauritanica ; quoique typiquement thermoméditerranéennes, elles sont aussi très répandues dans la région mésoméditerranéenne.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.24','32.2','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Fruticée à Palmier nain','Palmetto brush','','Chamaerops humilis -dominated formations; other thermo-Mediterranean brushes or garrigues rich in the physiognomically important palmetto can be identified by a combination of this code and that of the other appropriate subdivision of 32.2. Palmetto brushes are best represented in the coastal areas of southwestern, southern and eastern Iberia, the Balearics, Sicily and its satellite islands, with more sporadic occurrences in the Guadalquivir basin, Sardinia, and the Tyrrhenian coasts and islands of peninsular Italy.','Fenaroli, 1970; Ozenda et al., 1979; Reisigl and Danesch, 1980; Tomaselli 1981a, b; Chiappini, 1985b; Noirfalise, 1986.','','Formations dominées par Chamaerops humilis ; d''autres fruticées ou garrigues thermoméditerranéennes où le Palmier nain est physionomiquement important peuvent être notées par une combinaison de ce code et d''un autre code approprié d''une subdivision de 32.2. Les fruticées à Palmier nain sont le mieux représentées dans les régions côtières de l''Ibérie sud‑occidentale, méridionale et orientale, des Baléares, de la Sicile et de ses îles satellites, avec une présence plus sporadique dans le bassin du Guadalquivir, en Sardaigne, et sur les côtes et les îles tyrrhéniennes de l''Italie péninsulaire.','Fenaroli, 1970 ; Ozenda et al., 1979 ; Reisigl et Danesch, 1980 ; Tomaselli 1981a, b ; Chiappini, 1985b ; Noirfalise, 1986.','FALSE','FALSE','CH','Code cité dans la fiche Cahiers d''habitats 5330-3. Traduction issue de la version EUR 15/2 du manuel d''interprétation des habitats de l''Union européenne (1999).');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.25','32.2','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Pre-desert scrub','Periplocion angustifoliae, Anthyllidetalia terniflorae','Shrub formations constituting, with the halo-nitrophilous scrubs (15.724) and the localized gypsum scrubs (15.93), much of the natural and semi-natural vegetation of the arid zone of southeastern Spain (Almeria, Murcia, Alicante), a highly distinctive region of unique climatological, biological and landscape character within Europe, extremely rich in African and endemic species. Several of the most remarkable formations remain in only a few undisturbed localities and are gravely at risk. Outposts of these communities exist in Sicily, the Egadi islands and Pantelleria.','Delvosalle and Duvigneaud, 1962; Rivas Goday and Rivas-Martinez, 1968; Brullo et al., 1970; Freitag, 1971; Rivas-Martinez, 1974; Ozenda et al., 1979; Pignatti, 1982; Ferre Bueno et al., 1985; Noirfalise, 1986; Alcaraz Ariza and Peinado Lorca, 1987.','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.251','32.25','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Iberian jujube brush','Ziziphetum loti','Communities dominated by hummocks of the lotus tree Ziziphus lotus, usually with Lycium intricatum, Withania frutescens, Asparagus albus, A. stipularis, Rhamnus lycioides, of the arid Iberian Southeast. Very tall stands can be coded as 32.17.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.252','32.25','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Sicilian jujube brush','','Ziziphus lotus formations of western Sicily.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.253','32.25','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Maytenus brushes','Rhamno angustifoliae-Maytenetum europaei','More or less dense, spiny brushes limited to very restricted areas of the Almerian and Carthagenian coasts of the arid Iberian Southeast, dominated by the shrub of African affinities Maytenus senegalensis var. europaeus with Rhamnus oleoides ssp. angustifolia and ssp. velutinus, Asparagus albus, A. stipularis, A. horridus, Chamaerops humilis and occasionally Buxus balearica.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.254','32.25','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Iberian Periploca scrubs','Gymnosporio europaeae-Periplocetum angustifoliae','Open, sometimes sparse brush dominated by Periploca laevigata ssp. angustifolia with Osyris quadripartita, Chamaerops humilis, Pistacia lentiscus, Rhamnus lycioides and locally Calicotome infesta ssp. intermedia, Tetraclinis articulata, Maytenus senegalensis or Lycium intricatum, limited to very arid coastal areas of Murcia and Almeria.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.255','32.25','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Pantellerian Periploca scrubs','Periploco-Euphorbietum dendroidis','Summer deciduous shrub formations of Periploca laevigata ssp. angustifolia, Lycium intricatum, Euphorbia dendroides with Prasium majus, Pistacia lentiscus, Asparagus acutifolius, Phillyrea angustifolia, Calicotome villosa of the southwestern coast of Pantelleria and of the Egadi islands.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.256','32.25','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Tall arid brushes','Anthyllidetalia terniflorae: Genisto-Phlomidion almeriensis','Communities essentially endemic to the province of Almeria, constituted by Phlomis purpurea ssp. almeriensis, P. caballeroi, Genista spartioides ssp. retamoides, G. umbellata, G. ramosissima, G. cinerea ssp. valentina, Launaea arborescens, L. lanifera, Lavatera oblongifolia, Linum suffruticosum, Salsola webbii, Salvia candelabrum, Sideritis foetens, Thymelaea tartonraira, Ulex parviflorus ssp. canescens, Frankenia webbii, Anthyllis terniflora. Formations belonging to this alliance dominated by large, non-spiny brooms are listed separately under 32.26.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.2561','32.256','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Salsola webbii brush','Frankenio-Salsoletum webbii','Tall brush communities of arid slopes at the base of coastal mountains with Salsola webbii, Launaea arborescens, Anthyllis terniflora, Frankenia webbii, Echium pycnanthum.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.2562','32.256','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Sideritis brush','Salvio-Sideritetum foetens','Montane brush of sunny calcareous slopes of the Sierra de Gador and the Sierra de Alhamilla, rich in endemics among which the shrubs Sideritis foetens and Lavandula lanata and the woody perennials Salvia candelabrum, Lavatera oblongifolia and Ptilostemon hispanicus.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.2563','32.256','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Gorse-phlomis scrub','Phlomidi-Ulicetum canescentis','Formation endemic to the base-rich volcanic rocks of the mountains of Cabo de Gata, dominated by the gorse Ulex argenteus ssp. erinaceus, of extraordinarily limited range, accompanied by Phlomis purpurea ssp. almeriensis, P. caballeroi and numerous elements of thermo-Mediterranean brushes, Asparagus spp., Pistacia lentiscus, Quercus coccifera, Chamaerops humilis.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.2564','32.256','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Genista umbellata garrigues','Corydothymo-Phlomidetum almeriensis','Open scrub rich in dwarf shrubs and dominated by the large cushions of var. umbellata of the remarkable, taxonomically widely isolated, southern and southeastern Spanish endemic Genista umbellata, in association with the also cushion-forming Thymus capitatus, Genista spartioides ssp. retamoides, another southern Spanish endemic, and Phlomis purpurea ssp. almeriensis. This formation, which presents physiognomic similarities with phryganas (33), constitutes a transition between the arid brushes and the thermo-Mediterranean garrigues of section 32.27, in particular those formed by the only other population of G. umbellata (ssp. equisetiformis). Many of the accompanying dwarf shrubs, such as Thymus glandulosus, Satureja obovata, Teucrium eriocephalum, however, are Iberian Southeast endemics or preferentials.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.257','32.25','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Arid garrigues','Anthyllidetalia terniflorae: Thymo-Siderition leucanthae, Anthyllido-Salsolion papillosae','Low, open garrigues, often of steppic character, occupying mostly skeletal soils of the arid Iberian Southeast.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.2571','32.257','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Murcio-Alicantian arid garrigues','Thymeo-Siderition leucanthae','Diverse formations of the northern part of the arid Iberian Southeast characterized by various combinations of the dwarf shrubs Helianthemum caput-felis, H. cinereum ssp. cinereum, H. pilosum ssp. violaceum, Hypericum ericoides, Launaea pumila and the endemic Astragalus hispanicus, Sideritis leucantha ssp. tragoriganum, Teucrium pumilum ssp. carolipaui, Thymus longiflorus ssp. moroderi.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.2572','32.257','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Almerian arid garrigues','Anthyllido-Salsolion papillosae','Very open formations limited to the areas of the Iberian Southeast, with the most extreme arid conditions, characterized by Anabasis articulata, Frankenia webbii, Haloxylon articulatum, Launaea lanata, Limonium album, Teucrium gnaphalodes, Sideritis pusilla ssp. flavovirens, and an exceptional number of endemics, including Coris hispanica, Euzomodendron bourgaeanum, Herniaria fontanesii ssp. almeriana, Limonium insignis, Salsola papillosa, Santolina viscosa, Sideritis pusilla ssp. pusilla, S. pusilla ssp. osteoxyla, Teucrium eriocephalum, T. almeriense.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.25721','32.2572','7','Niveau 7','FALSE','','Limonium-Anabasis arid garrigues','Limonio-Anabasetum articulatae p. ','Formations rich in succulent plants of argillous and stony soils of Murcia and Almeria, with Anabasis articulata and Limonium insignis.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.25722','32.2572','7','Niveau 7','FALSE','','Cabo de Gata arid garrigue','Limonio-Anabasetum articulatae charidemetosum','Formations of Cabo de Gata (Charidemum Promontorium) with Teucrium charidemi, Caralluma europaea var. confusa, Lapiedra martinezii, Anthirrhinum charidemi, Dianthus charidemii, Sideritis pusilla ssp. osteoxyla, taxa for the most part endemic to the promontory.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.25723','32.2572','7','Niveau 7','FALSE','','Tabernas arid garrigues','Anabaso-Euzomodendretum','Species-rich formations of the arid depression between the Sierras de Gador, Filabres and Alhamilla, with Euzomodendron bourgaeanum, Coris hispanica, Koelpinia linearis.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.25724','32.2572','7','Niveau 7','FALSE','','Coastal Almerian arid garrigues','Teucrio-Sideritetum pusillae','Coastal Murcio-Almerian formations with Teucrium gnaphalodes, T. baltasari, Sideritis pusilla ssp. pusilla and ssp. flavovirens, Launaea nudicaulis.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.26','32.2','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Rétamaies thermoméditerranéennes','Thermo-Mediterranean broom fields (retamares)','','Formations dominated by retamas (Lygos spp.) or by large, non-spiny thermo-Mediterranean brooms of genera Cytisus and Genista.','Delvosalle and Duvigneaud, 1962; Brullo et al., 1977; Lopez Gonzalez, 1982; Pignatti, 1982; Peinado Lorca and Rivas-Martinez, 1987; Rivas-Martinez and Costa, 1987.','','Formations dominées par des Rétams (Lygos spp.) ou par les grand Genêts non épineux thermoméditerranéens des genres Cytisus et Genista.','Delvosalle et Duvigneaud, 1962; Brullo et al., 1977; Lopez Gonzalez, 1982; Pignatti, 1982; Peinado Lorca et Rivas-Martinez, 1987; Rivas-Martinez et Costa, 1987.','FALSE','FALSE','CH','Code cité dans la fiche Cahiers d''habitats 5330-4. Traduction issue de la version EUR 15/2 du manuel d''interprétation des habitats de l''Union européenne (1999).');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.261','32.26','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Iberian retama brush','Genisto scorpii-Retametum, Cytiso multiflorae-Retametum, Cytiso scoparii-Retametum, Retamo-Adenocarpetum decorticantis','Thermo-, meso- and, locally, lower supra-Mediterranean Lygos sphaerocarpa formations of the Ebro basin, the Meseta, the Iberian Range, the Central Cordillera, Extremadura and eastern Portugal, the Baetic and sub-Baetic mountains, in which the retama either forms pure, often very open, stands or associates with various brooms such as Cytisus multiflorus, C. scoparius or Adenocarpus decorticans.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.262','32.26','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Lusitanian retama brush','','Lygos monosperma formations of coastal southwestern Andalusia and southern Portugal.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.263','32.26','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Genista speciosa broom fields','Phlomidetalia purpureae: Ulici-Genistetum speciosae','Tall, open formations dominated by or rich in the endemic Genista cinerea spp. speciosa, with Phlomis purpurea ssp. purpurea, Ulex parviflorus ssp. willkommii, Cronanthus biflorus, Ptilostemon hispanicus, and, sometimes, Lavandula lanata, Catananche coerulea, Teucrium polium, Salvia candelabrum or Satureja graeca, of the lower meso-Mediterranean slopes of hills facing the Guadalquivir depression of eastern Andalusia.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.264','32.26','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Genista valentina broom fields','Genisto-Phlomidion almeriensis: Genisto valentinae-Calicotometum intermediae, Retamo sphaerocarpae-Genistetum valentinae ','Formations of the arid Iberian South-east dominated by the endemic Genista valentina, accompanied by Lygos sphaerocarpa or, in the Sierra de Cartagena area, Calicotome infesta spp. intermedia.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.265','32.26','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Genista retamoides broom fields','Genisto-Phlomidion almeriensis p.; Phlomidetalia purpureae: Lavandulo dentatae-Genistetum retamoidis','Formations of the coast of the Sea of Alboran and of the arid Iberian Southeast dominated by the endemic Genista spartioides ssp. retamoides.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.266','32.26','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Genista haenseleri broom fields','Phlomidetalia purpureae: Corodothymo capitati-Genistetum haenseleri','Open formations of abrupt, hot, sunny slopes of the sierras de Ojen, Mijas (Unidad Blanca), southern Andalusia characterized by the presence of the striking, tall endemic broom Genista haenseleri, associated with Phlomis purpurea ssp. purpurea, Ulex parviflorus ssp. willkommii, Genista umbellata ssp. equisetiformis, Thymus capitatus, Teucrium fruticans.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.267','32.26','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Genista ramosissima broom fields','Genisto-Phlomidion almeriensis: Thymelaeo-Genistetum ramosissimae','Formations characterized by the presence of the usually dominant, non-spiny broom Genista ramosissima of south-eastern Spain and North Africa, limited to the hills of the Rio Aguas basin and the Macizo de Bedar; Thymelaea tartonraira, Phlomis purpurea ssp. almeriensis may be very abundant.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.268','32.26','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Sicilian retama brush','','Retama fields formed on maritime sands of southern Sicily by Lygos raetam ssp. gussonei, European and Sicilian endemic related to Lygos raetam of the southern palaearctic sub-desert belt.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.269','32.26','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Eolian broom fields','','Thermo-Mediterranean formations of volcanic rocks and sands of Stromboli and Vulcano dominated by the very tall Eolian endemic broom Cytisus aeolicus, with the Tyrrhenian insular endemic Centaurea aeolica.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.26A','32.26','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Genista ephedroides broom fields','','Formations dominated by the Tyrrhenian endemic Genista ephedroidres, restricted to a few localities on western and northern Sardinian headlands, the north coast of Sicily, the Eolian and Ponsian islands and the Cilento coast (Campania).','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.26B','32.26','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Ibiza broom fields','Cytiso fontanesii-Genistetum dorycnifoliae','Formations characterized by the remarkable, tall Ibiza endemic Genista dorycnifolia, accompanied by the eastern Iberian Chronanthus biflorus (Cytisus fontanesii).','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.27','32.2','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Landes à ajoncs méditerranéens','Mediterranean gorse-heaths','Ulici argentei-Cistion ladaniferi p. i.a.','Western Mediterranean formations, for the most part limited to the lower meso-Mediterranean and thermo-Mediterranean zones of the western Iberian peninsula, dominated by gorse (Ulex spp., Stauracanthus spp.) of thermo-Mediterranean affinities, or by the spiny, globular broom Genista hirsuta, accompanied by a cortège of plants characteristic of the meso- and thermo-Mediterranean cistus maquis (32.33), thermo-Mediterranean brushes (32.21) or, occasionally, meso-Mediterranean garrigues (32.4). Other thermo-Mediterranean gorse formations will be found among the more specialized extreme southern Iberian endemic communities listed under 32.25, 32.28, 32.29, 32.2A, 32.2B and 32.2C.','Braun-Blanquet, Pinto da Silva and Rozeira, 1956, 1964; Rivas Goday and Rivas-Martinez, 1968; Rivas-Martinez, 1979.)','','Formations ouest-méditerranéennes, limitées surtout aux étages mésoméditerranéen inférieur et thermo-méditerranéen, dominées par des ajoncs, accompagnés par un cortège de plantes caractéristiques des garrigues méso-méditerranéennes.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.271','32.27','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Monchique Ulex argenteus gorse-heaths','Cisto ladaniferae-Ulicetum argentei','Ulex argenteus ssp. argenteus -dominated or -rich formations of low slopes of the Serra da Monchique and neighbouring areas of Algarve and southwest Alentejo, usually with Cistus ladanifer. The gorse is endemic to the area; the communities inhabited by its two equally restricted relatives, U. argenteus ssp. subsericeus and U. argenteus ssp. erinaceus are listed under 32.2A3, 32.2B4 and 32.2563.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.272','32.27','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Lusitanian Ulex densus gorse-heaths','','Cushion-heaths of Ulex densus formed in substitution stages of the Melico-Cocciferetum on dry, calcareous coastal hills of the Tejo and Estremadura regions of central-western Portugal; the gorse is endemic to the area.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.273','32.27','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Morena Ulex eriocladus gorse heaths','Ulici eriocladi-Cistetum ladaniferae p., Ulici eriocladi-Ericetum umbellatae p., Helianthemo-Saturejetum micranthae p.','Formations of the western Sierra Morena (Sierra de Aracena, Badajos region, southeastern Portugal) dominated by Ulex eriocladus, developed mostly in the meso-Mediterranean zone and locally in contact with Erica umbellata heaths; the gorse is endemic to the area.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.274','32.27','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Landes à Ulex parviflorus franco-ibériennes','Franco-Iberian Ulex parviflorus gorse-heaths','','Ulex parviflorus ssp. parviflorus -dominated formations of central-western Portugal, southern and eastern Spain and southern France, locally distributed on calcareous or siliceous substrates of the thermo-Mediterranean and lower meso-Mediterranean zones, occasionally ascending to higher elevations. Communities including the related Ulex parviflorus ssp. willkommii, U. baeticus and U. australis are listed under 32.28, 32.2A and 32.2C, clearly meso-Mediterranean formations under 32.4H.','','','Formations dominées par Ulex parviflorus subsp. parviflorus de la France méridionale, distribuées localement sur des substrats calcaires ou siliceux des étages thermo-méditerranéen et méso-méditerranéen inférieur, montant occasionnellement à de plus hautes altitudes.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.275','32.27','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Alentejo Stauracanthus gorse-heaths','','Stauracanthus genistoides ssp. spectabilis-dominated formations of the coast of Alentejo; the gorse has a very restricted distribution: outside of its Alentejo stations it occurs only in Morocco.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.276','32.27','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Luso-Extremaduran Genista hirsuta gorse-heaths','Genisto hirsuti-Cistetum ladaniferae','Genista hirsuta-dominated formations of thermo- and meso-Mediterranean Luso-Extremaduran regions, widespread and physiognomically striking by the hemispherical port of the shrub, similar to that of many gorses and of phrygana species.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.28','32.2','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Iberian thermo-Mediterranean garrigues','Phlomidetalia purpureae','Mostly calcicolous, open garrigues of the extreme south of the Iberian peninsula characterized by the abundance of Phlomis purpurea ssp. purpurea, Ulex parviflorus ssp. willkommii, Genista umbellata ssp. equisetiformis, Thymus eryanthus, Thymus capitatus, Micromeria graeca, Teucrium polium, Calicotome villosa, Asperula hirsuta.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.281','32.28','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Baetic garrigues','Saturejo-Coridothymion p.','Varied calcicolous formations of Baetic hills; they may be dominated by any of a number of characteristic species of the class, and in particular by Thymus capitatus, Teucrium polium, Helianthemum hirtum, Phlomis purpurea ssp. purpurea or Ulex parviflorus ssp. willkommii; they occur locally throughout the entire Baetic area. A few communities, remarkable for the dominance of less widespread, often endemic, usually striking species, and, in many cases, for their adaptation to noncalcareous soils or to outlying areas, have been listed separately.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.282','32.28','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Ronda Ononis speciosa garrigues','Saturejo-Coridothymion p.: Bupleuro-Ononidetum speciosae','Spectacular formations dominated by the endemic shrub Ononis speciosa with Bupleurum gibraltaricum, Thymus capitatus, Micromeria graeca, Phlomis purpurea ssp. purpurea, Ulex parviflorus ssp. willkommii, Genista umbellata ssp. equisetiformis, Calicotome villosa, Satureja obovata, Ptilostemon hispanicus, locally distributed in calcareous areas of the Serrania de Ronda and satellite ranges.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.283','32.28','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Guadalquivir Genista equisetiformis garrigues','Saturejo-Coridothymion p.: Genisto-Cytisetum fontanesii','Sub-Baetic formations of calcareous hills lining the Guadalquivir depression of Andalusia with the large cushion-forming Genista umbellata ssp. equisetiformis and Chronanthus biflorus accompanied by Thymus capitatus, T. eryanthus and Ulex parviflorus spp. willkommii.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.284','32.28','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Alboran Genista equisetiformis garrigues','Saturejo-Coridothymion p.: Lavandulo stoechidi-Genistetum equisetiformis','Acidophilous formations limited to rare enclaves of the slopes above the Sea of Alboran, with Genista umbellata ssp. equisetiformis, Ulex parviflorus ssp. willkommii, Calicotome villosa, Lavandula stoechas ssp. stoechas, Adenocarpus grandiflorus.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.285','32.28','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Andalusian magnesium garrigues','Staehelino-Ulicion baetici','Ulex baeticus -dominated or -rich formations of ultrabasic dolomites, serpentines and peridotites of the Serrania de Ronda and its peripheral ranges.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.2851','32.285','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Ronda dolomite garrigues','Ulici-Halimietum viscosi = Cisto clusii-Ulicetum baetici','Dolomitic formations with Ulex baeticus, Phlomis purpurea ssp. purpurea, Cistus clusii, Halimium viscosum, Euphorbia baetica, Linaria clementei and, sometimes, Genista haenseleri of the Serrania de Ronda, Sierra Blanquilla, de Ojen and surrounding areas.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.2852','32.285','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Ronda serpentine and peridotite garrigues','Asperulo-Staehelinetum baeticae','Formations of serpentines and peridotites of the Sierra de Carratraca and a few nearby stations of the Serrania de Ronda with Ulex baeticus (or sometimes Genista umbellata ssp. equisetiformis), Galium boissieranum, Staehelina baetica, Centaurea carratracensis.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.2853','32.285','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Bermeja Ulex garrigues','Halimio atriplicifolii-Digitaletum laciniatae p.','Formations of the Sierra Bermeja dominated by Ulex baeticus.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.286','32.28','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Bermeja Halimium garrigues','Halimio atriplicifolii-Digitaletum laciniatae p.','Tall Halimium atriplicifolium formations of the peridotites of the Sierra Bermeja with Phlomis purpurea ssp. purpurea, Genista lanuginosa, G. hirsuta, Lavandula stoechas. ','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.29','32.2','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Gibraltar Stauracanthus gorse-heaths','Stauracanthion boivinii','Highly distinctive formations, dominated by the endemic gorse Stauracanthus boivinii, limited to a few locations with siliceous, oligotrophic soils and high precipitation of the thermo- and lower meso-Mediterranean zone of the vicinity of the Straits of Gibraltar.','Braun-Blanquet, Pinto da Silva and Rozeira, 1964; Rivas-Martinez, 1979; Asensi Marfil and Diez Garretas, 1987.','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.291','32.29','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Aljibe Stauracanthus gorse-heaths','','Formations of the sierras del Aljibe, Blanquilla, del Nino and de Ojen with the Gibraltar endemics Genista tridens and Bupleurum foliosum.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.292','32.29','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Algarve Stauracanthus gorse-heaths','','Very local formation of the coast of the Algarve, with Genista triacanthos, Erica umbellata, Calluna vulgaris and Tuberaria major.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.2A','32.2','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','South-western Iberian xero-psammitic brushes','Stauracantho genistoidis-Halimion halimifolii','Open brushes formed by Stauracanthus genistoides ssp. genistoides, Halimium halimifolium, H. commutatum and Cistus bourgaeanus, highly adapted to the extreme aridity and oligotrophy of fossil dunes and other deep, fixed sands with very low water table of the coastal areas of the south-western Iberian peninsula.','Braun-Blanquet, Pinto da Silva and Rozeira, 1964; Rivas-Martinez, 1979; Rivas-Martinez et al., 1980; Asensi Marfil and Diez Garretas, 1987. ','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.2A1','32.2A','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Southern Andalusian monte blanco','Halimio halimifolii-Stauracanthetum genistoidis','Formations of the coasts of the Gulf of Cadiz, between the estuaries of the rios Guadalete, Guadalquivir and Tinto, particularly characteristic of the Coto Donana (monte blanco), in which the characteristic shrubs listed above are accompanied by, in particular, Lavandula stoechas ssp. lusitanica, Armeria velutina and Thymus tomentosus and, in the wide transition zone with the monte negro, by Ulex australis and Erica scoparia.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.2A2','32.2A','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Guadalquivir xero-psammitic brushes','Halimio commutati-Cistetum bourgaeani','Somewhat transitional formations of inland sands of the Guadalquivir valley with Halimium viscosum, Genista hirsuta, Cistus crispus and elements of thermo-Mediterranean brushes.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.2A3','32.2A','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Algarve xero-psammitic brushes','Ulici subsericei-Cistetum bourgaeani','Very local formation of the Algarve coast with Lavandula stoechas ssp. lusitanica, Armeria macrophylla and the extremely narrow endemic Ulex argenteus ssp. subsericeus.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.2A4','32.2A','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Lusitanian xero-psammitic brushes','Helichryso angustifolii-Stauracanthetum genistoides','Formations of sands of the Atlantic coast of Portugal with Helichrysum italicum and Corema album.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.2B','32.2','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Cabo de São Vicente brushes','Junipero-Cistetum palhinhae, Asparago-Rhamnetum oleoidis juniperetosum lyciae i.a.','Low brush and garrigue formations of the dolomitic tableland, karsts, sands and terra-rosas of the vicinity of Cape San Vicente, with dwarf Juniperus phoenicea ssp. lycia, Cistus palhinhae, Ulex argenteus ssp. erinaceus, rich in endemics.','Braun-Blanquet, Pinto da Silva and Rozeira, 1964; Polunin and Smythies, 1973; Rivas-Martinez, 1974.','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.2B1','32.2B','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Cabo de São Vicente Teucrium-Armeria garrigue','','Very low, open garrigue of Teucrium polium ssp. vincentinum, Armeria pungens, Helichrysum italicum, Asteriscus maritimus of the windswept, karstic tableland of Cabo de Sao Vicente.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.2B2','32.2B','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Cabo de São Vicente juniper brush','','Dwarf, prostrate Juniperus phoenicea ssp. lycia brush with Cistus palhinhae, Biscutella vincentina, Teucrium polium ssp. vincentinum, Antirrhinum majus ssp. cirrhigerum, Armeria pungens, Iberis procumbens, Cerinthe major ssp. gymnandra.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.2B3','32.2B','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Cabo de São Vicente Cistus palhinhae fields','','Cistus fields formed by the spectacular, large-flowered, lustrous-leaved, low Cistus palhinhae, endemic to these communities.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.2B4','32.2B','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Cabo de São Vicente Ulex garrigue','','Formations of Ulex argenteus ssp. erinaceus, restricted endemic found only in this community and that of Cabo de Gata (32.2563), with Cistus crispus, C. palhinhae, C. salvifolius, Armeria pungens, Teucrium polium ssp. vincentinum, Thymus camphoratus.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.2B5','32.2B','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Cabo de São Vicente Genista-Thymus garrigue','','Phrygana-like formations of Genista hirsuta and Thymus, with Cistus salvifolia, Phlomis purpurea, Ophrys ciliata, Serapias strictiflora.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.2C','32.2','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Thermo-Mediterranean heaths','Ericion umbellatae: Erico scopariae-Ulicetum australis; Genistion micrantho-anglicae: Erico ciliaris-Ulicetum lusitanici','Closed formations of heather, gorse and halimium constituting the extensive monte negro of the Coto Doñana; alternating with the xerophile monte blanco (32.2A1), they occupy deep, sandy, oligotrophic soils with a water table close to the surface; their composition includes an admixture of thermo-Mediterranean and Atlantic heath species together with local endemics. Particularly characteristic in the Guadalquivir area, they are locally represented north to the Sado-Tago river area of coastal Portugal.','Rivas-Martinez, 1979; Rivas-Martinez et al., 1980; Asensi Marfil and Diez Garretas, 1987.','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.2C1','32.2C','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Dry Andalusian monte negro','Erico scopariae-Ulicetum australis','Formations of higher ground with the endemic gorse Ulex australis, Erica scoparia, Calluna vulgaris, Genista triacanthos, Erica umbellata, Halimium halimifolium, Cistus salvifolius.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.2C2','32.2C','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Humid Andalusian monte negro','Erico ciliaris-Ulicetum lusitanici','Formations of semipeaty edges of fresh-water lagoons and depressions where the winter and spring water table reaches the surface, with Ulex minor var. lusitanicus, Erica ciliaris, E. scoparia, Calluna vulgaris, Genista anglica, Molinia caerulea, Pteridium aquilinum, Cistus salvifolius.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.3','32','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Maquis silicicoles méso-méditerranéens','Meso-Mediterranean silicicolous maquis','Cisto-Lavanduletea, Pistacio-Rhamnetalia alaterni: Ericenion arboreae','Shrubby formations, often tall, on mostly siliceous soils of the meso-Mediterranean zone of the Iberian peninsula, France, Italy and the large western Mediterranean islands, degradation stages of evergreen oak forests. Very similar formations of the thermo-Mediterranean zone and of the eastern Mediterranean are included.','Duvigneaud, 1953; Rivas-Martinez, 1974, 1979; Quézel, 1981.','Cisto-Lavanduletea, Pistacio-Rhamnetea alaterni : Ericenion arboreae','Formations arbustives, souvent élevées, sur des sols généralement siliceux de l’étage méso-méditerranéen de la France... représentant divers stades de dégradation des forêts de chênes sempervirents.','Duvigneaud, 1953 ; Rivas-Martinez, 1974, 1979.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.31','32.3','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Maquis hauts','High maquis','','Highest formations, with a tall stratum of Erica arborea, Arbutus unedo and Quercus spp. but no or few emergent oaks, in contrast to 32.1.','Rechinger, 1951; Braun-Blanquet, Pinto da Silva and Rozeira, 1964; Fenaroli, 1970; Horvat et al., 1974; Quézel, 1981; Gamisans, 1985; Polunin and Walters, 1985; Chiappini, 1985a, b; Veri and Pacioni, 1985; Peinado Lorca and Rivas-Martinez, 1987; Rivas-Martinez and Costa, 1987.','','Formations les plus hautes, pourvues d’une strate élevée à Erica arborea, Arbutus unedo et Quercus spp., et d''où émergent ou non un très petit nombre de Chênes, contrairement à 32.1.','Horvat et al., 1974 ; Gamisans, 1985 ; Polunin et Walters, 1985 ; Peinado Lorca et Rivas-Martinez, 1987.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.311','32.31','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Maquis hauts de Méditerranée occidentale','Western Mediterranean high maquis','Ericenion arboreae: Phillyreo angustifoliae-Arbutetum unedi, Phillyreo rodriguezi-Arbutetum unedi, Erico arboreae-Arbutetum unedi i.a.','Formations with Erica arborea, Arbutus unedo, Quercus ilex, Phillyrea angustifolia, P. media, Viburnum tinus, Rhamnus alaternus, Juniperus oxycedrus, Fraxinus ornus.','','Ericenion arboreaea, Phyllireo angustifoliae-Arbutetum unedi, Erico arboreae-Arbutetum unedi','Formations avec Erica arborea, Arbutus unedo, Quercus ilex, Phyllirea angustifolia, P. media, Viburnum tinus, Rhamnus alaternus, Juniperus oxycedrus, Fraxinus ornus.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.312','32.31','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Luso-Extremaduran high maquis','Ericenion umbellatae: Cisto psilosepali-Ericetum lusitanicae i.a.','Formations with Erica lusitanica, E. arborea, E. scoparia, Cistus psilosepalus, C. populifolius developed in particular in the vicinity of lauriphyllus formations of ravines and water-course edges of the Montes de Toledo.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.313','32.31','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Eastern Mediterranean high maquis','Orno-Quercetum ilicis p.; Andrachno-Quercetum ilicis p.','Formations of Greece and the Balkan peninsula, with Erica arborea, Arbutus unedo, A. andrachne, Pistacia terebinthus, Phillyrea latifolia, Juniperus oxycedrus, Quercus coccifera, Q. ilex.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.32','32.3','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Maquis bas à Ericacées','Low ericaceous maquis','Erico scopariae-Lavandulo stoechidis, Ampelodesmo-Ericetum scopariae, Erico scopariae-Cistetum populifolii i.a.','Lower (usually less than one metre) maquis rich in Calluna vulgaris, Erica scoparia, E. cinerea or sometimes low E. arborea, often accompanied by Cistus spp., Lavandula stoechas and various brooms.','Braun-Blanquet, Pinto da Silva and Rozeira, 1964; Braun-Blanquet, 1974; Lavagne and Moutte, 1977; Rivas-Martinez, 1979; Quézel, 1981; Gamisans, 1985; Polunin and Walters, 1985; Peinado Lorca and Rivas-Martinez, 1987.','Erico scopariae-Lavandulo staechidis, Ampelodesmo-Ericetum scopariae, Erico scopariae-Cistetum populifolii','Maquis plus bas (généralement inférieur à 1 mètre), riche en Calluna vulgaris, Erica scoparia, E. cinerea et parfois E. arborea bas, souvent accompagnés de Cistus spp., Lavandula stoechas et divers Genêts.','Braun-Blanquet, 1974 ; Lavagne et Moutte, 1977 ; Rivas-Martinez, 1979 ; Gamisans, 1985 ; Polunin et Walters, 1985 ; Peinado Lorca et Rivas-Martinez, 1987.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.33','32.3','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Maquis hauts à Cistus','Tall cistus maquis','','Meso-, thermo- and occasionally supra-Mediterranean formations of Iberia and southern France, in which the tall, large-flowered Cistus ladanifer is prominent. Included are more or less dense, homogeneous fields of C. ladanifer, which can be identified by addition of digit 1 in the fourth decimal place of any of the subdivisions below, and more varied formations dominated by tall clumps of C. ladanifer, which can be identified by addition of digit 2 in the fourth decimal place of these subdivisions.','Loisel, 1971; Rivas-Martinez, 1979; Quézel, 1981; Peinado Lorca and Rivas-Martinez, 1987.','','Formations méso-, thermo- et occasionellement supra-méditerranéennes du sud de la France, dans lesquelles Cistus ladanifer, ciste élevé, à grandes fleurs, est prééminent. Sont inclus les peuplements de C. ladanifer homogènes et plus ou moins denses, qui peuvent être identifiés par l''addition du chiffre 1 à la quatrième décimale des subdivisions ci-dessous, et les formations plus variées dominées par de grandes touffes de C. ladanifer, qui peuvent être identifiées par l''addition du chiffre 2 à la quatrième décimale de ces subdivisions.','Loisel, 1971 ; Rivas-Martinez, 1979 ; Peinado Lorca et Rivas-Martinez, 1987.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.331','32.33','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','South-western Iberian tall cistus maquis','Ulici argentei-Cistion ladaniferi p.','Abundant formations rich in gorses, spiny brooms or, occasionally, heathers, developed on usually shallow soils in the thermo- and meso-Mediterranean zones of the southwest of the Iberian peninsula.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.332','32.33','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','Maquis ibérien central à grand Ciste','Central Iberian tall cistus maquis','Cistion laurifolii p.','Formations with brooms, heathers and lavenders of siliceous soils, generally rather eroded and oligotrophic of the meso- and, locally, supra-Mediterranean zones of the Meseta, the Iberian Range and its satellites, the eastern Cordillera Central and southern Galicia and Leon. ','','Cistion laurifolii p.','Formations avec genêts, bruyères et lavandes des sols siliceux, généralement plutôt érodés et oligotrophes des étages méso- et, localement, supra-méditerranéens de la Meseta, … (France ?).','','TRUE','FALSE','','Habitat absent en France (formations des Meseta et du système ibérique et massifs satellites) selon CBN Porquerolles (O. Argagnon).');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.333','32.33','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Baetic tall cistus maquis','Phlomidetalia purpureae p. i.a.','Formations of southern Andalusia, developed in siliceous or peridotite ranges in association with local Baetic floras. ','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.334','32.33','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Maquis tyrrhénéens hauts à Cistus','Tyrrhenian tall cistus maquis','Calicotomo-Cistion ladaniferi p.','Localized meso- and thermo-Mediterranean formations of siliceous or decalcified soils and subhumid climates of the Tyrrhenian hinterland (crystalline Provence, Valencia), often with heath elements.','','Calicotomo-Cistion ladaniferi p.','Formations méso- et thermo-méditerranéennes, localisées, des sols siliceux ou décalcifiés et des climats subhumides de l''arrière pays tyrrhénéens (Provence cristalline, Valence), souvent avec des éléments de la lande.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.34','32.3','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Maquis bas à Cistes (Cistus sp. pl.)','Low cistus maquis','','Western Mediterranean formations of small or medium Cistus spp., most characteristic of the siliceous soils of the meso-Mediterranean zone, but also widely occurring in the thermo-Mediterranean zone and in the siliceous supra-Mediterranean zone. Formations of mostly calciphile Cistus species (e.g. C. albidus, C. clusii) and of indifferent species accompanied by strongly calciphile floras are listed under 32.4; formations of entirely thermo-Mediterranean species (e.g. Cistus bourgaeanus, C. palhinhae, C. heterophyllus) and of widespread species associated with co-dominant thermo-Mediterranean species have been listed under 32.2. Included here are all other formations; homogeneous, more or less dense cistus fields can be identified by addition of digit 1 in the fourth decimal place of the subdivisions below, more varied maquis of which the relevant cistus species is an essential element, by addition of digit 2 in the fourth decimal place of these subdivisions.','Loisel, 1971; Braun-Blanquet, 1974; Girerd, 1978; Rivas-Martinez, 1979; Quézel, 1981; Lopez Gonzalez, 1982; Gamisans, 1985; Polunin and Walters, 1985; Chiappini, 1985b; Peinado Lorca and Rivas-Martinez, 1987. ','','Formations de la Méditerranée occidentale à Cistus spp. petits ou moyens, principalement caractéristiques des sols siliceux de l’étage méso-méditerranéen, qui peuvent aussi se trouver largement dans l’étage thermo-méditerranéen et dans l’étage supra-méditerranéen sur silice. Les formations composées d''espèces de Cistus calciphiles principalement (par ex. C. albidus) et d''espèces indifférentes accompagnées par une flore calciphile forte sont listées sous 32.4 ; les formations entièrement constituées d''espèces thermo-méditerranéennes, et d''espèces largement répandues associées avec des espèces thermo-méditerranéennes codominantes, ont été listées en 32.2. Ici sont incluses toutes les autres formations ; des peuplements homogènes, plus ou moins denses de Cistus peuvent être identifiés en ajoutant le chiffre 1 à la place de la quatrième décimale des subdivisions suivantes, les maquis plus variés dans lesquels les espèces pertinentes de ciste concernées forment un élément essentiel, peuvent être identifiés par addition du chiffre 2 à la quatrième décimale de ces subdivisions.','Loisel, 1971 ; Braun-Blanquet, 1974 ; Girerd, 1978 ; Rivas-Martinez, 1979 ; Gamisans, 1985 ; Polunin et Walters, 1985 ; Peinado Lorca et Rivas-Martinez, 1987.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.341','32.34','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Maquis à Cistus monspeliensis','Cistus monspeliensis maquis','','Formations dominated by Cistus monspeliensis, widespread in the Mediterranean region; homogeneous fields form in particular after fires.','','','Formations dominées par Cistus monspeliensis, largement répandues dans la région méditerranéenne ; peuplements homogènes formés en particulier après les incendies.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.342','32.34','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Maquis à Cistus salviifolius','Cistus salvifolius maquis','','Formations dominated by Cistus salvifolius, equally widespread, though less often dominant, in the entire Mediterranean region.','','','Formations dominées par Cistus salviifolius, également largement répandues dans l’ensemble de la région méditerranéenne, quoique moins souvent dominantes.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.343','32.34','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Maquis à Cistus populifolius','Cistus populifolius maquis','','Formations dominated by Cistus populifolius, often taller, mainly of cooler, moister, shadier, siliceous or serpentine stations of the meso-Mediterranean zone of the southern half of the Iberian peninsula, in particular of Portugal, Extremadura, the Sierra Morena, the Montes de Toledo, the Iberian Range system, the mountains of Andalusia Occidental, entering in several areas into the supra- or thermo- Mediterranean zones and extending north locally to northern Iberia and Languedoc.','','','Formations dominées par Cistus populifolius, souvent plus grandes, principalement des stations plus fraîches, plus humides, plus ombragées, sur substrats siliceux ou sur serpentine de l''étage méso-méditerranéen de la moitié sud de la péninsule Ibérique, entrant pour plusieurs régions dans les étages supra- et thermo-méditerranéens et s''étendant localement au Languedoc.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.344','32.34','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Maquis à Cistus laurifolius','Cistus laurifolius maquis','Cistion laurifolii p. i.a.','Formations dominated by Cistus laurifolius, often also of medium height, widespread on siliceous or decalcified soils in meso- and supra-Mediterranean Iberia, particularly in the Quercus pyrenaica realm, extending to the montane zone of the Pyrenees, and locally to sub-Mediterranean areas of the southern Central Massif and the southwestern Alps.','','','Formations dominées par Cistus laurifolius, souvent aussi de taille moyenne, largement répandues sur les sols siliceux ou décalcifiés de l''Espagne méso- et supraméditerranéenne, particulièrement dans le domaine de Quercus pyrenaica, s''étendant jusqu''à la zone montagnarde des Pyrénées, et localement à la région subméditerranéenne du sud du Massif central et du sud-ouest des Alpes.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.345','32.34','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Cistus psilosepalus maquis','Ericenion umbellatae: Halimio ocymoidis-Cistetum psilosepali p.','Formations dominated by Cistus psilosepalus of moist, lime-free soils of the western half of the Iberian peninsula, usually associated with southern heath elements, within the Atlantic influence, frequently located in depressions and gullies. ','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.346','32.34','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Maquis à Cistus crispus','Cistus crispus maquis','','Formations of southern and eastern Iberia, southern France and western Sicily dominated by Cistus crispus.','','','Formations du sud de la France dominées par Cistus crispus.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.347','32.34','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Maquis à Cistus creticus','Cistus incanus maquis','','Cistus incanus (including ssp. corsicus and ssp. creticus) formations of the Balearics, Corsica, Sardinia, Sicily and peninsular Italy.','','','Formations à Cistus creticus subsp. corsicus de la Corse.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.348','32.34','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Maquis à Cistus albidus','Cistus albidus maquis','','Silicicolous formations with Cistus albidus. Most C. albidus formations have a pronounced garrigue character and should be listed under 32.4; however, some may be accompanied by a cortège so typical of silicolous maquis that they are better retained here.','','','Formations silicicoles avec Cistus albidus. La plupart des formations à C. albidus ont un caractère prononcé de garrigue et devrait être listées sous 32.4 ; cependant, certaines peuvent être accompagnées d''un cortège tellement typique de maquis silicole qu''elles sont plutôt à garder ici.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.35','32.3','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Maquis bas à Cistus-Lavandula stoechas','Low Cistus-Lavandula stoechas maquis','','Usually varied west-Mediterranean maquis rich in Lavandula stoechas, accompanied by Cistus spp., Erica spp., brooms (Genista spp., Cytisus spp. i.a.). The subspecies of L. stoechas can be used to characterize regional groups of communities otherwise differing by the assembly of accompanying species. In all cases, pure or almost pure Lavandula formations can be identified by addition of digit 1 in the fourth decimal place, digit 2 denoting the varied formations.','Loisel, 1971; Rivas-Martinez, 1979; Gamisans, 1985; Chiappini, 1985a, b.','','Habituellement divers maquis ouest-méditerranéens riches en Lavandula stoechas, accompagnés de Cistus spp., Erica spp., genêts (Genista spp., Cytisus spp. i.a.). Les sous-espèces de L. stoechas peuvent être utilisées pour caractériser les groupements régionaux qui ne diffèrent par ailleurs que par leurs espèces accompagnatrices. Dans tous les cas, les formations pures ou quasiment pures de Lavandula peuvent être identifiées en ajoutant le chiffre 1 à la place de la quatrième décimale, le chiffre 2 identifiant la formation variée.','Loisel, 1971 ; Rivas-Martinez, 1979 ; Gamisans, 1985.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.351','32.35','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Maquis centraux méditerranéens à lavande','Central Mediterranean lavender maquis','Calicotomo-Cistion ladaniferi p.','Formations with Lavandula stoechas ssp. stoechas of northeastern Iberia, France, Italy and the west Mediterranean islands.','','Calicotomo-Cistion ladaniferi p.','Formations avec Lavandula stoechas subsp. stoechas de la France, … .','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.352','32.35','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Central Iberian lavender maquis','Cistion laurifolii p.','Formations of central Iberia with Lavandula stoechas ssp. pedemontana.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.353','32.35','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Western Iberian lavender maquis','Ulici argentei-Cistion ladaniferi p.','Formations of western Iberia with Lavandula stoechas ssp. luisieri or L. stoechas ssp. sampaiana.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.36','32.3','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Maquis bas épars','Low sparse maquis','','Sparse, low silicicolous formations of Helichrysum spp., Cistus spp., Erica spp. physiognomically similar to calcicolous garrigues.','','','Formations basses, ouvertes, silicicoles d’Helichrysum sp., Cistus sp., Erica sp. physionomiquement similaires aux garrigues calcaires.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.37','32.3','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Maquis dominés par des genêts','Broom-dominated maquis','','Low, west-Mediterranean maquis dominated by leguminous shrubs (Cytisus, Teline, Genista, Adenocarpus, Calicotome spinosa).','Lavagne and Moutte, 1977; Rivas-Martinez, 1979; Lopez Gonzalez, 1982.','','Maquis bas, ouest-méditerranéens dominés par des arbustes de la famille des Fabacées (Cytisus, Genista, Adenocarpus, Calicotome spinosa).','Lavagne et Moutte, 1977 ; Rivas-Martinez, 1979.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.371','32.37','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Genista hystrix maquis','','Formations, widespread in northwestern areas of the Iberian peninsula, with Genista hystrix.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.372','32.37','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Mixed brooms maquis','','Leguminous formations, other than those dominated by Genista hystrix, with numerous local variants.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.4','32','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Garrigues calcicoles de l''étage méso-méditerranéen occidental','Western meso-Mediterranean calcicolous garrigues','Rosmarinetalia: Rosmarino-Ericion, Aphyllanthion p.','Shrubby formations, often low, on mostly calcareous soils of the meso- Mediterranean zone of the Iberian peninsula, France, Italy and the large western Mediterranean islands. Included here are those formations that reach their optimal development within the meso-Mediterranean zone although they often enter the thermo- or supra-Mediterranean levels. The subdivisions proposed are based on the physiognomically most significant dominants; co-dominance can be indicated by use of multiple codes.','Hûbl et al., 1958; Barkman, 1958; Lausi and Poldini, 1962; Rivas Goday and Rivas-Martinez, 1968; Archiloque et al., 1969, 1970; Fenaroli, 1970; Lapraz, 1970, 1973a, b, 1976, 1984; Costa, 1974; Lavagne and Moutte, 1977; Ozenda et al., 1979; Izco, 1979; Reisigl et al., 1980; Quézel, 1981; Ozenda, 1981; Pignatti, 1982; Devaux et al., 1983; Ozenda, 1985; Polunin and Walters, 1985; Dominicis et al., 1985; Chiappini, 1985 a, b; Veri and Pacioni, 1985; Gamisans, 1985; Fenaroli, 1985; Fernandez Gonzalez et al., 1986; Peinado Lorca and Rivas-Martinez, 1987; Camarda and Valsecchi, 1990.','Rosmarinetalia : Rosmarino-Ericion, Aphyllanthion p.','Formations arbustives, souvent basses, sur sols principalement calcaires de l''étage méso-méditerranéen de la péninsule Ibérique, de la France, de l''Italie et des grandes îles ouest-méditerranéennes. Sont comprises ici les formations qui atteignent leur développement optimal à l’étage mésoméditerranéen bien qu''elles pénètrent souvent dans les niveaux thermo- ou supraméditerranéens. Les subdivisions proposées sont basées sur les dominances les plus significatives physionomiquement ; les codominances peuvent être précisées par l''utilisation de multiples codes.','Hübl et al., 1958 ; Barkman, 1958 ; Archiloque et al., 1969, 1970 ; Lapraz, 1970, 1973a, b, 1976, 1984 ; Lavagne et Moutte, 1977 ; Ozenda et al., 1979 ; Reisigl et al., 1980 ; Ozenda, 1981 ; Devaux et al., 1983 ; Ozenda, 1985 ; Polunin et Walters, 1985 ; De Dominicis et al., 1985 ; Gamisans, 1985 ; Fenaroli, 1985 ; Peinado Lorca et Rivas-Martinez, 1987.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.41','32.4','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Garrigues à chênes kermès','Kermes oak garrigues','','Formations, usually relatively closed and tall, dominated by Quercus coccifera with no, or little, Pistacia lentiscus or other thermo-Mediterranean shrubs, very widespread in the meso-Mediterranean zone of the Iberian peninsula and southern France.','','','Formations, habituellement relativement fermées et élevées, dominées par Quercus coccifera avec peu ou pas de Pistacia lentiscus ou d''autres arbustes thermo-méditerranéens, très largement répandues dans la zone méso-méditerranéenne du sud de la France.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.42','32.4','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Garrigues à romarin','Rosemary garrigues','','Formations, usually relatively tall, dominated by Rosmarinus officinalis.','','','Formations, habituellement relativement élevées, dominées par Rosmarinus officinalis.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.43','32.4','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Garrigues à cistes','Cistus garrigues','','Formations, mostly meso-Mediterranean, but often also thermo- or supra-Mediterranean, dominated by the low, calciphilous Cistus albidus or C. clusii, or occasionally by indifferent species, usually accompanied by a more varied flora than that of the silicicolous cistus maquis, though sometimes capable of forming dense cistus fields. These can be identified by use of digit 1 in the fourth decimal place, digit 2 being reserved for more varied formations.','','','Formations, principalement méso-méditerranéennes, mais souvent aussi thermo- ou supraméditerranéennes, dominées par les petits Cistes calciphiles Cistus albidus, ou occasionnellement par des espèces indifférentes, habituellement accompagnées par une flore plus variée que celle des maquis silicicoles à cistes, pourtant capables quelquefois de former des peuplements denses de cistes. Ils peuvent être identifiés en utilisant le chiffre 1 à la place de la quatrième décimale, le chiffre 2 étant réservé pour les formations plus variées.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.431','32.43','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Garrigues à Cistus albidus','Cistus albidus garrigues','','Formations dominated by Cistus albidus, widespread in Iberia, France, the Balearics and Liguria, with local stations in other parts of northern Italy, and in Corsica and Sardinia.','','','Formations dominées par Cistus albidus, largement répandues en France, avec des stations locales en Corse.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.432','32.43','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Cistus clusii garrigues','','Formations of Cistus clusii, mostly widespread in rather warm, dry areas of the southern and eastern parts of the Iberian peninsula and in the Balearics, with a very limited representation on Monte Gargano, in Calabria, and in Sicily.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.433','32.43','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Garrigues à C. monspeliensis, C. salviifolius, C. incanus','C. monspeliensis, C. salvifolius, C. incanus garrigues','','Garrigues with Cistus monspeliensis, C. salvifolius or C. incanus. Many formations of these species are maquis or maquis-like communities, best listed under 32.3. Some, however, with a pronounced calciphile character and a garrigue structure, can be listed here.','','','Garrigues avec Cistus monspeliensis, C. salvifolius, ou C. incanus. Beaucoup de formations avec ces espèces sont des groupements de maquis ou des communautés d’aspect similaire, répertoriés de préférence en 32.3. Quelques unes, pourtant, ayant un caractère calciphile marqué et une structure de garrigue, peuvent être listées ici.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.44','32.4','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Garrigues à euphorbes','Spurge garrigues','','Formations dominated by bushy or robust perennial Euphorbia species.','','','Formations dominées par des espèces d''Euphorbia pérennes, robustes ou buissonnantes.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.441','32.44','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Garrigues à euphorbe épineuse','Spiny spurge garrigues','','Euphorbia spinosa cushion garrigues of very dry soils of the meso- or thermo-Mediterranean zones of southern France, Corsica, Sardinia, Sicily and peninsular Italy.','','','Garrigues à coussins d''Euphorbia spinosa des sols très secs des étages méso- ou thermoméditerranéens du sud de la France, de Corse.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.442','32.44','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Unarmed spurge garrigues','','Formations with other, often woody-stocked, clump-forming Euphorbia species (e.g. E. fragifera, E. characias).','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.45','32.4','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Garrigues à genévrier oxycèdre','Prostrate juniper garrigues','','Meso-Mediterranean garrigues dominated by Juniperus oxycedrus or other low, shrubby junipers.','','','Garrigues méso-méditerranéennes dominées par Juniperus oxycedrus ou d''autres petits genèvriers arbustifs.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.46','32.4','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Garrigues à lavande','Lavender garrigues','','Meso-, or sometimes thermo-, Mediterranean garrigues rich in calciphile Lavandula latifolia or, occasionally, L. angustifolia; almost pure fields of L. latifolia may form, in particular, as a facies of calcareous grasslands.','','','Garrigues méso-, et quelquefois thermo-, méditerranéennes riches en Lavandula latifolia calciphile ou, occasionnellement, L. angustifolia ; des peuplements quasi purs de L. latifolia peuvent se former, en particulier, comme faciès des pelouses calcaires.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.461','32.46','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Stations à lavande',' Lavender stands','','Homogeneous, or almost homogeneous, L. latifolia stands invading grasslands.','','','Peuplements homogènes, ou quasi homogènes, de L. latifolia envahissant les pelouses.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.462','32.46','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Garrigues mixtes à lavande','Lavender mixed garrigues','','Other, more varied, lavender formations.','','','Autres formations à lavande, plus variées.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.47','32.4','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Garrigues à thym, sauge, germandrée et autres labiées','Thyme, sage, germander and other labiate garrigues','','Characteristically very low, open garrigues of which the main components are labiate shrubs of Thymus (e.g. T. piperella, T. funkii, T. zygis, T. vulgaris, T. capitatus, T. mastigophorus), Salvia (e.g. S. lavandulifolia, S. officinalis), Teucrium (e.g. T. polium, T. marum, T. subspinosum, T. aragonense, T. gnaphalodes, T. chamaedrys, T. montanum), Sideritis (e.g. S. scordioides, S. incana), Micromeria (e.g. M. fruticosa, M. graeca, M. juliana), Satureja (e.g. S. montana), Stachys (e.g. S. glutinosa), Nepeta (e.g. N. foliosa) or other genera (except Lavandula and Rosmarinus).','','','Garrigues typiquement très basses et ouvertes, dont les constituants principaux sont des arbrisseaux de la famille des Lamiacées : Thymus (par ex. T. piperella, T. vulgaris, T. capitatus), Salvia (par ex. S. lavandulifolia, S. officinalis), Teucrium (par ex. T. polium, T. marum, T. chamaedrys, T. montanum), Sideritis (par ex. S. scordioides), Micromeria (par ex. M. graeca, M. juliana), Satureja (par ex. S. montana), Stachys (par ex. S. glutinosa), ou d''autres genres (exceptés Lavandula et Rosmarinus).','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.48','32.4','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Garrigues à Genista','Genista garrigues','','Formations characterized by the abundance of small, spiny brooms such as Genista scorpius, G. hispanica, G. corsica, G. lucida.','','','Formations caractérisées par l''abondance de petits genêts épineux tels que Genista scorpius, G. hispanica, G. corsica.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.481','32.48','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Garrigues à Genista scorpius, G. hispanica','Genista scorpius, G. hispanica garrigues','','Formations of southern France and Spain; some Meseta formations are listed under 31.7 (hedgehog-heaths) or 32.6.','','','Formations du sud de la France.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.482','32.48','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Garrigues à Genista corsica','Genista corsica garrigues','','Formations of Corsica and Sardinia; many formations are hedgehog-heaths (32.7).','','','Formations de Corse ; de nombreuses formations sont des landes-hérisson (32.7).','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.483','32.48','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Genista lucida garrigues','','Formations of Mallorca.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.49','32.4','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Garrigues à Calicotome','Calicotome garrigues','','Meso-Mediterranean formations dominated by Calicotome spinosa.','','','Formations mésoméditerranéennes dominées par Calicotome spinosa.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.4A','32.4','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Garrigues à Composées','Composite garrigues','','Meso-Mediterranean garrigue formations dominated by members of various genera of the family Asteraceae.','','','Formations méso-méditerranéennes de garrigue dominées par les divers genres de la famille des Astéracées.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.4A1','32.4A','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Garrigues à Helichrysum, Santolina, Phagnalon','Helichrysum, Santolina, Phagnalon garrigues','','Usually low, open garrigues formed by dwarf, shrubby composites, often with small grey or whitish leaves and showy yellow bloom, of genera Helichrysum, Staehelina (S. dubia), Phagnalon (P. rupestre), Santolina, Scorzonera.','','','Garrigues habituellement basses, ouvertes, formées par des Astéracées naines, arbustives, souvent à feuilles petites, grises ou blanchâtres avec des fleurs d’un jaune vif, appartenant aux genres Helichrysum, Staehelina (S. dubia), Phagnalon (P. rupestre), Santolina, Scorzonera.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.4A2','32.4A','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Garrigues à Artemisia','Artemisia garrigues','','Formations dominated by the usually small-leaved and inconspicuously flowering species of genus Artemisia.','','','Formations dominées par les espèces habituellement à petites feuilles et à floraison discrète du genre Artemisia.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.4A3','32.4A','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Garrigues à Inule visqueuse','Aromatic inula garrigues','','Formations dominated by the invasive Inula viscosa.','','','Formations dominées par l''envahissante Dittrichia viscosa.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.4A4','32.4A','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Garrigues à Composées moyennes à grandes','Medium-tall composite garrigues','','Formations dominated by other large composites.','','','Formations dominées par d''autres grandes Composées.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.4B','32.4','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Garrigues à Erica','Erica garrigues','','Meso-Mediterranean formations dominated by the calciphile heathers Erica multiflora or E. manipuliflora.','','','Formations méso-méditerranéennes dominées par la bruyère calciphile Erica multiflora.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.4C','32.4','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Garrigues à Globularia','Globularia garrigues','','Formations dominated by Globularia alypum.','','','Formations dominées par Globularia alypum.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.4D','32.4','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Garrigues à Helianthemum et Fumana','Helianthemum and Fumana garrigues','','Formations dominated by small or dwarf shrubs of the genera Helianthemum (e.g. H. asperum, H. pilosum, H. oelandicum, H. marifolium, H. cinereum, H. lavandulifolium, H. nummularium, H. caput-felis) or Fumana (e.g. F. ericoides, F. laevipes, F. thymifolia). ','','','Formations dominées par de petits arbrisseaux parfois nains des espèces des genres Helianthemum (par ex. H. oelandicum, H. marifolium, H. syriacum, H. nummularium) ou Fumana (par ex. F. ericoides, F. laevipes, F. thymifolia).','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.4E','32.4','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Garrigues à grémil','Gromwell garrigues','','Formations dominated by Lithodora fruticosa of Spain and southern France.','','','Formations dominées par Lithodora (Lithospermum) fruticosa du sud de la France.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.4F','32.4','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Garrigues à Thymelaea','Thymelaea garrigues','','Meso-Mediterranean formations rich in shrubs of genus Thymelaea (e.g. T. tinctoria, T. nitida, T. pubescens).','','','Formations méso-méditerranéennes riches en arbrisseaux du genre Thymelaea (par ex. T. tinctoria).','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.4G','32.4','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Garrigues à Bupleurum','Bupleurum garrigues','','Often tall, sometimes very tall, dense formations dominated by Bupleurum fruticosum.','','','Formations souvent grandes, quelquefois très grandes, denses, dominées par Bupleurum fruticosum.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.4H','32.4','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Garrigues à Ajonc','Gorse garrigues','','Meso-Mediterranean formations dominated by Ulex parviflorus.','','','Formations méso-méditerranéennes dominées par Ulex parviflorus.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.4I','32.4','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Garrigues à Ononis fruticosa','Restharrow garrigues','','Formations dominated by Ononis fruticosa of Iberia.','','','Formations dominées par Ononis fruticosa.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.4J','32.4','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Anthyllis garrigues','','Formations of Anthyllis cytisoides.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.4K','32.4','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Dictamnus garrigues','','Formations of Dictamnus albus (D. hispanicus) of stony terrains of eastern Spain.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.5','32','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Garrigues orientales','Eastern garrigues','Micromerietea p.','Shrubby formations, often low, of the meso-, thermo- and occasionally supra-Mediterranean zones of Greece. Included here are all sclerophyllous formations, regardless of substrate, except those with conspicuous cushion structure (phryganas s.s., listed in 33, and hedgehog-heaths, listed in 31.7), those with abundant Pistacia lentiscus, Myrtus communis or other thermo-Mediterranean brush elements (Phillyrea spp., Erica manipuliflora, Styrax officinalis, Genista fasselata, Euphorbia dendroides, Calicotome villosa, Sarcopoterium spinosum) listed in 32.2 and high maquis with Erica arborea and Arbutus spp., listed in 32.3. The subdivisions proposed are based on the physiognomically most significant dominants; co-dominance can be indicated by use of multiple codes.','Rechinger, 1951; Horvat et al., 1974; Huxley and Taylor; 1977; Ozenda et al., 1979; Reisigl et al., 1980; Polunin, 1980; Quézel, 1981; Polunin and Walters, 1985.','','','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.51','32.5','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Eastern kermes oak garrigues','','Formations, usually relatively closed and tall, dominated by Quercus coccifera with no, or little, Pistacia lentiscus or other thermo-Mediterranean shrubs; kermes oak garrigues are by far the most widespread xerophyllous shrub formations in the eastern meso-Mediterranean zone. They are also well represented in the supra- Mediterranean and thermo-Mediterranean zones. Formations pertaining to the latter, when rich in other, more restrictively thermophile shrubs, have been listed as 32.2193.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.52','32.5','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Eastern rosemary garrigues','','Formations, usually relatively tall, dominated by Rosmarinus officinalis.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.53','32.5','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Eastern Cistus garrigues','','Formations dominated by or rich in Cistus species. Dense cistus fields can be identified by use of digit 1 in the fourth decimal place, digit 2 being reserved for more varied formations.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.531','32.53','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Eastern Cistus incanus garrigues','','Low to medium-tall, large-flowered, pink Cistus incanus ssp. incanus or C. incanus ssp.creticus formations.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.532','32.53','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Eastern Cistus parviflorus garrigues','','Usually low, small-flowered, deep pink Cistus parviflorus formations.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.533','32.53','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Eastern Cistus salvifolius garrigues','','Low to medium-tall, white-flowered Cistus salvifolius formations.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.534','32.53','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Eastern Cistus monspeliensis garrigues','','Usually medium-tall, white-flowered Cistus monspeliensis formations.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.54','32.5','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Eastern spurge garrigues','','Formations dominated by bushy or robust perennial Euphorbia species.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.541','32.54','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Eastern spiny spurge garrigues','','Formations rich in the spiny, cushion-forming Euphorbia acanthothamnos.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.542','32.54','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Eastern unarmed spurge garrigues','','Formations with other, often woody-stocked, clump-forming Euphorbia species (e.g. E. characias ssp. wulfenii, E. rigida).','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.55','32.5','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Eastern prostrate juniper garrigues','','Garrigues dominated by low, shrubby Juniperus oxycedrus, J. communis or J. phoenicea.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.56','32.5','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Eastern lavender garrigues','','Garrigues rich in Lavandula stoechas or, occasionally, L. angustifolia.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.57','32.5','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Eastern sage and other labiates garrigues','','Garrigues of which the main components are labiate shrubs or robust perennials (except Lavandula and Rosmarinus).','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.571','32.57','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Tree germander garrigues','','Tall or very tall Teucrium fruticans formations.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.572','32.57','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Jerusalem sage garrigues','','Fairly tall formations dominated by Phlomis fruticosa. Very degraded habitats occupied by almost monospecific fields of this species can be listed under 32.9.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.573','32.57','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Eastern Salvia and Stachys garrigues','','Fairly tall formations dominated by shrubs or woody perennials of genera Salvia (e.g. S. triloba, S. argentea, S. eichlerana, S. pomifera), Stachys (e.g. S. cretica) or others.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.574','32.57','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Eastern dwarf labiate garrigues','','Low, open garrigues formed by dwarf shrubs or perennials of genera Thymus (e.g. T. capitatus,T. teucrioides, T. atticus, T. sibthorpii, T. striatus, T.comptus), Teucrium (e.g. T. polium), Sideritis (e.g. S. syriaca , S. clandestina), Micromeria (e.g. M. juliana, M. graeca), Phlomis (e.g. P. cretica, P. floccosa, P. lanata) or others.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.58','32.5','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Garrigues à épine du Christ','Christ''s thorn garrigues','','Garrigues dominated by Paliurus spina-christi.','','','Garrigues dominées par Paliurus spina christi introduit.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.59','32.5','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Eastern broom garrigues ','','Formations characterized by the abundance of broom-like shrubs of genera Genista, Chamaecytisus, Teline or others.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.5A','32.5','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Ebenus brushes','','Formations of Crete dominated by Ebenus cretica.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.5B','32.5','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Eastern Helichrysum and other composite garrigues','','Usually low, open garrigues formed by dwarf, shrubby composites of genera Helichrysum, Phagnalon (P. graecum), Scorzonera.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.5C','32.5','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Eastern Erica garrigues','','Meso-Mediterranean formations dominated by the heather Erica manipuliflora.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.5D','32.5','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Andrachne garrigues','','Garrigues characterized by richness in low bushes of Arbutus andrachne.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.5E','32.5','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Eastern Globularia garrigues','','Formations dominated by Globularia alypum.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.5F','32.5','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Eastern Helianthemum and Fumana garrigues','','Formations dominated by small or dwarf shrubs of the genera Helianthemum or Fumana.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.5G','32.5','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Eastern Thymelaea garrigues','','Formations rich in shrubs of genus Thymelaea (e.g. T. tartonraira).','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.5H','32.5','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Eastern Bupleurum garrigues','','Often tall, sometimes very tall, dense formations dominated by Bupleurum fruticosum.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.6','32','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Garrigues supra-méditerranéennes','Supra-Mediterranean garrigues','Ononidion striatae p., Aphyllanthion p., Lavandulo-Genistion boissieri','Low shrub formations with pronounced Mediterranean affinities formed as a degradation stage of thermophile deciduous forests (Quercion pubescentis, Ostryo-Carpinion) or sometimes of Quercus rotundifolia forests in the supra-Mediterranean belt. Included here are only those formations that are characteristic of the supra-Mediterranean level; formations, particularly of the lower supra-Mediterranean, that are closely related to meso-Mediterranean communities have been included under 32.4 and 32.5.','Duvigneaud, 1953; Delvosalle and Duvigneaud, 1962; Rivas Goday and Rivas-Martinez, 1968; Archiloque et al., 1969; Braun-Blanquet, 1971; Bonin, 1971; Guinochet and Vilmorin, 1973; Ozenda, 1975, 1981, 1985; Molinier and Martin, 1980; Becker et al., 1982; Pignatti, 1982; Lopez Gonzalez, 1982; Dupias, 1985; Gamisans, 1985; Fernandez Gonzalez, 1986.','Ononidion striatae p., Aphyllanthion p., Lavandulo-Genistion boissieri','Formations arbustives basses, ayant des affinités méditerranéennes prononcées ; stade de dégradation des forêts thermophiles caducifoliées (Quercion pubescentis, Ostryo-Carpinion) ou parfois des forêts de Quercus ilex de l''étage supra-méditerranéen ; on n''inclut ici que les formations qui sont caractéristiques de l''étage supra-méditerranéen. Les formations particulières aux étages inférieurs au supra-méditerranéen, qui sont étroitement apparentées aux communautés méso-méditerranéennes, ont été incorporées sous les numéros 32.4 et 32.5.','Duvigneaud, 1953 ; Archiloque et al., 1969 ; Braun-Blanquet, 1971 ; Guinochet et Vilmorin, 1973 ; Ozenda, 1975, 1981, 1985 ; Molinier et Martin, 1980 ; Becker et al., 1982 ; Dupias, 1985 ; Gamisans, 1985.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.61','32.6','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Garrigues à Lavande vraie','True-lavender garrigues','Lavandulo-Astragaletum','Montane formations dominated by Lavandula angustifolia ("L. vera") with Genista cinerea ssp. cinerea, Buxus sempervirens (both sometimes co-dominant), Astragalus purpureus, Onobrychis supina, Satureja montana, Catananche caerulea, Aphyllanthes monspeliensis, Thymus vulgaris characteristic of great surfaces of the supra-Mediterranean level of southern France.','','Lavandulo-Astragaletum','Formations montagnardes dominées par Lavandula angustifolia (L. vera) avec Genista cinerea subsp. cinerea, Buxus sempervirens (les deux parfois codominants), Astragalus purpureus, Onobrychis supina, Satureja montana, Catananche caerulea, Aphyllanthes monspeliensis, Thymus vulgaris caractéristiques des grandes surfaces de l''étage supra-méditerranéen du sud de la France.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.62','32.6','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Garrigues à Genista cinerea','Genista cinerea garrigues','','Supra-Mediterranean garrigues or grasslands of the southwestern Alps, Haute Provence, the southern Central Massif, the Corbières and the eastern Pyrenees dominated by Genista cinerea ssp. cinerea, including the broom-rich facies of the French lavender garrigues and the White Quercy broom-fields.','','','Prairies ou garrigues supra-méditerranéennes du sud-ouest des Alpes, de Haute-Provence, du sud du Massif central, des Corbières et des Pyrénées orientales dominées par Genista cinerea subsp. cinerea, comprenant les faciès riches en genêts des garrigues françaises à lavande et des champs de genêts du Quercy Blanc.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.63','32.6','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Garrigues montagnardes à Thyms','Montane thyme garrigues','Aphyllantion p., Lavandulo-Genistion boissieri p.','Low formations of the supra-Mediterranean levels of the Iberian Meseta and its surrounding mountains and of northern Spain and southern France, rich in small labiate shrubs of genera Thymus (e.g. T. serpolifolium, T. vulgaris, T. loscosii), Teucrium (e.g. T. aureum, T. aragonense, T. gnaphalodes, T. polium), Salvia (e.g. S. lavandulifolia, S. phlomoides), Satureja (e.g. S. montana), Sideritis (e.g. S. incana), Lavandula (L. angustifolia, L. lanata, L. latifolia), accompanied by leguminous shrubs (e.g. Genista scorpius, G. pilosa, G. pseudopilosa, G. cinerea ssp. speciosa, Coronilla minima) and various grasses (e.g. Stipa spp., Brachypodium spp.). In the north they often have an important, sometimes predominant, grass element and their impoverished shrub component is sometimes reduced to an almost monospecific Thymus formation; southwards, they become progressively more dominated by a richer constellation of shrub species. ','','Aphyllanthion p., Lavandulo-Genistion boissieri p.','Formations basses de l''étage supra-méditerranéen du sud de la France, riches en petites Lamiacées buissonnantes des espèces des genres Thymus (par ex. T. vulgaris), Teucrium (par ex. T. aureum, T. polium), Salvia (par ex. S. lavandulifolia, S. phlomoides), Lavalandula (L. angustifolia, L. lanata, L. latifolia), accompagnées de buissons de la famille des Fabacées (par ex. Genista scorpius, G. pilosa, Coronilla minima) et de graminées variées (par ex. Stipa spp., Brachypodium spp.). Au nord, leur élément graminéen est souvent important, quelquefois prédominant, et leur composante arbustive appauvrie est quelquefois réduite à une formation quasi monospécifique à Thymus ; vers le sud, elles évoluent progressivement vers des formations dominées par une constellation plus riche d''espèces arbustives.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.64','32.6','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Broussailles supra-méditerranéennes à Buis','Supra-Mediterranean box scrub','','Box thickets of the supra-Mediterranean zone, occurring as facies within several formations of southern France such as French lavender garrigues and supra-Mediterranean steppic grassland complexes, in northeastern Spanish ranges and in isolated stations of the Apennines.','','','Fourrés de buis de l’étage supra-méditerranéen, apparaissant en tant que faciès au sein de nombreuses formations du sud de la France telles que les garrigues à lavande (et des complexes de pelouses steppiques supra-méditerranéennes).','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.65','32.6','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Italian supra-Mediterranean garrigues','','In the supra-Mediterranean level of Italy and the large central Mediterranean islands, the substitution stages of the thermophile deciduous forests are mostly grasslands or shrubby grasslands, hedgehog heaths, deciduous shrubs, semi-maquis or occasionally embryonic garrigues that differ little from those of the meso-Mediterranean level. A few formations, in particular with labiates of genera Thymus, Teucrium, Salvia, Lavandula and others, with Helichrysum spp. or with Euphorbia spp. may warrant separate listing under this heading.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.7','32','3','Niveau 3','FALSE','','Pseudomaquis','','Shrub formations intermediate between Mediterranean maquis and schibljak, resulting from the degradation of the Ostryo-Carpinion of Greece, the Balkans and Italy, with a mixture of evergreen and deciduous bushes including Quercus coccifera, Juniperus oxycedrus, Quercus trojana, Carpinus orientalis, Ostrya carpinifolia, Pistacia terebinthus, Buxus sempervirens. Similar Iberian formations with Amelanchier ovalis, Prunus lusitanica, Ilex aquifolium. French and Italian formations with Quercus pubescens and Quercus ilex.','Horvat et al., 1974; Tomaselli, 1981a; Polunin and Walters, 1985.','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.8','32','3','Niveau 3','FALSE','','Macaronesian xerophytic communities','Kleinio-Euphorbietea canariensis','Xerophytic scrub formations of the lower slopes of the Canary Islands, Madeira and the Salvagen Islands, rich in succulents, in particular cactiform or dendroid spurges Euphorbia spp., rosette-forming Aeonium spp. and composites.','Delvolsalle, 1964; Duvigneaud, 1977; White, 1983; Bramwell and Bramwell, 1983; Hampshire, 1984; Wildpret de la Torre and del Arco Aguilar, 1987; Machado in litt, 1989.','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.81','32.8','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Western Canarian spurge communities','','Open, varied formations of arid, stony slopes of the lower, 0-700 m, level of the western and central Canarian islands, characterized by the abundance of fleshy-stemmed, aphyllous, or small-leafed species, in particular Euphorbia spp., Senecio kleinia, Periploca laevigata, Cneorum pulverulentum, Messerschmidta fruticosa, Echium giganteum, Convolvulus floridus, Allagopappus dichotomus, Rhamnus crenulata, Rubia fruticosa, Argyranthemum spp., Artemisia canariensis, Sonchus leptocephalus, Asparagus arborescens, Rumex lunaria, Micromeria spp., Paronychia canariensis.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.811','32.81','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Cardonales','','Formations dominated by the cactiform spurge Euphorbia canariensis and Aeonium percarneum.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.812','32.81','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Tabaibales','','Formations dominated by the tree-like spurges Euphorbia aphylla, E. obtusifolia, E. balsamifera, E. atropurpurea, E. bravoana, E. regis-jubae, E. bourgaeana.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.813','32.81','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Kleinia tabaibales','','Senecio kleinia (Kleinia neriifolia), Sonchus spp. or other composite-dominated formations.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.814','32.81','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Dragon tree communities','','Formations in which the forest relict Dracaena draco is present. ','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.815','32.81','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Cneorum cushion communities','','Cneorum pulverulentum formations.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.816','32.81','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Plocama communities','','Formations with Plocama pendula.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.82','32.8','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Western Canarian saxicolous formations','','Formations colonizing hard rock faces, lava flows and ravine walls within the xerophytic zone of the western and central Canary Islands.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.821','32.82','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Western Canarian saxicolous labiate communities','','Formations of small ligneous plants colonizing hard, dry rocks with Micromeria spp., Lavandula canariensis, L. pinnata, and the fern Cosentina (Notholaena) vellea.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.822','32.82','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Cardoncillo communities','','Formations colonizing lava flows, with the succulent asclepiad cardoncillos Ceropegia dichotoma and C. fusca, Phagnalon purpurascens and Sonchus leptocephalus.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.823','32.82','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Western Canarian crassulid communities','','Formations of dry, less sunny rocks dominated by succulent crassulids (Aeonium spp., Greenovia spp.) with Sonchus gummifer, S. radiatus, Picridium ligulatum, Lavandula abrotanoides, Asparagus scoparius, Hypericum reflexum, Lavatera acerifolia, L. phoenicea, Vieraea laevigata and many lichens.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.83','32.8','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Eastern Canarian xerophytic communities','','Open formations of semi-desertic Fuerteventura and Lanzarote, with high endemism; characteristic of various groupings are Euphorbia obtusifolia, Senecio kleinia, Asparagus pastorianus, Kickxia heterophylla , Echium bonnetii, Caralluma burchardii, the cactiform spurge Euphorbia handiensis, Pulicaria burchardii, P. canariensis, Argyranthemum winteri, Echium handiense, Bupleurum handiense, Sideritis massoniana, Asteriscus sericeus, A. schultzii, Minuartia platiphylla, Reichardia famarae, Aichryson tortuosum, Aeonium lancerottense, A. balsamiferum, Limonium bourgaei, Echium decaisnei ssp. purpuriense, Argyranthemum ochroleucum, Helichrysum gossypium, H. monogynum, Ferula lancerottensis, Sedum lancerottense, Thymus origanoides, Lavandula pinnata, Echium pitardii, Limonium puberulum','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.84','32.8','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Canarian Launaea scrub','','Steppic grasslands of the Canary Islands invaded and dominated by Launaea arborescens.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.85','32.8','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Madeiran spurge formations','Aeonio-Lytanthion p.','Shrubby formations of the low slopes (0-350 m) of Madeira with Euphorbia piscatoria, Globularia salicina, Phyllis nobla, Myrtus communis, Chamaemeles coriacea, Rubus ulmifolius, Olea europea ssp. maderensis, Bencomia codata, Echium nervosum.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.86','32.8','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Madeiran saxicolous formations','','Formations colonizing rocks and volcanic ash deposits in the xerophytic zone of Madeira with Aeonium glutinosum, Plantago arborescens ssp. maderensis, Helichrysum spp., Sonchus ustulatus, Phagnalon spp. Tolpis fruticosa, Sedum brissemoretii, Davallia canariensis or Musschia aurea and Aeonium glandulosum.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.87','32.8','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Desertas dry scrub','','Formation with Madeiran endemics Artemisia argentea, Calandula maderensis, Andryala glandulosa, Jasminum odoratissimum and introduced plants.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.9','32','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Champs d''Asphodèles, de Phlomis, de Chardons, de Ferula','Fields of asphodel, Phlomis, thistle, Ferula','','Over-browsed and over-grazed garrigues physiognomically transformed into fields of asphodel, Phlomis, thistle or Ferula.','','','Garrigues surpâturées et surabrouties, physionomiquement transformées en champs d’asphodèles, de Phlomis, de chardon ou de Ferula.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('32.A','32','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Champs de Spartium junceum','Spanish-broom fields','','Formations of Spanish broom, Spartium junceum, in Mediterranean and sub-Mediterranean areas.','','','Formations de Spartium junceum des étages méditerranéen et sub-méditerranéen.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('33','3','2','Niveau 2','TRUE','Phryganes','Phrygana','','Cushion-forming thermo-Mediterranean sclerophyllous formations, often thorny and summer deciduous. They are best developed in the eastern Mediterranean, where they may occupy considerable surfaces in coastal areas and occasionally inland. They also include a few rare, relict associations of the west Mediterranean, mostly characteristic of the edge of seashores and of maritime cliffs, where they constitute an often narrow belt between the cliff communities and thermo-Mediterranean brushes, incorporating, in addition to characteristic, often endemic or very rare, hemispherical cushion-forming species, an admixture of species belonging to these two vegetation complexes.','Rechinger, 1951; Molinier and Molinier, 1957; Bolos and Molinier, 1960; Laurentiades, 1969; Bolos et al., 1970; Horvat et al., 1974; Caniglia et al., 1974-1975; Molinier et al., 1976; Lavagne and Moutte, 1977; Molinier and Martin, 1980; Reisigl et al., 1980; Nimis, 1981; Quézel, 1981; Pignatti, 1982; Gamisans, 1982; Géhu et al., 1984; Chiappini, 1985 a, b.; Kassioumis, 1988; Camarda and Valsecchi, 1990.','','Formations sclérophylles thermo-méditerranéennes en coussinets, souvent épineuses et à défoliation estivale. Elles sont surtout développées en Méditerranée orientale, où elles peuvent occuper des surfaces considérables dans les régions côtières et occasionnellement à l''intérieur des terres. Elles comprennent aussi quelques rares associations relictuelles de l''ouest méditerranéen, principalement caractéristiques des rivages et des falaises maritimes, où elles constituent une ceinture souvent étroite entre les communautés des falaises et les broussailles thermo-méditerranéennes, incorporant, en plus des espèces caractéristiques, souvent endémiques ou très rares, formant des coussins hémisphériques, un mélange d''espèces appartenant à ces deux complexes de végétation.','Laurentiades, 1969 ; Horvat et al., 1974 ; Molinier et al., 1976 ; Lavagne et Moutte, 1977 ; Molinier et Martin, 1980 ; Reisigl et al., 1980 ; Gamisans, 1982.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('33.1','33','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Phryganes ouest méditerranéennes des sommets de falaises','West Mediterranean clifftop phryganas','Astragalo-Plantaginetum subulatae, Anthyllido-Thymelaeetum hirsutae, Thymelaeo-Helichrysetum, Armerietum ruscinonensis','Rare, extremely local and isolated associations of clifftops and adjacent areas dispersed along the coasts of Provence, Cap Corse, the Straits of Bonifacio, Catalonia (Cabo de Creus) and extreme south-western Portugal, characterized by the presence of Astragalus massiliensis or Anthyllis hermanniae, variously accompanied by Thymelaea hirsuta, Helichrysum italicum, Plantago subulatum, Armeria ruscinonensis.','','Astragalo-Plantaginetum subulatae, Anthyllido-Thymelaeetum hirsutae, Thymelaeo-Helichrysetum, Armerietum ruscinonensis.','Associations rares, extrêmement locales et isolées, des sommets de falaises et des zones adjacentes dispersées le long des côtes de Provence, du Cap Corse et du détroit de Bonifacio, caractérisées par la présence d''Astragalus tragacantha (massiliensis) ou Anthyllis hermanniae, accompagnés par Thymelaea hirsuta, Helichrysum italicum, Plantago subulata, Armeria ruscinonensis.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('33.11','33.1','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Phryganes de la Provence calcaire','Calcareous Provence phrygana','','Very rare formations of the Marseilles coast of Provence (les Goudes), with Astragalus massiliensis, Thymelaea tartonraira and Plantago subulata. ','','','Formations très rares de la côte provençale marseillaise (Les Goudes), avec Astragalus tragacantha (massiliensis), Thymelaea tartonraira et Plantago subulata.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('33.12','33.1','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Phryganes de la Provence cristalline','Crystalline Provence phrygana','','Formations of the maritime façade of the Maures and the Estérel, with Anthyllis barba-jovis and Thymelaea hirsuta.','','','Formations de la façade maritime des Maures et de l''Estérel, avec Anthyllis barba-jovis et Thymelaea hirsuta.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('33.13','33.1','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Phryganes du Cap Corse','Cap Corse phrygana','','Formations of Cap Corse, with Anthyllis hermanniae.','','','Formations du Cap Corse, avec Anthyllis hermanniae.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('33.14','33.1','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Phryganes du détroit de Bonifacio','Straits of Bonifacio phrygana','','Formations of the southern tip of Corsica and the extreme northern coast of Sardinia, with Astragalus massiliensis.','','','Formations de la pointe sud de la Corse et de l''extrême nord de la Sardaigne, avec Astragalus tragacantha (massiliensis).','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('33.15','33.1','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Cabo de Creus phrygana','','Isolated formation of the Cabo de Creus promontory in Catalonia, with Astragalus massiliensis, Pistacia lentiscus, Cistus albidus, C. salvifolius, Phillyrea angustifolia, Juniperus oxycedrus.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('33.16','33.1','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Cabo de São Vicente phrygana','','Very isolated formations of the Cabo de Sao Vicente and the Ponta de Sagres, with Astragalus massiliensis and Crithmum maritimum.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('33.2','33','3','Niveau 3','FALSE','','Sardinian Centaurea horrida phryganas','Centaureetum horridae','Highly threatened formations of the promontories of northern Sardinia, limited to the peninsulas of Stintino and Capo Caccia and the islands of Asinara and Tavola, dominated by the large, silvery-blue, hemispherical cushions of the endemic Tertiary relict Centaurea horrida, associated with many other endemic or restricted relict species including Astragalus massiliensis, Erodium corsicum, Limonium acutifolium, Nananthea perpusilla, Evax rotundata, Armeria pungens.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('33.3','33','3','Niveau 3','FALSE','','Aegean phryganas','Cisto-Micromerietea, "Sarcopoterietalia spinosi" ','Low, thorny formations of hemispherical shrubs of the coastal thermo-Mediterranean zone of Greece and its islands with Sarcopoterium spinosum, Centaurea spinosa,Satureja thymbra, Thymus capitatus, Genista acanthoclada, Anthyllis hermanniae, Euphorbia acanthothamnos, Stachys spinosa, Ballota pseudodictamnus, B. acetabulosa, Erica manipuliflora, Rhamnus oleoides, Lithospermum hispidulum, Fumana arabica, F. thymifolia, Cistus creticus, C. parviflorus, C. salvifolius, Pistacia lentiscus, Teucrium brevifolium, T. divaricatum, T. polium, Calicotome villosa, Micromeria graeca, M. juliana, M. nervosa, Salvia triloba, Ononis spinosa, Helichrysum italicum ssp. microphyllum, and ssp. italicum, Phagnalion graecum, much more widespread and diverse than the western Mediterranean formations. The subdivisions proposed are based on physiognomically significant dominants; co-dominance can be indicated by use of multiple codes.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('33.31','33.3','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Sarcopoterium phryganas','','Sarcopoterium spinosum -dominated formations, by far the commonest phrygana facies, widespread in the Aegean archipelagoes and Crete, with local outposts in peninsular Greece and the Ionian islands.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('33.32','33.3','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Maritime Centaurea spinosa phryganas','','Rare, relict formations on coastal sands and gravels of Egina, Attica, Euboea, Skyros, Samos, Lesbos, Lemnos, Samothrace and Crete, dominated by the large, silvery hemispherical cushions of Centaurea spinosa ssp. spinosa, sometimes accompanied by Sarcopoterium spinosum or Euphorbia acanthoclada. ','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('33.33','33.3','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Lesbian Centaurea spinosa phryganas','','Phryganas often rich in Centaurea spinosa ssp. spinosa, mixed with Sarcopoterium spinosum, Satureja timbra, Ballota acetabulosa of Lesbos, extending from the coast to the highest hills in the arid western part of the island; covering a relatively vast expanse, they harbour a highly distinctive flora and fauna as well as remnants of fossil forest.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('33.331','33.33','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Lesbian Centaurea-Sarcopoterium phryganas','','.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('33.332','33.33','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Lesbian Sarcopoterium phryganas','','Sarcopoterium phrygana with little or no Centaurea spinosa. ','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('33.333','33.33','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Lesbian steppe-phrygana','','Open, almost pure, stands of Centaurea spinosa on steppic hills. ','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('33.34','33.3','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Cycladian Centaurea phryganas','','Formations of the Cyclades, rich in Centaurea spinosa ssp. cycladum, extending from coastal areas to the highest elevations.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('33.35','33.3','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Heather phryganas','','Phryganas in which E. manipuliflora plays an important role, often associated with Sarcopoterium spinosum, Genista acanthoclada, Pistacia lentiscus, Ballota acetabulosa, Cistus creticus, C. parviflorus, C. salvifolius, a facies of the Sarcopoterium phrygana developing locally notably in eastern Crete and the Cyclades.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('33.36','33.3','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Thyme phryganas','','Phryganas dominated or formed by Thymus capitatus.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('33.37','33.3','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Genista phryganas','','Genista acanthoclada formations of the thermo-Mediterranean zone. ','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('33.38','33.3','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Savory phryganas','','Facies of the phryganas in which Satureja thymbra becomes locally dominant.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('33.39','33.3','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Spiny spurge phryganas','','Euphorbia acanthothamnos -dominated formations.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('33.3A','33.3','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Gromwell phryganas','','Lithospermum hispidulum -dominated phryganas, limited to southeastern Aegean islands.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('33.3B','33.3','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Anthyllis phryganas','','Anthyllis hermanniae -dominated or -rich phryganas, widespread, in particular in the northern Aegean.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('33.4','33','3','Niveau 3','FALSE','','Mid-elevation phryganas of Crete','Euphorbio-Verbascion, i.a. ','Varied formations of supra- and oro- Mediterranean levels of Crete resulting from the broad contact between phryganas and hedgehog-heaths (32.7), with Euphorbia acanthothamnos, Verbascum spinosum, Berberis cretica, Phlomis cretica, Satureja biroi, Sideritis syriaca, Hypericum empetrifolia, Origanum microphyllum, Micromeria juliana, Helichrysum italicum ssp. microphyllum, Genista acanthoclada.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('33.5','33','3','Niveau 3','FALSE','','Hypericum phryganas','','Extremely rare, local colonies of hemispherical shrubs of Hypericum aegyptiacum forming open phryganas on calcareous rocks by the sea in the Ionian islands, western Crete, Sardinia and Lampedusa.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('33.6','33','3','Niveau 3','FALSE','','Italian Sarcopoterium spinosum phryganas','','Very local, impoverished Sarcopoterium spinosum formations of Capo St. Elia (southern Sardinian coast) and of the Gulf of Taranto (Puglia, Calabria).','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('33.7','33','3','Niveau 3','FALSE','','Sardinian Genista acanthoclada phrygana','','Very local Genista acanthoclada ssp. sardoa-dominated communities of northwestern Sardinia.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('33.8','33','3','Niveau 3','FALSE','','Balearic clifftop phryganas','Launaeetum cervicornis ','Formations of the coasts of Mallorca and Minorca dominated by the cushion-forming Balearic endemics Launaea cervicornis, Astragalus balearicus, Centaurea balearica, Anthyllis fulgurans, A. hermanniae ssp. hystrix, Teucrium subspinosum.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('33.9','33','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Phryganes cyrno-sardes à Genista','Cyrno-Sardian Genista phryganas','','Thermo-Mediterranean formations of headlands and peninsulas of Corsica and Sardinia dominated by cushion-forming spiny Genista corsica or G. morisii. These endemic species participate in the constitution of hedgehog-heaths (31.75) as well as in that of the coastal formations listed here, which assume an evident phrygana appearance; they may also enter in the composition of mid-elevation formations of less distinctive appearance which can be listed under 32.482.','','','Formations thermoméditerranéennes des caps et péninsules de Corse et de Sardaigne dominées par les genêts épineux en coussins Genista corsica ou G. morisii. Ces espèces endémiques participent à la constitution des landes-hérisson (31.75) aussi bien qu''à celle des formations côtières classées ici, qui montrent un aspect évident de phrygane; ils peuvent aussi entrer dans la composition de formations d''altitude moyenne, d''aspect moins distinct et qui peuvent être classées sous 32.482.','','FALSE','FALSE','VG','Traduction issue la version EUR 15/2 du manuel d''interprétation des habitats de l''Union européenne (1999).');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('33.A','33','3','Niveau 3','FALSE','','Pantelleria phrygana','Matthiolo-Helichrysetum errerae','Coastal formation of hemispherical shrubs with the Pantelleria endemics Helichrysum saxatile ssp. errerae and Matthiola pulchella, vicariant of the west Mediterranean, Balearic and Sardinian clifftop phryganas.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('34','3','2','Niveau 2','TRUE','Pelouses calcicoles sèches et steppes','Dry calcareous grasslands and steppes','','Dry thermophilous grasslands of the lowlands, hills and montane zone, on mostly calcareous soils, sands, decomposed rock surfaces; pseudosteppes; thermophile forest fringe formations.','','','Pelouses sèches et thermophiles des plaines, collines (étage collinéen) et étage montagnard, sur des sols principalement calcaires, sur sables, à la surface de rochers décomposés ; steppes ; formations de lisières forestières thermophiles.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('34.1','34','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Pelouses pionnières médio-européennes','Middle European pioneer swards','Sedo-Scleranthetea p.','Open, thermophile formations of sandy or rocky ground in non-Mediterranean lowland to montane areas.','','Sedo-Scleranthetea p.','Formations thermophiles ouvertes des substrats sableux ou rocheux, des plaines aux territoires montagnards, en dehors de la région méditerranéenne.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('34.11','34.1','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Pelouses médio-européennes sur débris rocheux','Middle European rock debris swards','Alysso-Sedion albi, Sedo albi-Veronicion dillenii, Sedo-Scleranthion p., Sedion pyrenaici p.','Open lowland and hill formations of sub-oceanic climates, formed mostly by annuals and succulents or semi-succulents on decomposed rock surfaces of edges, ledges or knolls, with calcareous or siliceous soils frequently disturbed by erosion or rabbits. They comprise a great variety of distinct and often very local, isolated communities harbouring many characteristic species, among which numerous rare forms including both relict and evolutionarily recent taxa.','Lebrun et al., 1949; Ellenberg, 1963, 1988; Royer, 1977; Rivas-Martinez, 1977a; Schumacher, 1977; Guinochet and Vilmorin, 1983; Duvigneaud, ms, 1985; Parent, 1986; Duvigneaud and Saintenoy-Simon, 1988; Oberdorfer, 1990.','Alysso-Sedion albi, Sedo albi-Veronicion dillenii, Sedo-Scleranthion p., Sedion pyrenaici p.','Formations ouvertes des plaines et collines en climat sub-océanique, dominées principalement par des plantes annuelles et des plantes succulentes ou semi-succulentes sur les surfaces rocheuses décomposées des arêtes, des corniches ou des proéminences rocheuses aux sols calcaires ou siliceux fréquemment perturbés par l''érosion ou les lapins. Elles comprennent une grande variété de communautés distinctes et souvent à aire très localisée, abritant de nombreuses espèces caractéristiques, parmi lesquelles de nombreuses formes rares comprenant aussi bien des taxons relictuels que des taxons d''évolution récente.','Lebrun et al., 1949 ; Ellenberg, 1963, 1988 ; Royer, 1977 ; Rivas-Martinez, 1977a ; Guinochet et Vilmorin, 1973 ; Duvigneaud, ms, 1985 ; Parent, 1986 ; Duvigneaud et Saintenoy-Simon, 1988 ; Oberdorfer, 1990.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('34.111','34.11','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Pelouses à orpins','Stonecrop swards','','Formations dominated by, or rich in, Sedum album or other Sedum species, commonest facies of most communities.','','','Formations dominées par, ou riches en, Sedum album ou d''autres espèces de Sedum, faciès le plus commun de la plupart des communautés.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('34.112','34.11','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Formations à Joubarbes','Houseleek communities','','Formations harbouring often rare and local lowland forms of Sempervivum spp. or Jovibarba spp.','','','Formations renfermant souvent des formes de basses altitudes, souvent rares et locales, de Sempervivum spp. ou Jovibarba spp.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('34.1121','34.112','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Communautés à Sempervivum tectorum','Sempervivum tectorum communities','','Formations with Sempervivum tectorum, of the Jura, the Lake Constance area, the Moselle Valley, Hesse.','','','Formations avec Sempervivum tectorum, du Jura, de la région du lac de Constance, de la vallée de la Moselle.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('34.1122','34.112','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Jovibarba sobolifera communities','','Formations with Jovibarba sobolifera, of Franconia, Rhon, southern Saxony and Brandenburg.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('34.1123','34.112','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Amblève houseleek community','','The unique, and therefore highly vulnerable, formation of Sempervivum funckii var. aqualiense known from only one site on the cliffs of the Amblève Valley, eastern Condroz.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('34.113','34.11','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Formations herbeuses sur débris rocheux','Grassy rock debris communities','','Formations in which perennial grasses such as Poa badensis, Melica ciliata and Festuca spp. play an important physiognomic role.','','','Formations dans lesquelles les graminées pérennes telles que Poa badensis, Melica ciliata et Festuca spp. jouent un rôle physionomique important.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('34.114','34.11','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Communautés thérophytiques médio-européennes sur débris rocheux','Middle European rock debris therophyte communities','','Formations in which small annuals predominate over sparser crassulids or perennial grasses.','','','Formations dans lesquelles les petites annuelles prédominent sur les graminées pérennes ou sur des plantes crassulescentes plus clairsemées.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('34.12','34.1','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Pelouses des sables calcaires','Calcareous sand swards','Koelerion glaucae, Sileno conicae-Cerastion semidecandri (Sedo-Cerastion) p. ','Open grasslands of strongly to slightly calcareous inland sands with Helichrysum arenarium, Silene otites, S. chlorantha, Dianthus deltoides, Astragalus arenarius, Onosma arenaria, Jurinea cyanoides, Koeleria glauca, Festuca psammophila, F. polesica, F. duvalii and the Brandenburg endemic Stipa borysthenica ssp. germanica, sometimes interspersed with annual formations with Cerastium semidecandrum, Vicia lathyroides, Silene conica, Phleum arenarium, Petrorhagia prolifera. Dunal formations can be characterized by conjunction of this code with those of 64.','Lebrun et al., 1949; Ellenberg, 1963, 1988; Guinochet and Vilmorin, 1973; Westhoff and den Held, 1975; Duvigneaud, ms, 1985; Parent, 1986; Oberdorfer, 1990.','Koelerion glaucae, Sileno conicae-Cerastion semidecandri (Sedo-Cerastion) p.','Prairies découvertes sur des sables situés à l’intérieur des terres légèrement à fortement calcaires avec Helichrysum arenarium, Silene otites, Dianthus deltoides, Onosma arenaria, Koeleria glauca, F. duvalii, parfois parsemées de formations annuelles avec Cerastium semidecandrum, Vicia lathyroides, Silene conica, Phleum arenarium, Petrorhagia prolifera. Les formations dunaires peuvent être caractérisées par la juxtaposition de ce code avec ceux de 64.','Lebrun et al., 1949 ; Ellenberg, 1963, 1988 ; Guinochet et Vilmorin, 1973 ; Westhoff et den Held, 1975 ; Duvigneaud, ms, 1985 ; Parent, 1986 ; Oberdorfer, 1990.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('34.2','34','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Pelouses métallifères de basse altitude','Lowland heavy metal grasslands','','Dry, short grasslands, often rich in lichens and mosses, colonizing western and central European soils with a high content in heavy metals such as zinc and lead, and comprising uniquely adapted species, ecotypes or populations mostly related to, or derived from, otherwise montane, boreo-montane or steppic species.','Lebrun et al., 1949; Ellenberg, 1963, 1988; Lambinon and Auquier, 1964; Auquier, 1964; Maquinoy et al., 1972; Westhoff and den Held, 1975; Richards and Swan, 1976; Schumacher, 1977; Noirfalise et al., 1980; Sipkes, 1980; Duvigneaud, 1982d; Noirfalise and Dethioux, 1982; Drachenfels et al., 1984; Duvigneaud, ms, 1985; Bradshaw, 1985; Oberdorfer, 1990.','','Pelouses sèches, basses, souvent riches en lichens et en mousses, colonisant les sols (en Europe centrale et occidentale) contenant une haute teneur en métaux lourds tels que zinc et plomb, et comprenant uniquement des espèces adaptées, écotypes ou populations principalement apparentées à, ou dérivées, des espèces par ailleurs montagnardes, boréomontagnardes ou steppiques. Non signalées en France.','Lebrun et al., 1949 ; Ellenberg, 1963, 1988 ; Lambinon et Auquier, 1964 ; Maquinoy et al., 1972 ; Westhoff et den Held, 1975 ; Noirfalise et al., 1980 ; Sipkes, 1980 ; Duvigneaud, 1982d ; Noirfalise et Dethioux, 1982 ; Duvigneaud, ms, 1985 ; Oberdorfer, 1990.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('34.21','34.2','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','British heavy metal grasslands','','Formations, in particular of Wales and the Pennines, developed in the vicinity of former mining operations or on river gravels, with Minuartia verna, Thlaspi caerulescens, Armeria maritima, Viola lutea, Festuca ovina s.l., F. rubra s.l., Agrostis tenuis.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('34.22','34.2','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Calaminarian grasslands','Thlaspion calaminariae: Violetum calaminariae, Violetum guestphalicae','Open formations colonizing heavy metal soils, either natural or resulting from past mining operations, in rapid regression and limited to a few stations in eastern Belgium, western Rhineland, Westphalia and Lower Saxony, and to one station in the southern Netherlands, comprised of a highly specialized flora with the endemics Viola calaminaria, V. guestphalica, Thlaspi caerulescens (= T. alpestre) ssp. calaminare and Festuca aquisgranensis (F. ophioliticola ssp. calaminaria), with Minuartia verna var. hercynica, Silene vulgaris ssp. humilis and Armeria halleri, limited to this formation and the next, and with the steppic, central European Festuca valesiaca.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('34.221','34.22','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Viola calaminaria grasslands','','Formations of eastern Belgium, the extreme southern Netherlands and the Aachen area, with the yellow-flowered Viola calaminaria.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('34.222','34.22','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Viola guestphalica grasslands','','Formations of northern Westfalia and of southern Lower Saxony, with the purple-flowered Viola guestphalica.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('34.223','34.22','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Eifel Armeria halleri grasslands','','Communities of the Eifel with Armeria halleri and without violets.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('34.23','34.2','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Pelouses métallifères d''Europe centrale','Central European heavy metal grasslands','Armerion halleri: Armerietum halleri, Armerietum bottendorfensis, Armerietum hornburgensis','Formations of Saxony and of the Hartz with the endemic or near endemic Armeria halleri, A. bottendorfensis, A. hornburgensis and with Minuartia verna var. hercynica, Silene vulgaris ssp. humilis.','','Armerion halleri: Armerietum halleri, Armerietum bottendorfensis, Armerietum hornburgensis','Formations de Saxe et du Hartz avec les endémiques ou quasi-endémiques Armeria halleri, A. bottendorfensis, A. hornburgensis et avec Minuartia verna var. hercynica, Silene vulgaris ssp. humilis.','','FALSE','FALSE','CH','Code cité dans la fiche Cahiers d''habitats 6130-2.');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('34.3','34','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Pelouses pérennes denses et steppes médio-européennes','Dense perennial grasslands and middle European steppes','Festuco-Brometea','Dry closed thermophilous grasslands of middle European or Mediterranean lowlands and hills, up to the montane zone, dominated by perennial grasses; steppic grasslands of continental middle European affinities.','','Festuco-Brometea','Pelouses sèches thermophiles, fermées des plaines et collines méditerranéennes ou médio-européennes, jusqu''à l’étage montagnard, dominées par des graminées vivaces ; pelouses steppiques d’affinités continentales médio-européennes.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('34.31','34.3','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Pelouses steppiques sub-continentales','Sub-continental steppic grasslands','Festucetalia valesiacae','Open grasslands of sub-continental climates with Festuca valesiaca, F. rupicola, F. pseudovina, F. duvalii, F. trachyphylla, Stipa capillata, S. joannis, S. pulcherrima, S. tirsa (= S. stenophylla), S. dasyphylla, Chrysopogon gryllus, Danthonia alpina, Koeleria macrantha, Agrostis capillaris, Poa bulbosa, P. molinerii (= P. badensis var. xerophila), P. perconcinna (= P. carniolica), Melica ciliata, Brachypodium pinnatum, Carex supina, C. stenophylla, C. humilis and herbs such as Adonis vernalis, Pulsatilla montana, P. pratensis, P. grandis, P. patens, P. pusilla, Veronica spicata, Allium flavum, A. sphaerocephalon, Silene otites, Artemisia campestris, Achillea collina, A. nobilis, A. setacea, Centaurea rhenana (C. stoebe), Inula spiraeifolia, Verbascum phoeniceum, Armeria alliacea, Kochia prostrata, Euphorbia seguieriana, E. cyparissias, Campanula sibirica, Iris pumila, I. variegata, Linum flavum, Onosma taurica, O. arenaria, Silene otites, Potentilla arenaria, P. cinerea, Aster linosyris, Onobrychis arenaria, Oxytropis pilosa, O. halleri, Ononis pusilla, O. cenisia, Astragalus onobrychis, A. exscapus, A. danicus, A. vesicarius, A. austriacus, A. alopecuroides, Eryngium campestre, Dianthus carthusianorum, often of oriental, mostly sarmatic, affinities.','Braun-Blanquet 1961, 1976; Ellenberg, 1963, 1988; Archiloque et al., 1969; Guinochet and Vilmorin, 1973; Horvat et al., 1974; Wolkinger and Plank, 1981; Duvigneaud, ms, 1985; Oberdorfer, 1990.','Festucetalia valesiacae','Pelouses ouvertes des climats subcontinentaux avec Festuca valesiaca, F. duvalii, F. lemanii, Stipa capillata, S. pennata subsp. pennata, S. pennata subsp. grafiana, S. tirsa (= S. stenophylla), Chrysopogon gryllus, Danthonia alpina, Koeleria macrantha, Agrostis capillaris, Poa bulbosa, P. badensis subsp. xerophila, P. perconcinna (= P. carniolica), Melica ciliata, Brachypodium pinnatum, Carex humilis et des herbacées telles que Adonis vernalis, Pulsatilla montana, P. pratensis, Veronica spicata, Allium flavum, A. sphaerocephalon, Silene otites, Artemisia campestris, Achillea nobilis, Centaurea rhenana (C. stoebe), Inula spiraeifolia, Armeria alliacea, Bassia prostrata, Euphorbia seguieriana, E. cyparissias, Iris lutescens, Linum flavum, Onosma arenaria, Silene otites, Potentilla arenaria, P. cinerea, Aster linosyris, Onobrychis arenaria, Oxytropis pilosa, O. halleri, Ononis pusilla, O. cristata (cenisia), Astragalus onobrychis, A. exscapus, A. danicus, A. vesicarius, A. austriacus, A. alopecurus, Eryngium campestre, Dianthus carthusianorum, souvent d''affinités orientales, principalement sarmatiques.','Braun-Blanquet, 1961, 1976 ; Ellenberg, 1963, 1988 ; Archiloque et al., 1969 ; Guinochet et Vilmorin, 1973 ; Horvat et al., 1974 ; Wolkinger et Plank, 1981 ; Duvigneaud, ms, 1985 ; Oberdorfer, 1990.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('34.311','34.31','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Greek sub-Mediterranean steppic grasslands','Chrysopogo-Danthonion, Festucion rupicolae, Saturejon montanae, Asplenion serpentini','Perennial, steppe-like grasslands of the sub-Mediterranean Ostryo-Carpinion, Quercion frainetto and Fagion moesiacum zones of Greece with, among others, Chrysopogon gryllus, Festuca rupicola, Koeleria macrantha, Carex humilis, Stipa joannis, S. capillata, S. pulcherrima.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('34.312','34.31','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Pelouses steppiques de l''Europe centrale','Central European steppic grasslands','Festucion valesiacae, Cirsio-Brachypodion','Dry grasslands, developed in areas with a locally high degree of continentality, of Alsace, the upper Rhine valley and hills, Franconia, Thuringe, Saxony and Brandenburg.','','Festucion valesiacae, Cirsio-Brachypodion','Pelouses sèches, développées dans les régions ayant localement un haut degré de continentalité : Alsace, collines et vallées du Rhin supérieur.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('34.3121','34.312','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Pelouses steppiques xérophiles de l''Europe centrale','Xerophile Central European steppic grasslands','Festucion valesiacae: Potentillo-Stipetum capillatae, Allio-Stipetum capillatae','Dry formations.','','Festucion valesiacae : Potentillo-Stipetum capillatae, Allio-Stipetum capillatae','Formations sèches.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('34.3122','34.312','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Pelouses steppiques mésophiles de l''Europe centrale','Mesophile Central European steppic grasslands','Cirsio-Brachypodion: Stipetum stenophyllae, Genisto-Stipetum stenophyllae, Adonido-Brachypodietum','More mesic formations.','','Cirsio-Brachypodion : Stipetum stenophyllae, Genisto-Stipetum stenophyllae, Adonido-Brachypodietum','Formations plus mésophiles.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('34.3123','34.312','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Pelouses steppiques à brachypode penné de l''Europe centrale','Central European Tor grass steppic grasslands','','Brachypodium pinnatum-dominated facies of 34.3122.','','','Faciès de 34.3122 dominé par Brachypodium pinnatum.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('34.313','34.31','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Eastern inner Alpine arid grasslands','Stipo-Poion xerophilae','Formations of the isolated, low-precipitation, high insolation, high summer temperature, inner Alpine valleys of the Val Bregaglia, upper basin of the Adda, the Val Venosta (upper Adige), the middle Adige-Isarco basin, the Val Pusteria.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('34.314','34.31','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Pelouses arides des Alpes occidentales internes','Western inner Alpine arid grasslands','Stipo-Poion carniolicae','Grasslands of the dry inner valleys of the southwestern Alps in the upper basin of the Durance, the upper valley of the Romanche, the Maurienne and the Tarentaise, the basins of the Dora Riparia (Susa) and of the Chisone and the upper basin of the Dora Baltea (Aosta).','','Stipo-Poion carniolicae','Pelouses des vallées internes sèches du sud-ouest des Alpes, dans le bassin supérieur de la Durance, la haute vallée de la Romanche, la Maurienne et la Tarentaise, ... .','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('34.32','34.3','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Pelouses calcaires sub-atlantiques semi-arides','Sub-Atlantic semi-dry calcareous grasslands','Mesobromion (Seslerio-Mesobromion, Potentillo-Brachypodion pinnati)','More or less mesophile, closed formations dominated by perennial, tuft-forming grasses, colonizing relatively deep, mostly calcareous soils in the sub-Atlantic domaine of the Quercion pubescenti-petraeae and its northern irradiations and in the sub-Mediterranean mountains of the Italian peninsula, with Bromus erectus, Brachypodium pinnatum, Koeleria pyramidata, Festuca guestfalica, F. lemanii, Avenula pubescens, Sesleria albicans, Briza media, Carex caryophyllea, C. flacca, Gentianella germanica, G. ciliata, Gentiana cruciata, Trifolium montanum, Lotus corniculatus, Ononis repens, Medicago lupulina, Ranunculus bulbosus, Sanguisorba minor, Cirsium acaule, Euphrasia stricta, Dianthus deltoides, Potentilla neumanniana (= P. tabernaemontani, P. verna), Anthyllis vulneraria, Galium verum, Euphorbia brittingeri (E. verrucosa), Hippocrepis comosa, Helianthemum nummularium, Thymus praecox, Salvia pratensis, Linum catharticum, Scabiosa columbaria, Centaurea scabiosa, Carlina vulgaris, Viola hirta, Plantago media, Primula veris and numerous orchids such as Coeloglossum viride, Ophrys apifera, O. holoserica, O. insectifera, O. sphegodes, Aceras anthropophorum, Himantoglossum hircinum, Anacamptis pyramidalis, Orchis morio, O. ustulata, O. militaris, O. simia, Gymnadenia conopsea, Platanthera chlorantha, Herminium monorchis, Dactylorhiza fuchsii. Generally species-rich, these communities may be overwhelmed by the highly social Brachypodium pinnatum. Their range extends from the British Isles, Denmark, the Low Countries and northern Germany to the Cantabric range, the Pyrenees, Catalonia, the southern Alps, and the Central Apennines. Forming a bridge between the Mediterranean region and thermophile sites to the north, they can be identified by their high representation of Mediterranean species in the north and of Euro-Siberian ones in the south.','Lebrun et al., 1949; Vanden Berghen and Mullenders, 1957; Tüxen and Oberdorfer, 1958; Vanden Berghen, 1963; Ellenberg, 1963, 1988; Braun-Blanquet, 1963, 1967a, 1976; Sutter, 1967; Archiloque et al., 1969; Petit and Ramaut, 1970, 1985; Guinochet and Vilmorin, 1973; Lambinon, 1974; Summerhayes, 1976; Schumacher, 1977; Rivas-Martinez, 1977a; Gruber, 1978; Bellot Rodriguez, 1979; Bournérias, 1979, 1984; Molinier and Martin, 1980; Sipkes, 1980; Wolkinger and Plank, 1981; Ozenda, 1981; Francalancia et al., 1981; Noirfalise and Dethioux, 1982; Duvigneaud, 1982a, b, 1983a, b, ms 1985; Bouzillé, 1983; Guéry, 1983; Rivas-Martinez, Diaz et al., 1984; Nordiska ministerradet, 1984; Polunin and Walters, 1985; Gauld and Robertson, 1985; Bradshaw, 1985; Dupias, 1985; Bobbink and Willems, 1987; Loidi Arregui, 1987; Diaz Gonzalez and Fernandez Prieto, 1987; Bolos and Capdevila, 1987; Vigo and Ninot, 1987; Chas, 1989; Oberdorfer, 1990.','Mesobromion (Seslerio-Mesobromion, Potentillo-Brachypodion pinnati)','Formations plus ou moins mésophiles, fermées, dominées par des graminées vivaces, cespiteuses, colonisant des sols relativement profonds, principalement calcaires dans le domaine sub-atlantique du Quercion pubescenti-petraea et dans ses irradiations septentrionales ainsi que dans les montagnes sub-méditerranéennes de la péninsule italienne, avec Bromus erectus, Brachypodium pinnatum, Koeleria pyramidata, F. lemanii, Avenula pubescens, Sesleria albicans, Briza media, Carex caryophyllea, C. flacca, Gentianella germanica, G. ciliata, Gentiana cruciata, Trifolium montanum, Lotus corniculatus, Ononis repens, Medicago lupulina, Ranunculus bulbosus, Sanguisorba minor, Cirsium acaule, Euphrasia stricta, Dianthus deltoides, Potentilla neumanniana, Anthyllis vulneraria, Galium verum, Euphorbia brittingeri (E. verrucosa), Hippocrepis comosa, Helianthemum nummularium, Thymus praecox, Salvia pratensis, Linum catharticum, Scabiosa columbaria, Centaurea scabiosa, Carlina vulgaris, Viola hirta, Plantago media, Primula veris et de nombreuses orchidées telles que Coeloglossum viride, Ophrys apifera, O. fuciflora, O. insectifera, O. sphegodes, Aceras anthropophorum, Himantoglossum hircinum, Anacamptis pyramidalis, Orchis morio, O. ustulata, O. militaris, O. simia, Gymnadenia conopsea, Platanthera chlorantha, Herminium monorchis, Dactylorhiza fuchsii. Généralement riches en espèces, ces groupements peuvent être envahis par le très social Brachypodium pinnatum. Leur aire s''étend des îles Britanniques, Danemark, Pays-Bas, nord de l''Allemagne à la région cantabrique, aux Pyrénées, à la Catalogne, aux Alpes du sud, et aux Apennins centraux. Assurant la transition entre la région méditerranéenne et les sites thermophiles plus nordiques, elles peuvent être identifiées par leur forte représentation en espèces méditerranéennes au nord, et par les euro-sibériennes au sud.','Lebrun et al., 1949 ; Vanden Berghen et Mullenders, 1957 ; Vanden Berghen, 1963 ; Ellenberg, 1963, 1988 ; Braun-Blanquet, 1967a, 1976 ; Archiloque et al., 1969 ; Petit et Ramaut, 1970, 1985 ; Guinochet et Vilmorin, 1973 ; Lambinon, 1974 ; Rivas-Martinez, 1977a ; Gruber, 1978 ; Bellot Rodriguez, 1979 ; Bournérias, 1979, 1984 ; Molinier et Martin, 1980 ; Sipkes, 1980 ; Wolkinger et Plank, 1981 ; Ozenda, 1981 ; Noirfalise et Dethioux, 1982 ; Duvigneaud, 1982a, b, 1983a, b, ms 1985 ; Bouzillé, 1983 ; Guéry, 1983 ; Polunin et Walters, 1985 ; Dupias, 1985 ; Bobbink et Willems, 1987 ; Chas, 1989 ; Oberdorfer, 1990.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('34.321','34.32','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Pelouses calcicoles semi-sèches nord-occidentales','North-western semi-dry calcareous grasslands','','Mesobromion grasslands of Denmark and the British Isles.','','','Pelouses du Mesobromion du Danemark et des îles Britanniques.','','FALSE','FALSE','CH','Code cité dans la fiche Cahiers d''habitats 6210-7.');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('34.3211','34.321','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Danish Mesobromion','','Dry or mesophile calcareous grasslands of central Jutland and the Danish archipelago with Festuca ovina, Avenula pratensis, A. pubescens, Galium verum, Plantago media, Pulsatilla vulgaris, Artemisia campestris, Geranium sanguineum, Potentilla argentea.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('34.3212','34.321','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Irish Mesobromion','','Calcareous grasslands of central and central-western Ireland.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('34.3213','34.321','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Scottish Mesobromion','','Very local, dry or mesophile grasslands occupying isolated limestone outcrops or deposits of Scotland, in particular on the Durness limestone of the northwest, the Dalradian limestones of Perthshire and basalt hills of the east, with Koeleria macrantha, Festuca ovina, F. rubra, Briza media, Avenula pratensis, Carex flacca, C. caryophyllea, C. capillaris, Helianthemum nummularium, Astragalus danicus, Thymus drucei.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('34.3214','34.321','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Northern English Mesobromion','','Grasslands of mostly Carboniferous or Magnesian limestone substrates in the Pennines of Derbyshire, Yorkshire and Lancashire, the Lake District and Durham, including Teesdale, rich in Sesleria albicans and with many isolated populations of restricted or rare plants including Carex ericetorum, Viola rupestris, Gentiana verna.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('34.3215','34.321','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Welsh Mesobromion','','Grasslands of mostly Carboniferous limestone outcrops of Wales and adjacent areas with Koeleria macrantha, Avenula pubescens, A. pratensis.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('34.3216','34.321','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Southern English Mesobromion','','Grasslands of the chalk downs and mainly Jurassic calcareous hills of southern and eastern England, with Bromus erectus and Brachypodium pinnatum, often very rich in orchids.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('34.32161','34.3216','7','Niveau 7','FALSE','','Southern English tall Mesobromion','','Tall grasslands with Bromus erectus, Brachypodium pinnatum, Arrhenatherum elatius, Avenula pratensis, A. pubescens.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('34.32162','34.3216','7','Niveau 7','FALSE','','Southern English tor grass Mesobromion','','Brachypodium pinnatum -dominated facies.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('34.32163','34.3216','7','Niveau 7','FALSE','','Southern English short Mesobromion','','Short turfs with Festuca ovina, F. rubra, Cynosurus cristatus, Koeleria macrantha.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('34.322','34.32','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Pelouses semi-sèches médio-européennes à Bromus erectus','Middle European Bromus erectus semi-dry grasslands','','Mesophile and meso-xerophile calcareous grasslands of the sub-Atlantic domaine in the Low Countries, Germany, northern, central and western France and northwestern Spain. They are faunistically and floristically rich and the highly discontinuous nature of their distribution gives rise to a considerable geographical variation in the composition of plant and animal communities, marked by the occurrence of numerous species of local or disjunct occurrence in addition to the basic cortège common to most of them. Besides this geographical variation, the nature of these grasslands also depends, to a great extent, on hydric regime, substrate characteristics and agro-pastoral treatment, notably on whether they are mowed or grazed and how intensively. In particular, the relative abundance of the main constituent grass species, Bromus erectus, Brachypodium pinnatum s. l., Sesleria albicans and Koeleria pyramidata, varies both geographically with climatic conditions and locally with topography and agro-pastoral regime. Thus, although separate geographical entities may differ in that relative abundance, similarly differing facies may also coexist locally, producing sharply distinct habitats. To accomodate for these concurrent axes of variation, formations dominated by Brachypodium or by Sesleria, as well as all semi-damp formations, are removed from this division and placed in 34.323, 34.324 and 34.325. Geographical subdivisions, most apt at identifying distinctive plant and animal communities, may be used in the four sections by addition of a fourth decimal digit common to all of them. The regions encompassed by the geographical subdivisions corresponding to each value of this fourth digit are in all cases described under this section although in some of them, or in parts of some of them, there may be no grasslands belonging to 34.322, but only grasslands belonging to units 34.323, 34.324 or 34.325; these cases have, as much as possible, been identified under each of the subdivisions below.','','','Pelouses calcaires mésophiles à méso-xérophiles du domaine sub-atlantique du nord, centre et ouest de la France, ... . Elles sont faunistiquement et floristiquement riches. Le caractère très discontinu de leur distribution engendre une variation géographique considérable dans la composition des communautés végétales et animales, marquées par la présence de nombreuses espèces à distribution locale ou à aire disjointe surajoutée au cortège de base, commun à la plupart de ces pelouses. A côté de ces variations géographiques, la nature de ces pelouses dépend aussi, pour une grande part, du régime hydrique, des caractéristiques du substrat et des pratiques agro-pastorales, notamment si elles sont fauchées ou pâturées et selon l’intensité de ces actions. En particulier, l''abondance relative des espèces principales de graminées, Bromus erectus, Brachypodium pinnatum s.l., Sesleria albicans et Koeleria pyramidata, varie à la fois géographiquement avec les conditions climatiques et localement avec la topographie et le régime agro-pastoral. Ainsi, bien que des entités séparées géographiquement puissent différer par l’abondance relative de ces graminées, des faciès se différenciant pareillement peuvent aussi coexister localement, engendrant des habitats nettement distincts. Pour tenir compte de ces causes de variations, les formations dominées par Brachypodium ou par Sesleria, de même que les formations semi-humides, n''ont pas été prises en compte ici et ont été placées en 34.323, 34.324 et 34.325. Des subdivisions géographiques, plus en mesure de permettre l''identification de communautés végétales et animales distinctes, peuvent être utilisées dans les quatre sections par l''introduction d''une quatrième décimale après le point commun à toutes. Les régions incluses dans les subdivisions géographiques correspondant à chaque valeur de ce quatrième chiffre sont, dans tous les cas décrits, dans cette section, même si pour certaines d''entre elles, ou pour certaines parties d''entre elles, il se peut qu''elles ne soient pas des pelouses appartenant à 34.322, mais seulement des pelouses appartenant aux unités 34.323, 34.324 ou 34.325 ; ces cas ont été, autant que possible, identifiés sous chacune des subdivisions suivantes.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('34.3221','34.322','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Mesobromion mosan','Mosan Mesobromion','','Mesophile grasslands of the northwestern Hercynian periphery, on mostly Devonian or Carboniferous limestones or dolomitic limestones, occasionally on calcschists, in the Mosan district of Belgium and the French Meuse, with isolated stations in the Ardenne-Eifel of Luxembourg and Rhineland.','','','Pelouses mésophiles de la périphérie hercynienne, au nord-ouest, sur calcaires principalement du dévonien ou du carbonifère ou sur calcaires dolomitiques, occasionnellement sur schistes calcaires, du district mosan de la Belgique et de la Meuse française, avec des stations isolées dans l’Ardenne, l’Eifel du Luxembourg et la Rhénanie.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('34.3222','34.322','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Mesobromion de la basse Meuse','Low Meuse Mesobromion','','Chalk grasslands of the Belgian low Meuse, extreme southeastern Netherlands and Westphalia, generally without Bromus erectus, and alluvial Mesobromion grasslands of adjacent regions (these to be listed under 34.324).','','','Pelouses sur craie de la basse vallée de la Meuse belge, de l’extrême sud-est des Pays-Bas généralement sans Bromus erectus ; pelouses alluviales du Mesobromion des régions adjacentes.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('34.3223','34.322','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Harz Mesobromion','','Closed mesophile grasslands, on substrates derived from Mesozoic limestones, of the periphery of the Harz in Saxony, Thuringe, Hesse and the hills of Lower Saxony.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('34.3224','34.322','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Oder Mesobromion','','Closed mesophile calcareous grasslands of the Oder basin in Brandenbourg and Mecklenburg.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('34.3225','34.322','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Mesobromion crétacé du Bassin parisien','Paris basin Cretaceous Mesobromion','','Mesophile grasslands of the Cretaceous northwestern and western periphery of the Paris basin, the valleys of the Seine, Bray and Somme and adjacent Jurassic areas of Basse Normandie and the Boulonnais.','','','Pelouses mésophiles de la périphérie ouest et nord-ouest crétacé du Bassin parisien, des vallées de la Seine, Brie et Somme et des régions jurassiques voisines de Basse Normandie et du Boulonnais.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('34.3226','34.322','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Mesobromion parisien tertiaire','Parisian Tertiary Mesobromion','','Mesophile calcareous grasslands of the Parisian Tertiary in the central Paris basin.','','','Pelouses calcaires mésophiles du Tertiaire parisien dans le centre du bassin de Paris.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('34.3227','34.322','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Mesobromion du Bassin parisien jurassique','Paris basin Jurassic Mesobromion','','Mesophile grasslands of the northeastern, eastern and southeastern Jurassic belt of the Paris basin and adjacent Cretaceous areas in Lorraine, Champagne, Haute Marne, Burgundy, Haute Saône.','','','Pelouses mésophiles du nord-est, est et sud-est de la ceinture jurassique du Bassin parisien et des régions crétacées adjacentes en Lorraine, Champagne, Haute-Marne, Bourgogne, Haute-Saône.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('34.3228','34.322','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Mesobromion du Rhin moyen','Middle Rhine Mesobromion','','Closed mesophile calcareous grasslands of the Rhine, Mainz, Moselle, Neckar, Nahe and Lahn valleys in their crossing of the northern Hercynian ranges.','','','Pelouses calcaires mésophiles fermées du Rhin, de la Moselle, dans leur traversée des régions hercyniennes nord.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('34.3229','34.322','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Mesobromion du Rhin supérieur','Upper Rhine Mesobromion','','Closed mesophile calcareous grasslands of the upper Rhine rift and adjacent hills, in Alsace and Baden-Württemberg.','','','Pelouses calcaires mésophiles fermées du fossé du haut Rhin et des collines adjacentes d''Alsace.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('34.322A','34.322','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Black Forest Mesobromion','','Mesophile calcareous grasslands of the southern Black Forest.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('34.322B','34.322','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Mesobromion du Jura français','French Jura Mesobromion','','Mesophile calcareous grasslands of the French Jura and adjacent areas.','','','Pelouses calcaires mésophiles du Jura français et des régions adjacentes.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('34.322C','34.322','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Swabian Mesobromion','','Mesophile calcareous grasslands of the Swabian Alb and adjacent areas.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('34.322D','34.322','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Franconian Mesobromion','','Closed mesophile calcareous grasslands of the Franconian Alb, Franconian plateaux and adjacent areas.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('34.322E','34.322','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Mesobromion des pré-Alpes nord-occidentales','North-western pre-Alpine Mesobromion','','Hill and montane mesophile grasslands of the northwestern calcareous pre-Alps.','','','Pelouses mésophiles collinéennes et montagnardes des pré-Alpes calcaires du nord-ouest.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('34.322F','34.322','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Bavarian Mesobromion','','Hill and montane mesophile calcareous grasslands of the Isar valley, the Bavarian plateau and pre-Alps.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('34.322G','34.322','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Mesobromion ligérien','Ligerian Mesobromion','','Mesophile calcareous grasslands of the Ligerian basin in the southern Paris basin, Berry, Limagne d''Auvergne and Forez.','','','Pelouses calcaires mésophiles du bassin ligérien, du sud du Bassin parisien, du Berry, de la Limagne et du Forez.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('34.322H','34.322','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Mesobromion aquitain','Aquitanian Mesobromion','','Mesophile calcareous grasslands of southwestern France in Charentes, Perigord and Aquitaine.','','','Pelouses calcaires mésophiles du sud-ouest de la France (Charentes, Périgord et Aquitaine).','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('34.322I','34.322','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Mesobromion du Quercy','Quercy Mesobromion','','Closed mesophile calcareous grasslands of Quercy.','','','Pelouses calcaires mésophiles fermées du Quercy.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('34.322J','34.322','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Mesobromion des Pyrénées occidentales','Western Pyrenean Mesobromion','','Hill and montane mesophile calcareous grasslands of the western Pyrenees.','','','Pelouses calcaires mésophiles collinéennes et montagnardes des Pyrénées occidentales.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('34.322K','34.322','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Western Iberian Mesobromion','','Hill, montane and sometimes lower subalpine calcareous grasslands of the Picos de Europa, Cantabria, Asturias, Alava, Navarra dominated by Brachypodium pinnatum ssp. rupestre (to be listed as 34.323K) or by Bromus erectus, Carex brevicollis, Sesleria argentea, Helictotrichon cantabricum, Avenula vasconica, A. marginata, and often with Seseli montanum, S. cantabricum, Chamaespartium sagittale, Pulsatilla rubra ssp. hispanica, Phyteuma orbiculare ssp. hispanicum, Carduus argemone.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('34.323','34.32','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Pelouses semi-arides médio-européennes dominées par Brachypodium','Middle European Brachypodium-dominated semi-dry grasslands','','Brachypodium pinnatum ssp. pinnatum or B. pinnatum ssp. rupestre facies of 34.322. Geographical subdivisions can be introduced by use of the fourth decimal digit of 34.322 in the fourth place of 34.323. Brachypodium-dominated facies may form in all the regional types of grasslands inventoried in 34.322 as a result of nitrification or of dominance of grazing over mowing. Such processes are accompanied by a drastic reduction in species diversity. Southwestern grasslands of units H to K of 34.322 and 34.323 are, however, generally rich in Brachypodium even in the apparent absence of degradation processes.','','','Faciès à Brachypodium pinnatum subsp. pinnatum ou B. pinnatum subsp. rupestre de 34.322. Des subdivisions géographiques peuvent être introduites en utilisant la quatrième décimale de 34.322 à la place de 34.323. Les faciès dominés par Brachypodium peuvent se former dans tous les types régionaux de prairies inventoriées en 34.322 comme un résultat de la nitrification ou de la dominance du pâturage sur le fauchage. De tels processus sont accompagnés d''une réduction drastique de la diversité en espèces. Les pelouses du sud-ouest des unités H à K de 34.322 et 34.323 sont, quoi qu''il en soit, généralement riches en Brachypodium même en l''absence apparente de processus de dégradation.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('34.324','34.32','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Pelouses alluviales et humides du Mesobromion','Alluvial and humid Mesobromion grasslands','','Closed grasslands rich in species of the Mesobromion and in particular Bromus erectus, developed on calcareous marls, on somewhat elevated expanses of alluvial plains and on other water retentive soils within the range of the grasslands listed under 34.322. They are transitional to humid grasslands (37) and are often marked by the abundance of Carex flacca. Among characteristic elements are also Thalictrum majus, Peucedanum carvifolia, Silaum silaus, Festuca hirundinacea. Geographical subdivisions can be introduced by use of the fourth decimal digit of 34.322 in the fourth place of 34.324. Extensive examples are known in particular from the marls of Lorraine, the Belgian low Meuse and the great rivers of the Netherlands, Westphalia, the alluvial plains of the French Moselle and Meuse, the Rhine valley in Germany and Alsace, various valleys in south Germany and the valley of the Sarthe.','','','Pelouses fermées riches en espèces du Mesobromion et en particulier en Bromus erectus, développées sur marnes calcaires, sur des étendues quelque peu surélevées des plaines alluviales et sur d’autres sols qui retiennent de l''eau au sein de l’aire des pelouses listées en 34.322. Elles font la transition avec les pelouses humides (37) et sont souvent marquées par l''abondance de Carex flacca. Parmi les éléments caractéristiques, on trouve aussi Thalictrum minus subsp. majus, Peucedanum carvifolia, Silaum silaus, Festuca arundinacea. Des subdivisions géographiques peuvent être introduites en utilisant la quatrième décimale de 34.322 à la quatrième place de 34.324. De exemples sur de grandes surfaces sont connus en particulier sur les marnes de Lorraine, les plaines alluviales de la Meuse et de la Moselle françaises, la vallée du Rhin en Alsace et la vallée de la Sarthe.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('34.325','34.32','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Pelouses semi-sèches médio-européennes dominées par Sesleria','Middle European Sesleria-dominated semi-dry grasslands','','Sesleria albicans-dominated facies of 34.322, often rich in dealpine species, occurring in particular in the Alpine and Pyrenean periphery, but also occurring locally, farther from the immediate Alpine influence, in anomalous stations such as steep, more or less shaded slopes or cliffs; Sesleria argentea-dominated grasslands of Alava and Navarra. Geographical subdivisions can be introduced by use of the fourth decimal digit of 34.322 in the fourth place of 34.323.','','','Faciès de 34.322 dominés par Sesleria albicans, souvent riches en espèces déalpines, se rencontrant en particulier à la périphérie des Alpes et des Pyrénées, mais présents aussi localement, au-delà de l''influence alpine immédiate, dans des stations particulières telles que des falaises ou des versants escarpés, plus ou moins ombragés ; pelouses dominées par Sesleria argentea de Navarre. Des subdivisions géographiques peuvent être introduites en utilisant la quatrième décimale de 34.322 à la quatrième place de 34.325.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('34.326','34.32','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Mesobromion subméditerranéens','Sub-Mediterranean Mesobromion','','Closed mesophile grasslands, usually rich in Bromus erectus and orchids, of the periphery of the Mediterranean basin in Catalonia, the eastern Pyrenees, the Corbières, the Causses, Provence, the southwestern Alps and the northern Apennines. Many are comparatively dry and have sometimes been included in the Xerobromion.','','','Pelouses mésophiles fermées, habituellement riches en Bromus erectus et orchidées, situées à la périphérie du bassin méditerranéen, dans les Pyrénées orientales, les Corbières, les Causses, la Provence et le sud-ouest des Alpes.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('34.3261','34.326','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Mesobromion pyrénéo-catalan','Pyreneo-Catalonian Mesobromion','','Formations of the supra-Mediterranean and montane zones of the mountains of Catalonia and of the supra-Mediterranean and montane zones of the Pyrenees, where the absence of Brachypodium pinnatum separates them from the more western formations of 34.322-34.323.','','','Formations des étages montagnard et supra-méditerranéen des Pyrénées, où l''absence de Brachypodium pinnatum les sépare des formations plus occidentales de 34.322-34.323.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('34.3262','34.326','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Mesobromion des Corbières','Corbières Mesobromion','','Widespread and diverse formations of the Corbières with, in particular, isolated populations of Ophrys catalaunica and Dactylorhiza insularis.','','','Formations diverses et largement répandues des Corbières avec, en particulier, des populations isolées d’Ophrys catalaunica et Dactylorhiza insularis.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('34.3263','34.326','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Mesobromion des Causses','Causses Mesobromion','','Formations of the Causses; in the southern Causses they are mostly limited to the valleys where they occur at the base of slopes and, more rarely, on alluvial terraces; they also occupy the plateaux of the Causse de Sauveterre; the endemics Ophrys aveyronensis and O. aymonini find their optimal habitat in these communities ("Orchideto-Brometum").','','','Formations des Causses ; dans les Causses méridionaux elles sont principalement limitées aux vallées où elles sont présentes à la base des pentes et, plus rarement, sur les terrasses alluviales ; elles occupent aussi les plateaux du Causse de Sauveterre ; les endémiques Ophrys aveyronensis et O. aymoninii trouvent leur habitat optimal dans ces groupements (Orchideto-Brometum).','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('34.3264','34.326','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Mesobromion provençal','Provence Mesobromion','','Local formations of the Mediterranean region of France developed on high plateaux, north-facing slopes and in clearings of pubescent oak woodlands.','','','Formations locales de la région méditerranéenne développées sur les hauts plateaux, sur des ubacs et dans les clairières des forêts de chênes pubescents.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('34.3265','34.326','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Mesobromion des Alpes sud-occidentales','South-western Alpine Mesobromion','','Formations occupying considerable surfaces of the supra-Mediterranean and montane zones of the southern Alps, where their line of demarcation from the grasslands of 32.322 can be, somewhat arbitrarily, placed at the line which, through the Col de Rousset, the Col de la Croix Haute and the Col Bayard, separates the southern Alps, including the Diois, from the northern Alps, including the Vercors.','','','Formations occupant des surfaces considérables dans les étages supra-méditerranéen et montagnard des Alpes méridionales, où leur distinction par rapport aux pelouses de 32.322 peut, quelque peu arbitrairement, correspondre à une ligne qui, passant par le col Rousset, le col de la Croix Haute et le col Bayard, sépare les Alpes du sud, Diois inclus, des Alpes du nord, Vercors compris.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('34.3266','34.326','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Northern Apennine Mesobromion','','Local formations of the northern Apennines, in particular in Liguria and in Tuscany.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('34.327','34.32','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Insubrian Mesobromion grasslands','Carici humilis-Chrysopogetum grylli fumanetosum, Andropogonetum grylli insubricum orchidetosum, i.a.','Species-rich hill and montane grasslands of Lago di Garda, Lago di Como and neighbouring areas with Chrysopogon gryllus, Bromus erectus, Festuca rubra s.l., Agrostis capillaris, Brachypodium pinnatum, Carex humilis and many orchids including the endemic Ophrys benacensis and Serapias vomeracea ssp. vomeracea.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('34.328','34.32','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Central Apennine Mesobromion grasslands','Filipendulo vulgaris-Trifolietum montani i.a.','Closed mesophile grasslands of the piani of the beech level of the Monti Sibillini and adjacent regions of the central Apennines, with a rich floristic cortège including many higher altitude species and Apennine endemics, dominated by the grasses Bromus erectus, Festuca circummediterranea, Brachypodium pinnatum, Poa pratensis, Briza media, Festuca pratensis, with Filipendula vulgaris, Alchemilla glaucescens, Scabiosa columbaria, Trifolium montanum, Lotus corniculatus, Thymus longicaulis, Rhinanthus personatus, Cerastium fontanum, Galium anisophyllum, and with the central Italian endemic Gentiana columnae on summits and slopes, Asphodelus albus and Fritillaria tenella in plains and gullies.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('34.33','34.3','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Prairies calcaires subatlantiques très sèches','Sub-Atlantic very dry calcareous grasslands','Xerobromion (Seslerio-Xerobromion)','Xerophile, open formations dominated by perennial, tuft-forming grasses, often rich in chamaephytes, colonizing superficial calcareous soils, often on steep slopes, clifftops or hilltops, in the sub-Atlantic domain of the Quercion pubescentii-petraeae and its northern irradiations and in the sub-Mediterranean mountains of the northern Italian peninsula, with Bromus erectus, Sesleria albicans, Koeleria vallesiana, Melica ciliata, Stipa pennata, S. bavarica, S. capillata, S. pulcherrima, Phleum phleoides, Brachypodium pinnatum, Carex humilis, Fumana procumbens, Globularia punctata, Ononis pusilla, Helianthemum apenninum, H. canum, H. nummularium, Linum tenuifolium, Teucrium chamaedrys, Allium sphaerocephalon, Arabis hirsuta, Anthericum liliago, Aster linosyris, Pulsatilla vulgaris, Biscutella laevigata, Orobanche teucrii, Artemisia alba, Sedum album, S. acre, Acinos arvensis, Hippocrepis comosa, Sanguisorba minor, Potentilla neumanniana, Scabiosa columbaria, Astragalus monspessulanus, Teucrium pyrenaicum, Ononis spinosa, O. natrix.','Lebrun et al., 1949; Tüxen and Oberdorfer, 1958; Vanden Berghen, 1963; Ellenberg, 1963, 1988; Archiloque et al., 1969; Guinochet and Vilmorin, 1973; Rivas-Martinez, 1977; Wolkinger and Planck, 1981; Ozenda, 1981, 1985; Noirfalise and Dethioux, 1982; Bournérias, 1984; Biondi et al., 1985; Dupias, 1985; Polunin and Walters, 1985; Duvigneaud, ms, 1985; Parent, 1986; Vigo and Ninot, 1987; Oberdorfer, 1990.','Xerobromion (Seslerio-Xerobromion)','Formations xérophiles ouvertes dominées par des graminées vivaces, cespiteuses, souvent riches en chaméphytes, colonisant des sols calcaires superficiels, souvent sur des pentes escarpées, au sommet de collines ou de falaises, dans le domaine sub-atlantique du Quercion pubescenti-petraea et de ses irradiations septentrionales, avec Bromus erectus, Sesleria albicans, Koeleria vallesiana, Melica ciliata, Stipa pennata, S. capillata, S. pennata subsp. grafiana, Phleum phleoides, Brachypodium pinnatum, Carex humilis, Fumana procumbens, Globularia punctata, Ononis pusilla, Helianthemum apennimum, H. canum, H. nummularium, Linum tenuifolium, Teucrium chamaedrys, Allium sphaerocephalon, Arabis hirsuta, Anthericum liliago, Aster linosyris, Pulsatilla vulgaris, Biscutella laevigata, Orobanche teucrii, Artemisia alba, Sedum album, S. acre, Acinos arvensis, Hippocrepis comosa, Sanguisorba minor, Potentilla neumanniana, Scabiosa columbaria, Astragalus monspessulanus, Teucrium pyrenaicum, Ononis spinosa, O. natrix.','Lebrun et al., 1949 ; Vanden Berghen, 1963 ; Ellenberg, 1963, 1988 ; Archiloque et al., 1969 ; Guinochet et Vilmorin, 1973 ; Rivas-Martinez, 1977 ; Wolkinger et Planck, 1981 ; Ozenda, 1981, 1985 ; Noirfalise et Dethioux, 1982 ; Bournérias, 1984 ; Dupias, 1985 ; Polunin et Walters, 1985 ; Duvigneaud, ms, 1985 ; Parent, 1986 ; Oberdorfer, 1990.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('34.331','34.33','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','British Xerobromion grasslands','','Very rare, local formations of Devon and Somerset.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('34.332','34.33','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Pelouses médio-européennes du Xerobromion','Middle European Xerobromion grasslands','','Formations of southern Belgium, Germany, France, northern Spain and the northern Apennines. Where they occur in the vicinity of communities of the Festucetalia valesiacae, the latter occupy cites with more continental microclimates than those inhabited by the formations of this group.','','','Formations de la France. Quand elles viennent au contact avec les communautés des Festucetalia valesiacae, ces dernières occupent les sites marqués par des climats continentaux plus accusés que ceux habités par les formations de ce groupe.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('34.3321','34.332','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Xerobromion mosan','Mosan Xerobromion','','Xerophile grasslands of the north-western Hercynian periphery, on mostly Devonian or Carboniferous limestones, in the Mosan district of Belgium and the French Meuse, with outposts in the Ardenne-Eifel of Luxembourg and Rhineland; the stations are for the most part very limited in extent and widely isolated.','','','Pelouses xérophiles du nord-ouest de la périphérie hercynienne, principalement sur des calcaires du dévonien ou du carbonifère, dans le district mosan de la Belgique, et la Meuse française ; les stations sont pour la plupart très limitées en étendue et très isolées.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('34.3322','34.332','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Harz Xerobromion','','Xerophile grasslands, on substrates derived from Mesozoic limestones of the periphery of the Harz, notably in Thuringe.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('34.3323','34.332','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Xerobromion du Bassin parisien crétacé','Paris basin Cretaceous Xerobromion','','Xerophile grasslands of rare localities of the Cretaceous northwestern and western periphery of the Paris basin, in particular in the valleys of the Seine and Somme.','','','Pelouses xérophiles de rares localités de la périphérie nord-ouest et ouest sur crétacé du bassin de Paris, en particulier dans les vallées de la Seine et de la Somme.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('34.3324','34.332','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Xerobromion du Tertiaire parisien','Parisian Tertiary Xerobromion','','Xerophile calcareous grasslands of the Parisian Tertiary in the central Paris basin.','','','Pelouses calcaires xérophiles du Tertiaire parisien dans le centre du bassin de Paris.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('34.3325','34.332','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Xerobromion du Bassin parisien jurassique','Paris basin Jurassic Xerobromion','','Xerophile grasslands of the north-eastern, eastern and south-eastern Jurassic belt of the Paris basin and adjacent Cretaceous areas in Lorraine, Champagne, Haute Marne, Burgundy, Haute Saône.','','','Pelouses xérophiles du nord-est, de l’est et du sud-est de la ceinture jurassique du Bassin parisien et des régions crétacées adjacentes de Lorraine, Champagne, Haute-Marne, Bourgogne, Haute-Saône.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('34.3326','34.332','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Xerobromion du Rhin moyen','Middle Rhine Xerobromion','','Xerophile calcareous grasslands of the Rhine, Mainz, Moselle, Neckar, Nahe and Lahn valleys in their crossing of the northern Hercynian ranges.','','','Pelouses xérophiles calcaires du Rhin, de la Moselle, ..., à leur traversée des massifs hercyniens septentrionaux.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('34.3327','34.332','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Xerobromion du Rhin supérieur','Upper Rhine Xerobromion','','Xerophile calcareous grasslands of the upper Rhine rift and adjacent hills, in Alsace and Baden-Württemberg.','','','Pelouses xérophiles calcaires du fossé du haut Rhin et des collines adjacentes, en Alsace.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('34.3328','34.332','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Xerobromion du Jura français','French Jura Xerobromion','','Xerophile calcareous grasslands of the French Jura and adjacent areas.','','','Pelouses xérophiles calcaires du Jura français et des régions adjacentes.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('34.3329','34.332','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Swabian Xerobromion','','Xerophile calcareous grasslands of the Swabian Alb, Lake Constance region and adjacent areas.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('34.332A','34.332','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Franconian Xerobromion','','Xerophile calcareous grasslands of the Franconian Alb, Franconian plateaux and adjacent areas.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('34.332B','34.332','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Xerobromion des Préalpes du nord-ouest','North-western pre-Alpine Xerobromion','','Hill and montane xerophile grasslands of the northwestern calcareous pre-Alps.','','','Pelouses xérophiles collinéennes et montagnardes du nord-ouest des Préalpes calcaires.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('34.332C','34.332','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Bavarian Xerobromion','','Hill and montane xerophile calcareous grasslands of the Bavarian plateau.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('34.332D','34.332','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Xerobromion ligérien','Ligerian Xerobromion','','Xerophile calcareous grasslands of the southern Paris basin, Berry and Auvergne.','','','Pelouses calcaires xérophiles du sud du bassin de Paris, du Berry et de l''Auvergne.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('34.332E','34.332','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Xerobromion aquitanien','Aquitanian Xerobromion','','Xerophile calcareous grasslands of southwestern France in Charentes, Perigord and Aquitaine.','','','Pelouses calcaires xérophiles de la France du sud-ouest : Charentes, Périgord et Aquitaine.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('34.332F','34.332','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Xerobromion du Quercy','Quercy Xerobromion','','Xerophile calcareous grasslands of Quercy.','','','Pelouses xérophiles calcaires du Quercy.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('34.332G','34.332','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Xerobromion pyrénéen','Pyrenean Xerobromion','','Hill and montane xerophile calcareous grasslands of the Pyrenees and adjacent areas; in the pubescent oak level of the eastern part of the range Xerobromion grasslands with Koeleria vallesiana, Festuca ovina s.l. and Bromus erectus come in contact with Aphyllanthion formations occupying more humid soils and closed postcultural Brachypodium grasslands of the Brachypodion phoenicoidis. On the south side of the range, xerophile pastures are represented in lower zones and on the protected adrets by communities of the Aphyllanthion, of decidedly Mediterranean hue, while the formations of the Xerobromion, of more Euro-Siberian character, occupy the other situations. Chamaephytes such as Helianthemum nummularium, Artemisia alba, Teucrium pyrenaicum, Ononis spinosa, O. natrix are abundant alongside the gramineous Phleum phleoides, Festuca ovina s.l., and Carex humilis.','','','Pelouses xérophiles calcaires collinéennes et montagnardes des Pyrénées et des régions adjacentes ; à l''étage du chêne pubescent dans la partie orientale de leur aire de distribution, les pelouses du Xerobromion avec Koeleria vallesiana, Festuca ovina s.l. et Bromus erectus viennent au contact des formations de l''Aphyllanthion occupant des sols plus humides, et des pelouses post-culturales compactes à Brachypodium du Brachypodion phoenicoidis. Dans la partie sud de l’aire, des pâturages xérophiles sont représentés dans les zones inférieures et sur les versants abrités exposés au sud (adrets) par des groupements de l''Aphyllanthion, de nuance incontestablement méditerranéenne, tandis que les formations du Xerobromion, de caractère plus euro-sibérien, occupent les autres stations. Les chaméphytes tels que Helianthemum nummularium, Artemisia alba, Teucrium pyrenaicum, Ononis spinosa, O. natrix sont abondants aux côtés des graminées Phleum phleoides, Festuca ovina s.l. et Carex humilis.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('34.332H','34.332','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Xerobromion des Alpes sud-occidentales','South-western Alpine Xerobromion','','Xerobromion grasslands of the southwestern Alps.','','','Pelouses du Xerobromion du sud-ouest des Alpes.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('34.332I','34.332','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Northern Apennine Xerobromion','Coronillo minimae-Astragaletum monspessulani, "Xerobrometum apenninum" ','Open, arid pastures developed in the thermophilous deciduous Quercus cerris-Q. pubescens-Ostrya carpinifolia belt of the northern Apennines, south approximately to the area of the Monte della Luna, southeastern Tuscany, where they occupy arenaceous-marly substrates and come in contact with the grasslands of unit 34.74, located on limestones and much richer in Apennine endemics. At their southern limit, the northern formations are rich in chamaephytes, notably Coronilla minima, Asperula purpurea, Fumana procumbens, alongside Astragalus monspessulanus, Bromus erectus, Brachypodium pinnatum and Festuca inops.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('34.34','34.3','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Pelouses calcaréo-siliceuses de l''Europe centrale','Central European calcaro-siliceous grasslands','Koelerio-Phleion phleoidis (Armerion elongatae, Sedo-Cerastion p.)','Low-altitude xerophile, rupicolous or psammophilous, grasslands of slightly calcareous substrates, with Festuca heteropachys, F. trachyphylla, Koeleria macrantha (= K. gracilis), Phleum phleoides, Armeria elongata, Artemisia campestris, Aster linosyris, Lychnis viscaria, Silene otites, S. nutans, Chamaespartium sagittale, Campanula patula, Potentilla rupestris, Helianthemum nummularium ssp. obscurum, H. apenninum, Scleranthus perennis, Allium senescens ssp. montanum. ','De Sloover and Lebrun, 1984; Van Dijk et al., 1984; Duvigneaud, ms, 1985; Parent, 1986; Duvigneaud and Saintenoy-Simon, 1988; Ellenberg, 1988; Oberdorfer, 1990.','Koelerio-Phleion Phleoidis (Armerion elongatae, Sedo-Cerastion p.)','Pelouses xérophiles, psammophiles ou rupicoles, de basse altitude, sur substrats légèrement calcaires, avec Festuca heteropachys, F. stricta subsp. trachyphylla, Koeleria macrantha (= K. gracilis), Phleum phleoides, Armeria elongata, Artemisia campestris, Aster linosyris, Silene viscaria, Silene otites, S. nutans, Genista sagittalis, Campanula patula, Potentilla rupestris, Helianthemum grandiflorum subsp. grandiflorum, H. apenninum, Scleranthus perennis, Allium senescens subsp. montanum.','De Sloover et Lebrun, 1984 ; Duvigneaud, ms, 1985 ; Parent, 1986 ; Duvigneaud et Saintenoy-Simon, 1988 ; Ellenberg, 1988 ; Oberdorfer, 1990.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('34.341','34.34','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Pelouses sur rochers calcaréo-siliceux','Calcaro-siliceous rock grasslands','','Rupicolous communities, colonizing in particular deep cracks and ledges of calcaro-siliceous rocky slopes or cliffs, with, notably, Festuca heteropachys, Artemisia campestris, Aster linosyris, Lychnis viscaria, Potentilla rupestris. The range of these formations is centered on the Hercynian ranges of middle Germany (notably Rhine, Nahe, Moselle, Mainz valleys and Hartz periphery), extending west to Alsace and to extremely rare and isolated outposts in Ardenne valleys of Luxembourg, Belgium and France, where they are represented by Festuca heteropachys or Potentilla rupestris grasslands.','','','Groupements rupicoles, colonisant en particulier les saillies et anfractuosités profondes des falaises ou pentes rocheuses calcaréo-siliceuses, avec notamment, Festuca heteropachys, Artemisia campestris, Aster linosyris, Silene viscaria, Potentilla rupestris. Leur aire de distribution est centrée sur la zone hercynienne de l''Allemagne (notamment vallées du Rhin, de la Moselle, ...), avec des extensions vers l’ouest en Alsace et en de très rares stations isolées des vallées ardennaises de la France, du Luxembourg, de Belgique, où elles sont représentées par des pelouses à Festuca heteropachys ou Potentilla rupestris.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('34.342','34.34','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Pelouses sur sables légèrement calcaires','Slightly calcareous sands grasslands','','Closed, perennial communities of slightly calcareous sands, in particular of old riverine dunes, with Armeria elongata, Sedum sexangulare, Carex ligerica, Helichrysum arenaria. Mostly characteristic of central Europe, these formations extend west to the fluviatile district of the Netherlands.','','','Groupements pérennes fermés, des sables légèrement calcaires, en particulier sur de vieilles dunes fluviales, avec Armeria elongata, Sedum sexangulare, Carex ligerica, Helichrysum arenaria. Principalement caractéristiques de l''Europe centrale, ces formations s''étendent à l''ouest jusqu’au district fluviatile des Pays-Bas.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('34.35','34.3','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Pelouses à fétuque pâle','Pale fescue grasslands','Festucion pallentis (Seslerio-Festucion pallescentis)','Xeric, thermophile grasslands of middle European calcareous rock cracks, mostly dominated by the strong tufts of the glaucous Festuca pallens and F. pannonica and of the green Sesleria albicans, and with Dianthus gratianopolitanus, Melica ciliata, Aster alpinus, Artemisia campestris ssp. lednicensis, Hieracium spp., Biscutella laevigata ssp. varia, Teucrium botrys, Allium strictum, locally distributed in the Rhenish Schist Massif, the Pfälzerwald, the Rhine-Nahe-Mainz valleys, the Rhön, the Harz and its periphery, the Black Forest foothills, the French, Swabian and Franconian Juras. The communities of the Festucion pallescentis often occupy isolated stations and include rare or relictual species which impart to many of them a distinctive biogeographical and physiognomic individuality. In particular, rare and highly disjunct western outposts occur in the Meuse basin of the Belgian and French Ardennes, harbouring, among others, very isolated populations of Draba aizoides var. montana, Artemisia alba ssp. saxatilis and Hieracium vogesiacum.','Schumacher, 1977; Duvigneaud, 1982c, ms 1985; Parent, 1986; Ellenberg, 1988; Oberdorfer, 1990.','Festucion pallescentis (Seslerio-Festucion pallescentis)','Pelouses thermophiles, xériques des fissures rocheuses calcaires médio-européennes, principalement dominées par les touffes épaisses et glauques de Festuca pallens et les touffes vertes de Sesleria albicans, avec Dianthus gratianopolitanus, Melica ciliata, Aster alpinus, Hieracum spp., Biscutella laevigata subsp. varia, Teucrium botrys, Allium strictum, localement distribuées dans les vallées du Rhin, du Rhône, dans le Jura français. Les communautés du Festucion pallescentis occupent souvent des stations isolées et abritent des espèces rares ou relictuelles. Ceci confère à nombre d''entre elles une individualité physionomique et biogéographique certaine. En particulier, des avants-postes occidentaux rares et très disjoints se rencontrent dans le bassin de la Meuse des Ardennes belges et françaises, abritant, entre autres, des populations très isolées de Draba aizoides var. montana, Artemisia alba subsp. saxatilis et Hieracium vogesiacum.','Duvigneaud, 1982c, ms, 1985 ; Parent, 1986 ; Ellenberg, 1988 ; Oberdorfer, 1990.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('34.36','34.3','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','gazons à Brachypode de Phénicie','Phoenician torgrass swards','Brachypodietalia phoenicoidis','Closed, dry perennial grasslands of eutrophic soils within the meso- and thermo-Mediterranean zones, often on post-cultural land, formed by relatively tall grasses and usually dominated by Brachypodium phoenicoides, with, among many others, Phleum bertolonii (= P. nodosum, P. pratense), Elymus repens, Carex divisa, Carthamus lanatus, Diplotaxis viminea, Echinops ritro, Euphorbia serrata, Echium vulgare, E. pustulatum, Erodium acaule, Galactites tomentosa, Lepidium graminifolium, Medicago orbicularis, Salvia verbenaca, Foeniculum vulgare, Pallenis spinosa, Psoralea bituminosa, Seseli tortuosum, Tragopogon australis, Scabiosa atropurpurea, Verbascum sinuatum, Picris hieracioides, Calamintha nepeta, Centaurea aspera, Vicia hybrida, Phlomis herba-venti and many orchids.','Molinier, 1957; Archiloque et al., 1969; Guinochet and Vilmorin, 1973; Rivas-Martinez, 1977a; Bellot Rodriguez, 1979; Molinier and Martin, 1980; Devaux et al., 1983; Duvigneaud, ms, 1985; Martinez Parras and Peinado Lorca, 1987; Costa, 1987; Aparicio Martinez and Silvestre Domingo, 1987; Martinez Parras et al., 1987.','Brachypodietalia phoenicoidis','Pelouses pérennes sèches, fermées, sur sols eutrophes au sein des étages méso- et thermo-méditerranéens, souvent en situation post-culturale, constituées de graminées relativement hautes, habituellement dominées par Brachypodium phoenicoides, avec, parmi d''autres, Phleum pratense subsp. serotinum, Elytrigia repens, Carex divisa, Carthamus lanatus, Diplotaxis viminea, Echinops ritro, Euphorbia serrata, Echium vulgare, E. vulgare subsp. pustulatum, Erodium acaule, Galactites elegans, Lepidium graminifolium, Medicago orbicularis, Salvia verbenaca, Foeniculum vulgare, Pallenis spinosa, Psoralea bituminosa, Seseli tortuosum, Tragopogon porrifolius subsp. australis, Scabiosa atropurpurea, Verbascum sinuatum, Picris hieracioides, Calamintha nepeta, Centaurea aspera, Vicia hybrida, Phlomis herba-venti et de nombreuses orchidées.','Molinier, 1957 ; Archiloque et al., 1969 ; Guinochet et Vilmorin, 1973 ; Rivas-Martinez, 1977a ; Bellot Rodriguez, 1979 ; Molinier et Martin, 1980 ; Devaux et al., 1983 ; Duvigneaud, ms, 1985.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('34.4','34','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Lisières (ou ourlets) forestières thermophiles','Thermophile forest fringes','Trifolio-Geranietea','Woodland edge (hem) communities of warmth-requiring drought-resistant herbaceous perennials and frutescent vegetation forming a belt between dry or mesophile grasslands and the shrubby forest mantle, on the sunny side, where the nutrient supply is limited, or, sometimes, pioneering the woodland colonization into the grasslands.','Ellenberg, 1963, 1988; Guinochet and Vilmorin, 1973; Schumacher, 1977; Vanden Berghen, 1982; Duvigneaud, ms, 1985; Oberdorfer, 1990.','Trifolio-Geranietea','Communautés des lisières forestières formées de plantes herbacées vivaces thermophiles, résistantes à la sécheresse, et de plantes frutescentes ; ces espèces requièrent de la chaleur. Elles constituent une ceinture entre les pelouses sèches ou mésophiles et le manteau forestier arbustif, du côté ensoleillé, là où l''alimentation en nutriments est limitée. Quelquefois, elles forment la phase pionnière de colonisation forestière au sein des pelouses.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('34.41','34.4','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Lisières xéro-thermophiles','Xero-thermophile fringes','Geranion sanguinei','Hems of xero-thermic mixed oak woods of the Quercetalia pubescenti-petraeae and related communities, with Geranium sanguineum, Vincetoxicum hirundinaria, Tanacetum corymbosum, Bupleurum falcatum, B. longifolium, Origanum vulgare, Dictamnus albus, Anthericum ramosum, Fragaria viridis, Anemone sylvestris, Lathyrus pannonicus, Peucedanum officinale, P. cervaria, P. alsaticum, Laserpitium latifolium, Polygonatum odoratum, Rosa pimpinellifolia, Trifolium rubens, Clematis recta, Coronilla coronata, Melampyrum cristatum, Campanula bononiensis, C. rapunculoides, C. persicifolia, Veronica teucrium.','','Geranion sanguinei','Ourlets des chênaies mixtes xéro-thermiques des Quercetalia pubescenti-petraea et des communautés apparentées, avec Geranium sanguineum, Vincetoxicum hirundinaria, Tanacetum corymbosum, Bupleurum falcatum, B. longifolium, Origanum vulgare, Dictamnus albus, Anthericum ramosum, Fragaria viridis, Anemone sylvestris, Lathyrus pannonicus, Peucedanum officinale, P. cervaria, P.  alsaticum, Laserpitium latifolium, Polygonatum odoratum, Rosa pimpinellifolia, Trifolium rubens, Clematis recta, Coronilla coronata, Melampyrum cristatum, Campanula bononiensis, C. rapunculoides, C. persicifolia, Veronica teucrium.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('34.42','34.4','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Lisières mésophiles','Mesophile fringes','Trifolion medii','More mesophile hems of Carpinion and Fagion woods, developed on deeper soil, with Trifolium medium, T. ochroleucum, Campanula baumgartenii, Origanum vulgare, Melampyrum nemorosum, M. pratense, Valeriana wallrothii, Agrimonia eupatoria, Vicia cassubica, V. dumetorum, V. orobus, V. sylvatica, Lathyrus latifolius, Teucrium scorodonia.','','Trifolion medii','Ourlets plus mésophiles des forêts du Carpinion et du Fagion, développés sur des sols plus profonds, avec Trifolium medium, T. ochroleucum, Campanula baumgartenii, Origanum vulgare, Melampyrum nemorosum, M. pratense, Valeriana officinalis subsp. tenuifolia, Agrimonia eupatoria, Vicia cassubica, V. dumetorum, V. orobus, V. sylvatica, Lathyrus latifolius, Teucrium scorodonia.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('34.5','34','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Pelouses méditerranéennes xériques','Mediterranean xeric grasslands','Thero-Brachypodietea','Meso- and thermo-Mediterranean xerophile, mostly open, short-grass perennial grasslands rich in therophytes; therophyte communities of oligotrophic soils on base-rich, often calcareous substrates.','Rechinger, 1951; Duvigneaud, 1953; Molinier, 1957; Vanden Berghen, 1963, 1982; Archiloque et al., 1969; Braun-Blanquet, 1971b, 1973; Guinochet and Vilmorin, 1973; Horvat et al., 1974; Rivas-Martinez, 1975c, 1977a; Diez Garretas et al., 1977; Sutter, 1977; Jovet and Vilmorin, 1979; Rivas-Martinez et al., 1980; Molinier and Martin, 1980; Barbero et al., 1982; Guéry, 1983; Devaux et al., 1983; Terrisse, 1983; Peinado Lorca et al., 1984; Brullo, 1985; Peinado Lorca and Rivas-Martinez, 1987; Aparicio Martinez and Silvestre Domingo, 1987; Martinez Parras et al., 1987.','Thero-Brachypodieta','Pelouses xérophiles méso- et thermo-méditerranéennes, souvent ouvertes, formées de petites graminées pérennes et riches en thérophytes ; communautés thérophytiques des sols oligotrophes sur substrats riches en bases, souvent calcaires.','Duvigneaud, 1953 ; Molinier, 1957 ; Vanden Berghen, 1963, 1982 ; Archiloque et al., 1969 ; Braun-Blanquet, 1971b, 1973 ; Guinochet et Vilmorin, 1973 ; Horvat et al., 1974 ; Rivas-Martinez, 1975c, 1977a ; Sutter, 1977 ; Jovet et Vilmorin, 1979 ; Molinier et Martin, 1980 ; Barbero et al., 1982 ; Guéry, 1983 ; Devaux et al., 1983 ; Terrisse, 1983 ; Brullo, 1985 ; Peinado Lorca et Rivas-Martinez, 1987.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('34.51','34.5','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Pelouses xériques de la Méditerranée occidentale','West Mediterranean xeric grasslands','','Formations of Spain, southern France, the large west Mediterranean islands and Italy.','','','Formations du sud de la France et des grandes îles de l''ouest de la Méditerranée.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('34.511','34.51','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Pelouses du Brachypodietum retusi','Retuse torgrass swards','Brachypodienion retusi (Brachypodietum retusi)','Grasslands dominated by Brachypodium retusum and with many therophytes and geophytes, often alternating in mosaic fashion with garrigues or occupying their clearings.','','Brachypodienon retusi (Brachypodietum retusi)','Pelouses dominées par Brachypodium retusum avec de nombreux thérophytes et géophytes, alternant souvent en mosaïque avec des garrigues, ou occupant leurs clairières.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('34.512','34.51','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Steppe de la Crau','Crau steppe','Asphodeletum fistulosi','Open grasslands of the coussous still covering vast but dwindling expanses of the Crau, fossil delta of the Durance, with Brachypodium retusum, Stipa capillata, Dichanthium ischaemum, Elymus caput-medusae, Thymus vulgaris, Bellis sylvestris, Asphodelus fistulosus, Euphorbia seguieriana, Linum gallicum, Salvia multifida, Bufonia macrosperma; they support a fauna of exceptional originality.','','Asphodeletum fistulosi','Pelouses ouvertes couvrant encore des vastes étendues (mais en diminution) de la Crau, delta fossile de la Durance, avec Brachypodium retusum, Stipa capillata, Dichanthium ischaemum, Elymus caput-medusae (Taeniatherum caput-medusae), Thymus vulgaris, Bellis sylvestris, Asphodelus fistulosus, Euphorbia seguieriana, Linum gallicum, Bufonia paniculata ; elles abritent une faune d''une exceptionnelle originalité.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('34.513','34.51','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Communautés méditerranéennes annuelles sur sols superficiels','Mediterranean annual communities of shallow soils','Brachypodietalia distachyae','Spring-blooming, summer-dessicated formations of therophytes developed on base-rich, often calcareous, superficial soils with annual grasses such as Bromus fasciculatus, Brachypodium distachyum, Lagurus ovatus, Stipa capensis, Parapholis incurva, Hainardia cylindrica, Echinaria todaroana, Desmazeria marina, D. sicula, D. zwierleinii, Lamarckia aurea, Narduroides salzmannii, Vulpia unilateralis, Ctenopsis gypsophila, a few perennial grasses (e.g. Koeleria splendens, Dactylis hispanica) and numerous flowering plants, many of them annuals, and a very significant number restricted endemics; among the characteristic species are Silene tridentata, S. neglecta, S. sedoides, Paronychia argentea, Arenaria capillipes, Ionopsidium prolongoi, Erophila verna, Astragalus sesameus, Ononis ornithopodioides, O. oligophylla, O. sieberi, Onobrychis aequidentata, Trigonella monspeliaca, T. polycerata, Plantago albicans, P. coronopus, P. afra, P. amplexicaulis, P. notata, P. ovata, Polygala monspeliaca, Convolvulus lineatus, Eryngium dichotomum, E. triquetrum, E. ilicifolium, Hedysarum spinosissimum, Callipeltis cucullaris, Catananche lutea, Daucus aureus, D. lopadusanus, D. bocconei, Nigella arvensis, Scorzonera laciniata, Lavatera agrigentina, Scabiosa parviflora, Anthemis muricata, Senecio leucanthemifolius, Limonium calcarae, L. echioides, L. thouinii, Campanula fastigiata, C. erinus, Erodium pulverulentum, Iberis fontqueri, Viola demetria, Arabis verna, Brassica souliei, Aster sorrentinii, Asteriscus aquaticus, Echium parviflorum, Bellis annua, Matricaria aurea, Linaria reflexa, L. pseudolaxiflora, L. amethystea, L. huteri, L. platycalyx, L. saturejoides, L. clementei, Filago cossyrensis, Valantia calva, Sedum litoreum, S. caeruleum, S. stellatum, Saxifraga tridactylites, Hornungia petraea, Parietaria cretica, Biscutella lyrata, Anagallis monelli, Fedia cornucopiae, Evax pygmaea, Jasione penicillata, Andryala ragusina, Allium pallens  ssp. siciliense,  A. agrigentinum, A. chamaemoly.  Various combinations of the species above enter in the constitution of numerous distinctive, often ephemereal and very local communities restricted to small surfaces among, or in clearings of, other formations.  The more widespread pastures dominated by annual grasses are for the most part sub-nitrophilous and better classified under 34.8.','','Brachypodietalia distachyae','Formations thérophytiques à floraison printanière et dessication estivale, développées sur des sols superficiels, riches en bases, souvent calcaires, avec des graminées annuelles telles que Bromus fasciculatus, Brachypodium distachyon, Lagurus ovatus, Stipa capensis, Parapholis incurva, Hainardia cylindrica, Catapodium marinum, Lamarckia aurea, Narduroides salzmannii, Vulpia unilateralis, quelques graminées pérennes (par ex. Koeleria splendens, Dactylis glomerata subsp. hispanica) et de nombreuses plantes à fleurs, dont un bon nombre d''annuelles, et une quantité très significative d''endémiques à aire restreinte ; parmi les espèces caractéristiques, on trouve Silene neglecta, S. sedoides, Paronychia argentea, Erophila verna, Astragalus sesameus, Ononis ornithopodioides, Onobrychis aequidentata, Trigonella monspeliaca, T. polyceratia, Plantago albicans, P. coronopus, P. afra, Polygala monspeliaca, Convolvulus lineatus, Hedysarum spinosissimum, Callipeltis cucullaris, Catananche lutea, Daucus aureus, D. carota subsp. drepanensis, Nigella arvensis, Scorzonera laciniata, Senecio leucanthemifolius, Limonium echioides, L. lobatum, Campanula erinus, Arabis verna, Nauplius aquaticus, Echium calycinum, Bellis annua, Linaria reflexa, Sedum litoreum, S. caeruleum, S. stellatum, Saxifraga tridactylites, Hornungia petraea, Biscutella lyrata, Fedia graciliflora, Evax pygmaea, Andryala ragusina, Allium chamaemoly. Diverses combinaisons des espèces ci-dessus sont à l’origine de nombreuses communautés distinctes, souvent éphémères et très locales, réduites à de petites surfaces parmi, ou dans les clairières, d’autres formations. Les pâturages les plus largement étendus dominés par des graminées annuelles sont pour la plupart subnitrophiles et à classer de préférence en 34.8.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('34.5131','34.513','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Communautés annuelles calciphiles de l''ouest méditerranéen','Western Mediterranean calciphile annual communities','Thero-Brachypodion = Trachynion distachyae','Thermo- meso- and occasionally supra-Mediterranean calciphile formations of Mediterranean France, Iberia and Italy.','','Thero-Brachypodion = Trachynion distachyae','Formations calciphiles thermo-, méso- et occasionnellement supra-méditerranéennes de la France méditerranéenne.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('34.5132','34.513','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','South-eastern Iberian pre-desert annual communities','Stipion capensis','Ephemereal formations of the arid Iberian southeast, appearing among the pre-desert scrub communities of 32.25.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('34.5133','34.513','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Iberian gypsum annual communities','Sedo-Ctenopsion gypsophilae','Formations of small annuals developing on gypsum soils of interior Iberia, among the gypsum-scrub communities of 15.19.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('34.5134','34.513','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Andalusian magnesium annual communities','Omphalodion brassicifoliae','Formations on dolomites, ophiolites, peridotites and serpentines of Andalusia, developing among garrigue communities of 32.28.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('34.5135','34.513','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Sicilian saxicolous annual communities','Plantagini-Catapodion marini','Formations of Sicily, Linosa, Lampedusa and Pantelleria, sometimes subhalophile, developed on steep slopes, exposed crests, coastal rocks and volcanic material, often among the rocky shore communities of 18.22 or the pre-desert scrub of 32.255.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('34.5136','34.513','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Northern Sicilian aster annual communities','Dauco-Catananchion luteae: Asteretum sorrentinii','Aster sorrentini formations of steep clay and marl slopes of northern Sicily.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('34.5137','34.513','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Calabro-Sicilian esparto annual communities','Dauco-Catananchion luteae p.','Annual formations accompanying the Lygeum spartum steppes of southern Calabria and Sicily.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('34.514','34.51','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Arènes dolomitiques des Causses','Causse dolomitic arenas','Armerion junceae','Very open formations colonizing, within the supra-Mediterranean steppe zone of the Causses (34.71), local deposits of dolomitic sands, characterized by Armeria girardii (=juncea), Arenaria aggregata, Helianthemum pilosum, Sedum ochroleucum, Alkanna tinctoria, Alyssum serpyllifolium, Helichrysum stoechas, Silene otites, Aster alpinus, Festuca christianii-bernardii, Corynephorus canescens, Phleum arenarium.','','Armerion junceae','Formations très ouvertes colonisant, au sein de la zone des pelouses à caractère steppique supra-méditerranéennes des Causses (34.71), des dépôts localisés de sables dolomitiques, caractérisés par Armeria girardii (= juncea), Arenaria aggregata, Helianthemum violaceum, Sedum ochroleucum, Alkanna tinctoria, Alyssum serpyllifolium, Helichrysum stoechas, Silene otites, Aster alpinus, Festuca christianii-bernardii, Corynephorus canescens, Phleum arenarium.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('34.52','34.5','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Pâtures pérennes du sud-ouest méditerranéen','South-western Mediterranean perennial pastures','Poetea bulbosae','Iberian xerophile, intensively grazed pastures of both siliceous and calcareous substrates, dominated by short, perennial grasses, rich in specialized annuals, in particular peas and composites.','','Poetea bulbosae','Pelouses ibériques xérophiles intensivement pâturées des substrats calcaires et siliceux, dominées par de petites graminées vivaces et riches en annuelles spécialisées, en particulier des fabacées et des astéracées.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('34.53','34.5','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','East Mediterranean xeric grasslands','Brachypodio-Chrysopogonetea p.: Cymbopogoni-Brachypodiotalia: Cymbopogoni-Brachypodion ramosi ','Formations of continental, peninsular and insular Greece.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('34.531','34.53','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Eastern retuse torgrass swards','','Grasslands dominated by Brachypodium retusum and with many therophytes and geophytes, often alternating in mosaic fashion with garrigues and phryganas or occupying their clearings.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('34.532','34.53','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Eastern short-grass steppes and therophyte communities','','Open, short, grasslands of thermo- and meso-Mediterranean Greece and its islands with numerous annual grasses such as Bromus fasciculatus, B. madritensis, B. intermedius, B. alopecuros, B. rubens, Brachypodium distachyum, Aegilops neglecta, A. geniculata, A. triuncialis, Avena sterilis, A. barbata, Lagurus ovatus, Cynosurus echinatus, Stipa capensis, but sometimes with a strong representation of short or medium-sized perennial grasses such as Hyparrhenia hirta, Andropogon distachyos, Cynodon dactylon, Dactylis hispanica. They are very rich in annual flowering plants, among which of genera Euphorbia, Silene, Nigella, Adonis, Papaver, Fumaria, Biscutella, Rapistrum, Althaea, Malva, Linum, Geranium, Astragalus, Ononis, Trigonella, Medicago, Melilotus, Trifolium, Lotus, Coronilla, Scorpiurus, Hedysarum, Onobrychis, Bupleurum, Daucus, Anagallis, Orobanche, Plantago, Centaurium, Galium, Evax, Filago, Pallenis, Anthemis, Chrysanthemum, Tragopogon, suffrutescent labiates of genera Teucrium, Thymus, Ballota, Phlomis, Micromeria, Salvia and others, and geophytes such as Urginea maritima, Asphodelus microcarpus, Lloydia graeca, Allium spp., Ornithogalum spp., Muscari spp., Romulea spp., Orchis spp., Ophrys spp., Anacamptis pyramidalis. They constitute a wide array of distinctive communities, many of them very local and restricted to small surfaces. Many of the more extensive pastures, in particular those dominated by annual grasses, are sub-nitrophilous or nitrophilous and may be better classified under 34.8.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('34.6','34','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Steppes méditerranéennes à Graminées','Mediterranean tall-grass steppes','Lygeo-Stipetea, Rosmarinetalia p.: Brachypodio-Chrysopogonetea p.','Meso-, thermo- and sometimes supra-Mediterranean formations physiognomically dominated by tall grasses, between which may grow communities of annuals or sometimes chamaephytes; they are most characteristic of the Iberian peninsula, with local representations in southern Provence, Sardinia, southern peninsular Italy, Sicily and Greece. They include silicicolous as well as basiphile formations.','Rechinger, 1951; Braun-Blanquet and Bolos, 1954; Molinier, 1957; Delvosalle and Duvigneaud, 1962; Polunin and Smythies, 1973; Costa, 1973, 1974; Horvat et al.., 1974; Rivas-Martinez, 1975c, 1977a; Peinado Lorca, et al., 1984; Brullo, 1985; Polunin and Walters, 1985; Peinado Lorca and Rivas-Martinez, 1987; Asensi Marfil and Diez Garretas, 1987; Martinez Parras and Peinado Lorca, 1987; Alcaraz Ariza and Peinado Lorca, 1987; Aparicio Martinez and Silvestre Domingo, 1987; Martinez Parras et al., 1987.','Lygeo-Stipetea, Rosmarinetalia p., Brachypodio-Chrysopogonetea','Formations méso-, thermo-, et quelquefois supra-méditerranéennes dominées physionomiquement par de grandes graminées, entre lesquelles peuvent se développer des communautés de plantes annuelles et quelquefois des chaméphytes ; elles sont principalement caractéristiques de la péninsule Ibérique, avec des représentations locales dans le sud de la Provence, ... Elles comprennent des formations silicicoles aussi bien que basiphiles.','Molinier, 1957 ; Horvat et al., 1974 ; Rivas-Martinez, 1975c, 1977a ; Brullo, 1985 ; Polunin et Walters, 1985 ; Peinado Lorca et Rivas-Martinez, 1987.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('34.61','34.6','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Alpha steppes','','Stipa tenacissima-dominated formations of Spain, distributed mostly on the Meseta, in the Maestrazgo, in the Guadalquivir basin, in Baetic regions and in the arid Iberian Southeast.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('34.62','34.6','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Esparto steppes','','Lygeum spartum-dominated formations of the Ebro basin, the arid Iberian Southeast, the Guadalquivir basin, Sardinia, Sicily, southern Italy and Crete.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('34.621','34.62','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Iberian esparto steppes','','Sometimes extensive Lygeum spartum-dominated formations of the Ebro basin, the arid Iberian Southeast and the Guadalquivir basin.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('34.622','34.62','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Central Mediterranean esparto steppes','','More restricted Lygeum spartum-dominated formations of Sardinia and Sicily.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('34.623','34.62','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Cretan esparto steppes','','Rare and isolated Lygeum spartum-dominated formations of the south coast of Crete.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('34.63','34.6','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Steppes à Stipa, Ampelodesmos, Andropogon, fétuque','Berceales, feathergrass, diss, andropogonid, fescue steppes','','Other Mediterranean tall-grass steppes.','','','Autres steppes méditerranéennes à grandes graminées.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('34.631','34.63','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Berceales','','Stipa gigantea-dominated formations of central and southern Spain, mostly on siliceous soils.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('34.632','34.63','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Steppes méditerranéennes à Stipa','Mediterranean feathergrass steppes','Centaureo-Stipetum lagascae, Inulo-Oryzopsietum milliaceae i.a.','Meso- and thermo-Mediterranean formations of Spain, Italy, Greece and southern France, dominated by tall perennial grasses of genera Stipa (S. lagascae, S. offneri i.a.) or Piptatherum (Oryzopsis), other than the very tall Stipa tenacissima or S. gigantea.','','Centaureo-Stipetum lagascae, Inulo-Oryzopsietum milliaceae i.a.','Formations méso- et thermo-méditerranéennes du sud de la France, ..., dominées par les grandes graminées vivaces des genres Stipa (S. offneri i.a.) ou Piptatherum (Oryzopsis), autres que les très grands Stipa tenacissima.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('34.633','34.63','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Diss steppes','','Formations of Italy, Spain and Greece, dominated by Ampelodesmos mauritanica; many chamaephyte and diss formations have the physiognomy of a garrigue or a brush and have been listed under 32.23.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('34.634','34.63','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Steppes à Andropogon','Andropogonid grass steppes','Lygeo-Stipetea p.: Hyparrhenietalia hirtae i.a.; Brachypodio-Chrysopogonetea p.','Meso- and thermo-Mediterranean steppes of Spain, Italy, Greece and southern France, constituted by cespitose andropogonid grasses such as Hyparrhenia hirta, Andropogon distachyos, Heteropogon contortus, Dichanthium insculptum, D. ischaemum or Chrysopogon gryllus.','','Lygeo-Stipetea p. : Hyparrhenietalia hirtae i.a. ; Brachypodio-Chrysopogonetea p.','Steppes méso- et thermo-méditerranéennes du sud de la France, ..., constituées par des graminées andropogonides cespiteuses telles que Hyparrhenia hirta, Andropogon distachyos, Heteropogon contortus, Dichanthium ischaemum ou Chrysopogon gryllus.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('34.635','34.63','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Andalusian fescue and oat grasslands','Festucion scariosae','Meso- and supra-Mediterranean grasslands of the Baetic region dominated by the tall, cespitose Festuca scariosa, F. capillifolia, Arrhenatherum album, Helictotrichon filifolium and H. sarracenorum.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('34.6351','34.635','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Calcicolous fescue and oat grasslands','Helictotricho filifolii-Festucetum scariosae','Formations of calcareous and dolomitic soils of the Serrania de Ronda mountain system, the peripheral ranges of the Sierra Nevada and the Sierra de Alhamilla.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('34.6352','34.635','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Silicicolous fescue and oat grasslands','Dactylo hispanicae-Festucetum scariosae','Formations of siliceous soils of the Sierra Nevada, the Sierra de Cabrera and the Sierra de Alhamilla.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('34.6353','34.635','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Carrascoy fescue and oat grasslands','Daphno-Festucetum capillifoliae','Formations of siliceous soils of the Sierra de Carrascoy.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('34.7','34','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Pelouses méditerranéo-montagnardes','Mediterraneo-montane grasslands','Ononido-Rosmarinetea p.','Open perennial grasslands, often rich in chamaephytes, most characteristic of the thermophilous oak level of Iberia, southern France, southern Italy and Greece. Some of the largest remaining expanses of unbroken grasslands in Europe, of evident importance as faunal habitats, belong to this division.','','Ononido-Rosmarinetea p.','Pelouses vivaces ouvertes, souvent riches en chaméphytes, principalement caractéristiques de l''étage des chênaies thermophiles du sud de la France, ... Certaines des plus grandes étendues restantes de pelouses ininterrompues d''Europe, d''une importance évidente comme habitats de la faune, appartiennent à cette unité.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('34.71','34.7','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Steppes méditerranéo-montagnardes','Mediterraneo-montane steppes','Ononidion striatae','Sparse or discontinuous xerophile grasslands of Stipa pennata, Festuca auquieri (F. duriuscula), F. hervieri, Koeleria vallesiana or Sesleria albicans var. elegantissima with Helianthemum apenninum, H. canum, Genista spp., Globularia spp., Ononis striata, Euphorbia seguieriana, Potentilla crantzii, Thymus dolomiticus, Plantago argentea, Rosa pimpinellifolia, Dianthus sylvestris, Lavandula angustifolia, Aster alpinus, Anthyllis spp., Carex humilis, best developed in the Causses, but also present locally in Provence and Languedoc, from the Alps to Catalonia.','Duvigneaud, 1953; Vanden Berghen, 1963; Rivas-Goday and Rivas-Martinez, 1968; Archiloque et al., 1969; Braun-Blanquet, 1971b; Guinochet and Vilmorin, 1973; Girerd, 1978; Jovet and Vilmoran, 1979; Martin and Molinier, 1980; Ozenda, 1981; Barbero et al., 1982; Bernard and Fabre, 1983; Guillot, 1983; Terrisse, 1983; Lahondère, 1983; Deschatres, 1983; Rivas-Martinez et al., 1984; Polunin and Walters, 1985; Dupias, 1985; Peinado Lorca and Rivas-Martinez, 1987.','Ononidion striatae','Pelouses xérophiles ouvertes ou discontinues à Stipa pennata, Festuca auquieri (F. duriuscula), F. hervieri, Koeleria vallesiana ou Sesleria albicans var. elegantissima, avec Helianthemum apenninum, H. canum, Genista spp., Globularia spp., Ononis striata, Euphorbia seguieriana, Potentilla crantzii, Thymus dolomiticus, Plantago argentea, Rosa pimpinellifolia, Dianthus sylvestris, Lavandula angustifolia, Aster alpinus, Anthyllis spp., Carex humilis, les plus développées dans les Causses, mais aussi présentes localement en Provence et Languedoc, des Alpes à la Catalogne.','Duvigneaud, 1953 ; Vanden Berghen, 1963 ; Archiloque et al., 1969 ; Braun-Blanquet, 1971b ; Guinochet et Vilmorin, 1973 ; Girerd, 1978 ; Jovet et Vilmorin, 1979 ; Martin et Molinier, 1980 ; Ozenda, 1981 ; Barbero et al., 1982 ; Bernard et Fabre, 1983 ; Guillot, 1983 ; Terrisse, 1983 ; Lahondère, 1983 ; Deschatres, 1983 ; Polunin et Walters, 1985 ; Dupias, 1985 ; Peinado Lorca et Rivas-Martinez, 1987.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('34.711','34.71','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Steppes méditerranéo-montagnardes à Stipa','Mediterraneo-montane Stipa steppes','Stipo-Ononidetetum striatae p., Festucetum duriusculae calciense p., Potentillo velutinae-Ononidetum striatae','Steppes dominated by Stipa pennata, with Festuca auquieri, Koeleria vallesiana, Brachypodium pinnatum, Ononis striata, occupying vast expanses of the Causses, and locally represented on crests and plateaux of Haute Provence, the southeastern Alps and the Corbières.','','Stipo-Ononidetum striatae p., Festucetum duriusculae calciense p., Potentillo velutinae-Ononidetum striatae','Steppes dominées par Stipa pennata, avec Festuca auquieri, Koeleria vallesiana, Brachypodium pinnatum, Ononis striata, occupant de vastes étendues sur les Causses, et localement représentées sur les crêtes et plateaux de Haute-Provence, des Alpes sud-occidentales et des Corbières.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('34.7111','34.711','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Steppes à Stipa des Causses','Causses Stipa steppes','Stipo-Ononidetum striatae','Very extensive Stipa grasslands of the plateaux of the Causses.','','Stipo-Ononidetum striatae','Pelouses à Stipa très étendues des plateaux des Causses.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('34.7112','34.711','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Steppes à Stipa de haute-Provence','Upper Provence Stipa steppes','','Mediterraneo-montane Stipa-rich grasslands of southern France outside of the Causses, for the most part occupying small surfaces interspersed with other formations, but sometimes constituting dominant habitats over very significant surfaces, such as the plateau of Caussols.','','','Pelouses méditerranéo-montagnardes riches en Stipa de la France méridionale à l''exception des Causses occupant pour la plupart de petites surfaces parmi d''autres formations, mais constituant quelquefois des habitats dominants sur des surfaces très importantes, comme le plateau de Caussols.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('34.712','34.71','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Pelouses méditerranéo-montagnardes à Sesleria','Mediterraneo-montane Sesleria steppes','Seslerio-Phyteumetum = "Helianthemeto-Seslerietum"; Conopodio-Seslerietum elegantissimae; "Seslerieto-Gentianetum corbariensis, Seslerietum mediterraneo-montanum, Erysimeto-Seslerietum caeruleae','More closed Sesleria albicans var. elegantissima-dominated grasslands occupying usually exiguous surfaces of somewhat shaded slopes, ledges, rocky corridors and snow-retaining cliff-bases in the Causses and other low mountains of the Mediterranean periphery of southern France and Catalonia, in particular Montserrat, the Corbières, the montagne d''Alaric and western Provence.','','Seslerio-Phyteumetum = Helianthemeto-Seslerietum ; Conopodio-Seslerietum elegantissimae ; Seslerieto-Gentianetum corbariensis, Seslerietum mediterraneo-montanum, Erysimeto-Seslerietum caeruleae','Pelouses plus fermées dominées par Sesleria albicans var. elegantissima occupant habituellement des surfaces exiguës des pentes quelque peu ombragées, des saillies, des couloirs rocheux et des pieds de falaises retenant la neige, dans les Causses et les autres montagnes basses de la périphérie méditerranéenne du sud de la France, en particulier les Corbières, la montagne d''Alaric, et la Provence occidentale.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('34.713','34.71','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Steppes méditerranéo-montagnardes à Festuca-Koeleria','Mediterraneo-montane Festuca-Koeleria steppes','','Mediterraneo-montane steppe-grasslands poor in Stipa pennata, for the most part Festuca auquieri-, Koeleria vallesiana- or Carex humilis-dominated facies of 34.711.','','','Pelouses steppiques méditerranéo-montagnardes pauvres en Stipa pennata, pour la plupart des faciès de 34.711 dominés par Festuca auquieri, Koeleria vallesiana ou Carex humilis.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('34.7131','34.713','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Pelouses rases des Causses à Festuca','Causses short Festuca swards','Festucetum duriusculae calciense p., Astero-Anthyllidetum p.','Short, very open grasslands of the Causses dominated by Festuca auquieri, Ononis striata, or Thymus praecox.','','Festucetum duriusculae calciense p., Astero-Anthyllidetum p.','Pelouses rases, très ouvertes des Causses dominées par Festuca auquieri, Ononis striata, ou Thymus praecox.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('34.7132','34.713','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Pelouses rases des Causses à Carex-Anthyllis','Causses Carex-Anthyllis swards','Astero-Anthyllidetum montanae','Carex humilis-Anthyllis montana formations of small windswept buttes and stony knolls of the Causses with Aster alpinus var. cebennensis and Festuca auquieri.','','Astero-Anthyllidetum montanae','Formations à Carex humilis-Anthyllis montana des petites buttes venteuses et monticules pierreux des Causses avec Aster alpinus var. cebennensis et Festuca auquieri.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('34.7133','34.713','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Steppes méditerranéo-montagnardes franco-ibériennes','Franco-Iberian Mediterraneo-montane steppes','','Other Mediterraneo-montane formations with Ononis striata, Anthyllis montana, Festuca spp. or Koeleria vallesiana, locally distributed in southern France and northeastern Spain.','','','Autres formations méditerranéo-montagnardes avec Ononis striata, Anthyllis montana, Festuca spp. ou Koeleria valesiana, distribuées localement dans le sud de la France.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('34.714','34.71','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Steppes méditerranéo-montagnardes à Artemisia','Mediterraneo-montane Artemisia steppes','','Open formations with Artemisia alba and Hyssopus officinalis, rich in chamaephytes, of eroded steep slopes of the Causses, harbouring, in particular, Convolvulus cantabricus and Allium flavum; similar formations of the southwestern Alps appear best included in the sub-continental steppe-grasslands (34.314).','','','Formations ouvertes avec Artemisia alba et Hyssopus officinalis, riches en chaméphytes, des pentes escarpées érodées des Causses, abritant, en particulier, Convolvulus cantabricus et Allium flavum ; les formations similaires du sud-ouest des Alpes sont à classer plutôt dans les pelouses steppiques sub-continentales (34.314).','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('34.72','34.7','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Steppes supra-méditerranéennes et prairies à Aphyllanthes','Aphyllanthes grasslands and supra-Mediterranean steppes','Aphyllanthion p.','Coarse or steppe-like grasslands rich in chamaephytes of pronounced Mediterranean affinities formed as a degradation stage of thermophile deciduous oak forests, or of Quercus rotundifolia forests, in the supra-Mediterranean belt of Iberia, southern France and Liguria; grassland facies of the supra-Mediterranean garrigues (32.6) and hedgehog heaths (31.7).','Duvigneaud, 1953; Vanden Berghen, 1963; Rivas-Goday and Rivas-Martinez, 1968; Guinochet and Vilmorin, 1973; Lapraz, 1976; Molinier and Martin, 1980; Ozenda, 1981; Guéry, 1983; Polunin and Walters, 1985; Dupias, 1985; Bolos and Capdevila, 1987; Vigo and Ninot, 1987.','Aphyllanthion p.','Pelouses communes ou semblables aux steppes riches en chaméphytes, d’affinités méditerranéennes prononcées, se formant comme stade de dégradation des chênaies thermophiles caducifoliées, dans le sud de la France ; faciès herbeux des garrigues supra-méditerranéennes (32.6) et des landes-hérissons (31.7).','Duvigneaud, 1953 ; Vanden Berghen, 1963 ; Guinochet et Vilmorin, 1973 ; Lapraz, 1976 ; Molinier et Martin, 1980 ; Ozenda, 1981 ; Guéry, 1983 ; Polunin et Walters, 1985 ; Dupias, 1985.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('34.721','34.72','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Pelouses à Aphyllanthes','Aphyllanthes grasslands','','Supra- and upper meso-Mediterranean grasslands, often on compact calcareous marls, dominated by, or rich in, the rush-like lily Aphyllanthes monspeliensis and with Catananche caerulea, Linum suffruticosum ssp. suffruticosum and ssp. salsoloides, L. narbonense, L. strictum, L. campanulatum, L. tenuifolium, Dorycnium suffruticosum, Staehelina dubia, Lavandula latifolia, Potentilla crantzii, Stipa offneri, S. iberica, Koeleria vallesiana, Brachypodium phoenicoides, Carex humilis of southern France, northern and northeastern Spain, and Liguria.','','','Pelouses supra- et méso-méditerranéennes supérieures, souvent sur des marnes calcaires compactes, dominées par, ou riches en, Aphyllanthes monspeliensis et avec Catananche caerulea, Linum suffruticosum subsp. suffruticosum et subsp. appresum, L. narbonense, L. strictum, L. campanulatum, L. tenuifolium, Dorycnium suffruticosum, Staehelina dubia, Lavandula latifolia, Potentilla crantzii, Stipa offneri, S. iberica, Koeleria vallesiana, Brachypodium phoenicoides, Carex humilis du sud de la France.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('34.722','34.72','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Supra-Mediterranean feathergrass steppes','','Steppe-like Stipa-dominated supra-Mediterranean garrigues and hedgehog-heaths of the mountains and plateaux of eastern Spain; Stipa-dominated facies of Aphyllanthes grasslands.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('34.73','34.7','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Iberian fescue frost-grasslands','Festuco-Poetalia ligulatae: Festuco-Poion ligulatae p., Festucion burnatii p.','Supra-Mediterranean and montane psychro-xerophile, open perennial grasslands of the Cantabrian and Iberian ranges particularly characteristic of frost-fashioned, snow-free, superficial soils of the Juniperus thurifera and J. sabina environments, rich in Festuca hystrix, F. burnatii, Poa ligulata and with, among others, Armeria bigerrensis ssp. legionensis, Arenaria aggregata ssp. cantabrica, Centaurea janeri ssp. babiana, Draba cantabriae, Saxifraga conifera, Ononis striata, O. cristata, O. pusilla, Coronilla minima, Paronychia kapela ssp. serpyllifolia, Helianthemum canum, Carex humilis. They ascend to the oro-Mediterranean level and extend southeast to the eastern Baetic chains.','Rivas-Martinez, Diaz et al., 1984; Navarro Andres and Valle Gutierrez, 1987; Martinez Parras and Peinado Lorca, 1987; Costa, 1987.','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('34.74','34.7','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Central and southern Apennine dry grasslands','Crepido lacerae-Phleion ambigui','Open grasslands of calcareous substrates of the middle and southern Apennines, southern vicariant of the Xerobromion, with Bromus erectus, Sideritis syriaca and many Apennine endemics or subendemics such as Crepis lacera, Centaurea rupestris ssp. ceratophylla, Phleum ambiguum, Carex macrolepis. Many distinctive communities exist in this unit, some still covering vast expanses of land of exceptional biological significance such as Campo Imperatore in the Gran Sasso range; a few examples are cited below, others may be added.','Bonin, 1971; Biondi and Blasi, 1982; Biondi et al., 1985.','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('34.741','34.74','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Upper central Apennine dry grasslands','Asperulo purpureae-Brometum erecti','Grasslands of the 350-1350 m range of the central Apennines with Asperula purpurea, Eryngium amethystinum, Crepis lacera, Allium sphaerocephalon, Teucrium montanum.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('34.742','34.74','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Lower central Apennine dry grasslands','Trigonello monspeliacae-Sideritum syriacae','Grasslands of the lower sectors of the central Apennines (average 800 m) developed on well-exposed surfaces and somewhat marly calcareous soils with Trigonella monspeliaca, T. gladiata, Sideritis syriaca, Ononis variegata.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('34.743','34.74','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Apennine brushy dry grasslands','Saturejo montanae-Brometum erecti','Chamaephyte-rich grasslands of the central-southern and southern Apennines, generally below the level of 34.744, with Satureja montana, Sideritis syriaca, Plantago sempervirens, Globularia punctata, Chamaecytisus spinescens,C. hirsutus, Scabiosa crenata, Helichrysum italicum, Lavandula angustifolia, Teucrium montanum, Asphodeline lutea, Stipa pennata, Bromus erectus, B. caprinus, Avenula pretutiana.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('34.744','34.74','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Apennine upper montane dry grasslands','Seslerio nitidae-Brometum erecti','Grasslands of high montane zones (upper fringe of the beech zone, average 1250 m) of the central and southern Apennines, transitional towards alpine grasslands (36), with Sesleria nitida, S. tenuifolia, Festuca dimorpha, Potentilla cinerea, Carex macrolepis, Chamaecytisus polytrichus.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('34.75','34.7','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Eastern sub-Mediterranean dry grasslands','Brachypodio-Chrysopogonetea p.','Xeric grasslands of the sub-Mediterranean zones of Trieste and of the Ostryo-Carpinion zone of Greece, where they coexist with steppic grasslands of the Festucetalia valesiacae (34.311), developing in areas of lesser continentality than the latter, and incorporating a greater Mediterranean element than they do; like the steppic grasslands, however, they are often dominated by Carex humilis or Festuca rupicola.','Horvat et al., 1974.','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('34.8','34','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Pelouses méditerranéennes subnitrophiles','Mediterranean subnitrophilous grasslands','Brometalia rubenti-tectori i.a.','Formations composed mostly of annuals, in particular, grasses of genera Bromus, Aegilops, Avena, Vulpia, crucifers and leguminous plants, that occupy considerable expanses of the western, central and eastern meso- and thermo-Mediterranean zones on soils slightly enriched in nitrates. These communities develop as pioneers of bare soils slightly nitrified by aeration or organic addition, along roads, on land-fills and in interstitial spaces of cultivation. They also replace the oligotrophic annual communities included in the Mediterranean xeric grasslands (34.51, 34.53) under the influence of pastoral activities. They are widespread as post-cultural formations. They evolve through intensive grazing into perennial pastures of the Poetalia bulbosae and related communities (34.52), through increased nitrification into ruderal formations (87), through an increase in edaphic humidity into amphibious communities (22.3) and perennial andropogonid steppes (34.634) or Phoenician torgrass swards (34.36). Ligneous recolonization may lead either to halo-nitrophilous scrubs of the Salsolo-Peganetalia (15.17), or to maquis and garrigues of the Rosmarinetalia, Lavanduletalia or Gypsophiletalia (32, 15.19).','Rechinger, 1951; Horvat et al., 1974; Rivas-Martinez, 1975c; Izco, 1977; Peinado Lorca et al., 1984; Herranz Sanz and Gomez Campo, 1986; Ladero Alvarez, 1987; Rivas-Martinez and Costa, 1987; Aparicio Martinez and Silvestre Domingo, 1987; Martinez Parras et al., 1987.','Brometalia rubenti-tectori i.a.','Formations composées principalement de graminées en particulier annuelles des genres Bromus, Aegilops, Avena, Vulpia, de crucifères et de légumineuses. Ces formations occupent des étendues considérables dans les étages méso- et thermo-méditerranéens occidentaux, centraux et orientaux sur des sols légèrement enrichis en nitrates. Ces groupements se développent comme pionniers des sols nus légèrement nitrifiés par des aérosols ou par des apports de matières organiques, le long des routes, sur les remblais de terre et dans les espaces interstitiels des cultures. Elles remplacent aussi les groupements annuels oligotrophes inclus dans les pelouses xériques méditerranéenes (34.51) sous l''influence des activités pastorales. Elles sont largement répandues comme formations post-culturales. A travers un pâturage intensif, elles évoluent vers des pâtures pérennes des Poetalia bulbosae et des communautés apparentées (34.52), suite à une nitrification accrue en formations rudérales (87), suite à un accroissement de l''humidité édaphique, vers des groupements amphibies (22.3) et des steppes pérennes à Andropogon (34.634) ou des gazons à Brachypode de Phénicie (34.36). La recolonisation ligneuse peut conduire soit aux broussailles halo-nitrophiles du Salsolo-Peganetalia (15.17), soit aux maquis et garrigues des Rosmarinetalia, Lavanduletalia ou Gypsophiletalia (32, 15.19).','Horvat et al., 1974 ; Rivas-Martinez, 1975c ; Izco, 1977 ; Rivas-Martinez et Costa, 1987.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('34.81','34.8','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Groupements méditerranéens subnitrophiles de graminées','Mediterranean subnitrophilous grass communities','Taeniathero-Aegilopion geniculatae, Brachypodio-Chrysopogonetea p.','Graminoid formations with Bromus fasciculatus, B. madritensis, B. intermedius, B. alopecuros, B. rubens, B. hordeaceus, B. tectorum, Aegilops neglecta, A. geniculata, A. triuncialis, A. ventricosa, Taeniatherum caput-medusae, Avena sterilis, A. barbata, Lagurus ovatus, Lolium rigidum, Vulpia ciliata, V. bromoides, V. geniculata, Lamarckia aurea, Trisetum paniceum, Cynosurus echinatus, Stipa capensis, and with Scandix australis, Astragalus scorpioides, Trifolium cherleri, T. hirtum, T. striatum, T. campestre, T. arvense, T. glomeratum, Viccia lutea, Medicago rigidula, M. sativa, M. littoralis, Melilotus sulcata, Coronilla scorpioides, Filago minima, Paronychia argentea, particularly widespread in Iberia, southern Italy and Greece where they may cover vast expanses of post-cultural or extensive pasture lands, also locally represented in southern France and coastal northern Italy.','','Taeniathero-Aegilopion geniculatae, Brachypodio-Chrysopogonetea p.','Formations graminoïdes avec Bromus fasciculatus, B. madritensis, B. intermedius, B. alopecuros, B. rubens, B. hordeaceus, B. tectorum, Aegilops neglecta, A. ovata, A. triuncialis, A. ventricosa, Taeniatherum caput-medusae, Avena sterilis, A. barbata, Lagurus ovatus, Lolium rigidum, Vulpia ciliata, V. bromoides, V. geniculata, Lamarckia aurea, Trisetum paniceum, Cynosurus echinatus, Stipa capensis, et avec Scandix australis, Astragalus scorpioides, Trifolium cherleri, T. hirtum, T. striatum, T. campestre, T. arvense, T. glomeratum, Vicia lutea, Medicago rigidula, M. sativa, M. littoralis, Melilotus sulcatus, Coronilla scorpioides, Logfia minima, Paronychia argentea, localement représentées dans le sud de la France.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('34.82','34.8','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Meseta subnitrophilous crucifer communities','Alysso-Brassicion barrelieri','Brassicoid formations of the Spanish Meseta with Brassica barrelieri, Andryala arenaria, Alyssum granatense, Rhynchosinapsis hispida, Euphorbia matritensis, Sisymbrium contortum, Papaver argemone, Hirschfeldia incana, Capsella rubella. ','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('34.83','34.8','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Iberian south-eastern subnitrophilous herb communities','Carrichtero-Amberboion','Formations of the arid Iberian Southeast with Astragalus longidentatus, Brassica cossoniana, Carrichtera annua, Euphorbia dracunculoides, Lasiopogon muscoides, Leontodon salzmannii, Lotus edulis, Lycocarpus fugax, Matthiola lunata, M. parviflora, Notoceras bicorne, Volutaria (Amberboa) lippii.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('34.84','34.8','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Eastern Mediterranean subnitrophilous herb communities','','Annual herb formations of arid areas of the Aegean (e.g. eastern Crete), developed in particular as ultimate degradation of overgrazed phryganas.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('35','3','2','Niveau 2','TRUE','Pelouses silicicoles sèches','Dry siliceous grasslands','','Poor Atlantic and sub-Atlantic mat-grasslands of strongly acid soils; grasslands of decalcified sands; Mediterranean siliceous grasslands.','','','Pelouses atlantiques et sub-atlantiques des sols fortement acides et pauvres ; pelouses des sables décalcifiés ; pelouses silicicoles méditerranéennes.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('35.1','35','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Pelouses atlantiques à Nard raide et groupements apparentés','Atlantic mat-grass swards and related communities','Nardetalia: Violo-Nardion (Nardo-Galion saxatilis, Violion caninae)','Closed, dry or mesophile, perennial grasslands occupying acid soils in Atlantic or sub-Atlantic lowland, collinar and montane regions of middle Europe and western Iberia, with Nardus stricta, Festuca filiformis (F. tenuifolia), F. ovina, F. rubra, Agrostis capillaris, Danthonia decumbens, Anthoxanthum odoratum, Deschampsia flexuosa, Poa angustifolia, Galium saxatile, Polygala vulgaris, Viola canina, Meum athamanticum, Arnica montana, Centaurea nigra, Dianthus deltoides, Gentianella campestris, Chamaespartium sagittale, Jasione laevis, Potentilla erecta, Carex pilulifera. Any of the grasses listed can dominate or co-dominate distinctive facies; Calamagrostis epigejos or Carex arenaria also can invade and dominate some formations.','Tüxen and Oberdorfer, 1958; Ellenberg, 1963, 1988; Guinochet and Vilmorin, 1973; Schumacker, 1973; Barkman, 1973; Stieperaere, 1973; Westhoff and den Held, 1975; Sougnez, 1977; De Sloover et al., 1978; Perkins, 1978; Noirfalise et al., 1980, 1985; Ratcliffe, 1980; Bournérias, 1984; Rivas-Martinez, Diaz et al., 1984; Polunin and Walters, 1985; Loidi Arregui, 1987; Diaz Gonzalez and Fernandez Prieto, 1987; Vigo and Ninot, 1987; Oberdorfer, 1990; Hill in litt., 1990.','Nardetalia : Violo-Nardion (Nardo-Galion saxatilis, Violion caninae)','Pelouses pérennes fermées, sèches ou mésophiles, occupant des sols acides dans les plaines, collines et montagnes atlantiques ou sub-atlantiques de l''Europe moyenne, avec Nardus stricta, Festuca filiformis (F. tenuifolia), F. ovina, F. rubra, Agrostis capillaris, Danthonia decumbens, Anthoxanthum odoratum, Deschampsia flexuosa, Poa angustifolia, Galium saxatile, Polygala vulgaris, Viola canina, Meum athamanticum, Arnica montana, Centaurea nigra, Dianthus deltoides, Gentianella campestris, Genista sagitallis, Jasione laevis, Potentilla erecta, Carex pilulifera. Chacune des graminées citées peut dominer ou codominer des faciès distincts ; Calamagrostis epigejos ou Carex arenaria peuvent aussi envahir et dominer certaines formations.','Ellenberg, 1963, 1988 ; Guinochet et Vilmorin, 1973 ; Schumacker, 1973 ; Barkman, 1973 ; Stieperaere, 1973 ; Westhoff et den Held, 1975 ; Sougnez, 1977  ; De Sloover et al., 1978 ; Noirfalise et al., 1980, 1985 ; Bournérias, 1984 ; Polunin et Walters, 1985 ; Oberdorfer, 1990.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('35.11','35.1','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Gazons à Nard raide','Mat-grass swards','','Mesophile and xerophile Nardus stricta - dominated or -rich formations.','','','Formations mésophiles et xérophiles riches en, ou dominées par Nardus stricta.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('35.12','35.1','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Pelouses à Agrostis-Festuca','Agrostis-Festuca grasslands','','Closed mesophile grasslands formed by Agrostis spp. and Festuca spp.; in particular, widespread sheep-grazed upland pastures of the British Isles, and especially the Scottish Highlands, with abundant Agrostis capillaris, A. canina, Festuca ovina, and with Anthoxanthum odoratum, Holcus lanatus, Carex pilulifera, Alchemilla alpina s.l., Galium saxatile.','','','Pelouses mésophiles fermées, formées par Agrostis spp. et Festuca spp. ; en particulier, pâtures de montagnes à moutons largement répandues (dans les îles Britanniques et spécialement dans les Highlands écossais), avec une abondance d''Agrostis capillaris, A. canina, Festuca ovina, et avec Anthoxanthum odoratum, Holcus lanatus, Carex pilulifera, Alchemilla alpina, Galium saxatile.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('35.13','35.1','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Pelouses à canche flexueuse','Deschampsia flexuosa grasslands','','Communities dominated by Deschampsia flexuosa forming, in particular, as degradation stages of Calluna and other heaths.','','','Groupements dominés par Deschampsia flexuosa se constituant, en particulier, au stade de dégradation des landes à Calluna et autres landes.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('35.14','35.1','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Pelouses intraforestières à Calamagrostis epigejos','Wood small-reed stands','','Tall Calamagrostris epigejos-dominated facies of siliceous grasslands.','','','Faciès des pelouses intraforestières sur substrat siliceux dominées par la grande graminée Calamagrostis epigejos.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('35.15','35.1','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Pelouses à laîche des sables','Sand sedge grasslands','','Closed acidophilous grasslands on fixed sands dominated by Carex arenaria or Carex ligerica.','','','Pelouses acidiphiles fermées, sur sables fixés, dominées par Carex arenaria ou Carex ligerica.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('35.2','35','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Pelouses siliceuses ouvertes médio-européennes','Medio-European open siliceous grasslands','Thero-Airion i.a.','Open formations of dry, siliceous soils, of Atlantic, sub-Atlantic and Mediterraneo-montane distribution, often species-poor and with a strong representation of annuals.','Guinochet and Vilmorin, 1973; Barkman, 1973; Westhoff and den Held, 1975; Wattez, 1977; Royer, 1977; Géhu and Foucault, 1977; Rivas-Martinez, 1977a; Bournérias, 1979, 1984; Noirfalise et al., 1980, 1985; Polunin and Walters, 1985; Rivas-Martinez et al., 1987; Ellenberg, 1988; Oberdorfer, 1990.','Thero-Airion i.a.','Formations ouvertes des sols siliceux secs, de distribution atlantique, sub-atlantique et méditerranéo-montagnarde, souvent pauvres en espèces et avec une forte représentation de plantes annuelles.','Guinochet et Vilmorin, 1973 ; Barkman, 1973 ; Westhoff et den Held, 1975 ; Wattez, 1977 ; Royer, 1977 ; Géhu et de Foucault, 1977 ; Rivas-Martinez, 1977a ; Bournérias, 1979, 1984 ; Noirfalise et al., 1980, 1985 ; Polunin et Walters, 1985 ; Ellenberg, 1988 ; Oberdorfer, 1990.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('35.21','35.2','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Prairies siliceuses à annuelles naines','Dwarf annual siliceous grasslands','','Pioneer formations of typically dwarf annuals, often ephemeral and of very limited extent, characteristic in particular of fixed sands, with Aira caryophyllea, A. praecox, Nardurus lachenalii, Vulpia bromoides, V. myuros, Trisetum ovatum, Filago arvensis, F. gallica, F. lutescens, F. minima, F. pyramidata, F. vulgaris, Spergularia morisonii, Hypochoeris glabra, Evax carpetana, Moenchia erecta, Scleranthus polycarpos, Teesdalia nudicaulis, Myosotis discolor, M. stricta, Linaria elegans, L. amethystea, Sedum lagascae, S. pedicellatum, Ornithopus perpusillus, Trifolium striatum, T. arvense, T. dubium, T. campestre, T. micranthum, Tuberaria guttata; typical former crop-following species also find a refuge in these communities.','','','Formations pionnières typiquement constituées de plantes annuelles naines, souvent éphémères et d''extension très restreinte, caractéristiques en particulier des sables fixés, avec Aira caryophyllea, A. praecox, Micropyrum tenellum, Vulpia bromoides, V. myuros, Logfia arvensis, L. gallica, Filago lutescens, Logfia minima, Filago pyramidata, F. vulgaris, Spergula morisonii, Hypochoeris glabra, Evax lasiocarpa, Moenchia erecta, Scleranthus polycarpos, Teesdalia nudicaulis, Myosotis discolor, M. stricta, Ornithopus perpusillus, Trifolium striatum, T. arvense, T. dubium, T. campestre, T. micranthum, Tuberaria guttata ; des espèces autrefois répandues dans les jachères postculturales, trouvent aussi un refuge dans ces groupements.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('35.22','35.2','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Pelouses siliceuses ouvertes pérennes','Perennial open siliceous grasslands','','Very open grasslands dominated by perennial grasses such as Agrostis capillaris, A. vinealis, A. delicatula, A. durieui, A. castellana, Poa angustifolia, Anthoxanthum odoratum, Festuca filiformis, Corynephorus canescens, Calamagrostis epigejos or Carex arenaria, forming a transition towards 35.1.','','','Pelouses très ouvertes dominées par des herbacées pérennes telles que Agrostis capillaris, A. vinealis, A. truncatula subsp. commista, A. castellana, Poa angustifolia, Anthoxanthum odoratum, Festuca filiformis, Corynephorus canescens, Calamagrostis epigejos ou Carex arenaria, formant une transition vers 35.1.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('35.23','35.2','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Pelouses à Corynephorus','Corynephorus grasslands','','Formations of sands with Corynephorus canescens; most are dunal and should be listed under 64 (Inland dunes).','','','Formations des sables avec Corynephorus canescens ; la plupart sont dunaires et devraient être répertoriées en 64 (dunes de l''intérieur des terres).','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('35.3','35','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Pelouses siliceuses méditerranéennes','Mediterranean siliceous grasslands','Helianthemion guttati (Tuberarion guttatae)','West Mediterranean annual-rich grasslands of siliceous gravelly, sandy or silty, usually shallow, soils that remain cohesive during the dry season; characteristic are Tuberaria guttata, Helianthemum sanguineum, Jasione montana, Paronychia cymosa, P. echinulata, Pterocephalus diandrus, Prolongoa pectinata, Senecio minutus, Tolpis barbata, Filago gallica, F. minima, Teesdalia coronopifolia, Sedum caespitosum, S. arenarium, S. andegavense, Crassula tillaea, Saxifraga carpetana, Radiola linoides, Silene gallica, S. psammitis, S. portensis, Linum gallicum, Linaria pelisseriana, L. arvensis, Plantago bellardi, Galium divaricatum, Trifolium cherleri, T. strictum, T. suffocatum, T. arvense, T. bocconei, T. purpureum, Lathyrus angulatus, Ornithopus pinnatus, O. sativus, Lupinus hispanicus, L. angustifolius, Anthyllis cornicina, Coronilla dura and the grasses Corynephorus divaricatus, Aira cupaniana, A. tenorei, A. caryophyllea, Airopsis tenella, Molineria minuta, M. laevis, Vulpia geniculata, V. membranacea, V. bromoides, V. myuros, Briza maxima, Anthoxanthum aristatum, Micropyrum tenellum.','Duvigneaud, 1953; Molinier, 1957; Jasievicz, 1964; Aubert and Loisel, 1971; Guinochet and Vilmorin, 1973; Braun-Blanquet, 1977; Rivas-Martinez, 1977a; Lavagne and Moutte, 1977; Lapraz, 1978; Molinier and Martin, 1980; Devaux et al., 1983; Ladero Alvarez, 1987; Rivas-Martinez and Costa, 1987; Asensi Marfil and Diez Garretas, 1987; Aparicio Martinez and Silvestre Domingo, 1987; Martinez Parras et al., 1987.','Helianthemion guttati (Tuberarion guttatae)','Pelouses de l''ouest méditerranéen, riches en plantes annuelles, sur sols siliceux graveleux, sableux ou limoneux, habituellement superficiels, qui restent cohérents pendant la saison sèche ; en sont caractéristiques : Tuberaria guttata, Jasione montana, Paronychia cymosa, P. echinulata, Tolpis barbata, Logfia gallica, L. minima, Teesdalia coronopifolia, Sedum caespitosum, S. andegavense, Crassula tillaea, Radiola linoides, Silene gallica, S. portensis, Linum gallicum, Linaria pelisseriana, L. arvensis, Plantago bellardi, Galium divaricatus, Trifolium cherleri, T. strictum, T. suffocatum, T. arvense, T. bocconei, T. purpureum, Lathyrus angulatus, Ornithopus pinnatus, O. sativus, Lupinus angustifolius, et les graminées Corynephorus divaricatus, Aira cupaniana, A. tenorii, A. caryophyllea, Airopsis tenella, Molineriella minuta, M. laevis, Vulpia geniculata, V. membranacea, V. bromoides, V. myuros, Briza maxima, Anthoxanthum aristatum, Micropyrum tenellum.','Duvigneaud, 1953 ; Molinier, 1957 ; Jasievicz, 1964 ; Aubert et Loisel, 1971 ; Guinochet et Vilmorin, 1973 ; Rivas-Martinez, 1977a ; Lavagne et Moutte, 1977 ; Lapraz, 1978 ; Molinier et Martin, 1980 ; Devaux et al., 1983.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('35.4','35','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Communautés annuelles méditerranéennes des sables profonds','Mediterranean annual deep-sand communities','Malcolmietalia','Open, spring-blooming communities of annuals developed on deep sands of Iberia and very locally of southern France and Italy, with Malcolmia lacera, M. ramosissima, Anthyllis hamosa, Maresia nana, Erodium laciniatum, E. cicutarium ssp. bipinnatum, Arenaria emarginata, Hymenostemma pseudoanthemis, Loeflingia baetica, L. spartea, L. tavaresiana, L. hispanica, Linaria donyana, L. pedunculata, Vulpia membranacea, Ononis variegata, O. baetica, O. cossoniana, O. subspicata, Coronilla repanda, Evax astericiflora, E. lusitanica, Leucojum trichophyllum. Many are dunal and have been listed under 16.228.','Aubert and Loisel, 1971; Diez et al., 1975; Rivas-Martinez, 1977a; Rivas-Martinez et al., 1980; Géhu et al., 1984; Peinado Lorca et al., 1984; Asensi Marfil and Diez Garretas, 1987; Alcaraz Ariza and Peinado Lorca, 1987.','Malcolmietalia','Communautés ouvertes de plantes annuelles à floraison printanière développées sur les sables profonds de la péninsule Ibérique, et très localement du sud de la France, avec Malcolmia ramosissima, Malcolmia nana, Erodium laciniatum, E. cicutarium subsp. bipinnatum, Loeflingia hispanica, Vulpia membranacea, Ononis variegata. Beaucoup sont dunaires et ont été répertoriées en 16.228.','Aubert et Loisel, 1971 ; Rivas-Martinez, 1977a ; Géhu et al., 1984.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('35.5','35','3','Niveau 3','FALSE','','Iberian fescue-plantain swards','Corynephoro-Plantaginion radicatae','Open perennial formations colonizing arenaceous or skeletal, often unstable, siliceous soils of the supra-Mediterranean levels of Iberian mountains, rich in cushion-forming, rosette-leaved chamaephytes (Jasione crispa ssp. sessiliflora, Plantago radicata, Scleranthus perennis) and cespitose, rough perennial grasses (Festuca costei, F. indigesta, F. summilusitana, Corynephorus canescens, Koeleria caudata ssp. crassipes). Various formations, characterized by, among others, Hieracium castellanum, Leucanthemopsis pulverulenta, Dianthus merinoi, D. laricifolius, Armeria caballeroi, A. alliacea, Thymus serpylloides ssp. gadorensis, Teucrium aureum are distributed in the Cantabrian range, the southern Galician and Leonese mountains, the Iberian Range, the Cordillera Central, the Montes de Toledo, the Sierra Nevada.','Rivas-Martinez, Diaz et al., 1984; Penas and Diaz-Gonzalez, 1985; Navarro Andres and Valle Gutierrez, 1987; Martinez Parras and Peinado Lorca, 1987; Rivas-Martinez et al., 1987; Ladero Alvarez, 1987; Martinez Parras et al., 1987.','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('35.6','35','3','Niveau 3','FALSE','','Iberian tall fescue grasslands','Festucion elegantis','Perennial grasslands dominated by the tall cespitose Festuca elegans of the supra-Mediterranean Quercus pyrenaica level of the Cordillera Central and Sierra Nevada with, among others, Geum heterocarpum, Trifolium ochroleucon and Paeonia coriacea of deep, siliceous soils.','Rivas-Martinez et al., 1987; Martinez Parras et al., 1987; Martinez Parras and Peinado Lorca, 1987.','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('35.7','35','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Pelouses méditerranéo-montagnardes','Mediterraneo-montane mat-grass swards','','Nardus stricta-dominated grasslands and related communities of the supra-Mediterranean level of the mountains of the Mediterranean peninsulas, either developed on siliceous soils, or, rarely, on calcareous substrates.','','','Pelouses dominées par Nardus stricta et groupements apparentés de l''étage supraméditerranéen des montagnes des péninsules méditerranéennes, développées surtout sur des sols siliceux ou, rarement, sur des substrats calcaires.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('35.71','35.7','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Iberian montane mat-grass swards','Campanulo-Nardion p.','Supra-Mediterranean acidophilous communities rich in Nardus stricta with an accompanying cortège similar to that of the Iberian subalpine Campanulo-Nardion (36.36), rather than to that of the Atlantic and sub-Atlantic Violion caninae (35.1), occurring in particular in the Quercus pyrenaica level of the Cordillera Central.','Rivas-Martinez et al., 1987.','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('35.72','35.7','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Southern Italian mat-grass swards and related communities','Ranunculo-Nardion p.','Closed, mesophile grasslands of depressions, flats and snow patches of the beech level of the southern Apennines, with Luzula multiflora, L. pindica, Anthoxanthum odoratum, Festuca rubra, F. varia, F. violacea, Bellardiochloa (Poa) violacea, Alopecurus gerardii, Danthonia decumbens, Phleum alpinum, Carex leporina, Hypochoeris laevigata, Dianthus deltoides, Nardus stricta, Crocus vernus, Sedum atratum, Euphrasia minima, Ajuga tenorei (A. acaulis), Potentilla neumanniana var. rigoana, P. argentea var. calabra, Ranunculus sartorianus, R. polyanthemos ssp. thomasii, Meum athamanticum, Asphodelus albus var. pollinensis, Plantago brutia, Pedicularis petiolaris, Omalotheca sylvatica (Gnaphalium sylvaticum), Cirsium vallis-demoni, Viola calcarata, Armeria majellensis; they are widespread in the siliceous Sila range and also occur on deep decalcified soils of the piani of the calcareous Pollino range.','Bonin, 1972.','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('35.73','35.7','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Balkanic montane mat-grass grasslands','','Closed Nardus stricta-dominated grasslands of the Fagion moesiacum zone of the Balkan peninsula.','Horvat et al., 1974.','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('36','3','2','Niveau 2','TRUE','Pelouses alpines et subalpines','Alpine and subalpine grasslands','','Grasslands of the alpine and subalpine levels of the Alps, Pyrenees, Cantabrian range, Jura, Central Massif and northern Apennines, with very fragmentary outposts in the great Hercynian ranges of middle Europe, Bayerischer Wald, Harz, Black Forest, Erz-Riesengebirge and in the Caledonian system of Britain; grasslands of the oro- and cryoro-Mediterranean levels (sensu Peinado Lorca and Rivas- Martinez,1987) or of the alti-Mediterranean level (sensu Ozenda, 1975, 1985) of the Iberian mountains, of the Apennines and of the Greek ranges.','','','Pelouses des étages alpin et subalpin des Alpes, des Pyrénées, du Jura, du Massif central, avec des avants-postes très fragmentaires dans la grande région hercynienne de l''Europe moyenne ; pelouses des étages oro-méditerranéen et cryo-méditerranéen (sensu Peinadi Lorca et Rivas-Martinez, 1987) de Corse, ... .','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('36.1','36','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Communautés des combes à neige','Snow-patch communities','Salicetea herbaceae','Vegetation of areas that retain late-lying snow. These formations are mostly characteristic of the alpine level of the Alps and Pyrenees; they extend to the Macedonian mountains and are represented by relict outposts in the Sierra Nevada, the Cordillera Central, the Monti Sibillini and Abruzzi; they occur locally in the Scottish Highlands.','Braun-Blanquet, 1954, 1975a; Rivas-Martinez, 1963, 1975c; Ellenberg, 1963, 1988; Guinochet and Vilmorin, 1973; Horvat et al., 1974; Ozenda, 1975; Ratcliffe, 1980; Pignatti, 1982; Dupias, 1985; Martinez Parras et al., 1987; Noirfalise, 1987; Oberdorfer, 1990; Jonglet, in litt., 1990; Hill, in litt., 1990.','Salicetea herbaceae','Végétations des zones où se conserve tardivement une couche de neige. Ces formations sont principalement caractéristiques de l''étage alpin des Alpes et des Pyrénées.','Braun-Blanquet, 1954, 1975a, Rivas-Martinez, 1975c ; Ellenberg, 1963, 1988 ; Guinochet et Vilmorin, 1973 ; Horvat et al., 1974 ; Ozenda, 1975 ; Dupias, 1985 ; Noirfalise, 1987 ; Oberdorfer, 1990.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('36.11','36.1','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Communautés des combes à neige acidiphiles','Acid snow-patch communities','Salicetalia herbaceae','Snow-patch communities of acid soils.','','Salicetalia herbaceae','Groupements des combes à neige sur sols acides.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('36.111','36.11','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Communautés acidiphiles des combes à neige alpines','Alpine acid snow-patch communities','Salicion herbaceae','Acid snow-patch communities of the Alps, the Pyrenees and high mountains of the Mediterranean peninsulas, with Salix herbacea, Soldanella pusilla, Sibbaldia procumbens, Omalotheca supina (Gnaphalium supinum), Luzula alpino-pilosa, Cerastium cerastoides and mosses.','','Salicion herbacea','Communautés acidiphiles des combes à neige des Alpes et des Pyrénées, avec Salix herbacea, Soldanella pusilla, Sibbaldia procumbens, Omalotheca (Gnaphalium) supina, Luzula alpino-pilosa, Cerastium cerastioides et des mousses.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('36.1111','36.111','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Communautés acidiphiles des combes à neige alpines à mousses','Alpine acid moss snow-patch communities','Polytrichetum sexangularis, Polytrichetum norvegici','Moss snow-patches of the Alps and Pyrenees, occupying areas free from snow for less than two months, with the mosses Polytrichum sexangularis, P. juniperinum, Pohlia commutata, Kiaeria falcata (Dicranum falcatum), the liverwort Anthelia juratzkana or sometimes lichens.','','Polytrichetum sexangularis, Polytrichetum norvegici','Combes à neige à Bryophytes des Alpes et des Pyrénées, occupant des surfaces libres de neige moins de deux mois par an, avec les mousses Polytrichum sexangularis, P. juniperinum, Pohlia commutata, Kiaeria falcata (Dicranum falcatum), l''hépatique Anthelia juratzkana ou quelquefois des lichens.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('36.1112','36.111','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Communautés acidiphiles des combes à neige alpines à Saule nain','Alpine acid dwarf willow snow-patch communities','Salicetum herbaceae, Anthelio-Salicetum herbaceae','Dwarf willow (Salix herbacea) snow-patches of the Alps and Pyrenees, occupying areas covered by snow for eight to ten months.','','Salicetum herbaceae, Anthelio-Salicetum herbaceae','Combes à neige à Saule nain (Salix herbacea) des Alpes et des Pyrénées, occupant des zones couvertes par la neige pendant huit à dix mois.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('36.1113','36.111','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Communautés acidiphiles de combes à neige alpines à Carex-Gnaphalium','Alpine acid Carex-Gnaphalium snow-patch communities','Caricetum foetidae, Alopecuro-Caricetum foetideae, Cardamino alpinae-Gnaphalietum supini, Cerastio-Mniobryetum, Gnaphalio-Sedetum candollei, Sedo-Gnaphalietum pusilli, Omalotheco pusillae-Lepidietum stylati i.a.','Communities of areas covered by snow for six to eight months, with Carex foetida (western Alps), Alopecurus gerardii, Omalotheca supina (Gnaphalium supinum) (including O. supina var. pusilla), Lepidium stylatum, Alchemilla pentaphylla, Sedum candollei (Mucizonia sedoides, Umbellicus sedoides), S. alpestre, Cardamine alpina, Carex pyrenaica; they extend to the subalpine level and include the isolated cryoro-Mediterranean formations of the Cordillera Central and the Sierra Nevada. ','','Caricetum foetidae, Alopecuro-Caricetum foetidae, Cardamino alpinae-Gnaphalietum supini, Cerastio-Mniobryetum, Gnaphalio-Sedetum candollei, Sedo-Gnaphalietum pusilli, Omalotheco pusillae-Lepidietum stylati i. a.','Communautés des zones couvertes de neige pendant six à huit mois, avec Carex foetida (Alpes occidentales), Alopecurus gerardii, Omalotheca (Gnaphalium) supina (incluant O. supina var. pusilla), Alchemilla pentaphylla, Sedum candollei (Mucizonia sedoides, Umbellicus sedoides), S. alpestre, Cardamine alpina, Carex pyrenaica ; elles s''étendent à l''étage subalpin','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('36.112','36.11','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Boreo-alpine snow-patch communities','','Snow-patches of the high altitudes of the Central and Eastern Highlands of Scotland.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('36.1121','36.112','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Highland moss snow-patch communities','','Moss snow-patches of the Scottish Highlands, formed of mats of mosses and lichens, with, in particular, Polytrichum sexangularis, Kiaeria (Dicranum) starkei, K. falcatum.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('36.1122','36.112','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Highland dwarf willow snow-patch communities','','Moss and dwarf willow snow-patches of the Scottish Highlands, with Salix herbacea, Saxifraga stellaris, Silene acaulis, Omalotheca supina, Luzula spicata and mosses Rhacomitrium heterostictum, R. fasciculare, Gymnomitrium concinnatum, Polytrichum norvegicum, Oligotrichum hercynicum, Nardia scalaris.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('36.1123','36.112','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Highland Rhytidiadelphus-Deschampsia snow-patch communities','','Rhytidiadelphus loreus-Deschampsia cespitosa snow-patches of the western Central Highlands with Rhytidiadelphus loreus, R. squarrosus, R. triquetrus, Deschampsia caespitosa, Anthoxanthum odoratum, Carex bigelowii, Galium saxatile, Alchemilla alpina.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('36.1124','36.112','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Highland Silene-Festuca snow-patch communities','','Species-rich Silene-Festuca snow-patch turf forming at the foot of cliffs in the Central and Eastern Highlands, with Silene acaulis, Alchemilla alpina, Sibbaldia procumbens, Minuartia (Cherleria) sedoides, Cerastium alpinum, Festuca ovina, Anthoxanthum odoratum, Agrostis canina, A. capillaris.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('36.1125','36.112','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Highland fern snow-patch communities','','Fern snow-patch communities forming on screes with prolonged snow cover in the Central and Eastern Highlands, with Cryptogramma crispa, Athyrium distentifolium (A. alpestre), Dryopteris oreades (D. abbreviata), D. expansa (D. assimilis), Galium saxatile, Barbilophozia floerkii, Polytrichum alpinum.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('36.12','36.1','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Communautés de combes à neige sur substrats calcaires','Calcareous snow-patch communities','Arabidetalia caeruleae: Arabidion caeruleae','Snow-patch communitites of calcareous soils with Salix reticulata, S. retusa, Arabis caerulea, Carex atrata, Ranunculus alpestris, Saxifraga androsacea.','','Arabidetalia caeruleae : Arabidion caeruleae','Communautés de combes à neige des sols calcaires avec Salix reticulata, S. retusa, Arabis caerulea, Carex atrata, Ranunculus alpestris, Saxifraga androsacea.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('36.121','36.12','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Communautés des combes à neige sur calcaires à Arabis-Gnaphalium','Calcareous Arabis-Gnaphalium snow-patch communities','Arabidetum caeruleae, Potentillo-Gnaphalietum hoppeanae','Herbaceous snow-patch swards of humid, carbonated soils under snow for long periods, with Ranunculus alpestris, Arabis caerulea, Omalotheca hoppeana (Gnaphalium hoppeanum), Hutchinsia alpina, Potentilla brauniana (P. minima), Soldanella alpina.','','Arabidetum caeruleae, Potentillo-Gnaphalietum hoppeanae','Gazons herbacés des combes à neige, sur sols carbonatés humides, sous la neige pendant de longues périodes, avec Ranunculus alpestris, Arabis caerulea, Omalotheca (Gnaphalium) hoppeana, Hutchinsia alpina, Potentilla brauniana (P. minima), Soldanella alpina.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('36.122','36.12','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Communautés des combes à neige sur calcaires, à Saules en espaliers','Calcareous espalier willow snow-patch communities','Salicetum retuso-reticulatae','Espalier willow communities of calcareous stone fields with the net-leaved willow, Salix reticulata, and the retuse-leaved willow, Salix retusa, and Gentiana bavarica.','','Salicetum retuso-reticulatae','Communautés de Saules en espalier colonisant des pierriers calcaires avec le saule à feuilles réticulées, Salix reticulata, et le saule à feuilles rétuses, Salix retusa, et Gentiana bavarica.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('36.2','36','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Communautés des affleurements et rochers désagrégés alpins','Alpine weathered rock and outcrop communities','Sedo-Scleranthion, Sedion pyrenaici p.','Stonecrop and houseleak communities colonizing both calcareous and siliceous rocky outcrops of the subalpine and alpine levels of higher mountains.','Braun-Blanquet, 1955a; Rivas-Martinez, Diaz et al., 1984; Ellenberg, 1988; Oberdorfer, 1990.','Sedo-Scleranthion, Sedion pyrenaici p.','Communautés d''orpins et de Joubarbes colonisant les affleurements rocheux aussi bien calcaires que siliceux des étages alpin et subalpin des plus hautes montagnes.','Braun-Blanquet, 1955a ; Ellenberg, 1988 ; Oberdorfer, 1990.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('36.3','36','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Pelouses acidiphiles alpines et subalpines','Alpine and subalpine acidophilous grasslands','Caricetea curvulae','Alpine and sub-alpine grasslands developed over crystalline rocks and other lime-deficient substrates or on decalcified soils of the calcareous ranges, with Armeria alpina, Armeria montana, Euphrasia minima, Gentiana alpina, Geum montanum, Juncus trifidus, Lychnis alpina, Pedicularis pyrenaica, Phyteuma hemisphaericum, Pulsatilla alpina ssp. sulfurea, Ranunculus pyrenaicus, Sempervivum montanum, Botrychium lunaria.','Ellenberg, 1963; Guinochet and Vilmorin, 1973; Ozenda, 1985; Jonglet, in litt., 199O.','Caricetea curvulae','Pelouses alpines et subalpines développées sur des roches cristallines et d''autres substrats dépourvus de calcaire ou sur des sols décalcifiés des régions calcaires, avec Armeria alpina, Euphrasia minima, Gentiana alpina, Geum montanum, Juncus trifidus, Silene suecica, Pedicularis pyrenaica, Phyteuma hemisphaericum, Pulsatilla alpina subsp. sulfurea, Ranunculus pyrenaeus, Sempervivum montanum, Botrychium lunaria.','Ellenberg, 1963 ; Guinochet et Vilmorin, 1973 ; Ozenda, 1985.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('36.31','36.3','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Gazons à Nard raide et groupements apparentés','Mat-grass swards and related communities','Nardion','Closed grasslands of deep, acid soils of the Alps, Pyrenees, northern Apennines, Jura and higher Hercynian ranges, developed mostly and abundantly in the subalpine level, dominated or co-dominated by Nardus stricta, Festuca eskia, F. nigrescens, F. rubra, Alopecurus gerardii, Bellardiochloa (Poa) violacea, Carex sempervirens, Anthoxanthum odoratum.','Braun-Blanquet, 1953, 1954, 1969a; Ellenberg, 1963, 1988; Archiloque et al., 1969; Berset, 1969; Guinochet and Vilmorin, 1973; Gruber, 1978; Ochsenbein, 1984; Dupias, 1985; Ozenda, 1985; Bolos y Capdevila, 1987; Vigo and Ninot, 1987; Oberdorfer, 1990; Jonglet, in litt., 1990.','Nardion','Communautés denses sur sols acides profonds des Alpes, des Pyrénées, du Jura et des Vosges, développées principalement et abondamment à l''étage subalpin, dominées ou codominées par Nardus stricta, Festuca eskia, F. nigrescens, F. rubra, Alopecurus gerardii, Bellardiochloa (Poa) variegata, Carex sempervirens, Anthoxanthum odoratum.','Braun-Blanquet, 1953, 1954, 1969a ; Ellenberg, 1963, 1988 ; Archiloque et al., 1969 ; Berset, 1969 ; Guinochet et Vilmorin, 1973 ; Gruber, 1978 ; Ochsenbein, 1984 ; Dupias, 1985 ; Ozenda, 1985 ; Oberdorfer, 1990.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('36.311','36.31','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Nardaies mésophiles pyrénéo-alpines','Pyreneo-Alpine mesophile mat-grasslands','Nardetum alpigenum = Geo montani-Nardetum, Aveno versicoloris-Nardetum, Leontodonto-Alchemilletum alpinae, Nardo strictae-Polygaletum serpyllaceae, Alchemillo flabellatae-Nardetum strictae i.a.','Subalpine and lower alpine mesophile grasslands dominated by, or rich in, Nardus stricta, of the Alps, the Pyrenees and, very locally, the Central Massif, the Jura and the northern Apennines; for the most part, they are heavily grazed grasslands with much reduced species diversity and overwhelming dominance of mat-grass.','','Nardetum alpigenum = Geo montani-Nardetum, Aveno versicoloris-Nardetum, Leontodonto-Alchemilletum alpinae, Nardo strictae-Polygaletum serpyllaceae, Alchemillo flabellatae-Nardetum strictae i.a.','Pelouses mésophiles des étages subalpin et alpin inférieur dominées par, ou riches en, Nardus stricta, des Alpes, des Pyrénées et, très localement du Massif central, du Jura ; il s''agit pour la plupart de pelouses fortement pâturées avec un diversité d''espèces très réduite et une dominance énorme du Nard raide.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('36.312','36.31','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Nardaies pyrénéo-alpines hygrophiles','Pyreneo-Alpine hygrophile mat-grass swards','Selino pyrenaei-Nardetum strictae, Ranunculo pyrenaei-Nardetum strictae p., Nardetum alpigenum p.','Subalpine and alpine hygro-mesophile, chionophilous mat-grass swards of depressions and humid flats around lakes and marshes, where snow melts slowly.','','Selino-pyrenaei-Nardetum strictae, Ranunculo pyrenaei-Nardetum strictae p., Nardetum alpigenum p.','Pelouses subalpines et alpines, hygromésophiles, chionophiles à Nard raide, des dépressions et replats humides autour des lacs et des marais, où la neige fond lentement.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('36.313','36.31','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Pelouses pyrénéo-alpines hygrophiles à Vulpins','Pyreneo-Alpine hygrophile foxtail swards','Trifolio alpini-Alopecuretum gerardii, Ranunculo pyrenaicae-Alopecuretum gerardii p.','Subalpine and alpine hygro-mesophile, chionophilous grasslands of depressions with prolonged snow cover dominated by Alopecurus gerardii and Trifolium alpinum; they constitute a transition between siliceous grasslands and snowpatch communities, which they often ring.','','Trifolio alpini-Alopecuretum gerardii, Ranunculo pyrenaicae-Alopecuretm gerardii p.','Prairies subalpines et alpines, hygromésophiles, chionophiles des dépressions longuement recouvertes par la neige dominées par Alopecurus gerardii et Trifolium alpinum ; elles constituent une transition entre les prairies siliceuses et les communautés des combes à neige, qu''elles entourent souvent.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('36.314','36.31','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Pelouses pyrénéennes fermées à Festuca eskia','Pyrenean closed Festuca eskia grasslands','','Subalpine and lower alpine closed mesophile Festuca eskia grasslands of north-facing slopes (ubacs) and depressions in the Pyrenees with Arnica montana, Ranunculus pyrenaeus, Selinum pyrenaeum, Trifolium alpinum, Campanula barbata, Gentiana punctata, Leucorchis albida, Phyteuma betonicifolium.','','','Pelouses mésophiles fermées, des étages subalpin et alpin inférieur à Festuca eskia des versants exposés au nord (ubacs) et des dépressions des Pyrénées avec Arnica montana, Ranunculus pyrenaeus, Selinum pyrenaeum, Trifolium alpinum, Campanula barbata, Gentiana punctata, Pseudorchis albida, Phyteuma betonicifolium.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('36.315','36.31','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Pelouses pyrénéennes à Poa violacea','Pyrenean Poa violacea swards','','Subalpine Bellardiochloa (Poa) violacea-dominated grasslands of the Pyrenees.','','','Pelouses subalpines des Pyrénées dominées par Bellardiochloa (Poa) variegata.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('36.316','36.31','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Nardaies sommitales hercyniennes','Hercynian summital mat-grass swards','','Summital mat-grass swards of the greater Hercynian ranges.','','','Pelouses sommitales à Nard raide des grands massifs hercyniens.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('36.3161','36.316','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Nardaies sommitales des Hautes-Chaumes','Hautes Chaumes summital mat-grass swards','Violo-Nardetum','Formations of the Hautes Chaumes (high Vosges), with Gentiana lutea, Arnica montana, Pulsatilla alba, Viola lutea ssp. elegans, Selinum pyrenaeum, Leontodon pyrenaicus, Hieracium vogesiacum, H. olivaceum, H.alpinum and abundant ericoid shrubs, Erica tetralix, Vaccinium myrtillus, V. vitis-idaea.','','Violo-Nardetum','Formations des Hautes-Chaumes (hautes Vosges) avec Gentiana lutea, Arnica montana, Pulsatilla alba, Viola lutea subsp. lutea, Selinum pyrenaeum, Leontodon pyrenaicus, Hieracium vogesiacum, H. olivaceum, H. alpinum et d''abondants arbrisseaux d''éricoïdes, Calluna vulgaris, Vaccinium myrtillus, V. vitis-idaea.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('36.3162','36.316','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Black Forest summital mat-grass swards','Leontodonto helvetici-Nardetum','Formations of the Black Forest.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('36.3163','36.316','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Harz summital mat-grass swards','Pulsatillo micranthae-Nardetum','Formations of the Harz.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('36.3164','36.316','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Bayerischer Wald summital mat-grass swards','Lycopodio-Nardetum','Formations of the Bayerischer Wald.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('36.32','36.3','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Oro-Caledonian grasslands','','Boreo-alpine formations of the higher summits of Scotland, Cumbria, northern England and northern Wales with Juncus trifidus, Carex bigelowii, mosses and lichens.','Ratcliffe, 1977, 1980; Noirfalise, 1986, 1987; Hill, in litt., 1990.','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('36.321','36.32','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Oro-Caledonian Carex bigelowii communities','','High-altitude formations dominated by Carex bigelowii. with Dicranum fuscescens, Polytrichum alpinum, Cladonia uncialis, C. arbuscula, Galium saxatile of the Central and Eastern Highlands, with outliers in the Northern Highlands and Cumbria (Cross Fell).','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('36.322','36.32','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Oro-Caledonian Rhacomitrium carpets','','Summital carpets of Rhacomitrium lanuginosum with Carex bigelowii, Galium saxatile, Vaccinium myrtillus, Deschampsia flexuosa, Cladonia uncialis, of Scotland, northern England and northern Wales.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('36.3221','36.322','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Species-poor Rhacomitrium carpets','','Species-poor, nearly continuous carpets of Rhacomitrium lanuginosum characteristic of the Scottish Highlands, with outposts in the southern Uplands, northern England and northern Wales.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('36.3222','36.322','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Grassy Rhacomitrium carpets','','Formations richer in grasses (Festuca ovina, F. vivipara and Deschampsia flexuosa) and with less Rhacomitrium lanuginosum of the southern Uplands, northern England and northern Wales.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('36.3223','36.322','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Cushion-herb Rhacomitrium carpets','','Species-rich formations of the northwest Highlands, with cushion herbs including Armeria maritima, Silene acaulis and Minuartia sedoides, and sometimes with Polygonum viviparum, Rhytidiadelphus loreus, Aulacomnium turgidum.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('36.323','36.32','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Highland Juncus trifidus formations','','Communities of the Scottish Highlands, limited to granitic summital plateaux, summit block detritus, steep block screes, summit ridges and very open ablation areas within Rhacomitrium- Carex bigelowii formations, with Juncus trifidus, Rhacomitrium lanuginosum, Cetraria islandica, Cladonia sylvatica, C. uncialis, C. gracilis, C. arbuscula, Salix herbacea, Deschampsia flexuosa, Alchemilla alpina and sometimes ericoid shrubs.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('36.324','36.32','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Boreo-alpine mat-grass swards','','Nardus stricta communities developed in areas of prolonged snow cover in Scotland, Cumbria, the northern Pennines and north Wales, with Carex bigelowii, Cetraria islandica, Rhacomitrium lanuginosum, Rhytidiadelphus loreus, Galium saxatile, Alchemilla alpina, Empetrum hermaphroditum.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('36.33','36.3','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Pelouses siliceuses thermophiles subalpines','Subalpine thermophile siliceous grasslands','Festucion variae, Festucion eskiae, Poion violaceae, Festucion spadiceae','Subalpine thermophile formations on often skeletal soils of the southern Alps, the Pyrenees and, very locally, the Central Massif and the Apennines.','Braun-Blanquet, 1954, 1972; Ellenberg, 1963, 1988; Gruber, 1978; Dupias, 1985; Ozenda, 1981, 1985; Jonglet, in litt., 1990; Salomez, in litt., 1990.','Festucion variae, Festucion eskiae, Poion violaceae, Festucion spadiceae','Formations thermophiles subalpines sur des sols souvent squelettiques du sud des Alpes, des Pyrénées et, très localement, du Massif central.','Braun-Blanquet, 1954, 1972 ; Ellenberg, 1963, 1988 ; Gruber, 1978 ; Dupias, 1985 ; Ozenda, 1981, 1985.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('36.331','36.33','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Pelouses à Festuca paniculata','Festuca paniculata swards','Festucion spadiceae: Festucetum spadiceae, Centaureo uniflorae-Festucetum spadiceae, Irido-Festucetum spadiceae, Scorzonero-Festucetum spadiceae, Hieracio-Festucetum spadiceae','Thermophile, luxuriant, relatively closed grasslands formed by the very tall, blue-grey Festuca paniculata (F. spadicea) on south-facing slopes (adrets) of the upper montane and lower subalpine levels of the Pyrenees, the southern Alps and, locally, the Central Massif and the Abruzzi; characteristic and often abundant accompanying species include Centaurea uniflora, Silene nutans, Trifolium montanum, Hieracium peleterianum, Hypochoeris maculata, Potentilla grandiflora, Lilium martagon, Eryngium alpinum, Luzula pediformis, Meum athamanticum, Nigritella nigra, Helictotrichon parlatorei, Asphodelus albus, Iris xiphioides, Paradisea liliastrum, Dianthus monspessulanus, Carduus defloratus. Many have been traditionally treated as hay meadows and are of extraordinary floristic richness; they are nowadays increasingly abandoned or left to grazing.','','Festucion spadiceae : Festucetum spadiceae, Centaureo uniflorae-Festucetum spadiceae, Irido-Festucetum spadiceae, Scorzonero-Festucetum spadiceae, Hieracio-Festucetum spadiceae','Pelouses thermophiles, luxuriantes, relativement denses, formées par la très grande Festuca paniculata (F. spadicea) bleu-gris, des versants sud (adrets) des étages montagnard supérieur et subalpin inférieur des Pyrénées, des Alpes méridionales et, localement du Massif central. Les espèces caractéristiques et compagnes, souvent abondantes comprennent Centaurea uniflora, Silene nutans, Trifolium montanum, Hieracium peleterianum, Hypochoeris maculata, Potentilla grandiflora, Lilium martagon, Eryngium alpinum, Luzula nutans, Meum athamanticum, Nigritella nigra, Helictotrichon parlatorei, Asphodelus albus, Iris xiphioides, Paradisea liliastrum, Dianthus monspessulanus, Carduus defloratus. Beaucoup ont été traditionnellement traitées en prés de fauches et sont d''une richesse floristique extraordinaire ; elles sont de nos jours de plus en plus abandonnées ou transformées en pâturage.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('36.3311','36.331','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Pelouses xérophiles des versants rocailleux à Festuca paniculata','Xerophile rocky slope Festuca paniculata swards','','More xero-thermophile formations on siliceous, rocky soils of steep, warm slopes of the southwestern Alps, Pyrenees, Central Massif and Abruzzi.','','','Formations plus xéro-thermophiles sur sols rocheux, siliceux, des versants chauds, escarpés du sud-ouest des Alpes, des Pyrénées, du Massif central.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('36.3312','36.331','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Pelouses mésophiles des sols profonds à Festuca paniculata','Mesophile deep soil Festuca paniculata swards','','More mesophile, dense formations on deep soils of gentler slopes, often over calcareous substrates with decalcified, slightly acid, topsoil; they are mostly characteristic of the southwestern Alps with representation in the Pyrenees.','','','Formations plus mésophiles, denses, sur sols profonds des versants en pente douce, souvent sur substrats calcaires avec un horizon superficiel décalcifié, légèrement acide ; elles sont principalement caractéristiques du sud-ouest des Alpes et sont présentes dans les Pyrénées.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('36.332','36.33','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Pelouses en gradins à Festuca eskia','Festuca eskia garland-grasslands','Festucion eskiae','Open, thermophile, stripped grasslands organized in ribbons retaining stony, almost bare steps on the adrets of the upper sub-alpine and lower alpine zones in the Pyrenees, formed by the hard, sharp-pointed, slippery, bright green, tufted Festuca eskia, sometimes associated with Carex sempervirens s. l.','','Festucion eskiae','Pelouses ouvertes, thermophiles, organisées en gradins retenant les pierres, avec des marches quasi nues sur les adrets des zones subalpines supérieures et alpines inférieures des Pyrénées, formées par Festuca eskia touffue, d''un vert brillant, coriace, à pointes acérées, glissante, et quelquefois associées avec Carex sempervirens s.l.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('36.333','36.33','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Pelouses en gradins à Festuca varia','Varicoloured fescue garland-grasslands','Festucion variae: Festucetum variae, Festuco-Potentilletum valderiae','Open, thermophile, stripped grasslands of the adrets of the (mostly) southern Alps and Central Massif, formed by calcifuge species of the hard, sharp-pointed Festuca varia group (F. varia, F. scabriculmis), often associated with Carex sempervirens s. l.','','Festucion variae : Festucetum variae, Festuco-Potentilletum valderiae','Prairies thermophiles, ouvertes, en gradins, développées sur les adrets des Alpes méridionales (le plus souvent) et du Massif central, constituées d''espèces calcifuges à feuilles coriaces et pointues du groupe de Festuca varia (F. varia, F. scabriculmis), souvent associées avec Carex sempervirens s.l.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('36.34','36.3','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Pelouses à laîche courbée et communautés apparentées','Crooked-sedge swards and related communities','Caricion curvulae, Festucion supinae','Mostly closed Carex curvula, Festuca spp., Oreochloa spp. or Juncus trifidus grasslands on siliceous soils of the alpine level of the Alps and the Pyrenees, with very local outposts in the great Hercynian ranges and the Cantabrian Range. Androsace obtusifolia, A. carnea ssp. laggeri, Campanula barbata, Juncus jacquinii, J. trifidus, Silene exscapa, Gentiana alpina, Achillea erba-rotta, Euphrasia minima, Luzula lutea, L. spicata, L. hispanica, Lychnis alpina, Minuartia recurva, M. sedoides, Pedicularis kerneri, P. pyrenaica, Phyteuma globulariifolium, Ph. hemisphaericum, Potentilla frigida, Armeria alpina, Senecio incanus, Trifolium alpinum, Veronica bellidioides, Ranunculus pyrenaicus are characteristic.','Braun-Blanquet, 1954, 1969a; Ellenberg, 1963, 1988; Gruber, 1978; Ozenda, 1981, 1985; Rivas-Martinez, Diaz et al., 1984; Dupias, 1985; Vigo and Ninot, 1987; Diaz Gonzalez and Fernandez Prieto, 1987; Navarro Andres and Valle Gutierrez, 1987; Oberdorfer, 1990; Jonglet, in litt., 1990.','Caricion curvulae, Festucion supinae','Prairies principalement fermées à Carex curvula, Festuca spp., Oreochloa spp. ou Juncus trifidus sur sols siliceux de l''étage alpin des Alpes et des Pyrénées, avec des avant-postes très locaux dans les montagnes hercyniennes. Les caractéristiques en sont Androsace obtusifolia, A. carnea subsp. laggeri, Campanula barbata, Juncus jacquinii, J. trifidus, Silene exscapa, Gentiana alpina, Achillea erba-rotta, Euphrasia minima, Luzula lutea, L. spicata, L. hispanica, Silene suecica, Minuartia recurva, M. sedoides, Pedicularis kerneri, P. pyrenaica, Phyteuma globulariifolium, Ph. hemisphaericum, Potentilla frigida, Armeria alpina, Senecio incanus, Trifolium alpinum, Veronica bellidioides, Ranunculus pyrenaeus.','Braun-Blanquet, 1954, 1969a ; Ellenberg, 1963, 1988 ; Gruber, 1978 ; Ozenda, 1981, 1985 ; Dupias, 1985 ; Oberdorfer, 1990.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('36.341','36.34','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Pelouses à Carex curvula','Carex curvula grasslands','Caricion curvulae: Caricetum curvulae, Primulo-Caricetum curvulae; Festucion supinae: Gentiano-Caricetum curvulae, Curvulo-Leontodetum pyrenaici','Formations of the upper and middle alpine levels of the Alps, of the upper alpine level of the eastern Pyrenees and of the alpine level of the central and western Pyrenees, to which the dominance of the crooked sedge, Carex curvula, with twisted leaves whithering early at the tip, gives a highly distinctive texture and yellow-brown hue.','','Caricion curvulae : Caricetum curvulae, Primulo-Caricetum curvulae ; Festucion supinae : Gentiano-Caricetum curvulae, Curvulo-Leontodetum pyrenaici','Formations de l’étage alpin supérieur et moyen des Alpes, de l''étage alpin supérieur des Pyrénées orientales et de l''étage alpin des Pyrénées centrales et occidentales. La dominance de la laîche courbée, Carex curvula, avec ses feuilles tordues se desséchant rapidement à l''extrêmité, leur confère un aspect particulièrement typique et une teinte brun-jaune.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('36.342','36.34','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Pelouses à Festuca halleri','Festuca halleri grasslands','Caricion curvulae: Festucetum halleri','Formations of flats and gentle slopes of the lower alpine level of the Alps, dominated by Festuca halleri and Juncus trifidus, particularly widespread in the southwestern Alps.','','Caricion curvulae : Festucetum halleri','Formations des surfaces planes et des pentes douces de l''étage alpin inférieur des Alpes, dominées par Festuca halleri et Juncus trifidus, particulièrement répandues dans le sud-ouest des Alpes.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('36.343','36.34','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Pelouses à Festuca airoides','Festuca airoides grasslands','Festucion supinae: Pumilieto-Festucetum supinae, Luzulo-Festucetum supinae','Low, fairly dry swards of the alpine zone of the eastern Pyrenees dominated by Festuca airoides (F. supina), with Carex ericetorum, Avenula versicolor, Silene ciliata, Lychnis alpina, Arenaria grandiflora, Jasione humilis, Hieracium breviscapum (H. pumilum).','','Festucion supinae : Pumilieto-Festucetum supinae','Pelouses rases, relativement sèches de l’étage alpin des Pyrénées orientales dominées par Festuca airoides (F. supina), avec Carex ericetorum, Avenula versicolor, Silene ciliata, Silene suecica, Arenaria grandiflora, Jasione humilis, Hieracium breviscapum (H. pumilum).','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('36.344','36.34','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Pelouses à Festuca borderei','Festuca borderi swards','','Sub-nival formations of the Pyrenees with Potentilla frigida, Erigeron uniflorus, Carex rupestris and many cushion plants such as Saxifraga bryoides, S. oppositifolia, Minuartia sedoides, Silene acaulis.','','','Formations sub-nivales des Pyrénées avec Potentilla frigida, Erigeron uniflorus, Carex rupestris et de nombreuses plantes en coussin telles que Saxifraga bryoides, S. oppositifolia, Minuartia sedoides, Silene acaulis.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('36.345','36.34','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Pelouses à Oreochloa disticha de l''Allgau','Allgau Oreochloa disticha swards','','Oreochloa disticha-dominated formations, developed in particular in the northern Alps (Allgau).','','','Formations dominées par Oreochloa disticha, développées en particulier dans le nord des Alpes (Allgau).','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('36.346','36.34','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Bayerischer Wald Juncus trifidus swards','','Formations of the Bayerischer Wald and the Riesengebirge, dominated by Juncus trifidus.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('36.347','36.34','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Cantabrian Oreochloa blanka swards','Festucion supinae: Junco trifidi-Oreochloetum blankae','Oreochloa blanka and Juncus trifidus formations of the alpine level of the Cantabrian Range.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('36.35','36.3','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Closed grasslands of Greek mountains','Trifolion parnassi','Dense, closed, usually unsculptured, chionophilous grasslands of acid and often deep soils over siliceous or calcareous substrates of the higher Greek mountains; they develop on decalcified colluvions, on damp soils of seeps or poorly drained areas, and in depressions and other situations where snow lingers. Characteristic are Alopecurus gerardii, Poa pumila, Anthoxanthum alpinum, Phleum alpinum, Nardus stricta, Bellardiochloa (Poa) violacea, Trisetum flavescens, Trifolium pallescens, T. parnassi, T. heldreichianum, T. alpestre, T. ottonis, Omalotheca supina, O. hoppeana, Herniaria parnassica, Ranunculus sartorianus, Lotus corniculatus, Thesium parnassi, Plantago lanceolata, P. atrata, P. holostea, Scleranthus perennis, Rorippa thracica, Erigeron epiroticus, Acinos alpinus, Luzula pindica, Crocus veluchensis, Scilla nivalis, Corydalis densiflora, C. parnassica, Beta nana, Trinia guicciardii, Botrychium lunaria.','Horvat et al., 1974; Strid, 1980.','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('36.351','36.35','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Greek mat-grass swards','','Nardus stricta- dominated formations mostly occupying humid ground in the high ranges of, in particular, the Peloponese, the central and northern Pindus and locally the southern Pindus.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('36.352','36.35','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Greek Poa violacea swards','','Bellardiochloa violacea-dominated formations usually occupying slightly more basic soils, found, in particular, in the Pindus, on Olympus and in the Vermion.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('36.353','36.35','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Greek foxtail swards','','Alopecurus gerardii-dominated formations mostly of areas of prolonged snow cover on Olympus, Taiyetos, Killini, Parnassus, and in the central and northern Pindus.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('36.354','36.35','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Giona Trisetum-Poa swards','','Formations of Giona with Trifolium heldreichianum, T. alpestre, T. parnassi, Plantago lanceolata var. capitata, Poa pratensis, Anthoxanthum odoratum, Phleum pratense, Trisetum flavescens.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('36.36','36.3','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Acidophilous grasslands of high Iberian mountains','Nardetalia p., Festucetalia indigestae','Cryoro- and oro-Mediterranean grasslands of acid substrates in the higher mountain ranges of the Iberian peninsula.','Tüxen and Oberdorfer, 1958; Duvigneaud and Delvosalle, 1962; Rivas-Martinez, 1963; Fernandez Casas, 1974; Gruber, 1978; Rivas-Martinez, Diaz et al., 1984; Peinado Lorca and Rivas-Martinez, 1987; Martinez Parras et al., 1987.','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('36.361','36.36','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Oro-Iberian acidophilous stripped grasslands','Festucetalia indigestae','Thermophile, open, stripped and garland fescue grasslands of siliceous upper slopes and summits of the high Mediterranean mountains of the Iberian peninsula, locally extending into the Euro-Siberian domaine in the subalpine level of the Cantabrian mountains.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('36.3611','36.361','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Cantabrian acidophilous stripped grasslands','Teesdaliopsio confertae-Festucetum indigestae, Teesdaliopsio confertae-Festucetum eskiae ','Festuca indigesta and Festuca eskia grasslands of the oro- Mediterranean, cryoro-Mediterranean and subalpine levels of the antabrian mountains and other high mountains of the northwest.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('36.3612','36.361','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Iberian Range acidophilous stripped grasslands','Antennario dioicae-Festucetum indigestae','Festuca indigesta grasslands of the oro- and cryoro-Mediterranean levels of the Iberian Range.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('36.3613','36.361','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Cordilleran Festuca stripped grasslands','Hieracio castellanae-Festucetum indigestae, Hieracio myriadeni-Festucetum indigestae, Arenario querioidis-Festucetum summilusitanae','Festuca indigesta and Festuca summilusitana grasslands of the oro- and cryoro-Mediterranean levels of the Cordillera Central.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('36.3614','36.361','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Cordilleran Agrostis stripped grasslands','Agrostio rupestris-Armerietum bigerrensis','Agrostis rupestris grasslands of the cryoro-Mediterranean level of the Cordillera Central.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('36.3615','36.361','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Nevadan Festuca indigesta stripped grasslands','Arenario granatensis-Festucetum indigestae','Psychro-xerophile garland grasslands of Festuca indigesta, Thymus serpylloides, and Arenaria tetraquetra var. granatensis, widespread in the oro-Mediterranean level (2000-2900 metres) of the Sierra Nevada.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('36.3616','36.361','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Nevadan Agrostis stripped grasslands','Armerio splendentis-Agrostietum nevadensis','Chionophilous grasslands with Agrostis nevadensis and Armeria splendens of depressions and sheltered areas within the oro-Mediterranean level of the Sierra Nevada, often in contact with, and forming a transition to, the closed mat-grass swards of 36.362.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('36.3617','36.361','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Nevadan tall fescue stripped grasslands','Festucetum spadiceo-pseudeskiae','Pioneer grasslands formed by the robust Festuca pseudeskia and F. paniculata on steep slopes submitted to intense insolation and severe erosion of the oro-Mediterranean and locally cryoro-Mediterranean levels of the Sierra Nevada.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('36.3618','36.361','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Nevadan Festuca clementei stripped grasslands','Erigeronto frigidi-Festucetum clementei','Psychro-xerophile grasslands of the cryoro-Mediterranean level (above 2900 m) of the Sierra Nevada, formed by Festuca clementei, Erigeron frigidus, Artemisia granatensis, Ptilotrichum purpureum, Papaver lapeyrousianum, all, except the last, Sierra Nevada endemics.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('36.3619','36.361','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Nevadan Trisetum stripped grasslands','Galio pyrenaici-Trisetetum glacialis','Communities of wind-beaten crests of the Sierra Nevada, with Trisetum glaciale and Galium pyrenaicum.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('36.362','36.36','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Oro-Iberian mat-grass swards','Nardetalia strictae p. (Udo-Nardetalia): Campanulo-Nardion, Plataginion nivalis','Nardus-dominated and related closed, dense grasslands of oro- and cryoro-Mediterranean levels of high Iberian mountains, characteristic of seeps, poorly drained soils and areas with prolonged snow cover.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('36.3621','36.362','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Cantabrio-Cordilleran oro-Mediterranean mat-grass swards','Campanulo-Nardion p., Poo legionensis-Nardetum, Campanulo herminii-Trifolietum alpini, Luzulo carpetanae-Juncetum squarosi, Campanulo herminii-Festucetum ibericae, Campanulo herminii-Nardetum strictae','Hygrophile and chionophile, closed grasslands of the oro- and cryoro- Mediterranean levels of the Cordillera Central and of the high Orensano-Sanabrian mountains, and of the subalpine level of the Cantabrian mountains, with Nardus stricta, Festuca iberica, Juncus squarrosus, Luzula campestris ssp. carpetana, Campanula herminii.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('36.3622','36.362','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Nevadan borreguiles','Plantaginion nivalis: Nardo strictae-Festucetum ibericae, Ranunculo acetosellifolii-Vaccinietum uliginosi','Dense hygrophilous grasslands occupying humid flats around lakes, gullies, glacial basins, depressions at the oro- and cryoro-Mediterranean levels of the Sierra Nevada, with Nardus stricta, Festuca hispanica, Agrostis nevadensis, Plantago nivalis, Carex intricata, Ranunculus acetosellifolius, Vaccinium uliginosus, Lotus glareosus, Leontodon microcephalus, Galium nevadense, Gentiana boryi, Meum nevadense, Jasione crispa ssp. amethystina, many of which Sierra Nevada endemics.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('36.37','36.3','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Pelouses des hautes montagnes corses','Grasslands of high Corsican mountains','','Grasslands of the subalpine (oro-Mediterranean) and alpine levels of the highest mountains of Corsica.','Lambinon et al., 1978; Gamisans, 1985.','','Pelouses des étages subalpin (oro-méditerranéen) et alpin des plus hautes montagnes de Corse.','Lambinon et al., 1978 ; Gamisans, 1985.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('36.371','36.37','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Pelouses écorchées en gradins, oro-méditerranéennes de Corse','Corsican oro-Mediterranean stripped grasslands','','Stripped grasslands of adrets of the oro-Mediterranean level of Corsican mountains with Plantago subulata ssp. insularis, Sagina pilifera, Armeria multiceps, Paronychia polygonifolia, Bellardiochloa violacea, Festuca indigesta, associated with hedgehog heaths (31.75).','','','Pelouses en gradins des adrets de l''étage oro-méditerranéen des montagnes corses avec Plantago sarda, Sagina pilifera, Armeria multiceps, Paronychia polygonifolia, Bellardiochloa variegeta, Festuca indigesta associées avec des landes-hérissons (31.75).','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('36.372','36.37','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Nardaies des pozzines corses','Corsican pozzine mat-grasslands','','Nardus stricta grasslands of the pozzines, wet depressions surrounding glacial lakes and basins, of the subalpine level of Corsican mountains.','','','Pelouses à Nardus stricta des pozzines, dépressions humides entourant les bassins et lacs glaciaires, de l''étage subalpin des montagnes corses.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('36.373','36.37','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Pelouses alpines corses des adrets','Corsican alpine adret grasslands','','Open grasslands of adrets and crests of the alpine level of high Corsican mountains with Bellardiochloa violacea and many endemics including Erigeron paolii, Leucanthemopsis alpina ssp. tomentosa, Draba loiseleurii, Acinos corsicus, Myosotis corsicana.','','','Pelouses ouvertes des crêtes et des adrets de l''étage alpin des hautes montagnes corses avec Bellardiochloa variegeta et de nombreuses endémiques incluant Erigeron paolii, Leucanthemopsis alpina subsp. tomentosa, Draba loiseleurii, Acinos corsicus, Myosotis corsicana.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('36.374','36.37','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Pelouses alpines des ubacs corses','Corsican alpine ubac grasslands','','Dense grasslands of ubacs of the alpine level of high Corsican mountains with Phleum brachystachyum, Geum montanum, Sibbaldia procumbens, Veronica alpina.','','','Pelouses denses des ubacs de l''étage alpin des hautes montagnes corses avec Phleum parviceps, Geum montanum, Sibbaldia procumbens, Veronica alpina.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('36.38','36.3','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Closed grasslands of the high Apennines','','Mesophile, closed, short turfs of the subalpine and alpine levels of the southern and central Apennines, developed locally above treeline, on both calcareous and siliceous substrates.','Bonin, 1972; Pignatti, 1982; Ozenda, 1985; Rossi et al., 1987.','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('36.381','36.38','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Subalpine southern Italian mat-grass swards','Ranunculo-Nardion p.','Subalpine representative of the montane southern Italian mat-grass swards of 35.72, characteristic of karstic depressions at the highest altitudes of Pollino.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('36.382','36.38','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Central Apennine closed grasslands','','Dense, closed, unsculptured, hygrophilous or chionophilous turfs of often deep soils over siliceous or calcareous substrates of the subalpine and alpine levels (mostly 1800 to 2100 metres) of the central Apennines; they develop on colluvions, on damp soils of seeps or poorly drained areas, on moisture-retaining slopes and in depressions and other situations where snow lingers. Characteristic species include Nardus stricta, Festuca violacea ssp. macrathera, Bellardiochloa (Poa) violacea, Phleum alpinum, Poa alpina, Luzula bulgarica, Carex laevis, Ranunculus montanus, R. oreophilus, Viola eugeniae, Dianthus deltoides, Potentilla crantzii, P. aurea, Geum montanum, Trifolium thalii, Anthyllis vulneraria ssp. vulnerarioides s. l., Crepis aurea, Plantago montana, P. serpentina, Erigeron uniflorus, E. epiroticus, Alchemilla colorata, Hieracium auricula, Armeria majellensis, Minuartia verna, Galium pumilum, Campanula scheuchzeri, Gentiana verna, G. nivalis, G. campestris var. neapolitana, G. lutea, Saxifraga adscendens, Gnaphalium hoppeanum, Euphrasia salisburgensis, Vaccinium myrtillus, Nigritella widderi, Coeloglossum viride, Botrychium lunaria. Closed grasslands occur over both siliceous and calcareous substrates; on the latter their formation is usually accompanied by a decalcification of the topsoil linked to the hygric conditions necessary for their existence, and they may evolve into Vaccinium myrtillus dwarf heaths (31.4A). Thus, formations on siliceous and calcareous terrain are physiognomically similar, share many species and often grade into each other. Nardus stricta is present and often dominant in the more acidophilous variants, Festuca violacea ssp. macrathera and Trifolium thalii in the more basiphilous ones. All may be conveniently referred here, though clearly calcicolous extremes may also, by analogy with similar Alpine formations, be listed under 36.41, as unit 36.4143.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('36.4','36','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Pelouses calcicoles alpines et subalpines','Alpine and subalpine calciphilous grasslands','Elyno-Seslerietea','Alpine and subalpine grasslands of base-rich soils with Dryas octopetala, Gentiana nivalis, G. campestris, Alchemilla hoppeana, A. conjuncta, A. flabellata, Anthyllis vulneraria, Astragalus alpinus, Aster alpinus, Draba aizoides, Globularia nudicaulis, Helianthemum nummularium ssp. grandiflorum, H. oelandicum ssp. alpestre, Pulsatilla alpina ssp. alpina, Phyteuma orbiculare, Astrantia major, Polygala alpestris.','Ellenberg, 1963, 1988; Guinochet and Vilmorin, 1973; Ozenda, 1985; Oberdorfer, 1990; Jonglet, in litt., 1990.','Elyno-Seslerietea','Pelouses alpines et subalpines des sols riches en bases avec Dryas octopetala, Gentiana nivalis, G. campestris, Alchemilla hoppeana, A. conjuncta, A. flabellata, Anthyllis vulneraria, Astragalus alpinus, Aster alpinus, Draba aizoides, Globularia nudicaulis, Helianthemum grandiflorum, H. oelandicum subsp. alpestre, Pulsatilla alpina subsp. alpina, Phyteuma orbiculare, Astrantia major, Polygala alpestris.','Ellenberg, 1963, 1988 ; Guinochet et Vilmorin, 1973 ; Ozenda, 1985 ; Oberdorfer, 1990.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('36.41','36.4','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Pelouses à laîche ferrugineuse et communautés apparentées','Rusty sedge meadows and related communities','Caricion ferrugineae, Primulion intricatae, Laserpitio-Ranunculion thorae, Caricion austroalpinae, Armerion cantabricae ','Mesophile, mostly closed, vigorous, often grazed or mowed, grasslands on deep soils of the subalpine and lower alpine levels of the Alps, the Pyrenees and, locally, of the Apennines and the Jura.','Braun-Blanquet, 1954, 1969a; Sutter, 1967; Berset, 1969; Ellenberg, 1963, 1988; Guinochet and Vilmorin, 1973; Delvosalle, 1977; Gruber, 1978; Ozenda, 1981, 1985; Barbero et al., 1982; Rivas-Martinez et al., 1984; Diaz Gonzalez and Fernandez Prieto, 1987; Navarro Andres and Valle Gutierrez, 1987; Vigo and Ninot, 1987; Oberdorfer, 1990; Jonglet, in litt., 1990.','Caricion ferrugineae, Primulion intricatae, Laserpitio-Ranunculion thorae, Caricion austroalpinae, Armerion cantabricae','Pelouses mésophiles, la plupart du temps fermées, vigoureuses, souvent pâturées ou fauchées, sur sols profonds, des étages subalpin et alpin inférieur des Alpes, des Pyrénées et localement du Jura.','Braun-Blanquet, 1954, 1969a ; Berset, 1969 ; Ellenberg, 1963, 1988 ; Guinochet et Vilmorin, 1973 ; Delvosalle, 1977 ; Gruber, 1978 ; Ozenda, 1981, 1985 ; Barbero et al., 1982 ; Oberdorfer, 1990.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('36.411','36.41','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Pelouses mésophiles à laîche sempervirente','Mesophile evergreen sedge grasslands','Primulion intricatae p., Laserpitio-Ranunculion thorae','Mesophile grasslands of the southwestern Alps and the Pyrenees, occupying gentle ubac slopes and humid flats on deep, often slightly acid, soils over calcareous substrates, with Sesleria albicans, Carex sempervirens, Helictotrichon montanum, Arenaria ciliata, Draba aizoides, Globularia nana, Geranium cinereum, Ranunculus gouani, R. thora, Primula elatior ssp. intricata, Oxytropis triflora, Trifolium thalii, Anthyllis vulneraria ssp. pyrenaica, Alchemilla plicatula (A. asterophylla), Adonis pyrenaica, Horminium pyrenaicum, Geum pyrenaicum, Bartsia spicata, B. alpina, Scabiosa cinerea, Leuzea centauroides (Rhaponticum cynaroides), Fritillaria delphinensis, F. burnati, Crocus vernus, Bulbocodium vernum, Carex tendae, Salix pyrenaica.','','Primulion intricatae p., Laserpitio-Ranunculion thorae','Pelouses mésophiles du sud-ouest des Alpes et des Pyrénées, occupant des versants d''ubac en pente douce et des replats humides sur sols profonds, souvent légèrement acides, sur des substrats calcaires, avec Sesleria albicans, Carex sempervirens, Helictotrichon montanum, Arenaria ciliata, Draba aizoides, Globularia nana, Geranium cinereum, Ranunculus gouani, R. thora, Primula elatior subsp. intricata, Trifolium thalii, Anthyllis vulneraria subsp. bosaii, Alchemilla plicatula (A. asterophylla), Adonis pyrenaica, Horminum pyrenaicum, Geum pyrenaicum, Nothobartsia spicata, N. alpina, Scabiosa cinerea, Stemmacantha centauroides (Rhaponticum cynaroides), Fritillaria tubiformis, F. meleagis subsp. burnati, Crocus vernus, Bulbocodium vernum, Carex ferruginea subsp. tenax, Salix pyrenaica.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('36.4111','36.411','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Pelouses à laîche sempervirente des Alpes','Alpine evergreen sedge grasslands','','','','','','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('36.4112','36.411','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Pelouses pyrénéennes à laîche sempervirente','Pyrenean evergreen sedge grasslands','','','','','','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('36.412','36.41','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Pelouses à laîche ferrugineuse septentrionales','Northern rusty sedge grasslands','Caricion ferrugineae','Mesophile, often flower-rich grasslands of the northern Alps, occupying deep soils in the subalpine and lower alpine levels of the calcareous ranges, usually dominated by Carex ferruginea and with Astragalus alpinus, A. frigidus, Hedysarum hedysaroides, Lathyrus laevigatus, Astrantia major, Centaurea montana, Anemone narcissiflora, Crepis pyrenaica, C. pontana, Pedicularis foliosa, Traunsteinera globosa, Phleum hirsutum, Agrostis agrostiflora.','','Caricion ferrugineae','Pelouses mésophiles, souvent riches en fleurs, des Alpes septentrionales, occupant des sols profonds dans les étages subalpin et alpin inférieur, des régions calcaires, habituellement dominées par Carex ferruginea et avec Astragalus alpinus, A. frigidus, Hedysarum hedysaroides, Lathyrus laevigatus, Astrantia major, Centaurea montana, Anemone narcissiflora, Crepis pyrenaica, C. bacconei, Pedicularis foliosa, Traunsteineria globosa, Phleum hirsutum, Agrostis agrostiflora.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('36.413','36.41','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Southern rusty sedge grasslands','Caricion austroalpinae','Mesophile, flower-rich grasslands of the subalpine and lower alpine levels of the southeastern outer Alps (Insubria, Garda, Dolomites), usually dominated by Carex ferruginea, C. austroalpina or C. sempervirens with, in particular, Horminium pyrenaicum, Pedicularis gyroflexa, P. foliosa, Knautia transalpina, Astrantia major, Asphodelus albus, Traunsteinera globosa and many composites and peas.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('36.414','36.41','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Pelouses à fétuque violette et communautés apparentées','Violet fescue swards and related communities','Caricion ferrugineae p.: Festuco-Trifolietum thalii, Primulion intricatae p.: Festuco rubrae-Trifolietum thalii','Closed grasslands of the subalpine and lower alpine levels dominated by Festuca violacea or F. nigrescens and Trifolium thalii, developed on deep, often superficially slightly acidified, soils.','','Caricion ferrugineae p. : Festuco-Trifolietum thalii, Primulion intricatae p. : Festuco rubrae-Trifolietum thalii','Pelouses denses des étages subalpin et alpin inférieur dominées par Festuca violacea ou F. nigrescens et Trifolium thalii, développées sur des sols profonds, souvent légèrement acidifiés superficiellement.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('36.4141','36.414','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Pelouses alpines à fétuque violette','Alpine violet fescue swards','','Alpine formations with Festuca violacea, Trifolium thalii, T. badium, Trollius europaeus, Linum alpinum, Anemone narcissiflora, Onobrychis montana, Lathyrus laevigatus, Oxytropis campestris, O. triflora, Pedicularis verticillata, Phyteuma orbiculata; usually grazed, they tend, with increased fertilization, towards the pastures of the Poion alpinae (36.52).','','','Formations alpines avec Festuca violacea, Trifolium thalii, T. badium, Trollius europaeus, Linum alpinum, Anemone narcissiflora, Onobrychis montana, Lathyrus laevigatus, Oxytropis campestris, Pedicularis verticillata, Phyteuma orbiculare ; habituellement pâturées, elles tendent, avec une fertilisation accrue, vers les pâtures du Poion alpinae (36.52).','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('36.4142','36.414','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Pelouses pyrénéennes à fétuque noircissante','Pyrenean blackish fescue swards','','Eastern Pyrenean formations with Festuca nigrescens (F. rubra ssp. commutata) and Trifolium thalii.','','','Formations des Pyrénées orientales avec Festuca nigrescens (F. rubra subsp. commutata) et Trifolium thalii.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('36.4143','36.414','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Apennine violet fescue swards','','Calciphilous extremes of the closed Apennine grasslands, dominated by Festuca violacea ssp. macrathera and Trifolium thalii (see 36.382).','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('36.415','36.41','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Cantabrian thrift swards','Armerion cantabricae: Pediculari fallaci-Armerietum cantabricae ','Chionophilous grasslands of deep soils, somewhat decalcified at the surface, of the subalpine, and locally of the alpine or upper montane, levels of the calcareous Cantabrian Mountains, dominated by Armeria cantabrica, Carex sempervirens, Festuca glacialis or F. gautieri, associated with Sesleria albicans, Poa alpina, P. minor, Festuca burnatii, Bellardiochloa violacea, Agrostis schleicheri, and with Anemone baldensis ssp. pavoniana, Aquilegia pyrenaica ssp. discolor, Jasione cavanillesii, Pedicularis pyrenaica ssp. fallax, Draba aizoides ssp. cantabriae, Pimpinella siifolia, Oxytropis pyrenaica, O. halleri.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('36.416','36.41','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Pelouses sommitales du Jura','Jura summital swards','Caricion ferrugineae: Laserpitio-Calamagrostietum variae','Localized mesophile grasslands of the subalpine level of the French and Swabian Juras, with Calamagrostis varia, Laserpitium siler, L. latifolium, Dryas octopetala, Eryngium alpinum, and very locally, Carex ferruginea.','','Caricion ferruginae : Laserpitio-Calamagrostietum variae','Pelouses mésophiles localisées de l''étage subalpin du Jura, avec Calamagrostis varia, Laserpitium siler, L. latifolium, Dryas octopetala, Eryngium alpinum, et très localement, Carex ferruginea.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('36.42','36.4','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Pelouses des crêtes à Elyna','Wind edge naked-rush swards','Oxytropo-Elynion','Meso-xerophile, relatively closed and unsculptured swards of Elyna myosuroides forming on deep, fine soils of protruding ridges and edges exposed to strong winds in the alpine and nival levels of the Alps, Pyrenees, Cantabrian Mountains and, very locally, the Abruzzi, with Oxytropis jacquinii (O. montana), O. pyrenaica, O. carinthiaca, O. foucaudii, O. halleri, Antennaria carpatica, Dryas octopetala, Draba carinthiaca, D. siliquosa, D. fladnizensis, D. aizoides, Gentiana tenella, Erigeron uniflorus, Dianthus glacialis, D. monspessulanus ssp. sternbergii, Potentilla nivea, Saussurea alpina, Geranium argenteum, Sesleria sphaerocephala, Carex atrata, C. brevicollis, C. foetida, C. capillaris, C. nigra and C. curvula ssp. rosae.','Braun-Blanquet, 1954, 1969a; Ellenberg, 1963, 1988; Braun-Blanquet, Trepp et al., 1964; Sutter, 1969; Guinochet and Vilmorin, 1973; Gruber, 1978; Ozenda, 1981, 1985; Barbero et al., 1982; Rivas-Martinez, Diaz et al., 1984; Dupias, 1985; Vigo and Ninot, 1987; Oberdorfer, 1990; Jonglet, in litt., 1990.','Oxytropo-Elynion','Pelouses méso-xérophiles, relativement fermées et non façonnées, à Elyna myosuroides se formant sur des sols profonds, à texture fine, sur les croupes et les crêtes saillantes exposées à des vents forts, dans les étages alpin et nival des Alpes, des Pyrénées, ..., avec Oxytropis jacquinii (O. montana), O. neglecta, O. foucaudii, O. halleri, Antennaria carpatica, Dryas octopetala, Draba siliquosa, D. fladnizensis, D. aizoides, Gentiana tenella, Erigeron uniflorus, Dianthus glacialis, Potentilla nivea, Saussurea alpina, Geranium argenteum, Sesleria sphaerocephala, Carex atrata, C. brevicollis, C. foetida, C. capillaris, C. nigra et C. curvula subsp. rosae.','Braun-Blanquet, 1954, 1969a ; Ellenberg, 1963, 1988 ; Guinochet et Vilmorin, 1973 ; Gruber, 1978 ; Ozenda, 1981, 1985 ; Barbero et al., 1982 ; Dupias, 1985  ; Oberdorfer, 1990.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('36.421','36.42','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Pelouses alpines à Elyna','Alpine naked-rush swards','Elynetum, Caricetum curvulae elynetosum','Brown swards of Alpine crests and ridges submitted to extreme winds.','','Elynetum, Caricetum curvulae elynetosum','Pelouses brunes des crêtes et des arêtes des Alpes soumises aux vents extrêmes.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('36.422','36.42','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Pelouses pyrénéennes à Elyna','Pyrenean naked-rush swards','Oxytropido halleri-Elynetum, Carici brevicollis-Elynetum, Carici rosae-Elynetum myosuroidis','Relatively extensive formations of the calcareous ranges of the Pyrenees, where the Elyna-Oxytropis swards represent the main grassland formation of the alpine level.','','Oxytropido halleri-Elynetum, Carici brevicollis-Elynetum, Carici rosae-Elynetum myosuroidis','Formations relativement étendues des régions calcaires des Pyrénées, où les pelouses à Elyna-Oxytropis représentent la formation prairiale principale de l''étage alpin.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('36.423','36.42','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Cantabrian naked-rush swards','Oxytropido pyrenaicae-Elynetum myosuroidis','Uncommon formations of the high summits of the Picos de Europa.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('36.424','36.42','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Apennine naked-rush swards','','Very local formations of the high crests of the Abruzzi.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('36.43','36.4','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Pelouses en gradins et en guirlandes','Stepped and garland grasslands','Seslerietalia albicantis, Astragaletalia sempervirentis p., Festuco-Poetalia ligulatae p., Seslerietalia juncifoliae, Daphno-Festucetalia p.','Xero-thermophile, open, sculptured, stepped or garland grasslands of the Alps, the Pyrenees and the Mediterranean mountains, with very ocal outposts in the Jura.','Braun-Blanquet, 1954, 1969a; Ellenberg, 1963, 1988; Braun-Blanquet, Trepp et al., 1964; Guinochet and Vilmorin, 1973; Horvat et al., 1974; Gruber, 1978; Ozenda, 1981, 1985; Dupias, 1985; Oberdorfer, 1990; Jonglet, in litt., 1990.','Seslerietalia albicantis, Astragaletalia sempervirentis p., Festuco-Poetalia ligulatae p., Seslerietalia juncifoliae, Daphno-Festucetalia p.','Pelouses en gradins ou en guirlandes, xéro-thermophiles, ouvertes, érodées, des Alpes, des Pyrénées et des montagnes méditerranéennes, avec des avant-postes très locaux dans le Jura.','Braun-Blanquet, 1954, 1969a ; Ellenberg, 1963, 1988 ; Braun-Blanquet, Trepp et al., 1964 ; Guinochet et Vilmorin, 1973 ; Horvat et al., 1974 ; Gruber, 1978 ; Ozenda, 1981, 1985 ; Dupias, 1985 ; Oberdorfer, 1990 ; Jonglet, in litt., 1990.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('36.431','36.43','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Versants à Seslérie et Laîches sempervirentes','Blue moorgrass-evergreen sedge slopes','Seslerion albicantis p.','Xero-thermophile stepped or garland, species-rich grasslands of the alpine and subalpine levels of the northern and south-eastern Alps, and locally, of the Jura, on slopes with shallow soil and snow-cover of short duration, with Sesleria albicans, Carex sempervirens, C. humilis, Gentiana favrati, Helianthemum alpestre, H. nummularium ssp. grandiflorum, Phyteuma orbiculare, Leontopodium alpinum, Pedicularis rostrato- capitata, P. verticillata, Anthyllis vulneraria ssp. alpestris, Ranunculus thora.','Braun-Blanquet, 1954, 1969a; Ellenberg, 1963, 1988; Braun-Blanquet, Trepp et al., 1964; Berset, 1969; Guinochet and Vilmorin, 1973; Delvosalle, 1977; Gruber, 1978; Ozenda, 1981, 1985; Oberdorfer, 1990; Jonglet, in litt., 1990.','Seslerion albicantis p.','Pelouses en gradins ou en guirlandes, xéro-thermophiles, riches en espèces, des étages alpin et subalpin du nord et du sud-est des Alpes, et localement, du Jura, sur les versants ayant des sols superficiels et un enneigement de courte durée, avec Sesleria albicans, Carex sempervirens, C. humilis, Gentiana orbicularis, Helianthemum oelandicum subsp. alpestre, H. grandiflorum, Phyteuma orbiculare, Leontopodium alpinum, Pedicularis verticillata, Anthyllis vulneraria subsp. alpestris, Ranunculus thora.','Braun-Blanquet, 1954, 1969a ; Ellenberg, 1963, 1988 ; Berset, 1969 ; Guinochet et Vilmorin, 1973 ; Delvosalle, 1977 ; Gruber, 1978 ; Ozenda, 1981, 1985 ; Oberdorfer, 1990.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('36.4311','36.431','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Pelouses alpines à Seslérie et Laîche sempervirente','Alpine blue moorgrass-evergreen sedge swards','Seslerio-Caricetum sempervirentis = Seslerio-Sempervirentum','Widespread calciphilous formations of the Alps.','','Seslerio-Caricetum sempervirentis = Seslerio-Sempervirentum','Formations calcicoles des Alpes largement répandues.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('36.4312','36.431','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Pelouses à Seslérie et Laîche sempervirente du Jura','Jura blue moorgrass - evergreen sedge swards','Laserpitio-Seslerietum','Very local formations of the high Jura.','','Laserpitio-Seslerietum','Formations très locales du haut Jura.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('36.432','36.43','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Pelouses à Avoine et Seslérie des Alpes méridionales','Southern Alpine oatgrass-blue moorgrass swards','Avenion montanae, Avenion sempervirentis, Ononidion cenisiae','Xero-thermophile, open, stepped or garland, species-rich grasslands of the alpine and subalpine levels of the southern Alps, and particularly of the southwestern Alps, similar to those of the previous unit (36.431), but in which Carex sempervirens is less prominent, while various oats, Helictotrichon (Avena) sedenense (H. montanum, A. montana), H. sempervirens, H. parlatorei, H. setaceum, or Festuca dimorpha become important components together with Sesleria albicans, and oro-Mediterranean species such as Globularia nana, Hedysarum hedysarioides, Lilium pomponium, Centaurea triumfetti, Ononis cristata (O. cenisia), O. striata, Iberis sempervirens, Aethionema ovalifolium, Sempervivum calcareum, Arenaria cinerea, Alsine brunati, Galeopsis reuteri, Leuzea rhapontica (Rhaponticum scariosum) ssp. bicknellii and the spiny Astragalus sempervirens appear; several of these species are local endemics of very restricted distribution.','Braun-Blanquet, 1954; Guinochet and Vilmorin, 1973; Gruber, 1978; Ozenda, 1981, 1985; Barbero et al., 1982; Pignatti, 1982; Jonglet, in litt., 1990.','Avenion montanae, Avenion sempervirentis, Ononidion cenisiae','Pelouses xéro-thermophiles, ouvertes, en gradins ou en guirlandes, riches en espèces, des étages alpin et subalpin des Alpes méridionales et particulièrement du sud-ouest des Alpes, semblables à celles de l''unité précédente (36.431), mais dans laquelle Carex sempervirens est moins marquant, tandis que diverses avoines, Helictotrichon (Avena) sedenense (H. montanum, A. montana), H. sempervirens, H. parlatorei, H. setaceum, ou Festuca dimorpha deviennent des composantes importantes en compagnie de Sesleria albicans, et des espèces oro-méditeranéennes telles que Globularia nana, Hedysarum hedysarioides, Lilium pomponium, Centaurea triumfetti, Ononis cristata (O. cenisia), O. striata, Iberis sempervirens, Sempervivum calcareum, Arenaria cinerea, Galeopsis reuteri, Stemmacantha helenifolia subsp. bicknellii et l''apparition de l''épineuse Astragalus sempervirens ; plusieurs de ces espèces sont des endémiques locales à distribution très restreinte.','Braun-Blanquet, 1954 ; Guinochet et Vilmorin, 1973 ; Gruber, 1978 ; Ozenda, 1981, 1985 ; Barbero et al., 1982.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('36.433','36.43','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Tapis de laîches en coussinets','Cushion sedge carpets','Seslerion caeruleae: Caricetum firmae (Firmetum)','Open formations of the alpine level of the southeastern Alps, and, to a lesser extent, of the northeastern Alps, composed of cushions of Carex firma and other low-growing rosette or cushion plants among which Saxifraga caesia, Gentiana clusii, G. froelichii, G. terglouensis, Crepis jacquinii, Pedicularis rosea, Saussurea pygmaea, Dianthus monspessulanus ssp. sternbergii, Primula wulfeniana, Chamorchis alpina, Sesleria albicans, Carex mucronata, sometimes in association with mats of Dryas octopetala.','Ellenberg, 1963, 1988; Braun-Blanquet, 1954, 1969a; Ozenda, 1981, 1985; Oberdorfer, 1990; Jonglet in litt., 1990.','Seslerion caerulae : Caricetum firmae (Firmetum)','Formations ouvertes de l''étage alpin du sud-est des Alpes, et, dans une moindre mesure, du nord-est des Alpes, composées de coussinets de Carex firma et d''autres plantes en coussinets ou rosettes à croissance lente parmi lesquelles Saxifraga caesia, Gentiana clusii, G. terglouensis, Pedicularis rosea, Chamorchis alpina, Sesleria albicans, Carex mucronata, quelquefois en association avec des tapis de Dryas octopetala.','Ellenberg, 1963, 1988 ; Braun-Blanquet, 1954, 1969a ; Ozenda, 1981, 1985 ; Oberdorfer, 1990.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('36.434','36.43','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Pelouses pyrénéennes à Festuca gautieri','Pyrenean Festuca gautieri grasslands','Festucion scopariae, Thymelacion nivalis, Saponarion caespitosae','Open, xeric, stepped, scraped, species-rich grasslands of calcareous adrets in the subalpine and lower alpine levels of the Pyrenees, formed by the smooth, sharp-pointed, often curved-leaved Festuca gautieri ssp. F. scoparia and often rich in small cushiony plants; characteristic elements include Koeleria vallesiana, Helictotrichon sedense (Avena montana), Sesleria albicans, Sideritis hyssopifolia, S. endressii, Helianthemum oelandicum var. hirtum, Androsace villosa, Gypsophila repens, Alcinos alpinus, Paronychia serpyllifolia, Anthyllis vulneraria, Arenaria grandiflora, Astragalus sempervirens, A. monspessulanus, Eryngium bourgati, Fritillaria pyrenaica, Teucrium pyrenaicum, Erigeron pyrenaicus, Ononis cristata (O. cenisia), Onosma fastigiatum, Saponaria caespitosa, Jurinea humilis, Seseli nanum, Arenaria tetraquetra, Scorzonera aristata, Thymelaea nivalis, Iberis bernardiana, Serratula nudicaulis, Asperula cynanchica, Polygala alpina, Oxytropis pyrenaica, Carex rupestris.','Gruber, 1978; Dupias, 1985; Ozenda, 1985; Bolos y Capdevilla, 1987; Vigo and Ninot, 1987.','Festucion scopariae, Thymelaeion nivalis, Saponarion caespitosae','Pelouses ouvertes, xériques, en gradins, érodées, riches en espèces, des adrets calcaires des étages subalpin et alpin inférieur des Pyrénées, formées par Festuca gautieri subsp. scoparia aux feuilles lisses, acérées, souvent recourbées, souvent riches en petites plantes en coussinets ; les éléments caractéristiques comprennent Koeleria valesiana, Helictotrichon sedense (Avena montana), Sesleria albicans, Sideritis hyssopifolia, S. endressii, Helianthemum oelandicum var. hirtum, Androsace villosa, Gypsophila repens, Acinos alpinus, Paronychia kapela, Anthyllis vulneraria, Arenaria grandiflora, Astragalus sempervirens, A. monspessulanus, Eryngium bourgati, Fritillaria pyrenaica, Teucrium pyrenaicum, Erigeron pyrenaicus, Ononis cristata (O. cenisia), Onosma fastigiata, Saponaria caespitosa, Jurinea humilis, Seseli nanum, Arenaria tetraquetra, Scorzonera aristata, Thymelaea tinctoris subsp. nivalis, Iberis bernardiana, Serratula nudicaulis, Asperula cynanchica, Polygala alpina, Oxytropis neglecta, Carex rupestris.','Gruber, 1978 ; Dupias, 1985 ; Ozenda, 1985.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('36.435','36.43','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Oro-Iberian calciphilous stripped grasslands','Festuco-Poetalia ligulatae p.','Thermophile, open, stripped and garland fescue grasslands of calcareous upper slopes and summits in the subalpine and oro-Mediterranean levels of the Cantabrian mountains, the Iberian Range and the calcareous Baetic ranges, dominated by Festuca hystrix, F. burnatii, Poa ligulata or Oreochloa confusa. They are closely allied to the Iberian fescue frost-grasslands (34.73) of the supra-Mediterranean and montane levels of the same mountains.','Rivas-Martinez, Diaz et al., 1984; Martinez Parras et al., 1987, Loidi Arregui, 1987; Diaz Gonzalez and Fernandez Prieto, 1987; Peinado Lorca and Martinez Parras, 1987.','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('36.436','36.43','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Apennine stripped grasslands','Seslerietalia juncifoliae','Open, xerophile, stripped, stepped, scraped and garland grasslands of alpine and subalpine slopes and summits of the central and southern Apennines, dominated by Sesleria tenuifolia (S. juncifolia), S. nitida, S. italica, Festuca dimorpha, Carex kitaibeliana (C. laevis).','Bonin, 1971, 1972; Biondi and Blasi, 1982; Pignatti, 1982; Biondi et al., 1985; Ozenda, 1985.','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('36.437','36.43','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Greek stripped grasslands','Daphno-Festucetalia p.','Open, scraped, stepped and garland grasslands of the alpine and subalpine levels of the calcareous mountains of Greece, dominated by Sesleria korabensis, S. coerulans, Festuca graeca, Carex kitaibeliana, Stipa pulcherrima with Viola heterophylla ssp. graeca, Minuartia verna, Paronychia rechingeri, Silene ciliata, Dianthus minutiflorus, Draba athoa, Iberis sempervirens, Anthyllis vulneraria ssp. pulchella, Acinos alpinus, Edraianthus graminifolius, Centaurea pindicola, Galium anisophyllum, Morina persica, Bornmuellera baldaccii, B. tymphaea, Poa pirinica, P. thessala, Festuca olympica, and a few woody species, in particular Daphne oleoides and Juniperus nana.','Horvat et al., 1974; Strid, 1980; Ozenda, 1985.','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('36.44','36.4','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Alpine heavy metal communities','Violetalia calaminariae: Galio anisophylli-Minuartion vernae i.a.','Formations of heavy metal soils of the alpine and subalpine levels, with, among others, Dianthus sylvestris, Galium anisophyllum, Poa alpina and the very restricted southern Alpine endemic Viola dubyana.','Pignatti, 1982; Ellenberg, 1988.','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('36.5','36','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Prairies alpines et subalpines fertilisées','Alpine and subalpine fertilized grasslands','Arrhenatheretalia elatioris p.','Enriched hay meadows and pastures of the subalpine and lower alpine levels.','Ellenberg, 1988; Oberdorfer, 1990. ','Arrhenatheretalia elatioris p.','Pâtures et prairies à fourrage enrichies des étages alpin et subalpin.','Ellenberg, 1988 ; Oberdorfer, 1990.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('36.51','36.5','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Prairies subalpines à Trisetum flavescens','Subalpine yellow oatgrass hay meadows','Polygono-Trisetion p.','Trisetum flavescens-dominated grasslands of the subalpine level. Yellow oatgrass hay meadows are typically montane and have been listed and described under 38.3; subalpine representatives may, however, be coded under this unit when useful to preserve the unity of subalpine habitat complexes.','','Polygono-Trisetion p.','Prairies dominées par Trisetum flavescens de l''étage subalpin. Ces prairies sont typiquement montagnardes et sont répertoriées et décrites en 38.3 ; les prairies subalpines représentatives peuvent, cependant, être codées sous ce numéro pour préserver l''unité des complexes d''habitats subalpins.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('36.52','36.5','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Pâturages à Liondent hispide','Rough hawkbit pastures','Poion alpinae','Species-poor manured cattle pastures of the subalpine and lower alpine levels, with Agrostis alpina, Phleum alpinum, Poa alpina, Cerastium fontanum, Crepis aurea, Leontodon hispidus, Trifolium badium, T. thalii.','','Poion alpinae','Pâturages à bovins, pauvres en espèces, enrichies en engrais, des étages subalpin et alpin inférieur, avec Agrostis alpina, Phleum alpinum, Poa alpina, Cerastium fontanum, Crepis aurea, Leontodon hispidus, Trifolium badium, T. thalii.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('37','3','2','Niveau 2','TRUE','Prairies humides et mégaphorbiaies','Humid grasslands and tall herb communities','','Unimproved or lighly improved wet meadows; tall herb communities.','','','Prairies humides non fertilisées ou faiblement fertilisées ; mégaphorbiaies.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('37.1','37','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Communautés à Reine des prés et communautés associées','Meadowsweet stands and related communities','Filipendulion ulmariae i.a.','Hygrophile tall herb strips of fertile alluvial stream banks, often dominated by Filipendula ulmaria, and tall herb stands (F. ulmaria, Angelica sylvestris) colonizing humid hay meadows and pastures after more or less long discontinuation of mowing or grazing; characteristic species are Filipendula ulmaria, Achillea ptarmica, Angelica sylvestris, Cirsium palustre, Deschampsia cespitosa, Epilobium hirsutum, Geranium palustre, Veronica longifolia, Scutellaria hastifolia, Eupatorium cannabinum, Lysimachia vulgaris, Lythrum salicaria, Phalaris arundinacea, Polygonum bistorta, Valeriana officinalis.','Ellenberg,1963, 1988; Guinochet and Vilmorin, 1973; Westhoff and den Held, 1975; Mériaux, 1976; De Sloover and Lebrun, 1976; Noirfalise et al., 1980; Gorissen et al., 1983; Rivas-Martinez et al., 1987; Oberdorfer, 1990.','Filipendulion ulmariae i.a.','Prairies hygrophiles de hautes herbes, installées sur les berges alluviales fertiles, souvent dominées par Filipendula ulmaria, et mégaphorbiaies (F. ulmaria, Angelica sylvestris) colonisant des prairies humides et des pâturages, après une plus ou moins longue interruption du fauchage ou du pâturage ; les espèces caractéristiques sont Filipendula ulmaria, Achillea ptarmica, Angelica sylvestris, Cirsium palustre, Deschampsia cespitosa, Epilobium hirsutum, Geranium palustre, Veronica longifolia, Scutellaria hastifolia, Eupatorium cannabinum, Lysimachia vulgaris, Lythrum salicaria, Phalaris arundinacea, Polygonum bistorta, Valeriana officinalis.','Ellenberg, 1963, 1988 ; Guinochet et Vilmorin, 1973 ; Westhoff et den Held, 1975 ; Mériaux, 1976 ; De Sloover et Lebrun, 1976 ; Noirfalise et al., 1980 ; Oberdorfer, 1990.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('37.2','37','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Prairies humides eutrophes','Eutrophic humid grasslands','Molinietalia: Calthion palustris, Bromion racemosi, Deschampsion cespitosae, Juncion acutiflori, Cnidion dubii; Agrostietalia stoloniferae: Agropyro-Rumicion p.','Meadows developed on moderately to very nutrient-rich, alluvial or fertilized, wet or damp soils, often inundated at least in winter, and relatively lightly mowed or grazed, in lowland, collinar and montane western and central Europe, south to western Iberia. They form a transition between the false oatgrass mesophile meadows, the oligotrophic Molinion formations and the small sedge and large sedge communities. They include a large number of distinctive and often species-rich communities, many of which harbour specialized, rare and threatened species of plants and animals.','Tüxen and Oberdorfer, 1958; Sougnez and Limbourg, 1963; Ellenberg, 1963, 1988; Braun-Blanquet, 1967a; Archiloque et al., 1969; Noirfalise and Dethioux, 1972; Guinochet and Vilmorin, 1973; Horvat et al., 1974; Westhoff and den Held, 1975; Delpech, 1976; O''Sullivan, 1976; Schumacker, 1976; Duvigneaud, 1976; Frileux, 1976; Sissingh, 1976; Bournérias et al., 1976; Delpech and Frileux, 1976; Wattez, 1976; Rose, 1976; De Sloover and Lebrun, 1976; Brasseur et al., 1978; Bournérias, 1979, 1984; Noirfalise et al., 1980, 1985; De Sloover et al., 1980; Rivas-Martinez et al., 1980; Gorissen et al., 1983; Dethioux et al., 1983; Diaz Gonzalez and Fernandez Prieto, 1987; Navarro Andres and Valle Gutierrez, 1987; Rivas-Martinez et al., 1987; Ladero Alvarez, 1987; Oberdorfer, 1990.','Molinietalia : Calthion palustris, Bromion racemosi, Deschampsion cespitosae, Juncion acutiflori, Cnidion dubii ; Agrostietalia stoloniferae : Agropyro-Rumicion p.','Prairies développées sur des sols modérément à très riches en nutriments, alluviaux ou fertilisés, mouillés ou humides, souvent inondées au moins en hiver, et relativement légèrement fauchées ou pâturées, dans les plaines, les collines et les montagnes de l''Europe occidentale. Ces formations assurent la transition entre les prairies mésophiles à Arrhenaterum, les formations oligotrophes du Molinion et les communautés à petites et grandes laîches. Elles comprennent un grand nombre de communautés distinctes et souvent riches en espèces, dont beaucoup abritent des espèces de plantes et d''animaux spécialisées, rares et menacées.','Sougnez et Limbourg, 1963 ; Ellenberg, 1963, 1988 ; Braun-Blanquet, 1967a, Archiloque et al., 1969 ; Noirfalise et Dethioux, 1972 ; Guinochet et Vilmorin, 1973 ; Horvat et al., 1974 ; Westhoff et den Held, 1975 ; Delpech, 1976 ; Schumacker, 1976 ; Duvigneaud, 1976 ; Frileux, 1976 ; Sissingh, 1976 ; Bournérias et al., 1976 ; Delpech et Frileux, 1976 ; Wattez, 1976 ; De Sloover et Lebrun, 1976 ; Brasseur et al., 1978 ; Bournérias, 1979, 1984 ; Noirfalise et al., 1980, 1985 ; De Sloover et al., 1980 ; Dethioux et al., 1983 ; Oberdorfer, 1990.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('37.21','37.2','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Prairies humides atlantiques et subatlantiques','Atlantic and sub-Atlantic humid meadows','Calthion palustris, Bromion racemosi, Deschampsion cespitosae','Lightly managed hay meadows and pastures on both basocline and acidocline, nutrient-rich soils of middle European lowlands, hills and low mountains under Atlantic or sub-Atlantic climatic conditions. Among the characteristic plant components of the highly diverse communities forming this unit are Caltha palustris, Cirsium palustre, C. rivularis, C. oleraceum, Epilobium parviflorum, Lychnis flos-cuculi, Mentha aquatica, Scirpus sylvaticus, Stachys palustris, Bromus racemosus, Crepis paludosa, Fritillaria meleagris, Geum rivale, Polygonum bistorta, Senecio aquaticus, Trollius europaeus, Lotus uliginosus, Trifolium dubium, Equisetum palustre, Myosotis palustris, Deschampsia cespitosa, Angelica sylvestris, Oenanthe silaifolia, Gratiola officinalis, Inula salicina, Succisella inflexa, Dactylorhiza majalis, Ranunculus acris, Rumex acetosa, Holcus lanatus, Alopecurus pratensis, Festuca pratensis, Juncus effusus, J. filiformis.','','Calthion palustris, Bromion racemosi, Deschampsion cespitosae','Pâturages et prairies de fauche, gérées de façon extensive, sur des sols tant basiclines qu''acidiclines, riches en nutriments, des plaines, collines et montagnes basses de l''Europe sous des climats atlantique ou subatlantique. Parmi les plantes caractéristiques des très nombreuses communautés concernées, on peut citer : Caltha palustris, Cirsium palustre, C. rivularis, C. oleraceum, Epilobium parviflorum, Lychnis flos-cuculi, Mentha aquatica, Scirpus sylvaticus, Stachys palustris, Bromus racemosus, Crepis paludosa, Fritillaria meleagris, Geum rivale, Polygonum bistorta, Senecio aquaticus, Trollius europaeus, Lotus uliginosus, Trifolium dubium, Equisetum palustre, Myosotis palustris, Deschampsia cespitosa, Angelica sylvestris, Oenanthe silaifolia, Gratiola officinalis, Inula salicina, Succisella inflexa, Dactylorhiza majalis, Ranunculus acris, Rumex acetosa, Holcus lanatus, Alopecurus pratensis, Festuca pratensis, Juncus effusus, J. filiformis.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('37.211','37.21','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Prairies humides à cirse des maraîchers','Cabbage thistle meadows','Angelico-Cirsietum oleracei i.a.','Cabbage thistle meadows and related species-rich communities, characteristic of base-rich soils in lowland valleys.','','Angelico-Cirsietum oleracei i.a.','Prairies humides à cirse des maraîchers et communautés riches en espèces apparentées, caractéristiques des sols riches en bases dans les vallées de plaine.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('37.212','37.21','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Prairies humides à Trolle et Cirse des ruisseaux','Globe flower-brook thistle meadows','Trollio-Cirsietum rivularis i.a.','Globe flower - brook thistle meadows and related communities, replacing the cabbage thistle meadows in montane areas.','','Trollio-Cirsietum rivularis i.a.','Prairies à Trollius europaeus et Cirsium rivularis et communautés apparentées ; des lambeaux de ces prairies trouvant place dans les régions montagneuses.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('37.213','37.21','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Prairies à Canche cespiteuse','Tufted hairgrass meadows','Deschampsietum cespitosae i.a.','Tufted hairgrass meadows and related communities, widespread in eastern and southeastern Europe (northern Greece, in the Quercion frainetto and Fagion moesiacum zones).','','Deschampsietum cespitosae i.a.','Prairies avec Deschampsia cespitosa et communautés apparentées, largement répandues dans l''est et le sud-est de l''Europe.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('37.214','37.21','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Prairies à Séneçon aquatique','Marsh ragwort meadows','Senecionetum aquatici i.a.','Marsh ragwort meadows and related communities, mostly developed on lowland acidocline soils.','','Senecionetum aquatici i.a.','Prairies à Sénéçon aquatique et communautés apparentées, principalement développés sur sols acidiclines de plaine.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('37.215','37.21','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Prairies à Renouée bistorte','Bistort meadows','Deschampsio cespitosae-Polygonetum bistortae i.a.','Bistort meadows and related communities, occupying acidocline soils of montane and submontane regions.','','Deschampsio cespitosae-Polygonetum bistortae i.a.','Prairies à Polygonum bistorta et communautés associées, occupant les sols acidiclines des régions montagnardes et submontagnardes.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('37.216','37.21','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Prairies à Jonc filiforme','Thread rush meadows','Juncetum filiformis i.a.','Thread rush meadows and related communities.','','Juncetum filiformis i.a.','Prairies à Juncus filiformis et communautés apparentées.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('37.217','37.21','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Prairies à Jonc diffus','Soft rush meadows','Epilobio-Juncetum effusi i.a.','Soft rush meadows and related communities.','','Epilobio-Juncetum effusi i.a.','Prairies à Juncus effusus et communautés apparentées.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('37.218','37.21','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Prairies à Jonc subnoduleux','Blunt-flowered rush meadows','Juncetum subnodulosi i.a.','Blunt-flowered rush meadows and related communities, characteristic of very wet calcareous soils or soils flushed by calcareous waters, transitional to the small sedge fens of the Caricion davallianae (54.2), surviving mostly in the British Isles and in the Alpine foothills; many formations are rather oligotrophic and could equally be listed under 37.3.','','Juncetum subnodulosi i.a.','Prairies à Jonc subnoduleux et communautés voisines, caractéristiques des sols calcaires très humides ou des sols avec suintements d''eaux calcaires, formant transition vers les bas-marais à laîches courtes du Caricion davallianae (54.2), subsistant principalement dans les contreforts alpins ; de nombreuses formations sont plus oligotrophes et peuvent également être listées en 37.3.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('37.219','37.21','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Prairies à Scirpe des bois','Wood clubrush meadows','Scirpetum sylvatici i.a.','Wood clubrush meadows and related communities.','','','Prairies à Scirpe des bois et communautés apparentées.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('37.22','37.2','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Prairies à Jonc acutiflore','Sharp-flowered rush meadows','Juncion acutiflori','Humid meadows dominated by, or rich in, Juncus acutiflorus. They are floristically and phytosociologically very varied and many are as related to the oligotrophic Molinion communities of 37.3 as to the more eutrophic Calthion ones of 37.2. Sharp-flowered rush meadows are particularly characteristic of the oceanic and suboceanic regions of the western seaboard of Europe from northwestern Iberia to the Low Countries.','','Juncion acutiflori','Prairies humides dominées par, ou riches en, Juncus acutiflorus. Elles sont floristiquement et phytosociologiquement très variées et beaucoup sont apparentées aussi bien aux communautés oligotrophes du Molinion de 37.3 qu''à celles plus eutrophes du Calthion de 37.2. Ces prairies sont particulièrement caractéristiques des régions océaniques et subocéaniques des bords de mer.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('37.23','37.2','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Prairies subcontinentales à Cnidium','Subcontinental cnidium meadows','Cnidion dubii','Moist-soil, flood-subjected meadows of river valleys under continental or subcontinental climatic conditions, with Cnidium dubium, Viola persicifolia, Allium angulosum, Iris sibirica, Oenanthe lachenalii, O. silaifolia, Gratiola officinalis, Juncus atratus, Leucojum aestivum, Carex praecox var. suzae, Lythrum virgatum.','','Cnidion dubii','Prairies des sols humides, soumises aux inondations, des vallées riveraines sous climat continental ou subcontinental, avec Cnidium dubium, Viola persicifolia, Allium angulosum, Iris sibirica, Oenanthe lachenalii, O. silaifolia, Gratiola officinalis, Leucojum aestivum, Carex praecox var. suzae, Lythrum virgatum.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('37.24','37.2','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Prairies à Agropyre et Rumex','Flood swards and related communities','','Grasslands of occasionally flooded river and lake banks, of depressions where rain water collects, of disturbed humid areas and of pastures submitted to intensive grazing.','','Agropyro-Rumicion crispi p.','Prairies des berges de lacs et de rivières occasionnellement inondées, des dépressions collectant les eaux pluviales, des surfaces humides perturbées ou des pâtures soumises à un pâturage intensif.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('37.241','37.24','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Pâtures à grand jonc','Tall rush pastures','','Rush (Juncus effusus, J. conglomeratus, J. inflexus) colonies of intensively grazed pastures.','','','Colonies de Jonc (Juncus effusus, J. conglomeratus, J. inflexus) des pâturages intensément pâturés.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('37.242','37.24','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Pelouses à Agrostide stolonifère et Fétuque faux roseau','Creeping bent and tall fescue swards','','Flood swards with Agrostis stolonifera, Carex hirta, Festuca arundinacea, Juncus inflexus, Alopecurus geniculatus, Rumex crispus, Mentha longifolia, M. pulegium, Potentilla anserina, P. reptans, Ranunculus repens.','','','Pelouses inondées à Agrostis stolonifera, Carex hirta, Festuca arundinacea, Juncus inflexus, Alopecurus geniculatus, Rumex crispus, Mentha longifolia, M. pulegium, Potentilla anserina, P. reptans, Ranunculus repens.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('37.25','37.2','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Prairies humides de transition à hautes herbes','Transitional tall herb humid meadows','Calthion palustris p. i.a.','Recently abandoned hay meadows evolving towards 37.1 or towards woodland, with invasion of Polygonum bistorta, Filipendula ulmaria, Phragmites communis, may, if useful, be coded under this subunit instead of 37.21.','','Calthion palustris p. i.a.','Prairies récemment abandonnées évoluant vers 37.1 ou vers un boisement, avec invasion de Polygonum bistorta, Filipendula ulmaria, Phragmites communis ; elles peuvent, si nécessaire, être codées dans cette sous-unité à la place de 37.21.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('37.3','37','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Prairies humides oligotrophes','Oligotrophic humid grasslands','Molinion caeruleae, Juncion squarrosi','Humid grasslands of middle Europe and northwestern Iberia, on soils very poor in nutrients.','','Molinion caerulae, Juncion squarrosi','Prairies humides d''Europe moyenne, sur sols très pauvres en nutriments.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('37.31','37.3','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Prairies à Molinie et communautés associées','Purple moorgrass meadows and related communities','Molinietalia: Molinion caeruleae','Humid grasslands of soils poor in nutrients, unfertilized and with a fluctuating water level, with Molinia caerulea, Succisa pratensis, Deschampsia cespitosa, Potentilla erecta, Allium angulosum, A. suaveolens, Betonica officinalis, Cirsium dissectum, C. tuberosum, Dianthus superbus, Trollius europaeus, Galium boreale, Gentiana asclepiadea, G. pneumonanthe, Gladiolus palustris, Silaum silaus, Selinum carvifolia, Inula salicina, Iris sibirica, Laserpitium prutenicum, Lathyrus pannonicus, Tetragonolobus maritimus, Serratula tinctoria, Carex tomentosa, C. panicea, C. pallescens, Parnassia palustris, Platanthera bifolia, Colchicum autumnale, Ophioglossum vulgatum, Dactylorhiza maculata.','Tüxen and Oberdorfer, 1958; Ellenberg, 1963, 1988; Sougnez and Limbourg, 1963; Guinochet and Vilmorin, 1973; De Foucault, 1976; O''Sullivan, 1976; Sougnez, 1977; De Sloover et al., 1978; Gruber, 1978; Brasseur et al., 1978; Bournérias, 1979, 1984; De Sloover et al., 1980; Noirfalise et al., 1982; Dethioux et al., 1983; Oberdorfer, 1990.','Molinietalia : Molinion caerulae','Prairies humides des sols pauvres en nutriments, non fertilisées et soumises à une fluctuation du niveau de l''eau, avec Molinia caerulea, Succisa pratensis, Deschampsia cespitosa, Potentilla erecta, Allium angulosum, A. suaveolens, Betonica officinalis, Cirsium dissectum, C. tuberosum, Dianthus superbus, Trollius europaeus, Galium boreale, Gentiana asclepiadea, G. pneumonanthe, Gladiolus palustris, Silaum silaus, Selinum carvifolia, Inula salicina, Iris sibirica, Laserpitium prutenicum, Lathyrus pannonicus, Tetragonolobus maritimus, Serratula tinctoria, Carex tomentosa, C. panicea, C. pallescens, Parnassia palustris, Platanthera bifolia, Colchicum autumnale, Ophioglossum vulgatum, Dactylorhiza maculata.','Ellenberg, 1963, 1988 ; Sougnez et Limbourg, 1963 ; Guinochet et Vilmorin, 1973 ; De Foucault, 1976 ; Sougnez, 1977 ; De Sloover et al., 1978 ; Gruber, 1978 ; Brasseur et al., 1978 ; Bournérias, 1979, 1984 ; De Sloover et al., 1980 ; Noirfalise et al., 1982 ; Dethioux et al., 1983 ; Oberdorfer, 1990.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('37.311','37.31','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Prairies à Molinie sur calcaires','Calcareous purple moorgrass meadows','Eu-Molinion','More species-rich variant, on calcareous soils, with Silaum silaus, Sanguisorba officinalis, Selinum carvifolia, Betonica officinalis, Cirsium tuberosum, Carex tomentosa, Tetragonolobus maritimus, Stachys officinalis, Galium boreale, Serratula tinctoria, Inula salicina, Dianthus superbus, Colchicum autumnale (abundant).','Ellenberg, 1963, 1988; Westhoff and den Held, 1975; Noirfalise et al., 1982.','Eu-Molinion','Variante plus riche en espèces, sur sols calcaires, avec Silaum silaus, Sanguisorba officinalis, Selinum carvifolium, Betonica officinalis, Cirsium tuberosum, Carex tomentosa, Tetragonolobus maritimus, Stachys officinalis, Galium boreale, Serratula tinctoria, Inula salicina, Dianthus superbus, Colchicum autumnale (abondant).','Ellenberg, 1963, 1988 ; Westhoff et den Held, 1975 ; Noirfalise et al., 1982.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('37.312','37.31','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Prairies à Molinie acidiphiles','Acid purple moorgrass meadows','Junco-Molinion','Less species-rich formations of acid soils with Viola persiciflora, V. palustris, Galium uliginosum, Cirsium dissectum, Crepis paludosa, Luzula multiflora, Juncus subuliflorus (= J. conglomeratus), Ophioglossum vulgatum, Inula britannica, Lotus uliginosus, Dianthus deltoides, Potentilla erecta, P. anglica, Carex pallescens.','Ellenberg, 1963, 1988; Westhoff and den Held, 1975; Noirfalise et al., 1982.','Junco-Molinion','Formations moins riches en espèces des sols acides avec Viola persiciflora, V. palustris, Galium uliginosum, Cirsium dissectum, Crepis paludosa, Luzula multiflora, Juncus conglomeratus, Ophioglossum vulgatum, Inula britannica, Lotus uliginosus, Dianthus deltoides, Potentilla erecta, P. anglica, Carex pallescens.','Ellenberg, 1963, 1988 ; Westhoff et den Held, 1975 ; Noirfalise et al., 1982.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('37.32','37.3','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Prairies à Jonc rude et pelouses humides à Nard','Heath rush meadows and humid mat-grass swards','Nardetalia: Juncion squarrosi','Humid, often peaty or semipeaty swards with Nardus stricta, Juncus squarrosus, Festuca ovina, Gentiana pneumonanthe, Pedicularis sylvatica, Scirpus cespitosus and sometimes Sphagnum spp..','Tüxen and Oberdorfer, 1958; Schumacker, 1973; Sougnez, 1977; De Sloover et al., 1978; Noirfalise et al., 1982; Rivas-Martinez, Diaz et al., 1984; Dias Gonzalez and Fernandez Prieto, 1987; Ellenberg, 1988; Oberdorfer, 1990.','Nardetalia : Juncion squarrosi','Pelouses humides, souvent tourbeuses ou semi-tourbeuses, avec Nardus stricta, Juncus squarrosus, Festuca ovina, Gentiana pneumonanthe, Pedicularis sylvatica, Trichophorum cespitosum et quelquefois Sphagnum spp.','Schumacker, 1973 ; Sougnez, 1977 ; De Sloover et al., 1978 ; Noirfalise et al., 1982 ; Ellenberg, 1988 ; Oberdorfer, 1990.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('37.4','37','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Prairies humides méditerranéennes à grandes herbes','Mediterranean tall humid grasslands','Holoschoenetalia: Molinio-Holoschoenion','Mediterranean humid grasslands of tall grasses and rushes with Scirpus holoschoenus (Holoschoenus vulgaris), Agrostis stolonifera, A. reuteri, Galium debile, Molinia caerulea, Briza minor, Melica cupanii, Cyperus longus, Linum tenue, Trifolium resupinatum, Schoenus nigricans, Peucedanum hispanicum, Carex mairii, Juncus maritimus, J. acutus, Asteriscus aquaticus, Hypericum tomentosum, H. tetrapterum, Inula viscosa, Oenanthe pimpinelloides, O. lachenalii, Eupatorium cannabinum, Prunella vulgaris, Pulicaria dysenterica, Tetragonolobus maritimus, Orchis laxiflora, Dactylorhiza elata, Succisa pratensis, Sonchus maritimus ssp. aquatilis, Silaum silaus, Sanguisorba officinalis, Serratula tinctoria, Genista tinctoria, Cirsium monspessulanum, C. pyrenaicum, Senecio doria, Dorycnium rectum, Erica terminalis, Euphorbia pubescens, Lysimachia ephemerum.','Donker and Stivelink, 1962; Guinochet and Vilmorin, 1973; Horvat et al., 1974; Pedrotti, 1976; Gruber, 1978; Rivas-Martinez et al., 1980; Molinier and Martin, 1980; Bolos y Capdevila, 1987; Costa, 1987; Alcaraz Ariza and Peinado Lorca, 1987; Rivas-Martinez et al.., 1987; Ladero Alvarez, 1987; Martinez Parras et al., 1987; Asensi Marfil and Diez Garretas, 1987.','Holoschoenetalia : Molinio-Holoschoenion','Prairies humides méditerranéennes de grands joncs et graminées avec Scirpoides holoschoenus (Holoschoenus vulgaris), Agrostis stolonifera, Galium debile, Molinia caerulea, Briza minor, Cyperus longus, Trifolium resupinatum, Schoenus nigricans, Carex mairii, Juncus maritimus, J. acutus, Asteriscus aquaticus, Hypericum tomentosum, H. quadrangulum, Dittrichia viscosa, Oenanthe pimpinelloides, O. lachenalii, Eupatorium cannabinum, Prunella vulgaris, Pulicaria dysenterica, Tetragonolobus maritimus, Orchis laxiflora, Dactylorhiza elata, Succisa pratensis, Sonchus maritimus subsp. aquatilis, Silaum silaus, Sanguisorba officinalis, Serratula tinctoria, Genista tinctoria, Cirsium monspessulanus, C. pyrenaicum, Senecio doria, Dorycnium rectum, Erica terminalis, Euphorbia hirsuta, Lysimachia ephemerum.','Donker et Stivelink, 1962 ; Guinochet et Vilmorin, 1973 ; Horvat et al., 1974 ; Gruber, 1978 ; Molinier et Martin, 1980.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('37.5','37','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Prairies humides méditerranéennes rases','Mediterranean short humid grasslands','Holoschoenetalia: Deschampsion mediae','Very short grasslands of impermeable compact soils or marls, wet for a large part of the year, and dessicated in summer, with Deschampsia media, Centaurium pulchellum, Lotus tenuis, Trifolium lappaceum, Prunella hyssopifolia, Plantago serpentina, Centaurea timbali.','Archiloque et al., 1969; Guinochet and Vilmorin, 1973; Molinier and Martin, 1980.','Holoschoenetalia : Deschampsion mediae','Prairies rases des marnes ou sols imperméables compacts, humides une grande partie de l''année, et desséchées en été, avec Deschampsia media, Centaurium pulchellum, Lotus tenuis, Trifolium lappaceum, Prunella hyssopifolia, Plantago maritima subsp. serpentina, Centaurea timbalii.','Archiloque et al., 1969 ; Guinochet et Vilmorin, 1973 ; Molinier et Martin, 1980.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('37.6','37','3','Niveau 3','FALSE','','Eastern supra-Mediterranean humid meadows','Trifolio-Hordeetalia: Trifolion resupinati, Ranunculion velutini','Humid meadows rich in clover of the Balkan peninsula and the Apennines, mostly developed at collinar levels.','Horvat et al., 1974; Pedrotti, 1976.','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('37.61','37.6','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Greek supra-Mediterranean humid meadows','Trifolion resupinati','Meso-hygrophile grasslands of alluvial and other high water-table sites of the Ostryo-Carpinion zone of Greece, particularly of Macedonia and Thrace, with Trifolium resupinatum, and several other Trifolium species, Alopecurus utriculatus, Hordeum murinum, Ranunculus marginatus, R. velutinus, Cirsium canum var. macedonicum, Narcissus poeticus, Leucojum aestivum.','Horvat et al., 1974.','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('37.62','37.6','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Apennine humid meadows','Ranunculion velutini','Permanent humid grasslands of Apennine karstic basins, with Ranunculus velutinus, Bromus racemosus, Hordeum secalinum, Trifolium dubium, T. resupinatum, T. micranthum, T. patens, T. fragiferum, T. pratense, T. repens, Carex distans, Deschampsia cespitosa, Gaudinia fragilis, Ophioglossum vulgatum, Centaurea jacea, Holcus lanatus, Alopecurus utriculatus, Orchis laxiflora, Colchicum lusitanica.','Pedrotti, 1976.','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('37.7','37','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Lisières humides à grandes herbes','Humid tall herb fringes','Convolvuletalia sepium, Glechometalia hederaceae p. (Calystegio-Alliarietalia)','Watercourse veil and shady woodland edge communities','Ellenberg, 1963, 1988; Duvigneaud, 1967; Guinochet and Vilmorin, 1973; Géhu and Géhu, 1976; Géhu, 1984; Drachenfels et al., 1984; Oberdorfer, 1990.','Convolvuletalia sepium, Glechometalia hederaceae p. (Calystegio-Alliarietalia)','Communautés des lisières boisées ombragés et voiles des cours d''eau.','Ellenberg, 1963, 1988 ; Duvigneaud, 1967 ; Guinochet et Vilmorin, 1973 ; Géhu et Géhu, 1976 ; Géhu, 1984 ; Oberdorfer, 1990.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('37.71','37.7','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Voiles des cours d''eau','Watercourse veils','Senecion fluviatilis (Calystegion sepium), Convolvulion sepium p., Aegopodion podagrariae p.','Screens or veils of perennial tall herbs, small bushes and lianas (Calystegia sepium, Cuscusta europaea) lining lowland watercourses, and sometimes other water bodies, with many ruderal and introduced plants (Aster spp., Rudbeckia spp., Solidago spp., Helianthus spp., Impatiens spp., Reynoutria japonica).','','Senecion fluviatilis (Calystegion sepium), Convolvulion sepium p., Aegopodion podagrariae p.','Ourlets de grandes herbes pérennes, de petits buissons et de lianes (Calystegia sepium, Cuscuta europaea) suivant les cours d''eau des plaines, et quelquefois d''autres plans d''eau, avec de nombreuses plantes rudérales et introduites (Aster spp., Rudbeckia spp., Solidago spp., Helianthus spp., Impatiens spp., Reynoutria japonica).','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('37.711','37.71','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Communautés fluviales à Angelica archangelica','Angelica archangelica fluvial communities','','Angelica archangelica ssp. littoralis formations of great northern rivers, presently rare and threatened.','','','Formations à Angelica archangelica subsp. littoralis des grandes rivières nordiques, actuellement rares et menacées.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('37.712','37.71','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Communautés fluviales à Angelica heterocarpa','Angelica heterocarpa fluvial communities','','Angelica heterocarpa formations of tidal estuaries of the Loire, the Charente and the Gironde; the species is a rare and very narrow endemic of southwestern France.','','','Formations à Angelica heterocarpa des estuaires soumis à la marée de la Loire, de la Charente et de la Gironde ; l''espèce est une endémique rare et très localisée du sud-ouest de la France.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('37.713','37.71','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Ourlets à Althaea officinalis','Marsh mallow screens','','Althaea officinalis formations of river banks and marsh edges, particularly on somewhat saline soils.','','','Formations à Althea officinalis des berges de rivières et des lisières marécageuses, particulièrement sur des sols quelque peu salés.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('37.714','37.71','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Communautés riveraines à Pétasites','Butterbur riverine communities','','Formations of Petasites hybridus and Cirsium oleraceum of the banks of small streams.','','','Formations à Petasites hybridus et Cirsium oleraceum des berges de petits cours d''eau.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('37.715','37.71','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Ourlets riverains mixtes','Mixed riverine screens','','Formations of Senecio fluviatilis, Calystegia sepium, Eupatorium cannabinum, Epilobium hirsutum, Sonchus palustris, Urtica dioica and other species, lining lowland water courses.','','','Formations à Senecio fluviatilis, Calystegia sepium, Eupatorium cannabinum, Epilobium hirsutum, Sonchus palustris, Urtica dioica et d''autres espèces, longeant les cours d''eau de plaine.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('37.72','37.7','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Franges des bords boisés ombragés','Shady woodland edge fringes','Aegopodion podagrariae p., Alliarion (Geo-Alliarion, Lapsano-Geranion robertiani)','Nitro-hygrophilous communities of usually large-leaved herbs developing along the shaded side of wooded stands and hedges, with Galium aparine, Glechoma hederacea, Geum urbanum, Aegopodium podagraria, Silene dioica, Carduus crispus, Chaerophyllum hirsutum, Lamium album, Alliaria petiolata, Lapsana communis, Geranium robertianum, Viola alba, V. odorata.','','Aegopodion podagrariae p., Alliarion (Geo-Alliarion, Lapsano-Geranion robertiani)','Communautés nitro-hygrophiles d''herbacées habituellement à grandes feuilles se développant du côté ombragé des peuplements ligneux et des haies, avec Galium aparine, Glechoma hederacea, Geum urbanum, Aegopodium podagraria, Silene dioica, Carduus crispus, Chaerophyllum hirsutum, Lamium album, Alliaria petiolata, Lapsana communis, Geranium robertianum, Viola alba, V. odorata.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('37.8','37','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Mégaphorbiaies alpines et subalpines','Subalpine and alpine tall herb communities','Betulo-Adenostyletea p.; Rumicion alpini','Luxuriant tall herb formations of deep, humid soils in the montane to alpine, but mostly sub-alpine, levels of the higher mountains, with Cicerbita alpina, C. plumieri,Cirsium helenioides, C. spinosissimum, C. flavispina, Geranium sylvaticum, Polygonatum verticillatum, Ranunculus platanifolius, Aconitum vulparia, A. napellus, A. nevadense, Adenostyles alliariae, Senecio elodes, Veratrum album, Trollius europaeus, Peucedanum ostruthium, Doronicum austriacum, Pedicularis foliosa, Eryngium alpinum, Centaurea rhapontica, Valeriana pyrenaica, Tozzia alpina. Groupings of these plants can invade the Aceri-Fagion and reappear, along streams, lower down in montane beech forests. If useful, their presence can be noted by combining a code of 37.8 with the appropriate forest code.','','Betulo-Adenostyletea p. ; Rumicion alpini','Formations luxuriantes à grandes herbes des sols profonds, humides, des étages montagnard à alpin, mais principalement subalpin, des hautes montagnes, avec Cicerbita alpina, C. plumieri, Cirsium heterophyllum, C. spinosissimum, C. pyrenaicum, Geranium sylvaticum, Polygonatum verticillatum, Ranunculus platanifolius, Aconitum vulparia, A. napellus, Adenostyles alliariae, Veratrum album, Trollius europeaus, Peucedanum ostruthium, Doronicum austriacum, Pedicularis foliosa, Eryngium alpinum, Centaurea rhapontica, Valeriana pyrenaica, Tozzia alpina. Les groupements de ces plantes peuvent s''introduire dans l''Aceri-Fagion et réapparaitre, le long de cours d''eau, loin en aval dans les forêts montagnardes de hêtres. Si nécessaire, leur présence peut être notée en combinant un code de 37.8 avec le code des formations forestières approprié.','Ellenberg, 1963, 1988 ; Braun-Blanquet, 1969b, 1972a, 1976 ; Guinochet et Vilmorin, 1973 ; Horvat et al., 1974 ; Gruber, 1978 ; Sutter, 1978 ; Ozenda, 1985 ; Noirfalise, 1986 ; Oberdorfer, 1990.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('37.81','37.8','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Mégaphorbiaies des montagnes hercyniennes, du Jura et des Alpes','Hercynio-Alpine tall herb communities','Adenostylion alliariae','Subalpine and alpine meso-hygrophile tall herb formations of moist hollows and gullies of the Alps, the Jura, the great Hercyninian ranges, the Central Massif and the Apennines.','','Adenostylion alliariae','Formations subalpines et alpines mésohygrophiles de grandes herbes, des dépressions humides, ravins humides et ruisseaux, des Alpes, du Jura, des Vosges et du Massif central.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('37.82','37.8','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Prairies subalpines à Calamagrostis arundinacea','Subalpine small reed meadows','Calamagrostion arundinaceae','Thermophile, meso-xerophile species-rich formations of steep adrets of the subalpine level of the Alps, the Jura, the great Hercynian ranges and the Central Massif, mostly dominated by Calamagrostis arundinacea, associated with plants such as Senecio doronicum, Digitalis grandiflora, Hieracium aurantiacum, Aconitum vulparia, Geranium sylvaticum, Bupleurum longifolium, Sorbus spp.','','Calamagrostion arundinaceae','Formations thermophiles, méso-xérophiles riches en espèces des adrets escarpés de l''étage subalpin des Alpes, du Jura, des Vosges et du Massif central, principalement dominées par Calamagrostis arundinacea, associé avec des plantes telles que Senecio doronicum, Digitalis grandiflora, Hieracium aurantiacum, Aconitum vulparia, Geranium sylvaticum, Bupleurum longifolium, Sorbus spp.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('37.83','37.8','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Mégaphorbiaies pyrénéo-ibériques','Pyreneo-Iberian tall herb communities','Adenostylion pyrenaicae','Subalpine and alpine meso-hygrophile tall herb formations of the Pyrenees, the Cantabrian mountains, the Cordillera Central, the Iberian Range, with Valeriana pyrenaica and Adenostyles alliariae ssp. pyrenaica (hybrida).','','Adenostylion pyrenaicae','Mégaphorbiaies, subalpines et alpines, mésohygrophiles, des Pyrénées, ..., avec Valeriana pyrenaica et Adenostyles alliariae subsp. pyrenaica (hybrida).','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('37.84','37.8','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Southern Iberian tall herb communities','Cirsion flavispinae','Subalpine and alpine meso-hygrophile tall herb communities of the Sierra Nevada and other southern Iberian mountains, with the endemic Cirsium flavispina, Aconitum nevadense, Senecio elodes.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('37.85','37.8','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Mégaphorbiaies corses à Cymbalaria','Corsican Cymbalaria tall herb communities','Cymbalarion hepaticifoliae','Formations of rocky or grassy corridors in Corsica.','','Cymbalarion hepaticifoliae','Formations des corridors rocheux ou herbeux en Corse.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('37.86','37.8','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Mégaphorbiaies corses à Doronicum','Corsican Doronicum tall herb communities','Doronicion corsici','Riparian formations of Corsica.','','Doronicion corsici','Formations riveraines de Corse.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('37.87','37.8','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Greek tall herb communities','Cirsion appendiculati, Geion coccinei','Montane riparian and spring-edge vegetation of Greek mountains, with Cirsium appendiculatum, Angelica sylvestris, Heracleum sphondylium, Geum coccineum.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('37.88','37.8','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Communautés alpines à Patience alpine','Alpine dock communities','Glechometalia hederaceae: Rumicion alpini','Alpine and subalpine nitrophilous tall herb formations characteristic of the vicinity of cattle and game resting places, with Rumex alpinus, Senecio alpinus, Cirsium spinosissimum, Peucedanum ostruthium.','','Glechometalia hederaceae : Rumicion alpini','Mégaphorbiaies alpines et subalpines nitrophiles caractéristiques du voisinage du bétail et des reposoirs, avec Rumex alpinus, Senecio alpinus, Cirsium spinosissimum, Peucedanum ostruthium.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('38','3','2','Niveau 2','TRUE','Prairies mésophiles','Mesophile grasslands','','Lowland and montane mesophile pastures and hay meadows.','','','Pâturages et prairies fauchées mésophiles de plaine et de montagne.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('38.1','38','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Pâtures mésophiles','Mesophile pastures','Cynosurion','Regularly grazed mesophile pastures, fertilized and on well-drained soils, with Lolium perenne, Cynosurus cristatus, Poa spp., Festuca spp., Trifolium repens, Leontodon autumnalis, Bellis perennis, Ranunculus repens, R. acris, Cardamine pratensis; they are most characteristic of the Euro-Siberian zone, but extend to Atlantic Iberia and the Cordillera Central, the Apennines and the supra-Mediterranean zone of Greece.','Ellenberg, 1963, 1988; Guinochet and Vilmorin, 1973; Horvat et al., 1974; Westhoff and den Held, 1975; Bournérias, 1979, 1984; Noirfalise et al., 1980, 1982; Fuller, 1982; Rivas-Martinez, Diaz et al., 1984; Rivas-Martinez et al., 1987; Loidi Arregui, 1987; Oberdorfer, 1990.','Cynosurion','Pâturages mésophiles fertilisées, régulièrement pâturées, sur des sols bien drainés, avec Lolium perenne, Cynosurus cristatus, Poa ssp., Festuca ssp., Trifolium repens, Leontodon autumnalis, Bellis perennis, Ranunculus repens, R. acris, Cardamine pratensis ; ils sont bien caractéristiques de la zone euro-sibérienne.','Ellenberg, 1963, 1988 ; Guinochet et Vilmorin, 1973 ; Horvat et al., 1974 ; Westhoff et den Held, 1975 ; Bournérias, 1979, 1984 ; Noirfalise et al., 1980, 1982 ; Oberdorfer, 1990.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('38.11','38.1','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Pâturages continus','Unbroken pastures','','Continuous pastureland, unreleived by networks of ditches.','','','Pâturages continus, non interrompus par des fossés d''irrigation.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('38.111','38.11','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Pâturages à Ray-grass','Ryegrass pastures','Lolio-Cynosuretum cristati','Relatively species-poor grasslands, dominated by Lolium perenne, often with Cynosurus cristatus.','','Lolio-Cynosuretum cristati','Prairies relativement pauvres en espèces, dominées par Lolium perenne, souvent avec Cynosurus cristatus.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('38.112','38.11','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Pâturages à Cynosurus-Centaurea','Cynosurus-Centaurea pastures','Centaureo-Cynosuretum cristati','More species-rich grasslands dominated by Cynosurus cristatus and with wany flowering herbs, notably Centaurea nigra.','','Centaureo-Cynosuretum cristati','Prairies plus riches en espèces dominées par Cynosurus cristatus et avec de nombreuses plantes à fleurs, notamment Centaurea nigra.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('38.12','38.1','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Pâturages interrompus par des fossés','Ditch-broken pastures','','Grasslands drained by a network of ditches, fleets, streams or pools.','','','Prairies drainées par un réseau de rigoles, de ruisselets, de ruisseaux ou de mares.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('38.13','38.1','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Pâturages abandonnés','Overgrown pastures','','Abandoned grasslands with ruderal species.','','','Prairies abandonnées envahies par des espèces rudérales.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('38.2','38','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Prairies de fauche de basse altitude','Lowland hay meadows','Arrhenatherion, Brachypodio-Centaureion nemoralis','Mesophile hay meadows of low altitudes, fertilized and well-drained, with Arrhenatherum elatius, Trisetum flavescens, Anthriscus sylvestris, Heracleum sphondylium, Daucus carota, Crepis biennis, Knautia arvensis, Leucanthemum vulgare, Pimpinella major, Trifolium dubium, Geranium pratense; they are most characteristic of the Euro-Siberian zone, but extend to Atlantic Iberia, the Cordillera Central and Montseny, to the Apennines and to the supra-Mediterranean zone of Greece.','Sougnez, 1951; Ellenberg, 1963, 1988; Ilijanic, 1965; Archiloque et al., 1969; Guinochet and Vilmorin, 1973; Horvat et al., 1974; Westhoff and den Held, 1975; Bournérias, 1979, 1984; Noirfalise et al., 1980, 1982; Rivas-Martinez, Diaz et al., 1984; Rivas-Martinez et al., 1987; Diaz Gonzalez and Fernandez Prieto, 1987; Bolos y Capdevila, 1987; Oberdorfer, 1990.','Arrhenatherion, Brachypodio-Centaureion nemoralis','Prairies de fauche mésophiles, de basse altitude, fertilisées et bien drainées, avec Arrhenaterum elatius, Trisetum flavescens, Anthriscus sylvestris, Heracleum sphondylium, Daucus carota, Crepis biennis, Knautia arvensis, Leucanthemum vulgare, Pimpinella major, Trifolium dubium, Geranium pratense ; elles sont bien caractéristiques de la zone euro-sibérienne.','Sougnez, 1951 ; Ellenberg, 1963, 1988 ; Ilijanic, 1965 ; Archiloque et al., 1969 ; Guinochet et Vilmorin, 1973 ; Horvat et al., 1974 ; Westhoff et den Held, 1975 ; Bournérias, 1979, 1984 ; Noirfalise et al., 1980, 1982 ; Oberdorfer, 1990.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('38.21','38.2','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Prairies de fauche atlantiques','Atlantic hay meadows','Brachypodio-Centaureion nemoralis','Atlantic formations with Centaurea nemoralis, Rhinanthus lanceolatus, Oenanthe pimpinelloides, Brachypodium pinnatum.','','Brachypodio-Centaureion nemoralis','Formations atlantiques avec Centaurea nemoralis, Rhinanthus glacialis, Oenanthe pimpinelloides, Brachypodium pinnatum.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('38.22','38.2','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Prairies de fauche des plaines médio-européennes','Medio-European lowland hay meadows','Arrhenatherion s.s.','Typical medio-European formations.','','Arrhenatherion s.s.','Formations médio-européennes typiques.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('38.23','38.2','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Prairies de fauche submontagnardes médio-européennes','Medio-European submontane hay meadows','','Medio-European formations of mid-elevations, characteristic in particular of higher elevations of the lesser Hercynian ranges, intermediate between this unit and 38.3.','','','Formations médio-européennes d''altitude moyenne, caractéristiques en particulier des plus hautes altitudes des basses montagnes hercyniennes, intermédiaires entre cette unité et 38.3.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('38.3','38','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Prairies de fauche de montagne','Mountain hay meadows','Polygono-Trisetion (Triseto-Polygonion bistorti)','Species-rich mesophile hay meadows of the montane and sub-alpine levels (mostly above 600 metres) usually dominated by Trisetum flavescens and with Heracleum sphondylium, Viola cornuta, Astrantia major, Carum carvi, Crepis mollis, C. pyrenaica, Polygonum bistorta, Silene dioica, S. vulgaris, Campanula glomerata, Salvia pratensis, Centaurea nemoralis, Anthoxanthum odoratum, Crocus albiflorus, Geranium phaeum, G. sylvaticum, Narcissus poeticus, Malva moschata, Valeriana repens, Trollius europaeus, Pimpinella major, Muscari botryoides, Lilium bulbiferum, Thlaspi caerulescens, Viola tricolor ssp. subalpina, Phyteuma halleri, P. orbiculare, Primula elatior, Chaerophyllum hirsutum and many others.','Ellenberg, 1963, 1988; Guinochet and Vilmorin, 1973; Gruber, 1978; Oberdorfer, 1990.','Polygono-Trisetion (Triseto-Polygonion bistorti)','Prairies de fauche, mésophiles, riches en espèces, des étages montagnard et subalpin (principalement au-dessus de 600 m) habituellement dominées par Trisetum flavescens et avec Heracleum sphondylium, Viola cornuta, Astrantia major, Carum carvi, Crepis mollis, C. pyrenaica, Polygonum bistorta, Silene dioica, S. vulgaris, Campanula glomerata, Salvia pratensis, Centaurea nemoralis, Anthoxanthum odoratum, Crocus albiflorus, Geranium phaeum, G. sylvaticum, Narcissus poeticus, Malva moschata, Valeriana repens, Trollius europaeus, Pimpinella major, Muscari botryoides, Lilium bulbiferum, Thlapsi caerulescens, Viola tricolor subsp. subalpina, Phyteuma halleri, P. orbiculare, Primula elatior, Chaerophyllum hirsutum et beaucoup d''autres.','Ellenberg, 1963, 1988 ; Guinochet et Vilmorin, 1973 ; Gruber, 1978 ; Oberdorfer, 1990.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('38.4','38','3','Niveau 3','FALSE','','Iberian vallicares','Agrostietalia castellanae','Summer pastures of the Iberian peninsula, submitted to poor drainage, brief flooding and rapid dessication with the first heat, constituted by perennial and annual grasses, most commonly by Agrostis castellana, A. pourretii (A. salmantica), Gaudinia fragilis, Festuca ampla, Periballia involucrata, Vulpia ciliata, V. myuros, V. bromoides, Holcus setiglumis, Molineriella minuta, Anthoxanthum aristatum, A. ovatum and often with Juncus capitatus and clovers such as Trifolium campestre.','Bellot Rodriguez, 1979; Rivas-Martinez et al., 1980; Martinez Parras et al., 1987; Rivas-Martinez et al., 1987; Asensi Marfil and Diez Garretas, 1987.','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('38.41','38.4','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Perennial vallicares','','Perennial Agrostis castellana - dominated grasslands.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('38.42','38.4','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Annual vallicares','','Annual Agrostis pourretii - dominated grasslands.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('38.43','38.4','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Andalusian thrift vallicares','','Armeria gaditana, Gaudinia fragilis, Centaurea exarata and Asphodelus aestivus grasslands of southwestern Iberia.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('38.5','38','3','Niveau 3','FALSE','','Macaronesian mesophile grasslands','','Secondary grasslands of the highest levels of the Atlantic islands.','Machado Carrillo, in litt., 1989.','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('4','','1','Niveau 1','TRUE','FORETS','Forests','','','','','','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41','4','2','Niveau 2','TRUE','Forêts caducifoliées','Broad-leaved deciduous forests','','Forests and woodland of native deciduous trees, other than floodplain or mire woods; forests dominated by broad-leaved deciduous trees, but comprising broad-leaved evergreen trees, are included.','','','Forêts et terrains boisés d''arbres indigènes caducifoliés (autres que des forêts riveraines ou de terrains marécageux). Les forêts dominées par des feuillus caducifoliés mais comprenant des espèces sempervirentes sclérophylles sont incluses.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.1','41','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Hêtraies','Beech forests','','Forests dominated by Fagus sylvatica or, in Greece, F. orientalis or F. moesiaca. Many montane formations are beech-fir or beech-fir-spruce forests, to be noted as 43 (mixed forests), but with the suffixes below; they are discussed with the corresponding deciduous forest.','','','Forêts dominées par Fagus sylvatica. De nombreuses formations montagnardes sont des forêts de Hêtre et de Sapin ou de Hêtre, de Sapin et d''Epicéa, elles sont notées 43 (forêts mixtes) ; elles seront traitées en même temps que les forêts caducifoliées correspondantes.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.11','41.1','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Hêtraies acidiphiles médio-européennes à Luzule blanchâtre du Luzulo-Fagenion','Central European acidophilous beech forests with woodrush','Luzulo-Fagenion ','Medio-European beech and, in higher mountains, beech-fir or beech-fir-spruce forests on acid soils, with Luzula luzuloides, Polytrichum formosum, and often Deschampsia flexuosa, Vaccinium myrtillus, Pteridium aquilinum.','Noirfalise, 1956, 1984, 1986, 1987; Vanden Berghen and Mullenders, 1957; Roisin, 1962; Ellenberg, 1963, 1988; Oberdorfer, 1967, 1990; Noirfalise and Vanesse, 1977; Renault, 1978; Ozenda, 1979, 1985; Ozenda et al., 1979; Petermann and Seibert, 1979; Timbal, 1981; Thill et al., 1988.','','Hêtraies médio-européennes et, en altitude, hêtraies-sapinières ou pessières sur sols acides avec Luzula luzuloides, Polytrichum formosum et souvent Deschampsia flexuosa, Vaccinium myrtillus, Pteridium aquilinum.','Noirfalise, 1956, 1984, 1986, 1987 ; Vanden Berghen et Mullenders, 1957 ; Roisin, 1962 ; Ellenberg, 1963, 1988 ; Oberdorfer, 1967, 1990 ; Noirfalise and Vanesse, 1977 ; Renault , 1978 ; Ozenda, 1979, 1985 ; Ozenda et al., 1979 ; Timbal, 1981 ; Thill et al., 1988.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.111','41.11','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Hêtraies collinéennes à Luzule','Collinar woodrush beech forests','','Beech forests of the lesser Hercynian ranges and Lorraine, never accompanied by spontaneous conifers.','','','Hêtraies des massifs hercyniens mineurs et de Lorraine, jamais accompagnées par des conifères spontanés.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.112','41.11','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Hêtraies montagnardes à Luzule','Montane woodrush beech forests','','Beech, beech-fir or beech-fir-spruce (43.112) of the greater Hercynian ranges, the Jura, the Alps and the Bavarian Plateau.','','','Hêtraies, hêtraies-sapinières ou hêtraies-sapinières-pessières (43.112) des massifs hercyniens, du Jura, des Alpes.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.1121','41.112','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Bayerischer Wald woodrush beech forests','','Near-natural forests of the Bayerischer Wald.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.1122','41.112','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Hêtraies montagnardes semi-naturelles à Luzule françaises','Semi-natural montane woodrush beech forests','','Other formations.','','','Autres formations.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.12','41.1','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Hêtraies atlantiques acidiphiles','Atlantic acidophilous beech forests','Ilici-Fagenion','Atlantic forests on acid soils, differing from 41.11 by the absence of Luzula luzuloides and a greater abundance of Ilex aquifolium.','Tüxen and Oberdorfer, 1958; Roisin, 1961; Hofmann, 1966; Braun-Blanquet, 1967a; Durin et al., 1967; Baudière, 1974a; Bugnon and Rameau, 1974; Clément et al., 1974; Frileux, 1974; Géhu, 1974; Ozenda, 1979, 1985; Ozenda et al., 1979; Aaby, 1983; Noirfalise, 1984, 1986, 1987; Coquillard et al., 1985; Loidi Arregui, 1987; Diaz Gonzalez and Fernandez Prieto, 1987; Navarro Andres and Valle Gutierrez, 1987; Vigo and Ninot, 1987; Izco Sevillano, 1987; Peinado Lorca and Martinez Parras, 1987; Rivas-Martinez et al., 1987; Oberdorfer, 1990; Rodwell, 1991.','Ilici-Fagenion','Forêts atlantiques sur sols acides différant de 41.11 par l''absence de Luzula luzuloides et la grande abondance d''Ilex aquifolium.','Roisin, 1961 ; Braun-Blanquet, 1967a ; Durin et al., 1967 ; Baudière, 1974a ; Bugnon et Rameau, 1974 ; Clément et al., 1974 ; Frileux, 1974 ; Géhu, 1974 ; Ozenda et al., 1979 ; Noirfalise, 1984, 1986, 1987 ; Coquillard et al., 1985 ; Oberdorfer, 1990 ; Rodwell, 1991.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.121','41.12','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Hêtraies acidiphiles de la mer du Nord','North Sea acidophilous beech forests','Periclymeno-Fagetum, Ilici-Fagetum, Milio-Fagetum, Fago-Quercetum p.','Fragmented and insularized forests of the western seaboard of Europe, in Denmark, northern Germany, the Netherlands, middle Belgium, Picardy, Normandy and southern England.','','Periclymeno-Fagetum, Ilici-Fagetum, Milio-Fagetum, Fago-Quercetum p.','Forêts fragmentées et "insularisées" de la côte ouest de l''Europe, de Picardie et de Normandie.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.122','41.12','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Hêtraies acidiphiles sub-atlantiques','Sub-Atlantic acidophilous beech forests','Deschampsio-Fagetum i.a.','Transition forests of the Paris basin, the Morvan, the periphery of the Central Massif, the eastern and central Pyrenees.','','Deschampsio-Fagetum i.a.','Forêts de transition du Bassin parisien, du Morvan, de la périphérie du Massif central, de l''est et du centre des Pyrénées.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.123','41.12','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Hêtraies acidiphiles armoricaines','Armorican acidophilous beech forests','Rusco-Fagetum','Hyper-Atlantic forests of Brittany with an abundance of epiphytes and an understory of ferns and evergreen bushes.','','Rusco-Fagetum','Forêts hyper-atlantiques de Bretagne avec une abondance d''épiphytes et une strate basse de fougères et de buissons sempervirents.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.124','41.12','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Hêtraies acidiphiles pyrénéo-cantabriques','Pyreneo-Cantabrian acidophilous beech forests','Saxifrago hirsutae-Fagetum','Humid forests with luxuriant epiphytism of the western Pyrenees and eastern Cantabrian mountains.','','Saxifrago hirsutae-Fagetum','Forêts humides de l''ouest des Pyrénées et de l''est des chaînes cantabriques avec une végétation épiphytique luxuriante.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.125','41.12','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Western Cantabrian acidophilous beech forests','Luzulo henriquesii-Fagetum','Humid acidophilous beech forests of western Cantabrian and Asturian mountains.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.126','41.12','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Galician acidophilous beech forests','Luzulo henriquesii-Fagetum mercurialetosum perennis','Humid beech forests of high, snowy dolomitic and calcareous sierras of Galicia (Ancares, Cebreiro, Caurel), somewhat intermediate between unit 41.12 and unit 41.13.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.127','41.12','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Hêtraies acidiphiles ibériques humides','Humid Iberian acidophilous beech forests','Galio rotundifolii-Fagetum p.','Humid acidophilous beech forests of the Northern Iberian Range.','','Galio rotundifolii-Fagetum p.','Hêtraies acidiphiles humides du nord du secteur ibérique.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.128','41.12','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Hêtraies acidiphiles ibériques hyper-humides','Hyper-humid Iberian acidophilous beech forests','Ilici-Fagetum','Hyper-humid acidophilous beech forests of the Northern Iberian Range.','','Ilici-Fagetum','Hêtraies acidiphiles hyper-humides du nord du secteur ibérique.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.129','41.12','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Ayllon acidophilous beech forests','Galio rotundifolii-Fagetum p.','Relict acidophilous beech forests of the Sierra de Ayllon (Montejo, Puerto de la Quesera, Cantalojas).','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.13','41.1','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Hêtraies neutrophiles','Neutrophilous beech forests','Asperulo-Fagenion (Galio odorati-Fagenion)','Medio-European and Atlantic forests, on neutral or near-neutral soils, with mild humus (mull), characterized by a strong representation of species belonging to the ecological groups of Anemone nemorosa, of Lamium galeobdolon, of Galium odoratum and Melica uniflora and, in mountains, various Dentaria, forming a richer and more abundant herb layer than in 41.11 and 41.12.','Vanden Berghen and Coûteaux, 1955; Noirfalise, 1962, 1984, 1986, 1987; Noirfalise and Sougnez, 1963; Ellenberg, 1963, 1988; Sougnez, 1967; Dethioux, 1969; Coûteaux, 1969; Renault, 1978; Rogister, 1978, 1981; Ozenda, 1979, 1982, 1985; Bournérias, 1979; Petermann and Seibert, 1979; Ozenda et al., 1979; Timbal, 1981; Oberdorfer, 1990; Rodwell, 1991.','Asperulo-Fagenion (Galio odorati-Fagenion)','Forêts médio-européennes ou atlantiques sur sols neutres ou voisins de la neutralité, avec humus doux (mull), caractérisées par une forte représentation d''espèces appartenant aux groupes écologiques d''Anemone nemorosa, ou Lamiastrum galeobdolon, ou Galium odoratum et Melica uniflora, et, dans les montagnes, divers Dentaria ; formation à strate herbacée plus riche et plus abondante que 41.11 et 41.12.','Vanden Berghen et Coûteau, 1955 ; Noirfalise, 1962, 1984, 1986, 1987 ; Noirfalise et Sougnez, 1963 ; Ellenberg, 1963, 1988 ; Sougnez, 1967 ; Dethioux, 1969 ; Coûteau, 1969 ; Renault, 1978 ; Rogister, 1978 ; Ozenda, 1979, 1982, 1985 ; Bournérias, 1979 ; Ozenda et al. 1979 ; Timbal, 1981 ; Oberdorfer, 1990 ; Rodwell, 1991.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.131','41.13','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Hêtraies à Mélique','Wood melick beech forests','Melico-Fagetum, Asperulo-Fagetum, Cardamino bulbiferae-Fagetum, Hordelymo-Fagetum, Lathyro-Fagetum','Medio-European collinar beech and beech-oak forests of the Hercynian arc and peripheral regions, the Jura, Lorraine, the Paris basin, Burgundy and a few localities of the North Sea - Baltic plain.','','Melico-Fagetum, Asperulo-Fagetum, Cardamino bulbiferae-Fagetum, Hordelymo-Fagetum, Lathyro-Fagetum','Hêtraies et chênaies-hêtraies collinéennes médio-européennes de l''arc hercynien et des régions périphériques, du Jura, de la Lorraine, du Bassin parisien et de la Bourgogne.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.1311','41.131','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Hêtraies calciclines à Mélique','Calcicline wood melick beech forests','','Slightly-moist beech forests developed over calcareous bedrock on stony, neutral or weakly acid rendzina or similar humus-carbonate soils, with Galium odoratum, Melica uniflora, Mercurialis perennis, Lathyrus vernus, Asarum europaeum, Hordelymus europaeus, Epipactis helleborine, E. leptochila, Neottia nidus-avis, Circaea lutetiana, Viola reichenbachiana.','','','Hêtraies légèrement fraîches développées sur roche mère calcaire avec des sols caillouteux, neutres ou faiblement acides, parfois à humus carbonaté, avec Galium odoratum, Melica uniflora, Mercurialis perennis, Lathyrus vernus, Asarum europaeum, Hordelymus europaeus, Epipactis helleborine, E. leptochila, Neottia nidus-avis, Circaea lutetiana, Viola reichenbachiana.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.1312','41.131','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Hêtraies neutroclines à Mélique','Neutrocline wood melick beech forests','','Beech forests developed on a more or less deep layer of brown loess-loam, less rich in calciphile plants and richer in acid- and drought- tolerant species; Melica uniflora (in northern formations) and Galium odoratum are usually well represented; Carex brizoides, C. pilosa, Milium effusum are characteristic of various sub-types.','','','Hêtraies développées sur des sols plus ou moins profonds de lœss argileux brun, moins riches en plantes calciphiles et plus riches en espèces tolérantes à la sécheresse et à l''acidité ; Melica uniflora (dans les formations du nord) et Galium odoratum sont habituellement bien représentés ; Carex brizoides, C. pilosa, Milium effusum sont caractéristiques de divers sous-types.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.132','41.13','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Hêtraies à Jacinthe des bois','Bluebell beech forests','Endymio-Fagetum','Atlantic beech and beech-oak forests with Hyacinthoides non-scripta, of southern England, the Boulonnais, Picardy, the Oise, Lys and Schelde basins.','','Endymio-Fagetum','Hêtraies et chênaies-hêtraies atlantiques avec Hyacinthoides non-scripta, du Boulonnais, de la Picardie et des bassins de l''Oise, de la Seine, de la Lys et de l’Escaut.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.1321','41.132','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Hêtraies calciclines à Jacinthe des bois','Calcicline bluebell beech forests','','Atlantic beech, beech-oak or beech-ash forests developed on base-rich and calcareous soils, particularly of limestone scarplands, of southern England (Fagus sylvatica-Mercurialis perennis woodland) and neighbouring regions of western France.','','','Hêtraies, chênaies-hêtraies ou frênaies-hêtraies atlantiques développées sur des sols calcaires et riches en bases, particulièrement dans les régions calcaires escarpées du sud de l''Angleterre (région boisée à Fagus sylvatica-Mercurialis perennis) et les régions correspondantes de l''ouest de la France.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.1322','41.132','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Hêtraies neutroclines à Jacinthe des bois','Neutrocline bluebell beech forests','','Atlantic beech and beech-ash forests developed on neutral or slightly acid brown soils of southern England (Fagus sylvatica-Rubus fruticosus woodland) and ajacent regions of the mainland.','','','Hêtraies et frênaies-hêtraies atlantiques développées sur des sols bruns neutres ou légèrement acides du sud de l''Angleterre (région boisée à Fagus sylvatica-Rubus fruticosus) et des régions adjacentes du continent.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.133','41.13','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Hêtraies à Dentaires','Bittercress beech forests','Lonicero alpigenae-Fagenion: Abieti-Fagetum, Dentario enneaphyllidi-Fagetum, Aposeri-Fagetum, Dentario heptaphyllidi-Fagetum, Cardamino trifoliae-Fagetum','Montane beech or beech-fir (43.133) formations of the Jura, the northern Alps and the great Hercynian ranges.','','Lonicero alpigenae-Fagenion, Abieti-Fagetum, Dentario enneaphyllidi-Fagetum, Aposeri-Fagetum, Dentario heptaphyllidi-Fagetum, Cardamino trifoliae-Fagetum','Hêtraies ou hêtraies-sapinières (43.133) montagnardes du Jura, du nord des Alpes et des grands massifs hercyniens.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.14','41.1','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Hêtraies neutrophiles pyrénéo-cantabriques','Pyreneo-Cantabrian neutrophile beech forests','Scillo-Fagenion','Neutrophile beech forests of the southwestern Central Massif, the Pyrenees, the Cantabrian mountains, and, very locally, the Northern Iberian Range.','Tüxen and Oberdorfer, 1958; Braun-Blanquet, 1967a; Vanden Berghen, 1969; Dendaletche, 1973; Gruber, 1978; Ozenda, 1979, 1985; Bernard, 1983; Rivas-Martinez et al., 1984; Dupias, 1985; Noirfalise, 1986, 1987; Loidi Arregui, 1987; Diaz Gonzalez and Fernandez Prieto, 1987; Navarro Andres and Valle Gutierrez, 1987; Vigo and Ninot, 1987; Bolos y Capdevila, 1987.','Scillo-Fagenion','Hêtraies neutrophiles du sud-ouest du Massif central, des Pyrénées, des montagnes cantabriques et, très localement, du domaine nord ibérique.','Braun-Blanquet, 1967a ; Vanden Berghen, 1969 ; Dendaletche, 1973 ; Gruber, 1978 ; Ozenda, 1979, 1985 ; Bernard et Fabre, 1983 ; Rivas-Martinez et al., 1984  ; Dupias, 1985 ; Noirfalise, 1986, 1987.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.141','41.14','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Hêtraies pyrénéennes hygrophiles','Hygrophile Pyrenean beech forests','Scillo-Fagetum p.','Humid montane beech and beech-fir (43.141) forests on neutral soils with mild humus (mull) of the western Pyrenees, characterized by the vernal bloom of Scilla lilio-hyacinthus and Lathraea clandestina and by a summer cover rich in ferns (Athyrium filix-femina, Gymnocarpium dryopteris, Asplenium scolopendrium, Dryopteris spp., Polystichum spp.) and species of the ecological group of Melica uniflora and Galium odoratum; they are locally represented in the eastern Pyrenees and the Montes Olositanicos.','','Scillo-Fagetum p.','Hêtraies et hêtraies-sapinières (43.141) montagnardes humides sur sols neutres avec un humus doux (mull) de l''ouest des Pyrénées, caractérisées par la floraison vernale de Scilla lilio-hyacinthus et Lathraea clandestina, et richement pourvues en été de fougères (Athyrium filix-femina, Gymnocarpium dryopteris, Asplenium scolopendrium, Dryopteris spp., Polystichum spp.) et d''espèces du groupe écologique de Melica uniflora et Galium odoratum ; elles sont localement représentées dans les Pyrénées orientales.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.142','41.14','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Hêtraies pyrénéennes mésophiles','Mesophile Pyrenean beech forests','Helleboro-Fagetum','Neutrophilous mesophile beech forests of the Pyrenees, the Montes Olositanicos and the northern Montes Catalanidicos, less species-rich than the preceding, characterized by the abundance of Helleborus viridis ssp. occidentalis.','','Helleboro-Fagetum','Hêtraies neutrophiles et mésophiles des Pyrénées, ... et du nord des monts Catalans, moins riches en espèces que les précédentes, caractérisées par l''abondance d''Helleborus viridis spp. occidentalis.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.143','41.14','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Hêtraies oro-cantabriques sub-humides','Sub-humid oro-Cantabrian beech forests','Carici sylvaticae-Fagetum','Neutrophilous beech forests of the subhumid montane areas of the Cantabrian mountains and, locally, of the Northern Iberian Range, with Carex sylvatica, Galium odoratum, Lathyrus occidentalis, Melica uniflora, Mercurialis perennis, Paris quadrifolia, Scilla lilio-hyacinthus.','','Carici sylvaticae-Fagetum','Hêtraies neutrophiles des secteurs montagnards subhumides des montagnes cantabriques et, localement, du nord du domaine ibérique, avec Carex sylvatica, Galium odoratum, Lathyrus occidentalis, Melica uniflora, Mercurialis perennis, Paris quadrifolia, Scilla lilio-hyacinthus.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.144','41.14','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Hêtraies-sapinières humides du Massif central','Humid Central Massif fir-beech forests','Scillo-Fagetum p.','Fir-birch or beech forests of volcanic soils in the 1100-1600 metre range of the central and southern Massif Central, with Galium odoratum, Euphorbia hyberna, Lilium martagon, Scilla lilio-hyacinthus.','','Scillo-Fagetum p.','Hêtraies-sapinières ou hêtraies développées sur des sols volcaniques, entre 1 100 et 1 600 mètres, dans le centre et le sud du Massif central, avec Galium odoratum, Euphorbia hyberna, Lilium martagon, Scilla lilio-hyacinthus.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.15','41.1','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Hêtraies subalpines','Subalpine beech woods','Aceri-Fagenion','Woods usually composed of low, low-branching trees, with much sycamore (Acer pseudoplatanus) situated near the tree limit, mostly in low mountains with oceanic climate (Vosges, Black Forest, Rhön, Jura, outer Alps, Central Massif, Pyrenees). Herb layer similar to that of 41.13 or locally 41.11 and with elements of adjacent open grasslands.','Ozenda, 1979, 1985; Timbal, 1981; Oberdorfer, 1990.','Aceri-Fagenion','Forêts habituellement composées d''arbres bas, bas-branchus, avec de nombreux érables sycomores (Acer pseudoplatanus), situées près de la limite des arbres, la plupart dans des montagnes basses à climat océanique (Vosges, Forêt-Noire, Rhône, Jura, Alpes externes, Massif central, Pyrénées). Strate herbacée identique à celle de 41.13 ou, localement, de 41.11 avec des éléments des prairies ouvertes adjacentes.','Ozenda, 1979, 1985 ; Timbal, 1981 ; Oberdorfer, 1990.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.16','41.1','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Hêtraies sur calcaire','Beech forests on limestone','Cephalanthero-Fagenion','Xero-thermophile medio-European and Atlantic forests on calcareous, often superficial, soils, usually of steep slopes, with a generally abundant herb and shrub undergrowth, characterized by sedges (Carex digitata, C. flacca, C. montana, C. alba), grasses (Sesleria albicans, Brachypodium pinnatum), orchids (Cephalanthera spp., Neottia nidus-avis, Epipactis leptochila, E. microphylla) and thermophile species, transgressive of the Quercetalia pubescenti-petraeae. The bush-layer includes several calcicolous species (Ligustrum vulgare, Berberis vulgaris) and Buxus sempervirens can dominate.','Tüxen and Oberdorfer, 1958; Duvigneaud, 1961; Noirfalise, 1962, 1984, 1986, 1987; Ellenberg, 1963, 1988; Durin et al., 1964; Bournérias, 1979; Ozenda et al., 1979; Ozenda, 1979, 1982, 1985; Timbal, 1981; Loidi Arregui, 1987; Diaz Gonzalez and Fernandez Prieto, 1987; Navarro Andres and Valle Gutierrez, 1987; Oberdorfer, 1990.)','Cephalanthero-Fagenion','Forêts medio-européennes et atlantiques xéro-thermophiles sur sols calcaires, souvent superficiels, généralement sur des pentes escarpées, avec une sous-strate habituellement garnie d’herbacées et d’arbrisseaux abondants, caractérisée par des Laîches (Carex digitata, C. flacca, C. montana, C. alba), des Graminées (Sesleria albicans, Brachypodium pinnatum), des Orchidées (Cephalanthera spp., Neottia nidus-avis, Epipactis leptochila, E. microphylla) et des espèces thermophiles, transgressives des Quercetalia pubescenti-petraeae. La strate arbustive renferme plusieurs espèces calcicoles (Ligustrum vulgare, Berberis vulgaris) et Buxus sempervirens peut dominer.','Duvigneaud, 1961 ; Noirfalise, 1962, 1984, 1986, 1987 ; Ellenberg, 1963, 1988  ; Durin et al., 1964 ; Bournérias, 1979 ; Ozenda et al., 1979 ; Ozenda, 1979, 1982, 1985 ; Timbal, 1981 ; Oberdorfer, 1990.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.161','41.16','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Hêtraie à laîches','Sedge beech forests','Carici-Fagetum s.l.','Middle European slope sedge and orchid beech woods.','','Carici-Fagetum','Hêtraies médio-européennes de pente à Carex et Orchidées.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.162','41.16','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Hêtraies xérophiles nord-ouest ibériques','North-western Iberian xerophile beech woods','Epipactido helleborine-Fagetum','Beech forests of relatively low precipitation zones of the southern ranges of the Pais Vasco and of superficially dry calcareous soils of the Cordillera Cantabrica, with Brachypodium pinnatum ssp. rupestre, Sesleria argentea ssp. hispanica, Carex brevicollis, C. ornithopoda, C. sempervirens, C. caudata, Cephalanthera damasomium, C. longifolia, Epipactis helleborine, E. microphylla, Neottia nidus-avis.','','Epipactido helleborine-Fagetum','Hêtraies des zones de précipitations relativement faibles sur les versants méridionaux du Pays basque et sols calcaires superficiels secs de la Cordillère cantabrique, avec Brachypodium pinnatum spp. rupestre, Sesleria argentea spp. hispanica, Carex brevicollis, C. ornithopoda, C. sempervirens, Cephalanthera damasonium, C. longifolia, Epipactis helleborine, E. microphylla, Neottia nidus-avis.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.17','41.1','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Hêtraies médio-européennes méridionales','Southern medio-European beech forests','Fagion sylvaticae p.','Forests of the southern flanks of the Alps and the western Mediterranean mountains with an often species-rich herb layer composed of an admixture of medio-European, Mediterranean and local endemic species.','Delvosalle, 1953; Malaisse, 1963, 1964a, b and c, 1975; Vanden Berghen, 1963; Barbero, 1970; Tomaselli, 1973; Baudière, 1974a and b; Ozenda, 1975, 1981, 1985; Gruber, 1978; Dupias, 1985; Gamisans, 1985; Noirfalise, 1986, 1987; Vigo and Ninot, 1987; Bolos y Capdevila, 1987; Bassani, 1987; Ellenberg, 1988.','Fagion sylvaticae p.','Forêts des montagnes ouest-méditerranéennes et du versant méridional des Alpes avec une strate herbacée souvent floristiquement riche, composée d''un mélange d''espèces médio-européennes, méditerranéennes et d''endémiques locales.','Delvosalle, 1953 ; Malaisse, 1963, 1964a, b et c, 1975 ; Vanden Berghen, 1963 ; Barbero, 1970 ; Baudière, 1974a et b ; Ozenda, 1975, 1981, 1985 ; Gruber, 1978  ; Dupias, 1985 ; Gamisans, 1985 ; Noirfalise, 1986, 1987 ; Ellenberg, 1988.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.171','41.17','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Hêtraies acidiphiles des Alpes méridionales et des Apennins','Southern Alpine and Apennine acidophilous beech forests','Luzulo niveae-Fagetum, Luzulo pedemontanae-Fagetum','Acidophilous forests with Luzula nivea and Luzula pedemontana of the Maritime, Ligurian, Insubrian and Illyro-Gardesian Alps and pre-Alps and of the northern and central Apennines.','','Luzulo niveae-Fagetum, Luzulopedemontanae-Fagetum','Forêts acidiphiles avec Luzula nivea et Luzula pedemontana des Alpes et pré-Alpes maritimes, ligures, insubriennes et illyro-gardésiennes et des Apennins septentrionaux et centraux.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.172','41.17','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Hêtraies acidiphiles des Pyrénées orientales et des Cévennes','Eastern Pyrenees and Cévennes acidophilous beech forests','','Similar acidophilous forests of the eastern Pyrenees and Cévennes, with L. nivea, clearly distinguished from forests of the Scillo-Fagenion by their impoverished herb layer, and replacing the more Atlantic forests of the Ilici-Fagenion.','','','Forêts acidiphiles identiques de l''est des Pyrénées et des Cévennes, avec L. nivea, nettement distinctes des forêts du Scillo-Fagenion par leur strate herbacée appauvrie et remplaçant les forêts plus atlantiques de l''Ilici-Fagenion.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.173','41.17','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Hêtraies corses','Corsican beech forests','Poo-Fagetum, Helleboro lividi-Fagetum','Beech forests of Corsica, acidophilous, with Luzula pedemontana, Galium rotundifolium and insular endemics such as Helleborus lividus.','','Poo-Fagetum, Helleboro lividi-Fagetum','Hêtraies de Corse, acidiphiles, avec Luzula pedemontana, Galium rotundifolium et des endémiques insulaires comme Helleborus lividus.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.174','41.17','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Hêtraies neutrophiles des Alpes méridionales et des Apennins','Southern Alpine and Apennine neutrophile beech forests','Trochischanto-Fagetum, Geranio nodosi-Fagetum i.a.','Neutrophile montane beech forests of the southwestern Alps, the Maritime Alps, the Ligurian Alps, the Insubrian, Gardesian and Illyric southern pre-Alps, the northern and central Apennines, with Trochischantes nodiflorus, Geranium nodosum, Calamintha grandiflora, various Dentaria.','','Trochischanto-Fagetum, Geranio nodosi-Fagetum i.a.','Hêtraies montagnardes neutrophiles des Alpes sud-occidentales, des Alpes maritimes, des Alpes ligures, des pré-Alpes méridionales insubriennes et illyro-gardésiennes et des Apennins du nord et du centre, avec Trochischanthes nodiflorus, Geranium nodosum, Calamintha grandiflora, diverses Dentaria.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.1741','41.174','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Hêtraies neutrophiles des Alpes sud-occidentales','South-western Alpine neutrophile beech forests','','Hygrophile and meso-hygrophile forests of the upper montane level of the southwestern outer Alps in the Baronnies, the Ventoux, the Montagne de Lure.','','','Forêts hygrophiles et méso-hygrophiles de l''étage montagnard supérieur des Alpes externes sud-occidentales, dans les Baronnies, le Ventoux, la Montagne de Lure.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.1742','41.174','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Hêtraies neutrophiles des Alpes maritimes','Maritime Alps neutrophile beech forests','','Isolated La Cabanette beech forest of Peira-Cava, in the Maritime Alps, with a unique species cortège.','','','Hêtraies isolées de La Cabanette, de Peira Cava, dans les Alpes maritimes, avec un cortège spécifique unique.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.1743','41.174','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Southern Alpine neutrophile beech forests','','Ligurian, Insubrian, Gardesian and Illyric hygrophile and meso-hygrophile beech forests with Cardamine (Dentaria) spp., including the eastern Cardamine kitaibelii (C. pollyphylos), or with Calamintha grandiflora.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.1744','41.174','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Northern Apennine neutrophile beech forests','','Mesotrophic beech forests of the Toscano-Emilian and Abruzzian Apennines, with Trochiscanthes nodiflora, Geranium nodosum, G. reflexum, Aquilegia vulgaris, Pulmonaria saccharata, Neottia nidus-avis.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.175','41.17','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Hêtraies calcicoles sub-méditerranéennes','Sub-Mediterranean calcicolous beech forests','Buxo-Fagetum','Thermophile beech forests often rich in box and lavender of the warm, calcareous slopes of the southwestern pre-Alps, Haute Provence, Maritime Alps, of the Causses, the eastern Pyrenees, the Aragonese central Pyrenees.','','Buxo-Fagetum','Hêtraies thermophiles souvent riches en Buis et Lavande sur les versants calcaires chauds des Préalpes sud-occidentales, de la Haute-Provence, des Alpes maritimes, des Causses, des Pyrénées orientales.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.1751','41.175','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Hêtraies à Buis','Box beech forests','','Beech forests with an undergrowth dominated by Buxus sempervirens. ','','','Hêtraies avec une strate inférieure dominée par Buxus sempervirens.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.1752','41.175','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Hêtraies à Androsace','Androsace beech forests','','Beech forests with a more reduced shrub layer and an herb layer characterized by the presence of the restricted southwestern Alpine endemics Androsace chaixii and Fritillaria involucrata.','','','Forêts de Hêtres avec une strate buissonnante plutôt réduite et une strate herbacée caractérisée par la présence des endémiques strictement alpines sud-occidentales Androsace chaixii et Fritillaria involucrata.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.1753','41.175','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Hêtraies à Lavande','Lavender beech forests','','Beech forests with Lavandula angustifolia.','','','Forêts de Hêtres avec Lavandula angustifolia.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.1754','41.175','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Hêtraies de la Sainte-Baume','Sainte-Baume beech forest','','Isolated, species-rich beech forest of the Sainte-Baume range of Provence, characterized by the strong representation of evergreen undergrowth, the development of the vegetation strata and the multiple waves of flowering. Among accompanying species are Taxus baccata, Ilex aquifolium, Acer opulifolium, Viburnum lantana, Coronilla emerus, Ruscus aculeatus, Mycelis muralis, Lilium martagon, Neottia nidus-avis, Helleborus foetidus, Digitalis lutea.','','','Hêtraies isolées de la Sainte-Baume dans la région provençale, floristiquement riche, caractérisée par la forte représentation d''une sous-strate sempervirente, le développement de la végétation de cette strate et les sous-bois fleuris. Parmi les espèces accompagnatrices on peut citer Taxus baccata, Ilex aquifolium, Acer opalus, Viburnum lantana, Coronilla emerus, Ruscus aculeatus, Mycelis muralis, Lilium martagon, Neottia nidus-avis, Helleborus foetidus, Digitalis lutea.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.176','41.17','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Beech forests with hop-hornbeam','Ostryo-Fagenion','Thermophile calcicolous forests rich in Ostrya and Fraxinus ornus of the sub-montane level of the Ligurian and Gardesian southern pre-Alps, mostly reduced to tall coppice.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.18','41.1','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Southern Italian beech forests','Geranio versicolori-Fagion','Forests of Italian mountains, south of 42[0]N. They are highly fragmented and harbour many endemics. Altidudinal and hygric variants can be distinguished.','Bonin, 1968; Fenaroli, 1970; Tomaselli, 1973; Ozenda, 1973, 1979; Bonin and Gamisans,1976; Ozenda et al., 1979; Pignatti, 1982; Pratesi and Tassi, 1985; Noirfalise, 1986, 1987.','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.181','41.18','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Gargano beech forest','','Monte Gargano Foresta Umbra, rich in Taxus baccata, extremely isolated.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.182','41.18','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Campano-Lucanian beech forests','','Still relatively extensive beech forests of Campania and Basilicata with Daphne laureola, Galium odoratum, Ranunculus brutius, Geranium versicolor, Melica uniflora, Lathyrus venetus, Euphorbia amygdaloides, Aquilegia vulgaris, A. viscosa, Cardamine bulbifera.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.183','41.18','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Pollino beech forests','','Extensive calcicolous beech forests of the montane level of the Pollino system, with Lathyrus venetus, Daphne laureola, Melica uniflora, Ranunculus brutius, Geranium versicolor, Doronicum orientale, Calamintha grandiflora, Epipactis microphylla, E. gracilis, E. purpurata, Monotropa hypopitys.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.184','41.18','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Sila beech forests','','Silicicolous beech forests occupying more humid locations of the Sila, alternating with forests of Pinus laricio.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.185','41.18','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Aspromonte beech forests','','Silicicolous beech forests of the Aspromonte range of Calabria with Taxus baccata, Populus tremula, Sorbus aucuparia, Betula pendula.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.186','41.18','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Northern Sicilian beech forests','','Relict beech forests of the Madonie, Nebrodi and, very locally, the monti Peloritani, with Ilex aquifolium, Daphne laureola, Crataegus monogyna, Prunus spinosa.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.187','41.18','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Etna beech forests','','Isolated beech forests of Mount Etna, at the southern limit of the range of the species.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.19','41.1','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Balkanic beech forests','Fagion moesiacum','Forests of the mountains of northeastern Greece (Vermion, Vernon, border ranges of northern Macedonia, the Chalkidiki, Thrace, and locally, Olympus and Ossa), with a pronounced medio-European character, marked by the frequency of Acer pseudoplatanus, Quercus petraea, Fragaria vesca, Oxalis acetosella, mostly without fir, or, very locally, with Abies alba.','Horvat et al., 1974; Ozenda, 1975, 1979; Mavrommatis, 1978; Gamisans and Hebrard, 1979; Noirfalise, 1987.','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.1A','41.1','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Hellenic beech forests','Fagion hellenicum','Forests of the central Pindus, the Smolikas, the Grammos, the Hasia and Olympus, with reduced medio-European character and high endemism, characterized by Abies borisii-regis, Doronicum caucasicum, Galium laconicum, Lathyrus venetus, Helleborus cyclophyllus.','Horvat et al., 1974; Ozenda, 1975, 1979; Gamisans and Hebrard, 1979; Strid, 1980; Noirfalise, 1987.','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.1B','41.1','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Beech forests with Hungarian oak','Quercion frainetto p.','More thermophile forests of the transition zone between the supra-Mediterranean and montane levels of Thrace and Macedonia, characterized by the presence of numerous species of the Quercion frainetto.','Gamisans and Hebrard, 1979.','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.2','41','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Chênaies-charmaies','Oak-hornbeam forests','Carpinion betuli','Atlantic and medio-European forests dominated by Quercus robur or Q. petraea, on eutrophic or mesotrophic soils, with usually ample and species-rich herb and bush layers. Carpinus betulus is generally present. They occur under climates too dry or on soils too wet or too dry for beech or as a result of forestry practices favoring oaks.','Mullenders, 1955; Breton, 1957; Vanden Berghen and Mullenders, 1957; Ellenberg, 1963, 1988; Izard et al., 1963; Tanghe, 1964b, 1967, 1968, 1970; Gaussen, 1964; Dupias, 1966, 1985; Durin et al., 1967; Oberdorfer, 1967, 1990; Sougnez, 1967; Noirfalise, 1968, 1969, 1984, 1986, 1987; Couteaux, 1969; Lavergne, 1969; Duvigneaud and Denaeyer-De Smet, 1970; Fenaroli, 1970; Barbero et al., 1971; Dendaletche, 1973; Sougnez, 1973, 1978; Baudière, 1974a; Bugnon and Rameau, 1974; Richard, 1974; Ozenda and Wagner, 1975; Westhoff and den Held, 1975; Caron and Géhu, 1976; Chastagnol et al., 1978; Dethioux, 1978; Braque, 1979; Ozenda et al., 1979; Rameau and Timbal, 1979; Thill and Palm, 1979; Bournérias, 1979, 1984; Chastagnol and Vilks, 1982; Bernard, 1983; Botineau and Chastagnol, 1983; Gésan and Plat, 1983; Rivas-Martinez et al., 1984; Ozenda, 1985; Loidi Arregui, 1987; Diaz Gonzalez and Fernandez Prieto, 1987; Navarro Andres and Valle Gutierrez, 1987; Bolos y Capdevila, 1987; Vigo and Ninot, 1987; Gruber, 1988; Rodwell, 1991.','Carpinion betuli','Forêts atlantiques et médio-européennes dominées par Quercus robur ou Q. petraea sur des sols eutrophes ou mésotrophes avec généralement des strates herbacée et arbustive bien développées et spécifiquement riches. Carpinus betulus est généralement présent. Elles se forment sous des climats trop secs ou sur des sols trop humides ou trop secs pour le hêtre ou encore à la faveur de pratiques forestières visant à favoriser les Chênes.','Mullenders, 1955 ; Breton, 1957 ; Vanden Berghen et Mullenders, 1957 ; Ellenberg, 1963, 1988 ; Izard et al., 1963 ; Tanghe, 1964b, 1967, 1968-1970 ; Gaussen, 1964 ; Dupias, 1966, 1985 ; Durin et al., 1967 ; Oberdorfer, 1967, 1990 ; Sougnez, 1967 ; Noirfalise, 1968, 1969, 1984, 1986, 1987 ; Coûteau, 1969 ; Lavergne, 1969 ; Duvigneaud et Denaeyer-De Smet, 1970 ; Barbero et al., 1971 ; Dendaletche, 1973 ; Sougnez, 1973, 1978 ; Baudière, 1974a ; Bugnon et Rameau, 1974 ; Richard, 1974 ; Ozenda et Wagner, 1975 ; Westhoff et den Held, 1975 ; Caron et Gehu, 1976 ; Chastagnol et al., 1978 ; Dethioux, 1978 ; Braque, 1979 ; Ozenda et al., 1979 ; Rameau et Timbal, 1979 ; Thill et Palm, 1979 ; Bournérias, 1979, 1984 ; Chastagnol et Vilks, 1982 ; Bernard, 1983 ; Botineau et Chastagnol, 1983 ; Gésant et Plat, 1983 ; Rivas-Martinez et al., 1984 ; Ozenda, 1985 ; Grüber, 1988 ; Rodwell, 1991.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.21','41.2','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Chênaies atlantiques mixtes à Jacinthes des bois','Mixed Atlantic bluebell oak forests','Endymio-Carpinetum, Corylo-Fraxinetum p.','Atlantic forests of the British Isles, western Belgium and northwestern France, mostly on more or less water-retaining soils, characterized by a diverse tree layer, dominated by Quercus robur and rich in Fraxinus excelsior, and by an herb layer rich in species of the group of Hyacinthoides non-scripta. Included are British Quercus robur-Pteridium aquilinum-Rubus fruticosus woodlands.','','Endymio-Carpinetum, Corylo-Fraxinetum p.','Forêts atlantiques des îles Britanniques, de la Belgique occidentale et du nord-ouest de la France, principalement sur des sols plus ou moins hydromorphes, caractérisées par une strate arborescente hétérogène, dominées par Quercus robur et riche en Fraxinus excelsior, et par une strate herbacée riche en espèces du groupe de Hyacinthoides non-scripta.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.22','41.2','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Frênaies-chênaies et chênaies-charmaies aquitaniennes','Aquitanian ash-oak and oak-hornbeam forests','Rusco-Carpinetum, Saniculo-Carpinetum','Ash-oak forests of valley bottoms and cool, damp lower slopes of Southwestern France, south to the Pyrenean piedmont, with Sorbus torminalis, Ruscus aculeatus and many thermocline, acidocline and Mediterraneo-Atlantic species.','','Rusco-Carpinetum, Saniculo-Carpinetum','Frênaies-chênaies de fonds de vallée et de la base des versants, frais et humides du sud-ouest de la France, du piedmont pyrénéen, avec Sorbus torminalis, Ruscus aculeatus et d''autres espèces thermoclines, acidoclines et méditerranéo-atlantiques.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.23','41.2','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Frênaies-chênaies sub-atlantiques à primevère','Sub-Atlantic oxlip ash-oak forests','Primulo-Carpinetum','Oak-hornbeam forests rich in ash, on more or less wet, meso-eutrophic soils, in regions of moderate Atlantic influence, characterized by the abundance of species of the ecological groups of Primula elatior, of Lamium galeobdolon, of Anemone nemorosa and by the absence of Hyacinthoides non-scripta.','','Primulo-Carpinetum','Chênaies-charmaies riches en Frênes, sur des sols méso-eutrophes plus ou moins humides, dans des régions sous influence atlantique modérée, caractérisées par l''abondance des espèces des groupes écologiques : Primula elatior, Lamiastrum galeobdolon, Anemone nemorosa et par l''absence de Hyacinthoides non-scripta.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.231','41.23','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Frênaies-chênaies à Arum','Arum ash-oak forests','','Typical neutrocline and acidocline ash-oak forests with primrose, developed on silts, marls and clays, characterized by the presence of the ecological groups of Galium odoratum of Arum maculatum, or by the abundance of Lamium galeobdolon.','','','Frênaies-chênaies neutrocline et acidocline typique avec Primevère, développées sur des argiles et des marnes, caractérisées par la présence des groupes écologiques Galium odoratum, Arum maculatum, ou par l''abondance de Lamiastrum galeobdolon.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.232','41.23','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Frênaies-chênaies à Corydale','Corydalis ash-oak forests','','Ash-oak forests occupying damp colluvions at the bottom of slopes in valleys within sub-Atlantic forests, characterized by the presence of the group of Anemone ranunculoides, Corydalis solida, Gagea lutea and Lathraea squamaria or of Aconitum vulparia, transitional to ravine or alluvial forests.','','','Frênaies-chênaies installées sur des colluvions humides accumulées au bas des versants en fond de vallées à l''intérieur de forêts sub-atlantiques, caractérisées par la présence du groupe écologique à Anemone ranunculoides (Corydalis solida, Gagea lutea et Lathraea squamaria ou Aconitum vulparia), et formant la transition avec les forêts de ravins ou alluviales.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.233','41.23','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Frênaies-chênaies à Ail','Garlic ash-oak forests','','Ash-oak forests rich in Allium ursinum, of alluvial terraces and adjacent colluvions.','','','Frênaies-chênaies riche en Allium ursinum, installées sur terrasses alluviales et sur les colluvions adjacentes.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.24','41.2','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Chênaies-charmaies à Stellaire sub-atlantiques','Sub-Atlantic stitchwort oak-hornbeam forests','Stellario-Carpinetum s. l.','Sub-Atlantic and medio-European forests of Quercus robur and Quercus petraea, on meso-oligotrophic and less hydromorphic soils, characterized by the replacement of the groups of Primula elatior and Lamium galeobdolon by those of Deschampsia flexuosa and of Maianthemum bifolium, transgressives from the Quercion.','','Stellario-Carpinetum s.l.','Forêts subatlantique et médio-européenne à Quercus robur et Quercus petraea, sur des sols méso-oligotrophes, plus ou moins hydromorphes, caractérisées par le remplacement des groupes à Primula elatior et Lamiastrum galeobdolon par ceux à Deschampsia flexuosa et Maianthemum bifolium, transgressives du Quercion robori-petraeae.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.241','41.24','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Chênaies-charmaies du Nord-Ouest','North-western oak-hornbeam forests','Stellario-Carpinetum s. s.','Typical formations of northern Europe, the eastern Paris basin and Lorraine, with Stellaria holostea, Carex brizoides, Narcissus pseudonarcissus, Polygonatum verticillatum, Potentilla sterilis, Ranunculus nemorosus, Poa chaixii, Luzula sylvatica, L. luzuloides.','','Stellario-Carpinetum s.s.','Formations typiques du nord de l''Europe, du Bassin parisien oriental et de la Lorraine, avec Stellaria holostea, Carex brizoides, Narcissus pseudonarcissus, Polygonatum verticillatum, Potentilla sterilis, Ranunculus nemorosus, Poa chaixii, Luzula sylvatica, L. luzuloides.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.242','41.24','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Chênaies-charmaies de Lorraine sur marnes','Lorraine marl oak-hornbeam forests','Pulmonario-Carpinetum','Oak-hornbeam forests of Lorraine marls, with Quercus robur, Carpinus betulus, Acer campestre, Sorbus torminalis, Lonicera xylosteum, Galium odoratum, Carex umbrosa, Pulmonaria obscura and Ornithogalum pyrenaicum.','','Pulmonario-Carpinetum','Chênaies-charmaies sur marnes de Lorraine, avec Quercus robur, Carpinus betulus, Acer campestre, Sorbus torminalis, Lonicera xylosteum, Galium odoratum, Carex umbrosa, Pulmonaria obscura et Ornithogalum pyrenaicum.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.243','41.24','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Chênaies-charmaies collinéennes du Bourgogne','Burgundy collinar oak-hornbeam forests','Scillo-Carpinetum p., Poo-Carpinetum','Oak-hornbeam forests of the mesozoic hills and plateaux of northwestern Burgundy (Nivernais, Langres plateau, Barrois, Morvan piedmont).','','Scillo-Carpinetum p., Poo-Carpinetum','Chênaies-charmaies des collines et plateaux du mésozoïque du nord-ouest de la Bourgogne (Nivernais, Plateau de Langres, Barrois, Piémont du Morvan).','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.244','41.24','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Chênaies-charmaies des plaines du Bourgogne','Burgundy plain oak-hornbeam forests','','Oak-hornbeam forests of the Saône plain in southern Burgundy and Bresse, of the southern Lyonnais and of the Limagne basin, including the outstanding multicentury-old stands of Cîteaux and similar stations.','','','Chênaies-charmaies de la plaine de la Saône dans le sud de la Bourgogne et de la Bresse, du Lyonnais méridional et du Bassin de la Limagne, incluant les peuplement pluriséculaires de Citeaux et de stations similaires.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.25','41.2','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Chênaies-charmaies faméniennes','Famennian oak-hornbeam forests','Stellario-Carpinetum caricetosum','Sub-Atlantic forests, generally with a low canopy, on soils with an alternating hydric regime, characterized by the abundance of Carex flacca and the coexistence of acidocline and calcicline species.','','Stellario-Carpinetum caricetosum','Forêts subatlantiques, généralement avec une canopée basse, sur sols à régime hydrique alternant, caractérisées par l''abondance de Carex flacca et la coexistence d''espèces acidiclines et calciclines.','','FALSE','FALSE','CBN Bailleul','Information E. Catteau.');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.26','41.2','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Chênaies-charmaies orientales','Eastern oak-hornbeam forests','Galio-Carpinetum, Tilio-Carpinetum','Sub-continental and continental forests dominated by Quercus petraea and richer in lime, Tilia cordata, than the previous formations.','','Galio-Carpinetum, Tilio-carpinetum','Forêts sub-continentales et continentales dominées par Quercus petraea et plus riches en Tilleuls, Tilia cordata, que les formations précédentes.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.261','41.26','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Chênaies-charmaies à Gaillet des bois','Wood bedstraw oak-hornbeam forests','Galio-Carpinetum','Oak-hornbeam forests of regions with sub-continental climate within the central European range of Fagus sylvatica, such as the Upper Rhine plain, the rain shadows of the Harz, Rhön and Spessart, the Swabian-Franconian basin, the Bavarian plateau and Thuringe, with Sorbus torminalis, S. domestica, Ligustrum vulgare, Convallaria majalis, Carex montana, C. umbrosa, Festuca heterophylla.','','Galio-Carpinetum','Chênaies-charmaies des régions caractérisées par un climat subcontinental à l''intérieur de l’aire centre européenne de Fagus sylvatica, comme la haute plaine du Rhin, ..., du Rhône, ..., avec Sorbus torminalis, S. domestica, Ligustrum vulgare, Convallaria majalis, Carex montana, C. umbrosa, Festuca heterophylla.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.262','41.26','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Forêts mixtes de Tilleuls de Chênes et de Charmes','Mixed lime-oak-hornbeam forests','Tilio-Carpinetum','Lime-oak forests of eastern central European regions with continental climate, east of the range of Fagus sylvatica, with Quercus petraea, Q. robur, Tilia cordata, Acer platanoides, Carpinus betulus.','','Tilio-Carpinetum','Forêts de Tilleuls et de Chênes de l''est de l''Europe centrale sous un climat continental, à l''est du secteur de Fagus sylvatica, avec Quercus petraea, Q. robur, Tilia cordata, Acer platanoides, Carpinus betulus.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.27','41.2','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Chênaies-charmaies et frênaies-charmaies calciphiles','Calciphile oak-hornbeam and ash-oak forests','Antherico-carpinetum, Carici-Carpinetum (Ligustro-Carpinetum), Scillo-Carpinetum p., i.a.','Often low, open formations dominated by Quercus robur or Q. petraea, developed on superficial to deep soils associated with calcareous substrates in southern Germany, eastern and southern Belgium, eastern and central France; they generally constitute substitution forests of the Cephalanthero-Fagion, either regressive phases brought about by coppicing or recolonisation phases permitted by abandonment of Bromion grasslands.','','Antherico-Carpinetum, Carici-Carpinetum (Ligustro-Carpinetum), Scillo-Carpinetum p., i.a.','Formations souvent basses, ouvertes dominées par Quercus robur ou Q. petraea, développées sur des sols superficiels à profonds associés à des substrats calcaires dans le sud de l''Allemagne, l''est et le sud de la Belgique, l''est et le centre de la France ; elles constituent généralement des forêts de substitution du Cephalanthero-Fagion, soit des phases régressives entretenues par le traitement en taillis, soit des phases de recolonisation après l''abandon de pelouses de Bromion erecti.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.271','41.27','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Chênaies-charmaies xérophiles sur calcaire','Limestone xerophile oak-hornbeam forests','','Generally low formations characteristic of superficial calcareous soils on often steep sunny slopes of southern Germany, southern Belgium and eastern France, with Quercus rubor (usually dominent), Q. petraea, Tilia platyphyllos, Fraxinus excelsior, Carpinus betulus, Acer campestre, Corylus avellana, Cornus sanguinea, C. mas, Crataegus laevigata, C. monogyna, Prunus spinosa, Evouymus europaeus, Ligustrum vulgare, Viburnum lantana, Daphne laureola, Primula veris, Viola hirta, Mercurialis perennis, Scilla bifolia, Orchis mascula, Carex digitata, C. montana.','','','Formations généralement basses caractéristiques des sols calcaires superficiels sur des pentes souvent abruptes et ensoleillées du sud de l''Allemagne, du sud de la Belgique et de l''est de la France, avec Quercus robur (habituellement dominant), Q. petraea, Tilia platyphyllos, Fraxinus excelsior, Carpinus betulus, Acer campestre, Corylus avellana, Cornus sanguinea, C. mas, Crataegus laevigata, C. monogyna, Prunus spinosa, Euonymus europaeus, Ligustrum vulgare, Viburnum lantana, Daphne laureola, Primula veris, Viola hirta, Mercurialis perennis, Scilla bifolia, Orchis mascula, Carex digitata, C. montana.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.272','41.27','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Chênaies-charmaies xérophiles sur schistes','Schist xerophile oak-hornbeam forests','','Low, open formations characteristic of steeep, sunny slopes on slightly calcareous schists in the Ardenne-Eifel periphery, with Quercus petraea (dominent), Carpinus betulus, Quercus robur, Sorbus torminalis, S. aria, Pyrus pyraster, Malus sylvestris, Prunus avium, Amelanchier ovalis, Stellaria holostea, Anemone sylvestris, Silene nutans, S. inflata, Campanula persicifolia, Anthericum liliago, Melica nutans, Carex montana.','','','Formations basses et ouvertes caractéristiques des pentes abruptes et ensoleillées sur des schistes légèrement calcaires, dans la périphérie des Ardennes, de l''Eifel, avec Quercus petraea (dominant), Carpinus betulus, Quercus robur, Sorbus torminalis, S. aria, Pyrus pyraster, Malus sylvestris, Prunus avium, Amelanchier ovalis, Stellaria holostea, Anemone sylvestris. Silene nutans, S. inflata, Campanula persicifolia, Anthericum liliago, Melica nutans, Carex montana.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.273','41.27','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Chênaies-charmaies calciphiles','Calciphile ash-oak forests','','Formations richer in Fraxinus excelsior and in species characteristic of well-drained, often deep, sometimes rocky, moist or partly dry calcareous soils on gentle slopes of the south Paris basin and adjacent regions, with Quercus robur, Fraxinus excelsior, Carpinus betulus, Acer campestre, Cornus mas, Pyrus pyraster, Daphne laureola, Arum italicum, Asarum europaeum, Doronicum plantagineum, Helleborus foetidus, Hepatica triloba, Orobanche hederae, Lilium martagon, Carex montana.','','','Formations plus riches en Fraxinus excelsior et en espèces caractéristiques des sols calcaires bien drainés, souvent profonds, quelquefois rocheux, humides ou partiellement secs, sur pentes douces du sud du Bassin parisien et des régions adjacentes, avec Quercus robur, Fraxinus excelsior, Carpinus betulus, Acer campestre, Cornus mas, Pyrus pyraster, Daphne laureola, Arum italicum, Asarum europaeum, Doronicum plantagineum, Helleborus foetidus, Hepatica nobilis, Orobanche hederae, Lilium martagon, Carex montana.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.28','41.2','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Chênaies-charmaies sud-alpines','Southern Alpine oak-hornbeam forests','Salvio-Fraxinetum, Physospermo-Quercetum petraeae, Euphorbio-Carpinetum','Fragmentary mesophile or mesohygrophile formations of the Insubrian pre-Alps, the Ligurian Apennines, the Esterel and the Tanneron and very locally, the southern French Alps (forêt du Saou, Drôme), with Quercus petraea, Q. robur, Fraxinus excelsior, Tilia platyphyllos, T. cordata and Carpinus betulus, developed on deep soils in conditions of sufficient atmospheric and edaphic humidity.','','Salvio-Fraxinetum, Physospermo-Quercetum petraea, Euphorbio-Carpinetum','Formations mésophiles ou méso-hygrohiles fragmentaires des Pré-Alpes insubriennes, des Apennins ligures, de l''Estérel et du Tanneron et, très localement, des Alpes du sud-est de la France (forêt du Saou, Drôme) avec Quercus petraea, Q. robur, Fraxinus excelsior, Tilia platyphyllos, T. cordata et Carpinus betulus, développées sur des sols profonds dans des conditions suffisantes d''humidité atmosphérique et édaphique.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.29','41.2','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Chênaies-frênaies pyrénéo-cantabriques','Pyreneo-Cantabrian oak-ash forests','Polysticho setiferi-Fraxinetum excelsioris, Crataego laevigatae-Quercetum roboris, Mercurialidi perennis-Fraxinetum excelsioris, Isopyro-Quercetum roboris','Forests dominated by Quercus robur, or, in parts of the Pyrenees and in the Oro-Cantabrian interior, Q. petraea, with Fraxinus excelsior, Tilia platyphyllos, Corylus avellana, Acer campestre, A. pseudoplatanus, Prunus avium, Ulmus glabra, many shrubs and lianas, abundant Hedera helix, many ferns, such as Polystichum setiferum, Dryopteris affinis, D. dilatata, Asplenium scolopendrium, and with Arum italicum, Veronica montana, Hypericum androsaemum, Primula vulgaris, Pulmonaria longifolia, Helleborus viridis ssp. occidentalis, Isopyrum thalictroides, Ajuga reptans, Carex sylvatica, Bromus racemosus, Melica uniflora, of the collinar, submontane and, in a somewhat impoverished form with Crataegus laevigata, montane levels of the piedmont of the Cordillera Cantabrica, in Navarra, Guipuzcoa, Vizcaya, Cantabria, Asturias and Castilla-Leon, as well as of the submontane level of the northern slope, and locally in Navarra and Catalonia, the southern slope of the Pyrenees.','','Polystico setiferi-Fraxinetum excelsioris, Crataego laevigatae-Quercetum roboris, Mercurialidi perennis-Fraxinetum excelsioris, Isopyro-Quercetum roboris','Forêts dominées par Quercus robur, ou, dans certaines parties des Pyrénées et à l''intérieur des montagnes cantabriques, par Q. petraea, avec Fraxinus excelsior, Tilia platyphyllos, Corylus avellana, Acer campestre, A. pseudoplatanus, Prunus avium, Ulmus glabra, de nombreux arbustes et lianes, Hedera helix abondant, de nombreuses fougères comme Polystichum setiferum, Dryopteris affinis, D. dilatata, Asplenium scolopendrium, et avec Arum italicum, Veronica montana, Hypericum androsaemum, Primula vulgaris, Pulmonaria longifolia, Helleborus viridis subsp. occidentalis, Isopyrum thalictroides, Ajuga reptans, Carex sylvatica, Bromus racemosus, Melica uniflora, des étages collinéens, sub-montagnard et, sous une forme quelque peu appauvrie avec Crataegus laevigata, de l''étage montagnard du piémont des Pyrénées.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.3','41','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Frênaies','Ash forests','Carpinion betuli (Fraxino-Carpinion): Corylo-Fraxinetum p., Polysticho setiferi-Fraxinetum excelsioris p., Mercurialidi perennis-Fraxinetum excelsioris p., Isopyro-Quercetum roboris, Adoxo-Aceretum','Non-alluvial Atlantic or sub-Atlantic forests dominated by Fraxinus excelsior, particulary characterisric of Britain, of the northwestern Iberian peninsula and of the Baltic moraine hills of Mecklenburg. Secondary formations pioneering on abandoned cultivated land (e.g. Belgian Condroz) are included.','Saintenoy-Simon, 1965; Thill, 1970; Bournérias, 1979, 1984; Ozenda et al., 1979; Vanden Berghen, 1979; Noirfalise, 1984, 1986, 1987; Rivas-Martinez et al., 1984; Dupias, 1985; Loidi Arregui, 1987; Diaz Gonzalez and Fernandez Prieto, 1987; Navarro Andres and Valle Gutierrez, 1987; Vigo and Ninot, 1987; Ellenberg, 1988; Rodwell, 1991.','Carpinion betuli (Fraxino-Carpinion) : Corylo-Fraxinetum p., Polysticho setiferi-Fraxinetum excelsioris p., Mercurialidi perennis-Fraxinetum excelsioris p., Isopyro-Quercetum roboris, Adoxo-Aceretum','Forêts atlantiques ou sub-atlantiques non-alluviales dominées par Fraxinus excelsior, caractéristiques en particulier de la Grande-Bretagne, du nord-ouest de la péninsule Ibérique. Sont incluses les formations pionnières secondaires sur des terrains de cultures abandonnés (ex. Condroz belge).','Saintenoy-Simon, 1965 ; Thill, 1970 ; Bournérias, 1979, 1984 ; Ozenda et al., 1979 ; Vanden Berghen, 1979 ; Noirfalise, 1984, 1986, 1987 ; Rivas-Martinez et al., 1984 ; Dupias, 1985 ; Ellenberg, 1988 ; Rodwell, 1991.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.31','41.3','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Ash-rowan-mercury forests','','Forests and woodland of Fraxinus excelsior, with some Ulmus glabra, Acer pseudoplatanus, Quercus petraea, Betula pubescens, Sorbus aucuparia and an understorey dominated by Corylus avellana, often accompanied by Crataegus monogyna or occasionally C. laevigata, characteristic of submontane climates and moist soils on calcareous bedrocks of the northern and western British Isles, particularly in valley heads of the upland fringes, distributed in Ireland, Scotland, northern England, Wales and locally Devon. Ferns (Athyrium filix-femina, Dryopteris spp., Blechnum spicant), grasses (Brachypodium sylvaticum, Deschampsia cespitosa, Poa trivialis, Arrhenatherum elatius, Dactylis glomerata, Holcus lanatus, H. mollis, Agrostis capillaris, Anthoxanthum odoratum), Oxalis acetosella are abundant and characteristic in the field layer, often with Hyacinthoides non-scripta, Mercurialis perennis, tall herbs (Crepis paludosa, C. mollis, Filipendula ulmaria, Conopodium majus, Trollius europaeus) and an extensive and diverse bryophyte flora.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.32','41.3','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','British ash-field maple-mercury forests','','Forests and woodland of Fraxinus excelsior, with Quercus robur (in the south-west), or Q. petraea, Acer pseudoplatanus, Ulmus glabra (in the north-west), with an understorey dominated by Corylus avellana, frequently accompanied by Crataegus monogyna, C. laevigata, Acer campestre, Sambucus nigra, characteristic of often calcareous base-rich soils in relatively warm and dry lowlands of southern Britain, distributed mostly in southern and central England, eastern Wales, southern and eastern Scotland. The field layer comprises Mercurialis perennis, Hyacinthoides non-scripta, Circaea lutetiana, Geum urbanum, Arum maculatum, Viola riviniana, V. reichenbachiana, Sanicula europaea, Lamium galeobdolon, Carex sylvatica; Primula vulgaris and Glechoma hederacea, Anemone nemorosa, Deschampsia cespitosa, Hedera helix, Geranium robertianum, Allium ursinum, Teucrium scorodonia characterize geographical and edaphic subtypes. In humid northern and western Britain, outside of the range of Fagus sylvatica and Carpinus betulus, the separation between this unit and the ravine forests of 41.41, developed on unstable screes and colluvions, is poorly marked.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.33','41.3','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Forêt de frênes pyrénéo-cantabriques','Pyreneo-Cantabrian ash forests','','Fraxinus excelsior-dominated facies of the Pyreneo-Cantabrian ash-oak forests (41.29).','','','Faciès à Fraxinus excelsior dominant des chênaies-frênaies pyrénéo-cantabrique (41.29).','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.34','41.3','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Baltic moschatel ash-sycamore forests','','Fraxinus excelsior forests of Baltic moraine hills (Mecklenburg), possibly related to the peri-Alpine slope-foot forests of 41.43.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.35','41.3','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Frênaies mixtes atlantiques à jacinthe','Mixed Atlantic bluebell ash forests','','Fraxinus excelsior facies of the mixed Atlantic bluebell oak forests (41.21), including ash-dominated facies of British oak-bracken-bramble woodland.','','','Faciès des chênaies mixtes atlantiques à jacinthe dominés par Fraxinus excelsior.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.36','41.3','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Frênaies d''Aquitaine','Aquitanian ash forests','','Fraxinus excelsior-dominated facies of Aquitanian ash-oak forests (41.22).','','','Faciès à Fraxinus excelsior dominant des chênaies-frênaies d''Aquitaine.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.37','41.3','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Frênaies sub-atlantiques','Sub-Atlantic ash forests','','Fraxinus excelsior-dominated facies of sub-Atlantic oxlip oak forests (41.23).','','','Faciès à Fraxinus excelsior des chênaies sub-atlantiques à Primevère.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.38','41.3','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Frênaies calciphiles lutétiennes','Lutetian calciphile ash forests','','Fraxinus excelsior-dominated facies of calciphile oak-ash forests (41.273), characteristic of the French Paris basin, particularly on chalk deposits; their affinities are with the south-eastern British formations of 41.31.','','','Faciès à Fraxinus excelsior dominant des chênaies-frênaies calciphiles, caractéristiques du Bassin parisien français, en particulier sur craies ; elles ont leurs affinités avec les formations britanniques du sud-est de 41.31.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.39','41.3','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Bois de frênes post-culturaux','Post-cultural ash woods','Corylo-Fraxinenalia','Pioneer formations of Fraxinus excelsior occupying abandoned agricultural land.','','Corylo-Fraxinenalia','Formations pionnières de Fraxinus excelsior occupant des terrains agricoles abandonnés.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.4','41','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Forêts mixtes de pentes et ravins','Mixed ravine and slope forests','Tilio-Acerion, Carpinion betuli p.','Cool, moist forests with a multispecific tree layer of variable dominance, most often on more or less abrupt slopes.','Lebrun et al., 1949; Vanden Berghen, 1953, 1969; Tüxen and Oberdorfer, 1958; Tanghe, 1959, 1964a, 1964b, 1968, 1970; Noirfalise, 1960, 1984, 1986, 1987; Duvigneaud and Mullenders, 1962; Roisin and Thill, 1962; Ellenberg, 1963, 1988; Durin et al., 1967; Oberdorfer, 1967, 1990; Seibert, 1969; Duvigneaud and Denaeyer-De Smet, 1970; Horvat et al., 1974; Ozenda and Wagner, 1975; Bournérias, 1979, 1984; Ozenda, 1985; Vigo and Ninot, 1987; Rodwell, 1991.','Tilio-Acerion, Carpion betuli p.','Forêts fraîches et humides possédant une strate arborée plurispécifique de dominance variable, le plus souvent installées sur des pentes plus ou moins abruptes.','Lebrun et al., 1949 ; Vanden Berghen, 1953, 1969 ; Tanghe, 1959, 1964a, 1964b, 1968-1970 ; Noirfalise, 1960, 1984, 1986, 1987 ; Duvigneaud et Mullenders, 1962 ; Roisin et Thill, 1962 ; Ellenberg, 1963, 1988 ; Durin et al., 1967 ; Oberdorfer, 1967, 1990 ; Duvigneaud et Denaeyer-De Smet, 1970 ; Horvat et al., 1974 ; Ozenda et Wagner, 1975 ; Bournérias, 1979, 1984 ; Ozenda, 1985 ; Rodwell, 1991.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.41','41.4','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Forêts de ravin à Frêne et Sycomore','Ravine ash-sycamore forests','Fraxino-Aceretum pseudoplatani (Phyllitido-Fraxinetum, Tilio-Aceretum, Ulmo-Aceretum, Dicrano-Aceretum, Arunco-Aceretum, Lunario-Aceretum, Aceri-Fraxinetum)','Atlantic and medio-European forests of Fraxinus excelsior, Acer pseudoplatanus, A. platanoides, Ulmus glabra, Tilia platyphyllos, Fagus sylvatica, Quercus robur, on unstable scree or colluvions of abrupt, shady and humid slopes, with abundant ferns, characterized by Asplenium scolopendrium and the ecological group of Actaea spicata, Lunaria rediviva and Helleborus viridis.','','Fraxino-Aceretum pseudoplatani (Phyllitido-Fraxinetum, Tilio-Fraxinetum, Ulmo -Aceretum, Dicrano-Aceretum, Arunco-Aceretum, Lunario-Aceretum, Aceri-Fraxinetum)','Forêts atlantiques et médio-européennes de Fraxinus excelsior, Acer pseudoplatanus, A. platanoides, Ulmus glabra, Tilia platyphyllos, Fagus sylvatica, Quercus robur, sur éboulis instables ou sur des colluvions de versants abrupts, ombragés et humides, avec des fougères abondantes, caractérisées par Asplenium scolopendrium et le groupe écologique d''Actaea spicata, Lunaria rediviva et Helleborus viridis.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.42','41.4','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Forêts de pente hercyniennes','Hercynian slope forests','Carpineto-Fraxinetum','Mixed forests of Quercus robur, Q. petraea, Fagus sylvatica, Ulmus glabra, Acer pseudoplatanus, A. platanoides, Tilia platyphyllos, Fraxinus excelsior, Carpinus betulus, Alnus glutinosa, with Hedera helix, Polygonatum verticillatum, Galium odoratum, Ranunculus platanifolius, Centaurea montana, Poa chaixii, Pulmonaria montana, Circaea alpina, Sambucus racemosa of large, shaded slopes of the Ardennes and Lorraine, probably also represented in other Hercynian ranges and their periphery, within the zone of transition from oceanic to continental climates.','','Carpineto-Fraxinetum','Forêts mixtes de Quercus robur, Q. petraea, Fagus sylvatica, Ulmus glabra, Acer pseudoplatanus, A. platanoides, Tilia platyphyllos, Fraxinus excelsior, Carpinus betulus, Alnus glutinosa, avec Hedera helix, Polygonatum verticillatum, Galium odoratum, Ranunculus platanifolius, Centaurea montana, Poa chaixii, Pulmonaria montana, Circaea alpina, Sambucus racemosa sur les grands versants ombragés des Ardennes et de la Lorraine, probablement aussi représentées dans d''autres massifs hercyniens et leur périphérie, dans la zone de transition entre le climat océanique et le climat continental.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.43','41.4','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Forêts de pente alpiennes et péri-alpiennes','Alpine and peri-Alpine slope forests','Aceri-Fraxinetum sensu Etter, 1947','Mixed forests of Acer pseudoplatanus, A. platanoides, Fraxinus excelsior, Ulmus glabra, Fagus sylvatica, Carpinus betulus, Quercus robur developed on colluvial deep soils at the foot of very rainy slopes of the collinar to submontane belts of the Alps and neighbouring ranges, often with Allium ursinum, Mercurialis perennis or the ecological group of Corydalis solida in the luxuriant herb layer; more montane form of 41.42.','','Aceri-Fraxinetum','Forêts mixtes d''Acer pseudoplatanus, A. platanoides, Fraxinus excelsior, Ulmus glabra, Fagus sylvatica, Carpinus betulus, Quercus robur, développées sur des sols colluviaux profonds au pied de versants très arrosés, des étages collinéens à sub-montagnards des Alpes et des régions voisines, souvent avec Allium ursinum, Mercurialis perennis ou le groupe écologique de Corydalis solida au sein d''une strate herbacée luxuriante ; forme plus montagnarde de 41.42 (forêts de pente hercyniennes).','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.44','41.4','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Forêts mixtes pyrénéo-cantabriques de Chênes et d''Ormes','Pyreneo-Cantabrian mixed elm-oak forests','Androsaemo-Ulmetum','Mixed forests of Ulmus glabra, Acer campestre, A. opalus, Fraxinus excelsior, Fagus sylvatica, Quercus petraea, Q. robur, Tilia cordata, T. platyphyllos, Sorbus aria, S. mougeotii, Alnus glutinosa, Pinus sylvestris, Hedera helix, with an understorey comprising numerous shrubs, such as Corylus avellana and Crataegus monogyna, and a rich and luxuriant herb layer including numerous ferns, characteristic of the bottom colluvions of steep, shaded valleys, canyons and gorges of the collinar to montane levels of the Pyrenean and Cantabrian ranges.','','Androsaemo-Ulmetum','Forêts mixtes d''Ulmus glabra, Acer campestre, A. opalus, Fraxinus excelsior, Fagus sylvatica, Quercus petraea, Q. robur, Tilia cordata, T. platyphyllos, Sorbus aria, S. mougeotii, Alnus glutinosa, Pinus sylvestris, Hedera helix, avec une sous-strate comprenant de nombreux arbustes tels que Corylus avellana et Crataegus monogyna et avec une strate herbacée riche et luxuriante comprenant de nombreuses fougères ; caractéristiques des bases de versants avec colluvions dans des vallées ombragées escarpées, des canyons et des gorges des étages collinéen et montagnard des Pyrénées.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.45','41.4','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Forêts thermophiles alpiennes et péri-alpiennes mixtes de Tilleuls','Thermophilous Alpine and peri-Alpine mixed lime forests','Asperulo-Tilietum, Seslerio-Tilietum','Thermophilous forests of Tilia cordata, T. platyphyllos, Acer platanoides, Fraxinus excelsior, Ulmus glabra, Fagus sylvatica with Euonymus latifolia, Corylus avellana, restricted to the warm valleys of the Alpine system and some peripheral ranges, characterized by Asperula taurina, Cyclamen purpurascens and numerous transgressives of the Quercetalia pubescenti-petraeae. These remarkable relict forests are particularly characteristic of the föhn valleys of the Insubrian and northern Alps; they occur in similar situations in the Jura and the Hercynian ranges, north to the Harz.','','Asperulo-Tilietum, Seslerio-Tilietum','Forêts thermophiles de Tilia cordata, T. platyphyllos, Acer platanoides, Fraxinus excelsior, Ulmus glabra, Fagus sylvatica, avec Euonymus latifolia, Corylus avellana, limitées aux vallées chaudes du système alpien et de quelques régions périphériques, caractérisées par Asperula taurina, Cyclamen purpurascens et de nombreuses transgressives des Quercetalia pubescenti-petraeae. Ces remarquables forêts relictuelles sont particulièrement caractéristiques des vallées des Alpes insubriennes et septentrionales soumises au fœhn ; elles se rencontrent dans des situations similaires dans le Jura et dans les massifs hercyniens.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.46','41.4','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Greek chasm forests','','Formations of Aesculus hippocastanum, Juglans regia, Fraxinus excelsior of narrow, warm, humid, shaded ravines, gorge walls and abrupt slopes of the beech zone of the Pindus.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.5','41','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Chênaies acidiphiles','Acidophilous oak forests','Quercion robori-petraeae','Forests of Quercus robur or Q. petraea on acid soils with an herb layer mostly constituted by the ecological groups of Deschampsia flexuosa, Vaccinium myrtillus, Pteridium aquilinum, Lonicera periclymenum, Holcus mollis, and of Maianthemum bifolium, Convallaria majalis, Hieracium sabaudum, Hypericum pulchrum, Luzula pilosa, and the mosses Polytrichum formosum and Leucobryum glaucum.','Roisin, 1962; Ellenberg, 1963, 1988; Oberdorfer, 1967, 1990; Durin et al., 1967; Delelis-Dusollier and Géhu, 1974; Barkman, 1974; Olsson, 1974; Sougnez, 1974; Kelly and Moore, 1974; Tosco, 1975; Westhoff and den Held, 1975; Noirfalise, 1986, 1987.','Quercion robori-petraeae','Forêts à Quercus robur ou à Q. petraea sur sols acides avec une strate herbacée la plupart du temps constituée des groupes écologiques à : Deschampsia flexuosa, Vaccinium myrtillus, Pteridium aquilinum, Lonicera periclymenum, Holcus mollis, et de Maianthemum bifolium, Convallaria maialis, Hieracium sabaudum, Hypericum pulchrum, Luzula pilosa et des mousses Polytrichum formosum et Leucobryum glaucum.','Roisin, 1962 ; Ellenberg, 1963, 1988 ; Oberdorfer, 1967, 1990 ; Durin et al., 1967 ; Delelis-Dussollier et Géhu, 1974 ; Barkman, 1974 ; Sougnez, 1974 ; Westhoff et den Held, 1975 ; Noirfalise, 1986, 1987.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.51','41.5','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Bois de Chênes pédonculés et de Bouleaux','Pedunculate oak and birch woods','Querco-Betuletum, Trientalo-Quercetum roboris','Acidophilous forests of the Baltic-North Sea plain, composed of Quercus robur, Betula pendula and B. pubescens, often mixed with Sorbus aucuparia and Populus tremula, on very oligotrophic, often sandy and podsolized or hydromorphic soils; the bush layer, poorly developed, includes Frangula alnus; the herb layer, formed by the group of Deschampsia flexuosa, always includes Molinia caerulea and is often invaded by bracken. Forests of this type often prevail in the northern European plain, from Jutland to Flanders; they occupy more limited edaphic enclaves in the Ardennes, in northwestern France, Normandy, Brittany, the Paris basin, the Morvan and Great Britain.','Oberdorfer, 1967, 1990; Durin et al., 1967; Tüxen, 1974; Tombal, 1974; Bugnon and Rameau, 1974; Sissingh, 1974; Sougnez, 1974; Clément et al., 1974; Westhoff and den Held, 1975; Bournérias, 1979, 1984; Noirfalise et al., 1980; Aaby, 1983; Noirfalise, 1984, 1987; Ellenberg, 1988.','Querco-Betuletum, Trientalo-Quercetum roboris','Forêts acidiphiles de la plaine de la mer du Nord et de la mer Baltique, composées de Quercus robur, Betula pendula et B. pubescens, souvent mélangées avec Sorbus aucuparia et Populus tremula, sur des sols très oligotrophes, souvent sableux et podzolisées ou hydromorphes ; la strate arbustive peu développée comprend Frangula alnus ; la strate herbacée formée par le groupe de Deschampsia flexuosa, comprend toujours Molinia caerulea et est souvent envahie par des fougères. Les forêts de ce type sont souvent prédominantes dans la plaine européenne nordique, du Jutland aux Flandres ; elles occupent des enclaves édaphiques plus limitées dans les Ardennes, dans le nord-ouest de la France, la Normandie, la Bretagne, le Bassin parisien, le Morvan et la Grande-Bretagne.','Oberdorfer, 1967, 1990 ; Durin et al., 1967 ; Tombal, 1974 ; Bugnon et Rameau, 1974 ; Sissingh, 1974 ; Sougnez, 1974 ; Clément et al., 1974 ; Westoff et den Held, 1975 ; Bournérias, 1979, 1984 ; Noirfalise et al., 1980 ; Noirfalise, 1984, 1987 ; Ellenberg, 1988.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.52','41.5','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Chênaies acidiphiles atlantiques à Hêtres','Atlantic acidophilous oak forests with beech','Fago-Quercetum (Ilici-Quercetum, Polypodio-Quercetum, Convallario-Quercetum, Violo-Quercetum, Holco-Quercetum) ','Forests analogous to those of the Ilici-Fagion but dominated by Quercus petraea, accompanied by Q.robur and Fagus sylvatica. They differ from 41.51 by the representation of the group of Maianthemum bifolium in the herb layer.','Roisin, 1962; Noirfalise and Sougnez, 1963; Oberdorfer, 1967, 1990; Durin et al., 1967; Tüxen, 1974; Sissingh, 1974; Frileux, 1974; Géhu, 1974; Clément et al., 1974; Tombal, 1974; Bugnon and Rameau, 1974; Timbal, 1974; Westhoff and den Held, 1975; Bournérias, 1979, 1984; Aaby, 1983; Noirfalise, 1984, 1987; Rodwell, 1991.','Fago-Quercetum (Ilici-Quercetum, Polypodio-Quercetum, Convallario-Quercetum, Violo-Quercetum, Holco-Quercetum)','Forêts analogues à celle de l''Ilici-Fagion mais dominées par Quercus petraea, accompagné de Quercus robur et de Fagus sylvatica. Elles diffèrent de 41.51 par la représentation du groupe de Maianthemum bifolium dans la strate herbacée.','Roisin, 1962 ; Noirfalise et Sougnez, 1963 ; Oberdorfer, 1967, 1990 ; Durin et al., 1967 ; Sissingh, 1974 ; Frileux, 1974 ; Clément et al., 1974 ; Tombal, 1974 ; Bugnon et Rameau, 1974 ; Timbal, 1974 ; Westoff et den Held, 1975 ; Bournérias, 1979, 1984 ; Noirfalise, 1984, 1987 ; Rodwell, 1991.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.521','41.52','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Forêts de Chênes sessiles du nord-ouest','North-western sessile oak forests','','Typical formations of the Baltic and North Sea plains, Picardy, Normandy, Perche, Paris region, western Morvan, Argonne, middle Belgium.','','','Formations typiques de la plaine de la mer du Nord et de la mer Baltique, la Picardie, la Normandie, le Perche, la région parisienne, le Morvan occidental, l''Argonne, la Belgique centrale.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.522','41.52','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Forêts armoricaine de Chênes sessiles','Armorican sessile oak forests','Polypodio-Quercetum','Formations of Brittany, richer in epiphytes, mosses and evergreen shrubs, transitional to 41.53.','','Polypodio-Quercetum','Formations de Bretagne, plus riches en épiphytes, en mousses et en arbustes sempervirents, formant la transition vers 41.53.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.523','41.52','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Forêts sur dune','Dutch dune oak woods','Convallario-Quercetum dunense','Oak formations on dunes of the Netherlands, with Acer pseudoplatanus, Euonymus europaeus, Primula vulgaris, Cynoglossum officinale, Cirsium palustre, Doronicum pardalianches, D. plantagineum, Convallaria majalis, Hyacinthoides non-scripta, Polygonatum odoratum, Ornithogalum umbellatum, Asparagus officinalis, Calamagrostis epigejos, Carex arenaria, Dryopteris carthusiana, D. dilatata, Mnium hornum.','','Convallario-Quercetum dunense','Formations de Chênes sur dunes des Pays-Bas, avec Acer pseudoplatanus, Euonymus europaeus, Primula vulgaris, Cynoglossum officinale, Cirsium palustre, Doronicum pardalianches, D. plantagineum, Convallaria majalis, Hyacinthoides non-scripta, Polygonatum odoratum, Ornithogalum umbellatum, Asparagus officinalis, Calamagrostis epigejos, Carex arenaria, Dryopteris carthusiana, D. dilatata, Mnium hornum. A rechercher en France N-W.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.524','41.52','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Pennine sessile oak-birch-wavy hairgrass woods','','Woods of Quercus petraea, Betula spp. and Sorbus aucuparia, with abundant ericoid shrubs, in particular Vaccinium myrtillus, Deschampsia flexuosa, ferns, notably Pteridium aquilinum and Dryopteris dilatata, and a rather sparse muscinal layer, which is, however, more diverse than in the next unit. They are characteristic of very acid soils on the Pennine fringes, in north-eastern England, the central Pennines, Lancashire, the Welsh border hills and the western Midlands.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.525','41.52','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','English pedunculated oak-birch-wavy hairgrass woods','','Woods of Quercus robur and Betula pendula, occasionally Quercus petraea, with a species-poor field layer often almost limited to Deschampsia flexuosa and Pteridium aquilinum, with, locally, Calluna vulgaris and Vaccinium myrtillus, characteristic of very acid soils in central, south-eastern, and locally south-western, England. Differentiation from this unit of the uncommon English representatives of 41.51 is probably not well-marked and all highly acidophilous Q. robur stands are perhaps best listed here.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.53','41.5','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Forêts de Chênes sessiles britanniques et irlandaises','British and Irish sessile oak woods','Blechno-Quercetum petraeae','Acidophilous Q. petraea woods of the British Isles, with low, low-branched, trees, with many ferns, mosses, lichens and evergreen bushes; the herb layer is formed by the group of Deschampsia flexuosa.','Massey, 1974; Kelly and Moore, 1974; Ozenda et al., 1979; Condry, 1981; Noirfalise, 1987; Rodwell, 1991.','Blechno-Quercetum petraeae','Forêts acidiphiles à Q. petraea des îles Britannniques, avec des arbres bas, aux branches basses, avec un grand nombre de fougères, de mousses, de lichens et de buissons sempervirents ; la strate herbacée est formée par le groupe de Deschampsia flexuosa.','Massey, 1974 ; Kelly et Moore, 1974 ; Ozenda et al., 1979 ; Condry, 1981 ; Noirfalise, 1987 ; Rodwell, 1991.','FALSE','FALSE','VG','Présent en France au titre de l''habitat UE 91A0 "Vieilles chênaies des îles Britanniques à Ilex et Blechnum".');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.531','41.53','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Irish sessile oak woods','','Formations of Ireland, particulary rich in evergreen bushes, including Arbutus unedo.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.532','41.53','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','British sessile oak woods','','Acidophilous Quercus petraea woods of western Britain, mostly found in Scotland, Cumbria, Wales and south-western England, with a few outliers in northern England, in particular in Yorkshire.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.5321','41.532','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Sessile oak-pubescent birch-wood sorrel woods','','More neutrocline formations, characteristic of argilous soils, shales, colluvions, till and fluvio-glacial deposits, dominated by Quercus petraea - occasionally Q. robur - , with Betula pubescens, B. pendula, Sorbus aucuparia, occasional Tilia cordata, Fraxinus excelsior; the bush layer is generally sparse, with Corylus avellana the most abundant species; grasses are prominent in the herb layer, in particular Holcus mollis, Deschampsia flexuosa, Anthoxanthum odoratum, Agrostis spp., Festuca spp.; Hyacynthoides non-scripta is often a typical vernal dominant; other components of the field layer, some characteristic of various subtypes, are Anemone nemorosa, Trientalis europaea, Viola riviniana, Oxalis acetosella, Galium saxatile, Potentilla erecta, Stellaria holostea, Hypericum pulchrum, Luzula sylvatica, Dryopteris dilatata, Blechnum spicant, Pteridium aquilinum. Bryophytes are abundant and varied, in particular, Rhytidiadelphus squarrosus, Pseudoscleropodium purum, Thuidium tamariscinum, Hylocomium splendens.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.5322','41.532','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Sessile oak-pubescent birch-Dicranum majus woodland','','Highly acidophile formations characteristic of often shallow, strongly leached, soils developed over Palaeozoic sandstones and igneous rocks in cooler and wetter parts of western Britain, dominated by Quercus petraea - rarely Q. robur - with Betula pubescens, B. pendula, Sorbus aucuparia, occasional Tilia cordata, Fraxinus excelsior, Acer pseudoplatanus. Corylus avellana and occasional Ilex aquifolium, together with tree saplings form the bush layer. Grasses (mostly Deschampsia flexuosa), bracken and ericoid shrubs (Vaccinium myrtillus, Calluna vulgaris, Erica cinerea) constitute the herb layer. Bryophytes are abundant and varied, often forming a dense carpet that covers ground, rocks, roots and lower trunks of trees; Dicranum majus, Rhytidiadelphus loreus, Polytrichum formosum, Pleurosum schreberi, Plagiothecium undulatum are characteristic.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.54','41.5','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Chênaies aquitano-ligériennes sur podzols','Aquitano-Ligerian oak forests on podsols','Peucedano-Quercetum roboris','Forests of Q. robur and, sporadically Q. pyrenaica or hybrids, on podzols of southwestern France, with an herb layer constituted by the group of Deschampsia flexuosa, with Molinia caerulea and Peucedanum gallicum.','Braun-Blanquet, 1967; Delelis-Dusollier and Géhu, 1974; Bournérias, 1979, 1984; Noirfalise, 1986, 1987.','Peucedano-Quercetum roboris','Forêts de Quercus robur et, sporadiquement de Q. petraea ou de leurs hybrides, sur podzols du sud-ouest de la France, avec une strate herbacée constituée par le groupe de Deschampsia flexuosa, avec Molinia caerulea et Peucedanum gallicum.','Braun-Blanquet, 1967 ; Delelis Dussolier et Géhu, 1974 ; Bournérias, 1979, 1984 ; Noirfalise, 1986, 1987.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.55','41.5','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Chênaies aquitano-ligériennes sur sols lessivés ou acides','Aquitano-Ligerian oak forests on leached or acid soils','Rusco-Quercetum petraeae','Silicicolous thermocline forests of Quercus petraea, Q. robur, Sorbus torminalis, S. domestica, Pyrus communis, Malus acerba, Ilex aquifolium, Mespilus germanica with an undergrowth of Ruscus aculeatus, Festuca heterophylla, Pulmonaria longifolia, Melica uniflora and the Deschampsia flexuosa and Convallaria majalis groups of the Quercion.','Izard et al., 1963; Lavergne, 1963, 1969; Gaussen, 1964, 1974; Dupias, 1966; Braun-Blanquet, 1967, 1970; Durin et al., 1967; Izard et al., 1968; Delelis-Dusollier and Géhu, 1974; Rameau and Royer, 1974; Chastagnol et al., 1978; Braque, 1979; Bournérias, 1979, 1984; Ozenda et al., 1979; Noirfalise, 1986, 1987.','Rusco-Quercetum petraea','Forêts siliceuses thermoclines de Quercus petraea, Q. robur, Sorbus torminalis, S. domestica, Pyrus communis, Malus acerba, Ilex aquifolium, Mespilus germanicaavec une sous-strate de Ruscus aculeatus, Festuca heterophylla, Pulmonaria longifolia, Melica uniflora et les groupes de Deschampsia flexuosa et Convollaria majalis du Quercion.','Izard et al., 1963 ; Lavergne, 1963, 1969 ; Gaussen, 1964, 1974 ; Dupias, 1966 ; Braun-Blanquet, 1967, 1970 ; Durin et al., 1967 ; Izard et al., 1968 ; Delelis Dussollier et Géhu, 1974 ; Rameau et Royer, 1974 ; Chastagnol et al., 1978 ; Braque, 1979 ; Bournérias, 1979, 1984 ; Ozenda et al., 1979 ; Noirfalise, 1986, 1987.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.56','41.5','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Chênaies acidiphiles ibéro-atlantiques','Ibero-Atlantic acidophilous oak forests','Blechno-Quercetum roboris, Tamo-Quercetum roboris, Linario-Quercetum petraeae, Teucrio-Quercetum petraeae, Veronico-Betuletum, Rusco-Quercetum roboris p., Vaccinio-Quercetum roboris, Narcisso-Quercetum roboris','Forests or tall coppice of Quercus robur or Quercus petraea of the Pyrenees and northwestern Iberia, with an often species-poor herb layer formed by the groups of Deschampsia flexuosa and of Hypericum pulchrum, by Ruscus aculeatus and often various ericaceous plants including Daboecia cantabrica.','Braun-Blanquet et al., 1956; Tüxen and Oberdorfer, 1958; Vanden Berghen, 1969; Dendaletche, 1973; Ozenda et al., 1979; Rivas-Martinez et al., 1984; Dupias, 1985; Loidi Arregui, 1987; Diaz Gonzalez and Fernandez Prieto, 1987; Navarro Andres and Valle Gutierrez, 1987; Bolos y Capdevila, 1987, Vigo and Ninot, 1987; Izco Sevillano, 1987.','Blechno-Quercetum roboris, Tamo-Quercetum roboris, Linario-Quercetum petraeae, Teucro-Quercetum petraeae, Veronica-Betuletum, Rusco-Quercetum roboris p., Vaccinio-Quercetum roboris, Narcisso-Quercetum roboris','Forêts ou taillis élevés de Quercus robur ou de Q. petraea des Pyrénées et du nord de l''Espagne, avec une strate herbacée souvent pauvre en espèces formée des groupes de Deschampsia flexuosa et d''Hypericum pulchrum, aux côtés de Ruscus aculeatus et souvent d''Ericacées comprenant Daboecia cantabrica.','Vanden Berghen, 1969 ; Dendaletche, 1973 ; Ozenda et al., 1979 ; Rivas Martinez et al., 1984 ; Dupias, 1985.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.561','41.56','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Chênaies acidiphiles pyrénéennes','Pyrenean acidophilous oak forests','','Quercus petraea forests, often with Tilia platyphyllos, Prunus avium, Quercus robur, Betula pendula, Sorbus torminalis, Castanea sativa and with Rhamnus frangula, Ilex aquifolium, Mespilus germanica, Corylus avellana, Vaccinium myrtillus, Pteridium aquilinum, Teucrium scorodonia, Melampyrum pratense, Lathyrus montanus, Luzula sylvatica, L. forsteri, Deschampsia flexuosa.','','','Forêts de Quercus petraea, souvent avec Tilia platyphyllos, Prunus avium, Quercus robur, Betula pendula, Sorbus torminalis, Castanea sativa, et avec Rhamnus frangula, Ilex aquifolium, Mespilus germanica, Corylus avellana, Vaccinium myrtillus, Pteridium aquilinum, Teucrium scorodonia, Melampyrum pratense, Lathyrus montanus, Luzula sylvatica, L. forsteri, Deschampsia flexuosa.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.5611','41.561','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Chênaies acidiphiles pyrénéennes mésophiles','Mesophile Pyrenean acidophilous oak forests','Teucrio-Quercetum petraeae','Mesophile, typical formations.','','Teucrio-Quercetum petraeae','Formations typiques mésophiles.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.5612','41.561','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Chênaies acidiphiles pyrénéennes hygrophiles','Hygrophile Pyrenean acidophilous oak forests','Veronico-Beuletum','Hygrophile formations, characteristic of humid ubacs and valley floors, with abundance of Vaccinium myrtillus and presence of beech forest species.','','Veronico-Betuletum','Formations hygrophiles, caractéristiques des ombrées humides et des fonds de vallées, avec en abondance Vaccinium myrtillus et la présence d''espèces de la hêtraie.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.562','41.56','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Cantabrian acidophilous oak forests','','Cantabrian and peri-Cantabrian acidophilous Quercus robur or Q. petraea forests, sometimes rich in Betula celtiberica, Quercus pyrenaica or Castanea sativa, with Teucrium scorodonia, Blechnum spicant, Lonicera periclymenum, Deschampsia flexuosa, Veronica officinalis, Hypericum pulchrum, Lathyrus montanus, Melampyrum pratense, Euphorbia dulcis, E. amygdaloides, Stellaria holostea, Oxalis acetosella, Pteridium aquilinum, Dryopteris dilatata, D. affinis, D. aemula, Oreopteris limbosperma, Polypodium vulgare, Ulex europaeus, U. gallii, Vaccinium myrtillus, Daboecia cantabrica, Erica cinerea, E. vagans.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.5621','41.562','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Eastern Cantabrian acidophilous oak forests','Tamo communis-Quercetum roboris','Cantabro - Euskaldian collinar to montane Quercus robur forests.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.5622','41.562','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Western Cantabrian acidophilous oak forests','Blechno spicanti-Quercetum roboris','Galicio - Asturian collinar to montane Quercus robur forests, richer in western Iberian species such as Linaria triornitophora, Omphalodes nitida, Saxifraga spathularis.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.5623','41.562','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Oro-Cantabrian acidophilous oak forests','Linario triornitophorae-Quercetum petraeae','Oro-Cantabrian montane Quercus petraea forests.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.563','41.56','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Luso-Galician collinar acidophilous oak forests','','Galician and northern Portuguese collinar Quercus robur forests, with Ilex aquifolium, Frangula alnus, Pyrus communis, Laurus nobilis, Crataegus monogyna.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.5631','41.563','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Mesophile Luso-Galician collinar acidophilous oak forests','Rusco aculeati-Quercetum roboris p.','Widely distributed mesophile formations.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.5632','41.563','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Humid Luso-Galician collinar acidophilous oak forests','Narcisso cyclaminei-Quercetum roboris','Meso-hygrophile formations rich in ferns, with Betula celtiberica and the northwestern Iberian endemic Narcissus cyclamineus, limited to valley situations in contact with riparian forests.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.564','41.56','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Luso-Galician montane acidophilous oak forests','Vaccinio myrtilli-Quercetum roboris','Galician and extreme northern Portuguese (Serra do Gerez) montane Quercus robur forests, characterized by the presence of Betula celtiberica, Vaccinium myrtillus, Saxifraga spathularis, Melampyrum pratense and the absence of thermophile, in particular lauriphyllous, species.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.57','41.5','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Chênaies acidiphiles médio-européennes','Medio-European acidophilous oak forests','Luzulo-Quercetum (Genisto tinctoriae-Quercetum petraeae), Sileno-Quercetum petraeae, Calamagrostio-Quercetum','Medio-European acidophilous forests of Quercus petraea, sometimes accompanied by Fagus sylvatica and Q. robur, with a shrub layer comprising Sorbus aucuparia, Frangula alnus, often Ilex aquifolium, and an herb layer similar to that of the Luzulo-Fagion, of which they often constitute a substitution formation.','Noirfalise and Sougnez, 1956; Noirfalise and Thill, 1958; Roisin, 1962; Oberdorfer, 1967, 1990; Sougnez, 1967, 1974; Tanghe, 1968, 1970; Bugnon and Rameau, 1974; Dumont, 1974; Duvigneaud, 1974; Ozenda and Wagner, 1975; Ozenda et al., 1979; Noirfalise, 1984, 1987; Ellenberg, 1988.','Luzulo-Quercetum (Genisto tinctoriae-Quercetum petraea), Sileno-Quercetum petraea, Calamagrostio-Quercetum','Forêts acidiphiles médio-européennes de Quercus petraea, quelquefois accompagné de Fagus sylvatica et Quercus robur avec une strate arbustive comprenant Sorbus aucuparia, Frangula alnus, et souvent Ilex aquifolium, et une strate herbacée similaire à celle du Luzulo-Fagenion, dont elles constituent souvent une formation de substitution.','Noirfalise et Sougnez, 1956 ; Noirfalise et Thill, 1958 ; Roisin, 1962 ; Oberdorfer, 1967, 1990 ; Sougnez, 1967, 1974 ; Tanghe, 1968-1970 ; Bugnon et Rameau, 1974 ; Dumont, 1974 ; Duvigneaud, 1974 ; Ozenda et Wagner, 1975 ; Ozenda et al., 1979 ; Noirfalise, 1984, 1987 ; Ellenberg, 1988.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.571','41.57','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Chênaies à Luzule des bois','Woodrush oak forests','Luzulo-Quercetum','Mesophile, meso-xerophile or meso-hygrophile oak forests with wood-rush of the middle European Hercynian ranges and their periphery (central, southern and eastern Germany, southern Belgium, Lorraine, Champagne, Burgundy, eastern Morvan).','','Luzulo-Quercetum','Chênaies mésophiles, méso-xérophiles ou méso-hygrophiles à Luzule des bois des massifs hercyniens médioeuropéens et de leur périphérie (centre, sud et est de l''Allemagne, la Belgique méridionale, la Lorraine, la Champagne, la Bourgogne, l''est du Morvan).','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.572','41.57','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Chênaies acidiphiles xéro-thermophiles','Xero-thermophile acidophilous oak forests','Sileno-Quercetum petraeae','Xerophile oak woods on sunny escarpments with dry superficial, siliceous, often schistous soils of the Rhine rift and the schistous Hercynian ranges.','','Sileno-Quercetum petraea','Chênaies xérophiles sur des escarpements ensoleillés avec des sols superficiels secs, siliceux et souvent schisteux de la vallée du Rhin et des secteurs hercyniens schisteux.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.58','41.5','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Subcontinental pine-oak forests','Vaccinio vitis-idaeae-Quercetum (Pino-Quercetum)','Acidophilous forests of Quercus robur, Q. petraea and Pinus sylvestris on sandy substrates and granitic arenas of subcontinental climate regions in High-Palatinate, Erz, Vogtland, the southern Saxony hills and Brandenburg, with an undergrowth of Vaccinium myrtillus, V. vitis-idaea, Calluna vulgaris, Deschampsia flexuosa, Melampyrum pratense, Luzula luzuloides, Dicranum spp., Polytrichum spp.','Oberdorfer, 1957, 1990; Tüxen, 1974; Ozenda and Wagner, 1975; Ozenda et al., 1979; Noirfalise, 1986, 1987; Ellenberg, 1988.','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.59','41.5','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Insubrian acidophilous oak forests','Castaneo-Quercetum','Acidophilous forests of Quercus petraea, often mixed with Castanea sativa, of the southern foothills of the Alps in Liguria, Piedmont and Lombardy. The herbaceous layer is often dominated by Festuca ovina (s.l.) and the undergrowth includes, in addition to plants characteristic of the Quercion, transgressives of the Fagion and of the Quercetalia pubescenti-petraeae.','Tomaselli, 1973; Richard, 1974; Tosco, 1975; Ozenda and Wagner, 1975; Ozenda et al., 1979; Lardelli, 1983; Ozenda, 1985; Noirfalise, 1987; Ellenberg, 1988.','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.5A','41.5','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Portuguese pedunculate oak forests','Rusco-Quercetum roboris viburnetosum','Relict forests of Q. robur of central Portugal, often mixed with Q. suber, Q. pyrenaica or Castanea sativa and with a luxuriant understory rich in lauriphyllous and xerophyllous lustrous-leaved shrubs and small trees such as Prunus lusitanica, Arbutus unedo, Viburnum tinus, Ilex aquifolium, Laurus nobilis, Myrtus communis and Ruscus aculeatus, limited to the basins of the Mondego and the Zezere, reduced to a very few, extremely fragile stands of exceptional biological and aesthetic value.','Braun-Blanquet et al., 1956; Delvosalle and Duvigneaud, 1962.','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.6','41','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Forêts de Chêne tauzin','Quercus pyrenaica forests','Quercion robori-pyrenaicae','Q. pyrenaica -dominated forests of the Iberian peninsula and, locally, southwestern France.','Braun-Blanquet et al., 1956; Braun-Blanquet, 1967; Ortuno and Ceballos, 1977; Meson, 1982, 1983; Noirfalise, 1986, 1987; Loidi Arregui, 1987; Dias Gonzalez and Fernandez Prieto, 1987; Navarro Andres and Valle Gutierrez, 1987; Peinado Lorca and Martinez Parras, 1987; Martinez Parras and Peinado Lorca, 1987; Costa, 1987; Bolos y Capdevila, 1987; Izco Sevillano, 1987; Rivas-Martinez et al., 1987; Ladero Alvarez, 1987.','Quercion robori-pyrenaicae','Forêts de Quercus pyrenaica dominant de la péninsule Ibérique et, localement, du sud-ouest de la France.','Braun-Blanquet, 1967 ; 1983 ; Noirfalise, 1986, 1987.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.61','41.6','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Central Iberian Quercus pyrenaica forests','','Supra- and sometimes meso-Mediterranean Quercus pyrenaica forests of western Iberia, the Leonese interior, the Cordillera Central, the Iberian Range, the Montes de Toledo and the Sierra Morena.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.611','41.61','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Sub-Atlantic Iberian Quercus pyrenaica forests','','Quercus pyrenaica forests of the Orensano-Sanabrian and Leonese mountains and of the western Cordillera Central.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.6111','41.611','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Sub-Atlantic sub-humid Quercus pyrenaica forests','Genisto falcatae-Quercetum pyrenaicae','Supra- and meso-Mediterranean sub-humid Quercus pyrenaica forests of the Orensano-Sanabrian mountains and the Sierra de Gata complex.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.6112','41.611','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Sub-Atlantic humid Quercus pyrenaica forests','Holco mollis-Quercetum pyrenaicae','Supra-Mediterranean humid to hyper-humid Quercus pyrenaica forests of the Orensano-Sanabrian and Leonese mountains, the Serra da Estrela and the Sierra de Gata complex.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.612','41.61','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Iberian sub-continental Quercus pyrenaica forests','','Quercus pyrenaica forests of the central and eastern Cordillera Central and of the Northern and Eastern Iberian Ranges.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.6121','41.612','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Sub-continental sub-humid Quercus pyrenaica forests','Luzulo forsteri-Quercetum pyrenaicae','Supra-Mediterranean sub-humid Quercus pyrenaica forests of Bejar, Gredos, Guadarrama, Ayllon and of the Northern and Eastern Iberian Ranges.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.6122','41.612','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Sub-continental humid Quercus pyrenaica forests','Festuco heterophyllae-Quercetum pyrenaicae','Supra-Mediterranean humid to hyper-humid Quercus pyrenaica forests of the Sierra de Ayllon, the northern Iberian Range and, very locally, the Castillian flank of the Cantabrian chain.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.613','41.61','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Mariano-Oretanian Quercus pyrenaica forests','','Quercus pyrenaica forests of the southern Hercynian ranges, limited to enclaves of the Montes de Toledo system and Sierra Morena satellites.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.6131','41.613','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Lower Mariano-Oretanian Quercus pyrenaica forests','Arbuto unedonis-Quercetum pyrenaicae','Quercus pyrenaica forests of the meso-Mediterranean level of the Montes de Toledo and Sierra Morena systems.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.6132','41.613','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Upper Mariano-Oretanian Quercus pyrenaica forests','Sorbo torminalis-Quercetum pyrenaicae','Quercus pyrenaica forests developed above 1000 metres in the highest ranges of the Montes de Toledo (Villuercas, Rocigalgo) and in a few satellites of the Sierra Morena (Sierra Madrona, Sierra Palomera).','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.62','41.6','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Cantabrian Quercus pyrenaica forests','Melampyro pratense-Quercetum pyrenaicae, Linario triornithophorae-Quercetum pyrenaicae','Quercus pyrenaica formations of medio-European character, of the collinar and montane levels of the Cantabrian chain and its satellite ranges west to the Sierra de Picos de Ancares in Galicia, characteristic of areas with comparatively low precipitation, in the rain shadow of the coastward ranges or the interior oro-Cantabrian hills.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.63','41.6','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Maestrazgan Quercus pyrenaica forests','Cephalanthero rubrae-Quercetum pyrenaicae','Quercus pyrenaica forests of the sub-Mediterranean siliceous enclaves of the Maestrazgo and eastern Catalonian ranges, reduced to a very few relicts in the Penagolosa and Prades massifs.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.64','41.6','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Baetic Quercus pyrenaica forests','Adenocarpo decorticantis-Quercetum pyrenaicae','Quercus pyrenaica forests of siliceous supra-Mediterranean areas with sub-humid climate of the western Sierra Nevada, the Sierra de Alfacar, the northern flancs of the Sierra de Cazulas and the Sierra Tejeda; in more humid locations Fraxinus angustifolius and Acer granatense accompany Q. pyrenaica.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.65','41.6','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Forêts françaises de Quercus pyrenaica','French Quercus pyrenaica forests','Betulo-Quercetum pyrenaica i.a.','Quercus pyrenaica forests of southwestern France north to the Sologne where they constitute relatively estensive formations on poor soils, with Betula pendula, Lonicera periclymenum, Deschampsia flexuosa, Holcus mollis, Molinia caerulea, Teucrium scorodonia.','','Betulo-Quercetum pyrenaica i.a.','Forêts de Quercus pyrenaica du sud-ouest de la France, au nord jusqu’en Sologne où elles constituent des formations relativement étendues sur des sols pauvres, avec Betula pendula, Lonicera periclymenum, Deschampsia flexuosa, Holcus mollis, Molinia caerulea, Teucrium scorodonia.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.7','41','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Chênaies thermophiles et supra-méditerranéennes','Thermophilous and supra-Mediterranean oak woods','Quercetalia pubescenti-petraeae','Forests or woods of sub-Mediterranean climate regions and supra-Mediterranean altitudinal levels, dominated by deciduous or semi-deciduous thermophilous oak species; they may, under local microclimatic or edaphic conditions, replace the evergreen oak forests in meso-Mediterranean or thermo-Mediterranean areas, and irradiate far north into medio-European or sub-Atlantic regions.','Duvigneaud, 1953; Rey et al., 1963; Vanden Berghen, 1963; Oberdorfer, 1967, 1990; Archiloque et al., 1970; Fenaroli, 1970; Debazac and Mavrommatis, 1971; Barbero et al., 1971; Tomaselli, 1973, 1981a; Tombal, 1974; Horvat et al., 1974; Tosco, 1975; Ozenda and Wagner, 1975; Ozenda, 1975; Ortuno and Ceballos, 1977; Ozenda et al., 1979; Noirfalise, 1984, 1986, 1987; Peinado-Lorca and Rivas-Martinez, 1987; Ellenberg, 1988.','Quercetalia pubescenti-petraeae','Forêts ou bois des régions de climat sub-méditerranéen et de l’étage supra-méditerranéen, dominés par des Chênes caducifoliés ou semi-caducifoliés thermophiles ; ceux-ci en outre remplacent, dans des conditions locales micro-climatiques ou édaphiques, les forêts de Chênes sempervirents dans les aires méso-méditerranéennes ou thermo-méditerranéennes, et s’irradient au loin vers le nord jusque dans les régions médio-européennes ou sub-atlantiques.','Duvigneaud, 1953 ; Rey et al., 1963 ; Vanden Berghen, 1963 ; Oberdorfer, 1967, 1990 ; Archiloque et al., 1970 ; Barbero et al., 1971 ; Tomaselli, 1981a ; Tombal, 1974 ; Horvat et al.,1974 ; Ozenda et Wagner, 1975 ; Ozenda, 1975 ; Ozenda et al.,1979 ; Noirfalise, 1984, 1986, 1987 ; Peinado Lorca et Rivas Martinez, 1987 ; Ellenberg, 1988.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.71','41.7','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Chênaies blanches occidentales et communautés apparentées','Western white oak woods and related communities','Quercion pubescenti-petraeae: Buxo-Quercetum, Lithospermo-Quercetum petraeae, Potentillo albae-Quercetum, Pteridio-Quercetum pubescentis, Aceri-Quercetum petraeae; Quercion ilicis p.','Quercus pubescens forests and woods of the supra-Mediterranean zone of France, west of the Alpine arc, and of northeastern Spain, with irradiations to southern Germany and Belgium. Low medio-European forests of Q. petraea or Q. robur occupying warm exposures beyond the range of Q. pubescens and linked to the Quercion pubescenti-petraeae by the presence of Buxus sempervirens or other thermophile calcicolous plants (Limodorum abortivum, Melittis melissophyllum).','Duvigneaud, 1953; Rey et al., 1963; Vanden Berghen, 1963; Oberdorfer, 1967, 1990; Archiloque et al., 1970; Barbero et al., 1971; Tomaselli, 1981a; Tombal, 1974; Ozenda and Wagner, 1975; Ozenda, 1975; Ortuno and Ceballos, 1977; Ozenda et al., 1979; Noirfalise, 1984, 1986, 1987; Loidi Arregui, 1987; Bolos y Capdevila, 1987;, Vigo and Ninot, 1987; Ellenberg, 1988.','Quercion pubescenti-petraeae : Buxo-Quercetum, Lithospermo-Quercetum petraeae, Potentillo albae-Quercetum, Pteridio-Quercetum pubescenti, Aceri-Quercetum petraeae ; Quercion ilicis p.','Forêts et bois de Quercus pubescens de l’étage supra-méditerranéen en France, de l''est de l''arc alpin et du nord-est de l''Espagne, avec des irradiations jusqu''au sud de l''Allemagne et la Belgique. Forêts basses médio-européennes de Quercus petraea ou de Q. robur occupant les expositions chaudes au-delà du domaine de Quercus pubescens et faisant transition avec le Quercion pubescenti-petraea par la présence de Buxus sempervirens ou d''autres plantes calcicoles thermophiles (Limodorum abortivum, Melittis melissophyllum).','Duvigneaud, 1953 ; Rey et al., 1963 ; Vanden Berghen, 1963 ; Oberdorfer, 1967, 1990 ; Archiloque et al., 1970 ; Barbero et al., 1971 ; Tomaselli, 1981a ; Tombal, 1974 ; Ozenda et Wagner, 1975 ; Ozenda, 1975 ; Ozenda et al., 1979 ; Noirfalise, 1984, 1986, 1987 ; Ellenberg, 1988.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.711','41.71','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Bois occidentaux de Quercus pubescens','Western Quercus pubescens woods','','Quercus pubescens ssp. pubescens formations of sub- and supra-Mediterranean regions of France, and of thermal stations in more northerly locations.','','','Formations à Quercus pubescens subsp. pubescens des régions sub-méditerranéennes et supra-méditerranéennes de France et de stations chaudes dans des régions plus septentrionales.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.712','41.71','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Bois sub-méditerranéens de Quercus petraea-Q. robur','Sub-Mediterranean Quercus petraea-Q. robur woods','','Continental thermophilous Quercus petraea or Q. robur woods, outside of the range of Q. pubescens but accompanied by the thermophile, calcicolous cortège of the Quercion pubescenti-petraeae.','','','Bois continentaux thermophiles de Quercus petraea ou de Q. robur, hors de l’aire de distribution de Quercus pubescens, mais accompagnés du cortège thermophile calcicole du Quercion pubescenti-petraeae.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.713','41.71','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Bois de Quercus palensis','Quercus palensis woods','','Quercus pubescens ssp. palensis formations of the Pyrenees and northeastern Spain.','','','Formations de Quercus pubescens subsp. palensis des Pyrénées et du nord-est de l''Espagne. A rechercher en France.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.714','41.71','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Bois de Chênes blancs eu-méditerranéens','Eu-Mediterranean white oak woods','Quercion ilicis p.','Q. pubescens forests occupying fresh stations within the meso-Mediterranean zone, usually on ubacs and relatively deep soils, accompanied by Q. ilex and an associated vegetation characteristic of the Quercion ilicis.','','Quercion ilicis p.','Forêts de Quercus pubescens occupant des stations fraîches à l''intérieur de la zone méso-méditerranéenne, usuellement sur des ubacs ou sur des sols relativement profonds, avec Q. ilex et la végétation associée caractéristique du Quercion ilicis.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.72','41.7','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Chênaies pubescentes cyrno-sardes','Cyrno-Sardian white oak woods','Lathyrion veneti','Quercus pubescens (with Q. virgiliana, Q. congesta) woods of Sardinia and Corsica.','Fenaroli, 1970; Pignatti, 1982; Gamisans, 1985; Chiappini, 1985a, 1985b; Barneschi, 1988.','Lathyrion veneti','Bois de Quercus pubescens de Corse.','Gamisans, 1985.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.73','41.7','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Chênaies pubescentes orientales','Eastern white oak woods','Ostryo-Carpinion p., Cyclamino-Quercion brachyphyllae p., Cyclamino-Quercion ilicis p.','Often varied forests of the supra-Mediterranean (mostly lower supra-Mediterranean), and occasionally meso- or thermo-Mediterranean, levels of Greece and Italy, in which Quercus pubescens or its allies are the dominant deciduous oaks, usually associated with Ostrya carpinifolia, Carpinus orientalis, C. betulus, Fraxinus ornus and other species.','Rechinger, 1951; Fenaroli, 1970, 1984; Debazac and Mavrommatis, 1971; Barbero et al., 1971; Tomaselli, 1973; Horvat et al., 1974; Tosco, 1975; Ozenda and Wagner, 1975; Ozenda, 1975; Ozenda et al., 1979; Noirfalise, 1986, 1987; Bassani, 1987; Ferioli, 1989.','Ostryo-Carpinion p., Cyclamino-Quercion brachyphyllae p., Cyclamino-Quercion ilicis p.','Forêts souvent variées des étages supra-méditerranéen (principalement le supra-méditerranéen inférieur), et occasionellement méso- ou thermo-méditerranéen, de Grèce et d''Italie, dans lesquelles Quercus pubescens ou ses hybrides sont les Chênes caducifoliés dominants, habituellement associés à Ostrya carpinifolia, Carpinus orientalis, C. betulus, Fraxinus ornus et d''autres espèces.','Rechinger, 1951 ; Fenaroli, 1970, 1984 ; Debazac et Mavrommatis, 1971 ; Barbero et al., 1971 ; Tomaselli, 1973 ; Horvat et al., 1974 ; Tosco, 1975 ; Ozenda et Wagner, 1975 ; Ozenda, 1975 ; Ozenda et al., 1979 ; Noirfalise, 1986, 1987 ; Bassani, 1987 ; Ferioli, 1989.','FALSE','FALSE','CBN Porquerolles','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.731','41.73','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Chênaies pubescentes d''Italie septentrionale','Northern Italian Quercus pubescens woods','','Formations of Quercus pubescens ssp. pubescens, Fraxinus ornus, Ostrya carpinifolia, Carpinus betulus, and, locally, Carpinus orientalis occupying the lower supra-Mediterranean (100-500 metres) level of the central and northern Apennines, the Ligurian ranges and the Alpine foothills of Italy, with local impoverished irradiations to the upper supra-Mediterranean level on calcareous soils.','','','Formations de Quercus pubescens ssp. pubescens, Fraxinus ornus, Ostrya carpinifolia, Carpinus betulus, et, localement, Carpinus orientalis occupant l''étage supra-méditerranéen inférieur (100-500 m) du centre et du nord des Apennins, des massifs liguriens et des contreforts des Alpes italiennes, avec des irradiations locales appauvries dans le supra-méditerranéen supérieur sur sols calcaires.','','FALSE','FALSE','CBN Porquerolles','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.732','41.73','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Southern Italian and Sicilian Quercus pubescens woods','','Formations of Quercus pubescens ssp. pubescens, Ostrya carpinifolia, Carpinus orientalis of the supra-Mediterranean level of southern Italy and Sicily.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.733','41.73','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Greek Quercus pubescens woods','','Formations of Quercus pubescens ssp. pubescens, Carpinus orientalis, C. betulus, Ostrya carpinifolia of the lower supra-Mediterranean level of Thessaly, Macedonia, Thrace, and locally on calcareous soils, of western Greece.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.734','41.73','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Quercus anatolica woods','','Usually open woods formed by Quercus pubescens ssp. anatolica, often associated with Quercus macrolepis, of Lesbos and Samothrace.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.735','41.73','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Quercus brachyphylla woods','','Stands of Quercus brachyphylla, often associated with Quercus macrolepis or Q. ilex, of the Peloponnese and Crete.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.74','41.7','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Northern Italian Quercus cerris woods','Ostryo-Carpinion p.','Q. cerris forests of the upper supra-Mediterranean level of the northern and central Apennines and the Italian pre-Alps, with Ostrya carpinifolia, Carpinus betulus, Fraxinus excelsior, Quercus petraea, Tilia platyphyllos, Corylus avellana, Laburnum anagyroides; some central Apennine formations may be dominated by Quercus petraea.','Fenaroli, 1970, 1984; Debazac and Mavrommatis, 1971; Barbero et al., 1971; Tomaselli, 1973; Tosco, 1975; Ozenda and Wagner, 1975; Ozenda, 1975; Ozenda et al., 1979; Noirfalise, 1986, 1987; Bassani, 1987; Ferioli, 1989.','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.75','41.7','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Southern Quercus cerris-Q. frainetto woods','Melitto-Quercion frainetto','Quercus cerris, Q. frainetto, or, sometimes, Q. petraea, formations of the upper supra-Mediterranean level of southern Italy, southern continental Greece and the Peloponnese.','Fenaroli, 1970, 1984; Debazac and Mavrommatis, 1971; Barbero et al., 1971; Tomaselli, 1973; Horvat et al., 1974; Ozenda, 1975; Ozenda et al., 1979; Noirfalise, 1986, 1987; Bassani, 1987; Ferioli, 1989.','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.751','41.75','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Southern Italian Quercus cerris-Q. frainetto woods','','Formations of Quercus cerris, Q. frainetto or, locally, Q. petraea, of the Campanian, Lucanian and Calabrian Apennines and of Monte Gargano.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.7511','41.751','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Southern Italian Quercus cerris woods','','Q. cerris-dominated formations of the supra-Mediterranean, montane and, locally, meso-Mediterranean levels, on siliceous or calcareous substrates.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.7512','41.751','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Southern Italian Quercus frainetto woods','','Q. frainetto-dominated formations, mostly on siliceous or decarbonated substrates of the supra-Mediterranean level.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.7513','41.751','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Southern Italian Q. petraea woods','','Q. petraea-dominated formations.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.752','41.75','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Southern Greek Quercus cerris-Q. frainetto woods','','Formations dominated by Quercus cerris, by Q. frainetto, or both, of the Peloponnese, Attica and Beotia','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.7521','41.752','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Southern Greek Q. cerris woods','','Q. cerris-dominated formations.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.7522','41.752','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Southern Greek Q. frainetto woods','','Q. frainetto-dominated formations.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.76','41.7','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Balkanic thermophilous oak woods','Quercion frainetto','Q. frainetto, Q. cerris and other deciduous oak forests of the supra-Mediterranean level of continental Greece except the extreme south.','Debazac and Mavrommatis, 1971; Horvat et al., 1974; Ozenda et al., 1979; Noirfalise, 1986, 1987.','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.761','41.76','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Greek Quercus cerris woods','','Quercus cerris-dominated formations.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.762','41.76','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Greek Quercus frainetto woods','','Quercus frainetto-dominated formations.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.763','41.76','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Greek Quercus dalechampii woods.','','Quercus dalechampii-dominated formations.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.764','41.76','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Greek Quercus petraea woods','','Quercus petraea-dominated formations.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.765','41.76','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Greek Quercus virgiliana woods','','Quercus virgiliana-dominated formations.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.766','41.76','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Greek Quercus pedunculiflora woods','','Quercus pedunculiflora-dominated formations.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.767','41.76','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Greek Quercus polycarpa woods','','Quercus polycarpa-dominated formations.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.77','41.7','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Iberian Quercus faginea and Q. canariensis forests','Aceri-Quercion fagineae p., Quercion fagineae, Quercion fagineo-suberis','Iberian forests and woods dominated by Quercus faginea or Q. canariensis. The humid formations of southwestern Iberia (41.772 and 41.773) are forest types of unique character in Europe and of extreme biological importance; also highly distinctive and vulnerable are the Baetic formations listed under 41.7714 and 41.7715.','Braun-Blanquet et al., 1956; Bolos and Molinier, 1960; Rivas-Martinez, 1974; Loidi Arregui, 1987; Dias Gonzalez and Fernandez Prieto, 1987; Navarro Andres and Valle Gutierrez, 1987; Peinado Lorca and Martinez Parras, 1987; Martinez Parras and Peinado Lorca, 1987; Costa, 1987; Bolos y Capdevila, 1987, Izco Sevillano, 1987; Rivas-Martinez et al.., 1987; Ladero Alvarez, 1987.','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.771','41.77','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Spanish Quercus faginea forests','Spiraeo obovatae-Quercetum fagineae, Cephalanthero longifoliae-Quercetum fagineae, Violo wilkommii-Quercetum fagineae, Daphno latifoliae-Aceretum granatensis, Fraxino orni-Quercetum fagineae','Xero-mesophile Quercus faginea formations of slopes and plateaux of middle elevations of the Spanish Meseta and associated ranges.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.7711','41.771','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Western Quercus faginea forests','Spiraeo obovatae-Quercetum fagineae','Quercus faginea forests of the supra-Mediterranean, sub-humid level of the Cantabrian periphery and upper Ebro basin.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.7712','41.771','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Central Quercus faginea forests','Cephalanthero longifoliae-Quercetum fagineae ','Quercus faginea forests of the meso-supra-Mediterranean levels of the Iberian Range, upper Douro basin and neighbouring regions.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.7713','41.771','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Eastern Quercus faginea forests','Violo wilkommii-Quercetum fagineae','Quercus faginea forests of the meso-supra-Mediterranean levels of the Maestrazgo, interior Catalonia and adjacant Aragon.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.7714','41.771','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Baetic Quercus faginea forests','Daphno latifoliae-Aceretum granatensis','Southern forests of the sub-humid to humid supra-Mediterranean level of calcareous Baetic ranges, limited to a few enclaves in the Serrania de Ronda and the ranges of the upper Guadalquivir basin, dominated by Quercus faginea associated with Acer granatense, A. monspessulanum, Sorbus aria, S. torminalis, Taxus baccata and sometimes Quercus pyrenaica.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.7715','41.771','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Valencian Quercus faginea forests','Fraxino orni-Quercetum fagineae','Quercus faginea forests of ubacs of the southern Valencian mountains (Aitana, Montcabrer, Benicadell), with Acer granatense, Fraxinus ornus and Taxus baccata.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.772','41.77','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Portuguese Quercus faginea forests','Arisaro-Quercetum fagineae','Humid, epiphyte-clad, dense, relict Quercus faginea forests of Portugal, restricted to a very few isolated localities.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.773','41.77','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Andalusian Quercus canariensis forests','Rusco hypophylli-Quercetum canariensis','Humid and hyper-humid, luxuriant Quercus canariensis forests of the sierras of extreme southern Spain, limited to the Aljibe and a very few localities in the Serrania de Ronda.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.774','41.77','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Catalonian Quercus canariensis stands','Carici depressae-Quercetum canariensis','Formations of Catalonia rich in Quercus canariensis.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.775','41.77','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Balearic Quercus faginea woods','Aceri-Quercetum fagineae p.','Relict formations of Mallorca dominated by, or rich in, Quercus faginea.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.78','41.7','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Macedonian-oak woodland','Ostryo-Carpinion p.: Quercetum trojanae i.a.','Woods dominated by the semi-deciduous Quercus trojana.','Fenaroli, 1970, 1984; Horvat et al., 1974; Groppali et al., 1983; Ferioli, 1989.','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.781','41.78','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Quercus trojana woods of Greece','','Usually low formations dominated by Quercus trojana, often with junipers or maples, of Macedonia, Thrace and Thessaly.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.782','41.78','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Quercus trojana woods of Puglia','','Relict woods, sometimes of considerable height, of Q. trojana and Q. pubescens, often with an admixture of Q. ilex and its associated vegetation (Murge: e.g. bosco delle Pianelle, foresta Gaglione).','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.79','41.7','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Valonia oak woodland','','Woods dominated by the semi-deciduous Quercus macrolepis, often fairly open, of the mostly meso-Mediterranean zone of Greece and, very locally, southern Italy.','Rechinger, 1951; Horvat et al., 1974; Noirfalise, 1986, 1987; Fenaroli, 1987; Ferioli, 1989.','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.791','41.79','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Quercus macrolepis woods of Greece','','Formations of continental Greece and its archipelagoes; well developed forests exist, in particular, in the Ionian islands and on Lesbos.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.792','41.79','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Quercus macrolepis woods of Puglia','','Relict formations of Salento (Tricase).','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.8','41','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Forêts de Charmes houblon, de Charmes orientaux et thermophiles mixtes','Hop-hornbeam, oriental hornbeam and mixed thermophilous forests','Ostryo-Carpinion p., Aceri-Quercion fagineae p., Quercion frainetto p. i.a.','Non-alluvial formations of the meso- and supra-Mediterranean zones dominated by Ostrya carpinifolia, Carpinus orientalis, Acer spp., Fraxinus spp., Tilia spp. or Celtis australis.','Tüxen and Oberdorfer, 1958; Bolos and Molinier, 1960; Fenaroli, 1970; Barbero et al., 1971; Horvat et al., 1974; Lapraz, 1975; Peinado Lorca and Rivas-Martinez, 1987; Rivas-Martinez and Costa, 1987; Martinez Parras and Peinado Lorca, 1987; Peinado Lorca and Martinez Parras, 1987; Asensi Marfil and Diez Garretas, 1987.','Ostryo-Carpinion p., Aceri-Quercion fagineae p., Quercion frainetto p. i.a.','Formations non riveraines des étages méso- et supra-méditerranéens dominées par Ostrya carpinifolia, Acer spp., Fraxinus spp., Tilia spp., ou Celtis australis.','Barbero et al., 1971 ; Horvat et al., 1974 ; Lapraz, 1975 ; Peinado Lorca et Rivas Martinez, 1987.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.81','41.8','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Bois de Charmes houblon','Hop-hornbeam woods','','Formations dominated by Ostrya carpinifolia.','','','Formations dominées par Ostrya carpinifolia.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.811','41.81','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Bois de Charmes houblon méso-méditerranéens','Meso-Mediterranean hop-hornbeam woods','','Ravine forests of the meso-Mediterranean Quercus ilex zone.','','','Forêts de ravins de l’étage méso-méditerranéen avec Quercus ilex.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.812','41.81','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Bois de Charmes houblon supra-méditerranéens','Supra-Mediterranean hop-hornbeam woods','','Formations of the supra-Mediterranean level belonging to the Ostryo-Carpinion.','','','Formations de l’étage supra-méditerranéen appartenant à l''Ostryo-Carpinion.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.813','41.81','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Bois de Charmes houblon montagnards','Montane hop-hornbeam woods','','Formations with an accompanying flora of the Ostryo-Fagion.','','','Formations avec une flore compagne de l''Ostryon-Fagion.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.82','41.8','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Oriental hornbeam woods','','Low formations dominated by Carpinus orientalis, particulary abundant in Greece.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.83','41.8','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Thermophilous maple woods','','Formations dominated by Acer spp..','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.831','41.83','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Andalusian Acer granatense woods','Daphno latifoliae-Aceretum granatensis p.','Supra-Mediterranean formations of the mountains of the upper Guadalquivir, with Acer granatense, A. monspessulanum, Quercus faginea, Q. pyrenaica, Sorbus aria, S. torminalis, Taxus baccata, Daphne laureola, Paeonia officinalis ssp. humilis. Vestiges of this type of vegetation also survive in the Serrania de Ronda.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.832','41.83','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Balearic Acer granatense woods','Aceri-Quercetum fagineae p.','Formations, extremely rare if not extinct, of the mountains of Majorca (Puig de Maçanella, Puig Major), dominated by Acer granatense, with Quercus faginea, Amelanchier ovalis ssp. comafredensis, Ilex aquifolium var. balearica, Helleborus foetidus var. balearicus, Sorbus aria, Primula acaulis var. balearica, Rubus ulmifolius, Tamus communis, Taxus baccata, Hedera helix, Smilax aspera var. balearica, Paeonia cambessedesii, several of which are relict endemic taxa of very limited distribution and low numbers.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.84','41.8','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Bois de Tilleuls méditerranéens','Mediterranean lime woods','','Supra- or meso-Mediterranean formations dominated by Tilia spp..','','','Formations supra- ou méso-méditerranéennes dominées par Tilia spp.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.85','41.8','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Micocoulaies','Nettle-tree woods','','Formations rich in Celtis australis.','','','Formations riches en Celtis australis.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.86','41.8','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Bois de Frênes thermophiles','Thermophilous ash woods','','Non-alluvial, non-ravine formations dominated by Fraxinus angustifolia or F. ornus, often mixed with Quercus pubescens or Q. pyrenaica.','','','Formations non-alluviales, non installées en ravins, dominées par Fraxinus angustifolia ou F. ornus, souvent mélangées avec Quercus pubescens ou Q. pyrenaica.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.861','41.86','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Sicilian narrow-leaved ash woods','','Fraxinus angustifolia woods of western Sicily.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.862','41.86','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Iberian narrow-leaved ash woods','','Fraxinus angustifolia woods of the Iberian peninsula.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.863','41.86','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Manna tree woods','','Formations dominated by Fraxinus ornus.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.87','41.8','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Other or very mixed woods','','','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.9','41','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Bois de Châtaigniers','Chesnut woods','','Castanea sativa dominated formations.','','','Formations dominées par Castanea sativa.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.A','41','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Bois de Charmes','Hornbeam woods','','Pure or almost pure formations of Carpinus betulus.','','','Formations pures ou presque pures de Carpinus betulus.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.B','41','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Bois de Bouleaux','Birch woods','','Formations dominated by Betula pendula, B. pubescens, or their allies, on non-marshy terrain.','','','Formations dominées par Betula pendula, B. pubescens ou leurs hybrides planitiaires, sur des terrains non marécageux.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.B1','41.B','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Bois de bouleaux de plaine et colline','Lowland and collinar birch woods','Quercion robori-petraeae p., i.a.','Pioneer and sub-climax birch formations of the North Sea - Baltic plains, the lower Hercynian slopes, the periphery of the Paris Basin, southwestern France, northwestern Iberia and Insubria, within the range of Atlantic and sub-Atlantic acidophilous oak woods.','Simms, 1971; Westhoff and den Held, 1975; Groppali et al., 1980; Condry, 1981; Nordiska ministerradet, 1984; Bournérias, 1984; Izco Sevillano, 1987; Noirfalise, 1987; Ellenberg, 1988; Ferioli, 1989; Oberdorfer, 1990; Rodwell, 1991.','Quercion robori-petraeae p., i.a.','Formations pionnières et sub-climaciques de Bouleaux du nord de la plaine de la mer Baltique, des pentes hercyniennes plus basses, de la périphérie du Bassin parisien, du sud-ouest de la France, du nord-ouest ibérique et insubrien, à l''intérieur du secteur des bois de Chênes acidiphiles atlantiques et sub-atlantiques.','Simms, 1971 ; Westhoff et den Held, 1975 ; Bournérias, 1984 ; Noirfalise, 1987 ; Ellenberg, 1988 ; Oberdorfer, 1990 ; Rodwell, 1991.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.B11','41.B1','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Bois de Bouleaux humides','Humid birch woods','','Formations usually formed by Betula pubescens, with Molinia caerulea and sometimes Deschampsia flexuosa, developed on podzolized and hydromorphic soils, as substitution facies of oak and birch woods, or colonization stages of Molinion grasslands or humid heaths.','','','Formations usuellement formées par Betula pendula, avec Molinia caerulea et quelquefois Deschampsia flexuosa, développées sur des sols podzolisés et hydromorphes, comme des faciès de substitution aux bois de Chênes et de Bouleau, ou comme des étapes de colonisation des prairies à Molinion ou des landes humides.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.B111','41.B11','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Bois de Bouleaux humides septentrionaux','Northern humid birch woods','Querco-Betuletum p.','Widespread birch-dominated formations characteristic of the North Sea - Baltic plain.','','Querco-Betuletum p.','Formations sauvages à Bouleaux dominants caractéristiques du nord de la plaine de la mer Baltique.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.B112','41.B11','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Bois de Bouleaux humides aquitano-ligériens','Aquitano-Ligerian humid birch woods','Peucedano-Quercetum p.','Southern formations common, in particular, in the Sologne and neighbouring areas.','','Peucedano-Quercetum p.','Formations méridionales, communes, en particulier, en Sologne et dans les régions voisines.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.B12','41.B1','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Bois de Bouleaux secs acidiphiles médio-européens','Medio-European dry acidophilous birch woods','','Formations usually formed by Betula pendula, or, in the British Isles, B. pubescens, with Deschampsia flexuosa, Agrostis tenuis, Festuca ovina, Vaccinium myrtillus, developed notably on sands, gravels, moraines and decalcified alluvions of northern and middle European plains and hills, as substitution facies of acidophilous oak woods (Fago-Quercetum, Blechno-Quercetum petraeae, Rusco-Quercetum, Luzulo-Quercetum), occasionally of oak-hornbeam woods (particularly mixed Atlantic bluebell oak forests, Endymio-Carpinetum), or colonization stages of dry heaths and decalcified dunes.','','','Formations usuellement formées par Betula pendula, ou, dans les îles Britanniques, par B. pubescens, avec Deschampsia flexuosa, Agrostis tenuis, Festuca ovina, Vaccinium myrtillus, notablement développées sur des sables, des graviers, des moraines et des alluvions décalcifiés des plaines et collines d’Europe moyenne et septentrionale, comme des faciès de substitution des chênaies acidiphiles (Fago-Quercetum, Blechno-Quercetum petraeae, Rusco-Quercetum, Luzulo-Quercetum), occasionnellement des chênaies-charmaies (en particulier les chênaies mixtes atlantiques à Jacinthe des bois, Endymio-Carpinetum), ou comme des étapes de colonisation des landes sèches et dunes décalcifiées.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.B13','41.B1','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Iberian acidophilous birch woods','Holco mollis-Betuletum celtibericae i.a.','Medio-European acidophilous birch woods of the collinar and lower montane levels of northwestern Iberia, formed by Betula pendula or B. celtiberica as substitution stages of acidophilous oak woods.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.B14','41.B1','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Insubrian acidophilous birch woods','','Birch woods of the collinar and lower montane levels of northern Italy, dispersed in the Alpine foothills where they constitute substitution stages of the Insubrian acidophilous oak woods (Castaneo-Quercetum p.), on the fluvio-glacial terraces of the Po system, as facies of the acidophilous pine-birch-oak woods, and in the Euganean hills.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.B15','41.B1','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Heavy-metal birch woods','','Sub-climax birch woods occupying soils intoxicated by heavy metals, with an herb layer that may include metallophytes and habitually calciphile species.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.B16','41.B1','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Bois de Bouleaux de dunes','Dune birch woods','Crataego-Betuletum','Birch woods formed by Betula pubescens, B. pendula and Populus canescens with Viola hirta, Ligustrum vulgare, Polygonatum odoratum, in calcareous North Sea and Baltic dunes.','','Crataego-Betuletum','Bois de Bouleaux formés par Betula pubescens, B. pendula, Populus canescens avec Viola hirta, Ligustrum vulgare, Polygonatum odoratum, dans les dunes calcaires de la mer du Nord et de la mer Baltique.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.B2','41.B','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Sub-boreal birch woods','','Birch woods, often extensive and pure, formed by Betula pubescens (B. odorata, B. carpatica) or B. pendula, beyond and above the present range of oak woods in Scotland and northern England.','Turrill, 1948; Simms, 1971; Clapham et al., 1985; Noirfalise, 1987; Rodwell, 1991.','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.B3','41.B','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Bois de Bouleaux montagnards et subalpins','Montane and subalpine birch woods','','Birch stands of the montane and sub-alpine levels of the Alps, the Apennines, the Pyrenees, the Jura and the Hercynian ranges, mostly sub-climax formations of stations with anomalous edaphic and microclimatic conditions.','Sfikas, 1984; Ozenda, 1985; Ellenberg, 1988; Ferioli, 1989; Oberdorfer, 1990.','','Stations de Bouleaux des étages montagnard et sub-alpin des Alpes, des Pyrénées, du Jura et des massifs hercyniens, la plupart du temps formations sub-climaciques ou stations avec des conditions édaphiques et microclimatiques anormales.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.B31','41.B3','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Bois de Bouleaux en limite forestière dans les Alpes','Alpine treeline birch woods','','Tree-limit birch stands, of local distribution in the Alps.','','','Stations de Bouleaux à la limite des arbres, de distribution locale dans les Alpes.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.B32','41.B3','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Massifs forestiers de Bouleaux','Birch block forests','Betulo-Sorbetum aucuparia i.a.','Birch stands, mostly of Betula pubescens (B. carpatica, B. tortuosa), occupying, in the Alps, the Jura and the Hercynian ranges, cold stations on cliff-base rocky screes and boulder-falls through which cold air flows.','','Betulo-Sorbetum aucuparia i.a.','Stations à Bouleaux, principalement de Betula pubescens (B. carpatica, B. tortuosa), occupant, dans les Alpes, le Jura et les chaînes hercyniennes des stations froides sur des éboulis rocheux à la base de falaises et de fronts de moraines traversées par des courants d''air froid.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.B33','41.B3','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Bois de Bouleaux pyrénéens','Pyrenean birch woods','','Birch-dominated formations of the Pyrenees, locally frequent in all vegetation levels.','','','Formations des Pyrénées dominées par des Bouleaux, localement fréquentes dans tous les étages de la végétation.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.B34','41.B3','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Apennine birch woods','','Isolated birch stations of the Apennines, in the Abruzzi, bosco di Manziana (Latium), monti Alburni, monti Picentini.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.B35','41.B3','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Greek birch woods','','Southern outposts of Betula pendula in the Rhodopi mountains of northern Greece.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.B4','41.B','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Bois de Bouleaux corses','Corsican birch woods','','Betula pendula formations of the upper montane level of Corsica, forming extensive sub-climax belts on rocky, rapidly eroding soils at the upper forest limit, as well as transition communities in the evolution of laricio pine or beech forests.','Gamisans, 1985.','','formations de Betula pendula de l’étage montagnard supérieur de la Corse, formant tant des ceintures sub-climaciques extensives sur des sols rocheux, rapidement érodés à la limite supérieure de la forêt, que des communautés de transition dans l''évolution de forêts de Pin Laricio ou de Hêtres.','Gamisans, 1985.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.B5','41.B','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Montane Betula celtiberica woodlands','','Formations of the upper montane and supra-Mediterranean levels of Iberia dominated by the endemic Betula celtiberica.','Diaz Gonzalez and Fernandez Prieto, 1987; Navarro Andres and Valle Gutierrez, 1987; Izco Sevillano, 1987; Rivas-Martinez et al., 1987.','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.B51','41.B5','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Cantabrian Betula celtiberica woodlands','Luzulo henriquezii-Betuletum celtibericae','Oro-Cantabrian tree-limit climax formations.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.B52','41.B5','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Estrelan and Orensano-Sanabrian Betula celtiberica woodlands','Saxifrago spathularis-Betuletum celtibericae','Upper montane and supra-Mediterranean climax formations of the western Cordillera Central (Serra da Estrela) and the Orensano-Sanabrian mountains, limited to tree-limit situations and humid ravines.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.B53','41.B5','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Sorian and Guadarraman Betula celtiberica woodlands','Melico uniflorae-Betuletum celtibericae','Humid supra-Mediterranean climax formations of the eastern Cordillera Central (Guadarrama) and of the Northern Iberian Range (Sorian mountains), restricted to relict stations on rainy ubacs and humid ravines.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.B6','41.B','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Mount Etna birch stands','','Endemic Betula aetnensis formations of Mount Etna lavas, limited to the 1200-2000 metre level.','Fenaroli, 1970; Pignatti, 1982; Ferioli, 1989.','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.C','41','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Aulnaies','Alder woods','','Non-riparian, non-marshy formations dominated by Alnus spp..','Fenaroli, 1970; Simms, 1971; Gamisans, 1985; Noirfalise, 1986; Ferioli, 1989; Rodwell, 1991.','','Formations non riveraines, non marécageuses dominées par des Aulnes spp.','Simms, 1971 ; Gamisans, 1985 ; Noirfalise, 1986 ; Rodwell, 1991.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.C1','41.C','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Bois d''Alnus cordata','Alnus cordata woods','','Alnus cordata-dominated formations of slopes with deep, loose, moist soils, endemic to the Campanian, Lucanian and Calabrian Apennines and the Castaniccia and San Petrone ranges of Corsica.','','','Formations à Alnus cordata dominant des pentes à sols profonds, meubles et humides, endémiques des massifs de la Castaniccia et de San Petrone en Corse.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.C2','41.C','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Bois d''Alnus glutinosa','Alnus glutinosa woods','','Non-riparian, non-marshy formations dominated by Alnus glutinosa, including Sambucus nigra sub-community of Atlantic Alnus glutinosa-Urtica dioica woodland.','','','Formations non riveraines, non marécageuses dominées par Alnus glutinosa, incluant la sous-communauté à Sambucus nigra de la formation atlantique à Alnus glutinosa-Urtica dioica.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.D','41','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Bois de Trembles','Aspen woods','','Formations dominated by Populus tremula.','Braun-Blanquet, 1975; Nordiska ministerradet, 1984; Ellenberg, 1988; Ferioli, 1989.','','Formations dominées par Populus tremula.','Braun-Blanquet, 1975 ; Ellenberg, 1988.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.D1','41.D','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Bois de Trembles intra-alpins','Inner Alpine aspen woods','Corylo-Populetum tremulae','Woods of Populus tremula and Corylus avellana, accompanied by a xerophile flora, of dry inner Alpine valleys.','','Corylo-Populetum tremulae','Bois de Populus tremula et Corylus avellana, accompagnés d''une flore xérophile, localisés dans les vallées intra-alpines.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.D2','41.D','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Bois de Trembles de plaine','Lowland aspen woods','Quercion robori-petraeae p.','Pioneer and sub-climax Populus tremula formations of plains and hills, in particular the North Sea - Baltic plain and lower Hercynian slopes, within the range of Atlantic and sub-Atlantic acidophilous oak woods, and the large alluvial systems such as that of the Po.','','Quercion robori-petraeae p.','Formations pionnières et sub-climaciques de Populus tremula de plaines et de collines, en particulier ... des pentes inférieures des massifs hercyniens, à l''intérieur de l’aire des chênaies atlantiques et sub-atlantiques acidiphiles, et des grands systèmes alluviaux comme celui du Pô.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.D3','41.D','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Stations de Trembles montagnardes','Montane aspen stands','','Populus tremula formations of mountainous areas, in particular, within the beech belt of high southern mountains.','','','Formations de Populus tremula des régions montagnardes, en particulier à l''intérieur de l’étage du Hêtre dans les hautes montagnes méridionales.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.D4','41.D','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Stations de Trembles supra-méditerranéennes','Supra-Mediterranean aspen stands','','Populus tremula formations occurring within the supra-Mediterranean environment of the mixed deciduous broad-leaved forests.','','','Formations de Populus tremula existant sous conditions supra-méditerranéennes (au sein de forêts mixtes caducifoliées).','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.E','41','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Bois de Sorbiers sauvages','Rowan woods','','Sorbus aucuparia-dominated formations, characteristic in particular of the Scottish Highlands.','Noirfalise, 1987.','','Formations à Sorbus aucuparia dominant.','Noirfalise, 1987.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.F','41','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Bois d''Ormes','Elm woods','','Non-riparian, non-ravine Ulmus spp.-dominated formations.','','','Formations à Ulmus spp. dominant, non riveraines, non installées en ravins.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.F1','41.F','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Bois d''Ormes à petites feuilles','Small-leaved elm woods','','Ulmus minor (U. carpinifolia) or U. procera woods of base- and nutrient-rich, often ruderal, terrain, dispersed along the western seaboard of Europe, usually rich in species of southern affinities.','','','Bois à Ulmus minor (U. carpinifolia ou U. procera) de terrain riche en bases et en nutriments, souvent rudéralisés, dispersés le long de la côte ouest de l''Europe, usuellement riches en espèces d''affinités méridionales.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.F11','41.F1','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Bois d''Ormes à Violette odorante','Sweet violet elm woods','Violo odoratae-Ulmetum i.a.','Formations of the Low Countries, in particular of dunal regions, and of the Paris Basin.','Westhoff and den Held, 1975; Bournérias, 1984; Noirfalise et al., 1985.','Violo odoratae-Ulmetum i.a.','Formations des Pays-Bas, en particulier de régions dunaires et du Bassin parisien.','Westhoff et den Held, 1975 ; Bournérias, 1984 ; Noirfalise et al., 1985.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.F12','41.F1','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Bois d''Ormes thermo-atlantiques','Thermo-Atlantic elm woods','Aro neglecti-Ulmetum minoris','Formations of the coasts of Normandy, Brittany and Vendée.','Géhu and Géhu-Franck, 1985.','Aro neglecti-Ulmetum minoris','Formations des côtes de Normandie, de Bretagne et de Vendée.','Géhu et Géhu-Franck, 1985.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.F13','41.F1','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','British suckering elm woods','','Woods of the British Isles, mostly of the Fraxinus-Acer-Mercurialis type, invaded and dominated by suckering elms of the Ulmus minor group (U. carpinifolia, U. procera); postcultural small-leaved elm groves are included.','Rodwell, 1991','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.F2','41.F','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Bois d''Ormes blancs et d''Ormes diffus','Wych elm and fluttering elm woods','','Non-riparian, non-ravine Ulmus glabra or U. laevis -dominated formations of northern and central Europe.','Nordiska ministerradet, 1984; Oberdorfer, 1990.','','Formations à Ulmus glabra ou U. laevis non riveraines, non installées en ravins de l''Europe centrale et nordique.','Nordiska ministerradet, 1984 ; Oberdorfer, 1990.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.G','41','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Bois de Tilleuls','Lime woods','','Non-riparian, non-ravine Tilia spp.-dominated formations.','Nordiska ministerradet, 1984; Oberdorfer, 1990; Rodwell, 1991.','','Formations dominées par Tilia spp. non riveraines, non installées en ravins.','Oberdorfer, 1990 ; Rodwell, 1991.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('41.H','41','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Autres bois caducifoliés','Other deciduous woods','','','','','','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42','4','2','Niveau 2','TRUE','Forêts de conifères','Coniferous woodland','','Forests and woodland of native coniferous trees other than floodplain and mire woods; formations dominated by coniferous trees, but comprising broad-leaved evergreen trees, are included.','','','Forêts et bois de conifères indigènes, à l’exception des forêts riveraines et des forêts marécageuses ; formations dominées par des conifères, y compris celles incluant des feuillus sempervirents.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.1','42','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Sapinières','Fir forests','','Conifer forests dominated by firs (Abies spp.).','','','Forêts de conifères dominées par des Sapins (Abies spp.).','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.11','42.1','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Sapinières neutrophiles','Neutrophilous silver fir forests','','Fir (Abies alba) and fir-spruce forests developed on neutral or near-neutral soils of the Alps, the Pyrenees, the Jura, the Hercynian ranges and the northern Apennines.','Ellenberg, 1963, 1988; Meyer, 1970; Gruber, 1978; Ozenda, 1981, 1985; Fenaroli, 1984; Durin, 1985; Noirfalise, 1986, 1987; Bassani, 1987; Ferioli, 1989; Oberdorfer, 1990.','','Sapinières et sapinières-pessières (Abies alba) développées sur des sols neutres ou voisins de la neutralité des Alpes, des Pyrénées, du Jura, des massifs hercyniens.','Ellenberg, 1963, 1988 ; Gruber, 1978 ; Ozenda, 1981, 1985 ; Durin, 1985 ; Noirfalise, 1986, 1987 ; Oberdorfer, 1990.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.111','42.11','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Sapinières neutrophiles intra-alpines','Inner Alpine neutrophilous fir forests','Galio rotundifolii-Abietenion ("Abietetum albae") p.: Oxali-Abietetum i.a.','Neutrophilous fir and fir-spruce forests developed on brown soils of the intermediate Alps, outside of the climatic range of the beech.','','Galio rotundifolii-Abietenion (Abietetum albae) p. : Oxali-Abietetum i.a.','Sapinières et sapinières-pessières neutrophiles développées sur des sols bruns dans les Alpes intermédiaires, en dehors de l’aire climatique du Hêtre.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.1111','42.111','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Sapinières à Oxalis','Sorrel fir forests','','Typical inner Alpine formations with a predominance of mull-moder species such as Veronica latifolia, Melampyrum sylvaticum, Prenanthes purpurea, Oxalis acetosella, Luzula nivea; all fir forests of the intermediate and inner Alps can be included in this category with the exception of those that present clearly acidophilous or calciphilous facies and of the well-characterized local types listed immediately below.','','','Formations typiquement intra-alpines avec prédominance d''espèces de mull-moder telles que Veronica latifolia, Melampyrum sylvaticum, Prenanthes purpurea, Oxalis acetosella, Luzula nivea ; toutes sapinières des Alpes intermédiaires et internes peuvent être incluses dans cette catégorie à l''exception de celles qui présentent des faciès nettement acidiphiles ou calciphiles et des types locaux bien caractérisés codés immédiatement en dessous.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.1112','42.111','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Sapinières à hautes herbes','Tall herb fir forests','','High altitude, upper montane, tall-herb rich formations with Adenostyles alliariae, Geranium sylvaticum, Cicerbita alpina, Chaerophyllum villarsii, Peucedanum ostruthium, Alnus viridis and Sorbus aucuparia.','','','Formations de haute altitude, à l''étage montagnard supérieur, riches en hautes herbes, avec Adenostyles alliariae, Geranium sylvaticum, Cicerbita alpina, Chaerophyllum villarsii, Peucedanum ostruthium, Alnus viridis, Sorbus aucuparia.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.1113','42.111','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Sapinières à Trochiscanthes','Trochiscantes fir forests','','Formations of the Maritime Alps with Trochiscanthes nodiflorus, Galium sylvaticum, Luzula pedemontana, Aquilegia atrata, Phyteuma halleri.','','','Formations des Alpes maritimes avec Trochiscanthes nodiflorus, Galium sylvaticum, Luzula pedemontana, Aquilegia atrata, Phyteuma halleri.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.112','42.11','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Sapinières neutrophiles de la zone du Hêtre','Neutrophilous beech-zone fir forests','','Fir or fir-spruce facies of the montane beech-fir neutrophilous forests (41.13, 41.14, 41.17 p.) of the outer Alps, the Pyrenees, the northern Apennines, the Jura and the Hercynian arc, with rich herb and moss layers and a flora similar to that of the beech or beech-fir facies.','','','Sapinières ou faciès de sapinières des hêtraies-sapinières montagnardes (41.13, 41.14, 41.17 p.) des Alpes externes, des Pyrénées, du Jura et de l''arc hercynien, avec des strates herbacées et muscinales riches en espèces et avec une flore similaire à celle des faciès de hêtraie ou de hêtraie-sapinière.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.113','42.11','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Sapinières intra-pyrénéennes','Inner Pyrenean fir forests','','More acidophilous formations of the inner Pyrenees, with Vaccinium myrtillus, Goodyera repens, Galium rotundifolium and a good representation of species of the neutrophilous beech forests, intermediate between this unit and 42.13.','','','Formations très acidiphiles des Pyrénées internes, avec Vaccinium myrtillus, Goodyera repens, Galium rotundifolium et une bonne représentation d''espèces de forêts de Hêtres neutrophiles, intermédiaires entre cette unité et 42.13K.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.12','42.1','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Sapinières calciphiles','Calciphilous silver fir forests','','Fir (Abies alba) and fir-spruce forests developed on calcareous soils of the Alps, the Pyrenees, the Jura and the Hercynian ranges.','Tüxen and Oberdorfer, 1958; Ellenberg, 1963; Ozenda, 1981, 1985; Noirfalise, 1986, 1987; Ellenberg, 1988; Oberdorfer, 1990.','','Sapinières (Abies alba) et sapinières-pessières développées sur des sols calcaires des Alpes, des Pyrénées, du Jura et des massifs hercyniens.','Ellenberg, 1963 ; Ozenda, 1981, 1985 ; Noirfalise, 1986, 1987 ; Ellenberg, 1988  ; Oberdorfer, 1990.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.121','42.12','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Sapinières calcicoles intra-alpines','Inner Alpine calcicolous fir forests','Galio rotundifolii-Abietenion ("Abietetum albae") p.: Calamagrostido variae-Abietetum, Carici albae-Abietetum, Adenostylo glabrae-Abietetum','Calcicolous fir or fir-spruce forests of the intermediate Alps with Carex alba, Polygala chamaebuxus, Hepatica triloba, Calamagrostis varia.','','Galio rotundifolii-Abietenion (Abietum albae) p. : Calamagrostido variae-Abietum, Carici albae-Abietum, Adenostylo glabrae-Abietum','Sapinières ou sapinières-pessières des Alpes moyennes avec Carex alba, Polygala chamaebuxus, Hepatica nobilis, Calamagrostis varia.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.122','42.12','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Sapinières calcicoles de la zone du Hêtre','Calcicolous beech zone fir forests','','Fir facies of calcicolous beech-fir forests in the outer Alps, the Pyrenees, the Jura.','','','Faciès à Sapin des hêtraies-sapinières des Alpes externes, des Pyrénées et du Jura.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.123','42.12','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Black Forest calcicolous fir-spruce woods','Piceo-Abietetum','Fir-spruce woods of calcareous soils of the Baar Plateau in the eastern Black Forest foothills, rich in sedges and orchids.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.13','42.1','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Sapinières acidiphiles','Acidophilous silver fir forests','','Fir (Abies alba) and fir-spruce forests developed on acid soils of the Alps, the Pyrenees, the Jura, the Hercynian ranges and the northern Apennines.','Ellenberg, 1963, 1988; Gruber, 1978; Ozenda, 1981, 1985; Dupias, 1985; Noirfalise, 1986, 1987; Oberdorfer, 1990.','','Sapinières (Abies alba) et sapinières-pessières développées sur des sols acides des Alpes, des Pyrénées, du Jura, des massifs hercyniens.','Ellenberg, 1963, 1988 ; Gruber, 1978 ; Ozenda, 1981, 1985 ; Dupias, 1985 ; Noirfalise, 1986, 1987 ; Oberdorfer, 1990.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.131','42.13','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Sapinières acidiphiles intra-alpines','Inner Alpine acidophilous silver fir forests','Galio rotundifolii-Albietenion ("Abietetum albae") p.: Calamagrostido villosae-Abietetum, Vaccinio-Abietetum, Luzulo-Abietetum','Oligotrophic fir and fir-spruce forests of the intermediate Alps, with Luzula nivea, Vaccinium myrtillus, Calamagrostis villosa, Festuca flavescens, Saxifraga cuneifolia.','','Galio rotundifolii-Abietenion (Abietum albae p.) : Calamagrostido villosae-Abietum, Vaccinio-Abietum, Luzulo-Abietum','Sapinières et sapinières-pessières oligotrophes des Alpes intermédiaires, avec Luzula nivea, Vaccinium myrtillus, Calamagrostis villosa, Festuca flavescens, Saxifraga cuneifolia.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.132','42.13','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Sapinières acidiphiles de la zone du Hêtre','Acidophilous beech zone fir forests','','Fir or fir-spruce facies of acidophilous beech-fir formations, in the outer Alps, the Pyrenees, the Apennines, the Hercynian arc.','','','Faciès à Sapin ou à Sapin et Epicéas des formations de hêtraies-sapinières acidiphiles, dans les Alpes externes, les Pyrénées, et l''arc hercynien.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.133','42.13','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Sapinières à Rhododendron','Fir forests with alpenrose','Rhodoreto-Abietetum, Homogyno-Abietetum','High-altitude fir forests characteristic of ubacs of high mountains outside of the range of spruce, with Rhododendron ferrugineum, Vaccinium myrtillus, Homogyne alpina, Festuca flavescens.','','Rhodoreto-Abietetum, Homogyno-Abietetum','Sapinières de haute altitude caractéristiques des ombrées et ubacs de hautes montagnes situées hors de l''aire de distribution de l''Epicéa, avec Rhododendron ferrugineum, Vaccinium myrtillus, Homogyne alpina, Festuca flavescens.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.1331','42.133','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Sapinières pyrénéennes à Rhododendron','Pyrenean alpenrose fir forest','','Fir forests of the lower sub-alpine level of the Pyrenees, with Rhododendron ferrugineum, Homogyne alpina, Lonicera nigra, Polystichum lonchitis, Rosa pendulina (R. alpina), Huperzia selago.','','','Sapinières de l''étage subalpin inférieur des Pyrénées, avec Rhododendron ferrugineum, Homogyne alpina, Lonicera nigra, Polystichum lonchitis, Rosa pendulina (R. alpina), Huperzia selago.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.1332','42.133','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Sapinières alpiennes à Rhododendron','Alpine alpenrose fir forests','','Fir forests of the lower sub-alpine level of the western Alps, with Rhododendron ferrugineum, Vaccinium myrtillus, Homogyne alpina, Lonicera caerulea, Festuca flavescens, Huperzia selago.','','','Sapinières de l''étage sub-alpin inférieur des Alpes occidentales, avec Rhododendron ferrugineum, Vaccinium myrtillus, Homogyne alpina, Lonicera caerulea, Festuca flavescens, Huperzia selago.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.1333','42.133','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Sapinières à Rhododendron sur rocailles','Block alpenrose fir forests','','Block fir forests of the montane level.','','','Sapinière sur rocailles de l’étage montagnard.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.14','42.1','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Sapinières corses','Corsican silver fir forests','Poo-Fagetum abietetosum','Fir woods and forests locally replacing, mostly in cool stations, the acidophilous beech forests of the montane level of Corsica.','Gamisans, 1975, 1985; Noirfalise, 1986, 1987.','Poo-Fagetum abietetosum','Bois et forêts de Sapins remplaçant localement, surtout dans les stations fraîches, les hêtraies acidiphiles du niveau montagnard de Corse.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.15','42.1','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Southern Apennine silver fir forests','Geranio versicolori-Fagion p.','Relict fir woods associated with the beech forests of the Geranio versicolori-Fagion of the Lucano-Calabrian Apennines (Pollino, Sila, Aspromonte).','Fenaroli, 1970, 1984; Bonin, 1971; Noirfalise, 1986, 1987; Bassani, 1987; Ferioli, 1989.','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.16','42.1','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Greek silver fir forests','Fagion moesiacum p.','Very local, calciphilous, Abies alba forests of extreme northern Greece.','Horvat et al., 1974; Sfikas, 1978; Mavrommatis, 1978; Kassioumis, 1988.','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.17','42.1','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Forests of King Boris''s fir','Fagion hellenicum p.','Fir forests of the Pindus with Abies borisii-regis, adjacent to beech and beech-fir forests of the Fagion hellenicum.','Horvat et al., 1974; Ozenda, 1975; Sfikas, 1978; Mavrommatis, 1978; Gamisans and Hebrard, 1979; Noirfalise, 1986, 1987.','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.18','42.1','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Forests of Grecian fir','Abietion cephalonicae','Endemic Abies cephalonica or mixed A. cephalonica and A. borisii-regis forests of the southern Pindus, the Parnassus, Cephalonia and the Peloponnese, outside of the range of beeches, Fagus spp.','Horvat et al., 1974; Ozenda, 1975; Sfikas, 1978; Mavrommatis, 1978; Noirfalise, 1986, 1987.','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.19','42.1','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Pinsapo fir forests','','Forests and stands of the endemic Abies pinsapo of the supra-meso-Mediterranean level of Andalucia.','Polunin and Smythies, 1973; Rigueiro Rodriguez, 1976; Ortuno and Ceballos, 1977; Ortuno and Ceballos, 1977; Ozenda et al., 1979; Lopez Gonzalez, 1982; Asensi and Diez Garretas, 1987.','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.191','42.19','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Ronda pinsapo fir forests','Paeonio coriaceae-Abietetum pinsapi','Calcicolous formations of the Serrania de Ronda and associated ranges.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.192','42.19','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Bermeja pinsapo fir forests','Bunio macucae-Abietetum pinsapi','Formations occupying ultra basic serpentine outcroppings of the Sierra Bermeja and isolated stands of associated ranges.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.1A','42.1','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Relict Nebrodi fir stands','','Surviving stands of the endangered Abies nebrodensis in the Madonie mountains of Sicily.','Fenaroli, 1970; Pignatti, 1982; Groppali et al., 1983; Ferioli, 1989.','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.1B','42.1','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Reboisement en Sapins','Fir reforestation','','Plantations of European firs within or near their area of present or recent natural occurrence. Other plantations of these species and plantations of non-European firs should be noted as 83.','','','Plantations de Sapins européens à l''intérieur ou au voisinage de leur aire de répartition actuelle présente ou récente. D''autres plantations de ces espèces et d''autres plantations de Sapins non-européens doivent être notées comme 83.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.1B1','42.1B','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Reboisement en Abies alba','Abies alba reforestation','','Plantations of Abies alba within its area of occurrence or north and west of it.','','','Plantations d''Abies alba à l''intérieur de son aire de répartition ou au nord ou à l''ouest de cette dernière.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.1B2','42.1B','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Abies borisii-regis reforestation','','Plantations of A. borisii-regis in Greece.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.1B3','42.1B','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Reboisement en Abies cephalonica','Abies cephalonica reforestation','','Plantations of A. cephalonica in Greece.','','','Plantations de A. cephalonica.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.1B4','42.1B','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Abies pinsapo reforestation','','Plantations of A. pinsapo in Andalucia.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.1B5','42.1B','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Abies nebrodensis reforestation','','Plantations of A. nebrodensis in the mountains of northern Sicily.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.2','42','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Pessières','Spruce forests','Vaccinio-Piceion i.a.','Conifer forests dominated by Picea abies.','Ellenberg, 1963, 1988; Ozenda, 1985; Noirfalise, 1987; Ferioli, 1989; Oberdorfer, 1990.','Vaccinio-Piceion i.a.','Forêts de conifères dominées par Picea abies.','Ellenberg, 1963, 1988 ; Ozenda, 1985 ; Noirfalise, 1987 ; Oberdorfer, 1990.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.21','42.2','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Pessières sub-alpines des Alpes','Sub-alpine spruce forests of the Alps','Piceetum subalpinum','Picea abies forests of the lower sub-alpine level, and of anomalous stations in the montane level, of the outer, intermediate and inner Alps; in the latter, they are often in continuity with the montane spruce forests of 42.22. The spruces are often stunted or columnar; they are accompanied by an undergrowth of decidedly sub-alpine affinities.','Ellenberg, 1963, 1988; Ozenda, 1981, 1985; Noirfalise, 1986, 1987; Oberdorfer, 1990.','Piceetum subalpinum','Forêts d''Epicéas de l''étage subalpin inférieur et de stations anormales de l''étage montagnard des Alpes externes, intermédiaires et internes ; dans ce dernier cas il s''agit souvent de communautés en continuité avec les pessières montagnardes de 42.22. Les Epicéas sont souvent rabougris ou columnaires ; ils sont accompagnés d''un sous-bois aux affinités nettement subalpines.','Ellenberg, 1963, 1988 ; Ozenda, 1981, 1985 ; Noirfalise, 1986, 1987 ; Oberdorfer, 1990.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.211','42.21','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Pessières à Airelle','Bilberry spruce forests','Homogyne-Piceetum, Vaccinio-Piceetum','Mostly acidophilous, mesophile, sub-alpine Picea abies forests with Oxalis acetosella, Vaccinium vitis-idaea, V. myrtillus, Calamagrostis villosa and the moss Hylocomium splendens.','','Homogyne-Piceetum, Vaccinio-Piceetum','Forêts subalpines de Picea abies généralement acidiphiles, mésophiles, avec Oxalis acetosella, Vaccinium vitis-idaea, V. myrtillus, Calamagrostis villosa, Hylocomium splendens.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.212','42.21','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Pessières subalpines à hautes herbes','Tall herb subalpine spruce forests','Adenostylo hirsutae-Piceetum, Adenostylo alliariae-Piceetum','Tall-herb rich, hygrophile or meso-hygrophile, Picea abies forests of high altitude stations subjected to prolonged snow cover and frequent fogs, with Adenostyles spp., Chaerophyllum hirsutum, Peucedanum ostruthium, Ranunculus aconitifolius, Aconitum vulparia, A. paniculatum, Stellaria nemorum, Geranium sylvaticum, Cicerbita alpina.','','Adenostylo hirsutae-Piceetum, Adenostylo alliariae-Piceetum','Forêts de Picea abies de stations de haute altitude, hygrophiles ou mésophiles, riches en hautes herbes, soumises à une couverture de neige prolongée et à des brouillards fréquents, avec Adenostyles spp., Chaerophyllum hirsutum, Peucedanum ostruthium, Ranunculus aconitifolius, Aconitum vulparia, A. paniculatum, Stellaria nemorum, Geranium sylvaticum, Cicerbita alpina.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.2121','42.212','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Pessières subalpines calcicoles à hautes herbes','Calcicolous tall herb subalpine spruce forests','','Tall-herb sub-alpine Picea abies forests on calcareous substrates, with Adenostyles hirsuta.','','','Forêts subalpines de Picea abies à hautes herbes sur substrats calcaires, avec Adenostyles alpina.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.2122','42.212','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Pessières subalpines silicicoles à hautes herbes','Silicicolous tall herb subalpine spruce forests','','Tall-herb sub-alpine Picea abies forests on siliceous substrates, with Adenostyles alliaria.','','','Forêts subalpines de Picea abies à hautes herbes sur substrats siliceux, avec Adenostyles alliaria.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.213','42.21','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Pessières subalpines à sphaignes','Peatmoss subalpine spruce forests','Sphagno-Piceetum','Sphagnum-rich Picea abies forests of more or less peaty, humid substrates with Listera cordata, Sphagnum acutifolium, S. quinquefarium, S. girgensohnii.','','Sphagno-Piceetum','Forêts de Picea abies riches en Sphagnum sur des substrats plus ou moins tourbeux, humides, avec Listera cordata, Sphagnum acutifolium, S. quinquefarium, S. girgensohnii.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.214','42.21','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Pessières subalpines xérophiles','Xerophile subalpine spruce forests','','Picea abies forests on dry adrets, with Vaccinium vitis-ideae or with Arctostaphylos uva-ursi, Polygala chamaebuxus, Carex humilis.','','','Forêts de Picea abies des adrets secs, avec Vaccinium vitis-idaea ou avec Arctostaphylos uva-ursi, Polygala chamaebuxus, Carex humilis.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.215','42.21','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Pessières de stations froides','Cold station spruce forests','Asplenio-Piceetum i.a.','Picea abies woods of anomalous stations at the montane or sub-alpine level, in particular block forests of "ice cellars" (shaded rocky screes through which cold air flows), woods developed in valleys and depressions where cold air accumulates on clear nights, woods colonizing stabilised screes and narrow bands of rocks, woods on moist sites.','','Asplenio-Piceetum i.a.','Bois de Picea abies dans des stations anormales des étages montagnard et subalpin, en particulier forêts sur blocs des "creux à glace" (éboulis rocheux ombragés traversés par des courants d''air froids), bois développés dans des vallées et des dépressions dans lesquels l''air froid s''accumule pendant les nuits claires, bois colonisant les éboulis stabilisés et les barres rocheuses étroites, les bois des sites humides.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.22','42.2','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Pessières montagnardes des Alpes internes','Montane spruce forests of the inner Alps','Piceetum montanum','Picea abies forests of the montane level of the inner Alps, characteristic of regions climatically unfavorable to both beech and fir.','Ellenberg, 1963, 1988; Ozenda, 1981, 1985; Noirfalise, 1986, 1987.','Piceetum montanum','Forêts de Picea abies de l’étage montagnard des Alpes internes, caractéristiques des régions climatiquement défavorables au Hêtre et au Sapin.','Ellenberg, 1963, 1988 ; Ozenda, 1981, 1985 ; Noirfalise, 1986, 1987.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.221','42.22','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Pessières montagnardes intra-alpines acidiphiles','Acidophile montane inner Alpine spruce forests','Calamagrostio villosae-Piceetum, Luzulo-Piceetum, Veronico-Piceetum, Oxali-Piceetum','Inner Alpine Picea abies forests of siliceous crystalline or schistous substrates, with Calamagrostis villosa and woodrushes.','','Calamagrostio villosae-Piceetum, Luzulo-Piceetum, Veronico-Piceetum, Oxali-Piceetum','Forêts de Picea abies intra-alpines sur substrats siliceux cristallins ou schisteux, avec Calamagrostis arundinacea et herbacées forestières.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.222','42.22','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Pessières montagnardes intra-alpines calciphiles','Calciphile montane inner Alpine spruce forests','Calamagrostio variae-Piceetum','Calcicolous inner Alpine Picea abies forests with Calamagrostis varia, Carex flacca, Sesleria caerulea, Hieracium trifidum, Aster bellidiastrum.','','Calamagrostio variae-Picetum','Forêts calcicoles intra-alpines de Picea abies avec Calamagrostis varia, Carex flacca, Sesleria caerulea, Hieracium trifidum, Aster bellidiastrum.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.223','42.22','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Pessières montagnardes intra-alpines xérophiles','Xerophile montane inner Alpine spruce forests','Melico-Piceetum and related communities','Xerophile, more or less mesotrophic inner Alpine Picea abies forests with Carex montana and Melica nutans.','','Melico-Piceetum et communautés affines','Forêts de Picea abies intra-alpines plus ou moins mésotrophes avec Carex montana et Melica nutans.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.224','42.22','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Pessières montagnardes intra-alpines à hautes herbes','Tall herb montane inner Alpine spruce forests','Adenostylo glabrae-Piceetum','Upper montane inner Alpine Picea abies forests with tall herb communities.','','Adenostylo glabrae-Piceetum','Forêts de Picea abies de l''étages supérieur intra-alpin avec des communautés de hautes herbes.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.225','42.22','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Pessières montagnardes intra-alpines à Sphaignes','Peatmoss montane inner Alpine spruce forests','','Sphagnum-rich inner Alpine Picea abies forests of peaty soils with Listera cordata, Equisetum sylvaticum and Dryopteris dilatata.','','','Forêts de Picea abies intra-alpines sur sols tourbeux avec Listera cordata, Equisetum sylvaticum, Calamagrostis villosa.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.23','42.2','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Forêts subalpines hercyniennes','Subalpine Hercynian forests','','Sub-alpine Picea abies forests of high Hercynian ranges.','','','Forêts de Picea abies subalpines des hauts massifs hercyniens.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.231','42.23','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Subalpine spruce forests of the Bayerischer Wald','Soldanello-Piceetum','Acidophilous Picea abies forest of the granitic domes of the Bayerischer Wald, with fir, Sorbus aucuparia, Vaccinium myrtillus, Homogyne alpina, Soldanella montana, Calamagrostis villosa.','Ellenberg, 1963, 1988; Petermann and Seibert, 1979; Ozenda, 1985; Noirfalise, 1986, 1987, Oberdorfer, 1990.','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.232','42.23','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Pessières subalpines du Harz et de l''Erzgebirge','Subalpine spruce forests of the Harz and Erzgebirge','Calamagrostio villosae-Piceetum','Spruce forests of the higher elevations of the Harz (above 750 m) and Erzgebirge.','Noirfalise, 1987; Ellenberg, 1988; Oberdorfer, 1990.','Calamagrostio villosae-Picetum','Pessières des hautes élévations du Harz (près de 750m) et de l''Erzgebirge. A rechercher dans les Alpes françaises (?).','Noirfalise, 1987 ; Ellenberg, 1988 ; Oberdorfer, 1990.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.24','42.2','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Southern spruce forests','','Outlying Picea abies formations of the Apennines and Rhodope, at the southern limit of the range of the species.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.241','42.24','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Greek spruce forests','','Very local Picea abies formations of the Rhodope mountains of extreme northern Greece (Kara-Dere Forest).','Sfikas, 1978; Mavrommatis, 1978.','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.242','42.24','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Apennine spruce forests','','Relict woods of spontaneous Picea abies of the northern Apennines (Passo del Cerreto, Emilia-Romagna; Foce del Campolino sull''Abetone, Tuscany).','Bassani, 1987; Ferioli, 1989.','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.25','42.2','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Pessières extrazonales','Enclave spruce forests','','Other spontaneous Picea abies formations occupying outlying altitudinal or edaphic enclaves within the range of more predominant vegetation types.','Noirfalise, 1987; Ellenberg, 1988; Oberdorfer, 1990.','','Autres formations spontanées de Picea abies occupant des enclaves altitudinales ou édaphiques isolées à l''intérieur de zones où prédominent d''autres types de végétations.','Noirfalise, 1987 ; Ellenberg, 1988 ; Oberdorfer, 1990.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.251','42.25','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Pessières subalpines du Jura','Subalpine Jura spruce forests','','Sub-alpine Picea abies forests of the Jura, similar to those of the northern outer Alps.','','','Forêts de Picea abies subalpines du Jura similaires à celles des Alpes externes nordiques.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.252','42.25','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Subalpine Black Forest spruce forests','','Sub-alpine Picea abies forests of the Black Forest, with Listera cordata, Lycopodium annotinum.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.253','42.25','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Pessières montagnardes à déterminisme édaphique','Montane edaphic spruce forests','Asplenio-Piceetum p., Bazzanio-Piceetum p., i.a.','Edaphic Picea abies enclaves of the montane and sub-montane levels of the Jura and Hercynian ranges and their vicinity, and of the pre-Alpine plateaux, in particular, block forests, boulder field forests, frost-pocket forests and woods on moist soils.','','Asplenio-Piceetum p., Bazzanio-Piceetum p., entre autres','Enclaves édaphiques de Picea abies des étages montagnard et sub-montagnard du Jura et des massifs hercyniens et de leurs alentours, et des plateaux pré-alpins, en particulier des forêts sur des blocs rocheux, sur des champs morainiques, sur des creux à froids et des bois sur des sols humides.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.254','42.25','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Pessières de la zone montagnarde du Hêtre','Montane beech-zone spruce forests','','Spruce facies of montane beech-fir forests in the outer Alps, the Jura system and the Hercynian arc.','','','Faciès à Epicéa des forêts montagnardes de Hêtre et de Sapins dans les Alpes externes, le Jura et l''arc hercynien.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.26','42.2','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Reboisement d''Epicéas','Spruce reforestation','','Plantations of Picea abies in or near the present or recent natural range of the species, including all Hercynian and peri-Hercynian formations accompanied by semi-natural undergrowth. Intensive, very dense and out-of-station plantations of Picea abies and plantations of other Picea spp. should be listed as 83.','','','Plantations de Picea abies dans ou près des secteurs de spontanéité de l''espèce, incluant les formations hercyniennes et péri-hercyniennes accompagnées par un sous-bois semi-naturel. Des plantations de Picea abies intensives, très denses et en dehors de l''aire naturelle et des plantations d''autres Picea spp. doivent être cataloguées comme 83.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.3','42','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Forêts de Mélèzes et d''Arolles','Larch-arolla forests','Laricio-Cembrion','Forests of the sub-alpine and sometimes montane levels of the Alps, dominated by Larix decidua or Pinus cembra; the two species may form either pure or mixed stands, and may be associated with Picea abies or, in the western Alps, Pinus uncinata.','Ellenberg, 1963, 1988; Ozenda, 1985; Noirfalise, 1986, 1987; Oberdorfer, 1990.','Laricio-Cembrion','Forêts des étages subalpin et parfois montagnard des Alpes, dominées par Larix decidua ou Pinus cembra, les deux espèces pouvant former des boisements purs de l''une ou de l''autre, ou des peuplements où elles sont mélangées, et pouvant être aussi associées avec Picea abies ou, dans les Alpes occidentales, avec Pinus uncinata.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.31','42.3','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Forêts siliceuses orientales à Mélèze et Arolle','Eastern siliceous larch and arolla forests','Larici-Cembretum','Sub-alpine Larix decidua, Pinus cembra, or Larix decidua-Pinus cembra forests of the eastern and central Alps, mostly of the inner ranges, usually on siliceous substrates, with an often species-poor undergrowth comprising Vaccinium myrtillus, Rhododendron ferrugineum, Calamagrostis villosa, Luzula albida.','Ellenberg, 1963; Ozenda, 1985; Noirfalise, 1986, 1987.','Larici-Cembretum','Forêts subalpines de Larix decidua, de Pinus cembra ou de Larix decidua-Pinus cembra des Alpes centrales et orientales, généralement dans les régions internes, habituellement sur des substrats siliceux, avec un sous-bois souvent spécifiquement pauvre comprenant Vaccinium myrtillus, Rhododendron ferrugineum, Calamagrostis villosa, Luzula luzuloides.','Ellenberg, 1963 ; Ozenda, 1985 ; Noirfalise, 1986, 1987.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.311','42.31','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Forêts d''Arolles à Myrtille','Bilberry arolla forests','Larici-Cembretum myrtilletosum','Forests limited to ubacs, formed by vigorous Pinus cembra in often pure, dense, shady stands, with rarer Larix decidua and sporadic Picea abies; the ground layer may include Linnaea borealis, Listera cordata.','','Larici-Cembretum myrtilletosum','Forêts cantonnées aux ubacs, formées de Pinus cembra vigoureux en stations souvent pures, denses, ombragées, avec de rares Larix decidua et de sporadiques Picea abies ; la strate inférieure peut renfermer Linnaea borealis, Listera cordata.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.312','42.31','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Forêts d''Arolles à Luzules','Woodrush arolla forests','Larici-Cembretum luzuletosum albidae','Forests characteristic of steep adrets in the lower sub-alpine level of the eastern intermediate Alps, usually dominated by Pinus cembra, often in dense stands.','','Larici-Cembretum luzuletosum albidae','Forêts caractéristiques des adrets abrupts de l''étage sub-alpin des Alpes orientales moyennes, généralement dominées par Pinus cembra, souvent en peuplements denses.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.313','42.31','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Forêts de Mélèzes et d''Arolles à Rhododendron ferrugineux','Rusty alpenrose arolla-larch forests','Larici-Cembretum rhododendretosum','More open forests than those of 42.311 and 42.312, with Pinus cembra usually dominant, but Larix decidua more abundant and a more extensive heath element.','','Larici-Cembretum rhododendretosum','Forêts plus ouvertes que celles de 42.311 et 42.312, avec Pinus cembra généralement dominant, avec Larix decidua plus abondant et avec une plus grande extension de l''élément éricoïde.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.314','42.31','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Forêts de Mélèzes et d''Arolles à Calamagrostis','Small-reed larch-arolla forests','Larici-Cembretum calamagrostietosum villosae','Forests of adrets, usually open, with Larix decidua dominant, Pinus cembra and Picea abies in enclaves, and an undergrowth less rich in heaths but more in gramineous stands with Calamagrostis villosa and woodrushes.','','Larici-Cembretum calamagrostietosum villosae','Forêts d''adret, généralement ouvertes, à Larix decidua dominant, à Pinus cembra et Picea abies en enclaves, et à sous-bois moins riches en Ericacées et plus riches en Graminées avec Calamagrostis villosa et des Luzules.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.315','42.31','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Forêts de Mélèze et d''Arolles à Pin mugo','Dwarf pine larch-arolla forests','Larici-Cembretum mugetosum','Xerophile forests of adrets with Pinus mugo.','','Larici-Cembretum mugetosum','Forêts xérophiles d''adret avec Pinus mugo.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.316','42.31','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Forêts de Mélèzes et d''Arolles avec Genévriers nains','Dwarf juniper larch-arolla forests','Larici-Cembretum juniperetosum','Xerophile forests of adrets with Juniperus nana and Arctostaphylos uva-ursi.','','Larici-Cembretum juniperetosum','Forêts xérophiles d''adrets avec Juniperus nana et Arctostaphylos uva-ursi.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.317','42.31','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Forêts de Mélèzes et d''Arolles à Aulnes verts et hautes herbes','Green alder and tall herb arolla-larch forests','Larici-Cembretum alnetosum viridis','Hygrophile forests of stations with prolonged snow cover on lime-poor or lime-rich oligotrophic substrates, usually dominated by Pinus cembra.','','Larici-Cembretum alnetosum viridis','Forêts hygrophiles de stations ayant une couverture nivale prolongée sur substrats oligotrophes pauvres ou riches en carbonates, généralement dominées par Pinus cembra.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.318','42.31','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Forêts de Mélèzes et d''Arolles à Lichens','Lichen larch-arolla forests','Larici-Cembretum cladonietosum','Forests of stabilized block screes, dominated by Larix decidua or Larix decidua and Pinus cembra, often with Betula spp. and Pinus mugo.','','Larici-Cembretum cladonietosum','Forêts sur des éboulis stabilisés de blocs, dominées par Larix decidua ou Larix decidua et Pinus cembra, avec souvent Betula spp. et Pinus mugo.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.319','42.31','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Forêts d''Arolles à Sphaignes','Peatmoss arolla forests','Larici-Cembretum sphagnetosum','Forests of the edge of peatbogs, generally with Pinus cembra and no Larix decidua, accompanied by Pinus mugo, Eriophorum spp. and Andromeda polifolia.','','Larici-Cembretum sphagnetosum','Forêts de bord de tourbières, avec généralement Pinus cembra et sans Larix decidua, accompagnées de Pinus mugo, Eriophorum spp. et Andromeda polifolia.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.32','42.3','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Forêts orientales, calcicoles de Mélèzes et d''Arolles','Eastern calcicolous larch and arolla forests','Laricetum, Larici-Cembretum rhododendretosum hirsuti','Sub-alpine and montane Larix decidua, Larix decidua - Picea abies, Pinus cembra or Larix decidua-Pinus cembra forests of the eastern and central Alps, mostly of the outer ranges, on calcareous substrates, with a usually species-rich undergrowth including Erica herbacea, Polygala chamaebuxus, Rhododendron hirsutum or Pinus mugo.','Ozenda, 1985; Ellenberg, 1988.','Laricetum, Larici-Cembretum rhododendretosum hirsuti','Forêts subalpines et montagnardes de Larix decidua, de Larix decidua-Picea abies, de Pinus cembra ou Larix decidua-Pinus cembra des Alpes centrales et orientales, surtout des secteurs externes, sur des substrats calcaires avec usuellement une sous-strate riche en espèces incluant Erica herbacea, Polygala chamaebuxus, Rhododendron hirsutum ou Pinus mugo.','Ozenda, 1985 ; Ellenberg, 1988.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.321','42.32','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Forêts d''Arolles et de Mélèzes et d''Arolles à Rhododendron cilié','Hairy alpenrose arolla and larch-arolla forests','Larici-Cembretum rhododendretosum hirsuti','Forests of the intermediate Alps and the northeastern outer Alps, developed in particular on hard limestone plateaux.','','Larici-Cembretum rhododendretosum hirsuti','Forêts des Alpes intermédiaires et des Alpes externes nord-orientales, développées en particulier sur des plateaux de calcaires durs.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.3211','42.321','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Forêts de Mélèzes et d''Arolles à Rhododendron cilié','Hairy alpenrose larch-arolla forests','','Forests of limestone plateaux with Pinus cembra and Larix decidua.','','','Forêts de plateaux calcaires à Pinus cembra et Larix decidua.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.32111','42.3211','7','Niveau 7','TRUE','Forêts de Mélèzes et d''Arolles à Pin mugo et Rhododendron cilié','Dwarf pine-hairy alpenrose larch-arolla forests','','Forests of Pinus cembra and Larix decidua with an undergrowth of Pinus mugo and Rhododendron hirsutum.','','','Forêts de Pinus cembra et Larix decidua avec un sous-bois de Pinus mugo et Rhododendron hirsutum.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.32112','42.3211','7','Niveau 7','TRUE','Forêts de Mélèzes et d''Arolles à Aulne vert et Rhododendron cilié','Green alder-hairy alpenrose larch-arolla forests','','Forests of Pinus cembra and Larix decidua with an undergrowth of Alnus viridis, tall herbs and Rhododendron hirsutum.','','','Forêts de Pinus cembra et Larix decidua avec un sous-bois d''Alnus viridis, de hautes herbes et avec Rhododendron hirsutum.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.32113','42.3211','7','Niveau 7','TRUE','Autres forêts de Mélèzes et d''Arolles à Rhododendron cilié','Other hairy alpenrose larch-arolla forests','','','','','','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.3212','42.321','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Forêts d''Arolles à Rhododendron cilié','Hairy alpenrose arolla forests','','Forests of limestone plateaux with Pinus cembra and no or little Larix decidua.','','','Forêts de substrats calcaires, avec Pinus cembra et sans ou peu de Larix decidua.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.322','42.32','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Forêts de Mélèzes sur calcaires','Limestone larch forests','Laricetum','Calcicolous Larix decidua or Larix decidua-Picea abies forests, mostly of the outer Alps, in which Pinus cembra is rare or absent.','','Laricetum','Forêts calcicoles de Larix decidua ou de Picea abies, surtout dans les Alpes externes, où le Pinus cembra est rare ou absent.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.3221','42.322','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Forêts calcicoles de Mélèzes à Rhododendron','Limestone alpenrose larch forests','Laricetum rhododendretosum hirsuti','Larix decidua forests of limestone plateaux, with Rhododendron hirsutum dominating the ground layer.','','Laricetum rhododendretosum hirsuti','Forêts de plateaux calcaires de Larix decidua, avec Rhododendron hirsutum dominant le sous-bois.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.3222','42.322','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Forêts de Mélèzes calcicoles sur prairies','Limestone larch meadow forests','Laricetum luzuletosum sylvaticae','Calcicolous forests of ubacs, often with very tall, vigorous trees and a rich grassy undergrowth in which, together with Luzula sylvatica and L. luzulina, Calamagrostis villosa, Sesleria albicans, Festuca rubra, Carex ferruginea or C. firma can all locally dominate; acidophilous species, including Vaccinium vitis-idaea, V. myrtillus and Lycopodium annotinum, are confined to the foot of the larches.','','','Forêts calcicoles d’ubac, souvent composées d’arbres très grands et vigoureux et d’un sous-bois riche en herbes dans lequel, on trouve ensemble Luzula sylvatica, et L. luzulina, Calamagrostis villosa, Sesleria albicans, Festuca rubra, Carex ferruginea ou C. firma elles peuvent toutes dominer localement ; les espèces acidophiles, incluant Vaccinium vitis-idaea, V. myrtillus et Lycopodium annotinum sont confinées aux pieds des Mélèzes.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.3223','42.322','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Forêts de Mélèzes calcicoles sur éboulis','Limestone rockfall larch forests','Laricetum asplenietosum','Larix decidua forest developed on shady limestone screes.','','Laricetum asplenietosum','Forêts de Larix decidua développées sur éboulis calcaires et ombragés.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.3224','42.322','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Forêts calcicoles de Mélèzes et d''Epicéas sur pente abrupte','Limestone steep slope larch-spruce forests','Laricetum rhodothamnetosum','Larix decidua and Larix decidua-Picea abies forests, usually of steep slopes in the montane and locally sub-alpine levels of the northern and southern eastern outer Alps, with Erica herbacea, Buphthalmum salicifolium, Polygala chamaebuxus.','','','','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.33','42.3','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Forêts occidentales de Mélèzes, de Pins de montagne et d''Arolles','Western larch, mountain pine and arolla forests','','Sub-alpine Larix decidua, Larix decidua-Pinus cembra, Larix decidua-mountain pine, Pinus cembra and Pinus cembra-mountain pine forests of the western, and mostly southwestern Alps, in regions where Pinus uncinata usually associates with Larix decidua and/or Pinus cembra. Characteristically xeric, open formations, they are best characterized by their understorey.','Ozenda, 1985; Salomez in litt., 1990.','','Forêts subalpines de Larix decidua, Laris decidua et Pinus cembra,de Larix decidua et de Pins de montagne, de Pinus cembra, de Pinus cembra et Pins de montagne, des Alpes occidentales, et le plus souvent sud-occidentales, dans des régions dans lesquelles Pinus uncinata est généralement associé avec Larix decidua et/ou Pinus cembra. Formations ouvertes, nettement xériques, bien caractérisées par leur sous-bois.','Ozenda, 1985.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.331','42.33','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Forêts occidentales de Mélèzes et de Mélèzes et de Pins de montagne','Western larch and larch-mountain pine forests','','Forests of the western inner and intermediate Alps dominated by Larix decidua or by mixed Larix decidua and Pinus uncinata, with an occasional admixture of Pinus cembra or other conifers.','Ozenda, 1985; Salomez in litt., 1990.','','Forêts des Alpes occidentales internes et intermédiaires dominées par Larix decidua et Pinus uncinata, avec présence occasionnelle de Pinus cembra ou d’autres conifères.','Ozenda, 1985.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.3311','42.331','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Forêts occidentales de Mélèzes et de Mélèzes et de Pins de montagne sur landes','Western larch and larch-mountain pine heath forests','','Larix decidua and Larix decidua-Pinus uncinata forests with heath understorey formed by Rhododendron ferrugineum, Vaccinium myrtillus, V. vitis-idaea, V. uliginosum.','','','Forêts à Larix decidua et à Larix decidua et Pinus uncinata avec en sous-bois une lande formée de Rhododendron ferrugineum, Vaccinium myrtillus, V. vitis-idaea, V. uliginosum.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.3312','42.331','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Forêts occidentales de Mélèzes et de Mélèzes et de Pins de montagne sur prairies','Western larch and larch-mountain pine meadow forests','','Larix decidua and Larix decidua-Pinus uncinata forests with grass-rich understorey.','','','Forêts de Larix decidua et de Larix decidua et Pinus uncinata avec une strate herbacée riche en graminées.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.3313','42.331','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Forêts occidentales de Mélèzes et de Mélèzes et de Pins de montagne sur hautes herbes','Western larch and larch-mountain pine tall herb forests','','Larix decidua and Larix decidua-Pinus uncinata forests with tall-herb understorey.','','','Forêts de Larix decidua et de Larix decidua et Pinus uncinata avec un sous-bois de hautes herbes.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.332','42.33','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Forêts occidentales d''Arolles','Western arolla forests','','Rare forests of the western Alps, dominated by Pinus cembra or mixed Pinus cembra and Pinus uncinata.','Richard and Pautou, 1983; Ozenda, 1985; Apège, 1985; Gensac, 1987; Maurin in litt., 1989; Salomez in litt., 1990.','','Forêts rares des Alpes occidentales, dominées par Pinus cembra ou par un mélange de Pinus cembra et Pinus uncinata.','Richard et Pautou, 1983 ; Ozenda, 1985 ; Apège, 1985 ; Gensac, 1987.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.3321','42.332','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Forêts occidentales d''Arolles sur silice','Western silicicolous arolla forests','','Silicicolous Pinus cembra forests of ubacs and mesic stations in the inner and intermediate western Alps (Belledonne, Chamrousse; Briançonnais).','','','Forêts silicicoles de Pinus cembra des ubacs et des stations mésiques des Alpes occidentales internes et intermédiaires (Belledonne, Chamrousse, Briançonnais).','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.3322','42.332','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Forêts occidentales d''Arolles à Genévriers nains','Western dwarf juniper arolla forests','','Pinus cembra forests of adrets of the western inner Alps, in which Pinus cembra may be accompanied by P. uncinata and P. sylvestris over a heath of Juniperus nana and Arctostaphylos uva-ursi.','','','Forêts de Pinus cembra des adrets des Alpes occidentales internes dans lesquelles Pinus cembra peut être accompagné de Pinus uncinata et de Pinus sylvestris sur une lande à Juniperus nana et Arctostaphylos uva-ursi.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.3323','42.332','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Forêts occidentales calcicoles d''Arolles','Western calcicolous arolla forests','','Limestone and gypsum Pinus cembra forests, developed on raw humus accumulated over calcic or hyper calcic substrates, with an exceptional juxtaposition of acidophilous and basiphilous companion species, occasional in the inner and intermediate Alps (Maurienne; Tarentaise, La Plagne, mont Charvet; Flaine) and very locally the outer Alps (Haut Giffre, Les Bornes) of France.','','','Forêts de Pinus cembra sur calcaire et gypse, développées sur un humus brut accumulé sur des substrats calciques ou hyper-calciques, avec une juxtaposition exceptionnelle d''espèces compagnes acidiphiles et basiphiles, occasionnellement dans les Alpes internes et intermédiaires (Maurienne ; Tarentaise, La Plagne, Mont Charvet ; Flaine) et, très localement, dans les Alpes externes (Haut Giffre, Les Bornes) de France.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.34','42.3','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Formations secondaire de Mélèzes','Secondary larch formations','','Formations of Larix decidua colonizing abandoned fields and pastures in lower levels of the Alps. Alpine Larix decidua plantations; plantations of Larix decidua out of range and of other Larix spp. or hybrids should be listed under 83.','Ozenda, 1983, 1985.','','Formations de Larix decidua colonisant les champs et les pâturages abandonnés dans les étages inférieurs des Alpes. Plantations alpiennes de Larix decidua ; plantations de Larix decidua en dehors de son aire naturelle, et d''autres espèces de Larix ou hybrides, à coder sous le numéro 83.','Ozenda, 1983, 1985.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.4','42','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Forêts de Pins de montagne','Mountain pine forests','','Mostly sub-alpine forests of the Alps, the Jura, the Pyrenees and the Iberian Range, dominated by Pinus uncinata, usually open and with a very developed shrubby understory.','Ellenberg, 1963, 1988; Gruber, 1978; Ozenda, 1981, 1985; Lopez Gonzalez, 1982; Dupias, 1985; Fernandes Gonzalez, 1986; Noirfalise, 1986, 1987; Ferioli, 1989; Maurin in litt., 1989; Oberdorfer, 1990.','','Forêts pour la plupart subalpines, des Alpes, du Jura et des Pyrénées, dominées par Pinus uncinata, généralement ouvertes et avec un sous-bois buissonnant très développé.','Ellenberg, 1963, 1988 ; Gruber, 1978 ; Ozenda, 1981, 1985 ; Dupias, 1985 ; Noirfalise, 1986, 1987 ; Oberdorfer, 1990.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.41','42.4','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Forêts de Pins de montagne à Rhododendron ferrugineux','Rusty alpenrose mountain pine forests','Rhododendro-Vaccinion p.','Pinus uncinata forests of the western outer Alps, the Jura and Pyrenean ubacs, developed on siliceous or decalcified soils of the sub-alpine level with a predominately ericaceous undergrowh comprising Rhododendron ferrugineum (dominant), Vaccinium myrtillus, V. uliginosum, Calluna vulgaris, Homogyna alpina, Deschampsia flexuosa, Lycopodium annotinum. ','Gruber, 1978; Ozenda, 1981, 1985; Richard and Pautou, 1982; Dupias, 1985; Noirfalise, 1986, 1987; Vigo and Ninot, 1987; Bolos y Capdevilla, 1987.','Rhododendro-Vaccinion p.','Forêts de Pinus uncinata des Alpes externes occidentales, du Jura et des ombrées pyrénéennes, développées sur des sols siliceux ou décalcifiés de l''étage subalpin avec un sous-bois à prédominance d''Ericacées comprenant Rhododendron ferrugineum (dominant), Vaccinium myrtillus, V. uliginosum, Calluna vulgaris, Homogyne alpina, Deschampsia flexuosa, Lycopodium annotinum.','Gruber, 1978 ; Ozenda, 1981, 1985 ; Richard et Pautou, 1982 ; Dupias, 1985 ; Noirfalise, 1986, 1987.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.411','42.41','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Forêts de Pins de montagne à Rhododendron des Alpes externes','Outer Alpine alpenrose mountain pine forests','Rhododendro ferruginei-Pinetum uncinatae','Pinus uncinata forests occupying hard limestone plateaux of the outer Alps, in the Chablais, the Aravis, the Bauges, the Chartreuse, the Vercors, the Dévoluy in which the almost pure calcareous bedrock is covered by a thick layer of raw humus supporting an acidophilous undergrowth dominated by Rhododendron ferrugineum, Vaccininium myrtillus, V. vitis-ideae, V. uliginosum accompanied by Empetrum hermaphroditum, Lycopodium selago, Selaginella spinosa, Cladonia rangiferina, Homogyne alpina, Bartsia alpina, Astrantia minor.','','Rhododendro ferruginei-Pinetum uncinatae','Forêts de Pinus uncinata occupant les plateaux de calcaires compacts des Alpes externes, dans le Chablais, les Aravis, les Bauges, la Chartreuse, le Vercors, le Dévoluy dans lesquels le calcaire à peu près pur est surmonté d''une couverture épaisse d''humus brut supportant un sous-bois acidiphile dominée par Rhododendron ferrugineum, Vaccinium myrtillus, V. vitis-idaea, V. uliginosum, accompagnés d''Empetrum hermaphroditum, Huperzia selago, Selaginella spinosa, Cladonis rangiferina, Homogyne alpina, Bartsia alpina, Astrantia minor.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.412','42.41','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Forêts de Pins de montagne à Rhododendron du Jura','Jura alpenrose mountain pine forests','Lycopodio-Pinetum uncinatae','Sub-alpine Pinus uncinata forests of the western Jura, similar to the Alpine formations of 42.411.','','Lycopodio-Pinetum uncinatae','Forêts subalpines de Pinus uncinata du Jura occidental, similaires aux formations alpines de 42.411.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.413','42.41','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Forêts pyrénéennes de Pins de montagne à Rhododendron','Pyrenean alpenrose mountain pine forests','Rhododendro ferruginei-Pinetum uncinatae (Saxifrago-Rhododendretum pinetosum)','Pinus uncinata forests of ubacs of the Pyrenees developed on siliceous soils, or on decalcified soils in the calcareous ranges, in the more humid and snowy parts of the sub-alpine level, with a ground layer dominated by Rhododendron ferrugineum accompanied by Vaccinium myrtillus, Homogyne alpina, Rosa alpina, Deschampsia flexuosa, Oxalis acetosella, Juniperus nana, Calluna vulgaris, Dryopteris linnaena, Polystichum spinulosum, Solidago virgaurea.','','Rhododendro ferruginei-Pinetum uncinatae (Saxifrago-Rhododendretum pinetosum)','Forêts de Pinus uncinata, des ombrées des Pyrénées développées sur des sols siliceux, ou sur des sols decalcifiés dans les chaînes calcaires, dans les parties plus humides et enneigées de l''étage subalpin, avec un sous-bois dominé par Rhododendron ferrugineum accompagné de Vaccinium myrtillus, Homogyne alpina, Rosa pendulina, Deschampsia flexuosa, Oxalis acetosella, Juniperus sp., Calluna vulgaris, Gymnocarpium dryopteris, Dryopteris carthusiana, D. dilatata, Solidago virgaurea.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.42','42.4','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Forêts de Pins de montagne xéroclines','Xerocline mountain pine forests','Junipero-Pinion p., Erico-Pinion p.','Pinus uncinata forests of the inner Alps, of the western outer Alps and the Jura, and of Pyrenean adrets, accompanied by a shrubby undergrowth in which Rhododendron ferrugineum is absent or rare, while Juniperus nana, J. hemisphaerica, Arctostaphylos uva-ursi, A. alpina, Erica herbacea, Rhododendron hirsutum, Cotoneaster integerrimus, Daphne striata, Dryas octopetala or Polygala chamaebuxus may be prominent.','Gruber, 1978; Ozenda, 1981, 1985; Richard and Pautou, 1982; Dupias, 1985; Noirfalise, 1986, 1987; Vigo and Ninot, 1987; Bolos y Capdevilla, 1987.','Junipero-Pinion p., Erico-Pinion p.','Forêts de Pinus uncinata des Alpes internes, des Alpes externes occidentales, du Jura et des soulanes pyrénéennes, accompagnées par un sous-bois buissonnant dans lequel Rhododendron ferrugineum est absent ou rare, tandis que Juniperus nana, J. hemisphaerica, Arctostaphylos uva-ursi, A. alpina, Erica herbacea, Rhododendron hirsutum, Cotoneaster integerrimus, Daphne striata, Dryasoctopetala ou Polygala chamaebuxus peuvent être dominants.','Gruber, 1978 ; Ozenda, 1981, 1985 ; Richard et Pautou, 1982 ; Dupias, 1985 ; Noirfalise, 1986, 1987.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.421','42.42','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Forêts de Pins de montagne des Alpes internes','Inner Alpine mountain pine forests','','Sub-alpine or montane Pinus uncinata -dominated formations of the inner and intermediate Alps.','','','Formations subalpines ou montagnardes à Pinus uncinata dominant des Alpes internes ou intermédiaires.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.4211','42.421','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Forêts de Pins de montagne à laîche humble','Dwarf sedge mountain pine forests','','Xerophile adret Pinus uncinata forests of limestones and gypsums in the sub-alpine level of the inner Alps, with Carex humilis, Arctostaphylos uva-ursi.','','','Forêts xérophiles d''adrets à Pinus uncinata sur calcaires et gypses de l''étage subalpin des Alpes internes, avec Carex humilis, Arctostaphylos uva-ursi.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.4212','42.421','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Forêts de Pins de montagne à Erica herbacea','Spring heath mountain pine forests','','Meso-xerophile ubac Pinus uncinata forests of limestones and gypsums in the sub-alpine level of the inner Alps, with Erica herbacea, Amelanchier ovalis, Arctostaphylos uva-ursi, Carduus defloratus, Sesleria caerulea.','','','Forêts méso-xérophiles d''ubac de Pinus uncinata sur calcaires et gypses de l''étage subalpin des Alpes internes avec Erica herbacea, Amelanchier ovalis, Arctostaphylos uva-ursi, Carduus defloratus, Sesleria caerulea.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.4213','42.421','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Forêts de Pins de montagne à Silène rupestre','Rock campion mountain pine forests','','Pinus uncinata formations of dry, sunny siliceous slopes in the sub-alpine level of the inner Alps, with Silene rupestris, Vaccinium vitis-idaea, Juniperus nana, Sempervivum arachnoideum, Arctostaphylos uva-ursi.','','','Formations de Pinus uncinata sur des versants siliceux ensoleillés, secs, de l''étage subalpin des Alpes internes, avec Silene rupestris, Vaccinium vitis-idaea, Juniperus nana, Sempervivum arachnoideum, Arctostaphylos uva-ursi.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.4214','42.421','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Forêts de Pins de montagne sur amphilobites','Amphibolite mountain pine forests','','Dry Pinus uncinata facies of pine woods developed on amphibolites in the Belledonne and Taillefer ranges.','','','Faciès secs à Pinus uncinata de pinèdes développées sur amphilobites dans les secteurs de Belledonne et du Taillefer.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.4215','42.421','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Forêts de Pins de montagne à Ononis','Restharrow mountain pine forests','Ononido-Pinetum uncinatae','Pinus uncinata facies of montane Pinus sylvestris woods of inner Alpine valleys, developed, in particular on gypsum in Haute Maurienne and Tarentaise, and on stony calcareous slopes, screes, debris cones in Briançonnais.','','Ononido-Pinetum uncinatae','Faciès à Pinus uncinata des forêts motagnardes de Pinus sylvestris des vallées internes des Alpes, développés, en particulier, sur gypse en Haute Maurienne et Tarentaise, et sur versants pierreux calcaires, éboulis et cônes de débris dans le Briançonnais.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.42151','42.4215','7','Niveau 7','TRUE','Forêts de Pins de montagne à Ononis d''adret','Adret restharrow mountain pine forests','Ononido-Pinetum uncinatae s.s.','Dryer, sunny slope formations.','','Ononido-Pinetum uncinatae s.s.','Formations de versants ensoleillés, plus sèches.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.42152','42.4215','7','Niveau 7','TRUE','Forêts de Pins de montagne à Ononis d''ubac','Ubac restharrow mountain pine forests','Ononido-Pinetum uncinatae ericetosum','Heather-rich shady slope formations.','','Ononido-Pinetum uncinatae ericetosum','Formations de versants ombragés riches en Ericacées.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.422','42.42','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Forêts externes de Pins de montagne à Raisin d''Ours et Genévriers','Outer Alpine juniper-bearberry mountain pine forests','','Pinus uncinata forests of the calcareous ranges of the western pre-Alps (cf. 42.411) and the Jura, on less evolved soils than those of 42.411, which do not allow the development of Rhododendron ferrugineum heaths.','','','Forêts de Pinus uncinata des massifs calcaires des Préalpes occidentales (voir 42.411) et du Jura sur sols moins évolués que ceux de 42.411, sans développement des landes à Rhododendron ferrugineum.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.4221','42.422','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Forêts externes xérophiles de Pins de montagne','Xerophile outer Alpine mountain pine forests','','Sub-alpine xerophile, often pioneer or sub-climax formations of steep slopes and very drained soils, with Arctostaphylos uva-ursi, Juniperus nana, Amelanchier ovalis, Rhamnus alpinus, Cotoneaster integerrima, Dryas octopetala, Globularia cordifolia, Alchemilla hoppeana, Sesleria caerulea, Teucrium montanum, Biscutella laevigata, Saxifraga paniculata (S. aizoon).','','','Formations subalpines xérophiles, souvent pionnières ou sub-climaciques sur des versants escarpés et des sols biens drainés, avec Arctostaphylos uva-ursi, Juniperus nana, Amelanchier ovalis, Rhamnus alpinus, Cotoneaster integerrimus, Dryas octopetala, Globularia cordifolia, Alchemilla hoppeana, Sesleria caerulea, Teucrium montanum, Biscutella laevigata, Saxifraga paniculata (S. aizoon).','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.4222','42.422','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Forêts de Pins de montagne à Vaccinium','Vaccinium mountain pine forests','','More mesophile sub-alpine formations of gentler slopes, with Vaccinium spp..','','','Formations subalpines plus mésophiles des versants plus doux, avec Vaccinium spp.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.4223','42.422','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Forêts abyssales de Pins de montagne','Abyssal mountain pine forests','','Pinus uncinata forests of the montane level of the Grande Chartreuse, the Vercors, the Jura and the Devoluy, developed mostly on screes of massive limestone blocks with trapped ice (block forests).','','','Forêts de Pinus uncinata de l''étage montagnard de la Grande Chartreuse, du Vercors, du Jura et du Dévoluy, développées principalement sur éboulis ou blocs de calcaires compacts piégeant la glace.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.423','42.42','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Forêts de Pins de montagne du Ventoux','Ventoux mountain pine woods','','Spontaneous sub-summital Pinus uncinata woods of the Ventoux, with Juniperus nana, J. hemisphaerica and Arctostaphylos uva-ursi.','','','Bois spontanés sub-sommitaux de Pinus uncinata du Ventoux, avec Juniperus nana, J. hemisphaerica et Arctostaphylos uva-ursi.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.424','42.42','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Forêts de Pins de montagne des soulanes pyrénéennes','Pyrenean adret mountain pine forests','','Pinus uncinata -dominated forests of adrets in the sub-alpine level of the Pyrenees, developed on both siliceous and calcicareous substrates.','','','Forêts de Pinus uncinata dominant des soulanes de l''étage subalpin des Pyrénées, développées sur des substrats aussi bien siliceux que calcaires.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.4241','42.424','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Forêts de Pins de montagne à Véronique','Speedwell mountain pine forests','Veronico-Pinetum pinetosum uncinatae','Pinus uncinata forests of siliceous Pyrenean adrets, on schists, granites or gneises, with Arctostaphylos uva-ursi, Juniperus nana, J. hemisphaerica, Calluna vulgaris, Genista pilosa, Cytisus purgans, Cotoneaster integerrimus and a predominantly acidophilous herb layer comprising Deschampsia flexuosa, Cruciata glabra, Festuca eskia, Veronica officinalis, Silene rupestris, Potentilla erecta, Antennaria dioica.','','Veronico-Pinetum pinetosum uncinatae','Forêts de Pinus uncinata des soulanes Pyrénéennes, sur schistes, granites ou gneiss, avec Arctostaphylos uva-ursi, Juniperus nana, J. hemisphaerica, Calluna vulgaris, Genista pilosa, Cytisus purgans, Cotoneaster integerrimus et avec prédominance d''une strate herbacée acidiphile comprenant Deschampsia flexuosa, Cruciata glabra, Festuca eskia, Veronica officinalis, Silene rupestris, Potentilla erecta, Antennaria dioica.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.4242','42.424','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Forêts pyrénéennes de Pins de montagne à Raisin d''Ours','Pyrenean bearberry mountain pine forests','Arctostaphylo-Pinetum uncinatae','Pinus uncinata forests of calcareous Pyrenean adrets with Arctostaphylos uva-ursi, Juniperus nana, J. hemisphaerica, Cotoneaster integerrimus, Rhamnus alpina, Amelanchier vulgaris, Dryas octopetala and a predominantly calciphilous herb layer comprising Festuca gautieri, Valeriana montana, Teucrium pyrenaicum, Hepatica nobilis, Hippocrepis comosa, Polygala calcarea, Sesleria caerulea, Helectotrichon sedenense (Avena montana), Primula suaveolens.','','Arctostaphylo-Pinetum uncinatae','Forêts à Pinus uncinata des soulanes calcaires pyrénéennes avec Arctostaphylos uva-ursi, Juniperus nana, J. hemisphaerica, Cotoneaster integerrimus, Rhamnus alpinus, Amelanchier vulgaris, Dryas octopetala et pourvues d''une strate herbacée calciphile comprenant Festuca gautieri, Valeriana montana, Teucrium pyrenaicum, Hepatica nobilis, Hippocrepis comosa, Polygala calcarea, Sesleria caerulea, Helictotrichon sedenense, Primula suaveolens.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.425','42.42','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Forêts de Pins de montagne à Pulsatille','Pasqueflower mountain pine forests','Pulsatillo-Pinetum uncinatae','Pinus uncinata forests of steep calcareous ubacs of the Pyrenees with very superficial soil and a mostly grassy herb layer comprising Sesleria caerulea, Festuca gautieri, Pulsatilla alpina, Valeriana montana, Salix pyrenaica, Hepatica nobilis, Deschampsia flexuosa, Pyrola uniflora, Listera cordata.','','Pulsatillo-Pinetum uncinatae','Forêts de Pinus uncinatades ombrées calcaires escarpées des Pyrénées développées sur des sols très superficiels. Elles sont pourvues d’une strate herbacée riche en graminés comprenant Sesleria caerulea, Festuca gautieri, Pulsatilla alpina, Valeriana montana, Salix pyrenaica, Hepatica nobilis, Deschampsia flexuosa, Pyrola uniflora, Listera cordata.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.426','42.42','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Mountain pine forests of the Iberian Range','','Isolated outposts of Pinus uncinata -dominated formations in the Northern and Southern Iberian Ranges.','Lopez Gonzalez, 1982; Fernandes Gonzalez, 1986; Navarro Andres and Valle Gutierrez, 1987.','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.4261','42.426','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Urbion mountain pine forests','Vaccinio myrtilli-Juniperetum nanae p.','Pinus uncinata forests of the Sierra de Urbion, usually associated with heaths of Vaccinium myrtillus and Juniperus nana.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.4262','42.426','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Gudar mountain pine forests','','Pinus uncinata forests of the Sierra de Gudar, in the Southern Iberian Range.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.43','42.4','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Reboisement de Pins de montagne','Mountain pine reforestation','','Pinus uncinata plantations in or near the natural range of the species.','','','Plantations de Pinus uncinata à l’intérieur, ou au voisinage, de l''aire naturelle de l''espèce.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.5','42','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Forêts de Pins sylvestres','Scots pine forests','','Forests dominated by Pinus sylvestris.','','','Forêts dominées par Pinus sylvestris.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.51','42.5','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Caledonian forest','','Relict, indigenous Scots pine forests of endemic Pinus sylvestris var. scotica, limited to the central and northeastern Grampians of Scotland. They are mostly open and have a ground layer usually rich in ericaceous species and mosses, in particular, Hylocomium splendens, and often harbouring, together with abundant Deschampsia flexuosa, Goodyera repens, Listera cordata, Corallorhiza trifida, Linnaea borealis, Trientalis europaea, Pyrola minor, Moneses uniflora, Orthilia secunda. Accompanying, dominated, tree species include Juniperus communis, Sorbus aucuparia, Betula pubescens, B. pendula, Ilex aquifolium, Populus tremula.','Simms, 1971; Pearsall, 1971; Ratcliffe, 1977; Noirfalise, 1986, 1987; Rodwell, 1991.','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.511','42.51','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Heather Caledonian forest','','Pinus sylvestris var. scotica forests with a heath-like ground cover of Erica cinerea and Calluna vulgaris.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.512','42.51','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Bilberry Caledonian forest','','Pinus sylvestris var. scotica forests with a heath-like ground cover of Vaccinium myrtillus and V. vitis-ideae.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.513','42.51','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Moss Caledonian forest','','Pinus sylvestris var. scotica forests with a closed canopy and an understorey formed mostly by mosses, in particular Scapania gracilis, Diplophyllum albicans, Thuidium tamariscinum and the hepatic Anastrepta orcadensis.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.514','42.51','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Woodrush Caledonian forest','','Pinus sylvestris var. scotica forests with a ground cover rich in grass-like species, in particular Luzula pilosa, Anthoxanthum odoratum, Agrostis capillaris, A. canina, Festuca ovina, together with Vaccinium spp. and bryophytes.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.515','42.51','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Peatmoss Caledonian forest','','Pinus sylvestris var. scotica forests of damp hollows, with carpets of Sphagnum spp., Molinia caerulea and Erica tetralix.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.52','42.5','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Forêts de Pins sylvestres médio-européennes','Middle European Scots pine forests','','Indigenous Pinus sylvestris forests of the lowlands of northern and middle Europe and of the montane level of the central European Hercynian ranges.','','','Forêts indigènes de Pinus sylvestris des plaines de l''Europe septentrionale et centrale et de l’étage montagnard des massifs hercyniens du centre de l''Europe.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.521','42.52','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Forêts subcontinentales de Pins sylvestres','Subcontinental Scots pine forests','Dicrano-Pinion: Leucobryo-Pinetum (Dicrano-Pinetum, Cladonio-Pinetum)','Forests dominated by Pinus sylvestris of acid, often podsolized, sands of the plains and hills of middle Europe. Associated trees include Quercus robur, Q. petraea, Betula pendula, Fagus sylvatica; Vaccinium myrtillus, Calluna vulgaris, Dicranum undulatum are usually prominent in the ground layer, Molinia caerulea may be abundant in humid stands.','Oberdorfer, 1967, 1990; Ozenda et al., 1979; Polunin and Walters, 1985; Ozenda, 1985; Noirfalise, 1986, 1987; Ellenberg, 1988.','Dicrano-Pinion : Leucobryo-Pinetum (Dicrano-Pinetum, Cladonio-Pinetum)','Forêts dominées par Pinus sylvestris sur des sables acides, souvent podzolisés, des plaines et collines de l''Europe centrale. Les arbres associées incluent Quercus robur, Q. petraea, Betula pendula, Fagus sylvatica ; Vaccinium myrtillus, Calluna vulgaris, Dicranum undulatum sont usuellement prédominants dans le sous-bois, Molinia caerulea peut être abondante dans des stations humides.','Oberdorfer, 1967, 1990 ; Ozenda et al., 1979 ; Polunin et Walters, 1985 ; Ozenda, 1985 ; Noirfalise, 1986, 1987 ; Ellenberg, 1988.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.5211','42.521','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','North-eastern Scots pine forests','','Pinus sylvestris forests of sands of the northeastern plains and hills of middle Europe, southwest to the High Palatinate.','Oberdorfer, 1967, 1990; Polunin and Walters, 1985; Ozenda, 1985; Noirfalise, 1987; Ellenberg, 1988.','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.5212','42.521','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Forêts de Pins sylvestres des plaines occidentales','Western lowland Scots pine forests','','Relict woods of indigenous Pinus sylvestris of coarse sands in enclaves of cold subcontinental climate west of the main range of the subcontinental pine and pine-oak woodland, as in the Pays de Bitche basin.','S. Muller, 1984, 1985; Y. Muller, 1985.','','Bois relictuels de Pinus sylvestris indigènes sur sables grossiers dans des enclaves à climat froid subcontinental à l’ouest de l’aire de distribution principale des pinèdes et des pinèdes-chênaies subcontinentales notamment du bassin du Pays de Bitche.','S. Muller, 1984, 1985 ; Y. Muller, 1985.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.522','42.52','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Forêts hercyniennes de Pins sylvestres','Hercynian Scots pine forests','','Montane acidophilous woods of indigenous Pinus sylvestris forming local, edaphic or microclimatic enclaves in the beech belt of Hercynian ranges and their periphery, usually with Vaccinium myrtillus or lichens.','Becker et al., 1981; Jacamon, 1983; S. Muller, 1985; Ozenda, 1985.','','Bois montagnards acidiphiles de Pinus sylvestris indigènes formant des enclaves locales, édaphiques ou microclimatiques, dans la zone du Hêtre des massifs hercyniens et leur périphérie, souvent accompagnés de Vaccinium myrtillus ou de lichens.','Becker et al., 1981 ; Jacamon, 1983 ; S. Muller, 1985 ; Ozenda, 1985.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.5221','42.522','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Eastern Hercynian Scots pine forests','','Indigenous Pinus sylvestris formations of the Erz, Fichtelgebirge, Riesengebirge, Bayerischer Wald, Thüringer Wald.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.5222','42.522','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Black Forest Scots pine forests','','Indigenous Pinus sylvestris formations of the Black Forest.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.5223','42.522','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Forêts de Pins sylvestres des Vosges','Vosges Scots pine forests','','Indigenous Pinus sylvestris formations of the mostly dry, acid sandstones of the Vosges, and of sandstone slabs capping rocky outcrops of the the Pays de Bitche and adjacent Rhine Palatinate.','','','Formations de Pinus sylvestris largement indigènes des grès secs et acides des Vosges, et des tables de grès des Pays de Bitche et du Palatinat adjacent.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.5224','42.522','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Pinèdes de pin sylvestre des grès de Luxembourg','Luxembourg sandstone Scots pine forests','','Indigenous Pinus sylvestris formations of Luxembourg sandstone outcrops.','','','Peuplement de Pin sylvestre indigène des affleurements de grès du grand-duché du Luxembourg.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.523','42.52','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Lowland steppe Scots pine forests','Cytiso ruthenici-Pinion: Pyrolo-Pinetum','Pinus sylvestris woods of areas with extreme continental local climates of middle Europe outside of the Alps, in particular formations with Pinus sylvestris var. haguenensis of the Rhine Valley.','Oberdorfer, 1990.','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.53','42.5','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Forêts steppiques intra-alpines à Ononis','Inner-Alpine restharrow steppe forests','Ononido-Pinion','Xerophile, often calcicolous, open Pinus sylvestris or P. sylvestris and P. uncinata forests of the montane level of inner Alpine valleys submitted to extreme continental climate (upper Durance, Ubaye, upper Tinée, Val di Susa, Maurienne, Val d''Aoste, Alto Adige (Val Venosta)), rich in leguminous plants such as Ononis rotundifolia, O. cenisia, Astragalus austriacus, A. purpurea, Coronilla minima, Onobrychis saxatilis and with a shrub layer comprising Juniperus communis, J. sabina, Berberis vulgaris, Amelanchier ovalis.','Braun-Blanquet, 1959; Ellenberg, 1963, 1988; Ozenda, 1981, 1985; Guinochet and Vilmorin, 1973; Noirfalise, 1986, 1987; Oberdorfer, 1990.','Ononido-Pinion','Forêts ouvertes xérophiles, souvent calcicoles, de Pinus sylvestris ou de P. sylvestris et P. uncinata de l''étage montagnard des vallées intra-alpines soumises à un climat continental extrême (Haute Durance, Ubaye, Haute-Tinée, Maurienne, val d''Aoste...). Ces pinèdes sont riches en légumineuses comme Ononis rotundifolia, O. cenisia, Astragalus austriacus, A. purpurea, Coronilla minima, Onobrychis saxatiliset pourvues d’une strate arbustive comprenant Juniperus communis, J. sabina, Berberis vulgaris, Amelanchier ovalis.','Ellenberg, 1963, 1988 ; Ozenda, 1981, 1985 ; Guinochet et Vilmorin, 1973 ; Noirfalise, 1986, 1987 ; Oberdorfer, 1990.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.54','42.5','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Forêts de Pins sylvestre à Erica herbacea','Spring heath Scots pine forests','Erico-Pinion','Mesophile, mostly calcicolous, Pinus sylvestris forests of the intermediate Alps, and, locally, of the inner Alps, the northern outer Alps, the southeastern outer Alps, the Bavarian plateau, the serpentines of northern Bavaria, the Lake Constance area, the Baar plateau and the Jura, characterised by the presence of Erica herbacea and acompanied by Juniperus communis, Berberis vulgaris, Sorbus aria, Amelanchier ovalis, Chamaecytisus nigricans, Polygala chamaebuxus, Goodyera repens, Pyrola chlorantha, Epipactis atrorubens, Melampyrum pratense, M. sylvaticum, Carex alba, C. ornithopoda, C. humilis, C. flacca, Molinia caerulea, Calamagrostis varia, Sesleria caerulea.','Ellenberg, 1963, 1988; Guinochet and Vilmorin, 1973; Ozenda, 1985; Noirfalise, 1986, 1987; Oberdorfer, 1990.','Erico-Pinion','Forêts mésophiles, pour la plupart calcicoles, de Pinus sylvestris des Alpes intermédiaires et, localement, des Alpes internes, des Alpes externes septentrionales, des Alpes sud-orientales, du Jura, caractérisées par la présence d''Erica herbacea et accompagnées de Juniperus communis, Berberis vulgaris, Sorbus aria, Amelanchier ovalis, Polygala chamaebuxus, Goodyera repens, Pyrola chlorantha, Epipactis atrorubens, Melampyrum pratense, M. sylvaticum, Carex alba, C. ornithopoda, C. humilis, C. flacca, Molinia caerulea, Calamagrostis varia, Sesleria caerulea.','Ellenberg, 1963, 1988 ; Guinochet et Vilmorin, 1973 ; Ozenda,1985 ; Noirfalise, 1986, 1987 ; Oberdorfer, 1990.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.55','42.5','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Forêts steppiques intra-alpines à Minuartia','Inner Alpine sandwort steppe forests','Deschampsio-Pinion','Xerophile, acidophilous, Pinus sylvestris forests of the montane level of southwestern inner Alpine valleys (Maurienne, Guisane, Dora-Riparia, Chisone) where they replace the formations of the Ononido-Pinion on strongly siliceous adrets, with Deschampsia flexuosa and Minuartia laricifolia dominant.','Ozenda, 1985; Noirfalise, 1986, 1987.','Deschampsio-Pinion','Forêts acidiphiles xérophiles de Pinus sylvestris ou de l''étage montagnard des vallées intra-alpines sud-occidentales (Maurienne, Guisane) dans lesquelles les formations de l''Ononido-Pinion se situent sur les adrets strictement siliceux, avec Deschampsia flexuosa et Minuartia laricifolia dominants.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.56','42.5','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Forêts mésophiles pyrénéennes de Pins sylvestres','Pyrenean mesophile Scots pine forests','Hepatico-Pinetum, Hylocomio-Pinetum, Polygalo-Pinetum','Montane, mossy Pinus sylvestris forests of the Pyrenees; characteristic of regions with a moderately dry, sunny climate, they occur, at all exposures but mostly on ubacs, in a wide belt on the south flank of the range, with limited outposts on the north flank. Characteristic is the abundance of wintergreens (Pyrola chlorantha, P. minor, Moneses uniflora, Orthilia secunda) and of mosses (Hylocomium splendens, Rhytidiadelphus triquetrus, Pleurozium schreberi); Vaccinium myrtillus, Luzula nivea, Hepatica nobilis are usually present.','Gruber, 1978; Ozenda, 1985; Dupias, 1985; Noirfalise, 1986, 1987; Vigo and Ninot, 1987; Bolos y Capdevila, 1987.','Hepatico-Pinetum, Hylocomio-Pinetum, Polygalo-Pinetum','Forêts montagnardes moussues de Pinus sylvestris des Pyrénées, caractéristiques des régions soumises à des sécheresses modérées, à climat ensoleillé, présentes à toutes les expositions mais principalement sur les ombrées selon une large ceinture, avec des avant-postes de faible étendue sur le versant nord de la chaîne. L''abondance des Pyroles (Pyrola chlorantha, P. minor, Moneses uniflora, Orthilia secunda) et des mousses (Hylocomium splendens, Rhytidiadelphus triquetrus, Pleurozium schreberi) est caractéristique ; Vaccinium myrtillus, Luzula nivea, Hepatica nobilis sont généralement présents.','Gruber, 1978 ; Ozenda, 1985 ; Dupias, 1985 ; Noirfalise, 1986, 1987.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.561','42.56','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Forêts mésophiles calcicoles pyrénéennes de Pins sylvestres','Pyrenean calcicolous mesophile Scots pine forests','Polygalo-Pinetum','Calcicolous formations of Pinus sylvestris with Sorbus aria, Amelanchier ovalis, Ribes alpinum, Prunus mahaleb, Cotoneaster integerrimus, Polygala calcarea, Helleborus foetidus, Valeriana montana, Festuca gautieri.','','Polygalo-Pinetum','Formations calcicoles de Pinus sylvestris avec Sorbus aria, Amelanchier ovalis, Ribes alpinum, Prunus mahaleb, Cotoneaster integerrimus, Polygala calcarea, Helleborus foetidus, Valeriana montana, Festuca gautieri.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.562','42.56','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Forêts mésophiles acidiphiles pyrénéennes de Pins sylvestres','Pyrenean siliceous mesophile Scots pine forests','Hylocomio-Pinetum','Silicicolous formations of Pinus sylvestris with Sorbus aucuparia, Salix caprea, Calluna vulgaris, Galium rotundifolium, Melampyrum sylvaticum, M. pratense, Lathyrus linifolius (L. montanus), Potentilla erecta, Helleborus viridis ssp. occidentalis, Deschampsia flexuosa.','','Hylocomio-Pinetum','Formations silicicoles de Pinus sylvestris avec Sorbus aucuparia, Salix caprea, Calluna vulgaris, Galium rotundifolium, Melampyrum sylvaticum, M. pratense, Lathyrus linifolius (L. montanus), Potentilla erecta, Helleborus viridis, Deschampsia flexuosa.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.57','42.5','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Forêts de Pins sylvestres du Massif central','Central Massif Scots pine forests','','Montane Pinus sylvestris forests of interior, relatively dry, regions of the Central Massif in the upper Loire basin (Velay and neighbouring regions) and the Causse Méjean.','Ozenda, 1985.','','Forêts montagnardes de Pinus sylvestris de l''intérieur, en régions relativement sèches du Massif central dans le bassin supérieur de la Loire (Velay et régions avoisinantes) et sur le Causse Méjean.','Ozenda, 1985.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.58','42.5','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Forêts mésophiles de Pins sylvestres des Alpes sud-occidentales','South-western Alpine mesophile Scots pine forests','','Mesophile montane forests with wintergreens occupying a broad belt on the southwestern flank of the Alps from Dauphiné to the Maritime Alps, differentiated from 42.54 by the absence of Erica herbacea; the undergrowh usually comprises Arctostaphylos uva-ursi, Centaurea scabiosa, Tolpis staticifolia (Hieracium staticifolium), Calluna vulgaris, Polygala chamaebuxus, Monotropa hypopitys, Goodyera repens, Epipactis atrorubens, Neottia nidus-avis.','Archiloque et al., 1969; Ozenda, 1981, 1985; Noirfalise, 1986, 1987.','','Forêts mésophiles montagnardes à Pyroles, occupant une large zone sur le revers sud-ouest des Alpes depuis le Dauphiné jusqu''aux Alpes maritimes, se différenciant de 42.54 par l''absence d''Erica herbacea ; la strate inférieure comprend habituellement Arctostaphylos uva-ursi, Centaurea scabiosa, Tolpis staticifolia, Calluna vulgaris, Polygala chamaebuxus, Monotropa hypopitys, Goodyera repens, Epipactis atrorubens, Neottia nidus-avis.','Archiloque et al.,1969 ; Ozenda, 1981, 1985 ; Noirfalise, 1986, 1987.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.59','42.5','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Forêts supra-méditerranéennes de Pins sylvestres','Supra-Mediterranean Scots pine forests','Pinetum sylvestris, "Buxo-Quercetum hylocomio-pinetosum"','Pinus sylvestris - dominated facies of the thermophilous, supra-Mediterranean oak woods (41.7), alternated, mixed or imbricated with Quercus pubescens or Q. faginea woods in the southwestern Alpine foothills, on the periphery of the Central Massif, along the southern flank of the Pyrenees and, locally, in the Ligurian and Insubrian Alps, in the western Alps of northern Dauphiné and Savoie, in the northern Apennines and on the northern flank of the Pyrenees. Buxus sempervirens is usually abundant in the undergrowth; other components of the shrub layer include Corylus avellana, Sorbus aria, S. torminalis, Acer opalus, A. campestre, A. monspessulanum, Evonymus latifolius, Genista cinerea, Juniperus communis.','Archiloque et al., 1969; Tosco, 1975; Ozenda, 1985; Dupias, 1985; Vigo and Ninot, 1987; Bassani, 1987; Bolos y Capdevila, 1987.','Pinetum sylvestris, Buxo-Quercetum hylocomio-Pinetosum','Faciès dominés par Pinus sylvestris des chênaies thermophiles supra-méditerranéennes (41.7), en alternance, mélanges ou imbrications avec des bois de Quercus pubescens dans les collines du piémont sud-occidental des Alpes, à la périphérie du Massif central, le long du versant sud des Pyrénées et, localement, dans les Alpes ligures, dans les Alpes occidentales du nord du Dauphiné et de Savoie, et sur le versant nord des Pyrénées. Le Buis est ordinairement abondant en sous-strate ; parmi les autres composants de la strate arbustive se trouvent Corylus avellana, Sorbus aria, S. torminalis, Acer opalus, A. campestre, A. monspessulanum, Euonymus latifolius, Genista cinerea, Juniperus communis.','Archiloque et al., 1969 ; Ozenda, 1985 ; Dupias, 1985.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.591','42.59','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Forêts péri-alpines à Buis de Pins sylvestres','Peri-Alpine box Scots pine forests','','Supra-Mediterranean Pinus sylvestris forests of the western, southwestern and Insubrian Alps and their foothills, and of the Central Massif periphery.','','','Forêts supra-méditerranéennes de Pinus sylvestris des Alpes occidentales et sud-occidentales, de leurs contreforts et du pourtour du Massif central.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.592','42.59','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Forêts pré-pyrénéennes à Buis de Pins sylvestres','Pre-Pyrenean box Scots pine forests','','Supra-Mediterranean Pinus sylvestris forests, with abundant box, forming a broad belt on the southern flank of the Pyrenees, with outposts on the northern flank, in the eastern Pyrenees and the east of the Pays de Sault.','','','Forêts supra-méditerranéennes de Pinus sylvestris, avec du Buis en abondance, formant une large ceinture sur le versant sud des Pyrénées, avec des avant-postes sur le versant nord, dans les Pyrénées orientales et dans l''est du Pays de Sault.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.593','42.59','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Emilian Scots pine woods','','Isolated Pinus sylvestris woods of the base of the Emilian Apennines, mostly on limestones and serpentines, comprising Quercus cerris and Q. pubescens or Carpinus betula, Corylus avellana, Acer campestre, Fraxinus ornus.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.5A','42.5','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Forêts ibériques de Pins sylvestres sur calcaires','Iberian calcareous Scots pine woods','Pino-Juniperion sabinae i.a.','Montane and oro-Mediterranean, xerocline, calcicolous Pinus sylvestris forests of the Iberian Range, the Baetic ranges and the southern flank of the Pyrenees.','Ozenda et al., 1979; Noirfalise, 1986, 1987.','Pino-Juniperion sabinae','Forêts montagnardes et oro-méditerranéennes, xéroclines, calcicoles de Pinus sylvestris, de l''espace ibérique, du domaine bétique et du versant sud des Pyrénées.','Ozenda et al., 1979 ; Noirfalise, 1986, 1987.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.5A1','42.5A','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Forêts pyrénéennes de Pins sylvestres à sous-bois de lande-hérisson','Pyrenean hedgehog-heath Scots pine woods','','Woods or prewoods of adrets in the montane level of calcareous ranges of the southern flank of the central Pyrenees, with usually low and contorted Pinus sylvestris accompanied by a hedgehog-heath (cf. 31.71) of Echinospartum horridum, Buxus sempervirens, Juniperus hemisphaerica.','Dupias, 1985; Vigo and Ninot, 1987.','','Bois ou prébois des adrets de l''étage montagnard des massifs calcaires du versant méridional des Pyrénées centrales, avec habituellement des individus tortueux de Pinus sylvestris accompagnés d''Echinospartum horridum, Buxus sempervirens, Juniperus hemisphaerica.','Dupias, 1985.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.5A2','42.5A','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Savin Scots pine forests','Pino-Juniperion sabinae','Oro-Mediterranean, calcicolous Pinus sylvestris forests of the Iberian Range and the Baetic ranges, often fairly open, and with a shrub layer that includes the prostrate Juniperus sabina.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.5A21','42.5A2','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Iberian Range calcicolous Scots pine forests','Junipero sabinae-Pinetum sylvestris','Oro-Mediterranean, calcicolous forests of Pinus sylvestris var. iberica of the Southern Iberian Range (Maestrazgo: Gudar, Jabalambre, Penyagolosa; serrania de Cuenca: sierra de San Felipe, Montes Universales.), with a shrub layer constituted mainly by Juniperus sabina; secondary calcicolous Scots pine formations of lower altitude in the Iberian Range.','Lopez, 1976; Costa, 1987; Peinado Lorca and Martinez-Parras, 1987.','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.5A22','42.5A2','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Baetic calcicolous Scots pine forests','Daphno oleoidis-Pinetum sylvestris pinetosum sylvestris','Oro-Mediterranean forests of Pinus sylvestris var. nevadensis of the Baetic ranges, Sierra Magina, Sierra de Baza, Sierra Tejeda, Sierra del Trevenque (calcareous periphery of the Sierra Nevada), with a shrub layer of Juniperus sabina and J. nana accompanied by Ononis aragonensis, Genista lobelii ssp. longipes, Daphne oleoides and Prunus prostrata, on limestones and dolomites.','Ciaran and Blanco, 1984; Peinado Lorca and Martinez-Parras, 1987; Martinez-Parras and Peinado Lorca, 1987; Molero-Mesa and Perez-Raya, 1987.','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.5B','42.5','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Forêts ibériques silicoles de Pins sylvestres','Iberian silicicolous Scots pine forests','Pino-Cytision purgantis i.a.','Montane and oro-Mediterranean, xerocline, silicicolous Pinus sylvestris forests of the Iberian Range, the Cordillera Central and the southern flank of the Pyrenees.','Ozenda, et al., 1979; Noirfalise, 1986, 1987.','Pino-Cytision purgantis','Forêts montagnardes et oro-méditerranéennes xéroclines et silicoles de Pinus sylvestris du domaine ibérique, des Cordillères centrales et du versant méridional des Pyrénées (et des Pyrénées-Orientales françaises).','Ozenda et al., 1979 ; Noirfalise, 1986, 1987.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.5B1','42.5B','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Forêts pyrénéennes xérophiles de Pins sylvestres','Pyrenean xerophile Scots pine forests','Veronico-Pinetum sylvestris','Montane and lower sub-alpine Pinus sylvestris or P. sylvestris and P. uncinata forests of dry adrets of the southern flanks of the Pyrenees and of the Val d''Aran, with a shrub layer comprising Juniperus hemisphaerica, Cytisus purgans, Buxus sempervirens and an herb layer dominated by Deschampsia flexuosa, accompanied by, among others, Veronica officinalis.','Dupias, 1985; Vigo and Ninot, 1987.','Veronico-Pinetum sylvestris','Forêts montagnardes et du sub-alpin inférieur de Pinus sylvestris ou de P. uncinata sur les soulanes sèches des versants sud des Pyrénées et du val d''Aran, avec une strate arbustive comprenant Juniperus hemisphaerica, Cytisus purgans, Buxus sempervirens, et une strate herbacée dominée par Deschampsia flexuosa, accompagnée, entre autres par Veronica officinalis.','Dupias, 1985.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.5B2','42.5B','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Iberian Range silicicolous Scots pine forests','','Pinus sylvestris forests of siliceous ground in the oro- and supra-Mediterranean levels of the Northern and Southern Iberian Ranges.','Lopez, 1976; Ciaran and Blanco, 1984; Navarro Andres and Valle Gutierrez, 1987.','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.5B21','42.5B2','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Upper Sorian silicicolous Scots pine forests','Vaccinio myrtilli-Juniperetum nanae pinetosum p.','Oro-Mediterranean, acidophilous forests of Pinus sylvestris var. iberica of the Northern Iberian Range (Soria), with Juniperus nana, Cytisus purgans, Deschampsia flexuosa ssp iberica, and abundant Vaccinium myrtillus.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.5B22','42.5B2','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Lower Iberian Range silicicolous Scots pine forests','Luzulo-Quercetum pyrenaicae deschampsio-pinetosum sylvestris p. i.a.','Supra-Mediterranean, acidophilous Pinus sylvestris var. iberica woods of the Iberian Range, forming in particular as a substitution stage of Quercus pyrenaica woodland of which they largely retain the accompanying flora.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.5B3','42.5B','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Cordilleran silicicolous Scots pine forests','','Pinus sylvestris forests of siliceous ground in the oro- and supra-Mediterranean levels of the Cordillera Central.','Rivas-Martinez, 1963; Ciaran and Blanco, 1984; Peinado Lorca and Martinez-Parras, 1987; Rivas-Martinez et al., 1987.','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.5B31','42.5B3','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Summital Guadarraman silicicolous Scots pine forests','Junipero nanae-Cytisetum purgantis pinetosum','Oro-Mediterranean, summital, silicicolous forests of Pinus sylvestris var. iberica of the Sierra de Guadarrama, with Juniperus nana.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.5B32','42.5B3','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Lower Cordilleran silicicolous Scots pine forests','Luzulo-Quercetum pyrenaicae deschampsio-pinetosum sylvestris p. i.a.','Supra-Mediterranean Pinus sylvestris var. iberica woods of the Cordillera Central (Guadarrama, Gredos), forming in particular as a substitution stage of Quercus pyrenaica woodland of which they largely retain the accompanying flora.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.5B4','42.5B','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Cantabrian Scots pine forests','','Isolated Pinus sylvestris forests of the Cantabrian mountain system, in the Cordillera Cantabrica, the Montes de Leon and the Serra do Geres.','Lopez Gonzalez, 1982; Ciaran and Blanco, 1984; Da Costa, 1985. ','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.5C','42.5','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Greek Scots pine forests','','Pinus sylvestris forests of the mountains of northern Greece (Pieria, Olympus, Vermion, Voras, Laïla, Elatia range), often with Acer pseudoplatanus, Sorbus aucuparia, and sometimes Fagus sylvestris or Picea abies in the tree layer and with Vaccinium myrtillus and Rubus idaeus in the shrub layer.','Debazac and Mavrommatis, 1971; Horvat et al., 1974.','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.5D','42.5','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Po terrace Scots pine forests','','Forests of Pinus sylvestris of the fluvio-glacial terraces that constitute the high plains of the Po river system, with Betula pendula, Quercus pubescens, Castanea sativa and a ground layer with Cytisus scoparia, Calluna vulgaris, Pteridium aquilinum, Deschampsia caespitosa, Molinia caerulea.','Fenaroli, 1970, 1984; Groppali et al., 1980; Bassilana, 1984; Noirfalise, 1986; Ardito, 1989.','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.5E','42.5','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Reboisement de Pins sylvestres','Scots pine reforestation','','Pinus sylvestris plantations inside or near the present or recent natural range of the species. Other and very artificial P. sylvestris plantations should be listed under 83.','','','Plantations de Pinus sylvestris à l''intérieur des limites ou à proximité de l''aire naturelle actuelle ou récente de l''espèce. Les plantations de Pinus sylvestris situées dans d’autres régions et les formations très artificielles doivent être codées sous le n°83.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.6','42','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Forêts de Pins noirs','Black pine forests','','Forests dominated by pines of the Pinus nigra group.','','','Forêts dominées par des Pins du groupe de Pinus nigra.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.61','42.6','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Italian Pinus nigra forests','','Pinus nigra s.s. forests of the eastern Italian Alps and the Apennines.','Fenaroli, 1970, 1984; Bonin,1971; Pignatti, 1982; Ozenda, 1985; Bassani, 1987; Ferioli, 1989.','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.611','42.61','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Alpine Pinus nigra forests','','Pinus nigra ssp. austriaca forests of dry, sunny, rocky steep slopes and cliffs of the southeastern pre-Alps (Carnian pre-Alps, Julian pre-Alps, Carso), between 200 and 1200 m altitude, with Cyclamen purpurascens and Aquilegia einseleana.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.612','42.61','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Apennine Pinus nigra forests','','Relict "Villetta Barrea pine" (Pinus nigra ssp. italica) stations of the Abruzzi (Costa Camosciara, Villetta Barrea), the Campanian Apennines (monti Picentini), the Pollino system (Orsomarso).','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.62','42.6','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Greek Pinus nigra forests','','Pinus nigra s.s. pine woods of northwestern Greece.','Mavrommatis, 1968; Horvat et al., 1974.','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.63','42.6','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Forêts de Pins de Salzmann','Salzmann''s pine forests','','Pinus salzmannii forests of Spain and the Causses.','Ortuno and Ceballos, 1977; Ozenda et al., 1979; Lopez-Gonzalez, 1982; Noirfalise, 1986, 1987.','','Forêts de Pinus salzmannii d''Espagne et des Causses.','Ozenda et al., 1979 ; Noirfalise, 1986, 1987.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.631','42.63','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Forêts de Pins de Salzmann des Causses','Causses Salzmann''s pine forests','','Isolated P. salzmannii var. cebennensis woods of the southern edge of the Causses, with an undergrowth typical of supra-Mediterranean white oak forests at the upper limit and of evergreen oak forests at lower altitudes; Buxus sempervirens is usually abundant.','Braun-Blanquet, 1955b; Vanden Bergen, 1963.','','Bois isolés de P. salzmannii var. cebennensis du bord méridional des Causses, avec un sous-bois typique de forêts de Chênes blancs supra-méditerranéennes à leur limite supérieure et de celui des forêts de Chênes sempervirents à des altitudes inférieures ; Buxus sempervirens est habituellement abondant.','Braun-Blanquet, 1955b ; Vanden Berghen, 1963.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.632','42.63','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Forêts pré-pyrénéennes de Pins de Salzmann','Pre-Pyrenean Salzmann''s pine forests','','Meso- and supra-Mediterranean P. salzmannii var. pyrenaica forests of Pyrenean foothills; they are extensive in the southeastern foothills, with outposts in the central foothills, in Catalonian ranges and, very locally, on the north side of the range (Valley of the Têt, Conflent). The understorey is formed by the cortège of Quercus ilex (Juniperus oxycedrus, Rosmarinus officinalis, Quercus ilex) at low altitudes, and by that of Q. pubescens (Buxus sempervirens, Juniperus communis, Amelanchier ovalis, Cornus sanguineus, Lonicera etrusca) at higher altitudes.','Ortuno and Ceballos, 1977; Dupias, 1985; Vigo and Ninot, 1987.','','Forêts méso- et supra-méditerranéennes de Pinus salzmannii var. pyrenaica du piémont pyrénéen ; elles sont étendues dans le piémont sud-oriental, avec des avant-postes dans le piémont central et, très localement, sur le versant nord de la chaîne (Vallée de la Têt, Conflent) ; le sous-bois est formé par le cortège de Quercus ilex (Juniperus oxycedrus, Rosmarinus officinalis, Quercus ilex) aux basses altitudes, et par celui de Quercus pubescens (Buxus sempervirens, Juniperus communis, Amelanchier ovalis, Cornus sanguinea, Lonicera etrusca) aux altitudes plus élevées.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.633','42.63','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Northern-Iberian Salzmann''s pine forests','','Isolated Pinus salzmannii var. pyrenaica woods of the northern Iberian Range (Soria).','Ortuno and Ceballos, 1977.','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.634','42.63','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Cordilleran Salzmann''s pine forests','','Isolated silicicolous Pinus salzmannii var. iberica woods of the Cordillera Central, limited to small enclaves in the Sierra de Gredos and associated ranges, in the Rio Tietar-Rio Alberche area.','Ortuno and Ceballos, 1977; Ciaran and Blanco, 1984.','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.635','42.63','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Southern-Iberian Salzmann''s pine forests','','Supra- and, locally, oro-Mediterranean Pinus salzmannii var. hispanica forests of the Southern Iberian Range, occupying extensive areas in the Serrania de Cuenca, the Maestrazgo and associated ranges, mostly on limestones.','Ortuno and Ceballos, 1977; Ciaran and Blanco, 1984.','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.636','42.63','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Baetic Salzmann''s pine forests','','Supra- and, locally, oro-Mediterranean Pinus salzmannii var. hispanica forests of the Baetic and sub-Baetic ranges, covering vast expanses, mostly on limestones, in the sierras de Cazorla, Segura and Alcaraz, with outposts in the Sierra de Baza, the Sierra de Filabres and the calcareous periphery of the Sierra Nevada.','Ortuno and Ceballos, 1977; Ciaran and Blanco, 1984; Herranz Sanz and Gomez Campo, 1986; Martinez Parras et al., 1987; Peinado Lorca and Martinez-Parras, 1987; Martinez-Parras and Peinado Lorca, 1987.','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.6361','42.636','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Supra-Mediterranean Baetic Salzmann''s pine forests','Daphno latifoliae-Aceretum granatensis p., Salvio-Lavanduletum lanatae p.','Forests of Pinus salzmannii accompanied by a cortège similar to that of thermophilous oak forests, including Quercus rotundifolia, Juniperus oxycedrus, Lavandula latifolia, Erinacea anthyllis, Rosmarinus officinalis, Genista scorpius, Crataegus monogyna, Berberis hispanica, Rosa pouzinii, Daphne laureola, Acer granatense, Paeonia officinalis, of the sierras de Cazorla, Segura and Alcaraz, the erra de Baza, the Sierra de Filabres and the calcareous periphery of the Sierra Nevada.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.6362','42.636','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Oro-Mediterranean Baetic Salzmann''s pine forests','Daphno oleoidis-Pinetum sylvestris pinetosum salzmannii','Oro-Mediterranean woods of Pinus salzmannii, more open than those of 42.6361 and occupying very limited areas in the sierras de Cazorla, Segura and Alcaraz, with a shrub layer of Juniperus sabina and J. nana, accompanied by Ononis aragonensis, Genista lobelii ssp. longipes, Daphne oleoides and Prunus prostrata. ','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.64','42.6','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Forêts corses de Pins laricio','Corsican laricio pine forests','','Pinus laricio forests of the mountains of Corsica. The nuthatch Sitta whiteheadi is endemic to these forests.','Lambinon et al., 1978; Ozenda, et al., 1979; Gamisans, 1985; Noirfalise, 1986.)','','Forêts de Pinus laricio des montagnes de Corse. La sittelle corse Sitta whiteheadi est endémique de ces forêts.','Lambinon et al., 1978 ; Ozenda et al., 1979 ; Gamisans, 1985 ; Noirfalise, 1986.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.641','42.64','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Forêts denses montagnardes de Pin laricio','Dense montane laricio forests','Galio-Pinetum luzuletosum','Pinus laricio forests of the montane level of Corsica, where they replace beech forests, either entirely in some ranges or mostly on adrets and as subclimax communities elsewhere. The undergrowth, fairly similar to that of beech forests, includes Ilex aquifolium, Daphne laureola, Pteridium aquilinum, Allium pendulinum, Helleborus lividus ssp. corsicus, Galium odoratum. Epiphytic lichens are often abundant, including Cetraria glauca, Hypogymnia bitteriana.','','Galio-Pinetum luzuletosum','Forêts de Pinus laricio de l''étage montagnard de Corse, où elles remplacent les forêts de Hêtres, soit entièrement sur certaines chaînes soit surtout sur les adrets et comme communautés subclimaciques partout ailleurs. La strate inférieure, assez similaire à celle des hêtraies, inclut Ilex aquifolium, Daphne laureola, Pteridium aquilinum, Allium pendulinum, Helleborus lividus subsp. corsicus, Galium odoratum. Les lichens épiphytes sont souvent abondants, incluant Cetraria glauca, Hypogymnia bitteriana.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.642','42.64','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Forêts ouvertes montagnardes de Pins laricio','Open montane laricio forests','Galio-Pinetum anthyllidetosum','Open Pinus laricio forests of Corsica, growing at the upper forest limit or on steep rocky slopes, often with birches, Betula pendula. ','','Galio-Pinetum anthyllidesotum','Forêts ouvertes de Pinus laricio de Corse, se développant à la limite supérieure de la forêt ou sur des versants rocheux et abrupts, souvent avec des bouleaux, Betula pendula.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.643','42.64','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Forêts de Pins laricio supra-méditerranéennes','Supra-Mediterranean laricio forests','Galio-Pinetum ericetosum','Pinus laricio forests of the supra-Mediterranean level of Corsica, with an often dense understorey of Erica arborea and E. scoparia.','','Galio-Pinetum ericetosum','Forêts de Pinus laricio de l''étage supra-méditerranéen de la Corse, avec un sous-bois souvent dense d’Erica arborea et E. scoparia.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.65','42.6','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Calabrian laricio pine forests','','Pinus laricio var. calabrica forests of the Sila, the Aspromonte and Etna.','Fenaroli, 1970, 1984; Bonin, 1971; Pignatti, 1982; Groppali et al., 1983; Noirfalilise, 1986; Bassani, 1987; Ferioli, 1989.','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.651','42.65','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Sila and Aspromonte laricio forests','','Pinus laricio forests of the Sila Greca, the Sila Grande, the Sila Piccola and the Aspramonte, where they replace beech forests in drier areas within the montane zone, forming at times, particularly in the Sila Grande, imposing expanses.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.652','42.65','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Etna laricio forests','','Pinus laricio forests of the north flank of Mount Etna.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.66','42.6','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Pallas''s pine forests','Pino-Chamaecytision','Montane forests of Pinus pallasiana of Greece.','Horvat et al., 1974; Mavrommatis, 1978; Gamisans and Hebrard, 1979.','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.67','42.6','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Reboisement en Pins noirs','Black pine reforestation','','Plantations of pines of the P. nigra group, accompanied by semi-natural undergrowth formations. These are usually calciphilous communities when accompanying P. nigra, acidophilous ones when with P. laricio. In all cases they can be specified by codes borrowed from other units, used in conjunction with 42.67.','','','Plantations de Pins du groupe du Pinus nigra, accompagnés par des sous-bois semi-naturels. Ce sont habituellement des communautés calciphiles quand elles accompagnent Pinus nigra, acidiphiles quand elles accompagnent Pinus laricio. Dans tous les cas elles peuvent être spécifiées par des codes empruntés à d''autres unités, utilisés en conjonction avec l''unité 42.67.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.7','42','3','Niveau 3','FALSE','','High oro-mediterranean pine forests','','Woods of Pinus heldreichii, P. leucodermis or P. peuce.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.71','42.7','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','White-barked pine forests','','Local treeline formations of Pinus heldreichii or P. leucodermis restricted to northern Greece and southern Italy, usually open and with an undergrowth formed by stripped grasslands on dry, often stony or rocky soils.','Fenaroli, 1970, 1984; Bonin, 1971; Debazac and Mavrommatis, 1971; Horvat et al., 1974; Strid, 1980; Pignatti, 1982; Polunin and Walters, 1985; Bassani, 1987; Ferioli, 1989.','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.711','42.71','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Italian white-barked pine forests','','Rare white-barked pine formations of high southern Italian mountains, limited to the Abruzzian Appenines (Montagna della Maiella), the Campanian Apennines (monti Picentini) and the Lucano-Calabrian Apennines (Pollino, monti Alpi di Latronico, monte la Spina, monti di Orsomarso, monte Montea, serra delle Ciavole).','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.712','42.71','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Pindus white-barked pine forests','','White-barked pine formations of high elevations of the Pindus, mostly on ophiolites, at altitudes above 1600 metres.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.713','42.71','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Olympus white-barked pine forests','','White-barked pine formations of Mount Olympus, mostly on jurassic and triassic limestones at altitudes above 1350 metres, with an undergrowth including Juniperus nana, Daphne laureola, D. mezereum, D. oleoides, Genista radiata, Buxus sempervirens, Cotoneaster integerrimus.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.72','42.7','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Macedonian pine woods','Pinion peucis','Pinus peuce formations, restricted to the sub-alpine zone of the high mountains of extreme northern Greece (Voras, Varnous).','Horvat et al., 1974; Mavrommatis, 1978; Kassioumis, 1988.','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.8','42','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Bois de Pins méditerranéens','Mediterranean pine woods','','Mediterranean and thermo-Atlantic woods of thermophilous pines, mostly appearing as substitution or paraclimactic stages of forests of the Quercetalia ilicis or Ceratonio-Rhamnetalia. Long-established plantations of these pines, within their natural area of occurrence, and with an undergrowth basically similar to that of paraclimactic formations, are included.','','','Bois méditerranéens et thermo-atlantiques de Pins thermophiles, s’implantant surtout comme étapes de substitution ou paraclimaciques des forêts des Quercetalia ilicis ou Ceratonio-Rhamnetalia. Des plantations de ces Pins établies depuis longtemps, à l''intérieur de leur aire naturelle de répartition, et avec une strate inférieure essentiellement similaire à celle des formations paraclimaciques, sont incluses.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.81','42.8','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Forêts de Pins maritimes','Maritime pine forests','','Woods and plantations of Pinus pinaster ssp. atlantica of southwestern France and the western Iberian peninsula.','Becker et al., 1981; Géhu and Géhu-Franck, 1984c; Ciaran and Blanco, 1984; Silveira da Costa, 1984, 1985.','','Bois et plantations de Pinus pinaster subsp. atlantica du sud-ouest de la France et de l''ouest de la péninsule Ibérique.','Becker et al., 1981 ; Géhu et Géhu-Franck, 1984c.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.811','42.81','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Forêts de Pins et de Chênes verts des Charentes','Charente pine-holm oak forests','Pino pinastri-Quercetum ilicis','Pinus pinaster ssp. atlantica forests with a subcanopy of Quercus ilex, Arbutus unedo and sometimes Quercus pubescens or Q. robur and an undergrowth of Rubia peregrina, Cistus salvifolius, Daphne gnidium and, in the more acid stands, Ulex europaeus, Cytisus scoparius, Erica scoparia or, in more calcareous ones, Hedera helix, Ruscus aculeatus, developed on mostly calcareous inner dunes of the low-rainfall coasts of Vendée, Charente-maritime and northern Gironde, including the islands of Noirmoutier, Yeu, Ré and Oléron.','','Pino pinastri-Quercetum ilicis','Forêts de Pinus pinaster ssp. atlantica avec une sous-strate de Quercus ilex, Arbutus unedo et quelquefois Quercus pubescens ou Q. robur et un sous-bois de Rubia peregrina, Cistus salviifolius, Daphne gnidium et, dans les stations les plus acides, Ulex europeus, Cytisus scoparius, Erica scoparia ou, dans les plus calcaires Hedera helix, Ruscus aculeatus. Ces forêts sont développées surtout dans les dunes internes calcaires de la côte vendéenne peu pluvieuse, de la Charente-Maritime et du nord de la Gironde, en incluant les îles de Noirmoutier, Yeu, Ré et Oléron.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.812','42.81','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Forêts de Pins et de Chênes lièges aquitaniennes','Aquitanian pine-cork oak forests','Pino pinastri-Quercetum suberis','Pinus pinaster ssp. atlantica forests with a subcanopy of Quercus suber, Arbutus unedo and sometimes Quercus robur and an undergrowth of Erica cinerea, Pteridium aquilinum, Frangula alnus, Rubia peregrina and, in the more open stands, Cistus salvifolius, Cytisus scoparius, Erica scoparia, Calluna vulgaris or, in more closed ones, Hedera helix, Ruscus aculeatus, Ilex aquifolium, developed on acidocline inner dunes of the warmer, more humid coasts of the Marensin, between the Eyre and the Adour river mouths.','','Pino pinastri-Quercetum suberis','Forêts de Pinus pinaster subsp. atlantica avec un sous-bois de Quercus suber, Arbutus unedo et quelquefois Quercus robur et une sous-strate d''Erica cinerea, Pteridium aquilinum, Frangula alnus, Rubia peregrina et, dans les stations les plus ouvertes, Cistus salviifolius, Cytisus scoparius, Erica scoparia, Calluna vulgaris ou, dans les plus fermées, Hedera helix, Ruscus aculeatus, Ilex aquifolium. Ces forêts sont développées dans les dunes internes acidoclines des côtes les plus chaudes et les plus humides du Marensin, entre les embouchures de l''Eyre et de l''Adour.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.813','42.81','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Plantations de Pins maritimes des Landes','Landes maritime pine plantations','','Pinus pinaster ssp. atlantica woodland of southwestern France other than the dunal formations listed in 42.811 and 42.812.','','','Bois de Pinus pinaster subsp. atlantica du sud-ouest de la France autres que les formations dunaires cataloguées dans 42.811 et 42.812. Elles sont entièrement ou presque entièrement d’origine artificielle.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.814','42.81','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Iberian maritime pine forests','','Pinus pinaster ssp. atlantica forests of Galicia, Portugal and neighbouring areas.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.82','42.8','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Forêts de Pins mésogéens','Mesogean pine forests','','Forests of Pinus pinaster ssp. pinaster (=Pinus mesogeensis) of the western Mediterranean, mostly in siliceous meso-Mediterranean, upper meso-Mediterranean and supra-Mediterranean situations of Spain, Corsica, southeastern France, northwestern Italy, Sardinia and Pantelleria.','Braun-Blanquet, 1964; Archiloque et al., 1969; Fenaroli, 1970; Ortuno and Ceballos, 1977; Lavagne and Moutte, 1977; Brullo, 1977; Ozenda, 1981, 1985; Pignatti, 1982; Guittonneau and Huon, 1983; Ciaran and Blanco, 1984; Gamisans, 1985; Herranz Sanz and Gomez Campo, 1986; Peinado Lorca and Martinez-Parras, 1987.','','Forêts de Pinus pinaster subsp. pinaster (Pinus mesogeensis) de la Méditerranée occidentale, développées surtout sur des substrats siliceux des étages méso-méditerranéen, méso-méditerranéen supérieur et supra-méditerranéen d''Espagne, de Corse, du sud-est de la France ...','Archiloque et al., 1969 ; Lavagne et Moutte, 1977 ; Ozenda, 1981, 1985 ; Guittonneau et Huon, 1983 ; Gamisans, 1985.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.821','42.82','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Iberian mesogean pine forests','','Pinus pinaster forests of the Iberian peninsula, appearing mostly as substitution communities of Quercus rotundifolia, Q. pyrenaica or, locally, Q. suber, Q. faginea woodlands.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.8211','42.821','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Northern-Iberian mesogean pine forests','','Very extensive Pinus pinaster forests of the Northern Iberian Range and neighbouring areas, occupying siliceous, often sandy substrates.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.8212','42.821','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Cordilleran mesogean pine forests','','Extensive Pinus pinaster forests of the Cordillera Central and neighbouring areas, particularly developed on the southern slope of the range, occupying siliceous substrates, mostly gneiss and granite.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.8213','42.821','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Southern-Iberian mesogean pine forests','','Pinus pinaster forests of the Southern Iberian Range and plateaux of eastern New Castile.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.82131','42.8213','7','Niveau 7','FALSE','','Siliceous southern-Iberian mesogean pine forests','','Widespread and extensive silicicolous Pinus pinaster forests, mostly occupying reddish sandy soils (rodenales).','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.82132','42.8213','7','Niveau 7','FALSE','','Calcicolous southern-Iberian mesogean pine forests','','Less common calcicolous Pinus pinaster forests of Jurassic and Cretaceous limestones.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.8214','42.821','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Cazorlan mesogean pine forests','','Extensive Pinus pinaster forests of the Sierras de Cazorla, Segura, Alcaraz and Sagra, mostly on Mesozoic limestones.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.8215','42.821','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Southern Andalusian mesogean pine forests','','Pinus pinaster forests of southern mountains.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.82151','42.8215','7','Niveau 7','FALSE','','Aljibe mesogean pine forests','','Silicicolous thermo-Mediterranean Pinus pinaster forests of the Aljibe.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.82152','42.8215','7','Niveau 7','FALSE','','Andalusian peridotite mesogean pine forests','','Peridotite Pinus pinaster forests of Western Malaga.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.82153','42.8215','7','Niveau 7','FALSE','','Andalusian dolomite mesogean pine forests','','Dolomite Pinus pinaster forests of Malaga and Granada mountains, with a calciphilous undergrowth formed by Buxus balearica, Ulex agrgenteus, Cistus libanotis, Thymelaea tartonraira, Linum suffruticosum, Thymus erianthus, T. longiflorus.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.82154','42.8215','7','Niveau 7','FALSE','','Eastern Andalusian calcicolous mesogean pine forests','','Limestone Pinus pinaster forests of eastern Andalusia.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.82155','42.8215','7','Niveau 7','FALSE','','Eastern Andalusian silicicolous mesogean pine forests','','Siliceous Pinus pinaster forests of eastern Andalusia.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.8216','42.821','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Leonese mesogean pine forests','','Isolated Pinus pinaster woods of Nogarejas and Castrocontrigo in southern Leon.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.8217','42.821','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Catalonian mesogean pine forests','','Pinus pinaster forests of Catalonia.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.822','42.82','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Pinèdes de Pin mésogéen des Corbières','Corbières mesogean pine forests','','Isolated Pinus pinaster - dominated woods of the Corbières.','','','Bois isolés des Corbières dominés par Pinus pinaster.','','FALSE','FALSE','VG','Descriptif du code concernant la France (Corbières). Traduction issue de la version EUR 15/2 du manuel d''interprétation des habitats de l''Union européenne (1999).');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.823','42.82','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Forêts de Pins mésogéens franco-italiennes','Franco-Italian mesogean pine forests','','Pinus pinaster forests of siliceous lower meso-Mediterranean areas of Provence, of marls and limestones of the uppr meso-Mediterranean level of the Maritime Alps and the Ligurian Alps, and of mostly siliceous or clayey soils of the hills of Liguria and Tuscany.','','','Forêts de Pinus pinaster des basses régions siliceuses de l’étage méso-méditerranéen de Provence, des marnes et calcaires de l’étage méso-méditerranéen supérieur des Alpes maritimes et des Alpes ligures, et des sols surtout siliceux et argileux des collines ligure et toscanes.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.824','42.82','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Forêts corses de Pins mésogéens','Corsican mesogean pine forests','Pinetum pinastri, Erico-Arbutetum p., Galio-Pinetum p.','Pinus pinaster-dominated forests of the meso- and supra-Mediterranean levels of Corsica, mostly on granitic substrates; they are very developed, accompanied by a maquis-like understorey, in the meso-Mediterranean zone, mostly at its upper tier; they occur locally within the supra-Mediterranean zone, on adrets and at lower altitudes, as facies of laricio pine forests. ','','Pinetum pinaster, Erico-Arbutetum p., Galio-Pinetum p.','Forêts de Pinus pinaster dominant, des étages méso- et supra-méditerranéen de Corse, surtout sur des substrats granitiques ; elles sont très développées, accompagnées par un maquis en sous-bois, dans l’étage méso-méditerranéen, surtout à son niveau supérieur. Elles existent localement à l’étage supra-méditerranéen, sur des adrets et à des altitudes moindres, comme faciès de forêts de Pins laricio.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.825','42.82','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Sardinian mesogean pine forests','','Pinus pinaster formations on granitic substrates of northern Sardinia, with Arbutus unedo, Quercus ilex, Rosmarinus officinalis, Erica arborea, Genista corsica, Lavandula stoechas, Rubia peregrina, Calicotome spinosa, Pistacia lentiscus, Teucrium marum.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.826','42.82','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Pantellerian mesogean pine forests','','Pinus pinaster woods of Pantelleria.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.8261','42.826','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Pantellerian mesogean pine-Genista forests','Pino-Genistetum aspalathoidis pinetosum pinastri','Dominant, probably subclimactic woodlands of Pantelleria, constituted by Pinus pinaster, with Genista aspalathoides, Erica multiflora, Cistus salvifolius, Lavandula stoechas, Rosmarinus officinalis, Daphne gnidium, Arbutus unedo, Myrtus communis, Erica arborea, Carex illegitima.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.8262','42.826','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Pantellerian mesogean pine-holm oak forests','Erico-Quercetum ilicis pinetosum pinastri','Mixed Pinus pinaster and Quercus ilex formations of Pantelleria Grande and Monte Gibele, with Arbutus unedo and Erica arborea.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.83','42.8','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Forêts de Pins parasols','Stone pine forests','','Mediterranean forests and old naturalized plantations of Pinus pinea. Antique introduction in many areas makes the distinction between spontaneous forests and long-established formations of artificial origin often difficult. These are thus included here, while recent, obviously artificial groves are not.','Rechinger, 1943, 1951; Braun-Blanquet, 1964; Loisel, 1971; Ortuno and Ceballos, 1977; Lavagne and Moutte, 1977; Sfikas, 1978; Molinier and Martin, 1980; Ozenda, 1981; Lopez Gonzalez, 1982; Ciaran and Blanco, 1984; Fenaroli, 1984; Silveira da Costa, 1984, 1985; Polunin and Walters, 1985; Dupias, 1985; Tassi, 1985; Pratesi and Tassi, 1986; Herranz Sanz and Gomez Campo, 1986; Kassioumis, 1988; Ferioli, 1989; Bournérias et al., 1990.','','Forêts méditerranéennes et anciennes plantations naturalisées de Pinus pinea. Son introduction antique dans plusieurs régions rend la distinction souvent difficile entre les forêts spontanées et les formations établies depuis longtemps d''origine artificielle. Les boisements sont donc inclus ici tandis que les peuplements récents d’origine artificielle évidente ne le sont pas.','Loisel, 1971 ; Lavagne et Moutte, 1977 ; Molinier et Martin, 1980 ; Ozenda, 1981 ; Polunin et Walters, 1985 ; Dupias, 1985 ; Tassi, 1985 ; Bournérias et al. , 1990.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.831','42.83','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Iberian stone pine forests','','Pinus pinea forests of the Iberian peninsula, where they reach their greatest development.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.8311','42.831','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Western Andalusian stone pine forests','','Pinus pinea forests of the lowlands of western Andalusia and adjacent areas, with Halimium halimifolium, H. rosmarinifolium, Calicotome villosa, Cistus salvifolius, C. crispus, Erica scoparia, Corema album, Rhamnus oleoides, Chamaerops humilis, Juniperus phoenicea.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.8312','42.831','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Lusitanian stone pine forests','','Pinus pinea forests of the coasts of Portugal, notably the Setubal peninsula, pure or with Pinus pinaster.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.8313','42.831','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Castilian stone pine forests','','Pinus pinea forests of the plateaux of Old Castile in the provinces of Valladolid, Zamora, Avila and Segovia, pure or with Pinus pinaster; the undergrowth includes Cistus laurifolius, Cytisus scoparius, Crataegus monogyna, Salvia officinalis, Lavandula latifolia, Juniperus communis, J. thurifera and tufts of Corynephorus canescens.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.8314','42.831','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Cordilleran stone pine forests','','Pinus pinea forests of the foothills of the Cordillera Central, particularly in areas between Guadarrama and Gredos, pure or with Pinus pinaster; the undergrowth, similar to that of evergreen oak forests, includes Juniperus oxycedrus, Retama sphaerocarpa, Cytisus scoparius, Pistacia terebinthus, Lavandula pedunculata, Helichrysum serotinum.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.8315','42.831','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Catalonian stone pine forests','','Pinus pinea forests of coastal and lowland Catalonia, often natural, and with an abundant shrub layer comprising Arbutus unedo, Erica arborea, Ulex australis, Calicotome spinosa, Cistus albidus, C. monspeliensis, C. salvifolius, C. laurifolius.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.8316','42.831','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Morena stone pine forests','','Pinus pinea forests of the Sierra Morena, largely represented by plantations.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.8317','42.831','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Manchegan stone pine forests','','Pinus pinea forests of the foothills of the Southern Iberian Range and the plateaux of La Mancha, also mostly of artificial origin.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.832','42.83','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Balearic stone pine woods','','Pinus pinea formations of the Balearic Islands, native only on Ibiza and Formentera.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.833','42.83','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Bois provençaux de Pins parasols','Provence stone pine woods','','Pinus pinea formations of Provence, possibly spontaneous on coastal sands and in the Maures area.','','','Formations de Pinus pinea de Provence, pouvant être spontanées sur les sables côtiers et dans la région de Maures.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.8331','42.833','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Forêts provençales côtières de Pins parasols','Coastal Provence stone pine forests','','Pinus pinea woods of coastal sands, particularly of the Camargue, where it is associated with Juniperus phoenicea ssp. lycia.','','','Bois de Pinus pinea des sables côtiers du sud de la France, particulièrement de Camargue où le pin est associé à Juniperus phoenicea subsp. lycia.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.8332','42.833','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Forêts provençales permiennes de Pins parasols','Permian Provence stone pine forests','','Pinus pinea woods of the Permian depression encircling the Maures, and a few neighbouring localities, associated mostly with maquis of Cistus monspeliensis, C. salvifolius, C. ladanifer, Erica scoparia.','','','Bois de Pinus pinea de la dépression permienne entourant les Maures, et de quelques localités voisines, associés pour la plupart à des maquis de Cistus monspeliensis, C. salviifolius, C. ladanifer, Erica scoparia.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.834','42.83','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Bois de Pins parasols corses','Corsican stone pine woods','','Pinus pinea formations of the littoral of Corsica, some of which may be of natural origin, in particular on old dunes of the east coast.','','','Formations de Pinus pinea du littoral de la Corse, dont certaines peuvent être d''origine naturelle, en particulier sur des vieilles dunes de la côte est.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.835','42.83','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Sardinian stone pine forests','','Pinus pinea formations of Sardinia.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.8351','42.835','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Iglesiente near-natural stone pine forests','','Pinus pinea forest of coastal dunes of Iglesiente, west of Monte Linas, comprising plurisecular trees and of undoubted indigenous origin.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.8352','42.835','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Sardinian semi-natural stone pine forests','','Other Pinus pinea woods of Sardinia, some particularly in the vicinity of Monte Linas, of possible native origin.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.836','42.83','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Sicilian stone pine forests','','Pinus pinea formations of the Monti Peloritani, northwestern Sicily, of probable native origin.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.837','42.83','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Peninsular Italian stone pine forests','','Large, ancient, Pinus pinea plantations of the Tyrennian, and locally, Adriatic coasts of the Italian peninsula, in Liguria, Toscany, Latium, Campania, Emilia-Romana (Ravenna) and Friuli-Venetia Giulia (Grado).','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.838','42.83','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Greek stone pine forests','','Pinus pinea woods of the littoral and coastal hills of the Peloponnese, Chalcidice, Crete and Aegean islands, rather local but probably in part, at least, spontaneous; a splendid example exists, in particular, on Skiathos.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.84','42.8','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Forêts de Pins d''Alep','Aleppo pine forests','','Woods of Pinus halepensis, a frequent colonist of thermo- and calcicolous meso-Mediterranean scrubs. The distinction between spontaneous forests and long-established formations of artificial origin is often difficult. The latter are thus included here, while recent, obviously artificial groves are not.','Rechinger, 1943, 1951; Loisel, 1971; Ortuno and Ceballos, 1977; Lavagne and Moutte, 1977; Sfikas, 1978; Molinier and Martin, 1980; Ozenda, 1981, 1985; Pignatti, 1982; Lopez Gonzalez, 1982; Ciaran and Blanco, 1984; Fenaroli, 1984; Polunin and Walters, 1985; Tassi, 1985; Dupias, 1985; Gamisans, 1985; Pratesi and Tassi, 1986; Herranz Sanz and Gomez Campo, 1986; Kassioumis, 1988; Ferioli, 1989; Bournérias et al., 1990.','','Bois de Pinus halepensis, un colonisateur fréquent des formations de matorrals thermo- et méso-méditerranénnes calcicoles. La distinction entre les formations spontanées et celles d''origine artificielle établies depuis lontemps est souvent difficile. Ces derniers sont inclus ici, tandis que des boisements récents d’origine artificielle évidente ne le sont pas.','Loisel, 1971 ; Lavagne et Moutte, 1977 ; Molinier et Martin, 1980 ; Ozenda, 1981, 1985 ; Polunin et Walters, 1985 ; Dupias, 1985 ; Tassi, 1985 ; Gamisans, 1985 ; Bournérias et al., 1990.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.841','42.84','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Iberian Aleppo pine forests','','Pinus halepensis forests of Spain, considered native for at least two-thirds of their considerable expanse; they are mostly restricted to eastern regions on the Mediterranean slope of the Catalonian mountains, the Maestrazgo, the pre-Baetic ranges of the upper Guadalquivir basin, the southern Andalusian mountains; they penetrate farther inland in the Ebro basin and around the headwaters of the Tagus and Guadalquivir systems.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.842','42.84','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Balearic Aleppo pine forests','','Pinus halepensis formations of the Balearics, present and probably native on all the major islands.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.843','42.84','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Forêts de Pins d''Alep provenço-liguriennes','Provenço-Ligurian Aleppo pine forests','','Mostly lower meso-Mediterranean Pinus halepensis forests of Provence and of the lower slopes and coastlines of the Maritime and Ligurian Alps, extensive and undoubtedly native.','','','Forêts de Pinus halepensis provençales et des pentes inférieures et du littoral des Alpes maritimes et ligures, généralement liées à la zone mésoméditerranéenne inférieure. Ces forêts sont étendues et incontestablement indigènes.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.844','42.84','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Bois de Pins d''Alep corses','Corsican Aleppo pine woods','','Rare and local Pinus halepensis woods of the Corsican coasts, some, at least, possibly natural.','','','Bois de Pinus halepensis des côtes corses. Ces bois sont rares et localisés ; quelques uns, au moins, peuvent être naturels.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.845','42.84','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Sardinian Aleppo pine woods','','Pinus halepensis formations of Sardinia, where certainly native woods occur on Isola di San Pietro and the Sulcis coast of Iglesiente.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.846','42.84','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Sicilian Aleppo pine woods','','Pinus halepensis formations of Sicily and peripheral islands.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.8461','42.846','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Mainland Sicilian Aleppo pine forests','','Pinus halepensis woods of mainland Sicily, where native formations occur on the southwestern slope of the Iblei massif (Vittoria).','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.8462','42.846','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Egadi Aleppo pine forests','','Pinus halepensis woods of the Egadi islands (Marettimo, Isla Grande, San Pantaleo).','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.8463','42.846','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Lampedusa Aleppo pine forests','','Pinus halepensis woods of the Pelagie (Lampedusa).','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.8464','42.846','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Pantelleria Aleppo pine forests','Pino-Genistetum aspalathoidis pinetosum halepensis ','Uncommon Pinus halepensis - dominated facies of the pine woods of Pantelleria.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.847','42.84','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Peninsular Italian Aleppo pine forests','','Pinus halepensis formations of the Italian peninsula; extensive, probably at least partially native ones are individualized in the subdivisions below.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.8471','42.847','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Gargano Aleppo pine forests','','Pinus halepensis forests of monte Gargano and the Tremiti islands.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.8472','42.847','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Metapontine Aleppo pine forests','','Pinus halepensis forests of the Gulf of Taranto area, in particular of the Metapontine littoral.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.8473','42.847','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Umbrian Aleppo pine forests','','Pinus halepensis forests of southern Umbria, in the Narni and Spoleto-Terni areas.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.8474','42.847','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Italian Aleppo pine reforestation','','Other Pinus halepensis formations of peninsular Italy.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.848','42.84','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Greek Aleppo pine forests','','Pinus halepensis formations of Greece, where the species is relatively widespread, particularly in Attica, Thessaly, the coasts of the Peloponnese and of central continental Greece, the Ionian islands, Chalcidici, the northern Sporades, Euboea and Skiros.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.85','42.8','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Aegean pine forests','','Pinus brutia forests of Crete and eastern Aegean islands. Eastern vicariants of Aleppo pine forests (42.84), they comprise, however, taller, more luxuriant, and often extensive, formations.','Rechinger, 1943, 1951; Horvat et al., 1974; Sfikas, 1987; Latridis, 1988.','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.851','42.85','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Aegean pine forests of Crete','','Pinus brutia-dominated forests of Crete and its satellite islands Gavdos and Gaidaronisi, pure or mixed with Cupressus sempervirens; they are widespread in particular in the White Mountains, the Psiloriti range, the Dikti range and, locally, in the Sitia mountains and the Asterousia mountains.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.8511','42.851','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Cretan lentisc Aegean pine forests','','Pinus brutia forests with garrigue undergrowth of Pistacia lentiscus, Cistus creticus.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.8512','42.851','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Cretan phrygana Aegean pine forests','','Pinus brutia forests with a phrygana undergrowth of Sarcopoterium spinosum or Thymus capitatus.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.8513','42.851','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Cretan grassy Aegean pine forests','','Pinus brutia forests with sparce grassy undergrowth on stony ground.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.852','42.85','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Aegean pine forests of Lesbos','','Extensive Pinus brutia forests of Lesbos, occupying Mount Olympus and surrounding hills in the southeastern quadrant of the island, as well as parts of the Kuratsonas range in the northwest; these forests harbour the only European population of the nuthatch Sitta krueperi and the most significant one of the orchid Comperia comperiana.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.8521','42.852','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Lesbian humid montane Aegean pine forests','','Humid montane Pinus brutia forests of Lesbos, with a high, fairly dense Quercus coccifera - dominated understorey and abundant lichen growth.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.8522','42.852','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Lesbian cistus Aegean pine forests','','Dry collinar Pinus brutia forests of Lesbos, with low, sparse undergrowth formed mostly by Cistus salvifolius.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.8523','42.852','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Lesbian heath Aegean pine forests','','Dry collinar Pinus brutia forests of Lesbos, with continuous ericaceous undergrowth.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.853','42.85','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Aegean pine forests of Samos','','Pinus brutia forests covering large expanses of Samos, in particular in the Ambelos range, the Kerki mountains, the southern hills and the northeastern peninsula.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.8531','42.853','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Samian collinar Aegean pine forests','','Lower altitude Pinus brutia forests of Samos, with Pistacia lentiscus, Cistus salvifolius, C. parviflorus, Sarcopoterium spinosum, Quercus coccifera.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.8532','42.853','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Samian montane Aegean pine forests','','Higher altitude Pinus brutia forests of Samos, sometimes including Pinus pallasiana, and with an undergrowth comprising Quercus coccifera, Prunus cocomila (=P. pseudarmeniaca), Crataegus spp..','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.854','42.85','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Aegean pine woods of Chios','','Remnant forests of Chios with a composition and stratification similar to those of the forests of Samos.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.855','42.85','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Aegean pine forests of Thasos','','Broad Pinus brutia belt on the lower reaches of Thasos, up to about 400 to 500 metres, mixed with Pinus pallasiana in the higher areas.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.8551','42.855','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Thasian kermes Aegean pine forests','','Thasos Pinus brutia forests with a dense Quercus coccifera undergrowth.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.8552','42.855','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Thasian bracken Aegean pine forests','','Thasos Pinus brutia forests with sparse undergrowth.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.8553','42.855','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Thasian heath Aegean pine forests','','Thasos Pinus brutia forests with dense ericaceous undergrowth.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.856','42.85','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Aegean pine woods of Samothrace','','Mostly sparse Pinus brutia formations of the lowlands of Samothrace.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.857','42.85','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Aegean pine forests of Rhodes','','Remnant Pinus brutia forests of Rhodes, still represented by some relatively natural formations with rich scrub undergrowth.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.858','42.85','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Aegean pine forests of Karpathos','','Fairly extensive Pinus brutia forests of Karpathos, distributed, in particular, in the northern coastal area, the southern interior and the middle elevation of Kali Limni.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.859','42.85','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Aegean pine forests of the Dodecanese','','Pinus brutia formations of the islands of Simi, Kos, Leros and Ikaria.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.9','42','3','Niveau 3','FALSE','','Canary Island pine forests','Cytiso-Pinetea canariensis: Cisto-Pinion canariensis','Forests of endemic Pinus canariensis, of the dry montane level at around 800 to 2000 metres (locally down to 500 and up to 2500 metres) in Tenerife, La Palma, Gran Canaria and Hierro, with Chamaecytisus proliferus, Adenocarpus foliolosus, Cistus symphytifolius, Lotus campylocladus, L. hillebrandii, L. spartioides, Daphne gnidium, Juniperus cedrus, Micromeria spp.; these forests, of which well-preserved examples have become rare, are the only habitat of Fringilla teydea, Dendrocopos major canariensis and D. m. thanneri.','Bannerman, 1963; Ortuno and Ceballos, 1977; White, 1983; Bramwell and Bramwell, 1983; Ciaran and Blanco, 1984; Wildpret de la Torre and del Arco Aguilar, 1987; Serrada et al., 1988; Machado, in litt., 1989.','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.91','42.9','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Canary pine-rockrose forests','','Climax Pinus canariensis forests within the main zone of altitudinal occurrence, with an undergrowth characterized and often dominated by Cistus symphytifolius and comprising Chamaecytisus proliferus, Lotus campylocladus, L. hillebrandii, L. spartioides, Juniperus cedrus, Bystropogon origanifolius, Argyranthemum adauctum.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.911','42.91','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Tenerife pine-rockrose forests','','Pine forests of Tenerife, with Lotus campylocladus, Chamaecytisus proliferus (Cytiso proliferi-Pinetum canariensis cistetosum sympytifolii); they are the main habitat of the endangered Dendrocopos major canariensis and of Fringilla teydea teydea.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.912','42.91','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','La Palma pine-rockrose forests','','Pine forests of La Palma, with Lotus hillebrandii (Loto hillebrandii-Pinetum canariensis cistetosum).','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.913','42.91','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Gran Canaria pine-rockrose forests','','Pine forests of Gran Canaria, with Cistus symphytifolius var. leucophyllus and Lotus spartioides; they are the main habitat of the threatened Dendrocopos major thanneri and Fringilla teydea polatzeki.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.914','42.91','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Hierro pine-rockrose forests','','Pine forests of Hierro, with Lotus hillebrandii.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.92','42.9','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Canary pine-dry scrub forests','','Formations of dry, south-facing slopes in the lower part of the Pinus canariensis belt, transitional towards juniper formations and their degradation scrubs, with an undergrowth often formed by Cistus monspeliensis, Euphorbia obtusifolia ssp.regis-jubae, Salvia canariensis, Micromeria hyssopifolia, Echium aculeatum.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.921','42.92','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Tenerife pine-dry scrub woods','','','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.922','42.92','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','La Palma pine-dry scrub woods','','','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.923','42.92','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Gran Canaria pine-dry scrub woods','','','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.924','42.92','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Hierro pine-dry scrub woods','','','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.93','42.9','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Canary pine-heath forests','','Formations of humid, fogbound north- and northwest-facing slopes in the lower reaches of the Pinus canariensis belt, with an abundance of Erica arborea and Myrica faya, and occasionally with Ilex canariensis and Arbutus canariensis; epiphytic lichens are abundant, as are dense carpets of mosses, in particular, Hypnum cupressiforme. These woods are the main habitat of Regulus teneriffae.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.931','42.93','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Tenerife pine-heath forests','','','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.932','42.93','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','La Palma pine-heath forests','','','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.933','42.93','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Gran Canaria pine-heath forests','','Formations of Gran Canaria, harbouring the endemic Micromeria pineolens.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.934','42.93','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Hierro pine-heath forests','','Formations of Hierro, harbouring the almost extinct Adenocarpus ombriosus.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.94','42.9','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Canary pine-broom woods','','Formations of the highest altitudes of the Pinus canariensis belt, invaded by species of the supra-Canarian level, in particular Adenocarpus viscosus.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.941','42.94','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Tenerife pine-broom woods','','Formations of Tenerife, with Adenocarpus viscosus var. viscosus.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.942','42.94','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','La Palma pine-broom woods','','Formations of La Palma, with Adenocarpus viscosus var. spartioides.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.95','42.9','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Canary pine-juniper woods','Junipero cedri-Pinetum canariensis','Pinus canariensis and Juniperus cedrus formations of steep, rocky slopes of high altitudes of Tenerife and La Palma.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.951','42.95','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Tenerife pine-juniper woods','','Formations of the edges of Las Canadas del Teide.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.952','42.95','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','La Palma pine-juniper woods','','Formations of the summits of La Palma.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.A','42','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Forêts dominées par les Cyprès, les Genévriers et les Ifs','Cypress, juniper and yew forests','','Woods dominated by Cupressus sempervirens, Juniperus spp. or Taxus baccata.','','','Bois dominés par Cupressus sempervirens, Juniperus spp. ou Taxus baccata.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.A1','42.A','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Cypress forests','Acero-Cupression','Montane forests of Crete and a few eastern Aegean islands, dominated by Cupressus sempervirens.','Rechinger, 1943, 1951; Ozenda et al., 1979; Noirfalise, 1987; Sfikas, 1987; Yatridis, 1988; Kassioumis, 1988.','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.A11','42.A1','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Cypress forests of Crete','','Cupressus sempervirens and C. sempervirens-Pinus brutia forests of Crete occupying a wide altitudinal range, but a restricted geographical area, in the White Mountains (notably Samaria) with outposts in the Idi and Dikti mountains. Tall, closed, luxuriant forests exist, with cypresses up to 30 metres, as well as more open stands. Accompanying the cypress and Pinus brutia may be Quercus coccifera, Acer sempervirens, Zelkova abelicea.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.A12','42.A1','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Cypress forests of Rhodes','','Cupressus sempervirens and C. sempervirens-Pinus brutia forests of Rhodes, represented on most mountain ranges and locally at lower altitudes.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.A13','42.A1','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Cypress woodland of Syme','','Cupressus sempervirens formations of Syme, rather open and with impoverished undergrowth.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.A14','42.A1','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Cypress woodland of Kos','','Cupressus sempervirens forest remnants of middle elevations of Kos.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.A15','42.A1','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Cypress woodland of Samothrace','','Cupressus sempervirens formations of steep slopes of the southeastern side of Samothrace.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.A2','42.A','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Forêts de Juniperus thurifera','Spanish juniper woods','Juniperion thuriferae','Forest formations dominated by Juniperus thurifera of Spain, southern France and Corsica. Many communities may be better described as arborescent matorrals, and listed under 32.136; geographical divisions can nevertheless be retained by appending the suffixes of 42.A2 to 32.136.','Ozenda et al., 1979; Ozenda, 1981, 1985; Dupias, 1985; Blanco Castro and Sainz Ollero, 1985; Gamisans, 1985; Noirfalise, 1986, 1987; Navarro Andres and Valle Gutierrez, 1987; Peinado Lorca and Martinez-Parras, 1987; Costa, 1987; Bolos and Capdevila, 1987; Rivas-Martinez et al., 1987.','Juniperion thuriferae','Formations forestières dominées par Juniperus thurifera du sud de la France et de la Corse. De nombreuses communautés sont plutôt des matorrals arborescents et peuvent être classées sous 32.136 ; les divisions géographiques peuvent néanmoins être retenues par l''adjonction des suffixes de 42.A2 à 32.136.','Ozenda et al., 1979 ; Ozenda, 1981.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.A21','42.A2','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Iberian Spanish juniper forests','Juniperetum hemisphaerico-thuriferae, Junipero thuriferae-Quercetum rotundifoliae p. ','Juniperus thurifera forests on calcareous substrates in the supra- Mediterranean levels of the Iberian Range and neighbouring plateaux, dispersed throughout the entire system, in an arc extending from the province of Burgos to the Serrania de Cuenca and the mountains of Teruel; these constitute the main range of the species. Pinus sylvestris and P. salzmannii may accompany the juniper; Juniperus hemisphaerica and Berberis hispanica may be common in the undergrowth.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.A22','42.A2','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Guadarraman Spanish juniper woods','Juniperetum hemisphaerico-thuriferae p.','Relict Juniperus thurifera woods of enclaves on the periphery of and within the Sierra de Guadarrama, occurring both on rare local limestone deposits and in a few siliceous stations.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.A221','42.A22','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Guadarraman calciphilous Spanish juniper woods','','Formations of Juniperus thurifera linked to local limestone deposits of the Sierra de Guadarrama area.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.A222','42.A22','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Guadarraman silicicolous Spanish juniper woods','Juniperetum hemisphaerico-thuriferae juniperetosum oxycedri','Anomalous silicicolous Juniperus thurifera formations, with J. oxycedrus.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.A23','42.A2','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Cantabrian Spanish juniper woods','Juniperetum sabino-thuriferae','Relict, open Juniperus thurifera woodlands of dry, warm, rocky, calcareous southern slopes of the Cordillera Cantabrica, between the Rio Pisuerga and the Rio Luna, with Juniperus nana, J. sabina, Berberis vulgaris ssp. cantabrica, Rhamnus alpinus, Viburnum lantana.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.A24','42.A2','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Monegros Spanish juniper woods','','Juniperus thurifera woodlands on gypsiferous soils of the Ebro basin, with Rhamnus lycioides.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.A25','42.A2','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Manchegan Spanish juniper woods','Junipero thuriferae-Quercetum rotundifoliae p.','Juniperus thurifera woods on La Mancha clay soils of the Campo de Montiel.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.A26','42.A2','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Baetic Spanish juniper woods','','Relict, open Juniperus thurifera formations of the pre-Baetic system in the Sierra Taibilla (Albacete, Murcia).','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.A27','42.A2','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Bois pyrénéens de Genévriers thurifères','Pyrenean Spanish juniper woods','','Relict Juniperus thurifera wood of the supra-Mediterranean level of the Montagne de Rie, on the northern flank of the central Pyrenees.','','','Bois relictuels de Juniperus thurifera de l''étage supra-méditerranéen de la Montagne de Rie sur le versant septentrional des Pyrénées centrales.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.A28','42.A2','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Bois sud-alpiens de Genévriers thurifères','Southern Alpine Spanish juniper woods','','Juniperus thurifera formations of warm calcareous supra-Mediterranean slopes of the southwestern Alps, in Drôme, Hautes-Alpes and Alpes-de-Haute-Provence, between 700 and 1200, occasionally 1400, metres.','','','Formations de Juniperus thurifera des pentes calcaires chaudes supra-méditerranéennes des Alpes sud-occidentales, dans la Drôme, les Hautes-Alpes et les Alpes-de-Haute-Provence, entre 700 et 1200 m, occasionnellement jusqu’à 1400 m.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.A29','42.A2','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Bois de Genévriers thurifères de l''Isère','Isère Spanish juniper woods','','Juniperus thurifera formations of warm calcareous supra-Mediterranean slopes of the Isère valley, in the western Alps, between 300 and 500 metres.','','','Formations de Juniperus thurifera des pentes calcaires chaudes supra-méditerranéennes de la vallée de l''Isère, dans les Alpes occidentales, entre 300 et 500 m.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.A2A','42.A2','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Bois de Génevriers thurifères corses','Corsican Spanish juniper woods','','Open montane forests of Juniperus thurifera, sometimes mixed with Pinus laricio, restricted to a few valleys in the interior of Corsica with extreme temperature ranges (Pinnera, Rudda, Pruniccia)','','','Forêts montagnardes ouvertes de Juniperus thurifera, quelquefois mélangés avec Pinus laricio, limitées à quelques vallées de l''intérieur de la Corse soumises à une amplitude extrême de température (Pinnera, Rudda, Pruniccia).','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.A3','42.A','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Grecian juniper woods','Juniperetum excelsae','Forest formations dominated by Juniperus excelsa, of the Ostryo-Carpinion zone of the mountains of northern Greece (up to 900-1000m, around lake Prespa). Arborescent matorrals, somewhat more widespread in Greece, have been listed under 32.1331.','Horvat et al., 1974.','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.A4','42.A','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Stinking juniper woods','','Forest formations dominated by Juniperus foetidissima on adrets of the upper supra-Mediterranean level in Greece.Arborescent matorrals, somewhat more widespread in Greece, including the Aegean archipelagoes (Samos), have been listed under 32.1332.','Rechinger, 1951; Noirfalise, 1986, 1987.','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.A5','42.A','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Syrian juniper woods','','Juniperus drupacea woods of the northern slopes of Mount Parnon, Greece. Part of the formation takes the appearence of an arborescent matorral, listed under 32.135.','Polunin, 1980; Kassioumis, 1988.','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.A6','42.A','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Arbor-vitae forests','','Xero-thermophile forests of Tetraclinis articulata, restricted to extreme southeastern Spain, are extinct in forest form. The relict formations dominated by this species, of exceptional bio-geographical and historical importance, constitute arborescent matorrals and have been listed under 32.15.','Templado, 1974; Tomaselli, 1981b. ','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.A7','42.A','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Forêts d''Ifs','Yew woods','','Woods dominated by Taxus baccata, often with Ilex aquifolium, of very local occurrence.','Fenaroli, 1970; Brun et al., 1975; Groppali, et al., 1983; Sobron Garcia, 1984; Gamisans, 1985; Pratesi and Tassi, 1986; Noirfalise, 1986, 1987; Ferioli, 1989; Rodwell, 1991.','','Bois dominés par Taxus baccata, souvent avec Ilex aquifolium, se rencontrant très localement.','Gamisans, 1985 ; Noirfalise, 1986, 1987 ; Rodwell, 1991.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.A71','42.A7','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','British yew woods','','Taxus baccata woods with Sorbus aria or Mercurialis perennis of dry valleys and scarps of the Chalk of south-east England, and, very locally of the Durham Magnesium limestone.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.A72','42.A7','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Forêts d''Ifs corses','Corsican yew woods','','Formations of Taxus baccata, Ilex aquifolium, Buxus sempervirens, restricted to cool, montane areas in the Tenda range, the San Pedrone range and the Cap Corse mountains.','','','Formations de Taxus baccata, Ilex aquifolium, Buxus sempervirens, limitées aux régions montagnardes froides dans le massif de Tenda, de San Pedrone et des montagnes du cap Corse.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.A73','42.A7','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Sardinian yew woods','','Taxus baccata and Ilex aquifolium woods of the Catena del Marghine and the Mount Limbara system.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.A74','42.A7','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Peninsular Italian yew woods','','Taxus baccata and Ilex aquifolium of the Macerata region.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.A75','42.A7','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Iberian yew woods','','Occasional pure Taxus baccata formations of Spanish mountains, most often on steep shady slopes.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.A76','42.A7','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Forêts d''Ifs provençales','Provence yew woods','','Taxus baccata formations of southern France, similar to 42.A75.','','','Formations à Taxus baccata du sud de la France, similaires à 42.A75.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.A8','42.A','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Macaronesian juniper woods','','Juniper-dominated formations of the Atlantic islands. All such formations are listed here whether wood-like or scrub-like in physiognomy; ericoid-dominated facies of the same formations have been listed under 31.3.','Géhu, 1984; Blanco Castro and Sainz Ollero, 1985; Wildpret de la Torre and Arco Aguilar, 1987; Serrada et al., 1988; Machado in litt., 1989.','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.A81','42.A8','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Canarian juniper woods','','Juniperus cedrus formations of the high altitudes of Tenerife, La Palma, Gomera, Gran Canaria, restricted to steep rocky slopes.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.A82','42.A8','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Azorean juniper woods','Juniperion brevifoliae p.','Endemic Juniperus brevifolia formations of the Azores.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.A83','42.A8','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Macaronesian Phoenician juniper woods','Maytenio-Juniperion phoeniceae p.','Juniperus phoenicea formations of Tenerife, La Palma, Hierro, Gran Canaria, Gomera.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.A9','42.A','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Bois de Genévriers oxycèdres','Prickly juniper woods','','Woods dominated by Juniperus oxycedrus. Most J. oxycedrus formations are at most arborescent matorrl listed under 32.131. A few may, however, qualify as woodland, as, for instance, those of Monte Limbara in Sardinia.','Veri and Pacioni, 1985.','','Bois dominés par Juniperus oxycedrus. La plupart des formations de Juniperus oxycedrus sont au plus des matorrals arborescents catalogués sous 32.131. Quelques-uns, toutefois, peuvent être qualifiés de bois.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('42.AA','42.A','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Bois de Genévriers de Phénicie','Phoenician juniper woods ','','Mediterranean formations dominated by Juniperus phoenicea are mostly arborescent matorrals and have been covered under 32.132. Exceptional, tall and dense formations, however, may be more appropriately characterized as woodland and listed in this unit. ','','','Les formations méditerranéennes dominées par Juniperus phoenicea sont pour la plupart des matorrals arborescents et ont été intégrés en 32.132. Des formations exceptionnelles, hautes et denses, peuvent toutefois être plus correctement caractérisées en tant que bois et être classées dans cette unité.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('43','4','2','Niveau 2','TRUE','Forêts mixtes','Mixed woodland ','','Forest and woodland of mixed deciduous and coniferous trees. Detailed habitats can be coded by transposing subdivisions of division 41, simply replacing prefix 41 by prefix 43. Mixed coniferous and broad-leaved evergreen woodland should not be listed under 43, but under 42 or 45, depending on dominance.','','','Forêts et bois mixtes d''essences caducifoliés et de résineux en mélange. Les habitats spécifiques peuvent être codés par la transposition des subdivisions de la division 41, en remplaçant simplement le préfixe 41 par le préfixe 43. Les forêts mixtes de résineux et d’essences sclérophylles sempervirentes ne sont pas classées sous 43, mais sous 42 ou 45 en fonction de la dominance.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('43.1','43','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Hêtraies mixtes','','','','','','','','FALSE','TRUE','Logiciel Znieff','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('43.2','43','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Chênaies-charmaies mixtes','','','','','','','','FALSE','TRUE','Logiciel Znieff','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('43.5','43','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Chênaies acidiphiles mixtes','','','','','','','','FALSE','TRUE','Logiciel Znieff','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('43.7','43','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Chênaies mixtes thermophiles et supra-méditerranéennes','','','','','','','','FALSE','TRUE','Logiciel Znieff','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('43.9','43','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Forêts mixtes de châtaigniers','','','','','','','','FALSE','TRUE','Logiciel Znieff','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('43.A','43','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Charmaies mixtes','','','','','','','','FALSE','TRUE','Logiciel Znieff','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('43.B','43','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Boulaies mixtes','','','','','','','','FALSE','TRUE','Logiciel Znieff','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('43.H','43','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Autres forêts mixtes','','','','','','','','FALSE','TRUE','Logiciel Znieff','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('44','4','2','Niveau 2','TRUE','Forêts riveraines, forêts et fourrés très humides','Alluvial and very wet forests and brush','','Tree and shrub vegetation of flood plains, marshes, fens and bogs.','','','Végétation arborescente et arbustive des plaines inondables, des marais, des marécages et des tourbières.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('44.1','44','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Formations riveraines de Saules','Riparian willow formations','Salicetea purpureae; Populetalia albae p.','Salix spp. brush or arborescent formations, lining flowing water and submitted to periodic flooding.','','Salicetea purpureae ; Populetalia albae','Formations arbustives ou arborescentes à Salix spp., le long des cours d’eau et soumises à des inondations périodiques.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('44.11','44.1','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Saussaies pré-alpines','Pre-Alpine willow brush','Salicetea purpureae: Salicion elaeagni','Willow brush of fast, pebbly, summer-high rivers in Alpine and peri-Alpine valleys with Salix elaeagnos, S. purpurea ssp. gracilis, S. daphnoides, S. nigricans, Myricaria germanica and Hippophae rhamnoides.','Ellenberg, 1963, 1988; Guinochet and Vilmorin, 1973; Yon and Tendron, 1981; Ozenda, 1985; Oberdorfer, 1990. ','Salicetea purpureae : Salicion elaeagni','Fourrés de Saules des rivières rapides, à crues estivales et à lit caillouteux, des vallées alpiennes et péri-alpiennes avec Salix eleagnos, S. purpurea subsp. gracilis, S. daphnoides, S. nigricans, Myricaria germanica et Hippophae rhamnoides.','n, 1981 ; Ozenda, 1985 ; Oberdorfer, 1990.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('44.111','44.11','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Saussaies à Myricaria','Willow-tamarisk brush','Salici-Myricarietum','Low, prostrate Myricaria germanica and Salix spp. formations of low, silty shoals.','','Salici-Myricarietum','Formations basses prostrées à Myricaria germanica et Salix spp. des bancs de sables vaseux de sites alluvionnaires.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('44.112','44.11','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Saussaies à Argousier','Willow and sea-buckthorn brush','Salicetum elaeagno-daphnoidis','Formations of Salix spp. and Hippophae rhamnoides of higher gravel shoals.','','Salicetum eleagno-daphnoidis','Formations à Salix spp. et Hippophae rhamnoides sur levées de galets.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('44.12','44.1','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Saussaies de plaine, collinéennes et méditerranéo-montagnardes','Lowland, collinar and Mediterraneo-montane willow brush','Salicion triandro-viminalis, Salicenion angustifolii, Salicion salvifoliae (Salicion albae p.)','Linear shrubby willow formations of river banks in plains, hills and low mountains of middle Europe and the Mediterranean region, with Salix triandra, S. viminalis, S. purpurea.','Ellenberg, 1963, 1988; Westhoff and den Held, 1975; Yon and Tendron, 1981; Géhu, 1984; Noirfalise, 1984; Rivas-Martinez et al., 1984; Oberdorfer, 1990.','Salicion triandro-viminalis, Salicenion angustifolii, Salicion salvifoliae (Salicion albae p.)','Formations arbustives linéaires de Saules des berges des rivières dans les plaines, les collines et les basses montagnes de l''Europe centrale et de la région méditerranéenne, avec Salix triandra, S. viminalis, S. purpurea.','Ellenberg, 1963, 1988 ;Westhoff et den Held, 1975 ; Yon et Tendron, 1981 ; Géhu, 1984 ; Noirfalise, 1984 ; Rivas-Martinez et al., 1984 ; Oberdorfer, 1990.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('44.121','44.12','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Saussaies à Osier et Salix triandra','Almond willow-osier scrub','Salicetum triandro-viminalis','Willow scrub, often dense, lining water courses of medio-European and Atlantic lowlands and hills, with Salix purpurea ssp. lambertiana, S. triandra, S. viminalis.','Noirfalise and Sougnez, 1961; Westhoff and den Held, 1975; Noirfalise, 1984; Bournérias, 1984; Ellenberg, 1988; Oberdorfer, 1990; Rodwell, 1991.','Salicetum triandrae-viminalis','Fourrés de Saules, souvent denses, bordant les cours d''eau des plaines et collines médioeuropéennes atlantiques avec Salix purpurea spp. lambertiana, S. triandra, S. viminalis.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('44.122','44.12','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Saussaies à Saule pourpre méditerranéennes','Mediterranean purple willow scrub','Saponario officinalis-Salicetum pupureae','Willow scrub dominated by Salix purpurea ssp. lambertiana and S. elaeagnos ssp. angustifolia of water courses of southern France, Mediterranean eastern Spain south to the Rio Segura basin, Italy.','Archiloque et al., 1969; Bolos, 1979; Perdigo, 1979; Folch i Guillen, 1979; Francalancia and Orsomando, 1980; Molinier and Martin, 1980; Rivas-Martinez et al., 1984; Alcaraz Ariza and Peinado Lorca, 1987.','Saponario officinalis-Salicetum purpureae','Fourrés de Saules dominés par Salix purpurea subsp. lambertiana et S. eleagnos subsp. angustifolia des cours d''eaux de la France méridionale.','Archiloque et al., 1969 ; Molinier et Martin, 1980 ; Rivas Martinez et al., 1984.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('44.123','44.12','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Balkanic purple willow scrub','Tamarici-Salicetum purpureae, Nerio-Salicetum purpureae, Salicetum triandrae balcanicum, Alneto-Salicetum amplexicaulis i.a. ','Willow-dominated scrub of banks and shoals of Greek rivers, with Salix purpurea, S. amplexicaulis, S. elaeagnos, S. triandra, S. viminalis.','Oberdorfer, 1953; Horvat et al., 1974; Strid, 1980; Sfikas, 1984.','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('44.124','44.12','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Ibero-montane willow scrub','Salicetum triandro-elaeagni','Willow scrub, up to 2-3 metres tall, lining water courses of the Pyrenees, the Iberian Range, the Sierra Nevada, formed by Salix purpurea, S. elaeagnos ssp. angustifolia, S. triandra.','Lopez, 1976; Rivas-Martinez et al., 1984; Dupias, 1985; Martinez Parras et al.., 1987; Vigo and Ninot, 1987.','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('44.125','44.12','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Cantabrian willow scrub','Salicetum cantabricae','Willow scrub of montane rivers and arroyos of the Cordillera Cantabrica, with the endemic Salix cantabrica and with S. elaeagnos ssp. angustifolia, S. purpurea ssp. lambertiana, S. triandra ssp. discolor.','Rivas-Martinez et al., 1984; Diaz Gonzalez and Fernandez Prieto, 1987; Navarro Andres and Valle Gutierrez, 1987.','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('44.126','44.12','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Iberian sage-leaved willow scrub','Salicetum purpureo-salvifoliae (Salicetum lambertiano-salvifoliae)','Small or medium-sized willow scrub of meso-Mediterranean and, locally, supra-Mediterranean, zones of central Iberia (Castellano-Leonese sectors, Extremadura), characterized by the presence of the Iberian endemic Salix salvifolia and S. x secalliana, together with S. atrocinerea, S. x matritensis, S. neotricha, S. purpurea ssp. lambertiana, S. triandra ssp. discolor; they line, mostly on siliceous sandy soils, small oligotrophic rivers with strong seasonal amplitude, or form behind the taller curtain of the Populo nigrae-Salicetum neotrichae along large water courses of argilous base-rich soils.','Rivas-Martinez, 1975; Rivas-Martinez et al., 1984; Navarro Andres and Valle Gutierrez, 1987; Rivas-Martinez et al., 1987; Ladero Alvarez, 1987.','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('44.127','44.12','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Pedicellated willow scrub','','Willow scrub of stream courses of extreme southern Europe, characterized by the presence of the southwestern Mediterranean and North African Salix pedicellata.','Pignatti, 1982; Chiappini, 1985b; Rivas-Martinez et al., 1987; Asensi Marfil and Diez Garretas, 1987.','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('44.1271','44.127','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Andalusian willow scrub','Equiseto telmateiae-Salicetum pedicellatae (Salicetum pedicellatae)','Willow scrub of southwestern Iberian stream courses, fringing, in particular, humid Quercus canariensis forests in conjunction with rhododendron-alder galleries (44.52), dominated by Salix pedicellata and Salix salvifolia ssp. australis.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('44.1272','44.127','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Sardinian pedicellated willow scrub','','','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('44.1273','44.127','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Sicilian pedicellated willow scrub','','','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('44.1274','44.127','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Calabrian pedicellated willow scrub','','','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('44.13','44.1','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Forêts galeries de Saules blancs','White willow gallery forests','Salicion albae: Salicetum albae, Salicetum fragilis','Arborescent galleries of tall Salix alba, S. fragilis and S. x rubens, sometimes including Populus nigra, along medio-European lowland, hill or sub-montane rivers, submitted to a regular regime of inundation.','Ellenberg, 1963, 1988; Westhoff and den Held, 1975; Bournérias, 1979; Yon and Tendron, 1981; Géhu, 1984; Oberdorfer, 1990; Rodwell, 1991.','Salicion albae : Salicetum albae, Salicetum fragilis','Galeries arborescentes avec Salix alba, S. fragilis et S. x rubens élevés, comprenant parfois Populus nigra, le long des rivières de plaine, des collines ou des basses montagnes de l''Europe moyenne et soumises à un régime régulier d''inondations.','Ellenberg, 1963, 1988 ; Westhoff et den Held, 1975 ; Bournérias, 1979 ; Yon et Tendron, 1981 ; Géhu, 1984 ; Oberdorfer, 1990 ; Rodwell, 1991.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('44.14','44.1','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Galeries méditerranéennes de grands Saules','Mediterranean tall willow galleries','Populetalia albae p.','Arborescent willow formations bordering Mediterranean watercourses, willow-dominated belt or facies of the poplar-ash-elm forests.','','Populetalia albae p.','Formations de Saules arborescents bordant les cours d''eau méditerranéens, à ceinture ou faciès dominé par le Saule avec Peuplier, Frêne et Orme.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('44.141','44.14','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Galeries méditerranéennes de Saules blancs','Mediterranean white willow galleries','','Riparian forests of Iberia and the Mediterranean basin dominated by Salix alba or its relatives.','','','Forêts riveraines ... du bassin méditerranéen dominées par Salix alba (ou d''autres de la même famille).','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('44.1411','44.141','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Galeries ibériques de grands Saules','Iberian tall willow galleries','Populo nigrae-Salicetum neotrichae','Arborescent willow galleries dominated by Salix neotricha accompanied by Salix alba, S. fragilis, Populus nigra and sometimes P. alba, Fraxinus angustifolia, Frangula alnus, Sambucus nigra, Ulmus spp., forming as the ligneous vegetation closest to the water along the middle and lower course of large rivers of little seasonal amplitude in the meso- and supra-Mediterranean foothills of the Cantabrian Cordillera, the Iberian Range and neighbouring regions.','Lopez, 1976; Navarro Andres and Valle Gutierrez, 1987.','Populo nigrae-Salicetum neotrichae','Galeries de Saules arborescents dominées par Salix neotricha accompagné par Salix alba, S. fragilis, Populus nigra et quelquefois Populus alba, Fraxinus angustifolia, Frangula alnus, Sambucus nigra, Ulmus spp., formant aussi la végétation ligneuse la plus proche de l''eau le long du cours moyen ou inférieur des grandes rivières, soumises à des amplitudes saisonnières faibles dans les contreforts méso- et supra-méditerranéens de la cordillère cantabrique, du secteur ibérique et des régions avoisinantes.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('44.1412','44.141','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Galeries de Salix alba méditerranéennes','Mediterranean Salix alba galleries','Populion albae: Rubo caesi-Populetum albae i.a.','Other Mediterranean riparian forests formed by white willows, Salix alba, S. fragilis- or S. x rubens- dominated facies of poplar-ash-elm forests developed along lowland Iberian, southern French, Italian, Greek rivers; the accompanying cortège does not differ from that of poplar or ash - dominated facies.','Horvat et al., 1974; Francalancia and Orsomando, 1980; Pedrotti, 1980; Pignatti, 1982; Diaz Gonzalez and Fernandez Prieto, 1987.','Populion albae : Rubo caesi-Populetum albae i.a.','Autres forêts riveraines méditerranéennes formées par des Saules blancs, faciès dominé par Salix alba, S. fragilis ou S. x rubens des ripisylves de Peupliers, de Frênes et d’Ormes développés le long des plaines méridionales françaises ; le cortège associé ne diffère pas de celui des faciès à Peupliers ou à Frênes dominant.','Horvat et al., 1974.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('44.142','44.14','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Bois riverains de Saules à feuilles d''Olivier et de Saules cendrés','Olive-leaved and ashy willow riparian woods','Rubo corylifolii-Salicetum atrocinereae, Viti viniferae-Salicetum atrocinereae','Woods of arborescent willows, physiognomically dominated by Salix atrocinerea or S. cinerea, forming, in thermo-, meso- or supra-Mediterranean areas, on the banks of slow water courses; similar woods occupy soggy depressions (44.92).','Rivas-Martinez, 1975; Sfikas, 1978; Bolos, 1979; Rivas-Martinez et al., 1980; Pignatti, 1982; Chiappini, 1985b; Navarro Andres and Valle Gutierrez, 1987; Asensi Marfil and Diez Garretas, 1987; Rivas-Martinez et al., 1987; Ladero Alvarez, 1987; Rallo and Pandolfi, 1988.','Rubo corylifolii-Salicetum atrocinereae, Viti viniferae-Salicetum atrocinereae','Bois de Saules arborescents, physionomiquement dominés par Salix atrocinera ou S. cinerea, se formant, dans les étages thermo-, méso- ou supra-méditerranéens sur les rives des cours d''eaux lents ; des bois semblables occupent des dépressions marécageuses (44.92).','Rivas-Martinez, 1975.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('44.1421','44.142','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Iberian olive-leaved willow woods','Rubo corylifolii-Salicetum atrocinereae','Riparian woods of Salix atrocinerea of central and eastern Iberia, with Salix neotricha, S. salvifolia, Frangula alnus, Populus tremula, Fraxinus angustifolia and many lianas and brambles (Rubus spp.).','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('44.1422','44.142','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Andalusian olive-leaved willow woods','Viti viniferae-Salicetum atrocinereae','Riparian woods formed almost exclusively by Salix atrocinerea, with a few Fraxinus angustifolia, numerous lianas and brambles (Rubus spp.) and an abundance of Thelypteris palustris in the undergrowth, characteristic of the southwestern Iberian peninsula.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('44.1423','44.142','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Sardinian olive-leaved willow woods','','Riparian woods of Salix atrocinerea of Sardinia.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('44.1424','44.142','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Ashy willow riparian woods','Frangulo-Salicetum cinereae i.a.','Riparian woods of Salix cinerea of Italy and Greece.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('44.15','44.1','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Canarian willow galleries','Rubo-Salicetum canariensis','Riparian communities forming mostly in ravines and gullies within the laurel forest belt of the Canary Islands and characterized by the presence of the tall endemic, Salix canariensis. The best preserved are found in the barranco de Los Cernicalos of Gran Canaria, in the caldera de Taburiente of La Palma and in the barranco del Infierne of Tenerife.','Wildpret de la Torre and Arco Aguilar, 1987; Serrada et al., 1988.','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('44.2','44','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Galeries d''Aulnes blancs','Grey alder galleries','Alnion incanae (Alnetum incanae s.l.)','Riparian woods of Alnus incana of montane and sub-montane rivers of the Alps, the northern Apennines and neighbouring regions.','Ellenberg, 1963, 1988; Braun-Blanquet, 1975; Ozenda, 1981; Yon and Tendron, 1981; Noirfalise, 1986; Ferioli, 1989; Oberdorfer, 1990.','Alnion incanae (Alnetum incanae s.l.)','Bois riverains d''Alnus incana des rivières montagnardes et sub-montagnardes des Alpes et des régions voisines.','Ellenberg, 1963, 1968 ; Braun-Blanquet, 1975 ; Ozenda, 1981 ; Yon et Tendron, 1981 ; Noirfalise, 1986 ; Oberdorfer, 1990.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('44.21','44.2','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Galeries montagnardes d''Aulnes blancs','Montane grey alder galleries','Calamagrosti variae-Alnetum incanae','Alnus incanus formations of the upper reaches of Alpine, particularly inner Alpine, valleys, replacing, colonizing or fringing the pioneer willow scrubs of the Salicion eleagni (44.11).','','Calamagrosti variae-Alnetum incanae','Formations d''Alnus incana des parties supérieures des vallées alpiennes, particulièrement intra-alpines, remplaçant, colonisant ou bordant les fourrés pionniers de Saules du Salicion eleagni (44.11).','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('44.22','44.2','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Galeries sub-montagnardes d''Aulnes blancs','Sub-montane grey alder galleries','Equiseto hyemalis-Alnetum incanae','Alder formations of the middle course of rivers flowing from the Alps, in particular on the Bavarian plateau, the Rhine and Rhone systems.','','Equiseto hyemalis-Alnetum incanae','Formations d''Aulnes du cours moyen des rivières coulant des Alpes, en particulier des systèmes rhénans et rhodaniens.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('44.3','44','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Forêt de Frênes et d''Aulnes des fleuves médio-européens','Medio-European stream ash-alder woods','Alno-Padion p. (Fraxino-Alnion glutinosae)','Riparian forests of Fraxinus excelsior and Alnus glutinosa, sometimes Alnus incana, of middle European and northern Iberian lowland or hill watercourses, on soils periodically inundated by the annual rise of the river level, but otherwise well-drained and aerated during low-water; they differ from riparian alder woods within 44.9 by the strong representation in the dominated layers of forest species not able to grow in permanently waterlogged soils.','Oberdorfer, 1953, 1990; Noirfalise and Sougnez, 1961; Westhoff and den Held, 1975; Yon and Tendron, 1981; Bournérias, 1984; Noirfalise, 1984; Ellenberg, 1988.','Alno-Padion p. (Fraxino-Alnion glutinosae)','Forêts riveraines de Fraxinus excelsior et Alnus glutinosa, quelquefois accompagnés par Alnus incana, des plaines et collines de l''Europe moyenne, sur des sols périodiquement inondés lors des crues annuelles, mais cependant bien drainés et aérés durant les basses eaux ; elles diffèrent des forêts marécageuses d''Aulnes de 44.9 par la forte représentation dans les étages dominés d''espèces forestières qui ne sont pas capables de croître sur des sols engorgés en permanence.','Oberdorfer, 1953, 1990 ; Noirfalise et Sougnez, 1961 ; Westoff et den Held, 1975 ; Yon et Tendron, 1981 ; Bournérias, 1984 ; Noirfalise, 1984 ; Ellenberg, 1988.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('44.31','44.3','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Forêts de Frênes et d''Aulnes des ruisselets et des sources (rivulaires)','Ash-alder woods of rivulets and springs','Carici remotae-Fraxinetum, Equiseto telmateiae-Fraxinetum, Ribeso sylvestris-Fraxinetum','Fraxinus excelsior-Alnus glutinosa formations of springs and small streams of Atlantic, sub-Atlantic and sub-continental middle Europe, usually dominated by ashes, with Carex remota, C. pendula, C. strigosa, Equisetum telmateia, Rumex sanguineus, Lysimachia nemorum, Cardamine amara, Chrysosplenium oppositifolium, C. alternifolium, Impatiens noli-tangere, Ribes rubrum.','Noirfalise, 1952, 1984; Oberdorfer, 1953, 1990; Tüxen and Oberdorfer, 1958; Duvigneaud and Mullenders, 1961; Ellenberg, 1963, 1988; Westhoff and den Held, 1975; Bournérias, 1979, 1984; Yon and Tendron, 1981; Rodwell, 1991.','Carici remotae-Fraxinetum, Equiseto telmateiae-Fraxinetum, Ribeso sylvestris-Fraxinetum','Formations à Fraxinus excelsior et Alnus glutinosa des sources et des petits cours d''eaux étroits d''Europe moyenne atlantique, sub-atlantique et sub-continentale, généralement dominées par des Frênes, avec Carex remota, C. pendula, C. strigosa, Equisetum telmateia, Rumex sanguineus, Lysimachia nemorum, Cardamine amara, Chrysosplenium oppositifolium, C. alternifolium, Impatiens noli-tangere, Ribes rubrum.','Noirfalise, 1952, 1984 ; Oberdorfer, 1953, 1990 ; Duvigneaud et Mullenders, 1961 ; Ellenberg, 1963, 1988 ; Westhoff et den Held, 1975 ; Bournérias, 1979, 1984 ; Yon et Tendron, 1981 ; Rodwell, 1991.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('44.311','44.31','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Forêts de Frênes et d''Aulnes à Laîches','Sedge ash-alder woods','Carici remotae-Fraxinetum caricetosum','Formations of Fraxinus excelsior and Alnus glutinosa with an abundance of Carex remota, C. strigosa, C. pendula, C. sylvatica.','','Carici remotae-Fraxinetum caricetosum','Formations à Fraxinus excelsior et Alnus glutinosa avec abondance de Carex remota, C. strigosa, C. pendula, C. sylvatica.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('44.312','44.31','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Forêts de Frênes et d''Aulnes fontinales','Fontinal ash-alder woods','Carici remotae-Fraxinetum chrysosplenietosum','Fraxinus excelsior-Alnus glutinosa woods with a wetter soil occupied by Cardamine amara and Chrysosplenium spp., and often by Impatiens noli-tangere.','','Carici remotae-Fraxinetum chrysosplenietosum','Forêts de Fraxinus excelsior et d''Alnus glutinosa sur des sols plus humides occupés par Cardamine amara et Chrysosplenium spp., et avec souvent Impatiens noli-tangere.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('44.313','44.31','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Forêts de Frênes et d''Aulnes à Cirse des maraîchers','Cabbage thistle ash-alder woods','Carici remotae-Fraxinetum cirsietosum','Fraxinus excelsior-Alnus glutinosa woods with the tall Cirsium oleraceum and Eupatorium cannabinum and usually Carex acutiformis; these constitute a transition towards 44.332.','','Carici remotae-Fraxinetum cirsietosum','Forêts de Fraxinus excelsior et Alnus glutinosa avec les grands Cirsium oleraceum et Eupatorium cannabinum et généralement Carex acutiformis ; elles constituent la transition vers 44.332.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('44.314','44.31','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Forêts de Frênes et d''Aulnes des bords de sources à groseillers','Hillside spring ash-alder woods','Ribeso sylvestris-Fraxinetum','Fraxinus excelsior-Alnus glutinosa woods of seeping hillside depressions and of moist peaty ground, with Ribes rubrum.','','Ribeso sylvestris-Fraxinetum','Bois de Fraxinus excelsior et Alnus glutinosa des bords de dépressions suintantes et des creux tourbeux humides, avec Ribes rubrum.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('44.315','44.31','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Forêts de Frênes et d''Aulnes à grande Prêle','Great horsetail ash-alder woods','Equiseto telmateiae-Fraxinetum','Fraxinus excelsior - Alnus glutinosa woods of calcareous tuffs.','','Equiseto telmateiae-Fraxinetum','Bois de Fraxinus excelsior et d''Alnus glutinosa sur des tufs calcaires.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('44.32','44.3','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Bois de Frênes et d''Aulnes des rivières à débit rapide','Ash-alder woods of fast-flowing rivers','Stellario-Alnetum glutinosae','Alder or ash-alder galleries of the banks of fast-flowing rivers and large brooks replacing the peri-Alpine Alnus incana galleries in hills of northern and western Europe. They are usually co-dominated by Alnus glutinosa, Fraxinus excelsior and Acer pseudoplatanus, accompanied by Acer platanoides, Ulmus glabra, U. laevis. Prunus padus is frequent in the undergrowth, shrubs include Ribes rubrum, R. uva-crispa, Corylus avellana; the herb layer comprises Stellaria nemorum, Impatiens noli-tangere, Aconitum vulparia, Allium ursinum, Geum rivale, Athyrium filix-femina, Dryopteris carthusiana, Matteuccia struthiopteris, Ranunculus platanifolius, Urtica dioica, Ranunculus ficaria, Primula elatior, Lamium galeobdolon or Filipendula ulmaria, Luzula sylvatica. The gallery may be enclosed within other forests or reduced to a thin line of alders along rivers traversing pastureland.','Oberdorfer, 1953, 1990; Noirfalise and Sougnez, 1961; Yon and Tendron, 1981; Noirfalise, 1984; Ellenberg, 1988.','Stellario-Alnetum glutinosae','Galeries d''Aulnes ou d''Aulnes et de Frênes des berges des rivières à débit rapide et des ruisseaux larges, remplaçant les galeries péri-alpiennes d''Alnus incana dans les collines du nord et de l''ouest de l''Europe ; elles sont généralement co-dominées par Alnus glutinosa, Fraxinus excelsior et Acer pseudoplatanus, accompagnés d''Acer platanoides, Ulmus glabra, U. laevis. Prunus padus est fréquent en sous-strate, les arbustes comprenant Ribes rubrum, R. uva-crispa, Corylus avellana ; la strate herbacée renferme Stellaria nemorum, Impatiens noli-tangere, Aconitum vulparia, Allium ursinum, Geum rivale, Athyrium filix-femina, Dryopteris carthusiana, Matteucia struthiopteris, Ranunculus platanifolius, Urtica dioica, Ranunculus ficaria, Primula eliator, Lamiastrum galeobdolon, ou Filipendula ulmaria, Luzula sylvatica. Cette galerie peut être incluse dans d''autres forêts ou réduite à un étroit cordon d''Aulnes le long des rivières traversant un paysage de pâturages.','Oberdorfer, 1953, 1990 ; Noirfalise et Sougnez, 1960 ; Yon et Tendron, 1981 ; Noirfalise, 1984 ; Ellenberg, 1988.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('44.33','44.3','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Bois de Frênes et d''Aulnes des rivières à eaux lentes','Ash-alder woods of slow rivers','Pruno-Fraxinetum, Ulmo-Fraxinetum','Central, and locally western, European woods of large valleys of lowland slow and even-flowing rivers, with Fraxinus excelsior, Alnus glutinosa, Prunus padus, Ulmus laevis, Quercus robur, Humulus lupulus, Rubus idaeus, R. caesius, Ribes nigrum, R. rubrum, Sambucus nigra, Aegopodium podagraria, Peucedanum palustre, Glyceria maxima, Iris pseudacorus, Carex acutiformis, C. riparia, Phalaris arundinacea, Filipendula ulmaria, Cirsium oleraceum, C. palustre.','Oberdorfer, 1953, 1990; Noirfalise and Sougnez, 1961; Ellenberg, 1963, 1988; Westhoff and den Held, 1975; Bournérias, 1979, 1984; Yon and Tendron, 1981; Carbiener, 1983; Noirfalise, 1984; Noirfalise et al., 1985; Rodwell, 1991.','Puno-Fraxinetum, Ulmo-Fraxinetum','Bois d''Europe centrale et, localement, occidentale, liés aux rivières des larges vallées ou des plaines à courant faible et uniforme, avec Fraxinus excelsior, Alnus glutinosa, Prunus padus, Ulmus laevis, Quercus robur, Humulus lupulus, Rubus idaeus, R. caesius, Ribes nigrum, R. rubrum, Sambucus nigra, Aegopodium podagraria, Peucedanum palustre, Glyceria maxima, Iris pseudacorus, Carex acutiformis, C. riparia, Phalaris arundinacea, Filipendula ulmaria, Cirsium oleraceum, C. palustre.','Oberdorfer, 1953, 1990 ; Noirfalise et Sougnez, 1960 ; Ellenberg, 1963, 1988 ; Westhoff et den Held, 1975 ; Bournérias, 1979, 1984 ; Yon et Tendron, 1981 ; Carbiener, 1983 ; Noirfalise, 1984 ; Noirfalise et al., 1985 ; Rodwell, 1991.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('44.331','44.33','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Bois de Frênes et d''Aulnes des rivières médio-européennes à eaux lentes à cerisiers à grappes','Central European slow river ash-alder woods','Pruno-Fraxinetum','Alnus glutinosa-Fraxinus excelsior forests with Prunus padus, often extensive, and capable of occupying floodplains well beyond the riparian gallery, progressively richer in Quercus robur and Carpinion species towards the exterior.','','Pruno-Fraxinetum','Forêts d''Alnus glutinosa et de Fraxinus excelsior avec Prunus padus, souvent étendues et capables d''occuper des plaines inondables bien au-delà des galeries riveraines, s''enrichissant progressivement vers l''extérieur en Quercus robur et en espèces du Carpinion.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('44.332','44.33','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Bois de Frênes et d''Aulnes à hautes herbes','West European tall herb ash-alder woods','Macrophorbio-Alnetum (Ulmo-Fraxinetum = Aegopodio-Fraxinetum, Alno-Macrophorbietum)','Alnus glutinosa or Fraxinus excelsior-Alnus glutinosa-Ulmus riparian woods on eutrophic, moist soils of alluvial terraces, levees and flood-plains of the lower courses of rivers of Atlantic and sub-Atlantic regions of the British Isles and the western seaboard of the European mainland, with Salix cinerea and Urtica dioica, often rich in tall herbs, in particular Cirsium oleraceum, Eupatorium cannabinum, Epilobium hirsutum, Dipsacus pilosus, Symphytum officinale, Aconitum napellus, and in creepers, Humulus lupulus, Solanum dulcamara, Calystegia sepium; Ribes rubrum, Iris pseudacorus, Equisetum telmateia, E. fluviatile are locally characteristic; tall sedges, in particular Carex acutiformis and C. paniculata dominate some of the wettest communities. Typical sub-communities of British Alnus glutinosa-Urtica dioica woodland are included, as are drier Sambucus nigra sub-communities in situations where they are adjacent. Formations of this unit are now rare, having for the most part been replaced by poplar plantations.','','Macrophorbio-Alnetum (Ulmo-Fraxinetum = Aegopodio-Fraxinetum, Alno-Macrophorbietum)','Bois riverains d''Alnus glutinosa ou de Fraxinus excelsior, Alnus glutinosa-Ulmus sur des sols eutrophes humides ou des terrasses alluviales, levées de terres et zones inondables des cours inférieurs des rivières des régions atlantiques ou sub-atlantiques des régions côtières occidentales du continent européen, avec Salix cinerea et Urtica dioica, souvent riches en hautes herbes, en particulier Cirsium oleraceum, Eupatorium cannabinum, Epilobium hirsutum, Dipsacus pilosus, Symphytum officinale, Aconitum napellus et, parmi les plantes grimpantes, Humulus lupulus, Solanum dulcamara, Calystegia sepium. Ribes rubrum, Iris pseudacorus, Equisetum telmateia, E. fluviatile sont localement caractéristiques ; les laîches hautes, en particulier Carex acutiformis et C. paniculata dominent quelques-unes des communautés les plus humides. Les formations de cette unité sont maintenant rares, ayant été remplacées pour la plupart par des plantations de Peupliers.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('44.34','44.3','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Galeries d''Aulnes nord-ibériques','Northern Iberian alder galleries','Hyperico androsaemi-Alnetum, Valeriano pyrenaicae-Alnetum, Scrophulario alpestris-Alnetum (Alnetum catalaunicum), Carici pendulae-Alnetum, Lamio flexuosi-Alnetum','Riparian alder or ash-alder woods of collinar and montane streams of the northern Iberian peninsula, with a pronounced medio-European influence marked in particular by the presence of Fraxinus excelsior (and not F. angustifolia). They are characteristic of streams originating in the Pyrenees, the Cantabrian Cordillera, the Northern Galician mountains and the Catalonian ranges. The canopy may include Ulmus glabra, Quercus robur and tall willows; the undergrowth contains Sambucus nigra, Corylus avellana, Cornus sanguinea, Rubus caesius, Carex pendula, C. remota, Festuca gigantea, Bromus ramosus, Lathraea clandestina, Circaea lutetiana, Hypericum androsaemum, Solanum dulcamara, Valeriana pyrenaica, Lysimachia nemorum, Saxifraga hirsuta, Galanthus nivalis, Athyrium filix-femina, Dryopteris dilatata, Osmunda regalis, Equisetum telmateia.','Oberdorfer, 1953; Bolos, 1979, 1980; Dierschke, 1980; Rivas-Martinez et al., 1984; Loidi Arregui, 1987; Diaz Gonzalez and Fernandez Prieto, 1987; Vigo and Ninot, 1987; Izco Sevillano, 1987.','Hyperico androsaemi-Alnetum, Valeriano pyrenaicae-Alnetum, Scrophulario alpestris-Alnetum (Alnetum catalaunicum), Carici pendulae-Alnetum, Lamio flexuosi-Alnetum.','Bois riverains d''Aulnes ou de Frênes et d''Aulnes des cours d''eaux collinéens et montagnards du nord de la péninsule Ibérique, soumises à une influence médio-européenne profondément marquée en particulier par la présence de Fraxinus excelsior (et non de F. angustifolia). Ils sont caractéristiques des cours d''eau originaires des Pyrénées. La canopée peut renfermer Ulmus glabra, Quercus robur et des grands Saules ; le sous-bois comprend Sambucus nigra, Corylus avellana, Cornus sanguinea, Rubus caesius, Carex pendula, C. remota, Festuca gigantea, Bromus ramosus, Lathraea clandestina, Circaea lutetiana, Hypericum androsaemum, Solanum dulcamara, Valeriana pyrenaica, Lysimachia nemorum, Saxifraga hirsuta, Galanthus nivalis, Athyrium filix-femina, Dryopteris dilatata, Osmunda regalis, Equisetum telmateia.','Oberdorfer, 1953 ; Dierschke, 1980 ; Rivas-Martinez et al., 1984.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('44.341','44.34','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Galicio-Cantabrian alder galleries','Valeriano pyrenaicae-Alnetum','Northern Galician and western Cantabrian Alnus glutinosa galleries, with Carex acuta ssp. broteriana.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('44.3411','44.341','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Eume near-natural alder galleries','','Relict near-natural Alnus glutinosa galleries of the Eume basin, with the rare ferns Trichomanes speciosum (=Vandenboschia speciosa) and Culcita macrocarpa.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('44.3412','44.341','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Semi-natural Galicio-Cantabrian alder galleries','','Other formations.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('44.342','44.34','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Galeries d''Aulnes pyrénéo-cantabriques','Pyreneo-Cantabrian alder galleries','Hyperico androsaemi-Alnetum','Eastern Cantabrian and western Pyrenean Alnus glutinosa galleries.','','Hyperico androsaemi-Alnetum','Galeries d''Alnus glutinosa de l''ouest des Pyrénées.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('44.343','44.34','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Galeries d''Aulnes pyrénéo-catalanes','Pyreneo-Catalonian alder galleries','Scrophulario alpestris-Alnetum (Alnetum catalaunicum), Carici pendulae-Alnetum, Lamio flexuosi-Alnetum ','Eastern Pyrenean and Catalonian Alnus glutinosa galleries.','','Scrophulario alpestris-Alnetum (Alnetum catalaunicum), Carici pendulae-Alnetum, Lamio flexuosi-Alnetum','Galeries d''Alnus glutinosa de l''est des Pyrénées et de la Catalogne.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('44.4','44','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Forêts mixtes de Chênes, d''Ormes et de Frênes des grands fleuves','Mixed oak-elm-ash forests of great rivers','Ulmenion minoris','Diverse riparian forests of the middle courses of great rivers, inundated only by large floods.','Ellenberg, 1963, 1988; Yon and Tendron, 1981; Oberdorfer, 1990.','Ulmenion minoris','Forêts riveraines des cours moyens des grands fleuves, inondés seulement lors des grandes crues, à haute diversité spécifique.','Ellenberg, 1963, 1988 ; Yon et Tendron, 1981 ; Oberdorfer, 1990.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('44.41','44.4','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Grandes forêts fluviales médio-européennes','Great medio-European fluvial forests','Querco-Ulmetum minoris','Fully developed, very tall, multi-layered, highly diverse riparian forests of oaks, ashes, elms, limes, maples, alders, poplars, cherries, apple, willows of the middle and lower courses of large medio-European river systems, in particular, the Rhine, the Danube, the Emst, the Elbe, the Saale, the Weser, the Loire, the Rhone-Saône systems. Their highly complex structure is formed of eight strata to which participate up to 50 species of trees and shrubs. The upper arborescent stratum includes Quercus robur, Fraxinus excelsior, Ulmus minor, U. laevis, U. glabra, Populus alba, P. tremula, P. canescens, P. nigra, Acer pseudoplatanus, A. platanoides, Salix alba, Alnus glutinosa, Prunus avium, the lower arborescent stratum Malus sylvestris, Tilia cordata, the sub-arborescent shrub layer Alnus incana, Prunus padus and Crataegus monogyna. There are very varied high and low shrub layers and numerous lianas, Clematis vitalba, Tamus communis, Humulus lupulus, Hedera helix and Vitis vinifera ssp. sylvestris. Most diverse, structurally, floristically and faunistically, of all European ecosystems, and closest in that respect to tropical communities and to the warm temperate forests of the Pleistocene, the great fluvial forests of Europe are reduced to a few highly vulnerable examples, located mainly within the Rhine, Danube and Elbe systems.','Oberdorfer, 1953, 1990; Ellenberg, 1963, 1988; Carbiener, 1970, 1983; Yon and Tendron, 1981.','Querco-Ulmetum minoris','Forêts riveraines à très haute diversité spécifique de Chênes, Frênes, Ormes, Tilleuls, Erables, Aulnes, Peupliers, Pruniers, Pommiers, Saules. Elles sont bien développées, très hautes et multistrates installées le long des cours moyen et inférieur des grands systèmes fluviaux médio-européens, en particulier le Rhin, le système Rhône-Saône, ou atlantiques : Loire, Adour. Ce complexe hautement structuré est formé de huit strates auxquelles participent jusqu’à une cinquantaine d''espèces d''arbres et d''arbustes. La strate arborescente supérieure renferme Quercus robur, Fraxinus excelsior, Ulmus minor, U. laevis, U. glabra, Populus alba, P. tremula, P. canescens, P. nigra, Acer pseudoplatanus, A. platanoides, Salix alba, Alnus glutinosa, Prunus avium, la strate arborescente inférieure Malus sylvestris, Tilia cordata, la strate sous-arborescente arbustive Alnus incana, Prunus padus et Crataegus monogyna. Les strates arbustives haute et basse sont très variées et les lianes nombreuses parmi lesquelles Clematis vitalba, Tamus communis, Humulus lupulus, Hedera helix et Vitis vinifera spp. sylvestris. Ecosystèmes les plus diversifiés, structurellement, floristiquement et faunistiquement, de tous les écosystèmes européens et approchant le plus, de ce point de vue, les communautés tropicales et les forêts tempérées chaudes du Pleistocène. Les grandes forêts fluviales d''Europe sont réduites à quelques exemples hautement vulnérables, localisées surtout à l''intérieur des réseaux hydrographiques du Rhin, du Danube et de l''Elbe.','Oberdorfer, 1953, 1990 ; Ellenberg, 1963, 1988 ; Carbiener, 1970, 1983 ; Yon et Tendron, 1981.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('44.42','44.4','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Forêts fluviales médio-européennes résiduelles','Residual medio-European fluvial forests','','Fragments of oak-elm-ash forests of large medio-European river systems, very altered and with greatly reduced species richness.','','','Fragments de forêts de Chênes, d''Ormes et de Frênes des grands systèmes fluviaux médio-européens, très altérés et avec une richesse en espèces fortement réduite.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('44.43','44.4','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Balkanic ash-oak-alder forests','','Quercus robur and Fraxinus angustifolia riparian forests of sub-Mediterranean regions of southeastern Europe.','Horvat et al., 1974; Pedrotti, 1980; Dierschke, 1980; Yon and Tendron, 1981; Kassioumis, 1988.','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('44.431','44.43','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Illyrian ash-oak-alder forests','Leucojo-Fraxinetum angustifoliae','Riparian forests of the karst region of northeastern Italy, composed of Fraxinus angustifolia, Quercus robur, Ulmus minor, Alnus glutinosa and with an abundance of Leucojum aestivum.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('44.432','44.43','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Hellenic ash-oak-alder forests','','Rare mixed riparian forests of northern Greece, dominated by Quercus robur and Fraxinus angustifolia, represented, in particular, by the remarkable Mouries forest in the Kilkis prefectorate.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('44.44','44.4','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Po oak-ash-alder forests','Polygonato multiflorae-Quercetum roboris i.a.','Relict forests of the alluvial plain of the Po and its main tributaries, remnants of the greatest fluviatile system of Europe. They are formed by meso-hygrophile, mesotrophic, multi-layered, oak-ash-hornbeam - dominated communities (Carpinion betuli: Poligonato multiflorae-Quercetum roboris), with facies richer in ashes, willows and, mostly, alders, in the wettest areas (Alno-Padion). Constituent trees include Quercus robur, Q. cerris, Fraxinus excelsior, F. ornus, Carpinus betulus, Ulmus minor, Populus alba, P. nigra, Acer campestre, A. pseudoplatanus, Prunus padus, P. avium, Alnus glutinosa, Salix alba, Corylus avellana, Sorbus torminalis, S. domestica, the shrub layers are formed, in particular, by Ruscus acueleatus, Cornus mas, C. sanguinea, Crataegus laevigata, C. monogyna, Pyracantha coccinea, Rubus fruticosus, R. ulmifolius, R. caesius, Ribes uva-crispi, Sambucus nigra, Daphne mezereum, Viburnum lantana, Mespilus germanica, Lonicera xylosteum, Ligustrum vulgare, Prunus spinosa, Rosa canina, Euonymus europaea, Rhamnus catharticus; lianas are abundant, in particular, Hedera helix, Tamus communis, Rubia peregrina, Bryonia cretica; in the herb layer occur, in particular, Equisetum hyemale, Symphytum officinale, Polygonatum multiflorum, Pulmonaria officinalis, Lathyrus vernus, Mercurialis perennis, Primula acaulis, Asarum europaeum, Euphorbia dulcis, Melittis melisophyllum, Erythronium dens-canis, Leucojum vernum, Brachypodium sylvaticum, Carex pilosa. These forests are the habitat of the endangered endemic frog Rana latastei.','Fenaroli, 1970; Tomaselli, 1970; Tosco, 1975; Ozenda et al., 1979; Ozenda, 1985; Noirfalise, 1986, 1987.','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('44.5','44','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Galeries méridionales d''Aulnes et de Bouleaux','Southern alder and birch galleries','Osmundo-Alnion','Riparian formations of Alnus glutinosa, locally of A. cordata or Betula spp. of the Mediterranean basin and of western Iberia, often with Fraxinus angustifolia and Osmunda regalis.','Bolos, 1979; Dierschke, 1980; Yon and Tendron, 1981; Rivas-Martinez et al., 1984.','Osmundo-Alnion','Formations riveraines d''Alnus glutinosa, localement d''Alnus cordata ou Betula spp. du bassin méditerranéen, souvent avec Fraxinus angustifolia et Osmunda regalis.','Dierschke, 1980 ; Yon et Tendron, 1981 ; Rivas-Martinez et al., 1984.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('44.51','44.5','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Galeries méridionales d''Aulnes glutineux','Southern black alder galleries','','Riparian Alnus glutinosa-dominated multilayered formations of the meso- and supra- Mediterranean levels of Italy, the Cévennes, the Iberian peninsula and Greece','','','Formations riveraines multi-strates à Alnus glutinosa dominant des étages méso- et supra-méditerranéens des Cévennes.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('44.511','44.51','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Iberian meso-Mediterranean alder galleries','Senecio bayonensis-Alnetum glutinosae (Scrophularia scorodoniae-Alnetum, Alneto-Scrophularietum)','Meso-Mediterranean Alnus glutinosa riparian galleries of southern Galicia, Portugal, Extremadura, the western Cordillera Central, western Castilla, with Betula celtiberica, Salix atrocinerea, Frangula alnus, Fraxinus angustifolia, Celtis australis, many lianas, Clematis campaniflora, Humulus lupulus, Vitis vinifera ssp. sylvestris and an herb layer comprising Senecio bayonensis, Galium broterianum, Scrophularia scorodonia, Osmunda regalis, Carex acuta ssp. broteriana.','Braun-Blanquet et al., 1956; Rivas-Martinez, 1975; Izco, 1987; Ladero, 1987; Rivas-Martinez et al., 1987; Navarro Andres and Valle Gutierrez, 1987.','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('44.512','44.51','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Iberian supra-Mediterranean alder galleries','Galio broteriani-Alnetum','Supra-Mediterranean Alnus glutinosa riparian galleries of water courses with moderate seasonal fluctuations, of western Iberia, with Betula celtiberica, Ilex aquifolium, Populus tremula and Luzula sylvatica ssp. henriquesii, Paris quadrifolia, Galium broterianum, Paradisea lusitanicum, Carex acuta ssp. broteriana.','Peinado Lorca et al., 1984; Rivas-Martinez et al., 1987; Ladero, 1987; Navarro Andres and Valle Gutierrez, 1987.','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('44.513','44.51','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Galeries d''Aulnes méditerranéennes occidentales','Western Mediterranean alder galleries','Alno-Fraxinetum oxycarpae','Alnus glutinosa riparian galleries of southern France and northern Italy, in particular, the Cevennes, the coasts of Liguria and northern Toscany, the Triestine karst, often with Fraxinus angustifolia.','Ozenda, 1953; Dirschke, 1980; Pedrotti, 1980.','Alno-Fraxinetum oxycarpae','Galeries riveraines d''Alnus glutinosa du sud de la France : des Cévennes, souvent avec Fraxinus angustifolia.','Ozenda, 1953 ; Dierschke, 1980.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('44.514','44.51','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Greek alder galleries','','Alnus glutinosa riparian galleries along permanent water courses of noncalcareous regions of Greece, in particular, of Thessaly, the sea-facing slopes of the Pelion, the Ossa, the Pierria, the Pindus, Macedonia, Thrace, northern Euboea and the northern Peloponnese.','Debazac and Mavrommatis, 1971; Horvat et al., 1974.','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('44.52','44.5','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Rhododendron-alder galleries','Frangulo baetici-Rhododentretum baetici','Highly remarkable, relict thermo- and meso-Mediterranean alder galleries of deep, steep-sided valleys of the sierras of the Campo de Gibraltar and of southern Portugal, with Rhododendron ponticum ssp. baeticum, Frangula alnus ssp. baetica, Arisarum proboscideum and a rich fern community including Pteris incompleta, Diplazium caudatum, Culcita macrocarpa. They are often in contact with humid to hyper-humid Quercus canariensis forests (41.773) and with Salix pedicellata formations (44.1271).','Yon and Tendron, 1981; Asensi and Diez Garretas, 1987.','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('44.53','44.5','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Galeries corses d''Aulnes glutineux et d''Aulnes à feuilles cordées','Corsican black and cordate alder galleries','Hyperico hircini-Alnenion','Collinar and montane riparian alder galleries of Corsica, dominated by Alnus cordata, with Alnus glutinosa.','Yon and Tendon, 1981; Gamisans, 1985.','Hyperico hircini-Alnenion','Galeries riveraines collinéennes et montagnardes de Corse, dominées par Alnus cordata, avec Alnus glutinosa.','Yon et Tendron, 1981 ; Gamisans, 1985.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('44.531','44.53','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Galeries d''Aulnes collinéennes corses','Collinar Corsican alder galleries','','Upper meso- and lower supra-Mediterranean alder galleries, with Hypericum hircinum and Erica terminalis.','','','Galeries d''Aulnes du méso-méditerranéen supérieur et du supra-méditerranéen inférieur de Corse, avec Hypericum hircinum et Erica terminalis.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('44.532','44.53','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Galeries d''Aulnes montagnardes corses','Montane Corsican alder galleries','','Upper supra-Mediterranean and montane alder galleries, with Athyrium filix-femina and Gentiana asclepiadea.','','','Galeries d''Aulnes du supra-méditerranéen supérieur, et montagnardes, avec Athyrium filix-femina et Gentiana asclepiadea.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('44.54','44.5','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Oretanian birch galleries','Galio broteriani-Betuletum parvibracteatae','Relict Betula parvibracteata riparian galleries limited to two stations of the Montes de Toledo (Cordillera Oretana), one in the Sierra de Rio Frio where a unique gallery of about 20 km in length survives, the other at the spring of the Estena. The dominant species, an extremely narrow endemic, is accompanied by Myrica gale, Frangula alnus, Salix atrocinerea, Galium broterianum, Scilla ramburei.','Peinado et al., 1983; Ladero, 1987.','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('44.6','44','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Forêts méditerranéennes de Peupliers, d''Ormes et de Frênes','Mediterranean poplar-elm-ash forests','Populion albae','Mediterranean multi-layered alluvial forests with Populus alba, Fraxinus angustifolia, Ulmus minor, Salix alba, Salix spp., Alnus spp., lianas and often species of the Quercetalia ilicis. Populus alba, usually dominant in height, may be absent or sparse in some associations which are then dominated by Fraxinus angustifolia, Ulmus minor and/or Salix spp.','Oberdorfer, 1953; Horvat et al., 1974; Dierschke, 1980; Molinier and Martin, 1980; Yon and Tendron, 1981; Guinochet and Vilmorin, 1983.','Populion albae','Forêts alluviales méditerranéennes multi-strates avec Populus alba, Fraxinus angustifolia, Ulmus minor, Salix alba, Salix spp., Alnus spp., des lianes et souvent des espèces des Quercetalia ilicis. Populus alba, habituellement dominant en hauteur, peut être absent ou rare dans quelques formations qui sont alors dominées par Fraxinus angustifolia, Ulmus minor et/ou Salix spp.','Oberdorfer, 1953 ; Horvat et al., 1974 ; Dierschke, 1980 ; Molinier et Martin, 1980 ; Yon et Tendron, 1981 ; Guinochet et Vilmorin, 1983.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('44.61','44.6','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Forêts de Peupliers riveraines et méditerranéennes','Mediterranean riparian poplar forests','Populenion albae','Riparian forests of base-rich soils submitted to seasonal, prolonged inundation with slow drainage, physiognomically dominated by tall Populus alba and/or P. nigra. Fraxinus angustifolia and Salix alba habitually accompany the poplars and may locally be quantitatively strongly dominant; such areas may, depending on their size, be treated as a local manifestation of a complex poplar ensemble, or listed under 44.63 or 44.141. The poplar forests are usually the tall ligneous vegetation belt closest to the water in riverside catenas.','Braun-Blanquet and de Bolos, 1957; Debazac and Mavrommatis, 1971; Gaussen, 1972; Horvat et al., 1974; Rivas-Martinez, 1975; Molinier et al., 1976; Lavagne and Moutte, 1977; Girerd, 1978; Dierschke, 1980; Molinier et Martin, 1980; Ozenda, 1981; Harant and Jarry, 1982; Devaux et al., 1983; Peinado Lorca et al., 1984; Darracq et al., 1984; Gamisans, 1985; Dupias, 1985; Chiappini, 1985b; Fernandes Gonzalez, 1986; Asensi Marfil and Diez Garretas, 1987; Navarro Andres and Valle Gutierrez, 1987; Alcaraz Ariza and Peinado Lorca, 1987; Vigo and Ninot, 1987; Martinez Parras et al.., 1987; Aparicio Martinez and Silvestre Domingo, 1987; Baudière et al., 1988; Rallo and Pandolfi, 1988.','Populenion albae','Forêts riveraines des sols riches en bases soumises à des inondations saisonnières, prolongées avec un drainage lent, physionomiquement dominées par la haute stature de Populus alba et/ou P. nigra. Fraxinus angustifolia et Salix alba accompagnent habituellement les peupliers et peuvent être localement quantitativement fortement dominants ; de telles formations doivent, selon leur taille, être traitées comme une manifestation locale d''un ensemble complexe de Peupliers, ou cataloguées sous 44.63 ou 44.141. Les forêts de Peupliers forment habituellement la ceinture de végétation ligneuse la plus proche du cours d’eau dans les catenas riveraines.','Gaussen, 1972 ; Horvat et al., 1974 ; Rivas-Martinez, 1975 ; Molinier et al., 1976 ; Lavagne et Moutte, 1977 ; Girerd, 1978 ; Dierschke, 1980 ; Molinier et Martin, 1980 ; Ozenda, 1981 ; Harant et Jarry, 1982 ; Devaux et al., 1983 ; Darrack et al., 1984 ; Gamisans, 1985 ; Dupias, 1985 ; Baudière et al., 1988.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('44.611','44.61','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Iberian poplar galleries','Rubio tinctori-Populetum albae, Rubo caesi-Populetum albae; Salici atrocinereae-Populetum albae, Nerio oleandri-Populetum albae','Riparian poplar galleries on inundatable eutrophic soils with permanent hydromorphy of the Iberian range, the Castilian plateau, the Ebro basin, the Mediterranean Iberian east, the great Baetic rivers, with Populus alba, P. nigra, arborescent willows (Salix neotricha, S. alba, S. fragilis, S. atrocinerea), Fraxinus angustifolia, Ulmus minor and Celtis australis. The naturalized madder, Rubia tinctorum, grows in the shade of the eastern and central formations, the Atlantic Salix atrocinerea is an important component of the formations of the central Meseta, the Montes de Toledo and western Andalusia, and Nerium oleander penetrates the most thermophilous western Andalusian formations.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('44.612','44.61','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Galeries de Peupliers provenço-languedociennes','Provenço-Languedocian poplar galleries','Populetum albae p.','Riparian gallery forests lining water courses and other water bodies of Provence and Languedoc, in particular the rivers of the Mediterranean periphery of the Pyrenees, the Languedocian rivers draining the Causses and the southern Central Massif, the Rhône and Durance systems, especially the Camargue, the Verdon, the Var, with Populus alba, P. nigra, Ulmus minor, Fraxinus angustifolia (locally accompanied by F. excelsior), Acer negundo, A. campestre, A. platanoides, Celtis australis, Quercus pubescens, Alnus glutinosa, and an undergrowth with Cornus sanguinea, Rubus caesius, Sambucus nigra, Vitis vinifera ssp. sylvestris, Bryonia cretica, Humulus lupulus, Rubia peregrina, Solanum dulcamara, Alliaria petiolata, Cucubalus baccifer, Saponaria officinalis, Iris foetidissima, Arum italicum, Brachypodium sylvaticum, Carex pendula; Celtis australis may form facies locally (e.g. Estérel).','','Populetum albae p.','Forêts galeries riveraines bordant les cours d''eaux et les autres plans d''eau de Provence et du Languedoc, en particulier les rivières de la périphérie méditerranéenne des Pyrénées, les rivières languedociennes drainant les Causses et le Massif central méridional, les réseaux du Rhône et de la Durance, spécialement la Camargue, le Verdon, le Var, avec Populus alba, P. nigra, Ulmus minor, Fraxinus angustiufolia (accompagné localement par F. excelsior), Acer negundo, A. campestre, A. platanoides, Celtis australis, Quercus pubescens, Alnus glutinosa, et un sous-bois avec Cornus sanguinea, Rubus caesius, Sambucus nigra, Vitis vinifera, Bryonia cretica, Humulus lupulus, Rubia peregrina, Solanum dulcamara, Alliaria petiolata, Cucubalus baccifer, Saponaria officinalis, Iris foetidissima, Arum italicum, Brachypodium sylvaticum, Carex pendula ; Celtis australispeut localement former un faciès (ex. Estérel).','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('44.613','44.61','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Galeries de Peupliers cyrno-sardes','Cyrno-Sardian poplar galleries','Populetum albae p.','Riparian woods of lower water courses of Corsica and Sardinia, with Populus alba, P. nigra, Fraxinus ornus, F. angustifolia, Alnus glutinosa, A. cordata and arborescent willows.','','Populetum albae p.','Bois riverains de la partie inférieure des cours d''eau de Corse et de Sardaigne, avec Populus alba, P. nigra, Fraxinus ornus, F. angustifolia, Alnus glutinosa, A. cordata et des Saules arborescents.','','FALSE','FALSE','CBN Corse','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('44.614','44.61','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Italian poplar galleries','Populetum albae p.','Riparian poplar galleries of Italian rivers and other water bodies, with Populus alba, P. nigra, Alnus glutinosa, Ulmus minor, Acer campestre, Viburnum lantana, V. opulus, Rhamnus catharticus, Crataegus monogyna, Rubus caesius, Humulus lupulus, Clematis vitalba.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('44.615','44.61','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Greek poplar galleries','Populetum albae balcanicum','Riparian poplar galleries of Greek rivers and other water bodies, with Populus alba, P. nigra, Ulmus minor, Alnus glutinosa, Platanus orientalis, Salix spp., Periploca graeca, Pyracantha coccinea, Vitex agnus-castus, Cornus sanguinea, Brachypodium sylvaticum.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('44.6151','44.615','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Nestos riparian forests','','Hodja Orman forest of the Nestos, dominated by Populus alba, formerly one of the most extensive riparian complexes in the Balkans.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('44.6152','44.615','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Greek white poplar riparian forests','','Other Populus alba riparian galleries.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('44.6153','44.615','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Northern Greek black poplar riparian forests','','Populus nigra s.s.-dominated riparian galleries of northern Greece, in particular, in the Vertiskos massifs and the regions north of Drama.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('44.6154','44.615','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Greek downy poplar riparian forests','','Populus nigra var. pubescens of, notably, Epirus and Thessaly.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('44.62','44.6','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Forêts d''Ormes riveraines et méditerranéennes','Mediterranean riparian elm forests','Fraxino angustifoliae-Ulmenion minoris p. : Aro italici-Ulmetum, Acantho mollis-Ulmetum minoris','Ulmus minor-dominated woodlands, usually forming, on eutrophic soils, at the outer, drier, edge of the Mediterranean riparian or lacustrine galleries. Populus alba and Fraxinus angustifolia often participate in the tree-layer; Arum italicum, Ranunculus ficaria, Acanthus mollis, Brachypodium sylvaticum, Elymus caninus, Rubus ulmifolius are characteristic of the undergrowth. Dense and dark in natural form, these woods have been extremely reduced and degraded by human action. The most characteristic examples to remain are probably those of the Iberian peninsula, although fragments are still recorded in France, Italy and Greece.','Horvat et al., 1974; Rivas-Martinez, 1975; Lopez, 1976; Lavagne and Moutte, 1977; Molinier and Martin, 1980; Devaux et al., 1983; Peinado Lorca et al., 1984; Fernandes Gonzalez, 1986; Loidi Arregui, 1987; Asensi Marfil and Diez Garretas, 1987; Navarro Andres and Valle Gutierrez, 1987; Vigo and Ninot, 1987; Ladero Alvarez, 1987; Martinez Parras et al., 1987; Aparicio Martinez and Silvestre Domingo, 1987; Baudière et al., 1988; Kassioumis, 1988; Rallo and Pandolfi, 1988.','Fraxino angustifoliae-Ulmenion minoris p. : Aro italici-Ulmetum, Acantho mollis-Ulmetum minoris','Bois dominés par Ulmus minor, formant habituellement des galeries riveraines ou lacustres, sur des sols eutrophes, sur la frange extérieure plus sèche en régime méditerranéen. Populus alba et Fraxinus angustifolia participent souvent à la strate arborée ; Arum italicum, Ranunculus ficaria, Acanthus mollis, Brachypodium sylvaticum, Elymus caninus, Rubus ulmifolius sont caractéristiques du sous-bois. Les formes naturelles de ces bois, denses et obscures ont été extrêmement réduites et dégradées par les actions humaines. Les exemples les plus caractéristiques qui subsistent sont probablement ceux de la pénisule Ibérique, bien que des fragments soient encore signalés en France.','Horvat et al., 1974 ; Rivas-Martinez, 1975 ; Lavagne et Moutte, 1977 ; Molinier et Martin, 1980 ; Devaux et al., 1983 ; Baudière et al., 1988.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('44.63','44.6','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Bois de Frênes riverains et méditerranéens','Mediterranean riparian ash woods ','Fraxino angustifoliae-Ulmetum minoris p., "Fraxinion angustifoliae"','Riparian galleries dominated by tall Fraxinus angustifolia, mostly characteristic of less eutrophic soils than the elm and poplar galleries, and of drier stations, with shorter inundation periods, than those occupied by poplar woods.','Debazac and Mavrommatis, 1971; Horvat et al., 1974; Rivas-Martinez, 1975; Lopez, 1976; Rivas-Martinez et al., 1980; Dierschke, 1980; Pedrotti, 1980; Peinado Lorca et al., 1984; Fernandes Gonzalez, 1986; Asensi Marfil and Diez Garretas, 1987; Navarro Andres and Valle Gutierrez, 1987; Rivas-Martinez et al., 1987; Ladero Alvarez, 1987; Martinez Parras et al., 1987; Aparicio Martinez and Silvestre Domingo, 1987.','Fraxino angustifoliae-Ulmetum minoris p.,Fraxinion angustifoliae','Galeries riveraines dominées par les grands Fraxinus angustifolia, surtout caractéristiques des sols moins eutrophes que les galeries d''Ormes et de Peupliers, et en stations plus sèches, avec des périodes d''inondation plus courtes, que celles occupées par les bois de Peupliers.','Horvat et al., 1974 ; Rivas-Martinez, 1975 ; Dierschke, 1980.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('44.631','44.63','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Iberian supra-Mediterranean ash galleries','Querco pyrenaicae-Fraxinetum angustifoliae','Fraxinus angustifolia and Quercus pyrenaica-dominated galleries of supra-Mediterranean watercourses of the Cordillera Central, the Leonese mountains and the Iberian Range, developed on siliceous, sandy soils with temporary hydromorphy (pseudogleys).','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('44.632','44.63','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Iberian meso-Mediterranean ash galleries','Ficario ranunculoidis-Fraxinetum angustifoliae','Fraxinus angustifolia -dominated galleries of western Iberia, developed in meso- and thermo-Mediterranean areas on siliceous sandy, rarely inundated soils; Populus alba, P. nigra, Salix atrocinerea, Rubus ulmifolius, Osmunda regalis, Ranunculus ficaria, Arum italicum frequently accompany the ashes.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('44.633','44.63','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Baetic ash-maple galleries','Aceri granatensis-Fraxinetum angustifoliae','Meso- and supra-Mediterranean riparian galleries of the siliceous Sierra Nevada formed by Fraxinus angustifolia and Acer granatense.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('44.634','44.63','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Galeries de Frênes et d''Aulnes tyrrhéniennes','Tyrrhenian ash-alder galleries','Alno-Fraxinetum angustifoliae p.','Fraxinus angustifolia-dominated galleries, usually with Alnus glutinosa, of southern France and Tyrrhenian northern and central Italy.','','Alno-Fraxinetum angustifoliae p.','Galeries dominées par Fraxinus angustifolia, généralement avec Alnus glutinosa, du sud de la France et des zones tyrrhéniennes du nord et du centre de l''Italie.','','FALSE','FALSE','DIREN PACA','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('44.635','44.63','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Italian ash galleries','Carici-Fraxinetum angustifoliae','Fraxinus angustifolia-dominated galleries of the Adriatic slope of the Italian peninsula, the lower Po basin, the plain of Foggia, the Gulf of Taranto and Sicily, with Ulmus campestris, Salix alba, Populus nigra, Equisetum talmatea, Brachypodium sylvaticum, Carex pendula, Ligustrum vulgare, Rubus ulmifolius.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('44.636','44.63','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Greek ash galleries','','Uncommon Fraxinus angustifolia-dominated galleries of continental Greece, reported in particular from the lower Achelos and Pinios.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('44.64','44.6','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Galeries de Charmes Houblon','Hop-hornbeam galleries','Melico uniflorae-Ostryetum','Ostrya carpinifolia-dominated alluvial galleries of the Var, in southeastern france, with Ulmus minor, Populus alba, Salix elaeagnos, Alnus glutinosa, Fraxinus ornus, Acer campestre, A. opalus, Quercus pubescens, Cornus sanguinea, Ligustrum vulgare, Laurus nobilis, Tamus communis, Hedera helix, Viola reichenbachiana, Euphorbia dulcis, Brachypodium sylvaticum, Melica uniflora, Carex pendula, C. digitata and the rare Carex grioletii.','Lapraz, 1981.','Melico uniflorae-Ostryetum','Galeries alluviales du Var dominées par Ostrya carpinifolia dans le sud-est de la France, avec Ulmus minor, Populus alba, Salix elaeagnos, Alnus glutinosa, Fraxinus ornus, Acer campestre A. opalus, Quercus pubescens, Cornus sanguinea, Ligustrum vulgare, Laurus nobilis, Tamus communis, Hedera helix, Viola reichenbachiana, Euphorbia dulcis, Brachypodium sylvaticum, Melica uniflora, Carex pendula, C. digitata et le rare Carex grioletii.','Lapraz, 1981.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('44.7','44','3','Niveau 3','FALSE','','Oriental plane and sweet gum woods','','Forests and woods, for the most part riparian, dominated by Platanus orientalis or Liquidambar orientalis.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('44.71','44.7','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Oriental plane woods','Platanion orientalis','Forests of Platanus orientalis.','Rechinger, 1951; Debazac and Mavrommatis, 1971; Horvat et al., 1974; Dierschke, 1980; Yon and Tendron, 1981; Groppali et al., 1983; Pratesi and Tassi, 1985.','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('44.711','44.71','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Greek riparian plane forests','','Platanus orientalis gallery forests of Greek watercourses, temporary rivers and gorges; they are distributed throughout the mainland and archipelagoes, colonizing poorly stabilized alluvions of large rivers, gravel or boulder deposits of permanent or temporary torrents, spring basins, and particularly, the bottom of steep, shady gorges, where they constitute species-rich commuities. The accompanying flora may include Salix alba, S. elaeagnos, S. purpurea, Alnus glutinosa, Cercis siliquastrum, Celtis australis, Populus alba, P. nigra, Juglans regia, Fraxinus ornus, Alnus glutinosa, Crataegus monogyna, Cornus sanguinea, Ruscus aculeatus, Vitex agnus-castus, Nerium oleander, Rubus spp., Rosa sempervirens, Hedera helix, Clematis vitalba, Vitis vinifera ssp. sylvestris, Ranunculus ficaria, Anemone blanda, Aristolochia rotunda, Saponaria officinalis, Symphytum bulbosum, Hypericum hircinum, Calamintha grandiflora, Melissa officinalis, Helleborus cyclophyllus, Cyclamen hederifolium, C. repandum, C. creticum, Galanthus nivalis ssp. reginae-olgae, Dracunculus vulgaris, Arum italicum, Biarum tenuifolium, Brachypodium sylvaticum, Dactylis glomerata and may be rich in mosses, lichens and ferns, among which Pteridium aquilinum is often abundant. Various associations have been described, reflecting regional and ecological variation in the composition of the undergrowth. The plane tree galleries are particularly well represented along the Ionian coast and in the Pindus; other important local complexes exist in Macedonia, in Thrace, around the Olympus massif, in the Pelion, in the Peloponnese, particularly in the Taygetos, where luxuriant gorge forests reach 1300m, in Euboea and in Crete; local, distinctive, representatives occur in other Aegean islands, such as Rhodes, Samos, Samothrace, Thasos. Restriction to gorges is increasingly pronounced towards the south.','Rechinger, 1951; Debazac and Mavrommatis, 1971; Horvat et al., 1974; Dierschke, 1980; Strid, 1980; Sfikas, 1984.','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('44.712','44.71','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Greek slope plane woods','','Platanus orientalis woods on colluvions, detritus cones, ravine sides or other poorly stabilized substrates.','Debazac and Mavrommatis, 1971.','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('44.713','44.71','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Sicilian plane tree canyons','','Relict Platanus orientalis-dominated or -rich galleries of the Cassabile, the Anapo, the Irminio and the Carbo rivers, in the Iblei range of southeastern Sicily, of the gorge of the Sirmeto, in the vicinity of the Nebrodi. Some of these formations, in particular, in the gorges of the Cassabile and of the Anapo, are true plane tree woods. Others, such as on the Sirmeto, are Populus alba, Fraxinus angustifolia, Salix spp. formations with Platanus orientalis; as they grade into each other, and because of the very isolated occurrence, and great biogeographical and historical interest of Platanus orientalis in Sicily, they are all listed here. Plane tree woods have had a much greater extension in Sicily and probably in Calabria. A large forest has, in particular, existed on the Alcantara, where the species is now extinct.','Groppali et al., 1983; Pratesi and Tassi, 1985.','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('44.72','44.7','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Sweet gum woods','','Liquidambar orientalis gallery of the Petaloudhes Valley, on Rhodes.','Rechinger, 1951; Sfikas, 1984.','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('44.8','44','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Galeries et fourrés riverains méridionaux','Southern riparian galleries and thickets','','Low ligneous formations of wetlands of the thermo-Mediterranean zone and of southwestern Iberia.','','','Formations ligneuses basses des zones humides de l’étage thermo-méditerranéen.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('44.81','44.8','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Galeries de Laurier-roses, de Gattiliers et de Tamaris','Oleander, chaste tree and tamarix galleries','Nerio-Tamaricetea','Thickets and galleries of Nerium oleander, Vitex agnus-castus or Tamarix spp., mostly of the thermo-Mediterranean zone.','Rechinger, 1951; Debazac and Mavrommatis, 1971; Lavagne and Moutte, 1971; Horvat et al., 1974; Yon and Tendron, 1981; Géhu, 1984; Izco et al., 1984; Veri and Pacioni, 1985; Chiappini, 1985a, b.','Nerio-Tamaricetea','Fourrés et galeries de Nerium oleander, Vitex agnus-castus ou Tamarix spp., principalement de l’étage thermo-méditerranéen.','Lavagne et Moutte, 1971 ; Horvat et al., 1974 ; Yon et Tendron, 1981 ; Géhu, 1984 ; Izco et al., 1984.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('44.811','44.81','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Galeries de Laurier-rose','Oleander galleries','Nerion oleandri p.','Nerium oleander cordons and screens, often with Tamarix spp., Vitex agnus-castus, Dittrichia viscosa, Saccharum ravennae, Arundo donax, Rubus ulmifolius, most typical of temporary water courses, but also lining small and sometimes large rivers, marking springs and areas of high water table in southern and eastern Iberia, very locally in eastern Provence, Liguria and Corsica (Saint-Florent), in southern Italy, Sardinia and Sicily, in southern and western Greece, the Aegean and Ionian archipelagoes, and Crete. They are particularly abundant in the south and east of Iberia, in Sicily and in the Aegean region.','Rechinger, 1951; Debazac and Mavrommatis, 1971; Lavagne and Moutte, 1971; Horvat et al., 1974; Pignatti, 1982; Lopez Gonzalez, 1982; Sfikas, 1984; Izco et al., 1984; Fenaroli, 1984; Gamisans, 1985; Pratesi and Tassi, 1985; Veri and Pacioni, 1985; Chiappini, 1985a, b; Costa, 1987; Alcaraz Ariza and Peinado Lorca, 1987; Ferioli, 1989.','','Cordons, rideaux et galeries de Nerium oleander, souvent avec Tamarix spp., Vitex agnus-castus, Dittrichia viscosa, Erianthus ravennae, Arundo donax, Rubus ulmifolius, plutôt typiques des cours d''eaux temporaires, mais aussi longeant les petites et quelquefois grandes rivières, et marquant les sources et les zones à nappe phréatique élevée, très localement en provence orientale et en Corse (Saint Florent),...','Lavagne et Moutte, 1971 ; Horvat et al., 1974 ; Izco et al., 1984 ; Gamisans, 1985.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('44.812','44.81','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Fourrés de Gattiliers','Chaste tree thickets','Nerion oleandri p.: Vinco majoris-Viticetum agni-casti i.a.','Vitex agnus-castus formations of temporary water courses and other humid sites within, mostly, the thermo-Mediterranean zone. They occur, though uncommonly, in the Mediterranean south and east of Spain and in the Balearics; they are local and rare in eastern Provence, the Tyrrhenian coast of Italy, Puglia, the gulf of Taranto, Corsica, Sardinia and Sicily. They are frequent in Greece, particularly along the Ionian coasts, where they can constitute dense thickets, uncommon again in the Aegean archipelagoes and Crete.','Rechinger, 1951; Debazac and Mavrommatis, 1971; Lavagne and Moutte, 1971; Horvat et al., 1974; Pignatti, 1982; Lopez Gonzalez, 1982; Izco et al., 1984; Sfikas, 1984; Gamisans, 1985; Chiappini, 1985a, b.','Nerion oleandri p. : Vinco majoris-Viticetum agni-casti i.a.','Peuplements de Vitex agnus-castus de cours d''eaux temporaires et d''autres sites humides, plutôt à l''intérieur de l’étage thermo-méditerranéen. Ils sont présents, quoique non généralement, dans le sud méditérranéen ; ils sont localisés et rares en Provence orientale..., en Corse...','Lavagne et Moutte, 1971 ; Horvat et al., 1974 ; Izco et al., 1984 ; Gamisans, 1985.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('44.813','44.81','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Fourrés de Tamaris','Tamarisk thickets','','Formations, mostly of Mediterranean and thermo-Atlantic coasts and lowlands, dominated by Tamarix spp..','','','Formations dominées par Tamarix spp., plutôt des côtes et des plaines méditerranéennes et thermo-atlantiques.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('44.8131','44.813','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Fourrés de Tamaris ouest-méditerranéens','West Mediterranean tamarisk thickets','Tamaricion africanae: Tamaricetum gallicae, Polygono equisetiformis-Tamaricetum africanae, Glycirrhizo glabrae-Tamaricetum canariensis i.a.','Tamarix gallica, T. africana or T. canariensis thickets of water-course galleries, humid depressions and slightly saline coastal flats in Iberia, southern and western France, peninsular Italy, the Balearics, Corsica, Sardinia and Sicily. The accompanying flora comprises Scirpus holoschoenus, Saccharum ravennae, Arundo donax, Brachypodium phoenicoidis, Piptatherum miliaceum, Asparagus acutifolius, Equisetum ramosissimum, Rubia peregrina, R. longifolia, R. angustifolia, Dittrichia viscosa.','Pignatti, 1982; Lopez Gonzalez, 1982; Izco et al., 1984; Fenaroli, 1984; Gamisans, 1985; Pratesi and Tassi, 1985; Veri and Pacioni, 1985; Chiappini, 1985a, b; Fernandez Gonzalez, 1986; Alcaraz Ariza and Peinado Lorca, 1987; Ferioli, 1989.','Tamaricion africanae : Tamaricetum gallicae, Polygono equisetiformis-Tamaricetum africanae, Glycirrhizo glabrae-Tamaricetum canariensis i.a.','Fourrés de Tamarix gallica, T. africana ou T. canariensis des galeries riveraines, des dépressions humides et des marais côtiers légèrement salés au sud et à l''ouest de la France, en Corse. La flore compagne comprend Scirpoides holoschoenus, Erianthus ravennae, Arundo donax, Brachypodium phoenicoidis, Piptatherum miliaceum, Asparagus acutifolius, Equisetum ramosissimum, Rubia peregrina, R. peregrina subsp. longifolia, R. peregrina subsp. requienii, Dittrichia viscosa.','Izco et al., 1984 ; Gamisans, 1985.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('44.8132','44.813','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Macaronesian tamarisk thickets','','Tamarix spp.-dominated formations of the Canary Islands and Madeira. ','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('44.81321','44.8132','7','Niveau 7','FALSE','','Canarian tamarisk thickets','','Tamarix canariensis and T. africana galleries and thickets of the lower zone of the Canary Islands, lining the low part of barrancos and occupying the deltas of greater water courses. They are particularly abundant in the eastern desert islands, Lanzarote and, mostly, Fuenteventura, where they constitute one of the principal ligneous habitats for the fauna. They have also important representatives along the north coast of Tenerife and on Gran Canaria (Charca de Maspalomas, La Aldea).','Wilpret de la Torre and del Arco Aguilar, 1987; Serrada et al., 1988.','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('44.81322','44.8132','7','Niveau 7','FALSE','','Madeiran tamarisk thickets','','Tamarix gallica thickets of the lowlands of Madeira.','Duvigneaud, 1977.','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('44.8133','44.813','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','East Mediterranean tamarisk thickets','Tamaricetum parviflorae, Tamaricetum tetrandrae i.a.','Tamarix parviflora, T. tetrandra, T. dalmatica, T. smyrnensis and T. hampeana thickets of lowland water-course galleries, humid depressions and slightly saline coastal flats of Greece and its islands.','Rechinger, 1951; Debazac and Mavrommatis, 1971; Horvat et al., 1974; Sfikas, 1984; Izco et al., 1984; Yatridis, 1988.','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('44.8134','44.813','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Hyper-saline tamarisk stands','Tamaricion boveana-canariensis','Thickets of Tamarix boveana, T. canariensis or, sometimes, T. gallica, accompanied by typical salt marsh flora, in particular, Arthrocnemum fruticosum, A. glaucum, Suaeda brevifolia, Halimione portulacoides, Atriplex halimus, A. hastata, Limonium lactibracteatum, L. eugeniae, L. cossonianum, L. angustibracteanum, L. sinuosum, Inula crithmoides.','Horvat et al., 1974; Polunin, 1980; Izco et al., 1984; Fernandez Gonzalez, 1986; Costa, 1987; Alcaraz Ariza and Peinado Lorca, 1987.','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('44.81341','44.8134','7','Niveau 7','FALSE','','Tamarix boveana stands','Inulo crithmoidis-Tamaricetum boveanae','Rare and vulnerable formations of the Ibero-African Tamarix boveana, alone or associated with T. canariensis, characteristic of arid areas of eastern Iberia, limited to a few stations in the Iberian South-east (Murcia, Almeria, Alicante), the Ebro depression (Salada de Chiprana), the Ebro delta and Mallorca (Alcudia).','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('44.81342','44.8134','7','Niveau 7','FALSE','','Saline Tamarix canariensis stands','Agrosto stoloniferae-Tamaricetum canariensis, Lycio intricati-Tamaricetum canariensis','Formations of Tamarix canariensis, sometimes with T. gallica, characteristic of strongly saline sites, in particular, of Iberian interior saline depressions (La Mancha) and of Arid Southeast coastal areas.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('44.81343','44.8134','7','Niveau 7','FALSE','','Saline eastern tamarisk stands','','Tamarix smyrnensis, T. hampeana, T. dalmatica stands of the strongly saline part of Greek coastal marshes.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('44.82','44.8','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','South-western Iberian tamujares','Securinegion tinctoriae: Pyro bourgaeanae-Securinegetum tinctoriae','Low, spiny, almost monospecific fringes formed by the Ibero-African shrubby spurge Securinega tinctoria on the outer edge of temporary or permanent water courses of great seasonal amplitude in the southwestern quadrant of the Iberian peninsula (Montes de Toledo, Sierra Morena, Extremadura, southwestern Andalusia, southern Portugal). Among the few associated plants, are the lianas Bryonia cretica, Tamus communis and the endemic Clematis campaniflora. Pyrus bourganeana may transgress from neighbouring communities.','Delvosalle and Duvigneaud, 1962; Rivas-Martinez, 1974; Lopez Gonzalez, 1982; Géhu, 1984; Ladero, 1987.','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('44.83','44.8','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Oretanian lauriphyllous galleries','Viburno tini-Prunetum lusitanicae','Supra- and upper meso-Mediterranean riparian galleries of the Montes de Toledo (Cordillera Oretana), constituted by the lauriphyllous Prunus lusitanica and Viburnum tinus; they line water courses on the inner edge of alder galleries of 44.551 and 44.552, which they sometimes entirely replace.','Ladero, 1987.','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('44.84','44.8','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Oretanian bog-myrtle willow scrub','Frangulo-Myricaetum galeae','Tall scrub of Montes de Toledo streams, with Frangula alnus, Salix atrocinerea, S. salvifolia and Myrica gale.','Peinado et al., 1983; Ladero, 1987.','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('44.9','44','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Bois marécageux d''Aulne, de Saule et de Myrte des marais','Alder, willow and bog-myrtle swamp woods','Alnetea glutinosae','Woods and scrubs of marshy ground, waterlogged for most of the year, colonizing fens and marshy or permanently inundated alluvial terraces of rivers. ','','','Bois et fourrés des sols marécageux, gorgés d’eau pour la plus grande partie de l''année, colonisant les bas-marais et les terrasses alluviales marécageuses ou en permanence inondées.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('44.91','44.9','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Bois marécageux d''Aulnes','Alder swamp woods','Alnion glutinosae','Marshy Alnus glutinosa-dominated formations, usually with shrubby willows in the undergrowth. ','Noirfalise and Sougnez, 1961; Ellenberg, 1963, 1988; Horvat et al., 1974; Westhoff and den Held, 1975; Bournérias, 1979, 1984; Yon and Tendron, 1981; Noirfalise, 1984; Noirfalise et al., 1985; Izco Sevillano, 1987; Oberdorfer, 1990; Rodwell, 1991.','Alnion glutinosae','Formations marécageuses d''Alnus glutinosa dominant, habituellement avec des Saules arbustifs en sous-bois.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('44.911','44.91','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Bois d''Aulnes marécageux méso-eutrophes','Meso-eutrophic swamp alder woods','Carici elongatae-Alnetum (Irido-Alnenion) ','Mesotrophic and meso-eutrophic Alnus glutinosa swamp woods of marshy depressions, with Carex elongata, Thelypteris palustris, Dryopteris cristata, Osmunda regalis, Solanum dulcamara, Calystegia sepium, Ribes nigrum, and often, in acidocline variants, Betula pubescens. The constancy of Carex elongata is characteristic on the continent, less so in Britain. Tall sedges, Carex paniculata, C. acutiformis, C. elata, often dominate the herb layer in the most humid types.','','Carici elongatae-Alnetum (Irido-Alnenion)','Bois marécageux mésotrophes et méso-eutrophes d''Alnus glutinosa de dépressions marécageuses, avec Carex elongata, Thelypteris palustris, Dryopteris cristata, Osmunda regalis, Solanum dulcamara, Calystegia sepium, Ribes nigrum, et souvent, dans les variantes acidoclines, Betula pubescens. La constance de Carex elongata est caractéristique sur le continent, elle l''est moins en Grande-Bretagne. Les grandes laîches, Carex paniculata, C. acutiformis, C. elata, dominent souvent la strate herbacée dans les types les plus humides.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('44.9111','44.911','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Bois d''Aulnes marécageux atlantiques à grandes touffes de laîches','Atlantic greater tussock-sedge alder woods','','Alnus glutinosa-Carex paniculata formations of the British Isles, poor in Carex elongata, and harbouring, in particular, Oenanthe crocata and abundant Osmunda regalis.','','','Formations d''Alnus glutinosa-Carex paniculata des îles Britanniques, pauvres en Carex elongata, et abritant, en particulier, Oenanthe crocata et des populations abondantes d’Osmunda regalis.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('44.9112','44.911','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Bois d''Aulnes marécageux à laîche allongée','Elongated-sedge swamp alder woods','','Formations of sub-Atlantic and subcontinental regions of the continent characterized in particular by the constant presence of Carex elongata.','','Carici elongatae-Alnetum','Formations des régions sub-atlantiques et sub-continentales du continent caractérisées en particulier par la présence constante de Carex elongata.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('44.912','44.91','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Bois d''Aulnes marécageux oligotrophes','Oligotrophic swamp alder woods','Carici laevigatae-Alnetum (Blechno-Alnenion: Blechno-Alnetum, Sphagno-Alnetum)','Oligotrophic or meso-oligotrophic, acidocline Alnus glutinosa woods of fens and poorly drained banks of brooks or small rivers, mostly characteristic of siliceous regions and Atlantic climates, south to Galicia. Betula pubescens and Frangula alnus often accompany the alders. The ground layer is usually rich in Sphagnum spp. and includes Carex laevigata, Equisetum sylvaticum and many ferns, including Oreopteris limbosperma, Blechnum spicant, Athyrium filix-femina, Dryopteris cristata and D. carthusiana.','','Carici laevigatae-Alnetum (Blechno-Alnenion : Blechno-Alnetum, Sphagno-Alnetum)','Bois d''Alnus glutinosa acidoclines, oligotrophes ou méso-oligotrophes des bas-marais et des berges mal drainées des ruisseaux ou des petites rivières, plutôt caractéristiques des régions siliceuses et des climats atlantiques. Betula pubescens et Frangula alnus accompagnent souvent les Aulnes. La strate herbacée est habituellement riche en Sphagnum spp. et inclut Carex laevigata, Equisetum sylvaticum et beaucoup d''autres fougères, incluant Oreopteris limbosperma, Blechnum spicant, Athyrium filix-femina, Dryopteris cristata et Dryopteris carthusiana.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('44.913','44.91','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Mediterranean swamp alder woods','','Rare swamp woods of the Mediterranean evergreen oak zone, such as the Athos peninsula swamp wood with Arundo donax, Equisetum telmateia, Carex pendula, C. remota, Humulus lupulus, Osmunda regalis.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('44.92','44.9','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Saussaies marécageuses','Mire willow scrub','Salicion cinereae (Frangulo-Salicion auritae)','Willow-dominated formations with Salix aurita, S. cinerea, S. atrocinerea, S. pentandra, Frangula alnus, Betula humilis, of fens, marshy floodplains and fringes of lakes and ponds.','Noirfalise, 1964; Westhoff and den Held, 1975; Bournérias, 1979, 1984; Ellenberg, 1988; Oberdorfer, 1990; Rodwell, 1991.','Salicion cinereae (Frangulo-Salicion auritae)','Formations à Saules dominants avec Salix aurita, S. cinerea, S. atrocinera, S. pentandra, Frangula alnus, de bas-marais, de zones inondables, des marges de lacs et d''étangs.','Noirfalise, 1964 ; Westhoff et den Held, 1975 ; Bournérias, 1979, 1984 ; Ellenberg, 1988 ; Oberdorfer, 1990 ; Rodwell, 1991.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('44.921','44.92','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Saussaies marécageuses à Saule cendré','Grey willow scrub','','Mesotrophic or eutrophic Salix cinerea or S. aurita and Alnus glutinosa scrubs of mires, fens, and water fringes.','','','Formations arbustives de Salix cinerea ou S. aurita et Alnus glutinosa, mésotrophes ou eutrophes, des bas-marais et zones d’atterrissements des plans d’eau.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('44.922','44.92','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Saussaies à sphaigne','Sphagnum willow scrub','','Oligotrophic Salix aurita or S. cinerea and Betula pubescens or B. carpatica scrubs, rich in sphagnum, of bog edges and acid fens.','','','Formations arbustives oligotrophes de Salix aurita ou B. carpatica, riches en sphaignes, de bord de bas-marais et de marécages acides, des marges de tourbières bombées.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('44.923','44.92','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Saussaies marécageuses à Saule laurier','Bay willow scrub','','Tall Salix pentandra formations.','','','Formations avec de grands Salix pentandra.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('44.924','44.92','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Saussaies naines marécageuses','Dwarf mire willow scrub','','Dwarf Salix repens, S. rosmarinifolia and Betula humilis scrubs of bogs and fens.','','','Formations arbustives naines de Salix repens, S. rosmarinifolia et Betula humilis des marais et marécages, des tourbières bombées.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('44.93','44.9','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Bois marécageux de Bouleaux et de piment royal','Swamp bog-myrtle scrub','Salicion cinereae p.: Myricetum gale','Myrica gale thickets of fringes of fens, drying fens and nascent or regenerating bogs of middle Europe, mostly characteristic of the Atlantic sector.','Lebrun et al., 1949; Westhoff and den Held, 1975; Ellenberg, 1988; Oberdorfer, 1990.','Salicion cinereae p. : Myricetum gale','Fourrés de Myrica gale des marges des bas-marais, de marécages s’asséchant et de tourbières hautes naissantes ou se régénérant, de l''Europe moyenne, surtout caractéristiques du secteur Atlantique.','Lebrun et al., 1949 ; Westoff et den Held, 1975 ; Ellenberg, 1988 ; Oberdorfer, 1990.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('44.A','44','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Forêts marécageuses de Bouleaux et de Conifères','Birch and conifer swamp woods','Vaccinio-Piceetea: Piceo-Vaccinienion uliginosi (Betulion pubescentis, Ledo-Pinion) i.a. ','Woods of Betula pubescens, Pinus spp. or Picea abies colonizing bogs and acid fens.','','Vaccinio-Piceetea : Piceo-Vaccinienion uliginosi (Betulion pubescentis, Ledo-Pinion) i.a.','Bois de Betula pubescens, Pinus spp. ou de Picea abies colonisant les tourbières et les marécages acides.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('44.A1','44.A','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Bois de Bouleaux à Sphaignes','Sphagnum birch woods','Betuletum pubescentis (Vaccinio uliginosi-Betuletum pubescentis); Sphagno palustris-Betuletum pubescentis i.a.','Forests of Betula pubescens or B. carpatica on peaty, humid and very acid soils, colonizing bogs of reduced peat building activity and acid fens, with Molinia caerulea, Vaccinium uliginosum, V. myrtillus, Empetrum nigrum, Trientalis europaea and many sphagnums, mosses and liverworts. ','Ellenberg, 1963, 1988; Noirfalise et al., 1971; Westhoff and den Held, 1975; Mériaux et al., 1978; Bournérias, 1979, 1984; Noirfalise, 1984; Oberdorfer, 1990.','Betulum pubescentis (Vaccinio uliginosi-Betuletum pubescentis) ; Sphagno palustris-Betuletum pubescentis i.a.','Forêts de Betula pubescens ou de Betula carpatica sur sols tourbeux, humides et très acides, colonisant les tourbières bombées à activité turfigène réduite et des bas-marais acides avec Molinia caerulea, Vaccinium myrtillus, Empetrum nigrum, Trientalis europaea et de très nombreuses Sphaignes, Mousses et Hépatiques.','Ellenberg, 1963, 1988 ; Noirfalise et al., 1971 ; Westhoff et den Held, 1975 ; Mériaux et al., 1978 ; Bournérias 1979, 1984 ; Noirfalise, 1984 ; Oberdorfer, 1990.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('44.A11','44.A1','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Forêts de Bouleaux à Sphaignes et Linaigrettes','Cottongrass sphagnum birch woods','Sphagno-Betuletum eriophoretosum vaginati, Erico-Sphagnetum betuletosum).','Sphagnum-rich Betula pubescens or B. carpatica woods in which bog species, in particular Eriophorum vaginatum and Vaccinium oxycoccos, are prominent.','','Sphagno-Betuletum eriophoretosum vaginati, Erico-Sphagnetum betuletosum','Bois de Betula pubescens ou de B. carpatica riches en Sphaignes dans lesquels prédominent les espèces des tourbières bombées, en particulier Eriophorum vaginatum et Vaccinium oxycoccos.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('44.A12','44.A1','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Bois de Bouleaux à Sphaignes et à Laîches','Sedge sphagnum birch woods','Sphagno-Betuletum agrostido-caricetosum nigrae','Sphagnum-rich Betula pubescens or B. carpatica woods in which Molinia caerulea is accompanied by a cortège of acid fen species, in particular, Carex rostrata, C. nigra, C. echinata, Juncus acutiflorus, Agrostis canina, Narthecium ossifragum, Calamagrostis canescens.','','Sphagno-Betuletum agrostido-caricetosum','Bois de Betula pubescensou de B. carpatica riches en Sphaignes dans lesquels Molinia caerulea est accompagnée d''un cortège floristique d''espèces de bas-marais acides, et en particulier Carex rostrata, C. nigra, C. echinata, Juncus acutiflorus, Agrostis canina, Narthecium ossifragum, Calamagrostis canescens.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('44.A13','44.A1','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Bois de Bouleaux à Sphaignes méso-acidiphiles','Meso-acidophilous sphagnum birch woods','','Sphagnum-rich Betula pubescens or B. carpatica woods in which the presence of species characteristic of sub-humid mineral soils indicate a transition towards acidophilous birch and oak woods; Salix cinerea, Alnus glutinosa, Lysimachia vulgaris, Luzula sylvatica, Oxalis acetosella, Deschampsia flexuosa may be prominent, next to Molinia caerulea.','','','Bois de Betula pubescens ou de B. carpatica riches en Sphaignes dans lesquels on note la présence d''espèces caractéristiques de sols minéraux sub-humides indicatrices d''une transition entre les bois acidiphiles de Bouleaux et les bois de Chênes ; Salix cinerea, Alnus glutinosa, Lysimachia vulgaris, Luzula sylvatica, Oxalis acetosella, Deschampsia flexuosapeuvent être dominants, aux côtés de Molinia caerulea.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('44.A2','44.A','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Bois tourbeux de Pins sylvestres','Scots pine bog woods','Ledo-Pinetum (Vaccinio uliginosae-Pinetum sylvestris) i.a.','Pinus sylvestris formations of bogs and transition mires with Eriophorum vaginatum, Ledum palustre, Vaccinium uliginosum, Calluna vulgaris, Andromeda polifolia restricted to the plains of northern and eastern Germany and to isolated stations in the Hercynian arc.','Ellenberg, 1963, 1988; Petermann and Seibert, 1979; Muller, 1985; Oberdorfer, 1990.','Ledo-Pinetum (Vaccinio uliginosae-Pinetum sylvestris) i.a.','Formations de Pinus sylvestris de tourbières bombées et de tourbières de transition avec Eriophorum vaginatum, Vaccinium uliginosum, Calluna vulgaris, Andromeda polifolia restreintes aux plaines de l''Allemagne nord-orientale et à des stations isolées de l''arc hercynien.','Ellenberg, 1963, 1988 ; Muller, 1985 ; Oberdorfer, 1990.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('44.A3','44.A','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Bois tourbeux de Pins de montagne','Mountain pine bog woods','Vaccinio uliginosae-Pinetum rotundatae (Sphagno-Mugetum, Pino rotundatae-Sphagnetum p.)','Pinus rotundata (P. uncinata s.l., "P. mugo") woods (var. arborea) or scrubs (var. pseudopumilio) of bogs in the Alps and peri-Alpine areas, the Jura and the higher Hercynian ranges, with Eriophorum vaginatum, Vaccinium oxycoccos, V. uliginosum, V. myrtillus, Sphagnum spp. and sometimes Betula nana.','Ellenberg, 1963, 1988; Oberdorfer, 1967, 1990; Ozenda, 1975; Delvosalle, 1977; Petermann and Seibert, 1979.','Vaccinio uliginosae-Pinetum rotundatae (Sphagno-Mugetum, Pino rotundatae-Sphagnetum)','Bois de Pinus rotundata (P. uncinata s.l., P. mugo) (var. arborea) ou arbustives (var. pseudopumilio) des tourbières hautes des Alpes et des régions péri-alpiennes, du Jura, des plus hauts massifs hercyniens, avec Eriophorum vaginatum, Vaccinium oxycoccos, V. uliginosum, V. myrtillus, Sphagnum spp. et parfois Betula nana.','Ellenberg, 1963, 1988 ; Oberdorfer, 1967, 1990 ; Ozenda, 1975 ; Delvosalle, 1977.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('44.A4','44.A','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Bois d''Epicéas à Sphaignes','Sphagnum spruce woods','','Picea abies woods with a Sphagnum-rich ground layer.','Ellenberg, 1963, 1988; Oberdorfer, 1967, 1990; Ozenda, 1975; Delvosalle, 1977; Petermann and Seibert, 1979.','','Bois de Picea abies avec un sous-bois riche en Sphaignes.','Ellenberg, 1963, 1988 ; Oberdorfer, 1967, 1990 ; Ozenda, 1975 ; Delvosalle, 1977.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('44.A41','44.A4','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Pessières à Sphaignes montagnardes','Montane sphagnum spruce woods','Sphagno-Piceetum, Soldanello-Piceetum bazzanietosum i.a.','Often dense Picea abies forests on peaty soils carpeted with sphagnum and mosses, accompanied by an understorey of Maianthemum bifolium, Vaccinium myrtillus, V. vitis-idae, Deschampsia flexuosa, Calamagrostis villosa, Blechnum spicant and Listera cordata.','','Sphagno-Piceetum, Soldanello-Piceetum bazzanietosum i.a.','Forêts souvent denses de Picea abies sur sols tourbeux recouverts de Sphaignes et de Mousses avec une sous-strate de Maianthemum bifolium, Vaccinium myrtillus, Vaccinium vitis- idaea, Deschampsia flexuosa, Calamagrostis villosa, Blechnum spicant et Listera cordata.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('44.A42','44.A4','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Tourbières boisées à Epicéas','Bog spruce woods','','Picea abies formations colonizing raised bogs, with Betula pubescens, B. carpatica, Vaccinium uliginosum, V. vitis-idaea, V. myrtillus, V. oxycoccos, Eriophorum vaginatum, Sphagnum magellanicum and other sphagnums.','','','Formations de Picea abies colonisant les tourbières hautes, avec Betula pubescens, B. carpatica, Vaccinium uliginosum, V. vitis-idaea, V. myrtillus, V. oxycoccos, Eriophorum vaginatum, Sphagnum magellanicum et autres Sphaignes.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('45','4','2','Niveau 2','TRUE','Forêts sempervirentes non résineuses','Broad-leaved evergreen woodland','','Mediterranean forests dominated by broad-leaved evergreen trees.','','','Forêts méditerranéennes dominées par des feuillus sempervirents et sclérophylles.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('45.1','45','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Forêts d''Oliviers et de Caroubiers','Olive-carob forests','Oleo-Ceratonion, Ceratonio-Rhamnion, Kleinio-Euphorbietea canariensis p.','Thermo-Mediterranean or thermo-Canarian woodland dominated by arborescent Olea europaea ssp. sylvestris, Ceratonia siliqua, Pistacia lentiscus, Myrtus communis or, in the Canary Islands, by Olea europaea ssp. cerasiformis and Pistacia atlantica. Most formations will be listed as arborescent matorral (35.12), but a few stands may have a sufficiently tall, closed canopy to qualify for this unit.','Fenaroli, 1970; Lapraz, 1970; Horvat et al., 1974; Ozenda et al., 1979; Quézel, 1981; Tomaselli, 1981b; Groppali et al., 1983; Noirfalise, 1986; Fernandez Gonzalez, 1986; Asensi and Diez Garrretas, 1987; Rivas-Martinez and Costa, 1987; Serrada et al., 1988.','Oleo-Ceratonion','Bois thermo-méditerranéen dominé par Olea europaea subsp. sylvestris arborescent, Ceratonia siliqua, Pistacia lentiscus, Myrtus communis. La plupart des formations sont cataloguées comme des matorrals arborescents (35.12), mais quelques stations peuvent avoir une canopée suffisamment élevée et fermée pour être classées dans cette unité.','Lapraz, 1970 ; Horvat et al., 1974 ; Ozenda et al., 1979 ; Tomaselli, 1981b ; Noirfalise, 1986.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('45.11','45.1','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Bois d''Oliviers sauvages (oléastres)','Wild olive woodland','','Olea europaea ssp. sylvestris - dominated formations. The most developed examples are found in southern Andalusia (Tamo communis - Oleetum sylvestris: extinct?), in Menorca (Prasio majoris - Oleetum sylvestris), Sardinia, Sicily, Calabria, Crete.','','','Formations dominées par Olea europaea subsp. sylvestris. Les exemples les plus développés se trouvent en Andalousie méridionale (Tamo communis-Oleetum sylvestris), à Minorque (Prasio majoris-Oleetum sylvestris), en Sardaigne, en Sicile, ...','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('45.12','45.1','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Bois de Caroubiers','Carob woodland','','Ceratonia siliqua - dominated formations, often with Olea europaea ssp. sylvestris and Pistacia lentiscus. The most developed examples, some truly forest-like, are to be found in Mallorca (Cneoro tricocci - Ceratonietum siliquae), eastern Sardinia, southeastern Sicily, Puglia, Crete.','','','Formations dominées par Ceratonia siliqua, souvent avec Olea europaea subsp. sylvestris et Pistacia lentiscus. Les exemples les mieux développés (quelques-uns ayant l''aspect d''une forêt) se trouvent dans l''île de Majorque (Cneoro tricocci-Ceratonietum siliquae), en Sardaigne orientale, en Sicile sud-orientale, dans les Pouilles.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('45.13','45.1','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Canarian olive woodland','','Olea europaea ssp. cerasiformis and Pistacia atlantica formations of the Canary Islands.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('45.2','45','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Forêts de Chênes lièges (suberaies)','Cork-oak forests ','','West-Mediterranean silicicolous forests dominated by Quercus suber, usually more thermophile and hygrophile than 45.3.','Fenaroli, 1970, 1985; Tomaselli, 1970; Rivas-Martinez, 1974; Ortuno and Ceballos, 1977; Lambinon et al., 1978; Ozenda et al., 1979; Rivas-Martinez et al., 1980; Quézel, 1981; Groppali et al., 1981, 1983; Ozenda, 1981; Géhu and Géhu-Franck, 1984c; Gamisans, 1985; Chiappini, 1985a, b; Pratesi and Tassi, 1985; Veri and Pacioni, 1985; Noirfalise, 1986, 1987; Fernandez Gonzalez, 1986; Peinado Lorca and Rivas-Martinez, 1987, Barneschi, 1988.','','Forêts silicicoles ouest-méditerranéennes dominées par Quercus suber, habituellement plus thermophiles et plus hygrophiles que celles de 45.3.','Fenaroli, 1985 ; Rivas-Martinez, 1974 ; Lambinon et al., 1978 ; Ozenda et al., 1979 ; Ozenda, 1981 ; Géhu et Géhu-Frank, 1984c ; Gamisans, 1985 ; Noirfalise, 1985 ; Noirfalise, 1986, 1987 ; Peinado Lorca et Rivas-Martinez, 1987.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('45.21','45.2','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Forêts thyrrhéniennes de Chênes lièges','Tyrrhenian cork-oak forests','Quercion suberis','Mostly meso-Mediterranean Quercus suber forests of Italy, Sicily, Sardinia, Corsica, France and northeastern Spain. They are most often degraded to arborescent matorral (32.11).','','Quercion suberis','Forêts de Quercus suber plutôt méso-méditerranéennes, de Corse et du continent français. Elles sont le plus souvent dégradées à l''état de matorrals arborescents (32.11).','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('45.211','45.21','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Forêts provençales de Chênes lièges','Provençal cork-oak woodland','','Formations of crystalline Provence (Maures, Esterel), no longer represented by fully developed, mature stands.','','','Formations de Provence cristalline (Maures, Esterel), elles ne comprennent actuellement plus de peuplements pleinement développés arrivés à maturité.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('45.212','45.21','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Forêts corses de Chênes lièges','Corsican cork-oak woodland','','Formations of the lower meso-Mediterranean level of Corsica, developed on deep siliceous soils, mostly of the southeastern part of the island; better preserved than on the continent, they are nevertheless almost never represented by fully developed, extensive forest.','','','Formations de l''étage méso-méditerranéen inférieur de Corse, développées sur des sols siliceux profonds, plutôt dans la partie sud-est de l''île ; mieux préservées que sur le continent, elles ne sont néanmoins jamais représentées par des forêts étendues entièrement développées.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('45.213','45.21','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Sardinian cork-oak forests','','Extensive, widespread and varied forests of Sardinia, extending from sea level to about 900 m in noncalcareous mountains. Q. suber is sometimes associated with Q. ilex or Q. pubescens. These forests include luxuriant, fully developed, mature formations, by far the best-preserved cork-oak forests in the central Mediterranean basin.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('45.214','45.21','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Central Italian cork-oak forests','','Very local, relict coastal forests of Toscany and Latium in which Q. ilex often accompanies Q. suber.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('45.215','45.21','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Southern Italian cork-oak forests','','Very local formations of Calabria, Puglia and of northern and southeastern Sicily (Monte Scorace; Bosco di San Pietro, western Iblei), for the most part very degraded.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('45.216','45.21','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Suberaies catalano-pyrénéennes','Catalan cork-oak woodland','','Quercus suber-dominated facies appearing on the more oligotrophic soils within the meso-Mediterranean Q. ilex zone of Catalonia and the Pyrenean foothills.','','','Faciès dominé par Quercus suber apparaissant sur les sols les plus oligotrophes de la zone méditerranéenne à Quercus ilex de Catalogne et des contreforts pyrénéens.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('45.217','45.21','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Valencian cork-oak woodland','Asplenio onopteridis-Quercetum suberis','Isolated, relict formations of the Sierra Espadan, Valencia.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('45.218','45.21','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Balearic cork-oak woodland','','Quercus suber-dominated facies appearing on deep siliceous soils of the thermo-Mediterranean Q. rotundifolia formations of Menorca.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('45.22','45.2','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','South-western Iberian cork-oak forests','Quercion fagineo-suberis','Quercus suber forests, often with Q. faginea or Q. canariensis, of the southwestern quadrant of the Iberian peninsula.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('45.221','45.22','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Thermo-Mediterranean cork-oak woodland','Oleo sylvestris-Quercetum suberis','Subhumid thermo-Mediterranean forests and woodlands of the southwestern Iberian peninsula, occurring in sandy coastal areas of western Andalusia and the Algarve, as well as at lower elevations of the sierras of the Campo de Gibraltar, immediately below the following formation, and characterized by the presence of Olea europaea ssp. sylvestris and other thermo-Mediterranean elements.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('45.222','45.22','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Aljibian cork-oak forests','Teucrio baetici-Quercetum suberis','Luxuriant, fully developed, humid and hyperhumid meso- to thermo-Mediterranean forests occupying, with the more exiguous and even more umbrophilous Q. canariensis formations, the higher elevations of the sierras of the Campo de Gibraltar and a few enclaves of the Sierra de Ronda, with elements of north African oak forests such as Teucrium scorodonia ssp. baeticum and Ruscus hypophyllum; they are best represented in the Sierra de Aljibe, and are, next to those of Sardinia, the best-preserved cork-oak forests of the Community.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('45.223','45.22','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Eastern Andalusian cork-oak woodland','Adenocarpo-Quercetum suberis','Isolated, relict meso-Mediterranean forest of the Sierra de la Contraviesa, eastern Andalusia.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('45.224','45.22','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Extremaduran cork-oak woodland','Sanguisorbo agrimonioidis-Quercetum suberis','Meso-Mediterranean forests of the Sierra Morena, the Montes de Toledo system and lower southern slopes of the Cordillera Central (Extremadura and surrounding regions), only locally well developed, with lauriphyllous undergrowth or mantle.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('45.23','45.2','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','North-western Iberian cork-oak woodland','Holco-Qercetum pyrenaicae p.','Very local, exiguous Q. suber enclaves in the Q. pyrenaica forest area of the valleys of the Sil and of the Mino (Galicia).','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('45.24','45.2','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Forêts aquitaniennes de Chênes lièges','Aquitanian cork-oak woodland','','Isolated Q. suber-dominated stands occurring either as a facies of dunal pine-cork oak forests or in a very limited area of the eastern Landes.','','','Stations isolées à Quercus suber dominant se rencontrant soit comme un faciès des pinèdes à Chênes lièges dunaires (42.812), soit dans une aire très limitée de l’est des Landes.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('45.3','45','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Forêts de Chênes verts méso- et supra méditerranéennes','Meso- and supra-Mediterranean holm-oak forests','Quercion ilicis','Forests dominated by Quercus ilex or Q. rotundifolia, often, but not necessarily, calcicolous.','Rechinger, 1951; Ocana-Garcia, 1958; Kornas, 1959; Bolos and Molinier, 1960; Jasiewicz, 1963; Amaral Franco, 1965; Archiloque, et al., 1969; Fenaroli, 1970; Tomaselli, 1970; Horvat et al.., 1974; Lapraz, 1975; Ozenda, 1975; Margot and Romain, 1976; Ortuno and Ceballos, 1977; Brullo et al., 1977; Lambinon et al., 1978; Sfikas, 1978; Ozenda et al., 1979; Polunin, 1980; Groppali et al., 1980, 1981, 1983; Ozenda, 1981; Quézel, 1981; Géhu and Géhu-Franck, 1984c; Chiappini, 1985a, b; Dupias, 1985; Veri and Pacioni, 1985; Fenaroli, 1985; Gamisans, 1985; Noirfalise, 1986, 1987; Fernandez Gonzalez, 1986; Peinado-Lorca and Rivas-Martinez, 1987; Barneschi, 1988; Baudière et al., 1988.','Quercion ilicis','Forêts surtout méso- et supraméditerranéennes dominées par Quercus ilex, souvent, mais non nécessairement calcicoles.','Ocana-Garcia, 1958 ; Kornas, 1959 ; Jasiewicz, 1963 ; Archiloque et al., 1969 ; Horvat et al., 1974 ; Lapraz, 1975 ; Ozenda, 1975 ; Margot et Romain, 1976 ; Lambinon et al., 1978 ; Ozenda et al., 1979 ; Polunin, 1980 ; Ozenda, 1981 ; Géhu et Géhu-Frank, 1984c ; Dupias, 1985 ; Fenaroli, 1985 ; Gamisans, 1985 ; Noirfalise, 1985, 1987 ; Peinado Lorca et Rivas Martinez, 1987 ; Baudière et al., 1988.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('45.31','45.3','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Forêts de Chêne verts','Meso-Mediterranean holm-oak forests','','Rich meso-Mediterranean formations, penetrating locally, mostly in ravines, into the thermo-Mediterranean zone. They are often degraded to arborescent matorral (32.11), and some of the types listed below no longer exist in the fully developed forest state relevant to category 45; they have nevertheless been included, both to provide appropriate codes for use in 32.11, and because restoration may be possible.','','','Formations méso-méditerranéennes riches, pénétrant localement, surtout dans les ravins, dans la zone thermo-méditerranéenne. Elles sont souvent dégradées en matorrals arborescents (32.11), et quelques-uns des types catalogué ci-dessous n''existent plus sous une forme forestière entièrement développée susceptible d’être rattachée à la catégorie 45. Elles ont néanmoins été incluses, pour fournir des codes appropriés utilisables sous 32.1, et parce qu''une restauration peut être possible.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('45.311','45.31','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Forêts de Chênes verts ibériques nord-occidentales','North-western Iberian holm-oak forests','Lauro nobilis-Quercetum ilicis','Quercus ilex forests with exuberant undergrowth of Mediterranean, often lauriphyllous, small trees, shrubs, and lianas, including Laurus nobilis, Rhamnus alaternus, Arbutus unedo, Phillyrea media, Rosa sempervirens, Rubia peregrina, Smilax aspera, Hedera helix, often well-preserved on steep slopes of the calcareous mountains rising above the southern coast of the Bay of Biscay.','','','Forêts de Quercus ilex avec un sous-bois exubérant composé de petits arbres, d’arbustes et des lianes, méditerranéennes, souvent lauriphylles, comprenant Laurus nobilis, Rhamnus alaternus, Arbutus unedo, Phillyrea media, Rosa sempervirens, Rubia peregrina, Smilax aspera, Hedera helix. Elles sont souvent bien conservées sur des versant abrupts de montagnes calcaires s''élevant au-dessus de la côte méridionale du golfe de Gascogne.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('45.312','45.31','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Forêts de Chênes verts de la plaine catalo-provençale','Catalo-Provençal lowland holm-oak woodland','Viburno tini-Quercetum ilicis = "Quercetum galloprovinciale"','Lower meso-Mediterranean Quercus ilex formations of Catalonia, Languedoc and Provence rich in lauriphyllous and sclerophyllous shrubs and lianas, in particular Viburnum tinus, Arbutus unedo, Smilax aspera, Phillyrea latifolia, Ruscus aculeatus, Rubia peregrina; they are mostly degraded to arborescent matorral, the few remaining groves of holm oaks with a forest-like canopy being generally heavily modified by intensive human use.','','Viburno tini-Quercetum ilicis = Quercetum galloprovinciale','Formations de Quercus ilex du méso-méditerranéen inférieur de Catalogne, du Languedoc et de Provence riches en arbustes et lianes lauriphylles et sclérophylles, en particulier Viburnum tinus, Arbutus unedo, Smilax aspera, Phillyrea latifolia, Ruscus aculeatus, Rubia peregrina. Elles sont généralement dégradées en matorral arborescent, les quelques peuplements de Chênes verts à canopée de type forestier qui subsistent sont généralement très modifiés par une utilisation anthropique intensive.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('45.313','45.31','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Forêts de Chênes vert des collines catalo-provençales','Catalo-Provencal hill holm-oak forest','Asplenio onopteridis-Quercetum ilicis = "Quercetum mediterraneo-montanum"','Humid upper meso-Mediterranean Quercus ilex formations of Montseny, Valles, Montserrat, Prades, Ports de Beseit, eastern Pyrenees, high Languedoc, Cévennes, upper Provence and southwestern Alps with an undergrowth poorer in shrubs, especially those of eu-Mediterranean affinities, and richer in often acidocline herbaceous species characteristic of supra-Mediterranean deciduous oak woods. Well-developed stands with full forest characteristics exist in several locations on the slopes of well-watered hills, in particular the tall, dense canopy of Montseny. Sparser, lower formations colonize many rocky hillsides in the entire upper meso-Mediterranean arc of the Gulf of Lions basin, locally ascending into the supra-Mediterranean level.','','Asplenio onopteris-Quercetum ilicis = Quercetum mediterraneo-montanum','Formations de Quercus ilex du méso-méditerranéen supérieur, humides de Montserrat, de Prades, des Ports de Beseit, des Pyrénées orientales, du haut Languedoc, des Cévennes, de la haute Provence et du sud-ouest des Alpes avec une strate inférieure pauvre en arbustes, surtout celles ayant des affinitées eu-méditerranéennes, et plus riche en espèces herbacées souvent acidoclines caractéristiques des forêts de Chênes caducifoliés supra-méditerranéens. Des peuplements bien développés à caractère pleinement forestier existent en plusieurs endroits sur les versants des collines bien arrosées, en particulier la canopée haute et dense de Montseny. Des formations plus ouvertes et plus basses colonisent de nombreuses collines rocailleuses dans tout l''arc du bassin du golfe du Lion du méso-méditerranéen supérieur, montant localement à l''étage supra-méditerranéen.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('45.314','45.31','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Balearic holm-oak forests','Cyclamino balearici-Quercetum ilicis','Humid Quercus ilex formations, often well developed, of the higher mountains of northern Mallorca, in which the thermo-Mediterranean elements of the Q. rotundifolia formations of lower altitude have given way to more hygrophilous elements such as Viburnum tinus, Viola alba ssp. dehnhardtii, Monotropa hypopitys, Neottia nidus-avis, Cephalanthera spp.; they are rich in endemics, among which Cyclamen balearicum, Smilax aspera var. balearica, Rhamnus ludovici-salvatoris, Paeonia cambessedesii.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('45.315','45.31','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Yeuseraies des plaines corses','Corsican lowland holm-oak woodland','','Quercus ilex formations of the lower meso-Mediterranean level of Corsica with Viburnum tinus, Erica arborea, Lonicera implexa, Phillyrea angustifolia, Clematis flammula, Smilax aspera, Rubia peregrina; generally degraded to arborescent matorral or dense coppice, they still include, mostly above 400 m of altitude, a few better-preserved woodland fragments.','','','Formations de Quercus ilex de l’étage méso-méditerranéen inférieur avec Viburnum tinus, Erica arborea, Lonicera implexa, Phyllyros angustifolia, Clematis flammula, Smilax aspera, Rubia peregrina. Généralement dégradées en matorral arborescent dense, elles incluent cependant encore quelques fragments forestiers mieux préservés, surtout au-dessus de 400 m d’altitude.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('45.316','45.31','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Forêts de Chênes verts des collines corses','Corsican hill holm-oak woodland','','Quercus ilex formations of the upper meso-Mediterranean level (500-600 m to 1100-1200 m) of Corsica with Arbutus unedo, Erica arborea, Viburnum tinus, Ilex aquifolium, Daphne laureola, Teucrium scorodonia, Helleborus lividus, Cyclamen repandum, Sanicula europaea, Melica uniflora; often installed on steep slopes, they include rather more stands with forest characteristics than the lowland formations.','','','Formations de Quercus ilex de l''étage méso-méditerranéen supérieur (500-600 m à 1100-1200 m) de Corse avec Arbutus unedo, Erica arborea, Viburnum tinus, Ilex aquifolium, Daphne laureola, Teucrium scorodonia, Helleborus lividus, Cyclamen repandum, Sanicula europaea, Melica uniflora ; souvent installées sur des versants abrupts, elles incluent davantage de peuplements à caractéristiques forestières que les formations de basse altitude.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('45.317','45.31','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Sardinian holm-oak forests','','Lower and upper meso-Mediterranean Q. ilex forests of Sardinia with Viburnum tinus, Phillyrea angustifolia, P. latifolia, Rhamnus alaternus, Arbutus unedo, Erica arborea, Ruscus aculeatus, Crataegus monogyna, Rubia peregrina, Smilax aspera, Clematis flammula, C. cirrhosa, C, vitalba, Rosa sempervirens, Tamus communis, Rubus ulmifolius, Cyclamen repandum, Carex halleriana, C. distachya, Luzula forsteri, Hedera helex, Lonicera implexa and Pistacia lentiscus in more thermo-Mediterranean areas. Extensive, fully developed, mature stands survive in particular in the hinterland of the Golfo di Orosei, around Mount Gennargentu, in the Barbagia, the Iglesiente, the Sarrabus, the Catena di Margine, on Monte Albo. They occupy a wide altitudinal range, grading at the upper limit into the more sub-Mediterranean formations of 45.32.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('45.318','45.31','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Northern and central Italian holm-oak forests','','Quercus ilex-dominated formations of Tyrrhenian and Adriatic coastal areas of the northern half of the Italian peninsula with Phillyrea media, P. angustifolia, Viburnum tinus, Ruscus aculeatus, Daphne gnidium, Fraxinus ornus, Rosa sempervirens, Lonicera implexa, Rubia peregrina, Smilax aspera, Myrtus communis, Clematis flammula, Tamus communis, Carex olbiensis, Luzula forsteri, Cyclamen repandum and often an admixture of Quercus suber or of the deciduous Q. pubescens and Q. cerris; at higher altitude they take on a more montane character with a greater prevalence of sub-Mediterranean elements. Although these formations are, like most other continental holm-oak communities, mostly degraded to arborescent matorral or coppice, fully developed forests subsist very locally, in particular in Toscany and Latium and, to a lesser extent, in Veneto and Emilia-Romagna.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('45.319','45.31','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Forêts de Chênes verts Illyriennes','Illyrian holm-oak woodland','Orno-Quercetum ilicis','Quercus ilex-dominated formations, restricted in the Community to steep slopes of the Riviera Triestina, similar in composition to those of the eastern Adriatic coast, with Pistacia terebinthus, Fraxinus ornus, Coronilla emerus, Ostrya carpinifolia, Carpinus orientalis, Laurus nobilis, Lonicera etrusca, Clematis flammula, Rubia peregrina, Smilax aspera, Vitis vinifera ssp. sylvestris, Cyclamen purpurascens, Prunus mahaleb.','','Orno-Quercetum ilicis','Formations dominées par Quercus ilex avec Pistacia terebinthus, Fraxinus ornus, Coronilla emerus, Ostrya carpinifolia, Laurus nobilis, Lonicera etrusca, Clematis flammula, Rubia peregrina, Smilax aspera, Vitis vinifera, Cyclamen purpurascens, Prunus mahaleb. Présente dans les Alpes maritimes.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('45.31A','45.31','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Southern Italian holm-oak forests','Querco-Teucrietum siculi','Mostly upper meso-Mediterranean Quercus ilex-dominated formations of southern Italy and Sicily with Viola alba ssp. dehnhardtii, Teucrium siculum, Carex distachya, Cyclamen repandum, Pyrus amygdaliformis, Ruscus aculeatus, Cytisus villosus, Asparagus acutifolius, Rubia peregrina , Asplenium onopteris, Luzula forsteri, Lonicera etrusca, Smilax aspera, Rosa sempervirens and, in some facies, Chamaerops humilis, Pistacia lentiscus, Phillyrea media, Arbutus unedo; like the preceding formations, they are usually degraded to arborescent matorral or coppice, but fine stands survive locally, particularly in Sicily, Puglia (e.g. Bosco delle Pianelle) and Calabria (e.g. Boschi di Badolato).','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('45.31B','45.31','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Pantellerian holm-oak woodland','Viburno-Quercetum ilicis p., "Erico Quercetum ilicis" p.','Relictual, mostly degraded pockets of acidophilous Q. ilex woodland of Pantelleria.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('45.31C','45.31','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Greek holm-oak woodland','Andrachno-Quercetum ilicis','Quercus ilex-dominated formations of peninsular Greece and the Ionian and Aegean archipelagoes, with the exception of those of Crete; associated with Q. ilex are Quercus coccifera, Arbutus andrachne, A. unedo, Phillyrea latifolia, Pistacia terebinthus, P. lentiscus, Olea europaea, Juniperus oxycedrus; arborescent matorrals (32.1) occur throughout the area, though much less commonly than in the western Mediterranean; reasonably extensive, fully developed, mature forest stands do not appear to remain.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('45.31D','45.31','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Cretan holm-oak woodland','Cyclamino-Quercetum ilicis','Uncommon Quercus ilex formations of Crete; small stands of arborescent matorral (32.1), in which Q. ilex may be associated with Q. coccifera or Q. brachyphylla, occur sporadically, particularly on rocky slopes; orchard-like groves of old Q. ilex, Q. brachyphylla and cultivated Olea europaea exist in the extreme west of the island; heavily grazed, they may be more akin to dehesa (84.5) than to forest.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('45.32','45.3','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Forêts de Chênes verts supra-méditerranéennes','Supra-Mediterranean holm-oak forests','','Formations of the supra-Mediterranean levels, often mixed with deciduous oaks, Acer spp. or Ostrya carpinifolia.','','','Formations de l’étage supra-méditerranéen, souvent mêlées de Chênes caducifoliés, d’Acer spp. ou d’Ostrya carpinifolia.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('45.321','45.32','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Forêts de Chênes verts supra-méditerranéennes françaises','French supra-Mediterranean holm-oak forests','','Quercus ilex formations colonizing, with a very reduced cortège of Mediterranean undergrowth species, localized, mostly rocky, stations in the supra-Mediterranean levels of the Pyrenees, Central Massif and Alps.','','','Formations de Quercus ilex colonisant, avec un cortège très réduit d''espèces arbustives méditerranéennes, des stations localisées, généralement rocailleuses, de l’étage supra-méditerranéen des Pyrénées, du Massif central et des Alpes.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('45.322','45.32','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Forêts supra-méditerranéennes corses de Chênes verts','Corsican supra-Mediterranean holm-oak forests','Ilici-Quercetum ilicis','Quercus ilex formations of the supra-Mediterranean (Pinus laricio) level of Corsica with an undergrowth rich in mesophilous species and practically devoid of meso-Mediterranean elements.','','','Formations de Quercus ilex de l''étage supra-méditerranéen (Pinus laricio) de Corse avec une strate inférieure riche en espèces mésophiles et pratiquement dépourvue d''éléments méso-méditerranéens.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('45.323','45.32','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Sardinian supra-Mediterranean holm-oak forests','','Uppermost levels of the Quercus ilex forests of the Gennargentu and Marghine regions of Sardinia with Quercus pubescens, Taxus baccata, Ilex aquifolium, Acer monspessulanum, Ostrya carpinifolia, Amelanchier ovalis. The separation between these formations and those of 45.31 is not as well-marked as in more northern locations; only the stations most impoverished in meso-Mediterranean elements should be listed here.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('45.324','45.32','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Italian supra-Mediterranean holm-oak forests','','Quercus ilex-dominated formations colonizing enclaves within the supra-Mediterranean deciduous forest belt of northern and central Italy, in particular on sunny slopes of the southern Alps, of the Egadean hills and of the Bolognese Apennines, along the great Insubrian lakes, on sea-facing slopes of the Apennines of Toscany, Latium, Marche and Abruzzi and in a few central valleys of the Apennines of Umbria and Latium, accompanied by an undergrowth typical of the Ostryo-Carpinion. Very well preserved, fully developed examples survive, in particular at Monte Subasio (Umbria).','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('45.33','45.3','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Forêts aquitaniennes de Chênes verts','Aquitanian holm-oak woodland','','Isolated Quercus ilex-dominated stands occurring as a facies of dunal pine-holm oak forests.','','','Formations isolées dominées par Quercus ilex apparaissant comme faciès des pinèdes dunaires aquitaniennes.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('45.34','45.3','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Quercus rotundifolia woodland','','Iberian forest communities formed by Q. rotundifolia. Generally, even in mature state, less tall, less luxuriant and drier than the fully developed forests that can be constituted by the closely related Q. ilex, they are, moreover, most often degraded into open woodland or even arborescent matorral. Species characteristic of the undergrowth are Arbutus unedo, Phillyrea angustifolia, Rhamnus alaternus, Pistacia terebinthus, Rubia peregrina, Jasminum fruticans, Smilax aspera, Lonicera etrusca, L. implexa. ','Rivas-Martinez, Diaz et al., 1984; Fernandez-Gonzalez, 1986; Peinado Lorca and Rivas-Martinez, 1987; Martinez Parras et al., 1987.','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('45.341','45.34','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Continental Quercus rotundifolia woodland','','Forests and woodland of Q. rotundifolia occupying mostly base-rich soils of the meso- and supra-Mediterranean areas of the central and eastern Meseta, the edges of the Ebro basin and of their bordering northern and eastern mountain ranges, under fairly continental, dry climates.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('45.3411','45.341','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Meso-Mediterranean formations','Bupleuro rigidi-Quercetum rotundifoliae','Q. rotundifolia formations distributed over a large potential range on the Meseta and its margins, from the upper Ebro to the Valencian hinterland and the cold, dry plateaux of northeastern Andalusia. Well-preserved examples are rare, most of the forests on good soils having been replaced by cultivation.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('45.3412','45.341','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Supra-Mediterranean Iberian formations','Junipero thuriferae-Quercetum rotundifoliae','Basophilous, dry to sub-humid woodland widespread in the supra-Mediterranean levels of the Castilian Duero basin, and of the northeastern mountains and plateaux associated with the Iberian Range. They are often rich in Juniperus thurifera and associate or alternate with juniper woodland and Q. faginea or Q. pyrenaica deciduous woodland.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('45.3413','45.341','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Northern supra-Mediterranean formations','Spiraeo obovatae-Quercetum rotundifoliae','Q. rotundifolia woods of superficial calcareous soils of crests, spurs and upper adret slopes of the upper Ebro basin and southern slopes of the Cordillera Cantabrica, locally entering also Euro-Siberian Cantabrian areas, with Amelanchier ovalis, Rosa agrestis, Lonicera etrusca, Spiraea hypericifolia ssp. obovata, Juniperus communis, J. oxycedrus, J. phoenicea.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('45.3414','45.341','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Oro-Cantabrian formations','Cephalanthero longifoliae-Quercetum rotundifoliae','Relict, xerophile collinar-montane Q. rotundifolia and Q. rotundifolia x Q. ilex forests developed on mostly calcareous, well-drained shallow soils of steep slopes and gorges in the Cordillera Cantabrica and a very few areas of Galicia, rich in Cephalanthera and Epipactis orchids.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('45.342','45.34','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Western Quercus rotundifolia woodland','','Forests and woodland of Q. rotundifolia occupying mostly siliceous soils of the meso- and supra-Mediterranean areas of the western Meseta and neighbouring regions under more Atlantic, though generally dry, climates. Well-preserved examples are rare, most of the remaining wooded areas being under dehesa (84.5) regime.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('45.3421','45.342','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Luso-Extremaduran formations','Pyro bourgaeneae-Quercetum rotundifoliae','Meso-Mediterranean Q. rotundifolia formations widespread on the plains and plateaux of Extremadura, Alentejo and neighbouring regions, and in the Sierra Morena and the Montes de Toledo. It is almost entirely transformed into dehesa.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('45.3422','45.342','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Castilian formations','Genisto hystricis-Quercetum rotundifoliae','More northern, upper meso-Mediterranean and lower supra-Mediterranean Q. rotundifolia formations, poorer in Mediterranean species, of the western plateaux of Old Castile and adjacent southern Leon and Galicia; Genista hystrix is a physiognomically striking element. Also essentially eliminated as forest formations, these woodlands constitute, together with the preceding unit, the basis for the western Iberian dehesa, one of the most characteristic landscapes of the peninsula and an importand habitat of larger fauna.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('45.3423','45.342','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Cordilleran formations','Junipero oxycedri-Quercetum rotundifoliae','Q. rotundifolia formations of the Cordillera Central, characteristic of cool meso-Mediterranean and sunny supra-Mediterranean slopes of the sierras de Guadarrama, de Gredos, de Bejar, de Ayllon and neighbouring areas; they extend east to siliceous enclaves of the Iberian Range. Adapted to a more continental climate than the two previous units, they are poorer in shrubs and lianas. They often constitute low, open woodland.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('45.3424','45.342','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Villuercan formations','','Summital Q. rotundifolia elfin forests of the high elevations of the Montes de Toledo.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('45.343','45.34','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Andalusian Quercus rotundifolia woodland','','Forests and woodland of Q. rotundifolia developed in the meso- and supra-Mediterranean levels of Baetic mountains and foothills, and neighbouring interior plains. Well-preserved examples are extremely rare.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('45.3431','45.343','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Meso-Mediterranean basophilous formations','Paeonio coriaceae-Quercetum rotundifoliae','Woodland dominated by Q. rotundifolia with Juniperus oxycedrus, Daphne gnidium, Ruscus aculeatus, Asparagus acutifolius, Crataegus monogyna, Lonicera implexa, Rubia peregrina, Paeonia coriacea, P. broteroi, Endymion hispanicus that represents the potential, mature vegetation of a great part of Andalusia, in the Guadalquivir basin, coastal areas and Baetic ranges, on base-rich and often silt-laden soils, under meso-Mediterranean conditions. They have been largely replaced by cultivation and, where they subsist, are often very degraded.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('45.3432','45.343','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Supra-Mediterranean basophilous formations','Berberido hispanicae-Quercetum rotundifoliae','Woodland dominated by Q. rotundifolia, with Q. faginea, Acer monspessulanum, Sorbus aria, S. aucuparia, Taxus baccata, Berberis hispanica, Crataegus monogyna, Lonicera arborea, Daphne laureola, Rosa spp., Polygala boissieri, Helleborus foetidus and many orchids, of the supra-Mediterranean level (1400-1900 m) of calcareous Baetic ranges.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('45.3433','45.343','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Meso- and supra-Mediterranean silicicolous formations','Adenocarpo-Quercetum rotundifoliae','Q. rotundifolia-dominated woodland characteristic of the meso- and supra-Mediterranean levels of the Sierra Nevada and of a few siliceous mountain ranges of the arid Iberian South-east. Totally destroyed in the Sierra Nevada, this community is still represented by well-preserved examples in the sierras de Carrascoy and Alhamilla, and to a lesser extent, in the Sierra de Cabrera.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('45.344','45.34','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','South-western Quercus rotundifolia woodland','','Forests and woodland of Q. rotundifolia developed in the thermo-Mediterranean zone of Andalusia and neighbouring areas. Well-preserved examples are extremely rare.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('45.3441','45.344','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Basophilous formations','Oleo sylvestris-Quercetum rotundifoliae','Q. rotundifolia formations of thermo-Mediterranean calcareous slopes of the Quadalquivir basin and the coastal foothills of Baetic and arid southeastern ranges, with Olea europaea ssp. sylvestris, Chamaerops humilis, Pistacia lentiscus, Smilax aspera, Asparagus albus, Rhamnus oleoides, Quercus coccifera, Clematis cirrhosa, Aristolochia baetica, Bupleurum gibraltarium and, locally, Maytenus senegalensis or Buxus balearica. They have almost disappeared in forest form except in a few ranges of the arid Iberian South-east.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('45.3442','45.344','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Silicicolous formations','Myrto communis-Quercetum rotundifoliae','Formations of Q. rotundifolia with Myrtus communis, Pulicaria odora, Pistacia lentiscus, Phillyrea angustifolia and Arbutus unedo occupying the siliceous soil of the thermo-Mediterranean levels of eastern Andalusia between the Sea of Alboran and the coastal Tejeda, Almijara, Alpujarra and Gador ranges, a few granitic outcroppings of the Sierra Morena and limited enclaves of the Badajos region. They have almost entirely disappeared.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('45.345','45.34','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Valencian Quercus rotundifolia woodland','Rubio longifoliae-Quercetum rotundifoliae','Thermo-Mediterranean, basophilous forests and woodland of Q. rotundifolia characteristic of the southeastern maritime façade of the Iberian peninsula in Valencia and Levante, rich in shrubs and lianas, with Rubia peregrina ssp. longifolia, Osyris quadripartita, Chamaerops humilis, Phillyrea angustifolia, Clematis flammula. Well-preserved examples survived until recently in, among others, the Sierra del Ave y Cortes de Pallas, in the Pobla Tornesa, in Millares, in Montduver. This community now appears extinct in its full forest form.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('45.346','45.34','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Balearic Quercus rotundifolia woodland','Clematidi cirrhosae-Quercetum rotundifoliae','Forests or woodland of Q. rotundifolia occupying deep soils in the dry thermo-Mediterranean areas of the Balearic islands. Reasonably preserved examples are extremely rare.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('45.4','45','3','Niveau 3','FALSE','','Kermes oak forests','','Forest or woodland formations dominated by arborescent Quercus coccifera (Q. "calliprinos", Q. "pseudococcifera").','Rechinger, 1951; Braun-Blanquet et al., 1956; Polunin and Walters, 1985; Pratesi and Tassi, 1985.','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('45.41','45.4','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Greek kermes oak forests','','Arborescent Quercus coccifera-dominated formations of peninsular Greece, the Ionian and Aegean archipelagoes and of Crete. Extensive, fully-developed stands exist in several areas of Crete. The most representative forests occupy valleys in the 700-800 m range of the southern slopes of the Psiloriti mountains; Acer orientale, Cephalanthera cucullata and Epipactis cretica are associated. Other forests are found in the Lefka and Lassithi mountains; Pyrus amygdaliformis, Prunus webbii, Pistacia terebinthus, Phillyrea latifolia, Styrax officinalis are characteristic of various Cretan stands. Outside of Crete, forest stands are found sporadically, in particular on Ikaria, Samothrace and Mount Athos, where Q. coccifera is associated with Q. ilex, and at high elevations of Rhodes, where Q. coccifera forms woodland fragments with arborescent Phillyrea media. In many areas remnant tall Q. coccifera may form arborescent matorral; coppice-like formations of young trees also occur.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('45.42','45.4','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Italian kermes oak woodland','','Very local Quercus coccifera formations of Puglia and southern Sicily.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('45.43','45.4','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Portuguese kermes oak forest','Arisaro-Quercetum fagineae phillyretosum p.','Extremely isolated Quercus coccifera - dominated forest of Nazare, Monte de S. Bartolomeu, with Phillyrea media, Pistacia lentiscus, P. angustifolia, Arbutus unedo, Viburnum tinus, Smilax aspera, Asplenium onopteris.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('45.5','45','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Forêts de Chênes et Lauriers','Continental laurel-oak woodland','Lauro nobilis-Quercetum ilicis p. i.a.','Laurus nobilis-dominated facies of evergreen oak forests, in particular, in coastal Asturias (cf.45.311) and Andalusia.','Polunin and Walters, 1985; Dias Gonzalez and Fernandez Prieto, 1987: 93.','Lauro nobilis-Quercetum ilicis p. i.a.','Faciès des chênaies sempervirentes dominés par Laurus nobilis, en particulier, sur les côtes d''Asturie (voir 45.311) et d''Andalousie. Présence de peuplement à Quercus ilex et Laurus nobilis en Provence.','Polunin et Walters, 1985.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('45.6','45','3','Niveau 3','FALSE','','Macaronesian laurel forests','Pruno-Lauretalia','Humid to hyper-humid, mist-bound, luxuriant, evergreen, lauriphyllous forests of the cloud belt of the Macaronesian islands, extremely rich in floral and faunal species, among which many are restricted to these communities. Genera such as Picconia, Semele, Gesnouinia, Lactucosonchus, Ixanthus are entirely endemic to these communnities, while others, such as Isoplexis, Visnea and Phyllis reach in them their maximum development; in addition, each of the formations of the various archipelagoes harbours distinctive endemic species. Laurel forests are the most complex and remarkable relict of the humid sub-tropical vegetation of the Mioceno-Pliocene late Tertiary of southern Europe. Areas of intact forests have been drastically reduced to a level below which the preservation of their elements could not be sustained.','Ortuno and Ceballos, 1977; Duvigneaud, 1977; White, 1983; Wildpret de la Torre and Arco Aguilar, 1987; Serrada et al., 1988; Santos, 1990.','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('45.61','45.6','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Azorean laurisilvas','Ericetalia azoricae p.: Culcito-Juniperion brevifoliae p., Myrico-Pittosporion undulati p.','Lauriphyllous forests of the Azores, with Laurus azorica, Myrica faya, Frangula azorica, Ilex perado ssp. azorica, Juniperus brevifolia, Picconia azorica, Prunus lusitanica ssp. azorica, Euphorbia stygiana, Viburnum tinus ssp. subcordatum, Vaccinium cylindraceum, Smilax divaricata. The humid forests of the coastal areas ("Myrico-Pittosporietum undulati" p.) have been totally or almost totally degraded, largely invaded by the introduced Australian Pittosporum undulatum. A better representation survives of the hyper-humid forests (Culcito-Juniperion brevifoliae p.) of higher elevations.','White, 1983; Santos, 1990.','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('45.62','45.6','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Madeiran laurisilvas','Pruno-Lauretalia azoricae: Clethro-Laurion azoricae','Lauriphyllous forests of Madeira with Laurus azorica, Persea indica, Ocotea foetens, Apollonias barbujana, Pittosporum coriaceum, Clethra arborea, Visnea mocanera, Picconia excelsa, Prunus lusitanica ssp. hixa, Heberdenia excelsa, Vaccinium padifolium, Ilex perado ssp. perado, I. canariensis, Myrica faya, Erica arborea, Hedera canariensis, Isolexis canariensis, Euphorbia mellifera, Sambucus lanceolata, Teline maderensis (=Cytisus maderensis), Sonchus fruticosus, Senecio auritus (= S. maderensis), Ruscus streptophyllus, Rubus bollei, Semele androgyna, Smilax canariensis, Tamus edulis, Carex peregrina and many ferns. These forests, which still occupy a relatively large surface, of the order of 10,000 ha (15% of their former surface), are the habitat of the threatened endemic Madeiran Pigeon, Columba trocaz.','Duvigneaud, 1977; White, 1983; Santos, 1990.','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('45.63','45.6','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Canarian laurisilvas','Ixantho-Laurion azoricae','Lauriphyllous forests of the Canary Islands, with Laurus azorica, Picconia excelsa, Persea indica, Ocotea foetens, Apollonias barbujana, Visnea mocanera, Pleiomeris canariensis (= Myrsine canariensis), Ardisia bahamensis, Prunus lusitanica, Sambucus palmensis, Euphorbia melifera, Ixanthus viscosus, Rubus bollei, Convolvulus canariensis, Geranium canariensis, Hedera canariensis, Smilax aspera, S. canariensis, Canarina canariensis, Semele androgyna, Sideritis macrostachys, S. canariensis, Cryptotaenia elegans, Rubia peregrina, Carex canariensis, Asparagus fallax and many ferns. They are the habitat of the threatened endemic laurel pigeons Columba junionae and C. bollei, now limited to La Gomera, Tenerife and La Palma. The laurel forests of each island harbour a distinctive set of endemic plants and animals, as exemplified by the species of the composite genus Pericallis, the well-marked races of the chaffinch Fringilla coelebs or the carabid faunas. They are thus best listed separately. The total remnant surface of laurel forest for the four islands, La Gomera, Tenerife, La Palma and Hierro, does not exceed 5000 ha.','Delvosalle, 1964; Machado, 1976; Schmid, 1976; Bramwell, 1976; Follmann, 1976; Bacallado, 1976; Ortuno and Ceballos, 1977; White, 1983; Bramwell and Bramwell, 1983; Wildpret de la Torre and Arco Aguilar, 1987; Serrada et al., 1988.','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('45.631','45.63','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Laurisilvas of La Gomera','','Laurel forests of La Gomera, best preserved and most extensive of the archipelago, with large areas of humid Persea indica - Laurus azorica forests (Lauro-Perseetum indicae), particularly in high areas, and good examples of Ocotea foetens - dominated forests, hyperhumid and very rich in ferns and epiphytes (Athyrio-Ocoteetum foetentis).','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('45.632','45.63','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Laurisilvas of Tenerife','','Laurel forests of Tenerife, mostly restricted to the Anaga range and Los Silos, with a few smaller patches in Guimar ravines and at a few north slope sites in the La Esperanza - Agua Garcia area and the Barranco de San Antonio - Icod area. There are good representations of til (Ocotea foetens) forests (Anaga), as well as of drier Picconia excelsa-Apollonias barbujana forests (Los Silos).','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('45.633','45.63','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Laurisilvas of La Palma','','Laurel forests of La Palma essentially restricted to a few large, deep ravines of the northern slope, particularly in the Las Sauces area, including both Lauro-Perseetum vinyatigo-laurel and Athyrio-Ocoteetum til stands.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('45.634','45.63','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Laurisilvas of Hierro','','Laurel forests of Hierro, very small and limited to cliff sides in the Ensenada El Golfo area of the north coast.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('45.635','45.63','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Laurisilvas of Gran Canaria','','Laurel forests of Gran Canaria, extinct. Very small, but fully expressed, fragments existed until very recently, notably at Los Tiles, but now appear to have been totally degraded.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('45.7','45','3','Niveau 3','FALSE','','Palm groves','','Woods, often riparian, formed by the two endemic palm trees of the Community, Phoenix teophrasti of Crete, and P. canariensis of the Canary Islands.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('45.71','45.7','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Cretan palm groves','','Relict Phoenix theophrasti woods of Crete, restricted to damp sandy coastal valleys; they include the extensive forest of Vai, where the luxuriant palm growth is accompanied by a thick shrubby undergrowth rich in Nerium oleander, and about four other smaller coastal groves, notably on the south coast of the prefectorate of Rethimnon.','Polunin, 1983; Sfikas, 1984, 1987; Iatridis, 1988; Kassioumis, 1988.','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('45.72','45.7','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Canarian palm groves','','Relict Phoenix canariensis woods of the Canary Islands, mostly characteristic of the bottom of barrancos and of alluvial soils, below 600 metres. Palm groves are now very rare, but still exist in all the islands, with particularly representative examples at Haria on Lanzarote, Vega del Rio Palmas on Fuerteventura, Fataga, Maspalomas and the Barranco de Tirajana in Gran Canaria, Valle Gran Rey in La Gomera, Masca in Tenerife and Brena Alta in La Palma.','Bramwell and Bramwell, 1983; Wildpret de la Torre and Arco Aguilar, 1987; Serrada et al., 1988.','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('45.8','45','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Bois de Houx','Holly woods','','Woods dominated by tall arborescent Ilex aquifolium, present in the supra-Mediterranean level of Sardinia and Corsica and in Atlantic mountains of northwestern Spain; they usually constitute a facies of the relict yew-holly forests (42.A7).','Fenaroli, 1970; Groppali et al., 1983; Gamisans, 1985; Pratesi and Tassi, 1986; Noirfalise, 1986, 1987.','','Bois dominés par Ilex aquifolium arborescent présents dans la zone supraméditerranéenne de Corse. Ils constituent généralement un faciès des forêts relictes d’if à houx (42.A7).','Gamisans, 1985 ; Noirfalise, 1986, 1987.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('45.9','45','3','Niveau 3','FALSE','','Canarian heath forests','Fayo-Ericion arboreae','Very tall, forest-like, formations dominated by Erica arborea, Myrica faya, Arbutus canariensis or Visnea mocanera, occurring naturally in the most wind-exposed and the driest stations within the "monte verde" of the Canary Island cloud belt; they also form extensively as degradation stages of the laurisilva or as secondary colonists.','Delvosalle, 1964; Schmid, 1976; Machado, 1976; Kämmer, 1976; Bramwell and Bramwell, 1983; White, 1983; Wildpret de la Torre and Arco Aguilar, 1987; Serrada et al., 1988.','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('45.91','45.9','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Canarian fayal-brezal','Fayo-Ericetum arboreae i.a.','Tall Erica arborea-dominated formations of Tenerife, La Palma, La Gomera, Gran Canaria and Hierro, with Myrica faya, Ilex canariensis, Rhamnus glandulosa, Viburnum tinus ssp. rigidum, Cedronella canariensis, Bystropogon canariensis, Isoplexis canariensis, Urtica morifolia, Teline canariensis, Sonchus abbreviatus, Hypericum glandulosum, Gesnouinia arborea and many species of the genus Pericallis, including several island or local endemics that characterize several differentiated communities; among these are Pericallis (Senecio) tussilaginis, P. webbii, P. cruenta, P. steetzii, P. murrayi.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('45.92','45.9','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Hierran fayal','Senecio murrayi-Myricetum fayae p.','Tall Myrica faya formation of the southern slope of Hierro, almost devoid of Erica arborea.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('45.93','45.9','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Visnea-Arbutus forests','','Formations characterized by the abundance of Arbutus canariensis and Visnea mocanera occurring, in particular, in the Valle de Guimar and Los Silos of Tenerife, and in the Ladera de Jinama of Hierro.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('5','','1','Niveau 1','TRUE','TOURBIERES ET MARAIS','Bogs and marshes','','','','','','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('51','5','2','Niveau 2','TRUE','Tourbières hautes','Raised bogs','Sphagnetalia magellanici, Scheuchzerietalia palustris p., Utricularietalia intermedio-minoris p., Caricetalia fuscae p.','Highly oligotrophic, strongly acidic communities composed mainly of sphagnum growing on, and forming, peat and deriving moisture and nutrients only from rainfall (ombrotrophic). They form only in cool climates with heavy rainfall and are characteristic of lowlands and hills of northwestern and northern Europe, the adjacent Hercynian ranges, the Jura and the Alps. Their independence from ground water is the result either of upward growth or of changes in the water table. Bogs harbour, in addition to various sphagnum species, which are abundant, dominant and the major component of their formation, a small number of acidophilous plants such as Eriophorum vaginatum, Scirpus (Trichophorum) cespitosus, Carex pauciflora, C. paupercula, Ledum palustre, Vaccinium oxycoccos, Andromeda polifolia, Drosera rotundifolia and lichens. Animal species are not numerous but those that are adapted to bogs are highly specialised. Among typical invertebrates figure dragonflies (Leucorrhinia dubia, Aeshna subarctica, A. caerulea, A. juncea, Somatochlora arctica, S. alpestris), lepidopterans (Colias palaeno, Boloria aquilonaris, Coenonympha tullia, Vacciniina optilete, Hypenodes turfosalis, Eugraphe subrosea), beetles, ants (Formica exsecta), bugs and spiders (Pardosa sphagnicola, Glyphesis cottonae).  Most of the species that bogs harbour are rare and their populations fragmented into isolated relictual elements; several are threatened. The remaining intact or nearly intact communities are exceptional.','Vanden Berghen, 1951; Ellenberg, 1963, 1988; Pearsall, 1971; Guinochet and Vilmorin, 1973; Westhoff and den Held, 1975; Dierssen, 1978; Tüxen, 1978; Muller, 1978; Pedrotti, 1978; Petermann and Seibert, 1979; Ozenda, 1981, 1985; Condry, 1982; Drachenfels, 1984; Nordiska ministerradet, 1984; Bournérias, 1984; Mollet et al., 1985; Bellamy, 1986; Oberdorfer, 1990.','Sphagnetalia magellanici, Scheuchzerietalia palustris p., Utricularietalia intermedio-minoris p., Caricetalia fuscae p.','Communautés très oligotrophes, strictement acidiphiles, composées surtout de Sphaignes édifiant des tourbières et dont l''eau et les nutriments sont d''origine uniquement pluviale (ombrotrophes). Elles se forment seulement sous des climats froids à précipitations élevées et sont caractéristiques des plaines et des collines du nord-ouest et du nord de l''Europe et des massifs hercyniens voisins, du Jura et des Alpes. Leur indépendance vis-à-vis de l’eau du sol est le résultat de leur croissance en hauteur ou du changement du régime des eaux. Les tourbières abritent, outre différentes espèces de Sphaignes, dont l''abondance et la dominance en font la composante principale de ces formations, un nombre restreint de plantes acidiphiles telles que Eriophorum vaginatum, Trichophorum cespitosum, Carex pauciflora, Vaccinium oxycoccos, Andromeda polifolia, Drosera rotundifolia et des Lichens. Les espèces animales ne sont pas nombreuses en raison de la haute spécialisation que requiert l''adaptation aux tourbières. Parmi les invertébrés typiques figurent les Libellules (Odonates : Leucorrhinia dubia, Aeshna subartica, A. caerulae, A. juncea, Somatochora arctica, S. alpestris), des Lépidoptères (Colias palaeno, Boloria aquilonaris, Coenonympha tullia, Vacciniina optilete, Hypenodes turfosalis, Eugraphe subrosea), des Demoiselles, des Fourmis (Formica exsecta), des Punaises et des Araignées (Pardosa shagnicola, Glyphesiscottonae). La plupart de ces espèces qui vivent dans les tourbières sont rares et leurs populations sont fragmentées en éléments isolés relictuels ; plusieurs sont menacées. Les communautés intactes ou à peu près intactes sont devenues exceptionnelles.','Vanden Berghen, 1951 ; Ellenberg, 1963, 1988 ; Guinochet et Vilmorin, 1973 ; Westhoff et den Held, 1975 ; Dierssen, 1978 ; Muller, 1978 ; Ozenda, 1981, 1985  ; Bournérias, 1984 ; Mollet et al., 1985 ; Bellamy, 1986 ; Oberdorfer, 1990.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('51.1','51','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Tourbières hautes à peu près naturelles','Near-natural raised bogs','','Undisturbed, or little disturbed, peat-forming bogs, often taking the shape of a convex lens. Such intact or nearly intact systems have become very rare or even exceptional. They are composed of a number of communities, which form and occupy the topological features of the bog. These communities are interrelated and function as a unit, so that they cannot be regarded as separate subhabitats; their presence and combination, however, characterizes the various types of bogs. Simultaneous use of an appropriate selection of the subunits below can thus contribute to a description of individual bog systems.','','','Tourbières hautes non ou très peu dégradées, ayant souvent la forme d''une lentille convexe. De tels systèmes intacts ou à peu près intacts sont extrêmement rares, pour ne pas dire exceptionnels. Ils sont composés de nombreuses communautés dont la forme et la localisation sont fonction de la morphologie topographique de la tourbière. Ces communautés sont interconnectées et fonctionnent comme une seule unité de sorte qu''il n''est pas possible de distinguer des sous-habitats séparés. Leur présence et leurs combinaisons sont, en quelque sorte, caractéristiques des divers types de tourbières. L''usage simultané d''un choix approprié de ces sous-unités peut ainsi contribuer à la description de systèmes de tourbières particuliers.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('51.11','51.1','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Buttes, bourrelets et pelouses tourbeuses','Bog hummocks, ridges and lawns','Sphagnion magellanici, Oxycocco-Ericion tetralicis p.','Vegetation of the higher parts of the bog plateau and of its drier, marginal slope.','','Sphagnion magellanici, Oxycocco-Ericion tetralicis p.','Végétations des parties hautes du plateau tourbeux et de ses versants périphériques plus secs.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('51.111','51.11','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Buttes de Sphaignes colorées (bulten)','Colourful sphagnum hummocks (bulten)','','Cushiony domes or buttes, mainly made of red, yellow or brown sphagnums, with other mosses, liverworts (Odontoschisma sphagni, Campylopus fragilis fragilisfrvar. pyriformis, Mylia anomala), lichens (Cladonia spp., Cladina spp.), Eriophorum vaginatum, Carex pauciflora, Calluna vulgaris, Ledum palustre, Andromeda polifolia, Vaccinium oxycoccos, Scirpus cespitosus, Erica tetralix, Drosera rotundifolia.','','','Coussins, dômes ou buttes souvent composés principalement de Sphaignes, rouges, jaunes ou brunes, et accompagnées par d’autres Mousses et des Hépatiques (Odontoschisma sphagni, Campylopus pyriformis, Mylia anomala), des Lichens (Cladonia spp., Cladina spp.), Eriophorum vaginatum, Carex pauciflora, Calluna vulgaris, Andromeda polifolia, Vaccinium oxycoccos, Trichophorum cespitosum, Erica tetralix, Drosera rotundifolia.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('51.1111','51.111','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Buttes de Sphagnum magellanicum','Sphagnum magellanicum hummocks','','Typical Central European hummocks, formed by the swollen-leaved, brownish or greenish-red Sphagnum magellanicum','','','Buttes typiques des tourbières centre-européennes formées par la sphaigne à feuilles gonflées brunâtre ou rouge verdâtre, Sphagnum magellanicum.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('51.1112','51.111','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Buttes de Sphagnum fuscum','Sphagnum fuscum hummocks','','Shiny brown Sphagnum fuscus hummocks replacing or accompanying the Sphagnum magellanicum hummocks in eastern, Alpine and some western communities.','','','Buttes formées par la sphaigne brune et luisante Sphagnum fuscum remplaçant ou accompagnant les buttes de Sphagnum magellanicum dans les tourbières orientales, alpiennes et quelquefois occidentales.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('51.1113','51.111','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Couronnes de buttes à Sphagnum rubellum','Sphagnum rubellum hummock wreaths','','Dark red Sphagnum rubellum communities often encircling the bases of Sphagnum magellanicum or S. fuscum hummocks.','','','Communautés rouges sombres de Sphagnum rubellum encerclant souvent la base des buttes de Sphagnum magellanicum ou de S. fuscum.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('51.1114','51.111','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Buttes de Sphagnum rubellum','Sphagnum rubellum hummocks','','Hummocks dominated by Sphagnum rubellum.','','','Buttes dominées par Sphagnum rubellum.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('51.1115','51.111','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Buttes de Sphagnum imbricatum','Sphagnum imbricatum hummocks','','Often tall hummocks formed by the large, orange-gold Sphagnum imbricatum, mostly western and increasingly uncommon.','','','Buttes souvent élevées formées par la grande sphaigne jaune d’or Sphagnum imbricatum. Cette unité est surtout occidentale et est en voie de raréfaction.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('51.1116','51.111','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Buttes de Sphagnum papillosum','Sphagnum papillosum hummocks','','Low hummocks of olive-brown or ocre Sphagnum papillosum, formed mostly in western bogs.','','','Buttes basses de la sphaigne brun-olive ou ocre : Sphagnum papillosum, se formant principalement dans les tourbières occidentales.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('51.1117','51.111','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Buttes de Sphagnum capillifolium','Sphagnum capillifolium hummocks','','Large cushion hummocks formed by the reddish Sphagnum capillifolium, mostly western.','','','Volumineuses buttes en coussins formées par la sphaigne rougeâtre : Sphagnum capillifolium, principalement occidentales.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('51.112','51.11','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Bases des buttes et pelouses de Sphaignes vertes','Green sphagnum hummock bases and lawns','','Green or yellow Sphagnum cuspidatum, S. apiculatum, S. pulchrum, S. papillosum i. a. communities forming in the transition zone between hollows and hummocks; Drosera rotundifolia, Eriophorum vaginatum, Andromeda polifolia, Vaccinium oxycoccos are often common.','','','Communautés de sphaignes vertes ou jaunes dont : Sphagnum cuspidatum, S. apiculatum, S. pulchrum, S. papillosum, etc. développées dans la zone de transition entre les cuvettes et les buttes ; Drosera rotundifolia, Eriophorum vaginatum, Andromeda polifolia, Vaccinium oxycoccos y sont souvent communes.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('51.113','51.11','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Buttes à buissons nains','Dwarf shrub hummocks','','Ericaceous dwarf shrub communities forming on the top of drying hummocks, often with the moss Polytrichum strictum.','','','Communautés d''Ericacées en buissons nains se formant sur le sommet des buttes en voie de dessication, souvent avec la mousse Polytrichum strictum.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('51.1131','51.113','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Buttes à buissons de Callune prostrée','Ling dwarf shrub hummocks','','Calluna vulgaris - dominated communities characteristic of Central European formations.','','','Communautés dominées par Calluna vulgaris caractéristiques des formationscentre-européennes.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('51.1132','51.113','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Buttes à buissons de Bruyère tétragone','Cross-leaved heather shrub hummocks','','Erica tetralix - dominated communities characteristic of Atlantic formations.','','','Communautés dominées par Erica tetralix caractéristiques des formations atlantiques.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('51.1133','51.113','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Buttes à buissons de Camarine','Crowberry shrub hummocks','','Empetrum nigrum - dominated communities of slightly more mineral-rich formations.','','','Communautés dominées par Empetrum nigrum des formations légèrement plus riches en sels minéraux.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('51.1134','51.113','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Buttes à buissons de Vaccinium','Vaccinium shrub hummocks','','Formations of taller hummocks with Vaccinium uliginosum, V. vitis-idaeae, V. myrtillus and, locally, Betula nana.','','','Formations de buttes plus élevées avec Vaccinium uliginosum, V. vitis-idaea, V. myrtillus et, localement Betula nana.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('51.1135','51.113','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Labrador tea shrub hummocks','','Ledum palustre communities of tall hummocks of northeastern bogs.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('51.1136','51.113','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Buttes à buissons de Myrte des marais (ou piment royal)','Bog myrtle hummocks','','Myrica gale communities of hummocks of western bogs.','','','Communautés de buissons de Myrica gale des tourbières occidentales.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('51.114','51.11','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Communautés de tourbières bombées à Trichophorum cespitosum','Bog deergrass communities','Eriophoro-Trichophoretum cespitosi','Scirpus cespitosus-dominated bogs or parts of bogs, mostly characteristic of Hercynian and peri-Alpine regions.','','Eriophoro-Trichophoretum cespitosi','Tourbières ou parties de tourbières dominées par Trichophorum cespitosum, caractéristiques principalement des régions hercyniennes et péri-alpiennes.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('51.115','51.11','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Tourbières bombées à Erica et Sphagnum','Bog Erica-Sphagnum communities','Erico-Sphagnetum p.','Bogs or parts of bogs dominated by Erica tetralix and Sphagnum papillosum, characteristic of raised bog systems of Atlantic regions, particularly the British Isles.','','Erico-Sphagnetum p.','Tourbières ou partie de tourbières dominées par Erica tetralix et Sphagnum papillosum, caractéristiques des systèmes de tourbières hautes des régions atlantiques.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('51.12','51.1','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Tourbières basses (Schlenken)','Bog hollows (schlenken)','Scheuchzerietalia palustris p.','Temporarily or permanently rainwater-filled depressions of bogs, occupied by communities similar to those of larger intermediate mires (54.5, 54.6).','','Scheuchzerietalia palustris','Dépressions de tourbières remplies temporairement ou en permanence d''eau de pluie, occupées par des communautés similaires à celles des tourbières de transition plus vastes (54.5, 54.6).','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('51.121','51.12','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Chenaux, cuvettes profondes','Deep schlenken','Caricetum limosae p.','Constantly submerged hollows with bright green Sphagnum cuspidatum, S. recurvum, S. dusenii and with Drepanocladus fluitans, Lophozia inflata, Eriophorum angustifolium, Rhynchospora alba, Menyanthes trifoliata, Carex limosa, C. paupercula, C. pauciflora, Scheuchzeria palustris.','','Caricetum limosae','Dépressions constamment submergées, renfermant des sphaignes vert clair : Sphagnum cuspidatum, S. recurvum, S. dusenii et Drepanocladus fluitans, Lophozia inflata, Eriophorum angustifolium, Rhynchospora alba, Menyanthes trifoliata, Carex limosa, C. pauciflora, Scheuchzeria palustris.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('51.122','51.12','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Chenaux superficiels, cuvettes peu profondes','Shallow schlenken','Rhynchosporetum albae','Temporily inundated shallow hollows with Rhynchospora alba, R. fusca, Drosera intermedia, Lycopodiella inundata.','','Rhynchosporetum albae','Dépressions peu profondes inondées temporairement, avec Rhynchospora alba, R. fusca, Drosera intermedia, Lycopodiella inundata.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('51.13','51.1','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Mares de tourbières','Bog pools','','Larger, deep, permanently filled depressions, usually distrophic, occurring near the centre of raised bogs or along tension lines. Their planctonic communities are original. Floating plant communities may sometimes develop, in particular those comprising Sparganium minimum and Utricularia spp. (22.45) and, sometimes, beds of Nymphaea spp. (22.4311).','','','Dépressions plus vastes, plus profondes, remplies en permanence d’eau, généralement dystrophes, situées vers le centre des tourbières hautes ou le long de lignes de tension. Leurs communautés planctoniques sont originales. Des communautés de plantes flottantes peuvent parfois se développer, en particulier celles comprenant Sparganium minimum et Utricularia spp. et parfois des tapis de Nymphaea spp. (22.4311).','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('51.131','51.13','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Dépressions tourbeuses (Kolk)','Bog eye (kolk)','','Large pools or lakes occurring near the centre of central European raised bogs, often with relatively firm, steep banks colonized by trees or scrub forming a ring of woodland.','','','Vastes dépressions (mares) ou lacs développés vers le centre des tourbières bombées d''Europe centrale, souvent avec des rives escarpées, relativement fermes, colonisés par des arbres ou des buissons formant une ceinture boisée.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('51.132','51.13','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Autres mares de tourbières','Other bog pools','','','','','','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('51.14','51.1','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Suintements et rigoles de tourbières','Bog seeps and soaks','','Paths of water runoff carving the marginal slope of the bog, carrying water from the centre to the lagg. They are in part colonized by intermediate mire or acid fen vegetation (54.5, 54.4).','','','Lignes d’écoulement d’eau entamant la bordure périphérique de la tourbière, amenant l''eau du centre vers la périphérie. Elles sont notamment colonisées par une végétation de tourbières de transition ou de bas-marais acides (54.5, 54.4).','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('51.141','51.14','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Tourbières à Narthecium','Bog asphodel seeps','','Narthecium ossifragum colonies in seep rivulets, mostly characteristic of western bogs.','','','Colonies de Narthecium ossifragum des rigoles de suintement, généralement caractéristiques des tourbières occidentales.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('51.142','51.14','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Rigoles à Myrte des marais','Bog myrtle soaks','','Myrica gale thickets of Atlantic raised bog soaks.','','','Fourrés à Myrica gale des chenaux des tourbières bombées atlantiques.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('51.143','51.14','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Autres communautés des rigoles et chenaux de tourbières','Other bog soak and runoff gulley communities','','','','','','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('51.15','51.1','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Garnitures de bordure (lagg)','Lagg','','Ring of water surrounding raised bogs, often colonized by intermediatee mire or acid fen communities (54.5, 54.4), sometimes accompanied by more basicline species typical of neighbouring fens; Eriophorum angustifolium, E. vaginatum, Scirpus hudsonianus, Carex rostrata, C. flava, Parnassia palustris are frequent components.','','','Ceintures d''eau entourant les tourbières bombées, souvent colonisés par des communautés de tourbière de transition ou de bas-marais acides (54.5, 54.4) parfois accompagnés par des espèces plus basiclines typiques des bas-marais voisins : Eriophorum angustifolium, E. vaginatum, Trichophorum alpinum, Carex rostrata, C. flava, Parnassia palustris en sont les composants fréquents.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('51.16','51.1','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Pré-bois tourbeux','Bog pre-woods','Sphagnetum magellanici pinetosum rotundatae i.a.','Parts of raised bogs colonized by shrubs or small trees of Pinus rotundata, P. sylvestris var. turfosa, Picea abies, Betula pubescens, B. carpatica, eventually leading to bog woods (44.A).','','Sphagnetum magellanici pinetosum rotundatae i.a.','Parties de tourbières bombées colonisées par des buissons ou des arbres bas de Pinus rotundata, P. sylvestris var. turfosa, Picea abies, Betula pubescens, B. carpatica, éventuellement aboutissant à des bois tourbeux (44.A).','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('51.2','51','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Tourbières à Molinie bleue','Purple moorgrass bogs','Ericion tetralicis p.','Drying, mowed or burned bogs invaded by Molinia caerulea. ','Lebrun et al., 1949; Noirfalise et al., 1980; Drachenfels, 1984.','Ericion tetralicis p.','Tourbières asséchées, fauchées ou brûlées, envahies par Molinia caerulea.','Lebrun et al., 1949 ; Noirfalise et al., 1980.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('52','5','2','Niveau 2','TRUE','Tourbières de couverture','Blanket bogs','Sphagnetalia magellanici: Oxycocco-Ericion tetralicis (Calluno-Sphagnion papillosi, Erico-Sphagnion papillosi) p.; Scheuchzerietalia palustris p., Utricularietalia intermedio-minoris p., Caricetalia fuscae p.','Communities similar to raised bogs, on flat or gently sloping ground with poor surface drainage, in oceanic climates with heavy rainfall, characteristic of the western and northern British Isles. In spite of some lateral water flow, blanket bogs are mostly ombrotrophic. They often cover extensive areas with local topographic features supporting distinct communities. Sphagnums (S. papillosum, S. tenellum, S. compactum, S. magellanicum) play an important role in all of them, accompanied by Narthecium ossifragum, Molinia caerulea, Scirpus cespitosus, Schoenus nigricans, Eriophorum angustifolium, E. vaginatum. High and low altitude forms and numerous variants can be distinguished. Blanket bogs constitute a habitat endemic to northwestern Europe, of which intact examples are relatively uncommon.','Pearsall, 1971; Pearsall and Pennington, 1977; Ratcliffe, 1977, 1980, Doyle and Moore, 1978; Dierssen, 1978; Tüxen, 1978; Heal and Smith, 1978; Currie, 1979; Condry, 1982; White and Doyle, 1982; Polunin and Walters, 1985; Bellamy, 1986; Ellenberg, 1988; Morrison, 1989.','Sphagnetalia magellanici, Oxycocco-Ericion tetralicis (Calluno-Sphagnion papillosi, Erico-Sphagnion papillosi) p. ; Scheuchzerietalia palustris p., Utricularietalia intermedio-minoris p., Caricetalia fuscae','Communautés semblables à celles des tourbières bombées, développées sur des substrats plats ou faiblement inclinés avec un mauvais drainage de surface, sous des climats océaniques (avec de fortes précipitations), caractéristiques des îles Britanniques septentrionales et occidentales. En dépit d''un certain écoulement latéral, les tourbières de couverture sont généralement ombrotrophes. Elles couvrent souvent des surfaces étendues, dont les accidents topographiques et supportent des communautés distinctes. Les Sphaignes (S. papillosum, S. tenellum, S. compactum, S. magellanicum) jouent un rôle important dans tous les cas, accompagnées de Narthecium ossifragum, Molinia caespitosa, Trichophorum cespitosum, Schoenus nigricans, Eriophorum angustifolium, E. vaginatum. Des formes de haute et basse altitude et de nombreuses variantes peuvent être distinguées. Les tourbières de couverture constituent un habitat endémique de l''Europe nord-occidentale, dont les exemples de conservation sont relativement rares.','Pearsall et Pennington, 1977 ; Dierssen, 1978 ; Polunin et Walters, 1985 ; Bellamy, 1986 ; Ellenberg, 1988 ; Morrisson, 1989.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('52.1','52','3','Niveau 3','FALSE','','Lowland blanket bogs','Sphagnetalia magellanici: Pleurozio purpureae-Ericetum tetralicis; Scheuchzerietalia palustris p., Caricetalia fuscae p., Utricularietalia intermedio-minoris p., Littorelletalia, Potamogetonetalia','Hyper-Atlantic blanket bogs of the western coastlands of Ireland, western Scotland and its islands, Cumberland, northern Wales and Devon, developed under very high rainfall climates. The main vascular plants are Molinia caerulea, Eriophorum angustifolium, E. vaginatum, Scirpus cespitosus, Schoenus nigricans, Rhynchospora alba, Narthecium ossifragum, Carex panicea, Calluna vulgaris, Erica tetralix, Myrica gale, Pedicularis sylvatica, Potentilla erecta, Polygala serpyllifolia, Pinguicula lusitanica, Drosera rotundifolia. The colourful mucinal layer comprises the black and crimson liverwort Pleurozia purpurea, the black and gold moss Campylopus atrovirens, the wooly fringe moss Rhacomitrium lanuginosum; it is often dominated by sphagnums (Sphagnum auriculatum, S. magellanicum, S. compactum, S. papillosum, S. nemoreum, S. rubellum, S. tenellum, S. subnitens), or, particularly in parts of western Ireland, mucilaginous algal deposits (Zygogonium). Some of the distinctive features of the blanket bog can be, as in 52.1, individualized by the codes below.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('52.11','52.1','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Black bog-rush swards','','Schoenus nigricans-Rhacomitrium lanuginosum formations, particularly widespread on deep peat in the Galway and Mayo peninsulas of Ireland, local in Scotland. Pinguicula lusitanica and Pedicularis sylvatica may occur.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('52.12','52.1','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Sphagnum-algae carpets','','Waterlogged pool edges and bog surfaces rich in Sphagnum magellanicum or S. papillosum, S. rubellum, S. cuspidatum, S. auriculatum, S. palustre and Zygogonium deposits, often with Drosera anglica, D. rotundifolia, Menyanthes trifoliata.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('52.13','52.1','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Deergrass swards','','Scirpus cespitosus - dominated swards on slopes, tops of slopes, shallow peat, and slightly drier areas, particularly abundant in Scotland and Kerry. Carex panicea, Sphagnum compactum, Pinguicula grandiflora may be prominent.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('52.14','52.1','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Oblong-leaved sundew communities','','Formations rich in Drosera intermedia, with Riccardia pinguis, Rhynchospora fusca or Carex limosa of slope areas submitted to surface water movement and shallow hollows.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('52.15','52.1','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Bulbous-rush communities','','Formations of Juncus bulbosus, Eleocharis multicaulis and Carex panicea of shallow drainage channels and shallow pools.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('52.16','52.1','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Flushes, deep hollows and pools','','Wet depressions and seeps colonized by communities of the Scheuchzerietalia palustris (54.5, 54.6), the Caricetalia fuscae (54.4), the Utricularietalia intermedio-minoris (22.45), the Littorelletalia (22.31) or the Potamogetonetalia (22.43), which can be noted by use of appropriate codes. Among important elements are Potamogeton polygonifolius, Eriocaulon aquaticum, Lobelia dortmanna, Menyanthes trifoliata.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('52.2','52','3','Niveau 3','FALSE','','Upland blanket bogs','Sphagnetalia magellanici: Vaccinio-Ericetum tetralicis; Ericion tetralicis p., Scheuchzerietalia palustris p., Caricetalia fuscae p., Utricularietalia intermedio-minoris p., Littorelletalia, Potamogetonetalia','Blanket bogs of high ground, hills and mountains in Scotland, Ireland, western England and Wales. Characteristic species are Eriophorum vaginatum, Calluna vulgaris, Erica tetralix, Rubus chamaemorus, Narthecium ossifragum, Scirpus cespitosus, Drosera rotundifolia, Rhacomitrium lanuginosum and abundant sphagnum mosses.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('52.21','52.2','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Cottongrass-ling bogs','','Upland blanket bogs dominated by Eriophorum vaginatum and Calluna vulgaris with Rubus chamaemorus, Sphagnum rubellum, Hypnum cupressiforme.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('52.22','52.2','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Cottongrass bogs','','Species-poor upland blanket bogs, dominated by Eriophorum vaginatum, mostly widespread in the Pennines.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('52.23','52.2','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Upland sphagnum mats','','Sphagnum papillosum, S. magellanicum, S. rubellum, S. imbricatum, S. fuscum carpets and hummocks of the cottongrass-ling blanket bogs.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('52.24','52.2','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Dwarf shrub-cottongrass bogs','','Upland cottongrass-ling blanket bogs with an abundance of Empetrum hermaphroditum, E. nigrum, Betula nana, Vaccinium uliginosum, V. myrtillus, Arctostaphylos uva-ursi, A. alpina and Sphagnum fuscum.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('52.25','52.2','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Wooly fringe moss hummocks','','Formations dominated by Rhacomitrium lanuginosum.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('52.26','52.2','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Blanket bog wet heath','Ericion tetralicis','Formations of Scirpus cespitosus, Myrica gale, Erica tetralix, Calluna vulgaris, Molinia caerulea, Sphagnum spp. (S. papillosum, S. rubellum, S. magellanicum, S. auriculatum), Rhacomitrium lanuginosum and lichens, similar to 31.1, integrated within blanket bog systems.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('52.27','52.2','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Flushes, deep hollows and pools','','Wet depressions and seeps colonized by communities of the Scheuchzerietalia palustris (54.5, 54.6), the Caricetalia fuscae (54.4), the Utricularietalia intermedio-minoris (22.45), the Littorelletalia (22.31) or the Potamogetonetalia (22.43). ','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('53','5','2','Niveau 2','TRUE','Végétation de ceinture des bords des eaux','Water-fringe vegetation','Phragmitetea','Reed beds and large sedge communities of the margins of lakes, rivers, and brooks and of fens and eutrophic marshes.','','Phragmitetea','Communautés de Roseaux (roselières) et de grandes Laîches (cariçaies) de bordure des lacs, des rivières, des ruisseaux et des marais, des marécages eutrophes.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('53.1','53','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Roselières','Reed beds','Phragmition australis, Scirpion maritimi','Reed bed formations of tall helophytes, usually species-poor and often dominated by one species, growing in stagnant or slowly flowing water of fluctuating depths, and sometimes on waterlogged ground. They can be classified according to the dominant species, which gives them a distinctive appearance. ','Lebrun et al., 1949; Ellenberg, 1963, 1984; Westhoff and den Held, 1975; Schumacher, 1977; Bournérias, 1979, 1984; Noirfalise et al., 1980; Molinier and Martin, 1980; Rivas-Martinez et al., 1980; Wheeler, 1980a; Pignatti, 1982; Rivas-Martinez et al., 1984; Polunin and Walters, 1985; Wolff, 1987; Diaz Gonzalez and Fernandez Prieto, 1987; Asensi Marfil and Diez Garretas, 1987; Alcaraz Arriza and Peinado Lorca, 1987; Costa, 1987; Oberdorfer, 1990.','Phragmition australis, Scirpion maritimi','Roselières avec grands hélophytes, habituellement pauvres en espèces (souvent dominées par une seule espèce), elles croissent dans les eaux stagnantes ou à écoulement lent, de profondeur fluctuante et quelquefois sur des sols hydromorphes. Elles peuvent être classées selon les espèces dominantes qui confère à chacune d’elles une apparence propre.','Lebrun et al., 1949 ; Ellenberg, 1963, 1984 ; Westhoff et den Held, 1975 ; Bournérias, 1979, 1984 ; Noirfalise et al., 1980 ; Molinier et Martin, 1980 ; Rivas-Martinez et al., 1984 ; Polunin et Walters, 1985 ; Wolff, 1987 ; Oberdorfer, 1990.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('53.11','53.1','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Phragmitaies','Common reed beds','Phragmitetum (Scirpo-Phragmitetum p., Typho-Phragmitetum maximi, Scirpo lacustris-Phragmitetum mediterraneum)','Beds of Phragmites australis.','','Phragmitetum (Scirpo-Phragmitetum p., Typho-Phragmitetum maximi, Scirpo lacustris-Phragmitetum mediterraneum)','Roselière à Phragmites australis.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('53.111','53.11','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Phragmitaies inondées','Flooded Phragmites beds','','Permanently inundated reed beds.','','','Roselières à Phragmites australis inondées en permanence.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('53.112','53.11','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Phragmitaies sèches','Dry Phragmites beds','','Reed beds dry for at least a large part of the year, often invaded by other species.','','','Roselières sèches au moins durant une grande partie de l''année, souvent envahies par d''autres espèces.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('53.113','53.11','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Phagmitaies géantes','Giant Phragmites beds','','Formations of the very tall Phragmites "maximus", occurring locally in the Mediterranean basin, in particular on islets of lagoons of the east coast of Spain, where they harbour the very local, spectacular Kosteletzkya pentacarpos.','','','Formations à très grands Phragmites "maximus", distribuées localement dans le bassin méditerranéen, en particulier sur les îlots des lagunes.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('53.12','53.1','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Scirpaies lacustres','Common clubrush beds','Scirpetum lacustris (Scirpo-Phragmitetum p.)','Scirpus lacustris formations, intolerant of drying, tolerant of water circulation, and thus forming the outer belts of reedbeds.','','Scirpetum lacustris (Scirpo-Phragmitetum p.)','Formations à Schoenoplectus lacustris, intolérantes à la sècheresse, tolérantes aux circulations d''eau, et ainsi formant la ceinture externe des roselières.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('53.13','53.1','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Typhaies','Reedmace beds','Typhetum angustifoliae, Typhetum latifoliae (Scirpo-Phragmitetum p.)','Typha latifolia, T. angustifolia, T. domingensis, T. laxmannii formations, usually extremely species-poor and sometimes almost pure, tolerant of extended periods of dryness and of pollution.','','Typhetum angustifoliae,Typhetum latifoliae (Scirpo-Phragmitetum p.)','Formations de Typha latifolia, T. angustifolia, T. domingensis, T. laxmannii, habituellement extrêmement pauvres en espèces et quelquefois avec une seule espèce ; tolérantes à des périodes prolongées de sécheresse et à la pollution.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('53.14','53.1','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Roselières basses','Medium-tall waterside communities','','Formations of shorter, mostly non-graminoid helophytes emerging from mesotrophic or eutrophic, stagnant or slow-moving, shallow water, and constituting fringes or patches within or alongside reedbeds.','','','Formations de petits hélophytes le plus souvent non-graminoïdes, émergeant des eaux superficielles mésotrophes ou eutrophes, stagnantes ou à écoulement faible, et constituant des franges ou des plages à l''intérieur ou le long des roselières.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('53.141','53.14','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Communautés de Sagittaires','Arrowhead communities','Sagittario-Sparganietum emersi','Formations of Sagittaria sagittifolia and Sparganium emersum of slowly flowing, and sometimes standing, meso-eutrophic waters.','','Sagittario-Sparganietum emersi','Formations de Sagittaria sagittifolia et Sparganium emersum d''eaux méso-eutrophes à écoulement lent ou parfois stagnantes.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('53.142','53.14','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Communautés à Rubanier négligé','Neglected bur-reed communities','Glycerio-Sparganietum neglecti','Formations dominated by Sparganium neglectum, characteristic of standing or slowly flowing waters on mineral-rich, lime-poor muddy substrates.','','Glycerio-Sparganietum neglecti','Formations dominées par Sparganium neglectum, caractéristiques des eaux stagnantes ou à écoulement lent sur des substrats vaseux riches en minéraux et pauvres en calcaires.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('53.143','53.14','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Communautés à Rubanier rameux','Erect bur-reed communities','Sparganietum erecti','Formations rich in Sparganium erectum, characteristic of riparian reedbeds along standing waters on lime-rich, mineral-rich muddy substrates.','','Sparganietum erecti','Formations riches en Sparganium erectum, caractéristiques des roselières riveraines le long des eaux stagnantes, sur des substrats vaseux riches en calcaires et en minéraux.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('53.144','53.14','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Communautés avec Acore vrai','Sweet flag communities','Acoretum calami','Formations dominated by the long-introduced thermophile Acorus calamus.','','Acoretum calami','Formations dominées par Acorus calamus thermophile et introduit depuis longtemps.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('53.145','53.14','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Communautés à Jonc fleuri','Flowering rush communities','Butometum umbellati','Usually open formations dominated by, or rich in, Butomus umbellatus characteristic of strongly fluctuating still or slow-flowing base- and mineral -rich waters.','','Butometum umbellati','Habituellement formations ouvertes dominées par, ou riches en, Butomus umbellatus caractéristique des eaux riches en bases et en minéraux, stagnantes, courantes ou à écoulement lent, à fort battement.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('53.146','53.14','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Communautés d''Oenanthe aquatica et de Rorippa amphibia','Water dropwort-great yellowcress communities','Oenantho-Rorippetum amphibiae','Formations, often at the edges of reedbeds, rich in Oenanthe aquatica or Rorippa amphibia.','','Oenantho-Rorippetum amphibiae','Formations, souvent du bord des roselières, riches en Oenanthe aquatica ou Rorippa amphibia.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('53.147','53.14','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Communautés de Prêles d''eau','Water horsetail beds','','Low, often extensive, homogeneous, usually inundated formations dominated by Equisetum fluviatile.','','','Formations basses, souvent étendues, homogènes, habituellement inondées, dominées par Equisetum fluviatile.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('53.148','53.14','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Communautés de Grande Berle','Water parsnip communities','','Formations dominated by or rich in the tall umbellifer Sium latifolium.','','','Formations dominées par, ou riches en, Sium latifolium, une grande ombellifère.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('53.149','53.14','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Végétation à Hippuris vulgaris','Marestail beds','','Formations, usually of still or running, clear, cold to temperate nutrient-rich water, dominated by Hippuris vulgaris.','','','Formations dominées par Hippuris vulgaris, des eaux stagnantes ou courantes, claires, froides et riches en nutriments.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('53.14A','53.14','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Végétation à Eleocharis palustris','Common spikerush beds','','Low, often extensive and very homogeneous formations dominated by Eleocharis palustris.','','','Formations basses, souvent étendues, et très homogènes dominées par Eleocharis palustris.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('53.15','53.1','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Végétation à Glyceria maxima','Reed sweetgrass beds','Glycerietum maximae','Glyceria maxima formations, rather low, usually constituting strips in or along ditches or small streams, often in grasslands, requiring fairly constant inundation by eutrophic water and with a fairly rich associated flora.','','Glycerietum maximae','Peuplements de Glyceria maxima, plutôt bas, constituant habituellement des bandes étroites dans ou le long de fossés ou de petits ruiseaux, souvent dans des systèmes prairiaux, exigeant une inondation relativement constante par des eaux eutrophes et avec une flore associée riche.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('53.16','53.1','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Végétation à Phalaris arundinacea','Reed canary-grass beds','Phalaridetum arundinaceae','Phalaris arundinacea formations, pure or mixed with Phragmites australis, very tolerant of drying, pollution and perturbance, susceptible of forming the landward belt of reedbeds and often characteristic of degraded systems.','','Phalaridetum arundinaceae','Peuplements de Phalaris arundinacea, purs ou mixtes avec Phragmites australis, très résistants à la sècheresse, la pollution et aux autres perturbations, susceptibles de former la ceinture (côté terre) des roselières et souvent caractéristiques des systèmes dégradés.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('53.17','53.1','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Végétation à Scirpes halophiles','Halophile clubrush beds','Scirpion maritimi','Formations of Scirpus Tabernaemontani, S. maritimus, S. triqueter, S. litoralis, S. pungens mostly characteristic of brackish or saline waters to 1.5 m deep.','','Scirpion maritimi','Formations de Schoenoplectus tabernaemontani, Bolboschoenus maritimus, Schoenoplectus triqueter, S. litoralis, S. pungens plutôt caractéristiques des eaux saumâtres ou salées jusqu’à une profondeur de 1,5 mètres.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('53.2','53','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Communautés à grandes Laîches','Large sedge communities','Magnocaricion','Formations of large Cyperaceae of genera Carex or Cyperus occupying the edge or the entirety of humid depressions, oligotrophic mires and rich fens, on ground that can be dry for part of the year. They occur, in particular, on the landward side of reedbeds in waterside successions and as colonists of humid depressions on mineral soils, or of acid and alkaline fens.','','Magnocaricion','Formations à grandes cypéracées des genres Carex ou Cyperus occupant la périphérie ou la totalité des dépressions humides, des bourbiers oligotrophes et des bas-marais alcalins, sur des sols pouvant s''assécher pendant une partie de l''année. Elles se développent, en particulier, sur le flanc interne des roselières dans les successions riveraines, et comme colonisatrices des dépressions humides sur sols minéraux, ainsi que des bas-marais acides et alcalins.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('53.21','53.2','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Peuplements de grandes Laîches (Magnocariçaies)','Large Carex beds','','Formations of social sedges of genus Carex, usually dominated by one species that can be either tussock-forming or bed-forming. They can be arranged according to dominant species.','Ellenberg 1963, 1988; Horvat et al., 1974; Westhoff and den Held, 1975; Schumacher, 1977; Bournérias, 1979, 1984; Rivas-Martinez et al., 1980; Wheeler, 1980a; Jermy et al., 1982; Pignatti, 1982; Dethioux, 1982; Rivas-Martinez, Diaz et al., 1984; Wolff, 1987; Navarro Andres and Valle Gutierrez, 1987; Asensi Marfil and Diez Garretas, 1987; Costa, 1987; Rivas-Martinez et al., 1987; Ladero Alvarez, 1987; Oberdorfer, 1990.','','Formations de Cypéracées sociales du genre Carex, dominées généralement par une seule espèce qui peut indifféremment former des touradons ou des nappes. Elles peuvent être classées en fonction de l''espèce dominante.','Ellenberg, 1963, 1968 ; Horvat et al., 1974 ; Westoff et den Held, 1975 ; Bournérias, 1979, 1984 ; Dethioux, 1982 ; Wolff, 1987 ; Oberdorfer, 1990.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('53.211','53.21','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Cariçaies à laîche distique','Brown sedge beds','Caricetum distichae','Formations of Carex disticha of humid alluvial meadows on clay and of temporarily drying peatbogs; often in contact with grasslands of the Calthion and sometimes placed in that alliance; they tolerate fairly long dessication and have a relatively rich accompanying flora.','','Caricetum distichae','Formations de Carex disticha, de prairies humides alluviales sur argiles et des tourbières se desséchant temporairement ; souvent en contact avec des prairies du Calthion et quelquefois placées dans cette alliance ; elles tolèrent une exondation d’assez longue durée et ont une flore compagne relativement riche.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('53.212','53.21','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Cariçaies à laîche aiguë et communautés s''y rapportant','Slender tufted sedge beds and related communities','','Formations dominated by Carex acuta, C. acutiformis or their relatives.','','','Formations dominées par Carex acuta, C. acutiformis ou des espèces voisines.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('53.2121','53.212','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Cariçaies à laîche aiguë','Slender tufted sedge beds','Caricetum gracilis','Formations of Carex acuta of wet, alkaline or slightly acid depressions with mineral soil; C. acuta does not tolerate prolonged dessication.','','Caricetum gracilis','Formations à Carex acuta des dépressions humides, alcalines ou légèrement acides, sur des sols minéraux ; C. acuta ne tolère pas une exondation prolongée.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('53.2122','53.212','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Cariçaies à laîche des marais','Lesser pond sedge beds','','Carex acutiformis is more tolerant of dessication than C. acuta. It forms beds on mesotrophic, base-rich, neutral to slightly acid, peaty or mineral soils. Large beds may form in fens, often with Carex paniculata; otherwise, they are widespread along watercourses on the landward side of Carex acuta or C. vesicaria beds, in alluvial plains, ditches and depressions of humid meadow systems; they may occupy stations that almost totally escape periodical inundation.','','','Carex acutiformis est plus tolérant à l’exondation que C. acuta. Il forme des nappes sur des sols mésotrophes riches en bases, neutres à légèrement acides, tourbeux ou minéraux. Il peut former de grandes nappes dans les bas-marais, souvent avec C. paniculata ; il est également répandu le long des cours d''eau, du côté terrestre des nappes de Carex acuta ou de C. vesicaria, dans les plaines alluviales, dans les fossés et les dépressions des systèmes prairiaux humides. Elles peuvent occuper des stations qui échappent à peu près complètement aux inondations périodiques.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('53.2123','53.212','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Inn sedge beds','Caricetum oenensis','Formations of Carex oenensis, restricted to oligotrophic, base-rich streamsides of the pre-Alpine Bavarian plateau.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('53.2124','53.212','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Banat sedge beds','Caricetum buekii','Carex buekii formations of mesotrophic sandy or clayey soils in Franconia, eastern Bavaria, Saxony and northern Italy.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('53.2125','53.212','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Water sedge beds','Caricetum aquatilis','Mesotrophic Carex aquatilis formations of Lower Saxony, Wales, Lakeland, Scotland and Ireland.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('53.2126','53.212','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Brotero sedge beds','Galio broteriani-Caricetum broterianae','Carex acuta ssp. broteriana formations of Iberia, lining river courses on the inner side of alder galleries, or replacing them.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('53.213','53.21','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Cariçaies à Carex riparia','Greater pond sedge beds','Caricetum ripariae, Caricetum vulpino-ripariae, Leucojo-Caricetum ripariae','Formations of Carex riparia, mostly characteristic of larger valleys and southern regions, intolerant of dessication. They form on mineral or thinly peaty substrates, often in areas almost permenently inundated by somewhat lime-rich water.','','Caricetum ripariae, Caricetum vulpinae-ripariae, Leucojo-Caricetum ripariae','Formations à Carex riparia, pour la plupart caractéristiques des grandes vallées et des régions méridionales, ne tolérant pas l’exondation. Ce sont des formations développées sur des substrats minéraux ou légèrement tourbeux, souvent dans des zones inondées de façon à peu près permanentes par des eaux quelque peu carbonatées.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('53.214','53.21','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Cariçaies à Carex rostrata et à Carex vesicaria','Bottle and bladder sedge beds','Caricetum vesicariae, Caricetum rostrato-vesicariae, Caricetum acuto-vesicariae','Formations of Carex vesicaria and C. rostrata of moderately to strongly acid, fairly constantly inundated soils and poor fens.','','Caricetum vesicariae, Caricetum rostratae-vesicariae, Caricetum acuto-vesicariae','Formations à Carex rostrata et à Carex vesicaria sur des sols modérément à fortement acides, assez constamment inondés, et des bas-marais acides.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('53.2141','53.214','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Cariçaies à Carex rostrata','Bottle sedge beds','','Dense formations of Carex rostrata, of usually very wet, meso-oligotrophic substrates.','','','Formations dense de Carex rostrata sur des substrats généralement très humides, méso-oligotrophes.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('53.2142','53.214','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Cariçaies à Carex vesicaria','Bladder sedge beds','','Formations of Carex vesicaria, usually characteristic of less oligotrophic situations than the previous ones. C. vesicaria, however, often accompanies C. rostrata, forming then the outer, drier edge of the sedge bed.','','','Formations de Carex vesicaria, généralement caractéristiques des situations moins oligotrophes que les précédentes. C. vesicaria, quoiqu''il en soit, souvent accompagné de Carex rostrata, forme alors la bordure extérieure plus sèche de la cariçaie.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('53.215','53.21','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Cariçaies à Carex elata et de Carex cespitosa','Tufted sedge and sward sedge tussocks','','Formations dominated by the large, tussock-forming Carex elata or its relatives.','','','Formations dominées par les grands touradons formés de Carex elata ou d''espèces voisines.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('53.2151','53.215','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Cariçaies à Carex elata','Tufted sedge tussocks','Caricetum elatae','Formations of large, often crowded tussocks of Carex elata, of alkaline or eutrophic, peaty or organic soils. Carex elata is, in particular, one of the constituents of species-rich sedge communities in alkaline fens. It is also typical of the flood plain of large, slow-flowing rivers.','','Caricetum elatae','Formations de grands et souvent nombreux touradons de Carex elata, sur des sols alcalins ou eutrophes, tourbeux ou organiques. C. elata est en particulier, l''un des constituants des communautés riches en espèces de laîches des bas-marais alcalins. C''est aussi une végétation typique de la plaine alluviale des grandes rivières lentes.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('53.2152','53.215','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Cariçaies à Carex cespitosa','Sward sedge tussocks','Caricetum cespitosae','Formations of Carex cespitosa, characteristic of nutrient- and base-rich, neutral to acid peaty soils of northeastern Central Europe and northern Italy.','','Caricetum cespitosae','Formations de touradons à Carex cespitosa, caractéristiques des sols tourbeux neutres à basiques, riches en nutriments et en bases, du nord-est de l''Europe centrale.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('53.216','53.21','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Cariçaies à Carex paniculata','Greater tussock sedge tussocks','Caricetum paniculatae, Galio palustri-Caricetum lusitanicae','Formations of large, usually well-spaced tussocks of Carex paniculata, of alkaline to acid, usually mesotrophic, often somewhat shady, habitually peaty stations, including marshy woods. C. paniculata is also a constituent of species-rich alkaline fen sedge communities.','','Caricetum paniculatae, Galio palustri-Caricetum lusitanicae','Formations de grands touradons, habituellement bien espacés, de Carex paniculata de stations ordinairement sur des sols tourbeux ; alcalines à acides, habituellement mésotrophes, souvent quelque peu ombragées, incluant des bois marécageux. Carex paniculata est aussi un constituant de communautés de cariçaies de bas-marais alcalins riches en espèces.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('53.217','53.21','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Cariçaies à Carex appropinquata','Fibrous tussock sedge tussocks','Caricetum appropinquatae p.','Formations of Carex appropinquata, alone or mixed with C. paniculata, essentially of mesotrophic, basicline peaty or mineral soils.','','Caricetum appropinquata p.','Formations à Carex appropinquata, seul ou mélangé avec C. paniculata, essentiellement sur des sols mésotrophes, basiclines tourbeux ou minéraux.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('53.218','53.21','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Cariçaies à Carex pseudocyperus','Cyperus sedge tussocks','Cicuto-Caricetum pseudocyperi','Formations of Carex pseudocyperus of mostly slightly acid peaty soils, in very wet situations.','','Cicuto-Caricetum pseudocyperi','Formations à Carex pseudocyperus sur des sols le plus souvent tourbeux, légèrement acides, en situations très humides.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('53.219','53.21','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Cariçaies à Carex vulpina','Fox sedge tussocks','Caricetum vulpinae','Formations of Carex vulpina or C. otrubae, of eutrophic humus-poor clay soils, inundated for part of the year.','','Caricetum vulpinae','Formations à Carex vulpina ou de C. otrubae, sur des sols argileux eutrophes pauvres en humus, inondées une partie de l''année.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('53.2191','53.219','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Cariçaies à Carex vulpina','True fox sedge tussocks','','Formations of the very large Carex vulpina.','','','Formations à très grands Carex vulpina.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('53.2192','53.219','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Cariçaies à Carex cuprina','False fox sedge tussocks','','Formations of the often less robust Carex otrubae.','','','Formations de Carex cuprina, souvent moins robustes que Carex vulpina.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('53.21A','53.21','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Végétation à Carex buxbaumii','Club sedge beds','','Beds of Carex buxbaumii of wet grasslands, lake shore swamps and fens, on temporarily inundated relatively nutrient-rich, somewhat acid peaty sandy or clayey soils of eastern France, southern and eastern Germany, the southern Alps and the central Apennines.','','','Nappes de Carex buxbaumii des prairies humides, des marais des bords de lacs et de bas-marais, sur des sols tourbeux, sableux ou argileux, temporairement inondés, relativement riches en nutriments et quelque peu acides, de l''est de la France, des Alpes méridionales.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('53.22','53.2','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Tall galingale beds','','Formations dominated by large perennial Cyperaceae of genus Cyperus other than Cyperus papyrus.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('53.221','53.22','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Common galingale beds','Cyperetum longi','Cyperus longus formations of Greece and Italy.','Horvat et al., 1974; Pignatti, 1982.','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('53.222','53.22','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Slender galingale beds','','Formations dominated by Cyperus laevigatus, characteristic, in particular, of saline depressions in the Canary Islands and of thermal water bodies on Pantelleria.','Brullo et al., 1977; Pignatti, 1982; Wildpret de la Torre and del Arco Aguilar, 1987.','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('53.23','53.2','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Papyrus swamp','','Cyperus papyrus ssp. siculus gallery of the Cyane river in southeastern Sicily. Taxonomic and historical evidence strongly suggest that this unique station is of natural origin, an extraordinary relict of an extensive Tertiary distribution.','Tournay, 1950; Pignatti, 1982.','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('53.3','53','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Végétation à Cladium mariscus','Fen-sedge beds','Cladietum marisci i.a.','Cladium mariscus-dominated formations, mostly limited in the northern part of their range, where they have a distincty relict distribution, to alkaline and sometimes acid fens and to the land-building zone of calcareous lakes, somewhat more widespread in the Mediterranean region as a waterside vegetation.','Ellenberg 1963, 1988; De Sloover, 1970; Schumacher, 1977; Rivas-Martinez et al., 1980; Pignatti, 1982; Bournérias, 1984; Rivas-Martinez et al., 1984; Diaz Gonzalez and Fernandez Prieto, 1987; Asensi Marfil and Diez Garretas, 1987; Oberdorfer, 1990.','Cladietum marisci i.a.','Formations dominées par Cladium mariscus. Dans la partie septentrionale de leur aire de distribution, où elles ont une distribution nettement relicte, elles sont le plus souvent limitées aux bas-marais alcalins et quelquefois acides, et aux zones atterries des lacs à eaux calcaires. Elles sont un peu plus répandues dans la région méditerranéenne, comme végétation du bord des eaux.','Ellenberg, 1963, 1988 ; De Sloover, 1970 ; Bournérias, 1984 ; Rivas-Martinez et al., 1984 ; Oberdorfer, 1990.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('53.31','53.3','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Cladiaies des bas-marais','Fen Cladium beds','','Species-rich, fairly open Cladium mariscus beds of alkaline and sometimes acid fens, accompanied by cortèges of the Caricion davallianae or of the Caricion lasiocarpae. These formations are in grave decline throughout their range.','','','Nappes bien ouvertes riches en espèces de Cladium mariscus des bas-marais alcalins et quelquefois acides, accompagnées par les cortèges du Caricion davallianae ou du Caricion lasiocarpe. Ces formations sont en grave déclin dans l’ensemble de leur aire de distribution.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','Végétation citée dans CB97, mais avec omission de la ligne indiquant code et intitulé.');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('53.32','53.3','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Valencia Cladium islands','Hydrocotylo-Cladietum marisci','Endangered endemic association of peaty islets of the Albufera de Valencia, with Kostelezkia pentacarpos.','Rivas-Martinez et al., 1980.','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('53.33','53.3','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Cladiaies riveraines','Riparian Cladium beds','','Species-poor Cladium mariscus formations of mostly Mediterranean riversides or lakesides, with a Phragmition cortège.','','','Formations de Cladium mariscus pauvres en espèces, principalement liées aux bords des rivières ou des lacs méditerranéens, avec un cortège du Phragmition.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('53.4','53','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Bordures à Calamagrostis des eaux courantes','Small reed beds of fast-flowing waters','Glycerio-Sparganion','Formations of small helophytes, Glyceria fluitans, G. plicata, G. nemoralis, G. declinata, Leersia oryzoides, Catabrosa aquatica, Sparganium neglectum, S. microcarpum, Nasturtium officinale, N. microphyllum, Veronica beccabunga, V. anagallis-aquatica, Apium nodiflorum, Sium erectum occupying, throughout the Community, the banks of small rivers or springs on alluvial or peaty soils.','Ellenberg 1963, 1988; Westhoff and den Held, 1975; Schumacher, 1977; Bournérias, 1979, 1984; Rivas-Martinez et al., 1980; Rivas-Martinez et al., 1984; Diaz Gonzalez and Fernandez Prieto, 1987; Asensi Marfil and Diez Garretas, 1987; Alcaraz Ariza and Peinado Lorca, 1987; Martinez Parras et al., 1987; Wolff, 1987; Oberdorfer, 1990.','Glycerio-Sparganion','Formations de petits hélophytes, Glyceria fluitans, G. notata, G. declinata, Leersia oryzoides, Catabrosa aquatica, Sparganium erectum subsp. neglectum, S. erectum subsp. microcarpum, Nasturtium officinale, N. microphyllum, Veronica beccabunga, V. anagallis-aquatica, Apium nodiflorum, Berula erecta, occupant partout dans la communauté les marges des rivières étroites ou les sources sur des sols alluviaux ou tourbeux.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('53.5','53','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Jonchaies hautes','Tall rush swamps','Agropyro-Rumicion crispi p.','Formations of Juncus invading heavily grazed and trampled marshes or fens or (with Juncus effusus) eutrophized poor fens and bogs as in the vicinity of bird colonies. Similar formations developing within the environment of wet meadows have been listed under 37.241.','Westhoff and den Held, 1975; Oberdorfer, 1990.','Agropyro-Rumicion cristati','Formations de Juncus envahissant des marais ou bas-marais très pâturés et piétinés ou des bas-marais acides ou (avec Juncus effusus) eutrophisés et des tourbières au voisinage des colonies d''oiseaux. Des formations similaires développées dans le cadre des prairies humides ont été codées sous le numéro 37.241.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('53.6','53','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Formations riveraines de Cannes','Riparian cane formations','','Mediterranean beds of tall canes along permanent or temporary water courses.','','','Peuplements méditerranéens de grandes cannes le long des cours d''eau permanents ou temporaires.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('53.61','53.6','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Communautés avec les Cannes de Ravenne','Ravenna cane communities','Imperato-Erianthion','Mediterranean tall cane formations of temporary water courses, formed by Imperata cylindrica, Saccharum (Erianthus) ravennae, S. strictum, Arundo plinii.','Pignatti, 1982; Izco, et al., 1984.','Imperato-Erianthion','Formations de grandes Cannes méditerranéennes des cours d''eau temporaires, formés par Imperata cylindrica, Erianthus ravennae, Arundo plinii.','Izco et al., 1984.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('53.62','53.6','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Peuplements de Cannes de Provence','Provence cane beds','','Very tall formations of the long-introduced Arundo donax along water courses.','','','Formations très hautes d''Arundo donax introduite depuis longtemps, le long des cours d''eau.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('54','5','2','Niveau 2','TRUE','Bas-marais, tourbières de transition et sources','Fens, transition mires and springs','','Small-sedge and related communities of fens, transition mires and quaking bogs; vegetation of springs.','','','Communautés de bas-marais à petites laîches et apparentées, des tourbières de transition et des marais tremblants ; végétation de sources.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('54.1','54','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Sources','Springs','Montio-Cardaminetea i.a.','Gushing springs (rheocrenes,), spring basins (limnocrenes) and seepages (helocrenes) and the communities closely associated with them and dependant on the peculiar microclimatic and hydrological situation created by the spring. These comprise the specialized spring communities (Montio-Cardaminetea) as well as the fen communities (Caricetalia davallianae, 54.2, Caricetalia fuscae, 54.4) or other communities (Caricion bicoloris-atrofuscae, 54.3, Festuco-Brometea, 34.3) ), that are interwoven with them.','Ellenberg, 1988.','Montio-Cardaminetea i.a.','Sources jaillissantes (rhéocrènes), submergées (limnocrènes) et en suintements (hélocrènes) et leurs communautés étroitement associées, dont la composition dépend des conditions microclimatiques et hydrologiques particulières engendrées par la source. Celles-ci comprennent des communautés spécialisées de sources (Montio-Cardaminetea) ainsi que les communautés de bas-marais (Caricetalia davallianae, 54.2, Caricetalia fuscae, 54.4) ou d’autres communautés (Caricion bicoloris-atrofuscae, 54.3, Festuco-Brometea, 34.3) qui s''entremêlent avec elles.','Ellenberg, 1988.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('54.11','54.1','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Sources d''eaux douces pauvres en bases','Soft water springs','Cardamino-Montion, Myosotidion stoloniferae i.a.','Acid or neutral, oligotrophic to eutrophic non-calcareous springs. The specialized spring communities belong to the various associations of the Cardamino-Montion or, in Iberian mountains, the Myosotidion stoloniferae; some of them are individualized below. The associated swamp communities belong to the Caricetalia fuscae and their presence can be indicated by use, simultaneously with one of the codes of 54.11, of a code of 54.4.','Ellenberg 1963, 1988; Horvat et al., 1974; Westhoff and den Held, 1975; Schumacher, 1977; Guinochet and Vilmorin, 1978; Bournérias, 1979, 1984; Rivas-Martinez, Diaz et al., 1984; Martinez Parras et al., 1987; Oberdorfer, 1990.','Cardamino-Montion,','Sources d''eaux acides ou neutres, oligotrophes à eutrophes non calcaires. Ces communautés spécialisées appartiennent à diverses associations du Cardamino-Montion ; quelques-unes sont individualisées. Les communautés de marais associées appartiennent aux Caricetalia fuscae et leur présence peut être indiquée par l’emploi simultanément d''un des codes de 54.11 ou de 54.4.','Ellenberg, 1963, 1988 ; Horvat et al., 1974 ; Westoff et den Held, 1975 ; Guinochet et Vilmorin, 1978 ; Bournérias, 1979, 1984 ; Oberdorfer, 1990.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('54.111','54.11','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Sources d''eaux douces à Bryophytes','Soft water bryophyte springs ','Montienion (Cardamino-Montienion)','Spring communities of waters poor in lime dominated by bryophytes, mostly characteristic of northern upland and high montane, alpine or subalpine levels, also locally of well-lit lowland sites. The principal mosses that compose them are Philonotis fontana, P.seriata, Anthelia julacea, Pohlia wahlenbergii, Scapania paludosa, Bryum schleicheri, Sphagnum auriculatum. A few small vascular plants accompany them, in particular Montia fontana, Saxifraga stellaris, S. rivularis, S. aquatica, Cerastium cerastoides, Epilobium anagallidifolium.','','Montienion (Cardamino-Montienion)','Communautés de sources d''eaux pauvres en calcaires dominées par des Bryophytes, généralement caractéristiques des étages collinéen septentrional et montagnard, alpin ou subalpin, et localement des stations bien ensoleillées de plaines. Les principales mousses sont Philonotis fontana, P. seriata, Anthelia julacea, Pohlia wahlenbergii, Scapania paludosa, Bryum schleicheri, Sphagnum auriculatum. Le petit nombre de plantes vasculaires qui les accompagnent sont plus particulièrement Montia fontana, Saxifraga stellaris, S. rivularis, S. aquatica, Cerastium cerastioides, Epilobium anagallidifolium.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('54.112','54.11','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Sources à Cardamines','Bittercress springs','Cardaminenion','Spring communities of mostly collinar and montane, shaded waters poor in lime, with Ranunculus hederaceus, Cardamine amara, C. flexuosa, C. raphanifolia, Chrysosplenium oppositifolium, C. alternifolium, Saxifraga clusii ssp. lepismigena, ranging southwest to the Cordillera Cantabrica.','','Cardaminenion','Communautés fontinales pour la plupart collinéennes et montagnardes, aux eaux ombragées, pauvres en calcaires, avec Ranunculus hederaceus, Cardamine amara, C. flexuosa, C. raphanifolia, Chrysosplenium oppositifolium, C. alternifolium.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('54.113','54.11','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Forget-me-not springs','Myosotidion stoloniferae','Spring and rivulet communities of high Iberian mountains, characteristic of the oro- and cryo-Mediterranean levels of the Cordillera Cantabrica, and of the Cordillera Central, the Iberian Range, the Sierra Nevada, with Myosotis stolonifera, Veronica langei, Festuca rivularis, Stellaria alsine, Saxifraga stellaris ssp. alpigena.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('54.12','54.1','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Sources d''eaux dures','Hard water springs','Cratoneurion i.a.','Calcareous, often petrifying, springs. Their specialized communities, usually dominated by bryophytes, belong to the Cratoneurion commutati. Characteristic species are the mosses Cratoneuron filicinum, C. commutatum, C. commutatum var. falcatum, Catoscopium nigritum, Eucladium verticillatum, Gymnostomum recurvirostrae, with Equisetum telmateia, E. variegatum and flowering plants including Cochlearea pyrenaica, Arabis soyeri, Pinguicula vulgaris, Saxifraga aizoides. The associated swamp communities belong to the Caricetalia davallianae and their presence can be recorded by the use, simultaneously with one of the codes of 54.12, of a code of 54.2. Large petrifying springs form tufa cones that constitute singular habitats with several interacting plant and animal communities; they have thus been individualized below.','Ellenberg 1963, 1988; Braun-Blanquet et al., 1964; Parent, 1973; Horvat et al., 1974; Westhoff and den Held, 1975; Braun-Blanquet, 1978; Guinochet and Vilmorin, 1978; Bournérias, 1979, 1984; Oberdorfer, 1990.','Cratoneurion i.a.','Sources calcaires souvent pétrifiantes. Leurs communautés spécialisées, généralement dominées par des Bryophytes, appartiennent au Cratoneurion commutati. Les espèces caractéristiques sont les mousses Cratoneurion filicinum, C. commutatum, C. commutatum var. falcatum, Catoscopium nigritum, Eucladium verticillatum, Gymnostomum recurvirostrae, avec Equisetum telmateia, E. variegatum et des plantes à fleurs parmi lesquelles Cochlearia pyrenaica, Arabis soyeri, Pinguicula vulgaris, Saxifraga aizoides. Les communautés de marais associées appartiennent aux Caricetalia davallianae et leur présence peut être notée par l’emploi simultané d’un code des subdivisions 54.12 ou 54.2. Les grandes sources pétrifiantes forment des cones de tufs qui constituent des habitats particuliers avec plusieurs communautés de plantes et d’animaux en interaction ; celles-ci seront individualisées ci-dessous.','Ellenberg, 1963, 1988 ; Braun-Blanquet et al., 1964 ; Parent, 1973 ; Horvat et al., 1974 ; Westoff et den Held, 1975 ; Braun-Blanquet, 1978 ; Guinochet et Vilmorin, 1978 ; Bournérias, 1979, 1984 ; Oberdorfer, 1990.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('54.121','54.12','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Cônes de tufs','Tufa cones','','Large tufa deposits of petrifying springs. When active, they comprise a hydrosere in which the Cratoneurion plants, and in particular, Cratoneuron spp., are accompanied by fen species such as Carex lepidocarpa and Sesleria caerulea; the latter may physiognomically dominate both the hydrosere and the adjacent xerosere, developed on fossil tufa deposits, in which it is accompanied by Brometalia plants.','','','Vastes dépôts de tufs des sources pétrifiantes. Lorsqu''ils sont actifs, ces sources possèdent une hydrosère dans laquelle les plantes du Cratoneurion, et en particulier Cratoneuron spp. sont accompagnées d''espèces de bas-marais telles que Carex lepidocarpa ou de Sesleria albicans ; cette dernière peut physionomiquement dominer l''hydrosère et la xérosère adjacente, développée sur des dépôts de tufs fossiles, sur lesquels elle est accompagnée par des espèces des Brometalia.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('54.122','54.12','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Sources calcaires','Calcareous springs','','Other calcareous springs, with their associated flush.','','','Autres sources calcaires avec les suintements associées.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('54.2','54','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Bas-marais alcalins (tourbières basses alcalines)','Rich fens','Tofieldietalia (Caricetalia davallianae): Caricion davallianae ','Wetlands mostly or largely occupied by peat- or tufa-producing small sedge and brown moss communities developed on soils permanently waterlogged, with a soligenous or topogenous base-rich, nutrient-poor, often calcareous water supply, and with the water table at, or slightly above or below, the substratum. Peat formation, when it occurs, is infra-aquatic. Calciphile small sedges and other Cyperaceae usually dominate the mire communities, which belong to the Caricion davallianae, characterized by a usually prominent "brown moss" carpet formed by Campylium stellatum, Drepanocladus intermedius, D. revolvens, Cratoneuron commutatum, Acrocladium cuspidatum, Ctenidium molluscum, Fissidens adianthoides, Bryum pseudotriquetrum and others, a grasslike growth of Schoenus nigricans, S. ferrugineus, Eriophorum latifolium, Carex davalliana, C. flava, C. lepidocarpa, C. hostiana, C. panicea, Juncus subnodulosus, Scirpus cespitosus, Eleocharis quinqueflora, and a very rich flora including Tofieldia calyculata, Dactylorhiza incarnata, D. traunsteineri, D. traunsteinerioides, D. russowii, D. majalis ssp. brevifolia, D. cruenta, Liparis loeselii, Herminium monorchis, Epipactis palustris, Pinguicula vulgaris, Pedicularis sceptrum-carolinum, Primula farinosa, Swertia perennis. Wet grasslands (Molinietalia caerulaea, 37), tall sedge beds (Magnocaricion, 53.2), reed formations (Phragmition, 53.1), fen sedge beds (Cladietum mariscae, 53.3), may form part of the fen system, with communities related to transition mires (54.5, 54.6) and amphibious or aquatic vegetation (22.3, 22.4) or spring communities (54.1) developing in depressions.  The subunits below, which can, alone or in combination, and together with codes selected from the categories just mentioned, precise the composition of the fen, are understood to include the mire communities sensu stricto (Caricion davallianae), their transition to the Molinion, and assemblages that, although they may be phytosociologically referrable to alkaline Molinion associations, contain a large representation of the Caricion davallianae species listed, in addition to being integrated in the fen system; this somewhat parallels the definition of an integrated class Molinio-Caricetalia davallianae in Rameau et al., 1989.  Outside of rich fen systems, fen communities can occur on small surfaces in dune slack systems (16.3), in transition mires (54.5), in wet grasslands (37), on tufa cones (54.121) and in a few other situations. The codes below can be used, in conjunction with the principal code relevant, to signal their presence. Rich fens are exceptionally endowed with spectacular, specialized, strictly restricted species. They are among the habitats that have undergone the most serious decline. They are essentially extinct in several regions and gravely endangered in most. A very few large systems remain, in particular in pre-Alpine Bavaria, in the Italian pre-Alps, in collinar and montane eastern France, in northeastern Germany, in the coastal marshes of northern France, in southeastern and northern England, in Wales and in Ireland.','Duvigneaud, 1947; Braun-Blanquet, 1954, 1971a; Ellenberg 1963, 1988; Vanden Berghen, 1963; Braun-Blanquet et al., 1964; Berset, 1969; Géhu and Wattez, 1971; Herbauts, 1971; Parent, 1973; Westhoff and den Held, 1975; Schumacher, 1977; Guinochet and Vilmorin, 1978; Dierssen, 1978; Ratcliffe, 1980; Wheeler, 1980a, b, c; Jermy et al., 1982; Lembrechts and Van Straaten, 1982; Wheeler et al., 1983; Schmid, 1984; Nordiska ministerradet, 1984; Bournérias, 1984; Rivas-Martinez, Diaz et al., 1984; Gruber, 1984; Dupias, 1985; Diaz Gonzalez and Fernandez Prieto, 1987; Rameau et al., 1989; Oberdorfer, 1990.','Tofieldietalia (Caricetalia davallianae) : Caricion davallianae','Zones humides occupées principalement ou en grande partie par des communautés de petites Laîches et de Mousses brunes productrices de tourbes ou de tufs. Ces formations se développent sur des sols gorgés d''eau en permanence, avec une alimentation en eau soligène ou topogène très alcaline, pauvre en nutriments, souvent calcaire. La nappe d’eau est au niveau ou légèrement au-dessous ou au-dessus du sol. La formation de tourbe, quand elle se produit, se fait sous l''eau. Des petits Carex calciphiles et autres Cyperacées sont généralement dominants dans les communautés des bas-marais, qui appartiennent au Caricion davallanae, caractérisées par un tapis généralement dominant de "Mousses brunes", formé par Campylium stellatum, Drepanocladus intermedius, D. revolvens, Cratoneuron commutatum, Acrocladium cuspidatum, Ctenidium molluscum, Fissidens adianthoide, Bryum pseudotriquetrum et autres, des végétations herbacées de Schoenus nigricans, S. ferrugineus, Eriophorum latifolium, Carex davalliana, C. flava, C. lepidocarpa, C. hostiana, C. panicea, Juncus subnodulosus, Trichophorum cespitosum, Eleocharis quinqueflora et une très riche flore comprenant Tofieldia calyculata, Dactylorhiza incarnata, D. traunsteineri, D. cruenta, Liparis loselii, Herminium monorchis, Epipactis palustris, Pinguicula vulgaris, Primula farinosa, Swertia perennis. Les prairies humides (Molinietalia caerulaeae, 37), les peuplement de grands Carex (Magnocaricion, 53.2), les roselières (53.1), les cladiaies (Cladietum mariscae, 53.3) peuvent faire partie du système du bas-marais, avec des communautés apparentées aux marais de transition (54.5, 54.6) aux végétations amphibies ou aquatiques (22.3, 22.4) ou aux communautés de sources (54.1) développées dans les dépressions. Les subdivisions reprises ci-dessous qui, seules ou combinées entre elles et combinées avec les codes issus des catégories qui viennent d''être mentionnées, peuvent préciser la composition du marais. Ces unités sont conçues de manière à inclure les communautés des bas-marais alcalins (Caricion davallianae), leur transition vers le Molinion, ainsi que des ensembles intégrés dans le système du bas-marais qui, quoique phytosociologiquement pouvant être rattachés aux associations alcalines du Molinion, contiennent une grande représentation des espèces du Caricion davallianae. Ceci équivaut en quelque sorte à la définition d''une classe synthétique des Molinio-Caricetalia davallianae dans Rameau et al., 1989. Outre les systèmes de bas-marais alcalins riches, des communautés de bas-marais peuvent exister sur des petites surfaces à l’intérieur des systèmes de pannes dunaires (16.3), des tourbières de transition (54.5), des prairies humides (37), sur des cônes de tufs (54.121) et dans quelques autres situations. Les codes ci-dessous peuvent être utilisés en association avec le code principal approprié pour indiquer leur présence. Les bas-marais alcalins riches sont exceptionnels car dotés en espèces spectaculaires, spécialisées, de répartition strictement limitées. Ils font partie des habitats qui ont subi la régression la plus grave. Ils ont pratiquement disparu de certaines régions et sont gravement menacés dans d''autres. Il ne reste que très peu de grands systèmes, en particulier dans les collines et montagnes de l''est de la France, ...','Duvigneaud, 1947 ; Braun-Blanquet, 1954, 1971a ; Ellenberg, 1963, 1988 ; Vanden Berghen, 1963 ; Berset, 1969 ; Géhu et Wattez, 1971 ; Herbauts, 1971 ; Parent, 1973 ; Westhoff et den Held, 1975 ; Guinochet et Vilmorin, 1978 ; Dierssen, 1978 ; Schmid, 1984 ; Bournérias, 1984 ; Gruber, 1984 ; Dupias, 1985 ; Rameau et al., 1989 ; Oberdorfer, 1990.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('54.21','54.2','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Bas-marais à Schoenus nigricans (choin noir)','Black bog-rush fens','Schoenetum nigricantis (Orchio-Schoenetum nigricantis, Schoeno-Juncetum subnodulosi, Junco baltici-Schoenetum nigricantis)','Schoenus nigricans- dominated or -rich communities, of wide distribution, though less common in Alpine and peri-Alpine regions than the next unit, and confined to lower altitudes. Rushes, Juncus subnodulosus in British and western continental inland fens, J. balticus in dune-slack fens, are often abundant. Other accompanying species include Carex lepidocarpa, C. hostiana, C. panicea, C. pulicaris, Eriophorum latifolium, Molinia caerulea, Dactylorhiza incarnata, D. praetermissa, D. purpurella, D. traunsteineri, D. traunsteinerioides, Epipactis palustris, Parnassia palustris, Pinguicula vulgaris, brown mosses and, locally, Pinguicula lusitanica and Drosera anglica. These communities have enormously regressed, particularly in northern and northwestern continental Europe, and are extinct in many regions.','','Schoenetum nigricantis (Orchio-Schoenetum nigricantis, Schoeno-Juncetum subnodulosi Junco baltici-Schoenetum nigricantis)','Communautés dominées ou richement pourvues en Schoenus nigricans, de large distribution, mais cependant moins communes dans les régions alpiennes et péri-alpiennes que les unités suivantes, et cantonnées aux basses altitudes. Les joncs, Juncus subnodulosus dans les bas-marais britanniques et d’Europe continentale occidentale et Juncus balticus dans les pannes dunaires, sont souvent abondants. Les autres espèces compagnes comprennent Carex lepidocarpa, C. hostiana, C. panicea, C. pulicaris, Eriophorum latifolium, Molinia caerulea, Dactylorhiza incarnata, D. praetermissa, D. traunsteineri, Epipactis palustris, Parnassia palustris, Pinguicula vulgaris, des Mousses brunes et, localement, Pinguicula lusitanica et Drosera longifolia. Ces communautés ont énormément régressé, particulièrement dans le nord et le nord-est de l''Europe continentale, et sont éteintes dans de nombreuses régions.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('54.22','54.2','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Bas-marais à Schoenus ferrugineus','Brown bog-rush fens','','Schoenus ferrugineus-dominated communities.','','','Communautés dominées par Schoenus ferrugineus.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('54.221','54.22','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Bas-marais péri-alpins à Schoenus ferrugineus (choin ferrugineux)','Peri-Alpine brown bog-rush fens','Primulo-Schoenetum ferruginei','Schoenus ferrugineus-dominated formations of Alpine and peri-Alpine regions, with a predominance of Schoenus ferrugineus among the gramineous growth which is often overwhelming, imparting to the fens a distinctive brown tone in summer. Schoenus ferrugineus may be accompanied by Schoenus nigricans, Eriophorium latifolium, Carex hostiana, C. davalliana, C. panicea, C. flacca, C. lepidocarpa, C. demissa, C. dioica, Eleocharis quinqueflora, Molinia caerulea; non-gramineous herbs include Pinguicula vulgaris, Gentiana utriculosa, Drosera anglica, Primula farinosa, Parnassia palustris, Dactylorhiza traunsteineri, D. lapponica, Tofieldia calyculata; the rich moss layer is formed by Drepanocladus intermedius, D. revolvens, Campylium stellatum.','','Primulo-Schoenetum ferrugineae','Formations des régions alpiennes et péri-alpiennes dominées par Schoenus ferrugineus, avec la prédominance de Schoenus ferrugineus au milieu d''une strate graminéenne qu''elle submerge souvent, conférant une teinte brune distincte au marécage en été. Schoenus ferrugineus peut être accompagné de Schoenus nigricans, Eriophorum latifolium, Carex hostiana, C.davalliana, C. panicea, C. flacca, C. lepidocarpa, C. demissa, C. dioica, Eleocharis quinqueflora, Molinia caerulea ; les herbacées non graminoïdes comprennent Pinguicula vulgaris, Gentiana utriculosa, Drosera longifolia, Primula farinosa, Parnassia palustris, Dactylorhiza traunsteineri, Tofieldia calyculata ; la strate muscinale riche est formée de Drepanocladus intermedius, D. revolvens, Campylium stellatum.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('54.222','54.22','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Scottish brown bog-rush fens','Pinguiculo-Caricetum dioicae p.','Schoenus ferrugineus stands of base-rich Perthshire flushes, with Eleocharis quinqueflora, Carex hostiana, C. panicea, C. lepidocarpa, Saxifraga aizoides, Scirpus cespitosus, Eriophorum latifolium, E. angustifolium, Tofieldia pusilla, Pinguicula vulgaris, Scorpidium scorpioides.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('54.223','54.22','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Baltic brown bog-rush fens','','Schoenus ferrugineus-dominated fens of northeastern Jutland, the Danish archipelago and northeastern Germany, with Carex panicea, Tofieldia pusilla, Andromeda poliyfolia and brown mosses.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('54.23','54.2','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Tourbières basses à Carex davalliana','Davall sedge fens','Caricetum davallianae','Diverse, often extensive, fen communities, with Carex davalliana, C. hostiana, C. lepidocarpa, C. capillaris, C. panicea, C. nigra, C. demissa, C. flava, C. pulicaris, Eriophorum latifolium, Blysmus compressus, Schoenus ferrugineus, Eleocharis quinqueflora, Juncus articulatus, Scirpus cespitosus, Molinia caerulea, Dactylorhiza traunsteineri, Tofieldia calyculata, Allium schoenoprasum, Potentilla erecta, Swertia perennis, Primula farinosa, Parnassia palustris, Pinguicula vulgaris and a moss layer formed by Drepanocladus intermedius, Cratoneuron glaucum, Campylium stellatum, mostly characteristic of Alpine and peri-Alpine regions, with outlyers in the Hercynian system. This extremely species-rich community is still represented by a few large, very well preserved examples on the Bavarian plateau. These are a refuge for many rare species, including the relict, threatened Pedicularis sceptrum-carolinum and the orchids Dactylorhiza traunsteineri, D. ochroleuca, D. incarnata, Herminium monorchis, Epipactis palustris. Elsewhere in their range, the Davall sedge fens have undergone a drastic reduction, leading to extinction in many areas.','','Caricetum davallianae','Diverses communautés de bas-marais, souvent étendues, avec Carex davalliana, C. hostiana, C. lepidocarpa, C. capillaris, C. panicea, C. nigra, C. demissa, C. flava, C. pulicaris, Eriophorum latifolium, Blysmus compressus, Schoenus ferrugineus, Eleocharis quinqueflora, Juncus articulatus, Trichophorum cespitosum, Molinia caerulea, Dactylorhiza traunsteineri, Tofieldia calyculata, Allium schoenoprasum, Potentilla erecta, Swertia perennis, Primula farinosa, Parnassia palustris, Pinguicula vulgaris et une strate mucinale formée par Drepanocladus intermedius, Cratoneuron glaucum, Campylium stellatum, pour la plupart caractéristiques des régions alpiennes ou péri-alpiennes...','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('54.231','54.23','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Bas-marais à Carex davalliana floristiquement riches','Species-rich Davall sedge fens','Caricetum davallianae','Small Carex, Eriophorum and herb-rich facies of Davall sedge fens, with high species diversity.','','Caricetum davallianae','Faciès à petits Carex, à Eriophorum et riches en plantes herbacées des bas-marais à Carex davalliana, avec une grande diversité spécifique.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('54.232','54.23','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Bas-marais à Carex davalliana et Trichophorum cespitosum','Deergrass Davall sedge fens','Caricetum davallianae trichophoretosum','Generally impoverished Scirpus cespitosus-dominated facies of Davall sedge fens. Common companions are Carex davalliana, Parnassia palustris, Potentilla erecta and the mosses Campylium stellatum, Drepanocladus intermedius.','','Caricetum davallianae trichophoretosum','Faciès généralement appauvris à Trichophorum cespitosum dominant du bas-marais à Carex davalliana. Les compagnes communes sont Carex davalliana, Parnassia palustris, Potentilla erecta et les Mousses Campylium stellatum, Drepanocladus intermedius.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('54.24','54.2','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Bas-marais alcalins pyrénéens','Pyrenean rich fens','Carici davallianae-Eriophoretum latifoliae, Pinguiculo grandiflorae-Caricetum davallianae, Pediculari sylvaticae-Caricetum davallianae','Uncommon calcareous fens of the Pyrenees, with Eriophorum latifolium, Carex davalliana, C. lepidocarpa, C. echinata, C. rostrata, C. flacca, C. panicea, C. paniculata, C. ovalis, Eleocharis quinqueflora, Juncus articulatus, J. inflexus, Tofieldia calyculata, Epipactis palustris, Crepis paludosa, Parnassia palustris, Succisa pratensis, Pinguicula grandiflora.','','Carici davallianae-Eriophoretum latifoliae, Pinguiculo grandiflorae-Caricetum davallianae, Pediculari sylvaticae-Caricetum davallianae','Bas-marais calcaires peu communs des Pyrénées, avec Eriophorum latifolium, Carex davalliana, C. lepidocarpa, C. echinata, C. rostrata, C. flacca, C. panicea, C. paniculata, C. ovalis, Eleocharis quinqueflora, Juncus articulatus, J. inflexus, Tofieldia calyculata, Epipactis palustris, Crepis paludosa, Parnassia palustris, Succisa pratensis, Pinguicula grandiflora.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('54.25','54.2','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Bas-marais à Carex dioica, C. pulicaris, C. flava','Dioecious-flea-yellow sedge fens','','Diverse rich fen communities dominated by small sedges, among which Carex dioica, C. pulicaris or species of the Carex flava group, are usually prominent, but with little or no Carex davalliana. They mostly have a distinctly western distribution, occurring, in particular, in Denmark, on the western Hercynian periphery, in the Causses, in Iberia and in the British Isles.','','','Communautés diverses de bas-marais alcalins dominées par des petits Carex, parmi lesquels Carex dioica, C. pulicaris ou des espèces du groupe C. flava sont bien visibles, avec un peu ou non de Carex davalliana. Elles ont surtout une aire de distribution nettement occidentale, se rencontrant en particulier à la périphérie des chaînes hercyniennes occidentales, dans les Causses, dans la péninsule Ibérique et dans les Iles britanniques.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('54.251','54.25','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','British dioecious-yellow sedge fens','Pinguiculo-Caricetum dioicae','Small Carex swards of calcareous, soligenous mires on peat or mineral gleys, with Carex dioica, C. lepidocarpa, C. demissa, C. nigra, C. hostiana, C. flacca, C. panicea, Eriophorum latifolium, Eleocharis quinqueflora, Blysmus compressus, Scirpus setacea, Pinguicula vulgaris, Primula farinosa, Bartsia alpina, Tofieldia pusilla and sometimes, Juncus articulatus, J. alpinoarticulatus, Molinia caerulea, Equisetum variegatum, Anagallis tenella, Epipactis palustris and the bryophytes Campylium stellatum, Bryum pseudotriquetrum, Drepanocladus revolvens, Riccardia pinguis, Cratoneurum commutatum, Fissidens adianthoides, characteristic mostly of northern England and Scotland.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('54.252','54.25','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Scandinavian dioecious-yellow sedge fens','','Short Carex-dominated fen communities with Carex flava s. l., C. panicea, C. dioica, Eriophorum latifolium, Tofieldia pusilla and brown mosses.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('54.253','54.25','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Bas-marais à Carex flava médio-européens','Middle European yellow sedge fens','','Fen communities of middle latitudes of continental western Europe (the Netherlands, Belgium, western Germany, France, northern Italy), with Carex dioica, C. lepidocarpa, C. demissa, C. serotina, C. panicea, Eriophorum latifolium, Juncus articulatus and Campylium stellatum.','','','Communautés de bas-marais des latitudes moyennes de l''Europe occidentale continentale (Belgique, Pays-Bas, Allemagne de l''Ouest, France, Italie septentrionale), avec Carex dioica, C. lepidocarpa, C. demissa, C. serotina, C. panicea, Eriophorum latifolium, Juncus articulatus, J. alpinoarcticus et Campylium stellatum.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('54.254','54.25','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Cantabrian yellow sedge fens','Pinguiculo grandiflorae-Caricetum lepidocarpae, Primulo farinosae-Caricetum lepidocarpae','Rare exiguous alkaline spring and gulley communities of the montane level of the Cordillera Cantabrica, with Carex lepidocarpa, C. demissa, C. davalliana, C. equinata, C. nigra, C. panicea, Eriophorum latifolium, Eleocharis quinqueflora, Juncus articulatus, J. alpestris, Equisetum variegatum, Pinguicula grandiflora, Parnassia palustris and, in more eastern communities, Tofieldia caliculata, Primula farinosa, Bartsia alpina.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('54.255','54.25','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Eastern Iberian rich fens','','Calcareous fens of the southern Iberian Range (Sierra de Gudar, Sierra de Javalambre).','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('54.256','54.25','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Flea sedge fens','Parnassio-Caricetum pulicaris, Campylio-Caricetum dioicae','Fen formations intermediate between the Caricion davallianae and the Caricion fuscae, often developed in ecotonal situations, with Carex pulicaris and C. dioica, dispersed over a fairly wide range in continental middle Europe.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('54.26','54.2','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Bas-marais à Carex nigra','Black sedge alkaline fens','','Rich fen communities dominated by Carex nigra, accompanied by calciphile species and brown mosses.','','','Communautés de bas-marais alcalins, dominées par Carex nigra, accompagné d''espèces calciphiles et de mousses brunes.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('54.27','54.2','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Russet sedge fens','','Carex saxatilis-dominated mires of high calcareous mountains of the Central Highlands of Scotland, with Carex saxatilis, Juncus triglumis, J. castaneus, Saxifraga aizoides and brown mosses.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('54.28','54.2','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Bas-marais à Carex frigida','Ice sedge fens','Caricetum frigidae (Saxifrago-Caricetum frigidae, Tofieldio-Caricetum frigidae, Cariceto frigidae-Pinguiculo grandiflorae, Primulo-Caricetum frigidae, Soldanello-Caricetum frigidae)','Mostly sub-alpine formations dominated by Carex frigida, colonizing seepages and flushes on stony slopes of the Alps, the Pyrenees and the Black Forest, with Carex davalliana, C. demissa, C. panicea, C. nigra, Juncus triglumis, J. castaneus, Blysmus compressus, Tofieldia calyculata, Parnassia palustris, Pinguicula vulgaris, P. grandiflora, Primula farinosa, Saxifraga aizoides, Campylium stellatum.','','Caricetum frigidae (Saxifrago-Caricetum frigidae, Tofieldio-Caricetum frigidae, Cariceto frigidae-Pinguiculetum grandiflorae, Primulo-Caricetum frigidae, Soldanello-Caricetum frigidae)','Formations pour la plupart subalpines dominées par Carex frigida, colonisant des suintements et des ruissellements sur des versants caillouteux des Alpes, des Pyrénées et de la Forêt Noire, avec Carex davalliana, C. demissa, C. panicea, C. nigra, Juncus triglumis, Blysmus compressus, Tofieldia calyculata, Parnassia palustris, Pinguicula vulgaris, P. grandiflora, Primula farinosa, Saxifraga aizoides, Campylium stellatum.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('54.29','54.2','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','British saxifrage-sedge flushes','','Carex demissa-Saxifraga aizoides communities of sub-montane base-rich seeps in northern Wales, northern England, southern Scotland and, mostly, the Scottish Highlands, with Juncus articulatus, Carex panicea, Eleocharis quinqueflora, Selaginella selaginoides and brown mosses. Montane saxifrage-sedge flushes with glacial relicts have been listed under 54.34.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('54.2A','54.2','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Bas-marais à Eleocharis quinqueflora','Spike-rush fens','','Eleocharis quinqueflora-dominated rich fen communities, for the most part species-poor pioneering formations.','','','Communautés riches dominées par Eleocharis quinqueflora, pour la plupart formations pionnières pauvres en espèces.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('54.2B','54.2','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Greek flat sedge fens','','Blysmus compressus-dominated communities of Greek mountains, with Parnassia palustris, Veronica balcanica, V. anagallis-aquatica, Eleocharis uniglumis, E. quinqueflora, Carex hirta, and with Juncus thomasii, Bellis perennis or Leontodon hispidus on limestone, Pinguicula hirtiflora, P. balcanica, Soldanella pindicola, Eriophorum latifolium, Carex nigra on ophiolites.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('54.2C','54.2','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Bas-marais alcalins à Carex rostrata','Bottle sedge alkaline fens','','Carex rostrata-dominated formations of very wet sites in rich fens, usually with a carpet of brown mosses and few vascular plants other than the sedge; these grade into transition mire communities of 54.5.','','','Formations dominées par Carex rostrata dans de nombreux sites humides des bas-marais alcalins, généralement avec un tapis de mousses brunes et de plantes vasculaires de marécages autres que les Cypéracées ; cette unité fait la transition avec les communautés marécageuses de 54.5.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('54.2D','54.2','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Tourbières basses alcalines à Scirpus hudsonianus','Alpine deergrass alkaline fens','','Scirpus hudsonianus-dominated stands of fens, less common than those of transition mires (54.5).','','','Stations à Scirpus hudsonianus dominant des bas-marais alcalins, moins communs que ceux des marais de transition 54.5.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('54.2E','54.2','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Bas-marais alcalins à Trichophorum cespitosum','Deergrass alkaline fens','','Scirpus cespitosus stands of rich fens, other than those that occur as facies of Davall sedge fens.','','','Stations à Trichophorum cespitosum des bas-marais alcalins autres que ceux apparaissant comme un faciès des marais à Carex davalliana.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('54.2F','54.2','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Bas-marais médio-européens à Blysmus compressus','Middle European flat sedge fens','','Blysmus compressus-dominated stands of rich fens other than Greek flat sedge fens (54.2B).','','','Stations à Blysmus compressus dominant des bas-marais alcalins autres que ceux des marais à Blysmus de la Grèce.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('54.2G','54.2','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Bas-marais alcalins à petites herbes','Small herb alkaline fens','','','','','Communautés simplifiées de bas-marais alcalin formées par quelques espèces non-graminoïdes, en particulier, Anagallis tenella et Parnassia palustris.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('54.2H','54.2','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Bas-marais alcalins dunaires à Carex trinervis','Calcareous dunal rush-sedge fens','','','','Cariceto-Drepanocladetum','Formations de Carex trinervis, Juncus anceps, J. subnodulosus, Parnassia palustris, Gentianella amarella, Herminium monorchis, Depranocladus aduncus, Campylium stellatum, sans, ou avec un peu de Schoenus nigricans. Ces communautés sont caractéristiques de pannes dunaires calcaires belges et françaises septentrionales. Elles sont limitées à des systèmes dunaires et ce code sera donc utilisé en conjonction avec 16.33. Elles sont gravement menacées.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('54.2I','54.2','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Bas-marais à hautes herbes','Tall herb fens','','Fens invaded by Peucedanum palustre, Eupatorium cannabinum, Cicuta virosa, Symphytum officinale, Lysimachia vulgaris, Cladium mariscus, Phragmites australis, Glyceria maxima, Calamagrostis canescens.','','','Bas-marais envahis par Peucedanum palustre, Eupatorium cannabinum, Cicuta virosa, Symphytum officinale, Lysimachia vulgaris, Cladium mariscus, Phragmites australis, Glyceria maxima, Calamagrostis canescens.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('54.3','54','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Gazons riverains arctico-alpins','Arcto-alpine riverine swards','Caricion bicolori-atrofuscae','Rare Alpine, peri-Alpine and northern British communities of glacial relicts colonizing neutral or basic gravelly, sandy, stoney, sometimes somewhat argilous or peaty substrates soaked by cold water, in moraines and on edges of springs, rivulets, glacial torrents of the alpine or sub-alpine levels, or on alluvial sands of pure, cold, slow-flowing rivers and calm backwaters. The highly characteristic constituents are Carex bicolor, C. microglochin, C. maritima, C. atrofusca, C. vaginata, Kobresia simpliciuscula, Scirpus pumilus, Juncus arcticus, J. alpinoarticulatus, J. castaneus, J. triglumis, Typha minima, T. lugdunensis, T. shuttleworthii, Tofieldia pusilla; they are often accompanied by Carex davalliana, C. dioica, C. capillaris, C. panicea, C. nigra, Blysmus compressus, Eleocharis quinqueflora, Scirpus cespitosus, Primula farinosa, Equisetum variegatum, Drepanocladus intermedius, Campylium stellatum.','Braun-Blanquet, 1954, 1967, 1971; Braun-Blanquet et al., 1964; Dierssen, 1978; Guinochet and Vilmorin, 1978; Ratcliffe, 1980; Jermy, 1982; Ellenberg, 1988; Oberdorfer, 1990.','Caricion bicolori-atrofuscae','Rares communautés alpiennes, péri-alpiennes et du nord des Iles britanniques composées de reliques glaciaires, et colonisant des substrats neutres ou basiques graveleux, sableux, pierreux, parfois un peu argileux ou tourbeux, imbibés par de l’eau froide. Elles se développent dans les moraines et sur les bords des sources, des ruisselets, de torrents glaciaires aux étages alpin et subalpin, ou sur les sables alluviaux des rivières claires, froides, à courant lent et des bras morts. Les constituants les plus caractéristiques sont Carex bicolor, C. microglochin, C. maritima, C. atrofusca, C. vaginata, Kobresia simpliciuscula, Trichophorum pumilum, Juncus arcticus, J. triglumis, Typha minima, T. minima subsp. gracilis, T. shuttle worthii, Tofieldia pusilla ; ils sont souvent accompagnés de Carex davalliana, C. dioica, C. capillaris, C. panicea, C. nigra, Blysmus compresus, Eleocharis quinqueflora, Trichophorum cespitosum, Primula farinosa, Equisetum variegatum, Drepanocladus intermedius, Campylium stellatum.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('54.31','54.3','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Gazons riverains arctico-alpins à élyne fausse Laîche','Arcto-alpine riverine false sedge swards','Kobresietum simpliciusculae','Communities of Kobresia simpliciuscula, Carex microglochin, Scirpus pumilus, Tofieldia pusilla, Carex dioica.','','Kobresietum simpliciusculae','Communautés à Kobresia simpliciuscula, Carex microglochin, Trichophorum pumilum, Tofieldia calyculata, Carex dioica.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('54.32','54.3','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Gazons riverains arctico-alpins à Carex maritima','Arcto-alpine riverine curved sedge swards','Caricetum maritimae','Communities of Carex bicolor, C. maritima, C. atrofusca, Juncus arcticus.','','Caricetum maritimae','Communautés de Carex bicolor, C. maritima, C. atrofusca, Juncus arcticus.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('54.33','54.3','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Gazons riverains arctico-alpins à Typha','Arcto-alpine riverine Typha swards','Equiseto-Typhetum minimae','Typha minima, T. shuttleworthii, Juncus alpinoarticulatus, Equisetum variegatum communities of cold slow-flowing waters.','','Equiseto-Typhetum minimae','Communautés des eaux froides à courant lent de Typha minima, T. shuttleworthii, Equisetum variegatum.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('54.34','54.3','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','British mica flushes','','Rare communities of micaceous stony flushes of the Highlands of Scotland and of upper Teesdale, with Carex atrofusca, C. microglochin, C. demissa, C. dioica, C. panicea, Juncus triglumis, J. biglumis, J. castaneus, Kobresia simpliciuscula, Tofieldia pusilla, Saxifraga aizoides, Thalictrum alpinum, Equisetum variegatum, E. hyemale and the moss Blindia acuta.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('54.4','54','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Bas-marais acides','Acidic fens','Caricetalia fuscae, Caricion fuscae','Topogenous or soligenous valley, basin or spring mire systems fed by waters poor in bases. As in the rich fens, the water level is at or near the surface of the substratum and peat formation is infra-aquatic. The mire communities themselves, dominated by small sedges and brown mosses or sphagnum, belong to the Caricetalia fuscae, but, in large fen systems, they are accompanied by acidocline wet grasslands (Molinietalia caeruleae), large sedge beds (Magnocaricion) and reed or related communities (Phragmition). Sphagnum hummocks (51.11) form locally and transition mires (54.5) or aquatic (22.3), amphibian (22.2) and spring (54.1) communities colonize small depressions. Thus, codes from all the above categories are used in conjunction with the ones below to completely describe the fen. The subdivisions listed here are, in any case, understood to include, besides strict mire communities, their transitions to humid grasslands, and groupings phytosociologically affiliated with Molinion associations, but rich in species of the Caricion fuscae, provided they are integrated in a fen system (somewhat paralleling the Junco acutiflori-Caricetalia nigrae of Rameau et al., 1989). Acidic fen communities also occur on small surfaces or within mosaics in other ecosystems, in particular in typical humid grasslands (37), humid woodlands and thickets (44), decalcified dune slacks (16.3) and spring systems (54.1).  Their presence can be indicated by codes from this unit used in conjunction with the relevant main codes. Characteristic species of acidic mire communities are Carex canescens, C. echinata, C. nigra, Eriophorum angustifolium,  E. scheuchzeri, Scirpus cespitosus, Juncus filiformis, Agrostis canina, Viola palustris, Cardamine pratensis, Ranunculus flammula and the mosses Calliergon sarmentosum, C. stramineum, C. cuspidatum, Drepanocladus exannulatus, D. fluitans, Sphagnum recurvum, S. auritum, S. cuspidatum, S. subsecundum, S. apiculatum, S. papillosum, S. russowii.','Braun-Blanquet, 1954, 1971; Ellenberg 1963, 1988; Berset, 1969; Schumacker and Froment, 1971; Parent, 1973; Westhoff and den Held, 1975; Schumacker, 1976; Wattez, 1976; Schumacher, 1977; Brasseur et al., 1977; Guinochet and Vilmorin, 1978; Brasseur et al., 1978; Dierssen, 1978; Petermann and Seibert, 1979; Ratcliffe, 1980; Prieto, 1983; Nordiska ministerradet, 1984; Rivas-Martinez, Diaz et al., 1984; Bournérias, 1984; Ochsenbein, 1984a, b; Gamisans, 1985; Dias Gonzalez and Fernandez Prieto, 1987; Martinez Parras and Peinado Lorca, 1987; Rivas-Martinez et al., 1987; Martinez Parras et al., 1987; Rameau et al., 1989; Salomez in litt., 1989; Oberdorfer, 1990.','Caricetalia fuscae, Caricion fuscae','Systèmes de marais topogènes ou soligènes, des vallées ou des sources alimentées par des eaux pauvres en bases. Comme dans le cas des bas-marais alcalins, le niveau de l''eau est à la surface, ou proche de la surface du substrat et la formation de tourbe est infra-aquatique. Ces communautés de bas-marais acides dominées par de petits Carex et des Mousses brunes ou des Sphaignes, appartiennent aux Caricetalia fuscae. Mais, dans des grands systèmes de bas-marais, elles sont accompagnées de prairies acidoclines humides (Molinietalia caeruleae), de magnocariçaies (Magnocaricion) et/ou en relation avec des phragmitaies (Phragmition) ou des communautés apparentées. Des buttes de Sphaignes (51.11) se forment localement et des tourbières de transition (54.5) ou des communautés aquatiques (22.3), amphibies (22.2) et de sources (54.1) colonisent les petites dépressions. Par conséquent les codes de toutes les catégories ci-dessus sont utilisés en conjonction avec ceux qui suivent pour décrire le marais d’une façon complète. Les subdivisions présentées ici, sont, dans tous les cas comprises, de manière à inclure outre les communautés strictement de bas-marais, leurs transitions vers les prairies humides et les groupements phytosociologiquement proches des associations du Molinion mais riches en espèces du Caricion fuscae, pour autant que ces communautés soient intégrées dans un système de bas-marais (quelque peu analogue au Junco acutiflori-Caricetalia nigrae de Rameau et al, 1989). Les communautés des bas-marais acides occupent ainsi des surfaces restreintes ou se trouvent au sein de mosaïques avec d''autres écosystèmes, en particulier dans les prairies humides typiques (37), les bois et les fourrés humides (44), les pannes dunaires décalcifiées (16.3) et les systèmes de sources (54.1). Leur présence peut être indiquée par les codes de ces unités, associés à ceux relevant du code principal. Les espèces caractéristiques de ces communautés de marais acides sont Carex canescens, C. echinata, C. nigra, Eriophorum angustifolium, E. scheuchzeri, Trichophorum cespitosum, Juncus filiformis, Agrostis canina, Viola palustris, Cardamine pratensis, Ranunculus flammula et les Mousses Calliergon sarmentosum, C. stramineum, C. cuspidatum, Drepanocladus exannulatus, D. fluitans, Sphagnum recurvum, S. auritum, S. cuspidatum, S. subsecundum, S. apiculatum, S. papillosum, S. russowii.','Braun-Blanquet, 1954, 1971 ; Ellenberg, 1963, 1988 ; Berset, 1969 ; Schumacker et Froment, 1971 ; Parent, 1973 ; Westhoff et den Held, 1975 ; Schumacker, 1976 ; Wattez, 1976 ; Brasseur et al., 1977 ; Guinochet et Vilmorin, 1978 ; Brasseur et al., 1978 ; Bournérias, 1984 ; Ochsenbein, 1984a, b ; Gamisans, 1985 ; Rameau et al., 1989 ; Salomez in litt., 1989 ; Oberdorfer, 1990.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('54.41','54.4','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Ceintures lacustres à Eriophorum scheuchzeri','Alpine cottongrass lake girdles','Eriophoretum scheuchzeri','Almost pure swards of Eriophorum scheuchzeri fringing small, cold, acidic lakes above the tree limit. Permenently inundated, they include few other vascular plants, limited to a few individuals of Carex nigra, C. rostrata, C. lachenalii, C. brunnescens, Juncus filiformis, Eriophorum angustifolium; the moss Drepanocladus exannulatus is usually present and abundant.','','Eriophoretum scheuchzeri','Gazons pratiquement purs d''Eriophorum scheuchzeri bordant les petits lacs froids aux eaux acides au-dessus de la limite des arbres. Inondés en permanence, ils comprennent peu d''autres plantes vasculaires, limités à un petit nombre d''individus de Carex nigra, C. rostrata, C. lachenalii, C. brunnescens, Juncus filiformis, Eriophorum angustifolium ; la Mousse Drepanocladus exannulatus est généralement présente et abondante.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('54.42','54.4','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Tourbières basses à Carex nigra, C. canescens et C. echinata','Black-white-star sedge fens','Caricetum fuscae s.l.','Acidic fen communities of middle Europe, the Alpine system, the Pyrenees and northern Iberia, rich in Carex nigra, C. canescens, C. echinata, often accompanied by Eriophorum angustifolium and Juncus spp., with a muscinal layer of brown mosses, sphagnums or both.','','Caricetum fuscae s.l.','Communautés de bas-marais acides d''Europe moyenne, du système alpien et des Pyrénées, riches en Carex nigra, C. canescens, C. echinata, souvent accompagnés d''Eriophorum angustifolium et de Juncus spp., avec une strate muscinale de Mousses brunes, de Sphaignes ou d''Hépatiques.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('54.421','54.42','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Bas-marais alpins à Carex fusca','Alpine black sedge fens','Caricetum fuscae (Caricetum nigrae) s.s.','Acidophilous small sedge communities of the alpine and subalpine levels of the Alps and Alpine periphery, occupying wet gentle slopes and plateaux where melt water lingers or encircling small lakes on the landward, usually emerged, side of the Eriophoretum scheuchzeri girdle. The sward is formed by Carex nigra, C. canescens, C. echinata, Juncus filiformis variously accompanied by Eriophorum angustifolium, Carex magellanica, C. lachenalii, C. norvegica, C. panicea, C. demissa, Phleum alpinum, Agrostis canina, Viola palustris, Parnassia palustris, Pedicularis palustris; the moss layer is formed by Scapania paludosa, Paludella squarrosa, Drepanocladus exannulatus, D. revolvens, D. intermedius, Calliergon stramineum, C. sarmentosum, Willemetia stipitata, Sphagnum recurvum.','','Caricetum fuscae (Caricetum nigrae) s.s.','Communautés acidiphiles de petits Carex des étages apin et subalpin des Alpes et du pourtour des Alpes, occupant les versants humides à pente douce et les plateaux avec stagnation des eaux de fusion soit sur la bordure externe habituellement émergée de la ceinture, d’Eriophorum scheuchzeri des petits lacs. La pelouse est formée de Carex nigra, C. canescens, C. echinata, Juncus filiformis, diversement accompagnés de Eriophorum angustifolium, Carex magellanica, C. lachenalii, C. norvegica, C. panicea, C. demissa, Phleum alpinum, Agrostis canina, Viola palustris, Parnassia palustris, Pedicularis palustris, Calycocorsus stipitatus ; la strate muscinale est formée de Scapania paludosa, Paludella squarrosa, Drepanocladus exannulatus, D. revolvens, D. intermedius, Calliergon stramineum, C. sarmentosum, Sphagnum recurvum.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('54.422','54.42','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Bas-marais sub-atlantiques à Carex nigra, C. canescens et C. echinata','Sub-Atlantic black-white-star sedge fens','Caricetum curto-echinatae (Carici canescenti-Agrostitetum caninae)','Acidic fen communities of lowland, collinar and montane areas of northern northwestern and western Europe, excluding the British Isles and the Iberian peninsula. Carex nigra, C. canescens and C. echinata are always represented, often accompanied by dispersed C. rostrata. Rushes, Juncus filiformis, J. articulatus, J. acutiflorus, J. effusus, may be numerous, often marking the transition towards humid grasslands of the Molinietalia, the moss layer is formed by Sphagnum apiculatum, S. cuspidatum, S. recurvum and Polytrichum commune in the more oligotrophic, acidic sites, by brown mosses Drepanocladus fluitans, Calliergon stramineum, C. cuspidatum, in more mesotrophic situations. Other characteristic species include Eriophorum angustifolium, E. vaginatum, Agrostis canina, Molinia caerulea, Pedicularis palustris, Viola palustris, Parnassia palustris, Comarum palustre, Drosera rotundifolia, Menyanthes trifoliata, Ranunculus flammula and Willemetia stipitata. Included in this unit are the extensive peatlands of Hercynian valley fens, often invaded by rushes, and with characters both of the transition mires and of the humid grasslands.','','Caricetum curto-echinatae (Carici canescenti-Agrostietum caninae)','Communautés des bas-marais acides des régions planitiaires, collinéennes et montagnardes de l''Europe septentrionale et occidentale, à l''exclusion des Iles Britanniques et de la péninsule Ibérique. Carex nigra, C. canescens et C. echinata sont toujours représentés, souvent accompagnés par C. rostrata dispersé. Les joncs, Juncus filiformis, J. articulatus, J. acutiflorus, J. effusus peuvent abonder, marquant souvent la transition vers les prairies humides des Molinietalia, la strate muscinale est formée par Sphagnum apiculatum, S. cuspidatum, S. recurvum et Polytrichum commune dans les stations acides les plus oligotrophes, par les mousses brunes Drepanocladus fluitans, Calliergon stramineum, C. cuspidatum, dans les situations les plus mésotrophes. D''autres espèces caractéristiques incluent Eriophorum angustifolium, E. vaginatum, Agrostis canina, Molinia caerulea, Pedicularis palustris, Viola palustris, Parnassia palustris, Comarum palustre, Drosera rotundifolia, Menyanthes trifoliata, Ranunculus flammula et Willemetia stipitata. Les bas-marais des grandes tourbières des vallées hercyniennes, souvent envahies par des joncs, et montrant à la fois des caractéristiques des marais de transition et des prairies humides, sont compris dans cette unité.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('54.4221','54.422','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Bas-marais acides sub-atlantiques à Carex','Sub-Atlantic Carex acidic fens','','Sedge-dominated formations in which Carex canescens, accompanied by Agrostis canina, is often the most abundant, with a brown moss layer that can sometimes be very partial; Carex nigra and C. echinata facies also occur.','','','Formations dominées par des Laîches parmi lesquelles Carex canescens, accompagné par Agrostis canina, est souvent la plus abondante, avec une strate de Mousses brunes qui peut être parfois très fragmentaire ; des faciès à Carex nigra et C. echinata s''y retrouvent également.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('54.4222','54.422','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Bas-marais acides subatlantiques à Carex et Juncus','Sub-Atlantic Carex-Juncus acidic fens','','Acidic fen formations in which Carex nigra, C. canescens, C. echinata, and sometimes C. rostrata are accompanied by, and sometimes dominated by, abundant rushes, in particular Juncus filiformis, and J. acutiflorus, and with a pleurocarpic moss layer.','','','Formations de bas-marais acides dans lesquelles Carex nigra, C. canescens, C. echinata, et parfois C. rostrata sont accompagnés voire parfois dominés par de nombreux Joncs, en particulier Juncus filiformis et J. acutiflorus, avec une strate muscinale de mousses pleurocarpes.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('54.4223','54.422','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Bas-marais sub-atlantiques à Carex et Sphagnum','Sub-Atlantic Carex-Sphagnum fens','','Sphagnum peatlands in which the herbaceous sward is formed by Carex nigra, C. canescens, C. echinata and C. rostrata, generally with Eriophorum angustifolium and E. vaginatum. These very wet formations are closely related to transition mires.','','','Tourbières à Sphagnum dans lesquelles la strate herbacée est formée par Carex nigra, C. canescens, C. echinata et C. rostrata, généralement avec Eriophorum angustifolium et E. vaginatum. Ces formations très humides sont étroitement apparentées aux marais de transition.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('54.4224','54.422','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Bas-marais sub-atlantiques à Carex, Juncus et Sphagnum','Sub-Atlantic Carex-Juncus-Sphagnum fens','','Sphagnum peatlands in which the herbaceous sward is formed by Carex nigra, C. canescens, C. echinata, C. rostrata and abundant rushes, in particular Juncus filiformis and J. acutiflorus, generally with Eriophorum angustifolium and E. vaginatum. These formations are often related to wet grasslands.','','','Tourbières à Sphagnum dans lesquelles la strate herbacée est formée par Carex nigra, C. canescens, C. echinata, C. rostrata et de nombreux Joncs, en particulier Juncus filiformis et Juncus acutiflorus, généralement avec Eriophorum angustifolium et E. vaginatum. Ces formations sont souvent apparentées à des prairies humides.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('54.423','54.42','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','British black-white-star sedge acidic fens','','Acidic sphagnum fens of the British Isles in which the herbaceous sward is formed by Carex echinata, C. canescens, C. nigra or Carex rostrata and sometimes Juncus effusus, J. acutiflorus or Nardus stricta.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('54.4231','54.423','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','British Carex-Sphagnum fens','','Acidic sphagnum fens of the British Isles dominated by C. canescens, C. echinata, C. nigra, C. panicea, C. demissa, C. rostrata, with Sphagnum recurvum, S. papillosum, S. russowii.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('54.4232','54.423','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','British Juncus-Sphagnum fens','','Acidic sphagnum fens of the British Isles physiognomically dominated by Juncus effusus and J. acutiflorus, with Carex echinata, C. nigra, Agrostis stolonifera, Sphagnum recurvum, Polytrichum commune.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('54.4233','54.423','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','British high montane Sphagnum fens','','Very local fens of the high Scottish Highlands, with Carex echinata, C. nigra, C. bigelowii, C. aquatilis, C. rariflora, Saxifraga stellaris, Sphagnum recurvum, S. lindbergii, S. riparium, S. russowii.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('54.424','54.42','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Bas-marais acides pyrénéens à Laîche noire','Pyrenean black sedge acidic fens','Caricetum fuscae p.','Carex nigra dominated acidid fens of the Pyrenees, very similar to those of the Alps, in particular to the floristically rather impoverished southwestern Alpine communities.','','Caricetum fuscae p.','Bas-marais acides des Pyrénées dominés par Carex fusca, très semblables à ceux des Alpes, en particulier plus riches floristiquement que les communautés du sud-ouest des Alpes.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('54.425','54.42','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Iberian black sedge acidic fens','Caricetum carpetanae, Sphagno recurvi-Caricetum carpetanae','Carex nigra ssp. carpetana-dominated communities of acid infra-aquatic peat mires of the montane and sub-alpine levels of the Cordillera Cantabrica and of the Cryo-Mediterranean level of the Cordillera Central.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('54.43','54.4','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Apennine acidic fens','','Rare infra-aquatic acidic peat mire communities of the Apennines south to the Sila, with Carex nigra, C. echinata and C. panicea.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('54.44','54.4','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Pozzines complexes à Carex intricata','Intricated sedge pozzines','','Oro-Mediterranean Carex intricata (Carex nigra ssp. intricata) - dominated formations of the Sierra Nevada, Corsica and the Nebrodi.','','','Formations oro-méditerranéennes dominées par Carex intricata (Carex nigra subsp. intricata) de la Corse.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('54.441','54.44','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Nevadan Borreguile fens','Ranunculo-Caricetum intricatae','Formations occupyingk permanently waterlogged peaty soils of glacial depressions and edges of their small lakes, and also waterholes in Nardus grasslands, at the oro-Mediterranean level of the Sierra Nevada, dominated by Carex intricata, with C. echinata, Eleocharis uniglumis, Viola palustris, Cerastium cerastoides, Veronica repens and Sierra Nevadan endemics Ranunculus alismoides, Festuca frigida, Pinguicula nevadensis, Leontodon microcephalus.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('54.442','54.44','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Pozzines complexes corses à Carex intricata','Corsican intricated sedge pozzines','Caricetum intricatae','Peaty swards surrounding waterholes, in particular glacial lakes, in the sub-alpine level of Corsica, dominated by Carex intricata.','','Caricetum intricatae','Gazons tourbeux entourant les points d''eau, en particulier les lacs glaciaires, à l''étage subalpin de la Corse, dominés par Carex intricata.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('54.443','54.44','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Nebrodi pozzines','','Isolated Carex intricata stations of Mount San Fratello in the Nebrodi mountains of Sicily.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('54.45','54.4','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Bas-marais acides à Trichophorum cespitosum','Deergrass acidic fens','','Acidic fen communities dominated by Scirpus cespitosus.','','','Communautés de bas-marais acides dominées par Trichophorum cespitosum.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('54.451','54.45','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Bas-marais acides alpiens à Trichophorum cespitosum','Alpine deergrass acidic fens','Trichophoretum caespitosum','Scirpus cespitosus-dominated communities of sub-alpine and alpine fens of the Alps, generally installed on somewhat dryer ground than the Caricetum fuscae and providing the transition between it and the wetter fringe of the Nardus grasslands.','','Trichophoretum cespitosi','Communautés à Trichophorum cespitosum dominant, des bas-marais alpins et subalpins des Alpes, installées généralement sur des substrats quelque peu plus secs que le Caricetum fuscae et faisant la transition entre celui-ci et la marge la plus humide des pelouses à Nardus stricta.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('54.452','54.45','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Bas-marais acides pyrénéens à Trichophorum cespitosum','Pyrenean deergrass acidic fens','Primulo integrifoliae-Trichophoretum caespitosi, Narthecio ossifragi-Trichophoretum caespitosi ','Scirpus cespitosus-dominated formations of acidic fens of the Pyrenees , often, particularly in the west, rich in Narthecium ossifragum, and with Carex frigida.','','Primulo integrifoliae-Trichophoretum caespitosi, Narthecio ossifragi-Trichophoretum caespitosi','Formations de bas-marais dominées par Trichophorum cespitosum des Pyrénées, souvent riches (particulièrement dans l''ouest) en Narthecium ossifragum, et accompagnées de Carex frigida.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('54.453','54.45','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Cantabrian deergrass acidic fens','Erico tetralicis-Trichophoretum germanici','Sub-alpine formations of the Cordillera Cantabrica, and, very locally, of the Orensano-Sanabrian mountains and the Cordillera Central, dominated by Scirpus cespitosus and Narthecium ossifragum, usually forming an outer fringe to the Caricetum carpetani, on somewhat less wet ground. Among companion species are Carex echinata, C. fusca, C. binervis, Drosera rotundifolia, Erica tetralix.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('54.454','54.45','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Bas-marais acides sub-atlantiques à Trichophorum cespitosum','Sub-Atlantic deergrass acidic fens','','Scirpus cespitosus-dominated communities of lowland and collinar middle European acidic fens.','','','Communautés dominées par Trichophorum cespitosum, des bas-marais acides des plaines et collines médio-européennes.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('54.455','54.45','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Bas-marais acides corses à Trichophorum cespitosum','Corsican deergrass fens','Pinguiculo-Trichophoretum caespitosi','Scirpus cespitosus-dominated formations of sub-alpine pozzines of Corsica, mostly confined to the edge of rivulets.','','Pinguiculo-Trichophoretum caespitosi','Formations dominées par Trichophorum cespitosum des pozzines subalpines de Corse, la plupart confinées au bord de ruisselets.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('54.46','54.4','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Bas-marais à Eriophorum angustifolium','Eriophorum angustifolium mires','','Eriophorum angustifolium-dominated swards of usually very wet sites within acidic fens, generally with a sphagnum carpet, formed in particular by Sphagnum cuspidatum.','','','Pelouses dominées par Eriophorum angustifolium sur des sites généralement très humides à l''intérieur des bas-marais acides, généralement avec un tapis de Sphaignes, formé en particulier par Sphagnum cuspidatum.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('54.47','54.4','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Dunal sedge acidic fens','Caricetum trinervi-fuscae','Formations of Carex nigra, C. trinervis, C. x timmiana, Juncus anceps, J. subnodulosus and introduced Vaccinium macrocarpum, restricted to wet, peaty, acidified dune slacks of the continental North Sea coast. This unit is to be used in conjunction with 16.33.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('54.5','54','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Tourbières de transition','Transition mires','Scheuchzerietalia palustris: Caricion lasiocarpae, Rhynchosporion albae p. i.a.','Wetlands mostly or largely occupied by peat-forming plant communities developed at the surface of oligotrophic or meso-oligotrophic water reaching a level above, sometimes well above, the substratum, providing little or no mineral or nutrient supply. Their characteristics are thus intermediate between those of soligenous and topogenous mires and those of strictly ombrogenous bogs. In large systems, the most prominent communities are swaying swards, floating carpets or quaking mires formed by medium sized or small sedges, associated with sphagnums or brown mosses. They are accompanied by aquatic and amphibious communities (22.3, 22.4) and by formations transitional to these on the one hand, to fens (54.2, 54.4), bogs (51.1) or humid grasslands (37) on the other; sphagnum buttes (51.11), in particular, are often an important feature. Tall sedge and reed communities (53), willow and alder carrs (44) invade part of the peatland. Transition mires form mostly as colonists of oligotrophic ponds and lakes, large bog pools or laggs. Their distribution is mostly northern peri-Alpine, peri-Hercynian and northern European. Outside of transition mire systems, their communities can be found in bog hollows (51.12), in blanket bogs (52), in depressions of rich or acidic fens (54.2, 54.4), in spring systems (54.1), in humid heaths (31.1) and a few other habitats. Characteristic species include Eriophorum gracile, Carex lasiocarpa, C. chordorrhiza, C. limosa, Scheuchzeria palustris, Hammarbya paludosa, Liparis loeselii, Calla palustris. Transition mires are an extremely important refuge of specialized, threatened species of both plants and animals; their richness and diversity in remarkable invertebrates, dragonflies among others, is even greater than that of most other mire ecosystems.','Robyns, 1958; Ellenberg, 1963, 1988; Braun-Blanquet, 1971; Géhu and Wattez, 1971; Parent, 1973; Lambinon, 1974; Westhoff and den Held, 1975; Willems et al.., 1975; Guinochet and Vilmorin, 1978; Muller, 1978; Schumacker, 1978; Brasseur et al., 1978; Dierssen, 1978; Petermann and Seibert, 1979; Ratcliffe, 1980; Lembrechts and Van Straaten, 1982; Jermy et al., 1982; Nordiska ministerradet, 1984; Bournérias, 1984; Ochsenbein, 1984a, b; Fabri et al., 1985; Mollet et al., 1985; Diaz Gonzalez and Fernandez Prieto, 1987; Rameau et al., 1989; Oberdorfer, 1990.','Scheuchzerietalia palustris : Caricion lasiocarpae, Rhynchosporion albae','Zones humides, occupées principalement ou en grande partie par des communautés de plantes turfigènes, se développant à la surface des eaux oligotrophes ou méso-oligotrophes, le substrat n''apportant que pas ou peu d''approvisionnement minéral ou de nutriments. Leurs caractéristiques sont donc intermédiaires entre celles des marais soligènes et topogènes et celles des tourbières strictement ombrogènes. Dans les grands systèmes, les communautés les plus remarquables sont les pelouses tremblantes, les tapis flottants ou des tourbières tremblantes formés de Cypéracées de taille moyenne ou petite, associés à des Sphaignes ou des Mousses brunes. Celles-ci sont accompagnées par des communautés aquatiques et amphibies (22.3, 22.4) et par des formations de transition vers celles-ci d''une part, vers des marécages (54.2, 54.4), des tourbières (51.1), et, d''autre part, des prairies humides (37) ; les buttes de Sphaignes (51.11), en particulier, sont souvent une composante caractéristique et importante. Les grands Carex et les roselières (53), les saulaies et les aulnaies envahissent une partie des tourbières. Les tourbières de transition se forment pour la plupart en colonisant les mares et lacs oligotrophes, et les mares et lagg des grandes tourbières. Leur distribution est surtout nord péri-alpienne, péri-hercynienne et nord-européenne. Les espèces caractéristiques comprennent Eriophorum gracile, Carex lasiocarpa, C. chordorrhiza, C. limosa, Scheuchzeria palustris, Hammarbya paludosa, Liparis loeselii, Calla palustris. Les tourbières de transition sont un refuge extrêmement important d''espèces spécialisées menacées, de plantes et d''animaux ; leur richesse et leur diversité en invertébrés remarquables, des libellules notamment, est bien plus grande que celle de la plupart des autres écosystèmes de tourbières.','Robyns, 1958 ; Ellenberg, 1963, 1988 ; Braun-Blanquet, 1971 ; Géhu et Wattez, 1971 ; Parent, 1973 ; Lambinon, 1974 ; Westoff et den Held, 1975 ; Willems et al., 1975 ; Guinochet et Vilmorin, 1978 ; Muller, 1978 ; Schumacker, 1978 ; Brasseur et al., 1978 ; Dierssen, 1978 ; Bournérias, 1984 ; Ochsenbein, 1984a, b ; Mollet et al., 1985 ; Rameau et al., 1989 ; Oberdorfer, 1990.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('54.51','54.5','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Pelouses à Carex lasiocarpa','Slender-sedge swards','Caricetum lasiocarpae','Usually floating meadows of the medium sized Carex lasiocarpa associated with either sphagnums or pleurocarps and often accompanied by Eriophorum gracile, Menyanthes trifoliata.','','Caricetum lasiocarpae','Prairies généralement flottantes de Carex lasiocarpa de taille moyenne associé à des Sphaignes ou à des Mousses pleurocarpes et souvent accompagné d''Eriophorum gracile, Menyanthes trifoliata.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('54.511','54.51','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Pelouses de Carex lasiocarpa et Mousses brunes','Brown moss slender-sedge swards','Caricetum lasiocarpae scorpidietosum','Basicline quaking mires and floating mats dominated by Carex lasiocarpa associated with Scorpidium scorpioides and other pleurocarps, and with charophytes. Among characteristic accompanying species are Pedicularis palustris and Liparis loeselii.','','Caricetum lasiocarpae','Tourbières tremblantes et tapis flottants basiclines dominés par Carex lasiocarpa associé à Scorpidium scorpioides et à d’autres Mousses pleurocarpes, et à des charophytes. Parmi les espèces caractéristiques accompagnatrices on relève Pedicularis palustris et Liparis loeselii.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('54.512','54.51','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Pelouses à Carex lasiocarpa et Sphaignes','Sphagnum slender-sedge swards','Caricetum lasiocarpae sphagnetosum recurvae (Sphagno-Caricetum lasiocarpae)','Acidocline quaking mires and floating mats dominated by Carex lasiocarpa associated with sphagnums (Sphagnum angustifolium, S. recurvum, S. lindbergii, S. pulchrum, S. balticum, S. dusenii, S. papillosum, S. subsecundum, S. riparium, S. subnitens, S.cuspidatum, S. flexuosum, S. fimbriatum, S. palustre, S. auriculatum) and Polytrichum commune. Characteristic accompanying species include Carex rostrata, C. nigra, C. panicea, Equisetum fluviatile, Narthecium ossifragum, Dactylorhiza sphagnicola, Comarum palustre, Vaccinium oxycoccos.','','Caricetum lasiocarpae sphagnetosum recurvae (Sphagno-Caricetum lasiocarpae)','Tourbières tremblantes et tapis flottants acidoclines dominés par Carex lasiocarpa associé à des Sphaignes (Sphagnum angustifolium, S. recurvm, S. lindbergii, S. pulchrum, S. balticum, S. dusenii, S. papillosum, S. subsecundum, S. riparium, S. subnitens, S. cuspidatum, S. flexuosum, S. fimbriatum, S. palustre, S. auriculatum) et Polytrichum commune. Les espèces caractéristiques accompagnatrices comprennent Carex rostrata, C. nigra, C. panicea, Equisetum fluviatile, Narthecium ossifragum, Dactylorhiza sphagnicola, Comarum palustre, Vaccinium oxycoccos.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('54.52','54.5','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Tourbières tremblantes à Carex diandra','Carex diandra quaking mires','Caricetum diandrae (Scorpidio-Caricetum diandrae)','Usually open swards formed by Carex diandra in association with C. lasiocarpa, C. appropinquata, C. limosa, C. lepidocarpa, Eriophorum gracile, E. angustifolia, Menyanthes trifoliata, Comarum palustre, Hydrocotyle vulgaris, Pedicularis palustris and an abundance of bryophytes, including the pleurocarps Campylium stellatum, Drepanocladus intermedius and the liverwort Riccardia pinguis. These mires are an important habitat for the threatened Liparis loeselii.','','Caricetum diandrae (Scorpidio-Caricetum diandrae)','Tapis généralement ouverts formés de Carex diandra en association avec C. lasiocarpa, C. appropinquata, C. limosa, C. lepidocarpa, Eriophorum gracile, E. angustifolium, Menyanthes trifoliata, Comarum palustre, Hydrocotyle vulgaris, Pedicularis palustris et une abondance de Bryophytes, comprenant les pleurocarpes Campylium stellatum, Drepanocladus intermedius et l''Hépatique Riccardia pinguis. Ces tourbières représentent un habitat important pour Liparis loeselii, espèce menacée.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('54.53','54.5','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Tourbières tremblantes à Carex rostrata','Bottle sedge quaking mires','','Usually sparse low formations of Carex rostrata on sphagnum or, sometimes, pleurocarp carpets.','','','Formations généralement légèrement clairsemées, basses, de Carex rostrata sur des tapis de Sphaignes ou, quelquefois, de Mousses pleurocarpes.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('54.531','54.53','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Tourbières tremblantes acidiclines à Carex rostrata','Acidocline bottle sedge quaking mires','Sphagno-Caricetum rostratae','Mats of acidophilous sphagnums with a usually low, open growth of Carex rostrata, accompanied by C. nigra, C. canescens, C. limosa, Vaccinium oxycoccos; the main sphagnums are Sphagnum recurvum, S. angustifolium, S. auriculatum, S.flexuosum, S. riparium, S. obtusum, S. dusenii.','','Sphagno-Caricetum rostratae','Tapis de Sphaignes acidiphiles avec une végétation généralement basse, ouverte de Carex rostrata, accompagné de Carex nigra, C. canescens, C. limosa, Vaccinium oxycoccos ; les principales Sphaignes sont Sphagnum recurvum, S. angustifolium, S. auriculatum, S. flexuosum, S. riparium, S. obtusum, S. dusenii.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('54.532','54.53','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Tourbières tremblantes basiclines à Carex rostrata','Basicline bottle sedge quaking mires','','Formations of Carex rostrata and basiphilous sphagnums or pleurocarps.','','','Formations de Carex rostrata et de Sphaignes ou de Pleurocarpes basiphiles.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('54.5321','54.532','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Tourbières tremblantes basiclines à Carex rostrata et Sphaignes','Basicline sphagnum-bottle sedge quaking mires','','Mats of basiphilous sphagnums, Sphagnum contortum, S. teres, S. warnstorfii, S. squarrosum with Carex rostrata.','','','Prairies de Sphaignes basiphiles, Sphagnum contortum, S. teres, S. warnstorfii, S. squarrosum, avec Carex rostrata.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('54.5322','54.532','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Tourbières tremblantes basiclines à Carex rostrata et Mousses brunes','Brown moss-bottle sedge quaking mires','','Carex rostrata formations, with Calliergon cuspidatum, C. giganteum, Campylium stellatum, Scorpidium scorpioides.','','','Formations à Carex rostrata, avec Calliergon cuspidatum, C. giganteum, Campylium stellatum, Scorpidium scorpioides.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('54.54','54.5','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Pelouses à Carex limosa','Mud sedge swards','Caricetum limosae p.','Low floating or quaking swards of Carex limosa.','','Caricetum limosae','Tapis bas légèrement flottants ou tremblants de Carex limosa.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('54.541','54.54','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Pelouses à Carex limosa des bourbiers et Mousses brunes','Brown moss mud sedge swards','Caricetum limosae hypnetosum','Basicline Carex limosa swards and floating rafts, with Carex lasiocarpa, C. lepidocarpa, Eriophorum gracile and a rich bryophyte cortège formed by the mosses Scorpidium scorpioides, Drepanocladus revolvens, Calliergon giganteum, C. trifarium, C. stramineum, Campylium stellatum, Bryum pseudotriquetum, the liverwort Riccardia pinguis, and occasionally sphagnums. Scheuchzeria palustris or Liparis loeselii may be present. Outside of transition mires, elements of these communities occur in the depressions of rich fens.','','Caricetum limosae hypnetosum','Tapis et radeaux flottants basiclines à Carex limosa, avec Carex lasiocarpa, C. lepidocarpa, Eriophorum gracile et un riche cortège bryophytique formé des Mousses Scorpidium scorpioides, Drepanocladus revolvens, Calliergon giganteum, C. trifarium, C. stramineum, Campylium stellatum, Bryum pseudotriquetrum, l''Hépatique Riccardia pinguis et, occasionnellement, des Sphaignes. Scheuchzeria palustris et Liparis loeselii peuvent être présents. En dehors des tourbières de transition, les éléments de ces communautés pénètrent dans les dépressions de bas-marais alcalins.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('54.542','54.54','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Pelouses à Carex limosa et Sphaignes','Sphagnum mud sedge swards','Caricetum limosae sphagnetosum recurvi','Acidocline Carex limosa swards and floating rafts, with Scheuchzeria palustris, Drosera rotundifolia, D. anglica, Menyanthes trifoliata and the sphagnums Sphagnum recurvum, S. subsecundum, S. imbricatum, S. papillosum and Menyanthes trifoliata. Outside of transition mires, elements of these communities, and notably Scheuchzeria palustris, occur in deep hollows of bogs (51.121), with Rhynchospora alba and Carex pauciflora and often without Carex limosa.','','Caricetum limosae-Sphagnetum recurvi','Tapis et radeaux flottants acidiclines de Carex limosa, avec Scheuchzeria palustris, Drosera rotundifolia, D. anglica, Menyanthes trifoliata, et les Sphaignes Sphagnum recurvum, S. subsecundum, S. imbricatum, S. papillosum. En dehors des tourbières de transition, des éléments de ces communautés, et notamment Scheuchzeria palustris se rencontrent dans les dépressions à l''intérieur des tourbières (51.121), avec Rhynchospora alba et Carex pauciflora et souvent sans Carex limosa.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('54.55','54.5','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Pelouses à Carex chordorrhiza','String sedge swards','Drepanoclado-Caricetum chordorrhizae','Short to medium-tall, usually inundated, swards formed by the Scandinavian, pre-Alpine, eastern-Hercynian, and, very locally, Scottish Carex chordorrhiza, associated with Carex limosa and with varied pleurocarps, Scorpidium scorpioides, Calliergon trifarium, C. stramineum, Campylium stellatum, Paludella squarrosa, Drepanocladus exanulatus, D. revolvens, D. procerus or, occasionally, with sphagnums.','','Drepanoclado-Caricetum chordorrhizae','Gazons bas à moyennement hauts, généralement inondés, formés par l''espèce scandinave, pré-alpine, est-hercynienne et, très localement, écossaise, Carex chordorrhiza, associée à Carex limosa et à diverses Pleurocarpes, Scorpidium scorpioides, Calliergon trifarium, C. stramineum, Campylium stellatum, Paludella squarrosa, Drepanocladus exanulatus, D. revolvens, D. procerus ou, occasionnellement, à des Sphaignes.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('54.56','54.5','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Pelouses à Carex heleonastes','Peat sedge swards','Caricetum heleonastae','Short to medium-tall swards formed by Carex heleonastes, often associated with Meesea triquetra, in transition mires and in bog hollows of peri-Alpine areas.','','Caricetum heleonastae','Pelouses basses à moyennement hautes, formées de Carex heleonastes, souvent associé à Meesea triquetra, dans des tourbières de transition et dans les dépressions des tourbières des régions péri-alpiennes.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('54.57','54.5','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Tourbières tremblantes à Rhynchospora','Beak-sedge quaking bogs','Sphagno-Rhynchosporetum albae','Rhynchospora alba-rich formations of transition mires, with Drosera anglica, D. intermedia, D. rotundifolia, Vaccinium oxycoccos, Carex limosa, C. rostrata, Sphagnum recurvum and sometimes with Eleocharis quinqueflora, Eriophorum latifolium, Andromeda polifolia or Scheuchzeria palustris.','','Sphagno-Rhynchosporetum albae','Formations des tourbières de transition riches en Rhynchospora alba, avec Drosera longifolia, D. intermedia, D. rotundifolia, Vaccinium oxycoccos, Carex limosa, C. rostrata, Sphagnum recurvum, et quelquefois avec Eleocharis quinqueflora, Eriophorum latifolium, Andromeda polifolia ou Scheuchzeria palustris.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('54.58','54.5','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Radeaux de Sphaignes et de Linaigrettes','Sphagnum and cottongrass rafts','','Floating, sometimes drifting, carpets of sphagnums (Sphagnum cuspidatum, S. recurvum, S. obesum) or of sphagnums and Eriophorum angustifolium. They may form fairly large transition mire communities in permanent heath pools, peri-glacial palsas, large raised bog and blanket bog pools and in former peat extraction holes. They often constitute the stage succeeding 54.59 in the colonization process. They have an appearance that ranges from low, barely emerging sphagnum mats to fairly dense cottongrass beds. Drosera rotundifolia is often abundant. The sphagnum and common cottongrass communities are an important habitat for the threatened Hammarbya paludosa.','','','Tapis de Sphaignes (Sphagnum cuspidatum, S. recurvum, S. obesum) ou de Sphaignes et d''Eriophorum angustifolium, flottants, parfois dérivants. Ils peuvent former des communautés de tourbières de transition assez grandes dans les mares permanentes des landes, les palses périglaciaires, les cuvettes des grandes tourbières bombées et des tourbières de couverture et dans les excavations formées pour l''extraction de la tourbe. Ils constituent souvent l''étape succédant à 54.59 dans les processus de colonisation. Ils se présentent sous l''aspect de tapis bas de Sphaignes émergeant à peine, avec des parterres assez denses de Linaigrettes. Drosera rotundifolia est souvent abondant. Les communautés de Sphaignes et de Linaigrette commune sont un habitat important pour Hammarbya paludosa menacé.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('54.59','54.5','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Radeaux à Menyanthes trifoliata et Potentilla palustris','Bog bean and marsh cinquefoil rafts','','Pioneering floating carpets of Menyanthes trifoliata, Potentilla palustris (Comarum palustre), Hydrocotyle vulgaris, often with Equisetum fluviatile, Carex rostrata, Cicuta virosa or sphagnums, forming the transition between or amphibious communities and mire communites. Initial stages have Potamogeton polygonifolius or P. coloratus, late stages, Carex nigra, Juncus acutiflora, Molinia caerulea.','','','Tapis flottant pionniers de Menyanthes trifoliata, Potentilla palustris (Comarum palustre), Hydrocotyle vulgaris, souvent avec Equisetum fluviatile, Carex rostrata, Cicuta virosa ou des Sphaignes, formant la transition entre les communautés amphibies et les communautés de tourbière. Les stades initiaux renferment Potamogeton polygonifolius ou P. coloratus, les stades ultérieurs Carex nigra, Juncus acutiflorus, Molinia caerulea.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('54.5A','54.5','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Tourbières à Calla','Bog arum mires','Calletum palustris i.a.','Floating meadows, quaking bogs or sphagnum mats dominated by or rich in Calla palustris, often with Potentilla palustris.','','Calletum palustris i. a.','Prairies flottantes, tourbières tremblantes ou tapis de Sphaignes dominées par, ou riches en, Calla palustris, souvent avec Potentilla palustris.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('54.5B','54.5','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Tapis de Mousses brunes','Brown moss carpets','','Formations dominated by Drepanocladus exannulatus, D. revolvens, Scorpidium scorpioides, Calliergon giganteum, C. cuspidatum, C. richardsonii, Campylium stellatum, Paludella squarrosa, associated with sparse Carex limosa, C. rostrata, C. lasiocarpa, C. chordorrhiza, C. aquatilis, sometimes with Potentilla palustris, Equisetum fluviatile, Sphagnum recurvum, S. dusenii, S. riparium, S. squarrosum, S. subsecundum or Sphagnum teres, S. warnstorfii, S. contortum, S. auriculatum, S. platyphyllum, characteristic of mesocline or basicline quaking bogs, often occurring in mosaic with Carex lasiocarpa or Carex diandra formations.','','','Formations dominées par Drepanocladus exannulatus, D. revolvens, Scorpidium scorpioides, Calliergon giganteum, C. cuspidatum, C. richardsonii, Campylium stellatum, Paludella squarrosa, associées à des pieds clairsemés de Carex limosa, C. rostrata, C. lasiocarpa, C. chordorrhiza, C. aquatilis, quelquefois avec Potentilla palustris, Equisetum fluviatile, Sphagnum recurvum, S. dusenii, S. riparium, S. squarrosum, S. subsecundum, ou Sphagnum teres, S. warnstorfii, S. contortum, S. auriculatum, S. platyphyllum, caractéristiques des tourbières tremblantes mésoclines ou basiclines, formant souvent des mosaïques avec les formations à Carex lasiocarpa ou Carex diandra.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('54.5C','54.5','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Tourbières tremblantes à Eriophorum vaginatum','Harestail cottongrass quaking bogs','','Transition mire communities in which the grass layer is dominated by Eriophorum vaginatum, on a thick mat of Sphagnum recurvum, with Polytrichum commune often forming a second moss layer. Associated plants include Carex nigra and Agrostis canina. Typical raised bog plants are few, often limited to Carex pauciflora and Vaccinium oxycoccos.','','','Communautés des tourbières de transition dans lesquelles la strate herbacée est dominée par Eriophorum vaginatum, sur un épais tapis de Sphagnum recurvum, avec souvent Polytrichum commune formant une seconde strate bryophytique. Les plantes associées renferment Carex nigra et Agrostis canina. Les plantes typiques des tourbières sont peu nombreuses, souvent limitées à Carex pauciflora et Vaccinium oxycoccos.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('54.5D','54.5','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Tourbières tremblantes à Molinia caerulea','Purple moorgrass quaking bogs','','Molinia caerulea-fdominated formation with Sphagnum cuspidatum, Eleocharis palustris, Rhynchospora alba, characteristic of lowlying areas in wet heaths and the periphery of fluctuating oligotrophic moor and heath pools.','','','Formations à Molinia caerulea dominante, avec Sphagnum cuspidatum, Eleocharis palustris, Rhynchospora alba, caractéristiques des dépressions dans les landes humides, de la périphérie des mares oligotrophes à niveau d’eau fluctuant et de plans d’eau dans les landes.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('54.5E','54.5','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Tourbières tremblantes à Calamagrostis stricta','Narrow small-reed quaking bogs','','Basicline transition mire communities characterized by the very rare, decreasing, threatened glacial relict Calamagrostis stricta, often associated with Carex diandra, of northern Ireland, northern Scotland, East Anglia, northern Netherlands, northern, eastern and pre-Alpine Germany.','','','Communautés de tourbières de transition basiclines caractérisées par la très rare relique glaciaire, en régression et menacée, Calamagrostis stricta, souvent associés avec Carex diandra, du nord de l''Irlande, du nord de l''Ecosse, ..., du nord des Pays-Bas, et de l''Allemagne septentrionale, orientales et pré-alpine.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('54.5F','54.5','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Tourbières tremblantes à Scirpus hudsonianus','Alpine deergrass quaking bogs','','Transition mire communities dominated by Scirpus hudsonianus. It is in these that the species finds its principal habitat.','','','Communautés de tourbières de transition dominées par Scirpus hudsonianus. C''est dans celle-ci que l''espèce trouve son habitat principal.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('54.5G','54.5','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Iberian quaking bogs','Erico mackayanae-Sphagnetum papillosi i.a.','Sphagnum communities of the collinar, and locally, montane, areas of northwestern Iberia, intermediate between transition mire and bog, with Drosera rotundifolia, Carex durieui, Narthecium ossifragum, Sphagnum tenellum, S. subnitens, Odontoschisma sphagni, Aulacomnium palustre.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('54.6','54','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Communautés à Rhynchospora alba','White beak-sedge communities','Rhynchosporion albae','Highly constant pioneer communities of humid exposed peat or, sometimes, sand, with Rhynchospora alba, R. fusca, Drosera intermedia, D. rotundifolia, Lycopodiella inundata, forming on stripped areas of blanket bogs or raised bogs, but also on naturally seep- or frost-eroded areas of wet heaths and bogs, in flushes and in the fluctuation zone of oligotrophic pools with sandy, slightly peaty substratum. These communities are similar, and closely related, to those of shallow bog hollows (51.122) and of transition mires (54.57).','Ellenberg, 1963, 1988; Depasse et al., 1970; Guinochet and Vilmorin, 1973; Parent, 1973; Westhoff and den Held, 1975; Muller, 1978; Schumacker, 1978; Dierssen, 1978; Petermann and Seibert, 1979; Ratcliffe, 1980; Nordiska ministerradet, 1984; Bournérias, 1984; Mollet et al.., 1985; Diaz Gonzalez and Fernandez Prieto, 1987; Rameau et al., 1989; Oberdorfer, 1990.','Rhynchosporion albae','Communautés pionnières hautement constantes sur les tourbières humides exposées, ou parfois, des sables, avec Rhynchospora alba, R. fusca, Drosera intermedia, D. rotundifolia, Lycopodiella inundata. Elles se développent sur des zones dénudées des tourbières de couverture ou des tourbières bombées, mais aussi sur des surfaces naturellement érodées par le ruissellement ou par le gel dans les landes humides et les tourbières, dans les suintements et dans les zones de fluctuation des mares oligotrophes avec des substrats sableux, légèrement tourbeux. Ces communautés sont similaires et sont en relations étroites avec celles des cuvettes de tourbières peu profondes (51.122) et des tourbières de transition (54.57).','Ellenberg, 1963, 1988 ; Depasse et al., 1970 ; Guinochet et Vilmorin, 1973 ; Parent, 1973 ; Westoff et den Held, 1975 ; Muller, 1978 ; Schumacker, 1978 ; Dierssen, 1978 ; Petermann et Seibert, 1979 ; Bournérias, 1984 ; Mollet et al., 1985 ; Rameau et al., 1989 ; Oberdorfer, 1990.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('6','','1','Niveau 1','TRUE','ROCHERS CONTINENTAUX, EBOULIS ET SABLES','Inland rocks, screes and sands','','','','','','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('61','6','2','Niveau 2','TRUE','Eboulis','Screes','Thlaspietea rotundifolii p., Drypetea spinosae i.a.','Vegetated or sparsely vegetated and frequently unstable areas of stones, boulders or rubble on steep slopes, produced by erosion in mountainous terrain. They are mostly developed in the Alps, the Pyrenees and the Mediterranean mountains and hills.','Lebrun et al., 1949; Rechinger, 1951; Braun-Blanquet, 1954, 1975, 1977; Ellenberg, 1963, 1988; Archiloque et al., 1969; Schaer et al., 1972; Guinochet and Vilmorin, 1973; Horvat et al., 1974; Fernandez Casas, 1975; Ratcliffe, 1977; Gruber, 1978; Bournérias, 1979, 1984; Molinier and Martin, 1980; Strid, 1980; Ozenda, 1981, 1985; Fernandes Casas and Ceballos Jimenez, 1982; Pignatti, 1982; Duvigneaud, 1982; Prieto Fernandez, 1983; Lippert, 1983; Géhu, 1984; Rivas-Martinez, Diaz et al., 1984; Dupias, 1985; Peinado Lorca and Rivas-Martinez, 1987; Martinez Parras et al., 1987; Salomez in litt., 1990; Jonglet in litt., 1990; Oberdorfer, 1990.','Thlaspietea rotundifolii p.','Surfaces végétalisées ou partiellement végétalisées et fréquemment instables constituées de pierres, de blocs, de galets ou de débris rocheux sur les versants escarpés, engendrées par l''érosion en terrain montagneux. Elles sont bien dévéloppées dans les Alpes, les Pyrénées et les montagnes méditerranéennes ainsi que dans les collines.','Lebrun et al., 1949 ; Braun-Blanquet, 1954, 1975 ; Ellenberg, 1963, 1988 ; Archiloque et al., 1969 ; Schaer et al., 1972 ; Guinochet et Vilmorin, 1973 ; Horvat et al., 1974 ; Gruber, 1978 ; Bournérias, 1979, 1984 ; Molinier et Martin, 1980 ; Ozenda, 1981, 1985 ; Duvigneaud, 1982 ; Lippert, 1983 ; Géhu, 1984 ; Dupias, 1985 ; Peinado Lorca et Rivas-Martinez, 1987 ; Salomez in litt., 1990 ; Jonglet in litt., 1990 ; Oberdorfer, 1990.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('61.1','61','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Eboulis siliceux alpins et nordiques','Alpine and northern siliceous screes','Androsacetalia alpinae p., Galeopsietalia segetum','Siliceous screes of high altitudes and cool sites within the Alpine system and the Pyrenees, of the Jura and Hercynian ranges and of middle European uplands.','','Androsacetalia alpinae p., Galeopsietalia segetum','Eboulis siliceux de haute altitude et stations froides à l''intérieur du système alpien et dans les Pyrénées, le Jura et les montagnes hercyniennes et les montagnes de l''Europe moyenne.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('61.11','61.1','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Eboulis siliceux alpins','Alpine siliceous screes','Androsacion alpinae','Siliceous, cool, damp screes of the sub-alpine and alpine levels of the Alps and the Pyrenees, with Androsace alpina, Achillea nana, Oxyria digyna, Geum reptans, Saxifraga bryoides, Ranunculus glacialis, Linaria alpina.','','Androsacion alpinae','Eboulis siliceux , froids, humides des étages alpin et subalpin des Alpes et des Pyrénées, avec Androsace alpina, Achillea nana, Oxyria digyna, Geum reptans, Saxifraga bryoides, Ranunculus glacialis, Linaria alpina.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('61.111','61.11','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Eboulis à Oxyria digyna','Mountain sorrel screes','Oxyrietum digynae i.a.','Typical Alpine and Pyrenean stabilized silicate screes, poor in humus, characterized by Oxyria digyna and with Cerastium uniflorum, Doronicum clusii, D. grandiflorum, Poa laxa.','','Oxyrietum digynae i.a.','Eboulis siliceux stabilisés typiquement alpiens et pyrénéens, pauvres en humus, caractérisés par Oxyria digyna, avec Cerastium uniflorum, Doronicum clusii, D. grandiflorum, Poa laxa.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('61.1111','61.111','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Eboulis à Oxyria digyna des Alpes','Alpine mountain sorrel screes','Oxyrietum digynae i.a.','Formations of most of the Alpine system.','','Oxyrietum digynae i.a.','Formations de la plus grande partie du système alpien.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('61.1112','61.111','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Eboulis du sud-ouest des Alpes à Oxyria digyna','South-western Alpine mountain sorrel screes','Thlaspeetum limosellifolii','Local formations comprising the endemics Viola valderia and Thlaspi limosellifolium.','','Thlaspeetum limosellifolii','Formations locales comprenant les endémiques Viola valderia et Thlapsi limosellifolium.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('61.1113','61.111','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Eboulis pyrénéens à Oxyria','Pyrenean mountain sorrel screes','Oxyrio digynae-Doronicetum viscosae i.a.','Stabilized silicate screes of the Pyrenees.','','Oxyrio digynae-Doronicetum viscosae i.a.','Eboulis siliceux stabilisés des Pyrénées','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('61.112','61.11','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Eboulis à Androsace alpina','Rock jasmine screes','Androsacetum alpinae ','Stony silicate screes of the high alpine and nival levels of the central Alps, with Androsace alpina.','','Androsacetum alpinae','Eboulis pierreux silicatés des étages alpin supérieur et nival des Alpes centrales, avec Androsace alpina.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('61.113','61.11','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Eboulis à Luzule alpine','Alpine woodrush screes','Luzuletum spadiceae','Humid, humus-rich silicate screes of slopes long-covered with snow, carpeted by the alpine woodrush, Luzula alpinopilosa.','','Luzuletum alpinopilosae','Eboulis siliceux humides, riches en humus, des versants longuement recouverts par la neige, tapissés de Luzule alpine, Luzula alpinopilosa.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('61.114','61.11','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Eboulis siliceux et froids de blocailles','Cold silicate block screes','Rubo-Dryopteridetum disjunctae','Non-stablized, shady sub-alpine silicate screes with a high proportion of large blocks, colonized by ferns and brambles.','','Rubo-Dryopteridetum disjunctae','Eboulis silicatés non stabilisés subalpins ombragés, avec une grande proportion de gros blocs, colonisés par des Fougères et des Ronces.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('61.12','61.1','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Eboulis siliceux des montagnes nordiques','Northern upland siliceous screes','Galeopsion segetum','Siliceous screes of hills of western and central Europe, with Epilobium collinum, Galeopsis segetum, Senecio viscosus, Anarrhinum bellidifolium, Cryptogramma crispa. Upland siliceous screes, often resulting from quarry activity, and colonized by very impoverished forms of the Alpine communities, usually rich in mosses, lichens and sometimes ferns, notably Cryptogramma crispa, are included.','','Galeopsion segetum','Eboulis siliceux des collines de l''Europe occidentale et centrale avec Epilobium collinum, Galeopsis segetum, Senecio viscosus, Anarrhinum bellidifolium, Cryptogramma crispa. Les éboulis siliceux montagnards sont souvent le résultat d''une activité d''extraction et sont colonisés par des formes tout à fait improvisées de communautés alpiennes, généralement riches en Mousses, Lichens, et quelquefois Fougères, comprenant notamment Cryptogramma crispa.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('61.2','61','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Eboulis calcaires alpiens','Alpine calcareous screes','Thlaspietalia rotundifolii p., Drabetalia hoppeanae','Calcareous and calcschist screes of high altitudes and cool sites of the Alps and, locally, of peri-Alpine ranges.','','Thlaspietalia rotundifolii p., Drabetalia hoppeanae','Eboulis calcaires et calcschisteux des hautes altitudes et des sites froids des Alpes et, localement, des régions péri-alpiennes.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('61.21','61.2','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Eboulis alpiens sur calcschistes','Alpine calcschist screes','Drabion hoppeanae','Calcareous slate slope communities of the Alps, with Draba hoppeana, Campanula cenisia, Saxifraga biflora, Herniaria alpina, Trisetum spicatum.','','Drabion hoppeanae','Communautés des versants couverts de schistes calcaires des Alpes, avec Draba hoppeana, Campanula cenisia, Saxifraga biflora, Herniaria alpina, Trisetum spicatum.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('61.22','61.2','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Eboulis alpiens à Tabouret à feuilles rondes','Alpine pennycress screes','Thlaspion rotundifolii: Thlaspietum rotundifolii i.a.','Unstable, hard limestone and dolomite coarse screes of the alpine and nival levels of the Alps, with Thlaspi rotundifolium, Papaver rhaeticum, P. sendtneri, Viola cenisia, Linaria alpina, Arabis alpina.','','Thlaspion rotundifolii ; Thlaspietum rotundifolii i.a.','Eboulis instables, à calcaires durs et dolomies grossières des étages alpin et nival des Alpes, avec Thlaspi rotundifolia, Papaver alpinum subsp. rhaeticum, Viola cenisia, Linaria alpina, Arabis alpina.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('61.23','61.2','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Eboulis calcaires fins','Fine calcareous screes','Petasition paradoxi, Thlaspion rotundifolii: Leontodontetum montani i.a.','Fine-element calcareous screes of the alpine, sub-alpine and high montane levels of the Alps and neighbouring ranges.','','Petasition paradoxi, Thlaspion rotundifolii : Leontodontetum montani i.a.','Eboulis à éléments calcaires fins des étages alpin, subalpin et montagnard supérieur des Alpes et des régions avoisinantes.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('61.231','61.23','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Eboulis à Petasites','Butterbur screes','Petasition paradoxi','High montane and sub-alpine, relatively humid, fine limestone and marl screes, with Petasites paradoxus, Valeriana montana, Gypsophila repens.','','Petasition paradoxi','Eboulis relativement humides de débris calcaires fins et marnes des étages montagnards supérieur et subalpin, avec Petasites paradoxus, Valeriana montana, Gypsophila repens.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('61.232','61.23','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Eboulis à Liondent des montagnes','Mountain hawkbit screes','Leontodontetum montani i.a.','Damp, marlo-calcareous screes of the alpine level of the Alps.','','Leontodontetum montani i.a.','Eboulis marno-calcaires humides de l''étage alpin des Alpes.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('61.2321','61.232','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Eboulis à Liondent des montagnes des Alpes centrales','Central Alpine mountain hawkbit screes','Leontodontetum montani','Screes of the northwestern and central Alps, with Leontodon montanus, Ranunculus parnassifolius, Saxifraga biflora.','','Leontodontetum montani','Eboulis des Alpes nord-occidentales et centrales, avec Leontodon montanus, Ranunculus parnassifolius, Saxifraga biflora.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('61.2322','61.232','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Eboulis à Berardia','Berardia screes','Berardietum lanuginosi','Screes of the southwestern Alps, with the spectacular endemics Berardia subacaulis and Brassica repanda ssp. repanda.','','Berardietum lanuginosi','Eboulis des Alpes sud-occidentales, avec les endémiques spectaculaires Berardia subacaulis et Brassica repanda subsp. repanda.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('61.3','61','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Eboulis ouest-méditerranéens et éboulis thermophiles','Western Mediterranean and thermophilous screes','Androsacetalia alpinae p., Thlaspietalia rotundifolii p., Stipetalia calamagrostis, Polystichetalia lonchitis','Screes of warm exposures in the Alps and the Pyrenees, of calcareous substrates in the Pyrenees, of Mediterranean mountains, hills and lowlands and, locally, of warm, sunny middle European upland or lowland sites.','','Androsacetalia alpinae p., Thlaspietalia rotundifolii p., Stipetalia calamagrostidis, Polystichetalia lonchitis','Eboulis des expositions chaudes des Alpes et des Pyrénées, sur substrats calcaires dans les Pyrénées, des montagnes des collines et des bas pays méditerranéens, et, localement, des montagnes ou des sites de plaines ensoleillés médio-européens.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('61.31','61.3','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Eboulis thermophiles péri-alpins','Peri-Alpine thermophilous screes','Stipion calamagrostidis, Leontodontion hyoseroidis','Mostly coarse, unstablized, sunny calcareous screes of the montane and sub-alpine levels of the Alps and of the uplands and lowlands of western and central middle Europe.','','Stipion calamagrostidis, Leontodontion hyoseroidis','Eboulis calcaires le plus souvent grossiers, instables, ensoleillés des étages montagnard et subalpin des Alpes, des plateaux et plaines de l''Europe moyenne, centrale et occidentale.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('61.311','61.31','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Eboulis à Stipa calamagrostis','Rough-grass screes','Stipetum calamagrostidis, Calamagrostido-Centranthetum angustifolii','Achnatherum calamagrostis screes of warmer, lower parts of Alpine valleys and of the southwestern outer Alps.','','Stipetum calamagrostidis, Calamagrostido-Centranthetum angustifolii','Eboulis à Achnatherum calamagrostis des localités les plus chaudes et des parties inférieures des vallées alpiennes et des Alpes externes sud-occidentales.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('61.312','61.31','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Eboulis calcaires sub-montagnards','Sub-montane calcareous screes','','','','','','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('61.3121','61.312','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Eboulis à Galeopsis angustifolia','Hemp-nettle screes','Galeopsietum angustifoliae','Galeopsis angustifolia communities of central Europe.','','Galeopsietum angustifoliae','Communautés à Galeopsis angustifolia d''Europe centrale.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('61.3122','61.312','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Eboulis à Rumex scutatus','French sorrel screes','Rumicetum scutati','Pioneering community of dry screes of southwestern central Europe.','','Rumicetum scutati','Communautés pionnières des éboulis secs de l''Europe centrale sud-occidentale.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('61.3123','61.312','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Eboulis calcaires à Fougères','Limestone fern screes','Gymnocarpietum robertiani','Fern swards of Gymnocarpium robertianum colonizing often slightly damp screes.','','Gymnocarpietum robertiani','Eboulis souvent relativement humides colonisés par des gazons de Gymnocarpium robertianum.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('61.313','61.31','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Eboulis à Leontodon hyoseroides','Paris Basin screes','Leontodontion hyoseroidis','Calcareous screes of the Paris basin and its periphery, with Leontodon hyoseroides, Sisymbrium supinum, Linaria supina, Galeopsis angustifolia and many rare or endemic plants, including Viola hispida (endangered endemic), Galium timeroyi ssp. fleurotii, Iberis violetii, I. durandii, Biscutella neustriaca.','','Leontodontion hyerosoidis','Eboulis calcaires du Bassin parisien et de sa périphérie, avec Leontodon hyoseroides, Sisymbrium supinum, Linaria supina, Galeopsis angustifolia et beaucoup de plantes rares ou endémiques, comprenant Viola hispida (endémique menacée), Galium timeroyi subsp. fleurotii, Iberis violetii, I. durandii, Biscutella neustriaca.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('61.32','61.3','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Eboulis provençaux','Provençal screes','Pimpinello-Gouffeion','Screes of Mediterranean southeern France, with Gouffeia arenarioides, Ptychotis heterophylla, Linaria supina, Centranthus ruber, Crucianella latifolia.','','Pimpinello-Gouffeion','Eboulis de la France méridionale méditerranéenne, avec Gouffeia arenarioides, Ptychotis saxifraga, Linaria supina, Centranthus ruber, Crucianella latifolia.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('61.33','61.3','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Eboulis pyrénéo-alpiens siliceux thermophiles','Pyreneo-Alpine thermo-siliceous screes','Senecion leucophyllae, Taraxacion pyrenaici','Siliceous screes of warm slopes of the sub-alpine level of the Alps and of the alpine and sub-alpine levels of the Pyrenees, usually composed largely of big stones or boulders, with Senecio leucophyllus, Taraxacum pyrenaicum, Galeopsis pyrenaica, Xatartia scabra, Armeria alpina.','','Senecion leucophyllae','Eboulis siliceux sur les versants chauds de l''étage subalpin des Alpes et des étages alpin et subalpin des Pyrénées, généralement composés de grosses pierres ou de gros blocs, avec Senecio leucophyllus, Galeopsis pyrenaica, Xatardia scabra, Armeria alpina.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('61.34','61.3','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Eboulis calcaires pyrénéens','Pyrenean calcareous screes','Iberidion spathulatae','Calcareous screes of the Pyrenees.','','Iberidion spathulatae','Eboulis calcaires des Pyrénées.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('61.341','61.34','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Eboulis calcaires fins pyrénéens','Fine Pyrenean calcareous screes','','Fine limestone or calcschists on gentle slopes of the alpine level, with Iberis spathulata, Papaver suaveolens, Galium cometerhizon, Plantago monosperma, Viola lapeyrousiana, Campanula jaubertiana.','','','Calcaires fins ou calcschistes sur les versants à pente douce de l''étage alpin, avec Iberis spathulata, Papaver lapeyrousianum, Galium cometerrhizon, Plantago monosperma, Viola lapeyrousiana, Campanula jaubertiana.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('61.342','61.34','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Eboulis calcaires grossiers pyrénéens','Coarse Pyrenean calcareous screes','','Coarse, relatively dry screes on steep slopes, forming debris cones at the foot of cliffs, with Crepis pygmaea, Doronicum grandiflorum, Campanula cochleariaefolia, Carduus carlinoides, Galium cespitosum, Festuca glacialis.','','','Eboulis grossiers, relativement secs sur des versants raides, formant des cones de débris au pied des falaises, avec Crepis pygmaea, Doronicum grandiflorum, Campanula cochlearifolia, Carduus carlinoides, Galium cespitosum, Festuca glacialis.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('61.343','61.34','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Eboulis calcaires des Pyrénées de haute altitude','High Pyrenean calcareous screes','','Flatish screes of high altitudes of the central Pyrenees, with Androsace ciliata, Saxifraga oppositifolia, Hutchinsia alpina, Galium pyrenaicum, Minuartia cerastiifolia.','','','Eboulis à faible déclivité des hautes altitudes des Pyrénées centrales, avec Androsace ciliata, Saxifraga oppositifolia, Hutchinsia alpina, Galium pyrenaicum, Minuartia cerastiifolia.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('61.344','61.34','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Eboulis calcaires humides pyrénéens','Humid Pyrenean calcareous screes','','Damp, cool screes with prolonged snow cover, with Saxifraga praetermissa, S. aizoides, Epilobium anagallidifolium, Veronica alpina, Taraxacum alpinum.','','','Eboulis humides, froids avec une couverture de neige prolongée, avec Saxifraga praetermissa, S. aizoides, Epilobium anagallidifolium, Veronica alpina, Taraxacum alpinum.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('61.345','61.34','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Eboulis calcaires subalpins pyrénéens','Subalpine Pyrenean calcareous screes','','Calcareous screes developed at the foot of the cliffs of the great calcareous ranges, with Crepis pygmaea, Carduus carlinoides and the endemics Borderea pyrenaica, Cirsium glabrum, Lithospermum gastonis, Iberis bernardiana, Armeria pubinervis.','','','Eboulis calcaires développés au pied de falaises des grands massifs calcaires, avec Crepis pygmaea, Carduus carlinoides, et les endémiques Borderea pyrenaica, Cirsium glabrum, Lithospermum gastonii, Iberis bernardiana, Armeria pubinervis.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('61.35','61.3','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Eboulis calcaires oro-cantabriques','Oro-Cantabrian calcareous screes','Linarion filicaulis, Saxifragion praetermissae','Basiphile screes of the Cordillera Cantabrica.','','Linarion filicaulis, Saxifragion praetermissae','Eboulis basiphiles de la cordillère Cantabrique.','','FALSE','FALSE','CH','Code cité dans les fiches Cahiers d''habitats 8130-18 et 8130-19.');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('61.351','61.35','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Oro-Cantabrian mobile calcareous screes','','Alti-montane, sub-alpine and alpine unstabilized calcareous screes of the Cordillera Cantabrica, made of stones of medium size, with Linaria filicaulis, Arabis cantabrica, Iberis lereschiana, Ranunculus parnassifolius ssp. favargeri, Crepis pygmaea.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('61.352','61.35','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Fine oro-Cantabrian calcareous screes','','Fine screes of the collinar and montane levels, with Iberis aperta and Rumex scutatus.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('61.353','61.35','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Chionophilous oro-Cantabrian calcareous screes','','Somewhat stabilized coarse screes of the sub-alpine and alpine levels, subjected to prolonged snow cover, characterized by Epilobium anagallidifolium, Doronicum grandiflorum ssp. braunblanquetii and Campanula arvatica.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('61.354','61.35','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Seeping oro-Cantabrian calcareous screes','','Fine screes of the sub-alpine and alpine levels, submitted to prolonged snow cover and waterlogging, with Saxifraga praetermissa, Arabis cantabrica and Ranunculus alpestris ssp. leroyi.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('61.355','61.35','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Oro-Cantabrian calcareous lapiaz screes','','Screes developed on the surface of frost-broken rocks in areas of short snow cover in the alpine and sub-alpine levels, with Salix breviserrata and Galium pyrenaicum.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('61.36','61.3','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Oro-Cantabrian siliceous screes','Linarion filicaulis p., Linario-Senecion carpetani p.','Siliceous screes of the Cordillera Cantabrica; floristically rich formations of the "dark" screes of the Cordillera are related to those of 61.351, though somewhat intermediate towards 61.38; other more species-poor ones, characterized by Trisetum hispidum and Rumex suffruticosus, belong to the latter. ','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('61.37','61.3','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Eboulis ibériques à fougères','Iberian fern screes','Dryopteridion oreadis, Dryopteridion submontanae','Fern-dominated chaotic, boulder fields of siliceous and calcareous Iberian mountains.','','Dryopteridion oreadis, Dryopteridion submontanae','Chaos de rochers dominés par des peuplements de fougères des montagnes ibériques siliceuses et calcaires.','','FALSE','FALSE','CH','Code cité dans les fiches Cahiers d''habitats 8120-5 et 8120-6. Traduction issue de la version EUR 15/2 du manuel d''interprétation des habitats de l''Union européenne (1999).');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('61.38','61.3','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Carpetano-Iberian siliceous screes','Linario-Senecion carpetani','Screes of the Cordillera Central, the Iberian Range, the Leonese mountains, with Linaria saxatilis, L. alpina, Digitalis purpurea var. carpetana, Senecio pyrenaicus ssp. carpetanus, Rumex suffruticosus, Santolina oblongifolia, Conopodium butinioides, Reseda gredensis.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('61.39','61.3','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Nevadan siliceous screes','Holcion caespitosae','Siliceous screes of the high levels of the Sierra Nevada, very rich in endemics.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('61.391','61.39','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Nevadan foxglove screes','Digitali purpureae-Senecietum granatensis','Screes at the sub-summital levels of the Sierra Nevada, between 1900 and 2900 metres, with Senecio tournefortii var. granatensis, Digitalis purpurea var. nevadensis, Cirsium gregarium, Solidago virgaurea var. alpestris, Holcus caespitosus, Crepis oporinoides, Eryngium glaciale, Linaria aeruginea var. nevadensis.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('61.392','61.39','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Nevadan violet screes','Violo-Linarietum glacialis','Screes of the summital region of the Sierra Nevada, at around 2800-3000 metres, with a very sparse community formed by Viola crassiuscula, Linaria glacialis, Rhynchosinapis cheiranthos ssp. nevadensis, Ranunculus glacialis, R. parnassifolius, Saxifraga oppositifolia, Papaver suaveolens, Holcus caespitosus, Crepis oporinoides and, in more stabilized areas, Erigeron frigidus.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('61.3A','61.3','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Southern Iberian calcareous screes','Platycapno-Iberidion granatensis, Scrophularion sciaphilae','Screes of the calcareous Baetic mountains of southern and southeastern Iberia.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('61.3B','61.3','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Central Mediterranean screes','','Screes of the Italian peninsula and of the large Mediterranean islands.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('61.4','61','3','Niveau 3','FALSE','','Eastern Mediterranean screes','Drypetalia spinosae','Screes of the high Greek mountains.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('61.41','61.4','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Greek limestone screes','Drypion spinosae (Silenion caesiae)','Formations of the higher mountains of Greece, with Drypis spinosa, Ranunculus brevifolius, Senecio thapsoides, Aethionema saxatile.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('61.411','61.41','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Northern mainland screes','','Calcareous screes of the northern and central Pindus, with Geranium aristatum, Achillea abrotanoides, Arenaria conferta.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('61.412','61.41','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Olympus screes','','Screes of Olympus, with Asperula muscosa, Rhynchosinapis nivalis, Alyssum handelii, Achillea ambrosiaca.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('61.413','61.41','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Southern mainland screes','','Screes of Parnassus, Giona and other southern Pindus ranges, with Astragalus hellenicus, Corydalis bulbosa, Sclerochorton junceum, Euphorbia deflexa, Geranium macrorrhizum, Rumex scutatus.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('61.414','61.41','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Peloponnese calcareous screes','','Screes of the Taygetos, Kilini and other Peloponnese rangees, with Valantia aprica, Minuartia juniperina.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('61.415','61.41','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Aegean screes','','Screes of Crete and Carpathos.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('61.42','61.4','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Greek serpentine screes','Campanulion hawkinsonianae','Less widespread formations restricted to serpentines of the Pindus, with Campanula hawkinsoniana, Arenaria serpentini, Cardamine glauca, Viola magellensis, Alyssum scardicum, Silene haussknechtii.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('62','6','2','Niveau 2','TRUE','Falaises continentales et rochers exposés','Inland cliffs and exposed rocks','Asplenietea trichomanis, Adiantetea capilli-veneris i.a.','Cliffs, rock faces, limestone pavements, the plant communities that colonize their cracks, and their associated animal communities.','Rechinger, 1951; Braun-Blanquet, 1954; Lausi and Poldini, 1962; Niklfeld, 1962; Archiloque et al., 1969; Sutter, 1973; Horvat et al., 1974; Ratcliffe, 1977; Gruber, 1978; Bellot Rodriguez, 1979; Molinier and Martin, 1980; Strid, 1980; Ozenda, 1981, 1985; Pignatti, 1982; Prieto Fernandez, 1983; Géhu, 1984; Bournérias, 1984; Rivas- Martinez, Diaz et al., 1984; Dupias, 1985; Aparicio Martinez and Silvestre Domingo, 1987; Sfikas, 1987; Peinado Lorca and Rivas-Martinez, 1987; Martinez Parras et al., 1987; Ellenberg, 1988; Iatridis, 1988; Salomez in litt., 1990; Jonglet in litt., 1990; Oberdorfer, 1990.','Asplenietea trichomanis, Adiantetea capilli-veneris i.a.','Falaises, parois rocheuses, dalles calcaires, les communautés végétales qui colonisent leurs fissures, et les communautés animales qui leurs sont associées.','Braun Blanquet, 1954 ; Archiloque et al., 1969 ; Gruber, 1978 ; Molinier et Martin, 1980 ; Ozenda, 1981 ; Géhu, 1984 ; Bournérias, 1984 ; Dupias, 1985 ; Oberdorfer, 1990 ; … .','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('62.1','62','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Végétation des falaises continentales calcaires','Vegetated calcareous inland cliffs','Potentilletalia caulescentis, Asplenietalia glandulosae, Onosmetalia frutescentis, Potentilletalia speciosae','Dry, calcareous inland cliffs and their communities. Specific plant associations colonize montane and Mediterranean cliffs. Most of the subdivisions below refer to them. Northern lowland cliffs usually support fragments of communities listed in other chapters.','','Potentilletalia caulescentis, Asplenietea glandulosae','Falaises continentales calcaires sèches et leurs communautés. Associations végétales spécifiques colonisant les falaises montagnardes et méditerranéennes. La plupart des subdivisions ci-dessous s’y réfèrent. Les falaises septentrionales de basse altitude supportent souvent des fragments de communautés répertoriées dans d’autres chapitres.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('62.11','62.1','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Falaises calcaires eu-méditerranéennes occidentales et oro-ibériques','Western eu-Mediterranean and oro-Iberian calcareous cliffs','','Calcareous cliffs of the lower Mediterranean levels of the western Mediterranean and, locally, the northern Adriatic, and of Iberian mountains.','','','Falaises calcaires de l’étage méditerranéen inférieur de la région méditerranéenne occidentale et, localement, du nord de l''Adriatique, et des montagnes ibériques.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('62.111','62.11','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Falaises calcaires eu-méditerranéennes occidentales','Western eu-Mediterranean calcareous cliffs','Asplenietalia glandulosae','Calcareous cliffs of the Mediterranean region of Spain, of the lowest Mediterranean levels of France, of northwestern Italy, of Sardinia and of the karstic region of northeastern Italy.','','Asplenietalia glandulosae','Falaises calcaires de la région méditerranéenne de basse altitude de la France.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('62.1111','62.111','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Falaises calcaires ibéro-méditerranéennes','Ibero-Mediterranean calcareous cliffs','Asplenion petrarchae, Poterion ancistroidis','Calcareous and dolomitic cliffs of the Mediterranean hills and mountains of Spain, from Catalonia to the Serrania de Ronda, and of the thermo- and lower meso-Mediterranean levels of the coastal chains of Provence and Bas-Languedoc, of the southern Cévennes and of Sardinia, with Asplenium petrarchae, Phagnalon sordidum, Sarcocapnos enneaphylla, Biscutella frutescens, Hieracium stelligerum, Lavatera maritima, Campanula macrorhiza, Melica minuta, M. bauhinii.','','Asplenion petrarchae','Falaises calcaires et dolomitiques des collines et montagnes méditerranéennes d''Espagne, et de l''étage thermo- et méso-méditerranéen inférieur des chaînes côtières de la Provence et du Bas-Languedoc, des Cévennes méridionales et de Sardaigne, avec Asplenium petrarchae, Phagnalon sordidum, Sarcocapnos enneaphylla, Hieracium stelligerum, Lavatera maritima, Campanula macrorhiza, Melica minuta, M. amethystina.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('62.1112','62.111','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','South-eastern Iberian calcareous cliffs','Teucrion buxifolii','Calcareous cliffs of the arid southeastern regions of Spain, with large shrubs; Scabiosa saxatilis, Teucrium buxifolium, Rhamnus lycioides ssp. borgiae are characteristic.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('62.1113','62.111','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Balearic calcareous cliffs','Brassico-Helichrysion rupestris','Calcareous cliffs of the Balearics, with many endemics, including Brassica balearica and Helichrysum rupestre var. cambessedesii.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('62.1114','62.111','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Triestine karst cliffs','Centaureo-Campanulion','Cliffs of the karst region of northeastern Italy, with Centaurea kartschiana, Cheiranthus cheri, Campanula pyramidalis, Teucrium flavum, Euphorbia wulfenii, Satureja thymifolia.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('62.1115','62.111','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Falaises méditerranéennes à Fougères','Mediterranean fern cliffs','Polypodion serrati','Cool, shaded calcareous cliffs of the west Mediterranean regions, with mostly bryophytes and ferns (Polypodium cambricum = P. australe), and with Selaginella denticulata.','','Polypodion serrati','Falaises calcaires froides et ombragées des régions méditerranéennes occidentales, avec surtout des Bryophytes et des Fougères (Polypodium cambricum), et avec Selaginella denticulata.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('62.112','62.11','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Ibero-montane calcareous cliffs','Potentilletalia caulescentis p.','Cliffs of the supra- and oro-Mediterranean levels of calcareous Iberian mountains.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('62.1121','62.112','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Oro-Cantabrian calcareous cliffs','Saxifragion trifurcato-canaliculatae','Calcareous cliffs of the Cantabrian Cordillera and a few other northwestern Iberian ranges, with Asperula hirta, Asplenium viride, Erinus alpinus, Globularia repens, Hypericum nummularium, Rhamnus pumilus, Saxifraga aretioides.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('62.1122','62.112','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Baetic calcareous cliffs','Saxifragion camposii','Calcareous cliffs of high altitudes of Baetic and sub-Baetic ranges of eastern Andalusia, with Linaria verticillata, Potentilla caulescens, Saxifraga camposii, S. erioblasta, Teucrium rotundifolium, Silene boryi.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('62.1123','62.112','6','Niveau 6','FALSE','','Valencian calcareous cliffs','Jasion foliosae','Shady calcareous cliffs of Valencian mountains.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('62.12','62.1','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Falaises calcaires des Pyrénées centrales','Central Pyrenean calcareous cliffs','Saxifragion mediae','Calcareous cliffs of the central and eastern Pyrenees, with Saxifraga media, S. longifolia, S. aretioides, Potentilla alchimilloides, P. nivalis, Ramonda myconi, Asperula hirta.','','Saxifragion mediae','Falaises calcaires des Pyrénées centrales et orientales, avec Saxifraga media, S. longifolia, S. aretioides, Potentilla alchimilloides, P. nivalis, Ramonda myconi, Asperula hirta.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('62.13','62.1','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Falaises calcaires des Alpes ligures et des Apennins','Liguro-Apennine calcareous cliffs','Saxifragion lingulatae','Calcareous cliffs of the Maritime Alps and northern Apennines, with Saxifraga lingulata, Primula marginata, P. allionii, Phyteuma charmelii, P. villarsii, Silene campanula, Potentilla saxifraga, Ballota frutescens.','','Saxifragion lingulatae','Falaises calcaires des Alpes maritimes et des Apennins septentrionaux, avec Saxifraga lingulata, Primula marginata, P. allionii, Phyteuma charmelii, P. villarsii, Silene campanula, Potentilla saxifraga, Ballota frutescens.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('62.14','62.1','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Southern Italian calcareous cliffs','Dianthion rupicolae','Calcareous cliffs of southern Italy and Sicily, with Dianthus rupicola.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('62.15','62.1','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Falaises calcaires alpiennes et sub-méditerranéennes','Alpine and sub-Mediterranean calcareous cliffs','Potentilletalia caulescentis p.','Calcareous cliffs of the Alps, of lesser satellite ranges and of sub-Mediterranean areas of the northern Tyrrhenian periphery.','','Potentilletalia caulescentis','Falaises calcaires des Alpes, ou des chaînes voisines et des régions sub-méditerranéennes du nord de l''espace tyrrhénien.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('62.151','62.15','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Falaises calcaires ensoleillées des Alpes','Sunny Alpine calcareous cliffs','Potentillion caulescentis','Well-lit calcareous cliffs of the Alpine system and neighbouring regions, including upper Provence, upper Languedoc, the pre-Pyrenees and Corbières, the Catalonian mountains, with Potentilla caulescens, P. clusiana, P. nitida, Primula auricula, Hieracium humile, Cardaminopsis petraea, Androsace helvetica, Minuartia rupestris.','','Potentillion caulescentis','Falaises calcaires bien ensoleillées du système alpien et des régions voisines, comprenant la Haute-Provence, le Haut-Languedoc, les Pré-Pyrénées et les Corbières, les montagnes de Catalogne, avec Potentilla caulescens, P. nitida, Primula auricula, Hieracium humile, Androsace helvetica, Minuartia rupestris.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('62.152','62.15','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Falaises calcaires médio-européennes à Fougères','Middle-European calcareous fern cliffs','Cystopteridion fragilis','Shady, cool, often moist rockfaces of the Alps and neighbouring regions, of the Jura, the Hercynian ranges, the British Isles, with many ferns, including Cystopteris fragilis, C. regia, Asplenium viride, A. scolopendrium, A. trichomanes, and with Carex brachystachys.','','Cystopteridion fragilis','Parois rocheuses ombragées, fraîches, souvent humides des Alpes et des régions voisines, du Jura... avec de nombreuses Fougères comprenant Cystopteris fragilis, C. regia, Asplenium viride, A. scolopendrium, A. trichomanes, et avec Carex brachystachys.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('62.16','62.1','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Eu-Mediterranean Greek calcareous cliffs','Campanulion versicoloris','Calcareous cliffs of the thermo- and meso-Mediterranean zones of mainland Greece, up to the Abies cephalonica belt, with Campanula versicolor, C. rupestris, Sideritis roeseri, Stachys candida, Hypericum vesicuosum, Asperula arcadiensis, Galium boryanum, Centaurea pelia, Alkanna graeca, Alyssum orientale, Linaria microcalyx, Onosma frutescens, Inula candida, Centranthus ruber, Silene congesta, Teucrium flavum.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('62.17','62.1','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Aegean cliffs','Cirsietalia chamaepeucis','Calcareous cliffs of the Aegean archipelagoes, one of the most diverse and endemic-rich groups of communities.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('62.171','62.17','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Cliffs of Crete','Petromarulion pinnatae','Cliffs and chasms of Crete, with Petromarula pinnata, Galium fruticosum, Centaurea argentea, Ebenus cretica, Verbascum arcturus (= Celsia arcturus), Inula candida, Eryngium ternatum, Asperula incana, Dianthus juniperinus, Aster canus, Campanula pelviformis, C. saxatilis.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('62.172','62.17','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Cliffs of Karpathos','Inulion heterolepis: Teucrio-Inuletum','Cliffs of Karpathos, with Teucrium heliotropifolium, Silene fruticosum, Galium incurvum, Inula heterolepis.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('62.173','62.17','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Cliffs of the eastern Aegean','Inulion heterolepis: Campanulo-Inuletum','Cliffs of Rhodes, Samos, Ikaria, Lesbos with Campanula hagielia, Lactuca leburnea, Dianthus rhodensis, Inula heterolepis, Rosularia serrata, Sedum creticum.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('62.174','62.17','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Cliffs of the Cyclades','Inulion heterolepis, Capparo-Amaracion','Cliffs of the Cyclades, with Fibigia lunarioides, Eryngium amorginum, Amaracus tournefortii, Campanula amorgina, C. heterophylla, Helichrysum amorginum.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('62.175','62.17','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Cliffs of the Northern Sporades','Capparo-Amaracion','Cliffs of the Sporades, with Inula sophiae, Capparis spinosa, Dianthus arboreus, Amaracus tournefortii.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('62.18','62.1','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Southern Greek montane cliffs','Silenion auriculatae','Calcareous cliffs of high altitudes of the Peloponnese, Giona and Parnassus, with Silene auriculata, Achillea umbellata, Campanula rupicola, Saxifraga sibthorpii, S. marginata, S. spruneri, Minuartia stellata, Valeriana olenaea, Satureja parnassica, Rosa glutinosa, Viola poetica, Edraianthus parnassicus, Campanula aizoon.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('62.19','62.1','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Central Greek montane cliffs','','Calcareous cliffs of the high altitudes of the central and northern Pindus and of the Thessalian Olympus system.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('62.191','62.19','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Olympian cliffs','Saxifragion scardici','Cliffs of the Thessalian Olympus system, with Saxifraga scardia, S. glabella, Campanula oreadum, Arabis bryoides, Potentilla deorum, Jankaea heldreichii, Omphalodes luciliae.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('62.192','62.19','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Pindus calcareous cliffs','Galion degenii','Calcareous cliffs of the Pindus, with Galium degenii, Edraianthus graminifolius, Asplenium fissum, Aubrieta gracilis, Achillea clavenae, Satureja parnassica, Hypericum apollinis, Gnaphalium roeseri, Trifolium noricum, Silene pindicola.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('62.1A','62.1','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Northern Greek calcareous cliffs','Ramondion nathaliae','Calcareous cliffs of the Vermion and other Greek ranges, with Ramondia nathaliae, Campanula formanekiana, Alyssoides utriculata, Jurinea consanguinea, Micromeria cristata.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('62.1B','62.1','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Lowland northern calcareous cliffs','','Calcareous cliffs of the lowlands of northern and middle Europe colonized by communities referable to units other than 62; their nature can be specified by addition of the relevant codes.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('62.2','62','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Végétation des falaises continentales siliceuses','Vegetated siliceous inland cliffs','Androsacetalia vandellii, Asplenietalia lanceolato-obovati, Asplenietalia billotii','Dry, siliceous inland cliffs and their communities. Specific plant associations colonize montane and Mediterranean cliffs. Most of the subdivisions below refer to them. Northern lowland cliffs usually support fragments of communities listed in other chapters.','','Androsacetalia vandelii, Asplenietalia lanceolato-obovati, Asplenietalia billotii','Falaises siliceuses sèches et leurs communautés. Associations végétales spécifiques colonisant les falaises montagnardes et méditerranéennes. La plupart des subdivisions qui suivent ci-dessous correspondent à ces associations. Les falaises continentales septentrionales hébergent généralement des fragments de communautés codées dans d''autres chapitres.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('62.21','62.2','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Falaises siliceuses des montagnes médio-européennes','Middle European montane siliceous cliffs','','Siliceous cliffs of the Alps, the Pyrenees and a few neighbouring ranges.','','','Falaises siliceuses des Alpes, des Pyrénées et des régions voisines.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('62.211','62.21','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Falaises siliceuses pyrénéo-alpiennes','Pyreneo-Alpine siliceous cliffs','Androsacion vandellii p., Saxifragion bryoidis','Siliceous cliffs of the Alps and the Pyrenees, with Androsace vandellii, Artemisia umbelliformis, Eritrichium nanum, Minuartia cherlerioides, Primula hirsuta, Phyteuma scheuchzeri, Erysimum rhaeticum, Saxifraga aspera, S. cotyledon, S. iratiana, S. retusa, S. bryoides.','','Androsacion vandellii p., Saxifragion bryoidis','Falaises siliceuses des Alpes et des Pyrénées, avec Androsace vandellii, Artemisia umbelliformis, Eritrichium nanum, Minuartia cherlerioides, Primula hirsuta, Phyteuma scheuchzeri, Erysimum rhaeticum, Saxifraga aspera, S. cotyledon, S. pubescens subsp. iratiana, S. retusa, S. bryoides.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('62.212','62.21','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Falaises siliceuses hercyniennes','Hercynian siliceous cliffs','Androsacion vandellii p., Asarinion procumbentis','Siliceous cliffs of Hercynian ranges and their periphery, of the British Isles and, locally, of the Jura, with Saxifraga sponhemica, Biscutella laevigata, Asplenium septentrionale, A. adiantum-nigrum, A. billotii, A. foreziense.','','Androsacion vandellii p., Asarinion procumbentis','Falaises siliceuses des secteurs hercyniens et de leur périphérie, des Iles Britanniques et, localement , du Jura, avec Saxifraga rosacea subsp. sternbergii, Biscutella laevigata, Asplenium septentrionale, A. adiantum-nigrum, A. oboratum subsp. lanceolatum, A. foresiense.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('62.213','62.21','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Falaises de serpentines hercyniennes','Hercynian serpentine cliffs','Asplenion serpentini','Serpentine cliffs of Hercynian ranges and their periphery, with Asplenium adulterinum.','','Asplenion serpentini','Falaises de serpentines des secteurs hercyniens et de leur périphérie, avec Asplenium adulterinum.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('62.22','62.2','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Oro-Iberian siliceous cliffs','','Siliceous cliffs of high altitudes of Iberian mountains.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('62.221','62.22','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Ibero-Carpetanian siliceous cliffs','Saxifragion willkommianae','Siliceous cliffs of the Cordillera Cantabrica, the Iberian Range, the Cordillera Central and the Leonese mountains, with Hieracium pallidum ssp. graniticum, Murbeckiella boryi ssp. boryi, M. boryi ssp. herminii, Saxifraga willkommiana, Spergula viscosa ssp. pourretii.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('62.222','62.22','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Nevadan siliceous cliffs','Saxifragion nevadensis','Siliceous cliffs of the Sierra Nevada, with Saxifraga nevadensis, Sedum brevifolium, Centranthus nevadensis.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('62.23','62.2','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Falaises siliceuses des Alpes sud-occidentales','South-western Alpine siliceous cliffs','Saxifragion pedemontanae','Siliceous cliffs of the Maritime, Ligurian and Cottian Alps, with Saxifraga pedemontana.','','Saxifragion pedemontanae','Falaises siliceuses des Alpes maritimes, ligures et cottiennes, avec Saxifraga pedemontana.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('62.24','62.2','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Falaises des montagnes cyrno-sardes','Cyrno-Sardian montane cliffs','Potentillion crassinerviae','Siliceous cliffs of the mountains of Corsica and Sardinia, with Potentilla crassinervia.','','Potentillion crassinerviae','Falaises siliceuses des montagnes de Corse et de Sardaigne, avec Potentilla crassinervia.','','FALSE','FALSE','CH','Code cité dans les fiches Cahiers d''habitats 8220-10 et 8220-11.');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('62.25','62.2','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Northern Greek siliceous cliffs','Silenion lerchenfeldianae','Siliceous cliffs of the mountains of northern Greece, with Silene lerchenfeldiana.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('62.26','62.2','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Falaises siliceuses catalano-languedociennes','Languedo-Catalan siliceous cliffs','Antirrhinion asarinae','Low altitude siliceous cliffs of the Cévennes and of Catalonian hills, with Antirrhinum asarina, Sedum hirsutum, Centaurea pectinata, Sempervivum arvernense, Dianthus graniticus, Saxifraga clusii, S. hypnoides.','','Antirrhinion asarinae','Falaises siliceuses de basse altitude des Cévennes et des collines catalanes, avec Asarina procumbens, Sedum hirsutum, Centaurea pectinata, Sempervivum tectorum subsp. arvernense, Dianthus graniticus, Saxifraga clusii, S. hypnoides.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('62.27','62.2','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Western Iberian siliceous cliffs','Cheilanthion hispanicae','Siliceous cliffs of the meso-Mediterranean level of western Iberia, with Cheilanthes tinaei.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('62.28','62.2','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Falaises siliceuses provenço-ibériques','Provenço-Iberian siliceous cliffs','Phagnalo-Cheilanthion fragrantis','Siliceous cliffs and rocks of low altitudes of Provence, Corsica and eastern Spain.','','Phagnalo-Cheilanthion fragrantis','Falaises siliceuses et rochers de basse altitude de Provence, de Corse et de l''est de l''Espagne.','','FALSE','FALSE','CH','Code cité dans les fiches Cahiers d''habitats 8220-19 et 8220-20. Confirmé par CBN Porquerolles (V. Noble).');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('62.29','62.2','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Lowland northern siliceous cliffs','','Siliceous cliffs of the hills of northern and middle Europe colonized by communities referable to units other than 62; their nature can be specified by addition of the relevant codes.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('62.3','62','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Dalles rocheuses','Pavements','','Almost bare rock pavements and lapiaz. Cracks and superficially decomposed areas may be colonized by communities belonging, in particular to the Sedo-Scleranthion, the Alysso-Sedion albi or the Sedo albi-Veronicion dillenii (34.11, 36.2).','','','La circulaire (Directive Habitats) manque de précisions et précise sous un numéro erroné (62.4) une priorité pour les dalles rocheuses. Dalles de rochers et lapiaz à peu près nus. Les fissures et zones superficiellement décomposées peuvent être colonisées par des communautés rentrant dans la catégorie, en particulier, des Sedo-Scleranthetea, de l''Alysso-Sedion albi ou du Sedo albi-Veronicion dillenii (34.11, 36.2).','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('62.4','62','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Falaises continentales dénudées','Bare inland cliffs','','Cliffs, in particular of very high altitudes, devoid of vascular vegetation. They are usually colonized by lichen crusts and "ink stains".','Ellenberg, 1988.','','Falaises dépourvues de végétation vasculaire, en particulier aux très hautes altitudes ; elles sont habituellement colonisées par des Lichens crustacés et en "taches d''encre".','Ellenberg, 1988.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('62.41','62.4','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Falaises continentales calcaires nues','Limestone bare inland cliffs','Protoblastenietea immersae i.a.','Rocks colonized by communities of internal crustose lichens (Protoblastenia, Verrrucaria, Petractis, Polyblastia), external crustose lichens (Caloplaca, Xanthoria) or gelatinous (Collema) and foliose (Dermatocarpon) lichens.','','Protoblastienetea immersae i.a.','Rochers colonisés par des communautés de Lichens crustacés endolithiques (Protoblastenia, Verrucaria, Petractis, Polyblastia), crustacés épilithiques (Caloplaca, Xanthoria) ou gélatineux (Collema) et foliacés (Dermatocarpon).','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('62.42','62.4','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Falaises continentales siliceuses nues','Siliceous bare inland cliffs','Rhizocarpetea geographici i.a.','Rocks colonized by communities of external crustose lichens (Rhizocarpon), navel lichens (Umbilicaria) and fruticose lichens (Ramalina, Cornicularia, Rhizoplaca).','','Rhizocarpetea geographici i.a.','Rochers colonisés par des colonies de Lichens crustacés épilithiques (Rhizocarpon), de Lichens umbiliqués (Umbilicaria) et de Lichens fruticuleux (Ramalina, Cornicularia, Rhizoplaca).','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('62.5','62','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Falaises continentales humides','Wet inland cliffs','','Very wet, dripping, overhanging or vertical rocks of hills, mountains and Mediterranean lowlands.','','','Rochers très humides, suintants, surplombants ou verticaux des collines, des montagnes et des régions méditerranéennes.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('62.51','62.5','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Falaises continentales humides méditerranéennes','Mediterranean wet inland cliffs','Adiantetalia','Wet inland cliffs of Mediterranean regions, with a specialized vegetation formed by Adiantum capillus-veneris, mosses, Borago pygmaea, Pinguicula grandiflora ssp. coenocantabrica.','Guinochet and Vilmorin, 1976; Molinier and Martin, 1980; Rivas-Martinez, Diaz et al., 1984; Lahondère et al., 1985.','Adiantetalia','Falaises continentales humides des régions méditerranéennes, avec une végétation spécialisée formée par Adiantum capillus-veneris, des Mousses, Borago pygmaea, Pinguicula grandiflora.','Guinochet et Vilmorin, 1976 ; Molinier et Martin, 1980 ; Lahondère et al., 1985.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('62.52','62.5','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Falaises continentales humides septentrionales','Northern wet inland cliffs','','Wet inland cliffs of middle European hills and mountains. They are often colonized by unique plant assemblages, the components of which are, however, equally characteristic of other habitats; notable among such species are Saxifraga paniculata, Alchemilla glabra, Viola palustris, Phegopteris connectilis.','','','Falaises continentales humides des collines et des montagnes médio-européennes. Elles sont souvent colonisées par des assemblages uniques de plantes dont les composants, quels qu''ils soient, sont cependant caractéristiques d''autres habitats ; parmis ceux-ci, les espèces notables sont Saxifraga paniculata, Alchemilla glabra, Viola palustris, Phegopteris connectilis.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('62.6','62','3','Niveau 3','FALSE','','Macaronesian inland cliffs','Aeonio-Greenovietae','Inland cliffs of the Canary Islands, Madeira and the Açores, extremely rich in endemic species of both plants and animals, including vertebrates (the endangered Pterodroma madeira). The genus Aeonium is particularly representative.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('63','6','2','Niveau 2','TRUE','Neiges et glaces éternelles','Eternal snow and ice','','High mountain zones occupied by glaciers or by perennial snow. They are inhabited by algae (eg. Chlamydomonas nivalis) and invertebrates.','Ellenberg, 1988.','','Zones de haute montagnes occupées par des glaciers ou par des neiges permanentes. Elles sont habitées par des algues (p.ex. Chlamydomonas nivalis) et des invertébrés.','Ellenberg, 1988.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('63.1','63','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Névés','Snow packs','','Quasi-permanent snow packs, in particular in avalanche corridors.','','','Névés quasi-permanents, en particulier dans les couloirs d''avalanches.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('63.2','63','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Glaciers rocheux','Rock glaciers','','','','','','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('63.3','63','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Glaciers','True glaciers','','','','','','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('64','6','2','Niveau 2','TRUE','Dunes sableuses continentales','Inland sand-dunes','','Sand bodies of eolian origin, possessing constructional relief and separated from the coast and its dune cordons by non-dunal habitats. They support a vegetation which differs markedly from coastal sand dune communities.','Ellenberg, 1963, 1988; Flint, 1971.','','Dépôts sableux d''origine éolienne, formant des reliefs construits, et séparés de la côte et du cordon de dunes par des habitats non-dunaires. Elles servent de support à des végétations qui diffèrent manifestement des communautés de dunes sableuses littorales.','Ellenberg, 1963, 1988 ; Flint, 1971.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('64.1','64','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Dunes fluvio-glaciaires','Fluvio-glacial dunes','','Dunes of the North Sea and Baltic plains, formed of quartzic sands originating in redeposited and reworked glacial drift and outwash. These highly siliceous dunes are characteristic of the Netherlands, northern Belgium and northern Germany. The dune systems, particularly the large ones, harbour a unique ensemble of interacting communities and harbour many specialized and restricted organisms. They have considerably regressed and the remaining examples are fragile and often threatened. The presence of the various elements of the ecosystem can be indicated by simultaneous use of the codes below and of those relevant to the types of plant communities they represent.','Traets, 1956; Flint, 1971; Westhoff and den Held, 1975; De Smidt, 1981. Fuller, 1982; Nordiska ministerrâdet, 1984; Drachenfels et al., 1984; Van Dijk et al., 1984; Webb, 1986; Dijkhuizen and Tuttel, 1987; Ellenberg, 1988; Oberdorfer, 1990.','','Dunes de la mer du Nord et de la Plaine Baltique, formées de sables quartzeux ayant pour origines des moraines et des alluvions glaciaires redéposées et retravaillées. Ces dunes très siliceuses sont caractéristiques des Pays-Bas, de la Belgique et de l''Allemagne septentrionales. Les sytèmes dunaires, les grands en particulier, abritent un ensemble unique de communautés interactives et de nombreux organismes spécialisés à aire de distribution limitée. Ils ont considérablement régressé et les exemples restant sont fragiles et menacés. La présence des différents éléments de l''écosystème peuvent être indiqués par l''utilisation simultanée des codes ci-dessous et de ceux qui ont un rapport avec les types de communautés de plantes qu''ils représentent.','Flint, 1971 ; Westhoff et den Held, 1975 ; Webb, 1986 ; Ellenberg, 1988 ; Oberdorfer, 1990.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('64.11','64.1','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Pelouses pionnières des dunes continentales','Inland dune pioneer grasslands','Corynephorion canescentis','Formations of inland sands with Corynephorus canescens, Carex arenaria, Spergula morisonii, Teesdalia nudicaulis and carpets of fruticose lichens (Cladonia, Cetraria) (cf. 35.23).','','Corynephorion canescentis','Formations de sables continentaux avec Corynephorus canescens, Carex arenaria, Spergula morisonii, Teesdalia nudicaulis et des tapis de Lichens fruticuleux (Cladonia, Cetraria) (voir 35.23).','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('64.12','64.1','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Pelouses siliceuses des dunes intérieures','Inland dune siliceous grasslands','','Other grasslands of inland dune systems with Agrostis spp. and Corynephorus canescens or other acidophilous grasses; their composition can be speccified by use of codes of 35 other than 35.23.','','','Autres pelouses de systèmes dunaires continentaux avec Agrostis spp. et Corynephorus canescens ou d''autres graminées acidiphiles ; leur compositon peut être spécifiée par l''utilisation des codes de 35 autres que 35.23.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('64.13','64.1','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Landes sur dunes continentales','Inland dune heaths','Genistion pilosae p.','Heaths colonizing inland dunes.','','Genistion pilosae p.','Landes colonisant des dunes continentales.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('64.131','64.13','5','Niveau 5','FALSE','','Drente crowberry heaths','','Heaths of the relict wandering dunes of Drente and southern Friesland, with Empetrum nigrum, Salix arenaria, Lophocolea cuspidata, Pseudoscleropodium purum, Hylocomium splendens.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('64.132','64.13','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Autres landes sur dunes continentales','Other inland dune heaths','','Other heaths colonizing inland dunes; their composition can be speccified by use of codes of 31.22.','','','Autres landes colonisant des dunes continentales ; leur composition peut être spécifiée par l''utilisation des codes de 31.22.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('64.14','64.1','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Fourrés sur dunes continentales','Inland dune thickets','','Formations of large shrubs colonizing inland dunes','','','Formations de grandes broussailles colonisant des dunes continentales.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('64.141','64.14','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Peuplements de Juniperus communis sur dunes continentales','Inland dune juniper scrubs','','Juniperus communis-rich scrubs of inland dunes.','','','Fruticées, riches en Juniperus communis, de dunes continentales.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('64.142','64.14','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Autres fourrés sur dunes continentales','Other inland dune thickets','','Thickets other than juniper scrubs in inland dune systems; their composition can be speccified by use of codes of 31.8.','','','Fourrés autres que des landes de Genévriers dans des systèmes dunaires continentaux ; leur composition peut être spécifiée par l''utilisation des codes de 31.8.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('64.15','64.1','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Inland dune woods','','Natural woods, usually birch-oak or, east of the Elbe, Pinus sylvestris, installed within inland dune systems. Their composition can be speccified by use of codes of 41 or 42.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('64.16','64.1','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Northern river dunes','','Formations of the immediate vicinity of great rivers within the North Sea-Baltic plain, comprising, besides the communities of 64.11 to 64.15, slightly calcareous grasslands of 34.12 and 34.34.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('64.2','64','3','Niveau 3','FALSE','','Breckland inland dunes','','Remnants of the once vast Breckland inland dune system, of similar glacial origin to that of the continental fluvio-glacial dunes of 64.1, and like them, colonized by acidophilous grasslands and heaths.','Fuller, 1982; Webb, 1986.','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('64.3','64','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Dunes paléo-côtières','Palaeo-coastal dunes','','Dune cordons marking former, though post-glacial, seashores. They are strongly decalcified and the communities that occupy them are similar to those of continental dunes, though floristically more influenced by the proximity of the sea, and often related to the decalcified inner fringes of the coastal dunes. Subhabitats may be indicated by use of the same codes as in 64.1 (replacing the prefix 64.1 by 64.3), speccified by those of 35.2, 31.2, 31.8, 41, 42 or 16.2.','','','Cordons de dunes, le long des rivages anciens, mais post-glaciaires. Ils sont fortement décalcifiés et les communautés qui les occupent sont similaires à celles des dunes continentales, bien que floristiquement plus influencés par la proximité de la mer, et souvent apparentés aux franges internes décalcifiées des dunes côtières. Des subdivisions peuvent être indiquées par l''utilisation des mêmes codes que dans 64.1 (en remplaçant le préfixe 64.1 par 64.3), et spécifiés par ceux de 35.2, 31.2, 31.8, 41, 42 ou 16.2.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('64.4','64','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Dunes fluviatiles','Fluviatile dunes','','Dunes of the great rivers of middle Europe (Seine, Loire, Saone, Rhine). Like the fluvio-glacial dunes of northern Europe, they carry specialized and rare ecosystems. They are much more calcareous than the northern inland dunes and their grasslands (34.12, 34.34 i.a.) have a sub-steppic character contrasting with that of neighbouring regions. They are highly vulnerable. A small remnant exists in the Po plain of northern Italy.','Groppali et al., 1980; Géhu, 1985; Ellenberg, 1988.','','Dunes des grandes rivières de l''Europe centrale (Seine, Loire, Saône, Rhin). Comme les dunes fluvio-glaciaires du nord de l''Europe, elles hébergent des écosystèmes rares et spécialisés. Elles sont beaucoup plus calcaires que les dunes continentales septentrionales et leurs pelouses (34.12, 34.34 i.a.) ont un caractère sub-steppique contrastant avec celui des régions avoisinantes. Elles sont hautement vulnérables. Un petit vestige existe dans la plaine du Pô et en Italie septentrionale.','Géhu, 1985 ; Ellenberg, 1988.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('64.5','64','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Dunes d''origine lacustre','Lacustrine dunes','','Unique dunes of the Savoie shore of Lake Geniva (Excenevex).','Ozenda, 1982; Géhu, 1985.','','Dunes exceptionnelles de la rive savoyarde du Lac de Genève.','Ozenda, 1982 ; Géhu, 1985.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('64.6','64','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Dunes continentales méditerranéennes','Mediterranean inland dunes','','Inland dunes of Mediterranean climates.','','','Dunes continentales sous climats méditerranéens.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('64.61','64.6','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Dunes riveraines du Rhône','Rhône riverine dunes','','Fossil dunes of the Camargue, built up by silty alluvial sands of the Rhône.','Molinier and Tallon, 1970; Molinier and Martin, 1982.','','Dunes fossiles de la Camargue, construites par des sables alluviaux limoneux du Rhône.','Molinier et Tallon, 1970 ; Molinier et Martin, 1982.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('64.611','64.61','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Prairies dunaires du Rhône','Rhône dune grasslands','','','','','','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('64.6111','64.611','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Végétation de cannes sur dunes du Rhône','Rhône dune cane beds','','Imperata cylindrica and Saccharum ravennae formations of the Camargue.','','','Imperata cylindrica et Erianthus ravennae de Camargue.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('64.6112','64.611','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Autres pelouses des dunes du Rhône','Other Rhône dune grasslands','','Dry grasslands of the Malcomietalia (35.4), Thero-Brachypodietea (34.5), Brachypodietalia phoenicoidis (34.36) colonizing inland Camargue dunes.','','','Prairies sèches des Malcomietalia (35.4), Thero-Brachypodietea (34.5), Brachypodietalia phoenicoidis (34.36) colonisant les dunes continentales de Camargue.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('64.612','64.61','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Fourrés dunaires du Rhône','Rhône dune scrubs','','Mediterranean scrubs of the Camargue inland dunes (32).','','','Fourrés méditerranéens des dunes continentales de Camargue (32).','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('64.613','64.61','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Bois de Genévriers des dunes du Rhône','Rhône dune juniper woodland','','Juniperus phoenicea ssp. lycia woodland of the bois des Rièges in the Camargue.','','','Bois de Juniperus phoenicea subsp. lycia du bois des Rièges en Camargue.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('64.62','64.6','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Southern Iberian inland dunes','','Fossil dunes of the Coto Doñana and other areas of southwestern Iberia. They support very specialized brushes (32.2A) and open grasslands belonging to the Malcomietalia (35.4, 16.228).','Rivas-Martinez et al., 1980.','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('65','6','2','Niveau 2','TRUE','Grottes','Caves','','Any natural caves or cave systems. They harbour varied communities of animals that are strictly restricted to them. A classification of caves based on the presence of these communities should be used to subdivide this unit. Provisionally, the following, containing unique endemic vertebrates must, at the very least, be distinguished.','','','Toute grotte naturelle ou tout système cavernicole naturel. Ils donnent asile à diverses communautés animales qui leurs sont strictement inféodées. La classification des grottes basée sur la présence de ces communautés doit être utilisée pour subdiviser cette unité. Provisoirement, ce qui suit, contenant uniquement des vertébrés endémiques, doit, au bas mot, être distingué.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('65.1','65','3','Niveau 3','FALSE','','Italian caves with Proteus anguinus','','','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('65.2','65','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Grottes de l''Italie septentrionale et du sud-est de la France avec Hydromantes italicus','Northern Italian and south-eastern French caves with Hydromantes italicus','','','','','','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('65.3','65','3','Niveau 3','FALSE','','Sardinian caves with Hydromantes genei','','','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('65.4','65','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Autres grottes','Other caves','','','','','','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('66','6','2','Niveau 2','TRUE','Communautés des sites volcaniques','Volcanic features','','Sites and products of recent volcanic activity harbouring distinct biological communities.','','','Sites et produits de l’activité volcanique récente hébergeant des communautés biologiques distinctes.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('66.1','66','3','Niveau 3','FALSE','','Teide violet community','Violetea cheiranthifoliae','Very open formation of the summit of the Teide volcano of Tenerife, above (2700) 3000 metres, with Viola cheiranthifolia and a few individuals of Silene nocteolens and Argyranthemum teneriffae.','Wildpret de la Torre and del Arco Aguilar, 1987; Serrada et al., 1988.','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('66.2','66','3','Niveau 3','FALSE','','Etna summital communities','','Communities of Mount Etna, above the limit of hedgehog-heaths.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('66.3','66','3','Niveau 3','FALSE','','Barren lava fields','','Almost bare lava formations of other volcanoes, and of lower altitudes on Etna and Teide, colonized by, besides communities related to ones covered in other sections, lichens (e.g. Stereocaulon vesubianum) and invertebrates.','Serrada et al., 1988; Machado in litt., 1989.','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('66.4','66','3','Niveau 3','FALSE','','Volcanic ash and lapilli fields','','','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('66.5','66','3','Niveau 3','FALSE','','Lava tubes','','Caves formed by hollow basaltic tubes resulting from the cooling of the surface of lava flows whose moulten interior continued to flow. The very large tube created by the volcano La Corona of Lanzarote harbours unique communities of invertebrates, in particular, the decapode crustacean Munidopsis polymorpha, endemic to that locality, and several crustaceans of the genus Speleonectes.','Serrada et al., 1988; Machado in litt., 1989.','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('66.6','66','3','Niveau 3','FALSE','','Fumaroles','','Orifices in volcanic areas through which escape hot gases and vapours. Their very extreme environment is colonized by paucispecific but highly distinct communities.','Brullo et al., 1977; Wildpret de la Torre and del Arco Aguilar, 1987.','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('66.61','66.6','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Italian fumaroles','','Fumaroles of the Italian peninsula and its small islands, in particular those of Isola d''Ischia, with communities that include Cyperus polystachyos.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('66.62','66.6','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Etna fumaroles','','Fumaroles of Mount Etna.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('66.63','66.6','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Pantelleria fumaroles','Radiolo-Kickxietum cirrhosae','Fumaroles of Pantelleria. Their walls, mouth and immediate vicinity are colonized by a succession of microvegetation composed of bryophytes, ferns and a few angiosperms. Constituting plants include the endemic moss Calymperes sommieri, sole Mediterranean representative of a tropical genus, as well as Radiola linoides, Kickxia cirrhosa, Trifolium angustifolium, Centaurium maritimum.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('66.64','66.6','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Canarian fumaroles','','Fumaroles of the Canary Islands with, in particular, the endemic Gnaphalium teydeum.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('8','','1','Niveau 1','TRUE','Terres agricoles et paysages artificiels','Agricultural land and artificial landscapes','','Cultivated or built-up areas under the overwhelming influence of human activity; the natural vegetation cover has been totally replaced as a result of agricultural practices, urbanization or industrialization. A natural flora and fauna subsists mainly in areas of extensive and traditional cultivation and dwelling. Wild plants may grow among crops, in hedges, along roads, on walls and in fallow fields. Many animals have, during the course of the past few thousand years, adapted to these man-created habitats.','Fuller, 1982; Philipps, 1986; Way and Greig-Smith, 1986; Ellenberg, 1988; de Rougemont, 1989; Morrison, 1989; Noirfalise, 1989; Oberdorfer, 1990.','','Surfaces cultivées ou construites sous l''influence prédominante de l''activité humaine ; la couverture de végétation naturelle a été totalement remplacée en raison des pratiques agricoles, de l''urbanisation ou de l''industrialisation. Une flore et une faune naturelle subsistent principalement dans des régions de cultures extensives et traditionnelles. Des plantes sauvages peuvent pousser entre les cultures, dans les haies, le long des routes, sur des murs et sur des terrains en friche. De nombreux animaux, durant les derniers millénaires, se sont adaptés à ces habitats créés par l''homme.','Fuller, 1982 ; Philipps, 1986 ; Way and Greig-Smith, 1986 ; Ellenberg, 1988 ; de Rougemont, 1989 ; Morrison, 1989 ; Noirfalise, 1989 ; Oberdorfer, 1990.','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('81','8','2','Niveau 2','TRUE','Prairies améliorées','Improved grasslands','','Heavily fertilized or reseeded permanent grasslands, sometimes even treated by selective herbicides, with very impoverished flora and fauna.','','','Prairies permanentes semées ou très fortement fertilisées, parfois aussi traitées avec des herbicides sélectifs, avec une flore et une faune appauvries.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('81.1','81','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Prairies sèches améliorées','Dry improved grasslands','','Dry or mesophile intensive pastures.','','','Pâturages intensifs secs ou mésophiles.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('81.2','81','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Prairies humides améliorées','Humid improved grasslands','','Humid intensive pastures, often scored with drainage ditches, and capable of harbouring breeding waders or wintering waterfowl, in particular, geese.','','','Pâturages intensifs humides, souvent drainés, et capables d''abriter la reproduction d’échassiers ou l’hivernage du gibier d''eau, en particulier des oies.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('82','8','2','Niveau 2','TRUE','Cultures','Crops','','Fields of cereals, beets, sunflowers, leguminous fodder, potatoes and other annually harvested plants. Faunal and floral quality and diversity depend on the intensity of agricultural use and on the presence of borders of natural vegetation between fields. If a tree layer is present, it can be indicated by simultaneous use of a code of 83 or 84 with the present one.','','','Champs de céréales, betteraves, tournesols, légumineuses fourragères, pommes de terre et autres plantes récoltées annuellement. La qualité et la diversité faunistiques et floristiques dépendent de l''intensité des pratiques agricoles et de la présence de marges ou de bordures de végétation naturelle entre les champs. Si des arbres sont présents, ils peuvent être indiqués simultanément par l''usage des codes 83 ou 84 en complément du présent code.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('82.1','82','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Champs d''un seul tenant intensément cultivés','Unbroken intensive cropland','','Intensive cultivation, involving moderate to high chemical or organic fertilization and/or systematic use of pesticides, with complete ground occupation on dry land.','','','Cultures intensives, impliquant une fertilisation chimique ou organique modérée à importante et/ou une utilisation systématique de pesticides, avec une occupation complète du sol sur terrains secs.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('82.11','82.1','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Grandes cultures','Field crops','','Cereal and other crops grown on large, unbroken surfaces in open field landscapes.','','','Céréales et autres cultures sur de grandes surfaces non interrompues dans les paysages ouverts d’open fields.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('82.12','82.1','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Cultures et maraichage','Market gardens and horticulture','','Intensive cultivation of vegetables, flowers, small fruits, usually in alternating strips of different crops.','','','Cultures intensives de légumes, de fleurs, petits fruits, habituellement en polycultures avec bandes où alternent différentes récoltes.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('82.2','82','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Cultures avec marges de végétation spontanée','Field margin cropland','','Intensively treated crops interspersed with strips of spontaneous vegetation.','','','Cultures traitées intensivement, entremêlées avec des bandes de végétation spontanée.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('82.3','82','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Culture extensive','Extensive cultivation','','Traditionally and extensively cultivated crops, in particular, of cereals, harbouring a rich and threatened flora of field weeds including Agrostemma githago, Centaurea cyanus, Legousia speculum-veneris, Chrysanthemum segetum, Calendula arvensis, Adonis spp., Consolida spp., Delphinium spp., Nigella spp., Papaver spp.; their varied range of associations can be indicated by subdivisions.','','','Champs, en particulier de céréales, cultivées traditionnellement et extensivement, abritant une riche flore menacée de mauvaises herbes messicoles incluant Agrostemma githago, Centaurea cyanus, Legousia speculum-veneris, Chrysanthemum segetum, Calendula arvensis, Adonis spp., Consolida spp., Delphinium spp., Nigella spp., Papaver spp. Leurs gammes variées d''associations peuvent être indiquées par des subdivisions.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('82.4','82','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Cultures inondées','Flooded crops','','Rice fields and other inundated or inundatable croplands.','','','Champs de riz et d''autres cultures inondées ou inondables.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('82.41','82.4','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Rizières','Rice fields','','','','','','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('82.42','82.4','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Cressonnières','Watercress beds','','','','','','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('83','8','2','Niveau 2','TRUE','Vergers, bosquets et plantations d''arbres','Orchards, groves and tree plantations','','Ligneous crops. Extensive orchards and old plantations may support a rich flora and fauna; it is in particular the case of ancient olive groves and old poplar plantations with tall herb undergrowth.','','','Cultures de ligneux. Des vergers extensifs et des vieilles plantations peuvent supporter une flore et une faune riches ; c''est, en particulier, le cas d''anciens vergers à Oliviers et de vieilles plantations de Peupliers avec une strate inférieure à hautes herbes.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('83.1','83','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Vergers de hautes tiges','High-stem orchards','','Tree crops of standards, cultivated for fruit production.','','','Cultures d’arbres de haute tige cultivés pour la production de fruits.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('83.11','83.1','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Oliveraies','Olive groves','','Mediterranean formations of Olea europaea ssp. europaea.','','','Formations méditerranéennes d''Olea europaea subsp. europaea.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('83.111','83.11','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Oliveraies traditionnelles','Traditional olive groves','','Ancient olive groves, often made of very old trees shading herbaceous layer, extensively treated. Greek olive groves are an important habitat of the very restricted sylviid Hippolais olivetorum, as well as of many orchids.','','','Bosquets anciens à Oliviers, souvent faits de très vieux arbres cachant la strate herbacée, extensivement traités.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('83.112','83.11','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Oliveraies intensives','Intensive olive groves','','Other formations.','','','Autres formations.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('83.12','83.1','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Châtaigneraies','Chestnut groves','','','','','','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('83.13','83.1','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Vergers à Noyers','Walnut groves','','','','','','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('83.14','83.1','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Vergers à Amandiers','Almond groves','','','','','','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('83.15','83.1','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Vergers','Fruit orchards','','High-stem orchards of apple, pear, plum, apricot, peach and other Rosaceae.','','','Vergers de Pommiers, Poiriers, Pruniers, Abricotiers, Pêchers et autres Rosacées.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('83.151','83.15','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Vergers septentrionaux','Northern fruit orchards','','High-stem orchards of apple, pear, cherry of temperate Europe, often extensively treated.','','','Vergers de Pommiers, Poiriers, Cerisiers de l''Europe tempérée, souvent traités extensivement.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('83.152','83.15','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Vergers méridionaux','Southern fruit orchards','','Thermophilous Mediterranean and sub-Mediterranean fleshy-fruit Rosaceae orchards, usually intensively treated.','','','Vergers thermophiles méditerranéens et sub-méditerranéens à Rosacées à fruits charnus, habituellement traités intensivement.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('83.16','83.1','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Vergers à agrumes','Citrus orchards','','','','','','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('83.17','83.1','4','Niveau 4','FALSE','','Date palm groves','','','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('83.18','83.1','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Autres vergers à hautes tiges','Other high-stem orchards','','','','','','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('83.2','83','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Vergers à arbustes','Shrub orchards','','Ligneous plantations of dwarf trees, shrubs, espaliers and climbers.','','','Plantations ligneuses d''arbres nains, d''arbustes, d’espaliers et de plantes grimpantes.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('83.21','83.2','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Vignobles','Vineyards','','Plantations of vine.','','','Plantations de Vignes.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('83.211','83.21','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Vignobles traditionnels','Traditional vineyards','','Vineyards that have preserved their characteristic accompanying flora, generally lightly treated.','','','Vignobles ayant préservés leur flore caractéristique, généralement soumis à un traitement léger.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('83.212','83.21','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Vignobles intensifs','Intensive vineyards','','Vineyards usually cleared of their herb layer, intensively treated.','','','Vignobles généralement nettoyés de leur strate herbacée, soumis à un traitement intensif.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('83.22','83.2','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Vergers de basses tiges','Low-stem orchards','','Other small tree crops, in particular, espaliers of various Rosaceae.','','','Autres plantations de petits arbres, en particulier espaliers de différentes Rosacées.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('83.3','83','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Plantations','Plantations','','Cultivated ligneous formations planted most often for the production of wood, composed of exotic species or of native species out of their natural range and habitat.','','','Formations de ligneux cultivés, plantés le plus souvent, pour la production de bois, composées d''espèces exotiques ou d''espèces naturelles en dehors de leur aire naturelle et de leur habitat naturel.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('83.31','83.3','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Plantations de conifères','Conifer plantations','','','','','','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('83.311','83.31','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Plantations de conifères indigènes','Native conifer plantations','','Plantations of European conifers outside of the conditions described under "reforestation" in the relevant subdivisions of 42.','','','Plantations de conifères européens en dehors des conditions décrites sous "reforestation" dans les subdivisions appropriées de 42.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('83.3111','83.311','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Plantations de Sapins, d''Epicéas et de Mélèzes européens','European fir, spruce, larch plantations','','','','','','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('83.3112','83.311','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Plantations de Pins européens','European pine plantations','','','','','','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('83.3113','83.311','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Plantations de Cyprès et de Genévriers européens','European cypress and juniper plantations ','','','','','','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('83.312','83.31','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Plantations de conifères exotiques','Exotic conifer plantations','','Plantations of non-European species of conifers.','','','Plantations de conifères d''espèces non-européennes.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('83.3121','83.312','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Plantations d''Epicéas, de Sapins exotiques, de Sapin de Douglas et de Cèdres','Exotic spruce, fir, douglas fir, deodar plantations','','','','','','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('83.3122','83.312','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Plantations de Pins exotiques','Exotic pine plantations','','','','','','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('83.3123','83.312','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Autres plantations de conifères exotiques','Other exotic conifer plantations','','','','','','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('83.32','83.3','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Plantations d''arbres feuillus','Plantations of broad-leaved trees','','','','','','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('83.321','83.32','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Plantations de Peupliers','Poplar plantations','','','','','','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('83.3211','83.321','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Plantations de Peupliers avec une strate herbacée élevée (Mégaphorbiaies)','Poplar plantations with megaphorb herb layer','','Old poplar plantations with a tall herb-rich undergrowth, substitution habitat for some riparian forest species of plants and animals.','','','Vieilles plantations de Peupliers avec une strate inférieure riche en grandes herbes, habitat de substitution pour les espèces de plantes et d''animaux de quelques forêts riveraines.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('83.3212','83.321','6','Niveau 6','TRUE','Autres plantations de Peupliers','Other poplar plantations','','','','','','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('83.322','83.32','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Plantations d''Eucalyptus','Eucalyptus plantations','','','','','','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('83.323','83.32','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Plantations de Chênes exotiques','Exotic oak plantations','','','','','','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('83.324','83.32','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Plantations de Robiniers','Locust tree plantations','','Plantations and spontaneous formations of Robinia pseudacacia.','','','Plantations et formations spontanées de Robinia pseudoacacia.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('83.325','83.32','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Autres plantations d''arbres feuillus','Other broad-leaved tree plantations','','','','','','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('84','8','2','Niveau 2','TRUE','Alignements d''arbres, haies, petits bois, bocage, parcs','Tree lines, hedges, small woods, bocage, parkland, dehesa','','Wooded habitats of small size, arranged in a linear, reticulated or insular manner, closely interwoven with grassy or cultivated habitats. Also, combinations of such elements and mixed agricultural formations, containing both ligneous and herbaceous layers. Landscapes in which pastures, crops and woodland elements are intimately mixed can be described by use of the first three codes below (if useful, specified by codes from 31.8, 41, 42 and 83) in conjunction with other codes from section 8 and other open habitat sections. Extensive surfaces characterized by mixed agricultural formations, and in particular, those that combine ligneous and herbaceous elements on the same surfaces can be designated by one of the codes 84.4, 84.5 or 84.6 and their elements specified by use of other codes from section 8 or any other.','','','Habitats boisés de petite taille, disposés de façon linéaire, en réseaux ou en îlots, intimement entremêlés d’habitats herbeux ou de cultures. Egalement les combinaisons de ces éléments, et des formations agricoles, composées de strates ligneuse et herbacée. Les paysages dans lesquels les pâturages, les cultures et les bois sont intimement mélangés peuvent être décrits par l''utilisation des trois premiers codes ci-dessous (si nécessaire, précisés par des codes de 31.8, 41, 42 et 83) en conjonction avec d''autres codes de la section 8 et d''autres sections d''habitats ouverts. Les surfaces extensives caractérisées par des formations agricoles mélangées, et en particulier celles qui combinent des éléments ligneux et herbacés sur les mêmes surfaces, peuvent être désignées par l''un des codes 84.4, 84.5 ou 84.6 et leurs éléments spécifiés par l''utilisation d''autres codes de la section 8 ou d''autres.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('84.1','84','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Alignements d''arbres','Tree lines ','','','','','','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('84.2','84','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Bordures de haies','Hedgerows','','','','','','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('84.3','84','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Petits bois, bosquets','Small woods','','','','','','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('84.4','84','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Bocages','Bocage','','Reticulated landscape of tree-lines, hedgerows, small woods, pastures and crops, characteristic, in particular of southern England and western France.','','','Paysages réticulés de lignes d''arbres, de haies, de petits bois, de pâturages et de cultures, caractéristiques, en particulier, de l''ouest de la France.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('84.5','84','3','Niveau 3','FALSE','','Parkland','','Park-like grassland dotted with trees, characteristic of the British Isles.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('84.6','84','3','Niveau 3','FALSE','','Dehesa','','A characteristic landscape of the south-western quadrant of the Iberian peninsula in which crops, pasture land or Mediterranean scrub, in juxtaposition or rotation, are shaded by a fairly closed to very open canopy of native oaks, Quercus suber, Q. rotundifolia, Q. pyrenaica, Q. faginea. It is an important habitat of raptors, including the threatened Iberian endemic eagle Aquila adalberti, of the crane Grus grus, of large insects and their predators and of the endangered felid Lynx pardinus.','','','','','FALSE','FALSE','','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('85','8','2','Niveau 2','TRUE','Parcs urbains et grands jardins','Urban parks and large gardens','','Usually varied formations, created for recreational use. The vegetation, usually composed mainly of introduced species or cultivars, can nevertheless include many native plants and supports a varied fauna when not intensively managed. The heterogeneity of the habitat engenders a high faunal diversity with, however, a preponderance of common species. The frequent presence of old trees favours the installation of rarer species.','','','Formations habituellement variées, créées à des fins récréatives. La végétation, habituellement surtout composée d''espèces introduites ou cultivées, peut néanmoins comprendre beaucoup de plantes indigènes et peut supporter une faune variée quand elle n''est pas intensivement gérée. L''hétérogénéité des habitats engendre une grande diversité faunistique avec, quoi qu''il en soit, une prépondérance des espèces communes. La présence fréquente des vieux arbres favorise l''installation d''espèces plus rares.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('85.1','85','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Grands parcs','Large parks','','Large, varied green spaces. Their constituting elements can be specified by use of the codes below.','','','Espaces verts grands et variés. Leurs éléments constitutifs peuvent être spécifiés par l''utilisation des codes ci-dessous.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('85.11','85.1','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Parcelles boisées de parcs','Park woodlots','','','','','','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('85.12','85.1','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Pelouses de parcs','Park lawns','','','','','','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('85.13','85.1','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Bassins de parcs','Park basins','','','','','','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('85.14','85.1','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Parterre de fleurs, avec arbres et avec bosquets en parc','Park flower beds, arbors and shrubbery','','','','','','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('85.15','85.1','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Communautés sub-naturelles des parcs','Park sub-natural communities','','Elements of sub-natural communities enclaved in parks or colonizing their elements; codes from sections other than 8 are to be used to precise their nature.','','','Eléments de communautés sub-naturelles enclavés dans des parcs ou colonisant leurs éléments ; les codes des sections autres que 8 doivent être utilisés pour spécifier leur nature.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('85.2','85','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Petits parcs et squares citadins','Small parks and city squares','','','','','','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('85.3','85','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Jardins','Gardens','','','','','','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('85.31','85.3','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Jardins ornementaux','Ornemental gardens','','','','','','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('85.32','85.3','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Jardins potagers de subsistance','Subsistence gardens','','','','','','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('85.4','85','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Espaces internes au centre-ville','City block inner spaces','','','','','','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('86','8','2','Niveau 2','TRUE','Villes, villages et sites industriels','Towns, villages, industrial sites','','Areas used for human occupation and industrial activities. A considerable fauna has adapted to buildings. Birds such as Apus apus, Tyto alba and Hirundo rustica nest nearly exclusively in them, using mostly structures with traditional architecture. Other species, of montane rocky habitats, such as Phoenicurus ochruros, have colonized lowlands in villages and towns. Bats roost in buildings. Rock plants colonize old walls and roofs.','','','Aires utilisées pour l''occupation humaine et les activités industrielles. Une faune considérable s''est adaptée aux constructions. Des oiseaux comme Apus apus, Tyto alba et Hirundo rustica y nichent presque exclusivement, utilisant surtout les structures dont l’architecture est traditionnelle. D''autres espèces, des habitats rocheux de montagne, comme Phoenicurus ochruros, ont colonisés dans les villages et les villes des basses altitudes. Des Chauves-Souris se logent dans les constructions. Les plantes de rochers colonisent les vieux murs et les toits.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('86.1','86','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Villes','Towns ','','','','','','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('86.2','86','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Villages','Villages','','','','','','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('86.3','86','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Sites industriels en activité','Active industrial sites','','','','','','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('86.4','86','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Sites industriels anciens','Old industrial sites','','Abandoned industrial sites and by-products of industrial activities susceptible of colonisation by semi-natural communities.','','','Sites industriels abandonnés et les produits dérivés des activités industrielles susceptibles de colonisation par des communautés semi-naturelles.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('86.41','86.4','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Carrières','Quarries','','','','','','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('86.411','86.41','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Carrières de sable, d''argile et de kaolin','Sand, clay and kaolin quarries','','','','','','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('86.412','86.41','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Carrières de graviers','Gravel quarries','','','','','','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('86.413','86.41','5','Niveau 5','TRUE','Carrières de pierres','Hard stone quarries','','','','','','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('86.42','86.4','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Terrils crassiers et autres tas de détritus','Slag heaps and other detritus heaps','','','','','','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('86.43','86.4','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Voies de chemins de fer, gares de triage et autres espaces ouverts','Railroad switch yards and other open spaces','','','','','','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('86.5','86','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Serres et constructions agricoles','Greenhouses and agricultural constructions','','','','','','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('86.6','86','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Sites archéologiques','Archaeological sites','','','','','','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('87','8','2','Niveau 2','TRUE','Terrains en friche et terrains vagues','Fallow land, waste places','','Fields abandoned or left to rest, roadsides and other interstitial spaces on disturbed ground. They are colonised by numerous pioneering, introduced or nitrophilous plants. They sometimes provide habitats that can be used by animals of open spaces.','','','Champs abandonnés ou au repos (jachères), bords de route et autres espaces interstitiels sur des sols perturbés. Ils sont colonisés par de nombreuses plantes pionnières introduites ou nitrophiles. Ils fournissent parfois des habitats qui peuvent être utilisés par des animaux d''espaces ouverts.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('87.1','87','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Terrains en friche','Fallow fields','','','','','','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('87.2','87','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Zones rudérales','Ruderal communities','','','','','','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('88','8','2','Niveau 2','TRUE','Mines et passages souterrains','Mines and underground passages','','Artificial underground spaces. They may constitute important substitute habitats for cave-dwelling animals such as bats.','','','Espaces souterrains artificiels. Ils peuvent constituer des habitats de substitution pour des animaux habitant dans des cavernes comme les Chauves-Souris.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('89','8','2','Niveau 2','TRUE','Lagunes et réservoirs industriels, canaux','Industrial lagoons and reservoirs, canals','','Very artificial aquatic habitats; semi-natural communities that might colonize them can be indicated by use of codes of 15, 22, 23 or 24.','','','Habitats aquatiques très artificiels ; les communautés semi-naturelles qui peuvent les coloniser peuvent être indiquées par l''utilisation des codes de 15, 22.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('89.1','89','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Lagunes industrielles et canaux salins','Saline industrial lagoons and canals','','','','','','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('89.11','89.1','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Ports maritimes','Sea harbours','','','','','','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('89.12','89.1','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Salines','Saltworks','','Active or recently abandoned salt-extraction evaporation basins. Detailed habitats can be specified by use of the subdivisions of 15 and 23 in conjunction with 89.12.','','','Bassins d''évaporation en activité ou récemment abandonnés. Les habitats détaillés peuvent être codés par l''utilisation de la subdivision de 15 et 23 en conjonction avec 89.12.','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('89.13','89.1','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Autres lagunes industrielles et canaux salins','Other saline industrial lagoons and canals','','','','','','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('89.2','89','3','Niveau 3','TRUE','Lagunes industrielles et canaux d''eau douce','Fresh-water industrial lagoons and canals','','','','','','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('89.21','89.2','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Canaux navigables','Navigable canals','','','','','','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('89.22','89.2','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Fossés et petits canaux','Ditches and small canals','','','','','','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('89.23','89.2','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Lagunes industrielles et bassins ornementaux','Industrial lagoons and ornemental ponds','','','','','','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
INSERT INTO inpn.typo_corine_biotopes VALUES ('89.24','89.2','4','Niveau 4','TRUE','Bassins de décantation et stations d''épuration','Sewage farms and sewage works','','','','','','','TRUE','FALSE','CB97','');
ALTER TABLE inpn.typo_corine_biotopes ADD CONSTRAINT pk_typo_corine_biotopes PRIMARY KEY (cd_cb);
integration_donnees/externes/inpn/typo_corine.txt · Dernière modification: 2010/07/18 08:57 par admin_wiki_sicen
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